SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING MATHS វ�ទប��កវ�ទវ�ស�កមគណិតវ�ទN.17 Apr. 2018 The Timeflash Goggles Episode 17 Who Am I? វែនឆងពេលព ពលខ១៧ ខ្ អក? រធវើឱយអវៗធ�ើតនធ�ើង ឥទ្ពលននមពល The power of energy Making things happen

Making things happen - Little Scientists Mag · Making things happen Meet the expert Khut Tha – Technician Manager at Solar Green Energy Cambodia Budding scientist Power a light

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Page 1: Making things happen - Little Scientists Mag · Making things happen Meet the expert Khut Tha – Technician Manager at Solar Green Energy Cambodia Budding scientist Power a light




វ�ទ������ ប���កវ�ទ�� វ�ស�កម� គណតវ�ទ��








Design concept Project name: STEMDesigned by Panhavuth Kret

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វ�ទ������ ប���កវ�ទ�� វ�ស�កម� គណតវ�ទ��


វ�ទ������ ប���កវ�ទ�� វ�ស�កម� គណតវ�ទ��

N.17 Apr. 2018

The Timeflash Goggles Episode 17

Who Am I?

វ ែនតាឆលងពេលពលា ពលខ១៧



The power of energy

Making things happen

Page 2: Making things happen - Little Scientists Mag · Making things happen Meet the expert Khut Tha – Technician Manager at Solar Green Energy Cambodia Budding scientist Power a light



ភន កងារអកាសអាពេរកណាសា កេញង

ពរៀបចពបសកកេមកនញងការតាេដានពេរះអាទតយឱយជតជាងេញន។ តាេេតពៅ ការតាេដានឱយជតពោរះគការតាេដានពៅចមងា យ៦.២លានគឡវេែពត េពេរះអាទតយ! ផកា យរណបេពសសេយព ម រះថា ផពគើ សឡា ពបរប(Parker Solar Probe) បាន រចោពឡើងពដាយសវករព�ើេទបទលនងកព ដៅ�ព ដៅ (១ ៣៧៧អងសាពស) នងរលកទយញ�ខល ង។ េតមនវ�លពបេលបានពដាយយានអកាស នង ជយអនកទយាសាសសរឱយរកធព�ើេេយាករណ េយញរះ ពេរះអាទតយវ�លេនអាច�ងទញកជាេញន ព�ើយ អាច បងកាពពររះថាន កបាន។ ការពសញើបអពងកាតនងចាបពរើេពៅវខកកកាដាឆន ពនរះ។

Cambodia’s leopards are about to go extinct

A new study from the UK has confirmed that the world's last breeding population of leopards is about to disappear completely in Cambodia. They have quickly declined by 72% in the last 5 years! The main reason for this important decline is poaching for the illegal wildlife trade. Leopards also get caught in snares set up to catch bush meat. Conservation NGOs are working with

Cambodian authorities to monitor the regions where the few wild leopards remain, to stop these illegal catches.



ការសកសាថមេយេចពកភេអងពគលសបានបញជា កថា េជសតវខល �បងចញងពពកាយបងអសរបសេភេពលាកទនង ជា នង បាតបងទាងសសរងពៅកនញងពបពទសកេញជា។ ចននសតវខល បានធល កចញរះយាែ ងឆបរ�សគអស៧២% កនញង រយៈពេល ៥ឆន ចញងពពកាយពនរះ! េលព�តញចេងននការធល កចញរះធពនរះគការបរបាញព�ើេជញ�រសតវនពេខញសចបាប។ សតវខល �បងក ពតរជាបកនញងអោទា កវ�លដាកព�ើេចាបសតវនពេជាអាហារ។ អងគការអភរកសជាពពចើនកេញងពធវើការជាេយអាជាធរកេញជា ព�ើេតាេដានតបនវ�លមនខល �បងពៅសល ព�ើេបញឈបអពេើខញសចបាបទាងពនរះ។

Science News

N°17 – April 2018

Did someone decorate the cave with fairy lights?These beautiful lights illuminating the Waitomo Caves in New Zealand actually come from insect larvae called glow worms! This type of glow worm, called arachnocampa luminosa, exists only in New Zealand and lives in wet places such as caves and forests.

តើគតបតងលអងនរះដោយពនលភលើង�នទវតាឬ? េនលពភលើងបភលរងភន ន ែតេ(Waitomo) ពៅពបពទស នវលពសឡង�សសសសាអ តទាងពនរះ តាេេត ពៅ ភលេកេ�ងកាវ�លមនព ម រះថា អារាកណខេបាែ លេណសា(arachnocampa luminosa)វ�លមនវតពៅកនញងពបពទសនវល-ពសឡងបែញពណាណ រះ ព�ើយេកវារសពៅកនញងកវនលងវ�លពសើេ�ចជា រងភន នងនពេ។



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Science news

ComicLinny the clinic research associate

Feature articleMaking things happen

Meet the expertKhut Tha – Technician Manager at Solar Green Energy Cambodia Budding scientistPower a light bulb with a fruit!

It's all Fun & Games!

Geek zoneWrite a script for a video game! British EmbassyNews

Rainbow dino discovered in China Scientists announced the discovery in north-eastern China of a small dinosaur that lived

161 million years ago. The very well preserved fossil contained organelles, parts of a cell, which are responsible for colour. They were therefore able to determine, using powerful

microscopes, that it had colourful and shiny feathers. They named it Caihong, which means rainbow in Mandarin. Scientists are discovering that the Jurassic period was more colourful than previously thought!

សតវដាយណសរឥននពតរវបានរ�ធ�ើញធៅពបធទសចធន អនកទយាសាសសរបានពបកាសអេការរកព�ើញសតវដាយណសរតចេយ ពៅតបន ខង ពជើង ភគខងពកើតពបពទសចន វ�លមនពៅ១៦១លានឆន េញន។ �វសញលវ�លបានរកសាទញកយាែ ងលអ មនទាញកពៅពដាយសររាងគ នង�ញពកាសកាវ�លបពញចេ ញេណ។ �ពចនរះអនកទយាសាសសរអាចកណតេណបានពដាយ ពពបើ េពករទសសនេពសសេយាែងវ�លបងាហា ញថា វាមនពរាេេណចពេររះ នងភលចាង។ េកពគបានដាកព ម រះវាថា នខ�វញង(Caihong) វ�លមននយថា ឥនធនពៅកនញងភសាចនកញកង។ អនកទយាសាសសរបានរកព�ើញថា សតវពៅសេយដាយណសរមនេណសសសពឆើតឆយខញសេអវវ�លពយើងបានគត!











NASA to send satellite to explore the sun The American space agency NASA is preparing a mission to explore the sun from up close. Well, relatively close… from 6.2 million km away! A special satellite, called the Parker Solar Probe, has been designed by engineers to resist brutal heat (1,377°C) and extreme radiation. The information collected by the spacecraft will help scientists to find ways to predict the irregular, and potentially harmful, solar storms. The probe will be launched in July of this year.

Send your name to the sun! Want to introduce yourself to our fiery star? Send your name to: http://parkersolarprobe.jhuapl.edu/The-Mission/Name-to-Sun NASA will put all the names received on a microchip which will accompany the Parker Solar Probe on its mission to the Sun!



របសពយើងពទ? សេពើព ម រះរបសបអនពៅកាន


Mission/Name-to-Sun អងគការណាសានងដាក

ព ម រះទាងអសវ�លទទលបានពៅកនញងបនទារះឈប

ព�ើយដាកវាពៅជាេយ ផពគើ សឡា ពបរប ពៅកនញង



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Page 3: Making things happen - Little Scientists Mag · Making things happen Meet the expert Khut Tha – Technician Manager at Solar Green Energy Cambodia Budding scientist Power a light

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Kids: Leak kanseng, chma khaim keng oh long, oh long (Khmer song) Sophea: Hi Linny, come join us!

Sophea: It’s you Linny! You got it!Linny: Oh!

Panha: Ouch!!

Linny: Oh no Panha, are you ok?Panha: Ouch! I scraped my knee. It’s bleeding.

Linny: Wait, I can help you. Sophea, can you see if the lady selling nom batchok outside the school has some turmeric? Sophea: Ok, I’m on it!

Panha: Linny?! Why would I want a nom batchok now?Linny: Don’t worry Panha, it’s just the turmeric I’m after. It’s a natural antiseptic, so it’s useful for disinfecting cuts.

Sophea: Here you go Linny.Linny: Thanks Sophea. Panha: Are you sure putting food on my cut will not make it worse?

Teacher: Children, it’s time to go to class. What’s going on over here?Linny: Trust me Panha. My uncle is a Kru Khmer. He told me that this root contains an antioxidant called curcumin, which may help reduce inflammation.

Teacher: How interesting! And did you know a lot of the medication used in modern medicine comes from molecules that are extracted from plants?Linny: Really? I love experimenting with different substances.

Scientists in medical school produce studies on the disease and how it behaves. So based on what they have found, we first try to identify a promising compound which can come from a plant, fungi, animal, or made artificially... We test the compound to gather information on how the body reacts to it. This is the preclinical phase.

In total it takes at least ten years for a new medicine to complete the journey from initial discovery to the shelf at the pharmacist! I love being able to work on something that improves or even saves people’s lives. And experimenting in labs is so much fun!

Linny: Wow, what a long process!Teacher: That’s why this job always has such a high demand for staff! So keep up your good work in biology if that’s what you want to do!

Teacher: Panha! What on earth are you doing?Panha: This turmeric antiseptic is delicious!

Once the medicine is determined non-toxic, it has to go through 3 more phases of clinical research. This is a very long process, and we conduct tests with patients to check things such as safety, dosage, and side effects… Most trial medicines do not make it through these 3 phases, because the requirements for safety are very strict.

Teacher: Yes, that’s what Clinical Research Associates do.Linny: Cool. Do you think I can look into the goggles today? I’d love to learn more about this job.

Teacher: Of course! Here you go. Tell us what you see yourself doing.

I work in a pharmaceutical company, where scientists try to develop new drugs to improve the care of patients. I can see myself working in a team on a new drug for liver cancer.



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Page 4: Making things happen - Little Scientists Mag · Making things happen Meet the expert Khut Tha – Technician Manager at Solar Green Energy Cambodia Budding scientist Power a light


What is energy?

You can’t see energy, but it’s all around you. Everything that happens in the world and in the universe uses energy of one kind or another. It is the power that makes things happen, such as making cars move, powering spacecrafts, or getting your TV, fan, or lamp to work. It is also what makes our bodies function

and move, and what plants use to grow and thrive. It comes in many forms, such as heat, light, or electricity. Physicists define energy as the ability to do work, which means the ability to move an object, by applying a force. The great advances in science using energy in the 1800s enabled the creation of useful machines, such as tractors and trains, which made the work of people easier and facilitated a shift towards modernity and greater wealth. But the more machines are created and needed, the more energy we use, and not all sources of energy are the same. Some, such as the energy from fossil fuels, create a lot of pollution and are also being used up very quickly. Scientists are now studying more and more how to use sources of energy that are less harmful to the environment and which will not run out. These are called renewable energies. »តើវតថពធវើឡើងពវអវវ?ពៅកនញងពាកយទយាសាសសរ «តញ» មន�ចជាតញពឈើរបសបអន ភេអងាគ រ អងគរតរ ខយល វ�លបអន�ក�ពងហាើេ-ល- សេ វតខលនបអនកពតរបានពគពៅថាជារបធតញ វ�រ។ របធតញ គ ជា អវវ�លមនទ�ធ នងមនទេងាន ពទារះបវា រង�ច ជា បាលទាត រា�ចជាទកពករច ឬកជាឧសមនវ�លពេើលេន ព�ើញ�ចជាឧសមន ពអលយេពៅកនញងពបែងពបាែ ង។ ពទារះប ជា វាអាចមនរបរាងពពចើនពដាយរម ន កណត កពដាយរបធតញទាងអសពតរបាន បពងកាើតេអាតេ។ អាតេគជាពរបតចប ញតវ�លពៅកនញងបណដៅញ តចៗប ញតកនញងការ បពងកាើត អវៗទាងអសពៅកនញងសកលពលាកពយើង។ ពរបតចៗទាងពនរះតចណាសវ�លសកេនញសសពយើងមន ទ�ធជាងវាពបវ�លលាន�ងឯពណារះ! ឥឡពនរះ ពយើងអាចពេើលព�ើញអាតេពដាយពពបើេពករទសសនវ�លអសាចេ រយវេនវទន បែញវនរ ពៅពេលពលាក ចន ដាលតញន(John Dalton) បានរកព�ើញអាតេពៅព�ើេទសតសរ ឆន ១ ៨០០ រតបានពពបើការេពសាធន នងការគណោ�សមញគសាម ញកនញងការបញជា កថា អាតេេតជាមនវេន។ ពដាយសកសាេតញតចៗវ�លពេើលេនព�ើញទាងពនរះ នងសពងកាតពេើលេពបតកេមរបសេកវាពៅកនញងលកខខណឌ នងតញសខញសរន អនកទយា-សាសសរអាចយលេរពបៀបវ�លតញពសងៗមន�ពណើ រការ ព�ើយេកពគវថេទាង អាចបពងកាើតតញថមៗបានវថេពទៀត។ »

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HAPPEN ផេតលដែលវេាស


I can’t make

anything happen.

I’ve got no energy…

Page 5: Making things happen - Little Scientists Mag · Making things happen Meet the expert Khut Tha – Technician Manager at Solar Green Energy Cambodia Budding scientist Power a light

Science News


Science News



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Chemical energy is what holds tiny atoms in a molecule together. Chemical Energy is released when bonds form in a chemical reaction (see Little Scientists N°16!). Stored chemical energy is found in batteries, petrol, and coal for example, but also in food. This energy is released during digestion and gives us the power to move, think, and grow! ថាមពលគវមវជាអនកចាបអាតេតចៗកនញងេែពលគញលឱយ ពៅ ជាេយរន ។ ថាេេលគេពតរបានបពញចេ ញ ពៅពេល វ�លចណងពតរបានបពងកាើតកនញងពបតកេម គេ (សេពេើលទសសោ�ដៅអនកទយាសាសសដៅតចពលខ ១៦!)។

ថាេេលគេវ�លរកសាទញក ពតរ បាន រកព�ើញពៅកនញងអាគញយ ពពបង សាង នង ធយងថមជាព�ើេ ព�ើយកមន ពៅកនញង េហាបអាហារងវ�រ។ ថាេេលពនរះពតរ បានបពញចេ ញកនញងកឡញងពេលរ លាយ អាហារ ព�ើយវារលឱយពយើងនថាេេល

កនញងការផល សទ គត នងរកលតលាស!

Nuclear energy is energy in the nucleus of an atom. The nucleus is the central part of an atom, and if it is split it creates a lot of energy. ថាមពលនយធ�លអអែគជាថាេេលពៅកនញងសនលននអាតេ េយ។ សនលគជាវនកកណារ លននអាតេេយ ព�ើយ ពបសនពបើវាពតរបានបវបកពចញេរន វានង បពងកាើត ថាេេលយាែ ងពពចើន។

Mechanical energy is the combination of potential and kinetic energy. For example, machines use mechanical energy to move, and a hammer uses mechanical energy to push a nail into a board. When the hammer is raised, it has potential energy from its weight and height. When the hammer is moved toward the nail, the potential energy becomes kinetic energy, which can do the work of knocking the nail into the board. ថាមពលធមកានធចជាការរេបញចេ លថាេេលបែតងវសយល នង ថាេេលចលករ។ ឧទា�រណ មែ សញនពពបើថាេេល ពេកានចព�ើេផល សទ ព�ើយញញរពពបើថាេេល ពេកានច ព�ើេ�វ�កពរលឱយចលពៅកនញងការ រ។ ពៅពេល វ�ល ញញរពតរបានពលើកពឡើង វាមន ថាេេល បែតងវសយល េទេងាន នងកេសរបសវា។ ពៅពេលវ�លញញរពធវើចលោពឆរះពៅរកវ�កពរល ពោរះថាេេលបែតងវសយលនងកាល យពៅជាថាេេលចលករ�ឱយវ�កពរលចលពៅកនញងកាដៅ រ។

Light energy The Sun gives off waves of energy called electromagnetic radiation (see Little Scientists N°15!). Some of these waves give us light, but others include radio waves, microwaves, X-rays, and gamma rays. ថាមពលពនលពេរះអាទតយបពញចេ ញ រលកននថាេេលវ�លពៅថា ទយញសកេមពអឡចពតរមែ ពញែទច (សេពេើលទសសោ�ដៅ អនក ទយាសាសសរតចពលខ១៥!)។ រលកខលរះរលឱយពយើងនេនល បែញវនរខលរះពទៀតជារលកទយញ េពករព ែ ការសមពអច(X) នងការសមហាគ មែ ។

Electrical energy is created when parts of the atom, called electrons and protons, move from one atom to another. Electrical energy can be seen in nature in a bolt of lightning, but scientists have found a way to produce electrical energy and run it through wires. ថាមពលអគគធសនវពតរបានបពងកាើតពឡើងពៅពេលវ�លវនកននអាតេវ�លពៅថា ពអឡចពតរង នងពបរតញងផល សទេអាតេេយពៅេយពទៀត។

Gravitational energy

is stored in the height of an object. For example, potential

energy is stored in a rock perched on a cliff. As the rock falls, because of the force of

gravity, it gains kinetic (mechanical) energy ថាមពលទនាញពតរបានរកសាទញកពៅកនញង កេស ននតញេយ។ ឧទា�រណ ថាេេល បែតងវសយលពតរបានរកសាទញកពៅកនញង ថម វ�លសតពៅកេលពចាងថម។ ពៅពេល វ�ល�ញថមធល កេពចាងថម ពដាយសារថាេេលទោញវន� វាកបពងកាើតជាថាេេលចលករ(ពេកានច)។

Different forms of energy

Energy comes in two forms: potential or kinetic.

ថាេេលមនេរទពេង ៖ ថាេេលបែតងវសយល នងថាេេលចលករ ។ è

Potential energy is stored, and has the

potential to make things happen.




Kinetic energy forms make things move.


Thermal (heat) energy

comes from heat. The movement of molecules generates this heat. The faster these

molecules move, the more heat is created. ថាមពលសវតណហភាព(�ធត)ពចញេកេកព ដៅ ។ ចលោេែពលគញល បពងកាើតកព ដៅ ។ េែពលគញលមនចលោកានវតពលឿន ចលោ កព ដៅ កពតរបានបពងកាើតពឡើងកានវតពពចើនវ�រ។

Page 6: Making things happen - Little Scientists Mag · Making things happen Meet the expert Khut Tha – Technician Manager at Solar Green Energy Cambodia Budding scientist Power a light

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Khut Tha - �ញត ថា,Technician Manager at Solar Green Energy Cambodiaពបធនបពចចេកពទសពៅថាេេលសឡានបតង កេញជា LS: Can you explain your work? Khut Tha: I work on the electrical circuits of the charge controllers. These are used to control the solar energy we get from the sun, to make sure the amount of energy is just right: not too high or too low. LS៖សមធរៀបរាបពវការងាររបសអន�?

ឃតថេា៖ខញពធវើការងារពលើពសៀគវអគគសនននឧបករណ ពតរតេនតយពភលើង។ ពគពពបើវាព�ើេពគបពគងថាេេល សឡាវ�លពយើងទទលបានេពេរះអាទតយ ឱយ ពបាក� ថា បរមណថាេេលមនពគបពរន េនពពចើន ឬតច ពេក។ LS: Why did you decide to work in this field? Khut Tha: I heard about solar energy from my brother’s friend. He recommended and encouraged me to take Technology Study course. So I went to the KramNgoy Technology Centre and trained there for 4 years. The lecturers really encouraged me to do well, because there aren’t many female students who take this subject. It required a lot of studying, hard work, and patience. LS៖ធេតអវវបានជាអន�សធពមចចធតតធពជើសយ�ការងារធនរះ?ឃតថេា៖ខញបានឮអេថាេេលសឡាេេតរភភបងពបរសខញ។ រតបានវណោ ព�ើយជរញញខញឱយចាបយកជោញបពចចេកពទសពនរះ។ ខញបានពៅពរៀនពៅេជឈេណឌ លបពចចេកទយា ពកេ ងែញយ ព�ើយ�វក- ហាតពៅទពោរះអសរយៈពេល៤ឆន ។ ខញកទទល បានការពលើកទកចតរេសាសសរចារយងវ�រ េពពពារះេញសមនសសសសសណាសកសាេញខជោញពនរះពទ។ ការងារពនរះវ�រ កតពេរឱយសកសាបវនេ េយាយាេ នងអតធមតបវនេពទៀត។


Energy converts from one form to another, all the time and everywhere in the universe. But

engineers have also invented ways to make energy conversion happen, and to use this energy to power machines such as cars or phones. At first, the energy that we used came mainly from burning fossil fuels, like coal or gas. But these sources of energy damages the air, water and climate by creating a lot of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Also they will run out if they continue to be used so much. Scientists have therefore found ways to harness the energy from other renewable sources, which means sources that are always available naturally. Cambodia has a lot of renewable energy resources such as solar, biomass and hydropower. But at the moment, these resources represent a tiny percentage of the total sources providing electricity in Cambodia. è

ថាេេលផល សបដៅរេទពេងេយពៅទពេងេយពទៀត ពគ ប ពេល នងពគបទកវនលងពៅកនញងសកលពលាក។ បែញវនរ សវករកបានបពងកាើតធព�ើេបវេលងថាេេល ព�ើយ ពពបើពបាសថាេេលពនរះព�ើេលតមែ សញន �ចជា រថយនរ ឬទរសេទាជាព�ើេ។ �បង ថាេេលវ�លពយើង ពពបើគបានេកេការ�ញតឥនធនៈ�វសញល �ចជា ធយងថម ឬឧសមន។ បែញវនរពបភេថាេេលទាងពនរះ បេញល នង ពធវើ ឱយ ខចខយល ទក នងអាកាសធតញ ពដាយការបពញចេ ញ កាបនឌអញកសញតយាែ ងពពចើនពៅកនញងបរយាកាស។ េែយាងពទៀត វាេនមនពៅវន�ជាពរៀងរ�តពោរះពទ។ វាពតរចណាយពេលរាបលានឆន ព�ើេកពកើតពចញ េក វតវា នងអសពៅនថងាណាេយ ពបើវាពៅវតពតរបាន ពពបើពបាស ពពចើនពេក។ �ពចនរះព�ើយអនកទយាសាសសរបានរកព�ើញធព�ើេពពបើពបាសថាេេលេពបភេវ�លពកើតពឡើងញបានពសងពទៀត វ�លពនរះមននយថា ពបភេ ថាេេលទាងពោរះអាចរកបានពៅកនញងធេមជាត។ ពបពទសកេញជាមនធនធនថាេេលពកើតពឡើងញជាពពចើន�ចជា ថាេេលពេរះអាទតយ ជមែ ស នងថាេេលវារអគគសន។ បែញវនរពេលពនរះធនធនទាងពនរះពៅមនភគរយតចតចននពបភេថាេេលអគគសនទាងអសពៅកេញជា។ èTe






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Interview by: Yama Socheata Picture provided

Biomass Plants absorb the energy of the sun and store it in the form of chemical energy, which is trapped inside them when they die. Burning plants releases the trapped chemical energy, in the form of heat. A lot of Cambodian households burn wood for cooking. But even some industries, such as garment factories, use biomass: agriculture waste is burnt to heat water, and the steam from the heated water turns shafts to produce power. ជវវមាសរញកខជាតសសរបយកថាេេលននពេរះអាទតយ ព�ើយរកសាទញកពៅកនញងទពេងននថាេេលគេ ជាបពៅកនញងេកវា ពៅពេលវ�លេកវាងាប។ ការ�ញត រញកខជាត បពញចេ ញថាេ-េលគេវ�លជាបពៅកនញងរញកខជាត កនញងទពេងជាកព រ ។ ពគរសារជាពពចើនរបសកេញជា�ញតអញសសពមបចេអនអាហារ។ បែញវនរសេវតឧសសា�កេមេយចនន�ចជា ពរាងចពកកាតព�រកពពបើពបាសជមែ សវ�រ ៖ កាកសណលកសកេមពតរបាន�ញតព�ើេកព រ ទក ព�ើយចហាយទកវ�លភយពចញពៅរញញ�ងសាល បចពកព�ើេបពងកាើតថាេេល។


Using renewable energiesកេារផពបេពរាសថេារលដែលអេាចផកេតផេេងវញរាន

Hydropower Moving water has kinetic energy. Flowing water can turn turbines, which can then convert the kinetic energy into electricity. In Cambodia there are two types of hydropower plants: run-of-river plants, which don’t block the river; and conventional plants, which dam the river through reservoirs to retain water. Potential energy in the retained water is transferred into kinetic energy when the reservoir’s gates open and water flows through the pipes at high speed. ថាមពលវារអគគធសនវទកមនចលោមនថាេេលចលករ។ ទក�រ អាចបងវលតបនវ�លអាចបវេលងថាេេលចលករ ពៅជា អគគសន បាន។ ពៅពបពទសកេញជា មនវារអគគសនេរពបពភទគពបពភទទកទពនលរតកាតវ�លេនទបទកទពនល នងពបពភទទពៅវ�លទបទក ទពនលពដាយពពបើអាងសរញកទកព�ើេរកសាទក។ ថាេេលបែតងវសយលពៅកនញងទកវ�លពៅកនញងទកពតរបានបវេលងពៅជាថាេេលចលករ ពៅពេលពចកទាវ ររបសអាងទកពបើក ព�ើយទក�រតាេបេងកនញងពលឿនយាែងពលឿន។

Solar energy The sun is by far the most powerful source of energy. One way to convert energy from sunlight into electricity is through a technology called photovoltaic or PV cells. Sunlight is made up of tiny packets of energy called photons. When these photons enter the PV cells, they set off electrons, which are like little balls with an electric charge. This produces an electrical current. Solar energy has a huge potential in Cambodia, as it is a hot and sunny place! ថាមពលពនលពពរះអាទធតយពេរះអាទតយគជា ពបភេថាេេលខសប ញត។ មនធ េយព�ើេបវេលងថាេេល េេនលពេរះអាទតយពៅជាចរនរអគគសន គ តាេ រយៈបពចចេកទយាេយ វ�ល ពតរបានពគពៅថា �វតញល ថាអញក (photovoltaic) ឬបនទារះភ(PV cells)។ េនលពេរះអាទតយពតរបាន បពងកាើតពឡើងេកញចេ បតចៗនន ថាេេល វ�លពគពៅថា �វតញន (photons)។ ពៅពេលវ�ល �វតញន ចលពៅកនញងបនទារះភ េកវា បាន ពេវលង ពអឡចពតរង វ�ល �ចជា ពរបបាលតចៗពៅកនញង បនទាញក អគគសន។ �ពណើ រការពនរះបពងកាើត ជា ចរនរអគគសន។ ថាេេល ពេរះអាទតយ មនសការ នញេល�ធពធង ពៅកនញ ងពបពទសកេញជា ពពពារះ ពបពទស កេញជាជាពបពទសព រ នង មនេនលពេរះអាទតយ! ។

Page 7: Making things happen - Little Scientists Mag · Making things happen Meet the expert Khut Tha – Technician Manager at Solar Green Energy Cambodia Budding scientist Power a light

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Power a light bulb with a fruit! ដលថេារលែលអលលើង�ោយពរើល�ើ!

What to do: 01. Roll the fruit on a table to soften it up, so that the juice inside it flows (but don’t break the skin!) 02. Insert the zinc nail and piece of copper into the fruit so that they are 3 cm apart 03. With the help of an adult, cut off 1 cm of the plastic insulation from the electrical wires and wrap the metal filaments of one of them around the nail and the other, around the piece of copper 04. Take your bulb or your device, and touch the + side of the battery with the wire attached to the copper, and touch the – side of the battery with the wire that is connected to the zinc nail. You’ve made a battery!

អវវអេលពតរវធវវ៖01. រពេៀលវលពករចពៅពលើតញ ព�ើេពធវើឱយ វា ទន នងពចញទកពៅខងកនញង (បែញវនរកញ ឱយ វាដាចសបក!) 02. ដាកវ�កពរលសងកាស នងបនទារះទង-វ�ងពៅកនញងវលពករចឱយបានពបវ�ល៣ សងទវេែពតដាចឆងា យេរន 03. ពដាយមនជនយេេនញសសធ កាត ពសសាេវខសពភលើងឱយបាន១សងទវេែពត ពចញេវខសពភលើង ព�ើយយកសនលវខសពៅរញ ជញញវ�កពរលសងគស នងវខសពភលើងេយពទៀតពៅជញញទងវ�ង។

04. យកអេល ឬឧបករណរបសបអន ពៅ ចងវខស (+) ពលើបនទារះទងវ�ង ព�ើយ វខស (-) ចងនងវ�កពរលសងកាស។ បអ ន អាចបពងកាើតថមេលេយបានព�ើយ!

What you will need:

1 big lime, lemon or orange

1 piece of copper (you can ask for a small

piece at an air-conditioning repair shop or use

a 1 Thai baht coin!)

1 zinc nail

2 sections of electrical wire (around

10 cm each)

1 simple low-voltage LED bulb or any

device that functions from a 1 volt battery

អវវអេលបជនពតរវ�ារ៖ វលពករចឆម ធ ពករចឆម បារាង ឬពករចធេមតា១ �ញទងវ�ង១ (បអនអាចទញ�ញតចេយ ពៅ ហាងជសជញលមែ សញនពតជាក ឬពពបើ កាក

ពបាកនថកបាន!) វ�កពរលសងកាស១ វខសពភលើង២វខស (វខសេយពបវងពបវ�ល ១០សងទវេែពត) អេលពភលើងវ�លសញពភលើងទាប ឬ ឧបករណ អវកពដាយវ�លសញថម១ ែញល

មែ លបានពៅទញវខស នងកអេ សពមប េធបញណយចលឆន វខមរពៅភេោង។ ពគឱយលញយោង ២៥ ០០០ពរៀល ព�ើេចណាយ ព�ើយពគពបាបោងឱយទញវខស៨វេែពត នងកអេឱយពពចើនប ញតតាេវតអាច ពៅ រច។ ពៅហាង អនកលកបាន ពបាប ោងថា វខសមនតនេល ១ ០០០ពរៀលកនញងេយវេែពត ព�ើយ កអេមនតនេល ៤ ០០០ពរៀល។ • ពតើោងអាចទញកអេបានបែញោម ន?

If you think you know my name, send your answer to [email protected] with your name and address. The first 5 people to send in the right answer will receive a Kids City Pass! ធបើបជនគធតថាបជនសាលធមរះខពសមធផើចធមលើយរបសបជនម�កានអវអមល[email protected]។សម�ធលចធផើធមរះនធងអាសយដានរបសបជន។អន�អេលធលើយពតរវ៥នា�េបងនងទទលបានសបពតចល«�វតសវវ(Kids City)»។

Maly went to buy rope and clay pots for her neighbourhood’s Khmer New

Year Party. She was given 25,000 riel to spend and was told to buy 8 metres of rope and as many clay pots as she could afford. At the shop, the vendor told her that rope costs 1,000 riel per meter, and the clay pots each cost 4,000 riel. • How many clay pots was she able to buy?

Win a free pass to Kids City to visit the Science Gallery!


ê A stump-tailed macaque! Well done, Theonie Hadi ! You were the first one to get

the correct answer! Fun facts: They spend a lot

of time on the ground, as they are not very agile in trees. Their cheeks double as shopping bags: they use them to store food! As they age, some males and females can go bald, just like people.

ê សាអងគត!សេជយអបអរពៅកាន Theonie

Hadi ! បអនជាអនកពើចពេលើយពតេពតរេកកានពយើង េញន�បងពគបងអស!ការពធតអេលគរឱយចាបអារមមណ៖

េកវាចណាយពេលពពចើនពលើ� េពពពារះេកវាេនសេវកពឡើងព�ើេពឈើពោរះ

ពទ។ ថាលរបសេកវាមនបតេរនត�ចថង ដាកឥវាែន ៖ េកវាពពបើមតព�ើេរកសាទញកអាហារ! ពៅពេលវ�លេកវាចាសពៅ ទាងសតវព ម ល នងសតវញអាចពៅជា ទវេក�ចជាេនញសសវ�រ។


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It’s all FunGames!&

Solve this puzzle!

Each animal is worth a different value between 1 and 10. The total value of each vertical line of animals is indicated at the bottom of the grid. • How much is each animal worth?

សតវនេយៗមនតនេលខញសរន ចាបេ២ �ល ១០។ តនេលសរញបននបោទា តបញឈរននសតវ នេយៗមនបងាហា ញពៅខងពពកាេពកឡា ចពតងគ។ • ពតើសតវនេយៗមនតនេលបែញោម ន?


Mercury is the hottest planet in our solar system. False! Although Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun at just 58 million km away, Venus is actually the hottest planet in our solar system. This is because Venus has a very thick atmosphere, or layer of gas, surrounding it. It contains a lot of carbon dioxide, which traps the heat from the sun even at night.

ពពគជាពអេលធតបផតធៅ�នពងពបពនពពរះអាទធតយរបសធយើង។មធនពធត!ថវ�តវតភេេញធគជាភេជតពេរះអាទតយប ញតវ�លមន ចមងា យពតេវត៥៨លានគឡវេែពតកពដាយ កភេសញពកគជាភេវ�លព រ ប ញតពៅកនញងពបេនធពេរះអាទតយរបសពយើងវ�រ។ ពនរះគ ពដាយសារ វត ភេសញពកមនបរយាកាស ឬសសទាបឧសមនជញញវាយាែ ងពកាស។ វាមន ឧសមន កាបនឌអញកសញតជាពពចើនវ�លចាបកព ដៅ េពេរះអាទតយ សេវតពៅពេលយបកវាពៅចាបកព ដៅ វ�រ។



If it doesn’t work right away, try connecting more wire to two or more pieces of copper and zinc. If there isn’t enough space on your piece of fruit, you can connect the wires to the zinc and copper on more fruits. ពបសនជេាអលផនោះរនភលលភលេារៗផេសេាកលបងភេាបដខែផភលើងផេៅនងបនះេងដែងនងដែកផគោលសងកសេេរឬផពចើនដថរផេៀត។ពបសនផបើរនរេានកដនលងពគបពគេានផនៅផលើដលពករចផេបអនអេាចភេាបដខែេងដែងនងសងកសេផលើដលផើផែងផេៀតរាន។

Try this out!


Why did that happen? There's a chemical reaction between the zinc and the citrus juice. There's also a chemical reaction between the copper and the citrus juice. These two chemical reactions push electrons (the charged particles of the atoms) through the wires. Because the two metals are different, the electrons get pushed harder in one direction than the other. This creates a flow of electrons in one direction. While they flow through the device, they make it work. This flow is called an electric current. ផេតអេរានជេាវេាផកេតផេេង?មនពបតកេមគេរវាងសងកាស នងទកពករច។ វាកមន ពបតកេមគេរវាងទងវ�ង នងទកពករចងវ�រ។ ពបត កេម គេទាងេរពនរះរញញពអឡចពតរង(ភគ លអត បនទាញក ននអាតេ) ឱយរតតាេវខសពភលើង។ ពដាយសារ ពលា�ធតញទាងេរខញសរន ពអឡចពតរង ពតរ បាន រញញយាែ ងខល ងេទសពៅេយ ពៅ ទសពៅ េយពទៀត។ ពនរះបពងកាើតល�រ ពអឡច ពតរង កនញងទសេយ។ ពៅពេលវ�លេកវា �រ ចល ឧបករណណាេយ ពអឡចពតរង ពោរះ នង ពធវើឱយ ឧបករណ ពោរះមន�ពណើ រការ។ ល�រពនរះ ពគពៅ ថា ចរនរ អគគសន។ ពៅពេលវ�លេកវា�រចល ឧបករណណាេយ ពអឡចពតរង ពោរះនងពធវើឱយ ឧបករណពោរះមន�ពណើ រការ។ ល�រពនរះពគ ពៅថា ចរនរអគគសន។


we have seen that chemical energy can be released when a chemical reaction happens. With this experiment, we can see how the potential chemical

energy within a fruit can be converted into electricity! This experiment requires some technical equipment, but you can find it all in a local hardware shop. è

ពយើង�ងព�ើយថា ថាេេលគេបពញចេ ញពៅពេលមនពបតកេមគេ។ តាេការ េពសាធពនរះ ពយើងអាចព�ើញេរពបៀបវ�លថាេេលគេទាញកកនញងវល ពឈើ អាច ពតរបានបវេលងពៅជាអគគសនបាន! ការេពសាធពនរះតពេរឱយមន ឧបករណ បពចចេកពទសតចតច បែញវនរបអនអាចរកេកវាពៅកនញងហាងលកសមរៈពសងៗបាន។ è

Answers ចពេលើយ – 01. 4 – ៤ 02. Elephant: 4, Tiger: 9, Iguana: 6, Monkey: 7 – �រ ៤, ខល ៩, បងគយ ៦, សាវ ៧

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Geek Zone

Write a script for a video game character!សរសរសសេបសរេាបតអងកនងវផែអផេរ!

Did you know that before a movie is filmed, someone has to write everything the characters

are going to say and do? This list of actions is called a “script,” and it works in a similar way to a computer program. The same way actors read the lines from a movie script, the computer can read the lines of your program to figure out what it should do next. In today’s lesson, we are going to “script” some actions for a character in a video game. è

ពតើបអន�ងពទថា េញនពេលវខសភេយនរេយពតរបានថត ពតរមនេនញសសមន កសរពសរអេអវទាងអសវ�លតអងគនងនយាយ ព�ើយនងពធវើ? បញជា ននសកេមភេពនរះពតរបានពគពៅថា «សសគប» ព�ើយវាមន�ពណើ រការ�ចរនពៅនងកេមធកញេយទរវ�រ។ �ចរន នងតអងគវ�លពតរ អានសសគបរបសភេយនរ កញេយទរកអាចអានសសគបនន កេមធរបសបអនព�ើេឱយ�ងថា វាគរវតពធវើអវបោទា បពទៀត។ ពៅកនញងពេពរៀននថងាពនរះ ពយើងនង «សរពសរសសគប» សកេម-ភេេយចននឱយតអងគពៅកនញងព�អព�គេេយ។ è

To start the lesson, go to tynker.com/hour-of-code/dragon-blast. You should see a screen with a “Play Now” button. Click on it to start writing your scripts for the game.

After a short loading time, your screen should look like this. Click one of the three eggs until your dragon hatches. It should take three or four clicks.

ព�ើេចាបពរើេពេពរៀន សេចលពៅកាន tynker.com/hour-of-code/dragon -blast ។ បអននងព�ើញពអពកង វ�លមនបតញង «Play Now» ។ ចញចពលើវាព�ើេចាបពរើេសរពសរសសគបរបសបអនឱយព�គេពនរះ។ បោទា បេវាពរៀបច ពបើកកេមធព�ើយ ពអពកងរបសបអនគរវតពេើលពៅ�ចពនរះ។ សេចញចសញតណាេយកនញងចពណាេសញតទាងប រ�ត�ល សតវោគរបសបអនញាស។ វាគរវតតពេរឱយបអនចញចប ឬបន�ង។

Now you are ready to begin the game. Click

anywhere on the screen, and it should load a small page with instructions. Read these to make sure you understand how to build your program. Since we’re just starting out, we will only have a couple of actions: walk and jump. Once you understand the tools you will have to build your script, you can exit the instructions and start coding. ឥឡពនរះបអនពពតៀេខលនរចរាលព�ើយកនញងការចាប-ពរើេ ព�គេពនរះ។ ចញចកវនលងណាេយពៅពលើពអពកង ព�ើយពកដាសវណោតចេយនងពលចពចញ េក។ សេអានេតមនទាងពនរះព�ើេឱយពបាក� ថា បអន យលេរពបៀបបពងកាើតកេមធរបសបអន។ ពដាយសារ វត ពយើងពទើបវតចាបពរើេពលង ពយើង មន សកេមភេ វតេរបែញពណាណ រះ ៖ ព�ើរ នងពលាត។ ពៅពេលវ�លបអនយលេឧបករណវ�លបអននងពតរបពងកាើតសសគបរបសបអនព�ើយ បអនអាចបទពសចករវណោ រចចាបពរើេ សរពសរក�របសសសគបបាន។

To make your program correct, drag the “walk” and “jump” blocks over so that your script looks like this. Then click the big orange “Play” button on the bottom right hand corner of the screen. ព�ើេពធវើឱយកេមធរបសបអនពតេពតរ សេអសពបអប «walk» នង «run» េកខងេញខ រចសសគបរបសបអននងពេើលពៅ�ចពនរះ។ បោទា បេក ចញចបតញងេណទកពករចធ «Play» ពៅពជរងខងសារ ននពអពកង។





: Jon


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On the left hand side of the screen you have some building blocks that you can use to create your script. You create the program by clicking and dragging the actions from your toolbox into the middle section

of the screen, under the orange block that says “On start”. Try clicking and dragging blocks into your script and see what happens. As your dragon follows your script, you will see his current action highlighted in green. Pay attention to how the program works - it starts on the first line, then moves to the second, just like an actor reading lines for a play or a movie. ពៅវនកខងពឆវងននពអពកង បអនមនពបអបេយចននវ�លបអនអាចពពបើព�ើេបពងកាើតសសគបរបសបអន។ បអនបពងកាើតកេមធពដាយចញច រចអសសកេមភេេពបអបឧបករណរបសបអនពៅវនកកណាដៅ លននពអពកង ពៅខងពពកាេពបអបេណទកពករចវ�លមនពាកយថា «On start»។ សេសាកលងចញច រចអសពបអបចលពៅកនញងសសគបរបសបអន ពេើលថាមនអវពកើតពឡើង។ ពៅពេលសតវោគព�ើរតាេសសគបរបសបអន ពោរះ បអននងព�ើញសកេមភេសតវោគពៅពេលពោរះមនេណនបតង។ សេយកចតរទញកដាកេរពបៀបវ�ល កេមធពោរះមន�ពណើ រការ។ វាចាបពរើេពៅពលើបោទា តទេយ បោទា បេកផល សទពៅបោទា តទេរ ហា ក ប �ចជាតអងគអានសសគប ព�ើេសវេរងវខសភេយនរេយអញចង។

Your dragon will take one step and then jump up onto the branch holding the treasure. Good job!

នេាគរបសបអនផែើររយជេេានបនេាបរក វេានងផលោតផេៅផលើដរកផើដែលរេានពេយសរបតដ។ផើរានល!




Page 9: Making things happen - Little Scientists Mag · Making things happen Meet the expert Khut Tha – Technician Manager at Solar Green Energy Cambodia Budding scientist Power a light

N.17 Apr. 2018

Editor-in-chief /នេាយកននធAnaïs Pagès-Peeters Contributing writers / អកររចដែកននធJonathan Cox Socheata Yama យេារេាសជេាតេា Copy editors / អកដកសពររលចបេាបចរលងOlivia Hough Sin Sovanrattana សនសវែណរតនេា Translator /អកបកដពបBou Puthida បេធេែេា Graphic Design / រចនេាពកេាេចWhaim Illustrator /គនរBou Puthida បេធេែេា Comic illustrator / គនរសពរេាបផរឿងSeat Sopheap ផសៀតសភេា Printing / កេារផរាះរពIPML - Image Printing

Funded by the British Embassy Phnom Penh


My name is Song Heng Srun. I am a student at Trop Mean Chey High School in Kompong Speu Province. I had never seen the STEM bus before but I really loved the activities such as the elephant toothpaste experiment in the science booth, or the banana piano in the engineering booth! But I liked the maths booth the most. It showed me how to improve key maths skills. This has really encouraged and inspired me to get high education in a STEM subject.

សានទតអងពគលសពបចាពៅកេញជាបានរល េលនធពៅកាន «រថយនដៅវសទាេ» វ�លទាញកពៅពដាយវលងទយាសាសសរ នង ការេពសាធសបបាយៗ ព�ើយរថយនរពនរះពធវើ�ពណើ រទទាងពបពទសព�ើេបពពងៀន កញមរ កេញជាអេទយាសាសសរ បពចចេកទយា សវកេម គណតទយា។ សេពេើលវនទព�ើេ ពេើលព�ើញកវនលងវ�លរថយនរ «វសទាេ» ពនរះ នងពតរពៅបនរ!

The British Embassy in Cambodia funds the “STEM bus”, a bus full of exciting science games and experiments that goes around the country teaching Cambodian children about STEM. Check out the map to see where the STEM bus will be going next!



ខញព ម រះ សញង ព�ងសសញន។ ខញជា

សសស ពៅទយាលយ ពតពាង មន ជយ

ពខតរកេងស។ ខញេនវ�ល ព�ើញ

រថយនដៅ វសទាេ េេញនពទ បែញវនរខញេត ជា

ចលចតរសកេមភេពសងៗ �ចជា

ការេពសាធថាន �ញសពធមញ សតវ�រពៅកនញង

សរងទយាសាសសរ ឬេយាណវលពចកពៅ

កនញងសរងសវកេម! បែញវនរ ខញចលចតរសរង

គណតទយាជាងពគប ញត។ វាបងាហា ញ


គណតទយា។ វាេតជាបានពលើកទកចតរ

នងជរញញទកចតរខញឱយចងពចរះ ចង�ង

េញខជាជា វសទាេ វថេពទៀត។

Siem Reap


Kampong Cham