Maintaining and Troubleshooting the Dell™ PowerEdge™ R610 Server 03-603804 Issue 1 November 2010

Maintaining and Troubleshooting the Dell PowerEdge R610 Server · Chapter 1: Maintaining and Troubleshooting the Dell™ PowerEdge™ R610 Server Introduction The Avaya Common Servers

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Page 1: Maintaining and Troubleshooting the Dell PowerEdge R610 Server · Chapter 1: Maintaining and Troubleshooting the Dell™ PowerEdge™ R610 Server Introduction The Avaya Common Servers

Maintaining and Troubleshooting theDell™ PowerEdge™ R610 Server

03-603804Issue 1

November 2010

Page 2: Maintaining and Troubleshooting the Dell PowerEdge R610 Server · Chapter 1: Maintaining and Troubleshooting the Dell™ PowerEdge™ R610 Server Introduction The Avaya Common Servers

© 2010 Avaya Inc.

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Avaya grants End User a license within the scope of the license typesdescribed below. The applicable number of licenses and units ofcapacity for which the license is granted will be one (1), unless a

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License types

Designated System(s) License (DS). End User may install and useeach copy of the Software on only one Designated Processor, unlessa different number of Designated Processors is indicated in theDocumentation or other materials available to End User. Avaya mayrequire the Designated Processor(s) to be identified by type, serialnumber, feature key, location or other specific designation, or to beprovided by End User to Avaya through electronic means establishedby Avaya specifically for this purpose.

Concurrent User License (CU). End User may install and use theSoftware on multiple Designated Processors or one or more Servers,so long as only the licensed number of Units are accessing and usingthe Software at any given time. A “Unit” means the unit on which Avaya,at its sole discretion, bases the pricing of its licenses and can be,without limitation, an agent, port or user, an e-mail or voice mail accountin the name of a person or corporate function (e.g., webmaster orhelpdesk), or a directory entry in the administrative database utilizedby the Software that permits one user to interface with the Software.Units may be linked to a specific, identified Server.

Database License (DL). End User may install and use each copy of theSoftware on one Server or on multiple Servers provided that each ofthe Servers on which the Software is installed communicate with nomore than a single instance of the same database.

CPU License (CP). End User may install and use each copy of theSoftware on a number of Servers up to the number indicated by Avayaprovided that the performance capacity of the Server(s) does notexceed the performance capacity specified for the Software. End Usermay not re-install or operate the Software on Server(s) with a largerperformance capacity without Avaya's prior consent and payment of anupgrade fee.

Named User License (NU). End User may: (i) install and use theSoftware on a single Designated Processor or Server per authorizedNamed User (defined below); or (ii) install and use the Software on aServer so long as only authorized Named Users access and use theSoftware. “Named User”, means a user or device that has beenexpressly authorized by Avaya to access and use the Software. AtAvaya's sole discretion, a “Named User” may be, without limitation,designated by name, corporate function (e.g., webmaster or helpdesk),an e-mail or voice mail account in the name of a person or corporatefunction, or a directory entry in the administrative database utilized bythe Software that permits one user to interface with the Software.

Shrinkwrap License (SR). Customer may install and use the Softwarein accordance with the terms and conditions of the applicable licenseagreements, such as “shrinkwrap” or “clickthrough” licenseaccompanying or applicable to the Software (“Shrinkwrap License”).(see “Third-party Components” for more information).


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the express written consent of Avaya can be a criminal, as well as acivil offense under the applicable law.

Third-party components

Certain software programs or portions thereof included in the Productmay contain software distributed under third party agreements (“ThirdParty Components”), which may contain terms that expand or limitrights to use certain portions of the Product (“Third Party Terms”).Information regarding distributed Linux OS source code (for thoseProducts that have distributed the Linux OS source code), andidentifying the copyright holders of the Third Party Components and theThird Party Terms that apply to them is available on the Avaya SupportWeb site: http://support.avaya.com/Copyright.

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Downloading Documentation

For the most current versions of Documentation, see the AvayaSupport Web site: http://support.avaya.com.

Contact Avaya Support

Avaya provides a telephone number for you to use to report problemsor to ask questions about your Product. The support telephone numberis 1-800-242-2121 in the United States. For additional supporttelephone numbers, see the Avaya Web site: http://support.avaya.com.

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Chapter 1: Maintaining and Troubleshooting the Dell™ PowerEdge™ R610 Server..........7Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................7How to use this document.................................................................................................................................7Downloading Dell documentation......................................................................................................................7Dell R610 documentation set............................................................................................................................8General troubleshooting....................................................................................................................................9Front panel troubleshooting indicators............................................................................................................10Rear panel troubleshooting indicators.............................................................................................................12Troubleshooting external server components.................................................................................................13Troubleshooting internal server components..................................................................................................14Replacing external components......................................................................................................................16Replacing internal components.......................................................................................................................17LCD status message explanations..................................................................................................................20Contacting Avaya Services.............................................................................................................................28


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Chapter 1: Maintaining andTroubleshooting the Dell™PowerEdge™ R610 Server

IntroductionThe Avaya Common Servers category includes the Dell™ PowerEdge™ R610 1U server thatsupports several Avaya software solutions, some requiring additional hardware and memoryrequirements beyond the standard configuration. This book covers the standard configurationonly—consult specific Avaya product documentation for application-specific or solution-specific server configurations.

How to use this documentThis guide contains information for maintaining and troubleshooting the Dell R610 Server aspart of an Avaya deployment and provides:

• Instructions for how to find the appropriate online server documentation from Dell

• References to specific topics in standard Dell documentation

• Suggested changes, details, and notes to assist the user in interpreting themanufacturer’s documentation and to clarify Avaya's recommended implementation ofthe equipment

• Additional topics not covered in standard Dell documentation but which are necessary formaintaining and troubleshooting the Avaya installation

Downloading Dell documentationUse this procedure to find and download the Dell™ PowerEdge™ R610 documentation fromDell.

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1. Open a browser and to go http://www.support.dell.com/.

2. On the Welcome to Dell Support page click on the Start Here button in theSupport for Enterprise IT section.

3. On the Welcome to Enterprise IT Support click on Select a product in theProduct Support section.

4. On the next page click on Select Model in the Choose a Model section.

5. On the Select Product by Model page, click on Servers, Storage,Networking.

6. On the Select Product by Model > Server, Storage, Networking page use the scrollbar in the Select Your Product Line column and click on PowerEdge Server.

7. On the Select Product by Model > Server, Storage, Networking > PowerEdge Serverpage, use the scroll bar in the Select Your Product Model column and click on R610.

8. On the Select Product by Model > Server, Storage, Networking > PowerEdge Server> R610 page, click on the Confirm button in the Confirm your selection section.

9. On the Product Support for PowerEdge R610 page click on Manuals andDocumentation.

10. On the Dell™ PowerEdge™ R610 System page, click the Download link thatcorresponds to the document that you want to download.

11. Download the documents in the Dell R610 document set > Documents to downloadsection below.

Dell R610 documentation setRefer to the documents listed below for Dell R610 server installation information andprocedures.

Note:Download the documents listed in the Documents to download section below. Printed copiesof the documents listed in the Documents included in the shipping container section belowship with the server.

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Documents to download

Abbreviation Title Part numberCMAI Cable Management Arm Installation 0F880KA00

GS Getting Started With Your System R465D

HOM Hardware Owner's Manual No number

RI-SR Rack Installation (Sliding Rails) 0J171KA00

Note:If you want to locate and download an individual document:

• Go to http://www.dell.com/.• Type R610 plus the keywords of the document title in the Search field in the upper-

right corner and press Enter.


• Type R610 Technical Guidebook to search for the Technical Guidebook document.

• Type R610 Getting Started to search for the Getting Started with your Systemdocument.

Documents included in the shipping container

Abbreviation Title Part numberPS Product Safety, EMC &

Environmental DatasheetNo number

TG Technical Guidebook No number

General troubleshootingThe references listed below contain general troubleshooting information.

Topic Reference Avaya recommendationSystem features anddiagnostics that areaccessible during startup

HOM: Access SystemFeatures During Startup Caution:

Only performed whenrequested by AvayaSupport personnel.

General troubleshooting

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Topic Reference Avaya recommendation

Note:Keyboard, monitor, andmouse are required.

LCD panel HOM: LCD Panel Features

LCD status messages HOM: LCD Status Messages See LCD status messageexplanations in thisdocument for recommendedresolutions.

System messages HOM: System Messages Caution:

For advancedtroubleshooting only—consult Avaya Services.

Note:Keyboard, monitor, andmouse are required.

Front panel troubleshooting indicators

Use the front panel indicators listed to troubleshoot server components:

No. Description Avaya recommendation1 Power-on indicator, power button Indicates when the system power is on.

The power button controls the DC powersupply output to the system.

Note:Consult individual application/solutiondocumentation for detailed shutdownprocedures.

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No. Description Avaya recommendation

Note:To force an ungraceful shutdown, pressand hold the power button for five (5)seconds.

Caution:Not recommended for products/solutions that use System Platform.

2 NMI button Used to troubleshoot software and devicedriver errors when using certain operatingsystem. This button can be pressed usingthe end of a paper clip.

Caution:Not recommended for products/solutions that use System Platform. Usethis button only if directed to do so byqualified support personnel.

3 USB connectors (2)

4 Video connector

5 LCD menu buttons Allows you to navigate to the control panelLCD menu.

6 LCD Panel Provides system ID, status information,and system error messages. LCDbackground color indicates theseconditions:

• Blue: normal system operation

• Amber: system needs attention

LCD panel displays errors codes anddescriptive tests.

7 System identification button Turns the system ID modes on and off.The identification buttons on the front andback panels can be used to locate aparticular system within a rack. When oneof these buttons is pushed, the LCD panelon the front and the system status indicatoron the chassis back panel flash blue untilone of the buttons is pushed again.

Note:Some applications/solutions use thislight for additional functionality.

Front panel troubleshooting indicators

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No. Description Avaya recommendation8 Hard drives Servers ship with two or more hard disk

drives, depending upon productrequirements.

9 Optical drive

10 System identification panel A slide-out panel for system informationincluding the Express Service tag,embedded NIC MAC address, andiDRAC6 Express card MAC address.Space is provided for an additional label.

Rear panel troubleshooting indicators

Use the rear panel indicators listed to troubleshoot server components:

No. Description Avaya recommendation1 iDRAC6 Enterprise/Express port

(optional)Dedicated management port for the opticaliDRAC6 Enterprise/Express card.

2 VFlash media slot (optional) Connects an external SD memory card forthe optional iDRAC6 Enterprise/Expresscard.

3 Serial connector

4 PCIe slot 1 Consult application/solution documentationfor specific behavior of the optional card inthis slot.

5 Video connector

6 USB connectors (2)

7 PCIe slot 2 Consult application/solution documentationfor specific behavior of the optional card inthis slot.

8 Ethernet connectors (4)

9 System status indicator connector

10 System status indicator Provides a power on indicator for the backof the system.

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No. Description Avaya recommendation11 System identification button Turns the system ID modes on and off.

The identification buttons on the front andback panels can be used to locate aparticular system within a rack. When oneof these buttons is pushed, the LCD panelon the front and the system status indicatoron the chassis back panel flash blue untilone of the buttons is pushed again.

Note:Some applications/solutions use thislight for additional functionality.

12 Power supply 1 (PS1)

13 Poser supply 2 (PS2)

Troubleshooting external server componentsUse the checklist below to troubleshoot any of the following external server components:

Part number Description Hot-swappable?700501316 R610 SRVR 146GB 10K SAS 2.5” HDD Y

700501317 R610 SRVR 146GB 15K SAS 2.5” HDD Y

700501315 R610 SRVR 300GB 10K SAS 2.5” HDD Y

700501421 R610 SRVR 600GB 10K SAS 2.5" HDD Y

700501183 R610 SRVR AC PWR SUP 502W ES Y, if redundant

700501311 R610 SRVR AC PWR SUP 717W Y, if redundant

No. Task Reference Avaya recommendation

1 Visually check forhardware LED faultindicators:

• R610 SRVR 146GB10K SAS 2.5” HDD

• R610 SRVR 146GB15K SAS 2.5” HDD

HOM: Hard Drive IndicatorPatterns for RAIDTG: Storage

If the HDD LED indicatesa problem, consult theappropriatetroubleshootinginformation.

Troubleshooting external server components

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No. Task Reference Avaya recommendation

• R610 SRVR 300GB10K SAS 2.5” HDD

• R610 SRVR 600GB10K SAS 2.5" HDD



HOM: Power IndicatorCodesTG: Power SupplyIndicators

If the LEDs indicate aproblem, consult theappropriatetroubleshootinginformation.

2 If the hardware LEDindicates a problem,consult theappropriatetroubleshootinginformation:

• R610 SRVR 146GB10K SAS 2.5” HDD

• R610 SRVR 146GB15K SAS 2.5” HDD

• R610 SRVR 300GB10K SAS 2.5” HDD

• R610 SRVR 600GB10K SAS 2.5" HDD

HOM: TroubleshootingHard Drives

• Inspect LEDs and LCDdisplay output.

• If the LED flashesgreen, then amber,then off (in that order),replace the HDD.

• If the LED blinks amber,replace the HDD.



HOM: TroubleshootingPower Supplies

3 If the part is defective,see Replacingexternal servercomponents.

Troubleshooting internal server componentsUse the checklist below to troubleshoot any of the following internal server components:

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Part number Description700501323 R610 SRVR DUAL PORT 1GB NIC

700501422 R610 SRVR DVD-RW DRIVE W/ BRKT

700501423 R610 SRVR FAN FRU

700501320 R610 SRVR 2GB MEMORY DIMM

700501320 R610 SRVR 4GB MEMORY DIMM

700501325 R610 SRVR RAID BATTERY

No. Task Reference Avayarecommendation

1 Visually check forhardware LED faultindicators:


TG: NIC IndicatorsIf the hardware LEDindicates a problem,consult the appropriatetroubleshootinginformation.


HOM: Optical Drive


HOM: Cooling Fans



HOM: System Memory


2 If the hardware LEDindicates a problem,consult theappropriatetroubleshootinginformation:


HOM: Troubleshooting aNIC

Check NIC indicatorLEDs.If problem persists, orderreplacement NIC.


HOM: Troubleshooting anOptical Drive

If problem persists, orderreplacement drive.


HOM: Troubleshooting aFan

If problem persists, orderreplacement fan.

Troubleshooting internal server components

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No. Task Reference Avayarecommendation



HOM: TroubleshootingSystem Memory

If problem persists, orderreplacement memory.


HOM: RAID Battery Keyboard, monitor, andmouse required foradvancedtroubleshooting.

3 If the part is defective,see Replacinginternal servercomponents.

Replacing external componentsUse the checklist below to replace any of the following external server components:

Part number Description Hot-swappable?700501316 R610 SRVR 146GB 10K SAS 2.5” HDD Y

700501317 R610 SRVR 146GB 15K SAS 2.5” HDD Y

700501315 R610 SRVR 300GB 10K SAS 2.5” HDD Y

700501421 R610 SRVR 600GB 10K SAS 2.5" HDD Y

700501183 R610 SRVR AC PWR SUP 502W ES Y, if redundant

700501311 R610 SRVR AC PWR SUP 717W Y, if redundant

Note:Hard disk drives and redundant power supplies are hot-swappable; you do not have to powerdown the server. Replacing a power supply usually does not require removing the serverfrom the rack unless cables or other obstructions prevent removing and replacing the powersupply.

No. Task Reference Avayarecommendation

1 Power down server (ifnecessary)

Determine whether thereplaceable componentis hot-swappable.

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No. Task Reference Avayarecommendation

2 Slide the server out ofthe rack (if necessary)

RI-SRCMAI: Moving the CMAAway from the CMA Tray

Ensure that the CableManagement Arm (ifpresent) moves freelyout of the way of rearpanel components.

3 Replace thecomponent:

• R610 SRVR 146GB10K SAS 2.5” HDD

• R610 SRVR 146GB15K SAS 2.5” HDD

• R610 SRVR 300GB10K SAS 2.5” HDD

• R610 SRVR 600GB10K SAS 2.5" HDD

HOM: Hard drives



HOM: Power supplies

Ensure that thereplacement powersupply matches thespecifications of thedefective power supply.

4 Slide the server into therack (if necessary)

RI-SR Ensure that the CableManagement Arm (ifpresent) moves freelyout of the way of rearpanel components.

5 Connect the powercable(s) to the powersupply (if necessary)

GS: Connecting thePower CablesGS: Securing the PowerCord

6 Power up the server (ifnecessary)

GS: Turning on theSystem

Replacing internal componentsUse the checklist below to replace any of these internal server components:

Part number Description700501323 R610 SRVR DUAL PORT 1GB NIC

Replacing internal components

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Part number Description700501422 R610 SRVR DVD-RW DRIVE W/ BRKT

700501423 R610 SRVR FAN FRU

700501320 R610 SRVR 2GB MEMORY DIMM

700501320 R610 SRVR 4GB MEMORY DIMM

700501325 R610 SRVR RAID BATTERY

Note:Although not used frequently, Avaya customers are required to have a monitor, keyboard,and mouse available for use by installation and/or servicing technicians.

No. Task Reference Avayarecommendation

1 Have the proper tools HOM: RecommendedTools

2 Observe safetywarnings

HOM: Safety First—ForYou and Your System

3 Power down server

4 Slide the server out ofthe rack


5 Remove the cover HOM: Opening andClosing the System Electrostatic

alert:Ensure that youare properlygrounded beforehandling internalcomponents.

6 Replace thecomponent:


HOM: Expansion Cards Mark any externalcables connected tothe NIC andreconnect to thesame ports after theNIC is replaced.


HOM: Optical Drive In the Removing anOptical Drive sectionperform steps 2–5only.In the Installing anOptical Drive section

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No. Task Reference Avayarecommendation

perform steps 2–6,8, and 10 only.


HOM: Cooling Fans Caution:

Do not attempt tohot-swap a fan.



HOM: System Memory

Consult server coverlabel for memoryplacement.Consult application/solutiondocumentation forspecific procedures.


HOM: RAID Battery Remove the batteryfrom the cable.Do not replace thebattery cable unlessit is defective.

Note:Monitor,keyboard, andmouse might benecessary forserver reboot.

7 Replace the cover HOM: Opening andClosing the System

8 Slide the server intothe rack

RI-SR Ensure that theCable ManagementArm (if present)moves freely out ofthe way of rear panelcomponents.

9 Connect and securethe power cords

GS: Connecting thePower CablesGS: Securing the PowerCord

10 Power up the server GS: Turning on theSystem

Replacing internal components

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LCD status message explanationsLCD status codes, the associated text, the likely cause(s) for the error code, and the correctiveaction are listed below. When escalation is the corrective action, contact Avaya if you have amaintenance contract with Avaya or contact the Avaya business partner from whom youpurchased the server. If the escalation requires replacing a field replaceable unit (FRU), see:

• Replacing external server components• Replacing internal server components

Code Text Causes Corrective actionN/A AVAYA AVAYA displays when:

• The system ispowered on.

• The power is off andactive POST errorsare displayed.

This message is for informationonly.

E1000 FAILSAFE, CallSupport

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E1114 Temp Ambient Ambient systemtemperature is out ofacceptable range.

Check room temperature andexternal air flow. If both arewithin acceptable limits, thenescalate for possible serverreplacement.

E1116 Temp Memory Memory has exceededacceptable temperatureand has been disabledto prevent damage to thecomponents.

Check room temperature andexternal air flow. If both arewithin acceptable limits, thenescalate for possible serverreplacement.

E12nn xx PwrGd Specified voltageregulator has failed.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E1210 CMOS Batt CMOS battery ismissing, or the voltage isout of acceptable range.

Shut down server for 1 hour anddisconnect the power supply. Ifproblem continues, escalate forpossible server replacement.

E1211 ROMB Batt RAID battery is eithermissing, bad, or unableto recharge due tothermal issues.

Check room temperature andexternal air flow. If both arewithin acceptable limits, thenescalate for possible serverreplacement.

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Code Text Causes Corrective actionE1216 3.3V Regulator

failure3.3V voltage regulatorhas failed.

See HOM: TroubleshootingExpansion Cards. Turn off thesystem and attachedperipherals. Power downsystem and unplug power cord.Open system and ensure thatexpansion card riser andexpansion card are firmlyseated. Close system, powerup. If trouble persists, replacecard.

E1229 CPU # VCORE Processor # VCOREvoltage regulator hasfailed.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E122A CPU # VTTRegulator failure

Specified processor VTTvoltage regulator hasfailed

Replace the server.

E122C CPU PowerFault

A power fault wasdetected when poweringup the processor(s).

Remove AC power to thesystem for 10 seconds andrestart the system.

E122D MemoryRegulator #Failed

One of the memoryregulators has failed.

Reseat the memory modules.

E122E On-boardregulator failed.

One of the on-boardvoltage regulators failed.

Remove AC power to thesystem for 10 seconds andrestart the system.

E1310 RPM Fan ## RPM of specified coolingfan is out of acceptableoperating range.

Check room temperature andexternal air flow. If both arewithin acceptable limits, thenescalate for possible serverreplacement.

E1311 RPM Fan Mod #x RPM of fan x in the #module is out ofacceptable operatingrange.

Check room temperature andexternal air flow. If both arewithin acceptable limits, thenescalate for possible serverreplacement.

E1313 FanRedundancy

The system is no longerfan-redundant. Anotherfan failure will put thesystem at risk of over-heating.

Check room temperature andexternal air flow. If both arewithin acceptable limits, thenescalate for possible serverreplacement.Check control panel LCD foradditional scrolling messages.

LCD status message explanations

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Code Text Causes Corrective actionE1410 CPU # IERR Specified

microprocessor isreporting an internalerror.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E1414 CPU # Thermtrip Specifiedmicroprocessor is out ofacceptable temperaturerange and has haltedoperation.

Check room temperature andexternal air flow. If both arewithin acceptable limits, thenescalate for possible serverreplacement.

Note:The LCD continues to displaythis message until thesystem’s power cord isdisconnected andreconnected to the AC powersource.

E1418 CPU # Presence Specified processor ismissing or bad, and thesystem is in anunsupportedconfiguration.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E141C CPU Mismatch Processors are in anunsupportedconfiguration.

Run server diagnostics. Thisrequires a keyboard andmonitor.

E141F CPU Protocol The system BIOS hasreported a processorprotocol error.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E1420 CPU Bus PERR The system BIOS hasreported a processorbus parity error.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E1422 CPU MachineChk

The system BIOS hasreported a machinecheck error.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E1610 PS # Missing No power is availablefrom the specified powersupply; specified powersupply is improperlyinstalled or faulty.

Escalate for possible powersupply replacement.

E1614 PS # Status No power is availablefrom the specified powersupply; specified powersupply is improperlyinstalled or faulty.

Escalate for possible powersupply replacement.

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Code Text Causes Corrective actionE1618 PS # Predictive Power supply voltage is

out of acceptable range;specified power supplyis improperly installed orfaulty.

Escalate for possible powersupply replacement.

E161C PS # Input Lost Power source forspecified power supplyis unavailable, or out ofacceptable range.

Check the AC power source forthe specified power supply.Escalate for possible powersupply replacement.

E1620 PS # InputRange

Power source forspecified power supplyis unavailable, or out ofacceptable range.

Escalate for possible powersupply replacement.

E1624 PS Redundancy The power supplysubsystem is no longerredundant. If the lastsupply fails, the systemwill go down.

Escalate for possible powersupply replacement.

E1626 Power SupplyMismatch

The power supplies inthe system are not thesame wattage.

Ensure that power supplies withmatching wattage are installed.

E1629 Power required >PSU wattage.

The systemconfiguration requiresmore power than thepower supplies canprovide, even withthrottling.

Turn off power to the system,reduce the hardwareconfiguration or install higher-wattage power supplies, andthen restart the system.

E1710 I/O Channel Chk The system BIOS hasreported an I/O channelcheck.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E1711 PCI PERR B##D## F##

reported a PCI parityerror on a componentthat resides in PCIconfiguration space atbus ##, device ##,function ##.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

PCI PERR Slot # The system BIOS hasreported a PCI parityerror on a componentthat resides in thespecified PCI slot.

E1712 PCI SERR B##D## F##

The system BIOS hasreported a PCI systemerror on a component

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

LCD status message explanations

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Code Text Causes Corrective actionthat resides in PCIconfiguration space atbus ##, device ##,function ##.

PCI SERR Slot # The system BIOS hasreported a PCI systemerror on a componentthat resides in thespecified slot.

E1714 Unknown Err The system BIOS hasdetermined that therehas been an error in thesystem, but is unable todetermine its origin.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E1715 Fatal I/O error. The system BIOS hasdetermined there hasbeen an error in thesystem.

Call Avaya Services.

E1716 Chipset IERRBus ## Dev ##Function ##.

The system BIOS hasreported a chipsetinternal error thatresides in bus ##, device##, function ##.

Call Avaya Services.

E1717 CPU ## internalerror.

The system BIOS hasdetermined that thespecified processor hashad an internal error.

Call Avaya Services.

E171F PCIE Fatal ErrB## D## F##

The system BIOS hasreported a PCIe fatalerror on a componentthat resides in PCIconfiguration space atbus ##, device ##,function ##.

Reseat all PCIe cards, thenreboot the system. If theproblem persists, escalate forpossible server replacement.

PCIE Fatal ErrSlot #

The system BIOS hasreported a PCIe fatalerror on a componentthat resides in thespecified slot.

E1810 HDD ## Fault The SAS subsystem hasdetermined that harddrive ## hasexperienced a fault.

Remove the front bezel andcheck the top LED on the harddrives. If LED is off or flashinggreen, then amber, then off orflashing amber 4 times persecond, the hard drive is

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Code Text Causes Corrective actionE1811 HDD ## Rbld

Abrtprobably failing. Escalate forpossible hard drivereplacement.

The specified hard drivehas experienced arebuild abort.

E1812 HDD ##Removed

The specified hard drivehas been removed fromthe system.

Information only.

E1A11 PCI Riserhardware &configurationmismatch

PCIe risers are notconfigured correctly.Some invalidconfigurations preventthe system frompowering on.

Reinstall the expansion-cardriser. Reseat the NIC. If problempersists, replace the server.

E1A12 PCI Riser notdetected

One or all of the PCIerisers is missing. Theprevents the systemfrom powering on.

Reinstall the missing risercard(s).

E1A14 SAS Cable A SAS cable A is missingor bad.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E1A15 SAS Cable B SAS cable B is missingor bad.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E1A1D Control panelUSB cable notdetected.

USB cable to the controlpanel is missing or bad.

Reseat the cable. If the problempersists, escalate for possibleserver replacement.

E2010 No Memory No memory is installedin the system.

Escalate for possible memory orserver replacement.

E2011 Mem Config Err Memory detected, but isnot configurable. Errordetected during memoryconfiguration.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E2012 UnusableMemory

Memory is configured,but not usable. Memorysubsystem failure.

Escalate for possible memory orserver replacement.

E2013 Shadow BIOSFail

The system BIOS failedto copy its flash imageinto memory.

Escalate for possible memory orserver replacement.

E2014 CMOS Fail CMOS failure. CMOSRAM not functioningproperly.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E2015 DMA Controller DMA controller failure. Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E2016 Int Controller Interrupt controllerfailure.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

LCD status message explanations

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Code Text Causes Corrective actionE2017 Timer Fail Timer refresh failure. Escalate for possible server


E2018 Prog Timer Programmable intervaltimer error.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E2019 Parity Error Parity error. Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E201A SIO Err SIO failure. Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E201B Kybd Controller Keyboard controllerfailure.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E201C SMI Init System managementinterrupt (SMI)initialization failure.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E201D Shutdown Test BIOS shutdown testfailure.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E201E POST Mem Test BIOS POST memorytest failure.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

E2020 CPU Config CPU configurationfailure.

Check for specific errormessages.

E2021 MemoryPopulation

Incorrect memoryconfiguration. Memorypopulation orderincorrect.

Check for specific errormessages.Escalate for possible memory orserver replacement.

E2022 POST Fail General failure aftervideo.

Check for specific errormessages.

E2110 MBE Crd #DIMM ## & ##

One of the DIMMs in theset implicated by "## &##" has had a memorymulti-bit error (MBE). Ifno memory card ispresent, the "Crd #"string is left out of themessage.

Escalate for possible memory orserver replacement.

E2111 SBE Log DisableCrd # DIMM ##

The system BIOS hasdisabled memory single-bit error (SBE) logging,and will not resumelogging further SBEsuntil the system isrebooted. "##"represents the DIMMimplicated by the BIOS.

Escalate for possible serverreplacement.

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Code Text Causes Corrective actionIf no memory riser cardis present, the "Crd #"string is left out of themessage.

E2113 Mem Mirror Crd# DIMM ## & ##

The system BIOS hasdisabled memorymirroring because it hasdetermined that one halfof the mirror has had toomany errors. "## & ##"represents the DIMMpair implicated by theBIOS. If no memory cardis present, the "Crd #"string is left out of themessage.

Escalate for possible memory orserver replacement.

I1910 Intrusion System cover removed. Information only.

I1911 >3 ERRs ChkLog

LCD overflow message.A maximum of threeerror messages candisplay sequentially onthe LCD. The fourthmessage displays as thestandard overflowmessage.

Information only.

I1912 SEL Full System Event Log is fullof events, and is unableto log any more events.

Clear the log by deleting evententries.

W1228 ROMB Batt <24hr

Warns predictively thatthe RAID battery hasless than 24 hours ofcharge left.

Information only.

W1627 Power required >PSU wattage.

The systemconfiguration requiresmore power than whatthe power supply canprovide.

Turn off power to the system,reduce the hardwareconfiguration or install higher-wattage power supplies, andthen restart the system.

W1628 Performancedegraded.

The systemconfiguration requiresmore power than whatthe power supply canprovide, but it can boot ifthrottled.

Turn off power to the system,reduce the hardwareconfiguration or install higher-wattage power supplies, andthen restart the system.

LCD status message explanations

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Contacting Avaya ServicesAvaya provides a telephone number to report problems or to ask questions about your product:

• The support telephone number is 1–800–242–2121 in the United States.

• For additional support telephone numbers, see the Avaya Website: http://www.avaya.com/support.

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Avaya Servicescontacting .............................................................28


documentationdocument set .........................................................9downloading ...........................................................8how to use this document ......................................7


field-replaceable unitsexternal ................................................................16internal .................................................................17


introduction ...................................................................7


LCD status messages ................................................20


troubleshootingexternal components ............................................13general ...................................................................9internal components .............................................14using front panel indicators ..................................10using rear panel indicators ...................................12

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