20th YEAR Rio de Janeiro, June 1,1884 No. 20 m MOtO-miMM TIME$ n.,bnn_,«*!n-, ( for Brn/il l0$ I)er ;*•,*"'^", SuDScription ¦ fo.- K...ope c í. u, or i2$. ( for the Unitod-States $õor 12?. SUSTG-LE COPIES 300 réis PUBLISHED FOUR TIMES A MONTH ./*¦ London llio de Messrs. Bates, Hendy k C f 4 Old Jewry, E. C. Messrs. George Street ás Co. 30 Cornhill, E. C. ! 07 rua Primeiro tle Março COMMERCIAL BANK OF RIO DE JANEIRO Cnl'ilrtl Us. 1_,000:000.-?000 S,liUVK Ks. 7,000:000*000 Reserve fund \{n Not protits not dividctl... lis. This hank draws on Tlio London ,1- CJòtmly Link.. Tho Lank of Portugal, juviiluV in Lislsin 0|Mirto and iu Lm don Tho Branch of Portugal, payable in Lislsin au-l in London.... ?2|5:794|fjl6 ¦l!)9:073-?872 1, t_l:8G8-*?,1.*sS Luuloii Lisbon Torto Tho Coniptoir d'Esç»tnpta Paris DííflOUliUtTrwwur)', Link aud Coinmoi ivcnivca money at iuG»n-st in no-ounteurront, and on THE NEW LONDON AND BRAZILIAN BANK LIMITED Lato London and Brazilian Bank, Limited INCORPORATED BY IMPERIAL DECREES OF OCTOBER 2nd 1SG2 ANI) Ist AUGUST 1S72 Capitai] Capital paid up Reservo Fund £ £ £ 1,000,000 000,000 200,000 Treasury Bilk Coinmercial Mills and signod Acoounts discountod or advancod upon. Loans dffbòted for fixed periods on approvéd securities Money received on depoait, at interest, for fixed periods, by Hills.or receipts subject t,, notice for withdrawal. Lctters ol credit nnd circular notes issued. Bills of Exchange boitght and sold. The Bank issuoa Bills of Exchange, payable on tlomand or nt 3 to 00 days 8Íght_ ou Discounts Tn-asury. Hank and Comuiorx.inl Hills; | London on Messrs. Glyn, Mills, Currie ,t Co. on Tho ilond Otlico of the Bank. Hills at Hted lime,dan transaols evorv otHcr dwriii I Bftr'f'¦ on Messrs. Mallot Frères ,t Co. tion of Ihnkiiiíc husin««,Hamburg on Messrs. Sohrodor k Co. Ji...__j Lisbon & Oporto, on Branches ofthe Bank thero ROYAL INSÜRiNCÍ OOMPÂNTIS^ LONDON AND LIVERPOOL jrk on Messrs. Morton RlissA: Co. Capital Accumulatod Funds £ 2.000,000 £ 4,260.595 Inioief.s^uut the riskof fito,hou#e»,gt»il» aml uterchandiso of fVfry kiml st mlucr-d rata'«. croüisr mooee <$s co. AGKNTS KOU LI.OYDS NO. s. !U'.\ l».\rANI)i;i,\KIA. NO. 3 Ahló The Marim* [usúràucé Gõmpany LIMITKI) ESTABLISHED 1836 Capital£ 1,000,000 Itawrvo Fund£ 340.000 20 OLD BROAD STREET, LONDON AoeopU ri*k« on *«y d«*eriplion of mer**h*mlÍM>. aud í»t *ll JKHÍI Ult «oil.i. Polia** m»y t* ms-dn |«y»'»li» *t any llio Con ji*«y"* Agvwiif* l Lo*r rato*, lil»r»| MtÜomotiU, and utidcniablo wscorit)'. i'.. w. •10 RUA PRIMEIRO DE MARÇO -40 on Pernambuco Branch, \\ ilbain .1. Ilayuos Manager; on Bahia Branch, W. II. Biltou Manager; ou Rio-Grando do Sul Branch, B, A. BennManager; on Pn.ru Branch, A, A. Pereira Manager; on Santos Branrh, ('. I*. NioUcn Manager on S. Paulo Agency A. P, Tavarrs Manager on Montovidoo Branch. W. K. Harvoy Manager; CPIUÚSSVON-iBNTS Maranham Messrs. José Ferreira da Silva Júnior ,t Co. Ncw-York" Fabbri A Chauncoy. Morton Bli*s k Co, Rio.de Janeiro RUA DA ALFÂNDEGA jCormr of RÜA DA (J.\ N 1IKLAIIIA I.nwAiii) Hkiidmax, Ma.vaoku, BANCO DO COMMERCIO Capital 12,009:000-5000 Paid-up capital0,000:000*000 ResolvesGGõ:000.*?000 77 RUA PRIMEIRO DE MARCO RIO DE JANEIRO 77 English Bank of Rio de Janeiro (LIMITED) IILAD OFjTIOE IN LONDON branches : Rio dc Janeiro, Pernambuco, Santosni Pará Capital&1,000,000 Ditto, paid nn _ ú(M),000 Roservod Fund _ Kiú.OOO Draws on the London Joint Stock Bank aml transaots every description of Banking business. WILSON, SONS & CO. (Limited) 2 Praça das Marinhas _ eio de cr-___nsr_i]iRo THE PHCENIX FIRE INSlIÍANci; CO. AOJSXT E. W. -M-A/Y", 49, RDA PRÉBUtÒ M MAitÇO, 49 HOME AND COLONIAL Marine Insurance Co. LI.MITKH Auihoríuxl bv Imperial Dwrce, ia propartxl to lako nnv Maritlmo Iiuturaneo tisk. Low rnUM and prompt pavmont. Apply lo: NORTON, MECAW & C.° 82 Rua Primeiro de Março 82 ACENTS FOR THE EMPIRE jFJRAZIL Orders received by Telephone 1IKA1) 0FFI0E. LONDON Nn. 8, TokouhouBo Yurd, E. C. Joiis* Hkaton, Manager. CARS0N'S HOTEL PROPIURTOR "W_ D. CAESOjV 160 lil A DO GATTETE 1G0 RIO DE JANEIRO N. B.— The Botanical <-ardens Rail Road ears pass the door every 5 minutes. ruiiTruri-sE jok J.C V.MENDES CONTRACTOR TO H. B. M. SHIPS &C, &C. 1'rovision Mcrchant, Slilppiug (irocer and Oeneral Dealer 1, PRA(,'A DE I). PEDRO II. 1 RIO DB JANEIRO Receives twiee a inoiith. hv the ROVAL Mau. and Lam- roKT * Hoi.t steamer-, FRESH HAMS, HAfüIV, CHEESE and BÜTTBR. Hasalwavs on hand the celeliratod English liKKAKKAST TKA, ali klnds of PROVI8IONS from the IksI manufaetiiriTi". vir. :Crosso ft Hlackuoll. .1. T. -Morton, PhtllpM ft Canaud. ltonlel ft Kils Króros, etc. Ileiinessy s THKKK STAR ItMlNAC, Kinnahans L. L. WHISKfcTi, TeachcrsSCÜTCHaiidUOURHüN WII1SKEYS, etc. eto MA PS OF 15RAZIL Colourcd aml vamiflhed Sfapa of Brazil; ou rollórs, for salü at .1?, nt SOARES &NIEMEYER Rua da Alfândega n. G. C1ÍASIILEY & CO. NEWSDEALERS AND BOÚKSELLERS 67. Ul[A 1)0 OUVIDOR 67 Subsoriptions received for ali tho iirincipa' Knglish and American petiodicals and newsjiapers, Agents for tho " European. Mail. ' Kecp constnntly on hand a largo and varied supply of Taiiehnit/. aud l"i:inkliu S,|iiaro editions. lleceive orders for scieutifie and other books. Atkinson's, 1'icsso's, Liihiu's and the Royal Perfumo- is aud 1'era's .Soap always on hand. AGENTS OF THE Pacific Steam Navigation Company UMTKDSTATKS k BRAZIL MAIL STKAMSHIl* CO ftc, ftc, and the COMMERCIAL UNION (FIRE & MARINE) ASSURANCE CO. ,_5_ m mm Royal Mail Steam Packet Company Under contracts with the British and Brazilian Governments for th 3 conveyance of mails. This üqi.rinàiry'8 steamers leave Southampton on tho Ist.', Oth and_4tli pf every month and arrive in Rio Janei- ro on the Kith, 2õth and 30tli, pioceeding to Santos and The River Plate after tiie rieçessãi-y delay. The hoiheward boü.uil steamers leave Rio on the9th and 24th of every month, çálling at.tlio northern ports as usual. For passages, fieiglit and furthor particulars apply to th» Agency 49 RIJA PRTMKIRO DE MARÇO 49 DEPARTÜRES for Faiirope: niivu TAias Ml.MIO Mi VA FOR NEW YORK Cal li ng at Hahia, Pernambuco,Barbadocs and St. Thomas GVÂDIÁNÀJune Ktli E. W. May, Superintendent. Through passages to Paris (single or return) granledby ali steamers of this company. JuneO ¦'34 JulyO S4 1'O.lla. Wilson, Sons ft Co. ( Limited) nave depois at tho chief Brazil Ports and among others supply coal under Contract to : The Imperial Brazilian Government : ller Bntannio Majesty'8 (loveniiuent : Tho Transatlantlo Stéamshlp Cõmpáiilès; ftc. IXSrRAXrE.—Fire nnd Marine insurauces elTected at inodorate ratos. IIO.\Oi:il -iV.iltKIIOI SKS ou the Island. Tl'í« IIOATS always ready for service. llSTAm.lNimi.MS: Wilson, Sonsft Co. ( Limited London, Rio, Bahia, Pernambuco, and Parnltyba do Norte --Ni-fev Brasilian Steam Navigation Co, Steamers sailing from RIO on tho lOth, '.'Oth and .lOth of every month for: Bahia, Maceió, Pernambuco, Parahyba do Norte, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará, Maranhão, Pará and Ma«aos. Tho Steamer of .lOth tonches also at VICTORIA; both going and returniug. Omce:~Riia do General Camara,10 Liverpool, Brazil, and River Plate Mail Steamers UNDER CONTRACT WITH THE BELGIAN AND BRAZILIAN GOVERNMENTS FOR Bati Ia, Rio de Janeiro. Santos, Montevideo, Buenos-Ayres and Rosário, via Lisbon Sailing from LIVERPOOL every Weilnesday and Saturday Sailing from LONDON," on the 3d, lOth, l"th and 26th. Sailing from ANTWERP Ou the Sth, lõth, 22nd and 29th. Sailing from RIO DE JANEIRO every Saturday for NÈW-YORK andou tho lõth and 2!)th, for SOUTHAMPTON and ANTWERP. "B.A." THIS valuable remedy has now been prom- íncntlv before the péoplc for fifty-scven year., lhe nianufocturc and sale of it having been commenced in 1S27. Its popularity and sale have never liceu so large ar. at the present time, and this, of itself, speaks loudly as to its wonderful cfficicy. Wc do not hesitate to say, that in no single inttancc has it f.iilcl to remove worms from either children or adulls who were afflicted by these foes to human life. Wc are constantly in rcceipt of tcstimonials from physicians as to its wonderful cfficacy. Its suecess has proJuced counterfeits, and the buyer must be particularly carcful to examine the entire name, and sec that it is "B. A, FahnestockV' Vermifuge. Other steamers sail monthly for EUROPE and UNITED STATES OE AMERICA, as per special advertisement. Tho Coasting Mail Packets, belonging to the same Company, rim in oonnexion with the above named steamers, leaving RIO DE JANEIRO.,• every Weilnesday for PARANAGUÁ', SANTA CATHARINA, RIO-GRANDE DO SUL, PELOTAS and PORTO-ALEGRE. For freight and passages apply to : Lamport & Holt 21 WATER STREET, LIVERPOOL, or Artliur Ho 11 and & Go, 17, Leadenhall átreet r_o_vri_)o_sr Agent» in Rio de Janeiro Norton, Megaw & Co„ RUA PRIMEIRO DE_ MARÇO NO. 82 JUNE DEPARTURES : To New-York: (Every Saturday)> Dalton (loading at .Santos also)June 7th Mail. Teniers (loading at Santos also)...., " 14th " Glbers » 21st " Herschel (loading at Santos nlso) " 28th. '" To Europe: Hogarth llelgian MailJune 15. Hipparchus ª*•' g9, Halley, for London and Antwerp" 10. To the Southern Ports Cavour, Chatham, or Canning every Weilnesday BROKER: Sivert Sivertsen 35 RÜA PRIMEIRO DEMARCO, 35

m YEAR MOtO-miMM Rio de Janeiro, June 1,1884 TIME$No. 20memoria.bn.br/pdf/709735/per709735_1884_00020.pdf · Atkinson's, 1'icsso's, Liihiu's and the Royal Perfumo-is aud 1'era's .Soap

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Page 1: m YEAR MOtO-miMM Rio de Janeiro, June 1,1884 TIME$No. 20memoria.bn.br/pdf/709735/per709735_1884_00020.pdf · Atkinson's, 1'icsso's, Liihiu's and the Royal Perfumo-is aud 1'era's .Soap

20th YEAR Rio de Janeiro, June 1,1884 No. 20

m MOtO-miMM TIME$n.,bnn_,«*!n-, ( for Brn/il l0$ I)er ;*•,*"'^",SuDScription ¦ fo.- K...ope c í. u, or i2$.

( for the Unitod-States $õor 12?.




llio de

Messrs. Bates, Hendy k C f4 Old Jewry, E. C.

Messrs. George Street ás Co.30 Cornhill, E. C.

! 07 rua Primeiro tle Março

COMMERCIAL BANK OF RIO DE JANEIROCnl'ilrtl Us. 1_,000:000.-?000S,liUVK Ks. 7,000:000*000

Reserve fund \{nNot protits not dividctl... lis.

This hank draws on

Tlio London ,1- CJòtmly Link..

Tho Lank of Portugal, juviiluVin Lislsin 0|Mirto and iu Lmdon

Tho Branch of Portugal, payablein Lislsin au-l in London....


1, t_l:8G8-*?,1.*sS



TortoTho Coniptoir d'Esç»tnpta ParisDííflOUliUtTrwwur)', Link aud Coinmoi

ivcnivca money at iuG»n-st in no-ounteurront, and on


Lato London and Brazilian Bank, LimitedINCORPORATED BY IMPERIAL DECREES


Capitai]Capital paid upReservo Fund



Treasury Bilk Coinmercial Mills and signod Acoountsdiscountod or advancod upon.

Loans dffbòted for fixed periods on approvéd securitiesMoney received on depoait, at interest, for fixed periods,by Hills.or receipts subject t,, notice for withdrawal.

Lctters ol credit nnd circular notes issued.Bills of Exchange boitght and sold.The Bank issuoa Bills of Exchange, payable on tlomand

or nt 3 to 00 days 8Íght_ ouDiscounts Tn-asury. Hank and Comuiorx.inl Hills; | London on Messrs. Glyn, Mills, Currie ,t Co.

on Tho ilond Otlico of the Bank.Hills at Hted lime,dan transaols evorv otHcr dwriii I Bftr'f' ¦ on Messrs. Mallot Frères ,t Co.

tion of Ihnkiiiíc husin««, Hamburg on Messrs. Sohrodor k Co.Ji. ..__ j Lisbon & Oporto, on Branches ofthe Bank thero


jrk on Messrs. Morton RlissA: Co.

CapitalAccumulatod Funds

£ 2.000,000£ 4,260.595

Inioief.s^uut the riskof fito,hou#e»,gt»il» aml uterchandisoof fVfry kiml st mlucr-d rata'«.

croüisr mooee <$s co.AGKNTS KOU LI.OYDS

NO. s. !U'.\ l».\rANI)i;i,\KIA. NO. 3


The Marim* [usúràucé GõmpanyLIMITKI)


Capital £ 1,000,000Itawrvo Fund £ 340.000


AoeopU ri*k« on *«y d«*eriplion of mer**h*mlÍM>. aud

í»t *ll JKHÍI OÍ Ult «oil.i.

Polia** m»y t* ms-dn |«y»'»li» *t any oí llio Con

ji*«y"* Agvwiif* l

Lo*r rato*, lil»r»| MtÜomotiU, and utidcniablo wscorit)'.

i'.. w. Uí•10 RUA PRIMEIRO DE MARÇO -40

on Pernambuco Branch,\\ ilbain .1. Ilayuos Manager;

on Bahia Branch,W. II. Biltou Manager;

ou Rio-Grando do Sul Branch,B, A. Benn Manager;

on Pn.ru Branch,A, A. Pereira Manager;

on Santos Branrh,('. I*. NioUcn Manager

on S. Paulo AgencyA. P, Tavarrs Manager

on Montovidoo Branch.W. K. Harvoy Manager;


Maranham Messrs. José Ferreira da Silva Júnior ,t Co.Ncw-York " Fabbri A Chauncoy.

Morton Bli*s k Co,

Rio.de Janeiro


jCormr of RÜA DA (J.\ N 1IKLAIIIAI.nwAiii) Hkiidmax, Ma.vaoku,

BANCO DO COMMERCIOCapital 12,009:000-5000Paid-up capital 0,000:000*000Resolves GGõ:000.*?000



English Bank of Rio de Janeiro(LIMITED)


branches :

Rio dc Janeiro, Pernambuco, Santos ni ParáCapital 1,000,000Ditto, paid nn _ ú(M),000Roservod Fund _ Kiú.OOO

Draws on the London Joint Stock Bank aml transaotsevery description of Banking business.

WILSON, SONS & CO.(Limited)

2 Praça das Marinhas _eio de cr-___nsr_i]iRo



E. W. -M-A/Y",

49, RDA PRÉBUtÒ M MAitÇO, 49

HOME AND COLONIALMarine Insurance Co.


Auihoríuxl bv Imperial Dwrce, ia propartxl to lakonnv Maritlmo Iiuturaneo tisk.

Low rnUM and prompt pavmont.Apply lo:

NORTON, MECAW & C.°82 Rua Primeiro de Março 82

ACENTS FOR THE EMPIRE jFJRAZILOrders received by Telephone

1IKA1) 0FFI0E. — LONDONNn. 8, TokouhouBo Yurd, E. C.

Joiis* Hkaton, Manager.




N. B.— The Botanical <-ardens Rail Road

ears pass the door every 5 minutes.

ruiiTruri-sE jok


1'rovision Mcrchant, Slilppiug (irocer and OeneralDealer


Receives twiee a inoiith. hv the ROVAL Mau. and Lam-roKT * Hoi.t steamer-, FRESH HAMS, HAfüIV, CHEESEand BÜTTBR. Hasalwavs on hand the celeliratod EnglishliKKAKKAST TKA, ali klnds of PROVI8IONS from theIksI manufaetiiriTi". vir. :Crosso ft Hlackuoll. .1. T. -Morton,PhtllpM ft Canaud. ltonlel ft Kils Króros, etc. Ileiinessy sTHKKK STAR ItMlNAC, Kinnahans L. L. WHISKfcTi,TeachcrsSCÜTCHaiidUOURHüN WII1SKEYS, etc. eto

MA PS OF 15RAZILColourcd aml vamiflhed Sfapa of Brazil; ou rollórs,

for salü at .1?, nt

SOARES &NIEMEYERRua da Alfândega n. G.


67. Ul[A 1)0 OUVIDOR 67

Subsoriptions received for ali tho iirincipa' Knglish andAmerican petiodicals and newsjiapers,

Agents for tho " European. Mail. '

Kecp constnntly on hand a largo and varied supply ofTaiiehnit/. aud l"i:inkliu S,|iiaro editions.

lleceive orders for scieutifie and other books.

Atkinson's, 1'icsso's, Liihiu's and the Royal Perfumo-is aud 1'era's .Soap always on hand.

AGENTS OF THEPacific Steam Navigation Company


and the


,_5_mmmRoyal Mail Steam Packet

CompanyUnder contracts with the British and Brazilian

Governments for th 3 conveyance of mails.

This üqi.rinàiry'8 steamers leave Southampton on thoIst.', Oth and_4tli pf every month and arrive in Rio Janei-ro on the Kith, 2õth and 30tli, pioceeding to Santos andThe River Plate after tiie rieçessãi-y delay.

The hoiheward boü.uil steamers leave Rio on the9th and24th of every month, çálling at.tlio northern ports as usual.

For passages, fieiglit and furthor particulars apply to th»Agency


niivuTAiasMl.MIOMi VA


Cal li ng at Hahia, Pernambuco,Barbadocs and St. ThomasGVÂDIÁNÀ June Ktli

E. W. May,Superintendent.

Through passages to Paris (single or return)granledby ali steamers of this company.

June O¦' 34July OS4

1'O.lla. — Wilson, Sons ft Co. ( Limited) nave depois attho chief Brazil Ports and among others supply coal underContract to :The Imperial Brazilian Government :ller Bntannio Majesty'8 (loveniiuent :Tho Transatlantlo Stéamshlp Cõmpáiilès;

ftc.IXSrRAXrE.—Fire nnd Marine insurauces elTected at

inodorate ratos.

IIO.\Oi:il -iV.iltKIIOI SKS ou the Island.

Tl'í« IIOATS always ready for service.

llSTAm.lNimi.MS: Wilson, Sonsft Co. ( Limited

London, Rio, Bahia, Pernambuco, and Parnltyba do Norte


Brasilian Steam Navigation Co,Steamers sailing from RIO

on tholOth, '.'Oth and .lOth

of every month for: —Bahia, Maceió, Pernambuco, Parahyba

do Norte, Rio Grande do Norte, Ceará,Maranhão, Pará and Ma«aos.

Tho Steamer of .lOth tonches also at VICTORIA; bothgoing and returniug.

Omce:~Riia do General Camara,10

Liverpool, Brazil, and River PlateMail Steamers



Bati Ia, Rio de Janeiro. Santos, Montevideo,Buenos-Ayres and Rosário, via Lisbon

Sailing from LIVERPOOLevery Weilnesday and Saturday

Sailing from LONDON,"on the 3d, lOth, l"th and 26th.

Sailing from ANTWERPOu the Sth, lõth, 22nd and 29th.

Sailing from RIO DE JANEIROevery Saturday


andou tho lõth and 2!)th,for SOUTHAMPTON and ANTWERP.


THIS valuable remedy has now been prom-

íncntlv before the péoplc for fifty-scvenyear., lhe nianufocturc and sale of it havingbeen commenced in 1S27. Its popularity andsale have never liceu so large ar. at the presenttime, and this, of itself, speaks loudly as to itswonderful cfficicy.

Wc do not hesitate to say, that in no singleinttancc has it f.iilcl to remove worms fromeither children or adulls who were afflicted bythese foes to human life.

Wc are constantly in rcceipt of tcstimonialsfrom physicians as to its wonderful cfficacy.Its suecess has proJuced counterfeits, and thebuyer must be particularly carcful to examinethe entire name, and sec that it is

"B. A, FahnestockV' Vermifuge.

Other steamers sail monthly for EUROPE and UNITEDSTATES OE AMERICA, as per special advertisement.

Tho Coasting Mail Packets, belonging to the sameCompany, rim in oonnexion with the above namedsteamers,

leaving RIO DE JANEIRO .,• •every Weilnesday



For freight and passages apply to :


or Artliur Ho 11 and & Go,17, Leadenhall átreet

r_o_vri_)o_srAgent» in Rio de Janeiro

Norton, Megaw & Co„RUA PRIMEIRO DE_ MARÇO NO. 82


(Every Saturday) >

Dalton (loading at .Santos also) June 7th Mail.Teniers (loading at Santos also)...., " 14th "Glbers » 21st "Herschel (loading at Santos nlso) " 28th. '"

To Europe:Hogarth llelgian Mail June 15.Hipparchus *•' g9,Halley, for London and Antwerp " 10.

To the Southern PortsCavour, Chatham, or Canning every Weilnesday


Sivert Sivertsen35 RÜA PRIMEIRO DEMARCO, 35

Page 2: m YEAR MOtO-miMM Rio de Janeiro, June 1,1884 TIME$No. 20memoria.bn.br/pdf/709735/per709735_1884_00020.pdf · Atkinson's, 1'icsso's, Liihiu's and the Royal Perfumo-is aud 1'era's .Soap

'.--¦,. 'T,'T:,|,|' ' ' '

2 The Anglo-Brazilian Times

^^^^5ÍÇJ2^^^^____S3=2H-. 5=__=="*,'S:,^,^= üUI-rJl

Rsceivedparte in tho fóllowing ilisturbanco until put under | vastaliuvial plains ploughed by annual froststo

SS bv their comnfaiidor ' rclltloí her ™w of fchn ^'vãí gran!U"u s °} tlu . *? kl* o nüi-L k os kst.mh.s oxido, na Questão ma immiòracaonuest by tiicu commanciei.

, , , . _#^taclvanta}rés.for nature has gtfted herOn. the the 27 th a nsmg of soine slaves oecurred |t->< "'l~* '"' .-" ¦ll ->"•»_«=>,»•'¦ _._ t , __ „—,_,._,._. _______ ;,„,„,„,,¦„.,,,„,.„..,__,



Burnham,Pany, Williams &Co.,PEOPEIETOES

Locomotives suppliecl for any kM of workand construotBd for any guage, Steam StreetGars etc, etc


Ulustrated Catalogues furnisM

Sole Agents for BrazilNORTON, MEGAW & C.°

82 Eua Primeiro de Março 82

upon the plantation of Sr. Rutino José Ferreira, _1Gmiles from Barbacena, in tlie province of Minas Ge-raes and the owner and tho police niagistrate of thodistriet were wounded, the formei* severely. Fortysoldiers were sent up by rail fròin Rio and thè twoslaves prineipally iuplicated wera arrestèd.

Yellow fever continues slowly to decline iu Rio,the average daily mortality not reaching two, andsome days passing without any.

with a climafe sò free from extremes of temperature I Dri José Pereira Rego Filho is an inilefatigabló render of

and with a soil so diversitied in character and eleva- j books'in all lnngiiages and almost as indcfatigable a writer

tion that tliere is liardlv a product of tropical and tem- J Ujl0n many variei! and gravo question., and in liis presentperatè climes that she i.s notable to produco under, wo|._. _R> l_,0I.ril8 tlie very iinportant oneof inimigratioii, taktlie most favòrablo eiirumstauces ing serious i-snj with the Sociedade Central de 1 lllinigraçílo

on inÓmohtoü a points,Before reading Dr. iVreiia Rego Fillio. pampblot weha.l

1 ^^Sg^^Eiy 7

Harninond on Brazil

Mr. \Valtet* llamniond seems to have a fchoroughArgylo itchiiíg to become famous through connuu-riications to the Tinies upon the clastiç subject ofBrazil. Already We have had tlie llaiiiinond vi. wsupon Brazilian slayery, we bave just had anotheriustalment ofthe Hammoml lucubratious, and it isnot to be believed that even those two t remendou*

gushes have so coinpletely exhausled tlie lluiiiniond

gòysei* as to deprive thè world òf further periodical tspòutülgs from it upon the congenial snbjeet of de- jpieciatiou of Hrazil and Brazilian crítérprises.

Mr. Hainmond professes to Uo inspirei! only withthe desire to warn the British çapitalist against Bra-1zilinn iuvestments, exeept,indeed,that oí inveating in ;the purchase and liberation of tho Brazilian slaves Jand tlius eiisuring tho lubour crisis lie vaticinates.But, curiously enoúgh, his last manifesto appearedjust in time to frustrate the negotiatiou by the Mògy-ana company of a loan for tlio construction of theirextension to the Minas Geraes frontier, a line whost

But the capabilities of Brazilian agriculture havobeen masked and belittcdby the existeneeof slavery.Slavery means diseourageinent to the small farming .i-ii i 1 ti, .,„,-; ...lin.-nl w.-.llb r.t tbe 1'ni- nlwnys considerei! that we kliOW a little upon the subject of

wluch has created tlieagrtCUltUlnl weaiinoi nu um jfced States, it ineans limitation of the staples of pro- itnmigration iíito the United States, but we confess that we

duetion almost to two or three articles, and depen-j havo risen from tlu- porusnl of the painplilot with tlie dis-dence upon foreign countries for much even of the ; C(mi-aging impression that we linvt been completely iguornntfood. Slavery luis been-tlie great obstacle to the pro-i of jt g0 gMrnrig_d MC Wü ftt the stattmi.iits we find iu itandgress of tlie" country and p. will continue to bo soj j>;jjj£^ ,,v Ult. aoduotiúns ànd argumenta oí the

stands shiverimí at the brink andwhile Brazil stib .u...>..-> r>....-....- ' ,dreads to take tlie in.-vital>le plun.-e.We.Io n<..t fear, :nn*m* -,,-., ,

, „.i mu,,. ,1 _ .,„. - t„ In ihnl evenn snd-: Dr. Pereira ítego I*líl.o st lembng thenie appeam t. be thotheu. as Mr. Uuuiiiu.ikI se.-ins tn ,io, tnai e\ena suo- o.1.-1 emancipation o£ the 700,000 men, wonien aud j noccMity of " protec.ion ¦' fôr a succossfu] inini.gration. to

children employed m agriculture con have niòna very temporal')*, it any,etl'e-;t on pi

than j which proteçtion lie aserilws tlio suecos* of tho UnitOd St.it. -.uction, indeed, | iminicratíon, founding bis urguniento upon tbo work of tlmt

ultra j.i.itectionist Caroy, l.tit we do not know where even

nssorüve book he wn» ablo todlscover 1'iiíUhI Stat-os

Société Anonyme de Trayaüx

Dyle et BacalanSiège Social à Paris, 15, Avenue Matignon


it rests with the slaveowners theniselves to oliviatiany .-vil elleets fioui eneiiicipatioii and we are glad toj ,(i ^see lhat ainoii" theui tlie í.lan is .'ainiiiLT UlOUlid ofsu in.u- .iiii< u- u"- 'fe bb .j •• coiiliueiiient to natives of the r.M.iil trA.te.rifrivrrnavig...eonvertim: their slaves into free laborers under con-

ri- 1........ !.„_ i,...,!, nniiivi t on. o the eoa-tiiu; trado and oi ftve.lom of induslry, «ith-traets of hne. Moreover, slavery lias oeeti anupa-thetic to freo laboür, as iu the tlnited SUitcs free la- onfctíioçomiioUUonof foreign labour. "

bòur has here shunned contai.1 with slavery, a*m J 1N_vo,-j:.sctA.8V sii.vto uvnaktk (kscra«.vom.k tavnat).with abolition of slavery will cease the inottvcK .which i.rpelled the owners of the lands to clouo thom i A second ed.tio.i cf th.» story of the Matto OrotíO sertio

ncainèl the settleinent, of freemeii. Still, de.spit.í the I has l«en issued by IU -Uthor, tlie iltustnon. sotdier and

discouragetnent of slaveiy, free labour has been mak-ilifi progress, and even in the cultivation of the su

jxtohsion to tl.e Minas Geraes trontier, a line whose , _ ^ .,. ^ ,,,,.,_,_._.,,.; two y{jani ag0 in tho report j VíUt úm(aX mi.K,!„ll,.t,N] «mpoioí SouiUw«iUh. Bwiál

.mportanee indnoed ^Senate

sc, liostilo to further j^ ^ QaL|H|mjm f(ldl . {lxl alroacly 10 % of j | ^ .M ç%m thcm 8lmm bl0 m

juarantees of interest, to agree, almost witnoutnisr .._• , .......lnecl bv fr.-e abour What mavi:„„ (J. .1.. __,'«,,

"W?. •-„. Í5 V ,r„,„,,„.,,.„n,,n U,li cfU,t! WilS lr,Hluu:1 bK lr«..íaU0Ur' "".'" '""í, ',. fow r,l,._ht but ma.ler!y stroke». The ./ramoli. s-n»

writ~r who representi" SanU Citliarin» IO f«alou>ly and

honorably, 8r. Taunay exccls in the «kilíul depicturo oí thoan.lwith

cussion, to the concession to it of ti guarantee upon as proüucctl by iree taoour. > na ma -^ ^^ ^ ^^ m Qf............ . |W(Í n0ll>X]H.ct, theu. whc.i faciliti.s.now (lfined, willl *¦ *.¦ ..•..--í,000:000.§. Still more curiously, tho Mogyana com-1 ^ (ll,;mU.;, U) lk, miJlioVt8 of tho Bnuiliun popular l"<.oco..c.a. however, nre fcw. We have U.e liero Cynnn

pany is the rival, the successful rival, of tho com- L.^ nm] ^ U)e tll0Uwultls umi U.UH ()f tboiiHunds of | Ferreira, * gno-l ty^of lhe «mbnUnt nwííe*] practilioncrpany of which Mr. Hàhimoiul is the tru$ty* advtser L„r:cuilurai invungmtits who wòuld glatlly «etilo in óf"ito»«rtâo, lulfHwí«t»le<l nnd «omewhtt prelenUmi» »ndand jack of all trades. Can it bothát tlieHwmiiond Brazil if thoy were állowed to do bo! Xnd, fortu-1 wn«it«l but bononiWe at lK.tUmi; the gsrrnloui faimerM. 1. C. E. addn-ssing tlie British pnl.hc from _sol ,.„_..; ,j ; . .,r.n\., 0r i]„. countrv. m collee. is a; \urt;„i,„ .i„_ <_,.(„_ r»,«r»lr_ mlirr___l f«_m s. r.ulo »..d

Entreprise de Construction du Clienún de ferde Paranapa á Coritiba

Dans Ia Province du Paraná (Brcsil)

uately, tlio great staple ÒE Üie country, it» cpfl>c, •» a 1 .Martitilio dos Ssntos Pereira, migrule»! ttõm 8. Ptoloani]pereiinial which may sulV.-r but will not be deMroyeiUiiigíi a platforin is after all noth|ng but, to use tho

terseiuid expressive, if slatigy, phrase of Brnzil—a

granel ratão? |-^(j ____-nih«>rJn™ cau "safelv

be inirustiil even tolhe!lt is with the utmost d,l.dence that we venturoto | moBthÍMmn?Qt nôwcomeri

question the aceuracy ot olr. llaininontlsgeogrnpny j ;_ ?^_ . _ _when lie tellstlio British pubiic that tlierivers

Minas tk'rAe«. overonwing wiUi lio*|«it«Ht>* but Ui«rouj;lilyI •*>' !l ten.porary neg a

] ^^ ^ ^ ^^ o( ,_,„,,, vl>ikncM whiljh i(, lJl0

j inlrrior oí llrâwl itiíl OOlHiemn» the íemsle %*.% alinnit tn lhe

ifUio Mr. llauimond nniinadveru agaiitót variou» gua• neelnskm o! a hare»; Meyer, tbe tíínn.u natnrattsl, whtMc

rivors nf thn >Ir. 1 iiiniiioiK aniina.i v.-ri.s a^uitsi various gui»--it\ersoiuio '"*,,. i . r.i \u. „„i Isnanncv of Uu» frature of **rU« life and «uiUmul o»tn-v " of little raiiteed hnesaiid pa-tieularly nfínitiM tbe Miiuimumí- ,.--.,

lur | Rio railway. towíinis wl.ieh lu- appisan. to .Itemh píinnntary allimion* t. lhe íarmer*» tlaaghler load the #«*•

Ateliers de Construction en EuropeA Louvais (Belgique) ATELIERS DE LA DYLE

Matéricl lixe et KoulantPour Chemins de fer, Chemins Routiers. Traiu ways, etc.

Voitures, Wagons, Roues et Bssieux montes,Ponts, Plaques Tournantes, Signaux etc.

A Bordkaitx (France) Ateliers dc BiiiMiluiiMatériel pour Cheinins de fer

Machines et Chaudières de Bateaux i. VapeurConstruction de Navires.

í 1'nris : 15,Avenue .Ma-

AdreMer.leslettresetCoinnia.idcs.^ jjjjj" jMieiro_ (;i, U,„:( do liospicio.

soutliern half of the empire are not onluse "but "cbieíh' run towards Bolívia anoo.her wcátei ti froiii iers inst. ad of to the coast. " Wo ' muio spccial ill will. Ile «Im Utkes exci-ption to th- iriemi hüm to took upw» the ttn*Uilog Oetm«., a ven-

had nieviuuslv believed that tlie 1'ruu'uay onterè tlio ! general shortuess of Bmilian lines and to Mteir multi- table l»an Juan repkt* u.ü. tl,c b*»f.t inUntlon*; we have

ate that the Uooer Paraná after drainin» ! plieity of adminÍKtnitioiis, Nntumlly, in n new and ] »!#., „ )u» in«!r»jiie. *m«n|anj'sng the nal«ralift, the twL° 1' __._-¦ ."^

* ... __;_. l_*'j| ___1 ._,..__.._..# ,f ,_.'.._.._]. 1-.. _B.»A_«_-_4_I'__> ^spnréely populatod wjuijtry of extensne iwawast,: .wiílt nuá^rto, » dí«unt ítiend of the famwr. »«»'l fi»>*II)*i '. : e .. i!__. :.. ii .„,.-!...5*... ... ... ?; !*

Llivereastern Goyaz and western Minas Geraes, S. Paul-.and Paraná, llows also sOuthward tò the Plate, tlu t i whose chief resource Uos st* tho «iKirtntwn «I n^ri-1 Ui_ (im^ tuHhU!t, the Wantifiil Inno«nci», a lovrlythe Paraguay, whieíi alone makes tho doprecated con- j eultun.l pruduoUs dtort railways from th« chiei l»^ , |fc h mm {mk Q, aâtwr<( írom {h<?tact will. Bolivian Lerritory, forms, with it.s exten- to tl.e n«arcs dislcieU of krg* produetion ar«tU« ^j^,^

sions the Paraná and tl.e Plate, a inagniliceiit higU- Brst step, but lator ou these lini» becomo he Irunks j ««f» -*Unial »^k*

SfròmtrS 0«the«m^thefarmere„W«l«**Cynnoandr,«lear„.re-ntlarlv tlichee to far into thè interior' of the ith- OS usual, exa,u»eraU>s this natural feAtüre m such u . initlii» jntiíc«»íon »n»¦itw htm t« hn hoUnHoUsal Innoc*»-

niensi'province of Matto-< Irosso. Brazil lias not, in-1 counlry as Bnu.il, wheu he n*srrts that " not oi»? U: mt «-rcr.Cyrinoa.nd Innwcymda thu» mert

dced to envv the United States their fine rivers; it is { 200 miles long exeept the gov.-nimeiit 1). l^lro II.

true'that her own river navigatiohS are ii. th, most} which is IÕ0 iiiiIoh tn letigth. ' I he l^rfilpum t*om-

part linuscd or undévéloped. but the time will con,.- ¦ pany already owns nearly 200 n«ilw tn ttáihc, wlucli

when Brazil will construct her " Illinois canal " toj will bó increawKl soon to nearly 40ü by tlie «n-n..-

iniii tlie almost toucliing navigations of ler Pará- ons.in cpiutraeliou and stiiveyed; Üte Mogy^iiaimayaii and Amazon tributaries, and her " W.dland I company has 23. in linlbc and l, 2 t» 1


four times a month, on the evés oftluthe lst, 9th, iõth aud 8£th of each mónlh.

The Office is removed to Rua, Primeiro deNo. 57, 1" andar.

il packels oi

lo love atfíe»t right, and ** lhe íather. pfíocsapwd *iti» hllHi*]>kwii# ef Ui* i >'<-rntaii. jndge* ít npcvjmty l» fteíwmjwiiythe )atiifalí*t in all hí« e.cniviün», U»f )* wnlri»*? U> have

I iwcitI interiiewik ("yrimi rwfül*•*<•* tfl »*k fwr her Irom htr

| íaliu r. hut the telU htBi Uut tt wotild l*e ín > »m. a* he had


The Anglo-Brazilian Times

d her " W.Mland i eonij.aiiy nxs _.ii in iiniiic aiii. u . ui hwi.i, ».». mi', ;,„;,: " arotiu.l tho falls ot a latt. ron-. and thus com- 1 Bahia Ueiilral lias 200 linislied* or Ín praxillUtC com j prontí^i herl« lhe lr*.i.«rô Ma4»eoto and ww»hl ralh*r kill

nleté a lino of internai navigation of Ulisurpassablo I pletion. Brazilian linesnre iiuiwd in lhe main uwleve- her than forfrit Itii w«nl, A» an wdy tliame. *he «eü« him

ina"iiítude and in.portanc-.and one wliidi llutnboldt JIojhhí tnmksand in nmsl a.H<* Umí branch»-.lmve. l«vii i„ ^\\ u, húwr'* fríen.l and invuke hi* wleiw-nUfln,showcd can i asily be contimi.-.l. by t liegreat systetn of ] made by local _iitorpri*e,iw» has ln*n notnbly th<- otw j ^riuunWya. the old man h««utr« U fat. Ut_ mandai ofthe Orinoco, connected l.v nature with that of tl.e ; in S. Paulo, tm 1 to a l«* estent ín Minas t^rar* i ^ UwUn ., WifttttUy MU Cyrino ia a*ait hb de-Amazon, to thè bordará of tbo Carribean sea. Such and Rio de Janeiro. But the t,nd.,,cy k u,;«„.»«•; ri^ u,Ufc ll<v^^,u tVHttllti,u toUw.p|J0Ínl.

1,1;.; ¦ ,, .1, .-/.uliii... -ir., udwt Mr ll-iinuioiid I with counwuiisí enteriirist*, ns uosoc-urn-tl wit'» ili»-:capabilitie-, such ícal.ti.s, .u. intt .\u. n.in uoiui xu-.i.í «4 #t»H *nd «rait» íor Ui» fatal Uecbãoà, wnl tb«ott»«ftin his unaccountablè desire to disparage Brazil, con- | l^opoldma ami the Campos and Maoiiie o uipanus.

tcmptuously dismkses as " ot.lv short stretches of the formei* having absorb.nl two çonmwUiig liitcr» and.[«»»«•_*»L HnUm tWla*t day Mandão. <«li«bim<«l «1 h.«• 11 .iitpr lhe latter one. It is próbable, ititlçtil, that, »« Mr.í lasl.viril ny tbo d«ajn*s_» ivitt_a] t«f |»»inntiíc»a l4ni_rty

' Had Mr. Hamitiond .onfiui-d himself to sneers at! Haniuiond saVh, wine of the lin«Cwill burden thçj-

tho eastern rivers he might pcrhaps have iriore easily I treasury for a tiine.bui the Bag-ê to UrugU-yana line' is om* for which, as a strátogical Siue, tiu* country has

calculatod on tlmt burden, and n* rpgnrdn oth«r_, L, , i . i- ...... [ nii.U Cnitm dyiiij.', <«tt rwwlnte W» ti» «át «ot t« rcv«_i Uiethev have bwu planneil for the utiliutlior* ut fi-rtib-: *agricultural districls whom dovolopuiçot will wtm} »*mc oí bU úvtl aml »«í*»>«w. »nd w long lowKwia

cu .i - to its rivers. aseven wherethey burst through j enable thein to relieve the tlie treasury nf a tom|>o- {»»»«He».that rán»ethe ileacent to tlio lowlaiid is uttended j rary ônus. In all countries, in the United Stntoí», in Surft bhriefb lhe itory of Innxxiid*, but it Ucl.» *!l

wiili a bréak of their navigation. But even so tlio thè Doniinioo, in Austrália, in Now Zealaiul, i«v<«iif tj„. |W-t,y and e.do«r*iih «hkh the enehanUng r*n«í."?rprovince of Rio Graude do Sul can show two import- in England, lines havu siuiihrly bwii fouinh-d on | TMtt illVl._,u lliU ia>,tl ui t!ic Kfttít0ê>¦ ;_'¦__-:_• ......„.:_... Avl..n._i,___jr._. _.•!_.* íi...*. _.1.í.ii1_4 _n»l. ™ ¦__-_ *


,'scapcd criticisni òf ívis gêogrüpliical discoveries andof bis liouesty of apprecialion. In southcasterii Bra-¦/il, indeed, tlio approxiiiia.ion ofthe inaiitiiue rangeleav.-s in general a coinparatively short navigabl

htsu. and dcWunitit»! nn revenjfj*, enosunlrr» Cytinaai the

| tryatir.ç' j-Sa.-eaml moitally «tMibla him **ith • afcnUt When

lhe íaiiucr a friend, tmaUy r««OÍv«_{ u> iiitervene, airív«?«, he

Tlie hnriutl j»hy*kian jmUfunratd variou» oourideration»1, in oj>_«»itlon to Crematiónitf eorp».*, *uch *»|the deilruoiifiii

' milll . "U U». oi/»»».!», a»"»»» i/w^«wwvj V'

lòth bv their contintiations Lagoa dos Patos and j enterprisr.s and in all countri«,be iti.putetl as a crime

La4a Mérim, meètmg at Bio Grande and igsuing to Biiuil. Moveo\Tr,a stato may José íu it» panuiUiíinto the Atlantic, [n Paraná the navigation of the yet be largt-ly rewurdcl by the income derived from {,iMiaiieand its tributaries is not a despicable one, increased vxjjort and impurl, aud wIkíi cau dei.y tlmt, j oí e.We„m 0{ e,imt,. Hoal»o combata lhe idea Uai «me-even fòr the N.-w World, tii Uio de Janeiro tl.e Pa-1 for instance, tl.e expenditure upon tlie «uaninu-o |« herie» «re «ee«a*,rilv dangeron* tn life. Kur onr part we su.-mliviin io -rWlv nrppíwibli! to above S Pi. 1. -lis. but 'he S. Paulo railwav has vulded nlmttlv twclitv fold _ , ',-".; ,,. , „ ... ,,raliylia is treei) accessinu w '"'m l "¦ ""' '***'. „t l" *-t that th. h-atne, writer»ou-1 «Uvne.ll voliicel to rwideits utilization further by appliances familiar m other m imperial reyeuue from customs alone. .,.,*.,.

i ii .„.. í:-_ M.- II. ii.... .,-.i..l ivinliin-j tm n cAtotiit» tiinn u-hi.u ! itt lhe inlddlo of * ccraatórv and «« tiiiiiu lhat aooneror.ountries lias become iinn ssarv bv lhe construction ! «tr. iiaiinnoiui coujures iijt a commg ume wnent f

the Brazilian governnient will be foiwl to corne to bter, tlie «wtttr Ü»o botUr, erematioii, or wro. «luivaleutterms with the shareholders of the guaranteed rail - j *v«Um, «ill l»»v« tobíadonted loprev«nt the a«uu.ulatiii)?way to pav them only '1 to 4 % peránntlin for u;(!ead ftum ,rIidcrin_; the wmld iiniuhab.talle hy the IMiuj.

of the S. Paulo and D. Petlro railways. EspiritoSanto can point to the Rio Doce, navigabla dose tothe Minas trontier. Further to the north lie the Mu- ,eurv, the Belmonte an.l nmnerousotlier rivers aílbrd-1 long period of yrars. Fortunateiy, Mr. Ilaminond

may be a conjuror but he is no prophet. "lf"istiwonder-worker but it is unreliuble, " if" may crente

inu' more or lessof available navigation, and betweenSergipe and Alagoas the p-eat Francisco, risingdeepin the heart of the .soutliern half of Brazil, flowsinto the òçean after a freely navigable course of oveiSUO miles. brought into ell

ltlO DE JANEIRO, JUNE 1, 1884.

Summary of No ws

The Senate have been chielly occupied with tliedebate on the Estimates of the Ministry of Marineinr 1884-5 and are about to take up those of .. us

" .. prov; ••• . ¦

In theÜkSSé after astor.ny scene, protests of the ant continuous navigations, one on tl.e north, from prospective advantages, why then should s.uch a po

con Cative ànd Hb ral minorities, their final retirai Rio Pardo, the other, ou the south, from .)aguarão | hcy, wluch 18 the essential one ümt govoms ... «IIcon.-nauvi.iim > _;„.,„,,* ., ,i. Ii-n. .......,.:.. .„„i;„,.nii™,. 1...,„'.n d... Pnl-jis mui ! entenins s and ín all countries. be impufrom the session and the pubhcalion ot a protest, tliemajority closed on the 27th ult, the 2d debate of theEstimates of Finance.the 3d of those of Agriculture,and the 3d of the bill upon commereial exccutiònsand passed them. Next day, however, the oppositiOnmembers reassumed their seats and, although a stateof mutual exacerbation seems still to exist, tlu; de-bato3 have continued and tbe 3d of the Estimates ofFinance is in progress,

The Estimates of Revenue for 1881-8-) have been

reported to the Deputies. The Committée ealculatesthe revenue at 131,09.1:400-*., exclusive of the Eniaii-cipation Fund and Deposits. Tho reported Estimatesof ordinary Expenditure still in discussion amount to129,307:416*?, and the extraordinary to 20,183:1205.The committée lias adopted the ministerial recom-mendations and reported clauses authorizing conver-sion into 5 % of tlie G % currency bonds, increasedtaxation of certain trades and documents, 0._% onlands near railways.and rivers navigated by sti-amers,20% additionál on the present duties on alcohol,alcoholic drinks, beers and line wine-.;

Conselheiro Leonel Martiniano de Alencar hasbeen removed from Montevidéo to Buenos-Ayres asEmvoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoténtiafy.and Sr. João Duarte da Ponte Ribeiro, RcsidentMinister in Bolívia, has been removed to Montevidéons Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipoten-tiary* . , , -,

Baron de Maracujá lias resigned the presidencyand military command of Pará and has resignationhas been accepted.

The consular convention between Brazil and Por-tugal ceased to exist on the 2lst of May.

At Porto Alegre, on the 23d of May, a Frenchmànnamed Debise, employed by the Companhia llydrau-lica and ordered by his employers to close a conduit


pliantoms but it cannot givo them substan*». AndMr. H.ammond'8 has not evcii the corporeal tiasis of..

tive eonnection by the a Pepper ghosts. ínstôad of increasing the rcspoiisi-1 0f balaamieconstruction of tho Paulo Aífotiso railway arouiid the j bilities of the treasury by new guarantees, both gov


are a_*rei

In thi» |»mjiblet the doctor deacriltea the 'uatnn- andif iyii.|itom» of yellow fever aud puta fontard lu» InliaUtlon

I oí balaamie ga«-» aa a jteríeet jirophylaclic.j

only obstacleto its navigation from the centro of Mi-! ernnien. and legislature are agr.-ed upon tho policy l*m:Knas Cernes to the Atlantic Brazil,it must be confessed | of rejectingall gtiarantees.and four railway guarante. i We have received and tluuik Uio retnitUl to u» of theis not advanced as the 1'nited States are or else we J

bills were rutl.les.sly seütehed iu the Senate last week, 2d, reiwrtof the patriotic fentro da Lavoura o do Com-wouhl se- thè min.erous river navigations of the | Noguaranteesof entrai sugar íactorie, are to be con-1 jo ._ ^.^ w ^ ^^ eO.il.iti,,,,, pro.noUMl by thesouth. ast and tlie still more important ones of tl.e ceded, tl.e tnipulse ms be.« given and onIv língua-;

^ .|( ^ ^ am, ^ fíf ^^ ^.^northeast furnishingtra.le to iiivriadsofst.aniet-sof ranteed concessions \vill tn futt.rebe isNiie.1, iw hasj

i í i . „. l_»_n Anna nlrnndu ín snmn uvlj.nl In f..,.| minmn reiwrt ui. >.i llrazili.iu colfee, liubi.li.ij_ the analyae» .nade hyverious sizes, hut, even usidevelopcd as her eastern liceu tlone aln-ad) to some ext.nt. lu t.ut, guaian-, ' * -¦.*.river navigations are, seventv steamers ply upon her toes are unneeded, the suecess of the (.uissamaii and \™*#* Enai Udowig uf Vi,.|.na.

coast and utilize them in pari, and the freedom ofthe i3arcellos factories has prov.-d that, when properlyBrazilian coast from storms, together with the nu- j maimged, they are excellent inve.aiiient.s.and the lat- iinerous protected channels which skiit the mainland, ; ter company has undertaken the ereation of another, **• l(* *•**•¦ >'car* ' ":!!

facilitate in an extraordinary degree cotnuiunications j also with unguaranteed capital. Let .Mr. Hauimoiid f"Won platea.even with dug-puts and other small craft. Tlien.whcn j therefore sleep in peace upòu the guarantee question,we enter the Amazon, what an imniense, what an \ let him not allow frosts to prey upon his mind anduneotialled navigation presents itself, stretching | disturb his slumbers, and let us devoutly hope thatuninterruptedlv for thousands of miles westward and : the coflVe bug (Leeanium cofeat), now his bugl-ear,branching into inttutnerable tributaries to the north j may not sit longer upon his troubled bbsótn asa' direful nightmare threatening awful disaslers to theand south.

lica and ordered by His empioyen. io cose a comiu.i., We agree with Mr. Hathmond that there has been ; credit aml tl.e goodta.th of the Brazilian governm.,,,,

th. Telles family had brokín.was beate..,after whieh too inuch prospectua *' bnneome " about tl.e « sur- but may provi, to lim, also when wakei.ed fron, lus

íhey ploTeeded to break down the conduit in various passing fertility " of Brazil. But if she is not a , pessi.n.s « rea.n, what ,. ,s to all his readers m Br.u.,1

places. Some studcnts of the Military School took |country of unrivalled fertility.it she does not possess|—a liumoug.


number, with t«o colourod


Ko. 8, Gth year. Hepletc with inatruetion and advice iomothora.

The Le_rislatureSENATK

Kiitht bills from lhe D-putiet, etnpÕWcting churches annbrotherhoodi to acqiUreaud hold realty, reoeiVeid their coupdogrteo at tlieir-eecoud reading, on May'Jtth.

Page 3: m YEAR MOtO-miMM Rio de Janeiro, June 1,1884 TIME$No. 20memoria.bn.br/pdf/709735/per709735_1884_00020.pdf · Atkinson's, 1'icsso's, Liihiu's and the Royal Perfumo-is aud 1'era's .Soap

The inglo-Brazüian Times 3


On the 2flth the Estimates of Justice for 1SS4—S5 werere-norted. The eominittee rccotnmoiided reductions of 289:039$.in nddition tri those ofthe Deputies, making 455:3G7§ i" "'1,but us tho credit of 000:000$ for hssistance to provincial po-

was inaiutaineil there would be increase oí 128:481$ overthe slim asked iu the ministerial budget.

Sr. Junipieira inoved for information as to when thisvéar's session of the Bahia legislatura would he opened.*

gr; ("urreia inovei! tor a copy of the report of the S. Paulochief of police on the Pedem do Desenhado slave loutiny onthe plautation of I). Rita Autoilía da Silva Serra; also forinformation relnttve to the mnihtennuce of the import ut tri-hutos of the Antonina boaiil of revenue uotwitlistaüdiug-the revocation of those of Pelotas.

The coinmittee report on the amondtnents presented bySr. Teixeira Junior to tho ICstiinaíeS of Marine was read.The eominittee did not àpprovo of tho suppressioti oí tlmnaval council and h.ittalioii. whilst favoring the incorpora-tion of the collogO with the naval scltoól; anil were opposedto the stippressiou of tke Bahia and lVrnamhucoar.senaKandio llio, of tllO bydranlie section, tbo eoiupany nf military ar-tiznilS and the intendoney, etc, etc, and iu general to tho

proposed cut*.On the 27th Barondo Mainorèdeiioiuieed the interritption

caused,hy the niaintoiioiice of tho formei- Barcas Fluminensesferrv station, to the work of oxtonding tho Cnstoin House

Tho Estimates of Revenue for* 1884—85 were reported.Ün lhe 29tll Sr. Àriâtidos de Oliveira called tlm attention

ofthe Minister of Justice to an ndvertisoinont of a judiciasaio at VnloiiÇa of the services òf ingênuos. Tho Ministerreplied that probably the nilvertisemeiit was insule beforesoeing his circular whieli declared tbat those services couldnot be sold.

Sr. Oiympio Vallndao asked the samo minister, as thoMinister of Agriculture contiuued too unwell to attcnd tho

Iséssioiis, why the Minas and Rio railway is not opened ; andI Sr. Soares what had heen douo ill regard to the murderoiisniuliiiy of slaves at Barbacena. Thé .Minister of Justicesaid that a force had been sent and tlie criminais arrestei!.

Tlio 3il discussion of a credit to the Ministry of Marinewns taken up and closed. A coitnt beitig taken only ÕOdeputies were found present, hnt the conservatives denian-ded n second eount and 00 were then present, exclusive ofono who, not niisworing to bis name, was ineluded in thòlist of nhscnt. Somo reolatiiàtjoiis were mado by tho con-servatives, who having tho majority at the moment, wishedto vote, but the board hold that the practioe was not to | oconsider present any meuiber who did not :»nswcr to tlie I - Icall, and tlm president passeai to the 2d part oí the order of |the day and niniiitained his deçision despito the warm pro-teste ofthe consarvatives and tlio oppOsitiO n liberais.

The 2d discussion oí tlio land forces bill for ISS4—85 was


May ;', — 81

On the 20th iust, the Banks drewat 20 1/8 but retired

the samo day, to come out on tho 27tbat20d. This rate

was also withdrawn and on tho 28th the Banks opened at

19 7/S. The ilemand, which had been somewbat active, bas

been checked, and business lias been done at 10 15/10 and,

it is understood, at 20d Bank.

Bills have been seara- as business in Colloe is very dull

and drawers were able iu some cases to operato at under

20d. The lirniness at the close bastobliged them to necept

No alteration to rate.STEAMERS !


SAII.1XG VESSELSjLondonLiverpool..Antwerp...Hamburg..HavreBordeaux..Marscilles.,


fs. 30' 30" 30

Channel f. o....Lisbon f. Gibraltar f. o.United States. North..


30/ -35/32/6^-37/632/6-37/012/6-17/020/ -30/

New-York. 25 eents

On London, on

of the 1 taloouav to the Arsenal of War and inoved for a copy ot tne ; taKeii upconcession to Sr. Fleusaof the marinó lands ih Rio anil Ni- On lhe

•ohv and of the tratisfer by Sr. Moiitillho to the Ferry I approvedilOth thò credit to the Ministry of Marine was


Sr. JoAo Alfredo read the following tele rrain troin I cr-naiuhuco:

Anarehy. tnmult, depulies on foot protesting londly;

i ne .".d discussion of the Estimates òf Financò comtnonced.filo delate on the Land Forces hill contiuued.


Tabeliã of May

baiikòrs 00 d/s.Head Olliee »Paris,llamhurg,

10 7/3 d ,per mil rs.


reis per franc.reis per inark.

BoAiin ÒF Biiokkus' Officiai. Bank Ratks

the president declared the delia te closed, variou» articles! The presidenfs interpretation of tho provincial law taxingapproved. Lyra (liberal depnty) went out imlignant. Thrice •; pronibitorily tlie import of slaves into Paní.is that no slave¦USpemÚOn Of" iwsaion. C!aipie*)U!>ulting, thrcatcniilg stone \ shall be nllòweil to land until the tax has been paid, uiilessminoriiy. Delegiiteon the lloor. Seene prepared. Repetition i lnlouging to and residing with public íunetiouarios trans-tomorrow. Cóuiwel iirgont.—O/ymnío Man/aes. íorretl to tho province.:

He moved íor iníormatúm, Tln- Ministeroí Foreign Affairs j — The steanier 1'uíçn/Ío', of the Marajó company, was

*âtd he kncw uothing of tlie affair, lmt wouhl at once tele- J l0*t oii the Arrpfttl shoal.graph ior information, What he had received up to then was j . The Maranham provincial assombly closed in May its

May 23¦>[202723

ii 2030

th.it lhe Kstiniate» could uot l»o pns-ed Iweause of the olítniction ol tbe conserva li ve minority,

! biennial session.— Cum-elastic gaihcred iu tho íprcsts óf thò municipal» ty

en valuctl iio noto that its VttlUl

London Paris90 d/s 90 d/s23 no quotations

470 rs.20 l/S20 470 rs.no ipiotations.19 7/S

Ilãrnhürg90 d/s

5S5 rs.

Ita'y Portugal90 d/s 3 d/s

Apjiruvai w.\* given to the comiiiíttee report ntitliotiriug |0f pinheiro, in Maranham, has been valued in LivorpOo) iit

{tave oi ahwnce to Conselheiro Oiogo Velho to accompany a ] j*. (, |. to Is. ltld. per lb, with lheirick nmmlwroí his familv. lieen dimtnishcd hy overouring,

Tlmi Deputio»' bill autborkitig the expejiititure oí 40:000$ ; - In Pornainbuco, at Alagõa de Baixo, a man inilictoilno a loragn propaganda of mate WMJreject«l! as al«o Was for munler got ninrried pnblioly in the parish church, tliethnt eimmwcrínjr lhe Rõverninent to contract íor lhe im-) |«,|i,-e not venturing to arrest him and semi him to sponaiirovmnenl and steam navigation of tho Rh» das Velha»; j the honoymoon in prlsòii.

On th" 28th Pernambuco legisUUve affaín* wcr* Bgáin — 11 is rejuirled from Goyàniia tbat the 40 orphatis ami«llcàuwd «ml eontraiiictory lekgmms read ai to the prncewl- Jothers in the Soledade asyluni are virtually in rags and

Injfi. Si. •!•>*« Alfreilo inoved íw iufotniattou a!»o on those {somedays have, had to iiyeònn bisenitaml a cup oí had

ui«m lhe tfith. leoflfee, lhe resourcos beingoxliaustixLUio K«(ima(c*of MaMtt# eotnplotctl ihcüe-amii. -.Th&./'írioMÍ-in, from Rio for Southampton, »»lle'»íaíOn lhe 29tb the lK»pntie«" hí» 00 Jndkiary mfonn was ; IVriiíimlmco to b-nv.s the crew of tho Ainoncan bark bllict

ní^: j RUthk, from Brunswick for Buenos Ayres, which had stink

The 4i*üi**to4t o» IVrwainhiico was renewed and Sr, JoSo ut #?&. ..Alfredo tmvatl for moro míorinatlon. - The provincial bmlgct for Bahia ut ISSl, accor.hng to

Th« Patfhwte* oí Miiriiw took up thò n»t õí Üic WHwiom Um eommíttee report w 2.9SS:42t$ of expcmltturo amt

On lhe ;»0th Ui? Külinwtc* oí Agrieiilture for IS84«-S5|2,315:1010oí receipts, lcaving 072:930$ delicit. lhe policewm rwwl and «mimitted. jforeí» hill a«ks for HOt) imn.

Sr HiWíit» «U Un movwl for míonnsiíon for the motive ; ~ The Cliiirch of s. Pedrode Alcântara at I olropeiis u li

ol lh« d«Uy ín opwttng th« Mina- and Rio raiU-ay. íw oí lhe < iolhíc ntyle, with a tower almut 70 metres high.

Sr Gorro* movwl for iníormalion in regard tolhe lUr- |Th« oulsi-le dímensions will lw 71.1» ntetrea long ami ¦'.(.u

l^eeo* mutiiiy oi ú»rwk. whírfi motion ws« a.gr*»wl t«. \ metrêA at the tratisept. It will Is» elevated uwn a platíonnTbe diiMMwíon oí the K*lim»Uãoí Marim- was cotitinMetl. ] 1,40 al-ive the «dl. When completetl it will be a very stnk-

| ing íoatura lu 1'etropoli*.nr.rt*Tti;s



479—S rs.litsçousTf*:

lave been from 7 to 10 % for city bills.

OOI.D :May 23 :

May 23 90 Sovereigns nt U$050.¦i- o ono i. ,i 12SÕ40, reported29 l',000 " " 125020:

.'S100 asked, 12$000 òffarèil.P.TU


Tbe IMpator*. e*íU*A»t«d by their devotional «xttitw» ou <lhe 2âd oí M*y. tttíÃé )wh l»y* »!?»> oí th" fòllowiiig 1f!,1*ti !àiulHaWr>í*y, reli*it«*iy dnt*t*i<, *w»n»vêr, their 0:000$;jw diem oí p»y ibero for íiom Um national U*í4*ury.

M*V àá\Sí.í»W«" mnel for toíortiMtwn why lhe ojwtung!oí tho Min** ««d tlio «**i!*ay ha* l*-n de-layi«l.

On tlm*>lth Sr. R*lríg«-* Jnnbr, et-Minutcr oí Mar.rwpêoed w»i!i Um Minwtór oí Jttttieé hí» gri«y*ni<se rcIaUvelo lhe uretniVV wrilt«n rtHiifttó to blm to rêMg», bringingim a iutl* *wn*. and mèvrd íor iníormation ou matt* t* ofUm war »lí»p*rt4n-*«t •

Sn Üértwlro «1* Ctmha na.l a tri^ram reUtive to Simamtt al Dr. Miaraeltafàm», * wuiitriiwl jüdgi» ia h» un,.

by a ii«ta#*t* ol («lí«e, l««it lhe hon»* refu»«l wmiWUiniwií*. Th» «*«*.-• »ttr*í wa* taken «ílhFf^rir*** nrfliracr moüori íor ukiu^ «p thert-mUmlrroi War,

¦ *« e%\*n U> arl. i oí » WII OÍ IS11 çosicodiug arml.l I*t Um N««ai Bstulion. aml í\m bill wpiiring p«hlt»c*tioa *»í C**on«! «í »1tói* ««poru «ai voied aíler it» woii-ld

vm».ur^wi-cy If"l*f. Au lr*«lnwüoo "f t

Kear S. Antônio de Padua, in tha province oí Rio de jJaneiro, tbe -ubdelegate siirrounded a plnntatioii at night!with 100 armed men and captured two slaves accuseil of the Ialletnpt to kill Lieiitenant-Colrmel Antônio de Campos, ofMonte Verde.

(100 pututer* and olhers held a mecting at \ aleuça, in ;the province oí Rio de Janeiro, and organizei! a Club da L.v ivoura Commercio alüliated to the Centro da Lavoura e do ^Commvrcio in Rio. Variou* meaiúré* woro resolvei! on to ,reprcM th<" ttbõlition agitation.

The chief of polico oí 8. Paulo has resigned, the vice- ¦

pn»»ídi*nt having refused to disuuwi tbo delegate of polico ofrinvssinuitga, to whose entóJUrageinent tlm chief attributedih- motiti/»í slaves at RcWmilu Dcmsalvado. Tho chief also ,recçiml a via-presidential wigging for pa-sumiiig to pullishl,í* t»porl on tlm alfair without leave.

The Gineta iltÜamtma* hw * IctUsr from Dous i.or-rjgosMyiug that ther*-tlm growing coffeo crop would beiHmini-hed ÍW to 40 % hy bligSited grains due to the beats

f .lamisrv. that the wnt<*r had iwcii the samo state of

Closing rateStocks, Sii vrk

The li Apólices (leraes contiuued to advance amreaclied 10955-on tlio2Sth, but latcrbecaino ileprcssodaiidfell to 1071)*?.

Sales from May 23 :Stocks•

0 % Ar.u.KT.s GBRAKS. -425, in 32 lots, at 1070$ to109ÕÍ, closing at nboÜt 1070?.

lu fractioual: 11:5005 nt 107o*? to 10855.li '/ C.u.i. Bonds of lSOS.-rr20!0005. at i3003' I nt 129o?.

I í'2 V tioi.i-s Biinds of 1S79.- 0:0005at 1150$,0 % Ariii.icKsoF THK Piiovisrr. or Km OK JASKIRO.—•

12:3005 of200í, ii.2,bts, at 103 , .UYl'oTllKl'AKY Ull.l.s :

Banco do C. R. do Brazil: In 5 % 1005 gold, 300 ol aj1 and March 24 at 795 currency. 100 of March Iti at ?S§.

lu 0 ' currency 48 at 725, 100 at 725500, 55 at ] 1Ç.0 % Bftlico Predial : 520 at 70, 250 at 70 1/2 /„


Oram Pará railway: 117, in 2 lot.-,. at 78, 8 at 79 %.Leopoldina railway: In £50 200. in2 lote, at 4705.Oeste de Minas railway:.">0 at 1905.8, Isabel do Rio Preu/railway: G nt 1935.

Rio Grande do Sul. May 1 — 17PltOM TIIK EXCIIAXCK. SPECIR ií



ExciiANT.i* :—Business has been, for the time of tho year,on a limited scale, since arrivals of produce have been smallcrthan what thoy gonerally are iu tbe month of May. Rateshavo exporlenúetl nnotíiòr serious dceline and leave ofl quite3 % bólow the ipiotations of a fortnight ago. The nmouiit offoròign bills passed I estimate at £ 85,000.

Por the Rio Paraná of the llth iust, tho market oponedon thò2nd nt 20 7/S for paper of tlio London and BrazilianBank, but the next day the tendency was weaker so thatonlv 20 5/8 to 20 3/4 could be obtained, whilst business mCommercial paper was done at 21 d. On tho 5tb private billswere sold át;205/8, tlm Bank quòting its paper at20 1/2 nndcoutinued so up to inidday of tho following day, when oilcrswere cntertnined only at 20 1/4. On tlie 7th the rato con-tinueil the same until the aftcrnoon when Bank paper wnsobtainable at 20 3/8. The next day Bank bills wero quotedat20 1/4 to 20 3/8; whilst Morchants' papor was sold at20 1/2. On the Oth the market was firmei* nnd tlie Bankaecepted nionev up to 20 1/2. The following day howeverreneweil dulnesssetin, so that the quotation for Bank paperwas again 20 1/4.

Por the Rio Jaguarão tho Bank on tho 12th maintainoilits ipiotations at 20 1/4, private papor

'being done on thatand the following days at 20 1/2, 20 5/8 anil 20 3/4. On theLlth Bank bills ruled at 20 1/4 to 3/8, whilst tho noxt daythe quotation was 20 3]8. On tbe lõth and up to noonyesterday thero was no alteration, lmt nftcr that tho Bankrefused to go on nt the same rate. Today the Bank drew at20 1/4, but the market showing inercased weakness, rateswere this afternoou nominal.

The Bank rato on France lias rauged from 4õGto 470; onHamburg ">04 to 580; on Portugal 254 to 204 %.

Bills on the Kmpire have ruled at 3 to 4 % discount for90 d/s.

Spi-cik lias been in great dcinaiul and considerable businesshas been done for exportation at from 115400 to 115600,which latter figure, may be considerei! the present value.

PREionTS: — Our Bar has continuei! in a good state andvessels in tlio propor draft of water have exp-rienced nodilüeulty whatever in crossing.

Our freight market has been dull anil tonnage for EuropoI has been quitenegleeted.

Sliipping engagemeiits have. boon madeat!United States portPernambucoBahia or PernambucoSan Xicolas backAntonina to River Plate

of April | A,M!-. ¦¦-"* ¦. lfP. Alegre to f liannel f. o.

U.Statos port




í.. r ISS1—SSFwsneis »aid thal th« *ín«»-(Uf* ío tvi»!>í»ii»f«>< Were i»n>»

, Brotas, Piracicaba,n Santa Maria Botueatú and part ot Itto Claro ami

", i2,1 dcl>*Ui oa 5i><» B»t*k«r» np, th* M»»i*t'*f Ol

riiy «f th«v í^**-rm*»*-+i* «ttdèA*ve«i by UiPlaet th»l Ihev ind m^nm -appliom ntary ç

SI l« th* am «ol o-' «'dv & «O-ODO* »«-l d,,tot¥lh*n mmm in **Wil

r( that it al*o exísted iu S. Carlos do Pinhal iIn some of tho platiUtiau the loss would j

l{.*CÍ l« x*%w

•edít*d noliíreas

m ittVtott» í*s r» lhe lolUíwlw^crt-ilU*fí

lSr*2~-l!íT3ísTa-iíCi1Ü7-»— iü***»ISIã—ISTOÍSJO-lííT?iim—isfrs.|$7S—Íftr9.IS7O-I8S0|Ky.i.-lí«.-ílISSl—1S*KÍ

A» r».g»r.l»J Um enrt«ní-y,

IT7.-0WS3,000*000$7,(!0(U-*»0«53,000 í>0»í4,000.-0001ô.000:00íi|.

àooOíoofts7,000 '.*«.$0,00&*Wth

ad Inen howied;E$lftiOt''ti)*ity[




íinitarytliíng* inS, Pi»lIiátl been inform.iiid Araraqnáia.t each 50%. .

~ On tho 22d of May tbo jatller at Santos, hcarnig someblow» in the night, nwdo a caieftil examlnatiçm of ali tho«rjlsand found Sn ttw mattress of Charles Joncs, tlio slayeroí Paulo límili-i Wilim-i-loitl, a new tite and gimlet, a boreranó a kmíe, nnd tllidoi ií a roj-e 21 feet long mado from a

qüíll He aluo found lhat » bolo bati bí-eti tnado under theimrlrtfw to tlie «Ume oí the wall, but tbe prisoner seemed tohave abamiouwl that wtt'nw as hopek*sand to have plaimedencai»e by Imistiiig henlselí to the airholo and thetice cut a

S^ge through the flour of tl.e jury room above. wbeiicehõeóuid lowerhimselí to theslreet. The jaüer thinks that


Banks :

Banco do Brazil.* 82 at 2905. 250, in 2 lote, at 295$.Bmeo Iiiiliistri.il; lil at 2355.Bauòo Conimerciali 5 at2-lS§, 147, in I Ipts, at 2405.Bani» Rural; 3aud 25 ut2!)S5.

Railways:Principe do ('ram ParA: 30 subsidiários at 125500,L-opoblinn; HOnn.l 50 at 135$.MacAhè o Campos: 40 at 130$.

Trámtoays',S, Christovam: 41 in 3 lote, at 2705.Botanical: 52 and 50 at 1305.

Steam Navigation:

Brazileira: 07, in 4 lots, at 3005.Serviços Marítimos: 80, in 2 lote at 2035, 20 at 210?.


Alliança: 10 reported at 295500.Sundries;

I». Pedro II Dncks: 10 with subsidiários at 1135.Teiephouiea: 140 at 120Í.


Salted llidesProduceJorked BeefFloiirMatoSaltSalted llidesOry Rides

There are IS disposable foreign vessels ih port.

40/-Rs. 1:000$

320 reis31/-

1 1/4 rial715 rais



goveriiment wa* not rei-i uwnts hHU held hy the

lanki, m it íound, wh*n Ukittg charle oí U.e aduinmtra-two, tbat nn» rdtwdy !"«•> ^d had not incrr-a»I it. le Ur.koMdid not eo»w.ler that th« moiwUry *ínngency in 1

! the wmds hc heanl were made by the fali of articles throwni tlirough tbe rwrholc of JutiM* cell.

— Al Coritiba, on May 1 Ul», Sr. Gabriel da Cunha \ leirnmade annplfttnt that Sus trmik bad Wn broko open nnd

' 19.000 «toleii fnmi it. Afterwards 3:2905 «as founded luddeii j

í under tbe lloor oi a cellar to the store, ,./.', ,,In tlm same town an herva mato faetory belonging to Sr. ,

Joan Carvalho tle Oliveira was set on fireitpon the 5th by |! Stninr^rtunately the tire did not extend to tl.e stores | risc... prices was geucrally oxpcc


May M-Sl

of our last the poSitiõll of coffee has not

ling to tlio Verdade of Laguna a party of 20 bu-of Iho absancç oí the railway laborara at thoeeoi

ÍThS^^ »«- Htüo,ollftionoí h«te neartnocoa,

S^tláfflirSl^ oí monoy, e»timat«l „„„„ „í the Tulmráo, in which huts only two mon and some ,SS „ ,.Uí* |» Um Korth and to J>/ Paulo, «nt Wom«i irmain««L A little dog wh.ch saw tho md.ans and

S^íllT^n^^HãZ. A. regnrdod th« «• Uumled, rau !«ck and gave tbe alanil, a. ordiug .mo for;

SSSJfíiSffSv3íiS^ Im could not -*<*-> with tlm womeu and the men to escape to where thoir eompanuns

^TKulLnoiny should 1« j Xtev«r theí «uUl tm\ race to the huts wns short work :vement tiudertikeii. »neflecle.1 by flittin^ olí every |«w unprodirctiva ootlay,

cisai V to lhe .le-tnot bvce*«íng fro»i«t«-*Uve wj-mhIíW» tijceswry to tho .to-

vem .mui ò t le cuutrys ciVlliwtion, A* to ti» pmjecte.14 vérrion oí the internai debt, ht said Üiat Uu» am.ounceTn 3! th"inwitloo was not only the only honeat course U

íconcerne,! but «ms hlto neee-*,ry. ns crmversmn could"ttíXto.

viithout lirst obU.uingieS.shit.vo anthor-STtorltTwtttant^sWanotÍm(ialUe

27th tl.e Minister bí Jnstico roplíral to Sr. Rodri-ZnS?"J «»"i" W"« »«ttlod «ver hot coals by Sr.

Pei voto moved elosu,e ofd.-l.itArl. 3 was read aud auuiidiiieute ]Santos moved elosiire. hut Sr. Pau-

^1, clamiing to tlISCtJrsS 01 laouright of the majority

motion wasadopte1. Sr. Policio dos

Paulino li SoilM and two

íor tlie laborer», Imlquick as they wero tha bugns had de-iwrle.l with ali they could carry, lcaving tho huts prctty

-" At Porto Alcare, ou tho 10th, an ottthouse used ns-torefur pow.lor. rockets and k.rosenejblew up.

ítomt*n,. , itiliii naner we BCS that the steam launch por- ,,, ,

-S wS Lm in lhe nWit of ApnMtüth at Cabc,a do | ing countries will a.nply supply the world s dciuand.

Sinco theimprovei!.

News from tbe United States are very dull and, where a

ted, we have to note a de-

clinc with a dull and dragging market.

lu Europo, also, coffeo continues to sl.arc in the marked

depression of ali produce.Under such discouraging circuinstances our coffee market

is npatlietie and tlio ipiotations give i below, altliough

showing ii marked decline on those Òf our last issue, must be

considered as almost nominal, so little desire do oxporters

show to interest thcniselves in the benn.

The prespects íor the now crop scein to tend to low vnlnes

for tl.e article during the coming six months.

Any shortnessof coffee in Rioor Santos during tho crop

year oí 1884—1885 we cannot countonand we are of opinion

that tho crops of Brazil together with those of other produt-

other coii»ervativcs oppoat0 .ml as tbel.usul-nt maintamed lhe nghtot tlie I :»joiui

o ê ti the òlS -ill tho oónsemt ves nnd so 1. -

!et red Ouiet betoÀ ^"rv'1 Sr ^V*1"0 i }£& SS, vrheS .12 mendie, ím nimg a (^VQwere found present. He the, asked whethe. tlie ;i<-n' -, ttl,d on ivceiviug au athrmatneinaiutaineil ms uecisioi.replv retired auain. Arts 4 to 0 were then taken up,lmt m.t vote.1 íor want oU.pioium. ^^


Tua bdl 011 coinuierci.iadjudicatiim to the creditor,

execittioin. abdishing forcedwas taken up and the debate

isoand arts. Ivices.

the Ministry of Marine,^»^«^ütí^w»- Locationof 8cr"F,„a!lv the 31 reading of the K*tín^t^-^ A^jU.»*;e

wns brought on and tl.o ÜebsU closed . tte I Ik . U

nntv bavm"e.ime in. a connt showed the i .»cessai\ t|Uoiuu.

SI% ííd KrZ. íroceederl to vote the Bttfmr.lt. p. Agr,.„1 to |»ass ali other ineasiircs

culturedeliatcs bad |irev

On tlie °Sth a discussionseiiònoccu^

im! binauco an .iouslv been dosou.

ol tlie act of the preceding

Negiò, iu the Pnragmissú river, nnd bad been reported lost,Wis afterwards ralseil, and was so little injurcd that she was

ahle to steam to the plttce where she was to receive repairs.. _ The Ilutcli schooner Dhore», froin Macao for Uio(Iran.le do Sul, has been lost Ml the const of Rio Grande do'

-A hnroing vessel is reported to have been seen offBarra Ciande, in the south oí Pernambuco, on tlie 21st ot'

-'lu future the R.-val Mail packet that leaves Southa.np-ton or. the Oth oí tlie

"inontli will arrivo nt Rio on tho 29th,

as has been dom-by the Ta<jn*. ¦¦¦¦¦, V_ Mr. Piedcric Yoiilo arrived here by tho lagu», to

revisit his old friends.- according to lhe roport of tho Chief of police of Rio

there weie iu lss:l. ill tbe inunieipality of llio, 20 boinieiiles,O atteuints to kill, U severe woundings, 25 otlenses againstmoiierty, 38 suicides and 50 atteuiptsat suicide, 89 deathsfrom disastcrs. 73 tires. 27 bndies thrown aslmre, 28foiin<l

on public streets aud loads, and 10 abandoned infante taken

to tl.e fouudling housc. ,.,..,,, ,The chief rceoinmeiids the dissolution of the urban guanl,

which he considers uusiisceptihle of improveinent, and its

renUccmout by n police coriis kept in quartéis and cominan-ded' bv an anny ollicer. 1 le urges strong measures against

the capoeiros, deporting tho forelguérs and sending thonativos to military colonies. He also advocates paynient of

the suiidclegates ainl.completo siippicssion of the gratuitouswnrd inspectors.

The market doses qitiet nt subjoined quotatious.Daily receipts hero and iu Santos already show a tendency

to increase and new crop coffecs of serra baixa and washed,

of mediam ipnlity, are arriving more freely,

The arrivals have averaged 4,592 bags per diem, against4,778 in tbo preceding week and 7,800 nt same time m

Stóck 202,000 bags, against 504,000 at same date of 1883.

Sales from May 33 lo 80 18S4, inclusive

Canal, North of ICurope and Mediterranean... 21,800 sacksUnited States

PORT OF MO DE JANEIROForeign steamers

May 23 Coiiqo (Fr.) Bordeaux; left 24 for R. Plate.i" Maria (lb.) Genòáj loft 29 for Santos.ii Savoie(Vr.) Ri Plato;left24 for Marseille.

24 Tongariro (Br.) Lyttleton N.Z.; left 25 for London.llohlfin (Cer.) Cardiff;

ii pinada (Arg.) Glasgow; left 20 for Buenos Ayres.ii Géàrge ffeoto»!(Br.;) Buenos Ayrcs;left 30 for Santos.ii Móndego"(Br*) lèft for Southampton.ii Plolemyffjít.) left for New York.ii Cdnnihij (Br.) left for Rio Grande do Sul.

25 Finance (Am.) New York; left 31 for New York.ii Dònati (Br.) left for Santos.

26 Pèyeril (Br.) Valparaiso; left for Livcrpool.ii Leda (Fr.) Baliiai for Montevidéo.,i Uruguay (Fr.) left for R. Plate.

27 Santos (Cer.) S. Francisco do Sul;; left 28 for Ham-hurg.

'I Bélgrano (Fr.) left for Santos.28 Quadiana (Br.) Southampton; left 30 for Santos.

ii Bdllimórè (Cer.) Brenicn; left 30 for Sontos.ii ValparaisoV&e.) Liverpool; left 29 for Valparaiso.!< Lèibnitz (Br.) R, Pinte; left 30 for Southampton.

Caroitr {V>r.) Porto Alegre.29 7'in/Ms (Br.) Southampton; left 31 for R. Plate,

ii Amazone (Fr.) R. Plate; leaves June l for Bordeaux.30 l'iiliuiriii»n (C.er.) Hamburg; for Santos.

ii Magellàn (Br.) Valparaiso; left 31 for Liverpool,ii Vilir de Maranham (Fr.) Havre,


May 25 Por. Bk. Napier, Antofagasta, nitre, Kd, Pcchcrk Co. For Falmoiith; leaky.

20 Cer. Bg. Clara, Antwerp; sund., Ed. Pcchcr & Co.ii Br. Sh. Manj A. Troop, Cardiff, coal, Mcss. Mar." Br, Sli. Meriimelh, Cardiff, ciai, Wilson, Sons & Co." Br, Sh. Nariehai, Carditf, coal, D. P. II railway.ii Br. Bk. Gilslautl, Cardiff. coal.'I Port. Bki Guilherme, Porto, sund.

27 Br. Sh. Hunter, Cardiff, coal, Wilson, Sons k Co.ii Br. Sh. Prince Árnàãèo, Cardiff.coal, Wilson k Co.ii Am. Sh. Bohemia, Cardiff, coal, E. \V, May.ii Br. Sh. iJuiirohin, Cardiff.conl, Wilson, Sons *íCo.ii Br. Bk. tiàdy Russell, Cardiff, coal, Wilson, Sons

k < 'o.ii Br. Sh. Etpintor, Livòrpòol; eoal, Rio Gas Co.ii Nor. Scb. Gnaa, New York, llour, Duvivier & Co." Du. Scb. Allifi-lha, dereliet, llides nnd liorns.

28 Br. Sch. Cali.niw, Cardiff, coal, K. W. May." Br. Scll, Alvin Killij, Richmomí, flour.ii Br. Bk. //. Bushmait, Brunswick, lumber.'I Am. Bge. Aliee, Baltimore, llour F. Clemente & Co.ii Cer. Scli. Diana, Newcastle.coal, D. P. II railway.

29 Cer. Bk. San Steftno, Cardiff, coal, D. P. II rail-way,

'i Oer. Bg; Emil, Riclímond, flour,H Br. Sh. Andnda, Liverpool.sund forSidnoy.Leaky.

30 Nor. Bg. Zelia, Riclímond, flour." Nor. Bk. Espeland, Neweastle, coal.ii Port. Bk. Kascò da Gama, Porto, sund.» Port. Bg. S. Lourmeo, Porto, sttn.

Cape Gopd llopo....Various portsWithout destiuation.

Quotations: per kilogtam.

WashedSuperior and Fine




May SI 1SS4 May SI 1SSS

lat Goodlst Regularlst Ordinary...2d(iood2il Ordinary....




Msy 23 Sw. Bk. Seandia, Port Elisabcth, coffoe.24 Port. Bge. Itália, Rio Gramlo do Sul, coal.'25 Cer. Bge- Adler, Lisbon, coffee.

'. Nor. Bk. Glint, Now York, coffee." Br. Bk. Ella, Bordeaux, bal.|| Port. Bk. Claudina, Pernambuco, sun." Port. Scb. Alves, Aracajíi, bal.

27 Br. Bk. Kate F. Troop, Portland Or., bal.'i Nor. Bk. Alhama, Mobile, bal.o Oer. Bk. J. F. Pust Barbadocs, bal.o llr. Bge. Dart, Bahia, bal.

28 Br. Sch. Marion, Sambraro, bal." Br. Sb. Moming Light, Caicutta, bal.o Br. Sli. Lizzie C. Troop, Valparaiso, bal.'. Oer. Scb. Gesine, Porto Alegre, salt.o Oer. Bg. iíeío, Victoria, sutí.

29 Br. Sli. Stewarl Freeman, Cardiff, bal." Nor. Sch. Fri, Barbadoes, bal.» Am. Bge. Woodbury, Barbadoes, bal." Nor. Bk. Bonanza, Maceió, bal.

30 Br. Sh. Edinbnrg, Cardiff, bal... Br. Sli. Cyprus, Portland, boi.•i Br. Bk. Elisa Everilt, Barbadoes, bal.

.;¦;.¦ . .¦;;¦'

Page 4: m YEAR MOtO-miMM Rio de Janeiro, June 1,1884 TIME$No. 20memoria.bn.br/pdf/709735/per709735_1884_00020.pdf · Atkinson's, 1'icsso's, Liihiu's and the Royal Perfumo-is aud 1'era's .Soap

4 The Anglo-Brazilian TimesThe Morro de Itaoca

About seven miles from tho city of Campos lies an isolatedflatotopped mountain known as the Morro de Itaoca, uponwhich an enterprising British engineer has planned to createa sanitarium for tlie city of Campos and the neigliboriiig lowcountry, endowing the morro with raihvay coiiiinunicationwith that city, dividing its top into büildiiig lots andunderUking, if desired, the erection of the houses.

The mountain is about eight miles long and it is com-pletely isolated from ali other mountain ranges ofthe-region.Between it and Campos runs the river Ururahy, which doesnot flow into the Parahyba, but, after circling two sidcs ofthe mountain, takes a southe asterly direction and eiriptiesinto the Lagoa Feia. The Ururahy is about 200 feet wideand is very deep.seldom less that 10 feet, but its ascent istedious, owing to the strong current. On thu oppósite sitieto Campos the mountain is fianked by a lakc, partially dryin the dry season, and almost connecting with the river, sothat the mountain may bc considered nearly au island.

Owing to the almost vertical slopesof its sides tlie inoun-tain waa virtually un explorei!,but recently a visit was madeto it by the engineer referred to.

Leaving Campos by the Macalié and Campos raihvay, at30 a. m., he and a friend arrived at the Ururahy station,

10 kilometers from Campos, at 10. Thu day was spent inmeaauring about the lake, and after hcadiiig it they reaehodIn the afternoon the Fazenda da Pedra Negra, which liesexactly behind the mountain, from Campos, and whcncc itwaa intended to return to Campos over thc mountain.

Soon after reaching the plantation the ovvncr carne in,bringing a neighboring doctor to see his son who was sick.Thisdoctor was a neighboring fazendeiro, a thoroughly edu-cated gentleman, who had travellèd a good deal.

" Next morning, " says the explorer, " we got up earlyand were aurpriaed at meeting cart loads of orange treesloaded with fruit, and to see the road strevved with ripeoranges that had fallen otf. On enqiiiry, the propriétor ofthe fazenda told us that he vva.s cutting down some oldgrove» for the purpose of plãntiug young trees, I said:" you are not going to semi branches and ali to Campos, areyou iyou T "—"Ohldear no, with the roads in their presentstate lt does not pay to export. " So he was actually usingfruit and ali to make the foumlution of a dam for a irái 11 pond,and there were the negrões busily employed in laying thefruit-covered trees, packing them in aml coyéring themwith earth and stones! He said that if I could carry out thetramroad it would double the value of his property." It is but little known that there are iinmeiise cavernaIn the Morro de Itaoca, dozens of them, extèndihg huinlredsof yards underground and few of them explored. One of thesewe entered, under the guidance of the plantcr, who hadrecently discovered it, and with the aid of somo matches wcwent through a cave about 400 feet long.

" Without my asking the plantcr had sent for oneoftliebeat exploreis,but even this mau udmitted that he had nevergone up by the course I proposed, but, after a iòng talk withtheplanter,thedecision was arrived at to make the attempt.

" On my explaiuiug my piau to my Scotcl) friend ho askodme whether I was really serious. 1 assured him 1 was. Hequietly lit his pipo and sat fixedly contemplatiug the ravincby which Iproposed toascend. Altera tinio I uotiçed a lookof vexation and disappointinent creep over his çounteiiaiico,and he aaid:—" Have you never observed in lifo that just ashappiness seems almost within our grasp some linexpeçtcdevent mars the prospect? Now, it is just so with me; notliingwould give me greater dclight than to go with you, what 1espeeially admire is that orag 'up awo there', it looks asthough if your foot slipped there would bo notliing to catchhol.í of. Now, I just remeniber that 1 made an nppoiiitinentwith the engineers Thompson k Black for tomorrow and 1would not diaappoint them for thc world. I think I can justcatch the 2 p. m. train. " Idid not say anything as 1 hopedthat after a good breakfost his engagement with Messrs. T.& B. rr.ight appear less pressing, but it didn't.

" We Btarted at 10 a. m. The first half of thc ascent,although exceedingiy difficnlt, on account of the tangledbruah, was free from danger, and we got into the mato vir-gem, whose timber had never been touched. Later on, how-ever, things began to look fishy. Àheacl was impracticablèjto the left was a sheer slab of rock 30 feet wide and 100 feetdownwards. We decided that if we could cross it our pios-pect would be middling, but that if we could not therewould be nothing forus but "awu bock agiu, " as Mr. Sootwould have said had he been there. Slowly and caiitiousl)the guide crossed over, but I could not posxibly walk overwith or without boots. I explained to him, therefore, thatif he would come back and keep hold of my haud 1 thouuhtI could get over hy lying on my stomach and working withmy knees and elbows. Half way aeross I Btuek fast and 1felt that ali waa over, as to return was lmnossible, " Diabo!diabo! nào se escorrega, se escorregar eu Ilie solto. " 1 couldhave enjoyed piuiching his head for his stüpillity iu tclliiigme he would let me go if I slipped, as though 1 would slipif I could help it, but the circunistances with which l wassurrounded were not propitious to indiilgonce in the angryposaions deprecatcd by Dr. Watts. However, someliowdid get aeross to the mato virgem again and roached, in aratherahaky condition, a little cascado. 1'ortiinatcly, 1 hadapint bottle nearly half full of can na, so we filled it up withwater and divided the contents betweon us. The tug, how-ever, had lieen passed, the rest of the work was easy, tlieway being between large trees free from undergrowth, am

we soon reaciicil thc top, which we found pcrfectly Hat andadmiràbly snited for Imiidiug on. Our view, iudeed, wasvery limited, only at one spot could we see anything of tliodistance, just a slight peep of the seashoro alar ali', ih theK. S. Er, most probalily somcwhere near Capc-S. Thonic.I was more than satislicd, the locntiòn was perfeet, waternear and ali doubts of being able to make a road set at rest,as the slab can be avoidtd either above or below." Half the work was over and with lhe exeeption of anarrow escape froin being bitten by a Dormioçassií, as thickas my arm, ali had gone well, lt was not more than 1 p. m,and tlie descent on thc Campos sido Seèmèd easy enougb, tome ali difliculties had vanislied but my guide was not sosaiiguiiie. The descent was easy enougli, being about one inone, amidst clear wood, until we got to about, as well as wecould judge. '200 feet from tho bottom, wheu a " changecarne over the spirit of our dieam. " We had got into a deepravinc with a cliíí on each side and not teu feet wide. Thedescent was by a series of ateus which increased from four totwclvc feet at last, down which tho guide went first, catch-iug ni" in liis arnis as 1 dròppèd, At last my lítental ejacula-tion was: " trnppcd. by jingo!

" as to go back without arope was inipossiblc. togo on ditto, and no luiforuinate pnçilseeined more lièlplessly caught in a monda than wc werethere. Slíéstrèairi was thttndèring down undoriieatli our feetfor wc passed one holc where we could licar the water rush-ing along. 1 lookcd down but it was piteh dark inside amlalthough 1 tried to ascertain the depth by diopping iustones 1 could npt bear them fali." Let us rest awhile, " said I, " it is early yet, not II;at the worst wc might have to stop here u day or two,tlie cones of Engenho da Pedra or Cordeiro are not 100 feetfrom us and if any one comes near he will hear us shouting;thiinks to the cold nuitton and farinha we can hold out foralong time and searçli is süré to be made for us tomorrow.Let us rest and have a silioke, " which we did. A solitarytreewas gro.ving near and by it the guide cliinhed aptowhat appearcd to be a narrow ledge. It was our only chanceand lie roturned in about a quarter of an hour and calloddown to me to clitiib tbe trceand join Mm, For a long timeLrefusèd to attempt to get along thc ledge and beggcd theman to leave me behind, which he absolutely refuscd io do. 1*1Abject fear, with the idea that 1 might fniut, was a horridfeeling, and though 1 admit the provitlentiál advantage ofpossessing fear, to keep us from getting into danger, still,having fulfilled its warning inission, 1 think the said fearought to stop when we have got into danger, and it is nf nofurtlier use. At last 1 managed to scrape togotlier ali thclittle courngo that was not seared out of me, l crept nlóngand after a few yards 1 pointed to the stiitnp of a bnsli,which the guide admitted had lieen cut with a knife, butniany years before. This, however, cneoursigeil ns to proecedaml shortly wc reached an " arrasto "and beforo 5 p. m.we wcre among the danes of tho ISiigmilio da 1'edra, on theCampos side of the mountain. Glatl we were, imlcod, toreacli them, fòr, without taking into account pnços andsnakcs, there was a wiird, gliostly feeling in that córrego inwhich we èxpcctcd to have to aniiiso ourselves for a day ortwo, that retilindcd me of some lines l had meet with some-whroe:

" 0'er ali there liuiig the shadov of a fear,A sense ol fiiystüry. tho spirit daiiutod,That said ás plain as whisper iu thc car

Thc ploce is hauntod, "'.' Skirting tho bill on tho nprthern side, by 7 p. m. wc

roached the Fazenda da Pedra Negra again, in time fordiiuicr oil luast miitton. as three of the propriétor'» SOlia hadjust arrived from the city." Next monlingn buli was bitten by a snake and I sawthe process of injecting porniongaiiato of potash subcutati*eously with a syringe. lt seems a miic reinedy, the pro-prietor had five months before curcd himsolf with it, andlie says that it never failed in foiirtecn cases he saw amongmen, dogs and cattle.

" After lircakfast next morning I went down tho lakcand river, in a canoe, to the railway station and just arrivedin time to catch thc traiu for Campos. "

Cl The writer says that if there is any gentleman in Kio,with Alpinu proclivitie.s and desirousof cliaibiiig a mountainyet unawépt hy a petiicónt, lie can recomtncnd tho Morro deItftóca aml a trü.stvyorthy guide to him, but th.it autohimself he Will be (say hallélujah ) ií anyono will catchhim coing that rou to again.


l>lnltUsht,«l.V'iTrivrft.--^'rmnrí,-íní;iiny/lir.rí'<-With nc»mmtn\ iwn. Mtdal uu.f lhli.'imn > T(Vtiu-umal hihíljiUon (1*76) awaruoo our aliüiliir American and Forrltní oompctllon,s..|il i.f DrnggtxtaandS-aUonera, Ti«.ic»ui>-pliiillij-Ijiinimn&üriiipauí! oChorwhOlci-loDruOTrUUMiil KiiwHtri, líow y<>rk. a. i.wuiiiituii, Mfr., NorUuunpton, Ma»»., f. s. A.


Elegantly bound copies of this work can boliod oílhe Librariau, Hntish .SubseripMon Library, ,'il Mua

1 CIO Ouvitlor. Price 5S.

DINNEFORDSThe uiuver»<U ^veiueuy lor Aciaity ol the Stomach,Beadachc, Heartburn, Iuuig-estion, Sour Eructations,

Bilious Affections.

The Physician'8 Curofor Gout. RheumaticGout and Gravei: thesafest and most arentleMedicine for Infanta,Children, Delicate Fo-males, and the Sick-

ness of Preffnancy.




>old h\ M Druggists and Storckoopcrs,N.B. ASK FOR DINNEFÒRD'S MAGNESIA.

CLAYTON & SHUTTLEWORTH,Stamp End Works, Lincoln, and 78, Lombard Street, London.

The^Eòyal Agricultura] Society oi' England ]iaye awarcled Every First Pri/.eto Clayton and Shuttleworth for Portable and otlier Steani Ensines since 18G3,

and Prizes at every Meeting at which they have conipeted since 1849.Steam Engines. portable and fixed,

For Coals, Wood, Straw and every kimlof Fuel

ThrasMng Machines,Straw, Com and Hay Blevatora,Chaff Cutters for Steam Power,Grinding Mills,Saw Benches,Traction Engines, &c.

Gold Meaius una olher Prizes have been awarded to C/'i>/tt»t & Shuttleworth at ali the importantInternational and Colonial Exhibitiuus, including

London, 1S51 <fe 1868; Paris, 1856, IS'17 <L- 1878; Vienua, IS',7, 1866 <(• 1878Catalogues in English and ali European Languages free on application,

1ÍOTB.—To inaure deliveries in timefor the next season C. k S. bêg tlieir Foreign and Colonial FriendsWill not delay giving their orders.

/ / ^^ 1_^_H MK 1*1 WF^LW/Ua^^^^^ a J / írt

PATENTS OF ALEXANDRE GRA HAM BELLBv decision ofthe Tribunal da Relação of this Capital,

rendered on the 15th February 1884, thc sentence grantedby thc lo>yer court in favor of thc Companhia Telephonicado Brasil in its suit alleging thc inyalidity of the patentsconceded to Alexandcr Grahani Bell by Imperial Deerecsof April 2lst 1883 was reversed and the said patents wererc-cstablished in their full force.

The Companhia Nacional de Klcctricidadc, as the pro-ietors of these patents. in announcin» (his decision desires

also to giye notice that it proposes to maintain them intheir integrity, and that anv and ali attempted infractionsor eyasions of its riglits will bc yigoroüsly proceded againstto thc fullesl extení ofthe law, in whatever part of theEmpire tlie \ iolalion should oççur.


CHÁS: PAUL MACKIE,-prcsidentRio de Janeiro, 20tli TcbruarN 1884

e Iro uriil Anerican lèplin Coipur. iimiThc Tropical ÀJtJõrican TclcpílOlio CompíUiy, Liiniud of ltoston, Mtuw, United S(at<*\ having ncajtiir

ed, under frnnchüso froin th" ('oiitinenuil Tnlephono OotiijMiny, «II Ut« tcli^iboiie righU vcaiiot! in lhatCoin]ianv sus assignec pf Utç Invmitor» and PaUatitocia, Profcawór Àlejumdcr Orabam Heil, Pmncií UlakeGeorge Lee And. rs, Thproaíi Aug. WniMin, HíHwik* HoomvcIi, John Obcover Kuller, et ai., and harlnc,among other, ontire nnd exclusivo udqihonic ríghtó on the OonUnent of South Amorioa, givi«« tmtk« ihaiu has ceded and imiisfiírrwl it-s righu, prcwut nnd futuro, of ali and even? kind in tho Empire <-f iSraíd,including lhe riglits of thé litvctitora nnd IWnU™ al»ivo nameal, to tln? Oompanhia Narumal alo Klcciri-cidade of Rio de .Inneiro.

1'urilur, thal i( has ôxcctttéd with lhe lattor Company nn eoccJtuuro and jkermanent «mirart \.\ \irtu^of which the Companhia Nacional de Electricidade i* alono aoUiorúed t« imjwri, sell, or h-mw throttghoutthe eiitire Empire of ürwsil, telephonio ap|wmtuM*« and materiais mano facto red by tbe Awerksui Bell,Gontinental, or Tropical American Telcphòno (Vmijwih*.* or their lícan*»», Mpjwr*. lVt Wílliasn», Gilli'and, Dav« nnd Watts, Western Electric Mfg. tV, or oibers.

April 30th, 1883.

I'. r. Tli* Titij.icjI AmeHoan IVlimiaM» Co. Umii«4.JUÔSOK MltTK,

Companhia Nacional de Electricidadelho Companhia Kacional de Electricidade <.f Hio de Jnneiu» pai* notir* tbat having bXlKmUd anexclusive nnd j.ennaiuíiit wnlrnct with lhe XrOoiad ÀMfrieán TdopliOIll Company, Umit«l. 00 lloa <lai«.it hns luquind by yiriüe nf said contract full «ml eoUre tflephottic righul Utrou^houl the cnUro Empireof Mrazil uud is nlmie autborited l« iinj^.rt, «ill, or luaí-AlelephOtatâ Inalrumant-. of «II ttnd evi-n- al«*cnptio«iiianufactured, or which mny in the future be manufarAured by tho American itadl. CoMmmúl, «ml Tra>

pual Aiiierican Telephone Compánios or lheir IScx-row», indudiug «II ibe inrtrometiaa, uxcmoríetL «mlimprovemonu» inv.in.d and patohted by Alexa»dcr Gnüinm 1WI, Blake, Andcra, Waaton, RoowrdLKuller, et nl.The Companhia ífaüioni-l de Electritádade álsô «It^lar.^ Uto Companhia do Tclegrapboi ürtmwM to lac

it.s solo reji rewnUitive for tlie Município Nmstto mkI Nilheitdiy í<.r lhe wle or \amrn Ol telepbonic im»lr-umen La until 'urther notice.

Outside of this district thn«. mpiíring tidéplionc» are m|u<*t«| to in^t tliwily wiib th* Comi*ohiaNacional de Eleotricidade, who will íuniish nny information da-mimi.

Vitt Uac (Anipanlii* Xaricnal d* KWuiod-K)r,CÍ1AS, TAll. MACKIK.

Putntütít,Aj.nl SOtb, 18S3.

TelephonicTho Imperial Govcrment of Hmnl. bv ku#t* paUmt data) April 21. I8S3, haring wufirmod in ihUEmptro to Prof. Alexandcr Grabani BeJJ -hia righu «a the «ral «nd only tnrentor oí » ibe mribod of «napparatus for tronsmiUing vocal nnd other aoanda by eleclrioal otutuiations w (ootntnotttr known •» («)«•

pl.ony) tho u.ulerMp.-d give notice tbnt Um-m- ,fl«nu aro (lie exclu^vo projaerlv of {^'Crncpanhia Na-cioiinl do hleclricidade, in aeeerdaitcfi wilh Uieagrêoineili made UU^n it, U,e"inventor, and thr Conti-nental and 1 ropical Amorumu lelephone Compatiit* of the CniM Btatr*.Notice is also ííÍm.,, that thèae righüi will bo maii.tni.,,^ «g«i»a tti| ftU(.m)(UHl tnfraeUoni and inírin-

gementB tO the full extent 01 the pateiit law of Noatrtttber SOth 1882.Thoso interoMeil nre imited locommuiiiente wiüi (ho actual propritHor o£ aaid iwlenla, tho Compa-nina Nacional do hloctrieuhide, wiih n view to avÕHÜng íu tbe future nml lesa dilTcrmw*The propri-tarv c,.m,.any will hokLrf«j>oiM.íblo nll Úiom who manuíturtura», im,>oit, «dl or employtelephom h or tele] home lustn.meiiLs m this bmpiro without ÍU liceu*,., exea-ptinj; m.iv Üteatc dn ndv in UM

1'. p. Aleiandw QraKun Jkll and ih<- l'oi«ttnrnul Trlrilionc Úmoaiivt HAS. PAUL MACKIR. ' 'p. p. Tao Tropical Aia*riean Tel««boae Co«>|*ny, Limit«d,

For tho CompanhU Nacional dd Klectiiddatle, 'The Dlròctoryi (TIAS. |»AÜL WACKIK


„ „ ,.,.,., Companhia âe Telearaphosfor S? IUn;I"i,1,Ia

d°, S^P1*08,

Vr}T"S\ °:il-V !"""M- 0t th" Ootnpauh» Nacional de EletricidadeteíooíonetríSTr toSS^I* '" ^^ 'M'^1 "»*"»»^» ^ MM por «unem, atuiloiepnone senice lor l_n>(j(.iii wj niiuuiu.

Particulara at tho company'*. ofliceYICTUK DIAS, w , J)0NSHKAa-\ >^ j^ ^ ^ <«entrai Suot.3i, mh oo hospício. 31PROVISIOiNS



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