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adaptive image partitioning, 275 adaptive random permutation, 273 adaptive two-level watermarking, 301 Advanced Encryption Standard

(AES), 63 Aegis. See Maples-Spanos Algorithm AES decryption algorithm, 69 AES encryption algorithm, 67 AES key expansion algorithm, 64 affine ciphers, 32 ambiguity attack, 205 Analog Protection System (APS),

203 audio cryptography, 176 audio encryption by Servetti, et al,

157 audio encryption by Thorwirth et al,

156 audio quality layers, 156 audiovisual cryptography, 182 authentication, 7, 37

Baker map, 1 10 benchmarking, 241 binary images, watermarking, 243 blind detector, 212, 224 block cipher, 42 block pixel statistics manipulation,

277 boundary modification, 247 broadcast monitoring, 207 brute force attack, 38

cat map, 1 14 certimark, 246 Chaotic Key-Based Algorithm

(CKBA), 106 checkmark, 245 Cheng-Li Algorithm I, 93 Cheng-Li Algorithm 11, 99 Chen-Mao-Chui Algorithm, 1 15 chosen-ciphertext attack, 38 chosen-plaintext attack, 38 cipher-block chaining, 42 ciphertext-only attack, 38 CKBA. See Yen-Guo Algorithm classes of watermarking applications,

203 classification of watermarking

applications, 200 classification of watermarking

systems, 232 confidentiality, 7, 37 constant bitrate requirement, 28 Constant Embedding Rate (CER),

272 constructive interference, 176 content authentication, 206 content database, 3, 4 content information database, 3 ,4 content packager, 3 , content protection solutions, 10 Content Protection System

Architecture, 3 Content Scramble System (CSS), 11,

205 content server, 3


content-controlled programmable risk-management approaches, 10

conventional cryptosystem, 23 copy control, 7 copy protection, 203 copyright protection, 201 Copyright Protection Technical

Working Group (CPTWG), 15 Copy Control Management System

CCMS), 204 cover work, 21 1 CPRM (Content Protection for

Recordable Media), 12 CPRM-compliant playing device, 13


data embedding, 270 data embedding rate, 27 1 Data Encryption Standard (DES), 53 DCT domain technique,

watermarking, 2 18 deficiencies, 245 degradation, 26 DES encryption algorithm, 56 DES key schedule algorithm, 57 destructive interference, 176 DFT domain, watermarking, 22 1 DHQ audios secret sharing scheme,

176 Diffie-Hellman key exchange

protocol, 77 digital signature, 209 Digital Audio-visual Council, 15 Digital rights management (DRM), 3 Digital Video Broadcasting Project,

16 digital watermarking, 2 1 1, 2 13, 3 17 direct message coding, 23 1 discrete cosine transform, 2 18 discrete Fourier transform, 220, 224 discrete wavelet transform, 99,22 1

Distance-Reciprocal Distortion Measure (DRDM), 260

distortion measure, 258 distortion metric, 242 dither matrix, 248 document images, 244 DRM architecture, 3 , 4 DRM controller, 5 DRM reference architecture, 3 Droste's algorithm, 17 1 DVD copy protection system, 204 DVD Forum, 15

electronic codebook, 42 ElGamal decryption algorithm, 76 ElGamal encryption algorithm, 75 ElGamal key generation algorithm,

74 ElGamal Public-Key Cryptosystem,

74 embedding distortion, 2 1 1 embedding one bit in spatial domain,

213 end-to-end content protection

systems, 9 end-to-end validation, 9 Error Correction Coding (ECC), 275 error-resilience. See error-tolerance error-tolerance, 29 evaluation of watermarking systems,


facsimile images, 247 false negative error, 2 15 false positive error, 2 15 fidelity, 236 fingerprinting, 205


fixed image partitioning, 247 format compliance, 28 Fourier-Mellin transform, 22 1,225 fragile mark, 199, 258, 260, 287,

290,292,293,294,299,301,304, 305,306,307,311,312,314

fragile watermarks, 209 frequency sensitivity, 228 Fridrich algorithm, 110

half-tone images, 248 hash functions, 47 HDCP license, 13 hierarchical subband decomposition,

99 High-bandwidth Digital Content

Protection (HDCP), 13

IDEA encryption algorithm, 60 IDEA key schedule algorithm, 61 image encryption algorithms, 79 image partitioning, 263 imperceptibility, 236 informed coding, 227 informed detector, 2 1 1 informed embedding, 223 International Data Encryption

Algorithm, 59

Just Noticeable Difference (JND), 236

Kerckhoffs' principle, 39 known-plaintext attack, 38 Koch embedding, 254

lattice codes, 232 leaf ordering, 98 levels of security 25 License Generator, 5 License Server, 4 , 5 linear correlation, 2 16 loss of contrast, 165 luminance masking, 241

Maples-Spanos algorithm, 127 Mean Squared Error (MSE), 259 Media Key Block, 12 Meyer-Gadegast algorithm, 124 MHT-encryption, 143 modification of half-tome images,

247 MPG video compression, 122 multi bit payload, 23 1 multi-bit watermarking, 235 multilevel watermarks, 28 1 MVEA. See Shi-Wang-Bhargava

Algorithm I11

na'ive approach, 20,2 1 near-constant bitrate, 29 non-repudiation, 37


one-time pad, 46 Open Platform Initiative for

Multimedia Access, 15 ordered dithering, 252

Patchwork watermarking, 2 17 Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR),

259 perceptual models, 225, 227 Podesser-Schmidt-Uhl algorithm, 85 Point-to-point content protection

system, 8 prefix binary code, 180 private (symmetric) key

cryptosystems, 40 private Huffman table index, 159 public-key cryptosystems, 41 pyramid decomposition, 99

Q Qiao-Nahrstedt algorithm, 129 Quadtree, 95 Quadtree compression of images, 94 quantization index modulation, 229

rail fence cipher, 32 refinement bits, 147 RSA decryption algorithm, 73 RSA encryption algorithm, 72 RSA key generation algorithm, 7 1 RSA Public-Key Cryptosystem, 7 1 run length coding, 250 RVEA. See Shi-Wang-Bhargava

Algorithm IV

scrambling, 26 SECMPEG. See Meyer-Gadegast

Algorithm secret sharing scheme, 163 Secure Digital Music Initiative's, 15 secure group communication, 36 Security Provider, 12 Self-Protecting Digital Content

(SPDC), 13 selective encryption., 20 self-synchronizing stream ciphers, 45 semantic features set, 34 semi-fragile watermarks, 2 10 sensitivity table, 241 Shi-Wang-Bhargava Algorithm I, 92 Shi-Wang-Bhargava Algorithm 11,

133 Shi-Wang-Bhargava Algorithm 111,

136 Shi-Wang-Bhargava Algorithm IV,

138 side information, 227 significance bits, 147 SNDM pixel scoring, 285 Socek-Magliveras audio

cryptography schemes, 180 spatial selectivity, 1 19 speech and audio encryption, 153 speech encryption by Servetti and De

Martin, 154 SPIHIT encoding algorithm, 103 SP-Network. See Substitution-

Permutation Network spread spectrum technique,

watermarking, 2 18 steganography, 38 stirmark, 245 stream cipher, 44 Structural Neighborhood Distortion

Measure (SNDM), 261 substitution ciphers, 32


Substitution-Permutation Network, 32

Synchronous stream ciphers, 45 syntax-awareness. See format


Tang algorithm, 88 threshold scheme. See secret sharing

scheme traitor tracing. See fingerprinting transform domain, watermarking, 2 17 transaction tracking. See

fingerprinting transcodability. See format

compliance transform domain, 220 transparency. See format compliance trustworthy digital camera, 209 two alternative, forced choice test,

240 two-level marks, 255,283

uniform quantization, 275, 293 Universal Image Quality Index

(UIQI), 239

Van Droogenbroeck-Benedett Algorithm I, 79

Van Droogenbroeck-Benedett Algorithm 11, 82

variable encryption, 122 VEA. See Shi-Wang-Bhargava

Algorithm 11, See Qiao-Nahrstedt Algorithm

Vernam cipher, 46

video encryption algorithms, 12 1 visual audio sharing, 163 visual cryptography, 164 visual secret sharing, 163

watermark and cover merging, 233 watermark detection, 234 watermark detector, 2 1 1 watermark embedder, 2 1 1 watermark embedding, 233 watermark perceptibility, 236 Watson's model, 237 wavelet domain, watermarking, 220 Wedelmusic technique, 253 workspace domain, 234 Writing on Dirty Paper, 227 Wu-Kuo Algorithm I, 144 Wu-Kuo Algorithm 11, 145


Yen-Guo Algorithm (CKBA), 106

Zeng-Lei Algorithm I, 146 Zeng-Lei Algorithm 11, 149 zerotree, 10 1 zerotree wavelet compression, 99