INTRODUCTION The Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (Marathi: मममममममममम ममममममममम मममम, English translation: Maharashtra Renaissance Army) is a far-right regional political party operating in Maharashtra, India. It was founded on the March 9, 2006 in Mumbai after splitting of the parent party Shiv Sena. Its president and founder is Raj Thackeray. The party was founded by Raj Thackeray, nephew of Shiv Sena leader Bal Thackeray. Raj Thackeray resigned from his uncle's party in January 2006 and announced his intention to start a new political party. The reason given by him for breaking away from the Shiv Sena was that the latter was "run by petty clerks" because of which it had "fallen from its former glory". Also Mr. Thackeray had a clear motive of building a political awareness for the development related issues of the state and giving them a centre stage in national politics. The agenda is getting an immense support and sympathies of the state youth. At the time of the party's foundation, Raj Thackeray stated that he does not want to have hostilities with his uncle who "was, is and always will be (his) mentor". Although the MNS is a break-away group from the Shiv Sena, the party is still based on Hindutva and Bhumiputra ideologies. When unveiling the party in an assembly at Shivaji Park he said, that everyone is anxious to see what will happen to Hindutva. When unveiling, he also said, "I shall elaborate on the party's stance on issues like Hindutva, its agenda for development of Maharashtra and the significance of the party flag colours at the March 19 public meeting." Raj Thackeray considers himself an Indian nationalist (not just a regionalist) and claims that the Congress is two-faced.

Maharashtra Navnirman Sena

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The Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (Marathi: महा�रा�ष्ट्र नवनिनम�ण से�न�, English translation: Maharashtra Renaissance Army) is a far-right regional political party operating in Maharashtra, India. It was founded on the March 9, 2006 in Mumbai after splitting of the parent party Shiv Sena. Its president and founder is Raj Thackeray.

The party was founded by Raj Thackeray, nephew of Shiv Sena leader Bal Thackeray. Raj Thackeray resigned from his uncle's party in January 2006 and announced his intention to start a new political party. The reason given by him for breaking away from the Shiv Sena was that the latter was "run by petty clerks" because of which it had "fallen from its former glory". Also Mr. Thackeray had a clear motive of building a political awareness for the development related issues of the state and giving them a centre stage in national politics. The agenda is getting an immense support and sympathies of the state youth.

At the time of the party's foundation, Raj Thackeray stated that he does not want to have hostilities with his uncle who "was, is and always will be (his) mentor".

Although the MNS is a break-away group from the Shiv Sena, the party is still based on Hindutva and Bhumiputra ideologies. When unveiling the party in an assembly at Shivaji Park he said, that everyone is anxious to see what will happen to Hindutva. When unveiling, he also said, "I shall elaborate on the party's stance on issues like Hindutva, its agenda for development of Maharashtra and the significance of the party flag colours at the March 19 public meeting."

Raj Thackeray considers himself an Indian nationalist (not just a regionalist) and claims that the Congress is two-faced.

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I started MNS with a dream: Raj Thackery

Maharashtra Navnirman Sena chief Raj Thackeray has put forward an agenda for

development of Maharashtra, with an eye on assembly polls in the state later this year.

'I started MNS with a dream of development of Maharashtra. I feel that the world should

envy the state for its development and I have prepared blueprint for that,' Raj said.

People have ridiculed the idea of blueprint and asked me where it is. It is ready and with me

and covers seven developmental issues of the state, Raj said, in an article in leading Marathi

newspaper Loksatta on Sunday.

Rubbishing Shiv Sena criticism that MNS divided Marathi votes, Raj said: "If this is indeed

the case, then why did Marathi people not vote for the Sena in 2004 polls when MNS did not


It was only after a survey, which showed that people would support the party on development

issues, that he established the MNS, he said.

With some experts, Raj has set up Maharashtra Navnirman Academy at Pune to research

various topics of the state including economy, health, education and infrastructure. The

academy is busy in designing various plans for the states development, he said.

Addressing the grave issue of water scarcity in rural Maharashtra, Raj said politicians have

made populist announcements like free power, jobs, low cost food but they could not manage

natural resource like water.

In Marathwada region, water level has gone down to 700 feet and experts fear that the region

could become a desert in 15 to 20 years, he said.

Despite this warning, the state government has permitted six beer manufacturing projects at

Aurangabad and mineral water projects at Latur and Beed, he said.

Emphasising on poor infrastructure in the cities, Raj said politicians who think about potholes

and tenders to re-build the roads can do no good to the state.

On his pet topic of outsiders coming to Mumbai Raj said planning of the city had collapsed

and illegal slums were proliferating. There is no control over people coming from other states

to Mumbai and Maharashtra. While politicians are busy in giving free housing to illegal

slums dwellers, our state police have no houses to stay.

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Party Ideology

Party ideology is based on secularism, and it reflects in its flag. Its flag has a saffron field, which is probably derived from the saffron flag of Shiv Sena, but with addition of blue and green stripes along the top and bottom edges, respectively. The blue is the colour of the Dalits while including Green in the flag is seen as an attempt to woo the Muslims towards the party.

The stripes are separated from the field by white fimbriations. The political overtones are too

obvious to be missed. Dalits and Muslims are part of the MNS agenda, they are welcome.

Raj’s first independent public rally slated for March 19 to kick-start the MNS and outline its

ideology is billed as the next big thing at the Shivaji Park ground.Unlike Shiv Sena it’s not a

hardcore hindutva based party.

Core ideology is focused on Maharashtra and its people & favors’ especially towards “Son of Soil”. The Raj Thackeray-led Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) today promised it would ensure 100 per cent jobs in local industries to Marathi people.

“We will ensure 100 per cent jobs to sons of soil,” Raj said, releasing his party's manifesto for the October 13 Assembly elections, at his central Mumbai residence. The manifesto, called ‘vachaknama’, also speaks of strictly implementing existing norms to deport those staying illegally in the state and action against illegal constructions. Believes in protecting the culture and language (Marathi) of Maharashtra.

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MNS manifesto has eleven points.

MNS manifesto constrict for eleven point program. Manifesto mainly constrict for issues related toward development of Maharashtra. The point are as follows:

1- Employment:

MNS will see that all the laws regarding employment will be followed so local boys and girls will get the job.2- Unauthorized and illegal construction:

Will not be tolerated in any case. MNS will see that illegal migrant will be send back to there own states using the current laws. MNS will see that Low cost housing schemes will be started by Government. MNS will rigorously follow up with the government for setting up an independent authority for providing ownership housing for the State government employees and the police.3- Education:

MNS will ensure that the local boys and girls who do not get admission into the schools and collages will get admission. MNS will fight to its last breath to ensure that education institutes would give first preference to Marathi students.4- Water Problem:

MNS will see that the rightful amount of water Maharashtra state will get from the Interstate River Water Dispute Tribunal. Available water is nearly 72,395 million cubic meters but Inter-State River Water Dispute Tribunal has allotted only 50,972 million cubic meters of water to the State. So MNS will try and see that state will get more water.5- Power Generation:

Electricity Problem – MNS will see that electricity thefts and distribution losses will be avoided using strict policies. MNS will ensure that a time bound plan to start new power generation projects to increase the states power generation capacity and monitor the same.

6- Help For Farmers:

MNS will develop a system whereby seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and credit are available to the farmers at reasonable rates and their produce can be sold at justifiable market rates. MNS will try to establish farmer societies in each village and market rates will be communicated to farmers with the help of information technology.

7- MNS will strive to ensure that the statutory regulations:

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Are being implemented to stop the profit making and frauds in the field of medicine .MNS will take up the issue of public health on a priority basis.

8- To rejuvenate the sick small scale units:

MNS will strive to improve basic infrastructure facilities availability of credit and human resources as well as look at the need to simplify laws. Maharashtra NavNirman Sena would force the government to decentralize industrial development across Maharashtra rather than in Mumbai, Pune, Nashik, and prepare and implement a time bound plan for the same.9- For security of women MNS:

Will see that strict laws will be enforced and seek participation of entire society. So females can move around fearlessly.10- MNS will see that on a priority basis:

MNS will attempt to provide quality schooling up to standard X to every student in the state.

11- To improve the use of Marathi Language and its pride:

MNS has suggested that grants should be given to all Marathi medium schools. Marathi should be made compulsory in every school up to standard X. Government should provide financial support to the shops who sell Marathi literature, cassettes and films and songs. Unicode should be made compulsory on computers to spread use of Marathi. Marathi should be used in the court matters and government offices .MNS will lobby for giving autonomy, grants and facilities to these five institutions , Bhasha Sanchalanalay (Directorate of Language), Rajya Marathi Vikas Sanstha, Sahitya Sanskruti Mandal Vidyapeeth Granth Nirmitee Mandal and Vishwakosh Nirmitee Mandal so that these institutions can function with full steam. MNS will pursue the creation of a post for an independent cabinet level Minister for the spread and growth of Marathi language.

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SWOT Analysis :


Strong Leadership:

The biggest strength of Maharashtra Navnirman Sena is there chief Raj Thackeray. This party work on dream and vision of Raj Thackery. When he break away of Shiv Sena thousands of this support also left the party.

Support of Youth:

Maharashtra Navnirman Sena most of supporter has young’s people. The most of supporter are between ages 18 to 30. The main reason behind support of youth because party address issues like unemployment, better standard of education etc. So today can easily related with this issues. Raj has set up Maharashtra Navnirman Academy at Pune to research various topics of the state including economy, health, education and infrastructure. The academy is busy in designing various plans for the states development.

Political Ideology

Core ideology is focused on Maharashtra and its people & favors’ especially towards “Son of Soil”. The Raj Thackeray-led Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) today promised it would ensure 100 per cent jobs in local industries to Marathi people. Maharashtra Navnirman Sena will bring the people of Maharashtra together, irrespective of caste, religion, sect or class, under its flag, for the development of Maharashtra.

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Issues limited to state politics:

MNS has raised issues “son of soil” and also asked reservation up to80% for Marathi Manus in public and private sector of company. Because this and various issues raised by MNS so its restricted to limited area. So can’t become national party.

Growing discontent among the people:

The working style of MNS is basically aggressive in nature. MNS activists beat up

North Indian candidates appearing for the all-India Railway Recruitment Board entrance exam. Because this discontent with in people is growing. Many times MNS activists attack shop & property of people of outside Maharashtra. And on many different issues MNS activists people from other state especially north Indian. So discontent among the people is growing.

Less campaigning:

MNS has campaigned less compared to their comparator. Their campaign was done in majorly in cities. Very few ads on TV as well as print media were seen during election time. Raj Thackery has addentanted few public meeting as compare to other comparator. Raj Thackery has addentanted only 47 public meeting while comparator Uddhav Thackeray addentanted 68 public meeting in all over Maharashtra.

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To raise other issues:

Instated of raising issues of development of Marathi Manus .MNS must take development issues people of maharahtra.MNS must take issues regarding development of infrastructure, development of basis facility like food, clothing and sheathed to public of Maharashtra etc .

More focus on rural Maharashtra:

To become one of the major powers in Maharashtra.MNS must have more focus on smaller towns and village. Because many seat’s in Maharashtra come for rural Maharashtra. And of success in rural Maharashtra MNS must take the issues of farmer suicide, better irrigation, roads, electricity and many more.

Gain support of different people of different origin:

MSN has won seat in Marathi dominos area in Mumbai and all other part of Maharashtra. In case of Mumbai Marathi population in going decreasing and population of people from different state is going on increasing. So there make issue that people from other origins can also relate with them.

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Increasing immigration from other states:

Every day thousands of people travel to for their live hood from all part of India. With regions politics also try come with them. For e.g. when people of U.P settled in Mumbai and then Samajwadi Party (SP) also try to make inroad in Mumbai.

Congress & NCP are major threats on the issue of secularism:

MNS is as secular party. Congress and NCP are to be secularism party even before MNS was formed. So there major threat on issue of secularism.

Shiv Sena and MNS share same ideology hence they are potential threat:

MNS is break of Shiv Sena on issues. MNS works on very much similarly ideology of Shiv Sena. So issues raised by them are also very much similarly to Shiv Sena. For e.g. Jet Airways laid off almost 1,000 employees. In the frenzy for reinstatement that followed numerous political parties took the stand for the probationers’ cause. First the MNS and the SS came in.

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Branding Raj Thackeray

“It doesn’t matter how many people you offend, as long as you’re getting your message to your consumers. I say to those people who do not want to offend anybody: You are going to have a very, very difficult time having meaningful advertising.

Phil Knight, co-founder of Nike.

I don’t understand Politics too much. As a matter of fact, I don’t think the rest of the country understands it too much too. Unlike what the political pundits and Journalists often say, I don’t think the voter knows best cause as a country we have terrible record of returning terrible people to power. However, what has always fascinated me is the business of politics. Not the horse trading or the buying of votes that’s so blatant. What fascinates me is what persuades the consumer (Voter) to buy into the promise of the product (Candidate) or company (Political Party).

The one person that has created a huge impact on state politics in very short time is Raj Thackeray. I have very mixed views about him as a Politician (this column is purely a Brand/Marketing Analysis). However, truth be told, I think he has done tremendously well in creating a space for his brand (Personal & Party Brand) in the cluttered and highly competitive Maharashtrian Political arena in a matter of 3 years. I think there are very good lessons to learn for marketers & business people about Brand building from the Raj Thackeray story.

1. You got to stand for something: Every product and service needs to be absolutely clear about its positioning. Who is the target group (TG) of your product? Spend a lot of your time on defining who your customer really is. A Brand that stands for every one does not stand for anyone. Raj Thackeray was very clear that his target market/group was the Marathi Manoos. His campaign would revolve around them buying into his brand story.

2. Stay focused on your target group/market: If you are absolutely clear on your TG, stay focused on it. Don’t give into the temptation of wavering from it. Raj Thackeray rarely ever did One – on – One interview with the national English & Hindi news channels. He spent most of his Media time with the Marathi Media. From what I hear, he went out of his way to accommodate them in his schedule. He gave them preference over their national media counterparts (something that was practically unthinkable for the often ill treated Marathi Journalist who is so used to the step sister treatment meted about by politicians craving for a national presence). He knew the Marathi media would influence the Marathi Voters. Staying focused on them and in turn his TG helped him establish his brand.

3. PR works much better than advertising:

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As a marketer, if you have very limited marketing budget, use PR effectively. Richard Branson literally revolutions the way the media could be used for no cost at all. Richard Branson performed a few crazy stunts (both daring and plain silly) and got his brand on the front pages of the newspaper – for NO cost at all. Raj Thackeray threw his more or less inane, outdated issues, managed to stay on the front pages of all the newspaper. Was in News, constantly for some reason or the other. Like they say, No publicity is bad publicity. (Goan Politicians, please don’t take a cue from this. Please)

4. Consistency in message: As a brand, if you’re not consistent in your message, you will confuse your consumer. Ensure that there is a thread of consistency that runs through your communication. If Raj Thackeray stood for the Marathi Manoos and its culture, it was consistent in every bit of communication that went out to his TG. The name of his Party – Maharashtra Navanirman Sena (an idiot proof name). The issue’s he raked up. In an interview with a national English TV Channel, he chooses to answer all the questions in Marathi (although he is fluent in both English & Hindi). He would rather offend the interviewer, than waiver from consistently delivering the same message to his TG.

5. Simplify your Brand Proposition: Always keep the brand proposition simple. Don’t confuse the consumer with multiplicity and complex messaging. Raj Thackeray had a very simple brand proposition “I stand for the interests of the Marathi Manoos.” That simple and clear.

Maybe I’m intellectualizing this too much. But I guess it’s my job as a Trainer & Column Writer (and former Brand Manager) to intellectualize the simplicities of business & life.

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2008 violence against North Indians in Maharashtra

Rally at Shivaji Park,Mumbai in which Raj spoke out against North Indians.

Main article: 2008 attacks on North Indians in Maharashtra

In February 2008, some MNS activists clashed with Samajwadi Party (SP) party workers in Mumbai when Samajwadi Party supporters attended a rally at Shivaji Park, Dadar, Mumbai, a stronghold of MNS, where Samajwadi Party leader, Abu Asim Azmi made a fiery speech. After the clashes, 73 MNS activists and 19 SP workers were arrested by Mumbai Police for indulging in violence.

On February 6, 2008, reportedly, about 200 Maharashtra Navnirman Sena party workers quit the party and joined Shiv Sena to protest against MNS's so-called anti-North Indian agenda.

A petition was filed in the Patna civil court on February 8 against Thackeray for his alleged remarks over Chhath, Bihar's most popular festival. Mr. Thackeray maintains he is not against Chhath Puja, but against the "show of arrogance" displayed by some people from Uttar Pradesh and Bihar on this occasion.

On February 10, 2008, MNS workers attacked vendors and shopkeepers from North India in various parts of Maharashtra, and destroyed government property to vent their anger against the reported move to arrest Raj Thackeray. Nashik police detained 26 MNS workers for the violence.

In February 2008, Raj Thackarey's speech on the issue of uncontrolled migration into Mumbai from other parts of India created a well publicized controversy. Maharashtra's economy leads other states in India and its capital Mumbai has become a magnet to migrant population from states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. MNS supporters clashed with activists of

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the Samajwadi Party, a regional party from Uttar Pradesh leading to street violence. Thackeray also criticized noted film actor turned politician Amitabh Bachchan, a native of Uttar Pradesh, for taking sides in the migrant issue. Bachchan came into fame and fortune in Mumbai's film industry – Bollywood.

On September 8, 2008, Infosys Technologies announced that 3,000 employee positions had been shifted from Pune due to construction delays caused earlier that year by MNS attacks on North Indian construction workers in Maharashtra

On 15 October 2008, Thackeray threatened to shut down Jet Airways operations in Maharashtra if they did not rehire probationary employees that had been shed in a cost cutting move forced by the economic downturn.

In October 2008, MNS activists beat up North Indian candidates appearing for the all-India Railway Recruitment Board entrance exam for the Western region in Mumbai. One Bihari died in the ensuing rioting. In retaliation for the MNS' attack on Biharis and North Indians in general, the Bharatiya Bhojpuri Sangh attacked the residence of a Marathi official of Tata Motors in Jamshedpur. Following the uproar in the Indian parliament, and calls that there was no pressure to arrest the MNS chief, Raj Thackeray was arrested in the early hours of October 21. He was produced before a court on the day itself and would return the next day after spending the night in jail. Following the arrest, however, MNS party activists took out their anger on parts of Mumbai city and the region at large. The arrest resulted in applause, fear and calls for a ban on the MNS. The Shiv Sena, however, maintained a cool response, although senior party leader Manohar Joshi said they were close to supporting the MNS in their agitation against the non-Marathi candidates for the railway board exam.

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Issues to capitalise in future

Politics rarely changes, but time always does. This must be bothering Congress as Assembly elections approach in Maharashtra. The surge in food prices, farmers’ suicides in Vidarbha, anti-North Indian tirade and water-logging are going to be some key issues that will decide the poll prospects of the ruling alliance.

Although the Congress-NCP alliance successfully faced general elections after the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks, massive job losses and abysmal governance over the years are not exactly the best platforms to reach out to the voters in the state.

As Maharashtra goes to the hustling on October 13, the ruling alliance faces local issues besides confronting national ones to retain power in the state.


MNS will see that all the laws regarding employment will be followed so local boys and girls will get the job.

Suicides in Vidarbha

Vidarbha remains a grim reminder of the state of affairs as far as farmers are concerned. Many have ended their lives due to mounting debts and crop failure. Although the state and the UPA governments had announced two relief packages of Rs 4,800 crore, the suicides continued and another package of Rs 6,205 crore was announced last December. However, all this has failed to check the crisis effectively as the malaise lies deeper

Price rise

Among other vexing problems, price rise, which affects the lives of every one regardless of their political leanings, is going to be one of the key issues.

The soaring prices of various commodities, especially of food items, have affected the aam aadmi in rural as well as in urban areas, thereby adding to the woes of the Congress-NCP alliance.

Inadequate sugarcane production, which led to rise in sugar prices, is also going to play a major role as the parties try to placate people with promises of lower sugar prices. Besides this, drought that led to the increase in food prices and exposed the laxity of the government is the talking point in these polls.

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Anti-North Indian tirade

The ‘Marathi Manoos’ issue will be a crucial factor in attracting votes in many urban areas. In what seemed to be a replay of the anti-south Indian tirade of Bal Thackeray in the 1960s, his nephew Raj Thackeray took up the cause again and made it his sole agenda. The only difference was that this time it was the North Indians, who were at the receiving end.

Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS), under the leadership of Raj has, time and again, raised the issue of work force from states like UP and Bihar taking away jobs from the state’s locals. The state witnessed violent protests in which the North Indian community had to bear the brunt of MNS cadres demanding ouster of all migrants.

The tactical silence maintained by NCP chief Sharad Pawar and a lackadaisical attitude of the then state Chief Minister handed MNS mileage. This would certainly reflect in the voting pattern in North-Indian dominated areas of the state.

Belgaum issue

Maharashtra and Karnataka have been fighting over Belgaum since 1956, when the district was made a part of Karnataka with passing of the States Reorganisation Act. Belgaum, on the border of Maharashtra and Karnataka, is a part of the latter state, but is being claimed by the Shiv Sena as a part of the former. Recently, Karnataka even held its Legislative Assembly Session in Belgaum to give it the status of a sub-capital of sorts.

Belgaum, as always, is going to figure in the elections as the Shiv Sena has more or less made it a prestige issue.

Sangli riots

Communal tensions erupted on the Anant Chaturdashi day- September 3- when some pro-Hindutva organisations tried to raise an arch on the immersion procession route, depicting murder of Mughal warrior Afzal Khan by Shivaji recorded in Maratha history.

It sparked off violent clashes between two groups and its repercussions were felt in Sangli city, where life remained still for a few days and several leaders from ruling and opposition parties visited the area to calm the situation- as also to play their own politics.

SEZ & Infrastructure

A Special Economic Zone in Raigad is at the heart of yet another political storm. Many farmers, with stars in their eyes and seeing Mumbai’s glitter, have switched sides- in favour of retaining their land. Raigad is currently represented by Congress veteran and Minority Affairs Minister Abdul Rehman Antulay. His silence on the SEZ issue could yield some surprising results.

With the onset of monsoon every year, Mumbai comes to a grinding halt. Various governments, which have come to power till date, have failed to create substantial infrastructure that could provide relief to the common man.

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Other than this, poor transportation, local trains, which are considered the lifeline of Mumbai being overcrowded and roads that are terribly congested, are issues that will directly affect the fortunes of any ruling party.

Also, global recession has left a deeper imprint in the state, with Mumbai being India’s financial capital.

Positioning of MNS

MNS is positioned as a pro Marathi political party:

Party is by Marathi people, For Marathi people, of the Marathi people. Specially focus on the issues related on the “Son of the soil” for e.g. MNS has started special coaching classes for railway entrance exam.

Its style of functioning is aggressive and provocative:

Ray Thackeray speech is supposes to be provocative which helps to lower the morale of opponents parties.

They are perceived to believe in vandalism for getting things done:

The functioning of MNS has caused cases of vandalism in the past.

For e.g. (1) MNS forced the shopkeepers to change the language of the hoarding from English to Marathi.

(2) MNS stepped down to violence during the arrest of Raj Thackeray

People see a replica of Bal Thackeray in leader Raj Thackeray:

Functioning of MNS is similar to Shiv Sena in early 70’s and 80’s. The way of addressing rally is also similar to that to Balsaheb Thackeray.


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After the success with current regionalist and son of soil ideology, they can further utilize this success to address other issues to widen the scope

Should reposition itself from pro Marathi stand to pro Maharashtra stand. That is to project themselves as a party concerned not only with protecting the language and culture but also responsible for taking other up others issues and interest. After raising the immigration and illegal settlement issue, Anti North Indian issue, Son of soil (Marathi manoos) agenda they should now project the MNS party as the organization which is determined to take up all the causes of concern to protect different cultures flourished in Maharashtra over years. And for an equitable development of the State.

After the tasting success in Mumbai, they can now adopt “GO RURAL POLICY” to focus more on farmers. They can use the existing image and success to further tap the rural population by addressing their issues and problems with same integrity and sincerity. And should deliver hope in the minds of rural population especially farmers & laborers.

They should create an image as a party vying for comprehensive development of Maharashtra. By addressing various issues like employment, Trade & industry, Agriculture, Power, Education and Healthcare, etc and not just protecting Marathi language and culture and claiming the ownership of the city.

Can work towards empowerment of Woman and development of children in rural areas.

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“Son of Soil” issues can work only in limited area:

“Son of Soil” issues had work mainly in cities like Mumbai, Pune, and Nasik etc. Because of this issues can only target the Marathi manoos and not the people of maharashtra. Because of this approach they cannot win more seats in the elections. For ex- They have won only 13 seats in assembly elections.

Focus must be shifted towards untapped areas such as rural areas:

Their focus must be shifted from Marathi manoo to the manoos of Maharashtra