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Magazine double page spread analysis

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Page 1: Magazine double page spread analysis

Magazine Double Page Spread Analysis

By Matt Mosey

Page 2: Magazine double page spread analysis

Kerrang in large writing is easily read to reinstate the brand identity. This keeps the brand known and reminds the reader were they are gathering there information from and were they are feeling the emotions they are feeling while read the magazine (U&G)

The title “It coming” has been highlighted with blue lines around it to remind the audience to keep in suspense while the “Kerrang tour” is getting ready. Keeping the audience in suspense allows them to look forward to something (U&G)

The large main picture of a man playing guitar at a gig reminds the reader what kind of atmosphea a gig is ( the Kerrang tour).This excites the reader and makes them rely on the magazine for more updates about the specific topic.

The man wearing the same colour top as the Kerrang title(white) suggest that he is directly involved with Kerrang and supports them.

The explanation mark next to the word “Kerrang” reminds the reader that this is a rock magazine and the word “Kerrang” should be read loudly and that the music represented is loud

The angel that the camera is at is the view you would get if you were in the crowd. This reminded the audience of the excitement of a gig. The man in the picture is also someone to be looked up at because f the low to high camera angle. The main image takes up

half of the double page spread expressing that it is an a important part of the rock conventions.

The text is in a straight line and is simple and clear to read. White font over black background is simple and clear to read. This makes it easy for the reader to engage in the magazine and enjoy it. If the reader can easily enjoy the magazine it will remember t buy it in the future. The text is nicely linked wit the picture as being very close and directly next to it. This smart yet logical thing to do makes the reader link the text and picture together to create a general image of what the text is about.

The Mode of address for this double page spread is quite frontal in the “ITS COMING". However it is also friendly and relaxed in the way the article is structured. The relaxed manner makes the reader feeling comfortable as if they were talking to friend. (U&G)

Page 3: Magazine double page spread analysis

The colours don’t contrast which means it is more comfortable for the reader to read and look at. The main mans hat is also the same colour as the title which gives him a meaning in the magazine. The colour of the hat and the colour of the word “Secrets” also connotes that he has some relation to the title.

The layout of this double page spread is simple. It has the main focus picture in the centre of the page to instantly catch the readers eye with a giant bold title next to it. The next is below in column's which gives it a more professional feel.

The words “Dirty Little” are in a hand writing font. This font connotes that it may have been wrote in a diary. This would link with the whole “Secrets” subject.

A quotation from one of the article attracts the reader attention( especially because it is slightly rude).It gives the reader a taste of what they are about to read. In this case about someone who was “Tripping Balls”

There is a contrast in the style of this double page spread. For example the title “Secrets” is rugged ,urban and dirty text which suggest a general urban and underground life (away from the norms of society).Whereas the article columns and the sheek read line along the top of the page suggests a more professional approach which could connote a more sophisticated look to the magazine. However a sophisticated look could go against the conventions of a rock magazine. This contrast may attract the readers since it is unknown to them and stands out to the other conventional article in the magazine.

The pictures being in black and white suggests that rock music is old and is part of history as well as the colour main photo showing that rock is part of the present.

Some of the main quotes and band titles are colour in red and increased I size to express to importance and significance of them.

Black and white pictures conventional for rock magazine

The way the band are acting and what they are wearing goes with the conventions of a rock magazine to be rebellious, shocking, wild and generally different to normal society. Readers like this as they feel they can relate or try and relate.

The main man is looking down at the camera as if they audience were lower than them. This shows the audience that theses are rock starts and are more powerful than us and that we should idolise them.

Page 4: Magazine double page spread analysis

The Mise-en-scene of this magazine is old, rugged, cracked and urban, We can tell this from the cracked and ripped effect that the pages have, This applies with the rock magazine codes and conventions.

On the left had side there is a simple line of picture with writing ether side. This makes it easy for the reader to link the pictures to the article.

The long pull quote on the left hand side gives a brief incite to the rest of the article.

On the right hand side there is a large picture with man going to fist punch you ,this sign is for “respect” therefore the audience feels like a friend of the avenge sevenfold lead singer.

All of the pictures of people are wearing clothes that go with codes and convention of a rock magazine for example one of the roc lead singers has a lot of tattoos. tattoos are normally against society and therefore are attractive for the rock community that are rebellious against normal society.

The dark grey sky in the background of the right picture. Relates to the general atmosphea around the conventions of a rock artist.

Picture of albums that relate other main artist. This may remind the reader of wear they saw the album etc..

Some of the words In the articles stand out because they are important or maybe pull quotes.

The general dark lighting of the whole magazine gives off a dark side to the publication

The man on the right hand side jumps out of the page which connects with the audience .

Picture of skull beneath the man is a picture of on object that relates to this lifestyle of rockers

The pull quote is about the support that fans give them. This makes the reader who is likely a fan makes them feel good.

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The picture takes over the whole page. This makes it stand out significantly and that were ever our eye line goes it is still noticeable. The main picture is 5 men with a light be hide them. Light is often described useably therefore these men look like they are walking away from heaven. The men are also wearing clothes with fit the rocker look. For example un button shirts.

The text is white and is placed on a part of the picture that is quite dark. This is well done as the rest of the picture is light coloured and would not of been a suitable background for the white writing. The first letter is also in big writing and a red font. This stands out and makes it clear were the start of the article is. It also makes the article come in strong.

The large title “scene Not Heard” is a big title in white writing with stand out strongly. It takes it quarter of the page and therefore has a clear relation to the main picture.

The big bold writing may represent the bold and heavy lifestyle that the demographic audience should lead.

All of the band members are wearing earthy coloured clothes. This may represent there personality's as been down to earth.

The main title “Scene Not Heard” it blocked on top of each other word by word.

The tree in front of the men gives the impression that they are “hidden” away from society. Also the man reaching towards the camera may be a sign of the band reaching out for help?

The band members clothing relates to the genre of music they listen to and produce. The clothing may be from various clothing brands they support the genre of music.

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Black and white give sophisticated sheek look

The main picture of a man is him giving a unwelcoming look

The mis en scene is dark and spooky which reinstates the gothic dark look.

The men in the picture are puling strange faces and ether saying rude signs with fingers or making he rock sign with there hands. The are clearly a band and all good friends. Audience may portray this as the norms and wild and cool but to others who don’t understand the conventions they may see it as strange and rude.

The large title which is parallel to the main picture “Back to the Future” makes it easily link to the picture and also makes stand out on the page.

The article is white writing with black on the background

The font also relates to the general theme. It is medieval and gothic. All of these themes with relate to the genre of the magazine as being dark heavy metal.

The mode of address for this article again relates to the odes and conventions of the genre of music and being gothic, dark and frontal.