Malaysian Hardwoods TTBNO22

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  • 7/28/2019 Malaysian Hardwoods TTBNO22



    - P E R P U S - T A f c - ' - , .

    Timber Notes - Medium H ardwoods V(Perah, Petaling, Punah, Ranggu, Rengas)

    byK . S . Can , K . T . Choo, S . C. Lim & Mohd. Dahlan Jantan

    Trade Name:Species:1. Tree type an d distribution:

    2. Wood characteristics:

    3. Timber classification:

    PerahElateriospermum tapos ( f ami l y Euphorbiaceae}.Medium-s ized tree to 27 m tall and 180 cm g i r th . Present th roug hout Pe ninsu larMalays ia in hi l l s ides , lowland fores t to 600 m al t i tude and low undulating countryin N o r t h Johore.H e a r t w o o d d a r k - b r o w n a n d w i t h d a r k - c o l o u r e d s t r e ak s . S a p w o o d s h a r p l ydif ferent ia ted and is l i gh t c r e a m - b r o w n . T e x t u r e mode rately coarse and even . Grainstraight or shal lowly in te r locked .M H W

    4. Wood density:5. Drying and relative movement:

    6. Machining properties:7. Durabi l i ty:

    8. Strength grouping:9. Strength properties:


    R an g e s from 735 to 1235 kg m - 1 air dry .A ir drying of 15 mm and 40 mm boards take 2 '/ i m o n t h s and 4 mo nths respectively .R e c o m m e n d e d k i l n dry ing s chedu le G ( P R L , U K ) .Di f f i cu l t to saw but planes wel l an d p ro du c e s a smooth f i n i s h .N o n - d u r a b l e . S u s c e p t i b l e to t e rm i t e and powder-posts beetles a t t a ck . E x c e p t f orth e core w ood, the t imb er is easily treated.B

    P ro pe rt y (M P a)M o d u l u s of ruptu reMo du lu s of elast ic i tyM a x i m u m c rushing s t reng th

    Green1 1 2

    1 4 9 5 050

    A i r d r y14 91 7 5 5 068

    Suitable f or m e d iu m to h e avy cons t ruc t ion indoor, an d wh en t reated , it is suitablefor all heavy cons t ruc t ion .

    n.a-not ava i l ab l e

  • 7/28/2019 Malaysian Hardwoods TTBNO22


    Trade Name :Species:1. Tree type an d distribution:

    2. Wood chara cteristics:

    3. Timber classification:4. Wood density:5. Drying and relat ive movement:

    6. Machining properties:7. Durability:

    8. Strength grouping:9. Strength properties:

    Petal ingOchanostachys amentacea Mask ( family Olacaceae).Sma l l to medium tree reach ing 30 m tall, 180 cm girth. Bole rather poor form,f l u t ed or shor t l y f l u t e d . Common t h r o u gh o u t t h e c o u n t r y except P e r l i s & N .Kelantan . Low undulat ing coun t ry , hi l l s ides an d r idges to 900 m.T he t imber is hard to very hard and heavy to very heavy. Heartwood is dark yel low-brown or l ight red -brown an d moderately def ined f rom th e sapwood wh i ch is darkye l low-b rown o r l i gh t red -brown. Textu re f i n e an d even . Grain interlocked.M H WR an g e s f rom 800 to 1105 kg m ;' air dry.A i r d r y in g of 15 mm and 40 mm boards lake 6 and 9 mo n t h s r e sp e c t i v e l y .Susceptible lo insect a t t ack d u r i n g season ing .Easy to saw and work. Planed surface produced is smooth. Poor nai l ing property .Moderately durable unde r exposed conditions . The amenabil i ty to t r ea tment isaverage.BBased on tests ca r r i ed out on Ochanostachys amentacea.

    Proper ty (M Pa)Modulus of ruptureModulus of elasticityM a x i m u m crushing strength



    Air dry


    10 . Uses: Sui t ab l e f or p i l i n g , posts, heavy and m e d i u m construction u n d e r cover, fu rn i t u remanufac ture , strip f looring, pallets, boxes an d crates .

  • 7/28/2019 Malaysian Hardwoods TTBNO22


    Trade Name:Species:1. Tree type an d distribution:

    2. Wood characteristics:

    3. Timber classification:

    Pun a hTetramerista glabra.B ig tree to 35 m tall , 3 .3 m g i r th . Present in f resh water or peat swamp fores ts inKedah , Perak , Tcrcngganu , Pa h a n g , Selangor , Malacca & Johore.Heartwood straw-coloured turning to orange-b rown on exposure. Sapwood clear lyd e f i n e d in dried timber. T e x tu r e coarse but even . Grain st ra ight or sha l lowlyin te r locked or w a v y .M H W

    4. Wood density:5. Drying and relative movement:

    6. Machin ing properties:

    7. Durabil ity:8. Strength grouping:9. Strength properties:

    10. Uses:

    R a n g e s f rom 625 to 800 kg nr1 air d r y .Air drying of 15 mm and 40 mm boards take 2 ] /2 months and 4 months respect ively .For k i l n dry ing , schedule C is r ecommended . T h i c k sect ions are prone to sur f acecheck ing an d inc idences of ' co l l apse ' have also been detected . End-coat ing isrequired . T he t imber has Typ e IV movement .E asy to saw and work. Planing is easy an d planed surface is moderately smooth torough. Nai l ing property is good.Moderately durable and is amenable to preservat ive t reatment .A

    Proper ty ( M P a )M o d u l u s of ruptureModulus of elast ic i tyM a x i m u m c rush ing strength


    1 3 50034.5

    A i r d r y871 5 4 0 0

    49.4Sui t ab l e for a l l forms of heavy c o n s t r u c t i o n u n d e r cover, posts, beams, raf ters ,heavy duty furni ture , solid door and heavy duty f loor ing .

  • 7/28/2019 Malaysian Hardwoods TTBNO22


    Trade Name:Species:1. Tree type an d distribution:

    2. Wood characteristics:

    3. Tim ber classification:4. Wood density:5. Drying and relative movement:6. M achining properties:

    7. Durabil ity:8. Strength grouping:9. Strength properties:

    R a n g g uKoordersiodendron pinnatum (B lanco ) Merr . ( family Anacardiaceae) .Widely distr ibuted throug hout th e Phil ippines, the northern part of Borneo (Sabuhan d Sarawak) and Indonesia . Occ urs in lowland forest. T he tree reaches 24 - 30 raheight and2 .1 - 2.4 m girth .The wood is moderately hard to moderately heavy. Hearlwood pink brown to red-brown an d da rkening on exposure and clear ly def ined from th e sapwood wh i ch iswhi t e to pale p i n k . T e x t u r e f ine and even. Gra in s t r a igh t t o i n t e r lo cked .M H WR a n g e s from 690 to 915 kg rrr1 ai r dry .A ir dry ing of 15 mm and 40 m m boards takes 5 and 6 months respectively .Easy to saw and work well with all tools. Nai l ing property is var iously reported asgood to poor.Durable unde r exposed condi t ions .B

    Prope r t y (MPa)Modulus of ruptureModulus of e last ici tyM a x i m u m crushing strength


    1 5 2 8 847 .120

    A ir d ry

    1 7 0 1 958.0

    10. Uses: Sui tab le f or f loor ing , in terior cons t ruc t ion , f u rn i tu re and cab ine t mak ing , generaljoineries , door panels and turneries .

  • 7/28/2019 Malaysian Hardwoods TTBNO22


    Trade Name :Species:

    R c n g a sGluta spp, (15 species) an d Melanochyla spp. (10 species) .

    1. Tree type and distribution:

    2. Wood characteristics:

    3. Timber classification:

    Smal l lo bi g trees. Gluta is widely distr ibuted from coasts an d swamps to mountainfores ts Melanochyla is found m a i n l y in the l owlands .Hcartwood blood-red coloured and streaky and sharply defined from th e sapwoodwhich is l igh t -b rown with a pinkish tinge. Texture moderately fine or moderatelycoarse but even . Gra in in ter locked .M H W

    4. Wood density:5. Drying an d relative movement:

    6. Machin ing properties:

    7. Durabil ity:8. Strength grouping:9. Strength properties:

    Ra n ges from 640 to 960 kg r r v - 1 ai r dry.A ir drying of 15 mm and 40 mm boards take 2 months and 5 months respect ively .T he recommended kiln drying schedule is H (PRL, U K ) . T y pe II movement .Sl ight ly di f f i cu l t to resaw an d cross-cut . P laned surface is moderately smooth.Nai l ing property is rated excellent .Moderately durable . T im be r is d i f f i cu l t to treat.BData based on lest carried out on Melanorrhoea torquata.

    Property (MPa)M o d u l u s of r u p t u r eModulus of elast ici tyMax imum c rush ing s t r ength


    140004 1 . 4 .

    A i r d r y1 1 1

    14 90059.4

    10. Uses: Suitable for panell ing , parqu et f looring , fancy artic les , turnery an d sliced veneers .

  • 7/28/2019 Malaysian Hardwoods TTBNO22


    Perah Pe ta l ing

    P u n a h


    n , * , *v/ '-* JL

  • 7/28/2019 Malaysian Hardwoods TTBNO22


    B A C K G R O U N D I N F O R M A T I O N1 . Tree type an d distribution

    T he dis t r ibut ion an d si /e of tree ar e g iv e n .2. Wood characteristics

    T he co lours of sapwood and hear twood, f i g u r e , appearance on planed s u r f a ce and any other characte ris t ic f ea tures of the t imber ,3. Timber classification

    U n d e r th e Malaysian Gr ad i ng R ule s ( 19 84 ) , t imb e rs ar e c lass i f ied as Heavy Ha rd wood ( I I I 1W ) when t h e i r densi ty e x c e e d s 800 kg rrr' and the l imb e rs ar enatura l ly du r ab l e . Med i u m Har dwoods (MHW ) ar e t imb e rs w i t h densi ty exceed ing 7 2 9 kg m ' b ut lack suf f i c ient natura l du rab i l i t y . Li gh t Ha rd wood s ( L H W )are timber with density below 720 kg m ^ and not naturally durable in exposed condition.

    4. Wood densityGreen densi ty o f f reshly sawn board , def ined as gr een mass d iv ided by gr een volume . I t varies w i t h Ihe freshness of the log in the log yard before process ingan d seasoning . A i r d ry densi ty is the average mass divided b y v o lum e a ! 1 5 p e r c e n t mo is tu re content .

    5. Drying and relative m ovem entA i r d ry ing l ime fo r 13 m m an d 40 mm hoards an d moisture con ten t a re f rom Gr ewal < 19791. " A i r - season i ng Propert ies of S o m e Ma la ys ia n Timbers " , T i m b e rT ra d e Leafet No. 41 . Sui table k i l n dr y i ng schedule i s ment ioned [Schedules hased on Gr ewal ( 1 9 8 8 ) . "Ki ln D r y i n g Charac ter i s t i c of S o m e Mal ay s i anTimbers " , T i m b e r Trade Leaf le t N o. 4 2] , T he re lat ive m o v e m e n t ( whenev er is available) is def ined as the cha nge in dimension of a piece of t imb e r whenexposed to th e servi ce condi t ions of 60% R H / 30 C a nd 95% RH/ 30 C respec t ively , an d expressed as percentage of the v a lue at 60% RH/ 30 "C T hemovement rat ings s tated ar e based on v a lue s of the c o r r e spond i ng tangen t ia l m o v e m e n t |Choo ei al. (1998}."Movement of Seasoned T i m b e r in Service".F R I M T e c h n i c al In fo rmation Handbook N o. 18|.

    M o v e m e n t ra t ing Tangen t i a l m o v e m e n tClass IClass IIClass 1 1 1Class IVClass V

    6. Mach in ing propertiesComment s are made on th e compara t ive case or d i f f i cu l t y of sawi ng , p l an in g , t u rn in g , bor ing, peel ing , g l u in g an d other wood wo rk in g propert ies .

    7. DurabilityDurabil i ty rat ings of Malaysian Timbers ar c based on p er forma nce of tes t - s t icks in graveyard t est ing. Tes t -s takes of 50"x 50 x 600 mm are buried in testgrounds and the ir p er forma nce monito red . The nu mber of yea rs thai th e t imber c an las t under such condi t ions i s used to c l a s s i f y th e durabil i ty of th e t imber .U n d e r th e sys tem, t imbers are classified as fo l lows;

    R a t i n g N u m b e r of yea r sVery durableDurableModerate ly durableNo n - d ura b le

    more than 10 yea rs5 - 1 0 y ea r s2- 5 y ea r s0- 2 years

    S us ce p t ib i l i t y to f u n g a l and termi te at tacks may be ment ioned.K . Strength grouping

    In th e s t rength grouping of t imber und er each trade name , ranking is al loca ted f rom A ( s t ro n ge s t ) to D (weakest ) . Min imum v a lue s fo r st rength groups basedon c o m m o n grade for dry t imber (below 19 % mois ture content} ( u n i t s are in M P a ) .

    Strength groupM o d u l u s of e las t ic i tyBendi ng and tension parallel to gra inCompr ess i on paral le l to g ra inCompress ion p e rp e n d i cu la r to grainS h e a r para l le l to g ra in

    A970012.411 !.031.451.45



    D31004.834 . 140.450.62

    9. Strength propertiesValues ar e f rom Le e d al . 1979, "The S t re n g th Propert ies of S o m e Malaysian T imb ers " . Ma la ys ia n Forest S erv i c e Trade Leaf le t N o. 34 .

    10. UsesVarious past an d poten t ia l uses are given , b u t the l ist is obviously not e xh a us t iv e .

  • 7/28/2019 Malaysian Hardwoods TTBNO22



    EditorK.T . Choo

    Editorial PanelAssoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Zamin Jumaat

    Department of Civil EngineeringFaculty of Engineering, University Malaya

    59100 K u al a LumpurDr. Razali Abdul Kadcr

    Golden Hope Plantation BhdResearch & Development Department

    Oil Palm Research StationP.O Box No. 20742700 Banting, Selangor DE

    Mr. C. T . Yap26, Jalan 3, Eng Ann Estate

    Klang, Selangor DE.