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July 2011


July 2011

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July 2011

Introoooooooooooo3,000 copies of Magic Wave printed monthly and distributed mainly in Bali, Java and Lombok. Our distribution also covering surf shops, surf spots, restos and cafes in surf cities from Aceh to Rote Island. Magic Wave PDF soft copies can be downloaded through www.magicwave. org. As per January 2011, visitors in our web reached 3,000 per monthh from 42 countries. As free publication Magic Wave welcomes any contributors for photo, news and updates from anyone who likes to share passion about waves and good times. Eamil us your foto & story to Last but not least .... join us on facebook/magic_wave -----------------------------------------Setiap bulannya, 3,000 exp Magic Wave dicetak dan diedarkan ke Surf Shops, Surf Spots, Restoran, cafe di seluruh Indonesia. Walaupun distribusi utamanya beredar di Bali, Lombok dan Jawa, magic Wave juga dikirim via pos ke Aceh hingga Pulau Rote. Magic Wave edisi online nya juga bisa di download dari Per bulannya pengunjung situs kami bisa mencapai sekitar 3,000 orang. Sebagai media greatis, Magic Wave menerima segala jenis kontribusi berita, foto dan kabar lainnya dari kamu kamu di seluruh Indonesia dan dunia. Kirim aja ke Mau tau lebih banyak, gabung aja di facebook/magic_wave.

Not much time to write this part ............. SWELL IS UP . Swell prediction shows July will be a good pumping month. Gotta go surfing now ............ hope to see you in the line up .......... and stay stoked !! Ciao for now !Cover : Made Bol Adi Putra @ Padang Padang 09 Photo : Gene KreydD O W N L O A D PA S T E D I T I O N S O F M A G I C WAV E F R O M W W W. M A G I C WAV E . O R G

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chief Editor - Piping. Editor - Ebong. Marketing - Pepi Production - Team MW. Reporters - Magic Wave Crew. Contributors : Dedi, Steve Marlon, Dodo, Rizal, Angga, Timo Donny - Banten, Puu, Deny Affandy Business Development - Community. Contributing Photographers - Dede I Sukadis, Piping, Bali Surf Photography, Edy Black, Komang BSP, Simon Cipper, Mamat Sumbawa, Yayak-Pacitan, Gus Andika, Willy Souw Adit, , Sid Designer - Adit kampret Magang -Mahendra, Christian, Alun Distribution - Magic Wave Team & Arik. Languange Translator - Michiko & Diane. Legal - Edward Tobing SH. EDNA LAW OFFICE, Denpasar Published every month or so by - PT. Gama Bali Dwipa. For advertising & Promotion - or Website - Address - Jl. PB. Sudirman Swakarya Baru No. 2X Denpasar - Bali. Phone/Fax - 0361 - 263569.

Team Magic Wave ............................

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July 2011

Setelah siang-siang MW menelusuri pantai kuta (halfway) akhirnya ketemu sama gadis kecil bernama Dhea Natasya, sebelum Dhea (Dhea) bermain air alisa surfing, MW minta waktu 24 menit untuk tanya-tanya tetang Dhea. Gadil kecil kelahitan Jember, 8 November 2000 ini, selain surfing dia mengaku suka banget skateboard. Dhea mulai surfing waktu umur 9 tahun, jadi baru 1 tahun dia surfing. Surf spot favoritnya di pantai Kuta dengan ukuran board size 5,6. Gadis kecil yang duduk di kelas 5 SD Negeri Kuta menjawab kenapa milih surfing, karena seru aja kalau bisa berdiri di air . Dhea senang karna orang tua dan orang-orang disekitarnya mendukung kegiatan surfingnya, siapa tahu menjadi surfer seperti idolanya Stefanie Grimore. Well, sekarang MW tanya tentang musik niih, Dhea suka dengan lagu-lagu pop, tepatnya lagi di suka sama band Vierra. Yang bikin MW ketawa ini nih, waktu MW tanya apa sih Name : Dhea Natasya makanan favoritnya, dia jawab Born : 8, November 2000 ehmmm,, ga tau, karena aku Board Size : 5,6 suka semua yang bisa dimakan. Style : Goofy Waduhhhh kalau papan bisa dimakan kayaknya bakal dimakan neeh sama Dhea ( hehehee Just kidding). Lanjut deh, waktu MW tanya tentang sekolah, Dhea ternyata kurang suka sama pelajaran PKN, karena menurutnya susah dipahami, tapi dia malah suka banget sama pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia ( emang harus suka kalau sama pelajaran yang satu ini heheee..). Selain Dhea ternyata ada 2 anak lagi yang juga ikut surfing, Dani ( adiknya ) dan Ivan. Waktu MW tanya siapa sih yang paling hebat? Dhea menjawab hebat semua dong. Dhea cerita sedikit tentang pengalamannya saat pertama belajar surfing, katanya palng susah waktu belajar berdiri, karena harus mengatur keseimbangan. Kalau pengalaman lucu yang pernah Dhea lakukan adalah waktu mau pergi ke Tegal wangi (surf Spot ) naik motor eh di tengah jalan hampir mau jatuh, tenyata papannya aja yang nyangkut dibatu, dan akhirnya jalan kaki. Ternyata Dhea masih semangat juga ya. Tanpa ditanya tentang MSC, Dhea tiba-tiba nyeletuk. Kapan nih MW ngadain MSC lagi? Kenapa bulan Juni tidak ada MSC. MW menjawab untuk bulan Juni MSC dicancel dulu, bulan Juli bakal ada lagi. Dhea sendiri udah ikut MSC dari tahun lalu. Pendapat Dhea tentang MSC, menurutnya MSC sangat membantunya untuk lebih baik, kalau bisa sih setiap bulan diadakan. Ok deh, MW note saran kamu. Allright, terimakasih buat Dhea yang udah menyempatkan waktu untuk ngobrol sama MW, Sukses ya !. Nah itu tadi cerita MW waktu ngobrol sama Dhea.Text : Peppy Photo : iSukadis aka dede

Surfer Girl


July 2011

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July 2011

Gen X Surfer

Full Name : Tenshi Ratif Nick Name : Ten Age : 8thFamily Father : Devis Ratif ( Indonesia ) Mom : Yumi ( Japan ) Brother : Surya Years of surfing : 4 years Thaught by Father 1st board : 5,0 Home break : Kuta reef Surfing buddies : Varun Tanjung Surfing heroes : Clay Marzo, Rizal, Mustafa Other hobbies : Skate Board Fav hang out spot ? Skate Board Park Fav past time ? playing games on I pod Fav music ? Narutos Song Fav Movie ? Jackie Chans Movies

Tenshi @ Ulu By Jeffrey Photography Courtesy of Devis & Yumi

Photo by Dede Skadis 8July ( June 27 Likes 6,838 ) Download online

July 2011

Surfer U 14

Rosi begitu sapaan akrab untuk anak kecil yang masih berusia 12 tahun ini. Baru lulus SD dan sekarang sedang menikmati liburannya dengan mengisi waktu luang berlatih surfing di pantai kuta. Bocah pemalu ini pertama kali mengenal surfing dari om nya yang juga surfer, sudana. Saat itu Rosi berusia 8 tahun. Menurutnya, pertama kali belajar sama sekali tidak ada perasaan takut justru ia senang sekali karena bermain surfing benar-benar hal yang paling seru baginya. Beruntung rosi mendapat dukungan penuh dari kedua orang tuanya Pak Rudi dan Bu asih, hampir tiap hari rosi berlatih di pantai dengan di antar dan di dampingi orang tuanya. pantai favoritnya untuk berlatih adalah pantai kuta. Rosi anaknya disiplin sekali, kalo ada yg telat sedikit langsung ngambek ungkap ibunya. Ga Cuma di rumah, teman dan guru di SD terdahulu, SD Negeri 07 jimbaran, juga memberikan dukungannya untuk rosi. Selain surfing Rosi juga suka bersepeda dan juga cukup fanatik dengan PlayStation. Penyuka masakan padang ini sudah punya 3 surfboard dan sudah mengikuti 4 kompetisi surfing, walaupun prestasinya saat ini baru Juara 4 untuk surfing kategori regu/tim (bersama tim nya terdahulu BoardRider) dalam kompetisi RipCurl. Tapi itu tidak membuatnya patah semangat untuk terus mengasah bakat. Saat ini rosi sedang berlatih gimana caranya melatih speed di arus yang kuat, sedikit susah baginya tapi dia yakin dengan berlatih dia pasti bisa. Pesan rosi untuk teman-teman sebayanya jangan bilang takut dulu sebelum mencoba surfimg! Saat ini Rosi sedang menunggu hari pertamanay bersekolah di SMP So Ferdi, Tuban. Kepada magic wave, fans berat afghan dan petra sihombing ini juga berharap agar Magic Wave terus mempertahankan keberadaannya dengan mendukung keberadaan grommet lokal.Text : Rachmatron Photo : iSukadis aka dede

Nama : Rosi Angga Prawira Born : 13 maret 1999 Size Board : 54 Style : Reguler

Surfing photos by Dede Skadis 10July ( June 27 Likes 6,838 ) Download online

July 2011

Suatu perubahan yang terjadi di Kab. Rote Ndao - NTT, khususnya ( nemberala ). Sepertinya Putra-putra nemberala udah pada menjelma menjadi Surfer sejati. Hehehehee Soalnya sejak dulu hampir nggak ada surfer di nemberala.. ada juga tapi pasang surut gituu!! Tapi saat ini malah berbalik, udah banyak surfer di nemberala. Contohnya salah satu surfer local nemberala ini. Adhy lenggu begitu sapaan sehari - hari dari keluarga dan teman temannya. Hayyy bro.. !! : hay.. Apa kabar neeh ? baik baik bro. Sejak kapan main surfing ? sejak tahun 2006, jadinya udah 6 tahun saya surfing. Kok bisa milih surfing siih bro ? simple !! saya emang suka olahraga yang menantang selain itu surfing juga bisa menghilangkan stress !!. Selama surfing pernah punya pengalaman buruk nggak ? pernah donk..! saya pernah di tabrak di atas ombak sama bule.. sampai sampai kepala saya bocor. Hemmmm tapi udahlah itu konsekwensi kalo mau main surfing. Udah pernah ikut contest ? pernah Dapat juara nggak ? dapatlah !! pernah dapat juara 3 dan juara 2 Kalau di skolah kamu paling suka pelajaran apa ? Bahasa inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia Kalau pelajaran yang paling nggak di sukai ? MATEMATIKA!! Hehehe Kalau boleh tau hobby kamu selain surfing apa ? main sepak bola, main gitar, mancing.. dan suka ngeliat cewe sexy.. huhuuiiii. Okelah.. The Last kamu mau nyampein apa ? saya pengen banget punya sponsor ..!! dan bisa bermain surfing di bali Ada pesan buat orang tua kamu nggak ? adaaaa!! Buat bapak saya, makasih karna udah dukung hobby saya.. dan kalau bisa beliin board baru donk!! Hahahaaaeetex & photo : adit kampret

Middle Suerfer

This month the Balcony welcomed long time friends from Jogja Heru and Richard from the well known Indonesian rising star band called Shaggy dog! They were in Bali doing some side project called doubyouth. So we couldnt resist to put on a show at the Balcony to have them perform and show us theyre talent! Also joining the Balcony acoustic jam was Dadang from the upcoming band called Dialog Dini Hari and the master of ceremony who else but the rockabilly star Marchello from the Hydrant! Thank you guys it was a fun night and we were more than happy to see our Margaritas supply gone to good use!!!

Basti , Y.U & Betet

full Name : adrianus lenggu Nik name : adhy d.o.b : 29 april 1993 Rave surf spot : besialu reef Board size : 6.0 Music favorit : punk rock Band idola : superman is dead Sekolah : SMK N 1 Rote Barat

Heru, Betet & Rizal

P.S: Thank you for BIS student for choosing the Balcony to end their last day of Summer surf camp. Hope to see you guys rippin out there soon!


July 2011

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July 2011


Anak Agung Ketut Sucipta , a.k.a Gung Tarzan

Photo by Gung Two.

Wawancara kali ini MW berkunjung ke kediaman Agung di jl. Tangkuban perahu, banjar Pengipian, karena keterbatasan MW tentang seluk beluk kota denpasar (maklum bukan tukang pos), jadilah agung harus menjemput MW, karena MW sempat nyasar di gang sebelah... Thanks bro! Suasana asri langsung terasa ketika MW memasuki pekarangan rumah.. Rapi jali... , Pria Ramah murah senyum ini langsung menyuguhi MW dengan es teh.., segerr...!! oke sambil menikmati minuman, berikut cuplikan cerita tentang sang Master : Terlahir dari keluarga yang berlatar belakang pegawai negri, agung ga pernah menyangka kalau suatu hari dia bakalan menjadi surfer proffesional. Agung mengawali hobinya dengan otomotif racing, motocross. Namun pertemanannya dengan teman-teman yang suka menghabiskan waktu di pantai untuk surfing membuat agung akhirnya tertarik untuk memulai olahraga ini ketika ia berusia 13 tahun. Seperti kebanyakana pemula lainnya.., di awal perkenalannya dengan olahraga ini dia masih menganggapnya sebagai hobi baru sehingga dia melakukannya hanya sesekali saja. Tapi ketika di usia14 tahun Agung langsung menunjukkan keseriusannya di surfing. Namun agung harus berjuang sendirian, karena keluarga terutama kedua orang tua sama sekali tidak mendukung kegiatan postifnya ini. Kurangnya pemahaman dan pengetahuan tentang

olahraga surfing membuat orang tua agung mengkhawatirkan tingkat safety olahraga ini. Namun dengan berjalannya waktu agung berhasil menunjukkan dan meyakinkan orangtua dengan berbagai prestasi dan penghargaan di surfing. Mengenai nama julukan Agung Tarzan, itu didapatnya dari teman-temannya karena dia selalu berambut panjang seperti tokoh Tarzan yang ada di filmfilm. Pria yang hobi bersepeda, memancing dan main Play Station ini pertama kali memiliki surf board ketika berusia 14 tahun, pemberian dari seorang tamu turis asing. Seperti di bukakan jalan, atas keseriusannya di dunia surfing, agung berhasil memiliki tabungan sendiri dengan menjadi model iklan untuk bintang beer, 69 slam, dan redz. Lebih dari 100 kompetisi surfing baik dari dalam maupun luar negri seperti australia dan france sudah diikuti olehnya. dan banyak diantaranya menghasilkan penghargaan. Selama mendalami duni surfing tidak ada kesulitan yang berarti justru menurut agung semenjak di surfing dia memiliki banyak teman2 sesama surfer dari berbagai penjuru dunia dan menjalin persahabatan dengan mereka, mereka sering bertukar papan dan menjadikanny koleksi. Pria yang mengaku Romantis dan

Penyuka musik reggae ini juga update loh untuk urusan lingkungan hidup dan isu sosial yang sedang terjadi. Agung mengungkapkan keprihatinannya tentang masalah sampah di Indonesia khususnya di bali, untuk masyarakat agar di biasakan hidup bersih dan sehat, tidak membuang sampah plastik sembarangan, karena plastik susah terurai! Cintailah bali dengan membuatnya menjadi kota bersih dan sehat!. Agung juga tak luput perhatiannya dari masalah eksekusi TKI, Ruyati, di arab saudi, ia juga mengungkapkan keprihatinannya atas lambannya tanggapan dari pemerintah dalam menangani masalah kekerasan terhadap TKI, agung juga menambahkan seharusnya pemerintah membuka lapangan pekerjaan lebih banyak lagi bagi warga negara sendiri, sehingga mengurangi jumlah TKI di luar negri. Berbicara mengenai masa depan agung sedang mempersiapkan bisnis property walaupun terhitung baru ia tetap optimis dengan bisnis sampingannya ini buat pegangan di hari tua, imbuhnya. Di akhir bincang-bincang santai ini, Kepada pemerintah dan sesama surfer, Pemilik 28 surf board ini juga berharap agar di saat ini dan masa yang akan datang mereka juga ikut andil dalam mensupport generasi baru di surfing. Dukung terus Surfer Lokal !!!


July 2011

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July 2011

Record numbers turn out for the Rip Curl Girls Go Surfing days in Bali29 May 2011, Double Six beach Legian Bali. Bright skys and perfect 2 -3ft waves decorated Sunday morning at Double 6 beach Legian, Bali for the 2011 Rip Curl Girls Go Surfing day. A record breaking 130 girls of all ages and nationality turned out from as far away as Malaysia and Thailand to register and join the annual Rip Curl Girls Go Surfing Day now in its 8th year. The day began with registration at 9.30 followed by the first class of the day ready hit the surf at 10.30. Joining the lesson were Rip Curl facebook photo competition winners from Jakarta who had won an all expenses paid trip from Jakarta by posting pictures of themselves to Rip Curls fan page. Girls started out with a warm-up and stretching followed by basic standing, positioning on the surfboard and how to paddle. The introduction was made by Rip Curl School of Surf Pro instructor Jonathan Deaker who made all the girls feel right at home with his relaxed and fun spirit before they took to the perfect clean waves. While the first group was getting amongst the action on the water, the beach scene was hotting-up with fun and games to win top prizes, girls having manicures, body massages and temporary tattoos in the specially designed beauty booth. As the third and final session of the afternoon came to a close around 3pm, live music kicked-in on the stage and the crowds of girls gathered to dance together to a hot salsa music lessons with fun choreographer and dance instructor. A beach BBQ added to a perfect afternoon of fun and games in true Rip Curl style with hot dogs and cold drinks ready to feed the hungry girls. To end the day on stage, the prize giving of the Coca Cola ISC Women Division Tour was announced with Rip Curl team rider Diah Rahayu Dewi taking first place starting her 2011 campaign on a high note. The presentation was followed up with some special awards for best wipeout, best ride and best style that was won by Rip Curls media guests form Thailand and Malaysia. It was a great start for the womens pro tour. We had some good waves and the girls were challenged but showed that they are more than motivated and are frothing to compete. We are looking forward to a tough and challenging competition for the 2011 womens championship. (Tim Hain - Media Director- CocaCola ISC Tour) Thanks to Rip Curls co - sponsors and media partners; GUS, All Seasons Legian Hotel, Rip Curl School Of Surf, Coca Cola ISC, OZ radio, JUICE, Magic Wave, Sister Girlfriend and Go girl.

Coca Cola - ISC Tour Women Division Winners at Rip Curl Go Girl Surfing Day 1st. Dyah Rahayu 2nd. Yasniar Bone Gea 3rd . Iis Trisnawati 4th. Bie Rohaye

Text by Rip Curl Photos by Mick Curley, Rahma & Stella Putri Ombak

Dyah by PO

Bie by PO

Lets go girls by PO

Hayana16July ( June 27 Likes 6,838 ) Download online

Stage by RahmaJuly 2011


Name /Nick Name : Darcy Guimares Filho aka Darsa Place DOB : Brazil - Rio de Janeiro When you first arrived in Bali ? May 1989 Where are u form and grow up ? I formed and grew up in Rio de Janeiro Where would you call homebreak now ? Jimbaran Who is your inspiration in Surfing ? By the time passes my inspiration on surf changes. It started with Jock Sutherland, then Wayne Lynch, and now is Kelly Slater, Jamie Obrien and David Rastovich. Why ? Because of their passion for surf and their attitude in and out of the water. Tell us more about your life as surfer and what do you do these days ? Well, Ive been surfing since I was 4 years old when I lived in Copacabana beach, I surfed in Rio till I finished my University and moved south Brazil to a small fisherman village called Garopaba, I did my first travel to Indonesia on 1989 and since then Ive never stopped, and all over these years Ive been living here 6 months per year and the rest at this fisherman village with has good waves as well, but mostly beach breaks. Inspite of the cold weather Garopaba is a great place to live still.

PadangPadang June 22, 2011

Who would you be consider as good Indo friends ? I have a lot of good unreal friends here in Indo, like Wayan Reza from Jimbaran, Ebong, Ketut Mindra, the life guard staff of Jimbaran, and a lot of people that I deal with when I am buying for my shop in Brazil that after dealing with them for so many years they became good friends. Tell us more about Indo Connection ? Indo Connection is a Tv show that Ive been doing already for 6 years to a cable tv channel called WooHoo. I started doing this show because I find out that the midia was just giving bad news all the time about Indonesia in my country. All sort of bad news like natural disasters, earthquakes, tsunamis, mud leaking, volcanos, corruption on politics, terrorism, etc etc etc. So I decided to show just the beauties of Indonsia, the radical sports, the culture, the life style, the culinaire and all the interesting things that Indonesia have to show to the world. Where is your favorite hang out place in Bali ? My favorite place to hang out in Bali is on board of my small perahu karet (rubber boat) cruising by the west coastline of the balinese Bukit Peninsula. What is the craziest thing you ever done lately? The craziest ??? Uau ! Ive been doing a lot of them to be always pushing the limits of the contents of my Indo Connection TV show, but I think it has been riding the boat at Padang channel, filming at the same time and dealing with the strong currents and the big hollow waves that are always spanking that dangerous reef.

Tex By Rachma

All photos courtesy of Darcy / fb



July 2011

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July 2011

Lee Wilson Claims Victory in Thrilling Open Division Final at Best West Java Surfing Competition Presented by Quiksilver18 June 2011, Cimaja-West Java: In a thrilling climax to the six days of intense surfing at the 6-star Best West Java Surfing Competition presented by Quiksilver, Lee Wilson put on an incredible display of surfing against Pepen Hendrik to claim victory and climb atop the podium to claim his winners check of Rp 20 million, as well as the Coca-Cola ISC Highest Score Award of Rp 1 million for his 9 point wave during the 35 minute final. Hendrik receives a check for Rp 8 million as well as the Power Balance Power Move cash prize of Rp 5 million. His runner up finish also puts him into the Number 1 spot in the CocaCola ISC Open Division rankings. Wilson was arguably the most consistent performer of the Open Division competition, regularly posting aboveaverage scores during his heats with a combination of critical and high-risk maneuvers. This was what he needed to do to best Hendrik, who is without a doubt the most consistent performer on the Coca-Cola Indonesian Championship Tour. Hendrik was also last years event runner up and has placed second in each of the Coca-Cola ISC tour events thus far this year. The Open final took place in consistent 3-foot wave conditions and a slight side-shore breeze, with a big crowd gathered on the beach to watch the show. Wilson was first on the scoreboard with a small inside wave, before going ballistic on a medium sized set wave to post the events highest single wave score of a 9 out of a possible 10 points, putting Hendrik in the pressure cooker. I knew it was a good wave, because I dont think I could have surfed it any better, but was still surprised that it was a 9, said Wilson. But I knew I had to have a better score, so even getting a 5.25 on my next wave didnt make me comfortable. I got kinda nervous after that, because I know that Pepen would have no problem matching or beating my 9-point wave if he got the right wave. It wasnt until I got that 7.9 that I calmed down and thought I might have the win in hand. Hendrik was understandably disappointed to get his third second-place finish in as many events, but had a smile on his face for his friend Lee. I was so close on my last wave, getting an 8.5. I wish I could have gotten it sooner and then I could have maybe won. But Im glad to be in another final, I just want to finally win one, he said. Its great for Lee, because he really needed to do well. Had there been more time, Hendrik would have needed another 8.5 wave score to best Wilson. The final heat score for Wilson was 16.90 to Hendriks 15.79. Just prior to the Coca-Cola ISC and ASC Open Division final, the Masters Division finalists took to the water to battle it out for the Rp 5 million prize purse on offer. Dominating the heat was Cimaja local Sujari, who is Dede Suryanas older brother. Sujari jumped out into the lead and kept busy racking up points, catching more waves than any of the other competitors. Towards the end of the final, last years Masters winner Ketut Wirtawan began to close the gap, but just couldnt find another 6-point wave to overtake Sujari for the lead. Sujari receives Rp 2.5 million rupiah for his win today. At the beachside winners presentation in the early afternoon, in addition to the Open and Masters, the Womens and Longboard Division finalists were also presented with their trophies and awards. The finals in those divisions were run earlier in the week. Iis from Batu Karas West Java received her first place trophy and winners check for Rp 2.5 million in the Womens Division, and Mencos (also from Batu Karas) received his first place trophy and winners check for Rp 2.5 million in addition to the Power Balance Power Nose Ride cash prize of Rp 1 million. Febri Rohaye won the Power Balance Power Move Womens award of Rp 1 million, and Yudi Andika won the DC Shoes Most Innovative Maneuver award of Rp 5 million, and Mega Semadhi won the Quiksilver-Lines Airshow award of Rp 1 million. The Best West Java 2011 Surf Competition was presented by Quiksilver and supported by Jim Beam, CocaCola Amatil Indonesia, Desa Resort & Spa, Augusta Hotel and Restaurant, Heineken, Power Balance, Pemda Sukabumi, Java Sport & Tourism Authority, and TP3TP.

Coca-Cola ISC - ASC Open Division Results 1 Lee Wilson (Bali) 2 Pepen Hendrik (Bali) 3 Marlon Gerber and Dedi Santoso Coca-Cola ISC Masters Division Results 1 Sujari (West Java) 2 Ketut Wirtawan (Bali) 3 Nyoman Wastika (Bali) 4 Made Lapur (Bali) Coca-Cola ISC ASC Womens Division Results 1 Iis Trisnawati (West Java) 2 Bonne Gea (Nias) 3 Diah Rahayu Dewi (Bali) 4 Febrie Rohaye (Sumatra)

Coca-Cola ISC Highest Wave Score Lee Wilson = Rp 1 million ( Photo by Endrodo)

Best Power Move (Men) Pepen Hendrik = Rp 5 million Best Power Move (Women) Febri Royahe = Rp 1 million Mega won the Quiksilver-Lines Airshow award of Rp 1 million. DC Shoes Most Innovative Maneuver Award Yudi Andika = Rp 5 million Coca-Cola ISC ASC Longboard Division Results 1 Arif N Hidayat aka Mencos (West Java) 2 Husni (West Java) 3 Luke Landrigan (Philippines) 4 Tipi Jabrik (Bali) Sujari Master div champ

Best Power Nose Ride Mencos = Rp 1 million20July 2011

Coca-Cola Encouragement Award Dennis Nasution = New Surfboard( June 27 Likes 6,838 ) Download online

Photos and text by & courtesy of Tim Hain

July 2011

Agus Frimanto Defeats Putra Hermawan to Take First Coca-Cola ISC Tour Win at Mentawaii Surf Competition 2011

All photos and text by & courtesy of Tim Hain

Master Winners

Open Winners

Dewa Made Ardika

23 June 2011, Katiet Sipora Island, Mentawai: In an unexpected matchup at the 30 minute final of the inaugural Mentawai Surf Competition in the world class wave known as Lances Right, Agus Frimanto and Putra Hermawan battled it out with Frimanto coming out on top to take his first ever Coca-Cola ISC Tour victory. Frimanto and Hermawan both hail from the small island of Nusa Lembongan, which is within eyesight of the island of Bali, and grew up surfing together. Hermawan is last years Coca-Cola ISC Open Division Champion as well as Pro Junior Division Champion, and both competitors are just 18 years of age. For his victory today, Frimanto will receive a cash prize of Rp 15 million and 3,000 Coca-Cola ISC Championship points. Im so happy to get the win here today and especially happy to be in the final with my Lembongan brother, said Frimanto. In Round 4 I cant believe that I beat Dede Suryana, I was so lucky to get that 9 point wave in the last two minutes, then win my quarterfinal and semifinal heats too. This place and the people are so great, and the wave is so perfect. Its the first time I ever surfed in a wave so good like this! Hermawan was smiling and didnt seem disappointed with his runner up finish, saying, I was surprised and totally stoked just to be in the final, especially with Agus. Truthfully I didnt think either of us would be in the final, with all these other really good surfers here. So Im very happy for Agus, and that we could be here in this great place surfing such amazing waves. Its such a cool place and Im so glad we got to come here and surf, hang out, and enjoy it. 29 Coca-Cola Indonesian Surfing Championship competitors traveled from Bali, Nusa Lembongan and West Java to compete in this the fourth stop on the 2011 Coca-Cola ISC Tour, with 29 surfers from Padang and the Mentawai Islands joining in. The Mentawai Surf Competition 2011 was officially

opened on the afternoon of June 20 with speeches and local dances, after the group arrived at the village of Katiet on Sipora Island, and the competition began on the morning of June 22nd. On June 23rd, in addition to the Open Division and Masters Division surfing competition, the Coca-Cola ISC Team headed by Tipi Jabrik led the locals in beach cleanup, with prizes of Coca-Cola, stickers, and t-shirts being given out so that everybody received something. It is the Coca-Cola ISC Tours and tour sponsor Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesias mission to not only support and develop surfing in Indonesia but also to develop environmental awareness by teaching the local people how to keep their beaches clean and properly dispose of their trash. In addition to the total Rp 60 million in prize money received by the competitors at the competition, the Coca-Cola ISC Tour CEO presented 13-year-old local Ijrel Sababalat a brand new surfboard as the Coca-Cola Encouragement award. The tiny but brave young man was charging the big waves of Lances Right with no fear and lots of skill, and according to him he cant even remember when he first started surfing! From when I was small, he said with a grin. Balis Dewa Made Ardika won the Coca-Cola ISC Highest Wave Score award of Rp 1 million for his 9 point (out of a possible 10 points) wave on the first day of competition, the biggest and deepest barrel ride of the event. Initiated and sponsored by the Mentawai Islands Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth, and Sports, Mentawai Surf Competition 2011 is the first ever 6-star ISC event to be held in the Mentawai Islands, which are known throughout the world as THE Mecca of surfing. Mrs Desti Seminora SE, who is the head of the Tourism Office was very satisfied with the results of the event, saying It was great to see the excitement from the local people and the amazing ability of the surfers. Im very happy with how the event went and I thank the ISC

for helping us to organize and run such a professional competition. Our plan is to have another surfing event next year on the island of Siburut, and to make it even bigger and better than this one.

Coca-Cola ISC Open Division 1 Agus Frimanto (Nusa Lembongan) 2 Putra Hermawan (N.Lembongan) Equal 3rd Marlon Gerber (Bali) and Raditya Rondi (Bali) Coca-Cola ISC Masters Division (35 years of age and older) 1 Ketut Wirtawan (Bali) 2 Wayan Wirtama (Bali) 3 Ketut Juliarta (Bali) 4 Nyoman Wastika (Bali) Coca- Cola Surfboard Encouragement Award - Ijrel Sababalat Coca-Cola ISC Highest Wave Score Dewa Made Ardika = Rp 1 million The Mentawai Surf Competition 2011 was sponsored by the Mentawai Government Department of Culture, Tourism, Youth and Sports with media support by Lines Magazine, SurfTime Magazine,, Magic Wave Surf Community Newspaper, RVM,, and Alam TV Bali, and sanctioned by the Coca-Cola Indonesian Surfing Championships. Special thanks to SurfAid for the use of their internet, and to the people of Katiet for their hospitality.

Mustofa Jeksen



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All photos by & courtesy of Tim Hain

Inardi Sukadis a.k.a Dede Photographer / Design Interior 45 / Nikah / Anak 2Catch of the Month

Inardi Sukadis atau yang akrab dipanggil Dede ini mulai akrab bergaul dengan kamera sejak tahun 1984. Setelah semakin mendalami dunia photography, Dede yang pada waktu itu masih berusia 20 tahunan, akhirnya mendapat kesempatan untuk menjadi phoographer freelance untuk harian harian Berita Buana untuk event khusus. Salah satu event yang pernah diliputnua adalah event SEA Games 1986 Merasa mantap dan dengan pengalaman yang sudah lumayan tersebut, Dede pun mencoba lebih serius dan sempat bergabung dengan Majalah Remaja Hai 88-89 dan kemudian dengan tabloid Bintang Indonesia hingga akhir tahun 1990. Di tahun 1994 - 96 Dede sempat juga berabung dengan Studio 35. Menurut ayah dari surfer muda Kaleb, pengalaman paling mengesankan selama terjun serius di dunia photography adalah ketika mengikuti tour group musik Kantata Taqwa ketiga kota, yaitu Jakarta, Solo dan Surabaya. Walaupun dia kurang menjelaskan kenapa pengalaman ini sangat mengesankan, namun kami menebak mungkin tour ini akhirnya membuat Dede menjadi taqwa alias tobat ... He he he. Setahun terakhir ini, Dede dan istri serta anaknya tinggal di Bali. Menurut Dede mereka pindah ke Bali unutk menekuni keinginan anak yang ingin belajar surfing. Sungguh orang tua yang sangat sayang anak. Hal itu juga yang membuat Pak Dede kini sering dan rela berpanas panasan di pinggir pantai Halfway - Kuta untuk ngambil foto anak dan teman teman anakanya. Tujuan nya adalah untuk membuat anak anak lebih semangat main surfing dan juga untuk bahan evaluasi, agar main mereka lebih bagus. Selain itu Dede terkenal di kalangan surfer muda di Halfway sebagai om yang murah hati membagi hasil jepretannya. ...... Top lah pokoke ! Kata salah sorang surfer muda di pantai, ketika kami tanya ttg om Dede Bicara ttg tempat nongkrong favorit ? jawabannya adalah didepan komputer dan nyoba segala program design. Hal ini karena Dede dan istri juga punga bisnis dalam bidang design interior. Jadi klop lah. Music ? Apa saja lah .... Dangdut juga gak masalah kalo emang tempat nya tapat, jawabnya ketika kami ajukan beberapa pertanyaan tambahan lewat sms. Jadi kalo besok kita liat ada orang duduk di pantai sambill motret ke arah pantai dengan lensa panjang, jangan kira dia tukang potret keliling yang lagi males keliling. Dia adalah Om Dede yang sedang motret anaknya serta teman teman anaknya yang sedang maen surfing. Note : Buat teman temannya Kaleb ; besok besok kalo udah dikasih foto, jangan lupa untuk berterima kasih. Bisa dengan cara pegangin payung, supaya Om Dede nggak tambah gosong, atau pijet2 punggung juga boleh lah. (e)

Penari Penari Muda di Halfway Kuta Beach

- Photos : Dede I Skadis





Photo by WHSUP / Willy

* The Best Grill Spare Ribs* The most comfortable place * Traditional Bali with Ubud Atmosphere in downtown Legian * Freindly staffs * Recommended by Magic Wave

Photos courtesy of Dede / fb

Jl Werkudara # 5 Legian Kaja (Double Six ) Ph : (0361) 2150404


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Nemberala Rote Trip - Adit Kampret

( 8, Juni 2011 )

Perjalanan ke pulau rote kali ini agak sedikit berbeda, walaupun saya orang rote tapi kali ini saya melakukan trip dengan membawa nama Magic Wave ke daerah kelahiran saya. saya berangkat ke rote pada tanggal 8 Juni 2011, saya harus menginap satu malam di kupang lalu melanjutkan trip saya keesokan harinya dengan menumpang kapal cepat yang tempuhan waktu selama dua jam. Tiba di rote saya langsung menuju kantor Dinas Pariwisata Kab. Rote Ndao. Saya melakukan trip ini dengan satu tujuan yaitu, mengajukan proposal pembuatan majalah Rote Island kepada PEMDA Rote Ndao. Di dinas Pariwisata saya medapat respon yang sangat luar biasa, saya merasa bahagia dengan sambutan kepala dinas Rote Ndao. Berselang beberapa hari saya mengajukan proposal kepada Bapak Bupati Rote Ndao ( Leonard Haning ), saya mendapatkan respon yang sangat baik, meskipun tanpa jawaban yang instan tetapi beliau cukup memberi dukungan moril yang sangat besar. Sambil menunggu waktu untuk pulang ke bali saya berharap bisa surfing di nemberala ( besialu reef ), tapi apa daya ? angin sangat keras sehingga hampir tidak ada ombak di Pulau Rote. Hingga sehari sebelum keberangkatan saya barulah ada sweel, tingggi gelombang sekitar 5 - 6 feet dengan temperature air yang sangat dingin membuat saya bertahan di air kurang lebih 10 menit. Namun kekecawaan saya terbayar karena saya mendapatkan beberapa foto buat news. Yang bagus dari local nemberla ( maklum di nemberala belum ada photographer ). Malam pun tiba, saya di undang oleh surfer surfer dari NBSC ( Nemberala Boa Surfing Community). Saya di kejutkan dengan party ala surfer local nemberala ( manggang dan makan besama di pantai nemberala ). Luar biasa sambutan mereka terhadap saya ( Magic Wave ). Keesokan harinya saya berangkat pulang dengan keadaan yang setengah mabuk Sopi ( Photo bersama Bupati Rote Ndao minuman khas Rote ). Hahahahaaaaee.Text & Photo By Adit kampret

Adit & Kepala Dinas Pariwisata Rote Ndao ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1.5 oz (44 ml) of spirits (80-proof). so strong, causing un- hol syndrome, resulting in giving Alcohol Related Disease effects can beor coma and can stop birth to a child who has physical Drinking in a moderate amount is consciousness considered safe. This is defined as breathing. Without medical interven- and developmental problems. Bone loss. Alcohol may interfere drinking no more than 1 drink/day tion, this will lead to death. with the production of new bone. for women or no more than 2 drinks/ Long Term Complications This can lead to thinning of the day for men. Liver disorders. Alcohol needs to bones (osteoporosis) and an inAvoid binge drinking, ie. 5 or more be metabolized before it can be drinks on a single occasion for men or excreted. Liver is the main organ for creased risk of fractures. 4 or more drinks on a single occasion alcohol metabolism. Drinking heav- Neurological complications. for women, generally within about 2 ily will overwork the liver, which can Excessive drinking can affect your nervous system, causing numbness hours. This leads to hazardous immecause alcoholic hepatitis, an inflamof your hands and feet, disordered diate effects, not only to the person mation of the liver. After years of Humans and alcoholic drinks have thinking, dementia and short-term who is drinking but also to bystanddrinking, hepatitis may lead to the been linked up to 10.000 BC, where memory loss. ers. irreversible and progressive dearcheologist discovered the fact of Increased risk of cancer. Chronic If someone you know or you yourstruction and scarring of liver tissue purposely fermented drinks. From alcohol abuse has been linked to self are starting to develop alcohol (cirrhosis). this prehistoric drink, approximately a higher risk of numerous cancers, dependency, or you think moderate Digestive problems. Alcohol can 7-12% of the worlds population has including mouth, throat, liver, colon drinking is not enough for you, talk result in inflammation of the linan alcohol related disease. and breast cancer. to your doctor for ways to treat them ing of the stomach (gastritis) and What Happens After Drinking AlcoDrink Safely early and avoid the complications can interfere with absorption of hol? A drink is defined as one 12-oz (355 from prolonged drinking. Saving B vitamins and other nutrients. Alcohol affects virtually every organ ml) beer, one 5-oz (148 ml) glass of your life can also save someone elses Heavy drinking can also damage system in the body. The main immewine, or one mixed drink containing life. your pancreas, which produces diate effect is in the brain altering the hormones that regulate your the neuro-transmission system and metabolism and the enzymes that result in increased endomorphines help digest fats, proteins and carwhich explain its euphoric effect. On bohydrates. the other hand it will suppress other Heart problems. Excessive drinksystems in the brain which will reduce ing can lead to high blood presanxiety, cause drowsiness and makes sure and increases your risk of your motoric movement and reflexes heart failure or stroke. slower. That is why people tend to Diabetes complications. Alcoget into more accidents after drinkhol interferes with the release of ing. glucose from your liver and can inThe increased opiate receptors in crease the risk of low blood sugar the brain plus the euphoric calming (hypoglycemia). This is dangereffect commonly is the reason for ous if you have diabetes and are alcohol craving, leading to toleralready taking insulin to lower ance, needing a higher dose to get your blood sugar level. the effect. The end result is alcohol Sexual function and menstruadependency. tion. Alcohol abuse can cause After prolonged drinking your body erectile dysfunction in men. In will develop changes. When the women, it can interrupt menstruaperson stops drinking, the oppotion. site happens, ie. the brain becomes Eye problems. Over time, excesexcited. This leads to withdrawal sive alcohol use can cause weaksymptoms, such as tremors, hallucinaness and paralysis of your eye tion and inability to sleep. muscles. When someone drinks too much Birth defects. Alcohol use during alcohol in a short period, intoxication pregnancy may cause fetal alcocan develop. The brain depression( June 27 Likes 6,838 ) Download online


July 2011

July 2011

Open pool bikini party at beach lounge !!Jumat, Juni 17, 2011 , Pro Surf surf school bikin Open Pool Bikini Party di Klub baru milik mereka BEACH LOUNGE. Ini adalah Pool Party sekuel kedua setelah sebelumnya mereka sukses menyedot lebih dari 600 visitors dalam semalam. Dan sekarang mereka mengulanginya lagi masih dalam serangkaian program soft opening klub baru mereka. Party ini sengaja di bikin untuk memperkenalkan Beach Lounge sebagai Cafe masa depan yang memiliki banyak keunggulan di banding klub malam lainnya. POOL sudah pasti kelebihan yang dimiliki klub ini, tapi klub malam yang dilengkapi Pool dengan view KUTA BEACH terpapar di depan mata, hanya mereka yang punya! Kamu bisa datang dengan bikini atau shorts langsung dari pantai karena letaknya hanya berseberangan dengan klub ini. Konsep tata ruang di atur sedemikian uniknya, ornamen kayu sangat kental disini, berkesan hangat sederhana seperti di rumah sendiri itu yang pertama kali di rasain begitu nginjekkin kaki disini, jadi kamu ga bakalan nemuin perasaan canggung ketika memasuki venue. Ga Cuma itu aja, kita juga bakalan masih bisa ngawasin temen yang udah tipsy di pojokan pintu masuk atau pasangan yang asyik jejingkrakan di atas deck.. nice!!! Seperti party pada umumnya... venue sudah penuh sesak dari jam sepuluh malam, antrian panjang menutupi BAR. Bahkan didalam pool sudah ada beberapa orang yang sedang menikmati sensasi party sambil fun di pool. Feel hooommyy... serasa party di rumah sendiri, kamu bebas melakukan apa saja semaumu dan menjadi diri kamu sendiri. Buat yang suka cari perhatian kamu bisa terjun dari deck ke pool atau buat yang usil kamu bisa sedikit tricky menarik teman kamu yang pemalu untuk ikut lompat ke pool... hahhahahh.. very fun!!! Hentakan Song List DJ juga ga kalah gila.. seolah menghidupkan semuanya.. catch the crowded dudeee!!! Lets Partyyyy!! ProSurf lagi-lagi ga Cuma sukses dengan camp surf dan school surf nya, Beach Lounge bakalan jadi tempat paling asik se-Bali!! You made it!! Aahh yaa.. buat bocoran aja nih.., walaupun sekarang masih soft opening, sambil menunggu proses finishing klub, Beach Lounge tetep bakalan ngadain Pool party tiap bulannya.. yuuhuuuu... So bring your bikinis or Shorts.. check it out this place guyss.. Different atmosphere!! you never says sorry !!! Text RahmaPhoto : Adit kampret & PAS

MAGIC LIST - BALISURF SHOP-SURF INFODaiduk Jl Melasti Lebak Bene Losmen Adus Kuta Bali 0361 751060 ESP (Ego Surf Photography) 081 55785736 Email : [email protected] Naruki Jl.Poppies II Lane II Kuta Bali Tlp. 0361 765772 Freedom Surf shop Bali Jl.Pantai kuta Gg. Bene Sari No.45 0361 7867717 RPM Surf Shop Jl Benesari Gg.poppies line 2 Kuta- Bali 0361 765908 [email protected] Dragon Indonesia Jl legian 350 kuta-bali. 0361 752419 [email protected] The Pit Surf Shop Legian Street no 64 2Fl Kuta 0361 763357 [email protected] Stripesurf Jl Nusantara Raya no. 44 Depok Utara - Jawa Barat +628161656016 [email protected] Bali Barrel 0361 767238, 767240 [email protected] Rizd Surf Art Jl.Benesari 27 Kuta Bali. Tlp. 0361 750058 Made To Order : T-shirt Painting,Wave Painting, Surfboard Painting, Surf gifts Email : [email protected] Surfers Paradise Jl by pass I Gusti Ngurah Rai No. 210 Kelan,Bali. 0361 705385 SIXTH SENSE Surf poppies 2 beside bagus Kuta Bali Tlp. 0818 356553

RESTO, CAFE & BARYEYES Warung & Gift Shop Jl lebuansait.pecatu Bukit, Bali 0361 7424761 [email protected] Ombak Caf Jl pantai pererenan mengwi 0361 8482631 [email protected] Jiwa Juice Jl melasti.labuansalt #108pecatu 0361 8470736 [email protected] Tekor Bali Jl double six Legian Kaja Kuta,Bali 0361 735268 [email protected] Balcony Restaurant & Bar Jl.Benesari 16 0361 750655 [email protected] Waroeng Asia Tlp. 0361 7420202 [email protected] Poco Loco Mexican Restaurant & Bar Jl. Padma Utara Legian-Bali Tlp : 0361 756079 Warung Indonesia Jl. Legian, Poppies II (Gg.Ronta) Kuta-Bali 0361 - 759817 Tjs Californian Mexican Resto Poppies Lane I Kuta-Bali Tlp : 0361 751093 Warung Dapue Aceh Jl. Majapahit # 66, Kuta Bali Telp. 0811387774 Specialising in Aceh-Sumatra food.

SURF SCHOOLRIP CURL school of surf jl Arjuna-Kuta-Bali 0361 735858 [email protected] Ombak Legian Surf AcademY Jl melasti legian denpasar, Bali 0361 751711, 755460 Pro Surf School Jl. Pantai Kuta Ph : 7441466, Fax : 751 200 [email protected] Double D Learn to Surf Jl. Double Six - Bali 0361 7806124 +62 81 7067 0046 Quiksilver Surf School Bali Jl.Pantai Legian Kaja +62 361 791 2220 +62 81 338 790 992 Bali Learn to Surf co. Hard Rock Hotel, Jl. Pande Mas Kuta Bali, Indonesia Ph.0361 764869 ext 0361 7922922 email: [email protected]

TATTOO STUDIOSuku Suku Tatau 66 Road No.23 Legian Kaja - Kuta [email protected] PJS Tattoo Studio Jl. Pantai Sindu No.4 Sanur Ph : 081338678227 [email protected] Buch Tattoo [email protected] 08123655600 Shotonk Tattoo STudio Legian Street +62 81 353 130 666 [email protected] Mad Ink Poppies 2st Gg Ronta Kuta - Bali Karang Tattoo Jl.Kuta Teathre, Kuta - Bali 0361 - 752116 [email protected] Yandey Tattoo Jl. Gunung Krakatau no.7 Denpasar - Bali [email protected] 0816570850 Alit Tattoo Jl. Imam Bonjol 198 Denpasar - Bali 08123962818

[email protected]

Doggy (Boat trip Surfing Tour) Address : Br. Kauh Pecatu uluwatu-Bali 081 834 9032 Moken surf (surf photography and ocean images) 081 236 705 881 [email protected] Indodreams Jl poppies line II / 5aa Legian Kuta Bali 0361 758650 The Board Shop Jl poppies II,kuta bali Tlp. 0361 758506

SHIPPING & CARGOPacific Express Jl. Hang Tuah 1-3X, Denpasar-Bali Ph : 235181

Elang Express Jl. Raya Kuta No.29, Kuta Bali Telp. 0361-9125757 marketing.cargo@elangexpress.

For Advertising Info Email : info Ph : 0361-263 569 Addres : Jl. Swakaya Baru no. 2x Denpasar Bali - Indonesia

selesai untuk kali ini. Sepertinya cukup untuk surfing kali ini, kami semua juga sudah lelah. Eits, ga Yuhu Surfing on Sunday. Back again still with us. Kali ini lupa juga kami foto bersama, tetep Surf School beginner di handle oleh Double D Surf School narcis heheee. Sayang banget loh yang letaknya di Double Six tepat di pertigaan. Finnaly, buat MW friends yang ga bisa ikutan. Makanya tungguin Sesi hari Minggu tanggal 19 Juni 2011 Magic Wave Crew ( Surfing berikutnya, pasti bakal Peppy, Rahma, Alun ) and Friends ( Tami, Wina, Tata , tambah seru!! Once again MW Ngurah, Lily, Byan ) belajar surfing bersama. Setelah say Thanks to Double D Crew yang mencari waktu yang tepat untuk surfing bersama. Tau ga? Ternyata hampir semua peserta belum pernah belajar udah ngajarin kami ( MW Crew and MW Friends ) surfing. (Peppytoez). surfing. Ini adalah pertama kalinya, wow amazing!! Kalau kemarin-kemarin cuma bisa lihat dan bayangin gimana rasanya berdiri diatas air dengan papan seluncur, karena kita sudah mencoba. Jam 12 siang kita sudah berkumpul di Double D. kebayang dong, yang takut hitam pasti ga mau deh ikutan hehee..Tapi kita semua tetap semangat untuk ikutan. It was Sunday, time to have Fun!! Yup, pertama kita dengerin instruktur menjelaskan gimana cara-cara surfing untuk pemula, dari memegang surfboard saat di air, cara berdiri,dan kendala-kendala yang ada kalau kita sudah di air. Kita mendengarkan baik-baik penjelasan instruktur supaya ga salah saat praktek. Ada beberapa pantangan yang tidak boleh dilakukan, salah satunya posisi surfboard tidak boleh didepan saat kami berjalan di air, karena kalau ada ombak muka kita bakal ke hantam surfboard, dummm ga tau deh yang bakal kena apanya, bisa aja hidung atau bibir misalnya. Yang pasti ga mau kan hal buruk terjadi, makanya jangan lakukan hal ini. Setelah 15 menit mendengarkan instruktur, sekarang saatnya kami masuk ke air. Ayeyy,, aku senang tapi agak gugup juga karna belum pernah kata Tami ( MW friend). Dengan didampingi 3 instruktur ( Deni, Dedi dan Kadek ). Untuk bisa meluncur tentu saja kami harus menunggu ombak dan memilih Ombak. Dibantu oleh instruktur kami bergantian menunggu untuk dapat meluncur dan berdiri. One..two..Three.. Ready? Stand up( Suara Instruktur). Walaupun kami jatuh dan bangun berkali-kali, kami tetap senang dan semangat. Ternyata penjelasan instruktur sulit untuk dilakukan saat kita sudah di air. Well, tanpa terasa 1 Jam berlalu, itu artinya surfing

Media Go Surfing @ Double D Surf School

Dedicated to Sion. Photos from Magic Wave fans Facebook


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Name : Zulkifli Onk Place OB : Taliwang - West Sumbawa Date OB : April 1982 Homebreak : Senggigi Fav Surfspot : Yoyos Fav Surfer : Kelly Slater, Pepen Hendrik Quotes : be a good person. Mesages : Keep our beach clean !!

REFUSEDistro & clothing development

Office : . Raya Padang Luwih No. 168 Tegal Jaya Dalung kuta bali Email : [email protected] facebook : Refuse Distro Hp : +62 81805586766

MAGIC LIST - LOMBOKSURF SHOP-SURF INFOLombok Surf ShopSenggigi Beach West Lombok. Ph. 081236208911

FAST BOAT & SEA TRAVELGili Gili Fast Boat Safety & Comfort. Fast passenger daily boat, connecting main harbors of Bali, Lombok and Gilis Ph : 0361 - 773770 Gili Cat Daily Fast Passenger Boat connecting Bali - Lembongan Lombok and the Gili T Ph : 0361 - 271680 Ocean Star Fast Boat Bali Gili Lombok Ph : 0361 927 1019 Blue Water Cruises Fast Boat Bali Gili Lombok Ph : 0817343168 Blue Water Express Daily Fast Passenger Boat connecting Bali Marina - Lembongan Lombok and the Gili Trawangan Ph: 0361 723479 Public Ferry - ASDP 5 hours crossing the Lombok strait. Depart from main harbors of Lombok ( Lembar ) and Bali (Padang bai ) every 2 hours. Operating 24 hours a day. Ph : 0363 41849

HOSPITAL & CLINICMataram Public Hospital Ph: 0370 623498 Senggigi Beach Hotel Clinic Ph 0370 693210

HOTELSSheraton Senggigi ***** 5 star beach resort. Walking disatnce to S3G surf point Ph : 0370 693303 Senggigi beach hotel *** Located right on the Senggigi reef surf points. Ph : 0370 693210 Dharmarie beach hotel *** Located South of the Senggigi reef surf points. Ph : 0370 693099 Alang Alang, Mangsit *** There are some surf spots and fun beach break on this area. Ph : 0370 693911 Santai Beach Inn, Mangsit ** There are some surf spots and fun beach break on this area. Ph : 0370 693038 Surfers Inn, Kuta ** Build, by and for surfers Ph : 0370 655582

AIRLINES & TRAVEL OFFICESGaruda Indonesia Airways PH: 0 804 1 807 807 Merpati Nusantara Ph 0370 621 111

RESTAURANT & BARAlberto Cafe, Senggigi Italian Beach Caf. Best pizza on the island. Free Wi Fi Ph : 0370 - 693039 Asmara Resto & Bar, Senggigi International Selection Menus. Live music on Friday. Free Wi fi, Pool Table and library at the back. Ph : 0370 - 693 619 Coco Beach Cafe, Mangsit Indonesian and international food selection. Healthy drinks. Great relaxing atmosphere by the beach. 08175780055 The Beach Club Lombok Bungalows, Bar and cafe. Right on the beachfront in Senggigi, Lombok 0370 - 693637 Kayu Manis Warung, Senggigi Good, clean and friendly atmosphere. Indonesian and international food selection. Ph 0370 - 690561 Happy Cafe, Senggigi Best place to hang out and listen to live music. International and Japanese menu.

Kimen Surf ShopKuta Beach - South Lombok. Ph. 0370 655 064

New Senggigi ReefSenggigi - Lombok. Ph. 081907349777

Trans Nusa Ph 0370 616 2428 Batavia Air Ph 0370 648 988 Jata Tour Ph 0370 632 888 Bidy Tour Ph 0370 693 521

Surf Riders Surf ShopKuta Beach - South Lombok. Ph. 081805224576

ADVENTURE CLUBSLOMBOK ADVENTURE Mt. Rinjani Trekking, Ocean Kayaking, Surf trip and lesson Ph 0370 693005 RINJANI TREKKING Mt. Rinjani Trekking, Ocean Kayaking, Surfboard rental Ph 0370 693202 LOMBOK TREKKING Mt. Rinjani Trekking Ph 0370 6686625

TRANSPORT & LAND TRANSFERPERAMA TOUR Bali Lombok and beyond. Land and ferry transfer. Ph 0370 LOMATA TOUR Bali Lombok and beyond. Land and ferry transfer. Ph 08175793419

West Sumbawa boyz.

Onk & S3 party crew

Public TAXILendang Karun Ph 0370 644 444 To search any number from islands of Java, Bali, Lombok, & Sumbawa pls call Telkom Listing 0361 - 108

e - one Tour & Travel Bali Lombok and beyond. Personalized and Customized Tour In Lombok and Beyond. Ph 081907229053


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July 2011

News, Clues & Fuses

Congrats to surfer Dylan Amar and Vera Ishak for their wedding, June 25th, 2011.


Ombak Bali Surf Film Festival 20 -23 July 2011. La Plancha - Seminyak Beach. More info on

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OPEN LAKEY INTERNATIONAL SURFING CHAMIONSHIP IN CONJUNCTION WITH LAKEY FESTIVAL. 14 - 17 JULY 2011. TOTAL PRIZE OF RP. 20 MILLION. LAKEY BEACH, HUU - DOMPU - WEST SUMBAWA MORE INFO ON HP 082147420011 & 08170502313



Hurley new shop opening in Nusa Dua Galeria, Sat, June 26th. Highlighted with DJ and Live music by The Hydrant


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July 2011


July 2011

( June 27

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July 2011


July 2011

( June 27

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