VOL XIX. No. 20. r^CTwi MANASSA'S. VA.^FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 191.?. M££ MEDili OFFERED DAUGHTERS AT RICHMOND Department r^ Acriculture Giy«_Rew*r^ for E»»*y« on GoocI Roads. to -The-Oim-taP-of th« Offic« of Public RoaiiilolJthe United States T Dapartpiftitf nf AgrifiiltnrB, T-"gBn Wa'^'^'.^^a BnnftHnp«d that the thne in ifhich children may —Bubmit eAsaya on the repaly aad maintenance of ealth roads, in competition for the gold medal —and two silver mftiala, has bpen extended to March 2, 19147 ManaMaa D d ^ a t e * Return fram ConvMitini o| Virginia Din' •ion of tha U. D. C Thornton, presi- dent; Mrs, Arthur W. Sinclair, Mm, S, T. H»M,-> cosleat arfi «B follow^;: 1. The Subject of the essay will be the Repair anfl Keeping Up of Earth Roads. %_^* »8 opfen only to childreg frnm ton tn fiffoa». r n i f j inHlli Manaaaas Chapter, returned last -^JiHE-BOLLAS A-1PE A B ^ NIGHT ON SHILOH The darkness fell upon Shiloh. The stars gl«am«d out in Hgtft, - And heaven was full of glory - Though the earth was full of night. Life after life ebbed slowly away, Drop after drop of the crimson stain &iturday from the annual con vention of the Virginia Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy which convened in Ricbnidnd lasfweek. The--conditions for-thfr ^ssayj- Manassas Chapter presented^a-" "' •^ ' paper asking"foncDntributions to erect a shaft over the grave of Joseph White Latimer." Qrel)5y major of the Confederacy. Major Dripped on that battle-trodden plajn: 'ARdTeade& arid prlvat6.'8iaiWaiae, sive, who are actu^iy living on farms and who are actually at- ^/ tfinding" some acboolr^ 3.. The essay should be not more than e i ^ hundred woi^s * in length, in the handwriting of the child, and -should be written on only one side of_the papef. 4. In t^euppcpfofi hand corner of'the first pagg should appear the following- statement: Elssa -oytartii midk l^' (name o: Latimer showed unusual bravery., and hftmiwm in ogoiy Ko»tu jp which he took part, and was {tro* ^J^JgP-g-Y€ry battlefield. Ha was mortally stricken on th^ field. S n^/> ^f ^K;1|». ..^^j^^^^^l-^ dence of ciuld; school attended by child.) $. Childrea ^ First Viee-PFesid«it*Mr& J ^ E. Alexander, of Alcxandiiia. ** -^Sec<md Vicfr-PreaideBt—Miss this contest may ask the advice Alice Cowan, of Rarrisonburg. Lof their paronto, tcftchora.-Bei^- :^JM>35ce-Pre9ident-MrR. B. born, highway comimsBioBerB. ^ ^ f e ^ ^ V i l p S f e t - M r s . or magazmes givug mionnatira the Btibjeet. lliey moM ~tbe -ww4s «i^«D adidl^or Sieaathdv of a book. Tbey must express and lies to-day in an unmarked grave at Harrisonburg. On motion of Mrs. Norman V. Ran- ^Iph, president of RTchmond - Chapter, it wiaa resolved to rail upon 9vety m«Bb» of every chapter for one dollar toward the expenses of the memorial The foltewing r^m nssmrrsTfS In siience suffered, in silence died. Some wandering night bird overhead; Some sighing wind from out the pines Were the only watchers of the dead; And all was quiet along theinres."™ Att qiitet; tlie dead in their long fftst, The wounded in anguish unconfessed, For hearts wfee^trong, though life wasjfaint, WitB vicTory crowning eacB cbfltjplainL And dyiRg«efi as they faintediand bled, ~ Were JtcifijQ ihe last to the red, white and red. Ayr quiet, vyiiat ir tftoughis flew awiiy . To som^ fair home of love and rest? . _ What if eacli soldier where he jay WORK STARTED AT 4AST NATIONAL RAG OF PEACE Harrisonburg Engineer in Ma- BUMS, And Work Bcguo-on-'^ Public Utilities Sy«tetn. The work on the new public utilities system is now fairly be- mi. ' Mr. N. Wnwh mvis, the »*kiQg a set of profiles on the streets on which the sewers will be built This will "determine the necessary amount of cutting^er the sewertrenches. ^"^^S!!!.^^^ that they will -take- advantage of alt the grade they can find. Mr. Oljn Jonesr "dty of the AngeU" Sends An- gelie Greeting on Battle- fields the Country Over. It was a novel and picturesque conception of the Los Angelea li^wspapera and people to ^ g ^ across the continent-^ also of Harrisonburg, is Ifevel man for the party. According to Mr. Davis, after Bix>aght round him the faces thijt he loved best, A vision of dear ones yoilng and old? Would hfs heart break when theirs grew C0I4? Wasjiis so strung?' C'pltyfng nTgKt; —" ver th(^ facff BO stfll andl?hjt«! words, if the bonds are floated by December 1st, our water, sew- erage and lighting system will be -ift-fttU next summer iM>it.i>m-z?vi« ""Hide every throb of gri^f and palp. Each quivering lip <m this dre8r7ipliK& 1 Breathe softy, 0 wind> on each poor brow. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Registpar-Miaa Lu<^. a Wood, of Amelia. «ea»(Hng Secretary-lira. W. itham. w«v-4n thr oTJiril^.^- Merchant, of C the idfeftft la, ihtilf oyiiUuiguBge. They will not 5ee:^}ected to use technical terms and any ^ords that make the meuung clear will beacc^tabl . " S. TheessayawmWnrted ^" MJT'TI*" "i-V^gi^Tiag , i«,«-^«i ,v««,*;ff^:.«-„^;^' -|*^ Jwnes Mercer Garaett an impartial jomgaitteiagggpiiafc JM'Ae'midersta^ding of the sub- ject shown bv the child and «r.. , of Sisitofi^dr Treasorer—Mrs. L. R Allen, of Salem. In a littJe thicket of diaitiilhe^e^^ . _That sweetoted and cooled thgevorting hrw^, A seedier lay. The heavy shade * _Which the Dine tree branches above liim m«H^ Seemed to shut out both eartii and sky— .AH mnrtjil tove and haavenly eyo< Was he akaw than? jConld noQc hear Si8t(Hian-Jtfi8s Nell Preston. Custodian pf Virginia Miss Lucy Berkeley, of Ba3mmrket Recorder of Crosses—Ifrs. Jaa. Er Alexander, of Alexan ftnntodian nf VfrfTWir IT^ cording to die pgnffnmshfy, HshTCBdi^tting. The wri{» of the best essii^will receive a gold me^al; the writer of tl» next best essay, a ailvo* medal, aaA a alver medal. 7. All essays should be plainly iid4w88od, in OB enrelupe s l a m p ^ with it^Two-cent stamp^to Com- -mittee Children's Road Fanny By tinanlBous v^^e, the dek. 'F. gat^ selected BMstolas 1 ^ m ^ Place of meeting. __^____ tain^mra liXT^Ninr ^. E. CMRh. Goateat, Qffica ol ruhlic Boads, United ;^tea Department xd Agriculture, Washington, D. C , and should be mailed to reach Ihai Ofltec UOl later Ihag:? xmHondaj, Marcai^ I9FI. 8. Ch^ihreii who have already suboHtted essays in ^ a t contest^ which v^ {HTiginally. announced ISEH: The QainesviUe District Sunday School (Convention, auxiliary ^ the wupty organization, wffl ne Add at the ISudiey M. El. Church on Sunday, October 12, IMS, at 2 o'clock p. m. While this meet- ing is for tht- fjainpuvilb. n;c»»w^ ^Hi8anothered<iM«^ for home and friends? ' ThJatltdQ^ among 1^ Borthern yUak v Where voicea^childrea at thfirphy Sbq^tedMOBSHigK the imoaiitaiii jriiEs? The murmuring night wind bends ita^yrr _Xhe ,tiilLidnejxeeaA(»ve mm bend;^—- '' Heisaloneon Shiloh's plain. Not long ak)ne; for from afar Sera through, a rift 3[he»_branche«»wv, J^«n» puf one mnglfi gniding rtan ^ - A.beactm light upon his way. ' And warns, ede^iM glMy^shines - "Down throufi^ the shadowy, dreary pi&ee. t h ^ ^ ^ p e s a l o f - ^ ^ e a d s ^ j t . ^ %teo*trfHheiwIdieni o f "the Con- - ho n matto* of oiKhimcuths bv fore the^ system can be com^ pleT:ed and ready for »«P; in »<^h»r fuliuuuy. Hu WU8 ilw f[wmi of i>Pfe of our citizens who seited' Mr. Davis has carefully gone over the plans fumisheS^^he special committee of the town councUr^and oays that according *n thn •wiii] Uu Uiiu immgBT TOstoixonstructioh watnotreach the estimated jmeQCC^^Heisun: aW»s td Speak further before aaeertaiPing^tfag preaeat pnta of materials from manufacturers and exaniihod closely the cuts required for the -proposed sew- era, but gfvflB fllH aaanrani^ thflt thpre noed bo TJO feaii- tTuii^-rtr? appropriation will not coverall three systemi, water works, sew- ers and electric lights, as gen«y ally in<Bcated onlfae plana. __Tbst seveiml ad*antageoua changes (SKQlSe made which, how- S"" FHs ftidiBgjyea ggowTotHaigand etott^ -£QIB^ ^ ^— uuBt, Mr, IUMB haA already noted, and in a letter of October 6th, he advises the com- nuttee not to hesitate in dispos- my of the bonds th'-APf* ""Y itau 01 tbeu- v^suffldency. W.CLD.KETSAT1URAY such a magnificient and tangible greeting by a messenger of sudi interesting peraonahty.- Itsfaowa that the Pacific Coast is not.only pacific but patriotic."^ ^ Ma j<»JudsOTi, tte baixr otthe NStional Flag of Peace, c^me -back to the home of his boyhood, to the battlefields where, witlt the rattle of his drum, he tmdt fifty years ago, stirred up the under the Stars and Stripes. No Sooner had he arrived than a wave of iMitriotio fervor swept over our town. Carriages and rddle of l^automobTIes wCTem d e m ^ and" a pilgnmagi^ to "the field where -twejbfittlgsuaided,''h^can. eemmaudei uf the E well Camp, the prcflidcnt of-the Buitftm ^linnfnw nf thn n•llll^t n mmb> jPiQit gf XInigaJI«tei^^ on hand. Ragtorh r^llaga ^fffi," Rresident^ and Mrs. Roop, waa tho-e in numbers. Mrs. ^odg^: hastily rrihed her. chwr sang in tihe Tablealu of the.Be-^ Unitfcd OLaLM hafma n^m^a^,^ Taft utd the Veten^s of the Blue and the Gray J«ly 21,-1911,. tmd the weather bureau ordered jthe choicest product of its wiM. »en. — ^ _ _ - _ _______ At high noon on Saturday, Oo- ever will nnt W™VLrf^^'WJr^ - ^*' "*" """^ °° jsaiuroay, uo»- Kow a short step from night and time To Hedves's immortad son-bright climel And what are griefs and death and paiq^ Compared to Heaven'tf eternal gain? HiB heart is^tiiled. that quick wiU beat . \ Which yearned far hojaae Mid friends onae mare Gn)WH(!ttUa,hl8^nung£iordtogr^ And triumphs wh£re it grieved before. ^am not alone. How-could Z b«t' "' to ciose October l^tb, may, if they wish^ submit a second eS^^, As a help to childi^, the sag- gestions given bdow are made. Children need wA foDow these suggestions absoitltely. They mutt not sutarit essays in the form of direct answefs to these any as tne xeuowm^ word fw word. mm tPO TMJj A GOOD aOAP- icnlM-. it is also fop the, general jmblic-JiOrdl and a cordial invitatiait ia' hereby ex- ^Ste^^^tokstend- ents. officers anrffa.a/^>r« »f ti^ fbllowJHg named schools are eg- ' neriBllv invitad trt ha mwMirit the meeting is for you. Haymarket Baptist Sunday SefaQ»L^ Antioch Baptist Sunday School Haymarket Episcopal SundajriScbooL Buck land Episcopal Sunday Scnoot. Tborwighfare JtoiacQpaLSmdsjT Sfhool. Ewetl Chapel %iseof«) Saadey Behoci. Ilien. in a joyful, faltering tongue. The dying man bn^e forth and song: WhetLLean read my title <faor raiiq>eniiee Work-Our L, T. t. Wins Banner. ; The thirty-first annual conven. Uuu of the Vh^glnia W^cmn's Christian Temperance Union con- »enoj last wwik lu. Luray. 'She were held in the Metho- unfuried m front of the Henry House monument, the fia^ memorial erected on anyjbatll»- fidd; In full view of whafe Jack- son stood like a stone wall Mis* Ruth Bound'and Miss Chartotte- Smith, daughters of veterana, theCTBeof thft mwft anH thft ftthor 'Gray, Btetqyd foniardaad: w i ^ appropriate wQCda re-de£- cated the btkutiful banner to ita liigh and holy missiim. Lieut. George Carr Round, the prmidpnt of the United Shitae Veteran Signahnen, He iiisl unfurtcd Til bid/aretpell toemny/mgr' And ioipe my wteping tua.' A n o t ^ heard ^ wb«pe,h^ lay pieediiig his f t o young llfit aw^yr feensig'h" imaex: FBOM A BAD BOAO -To the Children: In getting tacts to write your essays for the y M. B. Ouwisj auwul This meeting was amaged for ^ e afternoon in order to inter- fere as little as possible with your regcSar services and wetrust TQU can hf thprp—The oommit of road and a good piece of road iitw bulh aw dry.—Study par- ticuiariy, the ruts uneven places in the road to see whether Uiey inriia it eaaiwr ur harder for the wheels of a loaded -^6g. Study the to go kind of footing that the two roadtf give to the horses 9wg faiviLg by Stmtey SBftJoy -^ Scnoot and fis rniton. Pwaytn Pasun 1 f^^SaiMJl^"^^ ^- ~ Hf: TVestwood^Hutchiion Thfl rnnntT}) Snnday gahool How. C. J. MeeUe ' *>'tt"(MHi on Seventh Pap* 9. 9. 10. The Need of the Hour in Sunday Srh/>«rWArlr-Pw>f r q Tylrr Address-Dr. H. U. Roop, P r ^ dent Prince WiBianr Cootfty Sunday School Union. Qaeries-GeDeral DiscusBloa. Song. Doxoiog^. r,,y yiT--F For those he loved to siee ^a die- Then caught the gkry of the strain, ..«^^^^bid gave the watehwctd haalr aflaiB- ' -"I^«xratUceavUddeiHg€eome ' - And itot lUAj^aoaxowjaU, dist and-Baptist.ehurchea. All the pastors took some part in the exercises and seemed tb ^ One hundred uid eighty-five delegates, and eighteen county iwreaided. the kenesavT Signal Fiag which had-jnat'ftg turned from its trip to the moun- tain tostipf TonnwBiec. prodaiuk- I»esidents were present in addi tion to ^te aaaw of Htat** fffiffra. taaadred, t j mm coont. Ji fidn of seven hundred was noted m the state membawhip. mr'' tEooai^ ejghty.fivp mPinh<.»& -flV5 Mra. Genrgp C. Bound, Mf*. A.. „ ;BrBftnyn and Mrs, A. E.Spioot fwty-nnie years ago this yvy, day, it waa preaching the Goepeir id W v . JOnbehattnf the Signal Flag of War, he wekomed .thfii Aflor prayer hy Premise: BQjgp. Maa'oy, JiHteon waa Jhtaog- on^ed, and for baJf an boar held ' .entranced. Wsuria The sweet, faint echoea of the slimltt Pleated akntg dark Shiloh's jMa, Hnriied many a sob—dri^ many a tear— TWd many a hwiiL limt-eodwi Until amid that dying throng to Stiffening wounds were all for >-ag thoartrte" T»gre / shaU bathe mu iwcmoat _ In mas of heavenly rest, Across my troikteS preaH^ representing the Manassas W. C jLXL were royally eBtortaiaedhy the j)edple of Lnrsy, who opened wide thar homes to the defeegates. These ladies remarked tMe of tOWBS^- flofraar hla addragg by attempt- arCniop. -TTlglgBMrThng "Thp Hanassaa ^- Weanesday afternoon, one hun- Med and eigliiy dfel^igates made w e delightfui trip to the wonder- S th«ring sanp:' Praise God from hom All TtliijamgsPkm- -kTP ing its re-tBT>docti(aC hot below xe will quote from-the-Lc» Anodes ExiHesa a statan^it which sets forth the purpoees dt Major Jodaon and his fellow-citi- xeisM the "Qty of 1 Jubilee Anthem" and the meets--- iHg doaed wffh^wSr^ of aipprovti^^ from Captaia Hutduaon, tba- fttl Luray caverns, and it was an " ^ ^^T*^ ,^ ^ ^, ^ Uftlff^ve moment when tliel'^""""*"°"''"^ ^^° ^^^o" C^^P. other special feature . was th«-i- Y?i^ n .11 I. . ,1 evenii^ in-the epenr and the benediction from the Reului uf th*> EpiHCO|»! church. BalTCfjOammenfr" tM-W/nSOKiT. ie Miss Yancey, of F^eeetr^ei^L. ^"""g Two of htf> funipetitors were not^^speHtng tmt witli the -ffiwe than twelve year? of age. [flag several Kenesaw messages artasHy " The uigLi iwm> duwii upoH Stilkdv- Rn| lip thTr.,,^h »K^ rhulnr niflhti - MISS May Kutwalii of MUBMBIP iaati» t, ._.., JIII™ tpi. w^Th^ ^^nventjon speaker: f*! on ImportarsTtsccMftSM on Th« Mnnagimlmal T^mp^r.' both aid^ of the contest Soul after sou! into prrory Went winging its homeward fiight; '.Their lives for their country given In victory ebbed away. For death himself was vanquished '"^ Or. Shiloh's ptatn that Oay.. HiTpi LiLii suKe oamier orfered annually for Originally the flag wa» the gift s the largest membership. The same state officers were re- elected, and 8 few changes were made in the branches and depart- '• m«nts. The next conv-ention will >BK'C«t at Newport-N^wp. of Ttie iExpress and The Tribune, and was taken to Gettysburg the latter part of June. • * From Chattanociga the t^a? wil; be takerr-tD Mrysron ft-rtra z-*

M££ MEDili OFFERED DAUGHTERS AT RICHMOND …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · Kow a short step from night and time ... form of direct answef

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Page 1: M££ MEDili OFFERED DAUGHTERS AT RICHMOND …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · Kow a short step from night and time ... form of direct answef

VOL XIX. No. 20. r^CTwi

MANASSA'S . V A . ^ F R I D A Y , OCTOBER 10, 191.?.

M £ £ MEDili OFFERED DAUGHTERS AT RICHMOND Department r Acriculture

Giy«_Rew*r^ for E»»*y« on GoocI Roads.


-The-Oim-taP-of th« Offic« of Public RoaiiilolJthe United States

T Dapartp i f t i t f nf AgrifiiltnrB, T-"gBn Wa' ' '. ^a BnnftHnp«d that the thne in ifhich children may

—Bubmit eAsaya on the repaly aad maintenance of ealth roads, in competition for the gold medal

—and two silver mftiala, has bpen extended to March 2, 19147

ManaMaa D d ^ a t e * Return fram ConvMitini o | Virginia Din '

•ion of tha U. D. C

Thornton, presi­dent; Mrs, Arthur W. Sinclair, Mm, S, T. H»M,->

cosleat arfi «B follow^;: 1. The Subject of the essay

will be the Repair anfl Keeping Up of Earth Roads.

%_ * »8 opfen only to childreg frnm ton tn fiffoa». rn i f j inHlli

Manaaaas Chapter, returned last



The darkness fell upon Shiloh. The stars gl«am«d out in Hgtft, -

And heaven was full of glory -Though the earth was full of night.

Life after life ebbed slowly away, Drop after drop of the crimson stain

&iturday from the annual con vention of the Virginia Division of the United Daughters of the Confederacy which convened in Ricbnidnd lasfweek.

The--conditions for-thfr ^ssayj- Manassas Chapter presented^a-" "' • ' paper asking"foncDntributions to

erect a shaft over the grave of Joseph White Latimer." Qrel)5y major of the Confederacy. Major

Dripped on that battle-trodden plajn: 'ARdTeade& arid prlvat6.'8iaiWaiae,

sive, who are actu^iy living on farms and who are actually at-

^/ tfinding" some acboolr 3.. The essay should be not more

than e i ^ hundred woi^s * in length, in the handwriting of the child, and -should be written on only one side of_the papef.

4. In t^euppcpfofi hand corner of'the first pagg should appear the following- statement: Elssa

-oytart i i midk l^' (name o:

Latimer showed unusual bravery., and hftmiwm in ogoiy Ko»tu jp which he took part, and was {tro* ^J^JgP-g-Y€ry battlefield. Ha was mortally stricken on th^ field.

S n^/> ^f ^ K ; 1 | » . . .^^j^^^^^l-^

dence of ciuld; school attended by child.)

$. Childrea ^

First Viee-PFesid«it*Mr& J ^ E. Alexander, of Alcxandiiia. ** - Sec<md Vicfr-PreaideBt—Miss

this contest may ask the advice Alice Cowan, of Rarrisonburg. Lof their paronto, tcftchora.-Bei^- :^JM>35ce-Pre9ident-MrR. B.

born, highway comimsBioBerB. ^ ^ f e ^ ^ V i l p S f e t - M r s .

or magazmes givug mionnatira the Btibjeet. lliey moM


-ww4s «i «D adidl or Sieaathdv of a book. Tbey must express

and lies to-day in an unmarked grave at Harrisonburg. On motion of Mrs. Norman V. Ran-^Iph, president of RTchmond -Chapter, it wiaa resolved to rail upon 9vety m«Bb» of every chapter for one dollar toward the expenses of the memorial

The foltewing r^m nssmrrsTfS

In siience suffered, in silence died.

Some wandering night bird overhead; Some sighing wind from out the pines

Were the only watchers of the dead; And all was quiet along theinres."™

Att qiitet; tlie dead in their long fftst, The wounded in anguish unconfessed, For hearts wfee^trong, though life wasjfaint, WitB vicTory crowning eacB cbfltjplainL And dyiRg«efi as they faintediand bled, ~ Were JtcifijQ ihe last to the red, white and red.

Ayr quiet, vyiiat ir tftoughis flew awiiy . To som^ fair home of love and rest? . • _ What if eacli soldier where he jay


BUMS, And Work Bcguo-on-'^ Public Utilities Sy«tetn.

The work on the new public utilities system is now fairly be-mi. ' Mr. N. Wnwh mvis, the

»*kiQg a set of profiles on the streets on which the sewers will be built This will "determine the necessary amount of cutting^er the sewertrenches. ^ " ^ ^ S ! ! ! . ^ ^ ^ that they will -take- advantage of alt the grade they can find. Mr. Oljn Jonesr

"dty of the AngeU" Sends An-gelie Greeting on Battle­fields the Country Over.

It was a novel and picturesque conception of the Los Angelea li^wspapera and people to ^ g ^ across the cont inent-^

also of Harrisonburg, is Ifevel man for the party.

According to Mr. Davis, after

Bix>aght round him the faces thijt he loved best, A vision of dear ones yoilng and old? Would hfs heart break when theirs grew C0I4? Wasjiis so strung?' C'pltyfng nTgKt; — "

ver t h ( ^ facff BO stfll andl?hjt«!

words, if the bonds are floated by December 1st, our water, sew­erage and lighting system will be -ift-fttU next summer


""Hide every throb of gri^f and palp. Each quivering lip <m this dre8r7ipliK& 1 Breathe softy, 0 wind> on each poor brow.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Registpar-Miaa Lu<^. a Wood, of Amelia.

«ea»(Hng Secretary-lira. W. itham. w«v-4n thr oTJiril^.^- Merchant, of C

the idfeftft la, ihtilf oyiiUuiguBge. They will not 5ee:^}ected to use technical terms and any ^ords that make the meuung clear will beacc^tabl . "

S. TheessayawmWnrted ^ " M J T ' T I * " " i - V ^ g i ^ T i a g , i« ,«-^«i ,v««,*;ff^:.«-„^;^' - | * ^ Jwnes Mercer Garaett an impartial jomgaitteiagggpiiafc

JM'Ae'midersta^ding of the sub­ject shown bv the child and «r..

, of Sisitofi^dr Treasorer—Mrs. L. R Allen,

of Salem.

In a littJe thicket of diait i i lhe^e^^ . _That sweetoted and cooled thgevorting h r w ^ ,

A seedier lay. The heavy shade * _Which the Dine tree branches above liim m«H^ Seemed to shut out both eartii and sky—

.AH mnrtjil tove and haavenly eyo< Was he akaw than? jConld noQc hear

Si8t(Hian-Jtfi8s Nell Preston. Custodian pf Virginia — Miss

Lucy Berkeley, of Ba3mmrket Recorder of Crosses—Ifrs. Jaa.

Er Alexander, of Alexan ftnntodian nf VfrfTWir

IT^ cording to die pgnffnmshfy, HshTCBdi^tting. The wr i {» o f the best essii^will receive a gold me^al; the writer of t l » next best essay, a ailvo* medal, aaA

a alver medal. 7. All essays should be plainly

iid4w88od, in OB enrelupe s l a m p ^ with it^Two-cent stamp^to Com-

-mittee <» Children's Road Fanny

By tinanlBous v^^e, the dek. 'F.

g a t ^ selected BMstolas 1 ^ m ^ Place of meeting. _ _ ^ _ _ _ _

ta in^mra l iXT^Ninr

^ . E. CMRh.

Goateat, Qffica ol ruhlic Boads, United ; ^ t e a Department xd Agriculture, Washington, D. C , and should be mailed to reach Ihai Ofltec UOl later Ihag:? xmHondaj, Marcai^ I9FI.

8. Ch^ihreii who have already suboHtted essays in ^ a t contest^ which v ^ {HTiginally. announced


The QainesviUe District Sunday School (Convention, auxiliary ^ the wupty organization, wffl ne Add at the ISudiey M. El. Church on Sunday, October 12, IMS, at 2 o'clock p. m. While this meet-ing is for tht- fjainpuvilb. n;c»»w^

^Hi8anothered<iM«^ for home and friends? ' ThJatltdQ^ among 1 ^ Borthern yUak v

Where voicea^childrea at thf irphy Sbq^tedMOBSHigK the imoaiitaiii jriiEs?

The murmuring night wind bends i t a ^ y r r _Xhe ,tiilLidnejxeeaA(»ve mm bend;^—- ' '

Heisa loneon Shiloh's plain. Not long ak)ne; for from afar

Sera through, a rift 3[he»_branche«»wv, J ^ « n » puf one mnglfi gniding rtan ^ • - A.beactm light upon his way. ' And warns, ede^iM glMy^shines -

"Down throufi^ the shadowy, dreary pi&ee.

t h ^ ^ ^ p e s a l o f - ^ ^ e a d s ^ j t . ^ %teo*trfHheiwIdieni o f "the Con- -ho n matto* of oiKhimcuths bv fore the^ system can be com^ pleT:ed and ready for »«P; in »< h»r

fuliuuuy. Hu WU8 ilw f[wmi of i>Pfe of our citizens who seited'

Mr. Davis has carefully gone over the plans f u m i s h e S ^ ^ h e special committee of the town councUr^and oays that according *n thn •wiii] Uu Uiiu immgBT

TOstoixonstructioh watnotreach the estimated jmeQCC^^Heisun: aW»s td Speak further before aaeertaiPing^tfag preaeat p n t a of materials from manufacturers and exaniihod closely the cuts required for the -proposed sew-era, but gfvflB fllH aaanrani^ thflt thpre noed bo TJO feaii- tTuii -rtr? appropriation will not coverall three systemi, water works, sew­ers and electric lights, as gen«y ally in<Bcated onlfae plana. __Tbst seveiml ad*antageoua changes (SKQlSe made which, how-


FHs ftidiBgjyea ggowTotHaigand etott^ -£QIB^

^ ^— uuBt, Mr, IUMB haA already noted, and in a letter of October 6th, he advises the com-nuttee not to hesitate in dispos-m y of the bonds th'-APf* ""Y itau 01 tbeu- v^suffldency.


such a magnificient and tangible greeting by a messenger of sudi interesting peraonahty.- Itsfaowa that the Pacific Coast is not.only pacific but patriotic."^ ^

Ma j<»JudsOTi, tte b a i x r ot the NStional Flag of Peace, c^me -back to the home of his boyhood, to the battlefields where, witlt the rattle of his drum, he tmdt fifty years ago, stirred up the

under the Stars and Stripes. No Sooner had he arrived than

a wave of iMitriotio fervor swept over our town. Carriages and

rddle of l automobTIes wCTem d e m ^ and" a pilgnmagi^ to "the field where -twejbfittlgsuaided,''h^can. eemmaudei uf the E well Camp, the prcflidcnt of-the B u i t f t m ^linnfnw nf thn n•llll^t n mmb>

jPiQit gf XInigaJI«tei^^ on hand. Ragtorh r^llaga ^fffi," Rresident^ and Mrs. Roop, waa tho-e in numbers. Mrs. ^odg^: hastily rrihed • her. chwr sang in tihe Tablealu of the.Be-^ Unitfcd OLaLM hafma n^m^a^,^ Taft utd the Veten^s of t h e Blue and the Gray J«ly 21,-1911,. tmd the weather bureau ordered jthe choicest product of its wiM.

»en. — ^ _ _ - _ _______ At high noon on Saturday, Oo-ever will nnt W™VLrf^^'WJr^ - ^*' "*" """^ ° ° jsaiuroay, uo»-

Kow a short step from night and time To Hedves's immortad son-bright climel And what are griefs and death and paiq^ Compared to Heaven'tf eternal gain? HiB heart is^tiiled. that quick wiU beat . \

Which yearned far hojaae Mid friends onae mare Gn)WH(!ttUa,hl8^nung£iordtogr^

And triumphs wh£re it grieved before.

^ a m not alone. How-could Z b«t' "'

to ciose October l^tb, may, if they wish^ submit a second eS^^,

As a help to childi^, the sag-gestions given bdow are made. Children need wA foDow these suggestions absoitltely. They mutt not sutarit essays in the form of direct answefs to these

any as tne xeuowm^ word f w word.


icnlM-. i t is also fop the, general jmblic-JiOrdl and a cordial invitatiait ia' hereby ex-

^Ste^^^tokstend-ents. officers anrffa.a/^>r« »f ti^ fbllowJHg named schools are eg- ' neriBllv invitad trt ha mwMirit the meeting is for you. Haymarket Baptist Sunday SefaQ»L Antioch Baptist Sunday School Haymarket Episcopal SundajriScbooL Buck land Episcopal Sunday Scnoot. Tborwighfare JtoiacQpaLSmdsjT Sf hool. Ewetl Chapel %iseof«) Saadey Behoci.

Ilien. in a joyful, faltering tongue. The dying man bn^e forth and song:

WhetLLean read my title <faor

raiiq>eniiee W o r k - O u r L, T. t . Wins Banner.

; The thirty-first annual conven. Uuu of the Vh^glnia W^cmn's Christian Temperance Union con-»enoj last wwik lu. Luray. 'She

were held in the Metho-

unfuried m front of the Henry House m o n u m e n t , the fia^ memorial erected on anyjbatll»-fidd; In full view of whafe Jack-son stood like a stone wall Mis* Ruth Bound'and Miss Chartotte-Smith, daughters of veterana, the CTBe of thft mwft anH thft ftthor

'Gray, Btetqyd foniardaad: w i ^ appropriate wQCda re-de£-cated the btkutiful banner to ita liigh and holy missiim.

Lieut. George Carr Round, the prmidpnt of the United Shitae Veteran Signahnen, He iiisl unfurtcd

Til bid/aretpell toemny/mgr' And ioipe my wteping tua.'

A n o t ^ heard ^ wb«pe,h^ lay pieediiig his f t o young llfit aw^yr




-To the Children: In getting tacts to write your essays for the

y M. B. Ouwisj auwul This meeting was a m a g e d for

^ e afternoon in order to inter­fere as little as possible with your regcSar services and wetrust TQU can hf thprp—The oommit

of road and a good piece of road iitw bulh aw dry.—Study par-

ticuiariy, the ruts uneven places in the road to see whether Uiey inriia it eaaiwr ur harder for the wheels of a loaded

-^6g. Study the to go kind of footing that the two roadtf give to the horses

9wg faiviLg by Stmtey SBftJoy -^ Scnoot and fis rniton. Pwaytn Pasun

1 f^^SaiMJl^"^^ -~ Hf: TVestwood^Hutchiion

Thfl rnnntT}) Snnday gahool How. C. J. MeeUe

' *>'tt"(MHi on Seventh Pap*

9. 9.


The Need of the Hour in Sunday Srh/>«rWArlr-Pw>f r q Tylrr

Address-Dr. H. U. Roop, P r ^ dent Prince WiBianr Cootfty Sunday School Union.

Qaeries-GeDeral DiscusBloa. Song. Doxoiog^.

r,,y yiT--F

For those he loved to siee ^ a d i e -Then caught the gkry of the strain,

..« ^ bid gave the watehwctd haalr aflaiB-' -"I^«xratUceavUddeiHg€eome

' - And itot lUAj^aoaxowjaU,

dist and-Baptist.ehurchea. All the pastors took some part in the exercises and seemed tb

^ One hundred uid eighty-five delegates, and eighteen county

iwreaided. the kenesavT

Signal Fiag which had-jnat'ftg turned from its trip to the moun­tain tostipf TonnwBiec. prodaiuk-

I»esidents were present in addi tion to ^te aaaw of Htat** fffiffra.

taaadred, t j mm coont. Ji fidn of seven hundred was noted m the state membawhip. mr''

tEooai^ ejghty.fivp mPinh<.»&


Mra. Genrgp C. Bound, Mf*. A.. „ ;BrBftnyn and Mrs, A. E.Spioot

fwty-nnie years ago this yvy, day, it waa preaching the Goepeir id W v . JOnbehattnf the Signal Flag of War, he wekomed .thfii

Aflor prayer hy Premise: BQjgp. Maa'oy, JiHteon waa Jhtaog-on^ed, and for baJf an boar held '

.entranced. Wsuria

The sweet, faint echoea of the slimltt Pleated akntg dark Shiloh's jMa, Hnriied many a sob—dri^ many a tear— TWd many a hwiiL limt-eodwi Until amid that dying throng

to Stiffening wounds were all for >-ag thoartrte"

T»gre / shaU bathe mu i w c m o a t _ In mas of heavenly rest,

Across my troikteS preaH^

representing the Manassas W. C jLXL were royally eBtortaiaedhy the j)edple of Lnrsy, who opened wide thar homes to the defeegates.

These ladies remarked tMe of tOWBS^-

flofraar hla addragg by attempt-

arCniop. -TTlglgBMrThng "Thp Hanassaa - Weanesday afternoon, one hun-

Med and eigliiy dfel igates made w e delightfui trip to the wonder-

Sth«ring sanp:' Praise God from hom All TtliijamgsPkm- -kTP

ing its re-tBT>docti(aC hot below x e will quote from-the-Lc» Anodes ExiHesa a statan^it which sets forth the purpoees dt Major Jodaon and his fellow-citi-xeisM the "Qty of 1

Jubilee Anthem" and the meets---iHg doaed wffh^wSr^ of aipprovti^^ from Captaia Hutduaon, tba-fttl Luray caverns, and it was an " ^ ^ ^ T * ^ ,^ ^ ^, ^

Uft l f f^ve moment when tliel'^""""*"°"''"^ ^^° ^^^o" C^^P.

other special feature . was th«-i-Y?i^ n .11 I. . ,1

evenii^ in-the epenr

and the benediction from the Reului uf th*> EpiHCO|»! church.

BalTCfjOammenfr" tM-W/nSOKiT.

ie Miss Yancey, of F^eeetr^ei^L. ^"""g Two of htf> funipetitors were not^^speHtng tmt witli the -ffiwe than twelve year? of age. [flag several

Kenesaw messages artasHy

" The uigLi iwm> duwii upoH Stilkdv-Rn| lip thTr.,,^h »K rhulnr niflhti

- MISS May Kutwalii of MUBMBIP iaati» t, ._.., JIII™ tpi. w^Th^ ^^nventjon speaker: f * ! on ImportarsTtsccMftSM on

Th« Mnnagimlmal T^mp^r.' both aid^ of the contest

Soul after sou! into prrory Went winging its homeward fiight;

'.Their lives for their country given In victory ebbed away.

For death himself was vanquished '" Or. Shiloh's ptatn that Oay..

HiTpi LiLii suKe oamier orfered annually for Originally the flag wa» the gift

s the largest membership. The same state officers were re­

elected, and 8 few changes were made in the branches and depart-

'• m«nts. The next conv-ention will >BK'C«t at Newport-N^wp.

of Ttie iExpress and The Tribune, and was taken to Gettysburg the latter part of June. • • • * From Chattanociga the t a? wil; be takerr-tD Mrysron ft-rtra z-*

Page 2: M££ MEDili OFFERED DAUGHTERS AT RICHMOND …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · Kow a short step from night and time ... form of direct answef


spot on the field. ""^ "•"'"»'"Simi-11 lar' ceremonies iKill attftfid the! unfurling §t Q)l?.cXamgUg%^ t. J^

The flag will then b6 ulcen suc-cegsiv^ly. to- the Wilderness bat­tlefield, Virginia; to Appomattox.'

TViiichester. Manassas Run. and at these places patriotic gat h«rinfrs will

^ Major Judson." "Later the flag

tomb of VVashingion and from there it will be taken to the ciapi-tai, where arrangements are be­ing made for it» dedication by President Wilson as the "World's Peace Flag."

The last ceremonies will take "flf i-hft tomb 6f Abrat t^

"1"^' . . .,1 Lincoln at Springfield, Ills., andj] it is expec'ed t'he banner will; again receive warm welcome! when it reaches Los Angeles and ;1 iS pictccu rttttnty wtwi vtus-

boanL -. ^^ _ _ .i :=rr Major Ju(fibn's~lrip is being'!

made under the auspices of the educational board, that body hav-' ing passed a resolution intrust-1 ing the n&g to the veteran's care: ^»Tw^—4»-Juirfitinn, t h a n k i n g t^im 11 for his patient efforts in behalf •oi'V-HM»«"411ilIW4 JUUlTtni fraternity among the survivdrs; of both sides in the Civil

These resolutions, together' I with a letter written to Major;I Judson by Col. Juhii J. Steadmaii, j

read aS a part of the ceremonies!] in THFHiflst. anil t.hp South. Fol-lowing is Coionol Stoadman'is let

. tPTl M Y DKAR M;.jnR .TnnsftN!-

f-nr fnrnm-fy^t/i a rosnlntion naflsed hy thp hnaT^ nt Pf|iination ofjbhia')

city, I take great pleapstireirfin-ting- tu j'uu the flag yhfeh4

recentty was unfurled on the hia-toric - fiplH of fipttyahiirg, wnrf| later presented to the-faoard of! education as a memeata, to be-* usecTon occasions wheil thet)fltflftr schools participate in patriptic exercises, •-- ' 2

In this «<!telieetkmHBay r be permitted7~a8 a veteran of the Civil War, aifiliated with (he Union arnny, tn ftyprft«w !•/> ynn my deep sense '^ isr i ikade for your untiring efforts m behalf 6t a more unified sentiment of fra-temity and loyalty among thej surviving members of the two sections^ of oqr. cotmt^ in that awful cpoflict of war ai half cen-tury aga - ,—— :—'

It is mete and proper that the men who made history then, which th^ world has m eclipsed in valor, is saerifiee and in deeds, should now, when memofies only remain, daip hands in brotherl\rlove and n^iity. and pledgeibeir honor, their for­tune and their lives, if need there be, to perpetuate this nation, "bne and indiviaihie, tmd^to incnlcate

BVt^T the sentimcBtof t i on~to~tHe~B^^i«2^t5f< in the heartei^^rising geoer-i

Qiir PYpot'tatinn ia thatyAn-wm^

return this &»gem\ even's-laiKerm**d'pf ^lo«^ when it ehi^ • " ' ' " Lookout MoaBtuB,QiiekiuaftQga, ChafiwlloravUte wa& guinary fields, mmlB inunortal {^ the death of thelMravemeb,N(Hth and South, who participated m these memorable engagenteots. To the con summation of tliiaiK^^ purpose you, jny brother, are de-votings yoar ff^^feSTT^Fagf

You desenre the jgi^fridft^^ al! thsTteople, tnii more espemlly the gratitude of the surviving veterans of the Federal and the Conf^derfit* afmlM. Wh6, ftll|{«. are desirous of the fulfillment of Liik^acifiOdMsentiment. - __

May the bl^ismga ^(M^;^ yovctig^vm '—"

and TOur life be Dreserve<i 4ft| carry QD the work of^promoti: fraternity, loyalty and pea^siThd 1 devotion to our COUHIKIH country alike between the remaining veterans of our once divided but

In full accord with your great miasion, I beg to subscribe my-

Most sincerely yours, JOHN J. STEADHAN,

President Board of Education.


^B^[^lning 0 (£ 2ff M Oct. 25, Inclusive -IIMUE5IIC4UilGE&-V^ MADEtti'AI^-Sa^Svw^^ *J^

KK-I' ( IK"'! ^ ^ ^ • SKI'OF cuH-tE-Ptrr



I- As a special mducement during owe demonstration week only, with every MAJESTIC RANGE aold <^^ee»4aw^ the same) we will jpve-free one handsome set of ware as iilus-trated here. EV6iy piiMit* of Uiia waiti in Uw html uf ila kind. -Not apiece that is not needed in every kitchen. It cannot

ssibly bought for less than |8J)0. Tbds waie is on exhi-• ^ store. PONT FAIL TO SEE IT: — r :

S P E C I A L ^ Alt4unngt^wed£ a special d^aofistrator ^prect from

the^Mi^Uc F a c ^ will be j lad tcrsfaow 70a "iA-alMMt--gaa**Mthow jnd

at any fMfice. r|HTig« na-


EducatioD lies in knowing dua£a—kpow why-tiie oven of a range is Mftted=JaMw'T)owt&e water is heated—bow the t ^ Is heated—wby the Majoatic uses SO little fuel-rjcnow how a range is made inside and outside. This educaticm may sarve you m the future: Don't overlook a chaDce. to. Imow

ItBer^ and Do ywi intend to ctmtinue laboriBsr, burning wOuaWe fuel

_g^TOying high^pnced food with that eld worii yut cwk stove "f ' XSB knowthat old atove eats op a lot of ftid^ each year ' You know you have troubfe in getting it to bake just right, in fact

• apail a botch of hrnnd inrnnr nn.^ m p «,h<U-y^„ y^j, ft ^ c o i S «:?ble-fbr yearly repairs. • • ^"^

Stop and think and figure. , _ Woaldn't-it:oa«) v<ai to hnv n mt^ >«,.y>. -m range with a reimtap"

The Great MajeiHc MaUeable rand - CbarcoaJ- Lncm Rang ?

You mi^end mistake in biiying the GlffiA^T 9tAi^S¥ie''nt nu«e .with THE MIJITATION-Mk yooi neiri. l>ori:"ihS.^"ilK

pqreaaTXttmw boiifd—paiLa bejiig-mnllaahlr p*"'*- hrfulr—hntia iKsali why

I movable " ^ ^ " ' . ! . M ^ i ." " tftftt d6ft-t warp-tfaat*8 wky t f e H g A ^ m g ^ ^ w a ae flttlc fnol. balfcuu ju^-ftgbt eyerv dav in fH« VBM- ^tm«i»«. K . ^ ^ &L^«^ f over witn^t tiaiing) ~ h ^ 16 gSteS^^rf^Sur w S L

mcucatly oouuuirfor repairs. - ^"•~ • f^'^ bay tl» range you expect to last a Ufetime "unaight unseen"

jwiTl be sure to be disappointed. Come to our store duri4 demoSSm-two week, aee the GREAT MAJEgrfe-have its m w a d S v e f a a l tarea eiq>laiDed- find euf why the M A X " ^ " ' ^ " - ^ " ^ «ciu«nre lea-

'•H,.: TiwTiiitiiiiw t^iism

Don^t O V C T U K A t h e Date> This is a Specia l hivi tat ion t o Y o u a n d Y o u r FriCTtds^and Ne ighbors

8 ^ ^ J • <


Page 3: M££ MEDili OFFERED DAUGHTERS AT RICHMOND …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · Kow a short step from night and time ... form of direct answef


W^Mmn^B Mntnut nnmiimm B I


DISEASE The benefits and pi-acticaLvalue to human health -MMa«jj-«—tirvTBiiarc- fTlrgmnc -oaT< agaw HONNHt

! wp|[ illustrated in thaarmy campa which havabwn nt«r^ at th« Post Office at Jlanassw, Yuiinia; w Second , ,. , ,

Class Mail Matter - f«8tabhshed in 1911 and 1913, says The Journal of

»WBHi;HiffnTpw7tTigD A YPmunuanPiegP th? American Mediral A.saocii>Unii f i- piniy>Ka

ADVERTISING KATES success attending the efforts of army aamtarians at these camps, or 'mushroom cities." holds much

Fifty CSmta winch forth* OntlBMrttoB and Tw«nlx-fiT« Crate tor Mwfa ' ^ • ,

•~"Au'r?.o5'SSi^,^SL^^'S2;^*SS?^^ P'"^"'' t^^he peopleof both town and country. ? i ; i ^ ^ 5 ^ : : « .:i',S5g£d1t'gU'^.y^.^^3y&J{?!£ l "" ^ dicaotcfa as tliow tuillit^Wd tt'ith the cimps-

[ddring tb»Sp>niBh War nocd no longar be fearad.--


-THE "FRIEPMAWN INSTITUTES" " l?ij'ce moreTt sliould be stated that the so-catled Frifidni«iyL xjure, for tuberculoaiaJa utterly dia-graditaA Ail rsiiablo repoi-ta leaat Jiua llie Ueat*

patriotism throu^ ismorance of bow to keep well —that is, provided recently discovered methods of

jprevendvemedkmeare ppt into effect;

raenti '* method seem to show either that it is actually injurious or else that it is less eficientUxan oTher well-known and less dangerous means ^ treatment Tlte Journal of the American Medical Association i » ^ recent edi­torial again reminds its readers that: ' 1. Dr. Jilannheimer reported on the results of eighteen cases in New York. iiL which the Fried-maim "treatment" was used, and^iated that in not a single one of the eighteen peases was there definite improvement to date that\puld be attrib-

and the parents of the young vohinteerof fuiure wars may be assured thai if he is spared the bul-lets of the enawiy he will not fall a sacrifice to his

thfi raaf in rgftBnr. Mmw. A report of the hpalth

2. A committee of some of th^4^ofem^ physi­cians of Canada was. apiwinted to wa;^ the patients inoculated by Dr. Friedmana in the Cana-dlan Lo»t)iUb. "ThesgTdiTgtclaHffifaifgTratmtterly

--4ui£av(»aJUe reports 0. Dl. AuJexiaoa, aetlmf UB<!<tm>e aa^kaaly of

j g p ^ of the patients treated by 1>r. Friedmann in

as.to the affect of the trcatmenfe- m 4. The Friedmann "treatDaent" bas been con-

demned by u&rman physicians generally! [ ~ B. A report from tb«» RhtwJftfTalntwl Stl't" fgflna-

conditions ia the camp of the Second Division, .itear Galvestoft.-gives'-evidence of a_ sanitary cwn-petence that is fjurther removed from the insani­tary camps of the Spanish War than_were the lafci ter from tho^ of th6-middl*«ges.—Tb* truth48r however, that men are prone to forget lessons learned thraugh long experience if not living under conditions constantly enforcing them. The Mosaic sanitary rules are not new,'but those who grrow up with no thought of water supply or sewage disposal

To visit and inspect the new safe deposit box equip-" ^ i"»t^^^h^^ t h e r "

Eirmbire G i , xrf ^^^^ ^^^ you to make this place yotar^anking Lome, { Keep your most private papers^ and valuables m

Qjyn cnmpartment of our vaultftand f<f l wt J every patron should-that you are a^pw^of this

are usually~&eipleas when thrown suddenly into a situation where these are not provided, penalty of ignorance has been death.

Here the That t^e

men in these camps were picked men and of good .phyaique does rynt n>i V« l ftff r^markaMf thp Iwggon I of preparation read in. the results of protection from the epidemic of contagious-diaeueaJxij

the United Otat»s Kwvwuuwut, wauaiwl \.M i»6? "^'^ * * " ° ^ °^ "®° " ^ ^ The^tptafeatiwHrf the results ait Gs^eston, which include no typhoid or small-pox and but eighti^ «!«* yf ^malflria amoag firelve tTJouaaad naen fe-^ve mondiSf in

terium on the restdteiB 120 ^ ^ n t a treated by tfie Riedmann method states tl^ll t}ie patients "have abuwn nose <tf thelatoi^ate aend wondc^ol results' TiftiMwtfd by FripdinaTiTi," baf that, "on tb< eoiu

r ^ ipBuy, sboot 17 pg- cent of ;: l he cases" '{yce worse bum they-ajf^ht-have )eeBr-< xpepted itt-dinlary sanatoriuin^treiteifi it This, and D)ore» is true, and yet the compa^ wtiiA is exploiting

BimflTia mhn nn\ nnlliTig ttt»iA n thia iny»nmyin bnsi ciwft is, app»ii0» i$, able tp find^by-

country fsbere ttiese diseases are freqneat is merely the atiliaation of sanitaiy methods within the readi of any of our communities, large or

HQdint«lllg«nt MPtilation wouktaeemto bea profit

' mstitution

The National Bank of Manassas ? Vi^ Cmi PAIOON TIME DEPOSITS

obio invootBifcut for any fiyiMiynjnjtji; wvwi IwklUlg at the-aaatter sdely from the doikrB-aHd^^artg point of view.

QiflLQE ITS JURISDICHetfc Some tibie a0o a 4:axiaa at ilrepared f oo^ whoee^

label testified to a weight ofone pound; was seized

Aiiter all this might b^^xvected; it has aJ-j^ays been possible to find m#n f i l ing to do dis-repntable wort, iflBtffld^ttt ' nagiaai iBcHicements are $ffered._ While the medical profession harbors

teni of propoitiou of menjof Uiia-Ljuiw, 4<-lf** some wiahijtfl ranks »hfl ayfe .wilHttjr t,f>Vn fVJr

pottage. AS has been iHrevKMaijr aaui, tbe scheme of floating FriedmaoSn institutes in diffoent states snccessfoUy evades sof reprisal on the part of the fij^erai guTernmeat—itrthgr^ofB. deiadyia" iss die vaiioaa states to takesadii «ctu>n as K iecee> aaaf to prevent ttte heartless exi^tation of the nnfartiinatfe oonsuBaptives vitiiin their borders.

in Keb^yaks. put in thtfbalaBciea«d found wantiflg; The scales i-ngintnwnH n tittfn nitrrwi frnj i i fn^^ 'T inrm

and, together with a statonait to that effect the package was soit to the food law wthnintipa at \||?a^ington.

Imioediately upon receipt the Washington (^Soals piaced tne carton upoq Jielt fequai^coriaetet 8<ajm imd the^w^gbt WBS a fittletnrer^ie requisite six!-


~— A WUNUEKFUL RES^JE _ : All miners live witn a reaozacion tbkt in- their

occupation danger is imminoit; and nearly all Huners are tun^isbed with mora than one proof of

'Sae sarnie is teae of many faod prodiKts inalod' ingVabf

j^i_naBaa-aboJ£saJUx.XiiXL llHSM lU«i but a

the tala of Thnman To^Mifty, who was a priaonCTSNr eight diSrs In an llM&Aonedxaiamoer Of a f^nnsylvania mMe.

ie in Qie darfc I»ison were hia naing tools, a quart can of ott and a Usnfp whkSrtmttiid f » # v e days. duMgiriucb time be bad abaohtely n<a lood aor drinit Frov ^ i s tinie,.tiienrwBS a disnal period antil the reaeoe party bned a bole Vntn

ei^Bt size to aiknit Us body. ' ne —sargnd a tmnifamtimlm t»

This case was not at all pazaling_tp oqr govenh-l ment experts, whose business it is to be famibar^ with maziy seeming fneaks of nature. It war bat

b fore we werelid^npud Tti^ the

kyJtied^ Maed^Oaife T - 7 ^

• - 7 -



Western ur bakes the moisture; h«lc^.the loss is weight Ship the package East and the moisture is r^cained; gatbering a few ad^tkmal ounoES.

floor, dried meats and drijBd liuitaof ak most any m bore «md descaiption.

We shall itadeed faavefeached a-liiah-Hialeuf « F tigfifmant when the direetiott^^he food]

TmtBM aarthqaaka Panama eanalis safe and aoKd — a b o a t ti>e only

mi Ihe JiUJunuft- ihat-iwa n6t ahakeu up: That Mie first abode of a^eoiueqaeaw^ would. &aB^ tire^cimcrste and overthrow the gates was one obfeetuo advanced to the boKding of a lock


apaetioftaU-ideBr -the Haa, aadTr porta BO >

i|onder of the iaterested public who had w< " tablished groands for fearing insanity, as wel M

U> Uie Oatuh lUuii. MliHflmwi Uf Ulejiyier "hx35r STRJPJMJP in fnnnt nf a nnjira a t a t i ^

when kis automobile t»Y>ke down, anindiana ah:hi-

and accessories into the-captain's ofice- im>H» permanent bodily injury. With a_gniik on Vyy f^fg^ereraj hrjHiarrf. teQXarks al»i

pat It VQK'KtMr again. •^

-flnaUypanHiaded to return in an imtuiiyntfi mj^ i _ _; ati^ioMle It ^;^^3^^°f- .^'^JZJ

greeted the SBxioos wife itod fire little 1 weteiaBed a i wwh opea

-I'lmuaiuuj tambJwm**^ Jhwnd on yVasmagtoa^

.11» ) w > j p g thTin

rna: Wnat 1 WHO could pat it vofsatmr'tigtCK wnat a hadn'tjkawB plaas and specifieataooa for the car.


A'Runnust peet haaanooanaadtheorganiBatioti of a new stijie of narfinali— fw the pajpooo of


F « » 7 >i«d Staple Cn>c«fitfM=««akaMi Sak Maaia» B M I ,

f Boy oar f ead if yoa wan* a fat korM. Whole Com. Wheat, Oata ami Uay,

Bnai, ftfiddfiaca^CraokedConit


interpreting futonst raoaie. Kfteea new types of inotguanets UBV« htxu iBVttnu^ vBth the intent to

nuded riTer~«aK fturmiihea i parallel to John Ken-drick Bangs' "Houseboat on the S^yx," in that

4w..daearted-apiritB. - Waah. tngtsn Post

pmJucti all iiiamijir of Mff muttit iJ SWI.UUB iackg^ iag ohwcka, reaie. whiatlea. ^owshes, rapfiings and thunder, a combinatioo which, acaording to the poet will mean an entire­ly new "aumnllc WlU^tUtesnessoi effect" ^ the grand music be driven to a grand ffaiah.



Page 4: M££ MEDili OFFERED DAUGHTERS AT RICHMOND …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · Kow a short step from night and time ... form of direct answef


nT^BEFTlKiairpK —President and Mrs. Roop, of

jEiULem uoi.iege. faculty last evening.

—A new concrete porch &nd I invited.

1^ ^ —Ti»o^iajy«i, of AsbutT ^^fp- ^W| |ygmtia|f the re<iu««* ttr, M. E. Church, South, at reader, we are printing in another AdefiT'wTll hold ah'oyster supper column, the poem, "Nigrht on at the chureh Wednesday evea- Shiloh"^ j s read here at a recent

ber 16th.- XbepEoceed^ gathering under thei aaspices of will go for the^Txenelit of the ManasaasChapter, United Daugh-ohurcli. :JFh» pubiie i< eordiatly i tera of the £ionfederacy.

home of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Lip-jcomb. on Main street

—Mrs. E. H. Homb a k er attended the W. C. T. U. convMi-

—tioB in L'nray — a delegate from the Briatow V>.<j.^v\5.

—The Manassas Graded School opened at Bennett Building last. week with the largeBt ittiadasce in tha rarnrd nf tha whogl.

Rev. Ml. Markwma btHpin hat bunday evwung a fl«Ma af

and Mrs. John Pendle-ton Leachman announce the en-gagenient of their Jaughler. Oli-via Richards, to Mr. Alien Laws Oliver, of Cape Girardeau. Mo. The weUJing will take P U ^ on Taesdayr^ct. 28, iu Trinity £piE copal church.

—Rev. J)r. H. L. Quaries wHl not return in time to conduct servioea in the Baptist Church no-rf g n w H u j r ^ h r t « » fHf

- T h e -aaya:—Mr. Howard GreMt- Shakleford -be-came postmaster of Qrange on Wedneaday, OcL 1, having re-ceived his commission some time ago. Mr. Marshall Jatnes is hia ai8rataDt,Mim Blanche W. Coatea and Mr. R. C. Grymes, formof employes, remain in the office.

—At a meetinif of the Ea^tgr"

Dr. S. T. Burch, uf was a town visitor Wednesday.

- Mrs. V. T. Wukins.of Alexand-r i a ^ a guest of Mre. L ILDon-OIJO^, ,--. _ _; „

— Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Lewia ar« attending' Richmond.

the. State

Claudia Bonohoe ia a gueat of Mrs. W. T. Wilkina in

JdraJ,JD. DUClaricJa a «ueat of Mrs. William Holtzman in Washington.

j The will, insurance policy, mortgage^ i note, stock inventory., honH or xfr>ck f

j certificate,when lector destroyed causes [

revival services at the M, Church, South, at Bristow.


—Mr. Otis' McDermott and -fanrtty. of ParkereMii'.^Wr Vs:, luve FMt«d the Wdr ffttparty on Centfe-atreet, near the Town HalL : _ „

—Mrs. W. F. Merchant leaves tonUiy for Baltimore to attend the marriage of Miss Aline Smith

supply, bat the congreflattion-^ iilVlMsa » attefij meetings at Grace M. South.

to Dr. Louis Pegram, of Raleigh, N, C. — —

—At the morning services laat Sunday in the Baptist church, there took place the election and inatallationof officcfo of the Sun-

College Athletic Awociation held in the gymnasium Wednesday „ ..», . - ^ , e>eulin{, t!ie fulluwaig omeftl'ft OSliaiQl".****

'Miss Sue Aldridge, of HayffiiB^ -ket, waa a s u e t t - ^ the Miases

Qie extra IF. Rowland, E, Church,

day schoDt:—The paator made a aolemn and stirring charge to the teachers and officers.

-Mr, and Mrs. D. H. Lewie. whft h»w haan l i i r i n j j ^ »hn n .

•^The ladies of the W.C.T.U. will hokl a meeting this afternoon « f t h o hnmtt^nf M m A V. Rpioa

A report of the convention will bc'iread. . . .

Friday df ri^it wee£^ tiie Priini-tive Baptist AsaodatioQ. wil be in

secretary ^ the State Missicm _ . ^ ^>ard S. B. C, filled the Baptist

8«aion at Frying Pan, mar t«riptt la^ Sunday; Afteir mak-<ient>e»iltoiii

—Mr. and Mrs. J. R. 8^ Davis flf Briotow. afc. moving iulu the Kasehagien 4>rpperty on Grant avenue, r<ypntjy purchaocd by Mr TT r Drnda^

Mr. and MM. Geo. D. Brandt have given their bungalow, (me-balf mile fwm the Ransdeli jiarae of '

•orporation •Bonnfe View."

Jdhnson Hoe, the

—T iere will be a cmnmuiiion service in Trinity E p i s c o p a l 'Church iiexi at 11 o'clock. F.

The recUarr BurEs, will also hold a ser=

vice at 7 : ^ p. in.

-Mr . C. H. Yarborouyh, of Manasaas Agricultural H i g h School, will go to Borkeville next week to-nttcnda meetiiig of the directors of the a87iecdt3Rf] higk schools of the Stat&

—There wiUbeagreatfootb^ grame on Round Athletic field Saturday at 3:30 p. m„"THien the

Pue house on Fairview avenue, « ) w o w n e d - ^ Mesersr Merchant and Hutchison, will more shortly to Vienna, where thev will oc-

nklai, N. Y.; vice-president. Miss Maria Mc-Cullough, Friendsville. Md.; sec-retary, William McKenney, Kin-sale, T a. 1 treasurer. Dr. H. tj . Roop; baseball manager, L O. Kibler, Marshall; b a s k e t b a l l manager," C. A. Ritenour, DiU

! endless iroi

uJMjffilF'npip jQlflgPynf WesBt

beck, Va., and mantiger of ten-nif clubs. Miss Grace Roop, Ar­lington, Mass.

—MiBS Anw«»H^«. T, RnlAv i^f

cupy the house owned and recent-,. . , . . . , . -i-^ imde wns:at1creg=^T ly vacated by Mr. Krail Boelter.

. princess gown, trimmc

Wig eleaf'eul statemeuta uu Iter ^reriurf UwJwHBl iu ViiiUuiiulw Preached a frm»«»ftil "In His Steed," or embaaudors of Chriaf

^ThB ladKff nhmndi, OuuUi,

of Graw? MTET will Luhl a Hkl-

loweea party Tl ursday evesunf, CM: an in tfaevaaant 0tofePB<wna4-Qf tJieKL L C. buildinfr. CnttiB out uid see tlMr frost that's on the pumpkin anH fhn fnHHoi- ini

t^e shock. The gol^tiiisirad Hal-ioweoi sprites will be oat in-foU force, Twenty-five cents is tfie aimiMiiHi vHaigwi tor -nil Ote fun and fiw^e—and refterfuneots too. [ '

—WeJiavejsceived a commu-nieaticm concerning t|ie anooal meeting of the Moody Bible In-atitute of • Cliiaigu, yMeh yias

GreeDwich,and Mr.Silas B.Small wood, of Fairfax, were married Monday afternoon at fpar o'clock attbe home of the bridie, the Rev. J. Royal Cooke, oflleialiug.—The

letr-is «-gue8tof-h<nr-U8t^^' Mrs. .R A. Hutchison. ^

Miss May McDonald, of Alex­andria, was a week-end gaest of Miss Evelyn Milnes.

Miss Kate Strothe^, of Mark-ham. was a guest this week of


J Put yout p l iab le papefia, keepsakes," Qof.. P'rTtffir Rnyrs ind jva will ii

in one of our

about them.

Masdve steel vaults and Yale Locks will keep t h e m «afe from all harm.

Mrs. L. FftnkTattie.

Mrs. Laura Sanders and Mrs. Rose Dcmohoe, of Catfaarpin, were luwii visltons Monday.—7-

silk, and eanried a bouquet of or^ chids; The groom wore a sack suit of dark blue serge^ Miss

Iwwf aiid Ml'. J. P. Spittlw, btflut, -After Uie iaeremony. TT

wedding sappor was soryed to the large nurnbei' of guests iu aiuaa^ uoea.—. . • ' ' • " .' " '"

. Misses Julia and Elise S t o r e d of Washington, were guests last Sunday of Miss Mar^ Herrell

Mrs. Albert Speiden and Kttle Miss—Virginia—Speiden


^fiir^felfteia Aderimlt are yisrt-ing relatives in. South Caroflsa.

Mr. Aspen Todd returned to MaiiasaaB' WcduuidaK « < t e i apgndfag tinmft t im* in Rrtiitftl,"

—AS tram JNo. 41 pulled in l a ^ W^esdiur night, Arthor Robin • auu aud R&BdOttfePo t eU, colored, were »rrf!8tBd by Sergtaat Weir and placeditt the kx>k-apto await a trial before Mayar.:BMyn,-iaLL JD£ and

ing of last week. Sinae thiaJaa

tiie charge of Inqring and bring­ing sev^iA quarts of whiskey to pqrsons in Manassas. At the Irial yesUiMlay It was proved that they were acting as otsnmon car­riers, and Mayor Brown imposed a fine of fifty dqUans each mani costs. According to this deepen it is unlawful far a man to eazrjr mnnay and order for the pur*-chase pf-

cnai;itaDie (uganization, doing a splendid wmrk in th^pr^aration of meu and women fpr Christian sorvice, we. should fBke to run-

Manasaas A t U e d e d u b w a t p l a y Z . ^ i J - ^ T J ^ " the Eastern High ^ c h T o S ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - j * ^ Washington. A(fiDiiaBGa;i25 cents

—Miss Beolah B. Adams, daughter «f Mr. and Mra. Charies Adama,ef 01iftoB,aMd Mr. CtuMe H. Brawner, of D|Unfries, were mnrriod in WaaliiimUiB WAdnce dartJi. Lhtf Hew. A. H. TIAMUIHHHI.

jieighbor. even a The fiaes


Mrs. G. W. Berry and Master Geowi Chadw^l Bory are

Pcopiofl National Bjuk' OF MANASSAS, VA. r

Mrs. Stuart Bevans and Httle Miaa Rena Prygitl B^viUia.'ttBTg returned from a visit of sevenaQ monUirto Mrs. Bevans'amoth^ "promoted"

been at Hamilton

Hilda'Tortner. who hava hntm abroad for some tune, are ex­pected home ^ i s week pn "The

pepeir. Mrs. B » t Robertson, of Wadi-

iugluu, wwj-ftgUMt lastWedtat the home oS Mr. and ibs. P. E

i|ra,.M. C.JDennett,


Messrs. Samuel and Junes Git-tings have returned to Washing­ton, after q;>^ding some time at

Ifrs. J. C. Adams rettimed Monday to harhoaae in Kevser.


. and Mia^G. X..1gQtehlBcm^

anteed nine per cent and some tenrraaa-toBr ^ hea t sjc^ not buy a new share, then I,get

again. I haven't by one Introtors'

jT Him [>tst -hr afrenr nam awiai booked; m^ hfn^'a « t.a» f ^

pine ou in^water'a flttfe. I feel r^lf biting—I'm hookei— lonymoQS. ''~^- ~ ~

and littte son, Julian, of Hickory i ; r f j i ;4a3ai i i i ; i3 H ; M Grove, are visiting Mrs. Hutchi sun's paronta, Mr.-ltsd—ilrsr Ckorge Johnson.

"Mre, Euphemia Adamson^m^ tumad yjMterdiy t» SaJiobugy,

M^tiaaiai ^Ksoy^

of Waahingtcw, were gaests this. Maryland, after spending i^me week jtLMx. ^ and Mrs fl«wrg»C;. time withlrer^jtarenta, Mr.-aad ~ Mrtr W. - Jr Adamson, in thwr

ncaneon wif est'^reeC"" '-"""" -

pitit tar his- ^ ' ^*" *f!*g» tdtttftTlrft tQgela--

Mr. and Mr8.'C. C. Wenrich left yesterday for a ten days' trip tn AwhaviHA, N P nnd KnftTT ville, Tenn. Whil^ in Knoxville^ they-will attend the Nati(MiaI jJuusBEMttlop Expflgltion. —-^

have been paid aua me piiawew lelfeaaedl

t}yes here;

"MtirSusio ShnpcF, of WtuA-

Jength we are nndble to puUish thes)Mne.

-Mr.W. T. by a jury in the drenft court on IViesday of this weeic of the

—Mrs. Wartwoed Hutohison, auperintendcrit of Woman's wc»k

J nrHie tMaTmae Aaoowatiaa, ji this moraihg to addres? t t e lafies of Qrovetihareh,ftoqaiereeUnty, at)6ut twelve mUes JErom Renting^ ton. ^ __L '

—Mr. A. M. Cri^erwas taken to a ^"'' 'Tvmr hwpitnj luLf i t t urday, and a slight opeHttion was perforaeA: fiiiwday 4uuHdHi{

s p ] ^ ; S | improved.

—Mr. Yarbnoogh will aoe(»n-

to the fa^ at Richmond. The

of wi

-Mr. and Mrs. John Sholtia,

tu kill, Mr. DeWlCt Hemdon, at the tofmer'u Home, in this oouniy; ^mmJuly night nf this yfMur.

—A^rding to C(^ Jbs^dL A.) Gaston, commandant <rf t h ^ uHHtotad sarviee seho<d at For^.

iley, Cans.. Virginia'a "horaa atBKM phere" .is peeded to make the Army School of Equitation a

Gaston, reeomntendB that the

annual reixrt Pu^lo, GNo.,ishoiBe<mavi8itto

charge of fmiBkinr with intent l'^^**^^*'*^^^'*^ jw^n^ ..-f. ],}„ yiin.-mJB MJ. md MtnTiriBr equttatjipE

Fort RDey to Warrentop.

accused, did ftM

on tiie witness deny =B!F

stated ttat l a \ a m A Hemdcm only whe&l^th^iht l^rUleer ihU&ft&ememb^of U s f i m i ^ was in dmgei. " " ^ ^ ^ -

^^^rte-n^edaT sorvteea comT m ^ » d last Wedneaday evening at tbe M. E. church. South, will

week. Dr. Kern wiB br&ere l^Ksday evening and iR^ach du-«ng the week. There will Istf

^^^l ie a ioftg service every eyemng "" before p r e a c h i n g . AB the w c«c lo^ BL xucHmoiKi. ine before p r e a c h i n g . AB the manorial to mark the grav

ington, was a guast this w e d n ^ Miss B ^ Elliot at her heme tm Main street

^ i

Miss Helen May birkett fie

ABMM^ those attending the reumon of Mosby's Men, held |M:!4'.7..rJ!4i.iiT?;R«Ta.'ni

-~\-"Have 1GEM4

-' ; RfBanca." V y V

D > you know how— Tt> find relief from backache;

*^i I ooarrect dietrening nrinaiy ilU;

T Mir iicq$iuwn KDow u>e way -H ly^ ifgeA Doaaia Kktmey Pifte; H lyeDipved their wor&miakay tests

k~v8 Manassas teatimooy. -^i_y-_Cootaey, Gentry ^ t —

itv**** ^*" ' * ^ - '- '^•*" in bad L—* ^*' '^* aboat by-ehifls tod

fevfera.- T^ whole tronhl.: y^^^ tn •n^ct my kidneys. NA a day passed

a severe attack of backache m d pain acrpw my htpH, I was of tea =

»etam«d to herhnne nenrAle»-' Haymarket, sod Mr,^; M. Ford, andria aft^ a visit to ICss Jfaha

hiapkice; Mr. ^Rr«ftat TTrtrtihafrtfr, nf

Uombaker, of Unstow.

of Idoodedjiorses, p ^ ' croaa-eooDtry riding clnbe, and waacBM would be u> with the staUaa of wetdthi

this woek „en, ^ - *^ 1^1^ K. E. Wine mtm -their |>OBae-«a Grant avaaoe.

t^oa, and beep evoythii • p tealBghi

At the i^bentO. L . C tion held in Richmond, Mrs. Ar­thur W. Sindair, who is the pro-met«T inr7the movemeat for ~a

al to mark t^a grave of

Robert Bai l^ , in Kinade

Mrs. JuMa Ixdir, of Timb^-

'urg,were Mr. John W. HalU. of Bristow; Mr, and Mrs. J. P. Smith, of Waterfall; Miss Marateller and Mr: and MwL J. 1g pjfjptt, "^

of Clifton. Means.. ^unes F. Guliek,.Joha R Tillett and George W. Hijcson went fropi ^nTiaffmi

IfidneyH wrtfd tm^t for work. My «ntP»l«"'y "Oil 1 had-of kktaey complaint, i ^sed twol»xes of I>otfn's Kidaey Pilb and they^ mfyed the troabki It haa never re-


TW-jaV by tj\ dealwa. ftju)




sonhasaakedtheiHterstateooBi: „ « - « - « * AftJ-»Vi«r-4-nhrf««« m^aecotamisaiontooonaeiittoa P'*«*«»'^o^"«Virg»iaDivisH«w

the Jophnneigbbg^ood^r;et: change in thei^»>^ j ^ ^ i , ^ T ^ ^ ^ l ^ ^ ^ ^ "^ ^"^

morning when the horse they iniKed t t f themi^aa pared*post were driving to town becami> matter TK '-rimTWitiir frighffnadTat an autamebil |Di<iair w dered au lnvemlff tton Jmd driven>y_ Mr. .^Y^t^, ef inde-; annoqpt^ |>^» ^

abjetUmiB ft) the tauguMed efaangg Sholtis were shaken up » n d up until October 20th, when the bruised, j>at . j^ injnriea are not matti»- wffl ^^^ -"^mittad for ^•na^efed-aerioaa.— _ tdeeision.

TfllB t h e amount already in hand, about $100. $56 of which the Harrison-

report p a,

of» Culpepar, are apendiigr Mr Watera's vacation with relativee hereT^



Lieut Round wasin B[f^.hp| H

bufg charteE o u i

the a meeting of the b o i ^ of of the State Normal at

pledges given by delegates, the ickaburg.

iwmwTlTiieiioQftirl heto, breveted lieutenent-oolenel j " " • after Gettyaburg. but who didi'™™ Baltimore where Mra. Mo . nottiy^m«4i^ehiacompMaa<», \^>ui wan 111 M i ha^ftalfar aRT

M19. J. A. Morgan Hd'rgran fetamed Monday

is assured. ! eral weeks.

mbberand Antartde luN>er; Preferred Ambergris—4!-

eenta. Foatet^lGlban

S t i t a : Remember the

talW.UiUhar: n a m e - n n > » ' . - . - j



some vt^aune i4Ie in the Pve got gold that will run fifty pirands to the ton, lOld copper that's almost pure stuff; and it's ill syfio tift-Pfty -bigjetumfc-MHng

paferrad.rve got Scumbled irtdShiired, Tre tot S u g v and ^ g e e and Trash, that toii^s BMi h llie 61 prospectuses fine, a/id everjrtbing else except cash. Pve got old Spaaisly Grants to

"I weat Indian Lande that


Cap. "KidetfaAi'iTsi. deeded onej ime to eaW Mife^laid «b*ne stock that- Iw • t w a g t r t i ' ^ ^ ^ i ^ "uaflmosD

thi*.joId swampy" 8p^l8~a8 -^-----r- - -as the day that h<> r\iA

in gtxxi I've got stocl&of all hues-reds, srreons, purples and Waes. guar-


aBe:B.ffitrit;i'.Ti n,^^'

FKST NATI6NAL BANL Lumnm-fnp f n r o o r f o a a OF T B S



«-ii<!lng«»IWctiom»tliroii»lioo! tbr r

B. HARLOW, ^J.P u n a ,

BAHK. ; • nn^«(i la-•ei S«uet

Page 5: M££ MEDili OFFERED DAUGHTERS AT RICHMOND …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · Kow a short step from night and time ... form of direct answef

E ^


' \


^ ^

H A W A r v ; . = ^ p p i N r N l 3 ^ M t s s Sn^Tl^Mayhu^h ha, re.

M. SlehaVd B^ch.. of Wash- t ^ r l ^ s ^ ^ !!; J ^ K



' ^ ^

ington, speot the week-end with' ton _D C »elativeB at "Evergreen." ^ Mr. WV

Mr. Louis Haug^r was o recent"^ isitor at his old home here. Miaaea Aimpa nnH J^^ia Hail

left last week for j they will spend the winter with their grandparents Admiral and "Mrs, Williamson. , Mr. Pemberton Price returned to Philadelphia on Monday after « visit of several weeks to his parents, Mr. and Mrs.?. B,Pi ice,

M. Dulin shot an^i^ .SefcooJ l»«te4>«*«ti twVirtr-a very large hawk, mea-' n .** B -U-

suring 42 inches irom tip to tip, ^""•** ' ^ ' ° ! L _ _


laat Saturday morniBfT

m.TMm^c PeT s l5r.T•: . . ^ " . / " " ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^^^^ 'glJ-giLJJJJg OflcarTTountJoy

'irginia L«e spent Sun­day night with Miss Helen Thorn­ton at ••Iriand."

Miss Bessie Cook left Wednes-day for FaHs Charch to visit her ancle afid aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Lewis Cook.

Mrs. Julia Townsend," Mrs


week: for Washington where she ountjoy and

vfll spend the winter with friends audutluad school. ^"

— Miaa Doiuthy Peawui,' who jtpait the Bummef at "S6n6pia," Jeft last Friday for St. Ann's School, Charlottesville.

Mr, and Mrs. W. M. Bragg, who have b e e n visiting Mr. Bragg's relatives here, l ^ t &x Saturday for their hom'e in Ash-

jille_jccompanied,by Mr. Ross

Mayhugh spent Friday with Mrs, K C. Taylor at "The nullyg A»-—

Mrs, May Pii^lrntt in «»rntitfH

A large number of parents re-sponded to the inviution for Fri­day alteriioon of last week, ex-, ton,^Owing to t«nde<! through the-press by theft oflfftr for sale on teachers of Bennet^ buildirg.' ble terms, my The visitors werp received by the ""

U7K°^ SALE.-Old Established Wheelwright Business in Hamil-tofv^Owmg to declining health,

very reasona-u t- •. -:•' '< esublished

wheelwright business.in HamU> principal and her assisUnts and f ^ ' No_b«tter stand in Lou-

M i a a A m n r F ^ - ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ " ^ ' ^ ' ^ ^mp«laIao have four new AA harrows ment. handsome pictures and Jor «ale cheap. Samuel Lewis,

— W^


ui<;iiv, i ianuauuie piciurvB a n a ±"* ™»'= t j i ca beantiful floworB.efln ba reckont^ Hamilton, Va.

home on Satui- ^y tO fiBfifld a ffiW

Bragg, who will enter a business •college in AshviUe.

Mrs. Nannie F. Selden, for-merly-Mias Bookef,- of Lynch-tiujrg. awl w ^ w oi Col. W: H.' Seld^, died on Sunday morning, Oct. 5, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Waiiam Carpenter, aFEoan-oke, Va. Her fgneral took place at Lynchbiiry on TnnMbiy-»fttir.

days Mr. A. T. McLearai spent Sun­

day t his horne here. Miss Lulu Mayhugh and her

cousIn,Mi8s Anna Mayuugh,spent Sanday withMlss Lucile liylor.

Mrs, Wallace Wood is visiting relatives in Washington, DrG.

Miss Alice Dulin spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Dulin at "Grand View."

Mr. Taylor Thomtou, whu au-

-Hoon and She was-Kiff 15 rest m been touring th^u^h Europe for Sginy Hill ^ p ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t h a p o o ^ °»»—> ^"- r-tTimH towii. Mia. ItfaeH lad l ie^w

vreddoit of Haymarket for six* iera jrears and had spoit much of h«r time at her lovely home

companied lars. xtiornt^ tothe hospital, returned la^Tuesday and reported that the operation was successful and that ^ e isslowly improving. IgjSlX g: Camrigtbn^ wTio hmt

amoagifag firat in r,hff.atat:e. and one in which Manassas—shpuld tftke^ pride fdr we learn that the standard of this school ranks among the besk

We were told_that each year

t^Jn.f.-^..f.^.¥^?¥^^^'^^^^^^ owTfatate, and a number of o t h ^ states, were in attendance, and wpt find that our chi equal and are often in advance. Let us then be up and doing, giv-ing all possible aid_to these hard-wnrkinyjngf j -n / . tn .^

The DrineiDal. Mrs. Larkin. in

Kiueisnow to the United States, in New York city.

Rev. J. R. Cocdce is b ^ n g a

aftVftn y»»a!r» Bigq uhu hud II leii in Roanoke,

of her death was re-durii •Kie n«»w«

icebfed w i ± sincere sorrow and zshs <•-!•< *4 • • V * <WaTiT;V,Vll t-raSTi f

JB a great lote to the village an^ more partieularly to S t Panl'a

" r--' t iciiarc&, of ^Inefa she was a de-Toted member and ipyal and lib^

Isapixffteav- M.


Miss Kate Keith, of Warrenton^ jffljjBBt SttUdftV tti "KitfiSaga;!: i g m d s in Wrhmrwid thig vMwis and -^The Grove,"

Hiss Flprrie Lee has returned ,, , _ „ to Stanardsriile. w h ^ Bh*-«fe Thqrnd«Ti tjftrt % vinit in Wffnh

Wfiiie getting cbestouts Mr^ Pringie Thornton feH-frpnra-trgg near hi i home tfiis week, butjwe are glad to note tiiat hJe injuries were not senooa.

JaatlB J4gBBF


We hadji fine rain this we^^ "lileaBrHr"

a fewT well-chpaen words, ex­plained that the object of the meeting w;a8 to bring the parents into a nearer relation to the teaeh-ersf-she also showed how tiieir uymputhy and~c(M)perAtidA could

ForiSalfl. ^ A Sharplwa Tubular separator. No. 6.. Cheaptonmnkl

-Er-M. MarsieIlCT;-^BrfF--b4iy«iv tow. Va. 10-10-4t

For Sale.-T<lreduce the herd, a number of HoTstein and Jersey cows, heifers and bulls, also

This herd has been, for several years, under the supervision of the United States De^iartmentof Agriculture, fnd has been recent­ly tuberculin tested and no tuber­culosis found, as also-haa been the case for years prior to this i£^—These aninaalo can be seen any time at Waverley Farms, two and one-half mites fnaa nayiiiar-ket, ya."-o« the Harrisonburg branch of the Swithem Raikoad. Waverley Farms. io-3

C06per4ti jud -both pupil and teacher, and lTfrarTTnTcir>w;ii iwiefaer TosoSa^i^

Choice barrel of flour for $3.90, Fanners^ excbaroe "your wheat

i»ur flic

theiy assistance. Miss Moran, in her

tractive manner. expU

with us fur your floTlfT' Count"5J bushels at 90 cents would be S4.95, You get 66 PounHii r>f * "

Now subtract

usual at-manner.

primary gradeH. MIBB Moran haa besaa Hiinijst'succttsftit primary teacher aud Uion>ughly under-fltandsher line of work. Manaa-gas is to be congratulated upwt having one i f pflWnont 111 Kai.

mirifit. and it is hoped the gohool

— T .vru. v a l u e of feed from $4.95 value of-wheat will give you barrel nf flour for $3.90. M



tobef 21 st ii TP Tl'.' u .?"'ffr^yj ^.^^ ^ " ^^ ^^^^ in a MAJESTIC RANGE AiKilkrHl UVEN at our aU>ie in the mom lug uf the above mentioned date, and at about 3:30 in the afternoo|t25 ladies will stand on two planks 12 feet long placed on the cake, and crush It tlat. It will then rise tot ts natural height about 5 five min­utes afterwards, then be cut and served to all pr^ent

^This is aiine layer cake 6 inches high, by 17 i n ^ w Ky ip inches, jelly between each layer, and icing on top.

'Die principal ingredient to this cdke is the fact that it is baked m an airtight. ••.>.. AT.7. M^.y^ffnf^ ^j^^^flf^-^nrnPr are perJecflTy airtight,


mm Having completed a OreBniaK^

ing Course, am ^'i^iifed to^^ve satiofoctpry work. Fit guaraip teeo. Mra. Carrie Stoltz, Nokea-villft Va. 6-13

^ e have inuved uur mu\ anrt wwHl yaw J o l E e Biuwu A H06ff's

1 adjoining lumDer yaraT

board will make it so jattraftive for Miss Ml(»ran that she will be cont^it to remain with us. i—-r. -—-, _; ~ .~w yty fMcn w

Tho guests were then invited w • j . ^ ^ f ^ ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^

'—^ -Dma^axe yety-ba^fc plowing. Miaa. Arvjllah Dopn is visiting

•Irs. cbaa. Dunii and Clayton, r^wmed h.ome

don^ last

teach at the home of ISr. E. R. fltzhugh. after spendihgtbe hoi-fi;|aya at. Y^pr hffmf \nr9.

bePineyBr^ch school opened Ttri h ixt)] att^ndancp on Monday.

- ^ by Miss Dora Glasscock, of Marshall.

Miss Mary DuKn-spent iSatOr-day and &mday with Mr. and^ Mrs. Wm. Schwab, of Baldwin'^

Mr. GorduuTJghUi BMttket 'spent Tuesday night of


to'hayefefresfaments which were J>eeged_hy Miaaea Tayk>r, garth, T^mistrhny \TIixnnA g » . i t h a n d

Katie and Rattie WiUeoxon.

Our cfflce is now in the old shop, next door'to HiUita' blacksmith shqp, and we are ittepared tn

^ I wood in I &Son,

. After this the parents de­parted, wisor and Juippier, real i«ing that teachers were n^t-tte A^W. Hilleary & Co., 419 South worst'things in. the world, n<x schools prismia keptbyt^emto torture and piniah v>hiM»«„, >^^

^ i-tf , "finopT^ Wanted—We have

au iiumedlace d«JAiand tor suburl

r ukmuNiTikA'iiggr JUMCAM^

43ctob» 20tlt to 25tl.^ J»d^,fiyf.

=£ Also remember the tsictary will givejrou-


worth ^.00;wJlh yuuf order f bra ibiestic" given during dmointretjon wedk.


Mm ban aud country p n p i ^ i ^ t ^ at from$2,500 to $10,000, Ownl^ wishing to sell will kindly answer.

ington, D. G Miss Ruth Cftto wras the gueat „„^„ • , • - „ ,„ „^

of Miss AfVllJflh Dunn aun<lay •human bdngg and euwn friro^

era BMg., Wa8hingto».D.CA12=4 _ :

.the guest of Miss Beatrice, Abel San-day night '"•'' - - '•"• • ', -

Miss Mabe\ Kincbeloe, daugn-terof Mr. ai^ Mrs. WUfie Kin-cheloe. died aandatv niyhi,

hial week with Rev. J. R. Coofce at •T"' "-""^

We are extiemdy sorry to note that Mro. J. T. Thtjgnton, yhd baa been quite ill, waa taken to the George Wa^iington Hospital on Thursday of last week for an (H)eratioo. and we slncareiy tmpe^

eir-ware Elaae Davis and Vlda

AhaiHaTi IThiitTi Raf of M18S

Mr. Jun Abel pamfnliy maished inr-foonasrw^ET

Mr. H^ffy Anderawa haiil one o&fhs horses.

Laat Wednesday

of both child and parent. We thinkthismethndof toarhai

and paronts eomingfa^etherong to he flommftnd|d. and tho t^r^h. era are ,to be (»ngrat«lated f<a their plan in Ivinging this about.

• • . - . • . . . . . ._ ,-•- . . X,

tiiat the ( >eratkHi srill bdjii«»w-folaiid that ^ e wiU be witih us again in a sks i t whle. -

DonH feiget the ojatu juppei <m Thursday night, Oct 16,

The &mimW<a&m wiH h(M ^ - their r^nlar buaness met ing

on Wedneadiy mght,^ Oct IS, at J| i3pJ, jn . Aljoemfeers are re-

will be i m p o r ^ t boriiwaB to IfihMcfr

Miss Mary Coek^flle is viait-

Mra. RoBt Elfis, of Warrmton. Miss ViiTinia Lee spoit Sator-

1 gmida^ ai hw hoim.

league night at Forest HiU. "Mr. James Anderaon

bought a fin<.hnr»*_ Tthmr, hag

Th« Counti' Taiehftw' inaftBtg wiU haid ita first m e e & « for tiie year in Mapasaas next Friday and Saturday, Oct 17 and 1&

Soaie of the featurea on 2

Cnmsoii ClQvcr ^^naLQffice^

i w • •an *H—iM i iC'

Parmerar briny ynm. ogp« cmckens,^ hens and but to- tome and jfet more in cash than any wWraeelse. S. C. Carter, Grant aud Lwi avttiHHJH, >12-4t

-tr rhe ManauM J o u r n a l wants a b«vht, actiye. mdn*^ trioos lioy—o«M widk stiek-iag qpalities-to leam the

mule. Tim im >

Ajpfily ai Joor-

Wanted. -l ,000,000feetof pop-lar and blade w ' — ^ ^ •

tr^.iVff^^i ing," With aary pupts manes," illustrated 1^ ehoruaes

wnMsoN CIJOVSK win ^a-|M0dwti*CMM of „ d a a fwana J i l t tjjt mm^ M tWynaa

JQiknon. Clorer, At f sH^ W u | l e r V c t c k . a B d ^ .

taim Seeds, WnteferpriFaaaad D « « < : r l p t t v «

ing her node andwmt^Mr.^ad^ rpprflnrnting panh ^ the eight :

-dar and ijmiday at r Bgni f tge ."

purchued D.J M

the^flld Bo i^pt tae Ritenew.

grades, and'*T»lace o f the Story inHemMtyxi^iucati i in last win be illustrated


• - • -• the normal ckas. - 1

1 r I m - -V H i l l II MB ^ ' 1 1 l u l l • I I a

aeveral addreases. by_ eaialaf teachers; a "Round Table Con-

fai fteimai .OL uasKMC

aUwI fXMB Eajjiiaf ft College last year, is teaching at BrentsviBe' thisseaaion^ y ^ «MII hnr wm li 1 f

Hr. R. L. Elhs. of K a s t ^ spent Srturday and Sanday with jjodttced i a t l ^ achQola» for ^e.^ hia parents here. - - - ~ ear and ^^iroat trtfablaariraoog

f' been at home for the past week, is on duty again in the postoffice at XoK«=viiie.- - •- — I

Subscribe for T ^ JousNikL, fl.Wik'yeai* in-ad r a n e e ' " " — '

tbe k>g. U i g h ^ paid _for_ same on the SI

prices ttump

^. Jyged at MawAssaa, TaT P<q). larmua$-beai inches at little end and walnut 16 inehca. M, J). Lynch, K F. 0 . N a 3, l£ut*a^ aa^ Va.

RtpS WAWTgb>

itative in ^ l e and honr &tin gualitvvare read^

^that you Mjll r^ad .u>i \\i^ wvy uiHrtHAtirt

I will receive bids vaxtS 49iS

. • . , . :- October IL

l t eJ> i1«^ , n—r H w . Holdta't fewt Any infcmmtitw, wimrtt^ «... K ftbfinrd o f J . F. G«Hdc «w J. 5 . EvaiM,

9 2o-3t CMuinusJOQcr.

'] B«y«l Sir—lar^;. points up W and i ^ Harrisonbart on October 23fJ i h d ^ t b , Iriited wited to October 25Ui.

j operated^TM Front Royrf on -October

^ t think mules from $100 op. Now ie tbe tc^e to bqr them. Come and see me.

J. O J U O I R , Mar,a»sa5 Va

facts oboutH hw>'Pagg adverteement


- Satoniay^

thpimphtf>jp wilj |y^^lg^ than Bear out aH wo

about thenu

Ineyjdll be s..

DNDERT.\KBBS,HArMARKET. VA Prompt kkd ••fe«f»ct/.rT .^T-TK* M-Bra

ae»r»»;Tinm»!i«i for »»f rEa«n«t>le <t»ua«e Get The JournalV Prices on Job Work

Page 6: M££ MEDili OFFERED DAUGHTERS AT RICHMOND …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · Kow a short step from night and time ... form of direct answef

x n r - a i A i - N A J O A ^ J » ^ U I U > A 1 J , raiUAl, U L T I U i J E K W r.ilZ


W«have jiistreceived o)Mt««r>' load of Blue Ribbgn Buggies,

I and one carload of the famoua

Two""C«5T0?a!dif tjf

PricM Fna $«5iH) to $10(UM


Haydocks—each made of the very best material available, bought in the white wood and painted as per our instructiona.

~ A Ittrt ftU IfinilA A^ XXtOV CM* n i l z t B r ^71



ITwill be worth your while lo inspect our stock. '

F. JtrCockreB t C o . Manassas, V a .

But the Substitute Guest Finds - Old Uvar U the Lion or -

the HouTT

daughter, BeUe. aa<i cbeu the iniit;

WkUars, and the two S imon bro i l i t i s T h e o frum the u;U«r end of the \uu^ room Miaa Iuj;rani brought (orwurd tbe aruest of 'huaor—a call, dlstln-( u l s t i e d itxfJtiiig tnao w h o m »be iciru-dugftd g ineer


•y K*tt4«mHK.KOeaOM>^

Wlien ha ttniahed reading b l i wife's letter, U e r m a n logrmm looked up with a p u u i e d ezpraMton on tUe genial , B>iddUa«ed toee. -"1 doa't e ee h e w I .caA soar« up.aii e x t r a girl tha t l|M<i^ want* at a moment 'a noUe*." 1M r*

T h e letter had told of t h e e x p w t e d return of hi* wife and d a u g h t e r . f r o m . . Atlant ic City la te that tmernoon , bringing with >hftm a« > guaet a f*-

SQttt e o g l n e e t i s w h o a a h a n o r - t i t e r wanted to g ive « dlMier. Mr*, lac gram had (nvited three o ther gueata

nna s i r l tn nnnmlata t h i

Ear. t h e -tUat t ime elpca t h a t _ f i3 dlDadr-dance. two y e a r s a g o Bl lxabeth Barew found heraelf looJtlna

the eyee of Horton C a m p b e l l a m o m e d t everyth ing aeemed ic

J n t o T - o T

whirl round and s h e aaw h i m grow white .

"It t» a great nleaaure tft m e e t vou a«;aln HIaa Barew," i h e heard blm »ay.

T h e n d inner was announced . MU» B a r e K . K a i i t l a with fiUly s i m o n . a n d • a t a c r o s s the table from Campbel l .

X o v e r t l y s h e g lanced at bis face. H e looked older, and nlttre s e r i o u s tbao

NEIJSiagPALAIJU WHli un J. Decatur Comes to Ma-

nassas Hi^rUy ReconuneiMied

( C o m m u h i c a t e d f

Th« new riineii»aV M tlw fe^

X 4-

Just make sura at the very .start that your._ • hniWing is going to hflL- ^ right from tion up.

the foonda-

tfeslred number. "TelepboBe 4 o - - A H e » MeNi i i tyr -<«4

say otiiw M BsUS'i irmias morvwa come. . I h a r e s e n t orders to the cook about dJiUMr, and hope t h ings will go aU. right. H o w e v e r , w e can't ex-p e c ^ to h a v e a j terfect ly appointed party i m s a c l r a l i a n no t i ce ," the l e t t s r concluded.

•Ingram scra tched h i s head thought­fully. H e happened' to know the Mc-Nulty's had s t a r t e d t o Mlehtgaa t t e -

1" " ^

Smool LmiibtfJF~'Bnd 7^ " materials give yon that guarantee.,

e pan probably save ' wo kMU.W you money.

we can instu'c you satis^ faetion. •

.,-J^r--a^-moment Mlaa Ejarey- teeke*^ surprised. T h e n s h e quickly recor-e r e d hersel f and f r a c i o u ^ a g r e e d t o •MMWsoMiBaBa

1 Your builders^ will be

satisfied with behind

b e t t e r


i quality 4

day before. "Mina said to a s k one of Be l le ' s

friends but everybody I can th ink of Is out of t o w n h e r e In midsummer . I wish. SBeX"gO> tenSdi ceiriter tn O m e to s e e {(bout th i s iuvj ta t ioa b u s i n e s s hersdf . Sti l l , one g(^I ought not to be hard to find—" -

H e loqlted absent -mindedly around the oihce, a n a ifleu U S g l U U len~Oir M i s s Barew, his secre tary , workJag a t her desk. ' Her tact and good s e n s e h/td hwlped-hlm out- o t -d l l e i i amss b•^ fore : wJ

In. t h e o l d d a y s , y e t about him^ w a s t h e Indefinable air of one w h o ba« suc­ceeded . Whtte chat t ing wi th young Simon, her cars were s tra ined for the sound gf Campbei l ' s voice, t h o u g h aba could c a t c h on ly a word now a n d then

it last t h e c o B s e r n t l n n w h i c b hsd

dtistrial School, Mr. Wtuiam J. Decatur, is a graduate of Atlanta University of class 1899 with a degree of A. B. UponTiisgradiir" ation, he was elected Assistant Superintendent of Industries of fougaloo University, Mississippi, serving two years in that capa-rit3r;-and for three years follow­ing as Superintendent of Indus-tries at Talladega College, AJa-bama. Upon urgent I'gqwt.Mf.

been b e t w e e n dinker partners k e c s m e genera l .

"Mr. Campbel l and I h a v e been . b a r log a d i scuss ion ," a n n o u n c e d Sadie Qteasoo . "Ha s u l n t a l n s that c h a n c e or acc ident p lays a s t rong part In tj«r Hres , a n d I c tahn t h a t ww i g s k e -l i fe w h a t It is b y , o a r o w n a c t s . "

"I n e v e r h s l d _ F i t h t2iat vigtim-of. d r c u m s t a n c e s Idea, either, Sadie ," re­plied pract ica l Mr. Ingram. "1 - "8tUl, w e must admit t h a t In i h e

Uvea of aU of us, luck, g o o d « r bad, h M . M . s o i n s . t l m e - i > l s j s d a iars» . otxHt

Decatur was called to the depart-m«git of Manual Arts and Ap-plied Sciences, HowaEd-Utuv«r> sity, Washington, D.-G., which position he held for seven years. In the fall of 1912, he was called to ^ e Assistant Superintendency of the normal and industrial depart­ment of Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio. Mr. Decatur was active in the Sabbath School and. Y. M, C JL-jBork nf eg.ch xxi

The yards on Centre street fornferly occiqiied bjr Bennett & Son will soon be in shape to handie K coal and wood of all kads for cnstoaers' win-ter Bse. The prices will be rigfaL Keep yonr orders for nie~4_will soon he


"Maybe s h e would k n o w of s o m e o n e —" then a second t h o u g h t s truck him.

put in Bi l ly Simon. "Espec ia l ly in the m a t t e r of happi­

n e s s , " a g r e e d Bel le . "That i s the point I w a s t ry ing t o

make." a n s w e r e d ramptwtll "l ayrae

"Its itood of vott t o he lp u s ouL I - $ » !

think you'll eiijuy m w U u g B w T c p l g • - t lwy 'ra an a g w ^ t b l e k n o w the nf" T "^"^

15C^ 1 don't i s t h e truest o f

honor. H l n a didn't m e n t i e n h i s name . But I «nesa he'll hft an intMwiMng chap.' -eeflse-

H e smi led' ' r emio i sceBt ly a t of the re su l t s "of MIna's l ion


Liunber TVlir Worfc

* * + * * •


ATirnrA?rm'Tft, va. f


SCHeDULC In effect May 25< 1013;;

Schedule figurea .paUiabed as -iiifoiaistiaB ftod'are not jtiisisiilweil. '

SOCTHBOUNB. No. <»—Dirih/%a|LiiM*^fflZ"J5J&iS'

connectisn at Orange dsily eicept Soadar I C A 0 . y q ^ 4 1 3 for QirdonsTille and Rickmood. ' •

So. I l l — E i a e p t Sunday, 11:25 a. m. Ixxvalfor WatrentosandiottoM^iatepoiats.

No. 4.^—Dally t lmnf . i^ i -^ | ] .gf l ,_ ' wtll Slop at Manssaas oa flag.

N'o 113—Eibept Sim8iy;4:33tp,lh,

h unt lng prbcHvities. T h e aaatter oif t h e

a g u n tattim Mm.

t o bust-g u r e flew

posed , of, t h e y turned Hess. B a t w h i l e ker sUm. ovBT^ tlie~ t y p e i n t t e r 'HiejnSi—MiB» BareVi i t h o s t ^ t s . w o m a n fash ion . w e r e on- tiia m^hjao* nf oUt-tiao, f^ff4 s h e v « i d e r e d wJtat s h e shoa ld weai^.

" M t j M l l i I KM II nil fmi l iiiii»-ili«mu^i^f-

that in b u s i n e s s w e can, by o a r o w n eiTorts, w o f k , ou t our o w n sa lva t ion t o a Ucrge ( ^ e n t But a s y o u s a f ^ t b e mattiar of h a p p i n e s s i s different. . 1

i s e w a c ^ p once -^" bis a i e p ~ v o I c e ' c o n t a i n e d i m a g n e t i c qual i ty that held the- ( t trvsTering atteiit loD of h i s hear-

bus laess—happinesr ab le o p e n i n g c^

-a l l t h i n g s deslr-

fl M i l Tlwn

these Universities. While a citi' z«i of Washingrten, he was a mem ber of the Ck)nunon Welfare Club, an organiaation formed to help the condition of people living in alleys. - I D this work his sugges--

were of immense value to this Society. His connections

e v « . S " g : S ^ ^ ' " i , r 1 ^ organi^abcm were a e v ^

XR.D.i>AVg^ Manassas, - Virginia



"She bus iness o f th i s Bank is e x t e n d i n g o v e r di f ferent sec t ions of Pr ince Wi l l iam and Fair fax , CountHs , tod in Wasfamgtoii , D . C. Your bus iness can be handled by mail . Three per « « n t interest , paid

J ^ „ ? " ' _ S a v i n g s P^partMent . S a f e D e p o s i t BUxm^ior-Rmt in our K r e p r o o f Vaul t .

to i rlfmMi t o D e n v e r nn-toMit«M« »nA I M V ^ t^a girl h e loved beforo h e h a d a- chance to taH'Ser »d~ "" , ^' '

"For a l o n g t ime h e :kaew h e bad b c e u i u u u m g - d g ^ r e ; " s o ~ w S a e there c o n s u l t e d a lung spec ia l i s t w h o to ld T l l H r T B a r a i r T n g e H a i l e s tay to Colo-" rado w a s the o ^ i b i n g t h « t would cnrsi^Maa. It dtf lnt s e e m t*tF t o toll t h e girl a n d drag h e r into h i s w r e t c h edhes^T-tWTfwime It s e e m e d a s If h e • e r e d o w n a n d o u t T b e r « ^ w a s an­o t h e r m a n i a . t h d g u M ; Who w a s tetter Jiff fltinnM^^iY tiM.^ ha. S o h e g a v e bier ujh-r"

it wonld s e e i n l ike a bit o f t b e a i d nfe eorne back."

•»«> *<» l eaye the office- ey-)[y. fiUJ] ni<fit«ir» when she reached her rooeii a t the boarding house , the problem' o ( c l o t h e s

- i « t u m e d n r i l ^ d o n M e forea. "There i s on ly o n e thing leXt from

t h e wreck of the aia day's tha t w o u l d - j - b e ^ s u i t a M e a t fMT S b s (frew a Box

t*om under t h e h ^ a n d t o o & l w t f ram Its t i s s u e wrappings a n ' e r e n i n g . g o w n of . nuuive c r e p e d e ' cblne . T h o u g h sMghUy crushed it w a a l a gpod'condt-

T r a i n s t o M A I M A . f ^ ^ \ S a a f ' « H » 1 t t t*<»n. and the odor ot vlnl«farnngt>r»«j about l U so f t folds.

"I TO had i t t w o y e ^ ' s , " s b s s i g h e d . — i n g •

for Warrenton and - intwiiii^n^ft Local


^ 0 . 17—Except Saodsy,local t t e n Wssk-ingl^n fr. WaTT^nlYM. <t.1» p

No 15—Dailyloc«LS:14p.aa.- • " . No 41—Daily throogh ttsm, 11:01 p. a l •^m to let oS paasengera fram WasUi^|ga(

^ni\ .A.leiaaiJna and to take ft>T poinia at wkieh aisl»JuleJ IB tUb.

NO RTHBODND. So H—Ercspt Saoday, local from "War-

reat.-m to Washisgtoa, 6;54 «. m. No. 16—DaHy 3 a * i a i ~ S i l F l e t w i i J a J t "

aaa»as and Aleisndrie wilS a. la. No lU-Blc«pt. ' fam<Tw t ^ - B U f t n - ^ .

taa 10:4,j a. m., it0Ol_Hj

So. 10—Daily local, 1:10 p. . OooBsels at Orange with C. 4 0 . Bailway i n k , Kiek-a..iad infi rtordosovtlle.' ""

So. U2—BieeptSnaday . Arrivs Mpnsr «»a 4-f6- p. u i . (lUUl. WUHtUib a a d la iss- ' nx»diat#» poiisa. '

No 44 —Daily throngli irsin betw«aa Ma-na.'was and WaabinRlon, 8:35 p. m.

Ekaily thronj^ tnun, .^r... •>>niBij cars for WaafaingloD aad New York, • i p tn , stops on-ftsv- uasgroa eaaaee-i.:. .* 0

,»tM3oM^lWapBBIB0gTipj SOU'l'HBUU.SO.

So 4«—DaiiT looaJ, 9:50 a J No 217—Daily local, 5:25 i No u — r - - -

TaT fpuBi W i

p tn

- I ' s u y local, t>:i*> p. B

raaliiag^eu «u Usi i i s m f t i g . %i^

:VQRmBoi ; i> ; j j -No *!><—Daily local. "^ISa. No 14^Ei<vgt Snoda* iPalii

l«M» T-,th Main Line traioa ! ^ M . 9 aod 16, bat' MatiaxHan axkd Oranga aford good aerrioa to aji<i from RicJimond throoss Q<

E H. COAPMAN, V. P. and Qsa. Mgr. * H, HARDWIOK, Paaa. Tr»«e l (gr . H. F. TARr . O n Paaa . trt


Subscribe fjr Tgg" JomUiAW SLOQ a year in advance

'^aaddf course it 's anUquftted. : StUI It Isn't so bad. At tjw r a U , It's t h e only thing that wlU do."

When d r e s s e d ' i n t h e sof t c U n g i n c e v e n i n g gown, her bare a n a s and sboo lders s i e a m u t r m i m t h e c r e a m y Urp, s h e s t n a e d hor itoa'cetlon ani i - -

aomg grarB whloh f h p . m l r ^ ^ ^nw«>i1 "The w o m e n wil l all know t lds i s

an old drpm hut ^>^^^ rtni. t ^ f - . . > .

ter if tlift etffct Is sit rightr

•mda' ae wHto y aaythlu^ liiSif -' " Badte widi vid»«yed' .JtBter-rupted


only to. takempiJirork inyi lbei^ fniTilTniimniifa


Mr. Decator eoniCT to Manas­sas witn years of wTp f iftft* school .work, and is a student <^ Chicago University of advanced atanding.—Kie for ward move-' ment of the Manassas Industrie r rm T S School luder bis ^direet^n wffl" ineak much to the school, the. c(»nmanity and the state.

Hie frii term of t V ^nmKaw Industrial School will open'Tuea-day, Cki t^r 7th. at 8:30 a. ro.

-- afczgttellmcnt promiMfl to bfcE large one. Students areiKuring


h. » . j . . h«-l^° ^^^ and we prophesy a large I J«n dmrnt h.^>»,^ghMt'hSt: .«fgonment a n d s l ^ f i i l year

to d r t ^ 'ont of her l i ft ent i re ly—tl ia t tor h i m t a e r e could be n o h a l f w a y m e ^ u r e s . "

"AH c o u r s e it w a s ' nob le a n d all that ," o b e e i ^ e d Be l le , "bat If I h a d :tkaen tite U r l r d t a t b e r h e l iad told m e e v e r y U U m m d j{lvgit u i » a c h a n c e t o w a i t if I w a n t e d to ."

D u r i n g the recital E l i zabeth had sa t w i t h dtfWncSSt e v e s her««>nid ^ n g a r i . toylag^jEith I h e t r u t t c a . l i 8 r ^ a t a ; ^ = 4 t s e e m e d a s If cdd landmarks w e ^ be-

Isal)dla "ChuKhville. aged 43 ' years, a wdl kaown- and h i s^y reepectst jsotored^ vrfsmsTirJit Prince WilBam county, died of

th«Blred "How did it all come ontr ,Sadie.

'."Oh I b e l i e v e h e g a t w e D a n d w<w out financiaUy."

"Bnt the g l r i r

For a momam he hi .knoK. t h e - s e s a e J t o 4

T d o a t

s w e r e d q n l e t l y r — f t o r - o a e s e c o n d e y e s m e t Gnizaheth's.

Mr. isgrar

T h e m e m o r y , ol* t h e last t i m e s h e bad worn that d r e s s e a m e b a c k 'to

*T ~ 1 ^ Hffr ftT ^-"TTrJ "111 ntnr her. At tfait Mme t h e y were oh the peirllOQS border-l ine b e t w e e n friend-•kUi s a i d ~ a c k i i o w M d ( U Tovb; ioA l i fe bad s e e a i e d ' s H hrigtrtrbned. A l i w days later, Quapfcel l w a s s e a t w e s t by iUs firm on b u s i n e s s . . ..^Milore s tarT I s i h e . - t a S - - t e l ^ l l M i i « r ~ S « r t h M It w o ^ ^ b e only for a staort t i m e , ba t

.MH Twrlri s t ipyi i l o « - t n t a m e a t h s . P o r i n g that Ud|e ber ta tker l s bual-nass ,fslhiTa a a ^ *»*>* ^»* e j s u r n i d . a n d ^ Ukp'ofalMr R ^ w a s C h a n g e d T w o y e a r * ' had passed s i n e * t h e a , and s h e had lefr the o ld h o m e t o w n I the m e n aad 'obtaiaed a posit ion la N e w Tork^ I Csmpb^U B i t - t & ^ a l L t h a t nothii ig from Campi>eH.

0 t ^ " 1 £ l l » ^ ^ * o S S L S S - - ^ « * « ^ ^ t h e l 2 f t of e v a d l a g

l U I M a i H I i . Here

*•-" *Tiir III hill a i i a a bes ide t b « dress iag-taMa.

"This irUi n e v e r 6 ^ wbe reso lute ly !otd hersl i f . S h e pat en h«r wra{>s. UBt was j s s i lu ^uiise. WI s t ~ U f moment e a m e the s o a c d of th«. p^t^f

•JuUtA the iBgrasas -had pmmtoud to

ftp--* H i g h hsd ever s e i H s s Bafjiw

formec swept b^sr aa appnUal|kg, satis­fied glance, thts w a s t h e flrat Uma be

seen her in e v e n i a g d o t ^ e a .

priee and rei iet , w M c h . w i t h aaaa's itftaltkm, s h e ^ a d lb b< Tnss' fine i

a . w o . r b o a

ram v e r s a t l o n back—to I S H n O S B S B B I

Iwuualit ll>* eon . p«BctleaUtles by

M M IliH lifMHncUte e o m p a a y w a s bnfl^Hnc ne«r fienrer.

tte n i ^ t w a s hot,, t lM£.dFtftisd ont t o t h e l a r g e veranda, a n d KUsa-beth B a r e w w a s thaakfnl l o r tke lUik iwBs t h a t b i d too* bnrning e y e s . WhBer t o a i l Intent ^ s h e u n e m e d Uttan-i n g t o : B«Ue Ingram's k m g drawn uut y iwsi i irj j i f j h i n i s a i w A y s l ia had

itfy O U n d ^ te r e a l t y ber

IwlEeschool .

D«adi of laabdU CknidiTille.

titmble last Sa&irday m ^Louiavater Ky^ ^ b e i» survived^ 4-^

by her husbaiidi^ Wm. J. Church-ville; a daogfatez; Emma Stevens; one sister, EUla Barboar, and two bg^CTS. ISHbd^idMagnnsBarr boor

rasudns were iSid &> real; in the family burying ground'a? m Pinmiil riiiiiili najmarVrt. |,

ETerydmg needd m fe jdHwhym wffl fce

Iraseiv Roflks, Rnlprs, Ink;

Kini Ete. z Ml forf^that we lure

weiPsPh srnarraacy THE REXALL STORE" - '

- ^

^\n fn"^"-' ««ATnni twjing con. . ^ .ducted hy. Rev. E. Churchill, of And soon Mrs. Ingram ga-ve t h e s igna l k T „ „ w - . i _ r i „ _ » „ n r \ y „ A » A « ~

for the ladles to riae: ^ ^ fHarpar s Ferry, W. Va. Among the floral tributes were a beauti­ful cdlectien of apamos, presented by4fa8r-naUie M. DePaaw. and < b e a s t s wi^atii of eream roses^ <ctfnatk»a and ferns fram MTJI

t h o o ^ t a w a r e w t t b Hortmi eaoipksSI la h i s l eae ly s U u g g l a ftw iiwOOr w e nevar k n e w a b o a t e a e b ' o t k M ^ - w e a ^ v s r teew," her t h o n g h u Vsyaated

« ( • • s f . . - A t t a r w h a t »aasa»d or U m e , th«y w e r e J<ria«d In'

s p a n n e d

the DOB of the e v e a i n g , 1B«t~1B"~wSo bad

r ivers and ^^mneled moon-

i i l i s ng i i i i i llsfiiii the party «» . T a s « » • ^raa shor t , bat a r a a t s are not measnrad by

length of tla>!t^,_W|ieB they entered • U a BSW rasfcuw Uiv liiMsa lawB

the others . r and Mrs. iB^ram

were aHane toge ther , the la t ter sbrewd-

>^^^^t saa: b e tdBi up tha<

jiaU. ' health whan b e tdBk up that w e r k in

Colorado. And do yon know, I half bel ieve that Ktas 'Barew was ttke g i r l

t lWj ' t BJUt—h coarse ," s h e e o d e d wtth a l a i ^ h . ° T m glad for ber. ^«e«sww^aM

bat I had hoped be woald

sihe waa a deroted wife to ber husband and a blessing ta the many ftaencla v ^ s aaoarniiieur

"Steep hn, dear dha, and take yoT rsit, AX UmclntfilaoarsaionK the Meat."

— • .X.

1K. B.' "TaMa r 'i aMK

You are h ^ b y notified that a t rac t of land eontaininfir 53 acres , on Quantigo R a n . H> Coi«a r>tati<rt. Princg ^ Y J t J ^

red county, Va . . charged on gommiMooin-rj

• i j !<;,-:*< I «1


tf etalUe Caskets and all stylesof C<^tos and Caskets furnished aad ahrays oMi hand. Bqiial Robes and etrerytftimr iu HniTTwtow. -

nowceT Hi caking Busmeaa farmshed on shbri fthurch truck ior (KnTeringcadeet^fn.church. lurch truck tx (

t o aH j i i^Hs.


Henry K. Field & Lmber, Latk Paorsalfldi,

Nnda and Buildiiig Material ^M-t KINDS.

E S T I M A T E S F U R N I S H E D . OfltoK No. U e N , UnioB ^ r a e t tmeterj: N a H I N. U e Street ALEXANbf t lA . VA.

books ID a . ^'. .JJasterls b e i r ^ w a s so™ 9,11 Ihff 8 '^"f "^ i««»»«<-r ^a-^art^AA.

e n t t a x e s , l e v i e s and cos t s to t h e undersigned, aftd t t lOffour amnths from mdei

j y Ttefr^WTftrfi^:

^ « d M d t o s a i d land .

t ec t

Yew * e t h t r a f e f s wet iStd to atipe ^ four months f r o m d a t e of th i s n o t i e e mod do l ^ a t m s y be n e c e s s a r y to pro-

ntereat '^-

3f cuiture and l u a i > s d m a l a t a d tk«' IfJ m i e y l a a . She was latrodnoad t* t h e I n g n i a ' s ,

» u i m a t ' s anot&er air e a a t u gonia

1 do k n e w it mns'ni a rat tUog good secretary gone." gii^WWd Lu^ltUB U l i r k>ek«d t S e firdttf^lMr.

IM fafjaecr tai Caaty itntfm Gainesriire, Va.

* " ' n' ' ' >'— ' i i m SPd all mat. le is titinjmBj^»o boasdance. Eatiioataa on road.- drs iBsy-smt' j jSMSls l constrrietioo work. ' 5-23 Bmoa

H M T T Cuir Metal Bottdn, t ip . . . " Vici Kid and Can Metel, pfa^ toe

CbiUsai^a-Cat MeUd Bstttoo, nE»^=av^ ~ ^ g n Metal Button. «ixe 8 to 12 $1J2S

TWftbore mf^M —w nouJs at Wery low


Page 7: M££ MEDili OFFERED DAUGHTERS AT RICHMOND …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · Kow a short step from night and time ... form of direct answef


iKUndor and by virtue of a deed o i '"'UBt executed on the 1st day ef Augaati i0U, by U«ttui L. Sisson and Samu«) Sissun, her kuaband, deiaull haviiag

"beeii~&iaaeTB tHiTigymeHt 6T tBi! j ^ ' at money secured thereby, and having been required to execute the said trust by the beneficiary therein named, the undersigTi d trustee will offer for sale UT the liig'heat bidder fwr cash, in front of the Peoples National Bank building, IB tii.e town of ManaMU, at 11 o^cloci^ -a.~iik, on ^ '^ :iz:--i..:

SATURDAY, OCT. 18, 1913 the following described real estate, to wit:


G i v e R e w K l « few. F u t a y ,


on Good Roads.

Continued From First Page

Now, study the same stretches of road after a good rain storm

Those two certain "Tots, parcels or

K'"=i, „5Li"" .>i "! 'S^n!?!"^!^""^ road builders

Xou will see that one road holds small puddles, or pools, of water that teep the rbaff soft atia so allow it to be cut up by the wheels of the wagons and the troofs of TKe~Tiors«S

fiva aurag of laitd, ta srether with the improvements thereon. The thre«tacre lot waa conveyed to said

—Matt ie L. Giasou by Ami C. and Phillip A. Simpson by deed recorded in Liber 46, page 265; and the five-acre parcel was convey«d to said Mattie L. Sisson by Wesley Marshall by deed recorded in Liber 55, p ^ e 383, to which said conveyances re^rence is maiJe for an

buainess property. The land will be sold subject to a

• prior lien by deed of trust for $326.00, and poBiibly accrued interest The full amount due by this prior Jien will be

. anfioiaiced -on day of sale. ^ — U . A. SIIJULAIH, Trustee.

F. C. RoRABAUGH, Auctioneer. J-19-W

How do keep water from »f H»«/<leY, prmce William mimty, 1 " 7 . - " r " " " " . ' ^ * ' " " l * ^ ^ ™ ^

Virginia; one tot containing three acre^'gWheHng UU ln<i tfUVeliid WHy 0 ? and th« frfhfr """ - — - -* '---• '- , - . - . , . . .


Quo Judte J. B. 1. I horn-' Buay

The October term of the circuit court convened in the Prince Wil-liam county court house Monday, October 6th. Judge J.B. T.Thorn­ton presiding. The following is a summary of tHe proceedingsl

COMMON LAW. Report of Sherig^filed. List of writings admitted to

a feed? ShouM theroadglopeto the side ditches? How mach higher should tbecenter.or crown of the road be than the outside edges of the road? Why do good ditcherat the side of the road help make the Center of the road accurate description of aajd laoda.. i.

This property has thereon a commo- D 5 t t » f o r h a u l i n g ? "What h a p -

Sli^fe^'irr'fSn^^tT''^*''^''^^ bish or weeds? When a ditcl

ditch along a road holds water or col lects it into pools, how does this injore the road?- •-- _ iSmU A UKAi; UW HJUt'l'H KUAIiM

ItaT^aa^CAJLJEEElCIENCJL 18 largely ft qU«atliSh it the Akill of th« re^atr.msn. A complicated taid nice* - ^lasted mechanfam like «p auto sh<

or eight feet long. The two niuvcs o£ cne log - are set tmrei! feet apart with their smooth faces forward and upright They are

tinkers. A R K l i r . A H f t l l T IT

Our repair aervice i s goiek and efficient, beeaaae every one o f onr mechaniea ia mn expert; ho deutys—no anketing.

-waxaateid. Cofisoltatidnl


A . , free.

"FHbHE-llAi$*STT\ tpALL 3fc •CCOY


Henry meahor, a true bill

^ E. M. Hall, for a felony, not a splittingin two a log six or eiffht true bill. ~~ inches in tihickneas and about six -- Harvey C<gnwdl;for a felony.

Have you ever seen a h'onie-' made road drag?. It is made by

fastened Ui eUHir with hmxA. A i>air of horses tee hitched to a

-ShnnM thaao ?n£fn Vin

I Mm »wd.gr shonid it be dragged at a slant sp. tLa.1 a little of the luo8eeai'tj(> vi> ill alide~ toward road? Sfaduld the

of the . dragging be

started n e ^ to the ditch, or at the center of the road? V^iould y<»ijlzag the wJiole JXMUI in; one way, or dngr each half of it in an (q>p(»ite direction? Should the dragging be done when the rgaii

record ordered filed. Report oi: W. S. Runaldue. Com-

R. L. Herndon vs. W. T. Grif­fith, in aaaumpsit—continued un-1 4n-firBt ( ay of ppfombcf t»rm.

Goode vs. PrPB'n -a^ nl- n t for hearing 11th.

Saturday, October

signed. Grand jurors allowed for at­

tendance and mileage as follows, TO Wlll Bailey 'l-yter, !S2.50; J. B. lijanuel,$2.50; B.W.Storke,$2.50; -Thos. Wolfondcn, Jr. ,f 2 . ^ Hew kiah'Reicr.' g.SO; J. D. Wheeler. $2.10; C. S. Utterback, $2.50; -Wm. Crow, $2.50; F. C. Rora baugh, $i.50, and C. Ar Heine-:


. t o > . f e . ?2.5Q.

nuteioner of Revenue, tfled. —Grand jury, composed of Messrs: Bailey Tyler, foreman; J. 6. Manuel, Thos. WoJfenden, Jr.,B. W. Storke. Hezekiah Reid. J. D. Whador. C. S. UttMbaok, Wm. Crow, F. C. Rorabaueh and C. A. Heineken. Jr.^eported the following indictments, to-wit:

Ben-Mellen, for a felony, a true bill- _

Leon. Javins, fd?a~ misde­meanor','a tjrue bHl~

gluipami, fuf a uilBdB-

Commonwealth of Virginia vs. W. T. Wineonar indictaient^for a feFony—defeiidant acquitted and discharged. Jury; Messrs. C. A. Heineken, Jr., foreman;

Chas. Dunn, C. H. Payne, H. A! Boley. Jos. Brown. C. S. Utter-

not a true bill. o . TT. i iunea,xor a uusuei i ietuiui>

not a true bill. L. W, Timmons, for a misde­

meanor, not a ti'ue bill. And the grand jury, having

n g ^ jgiBfih; iJBchargfdU

In go John W. White eortifi cate granted.

P. C. CKnc yg. Jamw Luck, ^r^,—judgmeut for i^aintiff-trf $98 and costs. • J." F. Lewis' and :Ar« Gi'ccu, partners, tradmg as Lewis & GW«i,.Jgfl^ W> U, G^bhMd aM A. Gdbhard, partners, trading as W. D. Gebhard & Bro.—judg-meat for plaintiff for thg wim nf

Tn ra willof Viygiaia C. Lynn o r d e r e d recorded anri oatat^^nm.

mitfed into th«-4kandsof John M Hooe, deputy for C. A. Barbee, sheriff of this county, for ad­ministration.

[owing 8ize« andpriceB: • l l «S by 98in5E-.T.. . . ! ' . . ' ! ; '" ' . * ' 47«

7a by ««:iacli '...'.'.".'.SZe 81 by h9 inch M«

Pillow Cases, made the »traiaht way of the cotton, brmmed ia hy SB-iaah ' . ig i . f e 46 by aO-incli....

back. W. S. Athey, L. H. Gough. S. T. Hall and C. B. Evans.

Ordara of Tuesday read and! signed

Ed. Hockman vs. R. E. Wine on appeal from justice—judg- _ ment for plaintiff .for the sum of $16.83 and costs.

Aaeeaat <rf W^ Jr^^*^, jailor. amounting to $34.65, for board of prisoners in jail and for commit

In re estate of NewlahdT.T)^ l'auw./_lt^ was ordered thaf^ comn^ion ^ awarded it and directed to Anna Giffwd.a not^^ public^ of lilew Albany, Floyd county. Ind., to take depositions of George~Borgierdihg afid Wil-Jiam Bofggrding. m^bacribing

is dry, or after it has has Hdnedt $38 and costk.. "A jgood vutrong pair of horaar John E. Reybtu-n and Joaeph with a well built drag, can dwMrl W. Morehead, parfeer8nn~trade

vH^esses to said wifl. touching the^ iaxecution of said #iU. It was farther'' oardered that said will or a copy- thereof, be at-


Lnwfist PffiKJhfc Priff<>fr~ TPT, Hwest Deafcig aai

T h ^ are ihe cardinal priii-ciplc« vi my IniainMS rdigMMu t«ive 7e« a caJI and try tfaoB out..—^—^————^—^-^—^ -

-fl^a^iay. What would it cost a fanner to drag: four miles of roadt How would he be prepaid for ^ e cost of his lab<ff ?

Remember, children, yoo are nnt to anowor these gaeatioiiH as if you W€TO aj£s w an exami ^ nation paper. Yon are to think

Lyi:i!y»«'(r"»<t:'inw»>*.'iixi bum. Hunter & Co., vs. Edgar Banies—judgment^ ^ r plaintiff of $50 and costs.

Gommonwealth bit Virginia Ts. Bat Mellen-remanded to jail with aentemni'uf five yeani ln"ffie

ffilM Price PaklfiMr COST - • - - fe n



.MDPOTATOES.. Best Vatigty <rf Gaydan — — tn^'SpBd ' -1—-~*

m . w v » ~ . ^ ^

.V*. =thMi



about the answers and ask people forlnfpnfiation and watch people actually woi^ng on roadii and then write ' a c(«)po8itt<m tba* will be just ike same as if you Were writiiig atelUif tua

betto", and kept it from getting iullof holeo, iiita, and puildtea:

iiVF sTgartminmwr As a part of its work for the

upbuilding of the live stock in-duBti: in th« Suuihamt, tlittUye Stock Department of the Sbodi-eta Railway periodically issues a bulletin telling of stock for sale or isieehaige aadef atbdc deaii«i

(^ered that Commissiooer of Accounts exasnneoiiciai bond^ Treasorer.make repcnrt and certi- fnat SecR .

C. D. ^ahafernrvs. Jeiinek's exr. etaL. Final decree.

fy copy of same to Auditor of I^iblic Acaninta.

Hu8^ Reilly Co., a corporation, CSaimon'- judttiueiri. fw

tachcd to said comniission, and that no notice ei the timeer place of taking said depoaitious need

rgivenr IN CHAMCEBY.

A. J.! Greit vs. Penn-Vir Coal OU & Gas Co. etaL Set for hear-ingxia Mondwrnext.

m fir, BH0 42d.2« baventh S t . W«diiBg|»ii, D. C.


Laosburgb for Your table yeens^ilie^ jnd Pillow Cases We «re the acknowledged head ii.«ri«r» in W»«iiin<fton and yicinity for the beat

T,lue» obi«m,b e m Ttble Linens, tibeeto M ^ Pillow Cwe.. Qnal.ty i» n e w m^-faiwi lu nuuig »• low pnce—bnt prlcM ut tl#«y» loweet. Head these iteme:


design*. WPC quaJity—special, yard

72 inch BLEACHED IRISH TABLE LLNExV, in -10 ol prettiest deaigna. f 1.25 yard quality. Choice, a yard

uiauy ittnetivt


1.1 liy Jrt-lMll Huck TenelS, special a dczia. 18 bj.:ai> iuch-L'aioa Huck Towetg, spwvfft-r'lJOien': 20 b/ 38-incfa fijtra Fine Huck Towels, a dozen,..

75c $1.00


Eltra I>on|. .Shw1ar-n<-»ffln»t i ^atjUi^g^ wm BMIIBUJIHM, la foT

Si by 108 inch .' 72c 90byMinch _ " "«»e » » ^ 108-inch . ' 7 5 e


- — P « ^ YOUR ORDER BY M A I L - W . d.U>^. « ,« , .p«^ut l , , p , ^ . : ^ and by purckl poat when practical, to «U poiaU within lOO Duba ef Wuk-ingteli, piurchaaea amountiat to $5.00 aad ever.



fhrai^feei^^^ IScbmiac

Duiiuiu M ^^^^^^^^i^^^^^ry^y^i^^^^i]^^


Garber & Hedrkk NOKE$VILLE. vfRQINIA ^


K. K. smith vs. Yeatjxian et aL fthai decree^

Jolin M. JefEries, admr. et aL vs. Kany^iiaasboiugh et aL

in the penal^ of $«K>, with Daniel lieid and Wallaw lUihl Ha* tore-ties, and was appwnted guardian fw Bomico Rntoo»

to be purehaaed.—fHie buUelin ia i-»"[riHl rf?w1nfftnnhtfon fur mshad by stoekjowners and copies are mailad to owar IBiOOOfjif m i g

•{and d« lfTH. Through this bulletin a large

number of sales have .been made ^ and many farmers havebeai en-^ jriferLte grt alrtikoffaat^ typ»

tBin^&i good atres to the slaughter house after-awTing their atietted- me JJ^nding-Beii M llftn. ^ -

-"'**"•••• "Ml, iiiiiin iiiuii iiilirrr T^y!n TJmlrmaxid J. T.' Ander-

1 3Jff!ASfWiBIT T»ftTCB=

ftoptirly cased and aiquipped HiUi a Kuud {iump' '"'

through this balletin j^lgiLtQ effect an

The entire expense of issuing the buijetin. ia Soutlierr; Railway Co. F. Tu

CL R. KinAelne appointed game warden for I^nofriea Dis­trict cMpon petition of O. S, Lynn, J. jgr^^tfya and attcw.—"-^—

Ip re will of P. W. Lewto <»rde«ed ree<Mxi|edjnth tyauxder JncorroitwillbocdL Leave given Robert U Licwiaana r. yN.Lmm.

to qualify as. soch by making pi :. ilication~ and e]($ieutiQK_PCQIKC. plicati

bond. Cases dismiased agreed: Her-

beri " ^ o r s ^ S i n r - v s ; -BmSy ••• RkhmuaAVar-i^kL 8^1913 — Martin & HartiB vs.

U. GUbert; Nationd Product - - — — — , _ _ . . U v 9 Ivir Wl

A. Morgan vs, Tn Mayhagh. m&yvaJSoKiasLjSaEetpt'-tSt

son appointed trustees for Foresf

Rof us Davis v. Patterscm et a l Deeiee fojj|fe.__-^.;: , „ . . ^

John H. Davis V. Martha Da-Decree fOT 0. P.

ChaanceyM. Gilbert vs. Hden u>arau>ee K e ^ et als. ^NeeMeT

Rdd vs. IBmdawet al<t: VinaA

:-.•*» JMICMIM hnirtr kivpr> J ^ • • l o t COB. MMTJ

Wayina, Cutaway "' ami Dkc Harrowa, N e * Idea %>reaclOTS.

Tbe U u e B ^ Cream Separafcmt THE BEST ON EARTH

H*^ l U U n . T k i « a U v M M U B M . JfaSIU-ABJCtada o U i i c k . 1 ^ Aiwi9« OH Ifoad u d ^ i U i M n for

aad Farman' FaTocila Giaia

t o t a ^ M . -

d w f u u i

Payne.. B. L., e tc , vs. BOTBT bwigh et aL Decree.

smith. Vs. MartfaaJd. lihaDBiin 6t tu. UecreK

Elmor H. BerWhUl Vfl. €Sari« ' L. Herndon ct als. Decree.

WOTK.—Court IS stdf iir Jr.. tisuiOMotn atanA InaAiWlL, jawawlwu will gim Umteuiriu-

la a desire to complete its statis­tics fw the fiscal year just ended.

UMil Mil physTdlns^ of" the State fowafd tho repwto as soon aapoasi^^LlZTEI&punteS^itthat the staUsiwa tiX the >eai umirat

>unt of W. F, aniwinting tn y^TK


pill 3iuans andptib-' > Be af the Coininonw«Jth full and

• Wuid. UrnSux;k Aifent. AUanta, cine furnished prtsooera in jail, Ga.,wii; he g'a'j tofendcopie8to|oH'>^ r°''^

E 2 e S l ^

accurate figures with the leaist

Phone or write for particulars [bulletin, r.formation in rejj-ard to — tstof k lor ?ale or rxchang-e.

Anaeathetics Administered for Pain

rji^ JJK.L. F. HOUGH 7 ^ D E N T I S T

M I C Rui id inc . M g n a s s a s , Va.


BMW MMI. Tii—i[n<t a « M h

Board is practically complete ex-|.ccpt for the Oeptembei uwibidity

Amnim of Di. IT PTTllBii, t^tistics and will be f o m i F a g amounting to $22.75. for visits;the Governor and given out for

;~^ I and pre.scnptiQn8 IQ BnfWTWni in i puUicaliuu •» a06fa as the pbysi-' ^ j<ii. erdered^ paid. ; daoa send in theSeptember fig-

DONT BE DECEIVED j^^ 'TOtt. XJWB i N 9 ~ « M n ^ —

Jli Wkre YMOMW tk Uik Jdi k.» h^mt^ JEWELRY. WATCHES, CLOCKS^ £ V r



n-mmEm^M^ J^^wefert-HHakh,

^twtect" Fftflteg-

Rieh's W « ' T « a booklet abowin^^ •ummer atyteaand 70a can bqy £ N n irmpat


B. Rkh'a Sons

^^^^^^P^i .y*. \~ •

Of le.OOO rolls and beau tiful desierns of WaH Par-

pay sou to exam— ine stock and prices be-fuie placing y Atr ardty.


> to attSn 0ma — to ita Toattfsl Ol iS^

flase of E. M. Hall, indicted for .mes. a felony, continued to second day [

Q R . J. W A L T E R B E R N H A R D .

OURQgOW U t N l l b l l^peaday and

710 l « h

of December term of court. THE Jor.HNAL 51.(.V) a rear.

At Man Thoraday,

Washing^ton street, N. W.




V A .

_WEj irr _


JTd^raph and Tefe-pikooe f olm I


BaHarThaa Ere> Get i| at your gro-car'a. Accept no other. We fuar> ^ antee it boUi ia

QUALITY ••• Let us do your .baking.


Page 8: M££ MEDili OFFERED DAUGHTERS AT RICHMOND …eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive/Manassas... · Kow a short step from night and time ... form of direct answef



C a t l m r p W '

Oub EiileiUiiM Othef Chifc*—^aBSfflS nfi iV,m r^f'iintyi


Good^ Hoase - keeping Club entertained the other cliibs of the county at luncheon last Friday in the nevv school house at Catharpin. The two briijhi rooms were thidwfl T?oaf^irf^ealth this morning into opgrand were prettily deco-rated in the club's colors with the addition oi fla8;8 and potted planta. J —

After a bounteous luncheon, s clever prcgram vzi renderedv

Mrs. Ciiasr'ft. M'cDonald.lpiuoi

diphtheria repor counties and cities and with at least one outbreak of serious con­sequence announced, the State

sued a special warning against diphtheria and scarlet fever and urged the necessity of spiecial

dtiill of the club, >ery gt-aaiotiwAy welcomed the guest?.

Mrs. May Dogati read an inter­esting article from ' 'Good House­keeping," entitled "The Women on the Farms," foUdWirigrJt with

Mr. George Tyler paid a beauti­ful triblltfe to "mothers", in his djscuseon... oi..''Co:P£eratien:. of M 01 h e / r With the P u b l i c Sciiwla."—Ilia heai'ern wjogo in

• Among sanitarians it is held that diphtheriftis mOTdi>r«v«iefit i., y»^..n ^fH»/.roi.ccrl ra infal l i -](]

liMhtatry Is Not Only Non-Froduotiv* of O^od, but Produce* Oangerout

C lan of Non-Producers.

Th« liquor seller knows full well XHtX w e » ~ ! r nm for tfae-nhrkeJ* Mt4 dimef of The wofkliiamtair-TrUcli ag; j : gregate in a year many mMre dollarSu than the spenders are apt to think— many a saloonkeeper might shut up »h^[, n»By V _ trogsery ^he-„tttrMd Into a grocery. It Is the hard-earned money or the aay laborer, the m«^ chanlc and the clerk which, pouring •ati^a/IUv Info th^>\]\ ^f the liniinr

,.„ >v.;.. ^-"- ' >^^ffflt[^ffl w o u l d h a v e 1 g«"«r, " " l" ' whlaky tniitfa tinri hpur

reason to f ar a widespnead prev­alence of this diseace during the autumn.. The however, while not rejecHhg this th'gOfj'TistnctiTied to beiieve that

very appropriatier-i'emarks-pre-^extra prtgeatttiet s wtH suffice to ser.ted in her usual original man­ner.

And what does the Hqvor dealer glre In exchange for the working-

Board o f H e a l t h r l ni«^'* « iro los» of which, with other mercbEms; brgTsedny claims a elMffe?^-Food, clothing. BhHiLer, hilppineis, im-pfoveiaent? No. Hfe^glvei In ex-chaogeL th&L wKlrti rnha -him of-AlI ttlOTB^—Hg glTCI 11!B

terested in the cards he exhibited, showing how any teacher can examing pnhlJA gphflnl fhilrfr >n

overcome the handicap of a bad season. ' Says the buUetionof the board

given out to-daf: "Scarlet fever as.wrdl. as_ diphtherja is reported from various parts of state to an

cautions. Both of these diseases affect children more than adults grid both are spread in much thft

»juaiL<>H's puBslble.

"Customer that which makes bim poor Indeed. In that It reduces tiie capacity of hrnd and brain (as employers are ftoding out to their cost) and produces a mental and moral degeneracy which render*^ "labor" less competent to protect it Beir~aiHnm nre-ffptpcmcy-taL" • - 4

Xt's *>a!«r> «li>t nai tadMtey' lini i • right to e;:1st which doas not ccn-trtbuto In aeme rjejsurt; U) tU« ijfea-eiul wel'tcre and prosperity' of the intthj -penssr


That are coming in big shipments to our dress goods —^ &iure ^ow the foi^wing"idnds as among~tfre ;

most popular of yie new weaves:

Brocades—Eponges—Needle Cords—Wool Charmouse —Velours -r Poplins—Mannish Suitings — English

Tweeds—CldmchiUas-—Rev^sible Clcakm^ Plaid Serges —Silk aM WooF BrocSe

, Cluakmas; in all ' " l l i i * f l i i V J i H « J I U *:

(WRITE FOR SAMPLES AND i»RK;ES> for defective hearing and sight.

Mrs. C. F. Browerread a few same way. Experieupe has shown that the germs pass with per-

words of greeting froml^. C. F. Broker who was unable to be present. • - , :

Mr. Chas. R. McDonald, iu his talk, contrasted thfi achnn,lfi of oua iVthescjaxwIi

mouth. This i'ender* bothr -ef these diseaaea especially danggf

limi^pmmtmmb •ceie»aB4(!eifeeB«tfa>B

trlbutor to the well being of aoctety • —ttfra whole;" '.


a century ago, and urged that Llie, fuial st;hwl Tuiiiuulum be macre^-*i

naturally careless in matters of pei'Bohai hygieae.

^-•{tfac lcar• mj'CVOgy way. - -^h|^»a|!t:UBBS^vjgU^ACl^ rijrpinyaf^ his finp ffhp«>rfn1 aiithori'tiea a n d p a r e n g - t f a € ^ -

a^RRfl^ linn nrnrtnnnrs

He diaplnyed philosophy of life, when be spoke of the great benefit to be derived from'the"W6lneh*B C!ab5.~ "V"

Mrs. McCue, a guest of Mrs. Chafe. R. MeDomUd, Chai'luwl her audience with bdr beautiftd Voice, and responded graciously to numerous encores. —

The Catharpin school is the fortunate^ poteessor of a fine piaiiu, obtained iLruugh Ihw^r-nest and eHergetic ulTurLii uf xme of the teacherSi -Miss- Eleanor Wilkins. Its beautiful tone was fully brought out under the fin-

pr»rtj>n<^ nf stnV.t precat t t ions .

The.common drinking cup should b 'forfaidden jdtogether and, vHits place every child should be re-quiied to have an tndividuat caj^ ^"In addition, the custom that

prevaiis among childrei^of trad-ingponeile,otc., while JB-school, should be prohiKteJr ITls very easy ifxc a child suffering witih a mild case of diphtheria er seariet

other by-^e interchange of any­thing Iliat touches the mouth. This should likewise be the closed

vu ai larse. KB in r physical organism every organ and every atom contribute to the health ftnd happiness of the b o d y ^ s a wholes— so true economic science i^puld de^

sonal contact and are carneffin ^ t h e d i s c h a r g e s f r o m t h e n o s e and ^lare-that -everr iraTusnTeigg^sEoni^ '

[ be not only ..a..coaamiap.r,,.tiut ta s o a s degree, at least, • a producer, a coh.

only Boa-prpductlre of good, but It is an actual and an active t>ro4ucer of Bu euuiiuuus ami t!.iLHt*ifUUIl CUiBI! BT

''^" iBlAtT. ^''f iriT-hlln« den, the brotherfHe Jail, tli« Doorhoose. the Insane asylum, ail tm-al«h their quota to t i e social discord. all'add to the sum of human misery, and all ar^ to more or less ejAesit-tlifl pr6<)pcts 6f the Hquor trafBc- An4 stHl "the trade" bids anbluBhtngly far lt» BhMe of the e w i i i g s vt laBarl


People Never Oo Right' Until They Have Tried AH the Ways ttt^fOAs '

isned and'delicate touch of Miss season for kissing, especially Carrie Sanders; who played a number of exquisite selections.

This gathering at Catharpin was unique dn~accotint of it be-ing the firstBaeeoag-ol^the yfo*

among child|«n. ' The board must have the co-

operafion of school authorities ant of parents ifl£erefforts being"

mens Clubs of t^e^county, and it was prophetic,of others in tiie future and of the benefit to be derived therefroin.

Death of Mr. J : ^ Rdachoi. STT

Mr. James P. Madien, Sr., Confederate veteran and promi­nent citizei) pf Fair^c~c6*rnly^ ditjj ai sJA o'tflock Monday even^ ing at the Episcopal Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital, in Washing­ton, where he ittd been a patient for many mnntha. • - " ' ' '' •

Mr. Machen spent the greater part of the edghty two year^ of his Mfe at

Grange , dria. • •'

He is survived by two daugh­ters, Mrs. Kensey Johns Ham­mond, of Culpepgr^Jand, Mra. Clarence E. Davii

medicsd professbn are fax avail

"SIT Vhi^&sijscwBWmang:^-this truism is more perceptibly in the v v k n i s methods men have tried la dealtas with the liquor proMeM tliau m aay Olfl*!- wajr. They Jutve' trled.tilte anrestrieted sale, and tbe regulated sale. Tliey have tried: knr IlQiase, aad high ncease. Tbey have irled. the segregation ol tb« sale to restricted areas.' They have tited tiM dilprasiiT. TSey" skve~ibrled e i e f F thing in the hope of making the sar

in preventing' the iqpnread (rf-dM*-theriai Under the r^nilations the physiciMi who has a: cas^ of d i i A t h e r i a i n h i s p r a c t i c e i s r g r -j^*'^ b ^ t Method ot dealing w i t t the qu ired to q»«raTj^^|f> fK? p«Hi*ntL

The latter naust not leave the aickro(»n or ieomnmnicate with ethers until all ewamination oi a swab from the throat obowg that tliegermBhav«dl»iapp<ared7 Par-ents often'feel that this is a hard­ship but they sh<Hild abide-by the ordetsof t h ^ physician, knowing toat shy neglect of this ia«cao-tion on thor pu4 may qaread the i

was^aprosy^ . . i » . x ^ ^ > x , » . . , . ^ » j . - . , . at one lime Qeurtaryof SUtUi " V*" ""*."»>Q»ow* antitoro

with offteaHB A l e a ^ ^wij^^or^iaUibuUgu at a iiriitfr mun coat to all who need i t '

I'aaqaier CeasKy Agiiodtefal Faii^ *fnrrHi '» . '^- .Octeber22«»d2a. ig ia .

. , -Accottnt this<air, the Soatbem Rul-sell greatly reduced roond trip

L a . ; anH t w o Bftna, H f ^ ^^^<^ H. I "* tkketa froiTv^<«hingTnn, J k - O , '—^ -CtrtpSDer. WMrentoB. MacheiU-flf-

J a m e s P. M a e h o t , J tL. o f W a a h . ing ton . ' • .

The f unehU services were con-fllirtwi in St—-Tohn'a P•pi«/v^p^^

Church, Centreville, Thursday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, by the Rev. Frank Page, of Fairfax,

L, tnJ t B t W t J i a i e points, ToTfar-s t f II, Van on Otteber eift. JSbui «nd-28rd, limited to return Ocidbet .24t)i. All tickets include admission to the fair trroonds except tkose from Waab-ington, D. C.

Tn addition ToTSfnnrrmn-sCTTtrr the Southern Railway will operate special train from Remington, Va., and intemifdiatf stations, tn Marshall U«v

Machen, KtiV. and MM. Ker.sey Johns Hammond and Mr73aicnesK Machen accompanied thecoitege to Manassas and thence to Cen­treville"

Manassas Transfer Co., W. S. iTHBT,Pi««rJ«tor.

BsagsflT. FniaitBie spd sill k riMB^asrathMeo hmdoids l ivwsd

Dmrersity of VnrgBB i'"V'T°"'r''^^"''''Tiiii

IHliSnffifr I mill iUiiiiniiCiulu—iiq LOAH rXTfTDS AVAILASm

awdv aad <Wriii^ stad«Bts. | l f f W i T f g 5 ~ 5 r t S e moit'r«tirssos>uave •rs aU ee«* «s Tjr()ius «tade»ta ia Jkl In. Ai

aoSAEiunssros awwms, CWIo»«8eTiU«.f».

Ilerbert Openter tiute said. "People they have tfted


tT A" All w - , r c t — na -m.

and blacK; a1«ft 4 -iTirK

fered at a yard

• ~ . , ^

now fall gh

REMEMBER PARCEIS POST QUICK AND •Amvjk IV jr/ i i « r ± i MB f J a H k^J 3 N i 3k,

m ^tt^^A¥a3KingtQp^

Leading Store —For Chma, GUMt "-i^hrerware, Etc.

Oas supremacy in the foQowiag les has been recognised f w y e a n .

J- -Oependable qHalitiaa, p»smsivefr irieec for THE B & T .

loon •coe|>tablei to the hotter daaLiiiEi people. And'aow. thsjr A M tcxiag to x^acmJtL

W% of t h e sonthland. along with thoosands ef tke best peoide nortli and west and east, decided leag agp- thiat

Bqnor trflBc Is to prbhlMt it. l o a t as wg iwiiawt tliat the best mrthod tA

.deaUng with thett m d arson and'mar-dar is 16 prohlUt ibeaa «TlIa.—iUena

I t Holman. preaideot Toanewee W. U. T. U. :


HIntti Triennial Convention of W«rW^ W. C- T. U. to -Be Held in Bf«elK

A notable meeting wlU be that of the nintli trtenntal etnn>«btl6n of the Werld's • Womaii's Christian Temper-

Oalau Iu ihL iJg_ij> « • * York. uiuuiuitl^

laehisiTe. D U UlltU-e . ' T . p,

4«e4 by Vraaees E. WIHard &'1M$. Mrs. Ifarsamt Bri(ht Loeas (cia«er (d John , Brlgbt, ~lhe famooa British 8Uteenianl_waa ttr Ant prealdenL Then Mtas WOIard beeaaie its l eadv . afterwards Lady Reary Sofneraet, and the present president ta t in ooanteas of CaHistot Xrs. 4^ M. N. Stereos of Portian* Me., preeldant-fl< the Cnlt-earjRat4i_W.^^. T; ~

X3iicaeo. 1 S « ^ ~8nhbargli.

s W. C. T. V. has seat oat mtasiOBariea, who

tbe^,,goepel of Ctaiatlaa


Stailmg SiUrerwai* R M s t Plated W«r« Htfi-Crade C l l s r y C l i ^ TaUewara Table Glass w w e

l^ t l i ip Utoasils Battroam Fiatiiias


DUUN&MARHNCO. 12tS F S t aad 1214-18 6 S t , . WASHINGTON, D. C. .

liWffl & BWfl iiMliiMtBrt Mwnatty, Virginur

triaa. Theae ooantrtes have^DsHSonal orgsniaatkms and most of them wfH

Xbat body at Atlaatta CRy: 'A call T'aa reosDtly, made fbr yovac pfay slclaaa to poMr the United StaMa army, Eighty per t i ' rir t ^ M 11

unfit." He Ibea asks this kooght-rTX)dT>ottec (laeetioo: "Wbe* Icnr-

In. America a n wwuiaararl .aaat lor ^ — G f c Y D F M i t L f N C <Tt

(OS to father the Dezf generatloBT"

CLYDE MILL l^is well known milling

institution, recently re-built and Bot in fast elaaa' Iron, Jaiiow being opcjatcd by n nitnejr bl years' of ex­perience. Tbe Floor being made at this mill. Fancy and Straight grade, is givuig sat­isfaction wherever used, and Lq r a p i d l y attrm>friTig TIPW <'na. tomers. It is made of the very best wlwat and gusran-

sale^ Water ground Meat lTi*f)f.ftf U n 1 i>nrw, ^ n a i a i . t ly on sale, and is second to

merchants if desired. Phone messages to the mill

Best Burket prices paid for grain.


Eatli, Biick, l)oan,assli. Blinds, SUagUa. l^trfn.g« nirw^ . ^ w .

Ogs> Vanush, H i a g ^ Hrtrswa aadalt Mads

•I IWldan'Hardwan, and are ^nfvai to ID aU ordsis 4or same OD short netic*.

We lam mtuar •

LmnlMr i

0 » ' C e i « » » r r f . l F — ^ , M a " ^ ^

By Tbe C M O l

C R I M S O M CljmrBU

Matcaod mei* cad) year tfaoonad* of (

Br -w«^»»-fcio»«T; tXjnjUlATfO^S Ti^la^ Braad ^ w A w J G r b u s B CI*<r*r li aceptlonaa* fine, It.l>aitnse«wUm^nil.p«ump.bt1aUt3t

Sown Uberdbr either alone <Hst the • lim fti I f i M waiUnsrfrnninrfnWan it-rtrtja<tmitith«««hnfc.|;yt

B p w j a l t j , -

toWia ag^Mea.

"CaJEiaJ Lot* a


We make a specialty of such worir and guarantee satiafae-


eaU on or write

HarmiBai's Studio

ft-ing or send your Kodak VVerlc


Wt Offtr Enoraoos Stocks C»w>sa^ WlatwTtch. W — « ^ ._. Cfever. iUUte. AlavKe. BM Tw. w 9nm, r«rs amaeky — -anua, wiaWr ~ ~


NfftlM-KINC 'or -nurVuX

Y M Afft Thmlriinr

«jiN«;iTP;SNrF none. ^1} ordw^ promptly" •>, . , filled and delivered to ne«rb\ saving determined to devote our whole time to the Heal EsUte and

Insurance business, we hereby nolifiit nil pmnperty im sale ami ,. - . avTflgTproperfy lo ust the same with us promptly.


W . preaaiaeto^l^ hmij with aH aad

G. J. MEETZE & CO. CWc»; M. 1. C. BoiUtn Maauiaa. V«.

Shouia^ It be naraware. HU(iii mi ft atove^ a plow,-or n Jjimmor, pftyaia4i.jflaifc

Waiai Our Windows.


If you want your Job Work de­livered when promised, give vour order to THE'JouR\.A.r..