_ ... .( ' . .. ... \. ·' . .. , , '- · diclatei opposed to , wu cor .. • • · + -1- ' T iiied by' the "Rctutnin.,. Robert 1obn .• i!AJLS }.,OR POST OFFICE NOTICE. . . MoNDA-Y, February 13. Esq., to have been a member T --4. Tbe Spcnker took. at 3 o'clock. As11cmbly for the saH1Dlstri<;l. . }IE Gove1nment Qf ', New1uup WINTER , That th e r et u. rn oftlte said_ L. h · · t · to a C tl: t with ILS ill b d h G 1 was ohtaincd bfJ Hlegal and· outrageoue aqp avmg en m . j on ·ac . . MA w e run e up at t . en era -¥. C4RTER presented the ,hit election mc.g'nl . ned roicl, &l)d to be aet Atlantic Royal NaVIgation ' Post Office for the follo" ' mg places w. anu Edwfl!d .Evnus, ':4ndt· n.8 fUcb by Company, for the conYeynnce of Mails viz:- · . · · date. au.hc lBte Electton for th9 diatnct of.Barln- lt _be other canclidate, Roh_ ert substttutc.d m h b - -- tc· --. L.. d · · · · · To the llonoral ;Jt i lte Ge11tral .As1embly of lieu thereo f, for tbe reasons here maft.e.r once a·m9Ut Y s f.myesSCJib procce •. -, Harbor Grace, Carbonear, Bngus,every J.\.cu:•(uumlland : I Th.nt during the E:lcctiout}lere was nn orgnn- ing direct fr . om Galway to St. John }foutluY and Thurs day, atha}f-past 9 llu'-'DLY SUEw.t:;u _ ized system ofme_nnce, violence ahtr outrnge, l i} .r N -..r dl nd (includinrr l · l k. · . ' upon b,y the and s upporters of the tal DlU S 1Qr a 0 <' OC , R..m. · That nt the recent election for the district of Durin 1 J amcs L. l'r<' ndl•rgllst,for the purpose ofint imidnting those to be conveyed by the present For TrinitY, Honavista, and J{ing'sCove, your for the clcctors of th e :.ui1l district at Grace! ·route ma Halifu.x) will be made up ·at ! . . . Th . l.l: ' t 1 alf t 9 . 1 tion of the dntrtct, 1ll oppositiOn to the now lil ttmg ut least one hundred p ersons, who "·oultl be . . ' · . f. h f, 1 _ C' Cl Y UIS ll), a 1 -pas ° C OC \ Amuroso Shea and lames J. Rogcrson, 1 nml nnxio_us to gi \'1' their yotcs in of the saitl thls office on the evenmg 0 t e 0 I a.m. E3qutrell. . I Hobert\\ W l'rC hy II UCh menace, \'I OlE'ucc, and · lowina 1-'ridays durina the present yeal', · For Ba,r Bulls and Ferr'\ ·land eYery al - That hnd r,uch election been fmrly con Juctcd,)OIIrloutrugc pren•ntl:d from doing RO.· . b · ' • J ' petitioners would ho, ·e b ee n retuned duJy elected byl That !H •,·cral of tlw l'ri<' IHI'I and \'Ot ers of tho antd namely.- · ternate 'Vednesdav, at half-past 9 n majority oflnwful ott>s. n obl•rt \\"nlsh were also hE:>!lt en and illused. i: 7 J U!ll"V '24 .J. · o'c!ock n.m. That )'OUr contest th e legality of T hnt li<'H ' r:U Y ot(•q to •ti1c. snid . .f:.· • ' 8.11 , - 1 ' J ·t '' l' ' S M . Pl . ret urn of th e stud memb orR, on th e followmg P rc-ndertiust, ,, t·re obtawcJ hy cocrc1on nnd mhDll· February 14, Marclt 4, March 11, Apn : · or repa8sey, t. -ary s, ncenbn, grou.::i- . · cbliun. 1 Anril 8 April 22 April 29 6, Little Placentia , Red Jsland, fiarhor 11"_ That many Yot cs, oth::rwij;e wert> ' That .on the so.ir l day heforo the time ' t;. .. ;, ' J ' • J '1- i B··.a.· tt '!\1 1 I 1 f \'·1 obtato by th e suppor!l'r!'l of :'\feRsrs. :Shrn .:md lfor closmg the polls, nz., ubout the l1our of 01_1e Ma'y 20, J.J'.J.(I,'I 21, unc 3, unc I. '!_tllle l.UI: . . -. eras s e. 0 a en, Rogerson them, by nnd corru pt pructJc_es. jo'clock, tile snit! o.nd .;upportcr'l of the sald 24 July 1 'July . V>, July 22, Ju]y 29, St. l\.yran s, Odc nn, Burm, liarbor the r ctur111ng _:lt l :nruaJmt• Jam es l..l' r ... nrll!r"nst, to th e numhcr of :"bout t\VO ' ')' A1 ·· 19 A 26 S B · · B · d L p i} G Clemen\ Jle:1mng, contlnctetl hunsclf tn lus officclhundred men, by for<·r entered n il the PoUmg lloolha August L. ,, ltgu.st . ' ugust ' cp- ntou, urgeo . 0 e, partially Gllll ll!ld n_s to fayour flnrb or Grace nnd dc,HrO)CU the Poll au d tember 9, &prember 16, S ij'lt e mber 23, p6nd, 1 ogo nnd fwilhngatc, month· Sbcn ant.! 111 lm appo_mtmcnt of n Registers nnd th" from furthel"' 0 t b 7 0 14 October 21 K o- h' ccmmencinn"" on Thursday the p)acc, not'\'lhstandmg prenoulil protest of pen - 1 1tnltcn, nnd on t.h e sn 1u 1l nY t ht'r abo nttack.ed th1 C 0 ,. " ' ' _J t <=' • ' , agnutst such appomtmcn l. of the srud Hobert and the houses of' ember 4, Nooember 11; 18. . J ne xt, at half-past !) 0 Thi.rd- ' fllat th e at. Flat of his nrftl. " ith stones other Dec· ember ' 2 anil 'December 9. clock, a.m. Robert n .cruler, hnnst>lf m bas par· n\11\Stlcs t'be wmdows nn J . m.uch . . · . . . . · ,V, L. tia1ly and corruptlr, m fa\·ou.r of the same cand!uatet;. o_thcr thE-reto, the purpose On ·the days· prtntcd lll · 1tnhcs the Offi D '. p M G by openh cnn, ·nsAtnS for th em, and hy ret urnwg nl' the f'lmd Hob r?rt ''.al sh nnd compel11ng hm1 to . ; ,. d d b ·f 1 . Post ce ep:u·tmrnt, ost ! aster en. tuvinsr hotcd for them, tho namCII of miUly electors res 1 gn om! also for that purpose tb1:pateni ng Mails C Y · way 0 _')· \T::l), St. John "'s . 2ith Dec, "·ho 4id. in fact at nll before him,- enucn\·oured to do Yiolen co to hi s per- from which port the •· Packets 1'·ill sn . __ ..-;----, . . Fou1'th-n1ot nt } lat Islnnds, many who s(l u, wluch "tolence ha, :<.' perpetrntcd th of the da)·s foll..) ••. : .r.( . l\;Ol1CE 1 HE Pl A:\V ALL POS1 Mrssr . Sbcn and be n. ot ?r , . On . I . . .., MASI I::HS. . ced .a to votr, contra1 ·y to th.ell' mtcuttons b) no- That the S'rud partl,UlUI and supcort:crs of the Slid - ..... .. ys .. PRii"4l'dUiWT...Ql? . POSTAGE. lcnc inti111 !dntion prncti&t>d towards them, by ]runes L Prcndergnst on will be Vfll Li\·erp00l all tfNl/ . t 1e of1.be8!rtandfdatn-. - - .... log daTf• &nd the aaial ) 1 • • .1.. and after the fll-st day of August :Fifth-TMt nt who were ned a 1 1cl intimiuntecl. 1hat )tie 'JlOTIIon , . hetetofore. hext all Letters }>OStcd at . this Of- prepnrcd vote for your pc_tJttoners, W?re. and property.and those hi S comma nd o( the P 9s,t master General.) · ', • . ,. . from to the poll lJy nol cncc and led to l'end to th e Rcturnmg Ofl1C(>r a rc'lngnc- . HILL. Se:cretary. fiGC tne L Ulted Kmgdom? lllUSt towards th em, IJy the supporters of tion, which howe,·er untler protests a11eging General Post-offi ce , Janu.aiY l, 1859. Letters wholly unpmd, or pa1d :sbt;? and . . thc cause of r rs_ 1gnanon. . . , ' . · ) . f 1) ·')} I S1xth-lhut nllieau n ots thr perl'on appomtcd 'fbnt the menace, ,,oJencc . less than n smg e rat e OSt.'lge '' 1 hy your Jl Cti_tionl'n;. for t.lte purpose of checking thr and outrage, the !'aid. Walsh: At ' the clo ing E. oc rrturnccl to thC' wnt crs. Lett e rs polk on thctr behr. h, tlm·en thence hy threat !\ nf the polls for the D1 c: tnct, PilC1od l't:tty tbrce vot<:A ' ---- · · ,ffi · t] . . · 1 b t . h · 1 of Y io lo.mcc used towards him by the s'.lpuort crs of uhentl cf the saiu James L. aud li / . lllSU TIClell pl cpmc , ll Oll " lC l a Sh c..1. aml R ogcnn u, colllpl'll e1i to rNurn thi nncontroYertcu fucl'lhc Return- jt LL · N'E\VSPAPERS CU'OJ?sped 1nto singll! rate of postag<', at lea st, has been to . . _ Ofti<'er <' e t iticu the &niu hmcs L. }Jreudergi\S t the rig' ent's Boa: for Brit.ieh North Ame- p ' aiJi will be forwarded but char"'Ccl l SeYenth -:.-1hat th; vot<>s of many p erso_ns "ho duh· . · , .- l , ' ". ' , ' 0 WC'rC not b:r low entll)cd to \' 011.', Wt'rC r ecCl\ ' C'd lUI 'l' hat l,lCt.ltl ncrs humbly that the forCCU nca, w1ll be free by wtth the dcftClCllC')' of postage, and a goo'l entered on !he poll. books, and_ returned resigunuon 0 · the s:lid Jtbbcrt Wnl.Rh, under such · . Packet to Graham's Book.,storc. fiu e of sixp<nlce. to t:1c general .. on,ccr nt. B unn, by the circumstance" wa!; Yoiu null no itnd . . , ' ' ·. r 0 ·d d . ... Deputy Office:- u.t Hols, L:l\ll.l, Lnmn- pray that you Honor .aWc Wlll be to \ Jlalifn :x. n hence they will be oJOr\\ al e All Letters adtlressC'd to Pnbb c t llllC· lim• aud St. Lawrence, as Sl\'eU fur Shea and lake the m?ntroned Cll'CUrrut.ances m1o to destination. · ' · · , . ]) ·t t · I 1 Hogcrson. , graYest cous1 era t10n, nnd to decltu"e tha.t the swd ......._ , . . _ t10nanc S or . rpar m en s, 111 "?IH on , that upon the opening of the poll books James L. Frc ergnst wns, not. duly clt.•cted, ansi - to s addressed to l\ w4ich ha,·e n. postage arrount Wlf h the nt Bur in, nfter the l!:lection, for the of. dirE'ct the snid r tum . to by tho land, e t British North .ATir eri ca n ('tincral Po st Office. at hat IJ)ace 'will cl:limiug result ofthc general ro by WJ!tam ofhis nume le liiS ,'?fllOD of _Robert. 'Ynl:tb m- 0 :J -y · . ' llooper, l:.!iq., th e gcnernl Hetumm g Ottlccr, upon n stead thereof, or thennse deal wnh the firutl matter . C?l COYCF to .)Ir. be 0 t\"Xcmpted from the re- scrutiny hcing.de.mnuded on bchnl.f of as your liQUSC clcom 1\"ill forwa11ded free of charge. qt:j· 1 CY prcpaymrnt. jcrs, sc rut my wns refused the 5810 "Jllt am Mr ·F CUtTER ·n presenting a peht1on (tom tho · ·. · 0 . . , II oopcr, · ":ho declare;! the result oft he Rev . ·]'l;ilip· 'foe n , thnt lle had prepared · by Post from ! \\. I .. f'_O LO)IO:\, ·j 1 oll to be of Messrs. Shea 411d :in elnuornte Hi s ory 0 nnd N ell d to these (;o1otues Ol' jGen r. !':t II up of ulltho •. lcg:.U the I.e 's lature t assist him in it! publication, snhl ., e Ollp . . ' St. John s, :\ t·w!?uncllnnd, . nnd illegal, :mtl fu rtlrer declared the ntd that h filnd no doubt th e work in ucstion " ·ould ·: tlU:e versa, will be to a charge of July. l &JO. to. be th.ercby duly elected u. members for the . dts- contnin much Ynlu nblc informatio : t ere hncl been 1 d each · - - -- - . . tn ct, "·herca.s had EOcrutiny been granted,. several histories written' but ey were mere frag- . jan' 3()-. ' . MA TLS will, from this date, be the ill.t.ogal Rtricken offfluch .mnJonty and e:thil.)itrd a de. of prejudice on 9110 . . . ·. • . ' . .. - l a r 1v disl>att hed from this Office hn,·c thereon for t Aide or the other ; ho bclie,·cd nt pn :J l:a .. '<l by :\lr. -- r '1 hat your are to "u 1.;. e To" ue wouhl be from thn ,. .APERS posted m for Gal 'll'ay, the Untied States and Ca- by sntisfactoryJcndeJ•ce tho m!'ttcrs nfl.lresatd, and q • . h 0 · land when addressed l tJ British d b th Galwa ' ). Line of '11a.il they tbereforc, do J?ra y, thut your li ouAe had pleMchure ll 0 "' •. "' . • ' , ..L ' ,. ·. j Ua Y e. . . willcauseancnqultytobemadcthert'ml and u.onpetttlon. nrnctero.t:. cnut . or . N6rth the \.Vest Indies, the Steamers. The Postage on Letters for finding th e nllegntibtle herein COlitaioed to be true, guaranteed th\t lt would ben useful and , lJltercst+n g ·ITnited : Sfilte12 l;nited lle United States by this convevnnce "-ill /dono tQ Jletitioncrs and l _t was ofd 1 ontln!llp!o nnd tru- . · • ':' · • • · · J- the of Buriku_ \v dcclarmg th e return of p:ntuu lliStos:y that Nowfouu a'n m 1ts ill a}J . cases mu&t be prcpatd. )lc.sSrs and to l)c 'null aml nnd neglected state. r. To .cquo_ hacl ; wnttcn be ' prep8id ' posted, otherwise thPy · . · · . ,V · L SO.LOMON p M G yofir to i>e duly members for tho "o,·ernl. ",W;nndeung1 ' r ·· · £ · d d . :. · 1 ' di stri"'t of BUrin nnd 1>y malting such .Order Snm'11 contmned much Ynlunblo twonnatlon e. . . · . . Officr, .. nereid 88 -.; upon Newfoundland. Ue plr. l)arsons) rcnq a l ee - .. , ·a to d}e tT nited Novc.tnbcr. 12th, 1 a9. , And your.pctitionere a. in &c. . othm daY. St . C?l· · · · • · · · y lege, by on cmment m.an; Jl 1\ ' as as comp cte compen- ? IDSO· be, -when pGst. c A R D . ·•. uiuril of our local history, naa . by d... A 0 a io " . • .. r:ti s "bl . - 0 e\·crv one H! hoped 1\.lr. Tocque s work would be . e . ... .. , 1 e, HE d .. . d h . · lo ._ .St. Jari. 31st, 1860. . uch· aa entitle him' t9 ii munificent fl.om · fu- T un avmg ·., em.p ) The beeh . Mr.) e'tuter · gnn _ the lcgisloture. " · · . . tllrei= 18 l ... 'wnters ed by m · ST. J<?n'N .s, hcwonld . H,'riJ. ATi'ORt--EY ,GENER.d woul6. likc - to •e,."be- . tiM'y bv t\nqttiring JWhet'e to COllect J\foney, . take nppou\tment · ofn commttt.ee . .'lnqWJC !J'ltrd bCtl ther the Work \laS n.s(to entitle . i .I hor to . . r . . 'i". l . . .. S . •hY . . th k , .. and the maJtera. therem con,to.ine. ; to ear from the house, before- he 'Won o t the,P6S ce 1 oefore they · dep . O!'lt ,. or 0 epyuse ma pnd for report to t.ins ·,·e nn:rtning towards it; i·hCther' it ,.., . fi · ol t' ment. ,f61· the. . .. o.f <;>Ye;r ·· , ue . f{f.-:"BE!'flSTER tollowmg .pettt1_ od fetinclliion · 0 r NeWfoliPdlan8.; i!s. ltoma, ·1' , . -e--: · tr ·. A . tS , hld ' iZ ' fo' , . p'afties •who co:tnin m Harbor Grace, an reilourec4 . and institutions, .! M•ny hoc\ •. er. .. te( ·. e, . , . ... ?-ccoun . ? • :vr.._o . . , • . . . after waR r ead, guc notice .tbnt bo b ee ·n wrirtetl, but ' thQy bud bee!\ Mnl "ali aoe cAl- · ! of. the ' we in ' Or . DOt .' . iytn,y •; reqUir-e Sllp}l 8 y;ould Oil next moTe for the appomtmcnt culnted to fl.lif nnd ot'.rthe ..... __ '".' - ,- . .... • • •• : 'C..A"•. ) .. of the Bay, CIJlPlOyed he Wjll . . . .. wae bJ!ah . . · · W. ·L · P. M. G .• '" - To Ute H(l1L 'the of Aumbly an Le!Jiila- 1t. commended· itself to ap.prelillrion, d · Oifdit!ee , . - ... -... e · .a.?. r .. ,... b. l: . :{ tioeStuio,co- noeted: "--_ .-. · .. St.. ·v· · · .. 0 ' .. of.tii_, . undersigned Electors Tesiding nl'rw1r. CA-ad ·!! I J ' '" I •' " .... '"' .... aol.•ft.l . J . I •• ...,_ ... I f G . , \ ,1.\.A 8 llD 0 a.ntvcr · "'feaul ' ·· :or:·" . IU / ·: . • , . • "' . ' < . ' ·. . ' . : -C!I1 oa .. ""' ._' •· ; · ;o. .. ' . ·. .. . • . 'l', me ..• ""!ct 't • •- uvr . rllllt. lA> buDd • Rtohif'1t i · \ scr_wcert ..... 1 .. ..... ··'- ,• · ' · :. tr.cun · · ot , ; iJay, . . ..... ' ru-.aP co-tij tar Xbat &bert .• 1.m election .• : . .. - · 1 ;, · .. . .• .. .l .' •• ,. .l' ,lh I . . ft. · ·.l :ri i. i . i ; riJH:Hmbtrs ta. : aen:e tile , L'Cglalativ.e . Al.:t I• on ···F ; ·-:, ... b · ·1 .. ·r .• to . sen 'e tn · tho e _AdCi:css . .. t ,"'•!: .u .·.r .- ''• G:<"v . .. .. .. ci .. . · ... te d • . to · atcAe ,,._,,1 : -.: -!i! . . . . · · N 1 J., n..:Lr· : ''Thai the acud olt'Ct:IO s punu.ance -9flmd the . qilnouae : .taall* :d · ·. '-' ,. . ..... .T. · · ' ·' · . · · ROberts · . · . ·· 0"""'3 .c · mntc. ..tt '1I Aid' 1nut · ·: , ;. P.M...<r. . ·. '22Iid ie'59. ·_' : · · .. . lot .... . I 18H,.. . . f' , . . . __;6 . . r: . t .t •• ' 'l'll'\ ;"- '..,. . • • ,.y . ( : . • . • . ' . . , l '· . J • • . •• •• • • ' II • • .. • • ' . •• • ' ! . . ' . . . 0 ' . ... .. ·-- , • • • , ., • • /. J. •• 1 I , .o. ' ._ • ""-: I'\ ,.. . , ,. -- ' • · : ' ' , ' ' \._ ' . • I , ' , I . ; . •• • , • • ._... , '• • \,; ' . ( --...... ,;' .. : \. •,. • ' . . . • : o• . I o. 'lo ,.,.., a 0 I \""'......!. "o t ' p t o •J: • J ... .l..: . ' "' . 0 7- ._ .. , ' ..• ·:''\.: . .. (\__>..1 . ' t 'f. ·- · .... ·' , . .. { ··· " . •• •• 0 ..... . ' ( -;-:) , .: •• ••• ) : t •• . ..... ... II- •• ' • • • .. ' .. .. ... • • 4 ...... 't... . ... ' ... <. L. :, .. ... ·. . J . .... - • •• ... '=. , .. ·. 4' : .... 1 ' .. t ;_, .. .... . ' . •'"' .. .. . .. ,,t •·. ..._......_.,_ 'I ,._ ·1 •• •·. t , "" .. · .. ... , 4 , 1 , .. .. ..). f .. ' . ' I j

MA - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · ·.f:ND.~~l~. . · diclatei opposed to , wu cor .. • .• i!AJLS • · }.,OR NE'WFOUND~4ND

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Page 1: MA - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · ·.f:ND.~~l~. . · diclatei opposed to , wu cor .. • .• i!AJLS • · }.,OR NE'WFOUND~4ND

_ ... .( ' • •

. .. ... \.

·' ~

·.f:ND.~~l~. . .. , , '-

· diclatei opposed to , wu cor .. • • · + -1- • ' T iiied by' the "Rctutnin.,. Pffic~, Robert 1obn l»fntcl~t, .• i!AJLS }.,OR NE'WFOUND~4ND. POST OFFICE NOTICE. . . MoNDA-Y, February 13. Esq., to have been ~uiy.c,.ed a member oft.hd.~ T. · • --4. • Tbe Spcnker took. t~~r at 3 o'clock. As11cmbly for the saH1Dlstri<;l. .

}IE Gove1nment Qf ', New1uup WINTER .LtBR~1NGEMENT..'I. , That the retu.rn oftlte said_ 1~me!! L. P~enderpat h · · t ~..:.~ · to a C tl: t with ILS ill b d h G 1 PET.PI'IOY~. was ohtaincd bfJ Hlegal and· outrageoue 1ll(YU~e, aqp avmg en e,~· m . j on ·ac . . MA w e run e up at t . ~ en era M~. -¥. C4RTER presented the followiug~etitio!' ,hit election mc.g'nl . ned roicl, &l)d Ol~ht to be aet Atlantic Royal MailJS~am NaVIgation' Post Office for the follo"'mg places f'rom · Hug~ w. f!oyl~~ anu Edwfl!d .Evnus, ':4ndt· a~idc n.8 fUcb by yo~ llon.1~oaso, ~u. th~ 'name ~r Company, for the conYeynnce of Mails viz:- · . · · date. au.hc lBte Electton for th9 diatnct of.Barln- lt_be other canclidate, Roh_ert ~alsli' substttutc.d m

h b ---tc· --. L.. • d · · · · · To the llonoral;Jt ilte Ge11tral .As1embly of lieu thereof, for tbe reasons heremaft.e.r sto.~ed. once a·m9Ut Y s f.myesSCJib procce • . - ,Harbor Grace, Carbonear, Bngus,every J.\.cu:•(uumlland : I Th.nt during the s~d E:lcctiout}lere was nn orgnn-ing direct fr.om Galway to St. John ~, 1 }foutluY and Thurs day, atha}f-past 9 llu'-'DLY SUEw.t:;u _ ized system ofme_nnce, violence ahtr outrnge, a~

l i} .r N -..r dl nd (includinrrl · l k. · . ~ ' upon b,y the partlZ~ts and supporters of the tal DlU S 1Qr ~wJO~ a ~ . 0 <' OC , R..m. · That nt the recent election for the district of Durin1Jamcs L . l'r<'ndl•rgllst,for the purpose ofintimidnting those to be conveyed by the present For TrinitY, Honavista, and J{ing'sCove, your pt>titio'~t>rs. w~re cundi~~tts for the repre~~ta-: the clcctors of the :.ui1l district at Hnrb~ Grace! ~nd ·route ma Halifu.x) will be made up ·at! . . . Th . l.l: ' t 1 alf t 9 . 1 1· tion of the dntrtct, 1ll oppositiOn to the now lil ttmg ut least one hundred persons, who " ·oultl be willi~

. . ' · . f . h f, 1_ C' Cl Y UIS ll), a 1 -pas ° C OC \ mem~ers, Amuroso Shea and lames J . Rogcrson,1nml nnxio_us to gi\'1' their yotcs in favo~ of the saitl thls office on the evenmg 0 t e 0 I a.m. E3qutrell. . I Hobert\\ nl~h Wl'rC hy IIUCh menace, \'IOlE'ucc, and ·lowina 1-'ridays durina the present yeal',·For Ba,r Bulls and Ferr'\·land eYery al- That hnd r,uch election been fmrly conJuctcd,)OIIr loutrugc pren•ntl:d from doing RO.· • •

~ . b · ' • J ' petitioners would ho,·e been retuned duJy elected byl That !H•,·cral of tlw l'ri<'IHI'I and \'Oters of tho antd namely.- · ternate 'Vednesdav, at half-past 9 n majority oflnwful ,·ott>s. n obl•rt \\"nlsh were also hE:>!lten and illused.

i: 7 J U!ll"V '24 Februa1·~1 .J. · o'c!ock n.m. • That ) 'OUr p~titi?n~rs contest the legality of ~he ' T hnt li<'H' r:U Yot(•q ~in·n to •ti1c. snid Ja~es . .f:.· • tJC1_~T!I ' • 8.11 , -1

' J ·t' 'l· l' ' S M . Pl . return of the stud ~1ttmg memborR, on the followmg P rc-ndertiust, ,, t·re obtawcJ hy cocrc1on nnd mhDll· February 14, Marclt 4, March 11, Apn : · or repa8sey, t. -ary s, ncenbn, grou.::i- . · cbliun. 1 Anril 8 April 22 April 29 ~Iav 6, Little Placentia, Red Jsland, fiarhor 11"_ That many Yotcs, oth::rwij;e J..·~al, wert> ' That .on the so.irl day ~f ]':lection, heforo the time

' t;. .. ;, ' J ' • J '1- i B··.a.· tt '!\1 1 I 1 f \'·1 obtato by the suppor!l'r!'l of :'\feRsrs. :Shrn .:md lfor closmg the polls, nz., ubout the l1our of 01_1e Ma'y 20, J.J'.J.(I,'I 21, unc 3, unc I. '!_tllle l.UI:. . -. eras lee.n~ s e. 0 a en, Rogerson f<!~ them, by lmbc~·y nnd corrupt pructJc_es. jo'clock, tile snit! pnrtiz.1:t~ o.nd .;upportcr'l of the sald 24 July 1 'July. V>, July 22, Ju]y 29, St. l\.yran s, Odcnn, Burm, liarbor Scco}'ld- Ih~t the rctur111ng ~fficcr _:lt l :nruaJmt• James l..l'r ... nrll!r"nst, to the nu mhcr of :"bout t\VO

' ')' A 1 ·· 19 A 26 S B · · B · d L p i} G Clemen\ Jle:1mng, contlnctetl hunsclf tn lus officc lhundred men, by for<·r entered nil the PoUmg lloolha August L.,, ltgu.st . ' ugust ' cp- ntou, ~ urge o a~ . ~ 0 e, partially Gllll corrapt~y. ll!ld ~0 n_s to fayour Mcs~rs. j ut flnrbor Grace nnd dc,HrO)CU the Poll ~ookR aud tember 9, &prember 16, S ij'lt e mber 23, p6nd, 1 ogo nnd fwilhngatc, month· Sbcn ant.! l~ogcr:son! 111 lm appo_mtmcnt of n polhn~ Registers nnd pre,·c~ltcd th" poll~ from bclll~ furthel"' 0 t b 7 0 ~tober 14 October 21 K o- h' ccmmencinn"" on Thursday the p)acc, not'\'lhstandmg th~ prenoulil protest of pen-

11tnltcn, nnd on t.he sn1u 1lnY t ht'r abo nttack.ed th1

C 0 ~r , . " ' ' _J t <=' • ' , uoner~t agnutst such appomtmcn l. h·m~c of the srud Hobert \Val~o~ h and the houses of' \ ·ember 4, Nooember 11; .~ove~b~r 18. . t.~th J anu~n·y n e xt, at half-past !) 0 Thi.rd-'fllat the rctnmin~ offic~r at. Flat _I~bnus. ' "l'.\l'~·nl of his fr~ndfY nrftl. " ith stones n~Hl other Dec·ember' 2 anil 'December 9. clock, a.m. Robert n .cruler, CO!l(~Ucted hnnst>lf m bas ofltc~ par· n\11\Stlcs IIC!ltroye~ t'be wmdows nnJ d~u . m.uch

. ~· . · . ·~ • . . . · ,V, L. SOLO~ION tia1ly and corruptlr, m fa\·ou.r of the same cand!uatet;. o_thcr dnm~g" thE-reto, ~or the purpose ~r lntl!Dtd:~o-On ·the days· prtntcd lll ·1tnhcs the Offi D ' . p M G by openh cnn,·nsAtnS for them, and hy r eturnwg nl' tm~ the f'lmd Hobr?rt ''.alsh nnd compel11ng hm1 to . ; ,. d d b · f ~ 1 . Post ce ep:u·tmrnt, ost ! aster en. tuvinsrhotcd for them, tho namCII of miUly electors res1gn om! also for that purpose u~;~d tb1:patening

Mails !Of~'ar C Y· way 0 _')· \T::l), St. John"'s. 2ith Dec, 185~: "·ho 4id. n'p~ in fact ~ote at nll before him,- Jan~;u;s.e nn~ enucn\·oured to do Yiolenco to his per-from which port the•· Packets 1'·ill sn . __ ..-;--- -, ---~ . . Fou1'th-n1ot nt } lat Islnnds, many elccto~s who s(lu, wluch "tolence wo~ld ha,:<.' be~ perpetrntcd h~d

th ~~"ternoon of the da)·s foll..) ••. : .r.(. l\;Ol1CE ~~Q 1 HE Pl !~I:TC. A:\V ALL POS1 ~otcd-~r Mrssr . Sbcn and Ropo~on, ~·ere u~flu~- be n.ot eYaded_th~m ?r ~oot·etmg huu~eclf. , . On ~ ~ · . ~ I . . .., MASI I::HS. . ced .a to votr, contra1·y to th.ell' mtcuttons b) no- That the S'rud partl,UlUI and supcort:crs of the Slid

- ..... .0.0&~ q&~er.d .. ys ;mcq,Quge~ .. ~...J~ ' ·o~~~~··~ PRii"4l'dUiWT...Ql?. POSTAGE. lcnc $~ inti111!dntion prncti&t>d towards them, by ]runes L Prcndergnst ~~in j.s~~oled on th~t~~~~.':: will be desn~ched Vfll Li\·erp00l all tfNl/ . t 1e SUJ>pol'tC~ of1.be8!rtandfdatn-. - - .... • log daTf•&nd the aaial ~ ~~~



• ~ ..-~ • • • .1.. and after the fll-st day of August :Fifth-TMt nt Lnmnli~tr, s~D_le elector~ who were ned a11cl intimiuntecl. 1hat t'o~ th~ 118Ic~y 'of )tie 'JlOTIIon , ~alifn..x, a~ .hetetofore. hext all Letters }>OStcd at . this Of- prepnrcd ~0 vote for your pc_tJttoners, W?re. d~tc~ and property.and those ~f hiS r~teucls h~ 1\'l\~ co~pcl·

~ (B~ command o( the P 9s,tmaster General.) · ' , • . ,. . from comm~ to the poll lJy nolcncc and mt1m1d~~o led to l'end to the Rcturnmg Ofl1C(>r a ~nttcn rc'lngnc-. HO\\"L.\~D HILL. Se:cretary. fiGC f~r tne L Ulted Kmgdom? lllUSt ~e ~ J~rncti!;ed towards them, IJy the supporters of ~less.rs. tion, which howe,·er ~"as d~:mc untler protests a11eging

General Post-office, Janu.aiY l, 1859. ~Jrrpatd. Letters wholly unpmd, or pa1d :sbt;? and !~ogcrson. . . thc cause of ~uch rrs_1gnanon. . . , ' . · ) . f 1) ·')} I S1xth-lhut nllieau n ots thr perl'on appomtcd 'fbnt notwtthFt.'liH~IIlg the ~~aal menace, ,,oJencc

. less than n smg e rate ~ OSt.'lge '' 1 hy your JlCti_tionl'n;. for t.lte purpose o f checking thr and outrage, the !'aid. H~bert Walsh: At 'the clo ing E. ~OMON, )l~wsrAPER AGE~r oc rrturnccl to thC' wntcrs. Lette rs polk on thctr behr.h, wa~J tlm·en thence hy threat!\ nf the polls for the D1 c:tnct, PilC1od l't:tty tbrce vot<:A

' ---- · · ,ffi · t] . . · 1 b t . h · 1 of Yiolo.mcc used towards him by the s'.lpuortcrs of uhentl cf the saiu James L. l>rcn:le~ast, aud li / . lllSU TIClell ~ pl cpmc , ll Oll " lC l a ~Iessr:: . Shc..1. aml Rogcnnu, ~d colllpl'l le1i to rNurn notwithstundi,9~ thi nncontroYertcu fucl'lhc Return-jtLL · N'E\VSPAPERS CU'OJ?sped 1nto singll! rate of postag<', at leas t , has been to ~urin . . . _ in~ Ofti<'er <'e t iticu the &niu hmcs L. }Jreudergi\St the rig' ent's Boa: for Brit.ieh North Ame- p' aiJi will be forwarded but char"'Ccl l SeYenth-:.-1hat th; vot<>s of many perso_ns "ho duh· clcctc~l.. . ·

, .- l , ' • ". ' • , ' 0 WC'rC not b:r low entll)cd to \ ' 011.', Wt'rC recCl\'C'd lUI 'l' hat l,lCt.ltl ncrs humbly SU~Dllt, that the forCCU nca, w1ll be forw~ded free by ~Im wtth the dcftClCllC')' of postage, and a goo'l Yotr.~, entered on !he poll. books, and_ returned resigunuon 0 · the s:lid Jtbbcrt Wnl.Rh, under such ~ ·

. Packet to ~Ir. Graham's Book.,storc. fiue of sixp<nlce. to t:1c general .. Rr~urmng on,ccr nt. Bunn, by the circumstance" wa!; Yoiu null no eff~ct, itnd humbl~· . . • , ' ' ·. r 0 ·d d . ... Deputy Rctunun~ Office:- u.t ur~.u Hols, L:l\ll.l , Lnmn- pray that you Honor.aWc ]~Oillle Wlll be J?l~nsed to

\Jlalifn:x. n hence they will be oJOr\\ al e All Letters adtlressC'd to Pnbbc t llllC· lim• aud St. Lawrence, as Sl\'eU fur ~Icssrs. Shea and lake the nbo~· m?ntroned Cll'CUrrut.ances m1o )'O~r to destination. · ' · · , . ]) ·t t ~ · I 1 Hogcrson. , graYest cous1 erat10n, nnd to decltu"e tha.t the swd ......._ , . . _ t10nanc S or . rpar m en s, 111 "?IH on, Ei~ht-:-that upon the opening of the poll books James L. Frc ergnst wns, not. duly clt.•cted, ansi -to N~vs s addressed to l\ ~~Otmd- w4ich ha,·e n. postage arrount Wlf h the nt Burin, nfter the l!:lection, for the [1~rpo"e of. ~ro- dirE'ct the snid r tum. to be,'om~nded, by tho eras~re

land, e t fl~OTl) British North .ATireri can ('tincral Pos t Office. at t·hat IJ)ace 'will cl:limiug ~JC result ofthc general ro 1111~ by WJ!tam ofhis nume ~d le liiS,'?fllOD of _Robert. 'Ynl:tb m-0 ~ • • :J -y · . ' llooper, l:.!iq., the gcnernl Hetummg Ottlccr, upon n stead thereof, or thennse deal wnh the firutl matter

. C?l es·un~er COYCF to .)Ir. Gra~am! be 0 t\"Xcmpted from the regulatl~ll re- scrutiny hcing.de.mnuded on bchnl.f of ,}'O~r pe~}ti.on- as your llonoro.~l liQUSC sh~ll clcom ~:ct. 1\"ill forwa11ded free of charge. qt:j· 1 CY prcpaymrnt. jcrs, :-to e~ scrutmy wns refused b~ the 5810 "Jlltam Mr · F CUtTER ·n presenting a peht1on (tom tho

· ·. • · ~ 0. . • , II oopcr, · ":ho th~eupon declare;! the result oft he Rev. ·]'l;ilip· 'foe n , stntin~ thnt lle had prepared Newsp·aper~ · ~ent by Post from ! \\. I .. f'_O LO)IO:\, Post-~taster-Gcncrnl. · j1oll to be ~n fn~·our. of Messrs. Shea 411d ~~er~o~, :in elnuornte His ory

0 ~cwfoundltuul, nnd prn~;ng

N ~· ell d to these (;o1otues Ol' jGenr.!':t r~st ~r.i r·e~- ~ upot~ II tnllllOlO!lll~!; up of ulltho \'Ot ~s.r~tUIIl •. lcg:.U the I.e 'slature t assist him in it! publication, snhl ., e Ollp ~ . . ' St. John s, :\ t·w!?uncllnnd, . nnd illegal, :mtl fu rtlrer declared the ntd cnn<hdn~es that hfilnd no doubt the work in ucstion " ·ould

·:tlU:e versa, will be ~able to a charge of C~h July. l &JO. to. be th.ercby duly elected u. members for the . dts- contnin much Ynlunblc informatio : t ere hncl been 1 d each · - - --- . . tnct, " ·herca.s had ~ruch EOcrutiny been granted,. 'l~ld several histories written' but ey were mere frag-

.jan' 3()-. ' . MA TLS will, from this date, be r~gu- the ill.t.ogal ~otes Rtricken offfluch returns,~ .mnJonty mcnt~ and e:thil.)itrd a g~od de. of prejudice on 9110

. . . ·. • . ' . .. - l a r 1v disl>att hed from this Office WOl~cL hn ,·c opp~a.rctl thereon for y~ur pctt~onc:t t Aide or the other ; ho bclie,·cd nt pn:Jl:a .. '<l by :\lr. • • • -- • • r • • • '1 hat your pctlt~qners are prrp:~ot·eu to "u s~au 1.;. e To" ue wouhl be fr~ from thn ,. ~~'VSP .APERS posted m ~-wfonnJ- for Gal'll'ay, the Untied States and Ca- by sntisfactoryJcndeJ•ce tho m!'ttcrs nfl.lresatd, and q .~ • • . h


• ·land when addressed ltJ British d b th Galwa'). Line of '11a.il they tbereforc ,do J?ra y, thut your Hoo~urable liouAe ~r~. P.u:..s.o~s had ~('0. pleMchure ll suppthtmg~ 0 " ' •. "'. • ' • , ..L' ,. ·. jUa 0~ Y e. . . willcauseancnqultytobemadcthert'ml and u.onpetttlon. lhea~kno,drdgcd nrnctero.t:. cnut . or . N6rth ·4pl~nca, , the \.Vest Indies, the Steamers. The Postage on Letters for finding the nllegntibtle herein COlitaioed to be true, guaranteed th\t lt would ben useful and , lJltercst+ng

·ITnited: Sfilte12 orQise\\~b'ere(the- l;nited lle United States by this convevnnce "-ill causcjt~stic.o~e /dono tQ ~:?ur Jletitioncrs and wor~. l_t was pnrtl~thc ~wnnt ofd1ontln!llp!o nnd tru-

. • · • ':' · • • · · • J- the elc~rs of Buriku_ \v dcclarmg the return of p:ntuu lliStos:y that Nowfouu a'n m 1ts pr~eent ~~OJXt e~ep~d }· mus~ ill a}J. cases mu&t be prcpatd. )lc.sSrs She:~. and R~eoon to l)c 'null aml ~·oid, nnd neglected state. ~ r. To.cquo_ hacl nl~~a.dy ; wnttcn be' prep8id ~pn 'posted, otherwise thPy · . · · . ,V · L SO.LOMON p M G yofir ~titioner& to i>e duly ~cted members for tho "o,·ernl. \Yorks ~ · ",W;nndeung 1 houg~ts,.; ~1- ~~ U~cle

' • ·~ r ·· · £ · d d . :. · 1 ~ ' • • • • distri"'t of BUrin nnd 1>y malting such f~bcr .Order Snm'11 Jo~4l1ll/' contmned much Ynlunblo twonnatlon cannot . ~~ , on~aJ; e. . . · . . Gc'!~rnl P~~l Officr, ~ ~ .. nereid 88 may..,b~ ~ust. -.; upon Newfoundland. Ue plr. l)arsons) rcnq a lee-

.. , .T-:'"£'~TE1l~ ·a ~.ddressed to d}e tT nited Novc.tnbcr. 12th, 1 a9. , And your.pctitionere a. in duly~und, &c. . tut~ delinred~h~ othm daY. ~t St. llonnt''cnt~~e. C?l· ~ ~ · · ~'t"" · • · · · y lege, by on cmment m.an; Jl 1\'as as comp cte compen-

? ~~URt IDSO· be, pr~pald -when pGst. c A R D . ·•. ~n\~..&~ k~1Ns uiuril of our local history, ~Uld · sl~ou~d. b_o naa. by d... A 0 a io" . • . . ~--aS r:ti s "bl . - 0

• e\·crv one H! hoped 1\.lr. Tocque s work would be . ~ e ~ .... ~ . . :Pl\eV~"1 . ~· ~ P0~ ,

1 e, HE d . . . d h . b~ · lo ._ .St. Jp~n'e,, Jari. 31st, 1860. . .~.... • uch· aa ~ entitle him' t9 ii munificent d~ntion fl.om

· -~~~1ty ~ ~~~~~ -~e.t~~~s·· 1~ fu- T un ~r~tg~e avmg ·., ~ em.p ) The peti~i'on bati~g beeh . ~end,L Mr.) e'tuter · gnn_ the lcgisloture. " • · · . ~ . tllre{·i=18l ttdvi~a.lilc ... tp~t tli~ 'wnters ed by Perso~s m · ST. J<?n'N.s, a~lse- n'otic~ t~at hcwonld o~·· Thur~ila~~t, Jno~o ~e . H,'riJ. ATi'ORt--EY,GENER.d woul6.likc -to •e,."be­. ·~t>uJ.d.· tiM'y ilietni~hreg bv t\nqttiring JWhet'e to COllect J\foney, ~d . take nppou\tment ·ofn commttt.ee ~ . .'lnqWJC !J'ltrd bCtl ther the Work \laS ~nch n.s(to entitle . i .I hor to

. . r . . 'i". l .· ,'~ "~ . . . . S . •hY . . th ~·- k , ·~"' • tio~ .. and the maJtera. therem con,to.ine. ; to ear assj~Ctanco from the house, before-he 'Won llen~ o t the,P6S ce1 • oefore they · dep.O!'lt ,. e.cu~".''J or

0 epyuse ma ~ ~~ edi~ pnd for pa~ers, an~ report to t.ins hQ~e: ·,·e nn:rtning towards it; i·hCther'it ,.., . fi · ol

the~ 4*er~ t' ~t.•Fcn·e1a"n .~mlacefii · w.lle ment. ,f61· the. . paYJJ.!e~t .. o.f <;>Ye;r·· , ue . f{f.-:"BE!'flSTER prcsB!'t~d !~c tollowmg .pettt1_od fetinclliion ·0r NeWfoliPdlan8.; i!s. p~le, ltoma, ·1'

, ~ . ·~· -e--: ·tr·. \~i. ' A . tS , hld 'iZ' fo' , . p'afties •who fr~m co:tnin ~lectonrestdmg m Harbor Grace, an reilourec4 . and institutions, .! M•ny .::..h~ hoc\ • .er. .. te( ·. e,. , ·pr(ty~s~ymcnt .... ?-ccoun . ? • :vr.._o . . , • . . . after t~e ~ill petltio~ waR read, guc notice .tbnt bo bee·n wrirtetl, but 'thQy bud bee!\ Mnl "ali aoe cAl-· ! of. the ' we in ' CO~. Or. DOt.' . iytn,y•; reqUir-e Sllp}l 8 ~CeS ~· .t)riSj>~.rt y;ould Oil 'J~~ra~ny next moTe for the appomtmcnt culnted to ~e ~ fl.lif nnd nd,~~-~}>1'0a • ot'.rthe .....__

'".' - ,- . .... ~ • • •• • : 'C..A"•. ) ~ , .. of the Bay, .th~t oo~if . CIJlPlOyed he Wjll . ~s~ect~o~mlttee. thcreon. . . ~tony ... .It;w~n..tbatofMi.l'oeqt\<" wae bJ!ah ~ . ~ . · · W. ·L · .S~LOtr"",._.,. P. M. G .• '" 'J&··~ ·~ 'bi~cTsatisfarltiou CJHtt~' - To Ute H(l1L 'the Hou6~ of Aumbly an Le!Jiila- 1t. commended· itself to gen~ral ap.prelillrion, d · Oifdit!ee , . ~ - ... ~ - -... e · .a . ?. r IP:-~') .. ,... ~ b.l: ~a· ~ .:{ tioeStuio,co-noeted: nodou~ttheJegialatp.t;ewouJd·glv~~~'u•ict "--_ .-. ~· · .. St.. Jo~ ~. Q.'i:~""l.He. ·v·· · .. 0 ' • ~. m"'l:le~a ;MCOr~~g.~ ·1!9~,'( ~. ~ .. ~,.·~- "The~''etition of.tii_, . undersigned Electors Tesiding nl'rw1r. CA-ad·!! j>f~~'ntedr ~.~. p~~~!l' :fi.p~'t.~Traa

I J ' '" I • •' • • " .... '"' ._~ .... aol.•ft.l . J . I • •• ...,_ ... I f H-..l..~ G . , \ ,1.\.A 8 llD 'OUi~,. 0 a.ntvcr · "'feaul ' ··:or:·" .IU / .· ·: . • , . • "' . ' < . ' ·. . ' . : -C!I1 ~ oa .. ""' ._' •· ; ·;o. . . ' . ·. •.. . • . 'l', me ..• ""!ct 't • •- uvr ~~- . rllllt. lA> buDd • Rtohif'1t 'l!'•~•~ck- i · ~~ ,~~repelf~d-~or, R~ ~E,dito!~ !C~~ \ scr_wcert ~ ..... 1 .. DUDi.Y· s~)f;¥u,~ ..... · ·'- ,• · ' · :. ~ ~lso; tr.cun· Jnhabh~• ·ot l}~ , ; iJay, ~- the

. . ..... .'~.Qfti~~' u~U~I$ ~~I~· - 'ru-.aP co-tij Nid~~ ~ th~bi:Us , tar Xbat &bert W'Gf.ab-~ .• waeat~e 1.m election sUl>j~_t.Qfroeds.in that~· . • : . .. - · 1 ;, · .. . ~-.• ~exihepJ-9~·· .' .. ;,!Z.:'~ .l i.~ . ' •• ,. .l' ,lh I . ·~ .ft.· ·.l:ri i. i . i ~ ; riJH:Hmbtrs ta.:aen:e in~ tile p~~t· ,L'Cglalativ.e . Al.:t,· FO:tt>gO~g ~~itl~ns~er I• Ji>li~ on ···F ; ·-:, ... b · · 1 .. :·=1..;~'- ,~h-Mn.l ·r ~~: .• t~!f· ci·~¥ri-i-hTJ\-~TYY"W ~l iesul>lJ:~(:t~b~hl•nd~·ea~(li~ate to .sen 'e tn· tho O~mottongf~r.N~~~~t e _AdCi:css ~ , ~ ~ ... ~ YWA44c~,~~~~~ t ,"'•!: .u .·.r.- ''• G:<"v ... ·l~.~~~".... f' rU•· . . .. ci .. ~~plt-:for.·tb . t~of~110~. · ... te :ijls .~~ll~-~~Y·.•~ '~~· d • . '", bl{.t~UJ., to · atcAe ~ ,,._,,1 ~~ :-.: -!i! . . ~ . ~ . · · N 1J., n..:Lr· : ''Thai the acud olt'Ct:IO s Mlde~ ~~ punu.ance -9flmd the ~.of' .qilnouae ,IJispen~d :.taall*:d

· ·. '-' '· ,. ...... .T. · · '·' · . · · ~ay ROberts · . · . ·· 0"""'3 .c·mntc. -~- ad ..tt '1I '"t;OFp~·1li,tlUn'iltt1 Aid' 'Die-'tli~c-J;.w ~~~mo 1nut r~ tm.a·~-11 :· · ~ .. ·: ;-: ~. ,;. s~~MON; P.M...<r. . ·. '22Iid N~T"cinber ie'59. ·_' : · · .~ t:Jct..&a::;-_o·~....: .. n~h~r ·orNcrr~~~~ . lot ' whol~ ·boua.e, ~[i-.·~~i-~thedaair. ~~ .... Th;:"!'~

. I 18H,.. . . f' , . . . __;6 . . r: . t .t •• • ' • 'l'll'\ ~ ;"- '..,. . • • ,.y . ( : . • . • . ' . . , l '· . J • • . •• '· • •• • • • • • ' II • • .. ~ • • • • ' . • • • ' ! . . ' . . . 0 • • • • • • ' . ..... •

• ·-- • • , • • • , ., • • / . J. •• 1 I , .o.' • ._ • • ""-: • I'\ ,.. . ,,. -- ~ ' • · • : ' • ' , ' • ' \._ ' . • • I , ' , I ~ . ; . • •• • , ~· • • ._..., • '• • \,; ' . • ( --......,;' • .. : • \. ~ •,. • ' .

. ~· . • : o • . I ~ o. 'lo ,.,.., • a 0 I \""'......!. • "o t ' p t o •J: • J

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• • . ..... ... • II- •• ' • • • .. ' • .. .. • ... • ~~ • • 4 ...... ~· • 't... . ... ' • ~ .· ... <. L. :, .. ~ ··r .· ... ~. " ·. . J . .... - • •• .,~ ... '=. , .. ·. 4' : .... 1 ' ·"1~~~ .. t ;_, • .. • .... . ' . • •'"' .. • .. . .. ,,t • ·. IK~IO.......o..;...:.---l~...UU.:m::~.!:..w..:.....;...J...~::.U..~~:;:w~~~,.;~.<i.,~.~i:'c£:t:.:_~:__--:lti ..._......_.,_ 'I ,._ ·1 •• • • · . ~ t , "" .. · .. ... ,


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Page 2: MA - Memorial University of Newfoundlandcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGrace... · ·.f:ND.~~l~. . · diclatei opposed to , wu cor .. • .• i!AJLS • · }.,OR NE'WFOUND~4ND



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. . ..

. 'J ;;N SAL~. -=- = • 'ON SALE . .

"' ·---r-----BY THE SUB.SCRID}J~. "• : CllQ:fC~· I)BM~

. --·- .........

• Jt• • "'

' .


. .. , , .. ·r ·,·

Now L'anuing Ei "Clit>," from Mopt.renl, '

700 Barrels Sup~fiil~ Canada.

F I. 0 U R~ . ·:"·.RIDtEY~ ·&:.' s s

: • • • • F( :·offt:r fqr Sale, · ao Puncheons' 'Strong Pro~£ .

. ... ~. . : · · ftHME Of .. 8~A~1Llltt-..:..:~ --~·s -~, --:--.,.~ _---...-----.:.-ot~lie C~nttact 'Stcaru Pncket between .. Hallfax, J:·~~ Scona., ~d·St. John's,

N~w(o\mdlanc], ·an~ bct\Vcc~ ~I~lifax, Nova Scotia, and .. ·St.: nwmas, cal-J..91g .at Bennuda,-for the yeat 18'69. . · . ~ ·

D ·E M E R ! R ·t R n ~~ ~ No,·. '30. ~o1:q'1oN • & ~ru.:\TN.

--------=--'Ihc Schopner- •

Of.,. s~perior Flavo\lr and Colot'. ' · MARY JOICE · · which they strongly ~end to the . ; " RETAIL TRADE. . . GO Tons N. M., ~wlt at Tntamagouche, lt S. o

Feb. 15. · · the b rat. materilll.s.

. · THE SUBSCRIBERS Length • • • ~ - 71 feet Drcndth • - - - - "18 " Dcptb of hold - - - 8 '1


. Slle is well ·round, arul in every r'espcct a most ·20 Chests CQ.~OU. TEA. i dcsU:nblc V csscl fot the tl'adc bf thls ~ountr)' .

· Have received, ex DasA.., ·

Conversation LOZENGES 7lb. & 4J.b. Apply to

. P~ckages tu;tllBRFORb, SROTilERS. Marmalade,-tbis seasons' manufacture "Nov. t G. tf. Sweetmeats in bo.ttles, suitable for re- nT

tailers . O . r6 ~ Carbonate of Soda, Scotch Soap, Stru:ch1 BUDDEN B R THc..R~, · AND oN BlAND. 10,000 Cig~n·s (good brands) Hamburgh and Engli~ Deck Boots 100 BoxeR Cut Tobacco, 50 do Fancy do

· d S · · 2.) do ( lO!i) do., 100 do. Assrd. Crack«:re Blanketing! Canvas, an erge 2.J Rrls. Soda. do., 50 Bxs. Colcgat.csSoap Sheath IUrives, Steels and Eye Pro- 25 lloxes Liverpool ditto

tector;s 100 do. Crys}ali :-~e do. , 50 do. Toilet do. ~U"ar Cocoa, and Coffee 100 do. A ssorted Pitws

o ' · ;,o Hr.lf Barrels Oattm·al, SO do. Pease ON CONSIGNMfu"T· 25 Kr~s Tnmnrin<l!!, :t5 do. Honey

100 Boxes Dighy }I erring 200 tlo. Corwin~ Oum L~ERit!N ~OOliNG STOVES.

r.ao. HAuF.\...~ To :'inwFOUNDLAlt».

o,~ arri"al of tl~ .Packd lt4lnng Botton, OA

- Weibesday, 30th November- 18~9 . " / 14th December 1859

ci 28th DE'cem bcr 1850 . :!, -· 25th January 1860

" 22nd .Februn.ry " ", ·"' ' ' 21st March ~,.

" 18th April '' n '2nd May " ... - i6th May .. " 30th May u

'' 13th ...June " '• '27th Juno " " 11th July " " 25th July " u 8th Augu~t '' " '22nd Augu!it n \c ·6th September '' " 19th Septom bcr n

" 3rd October " " 17th October " '~• 31st October " " 14th ~ovcmber " ·,, 28th NoveinbeT "

~- B.-The Steamer between Halifax &nd Newfoundland call~J at Sydney, Cape Breton during the summer months.

F~o:w: HALIFAX TO ,ST: Tfo.llU.."

On.a.rli11{Zl of. the Paclut kaviJa~ Boito~ 'CIA • \Vcdaeaday, 16th Noyember 1851

-.. 14th December ·l8St. · 1

' 12th January -188& ... ~th February •• '' 7th March .. ... 4th April " '' :rtld May • 'i'

·u 3Q&h )lay ~· • •• '!~h- lu.ne • , · ... ~~th Jut, -... 2Znd August " .... 19th September •• .,. 17th October H

·•• 1•th Novemb,er ., \. 12th Decemb• •

STEA...'f PACKET OFFICE, Halifn~. No,·cmbri-, \s's9. RUTHERFORD, DROTHEHS. ,500 'lbs. ~InplL' ::>ugar Chair~. Ucdst~ads , lluckcts, Tubs, Tables, ~nd . ......o:o:.-~-----------------------------~



BY TH~ ~UBS~R~ERS, . PROllSIO~S A~D GROtEUJES. Cargo of Schr. • Mormng Ltght, from BaltttM;'•·, ,,. S t St J h . , T (' d1 . I

I .~ ulcr tree , - - • , o n s, .L'CW10llD anu. -828 Barrels Superfine :S'LC>u:R- ):o~. lG:

.And of pr~viotu lmportat i~1s. .:....-~--~-~-~~-~-~-~~-.-...-..~-~- ~- "'::="----~~~--~=

Hamburg BREAD-Nos. 2 & 3 NOTICES.

~~~~ ~o~!l!\15LASBES 111E_Q_u_T_EE;.V I.~.VS_U_R_A-~V-C_'E_;t_ ,..... . COJ.llP .tLVl-, rORK-Hamburgh and B~ltimorc, FOR·. FIRE & LIFE.

Ana 'a well selected Stoek of .. · G R 0 C E R I E SL

,l A*D .

1tmt~n MHiJF~\OEn GOull~.

C!JIJ::F OFFICi:.:, I. Tf'J::T:POOL. . r ifrtwch 0.!/ices.

LO.:\DO~ R oyal Exd:an~c Buildings. ~~.NF.St:t'Eft.:_:.-so, St. Ann':S Street . GL.\5() 0\~~-HG, Buchanan Street.

~Cheap for Cash, ~i~h .or Oil. , · '"· DO~X.ELLY & Co. 1i·ustee..-.

-...... "1 •f T. ·Edward~ , Mos" E sq. Chtistopher Bu~h~ll, Esq. uec. M • ~ _ .,

l::dwnnl H eath, E~>n . . llY 'i'H.E SUB~VltlllEH., '1

, Boatd of Direct~.·on. P1 u e, S1;)r"'l.1oe - . Cl~c.d, ·nmu-E:lwnrd Heath, E sq.

' ~d He.inloek / · Drp~ (.'/l((i l'lnan- Thomas B. Forwood, Esq.

B 0· A: · R D S • l·:rancis ;\ . ('~; ;~ t , E-.~. I J os('ph K~trhcn, ~~q. t1:11. . .- r..;--~ v l!orgc >.\. l·.w1ng, .E:-q. Jolu1 L. ~cwull, E~q. ~pru.oe ~-~oo ~~ C . .Jc Hull, E sq. I Jnr.11's :\. . l'ict.m, E~q.

PlNE, SPRUC~. t\1\d Hemlock PLa.,"\~( Alcxnndcr llu:o~tie, Esq. T. :O:tamforu H..aUh:s, E:.q. "'Sawn':md Hewn SCANTLIXG-::u;sortecf .

Lot of Small JJanl:rr.~-)le!S~r!t. Moss & Cn . • -1uditors-)l,.,ssrs. llnnncr ,\ 8 01\. E-in/ir il•·r:;- )[cF.srs. Hai~h ,\ Thor.tpson. J>/,;.<Jiricm- J. 'JurnbuU E sq., ;\1. U. M?l,wuer aud .:lclwo·y-, ..,. . l'. l,;lirchugh, Esq.

\ · Dircctqxs itl. Glasg~w. C7ta'i,\mt- .'\l('xnnuc.r lia.'ltir, Esq.

lloncrt I~son, Jun., l:::.q, Alcxrulllcr Dicks, Esq. ltubcrt Kc\, Esq.

OLD England, she has great \V:nrion, Great Princes, and Poets ;rca'l.

But the Blacksmith i~ not to bo f!Wtc forgo~ Among the irent men of tbe Stnte.

Toiling,-rejoi~ing,~orrowbtg, Onwn,rd through life he goe";

Thankt~, thanks •to ti'ce ~y worthy frie:n4. For the les·!lo'n'ffi'()u hast. taught I

Each morning sees some tMk b~~rin·, Ench evening sees it close ;

Something attempted, something done-, Has eunQd B ruiht's repose.

Thus at the l~LA)t!NO FORGE OF LJP8 "Our f6rtllnes muet be wrought ;

Thus on its Sot'~DI~O A~vn.L ehapocl • · Each burning deed and thourh~

He hath 'SllOcs thnt are wom by strnnpers, , Yet hP laugheth .and makt!th more, And n shnrc (concealed) in the poor man'• 6.W.·

Yet h odds to the poor man'a •to.r" • ·• I • '

Then hurrah for the lrOp Blacksmith l And hurroh for his Iron crow !

·.And whenever we go \\'her<.' his Forges &low, W e'll sing whnt 11 MA~ can do.

• 8-0PPOSITE THE HOTEL bE PAiits, lJ?"ater Street, St. John~l. ,.

Gieesc>n.;s :i::rc>D rn c:>Darry :fjil"k'Jr-:'• E S TAlJlj iSHED 1810

'i'lits Establishmc.nt is now hcaYily supplied with e TdQls".and Impi'enleilta • J

rcqu.ll·ed by the Labouring and ~iechanical classes,1

· IIATCIIETS, Hammers, ,Chisels, Pickai~s; ~fattp ks~ 'Yro~~t iron and Steeled SHOYELS, 'Va.rranted. . t to crack, break, oi split in the eye, LoGks, llingcs, &c .. ,. ..... :=-~~ld all t e o er Furniture. a:zicl

~{aterials l'cqui.i'cd Uy Architects, Builders, and Joiners. . - ..




) .

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. " \.

I ,• .. ..

: M-. '-"'~ ~ .-d if it: be ~ In~an '; bllt1~~ ~. w)lol,e strength upoll them~ With ~gaged the ~ -~~ ·~~ 1 iti;; ~ • Wi~ -----~-~--~;..;;.;.......-..:~--.;;." 1 tf ,o« m. aWi1t~they ~ill come ~d a~d bct~lope o'fhia p1stole. c~bd·ond pointtd throogk his hem~ t guriipe at ..Port Des Moine1, h•

. , . • you,.ud,loolt~"t.you ~nth a gla~ce which. QllDO loophole;ha wo.tcbcd intently. ' It was n.ot long hutone ckto U'fo. • ·li ;l@ljd n.,aJI the prct• aeen can !lever be ·forgo~n ;- w}lil~ if ro~· iare ere a second foe had descended nnCi bent with tie&" t t.1Vere ~ed bj ~or,:...iisng her

.L DAJ.f.l.D OJ' TJI'& Tnntt. , !1Slecpt they will awftcn )'~ in the .most enu• amazed look onr hii protttrate fticnd. A& .. be t~!lt '' the ~ftl re8slf.ins aAoU\d never ha~e tho .• ~ tious. w,ay, and wo.rn you of the~ dange,r . with lifted .up his .iiead. ~ .. ! n.:ye a ~m~ndOUil whoop ,· fin~Mring of t)lem." I r •• ' •.

. ...... (From u Punoh."] ..., ~:~- T e~ ~ ( ~- ··- ~- ~uto eloquence. 0, they are two preciou6, b,lt .itwaa the. Jut IQUA4 that el"er butst fj:om By bud riding ' they ~reached ·the 'loft tf.~

~•hen ot any lear of war no · Briton felt a noble friends.'~ Ana she pa.tted.~em ~ond\y. :his Jip~a shot from the soldier's pistol entering night, and Hugh hiul' l~tle difticul$7 ia obtaininlf ~cl' . ( --. . - : :rher crus?cd by bet" f~et la!lerwa!dJ• .and ~ury. bis_ ~eart .. T~cn·.r~uJ~iog. from )Us con.cealment, from his eomm~derbotb,l~~e of a~ca cd

~. ,..'ftme out qne m~Dttwith a moat exc1t. mg her httlo · moccasins lin the1r alia~ ~~des~ f!ugb etattoned h1,~tlf ~· be~or~. the · couch of an escort of.aoldifJ'I ~o ~hQ Mja~p}l{., • ina;1article. ~· . ·,. ·-. 1 .. • she bo~ed her hell~ on her ha~ds anfd ·•e:e~cd to Eleano~, and • h~ng her ~18 p~atol, bide he~ There, was much surprise in tlle old bow~acl

The ~itOr ~ saw far ah~d With 6l""i!t prophe\lc dream. • · . . . · . , . ~elo,n~ 1t at once. . · · 'Then the' son eo ·suddenly retuhled,. and lttoajbt ~r ·d ~t h~J..- · ··r

1.'-./ttl , t l d · · th 0 . Hugh musccl for a , long t1me on, h1s ·atrnnfJ' ·He lfad scarocly 'reachcd her side ere a third. too such a beauteous stranm • . d Bu~ 1..1.....:' ~~ .. if l~.l.l a onu:~ n 1 o rc • cgge .men, c n- d d .. fi ,:_ · be I d' h " fi 1 ld h · tr• · ..,. .... ...,. ftammo of~ce ,. · n vcntu.,re, ·nn t~o~cn ceLU,S. ,·ery wtary agrun, n um sprung rather than crept down t e .or1 ce; ta e was to , t e trapper's dalJg~· !W~· taken

Dome on"'ord by a burglu hoat, who' burnecl " •itb noiselessly hea.ped.~h fu~l on to the fuc lln.d but as' he straigthencd "himself after the leap, a .o.t once to the _he_arta ..9f (ath_eiJ ~tiiJ '&I@_"'i!s_. P.lmider's zest. . · •· , stole ~ff to !Tis cou~ .o~ buffalo robes. ll1s f1tll charge from tbeiowling piece threw ,him upon ter, and ,the

1 love . IJu~ u»·· tho\Jld .. ~ aiven to

TQ p1llnge .. Lond~,n, aaclt tho bank, .and bolt w1t~ dreams . were nt ... fu:st , . Wlld nnd !earful, .then ~he other two, ~ bloody and soon co)d purden. her, fl~wed fo~b sct-free)y~at he! 1CnhJs life., eo all _t.Jae rest I . strange~ fantnshc, and then sn.dly bennttful ; The fourth wn.rrlor thnt descended wns ·not so long bllghte4 and sad, bectmft:agamtft{•h joyoua

Fo4hmth. the WOflllDif teltgrnm was B(lshed nlong for in <'''<.'ry vniiation of LhQ · shifting scene, the easily overcome· though. lt was Hi-was-see nnd gay. And that ite awnm'er ,~ as' gol$1'1'

F th 0.,-.yuteb, D 't' l.. b · -1 fl d '' ' tb tn' u· face of Eleanor, paler, yet lovely. nnd loving, ,himself, and burning with love for the ·whiteland rich as its 11prinu bad beeu e1ie&f~u 'and

or Wlth e n Ullv 0110m amc '\11'1 pn o c 1 k d h' · h · r d : · d d · · C't fire." . ~o c up to . 1m ,w1t an entreatmg 10n n~lis. gtrl nud ~age towards her efon cr who h:\d ~ltun poor, yau may guess.from.tlte~~t that. the ila.t Then ran'g a'tound the trumpet-cnll-no moment thi11 1 hen a dense black .cloud covered her k neelmg his pc~~ bra,·es, be ~ung so sut~denly on Hu~h~ roue she put Ql), w}len she laid a,~de .. ~t! black

to .tHOc, · . . fo;m. and then as 1t part~d, he seemed to be ~at. h1s gun was1Cnock cd ~rom. h~s hnncl, nnd m she. wore. for tho dead, 'Ya.s. ·ope of the pureJt Up, Bn~ons .. :eb~ulclera: to ·~ wheel, and sb~uldcrs ly1~g ou .a bed of roses '~ 1tl~ tlt.cheek of the an · .m stnnt he was wrt>slhng w1th the hrnwny whttc _satm, and.the fim fe~til"e ga~er1n{ ~0

t.o thor~~. : ~ ,· ·.; • mna!cn tpr(.'sseu close to )us hp!i. A s he reached Ind1an . The dogs fastened tbcmscl\'CS on the met \vttb. the 't.mgbt, joyous· one that -'auembled Thenf far hn~ fast, the watchword passed, Be r~tly, out his arms to enshrine her in· a foud er:nbraco, le-gs of the intruder, but their bite, fierce and in t'he old family home to greet her aa•a bride,...

Th 11irrttlcd~de,ft t th b

1 t th h l ·' --" he awoke ; and lo, with her fa.ce close to hia tense ns it was, seemed not to annoy him in the the bride c.f her own dear Bu...J,

us o 1 1 · oa e ug P.-no c, e ern u·cau f 1 h h d .1M d II · · · !Y'• to arms, . own wns she. o w 10m e n UJ.eame . e least, and Hugh was fast yteldmg to the supen or ----~·-,_... ____ _ It ~&ached th1

e busv husbandmen amidst their flocks utt cn ·d a cry hnlf _of surprise and h alf of j oy. In physical form of his foe when' a pistol shot . and farms; · an instant n warning fingrr wa!l prc~sed tu his ecbocd'througb the cabin, and be felt his enemy's A man who ltnd r ecently boon elected a major

It ren,ched t.he'mcrchnnt bending cnlmly o'er his blut'· lips and in almost inaudible tones she. murmu- grasp rein..~ and the warm blood oozin~ from his of ~ilitia, nn.d ~vbo '~as not overburdened with . lined page, . red. breast and dripping o,·er his own hands . lbrruns, took 1t mto h1s head, ory the morning of

W1th hear~ uud hand the mcrchnnt% bnntl, the nght- .. F . l : L' b h 1 d . 1 1 . "You havl.' p}a 't'cd a brav-e part" said Hurrh parade, to excr~isc f\ little by himself. 'l'he field ful strife to wnge or ~our .,~. real not a ou '\ on . . ~ • . '"' · 1 1 C • •

It stirred the stalwart nrtisan-Oh men. of brain and There nrc .Indians about. They !'urround us,P~s rclen~ing himself he beheld the Indian r eel and se e~tet ?r th1e ~urpos: .was h1s ~wrr ~par.tme~t, . sinew; but I cannot ~less their mode of attack . Rise .finally fall to the floor. •• Your Indian lovt>r will , Plnctng l11mse.f m a ml.htary athtude, .wtth · hi3 Lender foes who come to blows, will find what metal's and nrm) ourself, and then creep into the darkest nc.,·er again throw his tamahawk or swing to his ; s word drawn, he exclannE:d : .. .!.ttcntion, com.

in you!. . . . corner. · Be curcftll and make not the )cast l ~elt the ~ory s_calp. Good heavens , but it is n·pany! R ear rnnk, .three paces, maxch. !" ~nd Tho blnck~mtt~ left h1s forge awh1le, the millcr.stop- noise for they nrc a wary foe. They think m P. fearful s1ght! • jhe ~umbled down mto the cellar. Hts "·lfc,

In b~ hisdmil11! th . d' h hi alone.: 0 "-and ,.he pre!tscd her heart convul- There t;,~me a faint whisper from lli -was.c;<'C' . hc>:lnng the racket, came running in, saying :

• 1U\ w ute etr ,.~tmcnts 1gbt, t ey cd · · ' · · . . El . --...t .J k 1 b 'd h ' 1 · 1 "~~ )· dear I nve 1·ou kTed · lf ~·· •• 0 them to the Drill.! · l:!i ,·cly-.. they ha\'c doubtless slam my kmd father canQr " en nnu net . es1 c un nne wq>('( • . • 1 . ; .I' ~?ur~e~ . o No stint tho countr\' gcnticmcn displnyed of mktial :md woultl tfo\v bear off his daughter to the wig- away th~ death-dews whtt·b her own h:md hac\ ·'bout ) our bu~mess , "oman, sald the .~cro ;

labourA, · · wan of lh<'ir rhiC'f." I star~d. 1 I" what do you know about war."

Dut bl~zcd away from d!y to day ot peril of their Hugh wa~ n ~allar.t f<.'llo"". He hnu won ". Proud white father;• hreatl.H•d hr. ·: th i.nk 1 A discussion arose in a hotel parlor as to the ne1ghbours. . . bJilliant lnurels o.n the bnttle- fid~. nnd fc1 t th(• ~ndt~n no good-;no fit to h:wc .Ius pale ch1ld lin · citizenship of a gentlcmnn at the other end of

The sportsmen ~or hts smooth-bored gun prond__ed oJd war:spirit <>tronl? wi thin him ngnin a~ he :n w1gwam of chtefs son . l11-wa ·.c;cc ~ay she lthc room, •• Jle·~ an Englishman!' said one, •• 1

R dbu~let cadrtlndgetls,b ·r )o ed 1. d leaped up nncl pr<' Jl:lr~d himsc·lf to C'Hrountcr a lsh'lJl. He make one of skin. white ns her facc !know by hiA head " •• He's a Scotchman.,,. said en " 10r rc - egge u~eers, a, 1 xor r • cggr ..:., . n h 1 k ·l · b fr 1 b ·1 " 1 ' • • • • ' ·. trid . . new foe. He earned n brace of ptstols Utul n,-so as er c \CC _,, ntc u •.! 0 ro c to~ (> r lanothcr, .. I know by lns compleXI9n.'' .. H t:' s

Such~~h t~ wos for.riBe,gear amo~g .tbo11c loynl doublc-bam:llcd frlWling piece ; and ~· ith nlon. He !ovc. h<'r-h.c c~rry h<' ~ all the days ht· a Ger man," F-~itl another, " I know by his ·' 'm7U ! ' • !;Oldier·s thou~hfulncss, he bnd bnmec.liatcly 1 ~e.rc on lns b tg heart-like. whtte sqt(aw C'arr~ lhrunl. '' Ti1c 11adic~ thou~ht he Joked like n

Such tu!'cs qnd tailors ne\"er- seen, ond ne'rer may ja fi.~ r supp<'r withdra wn the · t!amp char~cs anrt,httlc pappoosr. Pro~Jd wh1tc !'athl'l' ~a.y no-ht· ~·~puniard. )l<'re the conversat iof! rested. but 4c~ J, • • . jdri<'d the three ht-fore the fire. It was shor t cnlll lull:tn do~, n~cl ~ay bad th1•11gs H 1· "'1•1c:·s"r l:.oon one of them spoke: •• I have it..," said he,

.And d~~uty,-,bngbtestglances fell, m that e\ entful ' work for .l!im to.rclond thef\l ~ow, and h<'~idrjr~~£'m~rr-ltc w~l ltll good . t~mc~~l! h.11l ~~~ l · • h~: s an . \ mcricau; l~'s-gothi.'l leis on theta-T 11) f h b lt d h ll ~ . thnm a P'\'1' wh1ch the trappe-r s d:mghter ban- •" lute fath <'r-lh{ n come for\'1te ~.11-shc kl11 r bl~

0 g4 ants 0 t c c an pouc a I gnnn~n·~ lQ dcd ~·im: • lie then un~h('nthcd 'hi 'l hunti~f?. him_:. uu t he- love hl'r-hct her wh: te urnn ·l • T~o~"roynl London ·"arlike. tt4k w~d on k'life_, ml t its biade to make sure. it was kc;n th~ush-hate him-)o\'e il<'r.: · . A ' ·dl-p;im~~ loYcr of the bottl~ who h.ad

. e\·ety h;anq,, . . . .• . 1

. and is ed . And then .he looked for n spot . Tho words \\·ere breathed 1n suc.h brp~cn E11{? ·ll~1.s "JY, rc<:l~cl ~n~o .~ teetotlll groc-ery, •d h1c· IIig~ s'\'\'elhng/ mu1 the Ctty, aurgtflg "«"Cst\n wh re he could ambuscade himself nnd nnns . A hsh thnt onl y nne u sC'd to the l nd1:tn co.tltl hnYc cupped llS' t'ollo" ~. :,A\fr. --, . do )'~-r-k~p-. tho~gh rtlc Strnnd.. , · . 11 tic tent bc>d occupied one of the r cec!!Sf'<t undt: r -. tood him, 1Ultl as the bst word fell fr:):il l1i" n-~ny thing-good to , take-here • "r('s," Belgro\'Ja's.lordly manstons tnen the bot c~mmo!ton w ich the huf{e fireplac1~ formed on both its I· lip:;, hC" g-aspcc.l , and the fearful d~·ath . p~~\l~ f: :1- r<'piH~d the t : mp,.rance s nopkcep!?r, " wo keep ,

• •8~~c, 1

fl t . • . , · h d f, ~;de- ~ nnd this W:\S d~:l t)(· r l with deer skins clrcs- ish~d all. ~.: xc~" ll "nt col. ! " il t t>r-tl1c b!!s t thin!! you co1,1ld It attrt~o.ou a · gent c uttor m1ust t c o"ccotcs o .•lni · · · • · ' · · 1 • j '·'f. r 1 . 1 . f J .. 1" · 1 ' ' } · " •· \\. 11 I k .. ·. .. · ·h ' 1 ·

Fa.ir. . . . St'U to n ~> c nutit'n l ~vhit~nc!ss. In thnt he en- ~ )" •a::l.cr •• ~) .~~ r: ta~p) :t 1: r : cn~c t..l !\~:l\ 1". . . ~ · ~o~~:· . ," us l c rep ~ . ; The kmelY .fucs .of""\tcatmlnstcr now heard the sco~1ced h1ms~lf, wlult' l:.le!\nor threw hersd f on lorph .. n~ cl r;.rl , to .. us-a n l!J.dtm~ly . <kat:t l!l l there. I;, :'o one 1111~1:' ~.hat~ done ~ m ut:h

· m:nt1al .diri; • - the CO~tch -n·hich she hnd }r ft. feigning s}e<'j),_tlll" fnrr~ t.-c\id thy prou.d pa.s~IOllS bnr.~ t l\f"P. IfOr n.\Vigatton-:lS that. The aP.n{aJOJl oholunt.ccra "~ rtuscu iu- I.incc1:1.31but clutching n en ·ously hrr pi~tols. . 1 Ahc; ~ I fcar L·d thee whtlc b n ng more tlnn I ~ --:."::'.~.=.--:=-==~~~===~==!!==~=='::"::~

Tnn, " . • . . . ~ Hugh's l::lr was kern , but nlthou~h 'the t ern - loved thee . yet now thn•. thou nrt go :-~r . wha: j The f1~"coed hall wtth measured tr3mp;z~sounded to ~t hnd lullC'd, ar:u only an occasional wild !IOL;will br.comc ofmc-mothcrl~ss , fatherlt-ss, fr i.-nd. :

·the rn.f\er, · . d lc"s '" • -- . -...1!..--..,-------~-------TiJ.\• pa.'l!~t-b)'JnUch manelled whAt those lenrnecl a o.ro}mu I he ca b tr., he could d etect no ~onn sl · · · • .. . , . 1 •

mcn·wcre nftei,' .· ,.. that' told of human fors. After n a"hile the how} "2" ny. R:uJ H nJrh. <'arilr.str~· · 1 -:adlr:~ h.cr tol {'11 '61fl:'{1 'I' DBI.Q : n:oRr~ ' ' And Enst nnd we~t. ~d South and Xorth, thro~gh of a wolf was h~tnd . As it rli ecl nw:.ty, hr saw ,a. Rea t, for she was nlmos t fa i_:-I(IUJ.!! •. not fncr.d . 1)1 • . t~ I ~' IJ n lHl IJfj " ftl1 r • .

. e\·er): class and clan1 • I the two dogs le:1vc the d'lor , h r;s i•l.:! which thc~)C's~. In the far ar.H.l b~nu ttf~tl L..1st , .1 h:we nl • The w.nrmug watchword" be prcpaed', ~won from had !'tood like pctrifactionll, and ad,·ancC'd cnu · /Ltt~er, n~other and nstcr. nnJ 11.1 •n ' mn_rr of yo;t r . J\ . f' ' fiTit h:l.S on Land a large and select

\ ~ m!ln to m~n. . . · . !Housh· to the l~arth, anrlth r n it s"em <',l to th" 53 '·mg kiiHln'.:'s to m(' , t ht:y Will chcrl~h you [\o; :'lssor tm n t of '

_:~.r:r~:ld.l~~!~~as,alJ t~& Stir, n.o Y!lln f.a.nf~ronrulo:. li stcn~r that n dull noise w:\s heard on the roof. Jt i0:1e of t L~ir own d t·nr hous~holJ.'' A nd he s:~ ~ I T • • •

:For wlill~a ncar(} pra)er for peace each lo)nl mark~~. 1 ·d t I· h 1 r ld uown bcsHlo l1t r nnrl a fter he lwJ lea"n"d lwr1 l iE STOJ\E$ JJONVMEJ.~TS d:c · rma a . (,"... mstnnt y occurrc o um t nt t 1c •Oc \\'Oa j · • . • · · • • • On ong r es'ol"e his boso1n filled, ~alP doubts :mJ ·~s! rife to mal>c tht' ir i:tgrr ss d ·Jwn the chimnn) . , st~r.y • he p!unnC'rl.thctr worlt for t h~ morrow· I whi~·h h.Jl- v; ·n dis1;ose of at 'the smallest remu.

~ rs nbolillhinAo · . • 1inlt~n p. doubtless to. fi nd £h.cir f<\i~ c;1pti\'c alone . J here was no. tun c to loq" · fo~ llt. ·.,·ag. :;; C'.c v; as ' nerntinft pt: fit. ~ l

·ver ,the. fo('{ ~hottld need ari3c, n pr2Per gootl ln u a"lecp t\nll t o fetter her with bnt Ht: l ~ trou · son tn a powerful Uccotah clu<" f. ar. cl a JC"nrful , . -r

e~eh po.Jislling J. l~. Throu,:;l~ hi.· ioopholc, whith '\::tS a slit in r~ ,·<' n,:c wonld be taken · ~m thcr.1 .~houlcl thr·y hd St. Jo~. •, No\". 16. t- - · ... • ,.. ~ · · _ _ !t han gi ng~. he watched. 0( how intently, tlw'1 rlt~co'·<'rNi. As !'Oon as 1t w:~,o; ltght C'nongh to~ ":":.-~. ==:=.=~~;=:==~~~~=======-

1'HE TJl.APPER'S DAl:GHTER.' . hu c n r<.'plnce, whose brands hnd nll b t:rnrcl <:<'"· the l:orse~ were f;:tddled nnd brought .by I:'LIG BL B UlLDINCi · L 0 TS do"'n to cn1bffi. Aftrr n while- his hC'nrt l cnp('rt , Hu~h to the d ?or. :\ l.:tr;.te ~at stone, wh tch J •

.... . .is.f ir:ils: CAllo.t.t"E A. SOVLB. . ,·,p '"ith a strrnige, "Wild t~rill as he. saw o. moccn- !ser\'('rl a~ a h('nrth, ' vall l;ftcd· aft <" r .ma ny t>ffort!'. TO ''B •• ~ . 1.' .\ •• • !;incd foot nppenr . · The· do~s saw iL qu1tc a-;.1and from a deep hole untlt·rn~ath .Eleanur took :~ • . , E -· . ,. _

- . - [C .. l d d J ~;oon ns he unJ withdrc w 'at once to tbq side oflcouplt' of money bette: . h<'a' ')' 'vlth f{old, and a 0'" rt"JLDI' -G L C:.ES, ~e,·c•~"l Lo•' ,_ o• f , . , 1 , .~. OuC ll e • , . ; I , , , ) .. • I • ' 1 (' } ' 1 • , }) h 1.1 . •' l) •' "( -._u. 1.3 • 1 •. - . · • . ~·· .. ,. thctr m;slre~s. • . .YC'Ty (':\\lltoll~ly· ald tor 1ndtnn leas 1' rl. oncca 10~ ~~tern ns " -' n s c. r outl · l.A~D. sLtuatcd 0 :Main Street n~d Har-r • Unhl ~ mo~th ngo.,_i ha.ctncl"C.r_ ~no~ ohe, descend. but at l"'ngth he lantlod satcJ.y nnd ,shc t oo~ frOrr_t a p~ck~ng-box .0 rob~ of h~r .. and \ 't' Y Street. .

~ ~ ,J{)f ~he_ ~nda11!1 •. 1f ~ct w1th kmd'f.i~· 1s .as-much, noiselessly, too.. Dut ~0 soone: bd he. t:l.utk !'n (nvc~opu~g bers<'lf m. 1t, ! r>ld hun, wtth 1\ qul\·rr-1

• - App~ 1 • I •


1 nar.1 ·lllOfe, to . Q~. ~epcn1l~a., ,p,n ~l~a!l .. nrc our and su·ctcl.lad h1msdf out to lp~ t!Su:ll dunc.-n- ,mg,' otcc, tha~ sl~e :: ' 8~ r cndy. . , .. , 1 • 1 •

:: · ( / - · -::~b!~f~~e!!· · ~" Dhnt lfO~,~~~l-li~ i"i cronflfant tcr · sions, ric.ldin~ }Tirnselfof th<' cramps with whi1ch "I1c.an•J!1~u1 c~1 ~ela1n~ L1b~t.u; othf .):nlut~ 7·1crc i'\ov:.1 11

· · ·~ · . J: -FI~ZGfR,~t . !if>; ; . . J . J>o~ .. :· ll~Y •At er n~,s. ou~~~· ~ne·o t_he youn~ his desc~nt _had tortn:ed him , ~~an·the largest oflru:e m:~n}· _so}.!S!.,surcr nrt1c t·~ 1~ ~sc "'? uoxc~, ___ . · ~ .....:.: . 9 ,· ! · \ =

u·t.lnefs,~trd the cohSC')UC~e,. l~ebl . w11l b .,tnl the-(logs,' Without a s mglc wormn~ grow4 cl:tsh2d ap4 fine lmen ~(Y-rich dotlung, bu! tf I ~'\~ e . · ,_ 1 • • l' l 1

··:.. 1 . r . . :;l! P ~()r P-Jt,;an~ . perhaps to ~th.. .• My . father at.hiathroat tb~t th~savngt fell with a du11 dead,•f~, let them go. : Alns.: . tP,ere wer~.of'hut, httle T:tl-~ \_ S~~p.~ ·;fl.~ • .'. ·· ·· . · . . ~ .. ·lt~· rea)iz«!<l' it t?o~ Jan<l,.~inq~J.hen, -q~til to. d::a~, sound . . Tho other dQ!; fast.cn('d )liin~elf ~hir com~?rt ·to. ~ni.\\'h1lc I ~tncd them ! · !i)iD C9S CE f>U[LY-lfA r .. HJ_Y.gfl1'1pJd.IJ:-

' ( ... • ~~~c:ntul'K ... ~t~or:~~t' .pC· bo'rne. nu fmus nild' ulll~ugb h e sfruJXgMd ... -vio\o'nt.ly; • ,.c~ . M 1\dly ·GI(~ they• grnlop ~·ar frdm t?e b}Qod I • { ..... ' ·.~ ,-r', • 1...

·':.. . :. ~g'Wh~ haS .core-fUlly sough f. trace~ of Ingian 'thc~s;rp~is'c \\';lS t o' sudden Arfd tlte '~ttnck lvo cabin,'the mnid<>'n l ~afling ·-the wfy throngh. the. Js ~t.cd ap..d ~ullll~!;i !!T!'r.J' .. W.EJ?~~SD,A y .· .. . . . .. pten~, he. ~8 in aU· tha~ t ime KCCn none, 1Uld .so ~trange and p bwcrful ,.or . the victi"""t'O'!STIIlkO at~timber ~ to: the nc~ . .Moines; for nltl:ough the . ~l ln)g. , by 1 h.l:J"~~ . ~ut~nEl! ,.t ~;Pffi~. · · .. · .._,., · , · 1.~ 4; • • • · • • k . h' . · . h · . , • , · · k . r ·1· h " ·, (oene 1t . ncar y O!'JU>!'1tC the ·premt~vr ~~a. . •, .. ,.~~~~3!'~1\Jn~--nbtipif ,,.:y . iB keen e) e \t e ap .. or.ce n succ~sful r!'ststeqce. . . • . . P.r.atTl: trac • "ns Inmt .wr to . N l._l summer. .JttD~Er ·&: ~~l~6; .HUhor -G!¥e, l'J.; :J;': . , ;..._

·. ~ · \l01l~h ~~~ f~~.!~l st~~ . ·h~ ;. wen~ 'o . his · old .Hu~b, fd.t ~ th_at h.is time for action ·~ ~~me, t: mf' , ~he. dare~ ,r.ot. ~ttempt to ~~d tt. :lftrr. so Tcnmr . ..l.~vE~,.~ :titJrt.i.L~OB · .per a~uuar,'; J!ajabl . ,nJi~~g-liut 't th~ ~bll?~r: Thf: . . cl'Cer,~ you. but n<?t ~\'ishi!1g to ~la.rrtt. thq 'man~ ~yTl? 1~1,1~ht ft<'rc.r. ~ s C.OrJll. fbc 1cc on t~c tp:f'lr ~as t}ti~kl na.lf-yea.tly~ · I •• • • ~ •

:..: .raw?~~"'~rs . .slr \o ~c '~oodlan<l for &lie Her ; be outside, 'he left lus r ctrt'nt ,vith f"n~\1 k~tte :-'~n~ .R.tron~. and 1&; fm'1-t~d .~~) sp-:!d a4ov; n n oon. ~ND Jo'B or eu· . nnd . c c~pecte4 t~ b~. ~let~ ~U\ cnough'to-day ~ut that was soon .bnr.it•d d \:cp · in1.'th4\hq~~ .oll tt, tt~l t~~.~' had pa. ac~l ~.;~ n;il <;:~· . . 1 · · ·:, cutl!d in o. 'supcrior · • •o,J ui\ tlD;ftU b thA.' anasJ)n.- Du~. I feel · Ou!f the red ' ina:n· :. T!r.e.wns n qtil·v- of. .:dlo m\.is· 'l bl'rc .1s old ~cn.s caLlU; .s3ach'\lc mn~en. '1' .... • · ·ro- ~-"n'Vl!J. Lf.U~!~~I:"R')ntxUlMt:D911l-·l''or

U ~. • ' ~ ~r-) ' ' ' ... ' · ...,. ~ · · ' 1 '1 .,..,~ ~t ·n., • . • . . ~- . • . ful.riJ.k,' • •{ 4. • i • 1 j r.' des; a stifled groa: .:and h.e luY. dcnd bcibre btmo: ~s .a t~in \O:cnth of smoke -n·:rs !lecn aZl y CUt• (two Linef 11·-1-'or CT~rr ~~I.I,IUUU•u.w~!I(IJI.~"JIIIU..--s:

' ,1 4~ ,A:n:~.Oy.ft~~~~lfhp~~~~ ,Y.Jqr, .. red. Jr}r:nft" f.4:anor q>ro~g.fr:m~'b.c: co1~ ~h ami ~i~<l er;r~ t~~g ll.P throng~ t)le thicket of wild plu~·tr~cs . ~b Contfunntion:i-Oe~i-!l

.... , . • . ... ~ · -~ . setJ1l~~ ronf r<>tt.~dnrea to s "Y tie$t~~ tit- hiro,·ntid theq· tut}_ti~g tC? .Jl~n< I.IU , ··.llc ~s~ne oOh.e ~ t~''Q ~~~ -h'App~s , whOm tnyl 'rnis ~'jlar il(n~t iruruCc\_ to arir •S • ._Qb4_. .~e~· a\oner .~t-chumjd her l1~t~n~a'. ~ 'I ,~·onder quicldy-: ...::.._.:.,:~ '. ~~ .: · 1 1 .: • • fapu~.r .s . s:range. lifc ,!ntroduccd to me. . ~e w~ le-" ~ t!tan aix ~on · •. ~ ... ~o .~o~nteAl·_.n>· let ll)~t! -. · .. :Qtci ·'f.Ott , n9t · '"It is as I aupposeq. a·'YP.-tu·sa, the fucnq·b e fi1.t~tiil:, · l know. . - . . .. f17 A~· · ta ;..:.-.:;:.!lt"'-.4.~:"".-::::::;.r..jtt==.;;~~-. f~ar it · ~bj~· ~ ~dia' ~ile itt , 1 ~£ iJi~·n .c'scqt th;~ya n r.,r , who sought ·~ · " , J. u-p_s frnid-lknowcd 1t most," sa1d.hc whe~ ~ ~tt• ·: :· .a 'f. . - ~ll~"n ~U!ri n¢~ ~ c .~ .u 6 ic), :rJu~:air ·~ tor a '·'bri f.: . iioH~ns.;thtni h'i'•io: en.tet:"1hi.r :~ t~cy btul~lntetr the traged.y'oCt.lie night ; " but per . (A ~ ~~ft..JIDAI&CA

~ ~,J,cL ;,A~·~~ac · ~~o·· ~n;n._e qqor1 f01: hiw ~sl .. ~trf~:V .. ~ fo.~t'LJ"as .nn orful. pr-<Jud one; 1:? ~rough,£ . .

tta..t~-ttn~~. lt,··e~:ci'~~n~ ?:J,jt~~,·:~oF~~~f~~~~:·~~:~iff~~: .,· .. :t»:'·;ou~ ~~~~:ek:~:~cl~o!:o~:g!~ t;~ , ~~~~ ~~:~· . ·: ~ ·., .• ., ~ •· r ~a;;~~~~~ . or~:tKij ~OVti !J~l~'aa;s~e ~nid . .J'"''rhtNloor~•·~tiMlslr. By \~ -JJA ~-·~ cning:;r-~l:\at's. ·~o~e . can't . .. bet·· .. . · : ;- ~ ~. t <A~~ .·/·· i -.:.), ~:1~ ·

Ji:fal<l!tr~ · tioli,'.a\illlbeii.tlihiltes'\:if~ ~at. '!l'dfll~ .' r~P.>~tJiP·old ;,w, 'ated•Jilnle~lfwotjl Oril0rti1ift- at th'~"l ·, " ~· I tJi~ .oJd"'trtipp~ :trht){li~g a:roin:ac\ th.c ~ab{n,·. aucl ~. ~. ~-S#H' ~A~)~ T~··land '?)\~{~t ~~ ~~ ~uple~l ror; ~n-of~o ~te&c:i ;..: . '-~; . and h~!t· bda~~U~l9~~;{faf~~ll-.~~f~~Jsr,~!a· ~'·t"ii! ~2~1'~{~ m:~:'::J: 11~~ a6:d ·: St~;ro~;~ ~ilV.~ ~..... ':f. . eojJJ\'try '!~•· W1 cr~oo'n ~~-v·tJle~me 'Y7 J.!r~~· ~ roo.,.~ . . . ~om~ . ' · . ftipi:-M.r. T~. .... .' " : ·· ·•,

: -· WD~ld·)~~~~:b' vti " .it'·.eol.ttiilirea:to'og~".th,.a ""WMr¥t1}e Jutf~ c:?~a." · .'-. · : :-- · · ."'·. · ~. · . .: · .• 1-tl . . Cltb6r Main-Mr: 1'. Stnlpp;lttk. ~ : ' ··: . • .111 t~u yeJ'1 . iou~ ut:J!eetiy ·th'n~ ·tbe jt~maitjing .aa!~•" pealing 'lb.el\:gul~lnl-tlu~~. tO}h~ rolla, .be 'Y~nt "'~t:t\ ~ontGrA-)(r • . ~olin E. ~ · ;J ,

, ~tu~-.f~m~ •poaz:;. f:!iel· ·•. 1 .t~~~~~~ ~~ Jl~fdeii· ~ii spy... ~er~· ~~-·. e~ ~ ~· ~b'~ . . ~n , .DU~a · ~. ~~ and lun?.~g(. . ~~ C~·-:-•· l. :a~. ~ ,. , :· -,..... ·~ • ~ ~ • ' • ~ • • • • ... ·.... • · , • J. , • I . •. •• • ~- • ' ~ • . ~ " . A,. \ . . . ·,.. .

• . •• • • .: • ... • ' . I • )o • • • • • ··- • • • • ' • • I r . . . '".' • .... .. J • I • • • It .. .. '.- I .. • , ' .. ... • • • ,. .. • • _. .. , .. •• • .• • ••• • • • • • .. • • • .. • • • . . . ····" . . ' . - . . . . . .. . . . ; ,~ .. . . . \ - . . .. ' . . . ..

• .. ,. • • • • • • • • ... " • • • • • ' • • "' < • ' • '\ 'f. . .. . . ~ . .. \~ · , ~ . • , .,.. ~ .. t. • -

<t • ... • _., ..,.~ ' \ ... ' • - ~. ' • • •

.. ~ • . • r • \ • • · • ,_. f ' "'l , .. : ,. . ..

r . •· · - •• ..