M2 Reference Manual Birmingham 205.631.0374 [email protected] Montgomery 334-277-6201 [email protected] www.medisysinc.com 11/10/2014 Disclaimer: This Manual is intended as a reference guide for clients of MediSYS. It may not be reproduced in anyway unless prior written consent is provided by MediSYS. Modifications to this manual occur routinely and the current version is available at www.medisysinc.com Client login. Note: system features are subject to change as a result of industry changes, technical modifications, etc.

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M2 Reference Manual



[email protected]



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This Manual is intended as a reference guide for clients of MediSYS. It may not be reproduced in anyway

unless prior written consent is provided by MediSYS. Modifications to this manual occur routinely and the

current version is available at www.medisysinc.com Client login. Note: system features are subject to

change as a result of industry changes, technical modifications, etc.

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M2 Reference Manual ...................................................................................................... 1

Disclaimer: ........................................................................................................................ 11

On-line Training Session................................................................................................ 12

General Navigation ..................................................................................................... 13

Copy & Paste ........................................................................................................... 13

PATIENT ACCOUNT ACTIVITY ..................................................................................... 13

Alert message bar ....................................................................................................... 14

Display Tabs: ............................................................................................................... 14

Insurance .................................................................................................................. 14

Diagnosis Codes ...................................................................................................... 14

Diagnosis .................................................................................................................. 14

General Notes .......................................................................................................... 14

Recalls ...................................................................................................................... 14

Appointment History ................................................................................................. 14

Responsible Party Search ....................................................................................... 15

Patient Setup / Editing ................................................................................................ 15

1) Edit a patient’s demographics: ............................................................................ 16

Patient Employer - Select .................................................................................... 17

Patient Employer – Add ....................................................................................... 18

Patient Employer – Delete ................................................................................... 18

Patient Export from MediSYS PM .............................................................................. 19

Automatic Patient Export ......................................................................................... 19

Manual Patient Export .............................................................................................. 19

ERROR: MedConn Cannot Connect ..................................................................... 19

Restart the Listener connection ........................................................................... 19

Driver’s License Search and Set-up ....................................................................... 20

Patient Insurance 2) INS ........................................................................................... 20

Insurance Edit Insurance Policy .............................................................................. 21

Insurance Policy Priority .......................................................................................... 22

Co-Pays & Deductibles ........................................................................................... 23

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Eligibility and Benefits From Patient Account ........................................................... 24

Eligibility Indicator ..................................................................................................... 24

Blue Cross Pre-certification Initiate ......................................................................... 25

Blue Cross Pre-certification Status ......................................................................... 26

Financial History 3) Fin ............................................................................................. 27

Correct / Edit Information on Patient’s Invoice (charges, payments) .................. 27

3) Claim Menu ......................................................................................................... 28

Display Claim ........................................................................................................ 28

To change the insurance priority on a claim: ................................................. 30

Claim Status ......................................................................................................... 30

Print Claim ............................................................................................................ 31

Delete Claim ......................................................................................................... 31

Create New Claim ................................................................................................ 31

Claim History ........................................................................................................ 32

4) Free Line ............................................................................................................. 32

5) Print ...................................................................................................................... 33

Financial History Ledger ...................................................................................... 33

Patient Payment Report ................................................................................... 33

Payment Report .................................................................................................... 33

Reverse Charge ................................................................................................... 34

MED Notes / Correspondence / Profile 4) MED ................................................. 35

Progress Notes ......................................................................................................... 35

Patient Notes ............................................................................................................ 35

Correspondence ....................................................................................................... 35

OB Profile ................................................................................................................. 36

Tests ......................................................................................................................... 37

Enter / Edit Medical Tests Results ........................................................................ 37

Diagnosis 5) DX .......................................................................................................... 37

Charge Entry 6) Chrg ................................................................................................. 38

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Non-Specific Code: If checked, a warning will display the message “this is a non-specified Diagnosis” at the time of charge entry. ................................................... 38

Charge Entry Comments: ........................................................................................ 39

NDC Code Charge Entry: ........................................................................................ 40

Import Charges : Electronic Health Records .............................................................. 41

Import / Export Information Report ........................................................................ 41

Process Imported Charges ...................................................................................... 41

Delete Imported Charge Date: ................................................................................ 41

Reconcile Charges ....................................................................................................... 42

Miscellaneous 9) Misc ................................................................................................ 43

Manual Export Patient Demographics (new or changes) ..................................... 43

Automated Export Patient ........................................................................................ 43

Option 1: EHR Patient Flow ..................................................................................... 44

Patient Recall 11) Recall ........................................................................................... 45

Patient Recall from Patient Account ....................................................................... 45

Print Patient RECALLS ............................................................................................ 46

General Notes 12)Gen ................................................................................................ 47

Responsible Party 13) RESP ..................................................................................... 48

Adding a new responsible party .............................................................................. 48

Referrals From / To 16) Ref ....................................................................................... 48

Precerts ..................................................................................................................... 48

Hospital 17) HSP ......................................................................................................... 49

Patient Collections ...................................................................................................... 49

Patient Flashers: .......................................................................................................... 50

Responsible Party History ........................................................................................ 50

19) Resp Hist ............................................................................................................... 50

Patient Balance 20) Bal ............................................................................................. 51

Print from Patient Account 22) Print......................................................................... 52

Labels, Face, Route, Lab Forms ............................................................................. 52

Labels (Patient Chart or Mailing) ............................................................................ 52

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Face Sheet ............................................................................................................... 52

Route Sheet from the Patient Account ................................................................... 52

Payment Entry 23) from Patient Account................................................................. 55

Deposit 24) from Patient Account ............................................................................ 55

Scheduling ....................................................................................................................... 57

To Create a Doctor’s Schedule: .................................................................................. 57

To Create Appointment Grid:....................................................................................... 57

Show Appointments: .................................................................................................... 58

To Make an Appointment: ........................................................................................... 58

New Entity ................................................................................................................ 59

Email Appointment Reminders .................................................................................... 59

To cancel an appointment: .......................................................................................... 60

To block out an appointment time: .............................................................................. 60

Non-Available Appointment Color Code ..................................................................... 60

Multi-Book: select multiple appointment slots ............................................................ 61

Eligibility and Benefits Via Scheduling ........................................................................ 61

Appointment Schedule from Patient Master File ........................................................ 61

Appointment Scheduling Check-In / Out ................................................................... 62

Appointment History ..................................................................................................... 62

Appointment Listing ...................................................................................................... 63

Print letters from Appointment List .......................................................................... 64

Appointment Scheduling ToolTips ............................................................................... 64

Purge Appointments ..................................................................................................... 65

Super bills / Route Sheets Printing ............................................................................. 66

To reprint already printed super bills: ......................................................................... 66

Print a route sheet / super bills from the Patient ................................................. 66

Missing Tickets ......................................................................................................... 67

Eligibility and Benefits .................................................................................................... 68

Payment Entry 1.17.0 ...................................................................................................... 69

Insurance Payment Entry (also see Electronic Remittances) ................................. 69

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Patient Payment Entry ................................................................................................ 71

Payment Entry Batch ................................................................................................... 72

END OF DAY Procedures ............................................................................................... 73

Run DAILY FINANCIAL RECAP report: ..................................................................... 73

Run PAYMENT RECAP report: ................................................................................... 73

Perform DAILY UPDATE (after all transactions are in balance) .............................. 73

Missing Ticket Report .................................................................................................. 74

Insurance Menu .............................................................................................................. 75

Electronic Claims ........................................................................................................ 75

Prepare Claims ......................................................................................................... 75

Transmit- Claims Submission ................................................................................. 76

Re-Transmit Claims ................................................................................................. 76

6)Export for Scrubbing ............................................................................................ 76

Audit Trails / Carrier claim receipt confirmation ..................................................... 77

Medicaid Claim Status / receipt confirmation ........................................................ 77

Emdeon Vision Suite Access for Claim Status ........................................................... 77

Tips: retrieve audit trail from yesterday’s transmission if transmitted before 3pm .......... 77

Electronic Remittances .............................................................................................. 78

Receive Remittances ............................................................................................... 78

Process Remittance ................................................................................................. 78

Reprinting Insurance Forms .................................................................................... 80

Sample Claim Adjustment Reason Codes .................................................................. 80

Insurance Follow up ................................................................................................... 81

Insurance Aging ........................................................................................................ 81

Insurance Pending ................................................................................................... 81

MONTH END Procedures ............................................................................................. 83

Practice Analysis .......................................................................................................... 86

Aged Financial Report ................................................................................................. 86

Other Work....................................................................................................................... 88

Select Recall ................................................................................................................. 88

*Label printing from Select Recall ............................................................................... 88

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Select Recall Additive Search ................................................................................. 90

Select Recall Race, Ethnicity, Language .................................................................... 92

# of Unique Patients for a Provider during a specific time frame: ....................... 94

ePrescribe List (optional) ......................................................................................... 95

External Charge List ..................................................................................................... 95

Print Recalls.................................................................................................................. 95

Print Progress Notes .................................................................................................... 96

Print Referral Letters .................................................................................................... 97

Letter Writer: ............................................................................................................. 97

Set up Referring Source: ......................................................................................... 97

Print EDC Report ......................................................................................................... 98

Print Hospital List ........................................................................................................ 98

Practice Analysis - Reports............................................................................................ 99

Productivity Analysis Report ........................................................................................ 99

Financial Analysis By Procedure ................................................................................. 99

Payment % Analysis by Procedure ........................................................................... 100

Visit Analysis by Insurance ........................................................................................ 100

Activity Analysis by Financial Class .......................................................................... 101

New Patient Analysis ................................................................................................. 101

Collection Analysis ..................................................................................................... 101

Aged Insurance Class Report .................................................................................... 101

Patient Type Report ................................................................................................... 102

Patient Type Report ................................................................................................... 103

Aged Financial Report ............................................................................................... 104

Payment and Adjustment Analysis ............................................................................ 105

Referring Physician Reporting ................................................................................... 106

New Patient Analysis ............................................................................................. 106

Referrals by Doctors .............................................................................................. 106

Referrals by Zip Code ............................................................................................ 106

Referrals by Insurance Company .......................................................................... 106

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Referrals by Patient Type ...................................................................................... 106

Production Analysis by Referring Source ............................................................. 107

Visit Analysis by Insurance Company for Referring Source ................................ 108

Analysis by Procedure by Referring Source ......................................................... 109

Payment and Adjustment Analysis by Referring Physician ................................. 109

Diagnosis Analysis Report ......................................................................................... 110

Create Payment Excel Document ............................................................................. 110

Create Financial CSV File ......................................................................................... 110

Financial Analysis By Percent ................................................................................... 112

Dashboard .................................................................................................................. 113

Company ..................................................................................................................... 121

Group Maintenance .................................................................................................... 121

Note: You must enter a physical address in the group file for Group 0. ............... 121

Note: You can enter a PO or Lock Box address in Group 1. .................................. 121

Add / edit provider #’s, NPI #, Employer ID, UPIN .......................................... 122

Doctor .......................................................................................................................... 123

Note: You must enter a physical address in the doctor file. ................................... 123

Add / edit provider #’s, NPI #, Employer ID, UPIN .......................................... 123

4) Acct Info ............................................................................................................. 124

A / R Totals – View & Graph ............................................................................... 124

Change Medicaid Password in MediSYS: ............................................................ 124

Diagnosis .................................................................................................................... 126

Diagnosis Type – Accident, Possible Accident, Onset Date Required, Initial Treatment Date Required. (For codes to force a required date at charge entry, change the Diagnosis Type to one of the options listed above). ....................... 126

Non-Specific Code: If checked, a warning will display the message “this is a non-specified Diagnosis” at the time of charge entry. ..................................... 126

ICD-10 Search from ICD-9 ................................................................................... 127

Procedures .................................................................................................................. 128

Action Code Procedures: ....................................................................................... 128

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Procedure Filing Code Tabs .................................................................................. 129

ePrescribe G-Code ................................................................................................ 129

Payments/ Adjustments ........................................................................................ 130

Insurance Payments/ Adjustments Codes ........................................................... 130

Referring Source ........................................................................................................ 131

Facility ......................................................................................................................... 131

Statement Messages .................................................................................................. 131

Insurance Company ................................................................................................... 133

Blue Cross of Alabama Insurance File Maintenance: .......................................... 133

Commercial Carrier Electronic Commercial Claims Insurance File Maintenance:................................................................................................................................. 135

Cities / Postal Code .................................................................................................. 136

Text Codes ................................................................................................................. 137

Message Records....................................................................................................... 137

Letter Writer ................................................................................................................ 137

Place of Service Codes ............................................................................................. 139

Patient ID Change ...................................................................................................... 144

To Delete a Patient ................................................................................................ 144

Patient Type Maintenance ......................................................................................... 144

Recall Type Maintenance .......................................................................................... 144

Medical Tests ............................................................................................................. 145

Medical Tests Grouping ......................................................................................... 145

Procedure Grouping ................................................................................................... 145

Condition Codes ......................................................................................................... 146

Occurrence Codes ..................................................................................................... 146

Value Codes ............................................................................................................... 146

File Listings .................................................................................................................... 147

Patient File Listing ...................................................................................................... 147

Doctor File Listing ...................................................................................................... 147

Procedure File Listing ................................................................................................ 147

Diagnosis Listing ........................................................................................................ 149

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Insurance Listing ........................................................................................................ 149

Facility File Listing ...................................................................................................... 149

Zip Code File Listing .................................................................................................. 149

Insurance Pay to Groups Listing ............................................................................... 149

Statement Code Message ......................................................................................... 150

Payment Code List ..................................................................................................... 150

Adjustment Code List ................................................................................................. 151

Responsible Party List / Letters / Labels ............................................................... 151

Medical Tests ............................................................................................................. 152

File Administration ........................................................................................................ 153

User Options ............................................................................................................... 153

Financial History Display Options ............................................................................... 153

Operator ID can be used for operator’s initials to track financial and appointment transactions. ................................................................................................................... 153

Help................................................................................................................................. 154

Start Support............................................................................................................... 154

View / Verify Backup Log ......................................................................................... 154

Display File Consistency Check ................................................................................ 154

RESTART / SHUT DOWN ............................................................................................. 155

Adobe Tips ..................................................................................................................... 156

Search and print selected sections of pdf reports.................................................... 156

Search Option ............................................................................................................. 156

Print a selected section / area ................................................................................. 156

Claim Staker User Instructions for Alpha II............................................................... 157

On-Site Training ............................................................................................................. 159

INSTALLATION & TRAINING ....................................................................................... 160

Overview of Implementation ...................................................................................... 160

Initial Backup Verification Offer ..................................................................................... 169

MediSYS Training Evaluation ...................................................................................... 170

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This Manual is intended as a reference guide for clients of MediSYS. It may not be

reproduced in anyway unless prior written consent is provided by MediSYS located at

2317 Mt. Olive Road, Gardendale, AL.

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Home Screen Overview

Revision Level – The current level of the MediSYS software and will change after each automatic update. Access of Revision Notes

From the Help pull down menu. Database – The working or current database that is being accessed, for multiple database

systems this is an important tool. Operator ID – The operator that was signed in with, this ID controls access of the system and

controls differences between operators. Host – The Server IP address Window Theme – Ability for use to select theme of Classic or System. Other user display

color and font options are available for in-house clients from each PC desktop based on Windows operating system level: right click: Properties / Appearance.

Phone Numbers – Support Phone numbers as well as the internet site of MediSYS – On-line Training Session

Request a login to www.medisysinc.com to view pre-recorded sessions.

Revision Level


Operator ID

& IP Address

Select Screen Appearance

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General Navigation Several methods can be used throughout the system to navigate within the system. Often multiple navigation methods can be used to accomplish the same task.

Mouse (single, double, left and right clicks) Tab or Enter (for example, pressing enter in payment and charge entry activate defaults and

move cursor from field to field) Keyboard (enter # indicated to left of options)

Multiple Windows on one Screen – open various patient accounts, scheduling, etc. and drag them to the preferred location, our minimize and maximize the screens. Copy & Paste

To copy – high light line & do control C To paste – put cursor where you want to paste & do control V

PATIENT ACCOUNT ACTIVITY Most of the day to day functions can occur from the Patient Activity.

Main Activity Patient Activity

Patient Demographics



Responsible Tabs


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Double clicking on the area or tab in the patient activity, will navigate you to other options. Alert message bar contains Patient Flashers 18)Col, Collection generated notice 18)Col and referral 16)Ref # visits. Display Tabs: Clicking on the display tabs (Middle) controls the items displayed bottom left or right. This selection is by operator and will continue until it is changed.

Insurance By clicking on an individual insurance company only that one insurance will display. Using the navigation/selection button at the bottom a select box will appear with all the available insurance companies. Double click on the insurance to see / edit details or select 2) Ins

Diagnosis Codes Recent diagnosis for this patient. Double click on code for more details or select 5) Diag

Diagnosis Show recent diagnosis codes with descriptions.

General Notes View General Notes easily on Patient Master file Double click on General Notes or select 12) Gen Enter notes

Recalls List recalls (recalls to schedule a future visits/ appointment) Double click on recall to edit, view more details or select 11)Recall

Appointment History Shows a history of patient appointments Double click on appointment for details, editing

Responsible TABS – several will be present if more than one responsible party exists. Select the correct responsible party by using the small tabs to the left of the dark blue area. Top of the Document

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Patient Search Patient Search – (Driver’s License swipe search option available) Main Activity Patient Activity

Search by: Patient ID, LName, SSN, DOB, Chart#, Ins.Policy #, External, Phone # (phone 1) Press enter or Select from Patient, ALL, Responsible parties, recent patients, scheduled patients (today’s appointments) Name Search - At least 2 characters of Last Name <Enter> First Name <Enter> if desired will display a Select Box to select the correct patient. Social Security Number and birth date display to assist in selecting the correct patient.

Responsible Party Search If you click on Responsible ID block, the search will occur from Responsible parties.

Patient Setup / Editing Add or Edit Patient Information 5) New Patient will allow entry of new patients Before adding a patient, perform a patient search from:

Main Activity Patient Activity Search

Select a Patient by double clicking, or 1) Patient

If patient is not in your system, select 5)New Patient Note: When adding or editing a patient the same screen appears.

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1) Edit a patient’s demographics: Main Activity

Patient Activity Search Select a Patient by double clicking,

or 0) Select 1) PAT

After entering the SSN the system checks existing patients and responsible parties (Entities) to help save time by selecting the existing entity, or warn the operator of a duplicate SSN being used. Last Name requires 2 letters First Name requires 1 letter Top Patient Account Activity Top of the Document

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Use the down arrow key for the Select Boxes with the down arrow to the right, Left click on the down arrow will display the full select box. Suffix – (Jr, Sr, III, etc.) Zip – enter Patient’s zip code. If the zip code is in the Cities / Postal Code in File Maintenance, the city and state will populate. Birth Date – Format MMDDCCYY AA – Accept Assignment (defaults to Yes) Responsible – select who gets the bill (self, parent, etc.) Doctor – select doctor they see most Patient Type – select for drop down (i.e. attorney, deceased, bad debt, etc.) Chart Number is completely separate than patient number, and is a separate look-up item. First and Last Visit is maintained by the system.

Signature On File is for Medicaid 1500 forms Race – Select from drop down (i.e. Asian, Black, White, etc.) Primary Language – Select from drop down (i.e. English, Spanish, etc.) Ethnicity – Select from drop down (Hispanic, Not Hispanic, Patient Refused)

Selecting OK will prompt ID assignment.

Auto - system automatically assign the ID number Manual

If you have selected a responsible party other then self, you will be prompted to assign / select a Responsible party.

Patient Employer - Select Main Activity

Patient Activity Search & Select Patient / Responsible Party 1)Pat Select (or edit employer)

Employer Selection (search by enter first letters of company name in last name field) Select ALL Either Double click on the appropriate employer or click on Select


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Patient Employer – Add

If Employer search does not locate the entity, at search, select New Entity Employer Maintenance will appear SEX/Company – use drop down to select Company Enter appropriate information (company name, address, zip, phone, email, etc. Click OK

Patient Employer – Delete

Main Activity Patient Activity

Search & Select Patient / Responsible Party 1)Pat 3)Delete Employer

Top Patient Account Activity

Top of the Document

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Patient Export from MediSYS PM If your PM system is configured with an HL7 demographic interface, then: Automatic Patient Export

When adding a new patient into the PM system or changing patient demographics, if an automated demographic interface is configured on your PM system, the patient demographics will export to the EHR or ePrescribe system automatically:

Patient Activity Press ENTER at the Selection prompt at the bottom right corner of the Patient Activity screen.

Note: Clicking on the X to exit the Patient Activity will cause the patient not to export. This same process applies when changing/updating a patient’s demographics.

Manual Patient Export

If the patient did not export from MediSYS PM, export it manually by: Display patient in the Patient Activity Choose 9-Misc 2-Export, 1-Add Patient. Options may vary depending on which EHR you have.

ERROR: MedConn Cannot Connect If your practice is using MediSYS EHR or MediSYS ePrescribe and the error above occurs, the communication service between billing and EHR application is not exporting new patient s or updating information being changed in billing. Check PC where the SocketListener is located and verify that this PC is operational and on. Restart EHR SocketListener.

Restart the Listener connection If the PC has an Icon established: Click on Services icon. In the list, highlight: EHR_SocketListener , Right click and click Stop. After a few seconds then right click again and click Start If the PC does not have an icon established: on that PC, go to Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Services. Locate EHR SocketListener in the list. Click on the words EHR SocketListener and click Stop. Wait a few seconds and click Start.

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If this does not resolve the issue: 1. Check the firewall. It should be set to off. If not, this will prevent the charges from coming across. If users would like an alternative to setting the firewall to off, please call EHR Support and they will create an exception to that port. 2. If the Firewall is set to off already, the IP address may have been changed. 3. The PC with the listener should have a static IP. Did the IP address change? If so, please contact support so we can update the IP address.

Please call EHR support for further assistance. Note: Patient setup and editing should occur in the PM system.

Driver’s License Search and Set-up With special scanning keyboard-Ask for details.

Main Activity Patient Activity 7) Scan

Swipe the patient driver’s license using the appropriate keyboard.

If the patient is located from the swipe, you may select the patient and proceed. If the patient is not found, select 5) New Patient and the driver’s license information will be automatically populated to assist in patient setup.

Patient Insurance 2) INS Main Activity Patient Activity

Search & Select Patient / Responsible Party 2) INS Patient insurance information can be added or edited by choosing INS in the patient account. Select New to Add or select current

insurance to edit. Search for Insurance Company by selecting binoculars. Type partial description of carrier,

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click OK. Double click on carrier, or enter Ins. Co. code. POLICY # – Enter the policy number. RESPONSIBLE TYPE –Select the responsible party type indicating who should be held accountable for any balance remaining after this insurance carrier makes payment. RELATION TO SUBSCRIBER – Indicate relationship of the subscriber to the insured. EFFECTIVE DATE – Enter the policy’s Effective Date. TERM DATE – Enter the termination date of the policy. PLAN NAME- Enter the plan name of the of the insurance (if applicable) GROUP – Enter the group number associated with that policy If the subscriber is someone other than the patient, you will be prompted to select an existing subscriber or enter a new subscriber. Enter subscriber's information. *For Medicaid policies, additional fields are required:

Special Program – select from drop down Local Medicaid Program – select None or Patient 1st

For Medicare Secondary policies, you will be prompted to enter a secondary payer reason. They are as follows:

Working Age Beneficiary / Spouse with Employee Health Group Plan ESRD Beneficiary in 12TH Month Work prior with Health Group Plan NO Fault INS/Including/AUTO/OTHER Workers Comp PHS or Other Federal Agency Black Lung VA Disabled Beneficiary under 65 Any Liability Insurance

Insurance Edit Insurance Policy Main Activity

Patient Activity Search & Select Patient / Responsible Party 2) INS Select the Policy 4) Edit Policy If there are claims associated with the policy, a Policy Edit Warning will appear. OK to continue or take head warning

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Insurance Policy Priority Main Activity

Patient Activity Search & Select Patient / Responsible Party 2) INS Select a Policy 4) Edit Policy 7) Set Priority Highlight (yellow) using arrow keys or click to change the order (1st listed is primary)

Top Patient Account Activity Top of the Document

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Co-Pays & Deductibles Deductibles

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient 2) INS Select Insurance 8) Co-Pays & Deductibles

Enter Policy Level and Individual level deductibles Indicate med deductibles Indicate Out-of-Pocket Met

Co-Pay Information 2)Add A Copay Select Copay Class from drop-down Select Start from drop-down Select Type from drop-down: Amount, % of Charge, % of Approved Enter Amount 1)Apply

To Delete Copay Highlight Copay Select 3) Delete

Top Patient Account Activity Top of the Document

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Eligibility and Benefits From Patient Account Note: Based on availability, eligibility & Benefits may also be verified in batch from appointment scheduling via BC, Emdeon/Navicure. (see Appointment Scheduling in this manual) Ask for details. Check a patient’s eligibility with the latest information available from Blue Cross, Medicare, Medicaid and Emdeon/Navicure.

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient 2) INS Select Insurance 9) Eligibility 0) OK For BCBS Infosolutions & Emdeon or Navicure: 2) OK, you will receive a message that transmission was successful and the option to click OK. Once you click OK, the eligibility report will display. Eligibility responses will be stored under the patient insurance for that carrier. To view past responses, Click 1) Review instead of 2) OK.

Eligibility Indicator

After a patient eligibility is verified electronically, user is prompted to indicate whether the patient is eligible. The default is set to Eligible, if they ARE NOT eligible, click on box and click OK. The eligibility indication selected is then displayed and dated on the patient master file insurance. Ineligible is displayed in red, eligible displayed in black.

Top Patient Account Activity

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Blue Cross Pre-certification Initiate Select Patient Account 2) INS Select Insurance 9) Eligibility Enter Inquirer’ s Initials 0) OK 3) Web

Once Benefits are displayed,

select Initiate On-Line Precert Physician’s Name, Phone, Patient Name and ID automatically populate: Enter Procedure, etc. and Submit

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Blue Cross Pre-certification Status Patient Account Insurance Eligibility Date Of Service Select: Check Pre-certification Status The Authorization Lookup Displays

Top of the Document Top Patient Account Activity

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Financial History 3) Fin The Financial History is a log of all the patient’s financial transactions. The system assigns an invoice number to each charge. Each charge or payment entered goes automatically into the financial history

Main Activity Patient Activity

Lookup / Select Patient

3) Fin

The system will display the financial history divided into three sections: patient responsible invoices; insurance responsible invoices; the balance of any other invoices that are due from a third party. (Ex: lawyer, workmen’s comp, etc.) You can view financial history by making selections for: Doctor Receivable type: Patient, Insurance, Other Pay Status: Paid / Unpaid Service Date From & Thru Display Items: All, Charges, Payments, Adjustments, Free Lines Active or Purge History Note: A procedure description (short) column at the far right in financial history, can be

moved, by dragging, to the users desired location.

Correct / Edit Information on Patient’s Invoice (charges, payments) Double click on the invoice you wish to edit or select 14)CORRECT or type 14 Edit Line as needed **Any information regarding a financial history item can be changed prior to the item going thru a daily update. After a daily update has been run, the A/R date, Doctor number, and Dollar amount of the invoice cannot be changed.

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3) Claim Menu Allows the operator access to insurance claims insurance pending file. Insurance claims are automatically created as a result of the charges entered. These claims are then held in the insurance pending file until the insurance adjudicates. Once the claim has been paid, the system will automatically generate a secondary/tertiary claim if needed. The remaining balance will be

rolled over to the patient.

Display Claim Main Activity

Patient Activity Lookup / Select Patient 3) Fin Double click on claim # in Fin. History OR 3) Claim Menu 1) Display Claim Click on binoculars to view claims, select claim

PRINT STATUS – Shows whether or not the claim has been printed or transmitted: NOT PRINTED, PRINTED, ON HOLD, TRANSMITTED, HARD COPY ONLY.

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SUBMIT TO – Indicates the carrier the claim is currently pending to – primary, secondary, or tertiary. The insurance data is at the top of right side of the screen. If you want to submit the claim to another insurance company select 4) Edit Insurance. CREATE DATE –date claim was created DATE P/H/T – Shows the date that the claim was printed, held, or transmitted. REF DR – Enter the referring doctor number if one exits. XMIT TYPE – 0=1500 1=UB92 AA – Accept assignment status. Cannot be edited. Top of the Document

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EXCEPTION – EPSDT, etc. FAM PLAN LATE BILL INDICATOR NON AVAIL – obtained, not obtained, other ins paid LAB # REFER # PRECERT #

INSURANCE SELECTION Indicates the priority of the patient’s insurance carriers. To change the insurance priority on a claim:

Main Activity Patient Activity

Lookup / Select Patient 3) Fin 3) Claim Menu 1) Display Claim Select Claim

4) Edit Insurance Claim Status

This allows, for certain carriers, electronic claim status Main Activity Patient Activity

Lookup / Select Patient 3) Fin 3) Claim Menu 1) Display Claim Select Claim 5) Claim Status In addition, enrollment in Emdeon Claims Management provides web access claim status. http://www.emdeon.com/ProviderSolutions/vision-enroll/

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Print Claim Allows you to print a claim from Insurance Pending file.

Main Activity Patient Activity

Lookup / Select Patient 3) Fin 3) Claim Menu 1) Display Claim Select Claim 0) Run 8) Print Claim

Delete Claim This option is used to move invoices from the insurance balance to the patient balance.

Main Activity Patient Activity

Lookup / Select Patient 3) Fin 3) Claim Menu 1) Display Claim Select Claim

9) DELETE CLAIM Select the claim number that is to be deleted. Do you want to update Aging Date to today’s date?

Create New Claim This option is used to enter a new claim from existing invoices. A new claim can only be created when the invoices are in the Patient balance history or Other balance history.

Main Activity Patient Activity

Lookup / Select Patient 3) Fin 3) Claim Menu 2) Create New Claim

Select the invoice number of the charge to put on this claim. Insurance claim menu will display Edit as necessary

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To change the insurance priority: Select 2) Edit Insurance to change the insurance priority OK Claim will be created and moved to insurance

Claim History View claim history by service date, claim # . Shows Date Filed, Dr., Action (printed, etc), carrier, balance, etc.

Main Activity Patient Activity

Lookup / Select Patient 3) Fin 3) Claim Menu 3) Claim History Enter Service date from and thru View in Claim # order or Service date order by clicking on the headings 4) Free Line Allows you to type notes /comments assigned to an invoice.

Main Activity Patient Activity

Lookup / Select Patient 3) Fin 4) Free Line Enter Invoice # Select if this free line should be printed on the statement or insurance Top of the Document

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5) Print Financial History Ledger

Main Activity Patient Activity

Lookup / Select Patient 3) FIN 5) Print

1) Fin History Ledger Select from options: Dr, Rec. Type, Paid status, Items, Service Dates, preview, print, save

Patient Payment Report Patient Payment Report and Financial History Ledger

Main Activity Patient Activity

Lookup / Select Patient 3) Fin 5) Print Fin History Ledger Payment Report

Payment Report Main Activity Patient Activity

Lookup / Select Patient 3) FIN 5) Print 2) Payment Report Choose Responsible Type, select Payment Type: All Payments, Patient Payments, Insurance Payments, print, preview, save.

Top of the Document

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7) Move

Main Activity Patient Activity Look up / Select Patient 3) Fin 7) Move Change 1-Responsible Type, 2-Facility, 3-Doctor, 4-Refer Doctor, 5-Patient, 6-Reverse, 7-Redistribute 1) Responsible Type – If invoices are in insurance history, claim must be deleted. Select Dr # or ‘All’, Select resp type, Select update status, Enter service date range, Select the invoices to be move. Create new claim if necessary. 2) Facility – Select Dr # or ‘All’, Select update status, Select facility to change to, Enter service date range, Select invoices to be changed. 3) Doctor – Select doctor to change from/to, Select update status, Enter service date range, Select invoices to be changed. (If the charge is non-updated, this will simply change the doctor # on the invoice. If the charge is updated, this will reverse the charge and will create a new charge using the new doctor #), Create new claim. 4) Refer Doctor – Select refer dr. # to change from/to, Select update status, Enter date range, Select invoices to be changed. 5) Patient – Select dr. # or ‘All’, Enter patient acct # to move the charge to, Select resp type, Select update status, Enter date range, Select invoices to be moved. 6) Reverse – In invoices are in insurance history, claim must be deleted. Select dr. # or ‘All’, Select update status, Enter date range, Select invoices to be reversed. 7) Redistribute – Do not use this option (Use redistribute option on payment maintenance).

Reverse Charge Main Activity Patient Activity

Lookup / Select Patient 3) Fin 7) Move

6) Reverse - Allows reversing a previous charge by date of service. After reversing the incorrect charge, enter the charge correctly

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MED Notes / Correspondence / Profile 4) MED Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient 4) MED

Notes automatically dated and operator identified. Use practice-defined “Text Codes”, then double click to select. Saves time and adds constant format. Select previous, next, last, to view progress notes, patient notes or correspondence. Or select Print. Progress Notes

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient 4) MED 1) Progress Notes

Patient Notes

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient 4) MED

2)Patient Notes When selecting to print / preview the note, indicate whether or not to include the date


If you print recalls from Main Activity, Other Work, Print Recalls and select Update Correspondence, the date, reason and action taken will update the patient’s Correspondence.

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient 4) MED 3) Correspondence

Select previous, next, last, to view correspondence. Or select Print.

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OB Profile

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient 4) MED 4) OB Profile Note: See EDC report – which is generated by dates entered in OB Profile fields: Last Menstrual Period and Last Normal Menstrual Period

Top of the Document

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Tests Enter / Edit Medical Tests Results

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient 4) MED 5) Tests 1) Add Test or double click on test to edit Enter date ordered Click on Binoculars Select Test Type Notes Results

Note: Procedure codes with a Dx (medical) Test Code will automatically be created in Tests as a by product of charge entry. Test results can then be entered later.

Diagnosis 5) DX

Main Activity Patient Activity

Select Patient 5) DX Displays diagnosis codes used with date, code, description, ACC Indicator, ACC State

2) New enter code or Click on binoculars to search by partial description

Select appropriate code Defaults to today’s date, which can be edited

0) OK Adds diagnosis code To delete diagnosis Select diagnosis to delete 3) Delete Are you sure? Y or N

Top of the Document

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Charge Entry 6) Chrg Main Activity Patient Activity

Lookup / Select Patient 6) Chrg

Select / Confirm Facility, Doctor, Responsible party, Referring Doctor, Select AA (accept assignment) Enter Ticket # (used for tracking route sheets / super bills / slips) Type in the Procedure Code OR press F2 key to scan for a Procedure code using up to 20 characters of the description, double click on the procedure code you want to use for this charge.

If the practice has multiple doctors, then the cursor will go directly to Doctor-enter the doctor number and press enter. If the practice has a single/solo doctor then the cursor will go directly to Procedure Code. If the practice is a multi-doctor facility, and the cursor does not go to doctor field, please call the Support Department and have them set the system to do this.

You can press enter or use the mouse to move from field to field.

Enter the Service Date in this field or press enter to use the default date -today’s date.

Enter the ICD9 code by either double clicking the diagnosis codes from the previous diagnosis codes listed in the box above, or press F2 to scan for a diagnosis, or type in the ICD9 Code .

Non-Specific Code: If checked, a warning will display the message “this is a non-specified Diagnosis” at the time of charge entry. The unit’s field will default to 1, although an edit may be done. Type in the number of units. If entering hospital charges you may press 0 and you can enter the last day of the procedure. The system will automatically enter the number of units determining by the number of days for that procedure.

The rate field will default to 1, although an edit may be done on this field, this is a user option. ***NOTE***THE ONLY PRACTICE TO USE THIS OPTION IS ONE WITH MULTIPLE RATES*** If the procedure does not need to go to insurance history OR does not need to be on a claim, choose N-No Insurance and it will not create a claim. If there is a zero amount in the

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Procedure File Maintenance or an action code 10, no claim will create. This will appear in patient history. Edit the amount of the charge if needed.

Charge Entry Comments:

For any comments as needed and for NDC Codes that are setup in the procedure file and dosage entry as needed. Top of the Document

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NDC Code Charge Entry: Once the affected procedure codes are setup in File Maintenance - Procedure with an Action Code of: Proc Requires NDC Info and their 11 digit NDC code, when using these procedure codes during charge entry, the NDC code will appear in the “Comment “ field. If the NDC is not 11 digits, the code will not be transmitted to carrier.

Dosage Entry NDC Once you enter the procedure code that is setup with the NDC Code as show in the Comment field.

NDC Units will be entered at the end of the charge. After NDC Units have been entered, you will need to enter the Unit of Measure, i.e., UN, MG, ML, GR, etc.

E-End the charge, OR continue with the next procedure code.

Type amount of payment paid by the patient at time of service then choose the payment type from drop-down list (i.e. CK-Check, CA-cash, CC-Credit Card) Enter in check #

Type in amount of adjustment Choose adjustment type from drop-down list (i.e.: PC-Professional Courtesy, WO-Write Off, etc, Enter any comment.

User options may be set to do one or all of the following after charge entry:

Print Receipt Recall (schedule a patient for a future appointment recall) Schedule Appointment

If you select Recall, enter Recall date, type, doctor and comments..

Dosage if applicable

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Import Charges : Electronic Health Records If your PM system is configured to capture charges from MediSYS Electronic Health Records while on your local area network or VPN, once the Patient Encounter is accepted as complete, the charge record will be passed to MediSYS PM for billing. Other E H R charge interfaces may also be available.

Import / Export Information Report

View a report to see charges imported and ready for processing: Main Activity

Other Work Import/Export Information External Charge List System defaults to the active interface configured for your PM system. Activity Date - click on the drop down arrow & choose the date you wish to view then click Preview. All dates displayed are dates of charges that have not been posted.

Process Imported Charges To process these charges for billing from your EHR: Display patient in Patient Activity Choose 6)Crg, A prompt will display: ‘Charges Available for Import’. List of the dates for charges waiting to be billed on a patient, it will list multiple dates if patients has multiple dates of service. Click on the drop down arrow & select the date you wish to enter, Click 0-OK or press enter. The charges will appear on this screen to allow the operator to verify that items are correct Make changes to the charge if necessary, then E- End charge Repeat process for next patient. Delete Imported Charge Date: If you have a charge that was keyed manually and are receiving the message ‘Charges Available for Import” and would like to delete.

Best Practice: On a daily basis, reconcile the Daily Financial Recap with your EHR (MediSYS E H R use Reconciliation Report) to confirm all charges are billed as appropriate.

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Patient Activity Select 6-Crg, a message will display: ‘Charges Available for Import’ Click on the drop down arrow Choose the date you wish to delete Click 1 Delete

Reconcile Charges Preferably on a daily basis, reconcile the Daily Financial Recap with your E H R (MediSYS E H R use Reconciliation Report) to confirm all charges are billed as appropriate.

Top of the Document

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Appointment Scheduling 8) SCH from Patient Account Appointments can be made from the patient account, or from scheduling via Navicure. Ask for details. See Appointment Scheduling in this manual for instructions on how to schedule an appointment.

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient 8) SCH

Miscellaneous 9) Misc

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient

9) Misc

Manual Export Patient Demographics (new or changes)

Patient Activity 9) Misc 2) Export Patient

1) Add 2) Update 3) Register

Note: Selecting 1) Add Patient - would add the patient for the first time Selecting 2) Update Patient - if existing patient had a change in demographic information

Automated Export Patient

When adding a new patient into the system or changing patient demographics, if an automated demographic interface is configured on your system, the patient demographics will export to the EHR or ePrescribe system automatically if you press ENTER at the Selection prompt at the bottom right corner of the Patient Activity screen. If you type click on the X to exit the Patient Activity, this will cause your patient not to export. This same process applies when changing/updating a patient’s demographics.

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Option 1: EHR Patient Flow

Practices may elect to use the MediSYS PM patient registration to move the patient into the “Waiting Room” in Patient Flow for applicable electronic health records. ***Set up is required, contact Support.

If this feature is enabled,

MediSYS PM Patient Activity

9) Misc 2)Export 3) Register Patient For MediSYS EHR: Select Doctor ID (click on the binoculars to select)

Select Facility ID (click on binoculars to select) Once the Patient is in MediSYS EHR Patient Flow:

MediSYS EHR Patient Flow Click on the patient from the Patient Flow Select the desired room location and status of vitals Click OK

Option 2: Check In Feature in M2 / Patient Flow in MEHR The check in feature in M2 will place the patient in the patient flow of MEHR. The appointment viewer must be setup & active in order for this to work Upon patient arrival Display schedule for today Find patient on schedule Right click Set arrival time

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Patient Recall 11) Recall Patient recall is used to recall a patient to schedule a future appointment. For example, annual check up, etc. Patient recall can be set at patient check-out (charge entry) or from patient account. Patient Recall from Patient Account Main Activity Patient Activity

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Search & Select Patient 11) Recall or double click on Recalls Tab 1) New Enter recall date Select recall type from drop down Select doctor from drop down Enter comments. Recalls can be viewed in the patient account, click on RECALL tab. To delete or change and existing patient recall: Double click on the recall you wish to change or delete OR: Main Activity Patient Activity Search & Select Patient Click on Recall Tab Double click on recall to change or delete OR select /enter

11) Recall Double click on recall to change Make changes Or select 1) Delete Are you sure? Y or N Recalls can be viewed in the patient account, click on RECALL tab. Print Patient RECALLS Main Activity Other Work Print Recalls

Patients with Recalls from & Thru dates Recall type from drop down Print type – select letter, label or report If select letter type, then select letter from drop down Update correspondence history? Yes to record the activity in patient account under

4) MED 3)Correspondence

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General Notes 12)Gen Enter up to 7 lines of general notes that will display in the patient account.

Main Activity Patient Activity 12)Gen (or double click on General Tab) Type in notes, use Tab key to move to next line Top of the Document

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Responsible Party 13) RESP Main Activity

Patient Activity 13) RESP OR Double click on the section below patient demographics Adding a new responsible party Enter 1 or click on 1) new Search selection box appears The system requires a search for the responsible party before adding a new responsible. This is a very important concept in the Medisys system, look for an existing RP first and then select it before adding a new RP. Selecting a RP will tie other patients that the RP is responsible. Highlight with the arrow key or click on the correct line to edit an existing responsible party. Changing an existing RP will change the RP for all patients that he is responsible. After selecting a RP to edit all patients that the RP is responsible for displays, at this point several options exist. Referrals From / To 16) Ref Precerts Record of Referral Activity

Main Activity Patient Activity 16) Ref Referrals From Another Source

0) Ref From Select Referals for patient from list Or Select 1) New Enter Letter Name (see File Maintenance, Letter writer and Other Work, Referral Letters) Select options

Referral To Another Source Ref To

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Pre-Certification16) Ref Also see Insurance Eligibility for instructions on initiating pre-cert and pre-cert status. Record of Pre-Certification

Main Activity Patient Activity 16) Ref

3) Pre-Certs Select 1) New Select Insurance Enter Pre-cert# Select Dr, Facility, Enter Admit Date, Procedure Date Select / Enter procedure code (click on binoculars to search by description) Diagnosis, etc.

Hospital 17) HSP Record of Hospitalization for patient

Main Activity Patient Activity 17) HSP Select from list or

1) New Select Hospital Admit date, discharge date Room # Admit Dr. Diagnosis Comments

To print a Hospital List: Main Activity, Other Work, Hospital List Patient Collections

18) Col Main Activity

Patient Activity 18) Col

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Patient Flashers: An alert can be set to display when entering the patient account. The flasher will display at the top left hand or the patient account. You may also, elect to have a popup alert generated.

1) Flashers Predefined codes are available Enter start date Enter the message to appear on alert Check if pop-up Alert if preferred

The Collection Letter Flasher in the center top message bar is generated automatically from Collection activity. While the Referred: # visits in 16)Ref Patient Collection / Statement History

2)Collection / Statement History Select Responsible Party for collection history from list The

Responsible Party History 19) Resp Hist

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient 19) Resp Hist

Displays all patients under the

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responsible party. Shows total balance for responsible party. Indicates if responsible party is a patient. You can change the sort order by clicking on the appropriate heading (patient ID, Name, etc.) To Edit responsible party demographics select: 1) Edit Double click on Patient then: 2) History displays the appropriate financial history 3) Delete Resp. A responsible party can only be deleted if there is no financial history 4) Change Responsible Party 5) Print Statement 6) Print Collection letter Select letter

Patient Balance 20) Bal

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient 20) Bal Option to show balance by doctor, group, both Top of the Document

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Print from Patient Account 22) Print Labels, Face, Route, Lab Forms

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient

22) Print Labels (Patient Chart or Mailing)

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient

22) Print 1) Labels Select type: Chart or Mailing Select to print: Last Name, First Name or First Name, Last Name Enter #

Label format(s) available include Avery 5160, etc. ***Setup Required, contact Support for label options

Face Sheet Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient

22) Print 2) Face Route Sheet from the Patient Account If the patient has an appointment for today, the system will print a route sheet / super bill for that appointment excluding the scheduling comments. If the patient DOES NOT have an appointment scheduled for that day, the system treats the visit as a Walk-In, generating an appointment history record in the patient’s appointment history and assigning a slip #, a walk-in does not generate an appointment in the appointment schedule.

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Main Activity Select Patient 22) Print 3) Route Select Responsible Type, Appointment date, time, type, doctor, facility as appropriate

Click on Preview, print Once the route slip is printed, the slip number will show in the patient’s account appointment history.

Note: When entering charges make sure you have the correct Slip # on your charge screen, in the field. Ticket

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient

22) Print 3) Route Select appointment date, time, type Select Dr. and facility Top of the Document

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Lab Forms Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient

22) Print 4) Lab Forms

Southern Diagnostic Demographic Information automatically populated from patient master file.

Sample Laboratory Request Form

Lab Corp Demographics Bridge Quest Lab Demographics Bridge *LAB: Forms: Southern Diagnostic, & LabCorp #7015, Flowers Hospital,

EAMC Lab Outreach, Lab First, ARL Plain

Labels (Lab)

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient

22) Print 5) Lab Labels Enter Dilution, Extract, Exp.Date, Dr.

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Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient

22) Print 6) Letters Select Letter Name Preview / Print / Save Payment Entry 23) from Patient Account

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient 23) Payment

Deposit 24) from Patient Account **SET-UP Required – please contact PM Support 24) Deposit is used for collecting co pays before daily charges are entered into system. Once the charge is keyed, the money on the deposit doctor #9999 should be allocated to that charge. If you leave the money on the deposit doctor, then your physicians are not getting credit for the money collected & your reports will be inaccurate. All allocations should be completed before month end processing is done.

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient

24) Deposit Select: Resp Type Facility Payment – Enter dollar amount Select Pay Type Check # / Comments: as needed OK Prompted to print Receipt Entry #

Preview & Print

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Payment Distribution from Patient Account Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient 3) Financial History Double click on the payment you want to distribute 3) Redistribute from the Patient Payment Maintenance Screen Choose which invoice you want to distribute the money to Click on Execute and your money has been distributed

Another Option for Payment Distribution Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient 3) Financial History 7) Move 7) Redistribute Choose the transaction type, transaction code, facility, date from and thru, and update status Select the invoice you want to distribute Click OK Confirm the amount to distribute Enter thru to Payment Entry screen and select the invoice to post to Click OK Enter the amount to distribute Click ok and the process is complete

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To Create a Doctor’s Schedule: Main Activity


Doctor Maintenance

Enter the Doctor’s # or create a new # for the Doctor

Enter a Schedule # in Schedule 1 ( Most clients call the Schedule # the same as the


Enter the Doctor’s Name

Choose an Appt Background Color (it will default to light gray)

To Create Appointment Grid: Go to Scheduling

Select Template Maintenance

Schedule # (name it a number different from current Schedule #)

Select your day of the week

Select your facility code

Insert the time that you want to add to the schedule

Select the appointment type

Select your time increment for the appointment

Whether the appointment is available (Yes or No)

Click on 2) Insert or 4)Insert & Incr, to continue the appts for the same parameters

- OR – You can copy from a schedule that has already been created:

Select 7 Copy From

Select the schedule # that you want to copy

Day of the week that you want to copy this schedule to

Click OK

The copied schedule will appear and then click apply

After the schedule has been created, you will need to create the calendar Go to Scheduling

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Select Create Calendar

Enter Dates that you want the new schedule to appear on.

Select the Doctor # that you want the schedule to apply for.

The Doctor # that you selected will appear along with the schedules created for this Doctor.

Put the Schedule # of the Schedule that you just created under the Schedule 1.

Click on 2) Current Dr or 1) All Doctors(if you want to make the new calendar year).

Dr. will appear

Click on the doctor that appeared and it will highlight blue.

Click OK and this will create the new schedule

Select Date: Click on the date at the top of the screen and type in the date or change the date by adding or subtracting a single day or a week to the date in the date box by pressing the +day, +week or –day, -week buttons on either side of the date. Or, click on the calendar button, this will bring up a monthly calendar. To change the month by clicking the forward or backward buttons in the top left hand corner of the screen. You can do the same thing for the year on the top right hand corner of the screen. When you have the correct month, click on the day that you want. From the calendar, you may also enter the number of days from today that you want to schedule. Once you have the date you want in the date box, press enter.

Choose a Doctor: Doctor view box in the top left hand corner, click the drop down and choose the correct doctor Or, double click on the doctor’s name in the schedule.

Show Appointments: This box is located on the top right hand side under the calendar button. It allows you to choose what appointments you see on the screen, all appointments, booked appointments, not booked appointments, tests, surgery, etc.

To Make an Appointment: Select the date and the doctor. Double click on the space to the right of the appointment time. Clicking on the time itself it will display that time slot for all of the doctors. This is useful if the patient does not have a doctor preference.

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Double click on the space to the right of the appointment time for the doctor you want. From Patient Selection, search for the patient in one of several options: name, date of birth, social security number, etc. Press Enter to view patients that meet the criteria and Choose Patient. New Entity If the patient is new, you may opt to delay setting up a new Patient Account until the patient is seen by establishing a New Entity. **NOTE: an Entity appointment is not visible from MediSYS EHR, so if the view-only scheduling is used from MediSYS EHR, set up a Patient Account prior to scheduling the appointment. When making an appointment, at the patient selection click on New Entity. Enter patient name and phone numbers, etc. Information entered in the Entity will automatically be created upon new patient set-up. Click OK. Choose the type of appointment, using the drop down box Enter Comments (reason for the appointment, etc.) Click ok. When this patient (entity) comes to the office, go to Patient Activity, Patient Selection, type in patients name to search, CHOOSE 1)All - this will search entities, patients, resp. Choose 0) Select or double click on the entity Prompt to create a patient account.

Note: If you back out of the appointment screen before clicking OK, for example, the patient changes their mind about the date or time, you will lose all of the “new” patient information that you have entered.

Email Appointment Reminders MediSYS PM Email notifications to remind patients of appointment date/time are sent from the practice-designated email address. Each notification can be tailored to practice specifications with the first email notification occurring at the time the appointment is scheduled. Then, the practice can designate up to 4 additional email notifications based on the # of days prior to the appointment date. For each additional notification the email text can be customized.

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If your practice is interested in using this free feature, contact PM Software Support at [email protected] for set-up and begin entering Patient email addresses into Patient Maintenance (Patient Activity, double click on patient demographics).

Terms/Conditions: You and your practice shall use the Email Appointment reminder feature only in compliance the federal CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and regulations there under, and all other applicable U.S., state, local and international laws (including but not limited to policies and laws related to spamming, privacy, obscenity, or defamation, copyright and trademark infringement and child protective email address registry laws) and HIPAA. MediSYS has no obligation to monitor the content provided by you or your use of the feature.

To change an appointment:

Right click on the appointment. Click on “reschedule appointment” Verifying to change the appointment - Click yes. The appointment will disappear. Choose a new time, day, and/or doctor. When you decide on the correct replacement appointment, left click on it. Click paste. The patient’s name and information should appear.

To cancel an appointment:

Right click on the appointment. Click on “cancel appointment”. Verify cancel the appointment. Click yes. The appointment has been canceled.

To block out an appointment time:

Right click in the space to the right of the appointment time. Click on “Select/De-Select”. This will highlight the appointment time. Left click on the time again. Click on “Make not Available”. Enter reason the appointment time is to be blocked (optional). Click OK. This will block the appointment time.

Non-Available Appointment Color Code File Administration Parameter Tables Select Schedule Click on Non-Available Appointment Color, Select color, Save Current

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Multi-Book: select multiple appointment slots

Scheduling Hold CTRL key down while using the mouse to select the appointment slots Right click on one of the selected appointments Select Multi-Book Enter Appointment

Eligibility and Benefits Via Scheduling For applicable carriers, verify eligibility and benefits automatically for an entire day’s appointments. For eligibility and benefits, the system will use the insurance carrier that is primary in the patient ’s insurance file. . Main Activity Scheduling Batch Eligibility Enter Operator Initials

System first checks Medicaid (answer OK to the security access), then it automatically check Blue Cross

Appointment Schedule from Patient Master File

You can also make an appointment from the patient activity screen. While you are in a patient file, click on option 8 at the bottom of your screen. This will take you to the appointment screen.

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient 8) SCH Top of Scheduling Top of the Document

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Appointment Scheduling Check-In / Out To indicate when patient has arrived, the appointment blinks on and off and displays the time. Your practice can indicate 1st and 2nd check-in.

Scheduling Double click on the Appointment Check Arrived (puts patient in MediSYS EHR Patient Flow **setups required**) Confirm / Enter Arrival Time Appointment slot now blinks on /off

To indicate when patient departs, the appointment is grayed and displays the time. Upon Departure Double click on the Appointment Check the Departed Confirm Enter Departure Time Appointment slot stops blinking and is now grayed

Appointment History A history of patient appointments is maintained in patient master file.

Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient Click on Appointment History

Top of Scheduling Top of the Document

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Appointment Reminders From the actual appointment Select 2) Print Reminder

Appointment Listing

Top of Scheduling Top of the Document

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Appointment List Main Activity Scheduling

Appointment List Select Dr from & thru Appointment Date Appointment Type Appointment – ALL, Book & Available, Booked only, Available Only, Unavailable Select Regular Appts or Surgical Sort by – Appt. Time or Patient Last Name Format – Standard, Surgical, Letters Print letters from Appointment List

by selecting Format: Letters Letter Name:

Appointment Scheduling ToolTips Scheduling 1. Cursor - hover over appointment slot

Displays Tooltip – Appt. time, type, patient #,chart #, Name, Dr. Home / Work Phone, Comments.

2. Cursor – hover over Dr. to view # appts, etc.

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Purge Appointments Main Activity Scheduling Purge appointments Select Date From and Thru Dr. Facility Day of Week Time (of day) from and thru

Top of Scheduling Top of the Document

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Super bills / Route Sheets Printing Main Activity

Scheduling Super bills Select facility Starting slip # (enter 0 for non-printed super bills) Appointment date, doctor from / thru, AM/PM Sort by: Appointment Time Select 1)Preview then send to printer. Note: Scheduling comments will print on the super bills / route sheets when printed from scheduling as instructed above.

To reprint already printed super bills: enter the appropriate slip # (s) If you have printed super bills for an appointment date, and new appointments have been added that you would like to print super bills for with the scheduling comments, enter the appointment date and 0 for non-printed super bills.

Print a route sheet / super bills from the Patient Account Activity If the patient has an appointment for today, the system will print a route sheet / super bill for that appointment excluding the scheduling comments. If the patient DOES NOT have an appointment scheduled for that day, the system treats the visit as a Walk-In, generating an appointment history record in the patient’s appointment history and assigning a slip #, a walk-in does not generate an appointment in the appointment schedule. Main Activity Select Patient 22) Print 3) Route

Select Responsible Type, Appointment date, time, type, dr, facility as appropriate Click on Preview, print Once the route slip is printed, the slip number will show in the patient’s account appointment history. When entering charges make sure you have the correct Slip # on your charge screen, in the field Ticket #

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Missing Tickets See Daily Work To run a report of outstanding “missing” route tickets:

Main Activity Daily Work Missing Ticket Report Select Facility, Date Select Non-billed only – Y or N, indicate whether to print Zero Slip #s Sort by: Date/Time or Slip # .

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Eligibility and Benefits Eligibility and Benefits Via Scheduling For Blue Cross and Emdeon/Navicure, verify eligibility and benefits automatically for an entire day’s appointments as available. For eligibility and benefits, the system will use the insurance carrier that is primary in the patient’s insurance file. . Main Activity Scheduling Batch Eligibility Enter Doctor # (automatically defaults to all doctors) Appt Date (automatically defaults to today’s date)

0 – Transmit, you will receive a message that transmission was successful and the option to click OK 1 – Report, this will allow you to view and print the eligibility report. It will default to what

Parameters you entered for Doctor # and Appt Date. If you want to see the patient’s insurance detail, i.e., co-pays, deductibles, etc., you will need to check detail and then choose option 1) Preview.

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Payment Entry 1.17.0 Insurance Payment Entry (also see Electronic Remittances) Main Activity Payment Entry Search / Select Patient or Responsible Party Select the invoice(s) to post the payment to by either entering:

DOS, claim #, paid status (usually unpaid), double click on the invoice If you select an invoice with a claim #, or if you enter a claim #, the system will pull up the carrier in effect with the appropriate payment and adjustment codes. Enter check # (if applicable) press enter until you see the Remittance Entry Screen. *If you do not wish to populate the remit, then select 2)Exit to enter the payment from the payment entry block. IMPORTANT NOTE: if you do not populate the remit, then you will not be able to send the secondary claim electronically. The first invoice on the claim will be highlighted. Press Enter to populate the remit*

At Paid Procedure, press enter

Enter Patient Resp: Code and Amount Enter Contractual or W/O: Code and Amount Enter Other Adjustment: Code and Amount Enter Amount Paid Press Enter or click OK

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The new invoice balance will calculate Press Enter or click OK The invoice will display in blue. Press Enter If there is a remaining balance, you will be prompted to determine where to send the remaining balance using drop down. Press Enter or click OK Update to Financial History will occur (Note this financial transactions is now in the patient’s financial history, see END OF DAY PROCEDURES to perform the final updating process) Select options to return to same patient, etc.

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Patient Payment Entry (Also SEE CHARGE ENTRY for payments made at time of service) When posting patient payments, the system will apply the payment to the oldest unpaid invoice for which they are responsible.

Main Activity Payment Entry Search / Select Patient or Responsible Party 6)Resp Auto Select Patient 0)Auto Pay Enter Payment Amount Pay Type Check # / Comment OK Payment Auto distribution Result will display OK Note: Payment Recap Report will reflect the payments by payment type. Top of Payment Entry Top of the Document

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Payment Entry Batch Entering payments in a “batch” is based on posting several payments from one check and one source. For example, an insurance carrier whose payments need to be posted by an operator, the check number, check amount and payment codes are entered once. Then as each item is posted from that check the check amount / balance is adjusted. *NOTE: Once you begin a payment entry batch, if you exit the payment entry batch before completion, the payments already entered are maintained BUT the running batch totals / information is not kept. To maintain an accurate batch balance, user must remain in the batch payment entry. Main Activity Payment Entry 3)Edit Batch

Enter Payment Date Press enter – system will take you to:

Check # (press enter to move quickly to the following fields: Payment Code Adjustment Code Payment Amount Adjustment Amount OK Select / Search Patient Enter claim# / Service Date Select Invoice to apply payment Enter payment / adjustment Enter until update complete

Select options to select another patient or same patient *The Batch Information in the middle right of screen. Repeat process until batch balance is zero

Top of Payment Entry Top of the Document

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END OF DAY Procedures Run an adding machine tape on your charge tickets and one for payments. Run DAILY FINANCIAL RECAP report: Main Activity Daily Work Daily Financial Recap Select and Total by: 4-Operator Enter your operator ID From and Thru Update Status – Non-Updated A/R Date Range: From: enter AR date Thru: enter AR date Report Format: Detail

Select either 0) OK 1)Preview

Run PAYMENT RECAP report: Main Activity Daily Work Payment Recap Report Select and Total by: 4-Operator Enter your operator ID From and Thru Select: Payments Select: Non-Updated Pay/Adj. Date From: enter AR date Thru: enter AR date Report Format: Detail

Select either 0) OK 1)Preview Balance charge and payment tape to Daily Financial Recaps. If you didn’t balance, make corrections and repeat above steps until you balance. Save the final Daily Financial Recap to a file or folder.

Perform DAILY UPDATE (after all transactions are in balance) Main Activity Daily Work Daily Update Select and Total by: 4-Operator Enter your operator ID From and Thru

A/R Date Range: From: enter AR date used in recaps Thru: enter AR date used in recaps Select 0) Calculate

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Daily Edit Log - This will provide a report of all corrections made to entries during the day. Save this report.

Missing Ticket Report

(also see printing route sheets) To Run the report of outstanding “missing” route tickets that has not been keyed in charge entry:

Main Activity Daily Work Missing Ticket Report Select Date Select Facility Click on the missing ticket for details/editing, comments, etc.

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Insurance Menu Electronic Claims Blue Cross, Medicare, Medicaid and Emdeon Prepare Claims Insurance Menu

Claim Submission Select Carrier from drop down list

Prepare Claims Prepared List screen appears Create From Date: 01/01/1970 Thru date: (defaults to today’s date) Prepare Claims Submitting claim preparation job for background execution. Continue? Click OK

Claim preparation for Blue Cross of Al professional has completed successfully. Click OK

Blue Shield of AL Professional Claim Preparation Results. Click Preview

Correct - Some pre-transmission checks are performed during claims preparation. A report of claims that do not clear these edits is produced so that users can correct the claims. Claims must be corrected before they will transmit. Once the claims are corrected repeat “PREPARE CLAIM” procedures.

Claims Preparation Tips:

performs pre-transmission edits-correct any errors and


Six Steps to

Claims Processing:

1. Prepare

2. Correct

3. Repeat 4. Transmit

5. Receive 6. Review

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Electronic Claims Submission Report is a list of claims ready to be transmitted. Save this report. You will need this report to compare to your audit trails to confirm carrier receipt of claims. Transmit- Claims Submission

Insurance Menu Claim Submission Select Carrier from drop down list Transmit Are you ready to proceed? OK When transmission is complete, you will be given a message. This transmission complete message indicates that the file has been submitted. It does not confirm carrier receipt. To confirm carrier receipt, you must receive and review the carrier audit trail. Note: Medicaid limits the number of claims in a single transmission to 400. Note: Emdeon Payor IDs must be in the Insurance company File Maintenance Ins. Co.file maintenance to transmit. Re-Transmit Claims Insurance Menu Claim Submission Select Carrier from drop down list Prepare Claims Prepared List Screen appears Click on the box – Previously Transmitted Claims Transmit Are you ready to proceed? OK 6)Export for Scrubbing Note: If your practice uses the OPTIONAL Claim Staker claim scrubbing service. See instructions on 6)Export for Scrubbing. Optional Claim Staker Instructions

Top of the Document

Electronic Filing Tip: transmit before 3pm to get next day audit trail

Transmit before printing hardcopy

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Audit Trails / Carrier claim receipt confirmation Blue Cross, Medicare Receiving and reviewing audit trails is a vital step to ensure that claims have been received and are or are not in process. We strongly recommend audit trails for all carriers are reviewed as soon as they are available from the carrier. REQUEST AUDIT TRAIL

Insurance Menu Claim Submission Select Carrier from drop down list Receive Select File Type: Audit Report Request List Medicaid Claim Status / receipt confirmation With the creation of Medicaid’s Web Portal, instead of providing an electronic audit trail, Medicaid offers provider’s access to claims status / confirmation via their web portal. https://www.medicaid.alabamaservices.org/ALPortal/default.aspx Their secure site gives practices the opportunity to view Claim and Prior Authorization status. To confirm that Medicaid has received claims, practices should log on Medicaid’s web portal. Emdeon Vision Suite Access for Claim Status Carrier claim receipt confirmation To access Emdeon Vision Suite for claim confirmation / status, your practice will need to request a login and password from Emdeon. *Then provide this login and password to MediSYS PM Support to configure your MediSYS PM system to automatically connect to Emdeon Vision Suite by: Insurance Menu Claim Submission Select WebMD/Envoy 2)Receive Select File Type: Reports 0)Request File

Login & Password will populate automatically*

NOTE : Audit Trail retrieval is a crucial process. For example: if your practice changes/establishes charge entry interface (E H R, etc.) or makes other changes (NPI, tax ID, etc. it is especially crucial to promptly verify audit trails.

Carrier changes may cause rejections.

Tips: retrieve audit trail from yesterday’s transmission if transmitted before 3pm

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Electronic Remittances RECEIVE AND PROCESS Blue Cross, Medicare, Medicaid, Emdeon, Navicure, Zirmed

Receive Remittances

Insurance Menu Claim Submission Select Carrier from drop down list

Receive Select File Type: Remittance Advice Enter Date From & Thru (not applicable for Commercial carrier) Request List

Print and save file Process Remittance

Insurance Menu Insurance Remittance Function AR Date: Defaults to today’s date Select Carrier from drop down list Select from the list of available remittances for processing Post check xxxx date xx/xx/xx for $x.xx? Confirm this is the correct check, date & $, then Select Yes or No Print file

Claim Exception Report reflects claims that need attention and as a result were unable to post.

Review Claim Exception Report Post items from Claim Exception Report in Payment Entry Review remittance and make corrections as necessary in patient account. (For example, if an entire charge is disallowed, you may want to re-file rather than write-off, etc.)

Note: You will receive one remittance file for each provider ID. Process one remittance, balance, and update, then, process the next remittance.

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Run Payment Recap Report (Main Activity, Daily Work, Payment Recap) and balance this to your remittances. After balancing Payment Recap, perform Daily Update (Main Activity, Daily Work, Daily Update)

NOTE: Ask Support if your practice is interested in a practice-specific setup for processing of remits

by Claim Adjustment Reason Codes. Top of the Document

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Printing Insurance Claims

Insurance Menu Form Printing Uncheck Quick Print

Printing Claims For Select Carriers, Dates, Patients, etc.

Insurance Menu Form Printing

De-select Quick Print Select options *** Only use Quick Print if an occasion occurs when you need to print a hard copy claim

before transmitting claims.

Reprinting Insurance Forms To print insurance forms that have been already been printed:

Insurance Menu Form Printing De-select Quick Print Select options as appropriate and select Print Status – Printed Select Dates the claims were originally printed

Sample Claim Adjustment Reason Codes can be found at: http://www.wpc-edi.com/codes/claimadjustment

TIP: Transmit claims electronically prior to printing hard copy claims.

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Insurance Follow up Insurance Aging Identify insurance claims submitted to carriers but not yet paid

Insurance Menu Insurance Aging select Age date for P/H/T date select primary or secondary only or both summary- total $ per claim detail – line time each claim totals only – one line per carrier (least detail)

Additional format on the Insurance Aging Report to sort insurance companies numerically – Set-up Required, Contact Support Insurance Pending Identify claims not yet submitted to carriers. Insurance Menu Pending Report

specify carrier or range specify print status specify date range

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MONTH END Procedures

Main Activity Monthly Work Account Processing Note: Automatic Write-off for Small Balances feature is available –Set-up Required, Contact Support Perform the following steps in the order they are listed:

1. Run Daily Financial Recap Main Activity Daily Work Daily Financial Recap Non-updated All Dates (use default 01/01/70 – Today’s Date Detail Format

Any non-updated items on this report need to be updated prior to starting month-end procedures below. Non-updated items may cause inaccuracies in statement balances and letters. To update items: Main Activity, Daily Work, Daily Update, choose same criteria as above, 0) Calculate.

2. Run Daily Activity Report for dates of month you are closing. Main Activity

Monthly Work Daily Activity Report (use dates of month you are closing) Calculate

Review report to make sure all items are updated. Note: This Daily Activity Report should balance to the Daily Recap Reports for the month. AR dates for the Daily Activity Report and A/R Summary Report must be the same in order to balance. 3. Run A/R Summary Report by Date (During this step you may enter charges. DO NOT do a daily update during this process.)

Main Activity Monthly Work A/R Summary Report by Date (use dates

of month you are closing) Select Desired Report Format

AR dates for the Daily Activity Report and A/R Summary Report must be the same to balance.

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4. Calculate Aged Balances: This process calculates balances for Aged Financial reports, statements, account cycle/collections.

Main Activity Monthly Work Account Processing

Calculate Aged Balances Age by Date: Aging Date: Today’s Date

5. Letters Note: Collection letters / system require system setups by software support.

Main activity Monthly Work Account Processing Letters Sort by: Responsible name or Zip / Resp Name 1-Preview Electronic letters:

Note: System set ups are required for electronic statements. Please contact support. 6. Statements

Patient Statements to Printer Main Activity Monthly Work Account Processing Statements Select by: Last Name – ALL

Statement Code – ALL Sort by: Name or Zip Code Statement Type: Patient Deselect Electronic Statements

Patient Statements Electronic: Note: System set ups are required for electronic statements*. Please contact support.

Main Activity Monthly Work Account Processing Statements

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Select by: Last Name – ALL Statement Code – ALL

Sort by: Name or Zip Code Statement Type: Patient Select Electronic Statements

“Other” Statements: Statements for other balances such as Workers Comp, etc.

Main Activity Monthly Work Account Processing Statements Select by: Last Name – ALL

Statement Code – ALL Sort by: Name or Zip Code Statement Type: Other

*Note: Upon setup, Electronic Statements may be enabled to use individual statement messages which will override aging messages. **Setup Required** Contact Support Once setup, Patient Activity Screen, Click Responsible Party, 1-edit, Stmt message number, click on binoculars & select the mssg # (this is for electronic stmts only)

7. Statement Codes This will update statement codes for responsible parties and print a list of all accounts which statement codes have been changed.

Main Activity Monthly Work Account Processing Statement Codes

8. Collection List This will print / preview a delinquent accounts list, designed to be used for collection activity / agency use.

Main Activity Monthly Work Account Processing Collections List

9. Set Paid Status Select the following:

Set paid status

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10. Aged Financial Report Practice Analysis Aged Financial Report Enter Selected Criteria

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Sample Collection Letters





We have sent several statements and at least one letter concerning your account balance.

We have filed your insurance and they have paid us according to your coverage. The

balance due on your account from your recent statement and as listed above is your


We are eager to have a resolution on your account or work out a financial arrangement.

Please call our office or pay this balance within 10 (ten) days to avoid further collections


If you do not call us, we must insist on full payment of the above amount.







We have filed your insurance and they have paid us according to your coverage. The

balance due on your account from your recent statement and as listed above is your


We are eager to have a resolution on your account. Please call our office or pay this

balance within 10 (ten) days to avoid further collections action.

If you do not call us, we must insist on full payment of the above amount.


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Other Work Main Activity Other Work Select Recall Main Activity

Other Work Select Recall

Search patient database by selecting from certain tables, fields and matching criteria. Shows patient #, name, address and phone for those meeting the selected criteria. Allows you to search the patient database using multiple criteria from certain tables, fields and matching criteria - -Tables: Patient, Recall, General Lines, Diagnosis, Insurance, Flashers, Charges, Payments -Then select the fields available for that particular table selection. -Matching criteria by: All, starts with, contains, range, equals, not equal

Main Activity Other Work Select Recall Make selections and use Tab key to move from each selection. Press enter after making selections When all selection criteria is complete, select 0) Search Preview, print and / or save report* or 7)Write to File

*Label printing from Select Recall is available. Set-up required, please contact support. If the label setup option is set-up by support, To print labels: Preview Click on drop down then, Select Recall Label (Avery 5160)

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After performing your select recall search, you can write the search results to a file. Select: 7) Write to File

Select the fields from three categories: Patient, General Lines, Flashers To select , click on the field and it will appear to the right. To de-select fields, right click on field. To add your selected fields as your sort options, click on the selected fields, right click to remove. 0) Dump to File Name and save the file to your PC or network.

Note: You can select the application to save/open the file (Word, Excel, etc.) The file is a comma delimitated file, meaning a comma separates each field. In using Excel for this file, you may go to Data, Text to columns, comma delimitated and the data will be separated in to columns. Top of the Document

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Select Recall Additive Search Primary search can be narrowed by another search. This can be done multiple times for different fields and tables.

Main Activity Other Work Select Recall Select options using drop down options

(Table, Field, Matching Operation, enter value) Enter or Tab between option fields. Press Enter to add PRIMARY search to Selected Items Click on Search For second search options to narrow the primary search, Click on Table field Select Field, Matching operations, using drop down options Enter or Tab between fields Type criteria Press Enter to add SECONDARY search to Selected Items Click on Search

Ex: Search for

all Patient Last

Name = Smith

Ex: Narrowed search for all Patient Last Name = Smith and First name begins with “A”.

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Repeat as necessary.

Ex: Narrowed search for all Patient Last Name = Smith and First name begins with “A”. Then narrowed search for Middle Initial equals G.

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Select Recall Race, Ethnicity, Language Totals for Race, Ethnicity, Language

Main Activity Other Work Select Recall Table: Patient, press tab Field: either: Race, Ethnicity, or Language Press Tab Matching Operation: Equals, press tab Enter Abbreviation (see abbreviations* below) Search / Preview Report (total shown at end of report)

Totals for Race, Ethnicity, Language During a Time Frame Main Activity Other Work Select Recall Table: Patient, press tab 2) Matching Operation: Equals, press tab 1) Field: either: Race, Ethnicity, or Language Press Tab Enter Abbreviation (see abbreviations* below) Table: Charges, press tab Field: Serv_From, press tab Matching Operation: Range, press tab Enter Date Range: from & thru, press tab Search / Preview Report (total shown at end of report)

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*Race, Ethnicity, Language Abbreviations for Select Recall: Race Abbreviations WHT-White ASN-Asian BLK-Black HSP-Hispanic NAM-Vietnamese NHO-Chinese

Ethnicity HIS-Hispanic NHI-Non Hispanic

Language ENG-English FRA-French ITA-Italian SPA-Spanish VIE-Vietnamese ZHO-Chinese

Based on the individual provider’s electronic health record application and usage, this Select Recall may be used for calculating certain Stage 1 Meaningful Use measures. See CMS guidelines and electronic health record reporting for more details.

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Select Recall: # of Unique Patients for a Provider during a specific time frame:

Main Activity Other Work Select Recall Table: Charges Field: Service From Matching Operation: Range, press tab Enter from & thru dates Table: Charges Field: Doctor ID Matching Operation: Contains Enter Doctor # Search Preview

Total # located at end-of-report

Based on the individual provider’s electronic health record application and usage, this Select Recall may be used for determining the Denominator for certain Stage 1 Meaningful Use measures. See CMS guidelines and electronic health record reporting for more details. Top of the Document

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Import/Export Information Main Activity Other Work Import / Export Information ePrescribe List (optional) As available, pre-load patient demographics to the InfoSolutions e-Prescribing tool with MediSYS PM. NOTE: As of 12/31/09 InfoSolutions is no longer available from Blue Cross. Contact Blue Cross for details.

External Charge List

If your PM system is configured to import charges from Electronic Health Records, create a External Charge List to use for processing charges. Import / Export Information Report

View a report to see charges imported and ready for processing:

Main Activity Other Work Import/Export Information External Charge List System defaults to the active interface configured for your PM system. Activity Date - click on the drop down arrow & choose the date you wish to view then click Preview. All dates displayed are dates of charges that have not been posted.

Print Recalls

Main Activity Other Work Print Recalls Patients with Recalls from & Thru dates Recall type from drop down Print type – select letter, label or report If select letter type, then select letter from drop down Update correspondence history? Yes to record the activity in patient account

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Print Progress Notes

Main Activity Other Work

Print Progress Notes Print Note Type: New Notes Only, Printed Notes Only, ALL notes Sort Option: Patient #, Name, No sort Select Patient from & thru Date : entered or printed Dates from & thru Operator Top of the Document

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Print Referral Letters Letter Writer: See File Maintenance

Letter Writer – Set up Referring Source: File Maintenance Referring Source Indicate Referral in Patient Activity Patient Activity 16) REF Refer From Select Referring Source Enter Letter Name Printing Referral Letters

Main Activity Other Work Referral Letters

Print Referral Letters Select Doctors From / Thru or enter of ALL

Select Referring Doctors From / Thru or enter for ALL Check box for Company information, if you want your practice name and address (as set in File Maintenance) to print at top If you are reprint already printed letters, check reprint and enter the date you wish to reprint. Preview and print. The Date Printed field will update in Patient Activity, 16)Ref, Ref. From

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Print EDC Report Report created from information setup in Patient Activity, 4)Med, 4)OB profile, menstrual period dates

Main Activity Other Work EDC Report Select dates from & thru Select sort by: EDC Date, Patient #, Patient Name

Print Hospital List This hospital list pulls from the admit date that is entered to Patient Account, 17)Hsp.

Hospital List Report Enter the admit dates: Patient Account, 17-Hsp To Print: Main Activity Other Work Hospital List Select Dr: Use drop down to select All or a particular Dr.

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Practice Analysis - Reports Productivity Analysis Report

Select & Total by: Doctor, Procedure, Facility, Referring Dr., Primary Insurance, Patient Type, Facility Select Charge Date Type, Date Ranges Report Format: Summary, Detail

Financial Analysis By Procedure

Analysis by Procedure Select Procedure code or range of codes Select Date or Date Range Select by Diagnosis Select and total by: doctor, facility, referring Dr, Primary Ins, Financial Class, Zip code, Patient Select Report Format: Summary, Detail, Line Item

Top of the Document

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PRACTICE ANALYSIS Reports Payment % Analysis by Procedure

Quickly determine by procedure what percentage the payment is to the charge. Good tool to view coding distribution. Select and Total by: Enter for All or Doctor Primary Insurance Insurance Class Summary Detail Line Item Detail

Visit Analysis by Insurance Select & Total by: Doctor, Facility, Referring Dr Select by: Service From, AR Date, Aging Date

Determine the # of visits

and charges that come from

which insurance carrier

and the % of the total


Visit Analysis is helpful in

determining EHR

‘Meaningful Use’ patient

volume requirements.

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PRACTICE ANALYSIS Reports Activity Analysis by Financial Class

Select & Total by: Doctor, Facility Select AR Date or Service Date Select up to 3 Comparative Time Periods Report Format: Summary or Detail

New Patient Analysis

Select & Total by: Doctor, Zip, Insurance, Referring Source, Patient Type First or Last Visit, Date Range Sort by: Patient # or Name Report Format Summary or Detail

Collection Analysis

Select & Total by: Doctor or Insurance Class (no Dr. break) Date Type: Service Date, AR Date, Aging Date

See what % of the net charges have

been paid. Also, review write-off


Aged Insurance Class Report For insurance classes your practice has established, view an aging by selected criteria.

Select Aging Date, click By Month… to show report by month (not 30 day increments) Select: Insurance Type Insurance Age From

Aging Days Increment Show on Report (AR only, charges, payment, etc.) Format: Summary or detail Preview

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Patient Type Report Select Patient Type Select Last Visit Date Report Format Summary or Detail

Determine the % of Patients by Patient Type

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Patient Type Report Determine the number and percent of patients who are assigned a patient type in the patient account (also see File Maintenance, Patient Type Maintenance)

PRACTICE ANALYSIS Patient Type Report Select Patient Type or range* Select Last Visit Date or range Format: Summary or Detail Summary – totals & percent by type Detail – patient name / # by type Note: selecting All Patient Types will included those patients without a patient type assigned. Selecting Patient Type from “aaa” thru “zzz” will report only those patients who have a patient type code. Top of the Document

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Aged Financial Report The Aged Financial Report is a great tool to use for working aging. For example, select balances over 90 days that are greater than $5.00 to narrow your report. In summary format, this reports provides aging for balance in patient, insurance or other, last statement date, last paid date, phone #, etc.

Practice Analysis

Aged Financial Report Age By Date Selections: Age from date: Date type: Aging, AR or Service Date Age by 1 and 2 Selections: Company, Doctor, Facility Select and Total by: Last name, account number statement code Select By: Minimum Balance Receivable Type Update Status: All, Updated, Non-updated Sort by: Name, Name within Zip code, Account Number Report Format: Summary or Totals Only

Tip: use AR Date for month-end Totals Only Aging by statement type

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Payment and Adjustment Analysis Determine the number of units, payment and / or adjustment amount and average amount of by selected criteria. This is a great tool to quickly determine average payment amount by carrier, referring source, etc. Practice Analysis Payment / Adjustment Analysis

Select and Total By: Doctor, Pay/Adj Code, Facility, Referring Doctor, Primary Insurance, Patient Type, Financial Class Select Date Type Select Activity: Payments, Adjustments or both Select Date ranges Report format: Summary or Detail

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Referring Physician Reporting

New Patient Analysis Practice Analysis New Patient Analysis By Referring Source

Break by: Doctor, Zip, Insurance company or Patient Type Report Format: Detail or Summary

Referrals by Doctors Determine who and how many new patients are being referred to you by doctor.

Referrals by Zip Code Determine the geographic concentration of referrals for patients by zip code.

Referrals by Insurance Company Determine if the referrals from a source are patients with a particular type of insurance.

For example, heavy Medicaid referrals, etc.

Referrals by Patient Type If your practice uses patient type codes, determine the referrals by patient type.

For example:

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Production Analysis by Referring Source Practice Analysis Production Analysis By Referring Doctor Select Dates Report Format: Summary or Detail

Determine the number, amount and average charge amount by referring doctor, by

procedure, by facility, by insurance company, patient type, zip code, financial class, etc.

#Top of the Document

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Visit Analysis by Insurance Company for Referring Source Practice Analysis Visit Analysis by Insurance Company

By Referring Doctor By AR Date

Determine the by referring source, by insurance company the # of visits and charges

along with average and percent of total.

Top of the Document

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Analysis by Procedure by Referring Source Practice Analysis Analysis by Procedure

By Referring Doctor By Charge Date Select Comparative Period Report Format: Summary, Detail, Line Item

Determine by referring doctor by carrier the charges, payments and adjustments by

procedure for chosen date ranges.

Payment and Adjustment Analysis by Referring Physician Determine the average payment amount by referring source. Practice Analysis Payment / Adjustment Analysis

Select and Total By: Referring Doctor Select secondary and tertiary sorts. Doctor, Pay/Adj Code, Facility, Primary Insurance, Patient Type, Financial Class Select Date Type Select Activity: Payments, Adjustments or both Select Date ranges Report format: Summary or Detail

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Diagnosis Analysis Report Practice Analysis

Diagnosis Analysis Report Select and total by Practice or Doctor Enter Services date from and thru Select either:

Range of Diagnosis codes – enter the from and thru range List of Diagnosis codes – enter or search & select the diagnosis codes

Select either: Summary – code with the count of diagnosis codes Detail – the code with patient name/phone and code count Create Payment Excel Document

Practice Analysis Create Payment Excel Document

Enter Payment From and Thru Dates Select 0)Run

Select the destination to save the flie. Name the file using .csv as the file name extension (behind the file name) for proper formatting.

Create Financial CSV File

Practice Analysis Create Financial CSV File Enter AR dates from and Thru

Click on Run Select the destination to save the file. Name the file using .csv as the file name extension (behind the file name) for proper formatting.

Top of the Document

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RVU Report Practice Analysis

RVU Report First add your Relative Value Units to the Procedures as follows:

File File Maintenance Procedure File

Add RVU in the appropriate fields

Next, run RVU Report:

Practice Analysis RVU Report Select the Relative Value

Type: Work Value Work Expense Malpractice

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Financial Analysis By Percent Analyze over comparative time periods provider production as a percent of practice Practice Analysis Financial Analysis By Percent Enter one to three Date ranges Select to report on current or purged history

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The top menu selection includes a “Dashboard” option. The Dashboard provides a graphical view of six key practice-performance reports listed below. You can select 2)Configure and use the drop down options to select the position of the six thumbnail views. The graphic shown in the center of the Dashboard screen is controlled by clicking on the report tab at the top- center of the dashboard.

On the center graphic, you can see the values of the various elements of a graphic, by hovering.

Selecting 1)Recalculate will update the graphics with the latest information. To exit the Dashboard, select 0)OK or “x’ at to right. Top of the Document

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MediSYS Reporting Outline 8.20.14 M2 *good month-end report

Report Name M2 Purpose / Use / Frequency Description

A/R Summary Report by Date *

Monthly Work

AR Summary Rpt by Date

-specify from and thru date


-preview, print

AR Summary By Date By Facility

AR Summary By Ins Class

AR Summary By Ins Class Group Only

AR Summary Report For Collections


Good balancing tool: tie month end

balance to previous / next month;

reconcile cash receipts to bank

account, etc. This report, when using

the same date range, should balance

to the Daily Activity Report.

See charges or payments received so

far this month, this week, etc.

For a selected date range,

by provider: Beginning,

Current, Ending:

Charges, Payments and

Adjustments & A/R.

Followed by total for the


Productivity Analysis*

Practice Analysis

Productivity Analysis Report

-Charge Date type should be

AR Date

-select and total by facility, ref.

doc, procedure, etc.

-up to 3 time periods

-summary or detail 4.21

Analyze charge activity from various

sources: referring, procedure, and

production at each facility. Also,

used to show charge production for



Lists and totals charges by

selected criteria for up to

3 comparative time

periods. 4 select & total

by options.

Available in PDF or Excel


Aged Financial Report*

Practice Analysis

Aged Financial Report

-Age By Company

Select & Total By – leave the

defaults, Minimum Balance

0.00, Update Status Updated


-Format: Summary, Detail,

Totals Only


Patient balance collection tool.

Patient balances begin aging after

insurance pays. So for example, may

run report for balances over a certain

$ amount that are 90+ days old.

Also, may want to review accounts

prior to sending to a collection

agency by selecting the appropriate

statement code. This report is not

used as a balancing tool. You can

also use this as an Aged Credit

balance report by entering a -.01 for

the minimum balance.

Reflects only updated

transactions at the time

balances were calculated.

Available in PDF or Excel


Insurance Pending Report*

Insurance Menu

Pending Report

-specify carrier or range

-specify print status

-specify date range


Identify claims not yet submitted to

carriers. Select not-printed print

status prior to printing hard copy to

show what claims will be printed.

Select print status to identify any: on-

hold or hard-copy only claims that

have not been submitted to carriers

for payment.

All insurance claims for

specified carrier or

carriers or by print status.

Report Name M2 Purpose / Use / Frequency Description

Insurance Aging Report*

Insurance Menu

Identify insurance claims submitted

to carriers but not yet paid- for

Insurance claims that have

been printed or

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Ins Aging Report

-select Age date for P/H/T date

-select primary or secondary

only or both

-summary- total $ per claim

-detail – line time each claim

-totals only – one line per carrier

(least detail) 5.24

example, commercial claims over 60

days, or for Blue Cross / Medicare 20

or 30 days old.

Use Totals only to Analyze how

quickly certain carriers remit.

Suggested Frequency: Every 2


transmitted to carrier in

specified aging buckets.

Available in PDF or Excel


Daily Financial Recap

Main Activity

Daily Work

-select by all, dr, facility,


-by date

-select non-updated status

-Detail or summary format


Verify non-updated daily

transactions are accurate and

balance prior to updating. Run as

part of end-of-day procedures. Make

corrections until balance, and then

update transactions.

Run prior to month-end on non-

updated transaction. At month end,

Daily Recap should balance to Daily

Activity Report.

Shows non-updated

charges, payments and

adjustments by operator,


Daily Payment Recap

Main Activity

Daily Work’

Payment Recap Report

-select and total by all, dr,

facility, operator

-payments, adjustments, both

-update status

-by date

-Detail or summary format 2.23

Verify non-updated daily

transactions are accurate and

balance prior to updating. Run as

part of end-of-day procedures. Make

corrections until balance, and then

update transactions. Run this report

to balance insurance remittances

This can also be used as a

system generated deposit

slip. It will separate

transactions by pay type,

such as, cash, check, BCP,

MCP, etc..

Daily Activity Report

Monthly Work

Daily Activity Report

-Select & Total By – leave

defaults, enter date, gives total

for practice.

Select & Total By Doctor breaks

down by doctor


Balancing Tool for updated

transactions. This report shows non-

updated and updated transactions.

Should balance to the AR Summary

Report for the same specified date


Shows updated and non-

updated transactions –

charges, payments,

adjustments for date.

This report also aids in

finding discrepancies in

balancing because it

breaks the totals out by

each A/R date during

reporting period entered.

Report Name M2 Purpose / Use / Frequency Description

Analysis by Procedure Report

Practice Analysis

Analysis by Procedure

-select procedures

-select payment type

-select time periods

See how carriers pay by procedure,

what procedures are associated with

referring doctors, doctors, ins class,

patient type, facility, etc.

Activity for specified

procedure codes with up

to 3 comparative time

periods. Charges,

Payments and adjustments

associated with the CPT

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-select by: dr, facility, refer dr,

p. insurance, zip, patient.

-summary, detail, line item


are shown. Shows activity

by CPT with selected

payment types (i.e.

insurance, patient, etc.)

Available in PDF or Excel


Analysis by Financial Class

Practice Analysis

Analysis by Fin Class

-select and total by Dr, facility

-select date criteria

-enter time periods up to 3

-summary, detail


Analyze activity for procedures

assigned a financial class. Financial

classes can be assigned to several

procedures for reporting purposes.

For example, you want to know how

much revenue from x-ray’s or labs or

some other major tests perform in the

office. You can class all of your X-

ray CPT’s into 1 class.

Activity by Financial

Class with a specified date

range – charges,

payments, adjustments.

Summary format is total

amount for the class.

Detail by procedure code.

New Patient Analysis Report

Practice Analysis

New Patient Analysis

-select by Dr.,zip, insurance,

refer Dr., patient type

-specify first visit date


Analyze # of new patient activity –

who referred carrier, etc.

# of new patients by

selected criteria

Visit Analysis by Insurance


Practice Analysis

Visit Analysis by Ins Co

-select and total by dr., refer dr


-select date criteria

-enter date range


Determine the # of visits and charges

that come from which insurance


Maybe used to determine patient

volumes by carrier for use in

electronic health record ‘meaningful

use’ program selection.

# visits by doctor, by

carrier and the % of the

total practice.

Report Name M2 Purpose / Use / Frequency Description

Pay % Analysis by Procedure

Practice Analysis

Pay % Analysis by Procedure

-select and total by dr., primary

insurance, insurance class

-select date range / type

-procedure code range /all

-summary, detail, line item

Review procedure / test to see if/how

it is getting paid. This report will

show you the patient acct #, so you

could go to the account to determine

why it is not paying, etc. Good report

to identify problem with specific

procedure codes that may be bundled

or otherwise not paid. For example,

may run summary format first and

look for those codes with less than

% paid of Total charges

by procedure code and %

paid of Net charges by

procedure code.

Summary or detail

(patient #, invoice #)

Not a balancing tool.

Available in PDF or Excel

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50% pay percentage. Then run report

for those lower % pay procedures in



Aged Insurance Class Report

Practice Analysis

Aged Insurance Class Report

-Insurance aging date type

-all, charges, payments, both

-summary, detail 4.35

Review AR and aging by Insurance

class (Insurance class used for

grouping multiple carriers in a group

for reporting purposes.)

Aging By Insurance Class

(for example, all Medicare

insurance plans one class

for reporting)

Select Recall

Other Work

Select Recall

-Use tab after making selections

-Press enter after selections are






Allows you to search the patient

database using multiple criteria from

certain tables, fields and matching


-Tables: Patient, Recall, General

Lines, Diagnosis, Insurance,

Flashers, Charges, Payments

-Then select the fields available for

that particular table selection.

-Matching criteria by: All, starts

with, contains, range, equals, not


Shows patient #, name,

address and phone for

those meeting the selected


Can dump results into a

CSV file

Patient Type Report

Practice Analysis

Patient Type Report

-enter Patient Type Info

-enter date range or enter for all

- select summary or detail



Allows you to generate a list of

patients by Type

Shows list of patients by

Patient Type.

Report Name M2 Purpose / Use / Frequency Description

Collection Analysis Report Practice Analysis

Collection Analysis Report -select by date (service, AR,

aging date) 4.31

See what % of the net charges have

been paid. Also, review write-off


# Procedures, gross charges less contractual write offs, net payments, collection %. Also, reports courtesy write-offs and Bad debt write-offs

Payment / Adjustment Analysis Practice Analysis

Payment / Adjustment

Analysis Report -select by doctor, pay / adj code, referring dr, facility, etc.

Analyze payment/adjustment activity

from various sources:

Review detail of monies collected for

the month or detail of what was

collected per charge date (AR or


Detail pmt / adj for what

was collected for time

frame entered by BCP,



REFP, etc.

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-select date criteria (AR date, charge service date, charge AR date) -select activity type -enter date range up to 3 time periods 4.21

Diagnosis Analysis Practice Analysis

Diagnosis Analysis Report -select by doctor -enter service date -select by range of diagnosis -minimum occurrences 4.22

Determine the top diagnoses used per

doctor or practice. Generate favorites

lists for EHR software and/or

updating diagnoses on superbill

Total # of occurrences of

a diagnosis within a

specified date range.

Select summary for # of

occurrences, select detail

for patient name &

telephone #.

RVU Report Practice Analysis

RVU Report -select by doctor -select date, AR or service -select RVU type -enter time period up to 2


Analyze activity for procedures

assigned a RVU (Relative Value

Unit). RVU’s reflect the relative

level of time, skill, training &

intensity required of a physician to

provider a given service. Work

Value, Work Expense & Malpractice.

Note: RVU must be in the procedure

file maintenance.


charge amount by doctor

Financial Analysis By Percent Practice Analysis

Financial Analysis By Percent -enter AR date up to 3 -select current or purge history 4.25

Analyze provider production as a

percent of the practice.

Determine which provider is

producing more/less in a practice

with multiple providers.

By doctor, charges,

payments, adjustments,

insurance payments, % in

each category, practice

grand totals. Will balance

to AR Summary by Date


Report Name M2 Purpose / Use / Frequency Description

Procedure Totals by Doctor Practice Analysis

Procedure Totals By Doctor -enter date range

-select CPT code source

-select report format

Generate a comma delimited or CSV

file containing total units & amount

for each CPT for specified time


Doctor, CPT/HCPC,

modifier, units & total


Rural Health Medicare Report Practice Analysis

Rural Health Medicare

Report -select by doctor

-enter service date

-select procedure codes

Generate report of CPT/HCPC’s that

can be included on annual cost

report such as certain vaccines &

related administration.

Doctor, NPI, patient,

HIC#, service date &

amount, grand total.

Available in PDF or Excel


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Visit Count By Insurance Practice Analysis

Visit Count By Ins -select ins co or ins class

-enter service date range

Reports the number of patients per service date that were seen based on any charge procedures whether it was filed to insurance or not. Count of Medicaid visits, primary, secondary, tertiary & zero charges to file for incentives.

Doctor, # of visits, % of visits for practice. In order for this report to be accurate, the practice should be entering Effective & Terminated dates to the patients insurance.

Claim Submission Count Practice Analysis

Claim Submission Count -enter claim submission date

Reports the number of claims per

carrier that has been filed on a


Insurance company code

& name, primary,

secondary & tertiary.

Create Payment Excel Document Practice Analysis

Create Payment Excel

Document -enter payment date

Payments by facility by doctor excel


When running this report

save it using a file

extension/type of .csv.

For example:


Create Financial CSV File Practice Analysis

Create Financial CSV File -enter AR date range

Report of some patient demographic

data along with financial data within

AR date range specified. Can be used

for inserting pivot tables.

When running this report

save it using a file

extension/type of .csv.

For example:


Top of the Document

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File File Maintenance Note: You must enter a 9 digit zip code in the doctor, group & facility files. File Maintenance Company Practice Demographic Information

The group number represents the practice. The company/group name will print on patient statements.

File Maintenance Group Maintenance Note: You must enter a physical address in the group file for Group 0. Note: You can enter a PO or Lock Box address in Group 1.


File Maintenance Group Maintenance The Group File is where you enter the Insurance Pay To demographic information along with group provider numbers.

Group ID – enter group number 0 (0 will always be your default group) Enter the group’s demographic information in the remaining fields Taxonomy ID – click on the binoculars & choose the correct Taxonomy code this group, once completed, click 1) Apply

Enter this same group number you assigned (0)

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Add / edit provider #’s, NPI #, Employer ID, UPIN File File Maintenance Doctor Select Dr

2)Prov #’s Select Edit or Add

Implied Line # (For: BCBS 1, Medicare 2, Medicaid 3, Commercial 9, NPI - 15 )

If you need to add a PO/Lock Box address for payments to be remitted back to, you can add Group 1.

Group ID – enter group number 1 Enter the group’s demographic information in the remaining fields

Taxonomy ID – click on the binoculars & choose the correct Taxonomy code this group, once completed, click 1) Apply Do not add provider numbers to this group.

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File Maintenance Doctor Note: You must enter a physical address in the doctor file. The Doctor File is where you will enter the doctor’s demographic information and insurance provider numbers. The system’s financial files are based on the group and doctor numbers. Each doctor within the practice will be assigned their own doctor number. Start off numbering your doctors as such; 1, 2, 3, etc.

Doctor ID – enter the doctor number you wish to assign Enter the doctor’s demographic information in the remaining fields, Group ID – click on the binoculars & choose the correct pay to group for this doctor Taxonomy ID – click on the binoculars & choose the correct Taxonomy code this doctor, once completed, click 1) Apply

Enter this same doctor’s number you assigned Add / edit provider #’s, NPI #, Employer ID, UPIN File File Maintenance Doctor Select Dr

2)Prov #’s Select Edit or Add

Implied Line # (For: BCBS 1, Medicare 2, Medicaid 3, Commercial 9, NPI - 15 )

Provider ID Type -Select from drop down Provider Number – enter #

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Bill to Group – click on the binoculars & select the group PPO Indicator – Enter a Y Performing Group Pay To Group – click on binoculars & select group 1 (PO or Lock box address)

4) Acct Info A / R Totals – View & Graph View and Graph Doctor AR Total Instantly (charges, payments and adjustments). Change Medicaid Password in MediSYS:

File File Maintenance Doctor Select Dr. IDs @ Password Choose new Record type – enter ID type Medicaid of Al Web app

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External ID –is the Sign on Add password OK OK Apply

File Maintenance

Facility The purpose of the facility file is to store the name and address information for all facilities. It also holds the PLACE OF SERVICE CODES, Lab ID, CLIA #, HMSA Code, etc. for that facility. A facility can be anywhere the doctor performs services, an office, a hospital, or a patient’s home. If you office submits Medicaid claims, you will need to add the facility NPI number for each facility. ID – enter a Facility ID that you wish to assign Enter in the remaining demographic information Choose the correct POS Code from the drop down Click 1) Apply Enter the Facility ID you just added 2) Prov #’s) 2) New Enter implied line # Provider ID Type – HCFA National Provider ID (NPI) Provider Number – NPI Click OK View AR totals, charges, payments and adjustments for comparative periods, then graph. File

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File Maintenance Facility Select / search facility 6)Totals Select year to view and or compare 1)Chart allows you to select a graph format (plot, pie, etc.) Graph AR totals, charges, payments, adjustments. File Maintenance Diagnosis The Diagnosis File stores all the diagnosis codes that your practice will be using. This file is where you will create and maintain all the necessary descriptions and any additional insurance codes.

Diagnosis Code Enter the Code Level: ICD9 or ICD10 Search for code by short description using the binoculars OR Enter the ICD-9 Code, Including the decimal, of the diagnosis to edit or to add to the file. If the diagnosis does not already exist in the file, the code can be added. If the diagnosis does exist in the file, editing will be allowed. Short Descript– Enter a brief description of the code. This description will appear on the screen during the charge or payment entry. Full Description – Enter a longer description of the code. This description will appear on the screen during charge or payment entry.

Insurance Code Diagnosis Recall Type – Patient recall based on diagnosis. Call support for information and setup. Diagnosis Type – Accident, Possible Accident, Onset Date Required, Initial Treatment Date Required. (For codes to force a required date at charge entry, change the Diagnosis Type to one of the options listed above). Diagnosis Class – Temporary, Chronic (codes will display in blue during charge entry), Obsolete (disables future use of this code).

Non-Specific Code: If checked, a warning will display the message “this is a non-specified Diagnosis” at the time of charge entry.

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ICD-10 Search from ICD-9 Find ICD-10 from ICD-9 search by typing in a short reference,

then select 5)ICD10 Search

Disclaimer: While many codes in ICD-9-CM

map directly to codes in ICD-10, in some

cases, a clinical analysis may be required to

determine which code or codes should be

selected for your mapping. Always review

mapping results before applying them.

This ICD10 search tool is based on the General

Equivalency Mapping files published by CMS,

and is not intended to be used as an ICD10

conversion or crosswalk tool.

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File Maintenance Procedures The purpose of the Procedure File is to store all necessary charge, payment, and adjustment codes that are to be used by your practice. It is in this file that charge rates, descriptions, and type of service codes will be maintained. The first step in the entry of a charge, payment, or adjustment code is to define the actual code to be used. Generally, the practice will use CPT codes as their charge codes. This file will also be used to store the payment and adjustment codes. These codes will be given a type code that will indicate a payment or an adjustment. Action Code Procedures:

– On consult procedures, change the action to: Consult (Req. Ref. Doc.), Indentify NDC code, etc.

Short Descript– Enter a brief description of the code – up to 10 characters. This description will appear on the screen during the charge or payment entry.

Full Descript – Enter a longer description of the code – up to 25 characters. This description will appear on the screen during charge or payment entry. Fin Class Enter a 2 – digit code to group procedures for the FIN CLASS report -optional. RVU (Work Value, Work Expense, Malpractice) NDC Enter the appropriate 11 digit NDC code. For codes less than 11 digits enter zeros in the front ot the NDC code. HMSA Exempt – Dx Test Code – select Medical Test as appropriate (if applicable, if a charge is entered with a Dx Test Code, then Patient Activity, 4)MED, 5)Test will appear for later entry of results. SEE Medical Tests.)

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Procedure Filing Code Tabs Type of Service & other items necessary are to be setup in the Filing Code Tabs Filing Code 1 – BCBS Filing Code 2 – Medicare Filing Code 3 – Medicaid Filing Code 4 – Filing Code 5 – WebMD/NEIC Filing Code 6 –

CPT Code Field is the cross reference field, which is what will be sent on the claim. TOS - TYPE OF SERVICE – Enter the Type of Service code each insurance company requires to appear on the insurance form. On the HCFA 1500 form the TOS box will not be filled in if this field is left blank. POST – OP – Enter the number of days after surgery that are considered post op days. During charge entry a warning message will appear as well as the dates of the post op period. Ord. Phy. ID Req. - If this procedure requires sending the Ordering Physicians UPIN # to Medicare, then put a ‘Y’ for Yes in that block under filing code 2 & Change Ins Class to Lab. Ins. Class – select from drop-down as appropriate Co-pay Class – select from drop-down as appropriate.

ePrescribe G-Code

To participate in the CMS ePrescribe incentive program and to possibly avoid penalties, a G-Code associated with ePrescribe must be transmitted with a claim as a zero charge with applicable billable procedure codes. To set up these G-Codes:

File File Maintenance Procedure File Action Code: (select from the drop down) Medicare PVRP Procedure

During charge entry, include the appropriate HCPC G-code as published by CMS.. For full MediSYS EHR clients, the G-Codes for incentives will be submitted to MediSYS PM charge entry as a result the prescription system.

Regularly review the Remittance Advice Notice you receive from the carrier to ensure the correct denial remark code (for 2010: N365) is listed for each code submitted

Top of the Document

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File Maintenance Payments/ Adjustments Type: indicate if payment, adjustment up (refund, etc.), down, etc. Action: select from drop down if patient pay, insurance pay, etc. Short Description Full Description Fin. Class – used for reporting purposes 1)Edit to edit

2)Apply to save Insurance Payments/ Adjustments Codes Certain payment / adjustments codes are required: Blue Cross AL - Payment code: BCP Adjustment code: BCA Medicare - Payment code: MCP Adjustment code: MCA Medicaid - Payment Code: MDP Adjustment Code: MDA *Other Insurance: Payment Code: INSP Adjustment Code: INSA *NOTE: Specific Commercial Insurance payment and adjustment codes can be defined, entered in the Insurance Carrier File Maintenance for reporting purposes as needed. Top of the Document

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File Maintenance Referring Source The purpose of the Referral File is to store name, address, specialty, provider # and other information for all physicians who refer patients to the practice and to whom the practice refers patients. Enter Ref Type – for example P –patient and D –doctor Practice Name, Last Name, First Name, Address, Zip, Phone Alpha Key Specialty Gen Info 1 Gen Info 2 BCBS/Care# Medicaid # Taxonomy ID – click on binoculars and make selection 2)Apply File Maintenance Facility The purpose of the facility file is to store the name and address information for all facilities. It also holds the PLACE OF SERVICE CODES, Lab ID, CLIA #, HMSA Code, etc. for that facility. A facility can be anywhere the doctor performs services, an office, a hospital, or a patient’s home. View AR totals, charges, payments and adjustments for comparative periods, then graph. File File Maintenance Facility Select / search facility 6)Totals

Select year to view and or compare 1)Chart allows you to select a graph format (plot, pie, etc.) Graph AR totals, charges, payments,

adjustments. File Maintenance Statement Messages

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Patients will get or not get a statement based on their statement code. Messages on statements, based on statement code, can be set to include a general, insurance and aging (based on their aging bucket)

File File Maintenance Statement Messages Select Stmt Code Select the tab and 1)Edit Also see Month-End: Note: Upon setup, Electronic Statements may be enabled to use individual statement messages which will override aging messages. **Setup Required** Contact Support Once setup, Patient Activity Screen, Click Responsible Party, 1-edit, Stmt message number, click on binoculars & select the mssg # (this is for electronic stmts only)

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File Maintenance Insurance Company The purpose of the Insurance File is to store the names and address information for all insurance companies. This information is used in creating claims. In addition, you can:

View Insurance company AR totals – shows charges, payment (not patient payments are not included), adjustments, total AR by selected carrier for current year, comparative year

File File Maintenance Insurance Company

Select / search Insurance 5) Totals Display Year defaults current year

Select compare to year from drop down

1)Chart Choose chart type (pie, plot, etc for selection at top)

Choose Charges, payments, etc. Blue Cross of Alabama Insurance File Maintenance:

File File Maintenance Insurance Company

Select / search Insurance co. 1)New

Enter name, address, zip, phone Ins ID Remittance: (used for participating clearinghouse clients – enrollment required) Ins ID Eligibility: (used for participating clearinghouses clients – enrollment required)

Ins ID Claim: enter plan code: 00510 Medigap Number: M0030 Insurance Type: BCBS

EMC Type: select Blue Shield of AL Professional Check Secondary EMC Accepted

Click on Totals chart / graph carrier charges, etc.

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Provider Pointer: 1 Implied Pointer: 1 2nd Prov. Pointer: 0 Accept Assign: Y Medicaid TPL Code: 0 Default Payment Code: BCP Default Adjust Code: BCA Payment Percentage: 0 Primary Form Type: 1500 Form 2nd Form Type: 1500 Form 3rd Form Type: 1500 Form 2)Apply Top of the Document

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Commercial Carrier Electronic Commercial Claims Insurance File Maintenance: Commercial electronic claims are available via a clearinghouse. Enrollment and setups required.

File File Maintenance Insurance Company

Select / search Insurance co. 1)New

Enter name, address, zip, phone Ins ID Remittance: (used for participating clearinghouse clients – enrollment required) Ins ID Eligibility: (used for participating clearinghouses clients – enrollment required) Ins Claim ID: from Clearinghouse Payor list (i.e. Emdeon / Navicure / Zirmed)

Medigap Number: enter as needed

Insurance Type: Commercial EMC Type: Emdeon / Navicure / Zirmed Secondary EMC Accepted: must be checked in order to transmit the secondary claims electronic if they have a payor iD

Provider Pointer: 9 Implied Pointer: 5 2nd Prov. Pointer: 0 Accept Assign: Y Medicaid TPL Code: 0 *Default Payment Code: INSP *Default Adjust Code: INSA Payment Percentage: 0 Primary Form Type: 1500 Form 2nd Form Type: 1500 Form 3rd Form Type: 1500 Form 2)Apply

*NOTE: Specific Commercial Insurance payment and adjustment codes can be defined and used for reporting purposes as needed. See File Maintenance, Payments/ Adjustments

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File Maintenance Cities / Postal Code The Zip Code File stores the user’s most often used zip codes. When the zip code is entered as part of an address in the system, the correct City and State will appear (if the zip code has been entered into the file). The Zip Code File also stores one zip code that will appear on the screen at all times. This zip code is referred to as the DEFAULT ZIP CODE - zip code used the most. File Maintenance

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Text Codes Text codes can be used in 4)MED progress notes, patient notes correspondence to eliminate key strokes and keep notes in a standard format. File Maintenance Text Codes Type in user-defined code

Type the full description you want to have appear in the notes when selecting the codes (do not press return at the end of the line, the system will automatically return the line)

OK To use text codes in 4) MED select the appropriate notes option, click on Text Codes (F2), double click on the appropriate code and the note will be populated.

Message Records Message records control 3 categories of messages or flashers. The three message categories. Each of these categories has three message codes. Software support will setup these message codes based on the practice preferred text Top of the Document File Maintenance Letter Writer

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File Maintenance Enter or select a letter name Type in salutation Type body of letter Select OK

Top of the Document

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File Maintenance Place of Service Codes Place of service codes are updated and available from www.cms.gov

Place of Service Codes for Professional Claims

Database (last updated March 22, 2006)

Listed below are place of service codes and descriptions. These codes should be used on professional claims to specify the entity where service(s) were rendered. Check with individual payers (e.g., Medicare, Medicaid, other private insurance) for reimbursement policies regarding these codes. If you would like to comment on a code(s) or description(s), please send your request to [email protected]. Place of



Place of Service


Place of Service Description

01 Pharmacy** A facility or location where drugs and other medically related items and services

are sold, dispensed, or otherwise provided directly to patients.

02 Unassigned N/A

03 School A facility whose primary purpose is education.

04 Homeless Shelter A facility or location whose primary purpose is to provide temporary housing to

homeless individuals (e.g., emergency shelters, individual or family shelters).

05 Indian Health




A facility or location, owned and operated by the Indian Health Service, which

provides diagnostic, therapeutic (surgical and non-surgical), and rehabilitation

services to American Indians and Alaska Natives who do not require


06 Indian Health




A facility or location, owned and operated by the Indian Health Service, which

provides diagnostic, therapeutic (surgical and non-surgical), and rehabilitation

services rendered by, or under the supervision of, physicians to American Indians

and Alaska Natives admitted as inpatients or outpatients.

07 Tribal 638



A facility or location owned and operated by a federally recognized American

Indian or Alaska Native tribe or tribal organization under a 638 agreement, which

provides diagnostic, therapeutic (surgical and non-surgical), and rehabilitation

services to tribal members who do not require hospitalization.


Tribal 638



A facility or location owned and operated by a federally recognized American

Indian or Alaska Native tribe or tribal organization under a 638 agreement, which

provides diagnostic, therapeutic (surgical and non-surgical), and rehabilitation

services to tribal members admitted as inpatients or outpatients

09 Prison-Correctional Facility***

A prison, jail, reformatory, work farm, detention center, or any other similar facility maintained by either Federal, State or local authorities for the purpose of confinement or rehabilitation of adult or juvenile criminal offenders. (effective 7/1/06)

10 Unassigned N/A

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11 Office

Location, other than a hospital, skilled nursing facility (SNF), military treatment facility, community health center, State or local public health clinic, or intermediate care facility (ICF), where the health professional routinely provides health examinations, diagnosis, and treatment of illness or injury on an ambulatory basis.

12 Home Location, other than a hospital or other facility, where the patient receives care in a private residence.

13 Assisted Living Facility

Congregate residential facility with self-contained living units providing assessment of each resident’s needs and on-site support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the capacity to deliver or arrange for services including some health care and other services.

14 Group Home* A residence, with shared living areas, where clients receive supervision and other services such as social and/or behavioral services, custodial service, and minimal services (e.g., medication administration).

15 Mobile Unit A facility/unit that moves from place-to-place equipped to provide preventive, screening, diagnostic, and/or treatment services.

16-19 Unassigned N/A

20 Urgent Care Facility

Location, distinct from a hospital emergency room, an office, or a clinic, whose purpose is to diagnose and treat illness or injury for unscheduled, ambulatory patients seeking immediate medical attention.

21 Inpatient Hospital

A facility, other than psychiatric, which primarily provides diagnostic, therapeutic (both surgical and non-surgical), and rehabilitation services by, or under, the supervision of physicians to patients admitted for a variety of medical conditions.

22 Outpatient Hospital

A portion of a hospital which provides diagnostic, therapeutic (both surgical and non-surgical), and rehabilitation services to sick or injured persons who do not require hospitalization or institutionalization.

23 Emergency Room – Hospital

A portion of a hospital where emergency diagnosis and treatment of illness or injury is provided.

24 Ambulatory Surgical Center

A freestanding facility, other than a physician's office, where surgical and diagnostic services are provided on an ambulatory basis.

25 Birthing Center A facility, other than a hospital's maternity facilities or a physician's office, which provides a setting for labor, delivery, and immediate post-partum care as well as immediate care of new born infants.

26 Military Treatment Facility

A medical facility operated by one or more of the Uniformed Services. Military Treatment Facility (MTF) also refers to certain former U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) facilities now designated as Uniformed Service Treatment Facilities (USTF).

27-30 Unassigned N/A

31 Skilled Nursing Facility

A facility which primarily provides inpatient skilled nursing care and related services to patients who require medical, nursing, or rehabilitative services but does not provide the level of care or treatment available in a hospital.

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32 Nursing Facility

A facility which primarily provides to residents skilled nursing care and related services for the rehabilitation of injured, disabled, or sick persons, or, on a regular basis, health-related care services above the level of custodial care to other than mentally retarded individuals.

33 Custodial Care Facility

A facility which provides room, board and other personal assistance services, generally on a long-term basis, and which does not include a medical component.

34 Hospice A facility, other than a patient's home, in which palliative and supportive care for terminally ill patients and their families are provided.

35-40 Unassigned N/A

41 Ambulance - Land

A land vehicle specifically designed, equipped and staffed for lifesaving and transporting the sick or injured.

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42 Ambulance – Air or Water

An air or water vehicle specifically designed, equipped and staffed for lifesaving and transporting the sick or injured.

43-48 Unassigned N/A

49 Independent Clinic

A location, not part of a hospital and not described by any other Place of Service code, that is organized and operated to provide preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative, or palliative services to outpatients only. (effective 10/1/03)

50 Federally Qualified Health Center

A facility located in a medically underserved area that provides Medicare beneficiaries preventive primary medical care under the general direction of a physician.

51 Inpatient Psychiatric Facility

A facility that provides inpatient psychiatric services for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness on a 24-hour basis, by or under the supervision of a physician.

52 Psychiatric Facility-Partial Hospitalization

A facility for the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness that provides a planned therapeutic program for patients who do not require full time hospitalization, but who need broader programs than are possible from outpatient visits to a hospital-based or hospital-affiliated facility.

53 Community Mental Health Center

A facility that provides the following services: outpatient services, including specialized outpatient services for children, the elderly, individuals who are chronically ill, and residents of the CMHC's mental health services area who have been discharged from inpatient treatment at a mental health facility; 24 hour a day emergency care services; day treatment, other partial hospitalization services, or psychosocial rehabilitation services; screening for patients being considered for admission to State mental health facilities to determine the appropriateness of such admission; and consultation and education services.


Intermediate Care Facility/Mentally Retarded

A facility which primarily provides health-related care and services above the level of custodial care to mentally retarded individuals but does not provide the level of care or treatment available in a hospital or SNF.


Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facility

A facility which provides treatment for substance (alcohol and drug) abuse to live-in residents who do not require acute medical care. Services include individual and group therapy and counseling, family counseling, laboratory tests, drugs and supplies, psychological testing, and room and board.


Psychiatric Residential Treatment Center

A facility or distinct part of a facility for psychiatric care which provides a total 24-hour therapeutically planned and professionally staffed group living and learning environment.


Non-residential Substance Abuse Treatment Facility

A location which provides treatment for substance (alcohol and drug) abuse on an ambulatory basis. Services include individual and group therapy and counseling, family counseling, laboratory tests, drugs and supplies, and psychological testing. (effective 10/1/03)

58-59 Unassigned N/A

60 Mass Immunization Center

A location where providers administer pneumococcal pneumonia and influenza virus vaccinations and submit these services as electronic media claims, paper claims, or using the roster billing method. This generally takes place in a mass immunization setting, such as, a public health center, pharmacy, or mall but may include a physician office setting.

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Comprehensive Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility

A facility that provides comprehensive rehabilitation services under the supervision of a physician to inpatients with physical disabilities. Services include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech pathology, social or psychological services, and orthotics and prosthetics services.


Comprehensive Outpatient Rehabilitation Facility

A facility that provides comprehensive rehabilitation services under the supervision of a physician to outpatients with physical disabilities. Services include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech pathology services.

63-64 Unassigned N/A


End-Stage Renal Disease Treatment Facility

A facility other than a hospital, which provides dialysis treatment, maintenance, and/or training to patients or caregivers on an ambulatory or home-care basis.

66-70 Unassigned N/A

71 Public Health Clinic

A facility maintained by either State or local health departments that provide ambulatory primary medical care under the general direction of a physician. (effective 10/1/03)

72 Rural Health Clinic

A certified facility which is located in a rural medically underserved area that provides ambulatory primary medical care under the general direction of a physician.

73-80 Unassigned N/A

81 Independent Laboratory

A laboratory certified to perform diagnostic and/or clinical tests independent of an institution or a physician's office.

82-98 Unassigned N/A

99 Other Place of Service

Other place of service not identified above.

* Revised, effective April 1, 2004. ** Revised, effective October 1, 2005 *** Revised, effective July 1, 2006

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File Maintenance Patient ID Change Changes the patient number or delete a patient with no financial history To Delete a Patient

File File Maintenance Patient ID Change Enter the Patient Acct # in the first field Choose 1-Delete

File Maintenance Patient Type Maintenance Allows you to specify patient types in a patient’s demographics (patient activity, patient type). Then you can use Other Work, Select Recall or report by Patient Type in Practice Analysis, Productivity Analysis, select & total by Patient Type Enter patient type code Enter description File Maintenance Recall Type Maintenance Used in patient recalls to define the type or reason for a recall. For example, a recall type maybe 6 month checkup, or GYN, etc. Then in Other Work, Print Recalls, you can select recalls by recall type. Also, the type of recall is displayed in the patient account, recalls. In addition, you can search for a list of patients by recall type in Other Work, Select Recall. File Maintenance Recall Maintenance Enter Recall Type (maximum 8 characters) Recall descriptions Select a letter to associate with this recall type (if applicable) using the binoculars

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File Maintenance Medical Tests Record Medical Tests if associated with Procedure codes to automatically populate from charge entry into Patient Activity, 4)MED, 5)TESTS, for later entry of test results. See File Maintenance, DX Test Code. Also see Patient Activity, 4)MED 5)Tests. File Medical Tests Search click on binoculars

Or Type in test name Description Unit of Measurement Normal Range Apply

File Maintenance Medical Tests Grouping This allows multiple tests to be grouped under one test name. Medical test must be set up individually first, under file, medical tests. Then the test group can be used in Patient Activity, 4)MED, 5)Tests.

File Medical Tests Grouping Type in Name or search using binoculars

Select Medical tests using binoculars and double click on the test to include in the grouping File Maintenance Procedure Grouping

This allows multiple procedure codes to be grouped under one grouping name. In charge entry, enter the group name to pull in all the procedure codes under the grouping. Setup a grouping name, and add the applicable codes.

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File Maintenance Condition Codes

Condition codes are used only for Institutional claims like rural health. The code descriptions can be added to this table which will allow for a drop-down selection on the claim. File Maintenance Occurrence Codes

Occurrence codes are used only for Institutional claims like rural health. The code descriptions can be added to this table which will allow for a drop-down selection on the claim. File Maintenance Value Codes

Value codes are used only for Institutional claims like rural health. The code descriptions can be added to this table which will allow for a drop-down selection on the claim. Top of the Document

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File Listings File File Listings Patient File Listing File Maintenance File Listings Patient Select by Patient #, name, Doctor, First and Last Visit Dates Patient From and Thru Sort by – Patient #, Name, Chart # Doctor File Listing File Maintenance File Listings Doctor Select ALL drs, or Doctor ID from and thru Select whether to include or excluded provider and ssn numbers. 4)Acct. Info displays AR totals, charges, payments, adjustments for year, compare year 1)Chart allows you to select a chart format and chart the AR information Procedure File Listing

File Maintenance File Listings Procedure Select Procedures: All or from and thru Select Action code Select Financial Class Code Sort by: Procedure code or description Format Short or Detail

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Sample Short Procedure Listing: code, description, ins., action code, financial class, $ rate

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Sample Detail Procedure Listing: shows detail rates by financial class:

Diagnosis Listing

File Maintenance File Listings Diagnosis Select Diagnosis ALL or From and Thru Sort by Diagnosis code or description Insurance Listing

File Maintenance File Listings Insurance Select by company name, code, medigap companies, NEIC companies, class code Listing shows code, name, address, phone, medigap #, EMC # Facility File Listing

File Maintenance File Listings Facility Search and sort By Facility ID / Facility Name Listing shows ID, name, BC & Mcare Lab ID, Place of Service Code Zip Code File Listing

File Maintenance File Listings Cities / Postal Codes Select and sort by Zip code, City, State, Country Insurance Pay to Groups Listing

File Maintenance File Listings Insurance Pay to Groups

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Statement Code Message File Maintenance

File Listings Stmt Code Message Displays statement codes, description, message Payment Code List

File Maintenance File Listings Payment Code List Select by Payment code, action code, financial class Top of the Document

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Adjustment Code List File Maintenance

File Listings Adjustment Code List

Select by Adjustment code Select adjustment direction – both directions, up only, down only Select action code, financial class

Responsible Party List / Letters / Labels File Maintenance

File Listings Responsible Party List Select by Responsible party #, name, statement code Sort by Responsible party # or name Report Options – select or deselect to include Patient Financial History Letter Options – select letter for drop down Preview / Print / Save Top of the Document

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Medical Tests Main Activity Patient Activity Select Patient (4) MED (5) TESTS

Either as a by-product of using a procedure code in charge entry or adding tests independently, medical tests and the results can be recorded in the Patient file. To use Medical Tests with charge entry. 1. Set up Medical Tests: File File Maintenance

Medical Tests Enter name, descriptions, unit, normal range

OK 2. Select the Dx Medical Test code in

the File, Procedure Code.


File Maintenance Procedure

Select the Dx (medical) Test code using the binoculars

3. View med tests and enter results from Patient Activity, Med, Tests

Top of the Document

Dx (Med) Test code set up in step 1 above.

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File Administration

User Options File Administration Parameter Tables Operator

Operator login, password, terminate users, select printer, payment, patient, scheduling and charge options by user.

Financial History Display Options

Operator ID can be used for operator’s initials to track financial and appointment transactions.

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Help Start Support

Our support or hardware staff may request that you start remote support services.

View / Verify Backup Log Preview

On a daily basis, verify that a backup of your data was successful. Below is a sample of a successful backup verification:

Stopping the Mysql Daemon...done.

Stopping the Tomcat4 Daemon...done.

=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* LONE-TAR BACKUP SUMMARY S/N:157182 *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=

Date: Fri Oct 06 22:03 2006

Files: 10299

Total Data: 458.49 Megabytes

Room Left: 23522870.0 Kilobytes (22971.55 Megabytes)

Status: 0 Backup was successful!!

Speed: 2325509 Bytes/sec (131.6 MB/min)

Elapsed: 3 minutes 29 seconds

*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* LONE-TAR VERIFICATION SUMMARY *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=

Fri Oct 6 22:07:30 CDT 2006

SUMMARY: Byte by Byte Verification

10299 files were encountered

572 special files (links, directories, devices, etc.)

9727 files verified successfully

All files match using byte by byte comparison!!

Starting the Tomcat4 Daemon...done.

Starting the MySQL Daemon...done.

Display File Consistency Check Preview

On a daily basis perform the file consistency check. Confirm that OK is on all line items. If not, please contact support.

Note: The practice is responsible for HIPAA compliance in regards to offsite transport and storage of patient data.

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M2 SERVER RESTART / SHUT DOWN On a weekly basis, the M2 server should be restarted.

From Main Server Choose Actions Log Out Select Actions: Log Out Shut Down Restart the Computer

Top of the Document

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Adobe Tips Search and print selected sections of pdf reports. Search Option

To locate a patient by name, SSN, etc. within an adobe file (EOB, etc). From within the report click on SEARCH, type is search criteria.

Print a selected section / area From within the report, go to: Tools Basic Snapshot Tool Drag a box around the area you want to print. A message will alert you that the selection has been copied to the clipboard. Click OK Click Print. Set the print rage to "Selected graphic."

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Claim Staker User Instructions for Alpha II Optional claim scrubbing service per M2 database for all providers all electronic carriers.

Insurance Menu Claim Submission Prepare claims for transmission.

If any errors are reported, make your corrections & prepare claims until error free. Once claims are prepared:

Create a file to upload to Claim Staker Click on 6) Export for Scrubbing. A box will appear ‘Export Claims to Unicor’ Click 0) OK You will receive a message that is was successful

Upload File to Claim Staker: Login into Claim Staker https://filestaker.net/editweb/ Click on File Click on Claim File Upload Click on Browse

Browse to your Desktop Short cut to Export

med1, etc. unicor

The file layouts are as follows: Medicare ALPB837 BCBS ALBS837 Medicaid ALCD837 Commercial WEBMD837

Click on the file you wish to upload then click on Open Click on Upload File Once file is uploaded successfully, you should receive a confirmation below

File Name Size File Type Last Accessed


ALBS837_02_10_2009_12_45_27_181.txt 195 .txt 2/10/2009


ALCD837_02_23_2009_15_24_20_201.txt 193 .txt 2/23/2009


ALPB837_02_10_2009_12_39_45_645.txt 194 .txt 2/10/2009


WEBMD837_02_10_2009_12_42_26_327.txt 196 .txt 2/10/2009

You may click on the Download link to view the confirmation.

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To view your Claim Staker error reports Click on File Claim File Download Click on the Download link for the file you wish to view

File Name Size File Type Last


Download ALBS837_02_10_2009_12_45_27_181.htm 69115 .htm 2/23/2009

Download ALCD837_02_23_2009_15_24_20_201.htm 147170 .htm 2/23/2009

Download ALPB837_02_10_2009_12_39_45_645.htm 28054 .htm 2/23/2009

Download WEBMD837_02_10_2009_12_42_26_327.htm 115183 .htm 2/23/2009

Click on Open - report will be displayed. Correct claims as appropriate, prepare claims and transmit as usual.

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On-Site Training

Initial installation training of key personnel on the use of the MediSYS system is

included with your system purchase as a number of on-site training days. Training is

conducted for your staff during normal routines under the direction of our training


Typically, we are with you the first time you enter charges & payments, month-

end processing, statement processing, etc. Training for new or replacement personnel,

after the initial installation, is offered at no charge at our offices, or may be on-site at then

current daily rates. In addition, ask you trainer about web-accessible pre-recorded

training sessions.

Below is a typical training outline:

1. General System Operation

File Setup/Maintenance

System Start-up, Back-up, Shutdown

2. Patient Setup Training

Balance and Control

3. Front Office

Charge Entry

Payment Entry

4. Insurance Processing, Electronic Transmission & Paper Claims

Appointment Scheduling & Route Slips

5. End-of-Month Processing

System Review with Provider(s) and Office Manager

6. Insurance Follow-up

Electronic Posting of Payments

Collection System

6. Other - Analysis Reports, Recall, Progress Notes, Medicaid electronic

verification, etc.

Top of the Document

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Primary Trainer:



Overview of Implementation

Proposed Go Live Date:

Review Training Plans





Review EDI enrollment setup schedule:

Task BCBS MC Caid Comm.

Practice provided EMCs to MediSYS

EMCs to Carrier from MediSYS based on go-live date

EMC setup confirmation from Carrier Setup time varies by carrier.

BCBS 10-14 days

Medicare typically 10-14 days /practice notified.

Medicaid typically10 business days.

Practice notify MediSYS of Carrier EDI letters Medicare sends practice a letter.

Medicaid will issue new Trading Partner # for


Medicaid web portal via green letter (if not already

established at practice)

MediSYS System EDI Setup for: Claim Transmission

Eligibility & Benefits

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Initials Date Notes:


Review System Software & Hardware Support

-Call MediSYS Support at: 205.631.0374

8:00 – 5:00pm

Voice Mail afterhours

-Email: [email protected] Contact Systems support to expedite your response.

Client Notifications:

Email Distribution Registration

Email Addresses:

Establish Website Login:

Newsletters Addressed To Practice

On-going Training Available Pre-recorded Link

www.medisysinc.com after login

or contact us to schedule:

Go-To Meeting



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Initials Date Train Date


Daily Operations

Verify Daily Backup and B-Check

Mailed Backup media (DVD) RLittle Tar verify

Offsite procedures Note: The practice is responsible for HIPAA compliance

in regards to offsite transport and storage of patient data.

System Shut Down/Reboot


File Maintenance

Doctor File – provider numbers NPI

Procedure File – insurance implied

-Action Code (NDC,etc)

- type of service

Diagnosis File

Referring Source File – NPI

Facility File – place of service

Statement Message File

Insurance Company File – provider number insurance implied

– Commercial Carrier Payer IDs


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Initials Date Train Date


Patient Entry

Various Search Option

Responsible Party

Patient Demographics

Insurance – reinforce responsible party

- company scan

- relation to subscriber

General Notes

Responsible Party Setup

Referring Sources

Collection History

Responsible History

Workers Comp

Print Super bill - From scheduling

- From patent account

Export Patient to EHR – Automatic / Manual


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Initials Date Train Date


Charge Entry

Diagnosis Entry / Scan

Referral Prompt

A/R Date vs. Date of Service

Responsible Party Option

Place of Service

Claims Options – no insurance, hold, exceptions

Procedure Scan

Comments: NDC code from procedure file, Dosage

Exception EPSDT, Patient 1


Workers Comp

EHR Charge Interfaces External Charge List

Process Imported Charges

Top of the Document

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Initials Date Train Date


Financial History

Open Item

Patient/Insurance/Other History

Options on Financial History Screen

End of Day Procedures

Daily Financial Recap

Tip: After charges/payments are entered use this recap as

a balancing tool

Daily Update Tip: perform after balancing to recap

Missing Ticket Report

Insurance Filing and Follow Up

Electronic Filing Claims Preparation:

Tips: performs pre-transmission edits,

correct any errors, optional Claim Staker available

– Transmission Tips: transmit before 3pm to get next day audit trail

Transmit before printing hardcopy NOTE : Audit Trail retrieval is a crucial process. For example: if your

practice changes/establishes charge entry interface (E H R, etc.) or makes other changes (NPI, tax ID, etc. it is especially crucial to

promptly verify audit trails. Carrier changes may cause rejections.

Blue Cross




Electronic Audit Trails – When / How to pull for:

Tips: retrieve audit trail from yesterday’s

transmission if transmitted before 3pm.

Blue Cross



Correction & re-filing Tips: Correct any rejections on the audit trail,

change print status to Not Printed, then transmit

Hard Copy Claims Tips: print only after electronic claims submission

Insurance Aging Report

Insurance Pending Report

Top of the Document

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Payment Entry

Patient Payments

Insurance Payments

Other Payments

Collection Payments

Daily Payment Recap

Initials Date Train Date


Electronic Remittances Tip: You will receive one remittance file for each provider ID. Process one remittance, balance, and

update, then, process the next remittance





End of Month Processing


Collection Letters

Small Balance Write-off



Appointment Scheduling

-Doctor Maintenance

-Template Maintenance

-Create Calendar

-Enter/Edit/Print Appointments

-New Entity (note: appt. not visible in MEHR until Pt Acct setup)

-Appointment Look Up

-Appointment History

-Printing Super bills from Schedule

Patient check-in to EHR

Select Recall -Select Recall additive

-Select Recall Output to File


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-Eligibility & Benefits


Medicaid* (pw expire every 30 days)

-Claim Status




Navicure (if applicable)

Other (if applicable)

Optional Automated Appointment reminder

Emdeon Claims Management

Optional Alpha II Claim Staker claim scrubbing



BACKUP DEVICE Media to be used:

Client Given Training Survey

Practice Name________________________________________________

Practice Address______________________________________________

My signature below acknowledges that I have been properly trained on the procedure to

check for the proper date, time, and how to check for errors in the log file for the

Unattended Backup. This also applies to the procedure to check for the same in the log

file for the Data File Check, commonly referred to as a Bcheck, or Data Consistency

Check, and that both these procedures must be done every morning. I also acknowledge

that it is the responsibility of the Practice to contact MediSYS in writing, to train any

additional or replacement personnel and that MediSYS is not responsible for the

consequences of the Practice’s failure to do any of the above listed procedures.

For MediSYS_____________________________________ Date___________________

For the Practice___________________________________ Date___________________

________________________________________________ Date___________________

________________________________________________ Date___________________

________________________________________________ Date___________________

________________________________________________ Date___________________

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Initial Backup Verification Offer We would like to offer an initial verification of your system backup by reading your backup media (DVD, etc.). We will return your DVD along with reports indicating whether the backup was successful. Your data will NOT be stored or used for any other purpose. This is a snapshot reading of your backup media. MediSYS does not store your data after verification. Periodic changes of the backup media (DVD, etc.) should be made to protect against failure of the backup media. It is VERY important that your practice verify your backup EVERY DAY and employ procedures for an off-site backup. As a reminder, the practice should follow HIPAA requirements to secure and protect your off-site backup. Please contact MediSYS at 205.631.0374 or 334-277-6201 via email [email protected] or [email protected] if you have questions.

Please indicate your preference regarding this backup confirmation.

Enclosed is my back up media I do not wish to have this back up confirmation performed.

Authorized Practice Signature:_________________________ Date:________________

Please enclose a backup of your MediSYS practice management system and mail to: MediSYS for Physicians, Inc. Ray Little PO Box 240128 Montgomery, AL 36124-0128

Practice Name:

Contact Name:

Mailing Address:


Date of Backup

To be completed by MediSYS: Date Tested

Date of Data Backup

Backup confirmation performed by

Backup media restoration Successful Unsuccessful

Confirmation of restoration reports Daily Activity AR Summary Other

Date Backup media returned to client: Disclaimer:

This Manual is intended as a reference guide for clients of MediSYS. It may not be reproduced in anyway unless

prior written consent is provided by MediSYS.

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MediSYS Training Evaluation

So that we may continue to improve our training services, we are very interested in having you evaluate the training you have received from MediSYS.

Thank you for taking a few minutes to tell us what you think. Please return the survey in

the enclosed reply envelope, or fax it to 205-694-2037. Do you have any further

comments? For the Birmingham office, please call or email Rhonda Boatwright at 205-

631-0374 [email protected], for the Montgomery office contact Ray Little at

334-277-6201 [email protected]

1. How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements:



Agree Somewhat


Disagree Strongly


A. MediSYS provided a

reasonable level of training.

B. Our trainer was


C. Our trainer was courteous.

D. Our trainer was prepared

and organized.

E. Our trainer treats me like an

important customer.

2. Do you feel your practice needs additional training? ____ Yes ___ No

3. Any comments or suggestions regarding training?

Optional: Name ________________________ Phone_______________________

If yes, please explain:

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Adobe, 156

Adobe Tips, 156

Alerts, 14, 50

Appointment, 14, 24, 40, 43, 53, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63,

64, 65, 66, 159, 166, 168

Appointment Reminders, 63


Backup, 154, 162, 169

Blue Cross, 24, 25, 26, 61, 68, 75, 77, 78, 95, 122,

123, 129, 130, 131, 133, 157, 160, 165, 166, 168


Carrier, 75, 76, 77, 78, 130, 135, 160, 162, 165

Charge entry, 41

Charges, 23, 27, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 88, 92, 94, 95,

99, 109, 124, 133, 159, 164

Claims, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 69, 75, 76, 77, 78,

79, 80, 81, 109, 133, 135, 139, 157, 158, 159, 160,

164, 165, 168

Collections, 14, 49, 50, 51, 84, 85, 87, 101, 159, 163,


Commercial, 135

Commercial Claims, 24, 30, 43, 75, 76, 77, 78, 135,


Co-pays, 23, 129

Co-Pays, 23, 129

Crossover, 133, 135

csv, 89, 110


Daily Activities / Work, 41, 42, 65, 67, 73, 74, 79, 83,

162, 165, 166, 169

Dashboard, 106, 113, 166

Date of Service, 69, 164

Deductibles, 23

Demographics, 43, 54, 121, 163

Deposit, 55

Diagnosis, 14, 37, 49, 88, 99, 110, 126, 149, 162, 164

Display, 12

Doctor, 17, 27, 38, 44, 58, 94, 99, 100, 101, 104, 105,

106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 121, 122, 123, 124, 147,

162, 166

Dosage Entry, 40, 164


EDC, 36, 98

Electronic Health Records, 19, 20, 41, 43, 44, 59, 95,

100, 129

eligibility, 24, 25, 26, 49, 61, 68, 133, 135, 160, 168

Eligibility & Benefits, 24, 25, 26, 49, 61, 68, 133, 135,

160, 168

Emdeon, 30, 75, 76, 77, 78, 135, 168

Employer, 17, 18, 122, 123

ePrescribe, 19, 43, 95, 129

EPSDT, 30, 164

Ethnicity, 92, 93

Excel, 89, 110

Export, 19, 41, 43, 44, 76, 95, 157, 163, 164


Face Sheet, 52

Facility, 38, 44, 49, 55, 65, 67, 74, 99, 100, 101, 104,

105, 109, 131, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 149, 162

File Listing, 147, 149, 150, 151

File Maintenance, 17, 39, 40, 48, 76, 97, 103, 111,

121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132,

133, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 144, 145, 146, 147,

149, 150, 151, 152, 162

Financial History, 27, 33, 70, 151, 165

Flashers, 14, 50, 88, 89

Free Line, 27, 32


Group, 21, 121, 123, 124, 140


Help, 12, 154

HL7, 19, 41, 43, 44, 76, 95, 157, 163, 164

Hospital, 49, 54, 98, 140


ICD, 126, 127

Import, 41, 42, 95

Import Charges, 27, 41, 42, 88, 92, 94, 124, 133, 164

Insurance, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,

30, 31, 32, 33, 38, 49, 69, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81,

88, 99, 100, 101, 105, 106, 108, 109, 130, 133,

135, 149, 157, 159, 162, 163, 165, 166

Insurance Aging, 31, 81, 84, 100, 101, 104, 165

Insurance Menu, 75, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 157

Insurance Pending, 31, 81, 165


Lab, 52, 54, 129, 131, 149

Labels, 52, 54, 88, 151

Language, 92, 93

Letters, 48, 50, 55, 64, 84, 87, 97, 137, 151, 166

Listener, 19, 41, 43, 44, 76, 95, 157, 163, 164


Main Activity, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,

27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 43,

45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 61,

62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 79, 83,

84, 85, 88, 90, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 152

Meaningful Use, 93, 94, 100

Medicaid, 17, 21, 24, 61, 75, 76, 77, 78, 106, 122,

123, 124, 129, 130, 131, 134, 135, 139, 157, 159,

160, 165, 166, 168

Medical Tests, 37, 128, 145, 146, 152

Medicare, 21, 24, 75, 77, 78, 122, 123, 129, 130, 139,

142, 157, 160, 165, 166, 168

Medigap, 133, 135

Missing Tickets, 67

Month End, 21, 101, 132, 159, 166

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Navicure, 24, 43, 78, 135, 168

Navicure Clearinghouse, 24, 43, 78, 135, 168

Navigation, 13

NDC, 39, 40, 128, 162, 164

New Entity, 18, 59, 166

Notes, 12, 14, 35, 37, 47, 96, 159, 161, 162, 163, 164,

165, 166, 171

NPI, 122, 123, 162, 165


Other Work, 35, 41, 46, 48, 49, 88, 90, 92, 94, 95, 96,

97, 98, 144


Patient, 16, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 43, 45, 52, 55, 56,

59, 98

Patient Account, 16, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 43, 45, 52,

55, 56, 59, 98

Patient Flashers, 14, 50

Payment Entry, 27, 33, 55, 56, 69, 71, 72, 73, 78, 79,

88, 100, 105, 109, 110, 130, 134, 135, 150, 159,


Practice Analysis, 86, 99, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108,

109, 110, 111, 112, 144

Pre-certification, 25, 26, 30

Procedure, 25, 37, 38, 39, 40, 49, 69, 73, 83, 99, 100,

109, 111, 128, 129, 145, 147, 148, 149, 152, 162,

164, 165


Race, 92, 93

Railroad Medicare, 21, 24, 75, 77, 78, 122, 123, 129,

130, 139, 142, 157, 160, 165, 166, 168

Recalls, 14, 35, 40, 45, 46, 88, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 144,

159, 166

Referrals, 38, 48, 97, 99, 100, 101, 105, 106, 107, 108,

109, 131, 162, 163

Remittances, 69, 78, 129, 133, 135, 166

Report, 88, 90, 92, 93, 94, 144, 166

Reporting, 77, 83, 93, 94, 99, 100, 101, 106, 159, 166

Restart, 19, 155

Revision Level, 12

Route Sheet, 52, 66

Rural, 143

RVU, 111, 128


Scheduling, 14, 24, 40, 43, 53, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64,

65, 66, 159, 166, 168

Secondary, 21, 28, 29, 69, 81, 109, 135

Select Recall, 33, 41, 42, 67, 71, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79,

81, 83, 86, 92, 95, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105,

106, 107, 109, 110, 111, 151, 165

Server, 12, 155

Shut down, 155, 162

SSN, 15, 16, 122, 123, 156

Statements, 50, 51, 84, 85, 131, 132, 150, 162, 166

Support, 12, 20, 38, 44, 52, 55, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 132,

154, 161


Theme, 12

Training, 12, 159, 160, 161, 168, 170

Transmission, 76, 159, 160, 165


UPIN, 122, 123, 129


Window, 12, 14, 19, 27, 28, 30, 31, 41, 133, 154


Zip Code, 84, 85, 106, 136, 149