Major Evelio Rodriquez M-DSPD

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  • 7/28/2019 Major Evelio Rodriquez M-DSPD


  • 7/28/2019 Major Evelio Rodriquez M-DSPD


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    1 time. I understand that giving false

    2 information in this statement is a violation of

    3 Florida Statutes 837.05, false reports to law

    4enforcement authorities, punishable as a

    5 misdemeanor of the first degree, and 837.06,

    6 making false official statements punishable as

    7 a misdemeanor of the second degree.

    8 MR. LOPEZ: You have signed the affidavit.

    9 I have signed as a witness. I am going to ask

    10 you a few questions. Are you appearing here

    11 today without any promises and without any

    12 threats or duress to provide information in an

    13 investigation being conducted by the Miami-Dade

    14 Schools Police Department?


    THE WITNESS: Yes.16 MR. LOPEZ: Are you aware that your

    17 conversation with me is being recorded?

    18 THE WITNESS: Yes.

    19 MR. LOPEZ: Are you aware that your

    20 conversation with me -- I'm sorry. Are you

    21 aware that anything you say may or may not be

    22 used at a departmental hearing or in a court of

    23 law?

    24 THE WITNESS: Yes.


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    1 Q (By Mr. Lopez) Major Rodriguez, did you

    2 ever witness anyone in your staff discuss the T.M.

    3 case?

    4A No.

    5 Q Did you ever witness anyone discuss the

    6 case in terms of news or media or maybe the -- a

    7 form of gossip or just hearsay?

    8 A Yes, in fact I have discussed the case

    9 myself, just as a newsworthy eye.

    10 Q Who did you discuss the case with?

    11 A I don't remember exactly. I believe it

    12 was staff from the administrative division because

    13 there was a group of people. It was just casual

    14 conversation, I don't remember who was there.


    Q Did any of that conversation involve the16 police report?

    17 A No.

    18 Q Did you ever physically see the police

    19 report involving T.M. case or any -- on any of the

    20 two cases about the one in October, 2011 and the one

    21 in February, 2012?

    22 A No.

    23 Q Did you ever see the police report or any

    24 of those two police reports involving T.M. on a

    25 computer screen?

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    1 A I don't remember seeing it on a computer

    2 screen.

    3 Q Did you ever instruct anyone to

    4investigate a case involving T.M.?

    5 A No.

    6 Q Did you discuss the T.M. case with anyone

    7 outside the department, including other law

    8 enforcement agencies, personnel, or media

    9 representatives?

    10 A No.

    11 Q Did you ever speak with any representative

    12 from Miami-Dade Police Department in reference to

    13 the T.M. case?

    14 A No.


    Q Florida Department of Law Enforcement?16 A No.

    17 Q Sanford Police Department?

    18 A No.

    19 Q Any local media?

    20 A No.

    21 Q Did you ever authorize anyone to follow up

    22 on any case involving T.M.?

    23 A No.

    24 Q Are you aware of any of your detectives

    25 following up or looking into the T.M. case in any

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    1 form or capacity?

    2 A No.

    3 Q Were you aware that your staff had printed

    4and viewed the police report involving T.M.?

    5 A I'm aware now that the case was assigned

    6 to one of our detectives. Therefor, it would have

    7 been logical to view it and print it.

    8 Q Can you elaborate on the assigning of a

    9 case? How does that happen and how did the T.M.

    10 case become assigned to one of your detectives?

    11 A I'm not sure exactly how this particular

    12 case was assigned as I am not involved in that

    13 process at all. My understanding is this is the

    14 case where the uniformed officer in the field is


    reviewed by the -- by the sergeant. It is reviewed16 by the lieutenant. The operation lieutenant then

    17 transmits the report to this unit -- to the general

    18 investigations unit and the commander here,

    19 Commander Fox, will then in turn assign it to the

    20 appropriate sergeant who then assigns it to a

    21 detective.

    22 Q How did you become aware that the case was

    23 assigned? You're not directly involved in that

    24 process but obviously you were informed that the

    25 case was assigned. How did you become aware of

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    1 that?

    2 A Well obviously, as the case began to get

    3 more and more media attention it began to -- to be

    4in everybody's mind, you know, and eventually while

    5 -- I think that the -- the -- not too long ago,

    6 detectives under my supervision received notices

    7 that they would be investigated by internal affairs

    8 and therefor I, you know, became more aware of the

    9 process.

    10 Q Who -- who was assigned the case to

    11 investigate and by who?

    12 A It is my understanding that this case

    13 appeared to detectives -- on Detective Hadley's

    14 dashboard, among many other cases for him to -- to


    investigate and it would have been assigned by his16 sergeant, Sergeant Tagle, William Tagle.

    17 Q How did you find out about this?

    18 A Just -- just asking just you know, general

    19 questions, general comments to you know, just things

    20 that occurred about the fact that for example,

    21 another sergeant, Detective Hadley, did a

    22 supplemental investigation on the case.

    23 Q On which case?

    24 A On a case originating out of Krop Senior

    25 having the do with T.M.

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    1 Q When was the date?

    2 A I don't know that. I don't know that

    3 information. I can tell you what I heard, okay, and

    4that Detective Hadley asked Sergeant Hodges if she

    5 could approve. I took a whole bunch of reports that

    6 he had and I believe that that was one of the ones

    7 that he included. So, she approved a whole bunch of

    8 reports for Detective Hadley.

    9 Q Okay, how did you become aware of the

    10 statement you just made to me?

    11 A It's just a general conversation. A

    12 general conversation, you know, that --

    13 Q With who?

    14 A Office conversation. With Sergeant


    Hodges.16 Q So Sergeant Hodges informed you --

    17 A No, no. She doesn't inform me. Just

    18 conversation you know, that you overhear when you

    19 walk by, that maybe she's talking to somebody else.

    20 Q So you overheard a conversation --

    21 A Yes. I don't supervise that process at

    22 all. It has nothing to do with me in that sense.

    23 I'm not involved in the assignment of case but it's

    24 a small -- it's a physically small area so if I'm up

    25 there, you know, and I see, you know, and hear

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    1 comments and I see the work taking place, you know,

    2 real time.

    3 Q When you heard about -- when you heard

    4Lourdes Hodges mention the signing of this case did

    5 you talk to her in further detail about it?

    6 A No.

    7 Q Did you ever witness any media

    8 representatives physically here at GIU?

    9 A I did not.

    10 Q Did you ever hear with either office talk

    11 or speaking with one of your detectives that a media

    12 representative was here at GIU?

    13 A I did.

    14 Q When was that?


    A I don't remember. It would have been16 maybe a week or so ago, at least.

    17 Q So within maybe seven to 10 days, more or

    18 less?

    19 A Yes.

    20 Q Who did you speak to?

    21 A I came back from a meeting and I was told

    22 that a local member of the media, a street reporter,

    23 had been here.

    24 Q Who informed you?

    25 A My commander.

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    1 Q Commander Fox?

    2 A Commander Fox.

    3 Q And who was the media reporter?

    4A I believe the name was Rosh Lowe from

    5 Channel 7.

    6 Q And when you were notified that the

    7 reporter was here did you inquire as to his purpose

    8 for being here?

    9 A It was a general conversation. From the

    10 best of my recollection he wanted to view some

    11 evidence.

    12 Q Okay.

    13 A And I'm told that he, of course, was

    14 denied.


    Q What else did you hear about where he16 physically was within your -- within the station

    17 here?

    18 A I don't -- I didn't hear any -- I don't

    19 know how far, you know -- he's been here before

    20 multiple times on other cases so I -- so I don't

    21 know how far he got.

    22 Q Do you ever speak to him -- to that

    23 reporter on a regular basis?

    24 A I've never spoken to that reporter.

    25 Q Ever?

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    1 A Ever.

    2 Q Are you aware of a relationship -- working

    3 relationship -- with -- between that reporter and

    4any one of your detectives?

    5 A No I am not.

    6 Q Or staff?

    7 A No.

    8 Q Do you know if any of your detectives

    9 speak with that reporter at all?

    10 A I have no idea if -- if they do it would

    11 not be in my presence.

    12 Q Do you know if that reporter just showed

    13 up here or was invited over here?

    14 A I don't know what the reason for the


    reporter coming was.16 Q Are you aware that SOP pertaining to

    17 records were -- states that police reports will only

    18 be released via the records unit to anyone,

    19 including law enforcement agencies?

    20 A I'm not sure what SOP's have been approved

    21 and which ones haven't been approved, so I don't

    22 know if this particular one has been signed off.

    23 Q This one was signed in 2010 by Chief

    24 Hurley. Are you --

    25 A I'm aware. I'm very aware of the SOP's.

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    1 Q Are you aware of your detectives sharing

    2 police reports with other law enforcement agencies?

    3 A No, I'm not.

    4Q Have you ever witnessed --

    5 A Now let me clarify my last question. We

    6 have in the past, if you're asking a general

    7 question, yes. We have shared police reports with

    8 law enforcement agencies in the past.

    9 Q In what fashion? Would it be e-mail, just

    10 physical --

    11 A Fax, e-mail. We have received and we have

    12 sent police reports. We've given Miami-Dade and a

    13 number of agencies locally. That has been standard

    14 practice.


    Q Okay, when was the last time that occurred16 to your -- the best of your knowledge?

    17 A To the best of my recollection it was an

    18 arrest warrant that was provided to us by the

    19 Miami-Dade Police Department sexual battery unit.

    20 They arrested one of our employees and they sent us

    21 a copy of the arrest form.

    22 Q But as far as you sending or disseminating

    23 --

    24 A I'm not aware -- I couldn't tell you the

    25 last time.

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    1 Q Could it have been this year?

    2 A Again, at my level I would not know if --

    3 if a detective is -- sends a copy of a report out.

    4I would not know that.

    5 Q But you -- but it's -- you would say that

    6 it's -- it's common practice for --

    7 A It would not alarm me. It would not alarm

    8 me. If I knew that the sharing of information is

    9 something that would not otherwise had caught my

    10 attention because this is done all the time.

    11 Q Including the sharing of police reports?

    12 A Including the sharing of police reports.

    13 Q Are you aware or have you witnessed any of

    14 your investigators taking pictures of property and


    evidence pertaining to the T.M. case?16 A I have not witnessed it.

    17 Q Have you heard in speaking to anybody in

    18 your staff about one of your investigators taking

    19 pictures of the property pertaining to the T.M.

    20 case?

    21 A I did. I heard, I don't remember exactly

    22 from whom, but I heard from one of my staff members

    23 that a Miami-Dade detective wanted to take

    24 possession of some evidence and one of the

    25 detectives here said no and rather took a picture of

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    1 the, you know, the -- obviously I had no idea that

    2 things were going to evolve in the manner that they

    3 have so I -- I wasn't really paying attention, you

    4know, at the time when I heard it. Seemed to me

    5 like a reasonable compromise. We were not going to

    6 relinquish the property but at the same tim,e, you

    7 know, they were working a case and it seemed to me

    8 like something reasonable. Good compromise, here's

    9 a picture.

    10 Q So to the best of your knowledge that

    11 picture was sent to Metro-Dade Police. Did you hear

    12 anything about it being sent to any media outlet?

    13 A I did not.

    14 Q Is that a common practice?


    A What is a common practice?16 Q To take pictures of evidence and sharing

    17 of evidence in that fashion?

    18 A This is not a common case. This is not a

    19 common case. This is very uncommon and his -- you

    20 know, it's apparent to me that Miami-Dade Police

    21 also gave it more attention, you know, recently, in

    22 later of the events that happened. So no, it's not

    23 common at all, you know, but certainly pictures is a

    24 way that we capture property. You know, we take

    25 pictures and we release it back with the owner or

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    1 the schools, you know, whenever it's appropriate.

    2 Q Do you assign cases for investigation at

    3 any time?

    4A Never.

    5 Q To the best of your knowledge who was --

    6 and some of the questions might be repetitive --

    7 A It's fine.

    8 Q -- so just bear with me. Are you aware,

    9 to the best of your knowledge, the T.M. case being

    10 assigned to any other investigator besides Detective

    11 Hadley like you mentioned?

    12 A No.

    13 Q How many detectives according to -- to the

    14 best of your knowledge from the general


    investigations unit, quote "followed up" on the case16 or worked on the case or looked into reports or what

    17 not?

    18 A Well it's my understanding that it was

    19 assigned to Detective Hadley.

    20 Q You mentioned -- you previously mentioned

    21 that to the best of your knowledge it was assigned

    22 by Detective Hadley, by Commander Fox, correct?

    23 A Well it would have been --

    24 Q I'm sorry, I'm sorry, by Sergeant Tagle.

    25 A Correct.

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    1 Q Via Commander Fox?

    2 A Via Commander Fox.

    3 Q Commander Fox receives reports for further

    4investigation --

    5 A The reports are referred to GIU.

    6 Q Okay that -- can you explain that process?

    7 A Well I can explain it, you know, again,

    8 I'm not really an expert in the RMS system. I know

    9 that reports are generated in the field for the most

    10 part and there's an approval process that eventually

    11 finds -- the reports find their way here to this

    12 unit.

    13 Q Okay.

    14 A Okay, and then from there there's the


    assignment and then the review process.16 Q Okay and as far as detectives working this

    17 case, who from your staff do you know where involved

    18 with this case at all?

    19 A Well --

    20 Q Besides Detective Hadley?

    21 A I would think --

    22 Q And Detective Uchoo?

    23 A Well as far as detectives, no other

    24 detective that I'm aware of.

    25 Q Supervisors?

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    1 A Supervisor it would have been Commander

    2 Fox who assigned it to Sergeant Tagle, and then it

    3 is my understanding that Sergeant Hodges approved --

    4approved Detective Hadley's sup.

    5 Q Is it ever common for a detective to

    6 voluntarily follow up or investigate cases or work

    7 cases or dedicating time to cases that are not

    8 assigned to them by a supervisor and/or referred to

    9 GIU by road unit via the RMS or MCT system?

    10 A I would say it's not common but it's

    11 possible depending on the circumstances.

    12 Q Can you elaborate on a case or give me a

    13 scenario where that would be or that would occur?

    14 A Sure. You could have a case where


    seemingly the responding officer or say an officer16 of a school had a certain amount of information and

    17 then the follow up investigation and then generate

    18 it. You know, some previously known information

    19 that then resulted in a more in-depth case. You

    20 know, there are all kinds of possibilities. Very

    21 fluid process and all kinds of possibilities.

    22 Sometimes we get a phone call, you know, for example

    23 I'll give you one example, yesterday we got a phone

    24 call on a sexual battery. One of the detectives was

    25 called out, responded to the home, we learned that

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    1 there had not been an initial report written so the

    2 detective wrote the initial report. It's a very

    3 fluid process.

    4Q What is the time frame when an incident

    5 occurs and a report is written? What is the general

    6 time frame that an -- one of your investigators will

    7 look into a case? What's a time -- what's the gap?

    8 A It's hard to say because there's a process

    9 within the operations division. A report may go

    10 back and forth for review purposes and we've had

    11 technical difficulties where cases have sat for

    12 quite a while. We call it here the crew term that

    13 we use is average base. For lack of a better term

    14 they actually sit for technical glitches and so


    forth. So it's hard to say, you know, to give you a16 specific time frame. On a normal situation without

    17 a glitch and with a report that doesn't require a

    18 lot of revisions, it shouldn't take that long. A

    19 report is written --

    20 Q Estimate more or less?

    21 A A few days.

    22 Q A few days. Not a few months?

    23 A It should not be a few months.

    24 Q Did you ever physically see the property

    25 that was impounded involving the T.M. cases?

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    1 A No. No.

    2 Q Did you ever see the pictures that were

    3 taken by Detective Ochoa?

    4A I did not.

    5 Q Did you ever speak to Detective Ochoa about

    6 the pictures he took?

    7 A I did not.

    8 Q Did you ever hear him make any statements

    9 about the pictures he took?

    10 A I did not.

    11 Q Did you ever speak to Detective Hadley

    12 about the case?

    13 A I don't remember speaking anything of any

    14 subsistent to Detective Hadley about the case.


    Q Did you ever speak to any other detective16 or supervisor in your unit about the T.M. case and

    17 about the printing or reviewing of the reports?

    18 A No. Not of anything of substance. Again,

    19 as I said previously I know that Detective Hadley

    20 went to Sergeant Hodges and Sergeant Hodges approved

    21 many of Sergeant Hadley's pending subs. It was

    22 those types of general conversations.

    23 Q And you found that information out by

    24 speaking with who?

    25 A No it was something that I heard just

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    1 walking around the office.

    2 Q Who stated it?

    3 A It might have been Sergeant Hodges. She

    4was asked by Detective Hadley if she could please

    5 approve a whole bunch of reports. Just for clarity,

    6 we -- in this unit we basically triage the cases

    7 because of the -- you know with so few detectives

    8 and so many -- so many -- we handle -- today we

    9 handle 900, nearly 900 cases. So just for clarity,

    10 the cases are triaged. In other words, we go to the

    11 cases with high solvability first, okay, and so it's

    12 not uncommon to leave the ones where nobody got

    13 hurt, you know, the no identifiable victims, it's

    14 not uncommon to leave those. You know, we go for


    the solvability first. Victims crimes, first. Then16 as time allows, then we'll go back and pick up some

    17 of the other cases that are not as present. So

    18 again, it's 900, almost 900 today. As of today it's

    19 nearly 900 cases. So it's not unusual for

    20 detectives to -- to go out and take care of

    21 departmental crimes first in a case with a victim

    22 where people might be hurt and then go back one day

    23 and sit down and get caught up with the other ones

    24 that have no solvability. And therefor have a stack

    25 -- a police has a stack of reports that they'll just

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    1 write subs for those reports. And then in this

    2 particular instance, since everybody could do it,

    3 they work close with each other is my understanding.

    4Detective Hadley asked Sergeant Hodges to approve a

    5 whole bunch of reports which I think included the

    6 report in question here.

    7 Q Which report?

    8 A The report involving T.M. and the -- the

    9 incident at Krop.

    10 Q There was two reports. Do you know what

    11 the report dealt with?

    12 A With the -- with the property. With the

    13 property that was found inside a book bag or

    14 something to that effect.


    Q The jewelry?16 A Exactly.

    17 Q The jewelry. So it wouldn't be common for

    18 a detective to investigate a case that was not

    19 referred to them via the RMS MCT system by a road

    20 officer?

    21 A It would not be common, it's possible.

    22 Q It's possible only if the detectives speak

    23 to -- to the officer or someone on the road and they

    24 go into the case on their own?

    25 A Or a victim or someone calls him directly.

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    1 Or the chief many times have asked, can you send a

    2 detective somewhere. Because he's -- many times the

    3 chief is a recipient directly from a school

    4principal or an administrator and so it's not

    5 unusual to get a call from the chief to say, "I want

    6 a detective following up on that case".

    7 Q The case that we spoke about, the jewelry

    8 case, the case involving the jewelry was an incident

    9 in October, 2011. The found property case was

    10 February, 2012. Talking about a four or five month,

    11 approximately five month span.

    12 A I'm not sure what the found property case

    13 you're talking about.

    14 Q There was two cases involving the T.M.


    A Okay.16 Q Involving T.M. There was an October case

    17 involving the jewelry, and a criminal mischief, and

    18 then there's a February case involving found

    19 property.

    20 A Okay.

    21 Q So those are the two cases.

    22 A Okay.

    23 Q Is there anything that I may have failed

    24 to ask you that you would like to add to this

    25 statement?

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    1 A No.

    2 Q Are there any other persons who are

    3 witnesses to the alleged act?

    4A No.

    5 Q Has everything you said been the truth to

    6 the best of your knowledge?

    7 A Yes.

    8 Q This concludes the statement. It is 3:25

    9 p.m. Thank you.

    10 (Sworn statement concluded at 3:25 p.m.)














