Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings

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  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    Unit III

    Maintenance and Repair Strategies

    Maintenance and

    Rehabilitation of Structures10 PSE E04

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    Maintenance and Repair Strategies

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    Maintenance and Repair Strategies

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings



    • Maintenance – to keep a structure ell so that it doesn!t get


    • Repair – to restore a da"aged structure

    • Retrotting – to strengthen a structure

    • Rehabilitation – to return a structure to a useful state b# repair$

    alteration$ and "odication

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    E%a"ple for Rehabilitation

    • Situation& – ' bea" has spalling of concrete

    • 'nal#sis&

     – (he cause of the proble" is anal#sed

    • Proble"& – Spalling of concrete due to corrosion of steel


    • Solution& – *orrosion protection is "ade and then patch is


  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    E%a"ple for Retrotting

    • Situation& – ' bea" has cracks at the base

    • 'nal#sis&

     – (he cause of the proble" is anal#sed• Proble"&

     – De,ection has occurred due to insu-cient crosssection of the bea")


    *racks ha+e appeared due to large de,ection• Solution&

     – Increase the cross.section of the bea" b# /acketing

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    Maintenance and Repair Strategies

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    acets of Maintenance

    1) Planned MaintenanceE%ecuted to keep the structure in useful

    condition$ as scheduled at the ti"e of design ofa structure

    E%a"ple& hite ashing$ cleaning$ inspection

    2) Pre+enti+e MaintenanceE%ecuted to pre+ent failure hich "a# recur

    ithin the life of a structureRecurring planned "aintenance

    E%a"ple& cleaning$ hite ashing$ a+oidingater stagnation

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    acets of Maintenance

    3) Predicti+e MaintenanceE%ecuted hen "inor da"ages are noticed so

    as to pre+ent their progression)

    E%a"ple& routing of "inor cracks4) *orrecti+e Maintenance

     –.E%ecuted hen a structure is da"aged to bringit to an acceptable standard

     –.Repair orks –.E%a"ple& treat"ent for rising da"p

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    Maintenance and Repair Strategies

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    I"portance of Maintenance

    •  (hree co"ponents of a structure&

     – *i+il engineering co"ponents

     – Mechanical co"ponents

     – Electrical co"ponents

    • 'll the co"ponents undergo ageing) (he# need "aintenance)

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    I"portance of Maintenance

    • Maintenance keeps up a building!sappearance and e%tends its life

    • Maintenance ensures properfunctioning and e-cienc# ofe5uip"ents ithin the structure

    • Maintenance ensures the usabilit# ofa structure under hu"an acceptableconditions

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    I"portance of Maintenance

    • Maintenance ensures that historicplaces ill be in a t state to behanded o+er to future generations

    • Maintenance ill reduce need forrepair$ hich ill in turn reduceaste and energ#

    • Maintenance is cheaper than repairor rehabilitation

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    Maintenance costs at +arious ages

    of a structure

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    E%a"ple for i"portance of


    • Regular inspection enables

     – (i"el# identication of deterioratedbuilding ele"ents due to eathering like

    loose "osaic tiles$ plaster of e%ternalalls and spalled concrete

     – '+oid threatening to public safet#


    '+oid the need of large repair orks

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    Maintenance and Repair Strategies

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    Pre+enti+e "easures on +ariousaspects

    • In residential structures6usuall# R*structures7

     – '+oid8"ini"ise design and construction

    errors – Pro+iding appropriate drainage facilities

     – Periodic cleaning

     – 9isual inspection – Periodic technical inspection

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    Pre+enti+e "easures on +ariousaspects

    • In industrial structures6steelstructures7

     – *athodic protection

     – protecti+e coatings

     – Periodic inspection

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    Pre+enti+e "easures on +ariousaspects

    • In h#draulic structures

     – *ontrolling a5uatic eeds

     – Monitoring the ater 5ualit#

     – *ontrol of silt for"ation

     – Sur+e#ing the solid deposition

     – '+oid cracking of the lining and e+entual

    eruption of concrete slabs throughproper design and construction

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    Pre+enti+e "easures on +ariousaspects

    • In roads

     – Re"o+al of loose "aterial on thesurface

     – Relling of s"all holes ith the base andsub.base "aterial

     – ood drainage b# "aintaining theshoulder drains

     – Prohibition of tra-c on shoulders

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    Pre+enti+e "easures on +ariousaspects

    • Seis"ic Strengthening 6hen seis"ic:one is upgraded7

     – Modication of roofs and ,oors

     – Inserting ne alls

     – Strengthening e%isting alls

     – Strengthening reinforced concrete

    "e"bers – Strengthening of foundations

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    Maintenance and Repair Strategies

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    *auses of deterioration6R* structures7

    • ;ased on the properties of thestructure

     – Per"eabilit#

     – 9oids

     – Micro cracks

     – Macro cracks

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    *auses of deterioration6R* structures7

    • ;ased on the en+iron"ental conditions

     – Penetration of ater

     – Penetration of aggressi+e che"icals

     – *arbonation – *hloride ingress

     – Sulphate attack


    'lkali . silica reaction – ree:e . tha e

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    Maintenance and Repair Strategies

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    'ssess"ent procedure fore+aluating a da"aged structure

    • *ondition sur+e# 6*P=D7

     – E%a"ination of a structure of concrete for the purpose ofidentif#ing and dening area of distress

     – Undertaken so as to pro+ide fruitful outco"e at opti"u"

    eistor# of a pro/ect fro" its inception to co"pletion and

    subse5uent life is recorded

    • Periodic structural inspections are carried out basedon the folloing fre5uenc#&

     – e+er# 10 #ears for buildings here at least ?0@ of its,oor area is used solel# for residential purposes

     – e+er# A #ears for all other buildings

     – 's per Singapore ;*'

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    Bb/ecti+es of *ondition Sur+e#

    •  (o identif#

     – *auses of distress

     – Sources of distress

    •  (o assess – (he e%tent of distress

     – (he residual strength

     – Its rehabitabilit#

    •  (o prioritise the distressed ele"entsaccording to seriousness for repairs

    •  (o select and plan e

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    Stages of *ondition Sur+e#

    • Preli"inar# Inspection

    • Planning

    • 9isual Inspection

    • ield and laborator# testing

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    Maintenance and Repair Strategies

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    Preli"inar# Inspection

    •  (o assess and collect – ;ackground histor# of the distressed


     – Cotes and records of earlier repairs$ if an# – 'll other possible infor"ation

     – Practical restrictions


    Safet# re5uire"ents for assess"ent – 'ppro%i"ate ti"e re5uired for


  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings



    • Preparation of eld docu"ents – Draings

     – loor plans

     – =orksheets for recording data

    • rouping of structural "e"bers – ;ased on position

     – ;ased on e%posure

     – ;ased on protecti+e nishes pro+ided

    • *lassication of da"age – *os"etic repair

     – Supercial repair

     – Patch repair

     – Principal repair

     – Ma/or repair

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    9isual Inspection

    • ualitati+e "ethod of e+aluation ofstructural soundness

    • uick scan of the structure to assess its

    general state of health• Record of +isual inspection is essential for

    preparation of bill of "aterials for repairite"s

    • *a"era$ binoculars$ "agnif#ing glass$gauge for crack idth "easure"ent areused

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    i"itations of 9isual Inspection

    • Di-culties in the conduct of a +isual inspection – So"e of the "ain structural ele"ents in a building

    "a# ha+e been co+ered up b# architectural nishes

    • Professional /udge"ent to deter"ine hichareas should be e%posed for inspection

    • Reference is "ade to structural la#out plans todeter"ine the critical structural ele"ents

    =ithout proper /udge"ent$ the inspectionould not be e

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    Maintenance and Repair Strategies

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


     (esting (echni5uesProperty under



    Insitu concrete strength Rebound >a""er (est

    Ultrasonic Pulse 9elocit#

    =indsor Probe

    BF8*'PB test

    *ore cutting and testing

    oad test

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    =indsor Probe

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    =indsor Probe

    • Penetration resistance e5uip"ent

    • unpoder actuated dri+er$ hardened allo#probe$ loaded cartridges$ depth gauge and

    accessories• Dri+er res the probe into the concrete

    • E%posed length of probe is "easured b#depth gauge

    • Da"age "a# be caused in slender "e"bers

    • Cot a

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    =indsor Probe

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    =indsor Probe

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    =indsor Probe

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    BF test

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    *'PB test

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    BF8*'PB test

    • E5uip"ent is designed to specied geo"etr#to pro+ide results that closel# correlate toco"pressi+e strength of concrete

     (his correlation is achie+ed b# "easuring theforce re5uired to pull a steel disc or ring$e"bedded in fresh concrete$ against a circularcounter pressure placed on the concretesurface concentric ith the disc or ring)

    • or hardened concrete$ an e%pandable steelring is used

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    BF8*'PB test

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    *ore cutting and testing

    • *#lindrical cores are cut b# rotar#cutting tool ith dia"ond bits

    • 'ppearance of the core is recorded

    • *ore is soaked in ater$ capped ith"olten sulphur to "ake its endsplane

    • *ore is then tested in "oist condition

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    *ore cutting and testing

    •  (ests conducted on the core

     – Strength

     – Densit#

     – Depth of carbonation

     – *he"ical anal#sis

     – =ater8gas per"eabilit#

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    *ore cutting and testing

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    *ore cutting and testing

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


     (esting (echni5uesProperty under



    *he"ical 'ttack *arbonation test

    *hloride test

    Sulphate test

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    *arbonation test

    • 'i"& – (o deter"ine depth of concrete a indicator of concrete

    • Inference&

     – *hange in colour of concrete to pink indicates that the concrete is ingood health

     – Co colour change indicates that concrete is a

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    *hloride test

    • Rapid chloride test kit G 4

     – Recent co""ercial testing instru"ent

     – Sa"ples are collected fro" +arious

    depths6e+er# A""7 b# drilling – Podered sa"ples6about 1)Ag7 are "i%ed

    ith special chloride e%traction li5uid

     – Electrical potential of the li5uid is "easured

    b# chloride.ion sensiti+e electrode) – ro" calibration graph$ chloride content is


  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    *orrosion prone ocations based on*he"ical 'nal#sis

    6Source& I*H$ Hune 1??7

    Test Results Interpolations

    p> +alue *hloride content

    J 11)A 9er# lo Co corrosion

    J 11)A J 0)1A@ b#eight of


    *orrosion prone

    K 11)A J 0)1A@ b#eight ofce"ent

    Increased risk ofcorrosion

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     (esting (echni5uesProperty under



    *orrosion Potential'ssess"ent

    *o+er."eter8 Profo"eter"easure"ent

    >alf cell Potentio"eter

    Resisti+it# Meter

    Per"eabilit# 6 =ater and'ir7

    * t

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    *o+er "eter sur+e#6*o+er"aster L Profo"eter7

    • 'i"&

     – (o deter"ine e%isting co+er thickness

     – (o identif# the location and dia"eter of


    • Principle& – Con destructi+e pulse.induction

     – Digital "ethod

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings



    I t t ti f * (hi k

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    Interpretation of *o+er (hickness


    Test Results Interpolations


    *o+er concrete5ualit#

    Re5uired ood Relati+el# no

    corrosion prone

    Re5uired ;ad *orrosion prone

    9er# less ood *orrosion prone

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    >alf cell Potentio"eter

    * i Ri k b > lf ll

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    *orrosion Risk b# >alf cell


    Half cell potentiometerreading (mV)

    Probability ofcorrosion

    being active*u G *uSB4Electrode

    Sil+er G Sil+erchloride

    electrodeK .3A0 K . 00 J ?A@

    .200 to .3A0 .A00 to .00 A0@

    J .200 J .A00 K A@

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    Resisti+it# Measure"ent

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    Resisti+it# Measure"ent

    • 'i"&

     – (o deter"ine the resistance of concrete

    • Procedure& – Fnon current applied beteen to

    outer probes 100 "" apart

     – 9oltage drop beteen to inner probes

    A0 "" apart is "easured andresistance +alue R in oh".c" isdeter"ined

    *orrosion Risk fro"

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    *orrosion Risk fro"Resisti+it#

    Resistivity (ohm-cm) Corrosion ProbabilityJ 20000 Cegligible

    10000 to 20000 o

    A000 to 10000 >igh

    K A000 9er# high

    *orrosion probabilit# based on

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    *orrosion probabilit# based onResisti+it# and Potential diigh intensit# corrosion Gfull# anodic

    o 6highconducti+it#7



    >igh rate of corrosion

    Modied igg Per"eabilit# test

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    Modied igg Per"eabilit# test6Porosiscope.Plus7

    Modied igg Per"eabilit#

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    Modied igg Per"eabilit#test

    • 'i"& – (o deter"ine the air or ater per"eabilit# of the surface la#er

    of the concrete)

    • Procedure&

     – In both the air and ater per"eabilit# test$ a hole of 10 ""dia"eter is drilled 40 "" deep nor"al to the concrete surface

     – ' plug is inserted into this hole to for" an airtight ca+it# in theconcrete

     – In the air per"eabilit# test$ the pressure in the ca+it# isreduced to GAA kPa using a hand operated +acuu" pu"p and

    the pu"p is isolated – (he ti"e for the air to per"eate through the concrete to

    increase the ca+it# pressure to GA0 kPa is noted and taken asthe "easure of the air per"eabilit# of the concrete

    Modied igg Per"eabilit#

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    Modied igg Per"eabilit#test

     – =ater per"eabilit# is "easured at a head of 100""

     – ' to.a# connector is used to connect this to as#ringe and to a hori:ontal capillar# tube set 100

    "" abo+e the base of the ca+it# – =ater is in/ected through the s#ringe to replace all

    the air and after one "inute the s#ringe isolatedith a ater "eniscus in a suitable position


     (he ti"e for the "eniscus to "o+e A0 "" istaken as a "easure of the ater per"eabilit# ofthe concrete

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     (esting (echni5uesProperty under



    ire Da"age 'ssess"ent Di

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  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings



  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings



  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    N.ra# Di

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


     (esting (echni5uesProperty under




    Ultrasonic pulse +elocit#

    I"pact Echo (est


  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings



    • 'i"& – (o deter"ine the location and si:e of reinforce"ent

     – (o check for the e%istence of +oids

     – (o deter"ine the areas of poor co"paction


     (o check for +oids in grouting in prestressing ducts• Procedure&

     – Photograph is taken$ shoing details of the inside of aconcrete "e"ber

     – a""a ra#s used for ele"ents upto A00 "" thickness and

    high energ# N.ra#s used for ele"ents "ore than A00 ""thickness

     – Safet# precautions ha+e to taken against usage of ga""ara#s and N.ra#s

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings



    • In "a/orit# of cases$ the causes of proble"s are bedue to

     – oer co+er thickness

     – Per"eable co+er concrete

     – >igh chloride le+els – 'lternate etting and dr#ing

    • 'll possible factors be noted during anin+estigation$ so that unusual features of theen+iron"ent or the concrete can be identied andthe necessar# solution is sought

    •  (he re"edial solutions "a# range fro" "ini"alpatch repair to drastic replace"ent

  • 8/18/2019 Maintenance and Repair Strategies of buildings


    • Reference & – >andbook on Repair and Rehabilitation

    of R** buildings$ *P=D