Mach 10 FEBRUARY 2014 Spotlight Model Jayden PhotoShop Tutorial FOUR STEPS TO WORKINGOUT WHILE SICK DIY Hair Style Caption This

Mach10 febuary 2014

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In this months issue read tips on how to maintain your work out while you are feeling under the weather. A simple do it your self hair style, an awesome photoshop tutorial on how to create a ghost ship, and our ever so popular caption this. Featuring Spotlight Model Jayden

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Mach 10 FEBRUARY 2014

Spotlight Model







DIY Hair Style

Caption This

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We’ve all been there more often then not. We have

come down with a dreaded cold. Sometimes even the

simplest of colds can make us feel the worst of all. And

during these times let’s face it we just don't want to

go to the gym or do our home work out. Which ever

you prefer. But there are simple tips you can do so

you don't have to totally cross your work out off of

your list. Especially if you are hard core about it. You

would just hate to miss one so hopefully these are of

some value to you.

TIP ONE: Get some extra rest. I know this is an obvi-

ous one but lets say you get an average of eight hours

of sleep or maybe seven hours. Add an extra thirty

minutes of shuteye. Maybe go to bed thirty minutes

early if you have to be up by a certain time or catch a

thirty minute nap on lunch if you are at work. You will

be amazed at what an extra thirty minutes can do for

you and how slightly better you will feel. Do this until

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You are better. The thirty minutes of extra sleep will

give your body a chance to heal its self.

TIP TWO: Now as much as we all have a busy schedule

to keep and we work out at certain times go to the

gym during off peak hours. Skip the early morning or

the late night routine. Go to the gym when it is less

crowded. Say you called off work because well you are

just not feeling to par. Go during the day so you can

still get a work out in. Going mid day or in the after-

noon stands a chance of less people because of work

hours so go during down time. Remember to bring a

towel with you and place it on the gym equipment

preferably label side down so you can keep one side

germ free. And of course carry sanitizer with you and

wash your hands frequently to avoid spreading germs

or picking up any new ones. A crowded gym can add

more stress which in turn can make you feel worse so

not only are you not exposing yourself to a bunch of

people but you are also keeping your stress level to a

low. So stay relaxed and go at your own pace.

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TIP THREE: Simply lower your workout intensity.

There are in fact benefits to working out while under

the weather but you certainly don't want to over do it.

Studies show you increase the amount of oxygenated

blood throughout your body, which allows your body

to perform better and heal faster. A little jolt is good

for you but be careful not to overdo it. If you love to

run, opt for a 20-minute jog versus a 45-minute run. If

you're strength training, use lighter weights and higher

repetitions (12-15). Reduce your intensity and enjoy

the post-exercise benefits while avoiding making your-

self feel worse. So pace yourself and take your time

and enjoy a slow low intense work out while your body


TIP FOUR: The last and final tip that I have to offer

about working out with a cold is STAY HYDRATED. You

want to stay hydrated typically anyhow with any work

out but especially while you are sick. Drink lots of Ga-

torade and powerade. Dilute it with water. Take equal

parts of water and equal parts of Gatorade or

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Powerade. Which ever you prefer and mix them to-

gether. Drink it slowly. The water and the Gatorade

combined will provide you with better hydration then

the two individual drinks alone can. So be certain to

take in plenty of fluids. Also stay nourished. Because

you are sick for a few days do not let yourself get mal

nourished. You will feel even weaker with out proper


So over all get an extra thirty minutes of sleep, go to

the gym during off peak hours and stay sanitized, low

the work out intensity and stay hydrated and well nour-

ished are the little things you can do while your body

fights a head cold to maintain your work out routine

until your body is healed.

And with the proper rest in combination with your

choice of natural or over the counter remedies your

body will be back to normal in no time flat and you will

be able to resume your rightful place in the gym and

your work out routine. Remember there are never any

excuses to not staying healthy.

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Making a Horrific Ghost Ship in Photoshop

In this tutorial we will learn how to create an emotional dark fantasy

photo manipulation featuring a ghost ship with a mysterious figure By fol-

lowing this tutorial, we will have fun while learning how to compose our

own ghost ship by combining various stock image through photomanipu-

lation techniques.

Step 1

Firstly, create a

new document

(Ctrl+N) with size

of 1772 pxl wide

and 2100 pxl


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Open the boat image on the document and activate the pen tool in the

tool panel. With the tool, extraxt the boat from its bacground by clicking

on the boat to create the first anchor point. Keep on tracing the boat by

clicking the edges of the boat to create the other anchor points until the

path is closed meaning that the last anchor meets the first one. When

the path is closed, right click on the path to bring up the path command

option box. Choose make path selection to change the path into a selec-

tion. Hit Shift+Ctlr+I to inverse the selection and then hit Del to clean the


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Step 2

Hit Ctrl+T to activate the free transform tool. When it is activated,

the selected layer image will be in a square with some transform-

ing points around the square.

When the free transform tool is activated, right click on the document to

bring up the free transform option box. We will alter the shape of the

boat used as reference to create the ghost ship. Firstly, click, hold and

drag the lowest right cornered point to the direction where needed to

transform the boat perspectively (marked in red). Then, select distort in

the option box and start alter the shape of the boat by click the other

point, hold and drag to the direction where needed ( marked in blue). Do

this perspective and distort transforming to the other points to find the

disired shape.

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Next, proceed to

warp the boat to

find the best re-


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Step 3

Open the web stock image and cut out the image. Cut out the web

part of the image and place the cut out above the ship. Reduce the

opacity of it so we are able to see through the image below it. This

will make us easier to know

where the web image falls.

Activate the free transform tool again and choose perspective to alter

the shape. Click one of the transforming point, hold and drag down

(shown in blue arrow). Procceed to warp the web to cover the side of the


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Keep on warping until we find the best shape:

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Step 4

Open the wall

stock image and

cut out the iron

pole of the im-

age. Flip the cut

out and place it

above the web


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Jayden comes to

us as a cute

adorable red

head with clear

blue eyes.

He loves to work

out. This in-

cludes lifting 2-5

pound weights

with his mother.

He loves to be in

front of the cam-

era and have his

picture taken.

When he is not working out or getting his picture taken he enjoys

being outside running and playing or watching movies. Jayden

loves to eat candy. He says its his favorite food. Especially


Jayden’s personally definitely comes out in a shoot making this red

headed cutie a blast to work with.

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With free transform tool activate, warp the cut out so it cover the ship:

Step 5

Open the tower image and cut out some part of it.

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Place the cut out on the upper part of the ship. Warp the cut out as


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Step 6

Next, open the ruin image and cut out some part of the ruin:

Activate the free trans-form tool again and al-ter the shape of the cut out:

Cont. on pg 31

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Come up with a witty caption for this photo

and submit it to us under the contact section



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Duplicate (Ctrl+J) the cut

out and try to create the

other shape by transform-

ing the cut out and merg-

ing them.

Step 7

Go to select

the web layer

and give it a

layer mask.

Take the

brush tool and

choose one of

the spatter

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Then, place the ruin shape be-

hind the web layer:

Procceed to add another ruin in

front of the shape. Give this

shape a layer mask and mask

where needed:

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Step 8

In this step, we

will complete

the ship by cre-

ating more

shape and add-

ing some ele-

ments on the

shape. Open

the grave yard

image. Cut out

some part of

the tower:

I have created some

shapes from the cut out

of the ruin. To enhance

the look of the shape,

place the cut out to the

shape. Duplicate the cut

out as many as needed.

Place the duplicates on

the shape. Mask the

edges of the duplicates to

make them well blended:

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Finally, add the shape to the ship. Place

the shape layer behind all the other layers.

Here is the ship will look like after adding

more ruin:

Step 9

Now cut out the iron pole

of the wall stock image

and place the pole on the

left side of the ship:

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Step 10

In this step we will add

some ropes to the ship.

Create a new layer

(Shift+Ctrl+N) and acti-

vate the pen tool again.

On this new layer, click

the tool on the farer pole

and then click again on the closer pole, hold and drag to the direc-

tion in red arrow. This will curve the path. Make sure to set the

brush to hard round brush with size of 2-3 pxl and the foreground

color to dark brown. Finally, right click on the path to bring up the

path command option box. Choose stroke path and use brush as

the tool of stroking.

With the same step, add

more ropes to the ship:

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Step 11

In this step, we will add more poles to the ship by

painting them. Activate the brush tool and choose a

hard round brush. Set the setting of the brush in

the brush preset box as the followings:

With the dark brown color,

stroke the brush to paint a


Add more smaller poles:

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Step 12

With the

same set-

ting of the

brush, paint

the other

poles in

front of the


Activate the dodge and

burn tool. Apply the

dodge tool on the poles

to give them some high-

light and switch to burn

tool to give them some

shading. Make sure to

use one of the spatter

brush to apply the tools:

Step 13

Create a new layer and take the brush tool. Make sure that the

moss brushes have been installed. On this new layer, paint some

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Step 14

Finally, open the lamp image and

cut out the lamp with pen tool. Add

the lamp to the left and right poles

in the ship.

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Step 15

In this steps on

we will create the

main canvas for

scene. Start by

creating a new

document of 1024

pxl wide and 1108

pxl high.

Activate gradient tool

and set the fore-

ground color to

#9eaabb and the

background to

#0a0a0b. Fill the

document with linear


Step 16

Then, we will add cloud texture to the scene. Open the cloud im-

age in the document. Scale its size and rotate in the posisition as

shown in the screenshot:

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Duplicate the cloud and place the duplicate above the original one on the

right side of it. Mask the left edge of the duplicate. Use a very soft round brush

to mask it.

Select the cloud layers and hit Ctrl+E to merge them in to a single layer.

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Step 17

Then, go to filter > blur > surface blur to soften the cloud a bit:

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Step 18

Set the blending of the

cloud layer to multiply

at 100% opacity. Du-

plicate the cloud layer

four timas. Set the first

dulicate to multiply at

100% opacity, the sec-

ond one to multiply at

80%, the third one to

overlay at 45% and

the last one to color

dodge at 100% opac-

ity. This is the result

should look like:

Step 19

Create a new layer below the cloud and fill

(Shift+F5) this new layer with soft blue color. Set

this layer to overlay at 100%:

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Create a layer mask to this blue layer and mask some part

of this layer as highlightened in red in the screenshot:

step 20

Open the water texture to the scene:

Set the water layer to overlay and mask parts highlightened in red:

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Step 21

In this step we will give an adjustment layer below

the water layer. Go to layer new adjustment layers

> hue/saturation:

Set this adjustment layer to normal blending at

20% opacity. Then, mask some parts highlight-

ened in red:

Step 22

Open the ship to the main document:

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Give this ship layer some adjustment layers. Firstly,

go to layer again > new adjustment layer > vibrance.

Make sure to check the Use Previous Layer To Create

Clipping Mask to give this adjustment layer a mask:

Give another adjustment layer: color

balance with a clipping mask.

More adjust-

ment layer: curves with a clipping mask.

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Step 23

Create a new layer again and give this

layer a clipping mask. Take a very soft

round brush set to 10-20 opacity and,

with white color, paint some highlight on

the ship. Proceed to paint some shadow

as well on the lower parts of the ship.

Create another new

layer with a clipping

mask and fill this layer

with black. Set this

layer to color dodge

and paint more white

color to some parts of

the ship to make the

highlight stronger.

Step 24

Open the moon image and cut out the moon. Scale the size of the moon

and place it on the upper left part of the ship. Set it to screen at 100% opac-


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Select the moon image again, scale its size and

place it where needed. Set it to screen blending

at 52% opacity and mask the moon and some

unneeded parts of the rays:

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Step 25

Create again a new layer below the ship layer. Take

a very soft round brush set to 10-20% opacity. On

this layer, paint soft white color and then set this

layer’s blending to overlay:

Step 26

In this step, we will add some light rays

to the scene. Create a new layer above

the ship group layer. Take pen tool and make selection as the one in the

screenshot. Activate gradient tool, choose linear gra-

dient anf fill the selection with white to transparent


Set this ray layer to normal at 25% opacity. Next, create an-

other new layer below the ray layer and paint soft white

color on this layer:

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Finally, duplicate the ray layer

some times as needed and place

the duplicates above the original


Step 27

Again, create another new layer. Take

the ghost brush in the brush preset.

On this layer, paint the ghost with with


Next, du-

plicate the ghost layer and set this dulplicate to

overlay blending at 100% opacity. Select the

original ghost layer and reduce this layer opacity

to just 20%.

Step 28

In this step we will give the scene some new ad-

justment layers. First two adjustment layer are

vibrance and color balance as shown in the

screenshoot. Set the vibrance layer to normal at

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Next, give the scene another adjustment layer:

curves. Mask some part of this curves layer in the

red marked part as shown in the screenshot:

Step 29

Here is the result so far after adding

more light rays:

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Step 30

Finally, hit Shift+Ctrl+Alt+E to stamp all

visible layer to create a single layer.

Convert this layer to smart object and

the go to filter > other > high pass. Then,

set the smart

filter blend-

ing option to

multiply at

40% opacity

Select the fil-

ter mask


and mask the

filter on the

area marked

in red. Use a

very soft

round brush

to do this pur-


And We’re Done!

You can view the final outcome below. I hope that you enjoyed this tu-

torial and would love to hear your feedback on the techniques and out-

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