Magento APIinfo2.magento.com/.../imagine2012-barcamp-magento-api.pdf• Gives you ability to manage customers, categories, products, sales and checkout process • When to use Magento

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Magento API

Lindy Kao Technical Manager

•  Gives you ability to manage customers, categories, products, sales and checkout process

•  When to use Magento API? •  You want to integrate with third party application

Magento API

•  Why use Magento API? •  More stable than underlying code •  Less code implementation •  Tons of examples and documentation around API

Supported  Types  in  Magento •  XML-­‐RPC  

•  SOAP    •  REST:  released  in  the  latest  CE  1.7  



Magento API Usage SOAP XML-RPC

•  Remote Procedure Call protocol •  Use XML to encode its call •  Operates over HTTP •  Magento XML-RPC entry point

•  http://youmagentohost/api/xmlrpc/ •  Example Code:


•  Simple Object Access Protocol •  Accessible through WSDL •  More advanced than XML-RPC •  Magento SOAP

•  Default Protocol •  Entry point to interact

•  http://magento.apia/api/?wsdl •  http://mymagentohost/api/soap/?wsdl

•  2 Version of SOAP: v1 and v2


•  Methods

•  V1 use methods call and multiCall •  Example: $result = $client->call($sessionId, 'sales_order.list', $params);

•  V2 use separate methods for each action •  Example: $result = $client->salesOrderList($sessionId, $params);

•  Customizing API: •  V1 won’t involve changing WSDL •  V2 involve changing to WSDL via wsdl.xml

•  WS-I compliance •  Supported in V2 •  Easily auto generate clients classes in JAVA or .NET

Magento SOAP V1 and V2



Magento SOAP API Usage


•  Representational State Transfer •  Operates over HTTP utilizing PUT, GET, POST and

DELETE operators •  Data exchange in XML or JSON •  Magento REST API

•  RESTful API •  Better Performance •  Use 3 legged OAuth 1.0a protocol

•  REF number 5849 •  OAuth use token mechanism and users do not

need to reveal their credentials


•  Simple  Products  •  AcAon:  Create/Retrieve/Update/Delete  •  URI:  http://magentohost/api/rest/products  

•  Inventories  •  AcAon:  Update/Retrieve    •  URI:  http://magentohost/api/rest/stockitems  

•  Sales  Orders  •  AcAon:  Retrieve  •  URI:  http://magentohost/api/rest/orders  

•  Customers  •  AcAon:  Create/Retrieve/Update/Delete  •  URI:  http://magentohost/api/rest/customers  

Supported functionalities in Magento REST

Future  plans  for  API •  Additional functional coverage for REST and SOAP/XML-

RPC •  Shopping cart price rule (coupon) management •  Creates a complete configurable product •  Etc

•  Improved Documentation •  Add SOAP v2 example code •  REST API documentation

•  Performance •  Identify performance bottlenecks •  Add load testing in the API development life cycle

•  Testing •  Unit and Integration testing

Demo •  Create  a  simple  product  using  soapUI  

•  Create  a  customer  address  as  a  Customer  user  using  REST  Client    •  Retrieve  product  lisAng  as  a  Guest  using  REST  Client  

Questions, Suggestions, Feedbacks