Multi-Contact ® news Information for customers, associates, employees and friends of Multi-Contact 2002 We present: The new product lines The new Ø 16 mm round plug connectors Photovoltaic News New flexible leads New Kelvin dolphin clips Here it is, the new MC-Multilam LA-CUT/...

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newsInformation for customers, associates, employees and friends of Multi-Contact


We present:

The new product lines

The new Ø 16 mm

round plug connectors

Photovoltaic News

New flexible leads

New Kelvin dolphin clips

Here it is,

the new MC-Multilam LA-CUT/...

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Dear Readers,

Another year has come to an end. Wedo not normally present a review ofthe past year but prefer to concen-trate on the twelve months aheadwith all the challenges they hold forus.

But in 2001 we have experienced somany unexpected and unspeakableevents that it is difficult to look onlyinto the future. The world we haveknown for so many years has sud-denly proved far more fragile than wehad believed.

Our economy has proved much moresensitive to these inhuman attacksthan had previously been imagined.Our security needs are suddenlymuch greater and our unlimited free-dom and mobility cannot be taken forgranted in the same way as in thepast.

In these turbulent times it is good tobe able to work in a medium-sizedfirm with a high degree of continuityand a healthy customer base.

In 2002, Multi-Contact can celebratethe 40th anniversary of its founda-tion. This is something we can beproud of.

It is gratifying to know that many ofour employees and partners havefound fulfilment in our company andhave been loyal to us for decades.

Two of our field representatives inGermany will be retiring at the end ofthe year.

Mr. Reinhold Illies has served us formore than 30 years in Northern Ger-many. Mr. Rolf Barghorn has alsoworked for MC for many years in theFrankfurt area.

Both of them helped our company’sfounder Rudolf Neidecker to spreadknowledge of its products and exper-

New product lines pages 4–5

Multi-Contact as asupplier of systems pages 6–7

Oscilloscope probes pages 8–9New Kelvin dolphin clips page 10Flexible leads page 11

New 16BVplug connector pages 12–13

Photovoltaic news pages 14–15

New MC-MultilamLA-CUT/... page 17

Trade shows in 2002and new catalogues pages 18–19

Fax reply form page 20Readers service

Table of contents


Information for customers, associates, employees and friends of Multi-ContactPublished annually.Publisher: Multi-Contact AG, Basel, Editors: Hanspeter Jud, Uwe GehrmannTypesetting: DTP, Philippe Michel, Copies: German 20’000, English 5’000, French 3’000

tise. Both of these men have con-tributed a great deal to our success-ful growth and have done much tohelp build up our excellent reputa-tion as a specialist in contact sys-tems.

I should like to take this opportunityof thanking them for their commit-ted efforts and the pride they took inbeing members of our firm.

I hope they will long enjoy the fruitsof their work in the company of theirfamilies.

Yours sincerelyDr. Peter Duss, CEO

www – NewsThe new e-catalogueof Multi-Contact page 16


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10 Years of Multi-Contact Handelsgesellschaft mbH Austria

10 YearsMulti-Contact Handelsgmbh Austriawas founded in March 1992 and is re-sponsible for marketing Multi-Con-tact products throughout Austria. Onthe occasion of its 10th anniversary,CEO Michael Figl writes:

In the past ten years we have estab-lished MC products on the Austrianmarket in the position they deserve.

Our customers now include manylarge and well-known companies andenergy supply undertakings, as wellas numerous small and me-dium-sized firms.

The tried and tested MC products arealso used in the field of occupational

training in vocational schools and col-leges of technology.

We should like to take this opportu-nity to thank our customers for ourgood business relations and their loy-alty, and at the same time give a firmpromise that working to ensure theirsatisfaction will be our top priorityjust as it has been in the past.

Every success story has many fa-thers and many mothers, and this isalso true in our company since noneof this would have been possiblewithout our colleagues in Switzerlandand Germany.

We should like to express our warm-est thanks to them all.

As a result of the many new develop-ments and products in the fields ofRoboticline, test accessories, special

plug connectors, etc., you will be see-ing and hearing a lot of us in future.

Yours sincerelyMulti-Contact HandelsgmbH AustriaMichael Figl

CEO Michael Figl (centre)with Mrs Reichhuber (left), order

processing and accountingand Mrs. Haug (right) indoor order

processing and customer care

20 Years of Multi-Contact (South East Asia) Pte. Ltd. Singapore

20 Years

Multi-Contact (South East Asia) Pte.Ltd. Singapore is 20 years old. ItsManaging Director Fred Binggeliwrites:On 4 January 1981 my wife and I,with three suitcases and a woodencrate (exhibition material) were givena send-off at Basel airport, completewith food and drink, by almost the en-tire staff of Multi-Contact (the firm

was much smaller then thanit is today). We shall neverforget the Münster cheesewe smuggled in our handbaggage, which began tosmell really “pungent” aftersuch a long flight!!

We expected to stay in Singa-pore for 2 to 3 years, longenough to get the new firmup and running. But those 2to 3 years have now become20. With a few exceptionswe have enjoyed almost thewhole of our time in Singa-pore and have had fun work-ing here.

We are happy to look back onthe successes of the last 20 yearswhich we naturally owe largely to ourstaff, almost all of whom have beenwith us for more than 10 years.

But very special thanks are also dueto the people in Basel (including themanagement) for the fantastic sup-port they have always given us.

And especially to “Big Bossy”, as heis called here, Dr. Peter Duss. He has

needed a great deal of patience withus half-Asians and Asians.

But we rarely get a visit from thepeople in Basel. They say it’s muchtoo hot here!!!!

The beginnings were not easy, for wehad no customers and had to start vir-tually from scratch. Today we enjoygood business relations with manylarge and small customers who are tobe found all over Asia from Indiathrough Pakistan to Thailand, Malay-sia, Indonesia, Taiwan, the Philip-pines etc. One development we areparticularly pleased about is the everstronger foothold we are gaining inChina. We confidently hope this willgrow even bigger in future.

We hope to expand still further in thenext 20 years. With the excellent sup-port it receives from the “motherfirm”, we have no doubt the “daugh-ter” will succeed in doing so.

Our warmest thanks once again to allwho have contributed to this suc-cess.

Multi-Contact (SEA) Pte. LtdFred BinggeliManaging Director

Export news from J.P.Kritter, Export Manager

Fred Binggeli (left) and his crew

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In fact not just one but several. Joining in with the spirit of the new millennium, we decided upon a restructuringof our product groups which is now being progressively put into effect.The product range has been divided into 5 product groups which in turn are divided into sub-groups knownas product lines:

Market focusing with new product management

Ton ClerkxProduct manager

Test andMeasurement

Manfred MüllerProduct manager

Connectors forAutomatic Systems

Michael MitchellProduct managerMedical Industry


Markus KohlerProduct manager

Connectors forRenewable Energy

We have a new line !

Test andMeasurement


Connectors forAutomaticSystems



Connectorsfor Renewable


Test &Measurementline

(ex Lab1-4, LabSi)

Hfline(ex LabHf)

Blisterline(ex Blister)

Cableline(ex Ho14/Lilei)

Powerline(ex Ho1, Ho2, Ho3, Ho4)

Slide-Inline(ex Ho5, Ho12)

CombiTacline(ex Ho12a)

Motorline(ex Ho10)

Miniline(ex Lab1, Miniprog.)

Utilitiesline(ex Ho13/Lab8)

Circularline(ex Ho7d)



Roboticline(ex Ho7b)

Medicalline(ex Ho9, Lab-Mezu)

Solarline(ex Ho19)

Dockingline(ex Ho7c)

The new product managers

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Connectors forrenewable Energy

Medical IndustryConnectors

Connectors forautomatic Systems


Test andMeasurement

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Development and design of customer-specific contact systems

Most customers have known our high-quality MCcontacts for many years, either in the test equip-ment field or for industrial applications. Many ofthem also know that we have many years of experi-ence with the

development, design and supply of customer-specific components

But did you also know,

that we supply complete systems?

We would like to give a brief presentation of this ac-tivity, exemplified by our cooperation with a long-standing partner

Multi-Contact - your system supplier

About our partner:The firm Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH in Tübingen, theworld leader in the development and supply of high-fre-quency surgical equipment.

Our cooperation was at first limited to the supply of specialcontact elements which were incorporated in the equip-ment or in the connecting elements between the controlunits and the surgical instruments.

And now it looks like this...

Ready-assembledmodules needonly to beplugged in orfitted in place.

Development & Design

� Development of customer-specific solutions� Optimum visualisation of the product by 3D

drawings� Our designers can also join you in making an

on-the-spot inspection to get to know theconditions of operation.

Rapid prototypingProduction of complex functional modelswithin an extremely short time.

Homologation / Test laboratoryWe can carry out and certify yourhomologations in accordance withyour specifications.

Assembly & installationWe assemble complete modules.We are able to produce a large proportion ofyour plastics parts, but can also incorporatesupplied components in our production.

TestingHere too a great deal can be done- from the simplest dimensionalchecks to complex electricaltesting. If necessary we developspecial test instruments and theappropriate software.

Packing & storage

� Customer-specific packagings,Possibility of sub-packaging andlabelling.

� Storage of your products (incase of blanket contracts).

� Introductions of Kanbansystems are effected daily.

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A contribution from Multi-Contact Deutschland GmbH

What are your needs?Just contact usand let us know

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Probes — essential equipment for oscilloscopes


Passive probe,high input impedance

Low impedance at high frequenciesdistorts input signal: square-wave

pulse with clearly visible overshoots.

The oscilloscope is one of the most important test instrumentsin electronics. Constant development has substantially enhancedthe performance of these devices and expanded theirrange of applications. In orderto display a test signal onthese instruments, an electricalconnection must be establishedbetween the oscilloscope andthe object under test. The aimin establishing such a connectionis to transmit the signal from thepoint of measurement to theoscilloscope with a minimum ofdistortion. Here, various factors must be taken into considerationwhich call for the use of special probes. Probe systems arebroadly classified into passive and active types.

by J. Göhler, telecommunications engineer At a frequency of 100MHz, the pas-sive probe shown in the example hasan impedance of only 100 - 150�.

This already causes distortion of asignal from a 50�-source. In order toreduce this distortion, the capacitiesof the coaxial lead and the scopemust be reduced.This is virtually impossible.

However, there is another solution:An impedance converter needs to beinstalled directly after the divider inorder to decouple it from the follow-ing components.

In this situation an active probe maybe a help.

Test conditionsInput impedance

Every oscilloscope has an input im-pedance which may be high or low[50�]. In the case of a high-imped-ance oscilloscope, the input imped-ance consists of a real component,generally 1M�, and a capacitativecomponent of around 8 - 30pF.

Vertical scaling

The maximum vertical scaling of anoscilloscope is usually 10V/div, whichmeans that a maximum amplitude of80Vss can be displayed. For the mea-surement of larger voltage ampli-tudes, a voltage divider is required.


In electrical testing it is often neces-sary to quickly tap off signals from dif-ferent points. In this situation,time-consuming plugged, soldered orscrewed connections are not practi-cable.

Outside interference

In order to eliminate outside interfer-ence, the system consisting of theprobe and lead must be of coaxialdesign.

Principle of a passive,high-impedance probe

The example shows a probe with a di-viding ratio of 10:1. This enables sig-nals up to 800Vss to be visualised.

As a result of the capacitative compo-nent of the scope’s input impedanceand the capacity of the coaxial lead, ithas the drawback of a frequency de-pendence which must be compen-sated (Cv and Ckomp).

The input impedance of the probe isthus 10M� || Cin. In probes of thistype a typical value for Cin is around10 - 15pF (including stray capacities).

Limits to the use of passive probes

Today there are many suppliers ofpassive probes with bandwidths ofup to 500MHz. When using theseprobes at frequencies above 20MHz,however, one should bear in mind theinfluence exerted on the test objectby their input impedance.

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Active test probesThe active test probe has the crucialadvantage of an extremely low inputcapacity. Thus the input impedance isalmost purely resistive and the loadupon the point of measurement issmall even at high frequencies.

Its main field of application is wherethere is a need for the undistorteddisplay of steep signal pulses.

The difference in the two signaltraces shown here is due solely to thedifferent capacities of the active andpassive test probe.

As a result of the smaller capacity,the inductive effect of the earth leadremains small so that longer earthleads can be used.

With a passive test probe, even withshort earth leads distortions in the

pulse gradient or even retroactive in-fluences on the test signals would al-ready occur at a relatively high sourceimpedance.

A further advantage is the possibility,with a standardised output imped-ance (e. g. 50�) A further advantageis the possibility, with a standardisedoutput impedance.

With a spectrum analyser and an ac-tive test probe, for instance, mea-surements can be carried out at al-most any point in a circuit.

Here it must be borne in mind thatthe dynamic range of a spectrumanalyser of more than 100dB, basedon 50�, cannot be attained with anactive test probe based on an imped-ance of 1M�, if only because of the

stronger coupling of interference sig-nals.

An assessment, for instance, ofwhere the signal limitation hasoccurred in a multi-stage amplifier iseffected at a level above -40dBm andcan be carried out more quickly andmore easily.

A drawback of active test probes isthe limited voltage range of ±15V, themaximum permitted voltage beingless than 50V.

Active test probes generally consistsof voltage dividers on the input side,low-capacity FETs and further ampli-fier stages (impedance converters).As a result, they require a powersupply.

High impedance with little effecton the test signal.

Very clean square waveform.

Actiprobe �

Active test probe,low input impedance

Actiprobe �

Multi-Contact supplies both passiveand active test probes, and withActiprobe � its range includes an ac-tive probe that offers a good perfor-mance at a reasonable price.Its independence of specific systemsallows it also to be used with othertest instruments such as spectrumand network analysers.

Features of the Actiprobe �

+ Free from influence on input signaldue to low input capacity <1,2pF

+ Longer earth lead possible comparedwith passive test probes

+ Standardised output impedance of50� allows universal use

+ No need for compensation as withpassive potential dividers

+ Large bandwidth of 1,2GHz allowsuse even with oscilloscopes of thehigher class

+ Wide range of accessories

– Limited dynamic range

– Power supply needed

– Higher price than customary forpassive test probes

Actiprobe �

with accessories

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A defined current Iconstant, suppliedfrom a constant-current source flowsthrough the resistance R which is be-ing measured. The voltage U over theresistance R1 can be very accuratelymeasured since, as a result of thehigh internal resistance of the voltme-ter, the voltage drop in the connect-ing leads is only negligible.The resistance R can be determinedaccording to Ohm’s law:

R UIconstant


The toothed opening for graspinglarge objects and the surface for finewires offer a wide range of connec-tion possibilities.

New dolphin clips for measuring extremely small resistances

Four-pole or Kelvin measurementis excellently suited for measuringextremely small resistances

Safety dolphin clip with all-roundinsulation. Silicone-insulated

coaxial cable (type SILI-SC 1,0/1,0)and Ø 4mm safety plug.

Current-carrying capacity 2 x 20A.

The jaws are electrically insulatedfrom each other when open

(red jaw – red plug)(black jaw – black plug)

Versatile connectors

Principle of four-pole measurement

A look inside

Connected withred plug

Connected withblack plugShield of coax. lead

If you are interested,please mark No. 22 on page 20!

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New flexible leads

Silicone-insulated, tinned flexibleleadsThe tried and tested, ultra-flexibleSilivolt® leads are now available intinned versions.

The tinned versions can be used fortest leads in a higher temperaturerange.

The new types are initially availableas standard in customary cross-sec-tions in the colours black, red andblue.

SILI-E SN� With thin-walled insulation� Cross-sections: 0,50; 1,0; 2,5mm²� UL-approved as test lead up to

+105°C (AWM 3670)

SILI-1V SN� With reinforced insulation� Cross-sections: 0,50; 1,0; 2,0mm²� UL-approved as test lead up to

+105°C (AWM 3670)

Silivolt®-2VA completely new addition to theprogramme are the types Silivolt®-2Vwith two-layer insulation.

SILI-2V SN� With reinforced, two-layer

insulation� Cross-sections: 0,50; 1,0; 2,0mm²

The outstanding properties of thesilicone insulation

� Extremely high flexibility(even at below-zero temp.)

� Heat-resistantup to +250°C (forseveral hours)up to +300°C(short-time,contact withsoldering iron!)

� Environment-friendly(halogen-free)Two-layer insulation for increased safety:

Damage to the outer layer of insulationcan be more easily recognised due to the

different colour of the underlying layer

Insulation withstands evenbrief contact with a hotsoldering iron

You will find these and other leads – bothnew and tried-and-tested types – in our

new catalogue Cableline

New twin leads with PVC and PTE insulation

Twin leads with double insulation ofPVC and TPE, consisting of conduc-tors with coloured inner insulationwith black outer layer.

The twin leads are used for applica-tions such as the fabrication oftwo-pole test leads.

FLEXI-ZW� With double PVC insulation� Cross-sections: 0,75; 2,0mm²�

PLAST-ZW� With double TPE insulation� Cross-sections: 0,75; 2,0mm²





If you are interested,please mark No. 21 on page 20!

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The new series ...NS fulfils andexceeds the safety requirementfor encapsulated plug connectors- protection against electric shockaccording to IEC 61984.Protection against accidentaltouching - tested with the IECprobe (according to IEC, DIN EN60529, VDE 0470-1) is alsoprovided in the unplugged state.

MC plug connectors withouttouch protection which arealready in service (series ...N) canbe converted into the protectedversion by means of a special kit.The crimp connection isreplaceable (e.g. if lead isdefective). MC also suppliesready-assembled leads with 16BVplug connectors.

If you are interested,please mark No. 08 on page 20!

Round plug connectors, single-pole with bayonet locking Ø 16mm ...NS


Put your moneyon safety

On your marks....

up to 1000V

up to 530A


click in place...

screw together...


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The cable reels are equippedwith MC plug connectors ofseries 16BV-NS.

The distributor unit for themobile network makes thesystem suitable for a wide rangeof applications.Three separate consumer unitscan be simultaneously suppliedwith emergency power.

Application examples

Mobile emergency power groupwith MC plug connectors Ø16mm

16BV makes mobile systems simply safe!

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� Rated voltage 1000VDC� Halogen-free� Double-insulated,

non-flammability according toDIN EN 50265-2-1Multi-strand conductorclass 5, tinnedTemperatures: -40°C up to 90°C

� Outer insulation material TPE-UCross-sections: 2,5mm², 4mm²,6mm²

If you are interested,please mark No. 12 on page 20!

The PV plug connector system from MC helps to save costs

New single-pole solar cable FLEX-SOL


forsolar power

applications and

VDE tested

If you are interested,please mark No. 11 on page 20!

What counts?Quality and price

System voltage up to 1000VDCRated current up to 30A



For the safe and reliableparallel connection of PV modules







New PVbranch plugsand sockets

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Multi-Contact USA Headquarters, located North of SanFrancisco, in Santa Rosa, California, has helped ease thestatewide energy crisis and increased productivity by in-stalling and operating a state-of-the-art, 11 kiloWatt pho-tovoltaic array.

Capable of supplying in excess of one third of its dailyenergy usage, this system enables MC-USA to maintainnormal business operations up to eight hours daily dur-ing the occasional energy outages caused by externalfactors and infrequent rolling blackouts.

Featuring 76 of BP Solar’s latest technologymonocrystalline silicon solar modules rated at150 Watts/each, prewired with MC-connectors,2 computer-controlled Trace Engineering 5,5kWSine Wave inverters and 2 banks of 8 each Con-cord sealed Gel storage batteries, this systemkeeps the back-up batteries fully charged at alltimes and feeds back excess power to the localgrid.

On the many days of low power usage, duringwhich (thanks to the Bay Area’s Mediterraneanclimate) neither cooling nor heating is necessary,our electric meter is actually running backwards!

During a power outage, this system maintains the integ-rity of all of MC-USA’s business infrastructure: 2 serversand networks, always-on wireless DSL connection, 42workstations, 18 printers, 4 copiers, 4 fax machines and25 phones connected to their own PBX system (includ-ing satellite-fed DMX)as well as all essentiallighting.

Incandescent lightbulbs have been re-placed with ultra-lowenergy consuming min-iature fluorescent andhalogen units.

Installation was simplified with the use of touch-protected Multi-Contact UL®- recognizedphotovoltaic “Plug-n-Play”™ connectors, enhancing service friendliness and reducingtime-consuming stripping, splicing and hardwiring.

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Website Updatesn this year’s News weagain have plenty to tell ourreaders about new and,above all, innovative devel-

opments in our web activities. As an-nounced in News 2001, a fifth lan-guage (Spanish) has been added tothe Multi-Contact Website to makeits information accessible to ourmany Spanish-speaking customers.

For us it is a matter of great impor-tance to constantly build up and ex-pand our international presence in allfields of communication. That meansthat in future not only our catalogues,flyers and News but also the MCWebSite will continue to be pub-lished in several languages. In view ofthe rapid growth in the number ofwebsite hits, we have increased theupdate frequency to a maximum oftwo per week.

MC’s new product lines you will have learnedfrom the preceding pages,Multi-Contact has restruc-tured its complete product

palette and introduced productgroups with more meaningful names.The various product groups are col-our-coded and subdivided into prod-uct lines.We now offer a CD which containsthe catalogues in PDF format and anavigation system programmed inFlash 5.0 to help you find the wayfrom the old designations (Ho2, Lab1-4) to the new product lines (Power-line, Medicalline etc.).

www – news and the new e-catalogue from Multi-Contact

The catalogues and the website arebeing gradually adapted to the newform of presentation, and we shallalso be placing a light version of theabove-mentioned Flash tool on thewebsite.

The new E-cataloguelthough the wave of IT net-working euphoria has nowebbed away and the busi-ness world is again relying

more upon tried and tested struc-tures while the IT sector has failed tofulfil its early promise and earn thepremature acclaim it received, wecannot ignore the far-reaching ad-vances that have been made in thefield of communication.

Here it is crucial to find an investmentpolicy that constitutes a happy me-dium. Multi-Contact has therefore de-

cided to embark upon a new and in-novative path, and in the first quarterof 2002 will be able to announce theintroduction of an electronic, web-compatible catalogue.This will begin with the product line“Plug Connectors for Automation”,

followed by the other lineswhich will be successivelyadded. We are endeavouringto offer a degree of interactionbetween SAP/R3 and theInternet that goes beyond thenormal standard, which for usmeans enormously expandingthe master database and en-gaging in extremely work-in-tensive data maintenance op-erations.

In this project too we are start-ing with a test phase and hopefor your approval, support, and,of course, creative criticism.

The decision to develop anelectronic catalogue entirely“in house” was taken in re-sponse to the ever-growingnumber of requests for data ofevery kind from customers

wanting to develop their own solu-tions. With the E-catalogue from MCwe can offer you up-to-date data at alltimes. You do not have to concernyourself with data maintenance, andwe guarantee constant support andthe further development of our E-cat-alogue.

o meet the growing net-work demands upon theMC website and now uponthe E-catalogue, we have

trebled our leased line capacity.

We are looking forward to the futurePh. Michel — Desktop Publishing


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Electrical and thermalcharacteristics

� Excellent electrical conductivity� High continuous current-carrying

capacity� High short-circuit current-carrying

capacity� Low contact resistance due to

multiple contact points

New MC-Multilam sets new standards in its working range

None has ever been so tolerant

At this angle of offset,do these two plugs make proper contact?

They certainly do!

With the new MC-Multilam LA-CUT/...

Geometrical and mechanicalcharacteristics

� Large radial tolerance absorption� Large operating range� Angular misalignment absorption� Recess easy to machine� Simple to fitLA-CUT/...

If you are interested,please mark No. 16 on page 20!


LA-CUTS / Øf / 0,25Installation in plugs

LA-CUT / Øm / 0,25Installation in sockets

LA-CUT / 0,25 / 0 / nFlat installation

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Multi-Contact has been represented at manytrade fairs in Europe and overseas. That is some-thing that the Internet has (so far) done nothingto alter for there is no substitute for a personalcontact, a personal discussion or simply the op-portunity to hold the products in one’s hand.

Trade show dates in Europe and the USA

For more than 30 years...

This is how one of MC’s first fair standslooked. Small but with lots of enthusiasm.By the way, the young man in the picture isJean-Pierre Kritter, now our commercial andexport manager.

The enthusiasm is the same and the stand hasgrown bigger! We look forward to your visit!

Trade show dates with MC in USA + Canada

�Electronics WestAnaheim, CaliforniaFeb. 05. – Feb. 07.2002

�Automated Manufacturing ExpoGreenville, South CarolinaMay 07. – May 09.2002

�Wescon 2002Anaheim, CaliforniaSept. 24. – Sept. 26.2002

�OEM New EnglandWorcester, MassachusettsOct. 01. – Oct. 02.2002

�Medical Design & MFG. MINN.Minneapolis, MinnesotaOct. 23. – Oct. 24.2002

�Power Systems World (PCIM)Rosemont, IllinoisOct. 29. – Oct. 31.2002

Trade show dates with Multi-Contact in Europe

� Industrie Messe, HanoverApril 15. – April 20.2002

� Intersolar 2002, Freiburg in BreisgauJune 28. – June 30.2002

�Elektrotechnik, DortmundSept. 04. – Sept. 07.2002

�ECIF, LondonSept. 11. – Sept. 12.2002

�Eurelec, BrusselsSept. 17. – Sept. 20.2002

� Inno Trans, BerlinSept. 24. – Sept. 27.2002

�PV for Europe, RomOct. 07. – Oct. 11.2002

�Het Instrument, UtrechtNov. 04. – Nov. 08.2002

� electronica, MunichNov. 12. – Nov. 15.2002

�Educatec 2002, ParisNov. 20. – Nov. 24.2002

�ELEC 2002, ParisDec. 09. – Dec. 13.2002

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Product Group Industrial Connectors

Product Group Test Accessories


[Ho10-1] Single-Collet Pliers ESZ456-B4 (D, E, F)Fast and safe contact of threaded bolts M4, M5,M6 up to 600V, CATIII, 32AFlyer, 2 pages


If you are interested, please mark the

appropriate number on page 20 with a cross

If you are interested, please mark the

appropriate number on page 20 with a cross

XDK-Kelvin (D,E,F)Flyer, edition 12.2001, 4 pages22

Ho 6 Das MC-Kontaklamellen Prinzip (D)Multifunktionale Stromübertragungstechnik fürSteck- und FestkontakteCatalogue, edition 03.2001, 20 pages

02Das MC -Kontaktlamellenprinzip


Multifunktionale Stromübertragungstechnik für Steck- und Festkontakte



Multilam contactsContact à lamelles

Ho 6 The Multilam Principle (E)Multifunctional contact interface for connectorsand permanent contactsCatalogue, edition 04.2001, 20 pages

03Das MC -Kontaktlamellenprinzip


Multifunktionale Stromübertragungstechnik für Steck- und Festkontakte



Multilam contactsContact à lamelles




Single-Collet Pliers


Pince pour borniers

de moteurs ESZ456-B4

Schnelle und sichereKontaktierung vonSchraubbolzen M4,M5, M6

Bis 600 V, CATIII, 32 A


Fast and safe contact ofthreaded boltsM4, M5, M6

Up to 600 V, CATIII, 32 A

Pour contacter rapidement eten toute sécurité des borniersfiletées M4, M5, M6

Jusqu'à 600 V, CATIII, 32 A

Slide-inline (Ex Ho 5)(D-E-F)MC-Fork plugs for busbarsCatalogue, edition 07.2001, 26 pages



r für



Fork Plugs




de contact

pour jeux

de barres

Bemessungsstrom, bis 1490A

Bemessungsspannung, bis 600V

Rated current, up to 1490A

Rated voltage, up to 600V

Intensité assignée, jusqu’à 1490A

Tension assignée, jusqu’à 600V



Industrial ConnectorsConnecteurs Industriels

Safety Flat Bar Clamp FSA20S (D, E)Compact design Clamping part rotatablethrough 360°, 1000V (CAT III), max. 200AFlyer, edition 04.2001, 4 pages


Safety Flat Bar Clamp



Kompakte Bauform

Klemmbereich 360° drehbar

1000 V (CATIII), max. 200 A

Compact design

Clamping part rotatable through 360°

1000 V (CATIII), max. 200 A


Available from autumn 2001

Lieferbar ab Herbst 2001

Utilitiesline (D-E-F)Flat contact clamp FMA12-PF... with integratedfuseFlyer, edition 07.2001, 4 pages


FMA12-PF... mit

integrierter Sicherung

Flat contact clamp


with integrated fuse

Pince de mesure


à fusible intégré

max. 600 V CATIIImax. 20 A

up to 6000A CATIIImax. 20 A

jusqu’à 6000 V CATIIImax. 20 A



Industrial ConnectorsConnecteurs Industriels

Powerline (Ex Ho 2) (D-E-F)Round Connectors Ø 6mm, single-pole, insulatedCatalogue, edition 11.2001, 56 pages


Ø 6mm

einpolig, isoliert

Round Connectors

Ø 6mm

single-pole, insulated

Connecteurs cylindriques

Ø 6mm

unipolaires, isolés

bis 600V (IEC 38)bis 100A

...-S-Serie mit Berührungs-schutz

up to 600V (IEC 38)up to 100A

...-S-Series with touch-proofprotection

jusqu’à 600V (CEI 38)jusqu’à 100A

...Serie-S avec protection autoucher



Industrial ConnectorsConnecteurs Industriels

Powerline (Ex Ho 4) (D-E-F)Round connectors single-pole, insulated withbayonet lockingCatalogue, edition 12.2001, 48 pages


einpolig, isoliert

mit Bajonettverriegelung

Round connectors

single-pole, insulated

with bayonet locking

Connecteurs cylindriques,

unipolaires, isolés, avec

verrouillage baïonnette

bis 1000Vbis 1000A

up to 1000Vup to 1000A

jusqu’à 1000Vjusqu’à 1000A

ø 12mm, ø 16mm, ø 30mm ø 12mm, ø 16mm, ø 30mm ø 12mm, ø 16mm, ø 30mm



Industrial ConnectorsConnecteurs Industriels

Product Group Connectors for Automatic Systems

Roboticline (D-E-F)Primary circuit connectors for weldingtransformers Type J according to ISO 10656Flyer, edition 05.2001, 4 pages


binder für Schweiss-

transformatoren Typ J

nach ISO 10656

Primary circuit connectors

for welding transformers

Type J according to

ISO 10656

Connecteurs intégrés pour

circuits primaires de trans-

formateurs de soudure

ISO 10656 de Type J

Zur direkten Montage auf denSchweisstransformator

2P+PE, max. 690 V/ 180 A

For direct assembly onto thewelding transformers

2P+PE, max. 690 V/ 180 A

Pour montage direct sur lestêtes de transformateurs

2P+PE, max. 690 V/ 180 A


Roboticline (Ex Ho 7b) (D-E-F)Primary circuit connectors for electric weldingtransformers 690VAC, up to 180ACatalogue, edition 07.2001, 60 pages


binder für Schweiss-


Primary circuit

connectors for electric

welding transformers

Connecteurs pour circuits

primaires de transfor-

mateurs de soudure

690VAC, bis 180A


690 VAC, up to 180A


690 VAC, jusqu’à 180A

2 pôles+PE


3-polig+N+PE 3-pole+N+PE 3 pôles+N+PE



3-pole+PE 3 pôles+PE

Steckverbinder für AutomationConnectors for Automatic Systems

Connecteurs pour Systèmes d'Automation

Lab Si (E)Safety Test AccessoriesCatalogue, edition 04.2001, 132 pages





nach IEC / EN 61010-2-031, VDE 0411 Teil 2-031

Test &Measureline

MesszubehörAccessories for Test and Measurement

Accessoires de Test et Mesure

Multilamtechnology (D-E-F)MC-Mulitlam LA-CUT/...Flyer, edition 07.2001, 4 pages



MC -Kontaktlamelle


® MC -Multilam


® TM Contact à lamelles MC

type LA-CUT/...


Ein neues Kontaktelement mitgrossem Arbeitsbereich fürden Einsatz in derEnergietechnik

A new contact element withwide operation rangeused in power applications

Nouvel élément de contact àgrand rattrapage de jeu pourles connexions électriques depuissance


Multilam contactsContact à lamelles

Product Group Connectors for Renewable Energy

Solarline (D-E-F)PV-Branch plug PV-AZS3PV-Branch socket PV-AZB3Flyer, editon 10.2001, 2 pages







PV-Branch plug


PV-Branch socket


Broche de dérivation


Douille de dérivation


Zur sicheren und zuver-lässigen Parallelschaltungvon PV-ModulenSystemspannungbis 1'000VDC

Bemessungsstrombis 300A

For a safe and reliableparallel connection ofPV-modulesSysteme voltageup to 1'000VDC

System voltageup to 30A

Pour une connexion fiabledes modules PV en toutesécuritéTension de systèmejusqu'ä 1'000VDC

Intensité assignéejusqu'ä 30A

SolarlineSteckverbinder für Erneuerbare Energie

Connectors for Renewable EnergyConnecteurs pour Energies Renouvables

Solarline (D-E-F)Solar cable single-poleFlyer, edition 10.2001, 2 pages



Solarkabel einpolig Solar cable single-pole Câble solaire unipolaire


Zur Verkabelung vonPhotovoltaikanlagen

Rated voltage1'000VDC

For cabling ofPV-Installations

Tension assignée1'000VDC

Pour cablage desystèmes PV

SolarlineSteckverbinder für Erneuerbare Energie

Connectors for Renewable EnergyConnecteurs pour Energies Renouvables

Product Group Medical Industry Connectors

Medicalline (D-E-F)Universal electrode clipFlyer, edition 10.2001, 2 pages






electrode clip

Pince universelle

pour électrodes

Für den direkten Anschlussan verschiedene Elektroden-typen

Pour une connexiondirecte sur différentstypes d'électrode

For direct connectionto various types ofelectrode

MedicallineSteckverbinder für die Medizintechnik

Medical Industry ConnectorsConnecteurs pour le Domaine Médical

Medicalline (D)Berührungssichere Ø 1,5mm und Ø 2mmSteckverbinderFlyer, edition 10.2001, 2 pages




Ø 1,5 mm und Ø 2 mm-Steckverbinder

nach DIN 42802-1 / E-DIN 42802-2

Safety Dophin Clips (D-E-F)Flyer, edition 04.2001, 4 pages




Jetzt auch

neue Ausfü hrungen !

Ergonomisches Design mit grosser Maulöffnung

1000 V, CAT III gemäss IEC / EN 61010-2-031

Max.. 32 A

Lab HF (D)Hochfrequenz Sicherheits-MesszubehörCatalogue, edition 09.2001, 24 pages



Hochfrequenz Sicherheits-Messzubehör

Oszilloskop-Tastköpfe, Abgreifer, Prüfspitzen, vollisolierte BNC-Steckverbinder

Hohe Spannungsfestigkeit und Berührungsschutz nach IEC / EN 61010-2-031


Accessories for Test and MeasurementAccessoires de Test et Mesure

Lab 1-4 (D)SteckverbindungenCatalogue, edition 10.2001, 140 pages




Ø 0,5mm – Ø 4mm

Verbindungsleitungen, Stecker, Buchsen, Adapter und Zubehör

Test &Measureline

MesszubehörAccessories for Test and Measurement

Accessoires de Test et Mesure

Cableline (D,E,F)Multistrand WiresCatalogue, edition 11.2001, 32 pages




Accessories for Test and MeasurementAccessoires de Test et Mesure

Litzenleitungen Stranded Wires Fils et Câbles

Hoch flexibel


Äusserst widerstandsfähigeIsolierungen aus PVC, Silicon,TPE, Teflon®-FEP


Fils fins toronnés

Isolations extrêmementrésistantes en PVC, Silicone,TPE, Teflon®-FEP

Maximum flexibility

Super-fine wires

Very resistant insulatione.g. of PVC, Silicone,TPE, Teflon®-FEP

* The indications in brackets (D, E, F) mean, that these catalogues are available in the languages german (D), english (E) or french (F).D, E, F = means trilingual

New catalogues:*

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Multi-Contact AG BaselStockbrunnenrain 8+12CH – 4123 Allschwil 1Tel. +41/61/306 55 55Fax +41/61/306 55 56e-mail: [email protected]://www.multi-contact.com

Multi-Contact Deutschland GmbHHegenheimerstrasse 19Postfach 1606D – 79551 Weil am RheinTel. +49/76 21/6 67 - 0Fax +49/76 21/6 67 - 100e-mail: [email protected]

Multi-Contact Essen GmbHHövelstrasse 214Postfach 120 164D – 45311 EssenTel. +49/2 01/8 31 05 - 0Fax +49/2 01/8 31 05 - 99e-mail: [email protected]

Multi-Contact France S.A.Siège social4, rue de l’IndustrieB.P. 37F – 68221 Hésingue CedexTel. +33/3/89 67 65 70Fax +33/3/89 69 27 96e-mail: [email protected]

Austria: Multi-ContactHandelsges.m.b.H. AustriaHauptplatz 8A – 3452 HeiligeneichTel. +43/22 75/56 56Fax +43/22 75/56 56 4e-mail: [email protected]

Multi-Contact Benelux N.V./S.A.Xavier De Cocklaan 72/4B – 9830 Sint-Martens-LatemTel. +32/9/281 07 50Fax +32/9/281 07 55e-mail: [email protected]

Multi-Contact Italia S.r.l.Via Vetreria, 1 “Como 90“I – 22070 Grandate (CO)Tel. +39/031/56 52 52Fax +39/031/56 52 62e-mail: [email protected]

Multi-Contact (U.K.) Ltd.3 Presley WayCrownhill, Milton KeynesGB – Buckinghamshire MK8 OESTel. +44/1908 26 55 44Fax +44/1908 26 20 80e-mail: [email protected]

Multi-Contact USAU.S. Headquarters5560 Skylane BoulevardSanta Rosa, CA 95403-8244Tel +1/707/575 - 7575Fax +1/707/575 - 7373e-mail: [email protected]://www.multi-contact-usa.com

Multi-Contact SEA(South East Asia) Pte. Ltd.9 Pioneer Road North #01-55Singapore 628461Tel. +65/266 09 00Fax +65/266 10 66e-mail: [email protected]

With this fax reply form you can order additional documentation on the themes presented in this issue of News.For the address of your local representative, please see the list of Multi-Contact companies given below.You can also send an e-mail to the corresponding address.

Fax reply form


01 [Ho10-1]Single-Collet Pliers ESZ456-B4

02 Ho6Das Kontaktlamellen Prinzip

03 Ho6The Multilam Principle

04 Safety Flat Bar Clamp(FSA20S)

05 Utilitiesline (FMA12-PF)

06 Slide-inline (ex Ho5)

07 Powerline (ex Ho2)


08 Powerline (ex Ho4)

09 Roboticline (Flyer)

10 Roboticline (ex Ho7b)

11 Solarline (PV-Branch Plug)

12 Solarline (Solar cable)

13 MedicallineUniversal electrode clip

14 MedicallineBerührungssichere Ø 1,5mm undØ 2mm Steckverbinder (D)


16 MultilamTechnologyLA-CUT/...

17 Lab Si (E)

18 Safety Dophin Clips(D, E, F)

19 Lab Hf (D)

20 Lab 1-4 (D)

21 Cableline (D, E, F)

22 XDK-Kelvin (D, E, F)

Sender: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Name:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Department: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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