deeplearning.nagarro.com nagarro.com 31 March 2018 A few good projects.. Artificial Intelligence is quickly changing many things in the world. At Nagarro, we are very excited by these new developments and see it as a new set of tools with which we will design a better world for ourselves and our children. Finding patterns in IOT Signals Recently, we worked on a project to make sense of a very high dimensional IOT signals (about 500 floating values sampled @ 10 Hz) and about a year worth of it. Using Deep Neural Networks we were able to extract the ‘hidden patterns’ to such a level of detail, that it left us astounded as well. We found ourselves looking at the ‘heart beat’ of the machine using which we can in principle build many kinds of ‘intelligent applications’. It is very interesting that the manner in which we used Deep Neural Networks to make sense of the signals is very innovative and it can be used in many different ways. We are presenting these techniques in a SIGCOM conference in Munich in June 2018. Come visit us there at the conference. 1 Data Sciences Is the art and science of looking at Data using various mathematical, algorithmic and visualisation techniques. Data is a game changer in all the things that we do and can significantly improve the choices we make by bringing more evidential basis to our ideas. Predictive Sciences There are useful patterns and correlations that exist in meaningfully collected Datasets. Predictive Algorithms can exploit this inherent ‘relationships’ in Datasets and can use it powerfully to make predictions on new observations. Cognitive AI Sciences Information exists in many different ways. Images, videos, speech signals, text documents are all examples of information which Human Beings use and understand every day. However, Algorithms can now identify patterns in these kinds of information and can use this to act on information in very interesting ways. Predictive Services Intelligence Data Services Information Cognitive Services Interaction Encourageyour organizationto make Data driven decisions Incorporate Predictive Intelligence into your processes, products and services Drive Automation into your processes and workflow AI@NAGARRO 3 AI @ NAGARRO Machine Learning| Deep Neural Nets | NLP | Computer Vision | Computer Speech

Machine Learning| Deep Neural Nets | NLP | Computer Vision ......deeplearning.nagarro.com nagarro.com 31 March 2018 Intelligent Process Automation - An AI Use Case Machine Learning

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Page 1: Machine Learning| Deep Neural Nets | NLP | Computer Vision ......deeplearning.nagarro.com nagarro.com 31 March 2018 Intelligent Process Automation - An AI Use Case Machine Learning

deeplearning.nagarro.com nagarro.com 31 March 2018

A few good projects.. Artificial Intelligence is quickly changing many things in the world. At Nagarro, we are very excited by these new developments and see it as a new set of tools with which we will design a better world for ourselves and our children.

Finding patterns in IOT SignalsRecently, we worked on a project to make sense of a very high dimensional IOT signals (about 500 floating values sampled @ 10 Hz) and about a year worth of it. Using Deep Neural Networks we were able to extract the ‘hidden patterns’ to such a level of detail, that it left us astounded as well. We found ourselves looking at the ‘heart beat’ of the machine using which we can in principle build many kinds of ‘intelligent applications’.

It is very interesting that the

manner in which we used Deep Neural Networks to make sense of the signals is very innovative and it can be used in many different ways. We are presenting these techniques in a SIGCOM conference in Munich in June 2018. Come visit us there at the conference.

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Data Sciences

Is the art and science of looking at Data using various mathematical, algorithmic and visualisation techniques. Data is a game changer in all the things that we do and can significantly improve the choices we make by bringing more evidential basis to our ideas.

Predictive Sciences

There are useful patterns and correlations that exist in meaningfully collected Datasets. Predictive Algorithms can exploit this inherent ‘relationships’ in Datasets and can use it powerfully to make predictions on new observations.

Cognitive AI Sciences

Information exists in many different ways. Images, videos, speech signals, text documents are all examples of information which Human Beings use and understand every day. However, Algorithms can now identify patterns in these kinds of information and can use this to act on information in very interesting ways.

Predictive ServicesIntelligence

Data ServicesInformation

Cognitive ServicesInteraction



IncorporatePredictiveIntelligence intoyour


DriveAutomation intoyourprocessesand




AI @ NAGARRO Machine Learning| Deep Neural Nets | NLP | Computer Vision | Computer Speech

Page 2: Machine Learning| Deep Neural Nets | NLP | Computer Vision ......deeplearning.nagarro.com nagarro.com 31 March 2018 Intelligent Process Automation - An AI Use Case Machine Learning

deeplearning.nagarro.com nagarro.com 31 March 2018

An Algorithm that can read your messy handwriting

OCR or Optical Character Recognition is not a new idea.

However, Deep Neural Networks with memory have suddenly pushed the OCR standards to a very new height. Nagarro’s own Engineers working at the AI - Centre of Excellence have designed a Deep Neural Architecture that probably compares to the best in the world today (we have not benchmarked ourselves yet on this) and can read messy hand written numbers with very high accuracies. We call our platform Nagarro DeepOCR system. You are welcome to try and see if you can confuse our very very Neural Algorithm.

Algorithm reads and summarises a big document

Reading big documents is a tedious task and it takes time. What fun if you could use an algorithm to do this for you. Natural Language Processing Technologies are extremely useful and they are helping us do exactly this.

You want the algorithm to give you the most important ideas and summarise it so that you can get the gist of it and be done to move on to live your life. We recently tried this idea on Nagarro’s own website when we made our algorithm to go read all the Blogs and write a small summary for each one of them. This was incredibly useful. Now one can glance through the summaries to get a feel of the different topics that are being covered and take actions.

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This is one of the most complex and analytical problem areas that requires a serious study and understanding of Time Series Modelling techniques. But like all areas, Machine Learning is knocking at the door. We see wonderful new Machine Learning and Deep Learning Approaches coming about to solve this problem and in such a manner that it is very cost and time effective and the results of the forecast not tremendously far from what a Human analyst might laboriously achieve.

A r t i fi c i a l I n t e l l i g e n c e i s challenging the way we think about our world. It is important for us to understand AI, build better regulatory policies, design new approaches to our security but at the same time - not be afraid to use it to make our world a better place. At Nagarro we are using AI to help design the world of tomorrow.





Handwritten Form Scan FormafterThresholding

NeuralNetworkField Images





NeuralNetwork Prediction Confidence Algorithm













LanguageModel Final Prediction

FormafterThresholdingLayoutAnalysis and

Segmentation Field Images

Page 3: Machine Learning| Deep Neural Nets | NLP | Computer Vision ......deeplearning.nagarro.com nagarro.com 31 March 2018 Intelligent Process Automation - An AI Use Case Machine Learning

deeplearning.nagarro.com nagarro.com 31 March 2018

Intelligent Process Automation - An AI Use Case

Machine Learning and AI is promising several interesting use cases across all the different functions in an Enterprise. Customer Support, Sales & Marketing, Human Resources, Finance, Procurement, Supply Chain to Product R&D - all important Enterprise functions are already beginning to leverage the power of AI and Machine Learning.

AI/ML Technologies can be applied in many different ways across all these areas. One of the most important ways AI/ML is being used and deployed is for ‘Intelligent Automation’. Here the idea is to find the ‘repetitive’, ‘routine’ and ‘labor’ intensive steps in a process and delegate a ‘trained ML Algorithm’ to perform that task. For example, the HR function in an organisation routinely receives several Resumes from candidates into the Hiring Email Box. An HR functionary will everyday download, categorise and index these resumes depending on the different process workflow of the organisation. A task like this is ‘repetitive’, ‘routine’ and ‘labor’ intensive and the HR functionary can possibly be more creative and use their time to perform more complex and a more humane task. An ML/AI algorithm can help in this workflow. Using Natural Languages Processing Technologies it is possible for an Algorithm to extract out important pieces of information from the Resume. These pieces of information can be used to automatically file these Resumes. Not only this, but the algorithm can be ‘data trained’ to recognise important skills and signals from the resume to immediately bring the most important and critical ones to the attention of the Hiring Manager. This saves a lot of time for everybody and important crucial information is identified, attended and actioned upon - all in real time. Further, the algorithm can be through ‘diverse and active data training’ be made consistent and its actions be validated continuously to improve it in time. The ‘Algorithm’ becomes a important ‘functionary’ in the complex workflow of Hiring and performs one simple task effectively. Having such ‘algorithm functionaries’ which are sometimes also referred to as ‘bots’ can be extremely effective for an efficient organisation. Not only this, but it allows the organisation to direct the creative energies of their employees for more complex and useful tasks.

Identifying the ‘step’ in a workflow which is most suitable for a ‘bot’ is an important task and needs to be done in attendant with the Workflow Owners, Mentors and other important stakeholders. This ensures that the workflows stays integrated, functionally correct and sensitive to all aspects of an organisation’s value system.

At Nagarro, we understand processes and workflow and we attach a lot of importance and value in reflecting, optimising and fine tuning them to help our clients become competitive and ready for the future.

If you have queries please get in touch with us. You can find us at nagarro.com

AI COE @ Nagarro

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