DECISION MADE BY EDUCATION MINISTRY CONCERNING OFFICIAL STATE RECOGNITION FOR MHT VOLUME 9 ISSUE #1 AUGUST 2017 MAKOR HATIKVAH A MESSIANIC HEBREW DAY SCHOOL IN THE HEART OF JERUSALEM “Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s. 2 Chronicles 20:15 ַ חֵ- לַ אְ ו אְ ירִ- לַ ״...א הֶ ַ ב הָ רָ ן ה מָ הֶ י הֵ נְ ִ מ יִ הָ מָ חְ לִ ַ ם הֶ כָ א לֹ י לִ ים:"ִ ה אֵ ל15 דברי הימים ב כ׳We have received a decision from the Ministry of Education to our request for official state recognition. They claim that we lack financial stability which we feel is unjustified, given the fact that we have been in existence for over 27 years and are finally debt free. In fact, our latest financial report clearly shows that we are in a strong enough financial position. Therefore, we are, along with our attorneys looking into the feasibility of appealing this decision, including the likelihood of prevailing, so we covet your prayers for wisdom and God’s leading on how to proceed.

MAKOR HATIKVAH...HaTikvah and will pray for the school and keep blessing it also financially when I can.” I am grateful for their continued invitations to speak about our school

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    AUGUST 2017


    “Do not be afraid! Don’ t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not

    yours, but God’s.”2 Chronicles 20:15

    ״...ַאל-ִּתיְראּו ְוַאל-ֵּתַחּתּו ִמְּפֵני ֶהָהמֹון ָהָרב ַהֶּזה

    ִּכי לֹא ָלֶכם ַהִּמְלָחָמה ִּכי ֵלאֹלִהים:"

    דברי הימים ב כ׳ 15 We have received a decision from the Ministry of Education to our request for official state recognition. They claim that we lack financial stability which we feel is unjustified, given the fact that we have been in existence for over 27 years and are finally debt free. In fact, our latest financial report clearly shows that we are in a strong enough financial position. Therefore, we are, along with our attorneys looking into the feasibility of appealing this decision, including the likelihood of prevailing, so we covet your prayers for wisdom and God’s leading on how to proceed.

  • PERSONAL NOTE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTORWe’re back and as we prepare for the next school year, always an exciting time, I am never surprised when we receive last-minute requests to accept new students whose parents want them to be in a better environment. We have received at least three or four letters with those sentiments, and it makes us realize just how important our school is as an alternative option to the Israeli public school system where children are exposed to so many ungodly influences. We have the benefit of gathering each morning and starting our day with worship, prayer and bible study, setting the tone for the rest of the day. It definitely differentiates us from the others, and that is seen by the attitude and behavior of our students. As faithful supporters, you know the significance of the role the school is playing in the lives of these children, and that is why you choose to invest in their lives. Thank you for your many prayers and donations throughout the years. Please continue to pray that we are granted favor with the authorities so that our school can continue on into the future without fear of being closed but rather as a school which is officially recognized by the state of Israel.With Thanksgiving and gratitude,

    Cookie Schwaeber-Issan Executive DirectorMakor HaTikvah Messianic Hebrew School


    Pl e a s e c o n t i n u e t o p r a y

    9th Grade Graduating Class

    What was already a beautiful graduation ceremony of our 9th graders (a class of all girls) turned out to be even more poignant than anyone expected when the boyfriend of the homeroom teacher of that class showed up and,

    on one knee, pulled out an engagement ring from his pocket. The happy couple both love the Lord and are so thankful He brought them together. We couldn’t be happier for Dvora and Israel! What a way to end the school year!


    The Happy Couple!Dvora and IsraelThe Proposal

  • WHY I SUPPORT MAKOR HATIKVAH(Inspiring Responses from Supporters):


    (Report from Shirra’s proud father – also the graphic designer of our newsletter)As many other MHT students, our daughter Shirra attended a public Israeli High School but as an excelling student studied biology, bio-technology, chemistry and music, all together extremely challenging but very helpful for the next chapter of her life. Shirra is now serving in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). Although having been selected to test for the pilots’ course, a big honor, she landed in the field of Intelligence. There is no doubt that her time at MHT, from kindergarten to 9th grade, distinguished her as a serious student who always goes for the gold, and we’re thrilled that she has now been selected for the officers’ path, a program which she will begin in February 2018. Shirra’s dream is to go to medical school after completing her military service. In Shirra’s words: “Studying at Makor HaTikvah was a wonderful experience. As most things in our lives, you get back whatever it is you decide to put into something. I worked hard at MHT and MHT helped prepare me for this time in my life.”


    “I spent nearly 40 years in the Royal Air Force as a pilot. My wife supports everything we do in respect to Israel and her people. Sadly we could not have our own children, but are very aware that the future of any racial group, nation, or society depends upon its children and how and what they are taught. When we looked for additional ways to support the Messianic believers in Israel, MHT came to our attention, and we identified the fact that MHT gives a well-rounded education to believers’ children, and is satisfying the need for The Lord’s people to teach its youngsters both educationally and spiritually.”

    “I consider it a great honor to bless your school. God really put it on my heart to become a regular contributor last year. God is doing great things in Jerusalem and raising the next generation of Jewish believers is a major part of that plan. Every day I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and can’t wait to visit there Lord willing next summer. Brandon S., USA”

    “We have lived for 2 or 3 years at a time on 5 continents, and visited many other countries including Israel, and in some places have seen the limiting and negative effect of no or bad education of children. We have also seen the stimulating effect of good and comprehensive education. So that is why it is important to us and to you, and “Why we support MHT”. Anthony S., U.K.”

    WAYS YOU CAN HELP!Without your continued help with these special funds and projects, we would not be able to meet the needs of our School.

    Playground SurfaceWe had to replace some of the playground surface which was worn, costing us 4800 NIS. 3700 NIS of that cost has been covered by Jewish Jewels. If you would like to cover the remaining 900 NIS, that would be a great blessing to the school.

    Playground ShadeWe also need a new out-door tarp for the hot days ahead in order that the children can play protect-ed from the sun. The cost is 2,000 NIS ($555).


    New Equipment for Physical EducationIt’s the end of an active school year and we need to replenish 15 basketballs, 15 volleyballs, exercise mattresses, ping pong net and paddles – all totalling 6,500 NIS ($1800) includes tax. The students will be so happy to receive new, working equipment!

    FINNISH BELIEVERS CONTINUE TO BLESS MAKOR HATIKVAHFinland loves Israel and many Finnish believers especially love Makor HaTikvah and bless our school on a regular basis. They understand the significance of a Messianic school in the heart of Jerusalem and believe that raising up this next generation of Jewish believers is important to them too. Here is one comment:

    “I truly enjoyed hearing how God has led you to and in the Holy Land faithfully. It was very encouraging and uplifting to hear your story and I thank God for it. I believe in the work of Makor HaTikvah and will pray for the school and keep blessing it also financially when I can.”

    I am grateful for their continued invitations to speak about our school and the work we are doing with these Israeli believing students.

    Shirra received the “Out Standing Solider”

    Award for basic training


    Overjoyed to hear about the power of the children’s healing prayers for your hand. I would tell you that I am surprised, but that would not be honest, because I’m not. Because “we can do all things through

    Messiah who strengthens us!” God bless all of you! Bob H., USA

    Always a pleasure to receive Makor HaTikvah’s updates. Praising Yeshua with you for all that He is doing through you and your supporters to build and resource His school. Shoshana L., Australia

    So thankful to read about the children’s prayers and answers, especially about your being able to “make a fist” with your injured and recovering hand!! Praise the Lord. And we so enjoyed reading the school letter, praising the Lord for all the

    provisions and the wonderful blessings of this school. The answers to prayer by the children so encourage us, as we find that our main ministry now is prayer and our physical limitations of old age affect us mightily. As we age, we become like little children in dependence on others. So, may we become more like little children in faith!! Virginia and Rhett S., USA

    Thank you for your latest newsletter. The many stories of answered prayer and growing faith within the school community are a great pointer to the work of God’s Holy Spirit. May this only increase through the summer and into the next academic

    year. Graham C., U.K.

    Great newsletter. Simply love reading about the children praying for you and needed playground equipment. And look at you, making that fist! Have a wonderful summer. Remembering you all in our prayers. You are doing a great work for the

    school. Jane D., USA

    Thank you so much for sending me your newsletter, I have found it very interesting. So pleased you now can move your hand a little. I will keep praying for you, that it will improve more for you. It is good news you keep getting donations for your school.

    Will be praying that more will come in for you, especially sports equipment. Looking forward to your next newsletter. Dorothy I., UK

    Thank you for telling me of your students’ faith! I know very well the Lord hears and answers a child’s prayer. HE said Himself: “Unless you come as a little child you in no wise will enter the Kingdom of Heaven”. HE meant what HE said. Mitch, USA

    Thank you for your June newsletter with the good and wonderful news that when children pray such fresh new faith unleashes the hand of our wonderful savior’s living display with results of healing. Having your hand return to near normal again must have been a reaffirmation that Yeshua hears. Robert D., New Zealand

    Praising God for the miracles He is performing in your midst, most especially the faithfulness you have to teach the children to pray and His faithfulness to see those prayers to fruition. Praising God for the healing from your fall and the prayers of

    the children to see your hand return to strength! Corry B., USA

    I just wanted to write and say how thrilled I was to read today in the June Newsletter about your miraculous healing through the children’s prayers! God is so good and we praise Him always for the wonderful things that He is doing in and through the school.

    It is such a blessing and an inspiration to read your reports. We praise God for you all. To Him be all the glory! Liz and John E., U.K.

    Good to hear from you! What wonderful answers to prayer! “Let the little children come to me…” Tom and Iunia B., USA

    Love that fist! Yeah ! Thank you Lord! Clyde W., Canada




    DIRECT BANK TRANSFERSThe 1st International Bank of IsraelAccount name: Makor HaTikvah SchoolAccount number: 033588Bank sort code: 31-012SWIFT Code: FIRBILITXXXIBAN: IL350310120000000033588

    FOR ISRAELI ORGANIZATIONSPLEASE NOTE CHANGE:Name: Amuta Makor HaTikvah SchoolBank: 1st Intern. Bank of IsraelBranch Code: 31-012Account Number: 033588Swift: FIRBILITXXXIBAN: IL350310120000000033588

    TAX DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS Earmark check for:Makor HaTikvahAddress: CMJ USAPO Box 443Ambridge, PA 15003**Tax deduction only applies to U.S. residents.