Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools. Major Challenges Facing Canada and the World 1. Water Issues 2. Global Warming 3. Environmental Sustainability 4. Your Ecological Footprint

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Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

Major Challenges Facing Canada and the World

1. Water Issues

2. Global Warming

3. Environmental Sustainability

4. Your Ecological Footprint

Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

Water Issues

How much water do you and your family use each day?

Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

How closely do you think your water use matches the percentage breakdown in this pie graph?

Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

Canada’s fresh water needs to be protected from…

Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

Two Proposed Water Diversion Plans

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The Second Issue in This Unit Is…

Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

As of 2004, the five hottest years on record have been:

1. 1998

2. 2002

3. 2003

4. 2004

5. 2001

What has happened since 2004?

Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

Earth’s Atmosphere Traps Heat Like a Greenhouse

Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

The consequences of global warming could be devastating:

• Parts of the world close to sea level, such as Bangladesh, could suffer permanent flooding.

• Canada’s North is already being affected! Scientists have discovered that global warming affects polar regions more dramatically than other parts of the globe.

Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

How Can We Reduce Global Warming?

Buying appliances that use less energy can help.

Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

Environmental Sustainability

The Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) has been created to measure environmental progress in 146 countries. It considers each country’s current environmental conditions and sustainability over the next several decades.

Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

Sustainable development meets the needs of people in the present without affecting the ability of people in the future to meet their needs.

• The 2005 ESI Report ranks Canada…

Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

…in sixth place!

Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

Your Ecological Footprint

What is the environmental (ecological) impact of your lifestyle?

Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

How can we determine the impact that all our activities have on the environment?

Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

The ecological footprint (EF) is one method for measuring the impact of all our activities.

• The EF measures the ecological impact of a person’s activities by determining the amount of productive land and water (in hectares) required to support that person and to dispose of his or her wastes.

Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

How Big Is the Average Canadian’s EF?

The amount of productive land needed to support the lifestyle of the average Canadian is...

Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

How does Canada’s EF compare with the world’s EF?

What does this diagram tell you about Canada?

Making Connections: Canada’s Geography, Second Edition, Copyright © 2007 Pearson Education Canada. Permission to reproduce this image is restricted to purchasing schools.

Taking Action

What actions can we take to reduce our EF?

We can

• reduce our consumption of resources

• reduce the production of wastes

• recycle materials

• reduce our pollution of the air, water, and land

What can you personally do?