Grace Lutheran Church 108 W. SOMO AVENUE TOMAHAWK, WISCONSIN 54487 715 4534066 www.gracelutherantomahawk.org J 2017 Praising God + Serving Others + Building Friendships Hey Kids & Parents! It’s almost time for VBS July 31August 4, 2017 9:00 am to 12:00 noon MAKER FUN FACTORY Created by GOD. Built for a Purpose. At Maker Fun Factory VBS, kids discover not only that God made them the way they are, but for a pur- pose, too. Maker Fun Factory is filled with incredible Biblelearning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! SciencyFun Gizmos, teambuilding games, cool Bible songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that help faith flow into real life. This week of faithfilled fun is available to all children*, so you can invite friends and their friends, neigh- bors, and visiting relatives. Also, please prayerfully consider helping with our VBS week. See info on the back cover. See the registration form on page two. *3yearold children must turn three by March 31, 2017 VBSComing July 31! Faith & Family Night With Wausau Woodchucks This event takes place on Sunday, July 9, 2017. Call the office if you would like tickets. They are $10.50 each. If you would like to carpool, meet at Grace at 1:30 pm. All are welcome. Christmas in July!!! Attention to all who enjoy doing crafts! It’s time to start thinking about and creat- ing items for the Craft Sale in December. If you have ideas, suggestions, or ques- tions, please contact Darlene Wechsler at (715) 6306471.

MAKER FUN FACTORY Created by GOD. Built for a Purpose. - WordPress… · 2017. 6. 30. · praise God and build friendships and in doing that also to serve others. The Summer Study”

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Page 1: MAKER FUN FACTORY Created by GOD. Built for a Purpose. - WordPress… · 2017. 6. 30. · praise God and build friendships and in doing that also to serve others. The Summer Study”

Grace Lutheran Church�108 W. SOMO AVENUE �


715 453�4066��


J��� 2017�

Praising God + Serving Others + Building Friendships�

Hey Kids & Parents! It’s almost time for VBS��

July 31�August 4, 2017� 9:00 am to 12:00 noon��

MAKER FUN FACTORY �Created by GOD. Built for a Purpose.�

At Maker Fun Factory VBS, kids discover not only that God made them the way they are, but for a pur-

pose, too. Maker Fun Factory is filled with incredible Bible�learning experiences kids see, hear, touch,

and even taste! Sciency�Fun Gizmos, team�building games, cool Bible songs, and tasty treats are just

a few of the standout activities that help faith flow into real life. ��

This week of faith�filled fun is available to all children*, so you can invite friends and their friends, neigh-bors, and visiting relatives. ��

Also, please prayerfully consider helping with our VBS week. See info on the back cover.��

See the registration form on page two. �

*3�year�old children must turn three by March 31, 2017�

VBS�Coming July 31!�

Faith & Family Night With Wausau Woodchucks�This event takes place on Sunday, July 9, 2017. Call the office if you would like tickets. They are $10.50 each. If you would like to carpool, meet at Grace at 1:30 pm. All are welcome.�

Christmas in July!!!�Attention to all who enjoy doing crafts! It’s time to start thinking about and creat-ing items for the Craft Sale in December. If you have ideas, suggestions, or ques-tions, please contact Darlene Wechsler at (715) 630�6471.�

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Page 3: MAKER FUN FACTORY Created by GOD. Built for a Purpose. - WordPress… · 2017. 6. 30. · praise God and build friendships and in doing that also to serve others. The Summer Study”

S!"## (715 area codes)���

Pastor……….……….………Rev. Mark Ziemer� 453�4066 or (home) 453�0612�

Visitation Pastor……..Rev. Don Cannady� 453�4066�

Supply Pastor……….….Rev. Gerald Check�453�4066�

Lay Pastoral Ass’t..……..…Wendy Black� 453�4066�

[email protected]

Director of Young Adults…………………..� Margie Welke�

966�5497 [email protected]


Dir. of Children’s Ministries……………..�Patti Gaedtke�

612�2000, [email protected]�Secretary………….....……..….Debbie Hetzel �

453�4066 or (home) 966�0536�[email protected]

Secretary Support……….…..Sarah Mann�453�4066 �

[email protected]�Treasurer...….………….…….Shirley Derleth �

453�4066�[email protected]

Wedding Coordinator……….Kay Jensen� 453�4701�Custodian...………………………Colleen Yirsa


�2017 C%&'()* M,-.,/0�President�Mark Gaedtke……...………….……….453�5907���Vice President �Mary Wessel…………………………….453�7410���Secretary�Sandy Wick….….……..………...920 680�1237 ���

Luann Kiander.…………………….....453�9097���

Ken Kincaid.……………………….….…612�3311���

Lucas Tjugum.………….……………...453�6475����

Bill Zorr………………….………..608 575� 5816���

Brandon Hafeman………….…….....966�4338���

Keri Kelley……………………………….612�5374��

Don Narloch…………………………….571�0945 ���



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� �

Remember the playground time in second grade? The sheer joy in third grade at discovering and mak-ing something extraordinary? That great pride in fifth grade of doing a project so well and the humili-ty of seeing others done better? The new girls or boys entering school and deciding which one you’d marry? The quarter mile long and slick sledding hill and hearing the bell just as the sled hit the snow?

The tackle football games in the back corner of the play area and the utter surprise when the Principal suddenly showed up? The wonder-ment in eighth grade on what high school would be like? �

Elementary School is one thing every one of us can relate to well. Some of us are in it right now, some nervous about entering preschool or 4K this fall, and all the rest of us have memories of it. �

My memories are especially easy to recall because I had only sixteen classmates and the same sixteen in my class all eight years (except for two who moved away and one who moved in). My grand-pa was also the custodian! In Elementary that is huge. He took me to some of the secret places others could not see. This included even the belfry to help him ring the bell counting out the years of someone who had just died � an awe�striking moment for a fourth grader. �

� As I am writing this as I am about to see nearly all those six-teen classmates for the first time in fifty years. We went to four dif-ferent high schools. Dennis and Bruce were the only ones who went on to Cedarburg High with me. Donna, my cousin, and Roger, Clau-dia’s second cousin, we see occasionally and they tracked me down. But the other twelve I have not seen or heard for fifty years.�

Yet, in Monday’s email I see only three who will not be there. Sally, who sat in front of me in eighth grade, sadly died decades ago. David, my best friend in those years and who is included in our email. I’ve heard through my Mom that David is working for WELS (Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) in China. John responded on email but his schedule is full. He’s a “bishop” in LC�MS (Lutheran Church Missouri Synod) which uses the title “President,” and the area is referred to as “District”). He is President of the South Wisconsin District. �

Interesting! As life has taken me many different places since that time I had not reflected on those years. Now I wonder: Why are nearly all coming? Why are my memories so rich and good? Why are three out of sixteen rostered leaders in the church � and in three dif-ferent Lutheran traditions � ELCA, LC�MS, and WELS?�

Faith and recess keep com ing up as I reflect on those years. David’s father was our Principal and 7th and 8th grade teacher. John’s father was attending seminary when we were in 7th and 8th grades. Donna’s parents provided the housing so John’s Dad could afford seminary (WELS seminary is in Thiensville). I recall a demon-stration on how to do family devotions that was acted out at the School Open House. Faith was not just an academic subject in this WELS parochial school. At least in those years it was modeled by our parents, practiced at home, and an occasional conversation among us boys. �

And recess? I confess that I come from an ancient time when recess was truly “recess.” It was long and unmonitored. There were

(Continued on page 8)�

Church Office Hours�Monday�Thursday: 8:00 am to 3:30 pm�

(closed for lunch noon to 1:00 pm)�Friday: 8:00 am to 1:00 pm�

�Staff Meetings (Office closed)�Wednesday: 9:00 am�


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VBS Food List

There will be a sign-up poster in the Gathering Area at Grace.

• Square rice cereal (like Rice Chex)

• Animal cookies or crackers

• Fish shaped cheese crackers

• Gummy worms

• Small pretzel sticks

• Mini marshmallows

• 6-inch flour tortillas

• Mozzarella string cheese sticks

• Marinara or pizza sauce (squeeze bottles)

• Graham crackers

• Whipped topping (like Cool Whip)

• Semi-sweet chocolate chips

• Cinnamon & sugar tortilla chips

• Fresh raspberries

• Fresh blueberries

• Fresh blackberries

• Vanilla Yoplait Go-gurts

• Shredded coconut

Praising God + Serving Others + Building Friendships�

� We live out our mission in many ways in summer at Grace. Attend, pray for, or participate in any of the following as ways to grow trust in God, serve others, and deepening relationships:�

� All ages and people from many denominations and communities delight in the unique setting of the Out-door Worship where we praise God each Sunday at 10:00am at Schaefer ’s Wharf. More join us in-doors when it rains and when they are in Tomahawk other than summer. �� We now have a “First Wednesday Event” year round at 7:00 PM. This will always involve worship in some way but is designed to be more participational, interactive, seasonal, and involve all ages. It is aimed to praise God and build friendships and in doing that also to serve others.�� The Summer Study” on the Gospel of Matthew is a way to praise God, serve others, and build friendships right in your own home or neighborhood. Details, guidance, and commentary for this is on the front page of the website: www.gracelutherantomahawk.org. Quality resources will lead you to praise God with prayers, commen-tary, videos, written summary, outline, background, and maps you can view on your phone. The church office can assist you in forming a group to build friendships through this weekly activity, and your prayers and checking in with each other is important service.�� Some activities in summer are more select. Contact the church office to register or find out how to join in. Also please pray for those participating and follow the stories of their activities on FaceBook � like Grace Luther-an, Tomahawk. �

� The Mission or Service Trip will be completed as you read this. This was in Duluth and for all ages. Go to FaceBook to see and hear their story.�� The ELCA Youth Gathering taking place in in Houston in July of 2018 will have a “Brat Stand” on Somo Avenue near the Grace Garden on July 4. Purchase drinks and food and learn about this event for grades 8�12. �� Our week at Waypost Camp is July 9�14 for grades 1�8. Thirty children from Grace are signed up and ea-ger to go. Patti Gaedtke, Margie Welke, Pastor Mark and Wendy Black will all be there through the week or for a day to interact with our children. Call the church office to find out if there is still room.�� Our Wilderness Trip is July 19�26 for 10th graders and parents. Five youth and seven parents are going along with Pastor Mark and Margie Welke. Cloud Peak Wilderness in the Big Horn Mountains of central Wyo-ming is this year’s destination. Along the way there will be an overnight in the Badlands and at Augustana Col-lege, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.�� Vacation Bible School is July 31� August 4 for children age 3 through grade 5 as explained in this newsletter. Send your children, invite neighbors, host your grandchildren for that week and bring them. �� Finally, another mission/service trip will be to Guatemala August 19�27. This is again for all ages provided parents also participate. The trip is likely already filled, but see and hear the story on FaceBook and talk with Al Overhaug about future trips to Guatemala.�

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FAMILY Faith Practices Review � July 16�This will be a 45 minute event immediately following 8:30 worship on July 16. “Family” in this event includes anyone who is directly involved in the life, growth, and influence of children from birth to age 18. This includes, parents, grandparents, godparents, coaches, etc.� The two purposes of this review is to first examine what is work-ing effectively for you to empower and support the growth and development of the child(ren) in your life, and sec-ond to determine how Grace might best support you. The guide for this review was developed by Leif Kehrwald in his work with hundreds of families and is included in the book Families at the Center of Faith Forma�on.�


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Special Offering for August�Lekubu Creche��

Mosa Kgari, Director of Lekubu’s Keromang Early Learning Centre, did the Children’s Message at Grace, and sang a solo during last summer’s visit. What joy to have a face and voice when we hear about the Lekubu Creche, how helpful to have heard her story and plans, and how effective and efficient now that Grace has direct ways to communicate with Mosa and the Creche!�

“Creche” is another word for Lekubu’s Early Learning Centre which serves children from six months up to four years of age. This month’s special offering goes toward underwriting part of each child’s tuition and improve-ments on the facilities. Since 2014 when Grace joined Lekubu in assisting with this ministry the number of chil-dren attending has grown considerably.�

All money contributed for the special offering in July will go toward the general costs and needs of the Creche. Or, you may choose to sponsor a child at $125 for the entire year (you may make a onetime payment or divide it up, e.g., $10 each month � always indicate it is for “Child Sponsorship”). Or, you may designate it for a specific project at the Creche, e.g. “ceiling replacement.” Mosa will choose the youngest children to match with those who choose to sponsor a child so that you may follow that child for several years if you choose. She will also up-date us on specific projects and send us pictures of the progress.�

Your contributions are continuing this very valued and visible ministry started by Germans, treasured by South Africans, and recognized by our ELCA. Most importantly, children are blessed. It is allowing the Creche to con-tinue their teaching Bible stories and Christian songs, which several at Grace have witnessed is done very well. In addition, the children have better nutrition, the courtyard was repaved, kitchen and office tiled, all the walls re-painted to be bright and attractive, and the staff are now paid on time and in full. �

AA/A*"'%' M,,!)'D0�Grace Lutheran�• AA and Alanon: Saturday. 9:00 am ��

Grace Community House�• AA: Sunday 10:10 am �• AA: Friday 7:30 pm (open)�• AA: Wednesday 12:10 pm�

St. Paul’s (12 E. Wisconsin Ave.)�• AA and Alanon: Monday 7:00 pm�

� If you have a problem with alcohol or if someone you know suffers from the disease, AA (for the alcoholic) or Alanon (for family or friend of alcoholic) could be your lifeline. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of both these groups. If you would like to speak with someone personally, the church office, 453�4066, or Pastor Ziemer can put you in touch with an AA or Alanon member. �

All communications will be confidential.�

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From the Stewardship Committee�

Expressing Your Gratitude��

In John 12, we read about Mary of Bethany, who along with her sister Martha, gave a dinner for Jesus. This dinner was held shortly after Jesus raised Lazarus, Mary and Martha’s brother, from the dead (See John 11). While Jesus was reclining during the meal, Mary anointed Him with expensive perfume carried in an alabaster jar. She poured the expensive nard on his feet (Verse 3). The beautiful fragrance would have filled the whole room.��

The disciples, especially Judas Iscariot, looked on in shock. Then they said with indignation “Why was the ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?” (Verse 5). From a human perspective, we can understand their dismay. A denarius represented a day’s pay. In a few fleeting moments, Mary had lav-ished on Jesus an offering worth a year’s wages! Some scholars have suggested the perfume may have been her dowry. Except for Jesus, Mary’s sacrifice left most of those present numb with astonishment; perhaps they considered it scandalous. Jesus received the sacrifice as Mary intended it, as an act of deep adoration. Jesus said, “Leave her alone, so that she may keep it for the day of My burial. For the poor you always have with you, but you do not always have Me” (Verses 7�8).��

We know that Jesus would soon pour out His own blood and life for Mary and all of us. He allowed her the honor of breaking the alabaster jar and pouring it on His feet as an expression of love and commitment. Mary may have had some small idea what Jesus was going to be doing for her. However, you and I know that Jesus was about to be nailed to the cross, broken, and humiliated for us. Through His death on the cross, we, as did Mary, experience the freedom from the power of sin and Satan.��

The Holy Spirit works in our hearts just as He worked in Mary’s, and we respond in faithful use of our lives and blessings in worship and service to our Lord. As the Spirit works within us, we give generously, even sacrifi-cially of our time and money to help others and extend God’s kingdom. We know that God has created us and recreated us through Jesus’ life and death for which we are eager to show our gratitude. In our serving and giving, we express our gratitude. We have been blessed to be a blessing. “Thanks be to God for His inexpressi-ble gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15).�

OUR FINANCIAL PICTURE 2017� � � � �� � �

� � � � � � �� � �

� � May 2017� � Needed for� RECEIPTS� �� ACTUAL� RECEIPTS�

APRIL� � Receipts� � Budget� vs BUDGET� �� SPENDING� vs SPENDING�

General Fund� � $26,207� � $31,357� ($5,150)� �� $30,573� ($4,366)�

Building Fund� � $4,741� � $5,076� ($335)� �� $5,076� ($335)�

Total� � $30,948� � $36,433� ($5,485)� �� $35,649� ($4,701)�

� � � � � ��� � �

� � � � YTD� � �� YTD� YTD�

� � YTD� � Needed for� � �� ACTUAL� RECEIPTS�


DATE� � Receipts� � Budget� DIFFERENCE� �� SPENDING� vs SPENDING�

General Fund� � $140,974� � $156,787� ($15,813)� �� $139,794� $1,180�

Building Fund� � $24,809� � $25,379� ($570)� �� $25,379� ($570)�

Total� � $165,783� � $182,166� ($16,383)� �� $165,173� $610�

� � � � � ��� � �


2017 Reg. Principal Payments� $14,370.02�

2017 Extra Principal Payments� $10,709.03�2017 Total Principal Payments� $25,079.05�

2017 Total Interest Payments� $11,008.98�

Loan Balance as of May 2017� $619,273.78�

May Special Offering�Kinship of Tomahawk� $898.00�

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no teachers or other adults in sight for those two 15�minute breaks and the hour�long lunch, and we maximized that time. Recess is what I now most remember and perhaps where I was best formed. The art of forming teams, determining rules and enforcing them � collaboratively, and using everyone’s best gifts � we learned and devel-oped on our own without adults. �

� Much of what I learned fifty years ago is out of date. But those two things from back then are even more needed and relevant for children in this 21st century. Faith dare not be academic or information alone or it will die. It must be modeled by parents, practiced at home, and daily conversation in many circles. Long, unmoni-tored times and places (at least allowing the children to see and experience it that way) are the best ways children are formed where children can be children designing their own play and resolving their own conflicts.�

� Of course, I’ll find out what the others remember and think. Our gathering is June 25th so ask me when you get this in July. For me at least, it was faith and recess that formed me. Those two I continue to lift up for eve-ry person, family, and network of friends � attend to faith and play. When faith is authentic and comfortably shared and when we spend much time in play, then life is rich, treasured and long remembered. �

(Continued from page 3) Pastor Mark��


Synod Assembly Report��

I was honored to represent Grace Lutheran at the East Central Synod of Wisconsin at Green Bay in May. It was truly gratifying to be at this very special occasion 500 years after Dr. Martin Luther nailed his beliefs to separate us from the Holy Roman Catholic Church. And now it is our Bishop Gerald Mansholt and His Holiness David Ricken of the Green Bay Diocese joining hands and celebrating as one. A small “joke” was when their Bishop stood on the podium with a sign stating, “I am Lutheran.” It was a very touching experience that I as a Luther-an all my life will never forget. The theme was, “We Are Lutherans,” Building Bridges Across the Difference that Divides.��

Along with all the busyness we had the opportunity hear Dr. Martin Lohrmann of Wartburg Seminary do four different talks on the subject, “We Are Lutheran�What does this mean?” He was very interesting and gave us the ideas of Luther�and how he lived these ideas. These talks were so very interesting.��

Our group had the honor of voting two of our members (from Grace) to various offices of the Synod Consulta-tion Committee: Karen Olson and Helen Hoglund to serve on the Discipline Committee, so we applauded them.��

A total of 362 people attended the conference, with various workshops to attend. The 2017 Assembly Offerings went to the following: Fifty percent to ELCJHL Schools, and fifty percent to the Bishops Resource Fund. ��

As a person who has always enjoyed these things I thank Grace for the opportunity to attend yet another confer-ence in a new synod, and to be a delegate.��

God Bless, Marie Stark��Faith is a divine work in us which changes us and makes us to be born anew of God. It kills the old “Adam” and makes us altogether different people in heart, spirit, and mind and for all the powers it brings with it.�

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Pastor Mark’s Mondays�� Church as we have known it is rapidly and drastically changing. God, faith, and our need are not chang-ing, but the institutional church, how the church includes, invites and involves people, and the importance of conversation and practice of faith in our homes and daily lives are changing. �I spent last year reading, observing, and experiencing that reality. Last May I spent time in inner city Chicago, rural Viroqua, and at a Vibrant Faith workshop. In November I read and wrote. Instead of a third month I real-ized I needed to make it ongoing, dig deeper, be guided more fully, and directly apply it into action at Grace. Vi-brant Faith, see www.vibrantfaith.org, had just launched “Certification for Faith Formation in the 21st Century” which did all this. �

It has taken me nine months to figure this out and adjust to “online learning” in a “cohort group” with a “coaching leader” that allows and encourages staff and anyone interested to join the “live presentations” which guide us into “practical and relevant projects” that fit “21st century realities” of 1) engaging all generations inter-generationally, 2) nurturing family faith at home, 3) addressing the unique needs of each generation, 4) with a missional outreach to those estranged from church, and 5) using online resources and communities.�I’ve learned I need uninterrupted quiet time to pull this off, i.e. the reading, interacting with cohorts, and apply-ing this into the life of Grace and on our Grace website. Monday afternoons is when I am now doing this. It is giv-ing me time to get this on our Grace website and time to implement events with our ministry team. For how this looks go to www.gracelutherantomahawk.org and click “Summer Study” on the front page or “Our Young Adults” or “Intro to Bible” on the menu. For how it works, come to “First Wednesday Event.”�


Congratulations Cade Lemmer!�Cade Lemmer has been selected�to attend the USA National Hockey Team Development camp in Buffalo, New York in Ju-ly! This is an amazing achievement and honor since only a few from the entire Midwest are selected to this team. Cade and his family are also an example of how to make faith a foundation and priority in a busy life. He attended 9 th grade at Wausau West but participated in Grace’s 9th grade Confirmation through distance�learning. Now Cade is partici-pating in the USA National competition in Buffalo, NY and then flying to Rapid City, SD to join his fellow 10th graders on their Wilderness Trip in Wyoming’s Big Horn Mountains. �

Coming August 26 & 27!

Grace Boutique There will be a wide and varied selection of

handbags, earrings, and scarves!

We are so excited for this event!

Next month we will tell you more!

In the mean time...please continue to bring

in your clean, gently used purses, jewelry,

and scarves.


GraceLutheran.�Proceeds from this event will be used to �improve security at Grace Lutheran.�

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Grace Lutheran Council June Meeting Minutes�Date: June 12, 2017�

Council in attendance:� Sandy Wick, Mark Gaedtke, Keri Kelley, Don Narloch, Ken Kincaid, Luann Kiander, Bill Zorr, Brandon Hafeman �Missing: Lucas Tjugum, Mary Wessel �Other Attendees: Shirley Derleth (through treasurer’s report), Pastor Mark, Wendy Black through committee re-ports, Cathy Schmidt and Helen Hoglund partial �Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm. � �Devotions: �• Mark � read from the Jesus Calling in which Jesus talks to us in first person account to face each day and to

thank God for each challenge. ��

Where have we seen God at work?�• Garden at Grace, outdoor service with the escape of getting drenched, living and dying of Sharon Lamer, �

Approve Agenda�• Sandy moved to amend the agenda by adding Organist Need under Old business. LuAnn seconded. Motion

approved. Sandy moved to approve the agenda as amended. Luann seconded. Agenda was approved. ��

Consent Agenda�• Motion made by Sandy to approve the consent agenda which consisted of May council minutes, May Strategic

Planning Group Report, Garden with Grace Reports (3). Seconded by Ken. Motion passed.��

Treasurer's Report (Shirley) �• Shirley highlighted the following items from the report:�

• We will get reimbursed for majority of our delayed tax payment�• Pulpit supply and book allowance are both over budget. Shirley is checking to insure she posted the

expenses to the correct account. �• We are still below budget for the year, but expenses are also still below anticipated. At this time offer-

ings are covering expenses year to date �• Sandy moved to accept the treasurer report. Brandon seconded. Motion passed.��

Committee and staff reports �• Pastor Mark sent his report. There were several items that will need council actions and council was asked to

review them. Several will be put to next month’s agenda to be further discussed. They include�• Grace 125th Anniversary in 2018. It was recommended that council form a 125th Anniversary planning

team and 2018 calendar. �• Take note of Mike Ward who Synod Assembly approved with GSB to work with congregations on ad-

dressing stewardship and financial giving in ways aligned with current giving patterns�• Visit Prince of Peace to review financial giving through texting and their security system�

• Luann will schedule a meeting with them and our staff to view�

• Updating of our membership roster by Debbie�• The municipal parking lot being updated and suggestion to see if Grace could assist in light posts which

could then become both an additional security item as well as allow future potential for booths etc. for other community functions since they would have electricity. �

• Update of the Personnel Manual��

Old Business��

1. Nominating Committee � Cathy Schmidt�• Gave a 15 minute session on leadership styles which was presented to her at a previous church seminar that

she has used many times and had now wanted to share with council as well. There are 4 different styles: Re-lators, Promoters, Analyzers, and Directors�

• Will help us at council have a better understanding of the leadership styles and how to work effectively with other styles �

• Nomination committee wanted to understand what leadership styles our current Grace council had to see if there was something in particular they should look for to help balance council �


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• Based upon our current make�up, at least one member of council was in each of the quadrants which is con-sidered optimal �

2. Welcome Committee � Helen Hoglund�• Is part of the Tomahawk new person welcome committee and asked if Grace would like to be represented

in the welcome kit. �• The cost is $2.75 / member. Tomahawk receives about 5 members a month so this would be about

$165.00 / year. This is billed monthly based upon the actual new members each month. �• Sandy moved to include Grace Lutheran into the welcome committee packet to be funded by Evangelism

committee pending approval by Karen Torkelson and if not approved then by the pastors discretionary. �• Ken seconded. Motion passed. Discussion included that this would be beneficial and we use to be a part of

this but then there was no longer a welcome person. � �

2. Director of confirmation job description and posting�• A recommendation was made by staff to hire Renee Loka for the Director of Confirmation Ministry.

Renee has responded to our postings and they believe she will add to the effectiveness of our youth minis-tries. �

• The job description position was updated to reflect the most recent needs of Grace�• Brandon made a motion which was seconded by Mark to approve the updates to the Director of Confirma-

tion ministry description. Motion passed. �• Ken made a motion to hire Renee Loka pending her application and offer of employment and background

check to be effective July 1 at the 6 month current budget prorated rate. Sandy second. Motion passed. ��

3. Organist Need �• Mark has asked Debbie to put the ad back in the Tomahawk Leader as there are currently no persons in-

terested ��

4. Church use policy� Pastor and staff are working on outlining a policy regarding use of church properties � No � update��

5. SMART goals for 2017 Update. ��

Goal 1: Increase the diversity of our membership in our ministries�• Suggestion made to use the brochures created to help write articles of ministry and to highlight each

month in the monthly newsletter as well as to update the bulletin board to continue to support this goal. �• Sandy will schedule a meeting to put together the plan for the next 6 months for this with Keri and Luann. �

� � Goal 2: Spread the Grace of God through communication and covert good deeds. �

• Mark/Don � Bill has been unable to serve on this committee due to other involvements in the Madison area. Don has indicated he would help Mark with this�

Goal 3: Enhance the worship service experience at Grace Lutheran Church.�• Mary/Brandon � first step is to meet with worship committee and this has not been done yet. Brandon has

offered to help Mary meet with the worship committee on this. ��

6. Vanco � Texting � Shirley Derleth ��

• Council was interested in finding more about this. �• Luann will set up a meeting with Prince of Peace church to discuss this with Grace’s staff. �

�New Business�

1. Fire Door Concerns � Mark Gaedtke�• Mark will talk more with John P on this to see what options there are for this as this did not pass the fire

safety inspection. �• This will be moved to old business to further discuss next month �

2. Reorganization of Library & Anna Fredereksen Lounge � Mark �

(Continued from page 10)�

(Continued on page 14)�11�

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July 1 & 2��Acolytes� 5:00 pm �Garrett Nelson�� 8:30 am �Logan Schreiner��10:00 am �Child of God�Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Rose Hoff�� � Darwin Kluball�� 8:30 am �Marie Knipfer� Dar Clements, Jack Lauder �� � Jim VanNorman��10:00 am �Rich/Leslie Johnson��

Readers�� 5:00 pm �Dan Schuller�� 8:30 am �Brian/Laurie Schmidt��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �John Kromm�

� � Georgie Crass�� 8:30 am �Wick Family�� � Jim Van Norman�� � John Krueger ��10:00 am �Rich/Leslie Johnson��

Nursery�� 8:30 am �Child of God��

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Gail Wilson�� 8:30 am �Paul Kurth��10:00 am �Dan Schuller��

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am �Jan/Larry Hagen��

Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Don Tinker�� 8:30 am� James Zastrow�

Projection Set up Jackie Leonhard��

Altar Guild�Gail Wilson, Sandy Redmond�Dotti Andersen��

Counters�Jim/Julie Dentler, �Betty Hudson��

Video Delivery�Al Overhaug�

July 8 & 9�Acolytes� 5:00 pm �Eli Mullen�� 8:30 am �Sadie Leibelt��10:00 am �Child of God��

Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Sherry Thompson�� � Dar Clements�� 8:30 am �Stromberg Family�� � Zastrow Family��10:00 am �Tom/Donna Stone��

Readers�� 5:00 pm �Chris Raasch�� 8:30 am �Jessie Stromberg��10:00 am �Shirley Derleth��

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �Ed/Chris Raasch�� 8:30 am �Jerry Jagmin� � Don/Carolyn Halverson�10:00 am� Tom/Donna Stone� �Nursery�� 8:30 am �Child of God��

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Mark Gaedtke�� 8:30 am �Dave Schmit��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am �Whitney Osero�� � Al Overhaug��

Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Sue Mielke�� 8:30 am� Lane Beaumier��

Projection Set up� Chris Raasch��

Altar Guild�Gail Wilson, Sandy Redmond�Dotti Andersen��

Counters�Jim/Julie Dentler�Betty Hudson��

Video Delivery�Al Overhaug�

July 15 & 16�Acolytes� 5:00 pm �Mason Peck�� 8:30 am �Martin Schmidt��10:00 am �Child of God�Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Lynn Brown�� � Child of God�� 8:30 am �Pete/Lynn Wurl�� � Zoellner Family��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Readers�� 5:00 pm �Jim Nelson�� 8:30 am �Sandy Wick��10:00 am �Dan Schuller��

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �Ron Lueneberg�� � Darwin Kluball�� 8:30 am �Chris/Ed Raasch� Jack Lauder, Steve Kahle�10:00 am � Outdoor Worship� ��

Nursery�� 8:30 am �Child of God��

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Al Overhaug�� 8:30 am �Wendy Black��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am �Megan Marcks��

Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Kirk Kind�� 8:30 am� Zach Volz��

Altar Guild�Gail Wilson, Sandy Redmond�Dotti Andersen��

Counters�Jim/Julie Dentler�Betty Hudson��

Video Delivery�Nancy Bronsted�


Page 13: MAKER FUN FACTORY Created by GOD. Built for a Purpose. - WordPress… · 2017. 6. 30. · praise God and build friendships and in doing that also to serve others. The Summer Study”

July 22 & 23�Acolytes� 5:00 pm �Serena Reinke�� 8:30 am �Geena Wanta��10:00 am �Child of God�Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Dan/Kay Salewske�� 8:30 am �Jim/Jan VanNorman�� � Bill/Arlene Strand��10:00 am �Tom/Donna Stone��

Readers�� 5:00 pm �Darwin Kluball� �

� 8:30 am �Chris Raasch��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �Peggy Price�� � Dan Schuller�� 8:30 am �Ed/Chris Raasch�� � Renee Raasch�� � Marie Knipfer�10:00 am � Tom/Donna Stone��

Nursery�� 8:30 am �Child of God��

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Nancy Herbison�� 8:30 am �Al Overhaug��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am �Dave/Cathy Schmit��

Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Karen Torkelson�� 8:30 am� Katy Voelz��

Projection Set up�Lisa Elliott��

Altar Guild�Gail Wilson, Sandy Redmond�Dotti Andersen��

Counters�Jim/Julie Dentler�Betty Hudson��

Video Delivery�Torkelsons �

July 29 & 30�

Acolytes� 5:00 pm �Lander Schade�� 8:30 am �Amalie Kurth��10:00 am �Child of God�Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Bernice Mitchell�� � Peggy Price�� 8:30 am �Terry/Sarah Mann�� � Gary/Judi Calhoun��10:00 am �Tom/Donna Stone��

Readers�� 5:00 pm �George Derleth �� 8:30 am ���10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �George/Lynn Derleth�� 8:30 am �Jan/Larry Hagen�� � Wm. Erickson�� � Jerry Jagmin� 10:00 am �Tom/Donna Stone��

Nursery�� 8:30 am �Child of God��

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Jane Schuller�� 8:30 am �Shirley Derleth ��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am �Margie Welke�� � Child of God�Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Jason �� 8:30 am� �

Projection Set up��

Altar Guild�Gail Wilson, Sandy Redmond�Dotti Andersen��


Video Delivery��

August 5 & 6�Acolytes� 5:00 pm �Molly Mott�� 8:30 am �Haley Liebelt�� � Kate Derleth��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship�Greeters�� 5:00 pm �Rose Hoff�� � Al Overhaug�� 8:30 am �Pete/Lynn Wurl�� � Ed/Chris Raasch��10:00 am Tom/Donna Stone���

Readers�� 5:00 pm �Al Overhaug�� 8:30 am �Rita Meidam�

�10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Ushers�� 5:00 pm �Georgeanne Crass�� � John Kromm�

� 8:30 am �George/Lynn Derleth� Dar Clements�� � Marie Knipfer��10:00 am �Tom/Donna Stone��

Nursery�� 8:30 am �Child of God��

Assisting Minister�� 5:00 pm �Gail Wilson �� 8:30 am �Corey Colburn��10:00 am �Outdoor Worship��

Communion Assistants�� 8:30 am �Shirley Derleth�� � Lynn Brown�Running Projection�� 5:00 pm �Karen Torkelson�� 8:30 am� Jackie Elliott��

Projection Set up��

Keri Kelley��

Altar Guild�Jan Hagen, Darlene Henning��

Counters�Duane/Irene Strauss ��

Video Delivery�Al Overhaug �

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• Sarah and Kay would like to reorganize the library by removing some of the unwanted books and rear-ranging/moving out some of the furniture so it is not so cluttered. �

• Council agreed with this as long as they did not get rid of the furniture and requested permission to move it to the youth lounge. �

Public Comments: None�

Future Meetings, Events and Dates to Remember: �Next council meetings: Monday, July 17th Devotions for July � Sandy �

Monday, August 21st Devotions for August�Don� ��

Adjourn meeting �Mark moved we adjourn. Sandy seconded. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 pm. ��

Meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.� �

(Continued from page 11) Council Minutes�


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Page 16: MAKER FUN FACTORY Created by GOD. Built for a Purpose. - WordPress… · 2017. 6. 30. · praise God and build friendships and in doing that also to serve others. The Summer Study”



TOMAHAWK, WI 54487 �

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Worship Services���

Memorial Day to Labor Day �Saturday�5:00 pm�

Sunday�8:30 �Outdoor Worship 10:00 am at Schaefer’s Wharf on Hwy L���

Vacation Bible School Volunteers Parents, Grandparents, Older Siblings, Relatives, Friends:�


Dates: July 31�August 4� � � Time: 9:00 am � 12:00 noon���

If anyone from Grade 6 through age 99+ is interested in being involved, we can use your gifts! We need team leaders and helpers for various age groups (Age 3 1/2 through Grade 5).

I would like to help in one or more of the following areas (please circle):

Bible Story Center Craft Center Music Center Snack Center Games Center

Missions/Service Group Guide Skits Prayer Support Publicity

Lunch Coordinator Kitchen Helper Decorating Photographer Registration

Please prayerfully consider being involved with this fun, faith-building event for our young people. Can’t help the entire week? We appre-ciate any time you are able to give.

Name _________________________________ Address _______________________________________________ Phone (day) ________________________ Phone (evening) _________________________ E-mail ________________________________________________________ If you have any questions about Vacation Bible School or your involvement in it, please call: Grace Lutheran at 715 453-4066 or Patti Gaedtke at 715 612-2000 United Methodist at 715 453-4378 or Laurie Ferge at 715 966-0790 ��