Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue

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Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue

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Perfect CompanionsThis symbol indicates titles where Macmillan Dictionaries are the perfect companions See pages 72-73

Cover photo by Tom Liu







Page 88 and inside back cover:Title and Author Index andyour Contacts in East Asia

Best Seller



Macmillan Practice Online

Students' Website

British English American English

Test Generator CD-Rom

Projectable Software

Award Winner

04 Pre-school

07 Chi ldren

30 Teenage

36 Grammar and Vocabulary

39 Readers

42 Adults

56 Ski l ls

64 Professional

72 Dict ionaries

74 Exams

83 Fur ther Mater ials for Students and Teachers



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Macmillan Young Learners WebsiteGrowing and learning together!The new home for al l Macmil lan Young Learners’ courses, including pre-pr imary and pr imary ser ies, includes course information, sample pages, and any addit ional resources avai lable for our courses.

To find out more, v is i t www.macmil lanyounglearners.com

Teacher ToolsSix onl ine tools avai lable via the Macmil lan Young Learners website. The tools can be used on Interactive Whiteboards(IWB) and to generate pr intable resources for use in the classroom.

Test Builder bui lds tests and quizzes f rom a bank of pre-prepared activ i t ies.Crossword Maker generates crosswords with word and picture clues to pr int out and use in class.Wordsearch Maker creates wordsearches with images to pr int out and use in class. Storybook Maker IWB tool for col laborat ive wri t ing activ i t ies to create an onl ine fl ip book.Top Trumps for IWB based on the popular Top Trumps card game.

Teacher tool ISBN VersionTest Builder 9780230440685 British 9780230440692 AmericanWordsearch Maker 9780230440708 British 9780230440715 American

Teacher tool ISBN VersionCrossword Maker 9780230440722 British 9780230440739 AmericanStorybook Maker 9780230440760 British 9780230440777 American

Teacher tool ISBN VersionCard Factory 9780230440746 British 9780230440753 AmericanTop Trumps 9780230440784 British 9780230440791 American


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IntermediateB1+ B2


A2+ B1


Page Tit i le Beginner High Low Intermediate High Advanced Beginner Intermediate IntermediatePre-school4 F ingerpr ints4 Faces5 Hats on Top6 Cheeky Monkey 6 Hel lo JoJo6 You and Me6 L i t t le BugsChildren7 Macmil lan Engl ish Quest7 New F inding Out8 Smi le9 Bounce Now10 Next Move12 Take Shape13 See Saw13 Twist & Shout14 Fantast ic14 B ig Bugs15 Al l Aboard! / Jump Aboard16 Brainwave17 Footpr ints17 Beel ine P lus18 Engl ish Wor ld 20 Way Ahead21 Jump22 Macmil lan Engl ish 23 Macmil lan Mathematics and Science24 Macmil lan Natural and Social Science28 Select ions29 Young Learners Pract ice Tests29 Young Learners Engl ish Sk i l l s

Teenage30 Hot Spot31 Mega32 New Inspi rat ion 33 Inspi red34 Gateway35 LaserGrammar and Vocabulary36 Macmil lan Engl ish Grammar in Context37 New Language Pract ice Ser ies38 Macmil lan Vocabulary Ser iesReaders39 Macmil lan Topics40 Macmil lan ReadersAdults42 Breakthrough P lus44 Mind Ser ies46 Get Real !47 New Engl ish Upgrade48 Global 50 St raightforward Second Edi t ion52 New Ins ide Out53 New American Ins ide Out 54 Sky High54 Synergy55 Move55 People L ike UsSki l ls56 Sk i l l fu l58 Macmil lan Wr i t ing Ser ies60 Reading Keys New Edi t ion 61 Essent ia l Reading62 Speaking of Speech62 Learning to L is ten63 CommunicateProfessional64 Get Ready for Internat ional Bus iness65 The Business 2.066 In Company67 Basic Surv ival and Surv ival Engl ish68 Aviat ion Engl ish69 Campaign69 Engl ish for Law Enforcement70 Business Sk i l l s in Engl ish71 Business Vocabulary Bui lders / Bus iness Engl ish HandbookExams74 IELTS Int roduct ion / Foundat ion / Graduat ion76 Ready for IELTS77 Improve Your IELTS Sk i l l s77 IELTS Language Pract ice78 Di rect to IELTS79 Di rect to TOEFL® iBT79 Di rect to FCE80 Check Your Vocabulary Ser ies82 Ready for Ser ies

yKey Courses Level Charts

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4 Pre-School

Fingerpr intsMake a mark r ight f rom the star t !Caroline Linse and El ly SchottmanEnchant ing young learners w i th a var ie ty o f fun , hands -on act iv i t ies and games, this three- level pre-school course offers a completely chi ld-centered approach to learning Engl ish.

Key benefits include:

e n r i c h e d c o m mu n i c a t i ve l a n g u a g e p ra c t i c e t h ro u g h s o n g s , c h a n t s , vocabulary games and guided dialoguesa chi ld -centered approach developing language alongs ide conceptual and physical ski l ls developmenta c lear f i ve - lesson sequence and cont ro l led language sy l labus, g iv ing young learners a predictable learning rout ineengaging cross -cur r icu lar act iv i t ies to s t imulate language use in other subject areas

Faces Star t with everyday Engl ishJeanne PerrettFocusing on the chi ld’s social , moral and physical development, th is three-level pre-school course helps chi ldren express themselves natural ly in Engl ish whi le they go about their dai ly rout ines.

Key benefits include:

a Student’s Book package complete with Student CD and St icker Pack

songs that teach impor tant social ski l ls and values

Fingerprints Level 1 Level 2 Level 3Student's Book 978 0333 95455 3 978 0333 95459 1 978 0333 95463 8Workbook 978 0333 95456 0 978 0333 95460 7 978 0333 95464 5Teacher's Book 978 0333 95457 7 978 0333 95461 4 978 0333 95465 2Audio CD 978 0333 97444 5 978 0333 97445 2 978 0333 97446 9First Letters 978 0333 97048 5 978 0333 97049 2 978 0333 97050 8First Numbers 978 0333 98838 1 978 0333 98839 8 978 0333 98840 4

Faces Nursery Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3Student's Book Pack* 978 1405 06877 2 978 1405 06878 9 978 1405 06879 6Activity Book 978 1405 03136 3 978 1405 03139 4 978 1405 03142 4Teacher's Edition 978 1405 06874 1 978 1405 06875 8 978 1405 06876 5Class CD 978 1405 06815 4 978 1405 06816 1 978 1405 06817 8Big Book 978 1405 06821 5 978 1405 06822 2 978 1405 06823 9Activity Reader 978 1405 06827 7 978 140506828 4 978 1405 06829 1Little Faces 978 1405 06871 0 Little Voices CD 978 1405 07686 9 Black Line Masters 978 1405 06818 5 978 1405 06819 2 978 1405 06820 8Macmillan Early Learners Posters (all levels) 978 1405 06872 7 Macmillan Early Learners Flashcards (all levels) 978 1405 06873 4 *Student's Book Pack contains Student CD and Sticker Pack


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Hats On TopPut your thinking hats on!Caroline Linse and El ly SchottmanDrawing on young chi ldren’s knowledge of the world, this enhanced edit ion of the popular ser ies Hats On now has four levels which encourage chi ldren to explore key concepts through Engl ish.

Key benefits include:a n ew Nur se r y Leve l o f fe r i n g a n a l te r n a t i ve e n t r y p o i n t fo r yo u n g e r learnersa concept-dr iven sy l labus that helps chi ldren develop key competencies through Engl isha program that bui lds phonemic awareness and introduces basic l i teracy and numeracye n g a g i n g s o n g s , c h a n t s a n d s t o r i e s a n d b e a u t i f u l p h o t o g r a p h i c i l lustrat ions

Course components include:a S tuden t Book p a c ka g e d w i t h a n ew Discove r y D i sk t h a t i n c l u d e s interactive stor ies, animated songs and language gamesEar ly Letters and Ear ly Numbers books to suppor t l i teracy and numeracy developmentBig Books help nur ture a love of reading a new Discovery Disk wi th projectable vers ions of the Student Book and Big Book with embedded audioConcept Mats for interactive group work activ i t ies in classa n ew Teache r Webs i te w i t h k n ow l e d g e - b u i l d i n g p r i n t re s o u rc e s fo r teachers, teacher training videos, picture resource tools and a test bui lder

Hats on Top Nursery Level 1 Level 2 Level 3Student's Book Pack* 978 0230 44468 3 978 0230 44480 5 978 0230 44498 0 978 0230 44516 1Activity Book 978 0230 44481 2 978 0230 44499 7 978 0230 44517 8Teacher's Edition + Webcode 978 0230 44472 0 978 0230 44485 0 978 0230 44503 1 978 0230 44521 5Teacher's CD-Rom 978 0230 44530 7 978 0230 44536 9 978 0230 44537 6Early Letters 978 0230 44491 1 978 0230 44508 6 978 0230 44523 9Early Numbers 978 0230 44492 8 978 0230 44505 5 978 0230 44526 0Big Book 978 0230 44474 4 978 0230 44486 7 978 0230 44504 8 978 0230 44522 2Concept Mats (all Levels) 978 0230 44467 6

*Student's Book Pack of Nursery level contains Student's Book and Take-home audio CD. Student's Book Pack of levels 1 to 3 contain Student's Book and Discovery Disk.


New Edition

Reduced pages from Student’s Book 3


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6 Pre-School

Cheeky Monkey Hello Cheeky Cheeky Monkey 1 Cheeky Monkey 2Pupil’s Book Pack* 978 0230 01158 8 978 0230 01142 7 978 0230 01149 6Busy Book 978 0230 01140 3 978 0230 01150 2Teacher’s Notes 978 0230 01159 5 978 0230 01141 0 978 0230 01152 6Class Audio CDs 978 0230 01160 1 978 0230 01144 1 978 0230 01153 3Story Cards 978 0230 01163 2 978 0230 01147 2 978 0230 01156 4Flashcards 978 0230 01162 5 978 0230 01146 5 978 0230 01155 7DVD and Photocopiable CD 978 0230 73057 1 978 0230 73058 8 978 0230 73059 5

Cheeky Monkey Play Mat (all levels) 978 0230 03943 8Cheeky Monkey Puppet (all levels) 978 0230 01164 9

Cheeky MonkeyKathryn Harper and Claire MedwellOffering very young learners a fun start to learning English, this three-level course follows the adventures of its central character, Cheeky Monkey.

Key benefits include:TPR activ i t ies including action rhymesA Cheeky Monkey Puppet that br ings the course to l i fe

Litt le BugsCarol Read and Ana SoberónIntroducing young learners to Engl ish through l ively act iv i t ies and enter taining characters, this two- level, story-based course wi l l develop your students’ interest and desire to communicate in Engl ish.

Key benefits include:six story-based units in each level, with photocopiable cut-outs to encourage par t icipation in story-tel l ingd e l i g h t f u l s o n g s , r hy m e s , c h a n t s , d a n c e s a n d mu s i c a l g a m e s , m a k i n g learning Engl ish funa P icture D ict ionary in the Pupi l ’s Book to he lp wi th spel l ing and learner autonomyful l -colour Flashcards for both levels to present and review key vocabulary

Little Bugs Level 1 Level 2Pupil's Book 978 1405 06149 0 978 1405 06159 9Busy Book 978 1405 06150 6 978 1405 06160 5Flashcards 978 1405 06152 0 978 1405 06162 9Story Cards 978 1405 06153 7 978 1405 06163 6Class Audio CD 978 1405 06154 4 978 1405 06164 3Teacher's Book 978 1405 06151 3 978 1405 06161 2

Hello JoJo You and Me 1 You and Me 2Pupil's Book 978 0230 72780 9 978 1405 07944 0 978 1405 07951 8Activity Book 1 978 0230 72781 6 978 1405 07945 7 978 1405 07952 5 Activity Book 2 978 0230 72782 3 Numbers Book 978 1405 07946 4 978 1405 07953 2 Teacher’s Book 978 0230 72779 3 978 1405 07947 1 978 1405 07954 9Audio CD 978 0230 72784 7 978 0230 02717 6 978 0230 02718 3Flashcards 978 0230 72783 0 978 1405 07949 5 978 1405 07956 3Stickers 978 0230 72785 4 Poster Pack 978 1405 07948 8 978 1405 07955 6

* Pupil’s Book Pack contains Multi-Rom, Stickers and Press Outs


Hello Jojo and You and MeNaomi SimmonsIntroducing 3 to 5 year olds to language learning and developing their l i teracy and numeracy, this three- level ser ies uses strong characters to develop the key competencies chi ldren need as they prepare for pr imary school.

Key benefits include:Hel lo Jojo provides a foundation for students to study You and Me 1 and 2topic-based units that introduce the core languagestor ies, games and songs that make learning fun

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Macmillan English QuestFind your way in Engl ishJeanette Corbett and Roisin O’Farrel lOffer ing a fun and gentle introduction to Engl ish, this story–based ser ies takes chi ldren on a voyage of real-world discovery.

Key benefits include:a gentle introduction with reading and wri t ing introduced from level 2phonics act iv i t ies help introduce and practise letters and SoundsCLIL lessons develop language in the context of other pr imary subjectsan Animated Stor ies and Songs CD br ings the stor ies to l i fe with extra ac t i v i t i e s , songs and games tha t can be done e i the r in c lass o r a t home.a projectable Digibook packaged with the Teacher’s Book

New Finding OutPutt ing chi ldren fi rstDavid PaulBu i ld ing on i t s popular i t y in As ia , th i s bes t - se l l ing f i ve - leve l course has b e e n t h o ro u g h l y u p d a te d – ke e p i n g a l l t h e p o p u l a r e l e m e n t s o f t h e or ig ina l se r ies , and adding new features to make i t more exc i t ing and easier to use for both learners and teachers.

Key benefits include:

a t ru l y ch i ld -cen te red approach where ch i ld ren a re encouraged to discover and notice how language works

a tr ied-and-tested approach to phonics designed to meet the needs of young Asian learners

a b a l a n c e d d e v e l o p m e n t o f a l l f o u r l a n g u a g e s k i l l s , i n c l u d i n g meaningful conversat ion patterns that encourage chi ldren to talk

act iv i t ies which mot ivate chi ldren to use Engl ish to discover the wor ld outside the classroom


New Edition

New Finding Out Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5Class Book + My CD Pack 978 1405 09685 0 978 1405 09687 4 978 1405 09690 4 978 1405 09693 5 978 1405 09696 6Home Book 978 1405 08082 8 978 1405 08088 0 978 1405 08094 1 978 1405 08100 9 978 1405 08106 1Teacher's Book 978 1405 09686 7 978 1405 09688 1 978 1405 09691 1 978 1405 09694 2 978 1405 09697 3Class CD 978 1405 08085 9 978 1405 08091 0 978 1405 08097 2 978 1405 08103 0 978 1405 08109 2

Macmillan English Quest Level 1 Level 2Pupil's Book Pack* 978 0230 44380 8 978 0230 44382 2Activity Book 978 0230 43980 1 978 0230 43985 6Teacher's Book Pack** 978 0230 44381 5 978 0230 44383 9Audio CDs 978 0230 43982 5 978 0230 43986 0


Levels 3 to 6 forthcoming*Pupil's Book Pack contains a Pupil's Book, Animated Stories and a Songs CD**Teacher's Book Pack contains a Teacher's Book and Digibook


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Smile New Edition Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Student's Book 978 1405 02963 6 978 1405 02964 3 978 1405 02965 0 978 1405 02966 7 978 1405 02967 4 978 1405 02968 1Activity Book 978 1405 02666 6 978 1405 02667 3 978 1405 02668 0 978 1405 02669 7 978 1405 02670 3 978 1405 02671 0Teacher's Edition 978 1405 02672 7 978 1405 02673 4 978 1405 02674 1 978 1405 02676 5 978 1405 02675 8 978 1405 02677 2Audio CD 978 1405 02684 0 978 1405 02685 7 978 1405 02686 4 978 1405 02687 1 978 1405 02688 8 978 1405 02689 5Flashcard Pack 978 1405 02690 1 978 1405 02691 8 978 1405 02692 5 978 1405 02693 2Teacher's CD-Rom (all levels) 978 1405 02695 6Student's CD-Rom (all levels) 978 1405 02696 3Alphabet Book (all levels) 978 1405 06038 7Picture Dictionary (all levels) 978 0435 26374 4

SmileKeep smil ing!Gabby Pr itchard and Sue MohamedEncouraging chi ldren to explore Engl ish and gain confidence, th is best -sel l ing, s ix- level course wi l l give you and your learners something to smile about!

Key benefits include:

carefu l ly sequenced uni ts , beginn ing wi th a s tor y and ending wi th a fun, catchy song

a gent ly graded sy l labus including d ia logues, games, puzz les, s tor ies and songs to give chi ldren a sense of achievement

fun phon ics act i v i t ies in ever y un i t , he lp ing young learners deve lop accurate pronunciat ion and spel l ing

addit ional, beauti ful ly designed teaching resources to help consol idate learning and motivate learners

Course components include:

My Progress Diary and colorful Vocabulary St ickers in the back of each Student's Book , providing chi ldren with hands-on, personal ized practice activ i t ies

an Activity Book to consol idate learning and practise wri t ing ski l ls

la rge , g lossy F lashcards and a comple te Poster and Games Pack , accompanied by helpful teaching ideas

fantast ic teacher suppor t to plan lessons and evaluate progress in the ful l -color Teacher's Edition and Teacher's CD-Rom

Reduced pages from Student's Book 1

The new Smile series, with its language recycling and fun-based activities, is an effective way of helping children become more interested in language learning.

Miran Cho,Former Chief of R & D

Department, Wonderland Co. Ltd., South Korea

New Edition

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Bounce Now I t ’s here. I t ’s now.Lulu Campbell, Jul ie Kniveton and Angela LlanasMaintain ing the essence of the h ighly successfu l Bounce ser ies, Bounce Now brings the learning of Engl ish up-to-date. Key addit ions include a new star ter level, providing dual entry points, plus addit ional mater ials for both learners and teachers , inc lud ing new d ig i ta l components wh ich re f lect recent advances in technology and Engl ish language teaching.

Key benefits include:

a new star ter level focusing on developing l istening and speaking ski l ls for students who have had l i t t le previous exposure to Engl ish a balanced four-ski l l approach in levels 1 to 6 providing learners with a foundation in the basics of the language‘ Ta l k T i m e ’ a n d ‘ Ta l k a b o u t . . .’ s e c t i o n s w h i c h p rov i d e p e r s o n a l i z e d speaking practice of the new language in control led contextsnew ‘Bounce around. . .’ cross -cur r icu lar lessons l inked to the theme of each unit

Starter Level 1 (For Levels 1&2) 2 (For Levels 3&4) 3 (For Levels 5&6)Big Book Builder 978 0230 42735 8 978 0230 41991 9 978 0230 41992 6 978 0230 41993 3

Bounce Now Starter Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Student's Book Pack* 978 0230 42734 1 978 0230 41995 7 978 0230 42001 4 978 0230 42008 3 978 0230 42015 1 978 0230 42022 9 978 0230 42029 8Bounce Now Assessment Pack 978 0230 41994 0 (for Levels 1-6)Teacher's Edition 978 0230 42736 5 978 0230 41740 3 978 0230 42003 8 978 0230 42010 6 978 0230 42017 5 978 0230 42024 3 978 0230 42031 1Teacher's Multi-Rom 978 0230 42737 2 978 0230 41999 5 978 0230 42006 9 978 0230 42013 7 978 0230 42020 5 978 0230 42027 4 978 0230 42034 2

Nikka Shih, Director of English Department, Stanford English School,Taiwan

Bounce Now is a book for kids NOW as it not only develops their English communication skills but also their 21st century skills such as collaboration, problem-solving, creative thinking and values, to mention but a few.

*Student's Book Pack of Starter Level contains Student's Book and Multi-Rom. Student's Book Packs of Levels 1 to 6 contain Student's Book, Activity Resource Book and Multi-Rom

New EditionProjectable

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Next MoveBr inging the world to your chi ldrenAmanda Cant, Mary Charr ington and Viv LambertRecogniz ing the impor tance of the chi ld’s own world, Next Move is a digital ly enhanced edit ion of the popular ser ies Next Stop. Now with seven levels, the course continues to welcome the chi ldren aboard a language-learning and cul tural journey to bui ld not only thei r language awareness, but also thei r cross-cultural awareness.

Key benefits include:

strong visual appeal including extensive use of photographic images

str ik ing opening pages, featur ing interest ing facts f rom countr ies around the world

bui ld ing cross -cu l tu ra l awareness by compar ing and cont ras t ing new p laces w i th the ch i ld ren’s own experiences plus a unique international music program

non-fict ion reading passages are presented in 1st grade and continue throughout the ent i re ser ies

a complete phonics syl labus to aid reading and pronunciat ion

values-based stor ies with addit ional Values Projects in the Workbook

New components include:

A new Star ter level to help accommodate younger / lower level learners

Student’s DVD-ROMs featur ing homework language practice activ i t ies for every lesson as wel l as or iginal v ideos and complementary interactiv i t ies, phonics animations and an enhanced parent’s area

A new Interactive Classroom DVDs for teachers including video, presentat ion suppor t tools for phonics and grammar, and projectable vers ions of the Student Book and Workbooks

a new Teacher’s website with a host of suppor t tools and knowledge-bui lding mater ials for teachers

Next Move Starter Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Student's Book Pack* 978 0230 44419 5 978 0230 44424 9 978 0230 44428 7 978 0230 44432 4 978 0230 44436 2 978 0230 44440 9 978 0230 44444 7Teacher's Edition Pack** 978 0230 44455 3 978 0230 44456 0 978 0230 44457 7 978 0230 44458 4 978 0230 44459 1 978 0230 44460 7 978 0230 44461 4Workbook 978 0230 44420 1 978 0230 43945 3 978 0230 44094 4 978 0230 44105 7 978 0230 44106 4 978 0230 44097 5 978 0230 44099 9Interactive classroom DVD + Guide 978 0230 44422 5 978 0230 44426 3 978 0230 44430 0 978 0230 44434 8 978 0230 44438 6 978 0230 44442 3 978 0230 44446 1


*Student's Book contains Student's Book and DVD-Rom ** Teacher's Edition Pack contains Teacher's Edition book and Access code to Teacher Website

ChildrenNew Edition


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12 Children


Take Shape Develop an identi ty in Engl ishPaul A. Davies, Hans Mol and Ji l l F lorentProv id ing chi ldren wi th a so l id foundat ion in Engl i sh, th is s ix - leve l ser ies introduces language through a var iety of motivat ing contexts with strong l inks to other curr iculum subjects.

Key benefits include:

a strong focus on vocabulary development l inked to curr iculum subjects an integrated picture dict ionarya blend of fict ion and non-fict ion textsgrammar work includes a focus on function, not just forma six- level spel l ing program and systematic wri t ing ski l ls developmentplenty of mater ials for up to eight hours study per week

Course components include:

audio enhanced real-world e-Readers packaged with the Student's Book for class or home studya Workbook which provides consolidation of language and skil ls covered in the Student's Booka Teacher’s Edition including warmers and coolers for every lesson and a games bank a Teacher ’s Resource CD w i th a weal th o f ex t ra resources inc lud ing supplementary worksheets, tests and projectable posters and grammar animations

Take Shape Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Student’s Book + e-Readers Pack 112 0100 10162 5 112 0100 10163 2 112 0100 10164 9 112 0100 10165 6 112 0100 10166 3 112 0100 10242 4Workbook 978 6074 73151 4 978 6074 73152 1 978 6074 73200 9 978 6074 73201 6 978 6074 73202 3 978 6074 73203 0Teacher's Edition 978 6074 73153 8 978 6074 73154 5 978 6074 73196 5 978 6074 73197 2 978 6074 73198 9 978 6074 73199 6Class CD 978 6074 73204 7 978 6074 73205 4 978 6074 73206 1 978 6074 73207 8 978 6074 73208 5 978 6074 73209 2Teacher's Resource CD-Rom 978 6074 73216 0 978 6074 73217 7 978 6074 73218 4 978 6074 73219 1 978 6074 73220 7 978 6074 73221 4

M.R. Joe, Program coordinator, Intensive In-service English Teacher Training Program, Sookmyung TESOL Graduate School, South Korea

Take Shape encourages the children with mid-high language proficiency to improve their language skills with a focus on real-life themes.

Debby Huang, Yu-Chuan Educational Institute, Director of English Department,Taiwan

Take Shape is great for everyday English as it is a very practical series with high frequency words and real world themes.

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Twist and ShoutPut a new spin on learning Engl ishViv LambertMoving chi ldren’s minds, bodies and emotions, this careful ly graded six- level pr imary ser ies in American Engl ish recognizes chi ldren’s natural energy and is designed to promote language learning through movement and play.

Key benefits include:

' S t u d e n t Tw i s t e r ' a n d ' Te a c h e r Tw i s t e r ' w h i c h a r e f u n c l a s s r o o m management toolsbeauti ful i l lustrat ions with characters that br ing Engl ish to l i fean introduction to core values through Engl ish

Course components include:

a c o m p re h e n s i v e H o m ewo r k B o o k w h i c h c o m e s w i t h a n a u d i o C D including dictat ions, songs and stor iesa suppor t ive inter leaved Teacher’s Edit ion with step-by-step lesson notes and photocopiable unit testssupplementary Teacher's Visual Pack which includes picture cards and picture posters to support vocabulary presentation and oral practicea Teacher’s Resource CD which includes Project Time activity sheets, festival lessons and extra tests

See SawMake a world of di fferenceAmanda Cant and Kathryn HarperCaptivat ing your students ' imaginat ion through magical s tor ies and leading them to new and excit ing worlds, this balanced, s ix- level course wi l l make the world of di fference to your Engl ish class!

Key benefits include:

an imaginative storyl ine for each level, engaging learners in using everyday Engl ish in excit ing, new si tuations

simple, clearly-structured learning tasks providing suppor t for both learners and teachers

memorable grammar car toons, games and chants to make learn ing new structures fun and easy

a careful ly graded phonics syl labus designed to meet the needs of learners in Asia

Twist and Shout Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Student's Book + Twister Pack 978 9706 50928 4 978 9706 50929 1 978 9706 50930 7 978 9706 50931 4 978 9706 50932 1 978 9706 50933 8Homework Book Pack 978 9706 50935 2 978 9706 50936 9 978 9706 50937 6 978 9706 50938 3 978 9706 50939 0 978 9706 50940 6Teacher's Edition 978 9706 50777 8 978 9706 50778 5 978 9706 50779 2 978 9706 50780 8 978 9706 50781 5 978 9706 50782 2Class CD 978 9706 50783 9 978 9706 50784 6 978 9706 50785 3 978 9706 50786 0 978 9706 50787 7 978 9706 50788 4Teacher's Resource CD (all levels) 978 9706 50789 1 Teacher's Visual Pack (all levels) 978 9706 50791 4

See Saw Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Student's Book Pack* 978 1405 01420 5 978 0333 99729 1 978 0333 99730 7 978 0333 99731 4 978 0333 99732 1 978 0333 99733 8Workbook 978 0333 99873 1 978 0333 99874 8 978 0333 99875 5 978 0333 99876 2 978 0333 99877 9 978 0333 99878 6Teacher's Edition 978 0333 99879 3 978 0333 99880 9 978 0333 99881 6 978 0333 99882 3 978 0333 99883 0 978 0333 99884 7CDs 978 0333 99891 5 978 0333 99892 2 978 0333 99893 9 798 0333 99894 6 978 0333 99895 3 978 0333 99896 0Flashcards 978 0333 99642 3 978 0333 99898 4 978 0333 99899 1Poster Pack (all levels) 978 1405 02856 1


*Student's Book of Level 1 contains Student's Book and Ant's Alphabet Book. Student's book of other levels contains one student book only.

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14 Children

Fantastic!Learn Engl ish the fantast ic way!Jane Revell and Carol Skinner with Nick Beare and Rachel FinnieCombin ing a s t ruc tu red sy l labus and an appea l ing des ign , th i s s i x - leve l primary course brings the learner and the target language together in a clear, controlled way.

Key benefits include:

gradual, systematic development of reading, writing, l istening and speaking skil ls, making a complete four-skil l course

extensive l istening and speaking skil ls practice, along with fun pronunciation activities

a cross-curr icular lesson per unit , al lowing chi ldren to use new language across a variety of different subject areas including history, math and social studies

helpful extension materials in the Student’s Book Pack, including a Values Booklet to raise learners' awareness of their social roles and responsibil it ies, and Grammar Resource Pack to practise sentence building

Fantastic is colorful and engaging with modern illustrations and interesting, topical material.

Neil Gibson,Global Language School,South Korea

Fantastic! Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Student's Book Pack* 978 1405 07361 5 978 1405 07362 2 978 1405 07363 9 978 1405 07364 6 978 1405 07365 3 978 1405 07366 0Workbook 978 1405 02867 7 978 1405 02869 1 978 1405 02871 4 978 1405 02873 8 978 1405 02875 2 978 1405 02877 6Teacher's Edition 978 1405 02866 0 978 1405 02868 4 978 1405 02870 7 978 1405 02872 1 978 1405 02874 5 978 1405 02876 9Class Audio CD 978 1405 07118 5 978 1405 07119 2 978 1405 07120 8 978 1405 07121 5 978 1405 07122 2 978 1405 07123 9Reading Time Resource (all levels) 978 1405 07124 6Grammar Resource Pack (all levels) 978 1405 07360 8

Big BugsEngl ish through stor iesElisenda Papiol, Maria Toth, Carol Read and Ana SoberónEngaging learners through a s tory -based approach, th is four- level pr imary course develops as students develop, thus maintaining the learners' interest in English.

Key benefits include:

stories follow the adventures of Spike the Spider and his friends

cross-curricular topics and projects introduced at the higher levels

colourful Flashcards and Story Cards help present and review key vocabulary

Big Bugs Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4Pupil's Book 978 1405 06169 8 978 1405 06179 7 978 1405 06189 6 978 1405 06199 5Activity Book 978 1405 06170 4 978 1405 06180 3 978 1405 06190 2 978 1405 06200 8Audio CD 978 1405 06174 2 978 1405 06184 1 978 1405 06194 0 978 1405 06204 6Story Cards 978 1405 06173 5 978 1405 06183 4Flashcards 978 1405 06172 8 978 1405 06182 7 978 1405 06192 6 978 1405 06202 2Teacher's Book 978 1405 06171 1 978 1405 06181 0 978 1405 06191 9 978 1405 06201 5

* Student’s Book Pack contains Student’s Book, Values Booklet and Student’s CD


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All Aboard!Get ahead of the restPaul A. DaviesProv id ing a sys temat ic , c ross -cur r icu la r approach to learn ing Eng l i sh , th i s comprehensive six- level course is designed for situations where students study English intensively.

Key benefits include:

bright, attract ive unit openers that highl ight key vocabulary

imaginative stories, songs, poems and chants to contextualize and consolidate new language

control led language-practice activit ies to ensure a sol id foundation and on- going progress in Engl ish

systematic coverage of phonics using tongue twisters

interest ing puzz les, projects and tasks to develop creat iv i ty and problem-solving ski l ls

a suppor t ive Workbook , with projects, puzzles, stor ies and quizzes

an in te r leaved Teacher ' s Ed i t ion , w i th c lea r le s son no tes , answer keys , grammar references and photocopiable activ i t ies

a cross-curr icular Poster Pack to broaden knowledge and vocabulary

All Aboard! Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Student's Book 978 0333 99625 6 978 0333 99631 7 978 0333 99637 9 978 0333 99643 0 978 0333 99649 2 978 0333 99655 3Workbook 978 0333 99626 3 978 0333 99632 4 978 0333 99638 6 978 0333 99644 7 978 0333 99650 8 978 0333 99656 0Teacher's Edition 978 0333 99627 0 978 0333 99633 1 978 0333 99639 3 978 0333 99645 4 978 0333 99651 5 978 0333 99657 7Poster Pack 978 1405 01738 1 978 1405 03085 4 978 1405 03086 1 978 1405 03087 8 978 1405 03088 5 978 1405 03089 2Teacher's Tool Kit* 978 1405 02832 5 978 1405 02834 9 978 1405 02836 3 978 1405 02838 7 978 1405 02840 0 978 1405 02842 4

All Told! ReadersTh i s se r ies o f 12 wonder fu l readers has been wr i t ten espec ia l l y fo r the A l l Aboard ! se r ies but can be used to supp lement any p r imar y course . There a re two readers per leve l , f i c t ion and non- f ic t ion , and each pa i r i s l i nked thematical ly.

All Told! ReadersLevel 1 Fiction: At the Zoo 978 1405 00959 1 Level 4 Fiction: The Summer Parade 978 1405 00965 2Level 1 Non-fiction: Animals 978 1405 00960 7 Level 4 Non-fiction: Hobbies 978 1405 00966 9Level 2 Fiction: An Afternoon in Sealand 978 1405 00961 4 Level 5 Fiction: Storm Island 978 1405 00967 6Level 2 Non-fiction: Amazing Dolphins 978 1405 00962 1 Level 5 Non-fiction: Homes 978 1405 00968 3Level 3 Fiction: A Thousand Lanterns 978 1405 00963 8 Level 6 Fiction: Brandon's Story 978 1405 00969 0Level 3 Non-fiction: The Festival of Lights 978 1405 00964 5 Level 6 Non-fiction: Extreme Sports 978 1405 00970 6

Jump AboardPaul A. DaviesA Br i t i sh Engl ish edi t ion of the popular Al l Aboard! ser ies, offer ing the same key benefi ts.

Jump Aboard Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Student’s Book 978 1405 05930 5 978 1405 05936 7 978 1405 05942 8 978 1405 05948 0 978 1405 05954 1 978 1405 05960 2Workbook 978 1405 05931 2 978 1405 05937 4 978 1405 05943 5 978 1405 05949 7 978 1405 05955 8 978 1405 05961 9Teacher’s Book 978 1405 05932 9 978 1405 05938 1 978 1405 05944 2 978 1405 05950 3 978 1405 05956 5 978 1405 05962 6Poster Pack 978 1405 05934 3 978 1405 05940 4 978 1405 05946 6 Grammar Practice Book 978 1405 05935 0 978 1405 05941 1 978 1405 05947 3 978 1405 05953 4 978 1405 05959 6 978 1405 05965 7


*Teacher’s Tool Kit contains Teacher’s Edition, Test Book, Poster Workcard, CD-Rom and Resource Disk.

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16 Children

BrainwaveThink in Engl ishCheryl Pavlik and Andrea Harr iesOffering students and teachers lots more to think about, this new edit ion of Brainstorm maintains and enhances its challenging approach to developing young learners ’ language sk i l l s . The ser ies has been updated s igni ficant ly both in terms of content and design, and now also offers up-to-date digital support to both students and teachers.

Key benefits include:CLIL sections in each unit with clear l inks to curriculum subjects including Natural Science and Maths‘Thinking Point’ at the beginning of every unit , encouraging thinking ski l ls‘Talking Point’ at the end of every unit for children to assess what they have learnt‘Ski l l Bui lder’ sect ion for every reading lesson introducing chi ldren to key reading strategiesBrand new design inspired by first language teaching materials

Course components include:a Student ’s Book packaged wi th a Progress Journal to he lp s tudents reflect on the learning process and become more independenta Language Activity Book to consol idate learning of key language and ski l lsa Teacher’s Edition with clear, procedural notes on how to make the most of the Brainwave coursea Teacher website with a lesson planning tool and extra resources such as a Methodology Handbook, Extended Teacher’s Edit ion and a Grade Book to monitor students’ progressa Teacher ’s Tech pack w i th c las s aud io, p ro jec tab le S tuden t ’s Book and Language Act iv i ty Book pages, and interact ive act iv i t ies including simulations and projectable posters to support classroom teaching

Brainwave Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Student's Book Pack* 978 0230 42119 6 978 0230 42124 0 978 0230 42130 1 978 0230 42138 7 978 0230 42146 2 978 0230 42154 7Language Activity Book 978 0230 41538 6 978 0230 41540 9 978 0230 42131 8 978 0230 42139 4 978 0230 42147 9 978 0230 42155 4Teacher's Edition Pack** 978 0230 42770 9 978 0230 42771 6 978 0230 42772 3 978 0230 42773 0 978 0230 42774 7 978 0230 42775 4Teacher’s Tech Pack 978 0230 42120 2 978 0230 42125 7 978 0230 42133 2 978 0230 42141 7 978 0230 42149 3 978 0230 42157 8

New Edition

* Student’s Book Pack contains Student’s Book, Progress Journal and Website Access Code** Teacher’s Edition Pack contains Teacher’s Edition and Website Access Code



R e d u c e d p a g e s f r o m Student’s Book 5

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Beeline PlusWith more buzz than ever!Julie Kniveton, Angela Llanas and Libby Wil l iamsTaking children from beginner to a high-intermediate level, this comprehensive six- level course combines sol id language practice and captivating activit ies to keep your classes buzzing!

Key benefits include:

c a re f u l l y b a l a n c e d u n i t s w h i c h b l e n d n e w a n d re c y c l e d l a n g u a g e , producing real language results

u n i q u e ' S p e l l i n g B e e ' a n d ' B u z z wo rd s d i c ta t i o n ' s e c t i o n s to p rov i d e spel l ing, vocabulary and l istening ski l ls practice

cross-curricular projects in interesting 'Be Wise' sections, l inking unit topics and new language to the world outside the classroom

beautiful ly i l lustrated vocabulary, stories, songs and activit ies in every unit

a ser ies of 12 Beehive Readers thematical ly l inked to the course wi th a fict ion and non-fict ion book at each level

Beeline Plus Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Student's Book 978 0333 97096 6 978 0333 97255 7 978 0333 97265 6 978 0333 97274 8 978 0333 97283 0 978 0333 97292 2Workbook/Scrapbook Pack 978 0333 97561 9 978 0333 97562 6 978 0333 97563 3 978 0333 97564 0 978 0333 97565 7 978 0333 97566 4Teacher's Book 978 0333 97098 0 978 0333 97257 1 978 0333 97267 0 978 0333 97276 2 978 0333 97285 4 978 0333 97294 6Audio CD 978 0333 97100 0 978 0333 97259 5 978 0333 97269 4 978 0333 97278 6 978 0333 97287 8 978 0333 97296 0

Beehive ReadersLevels 1-3 Levels 4-61A The Colours of Nature 978 0333 97104 8 4A Crossing The Atlantic 978 0333 97301 11B The Magic Paint Brush 978 0333 97263 2 4B Journey into the Past 978 0333 97302 82A Toys 978 0333 97272 4 5A Two Great Leaders 978 0333 97303 52B Whizzbee Frisbee 978 0333 97281 6 5B Fame and Fortune 978 0333 97304 23A The Planet and Other Rocks 978 0333 97290 8 6A Mona Lisa 978 0333 97305 93B Crompton Rock 978 0333 97299 1 6B Perfect Crime 978 0333 97306 6

Footprints Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Pupil’s Book Pack* 978 0230 01199 1 978 0230 01209 7 978 0230 01218 9 978 0230 01229 5 978 0230 01237 0 978 0230 01245 5Activity Book 978 0230 01190 8 978 0230 01201 1 978 0230 73373 2 978 0230 73374 9 978 0230 01231 8 978 0230 01239 4Teacher’s Book 978 0230 72214 9 978 0230 01202 8 978 0230 01212 7 978 0230 01222 6 978 0230 01232 5 978 0230 01240 0Photocopiable CD-Rom Pack 978 0230 71638 4 978 0230 71639 1 978 0230 72220 0 978 0230 72224 8 978 0230 72228 6 978 0230 72232 3Audio CDs 978 0230 01192 2 978 0230 01203 5 978 0230 01213 4 978 0230 01223 3 978 0230 01233 2 978 0230 01241 7Flashcards 978 0230 01195 3 978 0230 01206 6 978 0230 01216 5 978 0230 01226 4Word Cards 978 0230 01196 0 978 0230 01207 3 978 0230 01217 2 978 0230 01227 1Finger Puppet 978 0230 01197 7

Levels 1-2 Levels 3-4 Levels 5-6Digital Pupil’s Books and Activity Books 978 0230 41395 5 978 0230 41385 6 978 0230 41387 0

Footpr intsFind your way in Engl ishCarol ReadOffer ing young chi ldren a path to study Engl ish, this s ix- level ser ies meets the needs of both teachers and learners through its beauti ful i l lustrat ions and engaging activit ies.

Key benefits include:

a strong emphasis on cross-curricular content

fun stories that develop with learners through the six levels

clues and riddles that keep students guessing what wil l come next

clear l inks to Cambridge ESOL YL exams

additional photocopiable materials including worksheets for mixed-abil i ty classes

Digital Books for use in the classroom on IWBs or with a computer and projector

* Pupil’s Book Pack contains Pupil’s Book, Portfolio Booklet, CD-Rom and Stories and songs CD



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18 Children

English WorldA world of Engl ish in your classroomLiz Hocking, Mary Bowen and Wendy WrenEngaging learners with beauti ful v isuals, this ser ies now offers eight levels p rov id ing ch i ld ren w i th a seamless foundat ion in Eng l i sh f rom pr imar y th rough to lower secondar y. Eng l i sh Wor ld success fu l l y combines bes t -practice methodology with innovative features for the modern classroom.

Key benefits include:

a methodology that encourages active learninginformative cross-curricular and cross-cultural contenta unique series that develops with learners as they progress through their primary to lower secondary yearsstories, topics and projects that promote social valuesa systematic phonics syllabus in the Pupil's book, Workbook and DVD-Roma ful ly integrated ski l ls syl labus that develops al l four ski l ls

Course components include:

Workbook that includes the development of study ski l ls Grammar Practice Book that provides extra grammar consolidation and practicea Teacher's DVD-Rom which can be used on Interactive Whiteboards or a computerFlashcards to introduce vocabulary at the lower levelsPosters that help bring the course alive in classa Dict ionar y at each leve l to he lp vocabulary learn ing and promote learner independence

Screenshot of DVD-Rom

English World Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10Student’s Book* 978 0230 03252 1 978 0230 03253 8 978 0230 03254 5 978 0230 03255 2Teacher’s Guide 978 0230 03256 9 978 0230 03257 6 978 0230 03258 3 978 0230 03259 0Workbook / Workbook CD-Rom Pack** 978 0230 03260 6 978 0230 03261 3 978 0230 44132 3 978 0230 44134 7Audio CD 978 0230 03244 6 978 0230 03245 3 978 0230 03246 0 978 0230 03247 7Digibook*** 978 0230 03230 9 978 0230 03231 6 978 0230 03232 3 978 0230 03233 0Dictionary 978 0230 03220 0Exam Practice Book 978 0230 03210 1 978 0230 03211 8 978 0230 03212 5 978 0230 03703 8

English World Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Pupil’s Book* 978 0230 02459 5 978 0230 02460 1 978 0230 02461 8 978 0230 02462 5 978 0230 02463 2 978 0230 02464 9Teacher’s Guide 978 0230 02471 7 978 0230 02472 4 978 0230 02473 1 978 0230 02474 8 978 0230 02475 5 978 0230 02476 2Workbook** 978 0230 02477 9 978 0230 02478 6 978 0230 02479 3 978 0230 02480 9 978 0230 02481 6 978 0230 02482 3Audio CD 978 0230 02450 2 978 0230 02451 9 978 0230 02452 6 978 0230 02453 3 978 0230 02454 0 978 0230 02455 7DVD-Rom*** 978 0230 03224 8 978 0230 03225 5 978 0230 03226 2 978 0230 03227 9 978 0230 03228 6 978 0230 03229 3Flashcards 978 0230 02456 4 978 0230 02457 1 978 0230 02458 8 Posters 978 0230 02465 6 978 0230 02466 3 978 0230 02467 0 978 0230 02468 7 978 0230 02469 4 978 0230 02470 0Grammar Practice Book 978 0230 03204 0 978 0230 03205 7 978 0230 03206 4 978 0230 03207 1 978 0230 03208 8 978 0230 03209 5Dictionary 978 0230 03214 9 978 0230 03215 6 978 0230 03216 3 978 0230 03217 0 978 0230 03218 7 978 0230 03219 4

* Pupil's Book for Levels 1 to 6. Student's Book for Levels 7 to 10.**Workbook with CD-Rom Pack is for Levels 9 and 10. Levels 1 to 8 have a Workbook only.***DVD-Rom for Levels 1 to 6. Digibook for Levels 7 to 10.

English World offers a very supportive and well-planned programme that is visually impressive. The resources are excellent and the pupils have great enjoyment working through the material. The range and types of topics covered are very appropriate for pupils learning English as a second language.

Joseph Pine, Deputy Headteacher, Amnuay Silpa School, Thailand

New Levels



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20 Children

Way AheadA foundation course in Engl ishPrintha El l is and Mary BowenFeaturing imaginative activ i t ies with a balance between communication and grammar practice, this six-level course will put your learners way ahead of the rest!

Key benefits include:

a well-structured syllabus integrating a variety of activities to ensure language goals are consistent ly achieved

enjoyable reading skills practice through the 'Reading for Pleasure' section in each unit, with an optional Story Audio Cassette for additional listening skills practice

a fun-filled Student CD-Rom packed with exciting games, activities and puzzles to help learners review lessons

a suppor t ive Workbook containing guided wri t ing and study ski l ls practice, and a Practice Book for extra grammar, vocabulary and handwriting practice

Way Ahead Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Pupil's Book 978 1405 05855 1 978 1405 05863 6 978 1405 05870 4 978 1405 05877 3 978 1405 05918 3 978 1405 05924 4Pupil's Book + CD-Rom Pack 978 0230 40973 6 978 0230 40974 3 978 0230 40975 0 978 0230 40976 7 978 0230 40977 4 978 0230 40978 1Workbook 978 1405 05856 8 978 1405 05864 3 978 1405 05871 1 978 1405 05878 0 978 1405 05919 0 978 1405 05925 1Teacher's Book 978 1405 05857 5 978 1405 05865 0 978 1405 05872 8 978 1405 05879 7 978 1405 05920 6 978 1405 05926 8Teacher's Resource Book 978 1405 06414 9 978 1405 06415 6 978 1405 06416 3Teacher's Book CD 978 0230 03991 9 978 0230 03993 3 978 0230 03995 7 978 0230 03997 1 978 0230 03999 5 978 0230 71515 8Practice Book 978 1405 05852 0 978 1405 05853 7 978 1405 05854 4 978 1405 05917 6 978 1405 05923 7 978 1405 05929 9Story Audio Cassette 978 1405 05859 9 978 1405 05867 4 978 1405 05874 2 978 1405 05881 0 978 1405 05922 0 978 1405 05928 2Flashcards 978 1405 05860 5 978 1405 05868 1Posters 978 1405 05861 2 978 1405 05869 8CD-Rom 978 1405 06234 3 978 1405 06235 0 978 1405 06236 7 978 1405 06237 4 978 1405 06238 1

New Edition

Way Ahead ReadersEach level of Way Ahead is accompanied by two storybooks, including three plays (Readers 1c, 2c, 3c) andthree information books (Readers 4c, 5c, 6c). There are also three poetry anthologies which can be used with Levels 4, 5 and 6.

Levels 1&2 Levels 3&4 Levels 5&61A How many colours? 978 0333 67493 2 3A Giants 978 0333 67497 0 5A The sunbird mystery 978 0333 67501 41B Robots 978 0333 67494 9 3B Fairground Adventure 978 0333 67498 7 5B Swiss Family Robinson 978 0333 67502 11C Where's Tiggy? 978 0333 77211 9 3C All the fun of the fair! 978 0333 77213 3 5C Looking at... machines 978 0333 77215 72A Letters from home 978 0333 67495 6 4A Look out for Dragons! 978 0333 67499 4 6A A journey to the centre of the Earth 978 0333 67503 82B I like shopping! 978 0333 67496 3 4B Don't open the bottle! 978 0333 67500 7 6B Gulliver's travels 978 0333 67504 52C Hello, Mr Snowman 978 0333 77212 6 4C Looking at... people 978 0333 77214 0 6C Looking at... our world 978 0333 77216 4


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JumpGrammar and spel l ingNick Beare and Jeanette GreenwellEnsur ing extens ive pract ice of bas ic s t ructures and systemat ic vocabulary d eve l o p m e n t , t h i s s i x - l eve l A m e r i ca n - E n g l i s h p r i m a r y c o u r s e i s a n i d e a l grammar complement to any pr imary ser ies.

Key benefits include:

helpful 'Grammar Boxes' with clearly presented t ips

a unique 'Spelling Routine' which provides strategies to improve spelling skil ls

an excit ing 'Fun Page' in every unit to st imulate chi ldren's imagination

It's great for kids in an EFL surrounding.It offers simple, reliable examples in realEnglish, but is also full of challengingexercises to make kids think.

Kate Kim,Supervisor,Avalon English,South Korea

Reduced pages from Student's Book 6

Jump Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Student's Book 978 9706 50128 8 978 9706 50129 5 978 9706 50130 1 978 9706 50131 8 978 9706 50132 5 978 9706 50133 2Teacher's Book 978 9706 50134 9 978 9706 50135 6 978 9706 50136 3 978 9706 50137 0 978 9706 50138 7 978 9706 50139 4


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22 Children

Macmillan EnglishA masterclass in pr imary Engl ishMary Bowen, Liz Hocking, Wendy Wren, Printha Ellis and Louis FidgeOffer ing a unique approach for young learners str iv ing to become bi l ingual, this ser ies is based on how Engl ish is taught to native speaking chi ldren yet provides suppor t for EFL / ESL learners.

Key benefits include:

systematic preparation for Engl ish medium education

a reading and wri t ing syl labus informed by the UK national curr iculum

an impressive range of beauti ful ly i l lustrated integrated components

a Fluency Book that presents the topics and language through an 18-episode story developing l istening and speaking

a Language Book wh ich ex tends the language in t roduced and deve lops reading, wri t ing and grammar through r ich cross-curr icular content

a Practice Book now packaged with a Mult i -Rom, offer ing consol idat ion and individual wr i t ing tasks

an accompanying reading scheme, Macmil lan Engl ish Explorers (see page 27)

Macmillan English Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Fluency Book 978 1405 00365 0 978 1405 00366 7 978 1405 00367 4 978 1405 08126 9 978 1405 08132 0 978 1405 08138 2Fluency Book Audio CD(s) 978 0230 02281 2 978 0230 02283 6 978 0230 02285 0 978 0230 02287 4 978 0230 02288 1 978 0230 02279 9Language Book 978 1405 01367 3 978 1405 01368 0 978 1405 01369 7 978 1405 08125 2 978 1405 08131 3 978 1405 08137 5Language Book Audio CDs 978 1405 09617 1 978 1405 09618 8 978 1405 09619 5 978 1405 09620 1 978 1405 09621 8 978 1405 09622 5Practice Book + CD-Rom Pack 978 0230 43456 1 978 0230 43457 8 978 0230 43458 5 978 0230 43459 2 978 0230 43460 8 978 0230 43461 5Teacher’s Guide 978 1405 01373 4 978 1405 01374 1 978 1405 01375 8 978 1405 08128 3 978 1405 08134 4 978 1405 08140 5Flashcards 978 1405 00368 1 978 1405 00369 8 978 1405 00370 4

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Macmillan Science Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Pupil's Book + CD-Rom Pack 978 0230 73293 3 978 0230 73294 0 978 0230 73295 7 987 0230 73296 4 978 0230 73297 1 978 0230 73298 8Workbook 978 0230 02839 5 978 0230 02843 2 978 0230 02847 0 978 0230 02851 7 978 0230 02855 5 978 0230 02859 3Teacher's Book 978 0230 02840 1 978 0230 02844 9 978 0230 02848 7 978 0230 02852 4 978 0230 02856 2 978 0230 02860 9

Macmillan MathematicsIntegrat ing language and contentPaul BroadbentOffer ing a complete mathemat ics cur r icu lum for pr imary ESL learners, th is innovat ive ser ies i s wr i t ten by exper ts in the fie ld and is based on thorough research.

Key benefits include:

systematic coverage of the pr imary mathematics curr iculum

one concept per lesson to ensure pupils fully assimilate what is being taught

clear, concise explanations of key concepts with a wealth of examples and practice

tasks that help apply what is being learnt to the real world

an 'Assessment' activity at the end of each unit to check understanding

Course components include:

an A and B Pupil's Book at each level, with a CD-Rom packaged with Book A, contain ing 90 addit ional pract ice act iv i t ies suppor t ing both books

a Teacher's Book with comprehensive support for teaching the course

Macmillan ScienceIntegrat ing language and contentDavid Glover and Penny GloverFo l low ing cur rent bes t p ract ice in sc ience educat ion , th i s se r ies o ffe r s c a re f u l l y g ra d e d m a te r i a l s fo r E S L l e a r n e r s w h i c h d e ve l o p a s o u n d framework of scient i fic knowledge and understanding.

Key benefits include:

a n i nve s t i g a t i ve h a n d s - o n a p p ro a c h to l e a r n i n g t h ro u g h p ra c t i c a l a c t i v i t i e s a n d key wo rd b oxe s h e l p b u i l d l e a r n e r s ' s u b j e c t - s p e c i f i c vocabulary

a CD-Rom fo r each leve l w i th ove r 100 ex t ra p rac t ice ac t i v i t i e s and simulated experiments

Macmillan Mathematics Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Pupil's Book A + CD-Rom Pack 978 0230 73287 2 978 0230 73288 9 978 0230 73289 6 987 0230 73290 2 978 0230 73291 9 978 0230 73292 6Pupil's Book B 978 0230 02815 9 978 0230 02819 7 978 0230 02823 4 978 0230 02827 2 978 0230 02831 9 978 0230 02835 7Teacher's Book 978 0230 02816 6 978 0230 02820 3 978 0230 02824 1 978 0230 02828 9 978 0230 02832 6 978 0230 02836 4


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24 Children

Macmillan Natural and Social ScienceContent and language combined natural lyJoanne Ramsden, Helen SandersonDeveloping chi ldren's knowledge of science, history and geography, as wel l as providing systematic development of Engl ish language ski l ls, this s ix - level course offers var ied activ i t ies that provide a motivat ing st imulus to chi ldren's learning and cater for di fferent learning sty les. A key feature of the course is the development of Engl ish language ski l ls alongside science content. The language is integrated into each topic and summarized at the star t of each unit and lesson. Al l four ski l ls of speaking, l is tening, reading and wri t ing are introduced and bui l t on.

Key benefits include:carefully graded language and vocabulary introduced within the science context with content-based songs, raps and stories picture dictionaries included in the Pupil’s Books and Flashcards covering key vocabulary in levels 1 and 2revision pages review the main concepts and language of each unit, and also contain a self-assessment section Interactive Whiteboard material including sl ide presentations, animations, simulations and interactive postersAudio CDs packaged with the Pupil’s Books / Activity Books include songs and vocabulary Photocopiable Resources CDs contain worksheets, tests and word cards

Helen Sanderson

Pupil’s Book



Macmillan Natural and Social Science Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Pupil's Book Pack* 978 0230 40080 1 978 0230 40084 9 Pupil's Book 978 0230 72016 9 978 0230 72023 7 978 0230 72030 5 978 0230 72037 4Activity Book Pack* 978 0230 40088 7 978 0230 40092 4 978 0230 40095 5 978 0230 40098 6Teacher's Notes 978 0230 71998 9 978 0230 72004 6 978 0230 72011 4 978 0230 72018 3 978 0230 72025 1 978 0230 72033 6Flashcards 978 0230 72002 2 978 0230 72008 4 Poster Pack 978 0230 40081 8 978 0230 40085 6 978 0230 40089 4 978 0230 40093 1 978 0230 40096 2 978 0230 40099 3Interactive Whiteboard Material Levels 1 & 2 978 0230 41375 7 Levels 3 & 4 978 0230 41949 0 Levels 5 & 6 978 0230 43396 0

Reduced pages from Pupil 's Book 3

*At levels 1 & 2 the Audio CDs are packed with the Pupil's Book; at all other levels they are packed with the Activity Book.

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Macmillan Factual ReadersAllowing young learners of Engl ish to explore a variety of fascinating real-world topics, this s ix - level ser ies provides a natural br idge to studying curr iculum subjects in Engl ish. The readers are beauti ful ly designed with str ik ing photographs and i l lustrat ions.

Key benefits include:a natural way to learn about the world and subject specific vocabularynon-fiction texts that will appeal particularly to reluctant readersthe levels provide increased challenge compared to our Macmillan Children’s ReadersTeaching notes, audio files and exercises available to download

Macmillan Factual Readers*Level 1+ Level 2+ Level 3+Seasons 978 0230 43200 0 Animal Senses 978 0230 43206 2 Firefighters 978 0230 43217 8Colourful Coral Reefs 978 0230 43201 7 What We Eat 978 0230 43209 3 Dinosaur World 978 0230 43219 2Baby Animals 978 0230 43203 1 What Animals Eat 978 0230 43210 9 Cars 978 0230 43220 8Busy As A Bee 978 0230 43205 5 Lorries, Trucks And Vans 978 0230 43213 0 Vikings 978 0230 43221 5Butterflies 978 0230 42703 7 Your Body 978 0230 43211 6 Volcanoes 978 0230 43216 1Trains 978 0230 43202 4 Where Animals Live 978 0230 43208 6 Minibeasts 978 0230 43214 7Jobs People Do 978 0230 43204 8 Fur and Feathers 978 0230 43208 6 Record Breakers - The Biggest 978 0230 43215 4Snakes Alive 978 0230 43199 7 Where We Live 978 0230 43207 9 The Romans 978 0230 43218 5

Level 4+ Level 5+ Level 6+Rivers 978 0230 43224 6 Explorers 978 0230 43230 7 Record Breakers - The Most Dangerous 978 0230 43233 8 The Human Body 978 0230 43225 3 Hurricanes 978 0230 43235 2 Environment 978 0230 43234 5 Spiders 978 0230 43226 0 Rainforeset 978 0230 43232 1 Space 978 0230 43236 9Arctic And Antarctica 978 0230 43227 7 Record Breakers - The Fastest 978 0230 43231 4 Ancient Egyptians 978 0230 43237 6Flight 978 0230 43222 2 Sharks 978 0230 43223 9 All levelsPirates 978 0230 43228 4 Library Pack (containing all titles) 978 0230 43476 9Weather 978 0230 43229 1

*Titles of this series are available in Asia except in Korea, Thailand, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and Brunei.







Snowflakes are made from ice.

They grow in very cold clouds. They

start off as tiny ice crystals, and then get larger and

larger. All snowflakes have six sides.

Water evaporates from seas, lakes and rivers.

Water vapour cools and makes clouds.

Rain falls from the clouds.

Rainwater runs into rivers and back to the sea.





FDXVHV�floods� Water soaks into the ground.

Reduced pages from Weather, Level 4+


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26 Children

Macmillan Children's ReadersProviding young learners with a wide range of high interest reading mater ials, this ser ies includes both fict ion and non-fict ion t i t les that l ink to the themes and language covered in most young learners coursebooks.

Key benefits include:

a picture dict ionary or wordl ist and activ i ty pages at the back of each book

recordings on the Audio CDs provide optional l is tening practice

Macmillan Children's ReadersLevel 1 Level 2 Food food food! NEW 978 0230 44364 8 Carnival Time NEW 978 0230 44366 2We love toys NEW 978 0230 44365 5 Monkeys NEW 978 0230 44367 9Hide and Seek 978 0230 40200 3 The Fancy Dress Competition 978 0230 40202 7 The Frog and the Crocodile 978 0230 40201 0 Lunch at the Zoo 978 0230 40203 4 Colin's Colours** 978 1405 05717 2 Dom's Dragon** 978 1405 05718 9 Pip the Pirate** 978 1405 05727 1 Pat's Picture** 978 1405 05726 4 Fantastic Freddy* 978 0230 01004 8 A Picnic Surprise!* 978 0230 01008 6 Eddie's Exercise* 978 0230 01006 2 Where's Rex?* 978 0230 01010 9

Level 3 Level 4 Endangered Animals NEW 978 0230 44368 6 Lights camera action! NEW 978 0230 44370 9Kings and Queens NEW 978 0230 44369 3 Elephants NEW 978 0230 44371 6Wild Animals/A Hungry Visitor 978 0230 40493 9 Incredible Sculptures/A Thief in the Museum 978 0230 40497 7 Where Does Our Rubbish Go?/Let’s Recycle! 978 0230 40494 6 The Music Around Us/The Talent Contest 978 0230 40498 4 The Ant's Party** 978 1405 05729 5 Riverboat Bill** 978 1405 05728 8 The Unhappy Giant** 978 1405 05730 1 What's That Noise?** 978 1405 05719 6 April Fool's Day** 978 1405 07411 7 New Year's Eve** 978 1405 07412 4 Bird/The Mysterious Egg* 978 0230 01012 3 Football Crazy!/What a Goal!* 978 2030 01016 1 Real Monsters/The Princess and the Dragon* 978 0230 01014 7 Dogs/The Big Show* 978 2030 01018 5

Level 5 Level 6 Penguins/Race to the South Pole** 978 1405 05722 6 Planets/School Trip to the Moon** 978 1405 05724 0 Volcanoes/The Legend of Batok Volcano** 978 1405 05723 3 Machu Picchu/Through the Fence** 978 1405 05725 7 Castle/King Arthur's Treasure** 978 1405 07414 8 Caves/The Lucky Accident** 978 1405 07413 1 London/A Day in the City* 978 0230 01020 8 Sharks and Dolphins/Dolphiin Rescue* 978 0230 01024 6 Dangerous Weather*/The Weather Machine* 978 0230 01022 2 Gold/Pirate's Gold* 978 0230 01026 0Pumpkins/A Pie for Miss Potter 978 0230 40501 1 Inventions/Lost 978 0230 40505 9New York/Adventure in the Big Apple 978 0230 40502 8 The Deep/The City Under the Sea 978 0230 40506 6 Audios of remaining titles are available at www.macmillanenglish.com

Levels 1 and 2Audio CD 978 0230 02805 0(containing titles marked*)Audio CD 978 1405 08152 8(containing titles marked**)

Levels 3 and 4Audio CD 978 0230 02806 7(containing titles marked*)Audio CD 978 1405 05733 2(containing titles marked**)

Levels 5 and 6Audio CD 978 0230 02807 4(containing titles marked*)Audio CD 978 1405 08153 5(containing titles marked**)


Reduced pages from New York, Level 5

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Little Explorers AAt the Zoo 9781405059862Big Bad Monster, The 9781405059909Big Bad Monster Big Book, The 9781405061155Biscuit Man, The 9781405059893Daisy the Dinosaur 9781405059879Daisy the Dinosaur Big Book 9781405061148New Baby, The 9781405059855New Baby Big Book, The 9781405061131Teddy’s Big Day 9781405059886Teacher’s Book* 9781405061322Comprehension Workbook 9781405060769Phonics Workbook 9781405061124

A Party for Teddy 9781405059947A Party for Teddy Big Book 9781405061209A Fun Day Out 9781405059954Chicken-Licken 9781405059923Daisy and Danny 9781405059930School Play, The 9781405059961School Play Big Book, The 9781405061193Stone Soup 9781405059916Stone Soup Big Book 9781405061216Teacher’s Book* 9781405061346Comprehension Workbook 9781405060776Phonics Workbook 9781405061186Young Explorers 1Aunt Rose Comes to Stay 9781405060011Aunt Rose Comes to Stay Big Book 9781405061278Daisy Has the Hiccups 9781405059992Greedy Gretel 9781405059978Greedy Gretel Big Book 9781405061254Going to the Beach 9781405060028In the Jungle 9781405060004In the Jungle Big Book 9781405061261

Lazy Lenny 9781405059985Teacher’s Book* 9781405061117Comprehension Workbook 9781405060752Phonics Workbook 9781405061247Young Explorers 2Bike Race, The 9781405060073Daisy’s Dancing Lesson 9781405060059Jump, Stick, Jump 9781405060035Pirate Jack 9781405060066See You Soon 9781405060080Sun, Cloud, Stone 9781405060042Teacher’s Book* 9781405061223Comprehension Workbook 9781405060813Phonics Workbook 9781405061308Explorers 3Camcorder Thief, The 9781405060110Camcorder Thief Workbook, The 9781405060899Elephant’s Child, The 9781405060097Elephant’s Child Workbook, The 9781405060875How the Camel Got His Hump 9780230719866How the Camel Got His Hump Workbook 9780230719873Magic Flute, The 9781405060103Magic Flute Workbook, The 9781405060882Snow White 9780230719781Snow White Workbook 9780230719798Yeti Comes to Town, The 9781405060127Yeti Comes to Town Workbook, The 9781405060905Teacher’s Book* 9781405061230Explorers 4Adventures of Odysseus, The 9781405060165Adventures of Odysseus Workbook, The 9781405060943Dan Tries to Help 9781405060172Dan Tries to Help Workbook 9781405060950Escape from the Fire 9781405060189

Pinocchio Workbook 9780230719910

Escape from the Fire Workbook 9781405060967

Pinocchio 9780230719903

Robin Hood 9781405060158Robin Hood Workbook 9781405060936Snow Queen, The 9780230719927Snow Queen Workbook, The 9780230719934Teacher’s Book* 9781405061292Explorers 5A Fishy Business 9781405060233A Fishy Business Workbook 9781405061018Aladdin 9780230719804Aladdin Workbook 9780230719811Black Beauty 9780230719842Black Beauty Workbook 9780230719859Bronze Bust Mystery, The 9781405060240Bronze Bust Mystery Workbook, The 9781405061025Five Children and It 9781405060219Five Children and It Workbook 9781405060998Secret Garden, The 9781405060226Secret Garden Workbook, The 9781405061001Teacher’s Book* 9781405061360Explorers 6Ali Baba 9780230719828Ali Baba Workbook 9780230719835Danger on Misty Mountain 9781405060318Danger on Misty Mountain Workbook 9781405061070Nicholas Nickleby 9780230719880Nicholas Nickleby Workbook 9780230719897Railway Children, The 9781405060295Railway Children Workbook, The 9781405061063Time Twist 9781405060301Time Twist Workbook 9781405061087Treasure Island 9781405060288Treasure Island Workbook 9781405061056Teacher’s Book* 9781405061384

Little Explorers B

*Titles no longer available to buy. Please go to the website to download files.

Full Teacher’s Notes and Assessment Packs are available on the website: www.macmillanyounglearners.com

All audio and Teacher's Notes are now available to download from the young learners website: www.macmillanyounglearners.com

Macmillan English Explorers Phonics Reading Series

Macmillan English Explorers

Look!Run and HideIn Daisy’s BoxIn Teddy’s Bag


Little Explorers AIn the MudPin it onFish and ChipsTeddy in Bed


Little Explorers BTom’s HaircutProfessor GreenDaisy is IllCrazy Cat


Young Explorers 1Pirate Jack’s TreasureCrazy Cat StarsDaisy Yellow KiteThe Muddy Sheep


Young Explorers 2

Macmillan English ExplorersIncreasing chi ldren’s desire to read, this eight- level reading ser ies can be used alongside any pr imary course.

Key benefits include:a variety of text types such as mystery, suspense, action, adventure, rhymes, poetry, children’s classics and non-fictionvocabulary informed by the UK National L i teracy StrategyPhonics Workbook to help chi ldren become better readers, wr i ters and spel lersPhonics Readers to develop phonic awareness and help bui ld reading and pronunciat ion ski l lsComprehension Workbook for each level to give chi ldren extra practiceBig Book avai lable for some low-level t i t les



Page 30: Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue

28 Children

Selections Choose readingGuiding students towards becoming successfu l readers, the new edi t ion of this popular reading ser ies retains the engaging texts f rom the or iginal edit ion and now incorporates comprehension activi t ies. Selections exposes students to a wide variety of text types and helps develop a l i felong love of reading.

Key benefits include:

a range of motivat ing and beauti ful ly i l lustrated texts

act iv i t ies to aid comprehension and encourage creativ i ty and thinking ski l ls

an Audio CD with recordings of al l the reading texts

an expanded Teacher 's Edi t ion wh ich conta ins addi t iona l ideas fo r explo i t ing the texts and suppor t for developing reading s t rategies as wel l as incorporat ing other sk i l ls, such as process wr i t ing and l is tening for specific information

Selections is a terrific series...well organized, well informedand really well thought out. Sue Jo,

Woongjin Think Big,South Korea


Selections New Edition Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Student's Book 978 6074 73085 2 978 6074 73086 9 978 6074 73087 6 978 6074 73088 3 978 6074 73089 0 978 6074 73090 6Class Audio CD 978 6074 73091 3 978 6074 73092 0 978 6074 73093 7 978 6074 73094 4 978 6074 73095 1 978 6074 73096 8Teacher's Edition 978 6074 73104 0 978 6074 73105 7 978 6074 73106 4 978 6074 73107 1 978 6074 73108 8 978 6074 73109 5

New Edition

Macmillan Foundation Skills SeriesLouis FidgeTh is i s a s ix - leve l s tand-alone ser ies of carefu l ly graded books on Reading and Writ ing which can complement any chi ldren's ser ies.

Key benefits include:

The Reading Comprehension ser ies introduces chi ldren to a wide range of text types, including fict ion, fact and poetry, wi th exercises at text level , sentence level and word level

The Wr i t ing Composi t ion ser ies focuses on teaching handwr i t ing and graded composit ional ski l ls

Reading Comprehension Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Pupil's Book 978 0333 77680 3 978 0333 77681 0 978 0333 77682 7 978 0333 77683 4 978 0333 77684 1 978 0333 77685 8Teacher's Book 978 0333 79758 7 (Levels 1 and 2) 978 0333 79760 0 (Levels 3 and 4) 978 0333 79761 7 (Levels 5 and 6)

Writing CompositionPupil's Book 978 0333 77686 5 978 0333 77687 2 978 0333 77688 9 978 0333 77689 6 978 0333 77690 2 978 0333 77691 9Teacher's Book 978 0333 79751 8 (Levels 1 and 2) 978 0333 79753 2 (Levels 3 and 4) 978 0333 79755 6 (Levels 5 and 6)

Page 31: Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue



Young Learners English Practice TestsFoster ing a posit ive experienceSandra Fox and Bryan Stephens Helping young learners prepare for the Cambridge ESOL Young Learners E n g l i s h te s t s , t h e s e b e a u t i f u l l y i l l u s t ra te d p ra c t i c e te s t s w i l l b u i l d u p students’ confidence and test- taking ski l ls.

Key benefits include:

four complete practice tests for each level of the YLE tests, covering the four ski l ls

wr i t ten by very experienced teachers/teacher trainers and examiners

a unique double page spread ‘speaking picture’ gives authent ic exam practice and has added value in the classroom

easy- to-use downloadable Teacher’s Notes guide teachers through the exam, provide ext ra act iv i t ies and ideas for present ing and pract is ing language, and reflect the pos i t ive ethos of the exam - avai lable f rom www.macmil lanengl ish.com

Young Learners English SkillsSandra FoxP rov i d i n g s t r u c t u re d p ra c t i c e o f t h e g ra m m a r, vo c a b u l a r y a n d s k i l l s needed for the Cambridge ESOL Young Learners Engl ish tests, these books help prepare students for the Star ters, Movers and Flyers tests.

Key benefits include:

Structured practice bui lding towards Young Learner test requirements at each level with incremental development throughout the books

Lively, colourful mater ial that young learners can relate to and enjoy

Comprehens ive Teacher ’s Notes w i th ex t ra mater ia l fo r conso l idat ion plus a Test Generator and addit ional onl ine resources

Young Learners English Practice Tests Starters Movers Flyers Student's Book + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 41225 5 978 0230 40997 2 978 0230 40707 7


Young Learners English Skills Starters Movers FlyersPupil's Book 978 0230 44899 5 978 0230 44904 6 978 0230 44909 1Teacher's Book + Webcode Pack 978 0230 44901 5 978 0230 44906 0 978 0230 44911 4Audio CD 978 0230 44902 2 978 0230 44907 7 978 0230 44912 1

Page 32: Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue

30 gTeenage

Hot Spot Hit your target in Engl ishColin Granger and Catherine StannettBr idging the gap between upper pr imary and lower secondary, th is f i ve level ser ies is designed to capture the imagination of young teenagers.

Key benefits include:

theme-based modules that engage young teenagers

cross-cultural and cross-curr icular lessons that provide integrated sk i l l s practice

'Extra special' sections that contain puzzles, mini plays and projects

an interactive CD-Rom that includes grammar, vocabulary and interactive language games

Teacher's Book with extra resource materials and editable module tests

a Teacher's Resource Website w i th ext ra pronunciat ion and l i s ten ing resources

Hot Spot Interactive Classroom, easy-to-use Interactive Whiteboard software

Reduced pages from Student's Book 5

Hot Spot Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5Student’s Book + CD-Rom Pack* 978 0230 72374 0 978 0230 72375 7 978 0230 72376 4 978 0230 72377 1 978 0230 40877 7Activity Book 978 0230 53371 4 978 0230 53375 2 978 0230 53379 0 978 0230 53383 7 978 0230 40878 4Teacher's Book + Test CD Pack** 978 0230 71788 6 978 0230 71790 9 978 0230 71792 3 978 0230 71794 7 978 0230 40880 7Class CDs 978 0230 53373 8 978 0230 53377 6 978 0230 53381 3 978 0230 53385 1 Interactive Classroom 978 0230 41939 1 978 0230 41941 4 978 0230 41943 8 978 0230 41944 5 978 0230 41945 2


Paul McCleave,Director of Studies ECC,Thailand

Hot spot is an engaging series that incorporates the interests of teenagers in a fun way. The cross-curricular aspects of the course are beneficial in consolidating English knowledge in all school subjects.

*Student’s Book with CD-Rom Pack is for Levels 1 to 4. Level 5 has a Student’s Book only.** Teacher's Book with Test CD Pack is for Levels 1 to 4. Level 5 includes the pack and Class CDs.


Page 33: Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue




MegaA fresh approach for teenagersChris Barker and Libby MitchellC o m b i n i n g i n te re s t i n g to p i c s , a c l e a r g ra m m a r s y l l a b u s a n d a v i s u a l l y a p p e a l i n g d e s i g n , t h i s fo u r - l eve l c o m mu n i c a t i ve c o u r s e w i l l h e l p yo u r teenage lea rne r s ex tend the i r language sk i l l s and know ledge, en joy ing learning along the way.

Key benefits include: fantastic photographic appeal, giving an authentic magazine feel to the coursereal-life contexts, characters and language, reflecting the lives of teenagerscareful attention to practicing skills using authentic texts in the 'Skills Development' sectionextensive cultural input through unit themes, cross-cultural activities and 'Culture Spot' lessonsregular progress checks in the 'Let's Check' and 'How good are you?' sections to consolidate learning and provide feedback

Tempo Level 1 Level 2 Level 3Student’s Book 978 1405 01902 6 978 1405 01907 1 978 1405 01912 5Workbook + CD-Rom Pack 978 1405 07404 9 978 1405 07407 0 978 1405 07410 0Teacher’s Book 978 1405 01904 0 978 1405 01909 5 978 1405 01914 9Class Audio CDs 978 1405 01906 4 978 1405 01911 8 978 1405 01916 3Test Book and Audio CD Pack (all levels) 978 1405 08428 4

Tempo , a Br i t ish Engl ish edit ion of Mega is also avai lable.

Mega Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4Student's Book 978 1405 02310 8 978 1405 02316 0 978 1405 02322 1 978 1405 02328 3Workbook 978 1405 02311 5 978 1405 02317 7 978 1405 02323 8 978 1405 02329 0Teacher's Edition 978 1405 02312 2 978 1405 02318 4 978 1405 02324 5 978 1405 02330 6Class CD 978 1405 02314 6 978 1405 02320 7 978 1405 02326 9 978 1405 02332 0CD-Rom 978 1405 02315 3 978 1405 02321 4 978 1405 02327 6 978 1405 02333 7Workbook CD 978 1405 05742 4 978 1405 05743 1 978 1405 05744 8 978 1405 05745 5Test CD (one CD for Levels 2 to 4) 978 1405 06640 2

Animal Explorers is a topic-based online resource for young learners, aged between 10 and 14, and is ideal for use with Interactive Whiteboard or in a multi-media lab.

Focusing on the animal kingdom, it takes students ��������������������������������ơ������������ǡ������packed full of stories, audio, video, games and highly interactive exercises. Teacher’s Notes for each topic allow you to extend the work in class.

Visit www.animalexplorers.com ���Ƥ����������������take a closer look!

Also available as part of Macmillan English Campus!

Animal Explorers

Page 34: Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue

32 gTeenageNew InspirationBr inging you fresh ideasJudy Garton-Sprenger and Phil ip ProwseTaking al l the best elements of the or iginal course and adding some excit ing new features, perfect for motivat ing and chal lenging teenage students.

Key benefits include:

even more choice and variety of authentic topics

increased opportunities for personalization and critical thinking linked to the topics and texts

'Preview' and 'Review' sections that help develop learner autonomy

more differentiation and support to cater specifically for mixed-ability classes

New Inspiration Interactive classroom , easy-to-use interactive whiteboard software

a comprehensive Teacher’s Book including a photocopiable resource pack and a Test CD-Roma Workbook plus opt ional addit ional access to the student website with extra interactive practice activities and fun language games

Inspiration Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4Student's Book 978 1405 02935 3 978 1405 02940 7 978 1405 02945 2 978 1405 02950 6Activity Book 978 1405 02936 0 978 1405 02941 4 978 1405 02946 9 978 1405 02951 3Teacher's Book 978 1405 02937 7 978 1405 02942 1 978 1405 02947 6 978 1405 02952 0Class Audio CD 978 1405 02939 1 978 1405 02944 5 978 1405 02949 0 978 1405 02954 4Inspiration Builder 978 1405 02955 1 978 1405 06653 2 978 1405 06654 9 978 1405 06655 6

New Inspiration Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4Student's Book 978 0230 40847 0 978 0230 40848 7 978 0230 40849 4 978 0230 40850 0Workbook 978 0230 41254 5 978 0230 41255 2 978 0230 41256 9 978 0230 41257 6Teacher's Book Pack* 978 0230 41238 5 978 0230 41242 2 978 0230 41246 0 978 0230 41250 7Interactive Classroom 978 0230 41241 5 978 0230 41245 3 978 0230 41249 1 978 0230 41253 8

Reduced pages fromStudent’s Book 3


Benjie Romero, Manager of Instruction,Berlitz Sukhumvit Branch,Thailand

The Inspiration series has proven to be a huge hit for young learners here at Berlitz. Both the instructors and the students have enjoyed the experience of going through the very interesting and colorful activities that each Inspiration book offers.

New EditionProjectable

* Teacher's Book Pack contains a Teacher's Book, a Test CD and a Class CD.

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InsightsJudy Garton Sprenger and Phil ip Prowse,with addit ional material by Marcelo Baccarin,Offer ing shor ter courses for teenagers, this is a s ix- level ser ies based on Inspired.

Key Benefits include:

a low level entry point suitable for 11+ near-beginners five units per level with the first units acting as a ‘Using your English’ review at the start of the school yearA systematic writing program, using realistic contexts suited to the user age group including blogs, texting and podcasts

InspiredBr inging you fresh ideasJudy Garton-Sprenger and Phil ip ProwseTaking al l the best elements of the or iginal edit ion of American Inspirat ion, Inspired brings i t up-to-date with fresh, new content to keep teenage learners engaged and inspired.

Key benefits include:

even richer cross-curricular and cultural content in the Student’s Book and specific CLIL content in the Workbookunit opener pages to introduce the topics and get students involvedmore differentiation and support for teaching mixed-ability classes more explict development of learning strageies in ‘Learner Independence’ boxesincreased opportunities for students to express their ideas and opinionsa Teacher’s Pack including photocopiables and a Test Generator CD-Romoptional extra Macmillan Practice Online self-study materials related to the course designed to consolidate classroom study


Insights Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6Student's Book and Workbook 978 0230 42740 2 978 0230 43408 0 978 0230 43414 1 978 0230 43420 2 978 0230 43426 4 978 0230 43432 5Teacher's Book Pack* 978 0230 43404 2 978 0230 43410 3 978 0230 43416 5 978 0230 43422 6 978 0230 43428 8 978 0230 43434 9Class Audio CD 978 0230 43405 9 978 0230 43411 0 978 0230 43417 2 978 0230 43423 3 978 0230 43429 5 978 0230 43435 6IWB CD-Rom 978 0230 43407 3 978 0230 43413 4 978 0230 43419 6 978 0230 43425 7 978 0230 43431 8 978 0230 43437 0

Inspired Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4Student's Book 978 0230 41507 2 978 0230 41512 6 978 0230 41517 1 978 0230 41523 2Workbook 978 0230 41508 9 978 0230 41513 3 978 0230 41518 8 978 0230 41524 9Teacher's Book + CD-Rom Pack 978 0230 41510 2 978 0230 41515 7 978 0230 41521 8 978 0230 41526 3Audio CD 978 0230 42491 3 978 0230 42492 0 978 0230 42493 7 978 0230 42494 4Interactive Classroom 978 0230 42872 0 978 0230 42873 7 978 0230 42874 4 978 0230 42875 1

New Edition


Reduced pages from Student’s Book 2


*Teacher's Book Pack contains a Teacher's Book and a Test CD-Rom.

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GatewayYour entrance to univers i ty studiesDavid SpencerPreparing secondary school students for their school-leav ing examinat ions, th is ser ies develops language sk i l l s , exam sk i l l s , p romotes learner confidence and independence, and prepares students for l i fe beyond the classroom.

Key benefits include:

an exam's focus with task familiarisation throughout the course, including exam success t ips , s tudy sk i l l s t ips and ex tended exam prepara t ion reference sections

CLICK (Cross-curricular, Literature and International Cultural Knowledge) pages that focus on cross -cur r icu lar themes which develop s tudents ’ language through knowledge of other subjects

regular ‘can-do’ self -check progress l ists for students to actively monitor their progress and identify areas for improvement

Gateway to exams sections after every two units that recycle language giving students valuable practice with a wide variety of exam task types

Course components include:

a Teacher’s Book packaged with a test CD-Rom

a Workbook featuring an exam preparation dictionary

a Student-facing website with interactive video activit ies and language games for each unit

a Teacher- facing website including culture worksheets, exam practice and extension exercises

Gateway Interactive classroom, easy-to-use interactive whiteboard software


Gateway A2 B1 B1+ B2 B2+Student's Book 978 0230 72338 2 978 0230 72344 3 978 0230 72350 4 978 0230 72356 6 978 0230 72362 7Student's Book + Webcode Pack 978 0230 41759 5 978 0230 41760 1 978 0230 41763 2 978 0230 41761 8 978 0230 41762 5Workbook 978 0230 72339 9 978 0230 72345 0 978 0230 72351 1 978 0230 72357 3 978 0230 72363 4Teacher's Book + Test CD Pack 978 0230 41179 1 978 0230 41722 9 978 0230 41721 2 978 0230 41183 8 978 0230 41765 6Class Audio CD 978 0230 72341 2 978 0230 72347 4 978 0230 72353 5 978 0230 72359 7 978 0230 72365 8Interactive Classroom Single User 978 0230 72342 9 978 0230 72348 1 978 0230 72354 2 978 0230 72360 3 978 0230 72366 5

Chris Lea, Senior Teacher of Young Learners, British Council, Bangkok, Thailand

“We were looking for a series of books with a strong focus on key exam skills, which was easy for teachers to use and full of motivating topics for our students. Gateway delivered on all fronts”



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LaserSteve Taylore-Knowles and Malcolm MannP ro v i n g a p a t h w a y t h ro u g h t o s c h o o l l e a v i n g , L a s e r i s a f i v e - l e v e l se r ies that prepares s tudents fo r school learn ing exams as we l l as the Cambridge ESOL KET, PET and FCE exams.

Key benefits include: engaging topic-based units designed to appeal to teenage learnerssystematic development of al l fours ski l ls including ful ly comprehensive wri t ing sect ionsa CD-Rom packed with the Student's Books reinforces the grammar and vocabulary in each unita Teacher’s Book wi th Teacher’s DVD-Rom which provides tests, a test generator and teacher- t ra in ing v ideos, p lus a Digibook for c lassroom presentat ions of the course mater ials

www.macmillanenglish.com/gateway www.macmillanenglish.com/courses/laserthirdedition

Laser 3rd Edition Level A1+ Level A2 Level B1 Level B1+ Level B2 Student's Book + CD-Rom Pack 978 0230 42460 9 978 0230 42473 9 978 0230 43352 6 978 0230 43352 6 978 0230 43382 3Workbook with key + CD Pack 978 0230 42461 6 978 0230 42474 6 978 0230 43353 3 978 0230 43353 3 978 0230 43383 0Workbook without key + CD Pack 978 0230 42462 3 978 0230 42475 3 978 0230 43354 0 978 0230 43354 0 978 0230 43384 7Teacher's Book Pack* 978 0230 42466 1 978 0230 42481 4 978 0230 43360 1 978 0230 43375 5 978 0230 43390 8Class Audio CD 978 0230 42467 8 978 0230 42482 1 978 0230 43361 8 978 0230 43376 2 978 0230 43391 5

Reduced pages from Student’s Book B2

New EditionProjectable

*Teacher's Book Pack contains Teacher's Book, DVD-Rom and Digibook.

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Macmillan EnglishGrammar in ContextBr inging grammar to l i feMichael Vince and Simon ClarkOffe r ing innovat ive grammar presentat ions and pract ice, th i s th ree - leve l se r ie s i nco rpo ra tes con tex tua l sub jec t - spec i f i c examples in to g rammar practice activ i t ies suitable for use in the classroom or for sel f -study.

Key benefits include:

cross -curr icular content areas including: l i terature, sc ience, geography, history and social science

a CD-Rom o ffer ing interact ive pract ice mater ia ls and a g lossary of key content words taken from the Macmil lan School Dict ionary

u p - to - d a te E n g l i s h i n fo r m e d by t h e c o r p o ra u s e d fo r t h e M a c m i l l a n dict ionaries

a focus on lexical grammar and col locations


Reduced pages from Intermediate Student's Book

Macmillan English Grammar In Context Essential Intermediate AdvancedStudent’s Book with Key + CD-Rom Pack 978 1405 07051 5 978 1405 07143 7 978 1405 07054 6Student’s Book without Key + CD-Rom Pack 978 1405 07146 8 978 1405 07144 4 978 1405 07148 2

It is friendly to all users, taking them step by step. The illustrations and texts are really awesome.

Dr.Somruedee Dej-Amorn,School of Humanities,The University of Thai Chamber of Commerce,Thailand

yGrammar and Vocabulary

Page 39: Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue


Language Practice SeriesPractice made perfectMichael VinceP r o v i d i n g l e a r n e r s w i t h t h o r o u g h c o v e r a g e o f k e y g r a m m a r a n d vocabu lar y, th i s bes t - se l l ing se r ies ensures s tudents ' con f idence w i th language, f rom elementary to advanced levels.

Key benefits include:

an interactive CD-Rom with each book for addit ional sel f -study

regular consol idation units to check students' understanding

ful l colour design to engage learners

a focus on word bui ld ing, col locat ions and phrasal verbs as wel l as other problem areas of grammar

relevant exam-style exercises at each level

avai lable in with or without key edit ions

a Teacher ' s Tes t CD p rov ides a p lacement tes t and cus tomi zab le grammar and vocabulary tests

Elementary Language Practice First Certificate Language PracticeWith Key 978 0230 72696 3 With Key 978 0230 72711 3Without Key 978 0230 72697 0 Without Key 978 0230 72712 0Intermediate Language Practice Advanced Language PracticeWith Key 978 0230 72701 4 With Key 978 0230 72706 9Without Key 978 0230 72702 1 Without Key 978 0230 72707 6


Reduced pages from First Certif icate Language Practice

For more information, please see page 77

IELTS Language Practice With Key 978 0230 41056 5

New Edition

Page 40: Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue


Macmillan Vocabulary Practice SeriesThe words students need to knowKeith KellyOffer ing learners clear and informative defini t ions and practice, this ser ies helps students understand subject-specific vocabulary by placing i t in context.

Key benefits include:

comprehensive topic-based vocabulary wordlists with easy-to-understand definitions

contextual sentences that show s tudents how and when to use appropr iate terminology

exercises that practise the vocabulary in context at word, sentence and text level

straightforward diagrams to help understand and practise key terms

a n a c c o m p a ny i n g C D - R o m f e a t u r i n g m o d e l p ro n u n c i a t i o n s a n d f u r t h e r practice with fun l istening activ i t ies and interactive games

The Heinemann ELT English GrammarWith Key 978 0435 29218 8

The Heinemann ELT EnglishGrammarDigby Beaumont and Colin Granger

Key benefits include:each grammar point is given a clear and comprehensive explanation, fol lowed by a wide variety of activating practice exercises

regular review units help check and consolidate students' progress

a test section at the back of the book


Vocabulary Practice Series Science Practice Book Geography Practice BookWith Key + CD-Rom Pack 978 0230 53506 0 978 0230 71976 7With Key 978 0230 53503 9 978 0230 71974 3Without Key + CD-Rom Pack 978 0230 53505 3 978 0230 71977 4Without Key 978 0230 53502 2 978 0230 71973 6

Reduced pages from Science Practice Book

yGrammar and Vocabulary

Page 41: Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue


...they work well with mixed ability classes and give students a lot of opportunities for speaking practice through collaborative project work.

Nick Morley, Head of Teen Programmes, The British Council, Bangkok, Thailand

Reduced pages from Entertainment, Pre-intermediate level

Macmillan TopicsBeginner Beginner PlusPeople 978 1405 09490 0 Animals 978 1405 09501 3Places 978 1405 09491 7 Sports 978 1405 09493 1Elementary Pre-intermediateEnvironment 978 1405 09494 8 Communication 978 1405 09496 2Festivals 978 1405 09495 5 Entertainment 978 1405 09497 9Intermediate All levelsConsumers 978 1405 09498 6 Teacher's Book + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 00974 5Travel and Tourism 978 1405 09499 3

www.macmillanenglish.com/skil ls

Macmillan TopicsWindows on the worldSusan HoldenThe Macmil lan Topics present factual topics in a modern magazine format. They offer chal lenging ins ights in to the modern in tercu l tura l wor ld f rom a teenager's v iewpoint. Wri t ten in direct Engl ish, the texts and i l lustrat ions are closely integrated for maximum impact.

Key benefits include:

the reader's personal experience is placed at the centre of the reading process

the ar t icles present a var iety of text types, sty les and formats

to p i c s re l a te d to s c i e n c e , h i s to r y a n d t h e a r t s p rov i d e s p e c i a l i z e d information and viewpoints

a 'Word F i le ' g lossar y o f key vocabular y on each page g ives essent ia l 'whi le reading' lexical suppor t, with common American and Brit ish English differences noted

a 'Check i t Out ' sect ion p rov ides an up- to -date check l i s t o f spec ia l i s t language, plus useful websites

' M i n i - p ro j e c t s ' a n d ' I nve s t i g a t i o n Po i n t s ' a t t h e e n d o f e a c h a r t i c l e encourage the readers to research fur ther

a 'Projects' sect ion provides ideas for more extensive projects

a l ight-hear ted 'Quiz ' page gives more oppor tunit ies for discovery and fun


Page 42: Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue




Macmillan ReadersOur carefully graded series of retold versions of popular classic and contemporary titles and specially written stories continues to grow and there are now over 170 titles in the series. All titles are available with Audio CDs and include accompanying exercises and glossaries. We have three new titles for 2013 including The Prince and the Pauper, The Man with the Golden Gun and The Adventures of the Norwood Builder and Other Stories. The specially written Owl Hall comes with its own website and a blog. Podcasts will gradually reveal more details about the mysteries of Owl Hall.

Macmillan Literature Collections����� ������� ��������� ��������ǡ� ��������Ƥ��� ������ �������� �������� ��� ������� �������� ����modern writers. All the collections come with substantial support material for each story, including a short summary, a description of major themes, pre-reading vocabulary activities, post-reading language and comprehension exercises, a literary analysis section and essay questions. The Macmillan Literature Collections will help ease students’ transition from �����������������������������������ǡ����������������� ������� ����������������������Ƥ������reading and studying literature just as it was written. The new 2013 additions to the series are Mystery Stories and World Stories.

Macmillan Cultural ReadersThe new Macmillan Cultural Readers series comprises factual Readers focusing on countries of the world, and includes chapters on history, traditions, daily life, cities, nature and sport. These colour-rich, photographic titles encourage the reader to interact with and explore the text through handy fact and interview boxes. The new 2013 titles are England and The United States of America.

���������������������������ǡ����������������������ơ������������materials for teachers to use in class, as well as a wealth of resources written for students and independent learners.

With space and time at a premium today, our Graded Readers can be downloaded as eBooks in all popular formats - ready to read in the way that suits you.

Talk to us on Twitter, join us on Facebook or review our Readers on GoodReads:

Worksheets and answer keys

Tests for every Reader

Sample chapters and sample audio



Author data sheets

The Using Graded Readers in the Classroom guide

Book Corner Club

Articles, interviews and reviews


Macmillan Readers Website Macmillan Readers eBooks

Macmillan Readers Social Media






For more information and to download samples, visit www.macmillanenglish.com/reader40

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Key: * Extra exercises included. ** Extra exercises included. Only available in certain countries, see www.macmillanenglish.com/readers for details.

Many titles also available as audio downloads. See www.macmillanenglish.com/readers for details of online retailers.

Title Level ISBN with ISBN without Audio CD Audio CDAlissa Starter 9781405077880 9780230035782Around the World in Eighty Days Starter 9780230026742Blue Fins Starter 9781405077897 9780230035799Gulliver’s Travels in Lilliput Starter 9780230026766In The Frame Starter 9781405078009 9780230035805L. A. Detective Starter 9781405077903 9780230035812Lost Ship, The Starter 9781405077910 9780230035829Lucky Number Starter 9781405077927 9780230035836Magic Barber, The Starter 9781405077934 9780230035843Photo Finish Starter 9781405077941 9780230035850Sara Says No! Starter 9781405077958 9780230035867Shooting Stars Starter 9781405077965 9780230035874Ski Race Starter 9781405077972 9780230035881Umbrella, The Starter 9781405077989 9780230035898Well, The Starter 9781405077996 9780230035904Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Beginner 9781405072342Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The* Beginner 9781405076081 9780230030336Anna and the Fighter Beginner 9781405076104 9780230035027Billy Budd Beginner 9781405072274Black Tulip, The Beginner 9781405072281Dangerous Journey* Beginner 9781405076128 9780230035034Good Wives Beginner 9781405072304Hawk-eye, the PathƤnder Beginner 9781405072311House in the Picture and Abbot Thomas’ Treasure, The Beginner 9781405072328House on the Hill, The Beginner 9781405076142 9780230035041Jane Eyre* Beginner 9781405076166 9780230030381L. A. Raid Beginner 9781405072366Last Leaf and Other Stories, The Beginner 9781405072373Last of the Mohicans, The Beginner 9781405076180 9780230034990Little Women Beginner 9781405076203 9780230035003Long Tunnel, The* Beginner 9781405076227 9780230030350Lorna Doone Beginner 9781405072410Man in the Iron Mask, The* Beginner 9781405076241 9780230030367Marco Beginner 9781405076265 9780230035010Mill on the Floss, The* Beginner 9781405076289 9780230035058Money for a Motorbike Beginner 9781405076302 9780230035065Newspaper Boy Beginner 9781405072458Northanger Abbey Beginner 9781405076326 9780230035072Phantom of the Opera, The* Beginner 9781405076340 9780230030343Picture Puzzle Beginner 9781405072489Princess Diana* Beginner 9780230716537 9780230731165Prisoner of Zenda, The Beginner 9781405072502Rich Man, Poor Man* Beginner 9781405076364 9780230030374Signalman and The Ghost at the Trial, The Beginner 9781405072496Tale of Two Cities, A Beginner 9781405076067 9780230035089This is London Beginner 9781405087117 9780230035096Three Musketeers, The* Beginner 9780230716735 9780230731158Trumpet-Major, The Beginner 9781405072533Truth Machine, The Beginner 9781405072540Washington Square Beginner 9781405072557Black Cat, The* Elementary 9781405076388 9780230029231Canterville Ghost and Other Stories, The* Elementary 9781405076401 9780230030794Christmas Carol, A Elementary 9781405072588Claws Elementary Elementary 9781405072595Don’t Tell Me What To Do Elementary 9781405072649Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Elementary 9781405072656Escape and Other Stories, The Elementary 9781405072663Frankenstein* Elementary 9781405076500 9780230030435Hound of the Baskervilles, The* Elementary 9781405076524 9780230029248L. A. Winners* Elementary 9781405076975 9780230035102Legends of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle, The* Elementary 9781405076548 9780230035119Lost World, The Elementary 9781405072717Love by Design Elementary 9781405072724Mark of Zorro, The* Elementary 9781405076999 9780230029217Phantom Airman, The Elementary 9781405076562 9780230037434Prince and the Pauper, The Elementary 9780230436343 9780230436329Picture of Dorian Gray, The* Elementary 9781405076586 9780230029224Princess Diaries 1, The* Elementary 9781405080644 9780230037472Princess Diaries 2, The* Elementary 9781405080668 9780230037489Promise, The Elementary 9781405072779Quest, The Elementary 9781405072830Room 13 and Other Ghost Stories* Elementary 9781405076609 9780230035126Seven Stories of Mystery and Horror* Elementary 9781405075350 9780230037465Silver Blaze and Other Stories Elementary 9781405072793Stranger, The* Elementary 9781405076623 9780230035133Tales of Horror* Elementary 9781405076647 9780230035140Tales of Ten Worlds Elementary 9781405072823Treasure Island Elementary 9781405072847Unquiet Graves Elementary 9781405076661 9780230036994White Fang* Elementary 9780230026735 9780230034402Woman in Black, The* Elementary 9781405077019 9780230037458Call of the Wild* Pre-intermediate 9780230408715 9780230408401Casino Royale* Pre-intermediate 9781405087445 9780230037496D.H. Lawrence, Selected Short Stories by,* Pre-intermediate 9781405087353 9780230035164Daisy Miller* Pre-intermediate 9781405084079 9780230035157Diamonds are Forever * Pre-intermediate 9780230731194 9780230716605Macmillan Cultural Readers: England Pre-intermediate 9780230436428 9780230436374Far from the Madding Crowd* Pre-intermediate 9781405087094 9780230030527Gandhi* Pre-intermediate 9780230408692 9780230408388Heidi* Pre-intermediate 9780230026797 9780230034419I, Robot* Pre-intermediate 9780230026827 9780230034433Kick-oơ! The Story of Football Pre-intermediate 9780230400504 9780230400498Michael Jackson: King of Pop Pre-intermediate 9780230406292 9780230406315Midsummer Night’s Dream, A Pre-intermediate 9781405087278Nelson Mandela* Pre-intermediate 9780230716599 9780230731172

Title Level ISBN with ISBN without Audio CD Audio CD

Owl Hall* Pre-intermediate 9780230422834 9780230422810Persuasion* Pre-intermediate 9780230735132 9780230735125Robin Hood* Pre-intermediate 9781405087230 9780230030497Robinson Crusoe* Pre-intermediate 9780230716568 9780230731189Romeo and Juliet Pre-intermediate 9781405087308Secret Garden, The* Pre-intermediate 9780230026902 9780230034426Shake Hands Forever* Pre-intermediate 9780230732131 9780230722637Story of the Olympics: An Unoƥcial History, The*



Pre-intermediate 9780230422247 9780230422223Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The* Pre-intermediate 9781405087384 9780230035188Treasure of Monte Cristo, The* Pre-intermediate 9781405084215 9780230030510Macmillan Cultural Readers: United States of America Pre-intermediate 9780230436411 9780230436381Wizard of Oz, The* Pre-intermediate 9781405087148


9780230030503“A” Is For Alibi Intermediate 9781405072878Adventures of the Norwood Builder and Other Stories, The Intermediate 9780230436459“B” Is For Burglar Intermediate 9781405072892Bridget Jones’s Diary* Intermediate 9780230716704 9780230731202Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason Intermediate 9780230400238 9780230400221Bristol Murder* Intermediate 9781405076708 9780230035195David Coppe�Ƥ��d Intermediate 9780230026759Down Second Avenue* Intermediate 9780230408678Dracula* Intermediate 9781405076722 9780230030466Dr No* Intermediate 9781405080583 9780230035263Emma* Intermediate 9781405074544 9780230035270Enchanted April, The Intermediate 9781405072915Eye of the Tiger, The Intermediate 9781405072939Go��Ƥnger* Intermediate 9781405080606 9780230035294Great Gatsby, The* Intermediate 9781405077033 9780230035287Hamlet* Intermediate 9780230716636Jewel That Was Ours, The Intermediate 9781405073110Jurassic Park Intermediate 9781405072960King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table* Intermediate 9780230026858 9780230034440Kiss Before Dying, A* Intermediate 9781405076746 9780230030473“L” is for Lawless Intermediate 9781405057783Live and Let Die Intermediate 9780230735088 9780230735071Meet Me in Istanbul* Intermediate 9781405077057 9780230030442Merchant of Venice, The* Intermediate 9780230716643Much Ado About Nothing* Intermediate 9780230408708 9780230408593My Cousin Rachel* Intermediate 9781405077156 9780230035317New Lease of Death, A* Intermediate 9780230422360 9780230422339No Longer at Ease Intermediate 9781405072991Oliver Twist* Intermediate 9781405076760 9780230030459One Day*



Intermediate 9780230422353 9780230422322Pearl, The** Intermediate 9780230031128 9780230031135Perfect Storm, The Intermediate 9781405073127Pride And Prejudice Intermediate 9781405073011Queen of Death, The* Intermediate 9781405077071 9780230035201Red and the Black, The* Intermediate 9781405074582Rendezvous with Rama Intermediate 9781405073035Ring of Thieves, The Intermediate 9781405073042River God Intermediate 9781405073059Sense and Sensibility* Intermediate 9781405080620 9780230037526Seventh Scroll, The Intermediate 9781405073141Sign of Four, The* Intermediate 9781405076784 9780230035218Silent World of Nicholas Quinn, The Intermediate 9781405073073Slumdog Millionaire Intermediate 9780230404717 9780230404700Smuggler, The Intermediate 9781405078733 9780230035225Space Invaders, The Intermediate 9781405078054 9780230035232Speckled Band and Other Stories, The* Intermediate 9781405076807 9780230030480Tess of the d’Urbervilles* Intermediate 9781405074575 9780230035324Thérèse Raquin* Intermediate 9781405075381 9780230035331Touching the Void* Intermediate 9780230533523 9780230034457When Rain Clouds Gather Intermediate 9780230024403Woman Who Disappeared, The* Intermediate 9781405076685 9780230035249Woodlanders, The Intermediate 9781405073196Wuthering Heights* Intermediate 9781405077095 9780230035256Anna Karenina Upper Intermediate 9781405087247Bleak House Upper Intermediate 9781405073219Creative Impulse and Other Stories, The Upper Intermediate 9781405073226Cut-glass Bowl and Other Stories, The Upper Intermediate 9781405073233Ghost, The*




Upper Intermediate 9780230422872 9780230422858Grapes of Wrath, The** Upper Intermediate 9780230031050Great Expectations Upper Intermediate 9781405076821 9780230030565Importance of Being Earnest, The* Upper Intermediate 9780230408685 9780230408449L. A. Movie* Upper Intermediate 9781405077118 9780230030558Macbeth Upper Intermediate 9780230402232 9780230402218Man with the Golden Gun, The Upper Intermediate 9780230422278 9780230422315Middlemarch Upper Intermediate 9780230026865Mine Boy Upper Intermediate 9781405073264Mistress Of Spices, The Upper Intermediate 9781405073271Moby Dick Upper Intermediate 9780230026872Oƥcially Dead* Upper Intermediate 9781405076845 9780230030534Of Mice and Men** Upper Intermediate 9780230031067Our Mutual Friend Upper Intermediate 9781405073295Rebecca* Upper Intermediate 9781405077132 9780230030541Vanity Fair Upper Intermediate 9781405083928Weep Not, Child Upper Intermediate 9781405073318Macmillan Lit. Collections: Adventure Stories* Advanced 9780230408548Macmillan Lit. Collections: American Stories* Advanced 9780230716896Macmillan Lit. Collections: Crime Stories* Advanced 9780230410305Macmillan Lit. Collections: Horror Stories* Advanced 9780230716933Macmillan Lit.Collections: Love Stories* Advanced 9780230716926Macmillan Lit. Collections: Mystery Stories Advanced 9780230441200Macmillan Lit. Collections: Science Fiction Stories* Advanced 9780230716919Macmillan Lit. Collections: Travel Stories* Advanced

Advanced 9780230408524

Macmillan Lit. Collections: Twentieth-Century Stories* 9780230408531AdvancedMacmillan Lit. Collections: World Stories 9780230441194

Owl Creek Bridge and Other Stories* Pre-intermediate 9781405087414 9780230035171

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The books are easy to use and every activity is relevant to the topic/theme studied. Pair work/conversation activities are well spread out so that students can put what they have just learnt into practice right away... The books are both teacher and student friendly. Finally the book teachers can fully use in a classroom.

Feedback on the original edition of Breakthrough…

Claude Brisbois,The Institute of Foreign Language Studies,Korea University, Korea



Breakthrough PlusMore Success with Engl ishMiles CravenHe lp ing learners to b reak th rough bar r ie r s to communicate e ffec t i ve l y in Engl ish, this new edit ion of the bestsel l ing ser ies Breakthrough balances the structure and suppor t that students need to bui ld confidence to use Engl ish w i th su f f i c ien t cha l l enge to ma in ta in the i r i n te res t i n l ea rn ing . The new edi t ion includes a f resh new des ign and innovat ive dig ibooks for s tudents and teachers.

Key benefits include:

engaging topics presented in an accessible, often humorous manner

c a re f u l l y g ra d e d a c t i v i t i e s t h a t s y s te m a t i c a l l y p re s e n t a n d p ra c t i s e language, effectively building learners' confidence to communicate

a focus on deve lop ing l i s ten ing and speak ing sk i l l s and conversa t ion strategies, as wel l as extra ski l ls work including reading and writ ing in the ‘Expansion’ sections

optional ‘Challenge’ activit ies help accommodate mixed-level classes

Course components include:

a Student’s Book including an access code to activate a Digibook which provides a page-faithful vers ion of the Student's book with over 120 extra practice activit ies l inked to a markbook

new video content contained in the Digibooks l inked to the themes and topics of every unit

a Teacher's Book Pack that also includes access to a Teacher’s Digibook that can be used as a classroom presentation tool and incorporates a Test Generator

New Edition

Breakthrough Plus Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4Student's Book Pack* 978 0230 43813 2 978 0230 43820 0 978 0230 43826 2 978 0230 43833 0Teacher's Book Pack** 978 0230 43815 6 978 0230 43822 4 978 0230 43828 6 978 0230 43835 4Class Audio CD 978 0230 43816 3 978 0230 43823 1 978 0230 43829 3 978 0230 43836 1


Screenshot f rom Breakthrough Plus Digibook 2

* Student's Book Pack contains a Student Book and a Digibook ** Teacher's Book Pack contains a Teacher Book, a Teacher Digibook and a Test Generator

Page 45: Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue



Reduced pages from Student's Book 2

Page 46: Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue

44 Adults

Mind Ser iesLanguage is a l i fe ski l lMickey Rogers, Steve Taylore-Knowles, Joanne Taylore-Knowles, Dorothy E Zemach and Ingrid WisniewskaD e v e l o p i n g m o r e t h a n j u s t E n g l i s h , t h e M i n d s e r i e s i n c o r p o r a t e s a comprehensive l i fe sk i l l s sy l labus that recognizes learning Engl ish as par t of preparing for a successful l i fe.

Key benefits include:

sys temat ic deve lopment o f a w ide range o f l i fe sk i l l s , such as th ink ing, research, organization and planning ski l ls, which wil l help learners succeed in their academic, professional and personal l ives

systematic development of the four ski l ls as well as integrated ski l ls work in a communicative context

careful ly staged grammar presentation and practice that take students from noticing grammar in context to successful production

flex ib le uni t sect ions which al low you to use the mater ia l in sequence or adapt the order to meet your needs

systematic recycling and reviewing of the new language to ensure students can use the language they learn effectively

mas te rMind b u i l d s o n t h e fo u n d a t i o n o f openMind a n d s y s te m a t i c a l l y develops students’ language ski l ls to an advanced level

t h e s t a n d a l o n e Vi ew p o i n t s w i t h d o w n l o a d a b l e p h o t o c o p i a b l e worksheets

Mind Digital al lows teachers to project the Student’s Book pages in class using an IWB or computer and projector, and includes the accompanying audio fi les and answers

Sounds App Wordlist with recordings and phonemic transcriptions available for more information see www.soundspronapp.com/wordlists/

Offers students a year’s access to a wealth of online materials: interactive practice activities including two-minute reviews, Viewpoints videos, MP3s, interactive wordlists and downloadable monthly reading texts with activities. Teachers also have access to an e-planner that helps with course design and lesson planning, digital presentation tools, as well as an online test generator. Access codes are packaged with the Student's Books and the Teacher’s Edition.

Mind for your LMS offers selected content from mindOnline that can be l icensed for use on your institute’s Learning Management System. Please contact your local representative for more information.

www.mindser ies.net

openMind Essentials Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 masterMind 1 masterMind 2 Student’s Book 978 6074 73260 3* 978 6074 73111 8 978 6074 73112 5 978 6074 73113 2 978 0230 41874 5 978 0230 41889 9Student’s Book + Webcode Pack 112 0110 10348 0* 112 0100 40204 3 112 0100 40205 0 112 0100 40206 7 978 0230 41924 7 978 0230 41927 8Workbook + CD Pack 112 0100 10153 3 112 0100 10154 0 112 0100 10155 7 978 0230 41880 6 978 0230 41895 0Teacher’s Book + Webcode Pack 112 0110 20349 4 112 0100 40234 0 112 0100 20236 0 112 0100 20237 7 978 0230 41884 4 978 0230 41899 8Class Audio CD 978 6074 73263 4 978 6074 73123 1 978 6074 73124 8 978 6074 73125 5 978 0230 41885 1 978 0230 41900 1Viewpoints DVD 978 6074 73019 7 978 6074 73020 3 978 6074 73063 0 978 6074 73072 2 978 6074 73214 6 978 6074 73253 5




*Student's Book Essentials is combined with workbook

Page 47: Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue


…openMind is a great series for today's students. The content is fresh and engaging. The interactive mindOnline is an extremely useful resource for both students and teachers.

J. Scott Wigenton, Academic Director, Woosong University Language Institute, South Korea

Reduced pages from masterMind 2 Student’s Book

Reduced pages from openMind Essential Student’s Book


Page 48: Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue




Get Real!Keep i t real!Miles Craven, Angela Buckingham and David WilliamsonProviding the real answer for learners in East Asia, this best-sel l ing, updated, four- leve l course has a f resh des ign , new B ra in teaser rev iew quizzes and Focus on Phrasal Verbs sect ions in the higher levels, making i t even eas ier and more enjoyable for both students and teachers to use.

Key benefits include:

Realist ic and achievable aims, giving students a real sense of achievement

Easy to use, with a clear unit format and systematic recycling of language

Adaptable content designed to fi t 50-minute or 90-minute classes through a range of optional activit ies for each lesson

L ively activit ies to maximize students' talking t ime and really build learners' confidence

Course components include:

a Student's Book with an audio CD and access to a Digibook

a Workbook providing consolidation and extension of key language

a suppor t ive Teacher 's Guide w i th ext ra photocopiable placement and access to a Digibook

a new Teacher's Resource CD-Rom containing a printable placement

test, unit tests, mid-course and end-of-course review tests plus extra

photocopiable activit ies

Class Audio Cassettes/CDs including all l istening materials


Message from the AuthorHear Miles Craven talk onwww.macmillanenglish.com/getreal

Get Real! Foundation Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3Student's Book Pack* 978 0230 01034 5 978 0230 01035 2 978 0230 01036 9 978 0230 01037 6Workbook 978 0230 01042 0 978 0230 01043 7 978 0230 01044 4 978 0230 01045 1Teacher's Guide Pack** 978 0230 01050 5 978 0230 01051 2 978 0230 01052 9 978 0230 01053 6Class CD 978 0230 01054 3 978 0230 01055 0 978 0230 01056 7 978 0230 01057 4Class Cassette 978 0230 01259 2 978 0230 01260 8 978 0230 01261 5 978 0230 01262 2*Student's Book Pack contains a Student's Book, a Student CD and a Digibook.**Teacher's Guide Pack contains a Teacher's Guide, a Teacher's Resource CD-Rom and a Digibook.


Get Real Digibooks

The Get Rea l D ig ibooks a re accessed by a code in the back o f the S tudent ' s Books and Teacher ' s Guides. Th e S t u d e n t ’s D i g i b o o k p rov i d e s a p a g e - fa i t h f u l d i g i ta l ve r s i o n o f t h e S t u d e n t ' s B o o k i n c l u d i n g embedded audio f i les w i th tapescr ip ts and ex t ra interactive practice which is l inked into a markbook. T h e Te a c h e r ’s D i g i b o o k a c t s a s a c l a s s r o o m presentation tool with zoom features and embedded audio, and also al lows teachers to group students into classes to al locate extra practice activ i t ies and access their markbooks.


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New English Upgrade is a highly user-friendly textbook series for both teachers and learners alike. It provides great communicative activities and requires almost no supplements.

Sun Chang, Academic Director,Freshman English Program,Soongsil University,South Korea

New English Upgrade Level 1 Level 2 Level 3Student Book + Multi-Rom Pack 978 0230 02045 0 978 0230 02047 4 978 0230 02049 8Workbook 978 0230 02028 3 978 0230 02034 4 978 0230 02040 5Teacher’s Resource Book + Test Generator CD-Rom Pack 978 0230 02046 7 978 0230 02048 1 978 0230 02050 4Class CD 978 0230 02031 3 978 0230 02037 5 978 0230 02043 6Class Cassette 978 0230 03436 5 978 0230 03437 2 978 0230 03438 9Please contact your local Macmillan representative for more information on PowerPoint® presentations

New EnglishUpgradeYou've got the powerSteven Gershon and Chris MaresBui lding on the success of the or iginal course in Asia, New Engl ish Upgrade focuses on deve lop ing lea rne r s ' spoken f luency and l i s ten ing sk i l l s . The c a re f u l l y c o n t ro l l e d a c t i v i t i e s a n d m e a n i n g f u l t a s k s h e l p b u i l d b o t h confidence and f luency. The new edi t ion a lso o ffe rs s tudents a var ie ty o f addi t ional se l f - s tudy mater ia ls and more chal lenges to develop thei r sk i l l s fur ther.

Key benefits include:

a 'Conversat ion Tool ' in each unit which provides clear presentat ion and practice of conversation strategies, helping students sound more natural

an interactive Student Mult i -Rom providing extended practice opportunit ies

PowerPoint® presentations for use in class containing visuals and audio from the Student Book, audio scripts and answers to al l exercises

a Teacher’s Resource Book with extra photocopiable activ i t ies and tests, and packaged with a Test Generator CD-Rom


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GlobalLearn Engl ish, learn through Engl ish, learn about Engl ishL indsay C landf ie ld , Amanda Je f f r ies , Jack ie McAvoy, Kate Pickering and Rebecca Robb Benne R e c o g n i z i n g t h e i m p o r ta n c e o f E n g l i s h a s a m e d i u m o f i n te r n a t i o n a l communication, Global offers sophisticated materials for today’s adult learners. The course is information-rich with international appeal that really gets students thinking and communicating in English.

Key benefits include:

an emphas is on sophis t icated, cu l tura l top ics and l i te rary content that encourage critical thinking

'G lobal Vo ices ' lessons that feature authent ic interv iews with non-nat ive speakers of English

'Global English' lessons, written by Professor David Crystal, that explore the nature and importance of English as a global language

addit ional sect ions to develop funct ional competence, wr i t ing and study skil ls in each unit

Course components include:

an innovat ive eWorkbook conta in ing a weal th o f se l f - s tudy mater ia l s including ‘on the go’ l istening and video materials that can be loaded onto portable digital devices

Global for your LMS packages of the eWorkbook content can be l icensed for use on your Learning Management System. For more information see the Global website

a Teacher’s Book featuring specialist essays by award-winning ELT authors and a Teacher’s Resource CD with video clips, printable resources and tests

a Website with eLessons, blogs, teaching tips, social media engagement

Global Digital interactive whiteboard software

Three things attracted us to Global: The level of challenge it offers learners, the diversity of global cultures it represents, and the cognitively engaging topics it uses as a vehicle to present language.

Taliesin Porter,Senior Teacher Adult Courses,British Council,Vietnam

Global Beginner Elementary Pre-intermediate Intermediate Upper-intermediate AdvancedCoursebook 978 0230 03282 8 978 0230 03291 0 978 0230 03309 2 978 0230 03300 9 978 0230 03318 4 978 0230 03327 6Coursebook + eWorkbook Pack 978 0230 03285 9 978 0230 03294 1 978 0230 03312 2 978 0230 03303 0 978 0230 03321 4 978 0230 03330 6Coursebook + Business Class eWorkbook Pack 978 0230 44374 7 978 0230 44376 1 978 0230 44378 5 978 0230 44462 1Workbook + Audio CD Pack* 978 0230 43019 8 978 0230 43022 8 978 0230 43025 9 978 0230 43027 3 978 0230 43030 3 978 0230 43034 1Workbook with Key + Audio CD Pack* 978 0230 43018 1 978 0230 43021 1 978 0230 43024 2 978 0230 43028 0 978 0230 43031 0 978 0230 43033 4Class Audio CDs 978 0230 03286 6 978 0230 03295 8 978 0230 03313 9 978 0230 03304 7 978 0230 03322 1 978 0230 03331 3Teacher's Book + Resource CD Pack 978 0230 03289 7 978 0230 03298 9 978 0230 03316 0 978 0230 03307 8 978 0230 03325 2 978 0230 03334 4Global Digital (Single user version) 978 0230 03290 3 978 0230 03299 6 978 0230 03317 7 978 0230 03308 5 978 0230 03326 9 978 0230 03335 1Global Digital (Multiple users version) 978 0230 40769 5 978 0230 40770 1 978 0230 40771 8 978 0230 40772 5 978 0230 40773 2 978 0230 40767 1GLOBAL for your LMS, contact your local Macmillan representative for ISBNs* Workbook Audio CD contains the listening and pronunciation tracks needed for activities in the workbook


Global Business Class eWorkbook

The Global Bus iness Class eWorkbook offers an al ternat ive eWorkbook for profess ional / business students which includes the original eWorkbook content plus extra business-related vocabulary and ‘Work Global ly ’ , funct ional l a n g u a g e fo r t h e wo r k p l a c e , a n d 1 0 n ew business-related videos and worksheets.


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Straightforward Second Edition Beginner Elementary Pre-Intermediate Intermediate Upper Intermediate AdvancedStudent’s Book 978 0230 42295 7 978 0230 42305 3 978 0230 41400 6 978 0230 42324 4 978 0230 42334 3 978 0230 42344 2Student’s Book + Webcode Pack 978 0230 42444 9 978 0230 42445 6 978 0230 42446 3 978 0230 42447 0 978 0230 42448 7 978 0230 42449 4Workbook with Answer Key + CD Pack 978 0230 42297 1 978 0230 42306 0 978 0230 42316 9 978 0230 42326 8 978 0230 42335 0 978 0230 42346 6Workbook without Answer Key + CD Pack 978 0230 42296 4 978 0230 42307 7 978 0230 42315 2 978 0230 42325 1 978 0230 42336 7 978 0230 42345 9Teacher’s Book + Teacher’s Resource Disc Pack 978 0230 42301 5 978 0230 42311 4 978 0230 42320 6 978 0230 42330 5 978 0230 42340 4 978 0230 42350 3Class Audio CD 978 0230 42302 2 978 0230 42312 1 978 0230 42322 0 978 0230 42332 9 978 0230 42342 8 978 0230 42351 0Straightforward Digital (Single User) 978 0230 42416 6 978 0230 42422 7 978 0230 42427 2 978 0230 42434 0 978 0230 42439 5 978 0230 42358 9Straightforward Digital (Multiple Users) 978 0230 42415 9 978 0230 42421 0 978 0230 42428 9 978 0230 42433 3 978 0230 42440 1 978 0230 42359 6

StraightforwardSecond EditionTeaching made simplePhil ip Kerr and Ceri JonesMaintaining the user-fr iendly approach of the original edit ion, Straightforward has come of age and has been treated to a review, revamp and update. I t st i l l contains al l the great features that made the or iginal course so popular including i ts:

intuit ive, easy-to- fol low format

pick-up-and-use practical i ty – great for new teachers

flexibi l i ty and adaptabi l i ty for more experienced teachers

comprehensive and suppor t ive Teacher’s Book

Key benefits of the second edition include:updated content which has been made more relevant to our ever changing world. You’l l find new topics, ar t icles and exercises plus a bright new design

even more emphasis on lexical development with a vocabulary builder

clearer CEFR signposting and increased self assessment

a new suppor t ing on l ine component fo r s tudents , p rov id ing addi t iona l interactive self -study resources to support learning

a f ree e- lesson serv ice providing topical addit ional lessons wi th more of a business focus sui table for s tudents wishing to develop Engl ish for the workplace

a n i m p rove d Te a c h e r ’ s B o o k n o w w i t h a Te a c h e r ’ s R e s o u r c e d i s c con ta in ing s i x 2 -3 m in v ideo c l ips pe r l eve l as we l l as photocop iab le activit ies and new methodology videos

Straightforward Digital , easy-to-use Interactive Whiteboard software

S o u n d s A p p w o rd l i s t s w i t h re c o rd i n g s a n d p h o n e m i c t ra n s c r i p t i o n s available. For more information see www.soundspronapp.com/wordlists/

Straightforward Original Edition Beginner Elementary Pre-intermediate Intermediate Upper-intermediate AdvancedStudent's Book 978 1405 01049 8 978 1405 01073 3 978 1405 01057 3 978 1405 01065 8 978 1405 01089 4 978 1405 01081 8Student's Book + CD-Rom Pack 978 0230 02076 4 978 0230 02077 1 978 0230 02079 5 978 0230 02078 8 978 0230 02080 1 978 0230 02147 1Workbook with Key 978 1405 07516 9 978 1405 07519 0 978 1405 07525 1 978 1405 07522 0 978 1405 07528 2 978 1405 01082 5Workbook without Key 978 1405 07517 6 978 1405 07520 6 978 1405 07526 8 978 1405 07523 7 978 1405 07529 9 978 1405 07532 9Teacher's Book + Resource Pack 978 1405 07542 8 978 1405 07545 9 978 1405 07548 0 978 1405 07551 0 978 1405 07554 1 978 1405 07557 2Class CD 978 1405 01056 6 978 1405 01078 8 978 1405 01062 7 978 1405 01070 2 978 1405 01093 1 978 1405 01086 3Portfolio 978 1405 09582 2 978 1405 09580 8 978 1405 09581 5 978 1405 09583 9 978 1405 09584 6 978 1405 09585 3

New LevelsProjectable

Phil ip Kerr,Lead Author

Message from the AuthorFeedback to the first edition of Straightforward has been so positive that we didn't want to make major changes for a new edition. We've replaced and improved a number of the reading and listening texts, but the greatest enhancement is the addition of extra features to make teachers' lives easier. For many people, I imagine, the most exciting addition will be the interactive whiteboard version, but the new website also promises to be excellent.

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New Inside OutThe ar t of communicationSue Kay and Vaughan JonesFocusing on developing students’ abi l i ty to communicate meaningful ly, this best-se l l ing ser ies presents language in mot ivat ing, personal i zed contexts that real ly get students speaking.

Key benefits include:up-to-date content and methodology, proven to work in the classroom

t a s k - b a s e d s p e a k i n g a c t i v i t i e s t h a t d r a w o n s t u d e n t s ’ p e r s o n a l experiences

a d iscovery approach to grammar that sys temat ical ly bui lds language awareness

practical 'Vocabulary Extra', 'Grammar Extra' and 'Useful Phrases' sect ions in each unit for focused language practice

N ew I n s i d e O u t D i g i t a l p rov i d e s p l a t fo r m - i n d e p e n d e n t I n te ra c t i ve Whiteboard mater ials that ful ly suppor t the course

New Inside Out Beginner Elementary Pre-intermediate Intermediate Upper-intermediate AdvancedStudent’s Book + CD-Rom Pack 978 1405 09946 2 978 1405 09949 3 978 1405 09954 7 978 1405 09967 7 978 0230 00914 1 978 0230 00927 1Workbook with Key + CD-Rom Pack 978 1405 07060 7 978 1405 08598 4 978 1405 09964 6 978 0230 00909 7 978 0230 00923 3 978 0230 00936 3Workbook without Key + CD-Rom Pack 978 1405 07061 4 978 1405 08599 1 978 1405 09955 4 978 1405 09968 4 978 0230 00915 8 978 0230 00928 8Teacher’s Book + Test CD 978 0230 02093 1 978 0230 02095 5 978 0230 02099 3 978 0230 02097 9 978 0230 02101 3 978 0230 02091 7Class Audio CDs 978 1405 07056 0 978 1405 08600 4 978 1405 09957 8 978 1405 09970 7 978 0230 00917 2 978 0230 00930 1New Inside Out Digital (Single User) 978 1405 09947 9 978 1405 09950 9 978 1405 09956 1 978 1405 09969 1 978 0230 00916 5 978 0230 00929 5New Inside Out Digital (Multiple Users) 978 0230 40015 3 978 0230 40016 0 978 0230 40017 7 978 0230 40018 4 978 0230 40019 1 978 0230 40020 7


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Manjit ThindTraining Supervisor,

MMG Minerals and Metals Group,Lao PDR

What we like about Inside Out is that it leads students to understanding: helping them to acquire language rather than just “know the rules”. The topics are interesting and often lead to lively discussions about cultural differences between Laos and other countries, making the course more than just about the English language.

New EditionProjectable

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New American Inside Out Beginner Elementary Pre-intermediate Intermediate Upper-intermediate AdvancedStudent’s Book + CD-Rom Pack 978 9708 09139 8 978 9708 09149 7 112 0090 10005 9 112 0090 10126 1 112 0100 10195 3 112 0100 10245 5Workbook + Audio CD Pack 978 9708 09142 8 978 9708 09152 7 112 0090 10006 6 112 0090 10127 8 112 0100 10196 0 112 0100 10246 2Teacher’s Book + Test CD Pack 978 9708 09145 9 978 9708 09155 8 112 0090 20004 9 112 0090 20125 1 112 0100 20194 3 112 0100 20244 5Class Audio CDs 978 9708 09148 0 978 9708 09158 9 978 9706 50469 2 978 6074 73074 6 978 6074 73183 5 978 6074 73245 0

New American Inside OutThe ar t of communicationSue Kay and Vaughan JonesOffe r ing a l l the key benef i t s o f New Ins ide Out to lea rners o f Amer ican Engl ish, this s ix - level ser ies helps young adults express themselves and their ideas in Engl ish.

Course components include:

a Student's Book with an interactive sel f -study CD-Rom

a Workbook, with audio CD, offering further practice of all the language and skills work plus a comprehensive writing course and a simplified short story

a Teacher 's Book contain ing a bank of ext ra photocopiable grammar, vocabulary and communication activit ies, and a Test CDa standalone DVD ser ies, Viewpoints , which can be used alongside the course (for ISBNs see page 44)

addit ional downloadable resources avai lable onl ine


New Edition

Reduced pages from Elementary Student's Book

Cheng-Fang Huang Assistant Professor, Ming Chuan University,


Personally, I like New American Inside Out a lot. … The contents of the reading, listening and speaking are fun, engaging and true to life, and the variety of activities helps students gradually acquire the vocabulary, grammar, expressions, etc. And the exercises all link together! This series works in my class.

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Sky HighReach new heights in language learningJane Sturtevant, Simon Brewster, Paul Davies and Mickey RogersPreparing learners for effective communication and TOEFL preparation course success, this five-level course offers a fresh approach to learning English based on current views of language acquisition and sound teaching knowledge.

Key benefits include:

st imulat ing topics, themes and texts to motivate learners and provide meaningful contexts to present new language

an easy-to- fol low unit structure, div ided into four double-page lessons

engaging real - l i fe tasks, enabl ing learners to develop their abi l i t ies in al l ski l l areas through practice

Sky High Starter Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5Student's Book 978 9706 50559 0 978 9706 50560 6 978 9706 50561 3 978 9706 50562 0 978 9706 50563 7 978 9706 50564 4Teacher's Book 970 9706 50565 1 978 9706 50566 8 978 9706 50567 5 978 9706 50568 2 978 9706 50569 9 978 9706 50570 5Workbook 978 9706 50571 2 978 9706 50572 9 978 9706 50573 6 978 9706 50574 3 978 9706 50575 0 978 9706 50576 7Audio CD 978 9706 50577 4 978 9706 50578 1 978 9706 50579 8 978 9706 50580 4 978 9706 50581 1 978 9706 50582 8Test CD (all levels) 978 9706 50583 5Song CD (Levels 1-5) 978 9706 50585 9

The Synergy series truly turns the traditional one-way teaching methodology into a two-way collaboration between the teacher and students. And it's fun!

Wanger Chiang,Lecturer of Applied Foreign LanguageCenter, Minghsin University of Scienceand Technology, Taiwan

SynergyBr inging i t al l togetherAdrian Tennant, Clyde Fowle, Simon Brewster, Paul Davies and Mickey RogersDelivering real results for today’s Asian learners, this four-level integrated skills course combines engaging content, motivating contexts and a practical approach to language study.

Key benefits include:

maximized opportunities for students to speak in every lesson by using reading/listening texts as a springboard to personalize speaking activities

highly teachable units divided into three double-page lessons

Lifeline lessons in every unit reinforce learning through linking unit themes to real-world contexts, global issues and related websites

total flexibility for the teacher with a wealth of supplementary resources to choose from

Synergy Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4Student's Book + CD-Rom Pack 978 1405 08121 4 978 1405 08122 1 978 1405 08123 8 978 1405 08124 5Teacher's Guide + CD-Rom Pack 978 1405 08655 4 978 1405 08656 1 978 1405 08657 8 978 1405 08658 5Class Audio CD 978 1405 07343 1 978 1405 07346 2 978 1405 07349 3 978 1405 07352 3Resource Pack 978 1405 08408 6 978 1405 08409 3 978 1405 08410 9 978 1405 08411 6DVD/Video Activity Book 978 1405 08640 0 978 1405 08641 7 978 1405 08642 4 978 1405 08643 1DVD/Video 978 1405 08636 3 978 1405 08637 0 978 1405 08638 7 978 1405 08639 4

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MoveProviding flexible solut ionsSue Kay, Jon Hird, Peter Maggs, Angela Holman,Bruce Milne and Barbara WebbProv id ing f lex ib le mater ia l s fo r shor t courses and conta in ing th ree top ic -b a s e d m o d u l e s p e r l e v e l , t h i s s e r i e s f o c u s e s o n b u i l d i n g l e a r n e r s ' communicative abi l i ty to express themselves in Engl ish.

Key benefits include:

engaging topics that motivate students to respond personal ly

mater ials suitable for shor t intensive courses or longer courses with fewer teaching hours

a sel f -study interactive CD-Rom packaged with each Coursebook

a Teacher ' s Book w i th photocop iab le d i scuss ion and communicat ion activ i t ies, tests and l inks to the Common European Framework

Move Elementary Pre-intermediate Intermediate Upper-intermediate AdvancedCoursebook + CD-Rom Pack 978 1405 09512 9 978 1405 08614 1 978 1405 08616 5 978 1405 08618 9 978 1405 09514 3Class CD 978 1405 02297 2 978 1405 00318 6 978 1405 00331 5 978 1405 00344 5 978 1405 02301 6Teacher's Book 978 1405 02295 8 978 1405 00316 2 978 1405 00329 2 978 1405 00342 1 978 1405 02299 6

People Like Us andPeople Like Us, TooExplor ing cultural values and att i tudesSimon GreenallMot ivat ing s tudents to exp lore and unders tand other cu l tu res, th i s two- leve l integrated ski l ls course wi l l help your learners understand the l i festyles, att i tudes and opinions of people f rom around the world.

Key benefits include:a w i d e s e l e c t i o n o f c u l t u re - f o c u s e d t o p i c s i n a re a s i n c l u d i n g s o c i a l conventions, customs, t radit ions, values and att i tudesl istening and reading passages based on real interviews, featur ing natural, authentic Engl ishcommunicative activ i t ies which enable students to relate the unit topic to their own experiences and opinionsmotivat ing tasks which encourage students to reflect on their own culture, helping them bui ld cross-cultural awareness

People Like Us People Like Us, TooStudent's Book 978 0333 97447 6 Student's Book 978 0333 97451 3Teacher's Guide 978 0333 97448 3 Teacher's Guide 978 0333 97452 0Class CD 978 0333 97450 6 Class CD 978 0333 97454 4

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www.macmillanenglish.com/courses/skil l ful

Skil ls

SkillfulReading and Writing Level 1 Level 2 Level 3Student's Book + Digibook Pack 978 0230 43192 8 978 0230 42988 8 978 0230 43196 6Teacher's Guide + Digibook Pack 978 0230 42980 2 978 0230 42992 5 978 0230 43003 7Listening and SpeakingStudent's Book + Digibook + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 43191 1 978 0230 43193 5 978 0230 43195 9Teacher's Guide + Digibook + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 42981 9 978 0230 42991 8 978 0230 43002 0

Skil l fulSki l ls for academic successSeries Consultant: Dorothy E. ZemachHelping students bui ld the ski l ls they need for success in their studies, Ski l l ful prov ides paral le l l i s tening and speaking, and reading and wr i t ing focused books that aim to bui ld learners’ key language, thinking and study ski l ls. The books are des igned to be used together or separate ly depending on the aims of your language program.

Key benefits include:

engaging topics and texts with an academic s lant that act as a vehicle for ski l ls development and cr i t ical reflect ion

m a n a g e a b l e l e n g t h u n i t s w i t h a 6 0 / 4 0 b a l a n c e b e t we e n d eve l o p i n g receptive and productive ski l ls

a focus on c r i t ica l th ink ing sk i l l s , such as eva luat ing and synthes i z ing information

sys temat ic deve lopment o f p ract ica l s tudy sk i l l s th rough rea l i s t ic case s t u d i e s a n d m a te r i a l f ro m S te l l a C o t t re l l , a u t h o r o f T h e S t u d y S k i l l s Handbook

Course components include:

separate Reading and Writing, and Listening and Speaking focused Student Books at each level

Teacher's Guides with information for teachers to help support critical thinking tasks, background information on topics, a consolidated answer key, recording scripts, additional photocopiable useful language support and mark sheets

The Ski l l ful Digibooks are accessed by a code at the back of the Student's Books / Teacher's Guides and can be used onl ine or offl ine once instal led. T h e S t u d e n t ’s D i g i b o o k p ro v i d e s a p a g e -fa i th fu l d ig i ta l ve rs ion o f the S tudent ' s Book including embedded audio f i les and l inks to the Ski l l ful Pract ice area. This provides learners w i t h e x t r a i n t e r a c t i v e a c t i v i t i e s d i r e c t l y re lated to thei r course, including vocabulary, g ra mm a r, s k i l l s and exam-s t y le p rac t ice fo r TOEFL® and I E LTS, as we l l as supp lementar y video content, al l of which is l inked into a markbook. The Teacher’s Digibook acts as a classroom presentat ion tool with zoom features and embedded a u d i o a n d a l s o c o n ta i n s va r i o u s e d i ta b l e te s t s a n d p h o to c o p i a b l e v i d e o wo r k s h e e t s . Th e Teacher’s Sk i l l fu l Pract ice area al lows teachers to group students into classes to al locate extra practice activ i t ies and access their markbooks.

Skil l ful Digibooks


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Macmillan Writing Ser ies Helping students make the gradeSystemat ica l ly suppor t ing the deve lopment o f s tudents ’ wr i t ing f rom the bas ics o f wr i t ing sentences to advanced level academic wri t ing, the new edit ion of this popular ser ies now includes a new level on wri t ing research papers. The new edit ion maintains the tr ied and tested process approach to developing students’ wr i t ing that has proved so popular wi th teachers, guiding students at each level to develop thei r wr i t ing ski l ls, making them confident, creative and competent wri ters.

Writing Sentences Beginner to high beginnerDorothy E. ZemachWr i t i n g S e n te n c es i n t roduces s tuden t s to the mos t common and use fu l structures in basic wri t ten Engl ish.

Key benefits include:clear explanations and careful ly guided practice of the most common sentence patterns in Engl ishpractice with common punctuation and spel l ing rulesthematical ly related vocabulary to enable students to express themselves on interest ing and relevant topicsan engaging wri t ing activ i ty at the end of each unit

Writing Paragraphs Low intermediateDorothy E. Zemach and Carlos IslamWri t ing Paragraphs takes s tudents f rom sentence fo rmat ion to paragraph wri t ing and introduces them to sel f and peer evaluation.

Key benefits include:s u p p o r t to h e l p w i t h b ra i n s to r m i n g , o rg a n i s i n g i d e a s , w r i t i n g to p i c sentences and suppor t ing ideaslanguage suppor t to help with vocabulary, grammar and punctuationguidance on reviewing their own and classmates’ wr i t ing structured, graded wri t ing assignments at the end of each unit

New Edition

New Edition

Message from the AuthorThis practical ser ies takes students of al l levels through the writ ing process: brainstorming, organizing ideas, draft ing, edit ing and revising, and publishing. Students at the lower levels focus on accuracy in forming sentences, organizing paragraphs, and including appropriate language. At the upper levels, students focus on different academic genres, developing their ideas in a variety of ways, and incorporating outside information to support their original ideas. The new edition retains the classroom-proven scaffolded activities, with updated topics and information, and introduces the newest level, Research Paper Writing, which guides students from finding and evaluating outside sources through to incorporating paraphrases and quotations in their papers.


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Writing Essays IntermediateDorothy E. Zemach and Lisa A. RumisekWrit ing Essays rev iews the foundat ions of the wr i t ing process and prepares students for wr i t ing in an academic environment.

Key benefits include: a review of the various paragraph types that are used in wri t ten assignments practice on how to generate ideas, organise mater ial , draft , review and revise wri t ten work models and guided practice to help master essay wri t ing structured wri t ing assignments in every unit

Writing Research Papers High intermediate - advancedDorothy E. Zemach, Daniel Broudy and Chris ValvonaWrit ing Research Papers introduces students to higher level academic writ ing and guides them through the process of wr i t ing an academic paper.

Key benefits include: revis ion and extension of the typical par ts and format of essays a clear introduction to choosing and researching topics step-by-step practice on the draft ing process, using academic language and presenting research special sect ions on cit ing references and avoiding plagiar ism

The Macmil lan Writ ing Ser ies Teacher’s Guide covers al l four levels in one volume.

Key benefits include: step-by-step Teacher’s notes with activ i t ies for addit ional ski l ls practice and a ful l answer key suggest ions for extension activ i t ies and photocopiable peer review forms in the final three books

New Edition

Original Edition Sentence writing Paragraph writing College writing Academic Writing (British English) Writing in Paragraphs (British English)Student Book 978 0230 71694 0 978 1405 05845 2 978 0333 98853 4 978 1405 09586 0 978 1405 08606 6Teacher's Guide 978 0230 71695 7 978 1405 05846 9 978 0333 98854 1

New Edition Writing sentences Writing Paragraphs Writing Essays Writing Research Papers Teacher’s Guide (All levels) 978 0230 41591 1 978 0230 41593 5 978 0230 41592 8 978 0230 42194 3 978 0230 41544 7

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Reading Keys Skills and strategies for effective readingMiles CravenOffer ing a flex ib le approach to effect ive reading, the new edi t ion of th is successful three- level reading ser ies provides systematic sk i l l s t ra in ing to help learners become confident, independent readers.

Key benefits include:

16 topic-based units per level organized into 8 themes

high- interest reading texts covering a wide variety of text- types

plenty of suppor t to aid student comprehension

additional worksheets to help develop key reading and vocabulary skills

Key features of the new edition include:

longer and more challenging reading texts at levels 2 and 3

a 'Spotl ight on Grammar' section in each unit that focuses on a area of grammar related to the text

a 'Reading Rate' feature to help students track and increase their reading speed

'Extension' sections at the end of each theme that review the key grammar and vocabulary, and provide exam-style practice

an 'Extensive Reading' sect ion at the back to provide oppor tunit ies for learners to read longer texts and encourage them to read for pleasure

a n e x p a n d e d Te a c h e r ' s F i l e c o v e r i n g a l l l e v e l s w i t h a d d i t i o n a l photocopiable activities and a Test Generator CD-Roma website with additional activities, downloadable MP3 files, wordlists and web links for the topics covered

Reading Keys New Edition Level 1 Level 2 Level 3Student's Book 978 0230 72477 8 978 0230 72481 5 978 0230 72485 3Teacher's File (all levels) 978 0230 72480 8

Level Guide Length of main unit texts Length of extensive reading texts

Level 1 High beginner - Low Intermediate 300 words 1,000 words

Level 2 Low Intermediate - Intermediate 450 words 1,500 words

Level 3 Intermediate - High Intermediate 600 words 2,000 words

Reading Keys New Edition is a good series for teaching and learning reading. I t is ful l of authentic texts on interest ing themes and topics . I t a lso prov ides s tudy t ips on how to p ra c t i s e re a d i n g s k i l l s a s we l l a s vo c a b u l a r y. D i f fe re n t act iv i t ies provided in the book wi l l help s tudents to gain confidence, ability and fluency in reading.

Surai Pongtongcharoen,Professor ,Srinakarinwirot University,Thailand

PowerPoint® presentations for use in class containing visuals and audio from the Student Book, audio scripts and answers to all exercises. Sample unit avai lable on the course website, see l ink below. Please contact your local Macmillan representative for more information.

New EditionProjectable

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Essential ReadingThe essence of readingAmanda French, Chris Gough, Jackie McAvoy and Scott MilesEnabl ing As ian learners to become confident and fluent readers, th is four-level s e r i e s , ta k i n g s t u d e n t s f ro m b e g i n n e r to u p p e r- i n te r m e d i a te l eve l , d ra w s o n research into what good readers do and act ive ly addresses the needs of both Asian learners and teachers of reading.

Key benefits include:

12 top ic -based un i t s per leve l that feature var ied and h igh ly -mot ivat ing reading texts

a focus on both in tens ive and ex tens ive reading, w i th a complete shor t story per level

varied activit ies that develop comprehension, vocabulary and reading ski l ls

review pages for each unit enabl ing ongoing evaluation of the learners' progress

onl ine suppor t including downloadable MP3 fi les provides optional l istening practice at www.macmil lanengl ish.com/essentialreading

addi t iona l mater ia l s , inc lud ing supplementar y photocopiab le act i v i t ies , cu l tura l notes and a Test Generator CD-Rom , in the Essent ia l Reading Teacher’s File


These books are great for EFL learners at college or university level. They include a variety of articles which most learners would find interesting to read, and follow-up activities which focus on speaking, vocabulary, grammar and comprehension.

Jyi-yeon Yi,Professor of English Education,Chongshin University,South Korea

Effective Reading Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4Student's Book 978 0230 02914 9 978 0230 02915 6 978 0230 02916 3 978 0230 02917 0

Essential Reading Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4Student's Book 978 0230 02010 8 978 0230 02013 9 978 0230 02016 0 978 0230 02019 1Teacher's Book (all levels) 978 0230 02024 5

PowerPoint® presentations for use in class containing visuals and audio from the Student Book, audio scripts and answers to all exercises. Sample unit available on the course website, see link below. Please contact your local Macmillan representative for more information.

Effective Reading ,a Br i t ish Engl ish edit ion of Essential Reading, is also avai lable


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Skil ls

Learning to ListenMaking sense of spoken Engl ishLin LougheedHelping learners make sense of spoken Engl ish, this flexible three- level courseis packed with engaging topics, str ik ing personal i t ies and dynamic l isteningsources.

Key benefits include:

oppor tunit ies to help students enjoy the r ichness and variety of spoken Engl ish

interest ing, act ive macro and micro l istening activ i t ies, t raining learners to l isten appropriately and understand correct ly

v a r i e d d e l i v e r y m e t h o d s r e f l e c t i n g e v e r y d a y l a n g u a g e , i n c l u d i n g conversat ions, anecdotes, recorded messages, ads and announcements

persona l i zed 'Your Tu rn ' sect ions , encourag ing learners to b r ing the i r own experiences into the l istening tasks

helpful 'Test Yourself ' sections provide useful practice for exams such as TOEIC ®

Speaking of SpeechBasic presentat ion ski l ls for beginnersDavid Harr ington and Charles LeBeauHelp ing s tudents make quick , v i s ib le improvements and gain confidence, this course fol lows a step-by-step approach to making speeches and giving presentat ions.

Key benefits include:

a clear six-step approach systematically builds learners’ ski l ls

a Student DVD featuring eight model speeches

a d v i c e o n c re a t i n g s l i d e s a n d d o i n g p re s e n ta t i o n s u s i n g c o m p u te r presentation software

a variety of activity-based tasks keep students involved

a Teacher's Guide Pack containing Teacher's Guide plus audio CD

Speaking of SpeechStudent Book + Student DVD Pack 978 0230 72601 7Teacher's Guide + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 72602 4

New Edition

Learning to Listen 1 TOEIC® 300-400

Learning to Listen 2 TOEIC® 400-500

Learning to Listen 3 TOEIC® 500-600

Learning to LIsten Level 1 Level 2 Level 3Student's Book 978 0333 98885 5 978 0333 98888 6 978 0333 98891 6Teacher's Guide 978 0333 98886 2 978 0333 98889 3 978 0333 98892 3 Audio CD 978 1405 01039 9 978 1405 01040 5 978 1405 01041 2

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Reduced pages from Communicate Level 1

NewCommunicateDeveloping l istening and speaking ski l lsKate PickeringHelping students to bui ld their communicative ski l ls in Engl ish, this two-level ser ies focuses on the functional language students wi l l need to communicate in everyday s i tuat ions and prepares them to use Engl ish effect ively in their studies, social l i fe and working l i fe.

Key benefits include:

topic-based units focusing on everyday si tuations which develop students' l is tening and speaking ski l ls and end in a communicative ‘F inal task’

v ideo mater ials provide r ich cultural input and help br ing the language to l i fe

‘Prepare to’ sect ions prepare students to do projects, give their opinions, take par t in a debate and describe photos

the Teacher’s DVD-Rom includes v ideos, teacher’s notes, tests and extra photocopiable worksheets

Communicate Level 1 Level 2Coursebook Pack* 978 0230 44018 0 978 0230 44034 0Coursebook 978 0230 44017 3 978 0230 44035 7*Coursebook Pack contains Coursebook, Audio CD and DVD

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64 Professional


Get Ready for International Business Engl ish for the workplaceAndrew Vaughan and Dorothy E. ZemachHelp ing s tudents prepare fo r the wor ld o f work , Get Ready fo r In ternat ional B u s i n e s s i s a n ew i n te r n a t i o n a l e d i t i o n o f G e t R e a d y fo r B u s i n e s s , w h i c h sys temat ica l l y deve lops learners ’ communicat i ve ab i l i t i es so they inc rease their employment oppor tunit ies and have the confidence to use Engl ish in the workplace.

Key benefits include:

a focus on functional international Engl ish bui lding students’ confidence to use Engl ish at work

a sophist icated new design with more use of photographic images

a flexible structure with four pages of core input per unit and an addit ional two pages o f opt ional ‘ In Bus iness ’ case-s tudy mater ia l that exp lores the international world of business

an option of TOEIC® or BEC vers ions of the Student’s Book with relevant exam preparation and practice

a n e w G r a m m a r r e f e r e n c e s e c t i o n w i t h p r a c t i c e t a s k s p r o v i d e s a n oppor tunity for teachers and students who wish to explore the key language points covered

Reduced pages from Student's Book 1

Get Ready for International Business New Edition Level 1 Level 2Student's Book (BEC Edition) 978 0230 44786 8 978 0230 44791 2Student's Book (TOEIC Edition) 978 0230 43325 0 978 0230 44790 5Audio CD (BEC Edition) 978 0230 44788 2 978 0230 44794 3Audio CD (TOEIC Edition) 978 0230 44789 9 978 0230 44793 6Teacher's Book 978 0230 44787 5 978 0230 44792 9

New Edition

Get Ready for Business Level 1 Level 2Student's Book 978 0230 03979 7 978 0230 03985 8Teacher's Guide 978 0230 03981 0 978 0230 03987 2Class CD 978 0230 71772 5 978 0230 71773 2

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The Business 2.0The next generat ion in business Engl ishJohn All ison, Jeremy Townend, Paul Emmerson,Rachel Appleby, Edward de ChazalProviding a thoroughly researched topic-based approach to learning business E n g l i s h , Th e B u s i n e s s 2 . 0 c o n t i nu e s to o f fe r B u s i n e s s E n g l i s h s t u d e n t s t h e confidence, fundamentals and ski l ls they need to succeed in the competi t ive international business environment.

Key benefits include:

a flex ib le approach al lows you to dip in and out , cover ing the basics and focusing on key language ski l ls

‘Business fundamentals’ – an overview of how business works. Topics include: business organizat ion, financial control , economics, CVs and covering letters

Transparent business l inks – each module is clearly l inked to a key business topic such as Personal development, Sales and market ing or Internat ional t rade

a focus on developing interpersonal ski l ls through case studies that focus on this del icate but v i tal ‘ fi f th ski l l ’

the new Business eWorkbook includes ext ra language pract ice, tests and word l ists, and audio and video you can download to a tablet, phone or MP3 player for on-the-go learning. The eWorkbook content is also avai lable to be del ivered via inst i tut ions’ own learning management systems (LMS).

Reduced pages from Intermediate Student's Book

New Edition

The Business 2.0 New Edition Intermediate B1+ Upper-intermediate B2 Advanced C1Student's Book Pack* 978 0230 43789 0 978 0230 43797 5 978 0230 43805 7Teacher's Book Pack** 978 0230 43792 0 978 0230 32800 2 978 0230 43808 8Class Audio CD 978 0230 43793 7 978 0230 43801 9 978 0230 43809 5For Your LMS 978 0230 437906 978 0230 43798 2 978 0230 43806 4Pre-Intermediate level forthcoming in 2014*Student's Book Pack includes a Student’s Book and an eWorkbook.** Teacher's Book Pack includes a Teacher’s Book and a Resource Disk.

The Business Original Edition Pre-intermediate Intermediate Upper-intermediate AdvancedStudent's Book + DVD Pack 978 0230 02156 3 978 1405 08369 0 978 1405 08371 3 978 0230 02151 8Teacher's Book 978 0230 02157 0 978 1405 08186 3 978 1405 08194 8 978 0230 02152 5Class CD 978 0230 02158 7 978 1405 08184 9 978 1405 08192 4 978 0230 02153 2Video and Resource DVD (all Levels) 978 0230 41869 1

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In CompanyNow we're talk ing businessMark Powell, Simon Clarke and Pete SharmaBui lding on the success of the or iginal edit ion, the new edit ion of this fast -paced, four- level course for professionals develops key language ski l ls that reflect the real world of modern business.

Key benefits include:

topic-based uni ts and real -wor ld tasks help develop pract ical sk i l l s for the workplace

engaging and thought-provoking texts that generate l ively discussions

f i ve n e w c a s e s t u d i e s i n e a c h b o o k t h a t re f l e c t re a l - l i f e b u s i n e s s scenarios

a variety of both topic-based and ski l ls -based units

a CD-Rom including grammar and vocabulary practice and a variety of extra l istening practice

integrated workbook-sty le practice pages consol idate key grammar and vocabulary

Course components include:

a Teacher's Book with 20 hours of additional photocopiable materials per level

a Test CD with editable tests for al l four levels

a Case Studies Resource Pack with 25 addit ional photocopiable case studies that can be used alongside the course, packaged with an Audio CD

a free e-lessons service to suppor t the course - s ign up at

www.businessengl ishonl ine.net

In Company Second Edition Elementary Pre-intermediate Intermediate Upper-intermediateStudent’s Book + CD-Rom Pack 978 0230 71709 1 978 0230 71719 0 978 0230 71714 5 978 0230 71724 4Teacher’s Book 978 0230 71710 7 978 0230 71720 6 978 0230 71715 2 978 0230 71725 1 Class Audio CDs 978 0230 71711 4 978 0230 71721 3 978 0230 71716 9 978 0230 71726 8Case Studies Pack (all levels) 978 0230 71706 0

In Company New Edition is a must have text series for your business collection. It's newly updated topical themes and comprehensive phrase banks, case studies and downloadable varied audio recordings provide all you need in the palm of your hand.

Peter Wergin,Invited Professor,Korea University,

South Korea

New Edition

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Basic Survival andSurvival EnglishInternational communication for professional peoplePeter VineyDelivering fast results, this communicative two-level course is ideal for professionalpeople who need Engl ish for international work or t ravel.

Key benefits include:

funct ional pract ice act iv i t ies across a range of real l i fe s i tuat ions including social iz ing, t ravel, hotels, money, food and dr ink

m o d e r n c o n te n t a n d d e s i g n , l o a d e d w i t h v i s u a l i n p u t to c o n te x t u a l i z e language and appeal to learners

a clear, easy-to-use one page per lesson format, offering simplicity and flexibi l i ty

extensive learner suppor t in the Student's Book , including interest ing cultural information, useful vocabulary l ists and helpful grammar reference sections

Course components include:

an Audio CD for addit ional l is tening practice in the Student's Booka Teacher’s Guide w i th photocopiable mid-course and end of course tests, answer keys and extension activ i t ies

a Pract ice Book w i th addi t iona l top ic -based act iv i t ies and supplementar y grammar practice and consol idation

Class Audio CDs containing al l presentat ion dialogues and l istening activ i t ies

Reduced pages from Basic Survival Reduced pages from Survival English

Basic Survival Survival EnglishStudent's Book 978 1405 00393 3 Student's Book 978 1405 00384 1Practice Book 978 1405 00394 0 Practice Book 978 1405 00385 8Teacher's Guide 978 1405 00395 7 Teacher's Guide 978 1405 00386 5Class Audio CDs 978 1405 00397 1 Class Audio CDs 978 1405 00388 9

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Aviation EnglishPlain Engl ish for ICAO complianceHenry Emery and Andy RobertsHelping pi lots and air- t raffic control lers achieve and maintain ICAO level 4 proficiency, this comprehensive package can be used in the classroom or for sel f -study.

Key benefits include:

d e ta i l e d c ove ra g e o f t h e s p e c i f i c s k i l l s d e s c r i b e d i n I CAO l e ve l 4 language profi le

a CD-Rom , p a c ka g e d w i t h t h e S t u d e n t ’s B o o k , fe a t u r i n g i n te ra c t i ve s imulat ions and addit ional pronunciat ion and l istening practice

a Teacher ’s Book inc lud ing background in fo rmat ion fo r teachers not famil iar with teaching aviat ion Engl ish

extra information and mater ials avai lable at the course website

Check Your Aviat ion Engl ish provides learners with extra pract ice and is packaged with an Audio CD so is suitable for sel f -study or classroom use

For ICAO compliance

Henry Emery & Andy Roberts


Reduced pages from Student's Book

Britt Karlin,Aviation English Teacher,Thailand

I was very impressed with thein-depth quality of the material. As a pilot, I found the material to be true-to-life and as an English teacher, easy to use.

Aviation English Check your Aviation EnglishStudent’s Book + CD-Roms Pack 978 0230 02757 2 Student’s Book + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 40207 2Teacher’s Book 978 0230 02758 9Class Audio CDs 978 0230 02759 6

Also Available

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CampaignSimon Mellor-Clark, Charles Boyle,Yvonne Baker de Altamirano, Nicola King and Randy WaldenDrawing on topics from a variety of military contexts, this award-winning course is designed to meet the English language needs of military personnel engaged in in te rnat iona l opera t ions , inc lud ing peacekeep ing and humani ta r ian assistance.

Key benefits include:

a f l ex ib le s y l labus s t ruc tu re fo r use on bo th in tens i ve and year- long courses

a ski l ls -based approach to learning grammar and vocabulary which is immediately t ransferable to mi l i tary exercises

relevant topics bui l t around a number of international mi l i tary contexts including the US, the UK, NATO and the UN

' Wo r l d E n g l i s h ' b oxe s w h i ch h i g h l i g h t t h e d i f fe re n c e s i n vo c a b u l a r y between Engl ish-speaking countr ies

helpful course suppor t, including a Class CD , a Workbook containing a Student CD and a Teacher’s Book with notes on mil i tary l i fe and teaching Engl ish in a mil i tary contexta Dictionary of Military Terms provides coverage of al l aspects of Br i t ish, American and international mi l i tary vocabulary

Campaign Level 1 Level 2 Level 3Student's Book 978 1405 00980 5 978 1405 00985 0 978 1405 00990 4Class Audio CD 978 1405 00983 6 978 1405 00988 1 978 1405 00993 5Workbook + Audio CD Pack 978 1405 02899 8 978 1405 02901 8 978 1405 02903 2Teacher's Book 978 1405 00981 2 978 1405 00986 7 978 1405 00991 1Dictionary of Military Terms 978 1405 06703 4Check Your Vocabulary Workbook 978 1405 07417 9Grammar Practice 978 1405 07418 6

English for Law EnforcementCharles Boyle and Ileana ChersanM e e t i n g t h e n e e d s o f i n te r n a t i o n a l l a w e n fo rc e m e n t p e r s o n n e l , t h i s course i s su i table for customs and pol ice off icers who have to deal wi th international v is i tors.

Key benefits include:

content that covers a variety of policing contexts such as crowd control and stop and search

a Teacher's Book that provides background information on teaching English for law enforcement

MP3 audio files and an answer key which make the course suitable for self-study are available at www.macmillanenglish.com/englishforlawenforcement

English for Law EnforcementStudent’s Book + CD-Rom Pack 978 0230 73258 2Teacher’s Book 978 0230 73257 5Class Audio CDs 978 0230 40526 4

Also Available

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Telephone EnglishJohn HughesBui lding students' confidence in telephone conversation, Telephone English covers language common to all business calls and prepares students for dealing with specific situations in the business contexts in which they operate.

Key benefits include:an introduction to the conventions of making phone calls in Englishan Audio CD making Telephone English also suitable for self-study

Meetings in English Byram StephensHelping students, from pre-intermediate up, gain confidence and build strategies for successful meetings in English.

Key benefits include:systematic coverage of all stages from planning meetings to follow-up actionspecific strategies for teleconferencing and video-conferencingan Audio CD making i t ideal for sel f -study

Networking in English Pete Sharma and Barney BarrettProviding business people with the communication skills required for social interactions in an international context, this book gives students the confidence to network effectively in English.

Key benefits include:

a wide variety of social situations contextualized by six characters who expose learners to both native and non-native speaker accents

an Audio CD, making Networking in English suitable for self-study

Presentations in EnglishEr ica J. Wil l iamsHelping learners find their voice as a presenter, this book is ideal for either classroom use or self-study.

Key benefits include:a balance of language, advice and a range of up-to-date presentation techniques

a DVD , packaged with the book, fol lows the progress of real students doing the presentation course

Email English New Edition 978 0230 44855 1 Meetings in English* 978 0230 40192 1 Networking in English* 978 0230 73250 6Presentations in English** 978 0230 02878 4 Telephone English* 978 1405 08221 1 * With Audio CD ** With DVD

Email EnglishPaul EmmersonEnabling students to write effective and convincing emails in the workspace, Email English develops both the language skills and confidence students need to communicate by email in a wide variety of business contexts.

Key benefits include:an introduction to the importance of style and register in business emailsa useful 'Phrase Bank' of functional language for easy reference

New Edition

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Business English HandbookPaul EmmersonOffering advanced-level learners both reference and practice materials to refine their business English ski l ls, this handbook and the accompanying audio CD cover major business topics and functions, developing both spoken and written communication skills.

Essential Business Grammar BuilderPaul EmmersonProviding grammar reference and practice for pre-intermediate to intermediate professionals, it is suitable for classroom use or self-study.

Business Grammar BuilderPaul EmmersonHelping intermediate to upper intermediate professionals maintain and practise their English grammar in a business context, the new edition includes translation activities and open-ended production tasks, and is suitable for classroom use or self-study.

Business BuilderPaul EmmersonCovering the key areas in any business English syllabus, this series of photocopiable materials is a must-have for every staffroom. Each book is divided into three modules:

1-3: Social English, Telephoning, Job Interviews

4-6: Discussions & Meetings, Business Correspondence, Report writing

7-9: Presentations, Company Product & Customer Relations, Negotiations

Essential Business Vocabulary Builder* 978 0230 40761 9 Business BuilderBusiness Vocabulary Builder* 978 0230 71684 1 Modules 1,2,3 978 0333 99094 0Essential Business Grammar Builder* 978 1405 07048 5 Modules 4,5,6 978 0333 99095 7Business Grammar Builder* 978 0230 73254 4 Modules 7,8,9 978 0333 99096 4 Business English Handbook* 978 1405 08605 9

Essential Business Vocabulary Builder Paul EmmersonBuilding pre-intermediate students’ knowledge of business related vocabulary, the first half of the book is devoted to business vocabulary and practice, the second half to skills work. The audio CD features interviews with real business people and has accompanying exercises in the book.

Business Vocabulary Builder Paul EmmersonHelping intermediate-level students expand and enrich their vocabulary, thus enabling them to express themselves more effect ively in business contexts, this book and the accompanying audio CD cover both key areas of business vocabulary and essential professional communication skills such as telephoning, emailing and report writing.

* With Audio CD

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72 Dictionaries


Macmillan English DictionaryThe 2nd edit ion of the Macmil lan Engl ish Dict ionary contains a wealth of new mater ial , whi le bui lding on the innovative features that won i t two prest igious awards. The most f requently used 7,500 words in Engl ish - the ideal vocabulary s i ze fo r an advanced lea rne r - a re p r in ted in red , g raded w i th s ta r s , and explained with extra detai l about how you should use them. The 2nd edit ion also includes a complete package of unique, careful ly researched mater ials b a s e d o n a d e ta i l e d a n a l y s i s o f l e a r n e r s ' ow n w r i t i n g . F u l l - p a g e w r i t i n g sect ions and 'Get i t R ight' boxes help learners become more confident wri ters in academic and professional s i tuat ions.

Macmillan Study DictionaryProviding upper-secondary and univers i ty s tudents wi th the words they need to know, i nc lud ing a b road cove rage o f sub jec t - spec i f i c vocabu la r y, th i s d i c t i o n a r y i s p a c ke d w i t h c u r r i c u l u m wo rd s a n d a m a j o r e n c y c l o p a e d i c section and is a complete reference source for students at this level. Including, specia l emphasis on subject vocabulary, wi th thousands of subject -speci fic words labe l led by twenty categor ies inc lud ing Ar t s , Bus iness , Eng ineer ing, Maths , Phys ics , Soc ia l S tud ies and Tour i sm, and more than 150 two -co lour technical i l lustrat ions explaining complex topics at a glance.

MacmillanEssential DictionaryA n e s s e n t i a l re fe re n c e fo r t h e c l a s s ro o m a n d h o m e , o f fe r i n g i nva l u a b l e suppor t fo r those w i sh ing to wr i te and speak Eng l i sh accura te l y. Th i s two -c o l o u r d i c t i o n a r y a n d C D - R o m i s d e s i g n e d s p e c i f i c a l l y fo r i n te r m e d i a te learners wi th the 3,500 most impor tant words to learn highl ighted in red and graded for f requency of use. A 24-page Language Study sect ion on key areas such as pronunciat ion, col locat ion and wordbui ld ing, helps learners improve thei r Engl ish.

Macmillan English Dictionary New Edition Macmillan English Dictionary 1st Edition American EnglishPaperback with CD-Rom 978 1405 02526 3 Paperback with CD-Rom 978 0333 96672 3Paperback 978 1405 02628 4 Paperback 978 0333 96670 9Hardback with CD-Rom 978 0230 02546 2 Workbook 978 0333 96690 7Hardback 978 0230 02545 5International Student Edition Paperback with CD-Rom 978 0230 02493 9Standalone CD-Rom 978 1405 06397 5

Centre for English Corpus Linguistics

Macmillan Study DictionaryPaperback with CD-Rom 978 0230 40196 9

Macmillan Essential DictionaryBritish English Edition American English EditionPaperback with CD-Rom 978 0230 03948 3 Paperback with CD-Rom 978 0333 99212 8Paperback 978 0230 03947 6 Paperback 978 0333 99211 1

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MacmillanSchool DictionaryA two -co lou r d ic t iona r y fo r i n te rmed ia te - l eve l s tuden t s whose cu r r i cu lum s u b j e c t s a re ta u g h t t h ro u g h t h e m e d i u m o f E n g l i s h p rov i d i n g s p e c i a l emphasis on school subject vocabulary with subject-specific words highl ighted th roughout and in fo rmat i ve two -co lou r i l l u s t ra t ions re la t ing to cu r r icu lum content . The d ic t ionar y a l so inc ludes spec ia l he lp boxes on word fami l ies , s y n o ny m s e t s a n d vo c a b u l a r y b u i l d i n g a n d a h e l p f u l re fe re n c e s e c t i o n contain ing informat ion on the per iodic table, i r regular verbs, pronunciat ion, geographical names and national i t ies, and expressions using numbers.

Macmillan Collocations Dictionary He lp ing upper- in te rmedia te to advanced s tudents wr i te more natu ra l and idiomatic Engl ish, this dict ionary uses information derived from a 2-bi l l ion word corpus by the best ELT lexicographers in the UK and provides col locations for over 4,500 careful ly selected key words wi th a special focus on col locat ions f requent in academic and professional wr i t ing. Within each entry, col locations are grouped in semant ic se ts w i th examples to show how co l locat ions are used in context . There are also helpful usage boxes wi th grammatical notes, synonyms and alternative expressions.

Macmillan Phrasal Verbs Plus A two-colour d ict ionary of phrasal verbs contain ing unique features to help students grasp th is chal lenging and essent ia l area of the Engl ish language, including clear explanat ions of how to use every phrasal verb by means of grammar patterns and relevant examples, as wel l as thousands of examples of phrasal verbs f rom the World Engl ish Corpus reflect Engl ish as i t is used today. Col locat ion boxes l i s t the words phrasal verbs typical ly occur wi th and help students speak and wri te more natural ly.

Macmillan School DictionaryPaperback 978 1405 01342 0CD-Rom 978 1405 05710 3

Macmillan Collocations DictionaryPaperback 978 0230 72403 7

Macmillan Phrasal Verbs PlusPaperback 978 1405 06390 6

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74 Exams


IELTS IntroductionStudent's Book 978 0230 42278 0 Teacher's Book 978 0230 42575 0Audio CD 978 0230 42576 7Study Skills Pack 978 0230 42574 3

IELTS IntroductionIELTS made easy!Sam McCarterH e l p i n g l o w - l e v e l s t u d e n t s b e g i n t o p r e p a r e f o r t h e I E LT S e x a m , t h i s int roductory level course a ims to t ra in s tudents wi th in an IELTS band range of 3-4 in the ski l ls required for the exam. Each of the 12 units contains a wide range of IELTS tasks, with exercises specifical ly aimed at developing l istening ski l ls, speaking ski l ls and reading ski l ls, as wel l as extensive wri t ing practice.

Key benefits include:

a step-by-step approach to developing each sk i l l in an academic sett ing and detai led advice on coping with exam tasks

a gu ided approach to w r i t i ng task s so lower l eve l s tuden t s a re gen t l y introduced to what is expected in the exam

shor ter reading passages than in the exam, w i th IELTS - type quest ions to fami l ia r i se s tudents w i th the type of mater ia l they wi l l meet in the exam without being overwhelming

sys temat ic pronunciat ion pract ice focus ing on the sk i l l s requi red for the speaking test

a Teacher’s Book including suggest ions on how to use the course mater ial in class, including guidance on t imings for each task, a complete answer key, sample answers for wr i t ing tasks and extra photocopiable activ i t ies


Reduced pages from Student’s Book

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IELTS FoundationThe basis of successRachel Rober ts, Joanne Gakonga, Andrew Preshous and Joanna PreshousOffer ing a tr ied-and-tested approach to developing lower- level students within a band range of 4 - 5.5 for the IELTS exam, the new edit ion of this best-sel ler inc ludes over 50% new mater ia l to bet ter prepare s tudents and bui ld the i r confidence to succeed in the exam. Each unit contains a wide range of IELTS tasks cover ing a l l four e lements of the test . There are exerc ises speci fical ly aimed at developing l istening ski l ls, speaking ski l ls and reading ski l ls, as wel l as extensive wri t ing practice.

Key benefits include:12 engaging, topic-based units that develop students’ general proficiency as wel l as their background knowledge and vocabulary on common themes in the examlots of t ips and strategies for the exam and more expl ici t l inks between the practice mater ials and the examan increased focus on speaking ski l ls and a more gradual development of wr i t ing ski l lsa more systematic development of the key language needed to succeed in the exam, including col locations

IELTS GraduationMaking the gradeMark Allen, Debra Powell and Dickie Dolby

P rov id ing exam p repara t ion fo r s tudent s a t I E LTS band 5 .5 o r above , th i s

course systematical ly prepares them for the exam.

Key benefits include:ten engaging topic-based units that enhance students’ language ski l ls and knowledge for the exam.‘Strategy’ and ‘Remember’ boxes provide detai led advice on how to approach each par t of the examan emphasis on encouraging a hol ist ic approach to the examaddit ional sel f -study ski l ls development and a ful l practice test in IELTS Graduation Study Ski l ls which contains an audio CD

IELTS Foundation Original EditionStudent’s Book 978 1405 01392 5Teacher’s Book 978 1405 01395 6 Class Audio Cassette 978 1405 01396 3Class Audio CD 978 1405 01397 0Study Skills Pack Academic Modules 978 1405 01722 0Study Skills Pack General Modules 978 1405 08201 3

IELTS Foundation Second edition IELTS GraduationStudent's Book 978 0230 42210 0 Student's Book 978 1405 08075 0Teacher's Book 978 0230 42580 4 Teacher's Book 978 1405 08079 8Class Audio CDs 978 0230 42581 1 Class Audio CD 978 1405 08080 4Study Skills Pack Academic Modules 978 0230 42579 8 Study Skills Pack 978 1405 08078 1

New Edition

Reduced pages from Student’s Book

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Ready for IELTSGet ready for successSam McCarterMaximiz ing students' potential to succeed in the IELTS exam, this preparation course is aimed at students in the IELTS 5.5 - 7 band range.

Key benefits include:

14 topic-based units that thoroughly prepare students for the exam

motivat ing texts and varied speaking practice throughout

two-page unit reviews featur ing exam-style tasks

'Ready for ' sect ions focusing on each of the exam papers

thorough development of the vocabulary required and a topic-based wordlist

systematic exam training including 'What to expect in the exam' and 'How to go about i t ' help boxes

a CD-Rom with addit ional sel f -study exam practice

a Teacher's Book with five revision tests and a full final test in the IELTS format

Reduced pages from Student's Book

Ready for IELTS Student’s Book with Key + CD-Rom Pack 978 0230 73218 6Student’s Book without Key + CD-Rom Pack 978 0230 73217 9Workbook with Key 978 0230 40103 7Workbook without Key 978 0230 40102 0Audio CD 978 0230 73221 6Teacher’s Book 978 0230 73222 3

Tips for IELTS978 1405 09616 4

Tips for IELTSSam McCarterProviding students with al l the information they need to know about the IELTS exam.

Key benefits include:

hints on how to tackle specific types of quest ions

strategies on how to increase speed and accuracy in the exam

advice on how to avoid common mistakes

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The IELTS Skil ls AppsSam McCarterProviding exam practice exercises and interactive tasks to help develop the ski l ls needed to do wel l in the IELTS exam.

Key benefits include:a wide range of innovative and interactive exercises that help learners prepare for IELTS t ips and strategies to help improve exam performancepractice answering a ful l range of IELTS quest ion types

IELTS Language PracticePractice for successMichael Vince and Amanda FrenchHelping students bui ld their grammatical and lexical knowledge for the IELTS test with:

30 grammar units focusing on key language areas needed for the exam 20 vocabulary units covering the common topics in the exam10 lexico-grammatical ‘Words and Phrases’ units that tackle problem areas for students

Improve your IELTS SkillsDeveloping exam ski l lsSam McCarter, Norman Whitby and Barry CusackHelping students develop their language ski l ls and test techniques, this ser ies ensures learners wi l l be ful ly prepared and confident to s i t the IELTS exam.

Key benefits include:

ten units in each book, with corresponding topics across the ser ies

technique boxes to help improve IELTS test taking strategies

a practice test at the end of each unit

IELTS Language Practice Student’s Book with Key 978 0230 41056 5

Improve your IELTS Skills Listening and Speaking Skills + CD Pack 978 0230 00948 6Reading Skills 978 0230 00945 5Writing Skills 978 0230 00944 8

Learn more at www.macmil laneducationapps.com


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78 Exams


Direct to IELTSStraight to successSam McCarterO ffe r i n g l e a r n e r s c o n c i s e a n d p ra c t i c a l I E LT S p re p a ra t i o n , t h i s c o u r s e c o m b i n e s p r i n t a n d o n l i n e p ra c t i c e m a te r i a l s i n a b l e n d e d s o l u t i o n to e ff ic ient ly prepare s tudents, a iming for bands 6 – 7 , fo r a l l fo rmats o f the IELTS exam.

Key benefits include:

a shor t and compact format sui table for those who have l imited t ime to prepare for the IELTS exam8 topic-based units cover the skil ls required for all formats of the IELTS exam plus grammar and vocabulary supporta ‘Writ ing Bank’ that provides detai led and focused practice including al l task-types found in the writing exam and annotated model answersaccess to four computer-based pract ice tests on the websi te, as wel l as downloadable workbook-style worksheets to accompany the Student’s Book.

Direct to IELTS Student's Book without Key + Webcode Pack 978 0230 43992 4Student's Book with Key + Webcode Pack 978 0230 43993 1Teacher's Book + Webcode Pack 978 0230 43997 9Class Audio CD 978 0230 43998 6


Reduced pages from Student's Book

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Direct to TOEFL® iBT Straight to successLin LougheedOffer ing a four-sk i l l , s t rategy-based approach to prepar ing for the TOEFL ® iBT, th i s shor t , conc ise course combines pr in t and on l ine mater ia l s . The course webs i te includes three onl ine TOEFL® iBT pract ice tests for an authent ic test ex p e r i e n c e , a c c e s s e d t h ro u g h a u n i q u e c o d e fo u n d a t t h e b a c k o f t h e Student’s Book.

Key benefits include:

short and straight to the point - 100 hours of materialsuitable for both in-class use and self-studyshort, easy-to-access texts, written by subject specialists structured, step-by-step skil ls practice spells out exactly what students need to do to score well on the TOEFL® iBTessential study skills practice giving students confidence to tackle TOEFL® iBT task typesthe Website includes three onl ine practice tests, as well as mp3 audio fi les, audioscripts and an answer key for the Student’s Book material

Direct to FCERoy Norris and Lynda EdwardsProv id ing conc ise and pract ica l p reparat ion fo r FCE, the S tudent ’s Book i s packaged with a code that provides access to four computer-based practice tests and extra downloadable practice mater ials.

Key benefits include:

short and compact – 120 hours of material10 topic-based units covering al l ski l ls required for the computer-based FCE exam

Direct to TOEFL® iBT Student’s Book + Webcode Pack 978 0230 40991 0

Reduced pages from Student's Book

Direct to TOEFL iBT is user-friendly ... It is very well organized to meet the student's immediate needs and it includes up-to-date materials. Speaking tips in the speaking sections of the book are very useful.

Yoonji Kim, Supervisor, ELPLI, Konkuk University,South Korea

Direct to FCE Student’s Book + Webcode with Key Pack 978 0230 41467 9Student’s Book + Webcode without Key Pack 978 0230 41921 6Teacher’s Book 978 0230 40957 6Class Audio CDs 978 0230 40958 3

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80 Exams


PETPre- Intermediate to IntermediateTessie Dalton

For students working towards the PET (Prel iminary Engl ish Test) examination, or other B1- level exams.

FCEIntermediate to Upper Intermediate Rawdon Wyatt

For students preparing for the FCE (Fi rst Cer t i ficate) and CAE (Cer t i ficate in Advanced Engl ish) examinations.

IELTSIntermediate to Upper Intermediate Rawdon Wyatt

For students preparing for the IELTS ( International Engl ish Language Test ing System) examination. Appropriate for anyone who wishes to study or t rain in an Engl ish-speaking country.

TOEFL Upper IntermediateRawdon Wyatt

For students preparing for the TOEFL® (Test Of Engl ish as a Foreign Language) examination.

TOEICUpper Intermediate to AdvancedRawdon Wyatt

For students preparing for the TOEIC® (Test Of Engl ish for International Communication) examination which focuses on the use of Engl ish in business and the workplace. Appropriate for anyone wishing to study or t rain in an Engl ish-speaking country.

Check Your Vocabulary Ser iesHelping students revise and develop their vocabulary for a range of Engl ish exams, this ser ies is suitable for use in the classroom or for sel f -study.

Key benefits include:

an easy-to-use format with clear instruct ions and answer keys

a variety of act iv i t ies including exercises, word games, quizzes and puzzles

coverage of general and topic-specific vocabulary, as wel l as grammar and use of Engl ish,comprehension, pronunciat ion and spel l ing

Academic EnglishUpper IntermediateDavid Por ter

The mater ial uses a var iety of exercises to test grammar, spel l ing and comprehension.

Check Your Vocabulary SeriesPET 978 0230 03359 7TOEIC® 978 0230 03362 7TOEFL® 978 0230 03361 0FCE 978 0230 03363 4IELTS 978 0230 03360 3Academic English 978 0230 03364 1

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Testbuilder Ser iesTests that TeachHelping students prepare for key exams, this series provides practice test materials and additional activities and guidance to help students build their confidence and maximize their potential in the exams.

Key benefits include:

flexibi l i ty to use the ser ies both in the classroom and for sel f -study

four complete practice tests in each book

a ful l range of exam task-types

practice and guidance pages, with a focus on common problem areas

guided analysis of model answers

TOEIC Testbuilder Student's Book Pack* 978 0230 42789 1 PTE Testbuilder Student's Book Pack* 978 0230 42786 0 Testbuilder for TOEFL® iBT Student’s Book Pack** 978 0230 40971 2KET for Schools Testbuilder Pack* 978 0230 40711 4 PET for Schools Testbuilder Pack* 978 0230 40712 1

KET Testbuilder PET Testbuilder FCE TestbuilderWith Key + Audio CD Pack 978 1405 06976 2 With Key + Audio CD Pack 978 1405 06301 2 With Key + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 72789 2Without Key + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 40969 9 Without Key + Audio CD Pack 978 1405 06302 9 Without Key + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 72790 8

LCCI English for Business BEC Testbuilder New Proficiency TestbuilderTestbuilder 1 + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 73386 2 BEC Higher + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 71703 9 With Key 978 0333 95498 0Testbuilder 2 + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 73389 3 BEC Preliminary + Audio CD Pack 978 1405 01833 3 Audio CD 978 0230 72337 5Testbuilder 3 + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 73392 3 BEC Vantage + Audio CD Pack 978 1405 01836 4

CAE Testbuilder IELTS TestbuilderWith Key + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 72794 6 IELTS Testbuilder 1 + Audio CD Pack 978 1405 01404 5Without Key + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 72795 3 IELTS Testbuilder 2 + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 02885 2

* TOEIC Testbuilder Student's Book, PTE Testbuilder Student's Book, KET for Schools Testbuilder Pack and PET Testbuilder Student's Book Pack for Schools Testbuilder Pack contains Student’s Book and Audio CD** Testbuilder for TOEFL® iBT Student’s Book contains Student’s Book and CD-Rom

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82 Exams

Ready for FCE, PET and CAENick Kenny , Anne Kelly , Roy Norris and Hilary ThomsonP rov i d i n g i n - d e p t h e xa m t ra i n i n g , t h i s s e r i e s g i ve s s t u d e n t s t h e s k i l l s a n d confidence to prepare for and succeed in Cambridge ESOL exams.

Key benefits include:

'Ready for. . . ' sections provide specific suppor t and practice for the individual papers in each exam ensuring students are familiar with the exam's content

helpful information boxes that give tips on exam question types and strategies

examples of students' writing and model answers to help improve students' writing

with or without key versions of Coursebooks and Workbooks available

Ready for FCE 3rd Edition Ready for PET Ready for CAE Coursebook with Key + Audio CD Pack* 978 0230 44002 9 Coursebook with Key + CD-Rom Pack 978 0230 02071 9 Coursebook with Key 978 0230 02886 9Coursebook without Key + Audio CD Pack* 978 0230 44001 2 Coursebook without Key + CD-Rom Pack 978 0230 02073 3 Coursebook without Key 978 0230 02887 6Coursebook Pack with Key* 978 0230 44003 6 Teacher's Book 978 0230 02074 0 Workbook with Key 978 0230 02888 3Coursebook Pack without Key* 978 0230 44004 3 Class CD 978 0230 02075 7 Workbook without Key 978 0230 02889 0Workbook with Key + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 44007 4 Teacher's Book 978 0230 02890 6Workbook without Key + Audio CD Pack 978 0230 44006 7 Class CD 978 0230 02891 3Teacher's Book Pack** 978 0230 44011 1

Macmillan Test Maker is an online testing tool that allows teachers of English as a foreign language to create and set an unlimited number of tests for an unlimited number of students.

All tests are automatically marked, and teachers can monitor results at a glance, then send feed-back through the internal messaging tool.

For more information, please visit www.macmillantestmaker.com

Key featuresȈ�����������ǡ������Ǧ���������������������Ȉ��Ȁ�����������������������������������������������������Ȉ���������Ǧ�����������ǡ����������������������ǡ�������������������������������Ȉ��������������������ǡ���������������������������Ǧ����������Ȉ��������������������������������������ǡ�������������������������������Ȉ������������������Ǧ�������������������������������ǡ������ǡ������������������������Ȉ�������������������ǡ�������������������Ǧ��Ǧ�����������������

Macmillan Test MakerYour essential online testing tool kit

* All Coursebook Pack contains a DVD-Rom ** Teacher's Book Pack contains a Teacher's Book, a Test CD-Rom and Class Audio CDs.



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83yStudy Skil ls

For more information on the full range of Study Skil ls tit les, please visit www.palgrave.com/studyskil lsGo to www.palgrave.com/studyskil lsnewsletter for our Study Skil ls newsletter

New New Edition

Also Available

Study Skills from Palgrave MacmillanT h e S t u d y S k i l l s Handbook 3rd Edition

b y 1 / 2 m i l l i o n c o p y b e s t s e l l i n g author Stel la Cottrel l

Stella CottrellThis No.1 bestsel ler introduces students to the ski l ls they need to succeed in Higher Education in a user- f r iendly, interactive format.

Jenny Fisher, Division of Psychology and Social Change, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

'Brilliant book - essential for any undergraduate.' 978 0230 57305 5

978 0230 29016 7978 0230 39056 0 978 0230 29120 1 978 0230 29281 9 978 0230 22002 7 978 0230 22067 6

978 0230 29960 3978 0230 37725 7 978 0230 24758 1 978 0230 25193 9 978 0230 57763 3 978 0230 22391 2

978 0230 27230 9978 0230 37655 7 978 0230 24910 3 978 0230 57479 3 978 0230 58476 1

Student Guide to Writing 3rd EditionJohn Peck and Martin Coyle978 0230 37388 4

978 0230 36246 8

Improve Your GrammarMark Harr ison, Vanessa Jakeman and Ken Paterson978 0230 36053 2

POCKET STUDY SKILLS - Little Books, Big Results

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84 g


Further Reading for Teachers

Macmillan Books for TeachersMacmil lan Books for Teachers can help you develop a personal and effect iveteaching sty le. Each book has clear and practical aims. Insights f rom academic research are combined with hands-on experience to create books which focus on teaching solut ions for real classrooms.

Adrian Underhil l , Ser ies Editor

Uncovering EAPSam McCarter and Phil JakesComprehensively explains the process of teaching academic reading and writing, and includes practical activities for teachers to use in their classes.

978 0230 72322 1

Teaching English GrammarJim ScrivenerCombining language information and methodological support, this book aims to help teachers prepare for and deliver effective and meaningful grammar lessons.

978 0230 72321 4

400 Ideas for Interactive WhiteboardsBarney Barrett, Pete Sharma and Francis JonesThis title offers a wealth of resources to help teachers successfully integrate the digital board into their classrooms by either using available software packages or creating their own resources.

978 0230 41764 9

Learning TeachingJim ScrivenerThe 3rd edition of this best-selling introduction to ELT has been revised to cover recent developments, such as CLIL, and includes a DVD featuring demonstrations of practical teaching techniques.

978 0230 72984 1

Blended LearningPete Sharma andBarney BarrettBlended Learning provides apractical overview of integrating technology into language teaching. Suitable for both novices and those familiar with using technology. 978 0230 02083 2

500 Activ i t ies for the Pr imary ClassroomCarol ReadA wealth of activities for the primary classroom that are easy to set up and manage.

978 1405 09907 3

Uncovering CLILPeeter Mehisto, Maria-JesusFr igols and David MarshThis title offers teachers a comprehensive guide to CLIL, Content and Language Integrated Learning.

978 0230 02719 0

Uncovering GrammarScott ThornburyThis book challenges the traditional view that grammar is a "thing" to be learnt, suggesting that it is more like a "process" that emerges.

978 1405 08006 4

Page 87: Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue



700 Classroom ActivitiesDavid Seymour andMaria PopovaThis book provides 700 classroom-tested activites at levels from elementary to upper-intermediate.

978 1405 08001 9

Teaching PracticeRoger Gower, Diane Phil ips,and Steve WaltersAn essential reference for EFLteachers and trainers on pre-service courses.

978 1405 08004 0

Discover Engl ishRod Bolitho andBrian TomlinsonThis book enables teachers to develop their own language awareness through activities and commentaries.

978 1405 08003 3

An A-Z of ELTScott ThornburyAn easy-to-use reference on ELT terminology that categorizes, describes and explains the key terms and concepts.

978 1405 07063 8

Chi ldren LearningEngl ishJayne MoonAn introduction to thetheoretical concepts thatunderpin good classroompractice.

978 1405 08002 6

Beyond the SentenceScott ThornburyA witty and insightful overviewof how discourse works, withpractical applications andclassroom activities.

978 1405 06407 1

Teaching Reading Skillsin a Foreign LanguageChristine NuttallA classic text outlining practical classroom strategies for developing learners' reading competence.

978 1405 08005 7

Sound FoundationsAdrian Underhil lAn accessible introduction to phonology that provides creative activities to help students develop their pronunciation.

978 1405 06410 1

Sounds is available for both Apple iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch) and Android devices.

The ultimate mobile English pronunciation aid, for students and teachers.Based on the best-selling Sound Foundations by Adrian Underhill, Sounds helps you study, practice and play with pronunciation wherever you are.

SOUNDSThe Pronunciation App





Page 88: Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue

86 gFurther Reading for Teachers

Palgrave Language and Linguistics Titles


An Introduction to English LanguageWord, Sound and Sentence 3rd Edit ionKoenreaad Kuiper and

W. Scott Al lan

How does the Engl i sh language

work? If you are interested in discovering the answer to this

question, then An Introduction to English Language is the

ideal place to start. Written in a clear, l ively, and easy-to-

follow style, this successful introductory textbook is based

around three core topics of linguistic study: Word, Sound and

Sentence. Now thoroughly revised and updated, the third

edition features more on the varieties of English and now has

a companion website containing quizzes, mp3 audio clips

and Powerpoint movie lectures to aid teaching and study.

978 0230 20801 8 978 0230 20015 9

Beginning LinguisticsLaurie Bauer

Beginning Linguistics is a new introduction to the core topics of linguistics for the beginning student. From details of how speech sounds are produced to the ways in which our words are interpreted, each essential topic is covered in depth. Leading the student step-by-step through questions of transcription and drawing syntactic trees, Bauer provides feedback at every stage and encourages interaction by using regular short questions to check comprehension.

Seven Ways of Looking at LanguageRonald K. S. Macaulay

A brief and l ively introduction to the main issues, debates and ideas that haveemerged in language study over the last fi f ty years.

978 0230 23170 2

978 0230 27931 5

English LanguageDescript ion, Variat ion and ContextEdited by Jonathan Culpeper, Francis Katamba, Paul Kerswill, Ruth Wodak and Tony McEnery

What i s the Engl i sh language l i ke? Why i s i t l i ke that? What do we need to know in order to study i t? This defin i t ive new text by leading academics in the fie ld balances accessible introductions to key topics alongside cutt ing-edge research.

978 1403 94590 7


Studying the English Language

2nd Edit ionRob Penhallur ick

Th i s i s a c lear and l i ve ly

i n t r o d u c t i o n t o t h e

E n g l i s h l a n g u a g e a n d

i t s u s e , o r g a n i z e d i n t o

t h e m a t i c c h a p te r s , e a c h o f w h i c h c a n b e

re a d a t o n e s i t t i n g . T h i s ex p a n d e d s e c o n d

edit ion has been revised in the l ight of recent

research and now features three new chapters

o n C h o m s ky, A m e r i c a n E n g l i s h a n d E n g l i s h

around the world.

Page 89: Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue



978 0230 27239 2

978 0230 00848 9

Children Learning Second LanguagesAnnamaria Pinter

This comprehensive guide to research and debate centres around language learning in ch i ldhood, the age fac to r and the d i f fe ren t con tex t s where language lea rn ing happens, including home and school contexts.

978 0230 20342 6

English Grammar 2nd EditionPeter Coll ins and Carmella Hollo

This pract ical and access ib le int roduct ion to the major categor ies and st ructures of Engl i sh grammar leads s tudents s tep-by-s tep through the key terms and topics. Wi th exe rc i ses , examples , tab les and more , th i s s tudent - f r i end ly in t roduct ion makes fo r essential reading.

Developing Courses in English for Specific PurposesHelen Basturkmen

Th i s book in t roduces co re cons ide ra t ions i n ESP cou r se deve lopment d raw ing on examples f rom a wide range of ESP and EAP courses.

Functional Grammar in the ESL ClassroomRodney H. Jones and Graham Lock

A set of easy to use techniques helps students discover for themselves how grammar works in real world contexts and how grammatical choices are not just about form but also about meaning.

What Is This Thing Called Language?David Nunan

This book is a l ively introduction to the study of language by the renowned l inguist, David Nunan. Drawing on a wide range of anecdotes, Nunan offers a thought-provoking way into the basics of language study. The book is framed by accessible features including questions, fur ther reading and a glossary of l inguist ic terminology and key l inguists.

978 0230 21695 2

978 0230 22798 9

978 1403 98971 0

The English Language & Linguistics CompanionKeith Allan, Jul ie Bradshaw, Geoffrey Finch, Kate Burr idge and Georgina Heydon

A one-stop student resource covering al l aspects of studying language and l inguist ics f rom the core top ics , te rms and concepts o f the subject to s tudy sk i l l s and career pathways. The companion prov ides a gateway to wider and more specia l i s t reading and wi l l be an essential resource for students to turn to t ime and t ime again.

Page 90: Macmillan East Asia 2013 Catalogue

Tit le Academic Writ ing 59Al l Aboard! 15Al l Told! Readers 15Animal Explorers 31Aviat ion Engl ish 68Basic Survival 67Beel ine Plus 17Big Bugs 14Bounce Now 9Brainwave 16Breakthrough Plus 42Business Bui lder 71Business Engl ish Handbook 71Business Grammar Bui lder 71Business Vocabulary Bui lder 71Business 2.0, The 65Campaign 69Check Your Aviat ion Engl ish 68Check Your Vocabulary Ser ies 80Cheeky Monkey 6Col lege Writ ing 59Communicate 63Culture World 0Direct to FCE 79Direct to IELTS 78Direct to TOEFL®iBT 79Effect ive Reading 61Email Engl ish 70Engl ish for Law Enforcement 69Engl ish World 18Essential Business Grammar Bui lder 71Essential Business Vocabulary Bui lder 71Essential Reading 61Faces 4Fantast ic! 14Fingerpr ints 4Footpr ints 17Gateway 34Get Ready for International Business 64Get Real! 46Global 48Hats On Top 5Heinemann ELT Engl ish Grammar, The 38Hel lo Jojo 6Hot Spot 30IELTS Foundation 75IELTS Graduation 75IELTS Introduction 74IELTS Language Practice 77IELTS Ski l ls Apps, The 77Improve your IELTS Ski l ls 77In Company 66Insights 33Inspired 33Jump 21Jump Aboard 15Laser 35Language Practice Ser ies 37Learning to L isten 62Lit t le Bugs 6Macmil lan Books for Teachers 84Macmil lan Chi ldren's Readers 26Macmil lan Col location Dict ionary 73Macmil lan Engl ish 22Macmil lan Engl ish Campus 0Macmil lan Engl ish Dict ionary 72Macmil lan Engl ish Explorers 27Macmil lan Engl ish Grammar in Context 36Macmil lan Engl ish Quest 7Macmil lan Essential Dict ionary 72Macmil lan Foundation Ski l ls Ser ies 28Macmil lan Mathematics 23Macmil lan Natural and Social Science 24Macmil lan Phrasal Verbs Plus 73Macmil lan Practice Onl ine 0Macmil lan Readers 40Macmil lan School Dict ionary 73Macmil lan Science 23Macmil lan Study Dict ionary 72Macmil lan Test Maker 82Macmil lan Topics 39Macmil lan Vocabulary Practice Ser ies 38Macmil lan Writ ing Ser ies 58Macmil lan Young Learners 2Meetings in Engl ish 70Mega 31Mind Ser ies 44Move 55Networking in Engl ish 70New American Inside Out 53New Engl ish Upgrade 47New Finding Out 7New Inside Out 52New Inspirat ion 32Next Move 10Paragraph Writ ing 59People l ike Us 55People l ike Us, Too 55Presentat ions in Engl ish 70Reading Keys 60Ready for IELTS 76Ready For FCE, PET and CAE 82

See Saw 13Select ions 28Sentence Writ ing 59Ski l l ful 56Sky High 54Smile 8Sounds: The Pronunciat ion App 85Speaking of Speech 62Straightforward Second Edit ion 50Survival Engl ish 67Synergy 54Take Shape 12Telephone Engl ish 70Tempo 31Testbui lders Ser ies 81Tips for IELTS 76Twist and Shout 13Way Ahead 20Way Ahead Readers 20Writ ing Essays 59Writ ing in Paragraphs 59Writ ing Paragraphs 58Writ ing Research Papers 59Writ ing Sentences 58You and Me 6Young Learner Engl ish Practice Test 29Young Learner Engl ish Ski l ls 29

Author Al lan, K 86Al lan, W. S 86Al len, M 75Al l ison, J 65Appleby, R 65Baccarin, M 33Baker de Altamirano, Y 69Barker, C 31Barrett , B 70, 84Basturkmen, H 87Bauer, L 86Beare, N 14, 21Beaumont, D 38Benne, R.R 48Bol i tho, R 85Bowen, M 18, 20, 22Boyle, C 69Bradshaw, J 86Brewster, S 54Broadbent, P 23Broudy, D 59Buckingham, A 46Burr idge, K 86Campbel l , L 9Cant, A 10, 13Charr ington, M 10Chazal, E 65Chersan, I 69Clandfield, L 48Clark, S 36, 66Col l ins, P 87Corbett, J 7Craven, M 42, 46, 60Culpeper, J 86Cusack, B 77Dalton, T 80Davies, P 54Davies, P. A 12, 15Dolby, D 75Edwards, L 79El l is, P 20, 22Emery, H 68Emmerson, P 65, 70, 71Fidge, L 22Finch, G 87Finnie, R 14Florent, J 12Fowle, C 54Fox, S 29French, A 61, 77Fr igols, M 84Gakonga, J 75Gar ton-Sprenger, J 32, 33Gershon, S 47Glover, D 23Glover, P 23Gough, C 61Gower, R 85Granger, C 30, 38Gray, J 87Greenal l , S 55Greenwel l , J 21Harper, K 6, 13Harr ington, D 62Harr ies, A 16Heydon, G 87Hird, J 55Hocking, L 18, 22Holden, S 39Hol lo, C 87Holman, A 55Hughes, J 70Is lam, C 58Jakes, P 84

Jeffr ies, A 48Jones, C 50Jones, F 84Jones, R. H 87Jones, V 52, 53Katamba, F 86Kay, S 52, 53, 55Kel ly, A 82Kel ly, K 38Kenny, N 82Kerr, P 50Kerswi l l , P 86King, N 69Kniveton, J 9, 17Kuiper, K 86Lamber t, V 10, 13LeBeau, C 62Linse, C 4, 5Llanas, A 9, 17Lock, G 87Lougheed, L 62, 79Macaulay, R. K. S. 86Maggs, P 55Mann, M 35Mares, C 47Marsh, D 84McAvoy, J 48, 61McCar ter, S 74, 76, 77, 84McEnery, T 86Medwel l , C 6Mehisto, P 84Mel lor-Clark, S 69Miles, S 61Milne, B 55Mitchel l , L 31Mohamed, S 8Mol, H 12Moon, J 85Norr is, R 79, 82Nunan, D 87Nuttal l , C 85O'Farrel l , R 7Papiol, E 14Paul, D 7Pavl ik, C 16Penhal lur ick, R 86Perrett , J 4Phi l ips, D 85Picker ing, K 48, 63Pinter, A 87Popova, M 85Por ter, D 80Powel l , D 75Powel l , M 66Preshous, A 75Preshous, J 75Pr i tchard, G 8Prowse, P 32, 33Ramsden, J 24Read, C 6, 14, 17Revel l , J 14Rober ts, A 68Rober ts, R 75Rogers, M 44, 54Rumsik, L. A. 59Sanderson, H 24Schottman, E 4, 5Scr ivener, J 84Seymour, D 85Sharma, P 66, 70, 84Simmons, N 6Skinner, C 14Soberón, A 6, 14Spencer, D 34Stannett, C 30Stephens, B 29, 70Stur tevant, J 54Taylore-Knowles, J 44Taylore-Knowles, S 35, 44Tennant, A 54Thomson, H 82Thornbury, S 84, 85Tomlinson, B 85Toth, M 14Townend, J 65Underhi l l , A 85Valvona, C 59Vaughan, A 64Vince, M 36, 37, 77Viney, P 67Walden, R 69Walters, S 85Waytt, R 80Webb, B 55Whitby, N 77Wil l iams, E. J. 70Wil l iams, L 17Wil l iamson, D 46Wisniewska, I 44Wodak, R 86Wren, W 18, 22Zemach, D. E. 44, 56, 58, 59, 64

88 Title and Author Index


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