mp i m THE DAILY BULLETIN :,& M Vol. II. No. 410. HONOLULU, II. I., FKIDAY, MAY 25, 1883. 60 OENT8 SUBSCRIPTION PER MONTH. fr i u iS ; ?; a) i k v v V7& .a s -- T&se r?. vLJLrf 15T "a K ' ;ra ife J j Ji.U p&BR if THE DAILY BULLETIN WALTER BILL, Proprietor. Is published every morning and circu. latcd throughout thu town by carriers, and forwarded to tlio other Islands by every opportunity. Subscription, 50 cenli per Monlh. 0. Carson Kenton, Editor. All business communications to be ad. dressed, Manager Daily Bulletin, Post Office Box-No- . 14. Telephone 250. Office, - '.- - . qaeen Street, Oppoalte Wetl'a Carrlngo Factory. J. G. CtEvion, Manager KAMEHAMEHA DAT ! KAPIOLANIPARK, JUNE 11th, 1883. Tiic following gentlemen will com. PtIboUio Committee of Arrangements: . Dn. J. S. McGkkw, W. G. InwiN, II. A. WlBEMANN, l ' A. S. Cr.EGIIOUN, Ckcii- - Biiown, Frank Brown, H. It. Maofahlane, James Dodd, RoBEllT LtSHMAN, J. E. Wiseman, Secretary. Programme: Tho Races will commence at 10 a.m. sharp. .Ut-P- ARK PUTE, Hurdle Race; one mile dash; 4 hur- dles; free to all; catch weights. MulctRace; one mile dash; free for all; catch weights. EN'S CUP, Running Race; one mile heats; best 'J in 3; free for all. 4th-KI- NQ'S CUP, Trotting Race mile heats; best 3 in 5 16' harness; free for, nil. PUTE, Running Race; one'mile dash; lor Hawaiian bred horses not having a better (record thun 1:57. CUP, Running Race; one mile heats; best, 2 in 8; free to all Hawaiian bred horses. PUTE, Trotting Race; one mile heats; best 2 in 8; free to all Hawaiian bred horses'. 8lh GRAZIERS' PUTE, Running "Race; mile dash; free to all Hawaiian bred horses two years old. CESS CUP, 'Pony Race; one milo dash; open to all ponies bred in the Kingdom not over 14 hands'high; catch weights. PUTE, Running Race; mile dash; open to all ho.Tsea bred in the Kingdom that have lie, ""cr run at Kapiolani Park. EUR CUP, TrottlngRace? mile heats; best 8 in 3 to harness; owners to drive. 12lh-EXP- CUP, Trotting Race; one mile,' freo to all horses that have never trotted in any public race. 13th FOOT RACE, BICYCLE RACE, etc. Notice. Purses will bo arranged as soon as the management can conveniently do so. All horses entered for the above races wlll'be under tho'controlof the Judges, And their decision will bo final. All RunningiRaces will be under the rule of the Pacific Blood Horse Associ- ation, excepting as to weights. All horses to carry a rider. All Trotting Races will be under the rules of the National Trotting Associa- tion. No Pool selling will be nllowcd on the Park grounds. All horses that are sold in Pools will be ruledi out. Permits to train horses at the Park Track can be obtained from the Secre- tary. ' Jockeys' colors must accompany en- trance fees. In order to secure and maintain order, no one will bo allowed on tho trnck without tho Association badge, which may be obtained from tho Secretary at the Park grounds. Admittance to the Park: Pedestrians free; Horses and Horsos and Carriages, 50 cts.; admittance to Grand Stand, fl. J. E. Wiseman, Secretary. GYMXANTIC8 1 lu Gymnastics will INSTRUCTIONS and Children .lSveiY Suturtlay 2Mtyrulujr From 9 to i j'clock, In addition to the Evening Classes. S. a. DOLE, 380 President thlctlc'Assoclution LUCAS, Contractor and Builder,' Honolulu Steam Funlng Mills, Espla nade, Honolulu. Manufactures ulL kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Whitlow Frames, Blinds, Bashes. Doors,' und'all kinds of Wood-wor- k finish. Turning, Scroll and Band Sawing. All klndit'of Sawing and Plan- ing, MoVtlclngunQ Tenanting. Orders promptly utteuded to and work guaranteed. Orders from the other ts solicited. B. F. EHLERS & Co., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods STRIKE THE IRON --AND- SECURE YOUR BARGAINS Which will be given at my Establishment IDirriiig' tlie INext 4 Weeks, Previous to the arrival of a large invoice of New Goods from tho Eistcrn and European Markets for the Honolulu Clothing Emporium A.M. Mellis 101 Port street, Mrs. Mellis' Dress Making Department up stairs. LAWRENOB & FREETH, CONTRACTORS. Plans and Estimates furnished for works of construction. Civil Engineering fc Survoylng Office, cor. Hulcknuwilu and Kiiauca sts., not door to Widemann's brick warehouse. 300 P. O. Box, 101. ly G. H. .ROBERTSON, ,1 Drayman best teams lu town Telephone No. 65. 15 vCnn? HONOLULU IBON WORKS, JllfjyjsjfeStcam engines, sugar mills, boil- ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead 'cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work cxe-cutc- d at short notice. 1 BREAKING HORSES IN GENUINE STYLE. WALLACE JACKSON the thorough experienc- ed korsc breaker.wishcs , the public to know fhat "he ls.fullv prcparcil to take charge of stock, and guarantees to break them. thoroughly on his,Ranch. and attend carefully to feeding and doctoring horses. Ho has now in his charge such celebrated steeds as Black Thorn andothcrithorouchbreds, and. has the cxcluslvo cluirgo.of all of Mr. James Campbell's stock. Orders left at tho Pantheon Stables, or at tho mommoth stables on Mr, James Campbell's property at Kapiolani Park, will meet with promptness. 395 ly Juil Received, those Desirable HELMET HATS The most suitable hats for this climate. For sale by 275 A. 8. Cleghorn Ht Co. A. KRAFT, JEWELER, jOPTIOI AN, Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities. Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4 ing, opposite the Bank. Clias. D. Geinsch, Fraotioal "Watchmaker. tST Hotel Street, opposite the 128 3ra International Hotel. "91 JOHN N0TT, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker, Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock and metals, House Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o. The Hawaiian Tempe Year Book, For 1883. will bo published hero in THERE 1883, a year book, an and usoful volumo with the nbovc tltlo. A handy book of reference as well asn valuable book foi tho house-hol- It will be especially devoted to the temperance cause, and will bo of much use all the year around. You will ho solicited to subscribe to this book, and oan obtain W)?r 1""$ bY calling upon D M.CROWLEY, 280 HonoJ ilu, H. I. Job Printing EVERY DESORIPTIONfcxocut- - OF ud witli neatness and dlspalcn at The Daily Uvibtin Office, Queen st. Rocoivod by every steamer WHILE IT'S HOT Honolulu. J. LYONS, L. J. LEVEY. LYONS & LEVEY, Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen St., - - Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise promptly at- tended to. Sole Agents for American and Euro- pean merchandise. 318 S. TREQLOAN, H. 'rATr.rvn 1204 FORT ST. HMEAD, & JOBBER, No. 12 King st., near the Bridge. All kinds of small jobs, such as gate and fence mending, &c, attended to and at moderate clmiges. 305 ly Robert Lewern, O. M. Cooke. EWERS St OOOKE, L (successors to Lowers & Dicksnn,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu X WILDER it CO., Dealers in Lumber, PalutH, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen atx., Honolulu. 1 & PHILLIPS, Practical Pi umbel 8, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. B5T Houso and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 CHR. GERTZ, g No. 80 Fort street, Honolul,!" Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. Wilson Brothers, mm li$GflflirJkE ENERAL BLACK8MITH8. G Horso Shoeing a specialty A first-cla-ss man being specially engaged ' for that work.ry ' Ship and Wagon work. faithfully ' attended to. Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hoppcr's.804 A. New JLot ot Colonial Candies Juat Received at 845 A.S.t!leghMIWg. Salmon! Salmon! E. C. McCANDLESS OFFERS FOR SALE Bbls C. R. Salmon, extra, Bbli Skeena River Salmon, Bbls Frazer Riyer Salmon, Hlf bbls Salmon, choice, Bbls & hlf bbls Plant. Salmon, Kite Salmon Bellies. Stalls, Nos, 2 and 3 FISH MAttKET, 8W lUl HONOLULU. Correct TraiiMlutieHM, IjlROM Englbli Into Hawaiian, douo JP by J. SHELDON. Leave orders at the ollicc of this paper. ' 401 3v tf FORT STREET. Commission Merchants. BREWER Si COMPANY, C . (Limited) GENEHAL MEtlCAM-II.- AM) Commission Agents. LIST OPOFKICEHS: P. C. Jones, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. O. CAitTEn. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary DinECTons: Hon; C. It. Bishop. Hon. II. A. P. Cahtek 338 ly Geo. W. Macfarlane. H. R. Macfarlnne. O. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER- CHANTS AND Stiffav Factors, Flrc-Proo- f Building, C2 Queen street, Honolulu. II. I. agents for The Wuiknpu Sugar Plantation, Maui, Tho Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, Thu Ilcdi Sugar Plantation, Oahu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui, IIuclo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler fc Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Work, Leeds, Mlrrlces, Wutsnn &Co's Sugar Machin ery, Glasgow, Glasgow uud Honolulu Line of Packets. 185 Clans bfrcckcl!. Wm. O. Irwin. vr a. irwin & Company, TT Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. 1 HHAOKFELD & COMPANY, Commission Agents, Queen street, Honolulu. 1 AS. Cleghorn & Co. Importcis and Commission Merchants, dealers in General Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono- lulu. 78 DIAS fc GONSALES, No. 67 Hotel Sticet, Honolulu, Importers nnd Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 280 &c, &c., &c. JOHN T. "WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 MS. GRINBAUM & CO., Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu. i M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., Commission Merchants, 124 vyuuioinin street, 1 Snn Francisco, Cal. BROWN at Co., Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants, No. 14 Merchant at., Honolulu. 330 FT. LBNEHAN Ss CO., Importers and Commission Merchants, Nuuanu St., Honolulu. 1 S.N. Castle. J. B. Athcrton. Castle & Cooke, Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. i WINO Wo CHAN te CO., Importers and General Dealers in English, American and Chinese Pro- visions, Plantation Tea and General Supplies. Also, white nnd colored con tract matting, nil qualities and prices. & No. 22 Nuuanu Street, opposite Mr. Afong's. 81 DR. RODCER8 REMOVED his Office and Resl-denc- e to the Cor. or Itloharda and BereUnla Ntx. Office Ilouns 8 to 10 a.m.; 1 to 8 851 p.m. ; 9 ;80 to 7 ;80 p.m Om A. G. ELLIS, BROKER, will buy or sell Plantation Stock, Bonds, and Other Marketable Securities, Atthoir market value for cash. 315 Offlco with E. P. Adams. .Auct'r. JRITSON, ACCOUNTANT. at G. H. Robertson's olllco , Queen street. 334 &. WEST, Buggies, Carriages, Express Wagons and every kind of vehicles manufactured. BlncksmiUilng, horse-shoein- g, ami nil kinds of repairing done. PIONEER STEAM CANDY FACTORY AND BAKERY, F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Puttry Cook and Bakor. No. 71 Hotel st, Telephone 74. Professionals. SARAH B. Peiroe, M. D., and Children's Physician. Olllco nnd lcsldcncc, No. C School street, (between Fort nnd Emma). Ofllco houif 10:30 to 11:30a. m. 1:30 to 3:30 p. m. 241) Tolcphono, No. 201. DR. THAOHER. DENTIST, J0Ji Fort street (up stairs.) Clinrgeslowcr than any other dentist In Honolulu, whether traveling dentist or othcrw Ise. Satisfaction guaranteed. 805 DR. EMERSON, llcsldenco nnd consultation rooms nt No. 2 Kukul st., corner of Fort. Telephone No. 140. 59 2m a A. RAWSON, M. D. Homeopathic Physician & Surgeon Olllco and residence, corner Hotel and lticlinid streets. ggg iv A Rosa, ATrORNEY AT LAW. And Notary Public, pnicc with tlie Attorney General, Allio-lan- i Hole, Honolulu. 343 y W Austin Whiting, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Agent to take acknowledgments of instrument. Kanhumnnu st., Honolulu. 209 SB. Dole, Lawyer nnd Notary Public, No. 15 Kauhumuuu st. Iranois M. Hatch, Attorney at Law, 15 Kaahumanu st; RICHARD P. BICKERTON, nnd Counsellor nt Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free. holds. Office, No. 34 Merchant st. 1 BROWN, Attorncrand Counsellor at Law, Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac- knowledgments of Instruments for tho Island of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st., Honolulu. I JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW and Notary Public. Real Estate in any part of tho Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans negotia- ted, Legal Documents Dinwn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands v 105 W. O. SMITH. h, A.THUHSTON. "Wf illiam O. smith & 00. x?,oc.k llcttl Estatc Brokers, dB4 38 Morchant st., Honolulu. lm W. O. SMITH. L. A. T,iUKSToi(, Qmith & Thurston. rJ AftnrnAva u. T.o... 384 38 Merchant st., Honolulu, im fl O. BERQER, KAAHUMANU 8THEKT. General Agent for The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(limit'd Macncale & Urban Safes, Tho Celebiatcd Springfield Gus Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. ' 238 QHARLES T. GULICK, NOTARY PUBLIC, ' Agent to tukc Acknowledgincnts Labor Contracts, AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT. Olllco, in Makee's Block, corner Queen and Kaahumanu struts, Honolulu. 21 J. WILLIAMS & Co. 120 Fort Street, . . Honolulu Portrait and Landscape Iliotog-raplier- t 180 ly WILLIAM AULD, to take Acknowledgment to Contracts for Labor for tho District of Kona, Island of Oahu. at tho office oi the Honolulu Waterworks, footoINuu-an- u street. i8i .( ''RfJlLUAM WOND, v Agent to take Acknowledg ments to Contracts for Labor. Office Station House. 3fil lv JOHN A. HAB8INGER, Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contincts for Labor. Interior Office, Honolulu. WO. AKANA, nnd Hnwiillau Translatoc and Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu Translations of either of the, nbovt languages made witli accuracy and dh- - patch, nnd on rcasounblo terms. 209 FIRE WOOD! FOR SALE, .A.t IViTio'lcet fitates Apply to S. M. CARTER, JW P.M.8.S.WharI,

m THE DAILY BULLETIN - University of Hawaii...Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock and metals, House Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o

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Page 1: m THE DAILY BULLETIN - University of Hawaii...Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock and metals, House Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o

mp i


MVol. II. No. 410. HONOLULU, II. I., FKIDAY, MAY 25, 1883.








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.as --T&ser?.




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Jj Ji.U




WALTER BILL, Proprietor.

Is published every morning and circu.latcd throughout thu town by carriers,and forwarded to tlio other Islands byevery opportunity.Subscription, 50 cenli per Monlh.

0. Carson Kenton, Editor.All business communications to be ad.

dressed, Manager Daily Bulletin, PostOffice Box-No- . 14. Telephone 250.

Office, - '.-- . qaeen Street,Oppoalte Wetl'a Carrlngo Factory.

J. G. CtEvion, Manager



Tiic following gentlemen will com.PtIboUio Committee of Arrangements:. Dn. J. S. McGkkw, W. G. InwiN,II. A. WlBEMANN, l ' A. S. Cr.EGIIOUN,

Ckcii- - Biiown, Frank Brown,H. It. Maofahlane, James Dodd,


J. E. Wiseman, Secretary.

Programme:Tho Races will commence at 10 a.m.

sharp..Ut-P- ARK PUTE,

Hurdle Race; one mile dash; 4 hur-dles; free to all; catch weights.

MulctRace; one mile dash; free forall; catch weights.


Running Race; one mile heats; best'J in 3; free for all.

4th-KI- NQ'S CUP,

Trotting Race mile heats; best 3 in5 16' harness; free for, nil.

PUTE,Running Race; one'mile dash; lorHawaiian bred horses not having abetter (record thun 1:57.


Running Race; one mile heats; best,2 in 8; free to all Hawaiian bredhorses.

PUTE,Trotting Race; one mile heats; best2 in 8; free to all Hawaiian bredhorses'.

8lh GRAZIERS' PUTE,Running "Race; mile dash; free toall Hawaiian bred horses two yearsold.


'Pony Race; one milo dash; open toall ponies bred in the Kingdom notover 14 hands'high; catch weights.

PUTE,Running Race; mile dash; open toall ho.Tsea bred in the Kingdom thathave lie,""cr run at Kapiolani Park.EUR CUP,

TrottlngRace? mile heats; best 8 in3 to harness; owners to drive.

12lh-EXP- CUP,

Trotting Race; one mile,' freo to allhorses that have never trotted in anypublic race.


Notice.Purses will bo arranged as soon as the

management can conveniently do so.All horses entered for the above races

wlll'be under tho'controlof the Judges,And their decision will bo final.

All RunningiRaces will be under therule of the Pacific Blood Horse Associ-ation, excepting as to weights.

All horses to carry a rider.All Trotting Races will be under the

rules of the National Trotting Associa-tion.

No Pool selling will be nllowcd on thePark grounds.

All horses that are sold in Pools willbe ruledi out.

Permits to train horses at the ParkTrack can be obtained from the Secre-tary. '

Jockeys' colors must accompany en-

trance fees.In order to secure and maintain order,

no one will bo allowed on tho trnckwithout tho Association badge, whichmay be obtained from tho Secretary atthe Park grounds.

Admittance to the Park: Pedestriansfree; Horses and Horsos and Carriages,50 cts.; admittance to Grand Stand, fl.

J. E. Wiseman, Secretary.


lu Gymnastics willINSTRUCTIONS and Children

.lSveiY Suturtlay 2MtyrulujrFrom 9 to i j'clock, In addition to theEvening Classes. S. a. DOLE,380 President thlctlc'Assoclution


and Builder,'Honolulu Steam Funlng Mills, Espla

nade, Honolulu.Manufactures ulL kinds of Mouldings,

Brackets, Whitlow Frames, Blinds,Bashes. Doors,' und'all kinds of Wood-wor- k

finish. Turning, Scroll and BandSawing. All klndit'of Sawing and Plan-ing, MoVtlclngunQ Tenanting.

Orders promptly utteuded to and workguaranteed. Orders from the other ts


B. F. EHLERS & Co.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All the Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods


SECURE YOUR BARGAINSWhich will be given at my Establishment

IDirriiig' tlie INext 4 Weeks,Previous to the arrival of a large invoice of New Goods from tho Eistcrn and

European Markets for the

Honolulu Clothing Emporium A.M. Mellis101 Port street,

Mrs. Mellis' Dress Making Department up stairs.


Plans and Estimates furnished for worksof construction. Civil Engineering fc

Survoylng Office, cor. Hulcknuwilu andKiiauca sts., not door to Widemann'sbrick warehouse.300 P. O. Box, 101. ly

G. H. .ROBERTSON,,1 Drayman best teamslu town Telephone No. 65. 15

vCnn? HONOLULU IBON WORKS,JllfjyjsjfeStcam engines, sugar mills, boil-ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead 'cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work cxe-cutc- d

at short notice. 1


WALLACE JACKSONthe thorough experienc-ed korsc breaker.wishcs

, the public to know fhat"he ls.fullv prcparcil to

take charge of stock, and guaranteesto break them. thoroughly on his,Ranch.and attend carefully to feeding anddoctoring horses. Ho has now in hischarge such celebrated steeds as BlackThorn andothcrithorouchbreds, and. hasthe cxcluslvo cluirgo.of all of Mr. JamesCampbell's stock.

Orders left at tho Pantheon Stables,or at tho mommoth stables on Mr, JamesCampbell's property at Kapiolani Park,will meet with promptness. 395 ly

Juil Received, those Desirable

HELMET HATSThe most suitable hats for this

climate. For sale by

275 A. 8. Cleghorn Ht Co.



Dealer in Hawaiian Curiosities.Store in the "Hawaiian Gazette" bulld-4- 4

ing, opposite the Bank.

Clias. D. Geinsch,Fraotioal "Watchmaker.

tST Hotel Street, opposite the128 3ra International Hotel. "91

JOHN N0TT,Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,

Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof all kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,

House Furnishing Goods,

77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o.

The HawaiianTempe Year Book,

For 1883.will bo published hero inTHERE 1883, a year book, an

and usoful volumo with thenbovc tltlo. A handy book of referenceas well asn valuable book foi tho house-hol-

It will be especially devoted tothe temperance cause, and will bo ofmuch use all the year around. You willho solicited to subscribe to this book,and oan obtain W)?r 1""$ bY

calling upon D M.CROWLEY,280 HonoJ ilu, H. I.

Job PrintingEVERY DESORIPTIONfcxocut--

OF ud witli neatness and dlspalcn atThe Daily Uvibtin Office, Queen st.

Rocoivod by every steamer




LYONS & LEVEY,Auctioneers and General

Commission Merchants,Beaver Block, Queen St., - - Honolulu.

Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estateand General Merchandise promptly at-

tended to.Sole Agents for American and Euro-

pean merchandise. 318

S. TREQLOAN,H. 'rATr.rvn1204 FORT ST.

HMEAD, & JOBBER,No. 12 King st., near the Bridge.

All kinds of small jobs, such as gate andfence mending, &c, attended to and atmoderate clmiges. 305 ly

Robert Lewern, O. M. Cooke.EWERS St OOOKE,L (successors to Lowers & Dicksnn,)

Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu X

WILDER it CO.,Dealers in Lumber, PalutH,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen atx.,Honolulu. 1

& PHILLIPS,Practical Pi umbel 8, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. B5T Houso and Ship JobWork promptly executed. 17

CHR. GERTZ, gNo. 80 Fort street, Honolul,!"

Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladies'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.

Wilson Brothers,

mm li$GflflirJkE

ENERAL BLACK8MITH8.G Horso Shoeing a specialtyA first-cla-ss man being specially engaged

' for that work.ry 'Ship and Wagon work. faithfully

' attended to.Shop on the Esplanade, op. Hoppcr's.804

A. New JLot otColonial Candies

Juat Received at

845 A.S.t!leghMIWg.

Salmon! Salmon!



Bbls C. R. Salmon, extra,Bbli Skeena River Salmon,

Bbls Frazer Riyer Salmon,

Hlf bbls Salmon, choice,

Bbls & hlf bbls Plant. Salmon,

Kite Salmon Bellies.

Stalls, Nos, 2 and 3FISH MAttKET,


Correct TraiiMlutieHM,IjlROM Englbli Into Hawaiian, douoJP by J. SHELDON. Leave ordersat the ollicc of this paper. ' 401 3v


FORT STREET.Commission Merchants.


Commission Agents.

LIST OPOFKICEHS:P. C. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. CAitTEn. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

DinECTons:Hon; C. It. Bishop. Hon. II. A. P. Cahtek

338 ly

Geo. W. Macfarlane. H. R. Macfarlnne.O. W. MACFARLANE & Co.


Stiffav Factors,Flrc-Proo- f Building, C2 Queen street,

Honolulu. II. I.agents for

The Wuiknpu Sugar Plantation, Maui,Tho Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,Thu Ilcdi Sugar Plantation, Oahu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui,IIuclo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler fc Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway Work, Leeds,Mlrrlces, Wutsnn &Co's Sugar Machin

ery, Glasgow,Glasgow uud Honolulu Line of Packets.


Clans bfrcckcl!. Wm. O. Irwin.vr a. irwin & Company,

TT Sugar Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. 1

HHAOKFELD & COMPANY,Commission Agents,

Queen street, Honolulu. 1

AS. Cleghorn & Co.Importcis and Commission

Merchants, dealers in General Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumanu sts., Hono-lulu. 78

DIAS fc GONSALES,No. 67 Hotel Sticet, Honolulu,

Importers nnd Dealers in Dry and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,

280 &c, &c., &c.

JOHN T. "WATERHOUSE,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importers of General Mer

chandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu. i

M. S. GRINBAUM & CO.,Commission Merchants,

124 vyuuioinin street,1 Snn Francisco, Cal.

BROWN at Co.,Wholesale Wine and Spirit

Merchants, No. 14 Merchant at.,Honolulu. 330

FT. LBNEHAN Ss CO.,Importers and Commission

Merchants, Nuuanu St., Honolulu. 1

S.N. Castle. J. B. Athcrton.

Castle & Cooke,Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. iWINO Wo CHAN te CO.,

Importers and General Dealersin English, American and Chinese Pro-visions, Plantation Tea and GeneralSupplies. Also, white nnd colored contract matting, nil qualities and prices.

& No. 22 Nuuanu Street, oppositeMr. Afong's. 81

DR. RODCER8REMOVED his Office and Resl-denc- e

to theCor. or Itloharda and BereUnla Ntx.

Office Ilouns 8 to 10 a.m.; 1 to 8851 p.m. ; 9 ;80 to 7 ;80 p.m Om

A. G. ELLIS,BROKER, will buy or sell

Plantation Stock, Bonds, andOther Marketable Securities,

Atthoir market value for cash.315 Offlco with E. P. Adams. .Auct'r.

JRITSON, ACCOUNTANT.at G. H. Robertson's

olllco , Queen street. 334

&. WEST,

Buggies, Carriages, Express Wagons

and every kind of vehicles

manufactured.BlncksmiUilng, horse-shoein- g,

ami nil kinds of repairing done.



F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,Puttry Cook and Bakor.

No. 71 Hotel st, Telephone 74.


SARAH B. Peiroe, M. D.,and Children's Physician.

Olllco nnd lcsldcncc, No. C School street,(between Fort nnd Emma).

Ofllco houif 10:30 to 11:30a. m.1:30 to 3:30 p. m.

241) Tolcphono, No. 201.


J0Ji Fort street (up stairs.)Clinrgeslowcr than any other dentist

In Honolulu, whether traveling dentistor othcrw Ise. Satisfaction guaranteed.805

DR. EMERSON,llcsldenco nnd consultation roomsnt No. 2 Kukul st., corner of Fort.

Telephone No. 140. 59 2m

a A. RAWSON, M. D.Homeopathic Physician & Surgeon

Olllco and residence, corner Hotel andlticlinid streets. ggg iv


And Notary Public,pnicc with tlie Attorney General, Allio-lan- i

Hole, Honolulu. 343 y

W Austin Whiting,Attorney and Counsellor at Law.

Agent to take acknowledgments ofinstrument.

Kanhumnnu st., Honolulu. 209

SB. Dole,Lawyer nnd Notary Public,

No. 15 Kauhumuuu st.

Iranois M. Hatch,Attorney at Law,

15 Kaahumanu st;

RICHARD P. BICKERTON,nnd Counsellor nt Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free.holds. Office, No. 34 Merchant st. 1

BROWN,Attorncrand Counsellor at Law,Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac-

knowledgments of Instruments for thoIsland of Oahu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st.,Honolulu. I

JM. MONSARRAT,ATTORNEY AT LAWand Notary Public. Real Estate in anypart of tho Kingdom bought, sold and

leased, on commission. Loans negotia-ted, Legal Documents Dinwn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands v


W. O. SMITH. h, A.THUHSTON."Wf illiam O. smith & 00.

x?,oc.k llcttl Estatc Brokers,dB4 38 Morchant st., Honolulu. lm

W. O. SMITH. L. A. T,iUKSToi(,Qmith & Thurston.rJ AftnrnAva u. T.o...384 38 Merchant st., Honolulu, im


KAAHUMANU 8THEKT.General Agent for

The N. Y. Life Insurance Company,The City of London Fire In. Co(limit'dMacncale & Urban Safes,Tho Celebiatcd Springfield Gus MachineGas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. '




Agent to tukc AcknowledgincntsLabor Contracts,

AND GENERAL BUSINESS AGENT.Olllco, in Makee's Block, corner Queen

and Kaahumanu struts, Honolulu. 21

J. WILLIAMS & Co.120 Fort Street, . . Honolulu

Portrait and LandscapeIliotog-raplier- t

180 ly

WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknowledgment

to Contracts for Labor for tho Districtof Kona, Island of Oahu. at tho office oithe Honolulu Waterworks, footoINuu-an- u

street. i8i .(''RfJlLUAM WOND,

v Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor.Office Station House. 3fil lv

JOHN A. HAB8INGER,Agent to take Acknowledgments

to Contincts for Labor. Interior Office,Honolulu.

WO. AKANA,nnd Hnwiillau Translatoc

and Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu

Translations of either of the, nbovtlanguages made witli accuracy and dh- -patch, nnd on rcasounblo terms. 209


.A.t IViTio'lcet fitatesApply to

S. M. CARTER,JW P.M.8.S.WharI,

Page 2: m THE DAILY BULLETIN - University of Hawaii...Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock and metals, House Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o


$f he fa ulkfin.

FHIDAY, MAY 25, 188a.


Rcmilur Cil&h Sale nt Stiles Roomof Lyons & Level,y at 10 o'clock.

AFTERNOONMeeting, Building Commitec St

Andrew's Cathedral, at 2.Ladies' Prayer Meeting, Fort St.

Chmeli, at J5 o'clock.Novelty Show Armless Woman

Afternoon and livening.EVENING.

Imp. Order of Bed Men, nt 7 :iK).

Morning Star Lodge, K. of J. 7 :!Jl).

Social at Miss Breeze's, nt 7:!K).

Musical Society, YMCAHall, 7:30.

THEbs7sTco'snew ilrcproof brick warehouse on

Fort street has just been finished ;

a short account if its dimensions will

not prove uninteresting. It has 200

feet frontage to Fort street by 100

feet depth to the wharf, and is 1 6

feet high to the span of the roof.The walls arc 17 inches thick andhave 8 sliding Uncovered doors andG transoms. In the roof arc 9 22-in- ch

vcnlilatoi'3. The floor is con-

crete, 8 inches thick. There arc

137,000 lbs weight of galvanized iron

on the loof, which is in three spanseach oli feet across. The surfacewater caught is drained by 700 feetof 12 inch wide galvanized iron

gutters and pipes into 8x 10 sewers.

The weight of the roof is sup-

ported by 8 x 10 posts, 10J

feet apart. In the mauka andEwa corner is a small of lice for thestoiekeeper. The storage capacityis about 10,000 tons. The whole of

it was finished in 3 months, and 5

bricklayers laid the 280,000 brickswhich are in the structure insixty days.

Outside the store and abutting on itGovernment has built a shelter shed

200 feet long in two spans ench

37 feet wide. Tins will havo a

macadamized floor which will beiinished next week. Each end ofthis is to be fenced in by a fence 8

feet high, aud at the makai end onegate 10 feet wide will be erected andtwo similar ones at the mauka end.In one corner an office will be erectedfor the Custom House officials. Noless than 1400 feet of rails, making700 feet of track, are laid toIn ing sugar from the vessel to thestore and vice versa. Tilings havebeen so arranged that the .steamersand schooners can discharge andload right at the wharf. The wholereflects great credit on the builderMr. Schussler.


On Wednesday four men went to

Knkaako. Two of them were tofight, the other two went to sec fairpipy. One of the two pugilists was

tlrnnk, the other was sober. Thenature of the fight may be imagined

when we state that the drunken one has

the small bone of his right leg broken

near the ankle, and his head andface arc so badly mashed that hewon't be able to appear for a week.The sober one is uninjured. Allfour have been arrested and thecase will he brought up at the PoliceCourt this morning. "Wo refrainfrom expressing our opinion of thesemen till we hear the full evidence.

NO MOBB ANXIETYneed be felt by intending travellersEastward or to the coast about theirbaggage or tickets. Mr. J. Williams,the photographer, of Fort street hasmade sncelnl arranjrements with Mr. T.I). McKay, the General Agent forPaeitleCoast of the Chicago, Burlington, aud

Quiucy Bond, by which, before leavingHonolulu, baggage will bo takencare of and forwarded to IU destinationwithout any further trouble or anxietyon the part of the owner. Specialfiicilitlo in regard to quantity can boobtained mid all inforiiintlon given andarrangement made Jn regard to routes,lires, htoppirg-plucc- s, places of inter-est to tourKiv, hotels, meals, and allcharges lixed beforehand. Tim advan-tage to the traveller, who thus can iiuiUearrangements so that he or she neednever be at a loss to know what to doon their journey any more than theywotild at home, can not he overestima-ted. The boon thus offered by Mr.

' Williams k intending travellers Mill o

are sure be upniaclnted.

Last night some njleiauut took one ofn number f Handing besldothe Waikiki roiul near Mr. Macfarlane'stbh-pond- s and drew it across the roadbo a to entirely ohsti not it. But for themoonlight It might have caused n seri-

ous accident. It was discovered by Mr.Cleghoin when driving home fiom thelull at 1 :80 a.m., wlw telephoned to thoPolice Station, when OScer Mehalenspromptly went out and removed it. Footprintsof naked feet were discovered inthe dust.



Thursday, May, 24 Iwnhnaupu,furious driving, forfeited 5 12 bail.Kimokco, drunk, forfeited $8 hail.L. Mitchell, driving n dray for hirewithout a license, fined 85 and SIcosts. F. II. Oediug, allowing drayto be driven by an unlicensed drayman, lined S' and $1 costs. GWilliams and , attemptingto leave Kingdom without a passportlined $10 and SI costs each.

SHIPPING NOTEH.Stinr Jas.MnU-- brought 2015 hugs of

sugar, 837 paddy, and 20 hags of rice.Sehr Watoll brought 4i0b:igsof sugar.Stinr Wrthnnnalo bi ought 400 bni;s of

sugar.The schr Julia, now nt the marine

Hallway, Is being put In thoroughordcr,--newrlb- s, ladder, celling, kelsonfore and aft, etc. etc. A new cabin isto be built on deck. She will also becoppered and painted, and is to hofinished by Juno 1st.

The tern J. C. Ford took 0.104 bags of

sugar, and 2G31 bags of rice.Sehr Kcknuluohl brought 400 hags of



31. Mclncrny has just received a fineassortment of ladies' and gentlemen'sflue French kid shoes.

Tim Building Society of St. Andiow'sCathedral meet at 2 o'clock this liftcr-noo- n

at Messrs T. IT. Davies & Co's ofllce.

By the W. G. Irwin, Mcrs& Co., have received n California

It is the first wo havo beenon the islands.

Wi: notice that tho .space allotted inthe Boston Exhibition to Hawaii isplaced in Africa. What a thoioughknowledge of Geography for B.iwatingl

. tm.Wednesday next, being Decoration

Day, is set apart by the President of theUnited States as a National Holiday, andwill be observed here by G. Ay. deLong post G. A. It. An arrangement toclose for the whole day has been signedby the proprietors of nearly every im.porlant business house in town.

Auction Sales by Lyons & Levey.

This Day, Friday,Slay 25th, at 10 a.m., nt Sales Boom,

will be held

Regular Cash Saleof General Merchandise,

v Consisting of

Superior Ready Made Clothing,Dry Goods, Crockery,

Groceries, Flower Pots,

Furnituic, Matting, &c.

Balance of Bankrupt Stock of Jewelry.


Cases of Kerosene Oil,Sacks Potatoes and Giound Barley,

Lioxs&Levuy, Auctioneers.

Knights of PythiasATTENTIONl



May SO, 1883.

All members and VisitingBrethren in good standing, are requested to at-

tend, as there will be

FUN FOR THE MILLION.No extra charge.

By order of Committee of Arrangements.410

HOTEL ST. MARKET.THE undersigned having

the Hotel St.Market, takes pleasure in announcing that ho will ylve'the businesshis personal attention, and hopes to supply me wants or tuo puuuc oruonoiuiuin a satisfactory manner.

Beef, Mutton, Veal, Lamb,And other kinds of meat for the tnblo

always on hand.Prompt Delivery Made.

Oi-tle- taken by Telephone.By tho return of the Suez I will bo in

receipt of one of tho be4 and newestpatented

SmiMugfe 31ncliiieM,and will then ho prepared to furnish tho


B. No Chinese pork used.

D. It. FYFE, ProprietorNo. 230. 807 ly

Q QllC?n street , .Fish Market,Dealer in olOJ-es- t

Beef, Veal, Muttoip, '!?!, Pv Ac.Family and Shipping Orders c'arefuly

attended to, Live stock furnished tovebsels ut ihort lmtlcH, mid Vegetablesof nil-kin- supplied to ordu)'f i)iQ ly

A. S, CLEGHOEN & Oo.Have received a largo assortment of

Boots & ShoesJ to suit ulj classes of purchasers, 181,

Ykstkiuay Casper was dischargedfrom custody, the Attorney Generallnvlng gone throtic;h tho nndevidence, and been legally advised thatthere was no case against him.

.Timor. ,T. o. I'loaplll airbed Wednes-day by tho Iwalalil having been

to bring the Bon. Mis. C. 11.

IIMiop and Dr. llrodie to Knllun, but, our lontleis aic aware they wcro

already on their way to Kailun.

Yesterday was Corpus. Chrlstl. Theusual celebration was held in the lie-in-i- ll

Catholic Cathedral. An enormouscongregation literally cuiniinedthu hugebuilding to listen to nn excellent kcnnonbv the flight Boiercnd the Bishop ofO'llm.

Latest Foreign News.,Nome, April ia.-T- lio MlnlMer of

Foreign Affairs In the Senate, speakingof the alliance of Italy, Australia audGet iniiny, expresses a lio'pe'to' bo ableto solve "the question of capitulations InTunis. Some of thewere calculated to aroiic mi unpleasantImpression In Italy, hut hohoped tome acceptable arraniieineiitwould be cll'icted. Italy could not for amoment Miller any single power to ob-

tain exclusive preponderance In theMediterranean, nor could she admit theconstruction of a great empire on theContinent of Africa.'

Birthday Suits1 OH T1IK

1,000,000 !All colors and size, for m1c at

A. W. RICHARDSON & Co's.03 Fort Street.

JLost.a CANARY, blackONSatuidavhist, and top-kno- t.

Finder will please leave same at this of.flee and receive reward. 409 51)

AFor Snip,

COVEHED hov-hod- y Phncton, almost now; also 1 mare about 7

years old, broken to saddle and harness,(gcntlcmcn.s and side-saddl- Apply atBulletin Office. ' 405 lw

To Let.FURNISHED COTTAGE near theA Chinese Church. Apply nt the

office of this paper. 403 at


nnd Plowmen. Apply to403 lw "ijVM. G. IRWIN & Co.

TEXDERSWill be received at the office of S. B.

Dole for laying water pipe 'and settinghydrants on the giounds of tho LunnliloHome, until Friday night, the 25th inst.The pipc(to be galvanized iron froin'l to2 inches; hydrants to lie 18 inches high,supported by 6 x G finished red woodposts inserted 2 feet in tho ground.Brass lever faucets for bote attachment.Contractorjmusttnke the piping, alreadyon the ground, its for as it goes, payingtherefore the corresponding prices ten-dered. Trenches will be dug by thoTrustees. We do not biud'ourselvcs totake the lowest or anv bid. ,

fe. B. DOLE.For the Trustees of the Lunnlilo Estate.

408 at

NOVELTY SHOW,Corner of Alnlcca and Hotel HtroclH

AFTERNOON EVENING,Waterproof Pavilion.

GO AND SEE, THE LADYCrochet, Embroider, Write, &c,

With Her Toes !


Admission, 25 Cents.407 lw

Royal Hawaiian Agricul-tural Society.


quested to send to the Board ofearly ns possible, notice of

tho character ami number of their ex-

hibits, in order that proper accommoda-tion may lie provided. It vylll greatlyiipslst tho Board in their arrangementsIf Mich information be sent in at once,or nt the laieU by 4th Juno next. Itwill also bo to the advantage of exhibi-tors that time should he given to allowof proper accommodation being provid-ed for their exhibits.

Blanks for Applications for Spaco canhe had of the undersigned, or from theTreasurer,.Mr. A. Jnegcr. Applicationsmay also bo made y lotter.

By Older of tho Board,J. S. WEBB, Secretary.

Honolulu, May 22, 1883 407 lw

Notice.AT an adjourned annual meeting of

the Stockholders of the OlowaluCompany held on Mny 10th, 1883, thofollowing gentlemen were elected toservo as officers for the ensuing year.:

If, A. WidemAnn President.a. lawijUBHij. , , ,., , yicg.Presjdetu,C. O. Bkhoiik, ,,,..,. i . (fleoroUiry,A, Jr.OEii, , , , , . . . .Treasurer,C. O, BKitqmt,.,,.., .Auditor.

4Qt)w Q. 0, Iifill'iKit, aecjOloyyalu (Jo,.

fmrao Cottiijsu to I.ettQITUA I'ED at Pnawn, on the WaikikiO road, iminediato possession. Apidyto Mr. E. W. Holdsworth, at Theo. It,Davlcs & Co.'s office, m

' ( ' (



Just Received Aiui'ttmiy l

II. t1

Hydraulic Earns

tSuitable for Stock Hunches wherc-wate- is required to be raised from gulehes

to plsturo hinds for watering stock. Full particulars and estimates fumbhed. -

Refrigerators, Brooms of superior quality.

Magu.eso-Oalcit- e Fire Proof Safes & Boxesi . ... i t - J i. i

' ' '

Absolutely fire-proo- ''Lubricating Oils ol every doscripiion ai lowest market rates. . .tt

Itice Cloth, 1'rttcnt'Bng Iloklcrs jlisl the thing for Kico and,fjugar Mills ;

Dlffcrcii'tlnYPullcy BlockVCarrlagTLlimpir"t HiJSAX. ,

'"New Gttods constantly arriving.

Full lines of Plows and Agrlcultuinl Instruments,

' QTull assortment of Agate Iron Ware, - ' ! 5 A iii

Illustrated Catalogues on application.


TtTE DESIRE TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC to tliennlvnlYV of our new invoices .fust received per Steamer Abcrgeldle froni'LonOon,

comprising the; larget and mot varied of Goods and Merchandise' ev rimported to this Kingdom and which will bo ready for Exhibition at; our SalesKoo'liw oil Thursday-next- .' May 17th. ,

In offering thce gooda for sale wo.take great pleasure In informing the'Xadiesof Honolulu and of tho other Islands that we have anticipated evcryvw;unt,in theirline, and arc now prepared to show thcin the choicest line of Goods cver'offere'dfor sale here, having been carefully selected by a member of our Firm from thovery latest stocks ofTtlie leading House of London and Paris, with reference to theparticular necessities and requirement of this community. , ", j, p ..rf.

Many of the articles referred to are of the very latest, and most unique designs,and as the venture is mainly.expcrimenfal to test the wants of 'our ladies, thoy maybe regardedias merely sample lotsj Ladies will do well tuerefoie to. call early, rsthe goods will he disposed ol as soon ns psihle, to make roonvfor our exteul'ostock of goods for tho city and country trade.

We wish to call partlculaivattetition to thcifollowlng Grand Exhibition piecesfrom the world-fame- d Manufactory of messks. it. v. uaniell & co., of london,the hurpafcsing beautiful examples of their workmanship.! having attracted jthonotice nnd admiration of Napoleon HI.,, who, granted the Senior Daniell free andexeluive'periniion to reproduce from the old models at the Government' worksat Sevres. It is not surprising; therefore to 'note that tills now world-rciiowii- ed

house have taken eyery first prize medal at all of the great International Exhibi-tions oii the Continent for the p'ist twenty years. 'r '"' f '

The piece de resistance of this art collection is a superb raoMETHEUS'iVAnJand cover of turqiiolc'blue groundi'iind colored majolica, with cmbleniatic'tlgmesat sides', and the chained Prometheus and vulture, most elaborately and beautifullywrought onithe cover. The above is the identical piece thatsecuredtheiflrbt pi be.at the great pauis ikterxatioxai. exhibition ok 18G8. Some,idea of the, valueof this work of art can be foimed'froin the fact that it underwentilfteen separatetrials before arriving at its present perfected state of form and color. Theunusually large size oMhc picc3 rendering it apt to split in two, on account of theseverity of the heat to which it is exposed in the tiring. The color combinationsarc strikingly effective, and the delicate handling of tints is a marvel of artistic skill.

There will also he on exhibition a iAin ok marnificekt1 VASES'i-eproducc-

from old Sevres models, granteditoMr. Daniell by His Imperial Majesty NapoleonII f. They are of rose aventurine tint, surmounted with exotic) birds of mottbrilliant and beautiful plumage, and elaborately and richly Iinished in eoldornamentation, with elegantly carved ebony pedestals with marble 'tops andcrimson plinths. Also a most exquisite table center, piece in turquoise andgold, with parian supporters and shell plateaux for flowers and fruits, veryornamented in gold. This piece Is from old Sevres" examples for great' expositionspecimens, and lias tuken'tho flrst'prizcs at all competitive European Exhibitionsfcince 1872.

The above mentioned pieces will remain on exhibition at our Show Booms fortwo or three weeks, after which they will be sent to Sim Frauoisco and New Yoikfor exhibition and sale.

In addition to the foregoing tliero are some smaller pieces in the Mime linewhich arc deserving of especial mention, notably alike size cockatqo withwings spread, flower holders at sides and eliastely'linished' in ornamentation.Thia is a most surprisingly effective

'piece, and the coloring is so faithful to Nature

as to he realistic In the extreme. Alsoone jardiniere with satyr handles most exquisitely decorated in mottled

colors and gold aventurine with two ebonlzed tripods, with pedestals and crimsonUtrecht velvet stands for same. Also

one round jardiniere on four feet blue ground and silver embossmentsafter Egyptian-pattern- s

one laroe jardiniere In Persian turquoise blue, with elephant handles una"(qnare.pedestnl for same wlthdark green ground i

one Esquimaux umbrella stand iii niajolica with life-lik- e representationof a seal in perfectly natural colors. This is a most artistic piece of workmanship.

one tall pedestal of maziiriiio ground with most graceful aiid naturallycolored leafage. A veiy handsome parlor ornament. Also

one tall pedestal in tin quoise, with graceful and nicely colored festoonsof fruits and flowers Intertwined

two iminoN flower vases of most unique design with mazarine ground andgold .Tapaueso, spraysOAKDKN seats Beautifully decorated with naturally colored chrysanthemums

and pink tied ribbons. Also ditto on celadon ground. Are very handsome cardenornamentsflower pots ANt stands Of rare and beautiful design, with mazarine groundand colored clematis with birds beautifully embossed. All of the above mentioned

kiu vi.-i,- uniiuim nm-- iu juiiui-i-i uu m;umwiiui me various combinations of colorrequired, necessitating separate firings for each color produced. Some of thopieces have snlit in the klliias many as eight times, so that when a iJieeo is broughtsafely'tlirougli the thing process, tho vtiluo is quite apparent. We wfch niraiiEtfcall especial attention to .

twosuperu ETCiiiNC.3 On porcelain plaeqiics, by well-kno- EuronennArtbts. Tho one is a Marino 1090 by Biilllu, in Sepia, and one of the best hxninples of tills most delicate and wonderful art, which is now iindercoin"8nehiispirited revival in tho United States and Europe. The drawing in tills nlcture L'

exceptionally good, and tlio Clilar-usoiu-x effect verya-loverl- Imiidledi,The other i Coat Heenp by Moi-tliio.- which is

.partieularly-notiroi- -

liln fnn ifu Tt'iirt mill iIinmiuiiiiiMiiinil titnli.wiil ....,1 il... .lll ... ...., .... , y ,,..., ...I-,,,,- , ,,,.,,,.,,, unumcin, linn iiiu uoiieaio qisu-iuutlo- of hitai-- mo imr r.tenings on ever cxlillilted'in llonolulii.miidworthy of a visit. The following choice articles of , ulovj"1

niuo AiiRAoJn Majollca-an- d Ghiswaie,wi Ipffprd some idea" of'.vnMnH,in this lino vl.i Flower-pot- s and stands o'f all apMJ".coloi-s- , nnd beautifully' enihbssM with tmltfl 'ana 'flowersMftWifVaes in all colors with plateaux, Parian and Bisque, figure, ; Cahliu-- c

Boxes; Perfume Cases) Venetian Ware. U SiMajolea Jlruuljiiu of varied imtlwi us; Jfanda,-h,j'p- VolnVXuuuiqxipusiia iiiiruoiiiie vases witu iiiioija uowers; r heautlf'.ii assoihVin.it V"v..?,T ithe choicest deslgm,; Menu Cards una jJlute; Flower llaskets otuchina A OLASSWAUB A large lino of the 'choicest s ofware of tho most varied deser ntioiis .,fniinM. iii,iM.,rf H..C..Y--. ,"",'',!!J Glass,ofqua

all patterns and designs. Including a fevdessc.-i- i d e: slices of TUU "uutility and most exquisite Uoonriitloii,oMUtiAV cKKTim WKon of most elaborate design audflnishataMo P,lnga.it Toilette Servieos embossed with beautiful '

lugs of hrds & flowers; Salad Bowls,, Chuinpjgiio Bottle Holders; Chami)-iffii-Cups; ologant Crystal Catidelabras with prlsinatle pendanU and silver inountiiiCabinet Dessert Services; Punch Bowls, Claret ifcLenioitiuloJu-'s- : Soun Tui-cpm-

llottlo Stands; Gamo Dishes; eholeo Strawberry ami leeTankards, Fish Bowls; Glass Filters; Pickle pishes; Spirit StanIfGlassand nn eiidles variety of the th.e.t Cha.npa-i.- e, Hock, Sherry, jtenSrGlasses of the very latest patterns, ami n Wo oXndPLamps of every description. Also a small IuviiIch of hf..i..iK.7i i..i.i, ...:..; .i...

WtScn'C'S. rt,?lW' W,lw G1TC8' FisU Uvn', Flower Water

Page 3: m THE DAILY BULLETIN - University of Hawaii...Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock and metals, House Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o


' I


MMi nr




t i

flfi fc

"t"w Ib



i a"




i.. .



;x v

Ono hundred years ngo tlie list oftho society for'pijomdtiiigf Christianknowledge embraced' 160 distinctworks. In 1881 tlio catalogue) con-

tained some !),000 scpainto publicntltirt3.Joftdtf,82D10l)S books and tractswore issued.

, TELEPHONIC.Dlmntiri Head, May 25, 0:30 a.m.

Light Nuith E wind.IJIUnc Klikntat off poit


Sttnr J:ib Mukc'c fioin KnuniSchr Kekauluohl fiotn HunalelSchr Wnldll from l'nnulituiSchr Kuikenouli ftoin Ilntnnkua


Tern S C Ford for Sati FranciscoSchr Gen Scigol for Koolnu

VESSELS LEAVING THIS DAYtftmr Iwnlnni for Konn & KnuSchrKulmunnu for OoknluSchr Waioli for Mnliko , (J,Tern Excelsior for Port TownsendSchr LuHhf$r;Kqhalac ' ,

Schr Ruliimnnti' for Ookniax

PASSENGhRS.From Kauai per Jns Mnkce, May

24 D Specktnann, C Bcrhlmcn, JAnderson, and 28 deck.

For ban Francisco per J C Ford,May 24 S Simpson & wife, CMciewcll &. wife.

l ,?'.! llor.iSnlcfTpWO good horss, quiet In saddle amiA"" Harness; will cairy a lady; will bo

solda birgiln. Color, white.Apply Kerr's St.iblcs.'TO'Klng st.

Also, tor sale, cheap, 1 double carriagewith top anil 2 scat$, pole aniVshnfts.407 lw On view at Wultnmn & Wright's

dforLaUes.nnd'GcHtlemento visit tho Coast or tho East.ABOUT ariangcments with tho

General Agent for tho Pariflo Coast ofthe O. B. & Q. Railroad, Mr.T. D. McKay, I am enabled to grant splendid fa-

cilities ini the way ot tickets and bag-

gage checks. Any desired informationabout iroutos,' stopping places, hotels,places of interest, charges and farc3, canbe obtained'on application to

YT. WILLIAMS,407 i Fort street.

Hawaiian Amateur



SATUET)Ai;sEVENING,'May 28th, 1888.

Grand Entertainment

NeW Songps, fev Sol oh,

New Iuots, Wv Ia.iiceHjjow ITsirces, A'cw Jolcen.

Secure your. Tickets Early.

Reserved Seats can bo secured at J. W.

t Robertson &,Oo's. 407

Where do yon Buy your,

ASKING THE ABOVE QuestionIiJT wo simply desire you to examineclosely three main points:

Xst, qualiy-Xaterl- al.

dVtjrH-r- l n Worlt. I

8rd, Prlce-SI- iie of Bill.And when you arc satisfied with conclusions, pay us pnd wq guaranteo

Quality of MCntorlalfstylo 'or int'oi WorK

AND A--,f

8avlng,of,20 percent;In5 your order. ' If these 'are' sufficientconsiderations please call at the

Great American Clothing House" "17 Nnuaiiu Street,

atKJJy Corner of Marine."'j ,. Aoticx-- i

C NEITHER the Captain or Agentsof the British Bark, r

"MOKAVIAX "will bo responsible for any (obts comtraded by the crew of bald vessol with-ou- t

their written order.385, ) NyMO. Iitwm & Co.,, Agones.

' Xotiee.jJwi The Master and ' Agonts of

.the biXK "Ulcnocrvur, wpiknot bo responsible for debts

Sazi&- rnnntrnpti.ii liv-- anv member of

tho crew, without their written orders.TIIEO. II. DAVIES & Co,

40Tliir Agents.

Proposals for Ubrary. BuildingPROPOSALS for the

SEALED tho building designed fortho Library Vul Reading Roonj Associa-tlol- i

will bo received up to nnd Includ-Iii-

Thursday, Mny 31st.Estimate' may bo made for tho wholo

or any part of said work.Parties making estimates will give

their figures for the masonry Including(Jute ropfi carpenter wflrk. plnsterlng,'painting. od plumbluL' and gas fittingbcparately. i

Plans and specifications can be seenand cutlmatcs handed in at the olllce ofA. J. Crtriwright. Clmlrmnu o; tuo muiiu.

' UU ing Committee.


shlpiUonipuny.FO'lt SAN FRANCISCO,

Thu Splendid Steamship

Zealandia,Webber, . Commander,

Will leave Honolulu for Sim Franciscoon or about J hum !).

FOR SYDNEY via AUCKLANDThe Splendid Steamship

City of New York,Scnrl, - - Commander,

On or about June 10.

For freight or passage apply ta thouhdcrsignul agents,

We aro now prepared to issue ticketsto San Francisco and return for $125,the Bound Trip.

If. II VUKFKU) & Co.


The clipper bklneDiscovery,

l'crrlmau, - - Master,Will lmve quick dispatch for the aboveport. For freight or npplr to

H. Hackfkm) & Qo , Agents.


M The A 1 bark

Elsinore,.Tcnks, - . - . . . Master,

Will nac quick dispitch for the aboveport. For height or passage apply to

F. A. ScitAiSKini & Co, Agents.


The clipper bgtncW. G. Irwin,

Tumei, - " - - - mastei,Will have quick dispatch for tho abovepoit. For freight or passage apilly to

Wm.iGt.vIuwis & Co., Agents.


Schooner Ehukaiwill run tcgularly

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday, weather

t permitting.For freight or passage apply to tho

Captain on board, or to181 A. F. Cqokk, Agent.


Office, corner Nuuanu and Queen streets,Honolulu, H. I.,

Agent for the following; Pacliets:"Wallele, , Waioli,Walchu, 5r Walmalu.Malolo, :&M4Ej Kaluno,Mana, ggigs Julia,

Ka Moi, and Ehukai.

Sod Flag, with White Ball.181

NewZealaridPotatoesEv '" City op New Yokk,"

AT HAND THIS DAY.May 11, '83 (308) BOLLES & Co.


Turning EstablishmentFrom ilO Fort street, "

TO BETHEL STREET,opposito the Bethel, next door,to

Daigle'smiichinc shop and Brim's Fur-niture Factory, where he it ill continueto supply his customers i ilh all kinds of

Wood and Ivory Turning.Thankful for past favors, he hopes for

a continuance oi tne same. 300 dj

B. M. CA11TKH. 8. F. O ItAlt AM.


S. M. CARTER & 00.8)S KIujj Street, Honolulu, 11. 1.

t ' iRetail Dealers in

Fire Wood,Goal randr Feed.

wmtl'd notify tho public, nndWE Housekeepers In particular, thatwc keep on hand and for Fid- - in qinin-title- s

to suit pui chasers and at LOWESTKATES, fuel, us follows ;

Hard and Soft Wood,Cutauyleugths;

Charcoal, N.8.W. Newcastle Coals,. Scotch Coals, and the

Celebrated Wellington Mine .Departure Bay Coals; "'

Also, Blacksmith's Cos),

Tho abovo can be ordered by telephoneor otherwise, and immtdiato deliveryguaranteed.

GIVE US A. OAXX. ITelophone, Nq. 005,'


JEIay and Oats,California nnd New Zealand;

Barley, Wholo and aroundWheat, Com Whole and OrnoUodj

Bran,Middllngj, and Cher Feed.

t3"Order the above through

Telephone "So. ilQo,

and we warrant quick delivery, and fullweight. Orders from the other

Islunds solicited.

FREE DELIVERYto allp.uts of dio city.

Remember, 83 King street,880r jfAnd Telophone No. 303.

Oceanio Steamship Oomp'y.

,,-- THE A 1

SSassfe Iron Steamer Suez,- - COMMASDUHD01)l), -

Will )eac Honolulu


For freight or passage, Inning etipciloraccomodations, apply to121 Vt. G. InwiN . Co., Agents.

&3&Oceanio Stoamship Co

UJSsiftSSi j,01. jioiiRkonB, Clilnn,The British Steamer " Suez,"

Will kavc for the above port on or aboutJUNE intli. Freight or passage may besecured in advance by application to

i "Wm. Q. Iuwin & Co., Agents.


Steam Navigation Company's


The Iwalani,baths, .... Commander,

Runs regularly to Kona and Knu, nsper following time table;

Lr.Avrs Honolulu at 4 r.M. onTuesday, April 3 Tuesday, May IBFriday, " II! Frldiy, " 25Tuesday. " 24 Tuesday, Juno 5Fridav. May t Friday, " 15

Tuesday, 'June 20,Akriyes at Honolulu:

Wednesday, Ap 11 Wednesday, My 23Sat ui day, " 21 Situiilav, Jo 2Wednesday, My 2 Wednesday, " litSaturday, " 12 Satuiday, " 23

The Ci It, Bishop,- - Commander,cameiion, '- -

Leaves Honolulu every Mondayat ." p.m., for Nawiliwili, Ivoloa, EIcclc,and Walmca, Kauai. Returning, leavesNawiliwili every Fiiday evening.

The James Makee,mcdonald, - Commander,

Leaves Honolulu 'every Thursday, at 5 p.m. for Kapaa andKilauca. Returning leaves Kapaaevery Tuesday evening.

Steamer Likelike,King, Master.

Leaves Honolulu each Tuesday at4 p.m., touching at Lahaina, Maa-lae- a

Bay, Makena, Mabukoua,Laupalioeboc and Hllo.- -

Returning, i.'ill touch at all thealovp ports, arriving at Honolulueach Sunday a, nl. ,' 1


The clipper schooLcr

Jennie Walker, " 'Underwood, , - Mnstcr,

Will1 run rcirnlarlv'betivccri Honoluluand Hilo For freight or p istage applyto the Captain, on boird, or321 3m A. F. Cooku. Agent.,

g WW io 2.

H W a

ffi 0 H I

g O' & CO

e ' wis8 H

Notice, ,

been appointed. OuardlnnHAVING Mqhuka, miiiQr,soiof thelate M, Manuka, deceased, and attorneyIn fact for1 Lunkli (w.) wldow'of saidM. Mnhukn, deceased; all persons archereby rcqucitid to scttlo all matterspertaining to thu estate of said M. Ma.huka, deceased, with tie undersigned,mid iUcr r( I jcrcby notifleil Hint Mr.Simon IC. Kaal bus no authority what.ever In tho nmttor. A. HOSA,

Guardian of M. Mnhukn, minor, andnfornoy in fct for Luukia (w.) widowof tho late M. Mnhukn, deceased,

Honolulu, May 15, 188'J. 403 3m

GQ04 CHlHQCOfANYONE that has usofnraGOOSE-NEO- K

'DRAV can get one cheapby applying tOGiUioBEnTaoNi084 lm Queen street.

' m ' 'M ' '







acLadies' nnd Gent's

' ' Gold nnd Silver "Wa'tclicf

Just to liahdv

Every "Watch wnt ranted asrepresented.

-- sv( ,8 k 1No.Actual weight,

Gold- -

Gross Wgt

rvL'j:rF,!r5 t

misBTociinir7iiatSteoiiiptelCjs yBarrtrtHTtriiHrtNa. atanvmHSmUR3Sil,cro21ooollii8X Jr

UJ MINT At AY. SfFac-slmil- o ot Silver Cases.



JOSEPH E. WISEMAN,Real Estate Broker, Employment Agent and General ;

Business Agent, :

OlDcc, 27 Mci chant sticct, IlniMiiian Gazette Block.The only rccognied Heal Estate Broker in the Kingdom.

Land nnd property foi sale in all piits of Honolulu and the various Islnhds.lIouto3 to lease and lout in Honolulu nnd suburbs.Rooms to rent, en iiiiito or single, throughout Honolulu.Books and Accounts kept. Bills collected. Legal papers of cvciy description

dtawn. Agent tor Vickerj's Monthly Flrctido Magazine and Visitor, with18 Chromos; siibsciipliou 1.25 per ye.u. Agent for the Best Idfe

t Insurance Company in the "World.S3fChargcs always niodcr.de. JSTelephonc No. 172.

jf..i,.i umimunj. " IWHHI'W IHllfWH'T'lJiil'lL il jywmiHw

known.throughout Honolulutluit






mv for this

imita-tions, discovered


soldAVnlthnm watches.

imasm.I& k.iMtti '


tf Kh t..im,iiwt4hrti uivcnneBiampcamiaontiiiAoc

iv in ouurAiui-a- iK UlNTAtSAV


Fac-simil- i- Cases




Htthilsonto . ' . i i


Weights, Card Receivers,Htaiunry, &c,



Water Notice.water,

Limited perp.m.


E.Btwi, Iulerlor.May ,


25 per cent Cheaper



LYCAN & JOHNSON,, anil in

P;ianos, Organs, Harmoniums, Concertinas,Banjos, Violins, Flutes, Brass Bund

'"v Instrumeiit.s, Strings for all i

string instruments.IIavingJpurchased 'entire Geo, F.Wells, this Kingdom,

shall to keep constantly Jinnd assortment everything thatdid; as our by every arrival from tho United

States Europo, you homcthing new btnutlfnl theGosds 'Furniture . - i , t aJ1'

1 JitHt Kcoc'ivotl IVom .Ttvpun,' '

3000 & other beautiful Japanese Goods.2000 Amy Turner, of the latest

from $0 per doicn.

Not as yet generally

T'lin Public nayknow tho prcnjUc iei,ently

occupied by "W. E. Iletrlok, at No. 110Fort Street, opposito tho Pantheon

is now known as tho

City Shooing Shop."This now Establishment, will bo a

source of gratjur,iton to our community,inasmuch as torturous shoeinghas heretofore been to Wpgclyon man's animal by so calledHorse Miners.

Edwaul Doyle, the well knownnnd skilful Horsu Bhoer, Is

of this shop, which Is a recom.mendiitlon In Itself, ami with tho pr.icti.cal nssistnnco of Andrew tholloormuu, ourcltl.ens may fully rely ontheir merits as m ister

It would well retivy our cltltns tovisit and uxumlue soaking Btals nnd

niriuawl nnd built tpieslyfor on wounded and disabledhorous, no other shop in thisKingdom has adopted,

B. I.Proprietor City Shop."

888 tf UO Fort Street.


um w

o 0






M. Mcliierny,n Kingdom

N. 11. Beware ofns I have

suieud silver bear-

ing the of " "WnltliainWatches," ivlncliaio of SwissMnnufactitic, nnd arc asgenuine




wf SBSJ ,n,'(mggsmXfTlhaia ArV4 iKfllyiviw wi umL uiiuuirniijiojy



(215) ot Gold

I NEW! IReceive 1, an of

& Usni m.


Parlor Safes,

Smoking Tables,Ink St mils, and ancient

LetterCrticillxc-i- , Ac.


111)3 lm E. &

OWING to tho fcarclty if thefor irrigation will boto 4. Iinurx day

from (lto8a. in. ami fiom 4 to 6until further notice.

CIIA8. B.Approved Bnp't Water Works.

Jko. Miulstcr vf5th, 1BW. m



lm oa- - D0FT

IiJipoi'tcrM calci8


the Interest of Mr. inwo continue on a full ofho nnd wo shall be adding to stoclc

and cat always bee ind In Fancyand Departments.'

FansChairs, Just received per styles,

to $80


cruel and









Page 4: m THE DAILY BULLETIN - University of Hawaii...Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of all kinds. Plumbers' stock and metals, House Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &o

f MmmmmmmmmmmmimKmmmmmHHh Vrm'.ptotww f r







JTust Opened !THE NUUANU

Grocery and H.ouse Furnishing

STORE,114 Nuunnu street, (nlovo Bcrctnnla st.)

m.BKNl Imported MB MODS


KcroscncOll n specialty.

t3TScc the Family KcroscnolOll Can,v 1th lock fnucct.

N.B Goods delivered tree of charge,and satisfaction guaranteed, or goods

04 ly

Just Received, .

E Brig " Hesperian,"



f Bales ojt Hy.BOLLES & CO.


Portland CementFOU SAIiE 1IY

April 13. (201) BOLLES & CO


Helvetia Laces,Tuck Tacking,

Sugar Coolers,Clnrificrs,

Fire Clay,

Hemp Packing, with or without IndiaRubber,

Babbit Motul,Barbed Fence Wire,

Mining Steel,Hoes, Pickaxes,

Cane Knives, with or w ithout hooks,Hand and Smith Hammers,

Shovels, Acs,Jnckscrcws, Vices,

Steam-pip- e Biushcs,

Patent Stenni-plp- c Covering,. Lubricating Oil,

Cement, Steel Rails,Sugar and Coal Bags,

Twine, &c, &c.

' ' For sale by

H. HACKFELD & Co.Oct. 10th

ss ri3ii3 -- a

Package Express.Office, No. 07 Hotel street.

All kinds of Baggage and Parcels do.livcred in all parts of the city with dispatch. Having a

zttjaxi? CARTI am prepared to haul SAND and other

material, nnd make or lupair foot-paths, either by load, day, or

contract.Stand at Ramsay's Store, Hotel street

W. T. MacDonald, : Proprietor.Office hours 0 a.m. to 0 p.m.

SrU Telephone, No. 811 .

"O Jupiter ! Try the Weed."Iiulwcr Lyttou,

beavefTsalocn.Smoking and

Chewing Tobaccos.Only thfl very choicest brands ure kept.

For Fragrance; Flavour and Flnenets,


in this city A trial will couviuco thomost sceptical.

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

THE OLD CORNEREstablished, 1858.

Haiu" Jlitos., : : Proprietors.

MEALSSen rd up in llrst-clas-s style at nil hours

Open from 2 a. m. to 10 p. m.

Always on hand

Cigars, Tobaooo, Pipes&e,, &c. Also,

Iced Drinks!75


Bull Programme! !DESIGNS, just received from

NEW Francisso, at Tub Daily Bul-,BTJ-



ROPE MARKET!Yes, nnd we sell

Ah DLo-- v ivh tlio HjO-woh- I

nnd don't anybody forget It.

"We sell Now Bedford Rope, and anyretailer knows how it will hold out In


net weight.We also have tho mot varied assort-me-


kept by nny house this side of the RockyMountains, euch as

Hewn nnd Manlln Cordage, nil sizes,Artesian Well Boring Ropes,Mnnlln Hawsers, Wire Rope,Cotton nnd Hemp Dijek nnd Twine,Galvanized Marine Hardware,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Shenthlng, 14, 10 & 18 ozYellow Metal and Nnlls, 14 to 28 oz.Copper Pnlnt (Tarr & Wonsln's)Whale Boats, Boat Stock,Gal. Boat Nnlls, all kinds nnd sixes,And 1001 other things too numerous

to mention Also, ngcnts'for

Perry llnvi' Pain Killer,Brand & Pierce's Bomb Guns and

Bomb Lances, &c, &c,All of which we will sell at the

Lowest Bates.390 ly A. W. Pelrce & Co.



CabinetmakerAnd Upholsterer,

No. GJ Hotel street,Opposite Intel national Hotel,

BeU ecn Nuuanu and Fort streets.

THE public will please take noticeI have just opened in tho above

premises, nnd as I am n thorough prac-tical mechanic in my line of businesshaving done some of tho finest work atthe Palace and other residences in Honolulu recently would therefore most re-

spectfully solicit n call from the com-munity.

Fine upholstered work in cvciy nrletyDrapery nnd Lambrcquincs of every

description mado to older.Carved and polished window cornices

ncntly made and arranged.Repairing nnd polishing Pianos, Mu-sic-

Bocs, etc- -

The finest French and varnished pol-ishing done in the Kingdom.

Carpets, Oil-clot- h nnd matting cut nndlaid at short notice.

All work guaranteed and done on themost reasonable terms. 804 ly


A Large Assortmentor tuu


Fine Wall PapersAND

BORDERS!just'iecelvcd, and for sale by


B& Call and examine. 147



Ceiling Decoration


United States FactoriesJUST RECEIVED



1'OR SALE, a No. 2

Warehouse Feed MillGrinds from S to 10 tons per day.

Also, pulleys, belts, etc, all In goodorder; can be inn by steam or horsepower, just the article for a pluutatlon.


HAY, OATS, CORN,Wheat, Binn, Bailey, Whole and

Ground, Mixed Feed, etc.AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST

50 LAINE Co., 34 Fort st.

Witter Notice.OIUco Bup't Water Works,

Honolulu, JulyS, 1883.

ALL persons haviug Water Privilegesnotillcd that their Wuter Rates

uro puyablo in advance,at tlio olllco of the Superintendent ofWater Works, foot of Nuuanu street,upon tho 1st day of January and July ofeuch year. OHAB, B, WILSON,

Sun't Water Works.S. K. Kaai, Minister of Interior, 201

$& &- - H" V SX ,!7T',,s-

.ATerrible Commotion




Wo will not bo Undersold I


Wo arc prepared td sell the

Tho TScNl Article of3Iimiltv Corclnire

At prices much below the previous rates

or, In other words, '

AS LOW AS THE LOWESTand, perhaps, a little less,

vhtch can bo found out by calling on

Bolles & Co.Honolulu, May2, 1882.

MANILA CIGARSEx steamer " Coptic."

An inolccof a

Very Superior Quality.

B35Call and sec for j ourselves.

Bolles & Co.

Honolulu, May 3, 1883.

" Variety the Spice ofLife."


We have on hand

Put up in 5 gall, tins

and cases of 10 galls.EACH, OK

.Clear and Pure Sperm OilTaken by the "Orca," "Louisa," and

"Mnry & Helen," which will be


& Cooke.858


140 barrels, caught by theBark " Louisa,"


and Nicely Strained.

Polar and Whale OilConstantly on hand, and for solo by

8458m A. W. PKIttCE A Co.



WILL be conducted entirely, by myJACOB FISHER, in future,

as I' bave turned my attention to agriculture. All orders should bo addressedto Jacob Fisher, P. 0. Box No. 180, orNo. IB Liliha street, This change datesIroin January 1st, 1883.

I take tVls onnortunltv to thank thepublic for their patronage hitherto be-stowed on me, anil solicit a continuanceof the same to my son Jncob.1172 ISRAEL FISHER.


JUST RECEIVEDPor bktno Discovery

A Splendid Stockof New

H4. IPovl Street,20Jly Opposlio Fuuthcou Btubles


THE STOCK OF THE LEADING MILLINERY HOUSEMust bo sold within the noxt80 days,

To Muko lloom for tho Immense Now Stockto nrrlVo with Mr. Chas. J. Flslicl, on the Moll Btcamcr, due on the 13th instant

At Cost t At Cost ! Below Cost ! Below Cost !

Joints Dclow CostPoplinsGinghams , 4

Cottons ,j ,. , ,

Embroideries, Edgings, and Inserslons At Cost .

Bilks nnd Bntins. , v

Ribbons, nil widths nnd shades "'Buttons, nil kinds nnd stylesFancy Fringes ....... ;'Cretonnes i , m ' ,Cheviot ' l "Shirtings i '.All wool Shawls, Keduccd to 00 75 former price tl 80 'uasnmcrcs t.Cashmeres ;.Colored Alpacas.White Flannel..

" 0-40 100"00 87f "i. O 7S

Sweeping ItcduotloiiM In. '

(Stent's, Ladies' and Children's Shoes.Immense Reduction In Men's, Youth's nnd Boy's ClothlnR-Hat9fCap- s, Underwear

White Shirts k Reduced to Cost tFnncyShirtsStraw Hats 'Soft nnd Stiff Felt HatsHelmet Cork Hats (

Great reduction In other articles too numerous to mention

HTThls Is a Genuine Clearing Sale. Call early and without fall

At the Leading Millinery Hotise of Chas. J. Fishel.

The Largest, Finest and Most Select Gentlemen's Fur-nishing Goods in the Kingdom,

ONE PRICE MECHANICS' BAZARCorner of Fort and Merchant Streets,

We respectfully nsk a call from the community to prove to them how far we exeel some dealers in our lines of Gent's Furnishing Goods. Not ulone in Superior-Qualit- y

and styles, but in prices. Now invoices aro constantly bolng received,and for choice selections nnd varieties in all our large assortment we can safelrsay no onwill bo disappointed who buys from us. v

Read the following: What arc your reasons for purchasing at tho Mechanics Ba.zarT BecausBJhcy sell 25 per cent cheaper than any other store In the city.

iiU,rUUuiyuyHi jjcuuuiiu uicv impuiiuircui lrum me manuincturers in itheEastern and California Markets, nnd buy for c.ish; thus we'demand cash in returnand allow 8 cents discount on all sales over $5; keep no book-keepe- or books,and every article is marked down to the lowest figure in full view of tho customernnd thus money Is saved by curtailing these expenses, nnd unnecessary talk Is setaside.

The One Price Mechanice' Bazar, the most reliable and cheapest store in Honolulu. . 6Store open from O a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday till iOS. W. LEDERER, Manager. (253)" J. T. ROSENBERG

" ""


Have Ifcemo-ved- l to

No. 68 FORT STREETNearly opposite their former place

of business.


00 60 0,75)!OOJtf



iNo. 175.

fi5 Meiclmut

Corner of Queen and Edinbnrg Streets.

H. J. A&NEWto inform his friends and the public generally that he has OPENED

business at tho above stand, and haB mado complete arrangements for a continuous supply of i ,

Fresh Goods of the very best qualitywhich ho will offer for sale

AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES.He hopes, by giving his best attention to please the public, to merit a part of 't'helpatronage. A large stock of

Wheat and Oat Hay, Whole and Ground Barley,California and Oregon Oats, BranMiddlings, &c,

now on hand. Orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay asked.II. J. AQXKW, Proprietor. ABi

UNION FEED COMPANYIn CoiiMtuutly Rocotviuir '

resh Supplies of Hay, Barley, '

Oats, Bran, Wheat, Corn, &c,Which it offer, Wholesale or Retail,

AT THE LOWEST. MARKET RATES.Goods do'lvcrcd. All orders promptly attended to,

370 Urn

J. M. OAT, Jr., & CO.Have just received ex Suez, t

A new lot of Blank Books, Blotting TabletsHictter uud IVoto Pupoi'M,

IuIch, iiieilujre, Gold Pcuh, Sds,ALSO, A SHALL ASHOHTMKhT QV ,

3Plaiues for Houue Xe'coiatiiig:.Red Rubber Stamp Agency.

UTAH orders filled promptly.35U Guasotte Block, No.

