f ELARDWARE, &c. BOOTS & SHOtiS. RAILROAD REGISTER MEDICIAL R &GTIL AR PACK i TS. Evansviile and Eenderson Packet. COMMERCIAT,. Clncinaati Markets. fit 38 aifej Stromal. INSURANCE AGENCY. INSURANCEAGENCY A Valuable Medicine FOR EVERY FAMILY. TIESDAT SEPTEMBER 23 QnU IXNATI, Sept. 28. FLO IT K active, and more buyers than icllors, at 55 005 1" for superfine, $6 iir..l 4" Cor extra, and S" 5n$S 50 ftr trade and ftuicv brands. 1,000 barrels Eagoa' Epicurean sold at So ST. WHEAT Uuptojl 10l 12 for red, Md SI 30 1 33 for white. THE FUNNY COBNEE . NONSENSE. O. Will. hM Ti If a.-.- , ! virit., ... O'er tll M nf ti. M.a ami t ro ikoarU nf th SI lUBS advanced to 8S90c., and a lot sold at 01 in sacks. ki r. ". . WHT8KT advanced to o2c. ocean; OATS up to C9ji70c.. but net many buyers at- - And who tias not wished, in his heart, he conld these rates. be. In the deep dark eaves, 'mM the paths of the sea? Do vou understand me now?" IN ALL DRUGGISTS thocity , and country keep on hand buy, sell and re- - commend as a tonic, stimulant and apeti7.er, Roback's Stomach Bit ters. APOTI1 KCARIE8 IN all sections of the city m. country keep in stick, sell and dispense as touic Roback's Stomurh Bitters. PHYSICIANS in a!' section of the city and country approve and as a tonic Ro- back's Stomach Bitters. GROCERS in all sec- tions of the city and country keep constantly supplied With aud deal hi Roback's Stomach Bitters. HOTELS in all sec- tions of the city and country are supplied with and "cannot keep ;i Hotel," without a of Roback's Stomach Bitters. HOSPITALS throuchont the army of the North BARLEY is held at $1 40(5,1 50 for prime spring and fall. MF.SS rORK higher, with salon of oOO pounds old city, at S10 75. LARD firmer ; 500 tierces steam rendered sold at 0-- j at Louisville, and GOO kegs ctty at lie. HAY advanced to i'M. FLAX-SEE- SJ 60. SUGAR and COFFEE firm but qnit. GOLD SS. SILVER 30. EXCHANGE firm. thundered a country schoolmaster to an Brchin, at whose head he threw an ink-Btan- d "I've got an inkling of what you mean." replied the bov. rv " Sam, why don't you talk to mas-s- a and tell him to lay up treasures in heaven?" for? What de use ub layin' up treasures dar, where he neb-e- r see um aain?" found an indispensable tonic, uud are using, the soldiers Roback's Stomach Bilters. SUTLERS in every rcgin.ent ought to have many have introduced, and highly ie- in- - Roback's Stomach Bitters. LADIES, old an voting, for Billiousne-s- , Liver Complaints, Lang r Weakness an! general De-- I are recommended to use Bohacfc - Stomach Bitters. ' . . EVERYBODY V i desires a good tonic tor tons to the i. ri's, a healthy appetite and strength to the aTsu-- generally, should not fail oiiv a bottlo of Roback's Stomach Bitters. DR. C. W. ROBACK, Proprietor, Cincinniiti. Offlce and Manufactory Nos. 58, 58, 80 and ti'2 Third Street. ea-F- or sale by all Druggists everywhere. ang25 W. Marble Hall, Main Street, EVANSVILLE, INX, Underwriter and General In- surance Agent. Dav Adjuster of Fire Losses and Notary Pub ic. All business connected with Insurance ,ttnded tc with promptness ano fidelity . Polices issued in rcverai ol the eldest and most reil blC: omp iniea in the Union . EIRE. LIFE an MARIN vumbined ,a-- h 0s pi1 a' Ret- - i respited over $ 5,0 00 ,0 00 00 PREPARf )H TIME AGAIKST THE THE FIRES OF FALL!' BY Prime A No. I Insurance IN THF Phoenix Insurance Company OF HARTFORD CONN. The Fruits of the Phoenix Are manifest in the following statement of IP-e- t.(st ex BSjpULexi showing the amo-in- t ee.ualiued to public benefit in shape of losses paid iu the West and South, during the past four years ; a liue of valuable ser- vice, honorable as well as commendable, aud which thosld suggest or V s op rj man who desires to bestow his iaiuranc patronago upon a WELL TBI ED CORPORATION SI1', 277.45 OHIO $40,377.15 zl,,?i.'J INDIANA 27,622.94 ' 01,174.56 ILLINOIS (iH.174.56 MICHIGAN 32,67.1.68 M,l WISCONSIN ;o, IOWA 18,323.34 8,653.10.. MINNESOTA 8,t;53.10 1, 67.W) NEBRASKA l.Htf.U) 9,765.00 KANSAS 9,765.01' 31,064.36 KENTUCKY 34,054.31; 43,054.91' TENNESSEE 43,051.90 20,832.55 MISSISSIPPI 20,832.55 27,698.83 MISS0DRI 27,698.83 22,839.43 ARKANSAS 22,839.43 3,801.98 TEXAS 3,901 .9S 555.55 ALABAMA 555 66 fn the equitable nrfusmcnl, and prompt Cojfc to losses, tk PHOCSIX utamls ire -- eminently at the head of it profeition ; while its exteiuite, practi-lica- l, and Srtt-cla- buine tystnn of locul agencies, in not excelled by any similar corporation in the world. lusurancies solicited, and policies issued and re- newed iu this leading Corporation, at lair rateB by J. W. NEXSEN, Resident Agent, Offlce, Marble nail Building, Main street. jjjj ' Cash Assets, January 1st, 1862, $1,992,585.89. Loss- - s Paid, Upward o 811,000,000. The great public service, promptness anil rein bility of this well-trie- d and sterling Compaoy, re- commend it to preference with those needing In- surance. Iusnrance solicited and Policies issued by J. W. NEXSEN, Agent, febb Marble Hall Building, No. 9. Main si. MACHINISTS. on FIRM, EVANSVILLS, IND.. Manufacturers of STEAM ENGINES, STEAM BOILERS, AND CIRCULAR SAW MILLS, Of the most Approved Pattern. ALSO All kinds of Machinery appertain- ing to Railroads, Steamboats, Distilleries, Flooring Mills. SUGAR MILLS, of all sizes with the latest Improve- ments attached ; Tobacco Screws, Portable Engines, &c, &c, &c. House Fronts, Grates, Rail- ing, Iron and Brass Castings of every description. DEALERS IN Steam Gauges, Gum Belting, Fire Brick, Wrought Iron Pipe, Bolting Cloth, &c, at MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. Repairing done at short notice. Workmen sent to all part to fit up work and repair Boilers &-- Machinery flVAU order will receive our individual atten- tion and will be promptly filled on the tnoat reasonable terms. Office and Foundry on the Canal, corner of Ingle Street. mhl7-l- v DEPARTS: Way, Freight and Accommodation '1:45 i. A Mail M :2ft A. A R R I V E S : Accommodation ...5: 24 P. M Mail ...5:54 P. If . 7 T. II . &. 11. K. It. to DEPARTS FBUM T. H. Express 3:15 p. M. Accommodation 7:05 A M. Night Exptv-- s 1:50 A. M. A R R I V E A T T. H. Day Express 10:45 p. m. A'commodatioii 5:36 a. U. Night Express 11:15 a. M. Th-- -. t wo roads make good connection at Terre Haute. River News, ARRIVALS. r OhtnhirS Hendrrsoii. Huntsman, iucinuati. May Duke, Cairo. K. K. imnkersoii, Bowling Green. Duke Bowling Green. Mattie Took, Owenshro. Jewess, Memphis. tiSHtings, Madison. Cordelia Ann, Bowling Un-ei- i KEPAKTURES. ?r t'hamberr, Henderson. Huntress, Cairo. Mattie, Cumberland River. May Duke. Cairo. HasUngs, Memphis. Atlantic No 2, Cumberlaud River. DnnkeraOn, Bowling Green. There is notiiino; new to note in rela- tion to the river or weather, the heavens remninino &9 brass and the earth as iron, and the sand bars looming up higher and higher daily. The channel is cutting out. and straightening some- what, which renders navigation less diff- icult than ii has been, though there are but 2;! inches at French Island, and -- !6 inches hence to Cairo. The Jewess came up Saturday night with a cargo of government cotton en route to Cincinnati. She proceeded to Scuftietown, and finding the river too low to get over, returned to this city, and lies at the lower landing. The- May Duke arrived from Cairo at 10 o'clock on Sunday morning, havnr made regular packet time under the in- telligent superintendence of Capt. Gns. Dusouchet She left at 1 o'clock yes'er day with a very fine trip. The R. K. Dunkerson, Cordelia nn and Duke came in from Green river Sunday evening. The Dunkerson re- turned last evening with a fair trip. The Duke is loading with government stores, and will leave forthwith. The Cordelia Ann will leave for Bow- ling Green at noon to-da- y. She is very ltgnt, mattes excellent time, ana is su- perbly offieered. Shippers and passen- gers should call down early this morning and make arrangements. The Colonna is loaded, and will leave to-da- y for Cairo and all way points. Capt Tom Bolus commands, anil will see that his guests are fed on the 'at of the land and made comfortable. The Delaware arrived from, and re- turned to, Louisville on Sunday noon. The Colussus arrived about S o'clock last Bight, having been detained at Lou- isville. " j t-.- .. t tne merchants and shippers of Evansviile, j that nil freights designed for the boats bo!on!'inz to the Evansviile and Cairo Packet Company will henceforth be re- - ceived at all times, free of charge, by Messrs. Cox & Humphrey, at the lower i tatgeing oi their wharf boat, who ore authorized to make contracts and sign bills of lading. Shippers, by this arrangement, can dispose of their freights and get their bills of lading signed at their own con- venience, without regard to the arrival or departure of the packets. seP14d2w H. T. DEXTER, President Lake Ice. Plenty of Lake Ice constantly on hand day and night, at the Lower Landing. E. INGLE & CO. DRUGS, &c. WM H. P. STODDARD, No. 17 Main Street, EVANSVIXI-K- , IXD. IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, AND Mediciues, Chemicals. Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass. Brushes, Lamps, Dye Stuffs, and all articles usually kept in a first clan's Drug Store, with a large an I varied assortment of Patent Med. icines and Perfumery, together with every descrip- tion of Atnhrotype and Photograph Goods, con sisting f Cameras. Chemicals, Cases and Frames constantly on hand, and sold at reasonable prices Orders from Merchants and Artists promptly attended to, and forwarded as instructed. COAL OIL A superior article; white and for sale by the gallon or bar- rel, at 17 Main street. LAMPS, LAMPS street. A new supply jnst received, FEVER AND AGUE MEDICINES of all kinds At STODDARD'S, 17 Main street. SODA ASH A superior article, for 3ale at the Drug Store, 17 Main street. PHYSICIANS and Families cau roly on having and Reciies put up care- fully and correctly at IV M. H. P.JiTODDARD'S City Drng Store. ROOFING CEMENT For Railroad aud ; also for Painters, Builders, Architects, and Roofing and Preserving purposes. Cheapar and far superior to any material ever used. For sale by tho gallon or barrel, at STODDARD'S 17 Main street. "1ILT FRAMES--Som- e new and very hand-VJ- some patterns just received, at STODDARD'S, 17 Main street. MARCHISI'S CATHOLICON aud Dr. John L. Periodical Drops for sale at 17 Main street. SITEKIOR OLD PORT WINK aud French for medical purposes, at the City Drng Store, 17 Main street. CITY ADVERTISMENTS. Order of Council directing Lot to be Filled. AND NOW HERE IT APPEARING TO THE Councilor the city of Evansviile that lot two (2) in Block seventy-seve- n (77) In Lamas-c- is so situated that water collects aud remains stagnant thereon, and the owner of said lot is hereby directed and required by the said Council to fill up said lot to such a height as will prevent water from collecting and remaining stagnant thereon within thirty days from the publication or this order. I, A. Pfafflin, Clerk of the city of Evansviile. do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and complete copy of an order of said Council, passed on the 24th day of Auguts 1863, so far as it relates to tho within named lot. " i In witness whereof I have hereunto sel. lDseribed my name and affixed the I isalofsaid city this 22d day of SeDtem- - ,r,cA' D' 1863' A- - PFAFFLIN, Evansviile, Sept. 23, 1883. Clerk. PAPER MILLS. EVANS VILLE PAPER MILLS, LEICH & ( ABLSTEDT, Agents. WrE MANUFACTURE WRAPPING PAPER equal to any made, and at Cincinnati prices Prices eeiit on application to the Atrouts, jyied6iu GEO. S. SONKTAG&CQ., Jobbeis and Importers. Hardware and Cutlery. Oar Fall Stock being very large and complete, we can offer to our Customers and the Trade, Goods that can- not fail t-- . please in Style, Quality and Price. Our Stock is now bought for Cash, and prices reduced. We offer the following in large quantites: TABLE CUTLERY, English. TABLE CUTLERY, American. TABLE CUTLERY, English. TABLE CUTLERY, American. POCKET CUTLERY. POCKET CUTLERY. POCKET CUTLERY. POCK.ET CUTLERY. CHOPPISG AXFS. CHOPPISG AXES. CHOPPISG AXES. CHOPPISG AXES. SHEARS ASD SCISSORS. SHEARS AXD SCISS0E8 SHEARS ASD SCISSORS. SHEARS ASD SCISSORS TA BL E A SI) TEA SPOOSS. TABLE ASD TEA SPOOSS. TABLE ASD TEA SPOOSS. TABLE ASP TEA SPOOSS. MILL ASD CUT SAWS. MILL ASD H CUT SAWS-WOO- ASD HAND SAWS. WOOD ASD HAND SAWS. BI II.DEKS HARDWARE. MECHASICS TOOLS. BUILDER'S HARDWARE MECIIAXIt'S TOOLS. omn asp pistols. CARTRIDGES ASD GUS CAPt. GVMB ATD PISTOLS. CARTRIDGES ASD GUS CAPS PLATFORM ASD COUSTER SCALES. PLATFORM ASD COUSTER SCALES. SCALE BEAMS ASD STEELYARDS. SCALE BEAMS ASD STEELYARDS. GEO S. fc CO., Xo. 10 Main Street. WELLS, KELLOGG & CO., DEALERS IN II ir I ARE AND CUTLERY No. 13 FIRST STREET, sitiX BIG MILL. SAW,) Have received a complete stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Hardware, Purchased and Imported direct from the Manufacturers TP CZ 2rL OA SB, Enabling us to offer inducements to Pur chasers rarely found in the West AVe call the special attention of Dealers to our large and well selected Stock, con- sisting in part of Axes All the celebrated brands, Chains Log, Trace and Halter, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Shovels and Spades, Cotton and Wool Cards, Wheel Heads, Weaver's Reeds, Spinning Wheels, Locks, Latches, Butts and Screws, Gun Trimmings, Brass Kettles, Shot Guns, Rifles and Revolvers, Chain Pump Fixtures, Hollow Ware, Dog Irons, Gum Belting, Japanned Ware, Notions Large Stock. WELLS, EELLO&G & CO., No. 13 First Street. Bid BOOT N D SHOE HOUSE. MM. Pi I U MAIN STREET, Ave again in Market with the largest Stock of OOT GOODS, ( We say ;MI for we sell that teincl f Stock), to be found in any llouse of our acquaintance East or West. mi 1 Li C "1 ,.1. JLiiey were uougiit ior vaMi by one of the nrm who spends the greater part of his time East for that express purpose. With many years experience in the business, we flatter ourselves that we understand it well, and with ' facilities at our command, we Oxx &xx.3L TTVill Sell Goods as cheap as any Jobbing House in tne coun- try, we care not where that House may be located; if in the East we will add trans- - povt.ition. We wrould re-- spectfully call the attention ! of tlie trade to an examina tion of our Goods. V e like to sell good Goods ; they speak for us wkereever they MORGAN, READ & CC HAT HOUSE It is not a mooted question that MORGAN, READ & CO., Sfo. 63 jVTaIxx Street, Have the Largest and Hand- somest stock of HATS rn t i i 10 oe iouna in any one House in the West. Men's, Boy's and Children's Hats of every Fashionable style in vague either East or West. Men's Black and Colored Fur and Wool Dress Hats. Men's Black and Colored Fur and Wool French Hats. Men's Black and Colored Fur and Wool J Planter and Planter Hats. Men's Black and Colored Fur and Wool Burnside, Monitor, Cochran, &c, Hats. Men's Plain and Colored Leghorn and Straw Hats. Men's Panama & Palm Leaf Hats. Boy's Fur and Wool Hats, (great variety.) Boy's Leghorn, Straw and Palm Leaf Hats. Children's Fur, Wool, Leghorn, Straw and Palm Leaf Hats. The above Stock has just been ' purchased directly of the Manu facturers of New England for CASH, at low figures, and we will soli as low as any jobber East, transportation added. Call and examiue our Goods before buying. No trouble to show goods. MORGAN, READ & C" COLLECTOR'S SALE. Collector's Sale of Real Estate for the payment and expenses of Sidewalk Improve- ments. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT BY of a precept issued by the Mayor of the Ij'tjf of Evansviile and to me directed, I will sell in public auction, at the door of the Court House in said City, Friday, October 9, at 10 o'clock a. lay, the following Lots or parcel of Real Estate, oi Jo much thereof as may be neceeeary to nay the ' amount charged and assessed against said Lots ly for the cost and expanses of making sidewalk improvement upon said Lots, together with the costs of sale, and that the said sale will be ' continued on the next day thereafter, viz: Satur- day, the loth of October, at 10 o'clock a. m., at j tho same place for the purpose of selliogsuch prop- - j ei ty as may have !en sold on tho day above men- - oned and not paid for: FOI RTH ENLABGE3IENT. L ot No. 1, block No. S; Frank Chambers heir j owners, Slti 56. STOCKWELL'fJ EXLARfiMENT. Lot 9, block I, C. L. Neeiiiaateu a hcira, iS32. N. W. V lot 10, block 1, 90jc. W. 8. BOEl'PLK, Collator. Evauavilla, Sept. 24, UM. THE 8T E A M ER 1 T THOMAS Master. Leaves Evansvitle every i evening at 4 p. ni., and leaves Henderson every morning at a. m. For freight or passage apply on board or John B. Hall, Evansviile, or to Morris Riickcr,- Henders n, Ky. seplfi Evansviile and Cairo Packet, Co. FAST MAIL PACKET LTNE. Low Water Arrangement T O -- ?- Paducali & Oairo. Durin the continuaiiee of low water Beats will run as follows : THE FINE MAIL PACKET iter A 5T TJ U 2L :ei G. nrsorCHET, Master l . DUNN, Clerk Oaves Mondny and Thursday's at 2 o'clock, for Cairo and all Way Points. Leaves Cairo Tnesday's and Friday' at S p. M. THE LIGHT DRAUGHT PACKET rruATTSM isr, E. WHISTLER, Master F. R. BOSTON, Cl'k. j Leaves Wednesday's and Saturday's at 2 p. m. for Cairo and all Way Point-- . Leaver Cairo on "niursday's Sunday's at 5 p. m., Making connections at Cairo with the Illinois Central Railroad, and at Evansviile with the Evansviile and Crawfordsville Railroad. j For freight or passage apply on board or to Cox & Humphrey, Lower Wharf Boat, or to P. D. Veits, Agents. epl5-ilt- f i Low Water Arrangement. KVANSVILLE AND CATRO PACKET HUNTRESS, ROBERT?, Master SHIELDS, Clerk. PLY AS A REGULAR PACKET WILL Evansviile, Paducah and Cairo dur- ing the low water. She U very light and roomy. She leaves on MONDAY, September 14, at 10 a. m. For freight or passage applv to sepl'J tf JNO. B HALL, Agent. Cincinnati and Memphis PACKET COMPANY. iros. For Evansviile, Henderson, Mount IJk'-- t i.y Vernon, Shawn eetown, Smithland, 7 y, Paducah, Cairo, Columb:is, Hickman and Menipnis, and all way-poin- ts on the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, comprising the following new light-draug- passenger packets : NORMAN. JEWESS Capt. Batchelor. C .i taiu Fray.: PRINCESS, W. C. MANN, Captan Maratta. Captain Shi.uk. One of the above Boats will pass Evansviile Weekly for Cairo, Columbus, Hickman, and Mem- phis. Also, weekly for Cincinnati. For freight or passage enquire of COX A HUMPHREY, fpSdtf Agents. Regular Evansviile and Cairo PACKET, DURING LOW WATER. TilK STKAMER O O Xj O DKT Z&NT jBl. , TOM. BOLUS, Captain. H. HYDE, Clerk, WILL RUN REGULARLY IN THE above trade during low water. W For freight or missa?, auulv on board. sepO U S. Mail Beat for Louisville. r, MOB THE LOW WATER i 'M'Mnii the Loaisville and Evanxville giZLjT' - U. S. Mall Company will run a dailj-line- , (Sunday's excepted) of light draught steam- ers, leaving from Cox A Humphrey's Wharf Boat. For fnrtber information applv to Cox A Hum- phrey. .JO. H. BUNCE. Superintendent. June 25-t- f - 1 SwiTIIllK Green Packet. THE SPLENDID PASSENGER STEAMER &. K. DUNKERSON, A. DRINK WATER, Master, WILL LEAVE KVANSVILLE -- .very monciay aud Thursday at 4 --- . o'clock p. ni. Leaves Bowling Green every Wednesday and Saturday at 8 a. m. making snre connections with the Arna;la for th Lower Ohio, and Grey Eagle tor Louisville. my2C LOUISVILLE AND HENDERSON AILT LINE, (SUNDAY'S X F.PT . The Evansviile & Louisville V. s I I fll... .11 1 rissenger Si 33 svs: st m "BIG" GREY EAGLE, Capt. BUNCE... ..J. A. LUSK, Clerk "STAH" GREY EAGLE, Capt. IIUTSINl'ILI.EK W. G. VORIS, Clerk j . t7m coomb s, Capt. BALLARD J. GWATHNEY, Clerk Compose the Line, and will leave Evansviile for Louisville as follows : Monday's, STAB GREY EAGLK, at 12 o'clock M Tuesday's, 3. T. McCOMBS, at 5 o'clock p Wednesday's, "BIG" GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clock p H. Tlrursdiy's, "STAR" GREY EAGLE, at So'clock P. M Friday's, J. T. MoCOMBS, at 5 o'clock p. m Saturday's, "BIG" GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clock p. w RETURNING: J. T. Mrt'OMBS, leaves Loui.sville Monday's ana Thursday's. BIG" GREY EAGLE leaves Louisville Tnes-day'- s and Friday's, 'STAR" GREY EAGLE leaves Louisville Wed Radafr'l and Saturday's. Punctually at okdock p. h. For comfonand speed the above steamers arc unsurpassed. COX k HUMPHREY. decli BOOTS & SHOE No. 15 MAIN JTIfcEET. TURNER & GWATH mi WHOLESALE AND RETAIL UEALKBK I!i BOOTS AND SHOES, AMI Hats & Caps, No. 15 Main Street, EVANSVILLE, INDIANA Xcw Torlc Money Market. KBW York, Sept. 2S. Money steady at 6 per c?nt., with fair business doing, "rterling quiet, at 31 B3J4M 54. Gold firmer, opening at 39' and closing firm at 40J$ Government stocks firm V S. O's of "81 stock Coupons, SI Mft&1 l7 7 Treasury Notes, M1 07J4- - have ' for BANK STATEMFT Decrease in Loans...: S3. 177.472 Decrease in Specie -- . 1,500. 845 and mend riperease in Circulation - 3,7-- ' Increase in Depo its 501,574 Stocks Irr gular, dull, and generally lower. bility, COMMISSION HOUSE. giving H. B. CLIFFORD, to Commission Merchant East E X O L tf S I T IS T. Y . nWE DISPOSED OF MY STOCK OF flRO-- can any one else, do justice to themselves ami their shippers when they buy, for it is natural The that they will sell their own ROods first. As I have many shippers, I will hereafter confine my- self strictly to the l COM MISS 10 EBUSINESS, - - flpgare-y- that Andliope that I will find'a continuance of the many favors shown me during the past eight years. I shall give personal attention to all con- signments, aud will make liberal cash advannes produce in store. My motto is. the less Quick Sales and Prompt Returns. a lift Dealers in Cotton cannot do letter than to leave or their orders with me. Mr, F. M. COPELAND, late of Copeland, Edmonds Co., will give the Cotton business his personal attention. He is one among the best judges in ine mate Winers solicited. H. R. CLIFFORD, sepir No. 7 Front Row, Memphis, Tenn. Iko. Foster. A. H. Foster. Wji. A. Gwth. GEO. EOSTER & CO., Wholesale Grocers, is Produce and Provision Merchants, CORNER OF LOCUST STREET 1X1) THF. . ANAL. ang9 EVANSV1LLE. IND. vr. s. m'clvrl. f. f. ballard. c. m'clfre. W. S. McCLURE & CO., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, FOR THE SALE OF Butter, Cheese, Lard, Eggs, Beans, Peas, Dried Fruits, Plour and Provisions, 2SO PiQton St., Op. Washington Market, NEW YORK. REFERENCES. Gea W. White, Cash. Mechanic's Bank, Brook- lyn, New Yoik. Hon. Horatio Ballard, Sec. State of New York. Wm. Cripps, Pres. Standard Ins. Co. New York. A. II. Ballard. Ypsilanti, Michigan. J. L. Kelly, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. R. H. Huntington. Adam's Irff Co. N. Y. J. H. Reed, Utica, New York. Hon. Henry J. Raymond, " New York Times " C. H. Wheeler, St. Albans Vt. T. Ward, Lancaster Grant Co. Wisconsin. jelOdly SCHNEIDER & ZU3ERBIER, (SuroessnTS to Suhiieider Sr Wise 1 For the sale of all kinds of "Westei'Ti JProclvxce, FLOUR, BACOX, PORK, LARD, Hay, Corn, Oats, Batter, Eggs, dec. Corner Lafayette, New Levee and Fulton Streets, NEW ORLEANS, LA. aug25-6- 'atts, Given & Co., f Ceanf. A Brown, Padticah, Ky I Evansviile, Ind. Harmxg, Given & Co., St. Louis, Mo. WATTS, CRANE & CO., EMISSION MERCHANTS No. 45 Bboad Street, VBW YORK CITY. A'e have .oiened a House in tin city of New York for the sale or Tobacco and "Western Produce, Under the name of WATTS, CRANE 4 CO. Mr. P. Watts, of the firm of Watts, Given & Co. jc Paducah, long familiar with Tobacco, will takt charge of that department of our business, and Mr. L Crane, of Crane and Brown, Evansviile, will .ake charge of the Produce business. may-2- WATTS, CRANE Sc CO. T. Cox. T. M. Hl'MPHBET. COX & HUMPHREY, Forwarding & Commission Merchants, Steamboat Agents, WHARF BOAT PROPRIETORS. EVANSYILLE, INDIANA. We have taken the Grey Eaele Wharf Boat, and vsk of our friends a continuance of their patronaee. One of us will be found aboard both day and ftitrht to atteml to the wants of shippers. sepl 1DAMS EXPRESS COMPANY New Arrangement. ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY RE- SPECTFULLY announce to their friends and matrons, the public of Evansviile and vicinity that, jrith increased facilities for the transportation of Freight, Packages, Money and Valuables, They solicit a continuance of former favors. Es-- : oecial care taken in the collection of Bills, Draft Sotes, and the transportation of small and valna- - ble packages. All persons wishing to avail themselves of tit L Vilifies of the Express, can obtain any desired in- formation in reference to the routes and details ol "ihe business, at their office on First street, between zfain and Locust. Jy2 CHAS. WENTZ, Agent. Copartner ship. UTE HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED WITH V I us, in tho Forwarding and Commission bua- - ness Jlr. 1.. JS.. iluulterson, formerly of I he firm f Slaughter t Dunkersen under the firm name cf Crane. Brown A Co ' KANE A BROWN. nov 9? t. A. ('BANE. W!l. ECOWN. R. K bl'NKK&SON CRANE, BROWN & CO., Forwarding and Commission Merchants, AND Special Railroad Agents. Give through receipts and make liberal cash on shipments of. Produce and Tobacco to lew York. CRANE, BROWN A CO. Fvansville. Nov. 20th, iftfil. NOTICE. Evansviile & Crawfordsville I i Railroad Co. ; SECRET ART'S OJFIC'C I Evansviile, Ind , Sept. 10, 1303. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THaT THE . v Annnal Meeting of Stockholders in this Com- pany will lie held at the Court House, in the City f Evannvillr, on Monday, the th dar of October next at In o'clock a. m., at which time an Elec tion will be bU tot thirteen Directors, to or ine enenme year. By order of the Board senis-t- t JOHN A. MARTIN. Sect'y. GROCERIES. ORLEANS SUGAR GT, hhds. fiii to a. i prin:.-- , ior low lV B. L GILBERT A CO. RIO COmi .' 1 40 sacks prime for sale by " S. E. GILBERT A CO. j FT ABLE SALT oO sacks, of ' m bagseaeli, JL for sale by 8. K. GILBERT A CO. VJO. 1 HERRING 50 loxes bestTquality just I -- v received and for sale by 8. E. GILBERT A CO. IV EW ORLEANS SUGAR 'i ID bhds. prime ami choice New Orleans Su gar ; y hrls. good and fair New Orleans Sugar ; In store, and to arrive, :.t H. A. COOK'S. DEPPEK A SPIC- E- IT 5 bags Pepper ; 2 Spioo , At U. A. COOK'S. sept 17 ;ome men are eminent for what VPS,. thoy possess, some for what they achieve, $1 others for what they are, and others for what their fathers were. Whv is i the happiest of the vow els? The answer is: Because? is in the midst of bliss, e is in hell, and all the others are in purgatory. Dying for a Kiss. An inquest was held lately on the body of a young man who, in the attempt to snatch a kiss from the unwilling lips of a girl, fell down stairs and killed himself. Not a great while since a young lady broke her neck in trying to escape a kiss. The question now is, shall kissing be considered a dangerous amusement? nor nti officer, who was inspecting his company one morning, spied one private whose shirt was sadly begrimed. Patrick O'Flynn ! " called out the cap-tai- n. "Here, yer honor!'' promptly res- ponded I'airick, with his hand to his eap. "How long do yon wear a shirt? " thundered the officer. " Trcenty-cig- inches,'' was the rejoinder. on A PrzzLF.n Justice. A man named Josh, was brought before a country squire for stealing a hog, and three wit- nesses being examined swore they saw hint steal it. A wag having volunteered as counsel for Josh, knowing the scope of the squire's brain, arose and address- ed him as follows: "May it please your honor, I can es- tablish this man's honesty beyond the shadow of a doubt, for I have twelve witnesses to swear they did net. see him steal it" The squire rested his head for a few moments on his hand, as if in deep thought, and with great dignity arose, and brushing back his hair said: "If there are twelve men who didn't see him steal it, and only three who did, I discharge the prisoner." A Mobile Market Scene. The Mobile Tribune furnishes the fol- lowing, and it shows to what a condition the laboring class are reduced in the South: The market continues to be abundantly supplied with every variety of vegetables raised at this season of the year, plenty of good beef and mutton, fish, &c. Speaking of fish, we heard of a scene that is said to have pecurred in the fish market a short time since. It was told to us about as follows : One of the con- - script officers learning that there were several of the fishermen subject to the j niilitarv laws, on the followins Saturday ' sir 'weuraWhnyryio vended crabs." In ! a few minutes a lady stepped up and asked the price, when the TOUe Dieo-- ' remarked " Two dollars a dozen, marm." My gracious, it isn't possible you ask two dollars for one dozen crabs?" " You no lika, you no take; you no j want to buya, go away; la no want youa t money; it is no mora two dimes three years ago." The lady became disgusted and left. Several other purchasers came up and they were treated in the same uncivil maimer. Finally the conscript officer, who heard all the conversation, stepped op mod asked "Do you belong to the service, sir?" The Diego knew him and his business at once, so he attempted to evade the in- quiry by replying "1 no cara for a fewa fisha. You want him, taka him for one dollar and six bitts." "I don't want your fish, I asked if you was attached to any military company?" "You wanta de fish, take de fish for a dollar and a half" arp'inSwIJ'nnroknw whetheryu "Well taka dis buncha for yourself. I po cara for a buncha of fish: taka ile usha: taka as much as vou wanta for nothing;" and attempted to escape, but it was no go. He was then taken nn tr the Provost Marshal's office to state his exemption or take his place in the ranks to defend the country that has furnished mm with food and protection for years past i NOTICE. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, ") Office of Comptroller of the Currency, V Washington, July 31, 18U3. ) BY SATISFCTOBY EVIDENCE j t presented to the undersigned, It has been marie to appear that the First National Bank of Evansviile, in the County of Yanderburgh and .State of Indiana, has been duly organized under and according to the requirements of the act of Congress, entitled, " An act to provide a National Currency, secured by a pledge of United States Stock?, and to provide for the circulator. deroption thereof, approved Februaiy 23 18$," and has complied with all the provisions 'of said act required to be complied with before commenc- ing the business of Banking Now. therefore, I, Hugh McCnlloch, Comp- troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that the said First National Bank of Evansviile, County of i Vanderburgh, aud State of Indiana, in authorized ' to commeure the business of Banking uiider the act aforesaid. In testimony wheieof witness my hand : : and seal of office this thirtv-fir- st day of ' 5 2 July. 13. HTGH McCULLOCH Comp.n -r of the Currency. K O T I C E . THJLJ!S N ATIONAL BANK OF EVANS-- LL will go into operatioa aud be open for I1 " 0fl th ltt Jfl September, lgrjin the building now occupied by the Canal Bank, in Evansviile. H. 0.. WHEKLER V.M. T. PAGE, Cashier. angS-dwI- m GROCERIES SUNDEIES ' and Lemon Syrnp. Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Essence of CoS-e-. Wooden Bowls, English Walnuts. Figs, Raisins, Currants, liocx Candy, Oysters, Fhoe, Horse aud cnMi-.,- f Brn-h- e. Lolnters, Sardines. Alum. tpsoni sii, Koll Brimstone, Snlohur. Conner ' :!.-- . net of Logwtwi. Indigo, Cream Tar- - tar, So1 i or Is of all kinds. Tobacco of all kinds, 1 ing, Battm- -. SumeK, Cigars of all kind. :r, amplior, t arolina and Wagon Tar, Br Cotton larn. Ground Gluaer. CaxiiU. Sjap. I'iavine Card-- , Glass Jan. Lauterna, Turn-am- i 11-- .', Flask, Perpfr Saoce. Matches, Pickles, mi, Fish ofall kinds, Tomato Catsup.Powder, Safct r Fw, Soaps of all kinds, b larch. Teas, Viu-r-tte- r. gar, Note, Cap, and Fancy Paper, Wrap-Pape- r, ing Env.Ioi-s- . Salt Petre, Gum Drops lea Bowl?, Jujr.be Paste, Cinnamon, Coal Oi Clotl I Pins, British Lustre, Bonnet Boards, Ink Clov. '.. Nail?. S.h. Glass, Spirits Turpentine, all pio iral Soda. Pain Killer, Licorice, Ac , Ac, Ac A supply of the above kept constant ly on hand IM tstt .le low by P. . GILBERT Jc CO., iy9tf No. 1 Sycamore Street. ( r ERMAN "ROAt V X 20 boxes German Soap ; iiO boxes Mottle Soap; U) bxs Erasive Soap; At ELLJuTT'S Family Grocery. ket; Diipont's Blasting Powder; .'it's B:de Powder; 4"i kegs " BImMu Powder; T tore and for sale at 22 Main Street t RCUhV j d en fVder Churns ; .5 dozen White Pine Churns; ' dozen common Churns ; at At ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery DR. JOHN BULL'S COMPOUND CEDRON BITTEKS, the Latost and Host Important Dis- covery of the 19th Cental?. XTO MAN'S NAME IS MORE INTIMATELY connected with the history of the Materia Medica of the United States, or more lavorably known as a pioneer in medical discovery, than of Dr. JOHN BULL, of Louisville, Ky. His inimitable oreuaration of Sars.iparilla has long stood at the h ad of the various compounds of that valuable drug. His Compound Pfctoral or Witt Chekbt has become a household word throughout West and South ; and his Worm Lozenges, in than a year after their introduction, attained reputation as wide-sprea- d as the continent of North America. But the erowniug glory of his remainB to 6e attained in hiB latest discovery, rather combination ; for he does not claim to have been the discoverer of CEDRON, which is the basis of the bitters now ofiered to the public. That honor belongs to the native inhabitants of Central America, to whom itSTirtues have been known for more than two hundred years. Armed with it, toe Indiau bids defiance to the most dead- ly malaria, and haudles without fear the meat venemous serpents. It is a belief with them that while there i breath left in the body, the Oedron potent to cure, no matter what the disease may be. While Dr. Bull is not prepared to indorse this extravagant pretension, he is nevertheless satis- fied from a thorough examination of the evidence relative to its virtues, that as a remedy and pre- ventative for all diseases arising from exi".ue, either to changes of weather and climate, or to the miasmatic influences, it stands witliou: a rival aud justly deserves the reputation it hosso long enjoyed in Central America and the West Indies. In DYSPEPSIA, And its attendant train of symptoms, its acts more like a charm than a mediciue. There is nothing in the whole range of the Materia Medica, that for a moment bear a comparison w ith it in this disease. A full account of this wonderful plant may be found in the 11th edition of the U. 8. Disjienea-tor- y, pages 1387 and 1388. A series of experiments in which Dr. Bull has been for years engaged, has just been brought to a successful termination aud he is now enabled to offer to the public a combination of Ceilron wltn other approved tonics, the whole preserved in the best quality of copper- - distilled Bourbon whisky, which he is congdent has no equal in the world. lie might furnish a volume of certificates, but 'fc public have long since learned to estimate '"c" things at their true value. The safest plan for every ono to test for himself the virtues of m. w medicine. Give Oetlron Bitters, Our trial and you will never use any others. It Is not necessary to publish a long list of Ms- - In all oflections of the of the BRAIN L'PON DERANGEMENT OF THE STOMACH OR BOWELS; In GCTJT, RHE I'M ATISM ami NEU- RALGIA; Aud In f'EYER AND AGUE; It is destined to supersede all other remedies. It not only cures these diseases, but it prevents them. A wine glass full of the Bitters taken an hour , before each meal, will obviate the ill effect of the f most unhealthy climate, and screen the person taking it against disease under tho most trying exposures. Sold by Druggists and Grocers generally. BSDr. JOHN BULL'S Princii al Offlce, Fifth Street, Louisv.'lle, Ky. Sold by H. J. SCHLAEPFER, W. BIERBOWER, je2-3- PKTER YIERLING. GROCERIES. Eirst of the Season! 1A B ARRELS PICKLES just received at IU WM. CALDWELL'S, No. 9 First Street. BRUSHES Steamboat Scrnbs ; 10 dozen extraFloor " lo dozen extra Paint " li dozen extra Window Brushes ; 8 dozen assorted Counter Brushes ; Just received at No 9 FIRST STREET. BROOMS medium Fancy Brooms; 10 dozen Sbaki-- r Brooms ; 16 dozen Carpet Brooms ; 10 dozen Hair Brooms ; IS dozen Steamboat Brooms ; 20 dozen Stock Whisks ; JO dozen Hearth Brooms. Just received at No. 9 First Street. rpoiLET SOAPS J 20 boxes Variegated Toilet Soap ; to ooxes t.oiorea Toilet soap ; 10 gross Glycerine Toilet Soap ; 6 boxes Palm Oil " 6 boxes Almond " 8 boxes Castile Soap ; warranted to be the genuine Castile Soap. Just received at WM. CALDWELL'S, No. 9 First Street. 0( BOXES GERMAN SOAP; Ov7 12 boxes Mottled German Soap; 10 boxes Erasivn White Soap ; 10 boxes No. 1 Soap. Jnst received at No. 9 FIRST STREET. 15 BOXES HAMBURG CHEESE; Just n ceived at PARTNER CALDWELL'S. scp25 No. i First Street. PICKLES 1 gallon jars, Tickles : 50 " y " . 30 H M y. . Jnst received at ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery. GROUND PEPPER Gronnd Pepper : 20 - Allspice ; 20 " Ginger; . 10 - Cinnamon. At No. .1 Main Street. SUGAR BUCKETS 15 dozen assorted sizes Bnckets at No. 22 Main Street. lLOTHEi PINS 26 boxes No. 1 round head, J whittledlothes Pins; At H. A. COOK'S.fc OPR1NG CLOTHES PINS 2o gross Smith's U Bp I'ring Cloth- Pin ; At II A. COOK'S. HOLING PINS, POTATOE MASHERS, Ae. common Roling Pin ; lo revolving handle " zo " Potatoe Mashers, assorted ; 10 " Towel Rollers, " "JL- - c0011'8- - YEGE TABLES YANKEE 1 lb fresh Mackerel ft "21b 10 1 !h " Salmon ; . 1 " ft lb " spiced Salmon ; 1". " 1 H fresh Lobsters ; fi "2ft " " At H. A. COOK'S. PICKLED CLAMS AND LOBSTERS Pickled Clam, antra ; & " hf. gal. Ixbtera ; ft " quart U n 5 plat At H. A. COOK'S. QOAP- S- 5 bxs Fancy Toilet Soap ; 5 bx Bath " " 6 bxs Jenny Llnd Toilet Soap ; 5 bx Castile Toilet Soap ; 5 bx Shaving " 5 bx Palm - 6 bx Almond Soap ; jnst opened at ELLIOTT'S Family Groaery. I Rlil JCB--- "dozen assorted JaUlea at f BLLIOTT'S Family Grocery.

M1 PREPARf rruATTSM · f MEDICIAL RAILROAD REGISTER R&GTIL AR PACK i TS. BOOTS & SHOtiS. ELARDWARE, &c. Evansviile and Eenderson Packet. COMMERCIAT,. fit 38 aifej Stromal. Clncinaati

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Page 1: M1 PREPARf rruATTSM · f MEDICIAL RAILROAD REGISTER R&GTIL AR PACK i TS. BOOTS & SHOtiS. ELARDWARE, &c. Evansviile and Eenderson Packet. COMMERCIAT,. fit 38 aifej Stromal. Clncinaati


Evansviile and Eenderson Packet.COMMERCIAT,.

Clncinaati Markets.fit 38 aifej Stromal.INSURANCE AGENCY.


QnU IXNATI, Sept. 28.FLO IT K active, and more buyers than icllors,

at 55 005 1" for superfine, $6 iir..l 4" Cor extra,and S" 5n$S 50 ftr trade and ftuicv brands. 1,000barrels Eagoa' Epicurean sold at So ST.

WHEAT Uuptojl 10l 12 for red, Md SI 301 33 for white.


O. Will. hM Ti If a.-.- , ! virit., ...O'er tll M nf ti. M.a ami t ro ikoarU nf th SI

lUBS advanced to 8S90c., and a lot sold at01 in sacks.

ki r. ". .

WHT8KT advanced to o2c.

ocean; OATS up to C9ji70c.. but net many buyers at- -

And who tias not wished, in his heart, he conld these rates.be.

In the deep dark eaves, 'mM the paths of the sea?

Do vou understand me now?"


and country keep onhand buy, sell and re- -

commend as a tonic,stimulant and apeti7.er,Roback's Stomach Bitters.

APOTI1 KCARIE8 INall sections of the citym. country keep instick, sell and dispenseas touic Roback'sStomurh Bitters.

PHYSICIANS in a!'section of the city andcountry approve and

as a tonic Ro-

back's Stomach Bitters.GROCERS in all sec-

tions of the city andcountry keep constantlysupplied With aud dealhi Roback's StomachBitters.

HOTELS in all sec-

tions of the city andcountry are suppliedwith and "cannot keep;i Hotel," without a

of Roback's Stomach Bitters.HOSPITALS throuchont the army of the North

BARLEY is held at $1 40(5,1 50 for prime springand fall.

MF.SS rORK higher, with salon of oOO poundsold city, at S10 75.

LARD firmer ; 500 tierces steam rendered soldat 0-- j at Louisville, and GOO kegs ctty at lie.

HAY advanced to i'M.FLAX-SEE- SJ 60.SUGAR and COFFEE firm but qnit.GOLD SS.SILVER 30.EXCHANGE firm.

thundered a country schoolmaster to anBrchin, at whose head he threw an ink-Btan- d

"I've got an inkling of what youmean." replied the bov.

rv " Sam, why don't you talk to mas-s-a

and tell him to lay up treasures inheaven?" for? What de useub layin' up treasures dar, where he neb-e- r

see um aain?"

found an indispensable tonic, uud are using,the soldiers Roback's Stomach Bilters.

SUTLERS in every rcgin.ent ought to havemany have introduced, and highly ie- in- -

Roback's Stomach Bitters.LADIES, old an voting, for Billiousne-s- , Liver

Complaints, Lang r Weakness an! general De-- Iare recommended to use Bohacfc - Stomach

Bitters. ' . .EVERYBODY V i desires a good tonic tor

tons to the i. ri's, a healthy appetite andstrength to the aTsu-- generally, should not fail

oiiv a bottlo of Roback's Stomach Bitters.DR. C. W. ROBACK,

Proprietor, Cincinniiti.Offlce and Manufactory Nos. 58, 58, 80 and ti'2

Third Street.ea-F- or sale by all Druggists everywhere.ang25

W.Marble Hall, Main Street,

EVANSVILLE, INX,Underwriter and General In-

surance Agent. Dav

Adjuster of Fire Losses andNotary Pub ic.

All business connectedwith Insurance ,ttnded tcwith promptness ano fidelity .

Polices issued in rcverai olthe eldest and most reil blC:

omp iniea in the Union .


vumbined ,a-- h 0s pi1 a' Ret- - i

respited over$ 5,0 00 ,0 00 0 0



Prime A No. I InsuranceIN THF

Phoenix Insurance CompanyOF HARTFORD CONN.

The Fruits of the PhoenixAre manifest in the following statement of

IP-e- t.(st ex BSjpULexishowing the amo-in- t ee.ualiued to public benefit in

shape of losses paid iu the West and South,during the past four years ; a liue of valuable ser-vice, honorable as well as commendable, aud whichthosld suggest

orV s op

rj man who desires to bestow his iaiurancpatronago upon a


SI1', 277.45 OHIO $40,377.15zl,,?i.'J INDIANA 27,622.94 '

01,174.56 ILLINOIS (iH.174.56MICHIGAN 32,67.1.68

M,l WISCONSIN;o, IOWA 18,323.348,653.10.. MINNESOTA 8,t;53.101, 67.W) NEBRASKA l.Htf.U)9,765.00 KANSAS 9,765.01'

31,064.36 KENTUCKY 34,054.31;43,054.91' TENNESSEE 43,051.9020,832.55 MISSISSIPPI 20,832.5527,698.83 MISS0DRI 27,698.8322,839.43 ARKANSAS 22,839.433,801.98 TEXAS 3,901 .9S

555.55 ALABAMA 555 66

fn the equitable nrfusmcnl, and prompt Cojfc

to losses, tk PHOCSIX utamls ire --eminently atthe head of it profeition ; while its exteiuite, practi-lica- l,

and Srtt-cla- buine tystnn of locul agencies,in not excelled by any similar corporation in the world.

lusurancies solicited, and policies issued and re-

newed iu this leading Corporation, at lair rateB byJ. W. NEXSEN, Resident Agent,

Offlce, Marble nail Building, Main street.



Cash Assets, January 1st, 1862,$1,992,585.89.

Loss- - s Paid, Upward o811,000,000.

The great public service, promptness anil reinbility of this well-trie- d and sterling Compaoy, re-commend it to preference with those needing In-surance.

Iusnrance solicited and Policies issued byJ. W. NEXSEN, Agent,

febb Marble Hall Building, No. 9. Main si.



Manufacturers of



CIRCULAR SAW MILLS,Of the most Approved Pattern.


All kinds of Machinery appertain-

ing to Railroads, Steamboats,

Distilleries, Flooring Mills.

SUGAR MILLS,of all sizes with the latest Improve-

ments attached ; Tobacco Screws,

Portable Engines,&c, &c, &c.

House Fronts, Grates, Rail-

ing, Iron and Brass Castings

of every description.


Steam Gauges, Gum Belting, FireBrick, Wrought Iron Pipe, Bolting


Repairing done at short notice.

Workmen sent to all part to fit upwork and repair Boilers &-- Machinery

flVAU order will receive our individual atten-tion and will be promptly filled on the tnoat

reasonable terms.

Office and Foundry on the Canal,corner of Ingle Street.

mhl7-l- v

DEPARTS:Way, Freight and Accommodation '1:45 i. AMail M :2ft A.

A R R I V E S :

Accommodation ...5: 24 P. M

Mail ...5:54 P. If .

7T. II . &. 11. K. It. to

DEPARTS FBUM T. H.Express 3:15 p. M.

Accommodation 7:05 A M.

Night Exptv-- s 1:50 A. M.

A R R I V E A T T. H.Day Express 10:45 p. m.

A'commodatioii 5:36 a. U.Night Express 11:15 a. M.

Th-- -. t wo roads make good connection at TerreHaute.

River News,ARRIVALS.

r OhtnhirS Hendrrsoii.Huntsman, iucinuati.May Duke, Cairo.K. K. imnkersoii, Bowling Green.Duke Bowling Green.Mattie Took, Owenshro.Jewess, Memphis.tiSHtings, Madison.Cordelia Ann, Bowling Un-ei- i


?r t'hamberr, Henderson.Huntress, Cairo.Mattie, Cumberland River.May Duke. Cairo.HasUngs, Memphis.Atlantic No 2, Cumberlaud River.DnnkeraOn, Bowling Green.

There is notiiino; new to note in rela-

tion to the river or weather, the heavensremninino &9 brass and the earth as

iron, and the sand bars looming uphigher and higher daily. The channelis cutting out. and straightening some-

what, which renders navigation less diff-

icult than ii has been, though there arebut 2;! inches at French Island, and --!6

inches hence to Cairo.The Jewess came up Saturday night

with a cargo of government cotton en

route to Cincinnati. She proceeded toScuftietown, and finding the river too lowto get over, returned to this city, andlies at the lower landing.

The- May Duke arrived from Cairo at10 o'clock on Sunday morning, havnrmade regular packet time under the in-

telligent superintendence of Capt. Gns.Dusouchet She left at 1 o'clock yes'erday with a very fine trip.

The R. K. Dunkerson, Cordelia nnand Duke came in from Green riverSunday evening. The Dunkerson re-

turned last evening with a fair trip.The Duke is loading with government

stores, and will leave forthwith.The Cordelia Ann will leave for Bow-

ling Green at noon to-da- y. She is veryltgnt, mattes excellent time, ana is su-

perbly offieered. Shippers and passen-gers should call down early this morningand make arrangements.

The Colonna is loaded, and will leaveto-da- y for Cairo and all way points.Capt Tom Bolus commands, anil will seethat his guests are fed on the 'at of theland and made comfortable.

The Delaware arrived from, and re-

turned to, Louisville on Sunday noon.The Colussus arrived about S o'clock

last Bight, having been detained at Lou-


" j t-.- .. t tnemerchants and shippers of Evansviile,

j that nil freights designed for the boatsbo!on!'inz to the Evansviile and CairoPacket Company will henceforth be re--

ceived at all times, free of charge, byMessrs. Cox & Humphrey, at the lower

i tatgeing oi their wharf boat, who oreauthorized to make contracts and signbills of lading.

Shippers, by this arrangement, candispose of their freights and get theirbills of lading signed at their own con-venience, without regard to the arrivalor departure of the packets.

seP14d2w H. T. DEXTER,President

Lake Ice.Plenty of Lake Ice constantly on hand

day and night, at the Lower Landing.E. INGLE & CO.

DRUGS, &c.


No. 17 Main Street,


IMPORTER, MANUFACTURER, ANDMediciues, Chemicals. Oils, Paints,

Varnishes, Glass. Brushes, Lamps, Dye Stuffs, andall articles usually kept in a first clan's Drug Store,with a large an I varied assortment of Patent Med.icines and Perfumery, together with every descrip-tion of Atnhrotype and Photograph Goods, consisting f Cameras. Chemicals, Cases and Framesconstantly on hand, and sold at reasonable prices

Orders from Merchants and Artists promptlyattended to, and forwarded as instructed.

COAL OIL A superior article; white andfor sale by the gallon or bar-

rel, at 17 Main street.


A new supply jnst received,

FEVER AND AGUE MEDICINES of all kindsAt STODDARD'S, 17 Main street.

SODA ASH A superior article, for 3ale at theDrug Store, 17 Main street.

PHYSICIANS and Families cau roly on havingand Reciies put up care-

fully and correctly atIV M. H. P.JiTODDARD'S City Drng Store.

ROOFING CEMENT For Railroad aud; also for Painters, Builders,

Architects, and Roofing and Preserving purposes.Cheapar and far superior to any material everused. For sale by tho gallon or barrel, at

STODDARD'S 17 Main street."1ILT FRAMES--Som- e new and very hand-VJ-

some patterns just received, atSTODDARD'S, 17 Main street.

MARCHISI'S CATHOLICON aud Dr. John L.Periodical Drops for sale at

17 Main street.

SITEKIOR OLD PORT WINK aud Frenchfor medical purposes, at the

City Drng Store, 17 Main street.

CITY ADVERTISMENTS.Order of Council directing


Councilor the city of Evansviile thatlot two (2) in Block seventy-seve- n (77) In Lamas-c-is so situated that water collects aud remainsstagnant thereon, and the owner of said lot ishereby directed and required by the said Councilto fill up said lot to such a height as will preventwater from collecting and remaining stagnantthereon within thirty days from the publicationor this order.

I, A. Pfafflin, Clerk of the city of Evansviile. dohereby certify that the foregoing is a true andcomplete copy of an order of said Council, passedon the 24th day of Auguts 1863, so far as it relatesto tho within named lot."

i In witness whereof I have hereuntosel. lDseribed my name and affixed theI isalofsaid city this 22d day of SeDtem- -

,r,cA' D' 1863' A- - PFAFFLIN,Evansviile, Sept. 23, 1883. Clerk.




WrE MANUFACTURE WRAPPING PAPERequal to any made, and at Cincinnati prices

Prices eeiit on application to the Atrouts,jyied6iu


Jobbeis and Importers.

Hardware and Cutlery.

Oar Fall Stock being verylarge and complete, we canoffer to our Customers andthe Trade, Goods that can-

not fail t-- . please in Style,

Quality and Price. Our

Stock is now bought for

Cash, and prices reduced.

We offer the following inlarge quantites:













GEO S. fc CO.,Xo. 10 Main Street.







Have received a completestock of


Hardware,Purchased and Imported direct from the


TP CZ 2rL OA SB,Enabling us to offer inducements to Purchasers rarely found in the West AVe

call the special attention of Dealers toour large and well selected Stock, con-sisting in part of

Axes All the celebratedbrands,

Chains Log, Trace andHalter,

Table and Pocket Cutlery,Shovels and Spades,Cotton and Wool Cards,Wheel Heads,Weaver's Reeds,Spinning Wheels,Locks, Latches, Butts and

Screws,Gun Trimmings,Brass Kettles,Shot Guns,Rifles and Revolvers,Chain Pump Fixtures,Hollow Ware,Dog Irons,Gum Belting,Japanned Ware,Notions Large Stock.

WELLS, EELLO&G & CO.,No. 13 First Street.



MM. Pi I U

MAIN STREET,Ave again in Market with the

largest Stock of

OOT GOODS,( We say ;MI for we sell

that teincl f Stock), to be

found in any llouse of our

acquaintance East or West.mi 1 Li C "1 ,.1.JLiiey were uougiit ior vaMi

by one of the nrm who

spends the greater part of his

time East for that express

purpose. With many years

experience in the business,

we flatter ourselves that we

understand it well, and with'

facilities at our command, we

Oxx &xx.3L TTVillSell Goods as cheap as any

Jobbing House in tne coun-

try, we care not where that

House may be located; if in

the East we will add trans- -

povt.ition. We wrould re--

spectfully call the attention! of tlie trade to an examina

tion of our Goods. V e like

to sell good Goods ; they

speak for us wkereever they


HAT HOUSEIt is not a mooted question that


Sfo. 63jVTaIxx Street,

Have the Largest and Hand-

somest stock of

HATSrn t i i10 oe iouna in any one

House in the West. Men's,

Boy's and Children's Hats of

every Fashionable style in

vague either East or West.

Men's Black and Colored Fur andWool Dress Hats.

Men's Black and Colored Fur andWool French Hats.

Men's Black and Colored Fur andWool J Planter and Planter Hats.Men's Black and Colored Fur andWool Burnside, Monitor, Cochran,

&c, Hats.Men's Plain and Colored Leghorn

and Straw Hats.Men's Panama & Palm Leaf Hats.Boy's Fur and Wool Hats, (great

variety.)Boy's Leghorn, Straw and Palm

Leaf Hats.Children's Fur, Wool, Leghorn,

Straw and Palm Leaf Hats.

The above Stock has just been' purchased directly of the Manu

facturers of New England for

CASH, at low figures, and we will

soli as low as any jobber East,

transportation added. Call and

examiue our Goods before buying.

No trouble to show goods.MORGAN, READ & C"

COLLECTOR'S SALE.Collector's Sale of Real Estate for the payment

and expenses of Sidewalk Improve-ments.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT BYof a precept issued by the Mayor of the

Ij'tjf of Evansviile and to me directed, I will sellin public auction, at the door of the Court Housein said City, Friday, October 9, at 10 o'clocka. lay, the following Lots or parcel of Real Estate,oi Jo much thereof as may be neceeeary to nay the '

amount charged and assessed against said Lotsly for the cost and expanses of making

sidewalk improvement upon said Lots, togetherwith the costs of sale, and that the said sale will be


continued on the next day thereafter, viz: Satur-day, the loth of October, at 10 o'clock a. m., at j

tho same place for the purpose of selliogsuch prop- - j

ei ty as may have !en sold on tho day above men- -oned and not paid for:

FOI RTH ENLABGE3IENT.L ot No. 1, block No. S; Frank Chambers heir j

owners, Slti 56.STOCKWELL'fJ EXLARfiMENT.

Lot 9, block I, C. L. Neeiiiaateu a hcira, iS32.N. W. V lot 10, block 1, 90jc.

W. 8. BOEl'PLK, Collator.Evauavilla, Sept. 24, UM.

T H E 8 T E A M E R

1 TTHOMAS Master.

Leaves Evansvitle everyi evening at 4 p. ni., and leaves

Henderson every morning ata. m. For freight or passage apply on board or

John B. Hall, Evansviile, or to MorrisRiickcr,- Henders n, Ky. seplfi

Evansviile and Cairo Packet, Co.


Low Water ArrangementT O


Paducali & Oairo.Durin the continuaiiee of low water Beats will

run as follows :

THE FINE MAIL PACKETiter A 5T TJ U 2L :eiG. nrsorCHET, Master l . DUNN, ClerkOaves Mondny and Thursday's at 2 o'clock, for

Cairo and all Way Points.Leaves Cairo Tnesday's and Friday' at S p. M.


rruATTSM isr,E. WHISTLER, Master F. R. BOSTON, Cl'k. j

Leaves Wednesday's and Saturday's at 2 p. m. for

Cairo and all Way Point-- .

Leaver Cairo on "niursday's Sunday's at 5 p. m.,Making connections at Cairo with the IllinoisCentral Railroad, and at Evansviile with theEvansviile and Crawfordsville Railroad. j

For freight or passage apply on board or to Cox& Humphrey, Lower Wharf Boat, or to P. D.Veits, Agents. epl5-ilt- f




PLY AS A REGULAR PACKETWILL Evansviile, Paducah and Cairo dur-ing the low water. She U very light and roomy.She leaves on MONDAY, September 14, at 10 a. m.

For freight or passage applv tosepl'J tf JNO. B HALL, Agent.

Cincinnati and Memphis


iros. For Evansviile, Henderson, MountIJk'-- t i.y Vernon, Shawneetown, Smithland,

7 y, Paducah, Cairo, Columb:is, Hickmanand Menipnis, and all way-poin- ts on the Ohioand Mississippi Rivers, comprising the followingnew light-draug- passenger packets :

NORMAN. JEWESSCapt. Batchelor. C .i taiu Fray.:

PRINCESS, W. C. MANN,Captan Maratta. Captain Shi.uk.

One of the above Boats will pass EvansviileWeekly for Cairo, Columbus, Hickman, and Mem-phis. Also, weekly for Cincinnati.

For freight or passage enquire ofCOX A HUMPHREY,

fpSdtf Agents.

Regular Evansviile and Cairo



O O Xj O DKT Z&NT jBl. ,TOM. BOLUS, Captain.

H. HYDE, Clerk,WILL RUN REGULARLY IN THEabove trade during low water.

W For freight or missa?, auulv onboard. sepO

U S. Mail Beat for Louisville.r, MOB THE LOW WATERi 'M'Mnii the Loaisville and Evanxville

giZLjT' - U. S. Mall Company will run a dailj-line-,

(Sunday's excepted) of light draught steam-ers, leaving from Cox A Humphrey's WharfBoat.

For fnrtber information applv to Cox A Hum-phrey. .JO. H. BUNCE. Superintendent.

June 25-t- f

- 1 SwiTIIllKGreen Packet.



WILL LEAVE KVANSVILLE-- .very monciay aud Thursday at 4

--- . o'clock p. ni.Leaves Bowling Green every Wednesday and

Saturday at 8 a. m. making snre connections withthe Arna;la for th Lower Ohio, and Grey Eagletor Louisville. my2C


The Evansviile & Louisville V. sI I fll... .11 1

rissengerSi 33 svs: st m

"BIG" GREY EAGLE,Capt. BUNCE... ..J. A. LUSK, Clerk


j . t7m coomb s,Capt. BALLARD J. GWATHNEY, ClerkCompose the Line, and will leave Evansviile for

Louisville as follows :

Monday's, STAB GREY EAGLK, at 12 o'clock M

Tuesday's, 3. T. McCOMBS, at 5 o'clock pWednesday's, "BIG" GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clock

p H.Tlrursdiy's, "STAR" GREY EAGLE, at So'clock

P. M

Friday's, J. T. MoCOMBS, at 5 o'clock p. m

Saturday's, "BIG" GREY EAGLE, at 5 o'clockp. w

RETURNING:J. T. Mrt'OMBS, leaves Loui.sville Monday's ana

Thursday's.BIG" GREY EAGLE leaves Louisville Tnes-day'- s

and Friday's,'STAR" GREY EAGLE leaves Louisville Wed

Radafr'l and Saturday's. Punctually atokdock p. h.For comfonand speed the above steamers arc

unsurpassed. COX k HUMPHREY.decli







Hats & Caps,No. 15 Main Street,


Xcw Torlc Money Market.KBW York, Sept. 2S.

Money steady at 6 per c?nt., with fair businessdoing, "rterling quiet, at 31 B3J4M 54. Goldfirmer, opening at 39' and closing firm at 40J$

Government stocks firm V S. O's of "81 stockCoupons, SI Mft&1 l7 7 Treasury Notes,

M1 07J4- - have' forBANK STATEMFT

Decrease in Loans...: S3. 177.472Decrease in Specie --. 1,500. 845 and

mendriperease in Circulation - 3,7-- '

Increase in Depo its 501,574Stocks Irr gular, dull, and generally lower. bility,



Commission Merchant East

E X O L tf S I T IS T. Y .


can any one else, do justice to themselves amitheir shippers when they buy, for it is natural Thethat they will sell their own ROods first. As Ihave many shippers, I will hereafter confine my-

self strictly to the

lCOM MISS 10 EBUSINESS,- -flpgare-y- thatAndliope that I will find'a continuance of themany favors shown me during the past eightyears. I shall give personal attention to all con-

signments, aud will make liberal cash advannesproduce in store. My motto is. the

lessQuick Sales and Prompt Returns. a

liftDealers in Cotton cannot do letter than to leave ortheir orders with me. Mr, F. M. COPELAND,late of Copeland, Edmonds Co., will give theCotton business his personal attention. He is oneamong the best judges in ine mate Winerssolicited. H. R. CLIFFORD,

sepir No. 7 Front Row, Memphis, Tenn.

Iko. Foster. A. H. Foster. Wji. A. Gwth.

GEO. EOSTER & CO.,Wholesale Grocers, is

Produce and Provision Merchants,CORNER OF LOCUST STREET 1X1) THF. . ANAL.


vr. s. m'clvrl. f. f. ballard. c. m'clfre.



Butter, Cheese, Lard, Eggs, Beans,Peas, Dried Fruits, Plour

and Provisions,

2SO PiQton St.,Op. Washington Market, NEW YORK.

REFERENCES.Gea W. White, Cash. Mechanic's Bank, Brook-

lyn, New Yoik.Hon. Horatio Ballard, Sec. State of New York.Wm. Cripps, Pres. Standard Ins. Co. New York.A. II. Ballard. Ypsilanti, Michigan.J. L. Kelly, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.R. H. Huntington. Adam's Irff Co. N. Y.J. H. Reed, Utica, New York.Hon. Henry J. Raymond, " New York Times "C. H. Wheeler, St. Albans Vt.T. Ward, Lancaster Grant Co. Wisconsin.jelOdly

SCHNEIDER & ZU3ERBIER,(SuroessnTS to Suhiieider Sr Wise 1

For the sale of all kinds of

"Westei'Ti JProclvxce,FLOUR, BACOX, PORK, LARD,

Hay, Corn, Oats, Batter, Eggs, dec.Corner Lafayette, New Levee and

Fulton Streets,NEW ORLEANS, LA.


'atts, Given & Co., f Ceanf. A Brown,Padticah, Ky I Evansviile, Ind.

Harmxg, Given & Co.,St. Louis, Mo.



VBW YORK CITY.A'e have .oiened a House in tin city of New York

for the sale orTobacco and "Western Produce,

Under the name ofWATTS, CRANE 4 CO.

Mr. P. Watts, of the firm of Watts, Given & Co.jc Paducah, long familiar with Tobacco, will taktcharge of that department of our business, and Mr.L Crane, of Crane and Brown, Evansviile, will.ake charge of the Produce business.

may-2- WATTS, CRANE Sc CO.

T. Cox. T. M. Hl'MPHBET.

COX & HUMPHREY,Forwarding & Commission

Merchants,Steamboat Agents,


We have taken the Grey Eaele Wharf Boat, andvsk of our friends a continuance of their patronaee.One of us will be found aboard both day and ftitrhtto atteml to the wants of shippers. sepl



SPECTFULLY announce to their friends andmatrons, the public of Evansviile and vicinity that,jrith increased facilities for the transportation of

Freight, Packages,Money and Valuables,

They solicit a continuance of former favors. Es-- :

oecial care taken in the collection of Bills, DraftSotes, and the transportation of small and valna- -ble packages.

All persons wishing to avail themselves of titL Vilifies of the Express, can obtain any desired in-formation in reference to the routes and details ol"ihe business, at their office on First street, betweenzfain and Locust.

Jy2 CHAS. WENTZ, Agent.

Copartnership.UTE HAVE THIS DAY ASSOCIATED WITHV I us, in tho Forwarding and Commission bua- -ness Jlr. 1.. JS.. iluulterson, formerly of I he firmf Slaughter t Dunkersen under the firm name cf

Crane. Brown A Co ' KANE A BROWN.nov 9?

t. A. ('BANE. W!l. ECOWN. R. K bl'NKK&SON


Forwarding and CommissionMerchants,


Special Railroad Agents.Give through receipts and make liberal cash

on shipments of. Produce and Tobacco tolew York. CRANE, BROWN A CO.

Fvansville. Nov. 20th, iftfil.

NOTICE.Evansviile & Crawfordsville I


Railroad Co.;

SECRETART'S OJFIC'C IEvansviile, Ind , Sept. 10, 1303.

VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THaT THE. v Annnal Meeting of Stockholders in this Com-pany will lie held at the Court House, in the Cityf Evannvillr, on Monday, the th dar of October

next at In o'clock a. m., at which time an Election will be bU tot thirteen Directors, toor ine enenme year.

By order of the Boardsenis-t- t JOHN A. MARTIN. Sect'y.

GROCERIES.ORLEANS SUGAR GT, hhds. fiii toa. i prin:.-- , ior low lV


RIO COmi .' 1 40 sacks prime for sale by "


FT ABLE SALT oO sacks, of ' m bagseaeli,JL for sale by 8. K. GILBERT A CO.

VJO. 1 HERRING 50 loxes bestTquality just I

-- v received and for sale by8. E. GILBERT A CO.

IV EW ORLEANS SUGAR'i ID bhds. prime ami choice New Orleans Su

gar ; y hrls. good and fair New Orleans Sugar ;

In store, and to arrive, :.t H. A. COOK'S.

DEPPEK A SPIC- E-IT 5 bags Pepper ;

2 Spioo , At U. A. COOK'S.sept 17

;ome men are eminent for what VPS,.

thoy possess, some for what they achieve, $1others for what they are, and others forwhat their fathers were.

Whv is i the happiest of the vowels? The answer is: Because? is in themidst of bliss, e is in hell, and all theothers are in purgatory.

Dying for a Kiss. An inquest washeld lately on the body of a young manwho, in the attempt to snatch a kiss fromthe unwilling lips of a girl, fell downstairs and killed himself. Not a greatwhile since a young lady broke her neckin trying to escape a kiss. The questionnow is, shall kissing be considered adangerous amusement?

nornti officer, who was inspecting

his company one morning, spied oneprivate whose shirt was sadly begrimed.Patrick O'Flynn ! " called out the cap-tai- n.

"Here, yer honor!'' promptly res-

ponded I'airick, with his hand to hiseap. "How long do yon wear a shirt? "thundered the officer. " Trcenty-cig-

inches,'' was the rejoinder.on

A PrzzLF.n Justice. A man namedJosh, was brought before a countrysquire for stealing a hog, and three wit-

nesses being examined swore they sawhint steal it. A wag having volunteeredas counsel for Josh, knowing the scopeof the squire's brain, arose and address-ed him as follows:

"May it please your honor, I can es-

tablish this man's honesty beyond theshadow of a doubt, for I have twelvewitnesses to swear they did net. see himsteal it"

The squire rested his head for a fewmoments on his hand, as if in deepthought, and with great dignity arose,and brushing back his hair said:

"If there are twelve men who didn'tsee him steal it, and only three who did,I discharge the prisoner."

A Mobile Market Scene.The Mobile Tribune furnishes the fol-

lowing, and it shows to what a conditionthe laboring class are reduced in theSouth:

The market continues to be abundantlysupplied with every variety of vegetablesraised at this season of the year, plentyof good beef and mutton, fish, &c.

Speaking of fish, we heard of a scenethat is said to have pecurred in the fishmarket a short time since. It was toldto us about as follows : One of the con--

script officers learning that there wereseveral of the fishermen subject to the j

niilitarv laws, on the followins Saturday '

sir 'weuraWhnyryio vended crabs." In !

a few minutes a lady stepped up andasked the price, when the TOUe Dieo--


remarked" Two dollars a dozen, marm."

My gracious, it isn't possible you asktwo dollars for one dozen crabs?"

" You no lika, you no take; you no j

want to buya, go away; la no want youa t

money; it is no mora two dimes threeyears ago."

The lady became disgusted and left.Several other purchasers came up andthey were treated in the same uncivilmaimer. Finally the conscript officer,who heard all the conversation, steppedop mod asked

"Do you belong to the service, sir?"The Diego knew him and his business

at once, so he attempted to evade the in-

quiry by replying"1 no cara for a fewa fisha. You want

him, taka him for one dollar and sixbitts."

"I don't want your fish, I asked if youwas attached to any military company?"

"You wanta de fish, take de fish for adollar and a half"arp'inSwIJ'nnroknw whetheryu

"Well taka dis buncha for yourself. Ipo cara for a buncha of fish: taka ileusha: taka as much as vou wanta fornothing;" and attempted to escape, butit was no go. He was then taken nn trthe Provost Marshal's office to state hisexemption or take his place in the ranksto defend the country that has furnishedmm with food and protection for yearspast i


Office of Comptroller of the Currency, V

Washington, July 31, 18U3. )BY SATISFCTOBY EVIDENCE


t presented to the undersigned, It has beenmarie to appear that the First National Bank ofEvansviile, in the County of Yanderburgh and.State of Indiana, has been duly organized underand according to the requirements of the act ofCongress, entitled, " An act to provide a NationalCurrency, secured by a pledge of United StatesStock?, and to provide for the circulator.deroption thereof, approved Februaiy 23 18$,"and has complied with all the provisions 'of saidact required to be complied with before commenc-ing the business of Banking

Now. therefore, I, Hugh McCnlloch, Comp-troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that thesaid First National Bank of Evansviile, County of i

Vanderburgh, aud State of Indiana, in authorized'

to commeure the business of Banking uiider theact aforesaid.In testimony wheieof witness my hand: : and seal of office this thirtv-fir- st day of


5 2 July. 13. HTGH McCULLOCHComp.n -r of the Currency.

K O T I C E .

THJLJ!S N ATIONAL BANK OF EVANS--LL will go into operatioa aud be open for

I1 " 0fl th ltt Jfl September, lgrjin thebuilding now occupied by the Canal Bank, inEvansviile. H. 0.. WHEKLERV.M. T. PAGE, Cashier. angS-dwI- m


and Lemon Syrnp. Almonds,Brazil Nuts, Essence of CoS-e-. Wooden Bowls,English Walnuts. Figs, Raisins, Currants,liocx Candy, Oysters, Fhoe, Horse audcnMi-.,- f Brn-h- e. Lolnters, Sardines. Alum.tpsoni sii, Koll Brimstone, Snlohur. Conner'

:!.--. net of Logwtwi. Indigo, Cream Tar- -tar, So1 i or Is of all kinds. Tobacco of allkinds, 1 ing, Battm- -. SumeK, Cigars of allkind. :r, amplior, t arolina and WagonTar, Br Cotton larn. Ground Gluaer. CaxiiU.Sjap. I'iavine Card-- , Glass Jan. Lauterna, Turn-am- i11-- .', Flask, Perpfr Saoce. Matches, Pickles,

mi, Fish ofall kinds, Tomato Catsup.Powder,Safct r Fw, Soaps of all kinds, b larch. Teas, Viu-r-tte- r.

gar, Note, Cap, and Fancy Paper, Wrap-Pape- r,

ing Env.Ioi-s- . Salt Petre, Gum Dropslea Bowl?, Jujr.be Paste, Cinnamon, Coal Oi

Clotl I Pins, British Lustre, Bonnet Boards, InkClov. '.. Nail?. S.h. Glass, Spirits Turpentine, allpio iral Soda. Pain Killer, Licorice, Ac , Ac, Ac

A supply of the above kept constant ly on handIM tstt .le low by P. . GILBERT Jc CO.,

iy9tf No. 1 Sycamore Street.

( r ERMAN "ROAtV X 20 boxes German Soap ;

iiO boxes Mottle Soap;U) bxs Erasive Soap;

At ELLJuTT'S Family Grocery.ket; Diipont's Blasting Powder;.'it's B:de Powder;

4"i kegs" BImMu Powder;

T tore and for sale at 22 Main Streett RCUhVj d en fVder Churns ;

.5 dozen White Pine Churns;' dozen common Churns ; at

At ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery



Latost and Host Important Dis-

covery of the 19th Cental?.

XTO MAN'S NAME IS MORE INTIMATELYconnected with the history of the Materia

Medica of the United States, or more lavorablyknown as a pioneer in medical discovery, than

of Dr. JOHN BULL, of Louisville, Ky. Hisinimitable oreuaration of Sars.iparilla has longstood at the h ad of the various compounds of thatvaluable drug. His Compound Pfctoral or WittChekbt has become a household word throughout

West and South ; and his Worm Lozenges, inthan a year after their introduction, attained

reputation as wide-sprea- d as the continent ofNorth America. But the erowniug glory of his

remainB to 6e attained in hiB latest discovery,rather combination ; for he does not claim to

have been the discoverer of CEDRON, which is thebasis of the bitters now ofiered to the public.That honor belongs to the native inhabitants ofCentral America, to whom itSTirtues have beenknown for more than two hundred years. Armedwith it, toe Indiau bids defiance to the most dead-

ly malaria, and haudles without fear the meatvenemous serpents. It is a belief with them thatwhile there i breath left in the body, the Oedron

potent to cure, no matter what the disease maybe.

While Dr. Bull is not prepared to indorse thisextravagant pretension, he is nevertheless satis-fied from a thorough examination of the evidencerelative to its virtues, that as a remedy and pre-

ventative for all diseases arising from exi".ue,either to changes of weather and climate, or tothe miasmatic influences, it stands witliou: arival aud justly deserves the reputation it hossolong enjoyed in Central America and the WestIndies. In

DYSPEPSIA,And its attendant train of symptoms, its actsmore like a charm than a mediciue. There isnothing in the whole range of the Materia Medica,that for a moment bear a comparison w ith it inthis disease.

A full account of this wonderful plant may befound in the 11th edition of the U. 8. Disjienea-tor- y,

pages 1387 and 1388.A series of experiments in which Dr. Bull has

been for years engaged, has just been brought to asuccessful termination aud he is now enabled tooffer to the public a combination of Ceilron wltnother approved tonics, the whole preserved in thebest quality of copper- - distilled Bourbon whisky,which he is congdent has no equal in the world.

lie might furnish a volume of certificates, but'fc public have long since learned to estimate'"c" things at their true value. The safest plan

for every ono to test for himself the virtues ofm. w medicine. Give

Oetlron Bitters,Our trial and you will never use any others.

It Is not necessary to publish a long list of Ms- -

In all oflections of the of the BRAINL'PON DERANGEMENT



It is destined to supersede all other remedies. Itnot only cures these diseases, but it preventsthem.

A wine glass full of the Bitters taken an hour ,

before each meal, will obviate the ill effect of the f

most unhealthy climate, and screen the persontaking it against disease under tho most tryingexposures.

Sold by Druggists and Grocers generally.BSDr. JOHN BULL'S Princii al Offlce, Fifth

Street, Louisv.'lle, Ky.Sold by H. J. SCHLAEPFER,



Eirst of the Season!1A B ARRELS PICKLES just received atIU WM. CALDWELL'S,

No. 9 First Street.

BRUSHES Steamboat Scrnbs ;10 dozen extraFloor "lo dozen extra Paint "li dozen extra Window Brushes ;

8 dozen assorted Counter Brushes ;

Just received at No 9 FIRST STREET.

BROOMS medium Fancy Brooms;10 dozen Sbaki-- r Brooms ;16 dozen Carpet Brooms ;10 dozen Hair Brooms ;IS dozen Steamboat Brooms ;20 dozen Stock Whisks ;

JO dozen Hearth Brooms.Just received at No. 9 First Street.

rpoiLET SOAPSJ 20 boxes Variegated Toilet Soap ;

to ooxes t.oiorea Toilet soap ;10 gross Glycerine Toilet Soap ;

6 boxes Palm Oil "6 boxes Almond "8 boxes Castile Soap ; warranted to be the

genuine Castile Soap. Just received atWM. CALDWELL'S,

No. 9 First Street.

0( BOXES GERMAN SOAP;Ov7 12 boxes Mottled German Soap;

10 boxes Erasivn White Soap ;10 boxes No. 1 Soap.

Jnst received at No. 9 FIRST STREET.


scp25 No. i First Street.

PICKLES 1 gallon jars, Tickles :50 " y " .

30 H M y. .

Jnst received at ELLIOTT'S Family Grocery.

GROUND PEPPERGronnd Pepper :

20 - Allspice ;20 " Ginger; .10 - Cinnamon.

At No. .1 Main Street.

SUGAR BUCKETS 15 dozen assorted sizesBnckets at No. 22 Main Street.

lLOTHEi PINS 26 boxes No. 1 round head,J whittledlothes Pins; At H. A. COOK'S.fc

OPR1NG CLOTHES PINS 2o gross Smith'sU BpI'ring Cloth- Pin ;



lo revolving handle "zo " Potatoe Mashers, assorted ;

10 " Towel Rollers, ""JL- - c0011'8- -

YEGE TABLESYANKEE 1 lb fresh Mackerelft "21b

10 1 !h " Salmon ;. 1 " ft lb " spiced Salmon ;1". " 1 H fresh Lobsters ;

fi "2ft " "At H. A. COOK'S.


& " hf. gal. Ixbtera ;ft " quart U n5 plat


5 bxs Fancy Toilet Soap ;

5 bx Bath " "6 bxs Jenny Llnd Toilet Soap ;5 bx Castile Toilet Soap ;5 bx Shaving "5 bx Palm -

6 bx Almond Soap ; jnst opened atELLIOTT'S Family Groaery.

I Rlil JCB--- "dozen assorted JaUlea atf BLLIOTT'S Family Grocery.