THE GROSSI!: POINTE PRINTING CO, Pubh,h ... I PHONE LENOX 1162 ~~~@ VOL 12 No 17 LB 11IE HOME NEWSPAPER OF GROSSE POINTE AND THE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONALDISTRICT OLDHAM, PublIsher GROS'iI' POI'lTI: ~IICB:lGI\.'" fHlJRSDAY, DI:CLMBER 16 1937 , ~~l!!l&l@jm.!!!iaa&a I WE PRINT IT AS WE GET I!J IT, WITHOUT FEAR OR I ~ FAVOR - ADVERTISING HAS NO RELA1ION TO OUR POLICY I _ ,'rofOl~_Iii1I01fri1@Ji;1Jii1JiilJii1ffilffiIJi!JiilJ By Mal! $200 per} ear, Smgle CopIes 5 Cent. Amount Enclosed FIll out above and mail In WIth your donatIon to THE I TOY CLUB, 15224 E Jefferson Aye, Grosse Pomte Park, Mlch l * ~ Alger Post New Home One of thc bIggest attractlo IS on he eastSIde 01 \\ edne:.day I 19l1t.:.has Leen the hd.sbIde LlOt1'Jbm~o partIes at the Delltsclles I-faus 8200 \lack a enue The"e PoP lar affa rs \\111be resumed aga n m Jantary for deta1ls \\,itch yvttr Gros'le POll1te Re\ Ie", Grosse Pointe Lions Goodfellow Paper Sale Here Tuesday Before da\ hcih ... next fue<:lda) Decembet 21st the members of the (,ro,se Pomte I IOns Club" 111 be on the mam thoroughfares of Grosse Pomtt'" condllctll1g' thetr antill'll Goodfe-lIo\\ Paper sale Requests for help are cnmmg Irto the offIce of LIOn George Elworth" "elfare (l,redor of the '\e ~biJorhood Club 17145 Water- loo at a pate that \\onld 111d .9te the need for funch thI~ year WIll f"r e>.ceed that of l.,t ;ear rhe ~e ghbOlhood Club ts the dlOtrIb- lltmg agent for the Gro'i'ie Po ntp LIOns rl1b and t.he entne amount realt7ed from thl<:l paper sale IS 11 cd not only at Cl1rIstmas tIme, but thro tghout the entIre, ecir a., the need l,rlse,s 1he Grosse Pomte J tons Club 111 auclItlOll to g1\lllg theIr tUlle and eftort to thIS enteIpn<:le bear the entIre expense of conductmg the sale and the all year ~round dl'tnbutlOn of the fund 1\h N"orbert F Denk, ChaIrman of thIS I ear s sale 15 111an e},.- cclIent pO~It1on as 10wnslup Supen Isor to know the <:lttuatlOn ann he stated, 'We hale many additIOnal fanl1hes to take care of tll1. year and I hope that thts ;ale \I 111 I eacil the sum 01 $4 (J(X) 00 We need mane, and I smc...erl'>1 hvpe t'lIS ..,.oa1 <;; c1rIve \\ III be a suu ..ess " 1 he p'1!tce and fire departmel1ts of the Grosse Pornte mU11lCl~ palttIes ,,111 be sellmg ",th the LIOns agam tIllS \par and ,,,th theIr able aSSIstance e, ery Import wt corner In the TownshIp wIll be covered As the Gros.::e Pomte <:lale chte 15 the same as DetrOIt's PI esi .. dent Tack Gagnon ttrge<:l ). ou res dents of Grosse Pomte to bear In mmd that chanty hegm!3 at home <:l0plea~e buy" our paper from one of the LIOns boys In Groc;;se Pomte ,f\\ as three \\ eeks I)efore Chnstmas ''v hen a I through the huu::.e ~ot a creatUle '"as 'it1nl11g net e\en '1 11ou<,e When ont of the 111ghtthere aro'" s Ich a clotter RIght up to our house rlashed the Grosse Pomte hook and bdder The rooms \\ele all full of S1l1ot.e and tll fume:::. But the- fil emen soon let '5orne f1 esh dlr In the rooms Had they been five Inmu"'es latel \\e d hd\e nothmg 10 sa), But" e're stIll here and tll1nJ,,[,,! on tillS Chn<tmas day \ 'R AND tIRS G D GLENN MAHY LOU GLENN, 992 Nottmgham Bob Stltnan \\ho <;pec1ahzcs 111 the sale and 1epa.IrI 19 of bIC)des has a There IS one CanadIan game \Cry '111e select on of blcycles 111 a whIch has never become popular 'I ery attractlve pnce range for the 111the ul1lted States yet It draws Chnstmas hollda,js large audIences m Canada and I-lIS <;hop IS located at 1S4l7 \fack that IS lacros'le ongmally an 11 a\Cnue 011 the north slde of the street dlan game It requires &peed '1t Beaconsf eld } or real values In L~lhtv, and qUIck thmkmg :wd h h cycles 11 \\111 Day )ou to compare qmte- hard on the knuckles pnces ---------------- To Our Firemen On Fnda) December 17 the Defer p r A Will held thelr meetmg for the month The chIldren of i'he fifth and SIxth grade:. WIll present a Chustmas can~ tata Twa:. the '\TIght Before Chnst~ mas 1 here wIll also be a DramatJza bon of lhe FIrst Cl nslmas Eve' wtth a chorus of 57 vOIces Thh WIll be High School's Fall glven Jnde;r tl1e personal dlr~t on of \llSS DaroUIY Crandall ~usic Festival Is The past \\eek was an eve! tiU! and The mceb"g £Ol J"nnar, WIll be m Saturday, I>ec. 18th bu<y one £01 the members of tbe Gen- the form 01 a b Idge emller cit 6 30 end R1S"cll 1\ al d Co onel }redenck T1cl..ets may be obtamed from the home Grosse Pornte Hlgh School s fall vI \.lger Post of the \ etetans of ioom mothers atter the first of the lUU"IC festI",al, under the dIrectIon of 1< o"e g 1 \\ ars for It markcu the acquI- y~aT ~ J-Mtl1Fmth and Mr \Vilham Wat Clition of pelmanent heaaquarters after V;"e WIsh at thiS time to e:x.tend. aKIns, mUS1e 1ttstnlctors w'l11be held 111 beIng sh1fted from port to statlOn SltlCe hearty season greetll1g's to all In the the audltonum at 8 15 o'dock Satur ts mccptlon seven yeats ago As en.. communtty and tell them that t1;,.ey day. thusla"tlc as kids alound a Ohrlstmas are welcome to attend our meetings One hund'fed and nmety "tudel ts WII! tree .... \ere the veterans and thell WIVes even thotlg-h thr) have no ch.tldren 1ll parhclpate tn the program, whtch w 11 or ~ lld \\ Jast wI ('1 th-. Gts keta Club our school be opened by the girls chorus smgllg bt1lldmg the new home of the veter- ------- three songs I Wmgs ot Morn11lg by 'ins W,S ,.)fLned lor l11Sl-- "tlO11 ~ichael Sweet I S WIley Phllosphy by Emmell and Budd.ng Appropr,.t. Recovering Rapidly Thank God for a Garden by Del TIm club bu Id ng III rccent "ars RlegO remodeled and la\1shly decorated 11 The Golrl'S Select Group will then I st1ltable for the.., etcrans' purpose SIng a series of three sorgs Schubert s Bell g well appo 11tOOand centrally , '3erenade" CThe Green Cathec1eral located It makes an Ideal meet1l1g hy HaJhn, and Lovely Appear by place for the \eterans of the Grosse ltounod WIth solos by Elizabeth Keydell POll1te commu Ity It IS the type of and Amta Bauley " tb tl p \ eteran .. I aye let g ellcamed The next series of four songs to be of and "'tll at all t mes be available lor "ung by the Boys Glee Club lS Jube the many act1\ltlCS for "",hlch the V F Plante' by 0 Rara Tit .. Bell Man b\ 'vv d. I c.I tel Olgamzat ons have led 1<orseyth Shcnand()ah' by Bartholo It 'loll mE'ana departure from the g)psy mew Song of the Road by Protheroe type of eAl~tel1ce the club expenence Hurrah for tne Rollll1g Sea by heretofore through faJiure to procure F1llck and Get Away From DI:. So n adeqUate he'ldquarters 11l th1S dlstrtct Ftel' , an -\mencan v.rmstrel song \1 I b b h B SIt It IS a vet era 1S cl..tb ccond to none G t leu e sung yte oys e e.c n the Ln ted States and Vvlllencourage rCo"d P '0' h £ D an veterans 111 the Gro~se P0111te dlS- a man S nlg' rt 0 reams B " I I' dG R tnet to become actIve therell1 assett s tIC e an ounoe s 111g on Sweet Angelus and Hahn" The CongratuhtlO11s to Commander Besso VOJce of tl e ChImes WII' follow by and the generous mmded supporters o.f the GirlS' Glee Ctub the V r \\ 111 Grosse Pomte for thrs The GIrlS' Chorm and Glee Club accomphshment combined "'Jll then contnb..tte Cheru ------ hun Song C by Tsch .. kowsk, Eastside Lions' Parties The program WIll close WIth selec Begin Again in January hons by the A Capelltl. ChOIr 1 he un a-ccompa111ed group wIll Stng 1 he Vesper Hymn a RUSSIan ciU Dnnk to Me Only With Th ne Eyes by Jon son, In These Dehghtful Groves by PurcelJ Vale of Tuom by Slbehus A,.doramus Te J\ by Palestrll1a By the \foon s Pale LIght by Lully Ccirol of the RUSSIan Children a Gaullc song and The Bell Irom an old }rench hvmn Many BIcycle Values at Bob Surtman'. Plal11:.ts are Joan Reutter \1a 01 MorriS :::.hltley l\..aplan and ] eanne Berry A & P New\Super Market Bottom Row-C.lrl Schwelkart Leon Oldham, Vldo r De Baekt", NorhE'rt Dcmk Chdlrman oE Drive, Pre, .. Jd,..nt J'lck Gagnon, Hugo Glaser, RoUie Barrett. Dr Brownell Spc('nd Row- Dr WalkinS, Arthur Gnich, Dr Werner. MIchael 0 Brien, C~as NtghtIngale, JultUl> Nagel, I awrenc .. Korte and Alfred Garska Third Row-PhI! Kahn Julius Kramer, Lorne Ayltn If, EdWBl"d Krau, VIncent Leach, Jaek AJdnch, CIar .. enef" SWift and Vere WtrwIlle Top Ro,w-Charles Wade Dr JaxtImer, Lytt~ Lavu, Jules Berns, Waldo Berns, Nel. Korte, DMI•• Met: calf, Ceo lngrant, Bdl L1J,dwll and Bdl Banbn. R~:r Kaml.chke il hftung near LudWig. Merchants deslrlng to advertIse are reml11ded that all advertIsements must be m not later than Monday noon to Jnsu~e purbhca.tlOn neXlt week The Grosse POinte Review will be dlstn outed on Tuesday mste4-d of rhursday next v.eel.. A view of A&P's new Super Market JJ,ich opened la,t wpek on Kercheval at St Clair, WIth new low pr,ces for every day m the week, f1uctuatmg only as the mark.t change•• They LnV,tpyou to VIS.tthis new Super Sel'ov'cesto,. at 17045K.rcheval Ave. NOTICE TO N~WS l~olf@1ilIii1lii1fOl_Ji!Jilll!f_WiilJj;lJiilJill@ilfi'fOlfi'1 DefE"rParent Teachers CONTRIBUTORS ~ CJt'ection I ~eeting Friday Eve ANI> ADVERTISERS I Ii Th,ough .:::::: 1.,1 week Ih. i -- ~ adare. $of;th. l'aelr;arcl Groue ~ All news Items for pubhcatlon In lS\! P t b ~~. , .1 I :cJ Oin e rl\'n~ was eoroneou y next v.eek s ISS e of the Grosse POInte iii II •I ~ given U:l an ar ie e lrt our 0 .. ReVIew must be 111 our office not later f2} amns The torrect address is E ;aJ than ~atu<rday to Insure pubhcahon Fe! J ff t TL k I n ~ 21 e erson a .... epcntleave ue r'2J ~ Some very attraebYe values ,n ~ I ~ used car_ f!uJ.t are almost like ~ t\ew are stdl llvaz1able at Pack- gj ard's Groue Pointe pl'auch ~ - ~ lO!Iii!I!!Ji!JJ_~,!Ii!ll!J!lIi!IIi!li!J"_ Funeral Rites Held for George Humelsheim Farms Police Officer H ~ K'fl ---- ';., at erman el er Funeut s-ervtces for DetectIve Set'gt Lawrence J Reno of the Glosse Pomte George Hume1shelrn, the popular Farms Polite Department were held gateman at Grosse Pomte Park sWat Weone-sday In St Paul5- Cathohc erfront Park has been serlO'usly 111 Church at 10a m for the past four er five months and He dIed at the Marme HOSPItd.1 IS at present the occupant of room "iunday December 12th He was oVt'r 505 at the Herman Kiefer hOspItal seas 'Vl1th the 328th }leld ArtIllery He v.ould apprecIate It If some of hiS I SergNl.nt Reno, 42 of 330 Ridge road old fnends would pa} htm a VISt was a member of the Alger Post V F \Y, alld had been on the Gro",se Pomte Farms pohc.e force for 17 years where 1e receIVed many CItatIons for Qt1'f'Jtandmg po Ice ¥. ark He leave.. filS w1dow LillIan and ~IX chtldren, Margaret Lara, Donald LOU1S Mar Jane and La\\rence Jr BUrJal was In Holy ;,epulchre Ceme tery Santa Claus to Visit Rotary Club All membtrs of the Grosc;e Pomte Rotary Club are remmdea to be on hani next Monday at 12 15 p m at whlOh time a VISit from Santa Claus ts antiCIpated The membershIp of thiS club ts 1 ap Idly 111creaSl1lg and due to the splen did prograrls presented the attend ance has been qUIte favorable at the weekly meetmgs last week only threc members were absent Fmtan Henle \\ 0 preSides over thl,:. a t~ust body ha~ accomphshed mucl 111 the short space of tIme thiS club 112's b"en In eXIstence and F Roy Shaw the Dlstr ct (Governor has ex pres"ed PIS ..Jleasu e at the fine manner m Wh1ch the Grosse Pornte club has progressed Mrchael Sweet l1emb-er of the Grosse Pmnte Park police department IS recovermg from a senous Illness whioh has J..ept hIm confined to hiS home at 1367 Mar) land avenue for the past several months He IS almost t011'pletely recovered and hIS pleasant SUllie \vlli soon be seen on the avenue agam 1t1 the CllS Call Grosse Pointe Printing Co., tornarY U111rorm Lenox 1162, for Job Printing. I ------- ------- For Job Prlnbnl' of the Better K.lnd Grace Church ,.all Th. R•••• w, L.nox 1162 Christmas Program Eagles' Popular Parties A c)lorful pageant WIll be pre,ented - Resume in January by the Grace Churc.h "chool on the evening of Sunday, De"ember 19th at The popular bmgo parties of the Fra b 0 clocl at the church corner of LaKe 1ernal Order of Eagle leld Sunday pomte and Kerchev1.l The publ c 1'1 ll1gJ to)at the Falnle¥. Gardens at 11000 cordlallv lllvited to dttend Mack aven 1e haH been temporallly The Chnstmas paqeant has tn It a dlscontm...1ed untIl some ttme m Janu large numb~r of pat tIclpants There an due to the holidays which are dose WIll be thnlhng mUSIC nsplrlng songs "1t hand Pongracz Jewelers 17008 Kercheval colorful costumes mterestmg drama I \\ 'ttch the Gros"e Pomte Review for avenue, open everungs until 9 00 P M 1)on t m1SS seemg v.. hen the Star announcement of the re:.umptlOn of Christmas week .Shollc" I the.'>e gala" eekly events ._----------_._---------------- _._---------- Goodfellows Who Will Sell Papers Tues. By LEO M WElL The American LegIon today IS r1dmg on the crest of one of the most ad vanced membershIp drI\ es It has ever e;\.penenced The everyday veteran IS reahzmg more and more what the leglOn IS domg for the ex serVll,cman Our (Grosse Pomte) Post happens to be one that IS proud to hold the dIstlnctlon of be1ng the mnth III the Detro1t Metropohtan area to go over the top-Comrade Mart Nleben can taken credIt for thIS A dlsttngJIShed NatlOnal CItatIOn was Lonferred on tht" Post for hIS hard unselfish thankles:. Job There are accord1l1g to statistICS appro'\.lmatc1y 300 ehglble vetelans tn the Grosse ~omte area Why not come out and attend one of our meetmg:. heLd the first or th1rd \Vednesday every month at the Ngel Memona! home Maumee near Neff road You are not obllgated by any means The chIldren's annual Lhnstmas party WIll be held Sunaay, December 19, 2 p m at Post Headquarters Brmg on the chIldrcl Santa Claus w1ll be early, anG \'.111CApect the chlidren to beat h1m H'ere V\. 11 the comrades \\ ho antICIpate theIr chlldl eon attendmg thIS part} contact Leo 01:' N Iagal;'a 55S5 to give Us an ldea how many we can prepare for 'N e don t care mtlch a.bout ehsappo ntmg, anyone We have ten days to put our Pas up to the quota '1pecIfied by the state department vVilJ we go over thts It s u.p to all of u" to see that we do- even Clem V\ hately I'> mcluded REVIEW LINERS GET RESULTS Orner Muller s Market at 15225 K<>r cneval avenue has been fortunate In secttrmg prlLe beef from the Annua Ltvestock Show and chotce cuts of blue rIbbon 4 H Club beef IS now avaIl able +0 reSident.'> at Grossj Pomte wh(l deSire such a dehcacy for thetr table ThIS popular market conforms to a very high st...ndald m the selectIOn of Its meats tor consumptIon You will always :find the finest at thl.'> market at Hr) favorable pnces Muher's Market Secures Prize Beef for Patron. P ongracz Jewelers, 17008 Kercheval avenue, open. eventngs until 9 00 P M ChrIstmas week , Grosse Pointe Post ~embership I>rive ~eets With Success News Digest Address Great Bntam 15 gomg ahead WIth a plan to gL'ald the Onent e'ldentIy agam<;t the Onent They are qmttmg ShanghaI and constructmg a base at Hong Kong Temptanon becdme too great for two brothers '" ho acted as ca'3n1ers III several downtown theaters They have been nms- mg smce Sattu day J 'pan IS profuse In Its apolo- gIes but m no great hUrly In mak111g restItutIOn In the gl unt and groan 1l1dus- try AlI Baba WIll haye another go at the champIOnshIp htle on Decf'mber 28th aga1l1st JIm Lon- dos the GI eek Adol1\s I belIeve In the aboye slo".n A blneblaI d has been qmte ac- tne III France and some SIX VIe tlms have been found f01 who'3e deoth he IS bemg accused At the present time he rests In pno:;on "Not a K.idWithout a Toy for Christmas" )t seem, that Japan s mdeml1\ty for de':ltrov1n,Z the gun boat WIll pass the mIllIon mark It WIl, prohably be paid lIke the war debt of I:urope A Visit to the Toy Club , by A New Member Bad luck must be followmg Peggy J 0) ce around She IS now ViearIng a shl1g as a1 esult of a slIp on one of Holly" ood s boule- vards Generdl 'imedley Butler sa) s get all UnIted States CItizens out of Chma and let the Orient solve Its m\ n problem s if ax Schmelmg IS ,tIll able to knock thFm out, although he ISn't as COI01ful about domg It as Jack Dempsey, the Idol of the rmg fans By A New Member The storeroom of THE TOY CLUB IS leaded WIth the lovelIest to)S of toyland-Toys to SUlt eler) age-Tovs lIke you and I would choose for our own bo) 0:; '1.nrt g-lrl" I ookmg over thIS assortment remmds me of the story d'>out S1nta , palace up at the North Pole .and a trIp through hIS plaf"e could not be more faSc111atmg-Santa's eh es could not he mOl e acllye 'han these helpel s for today 1hese toys are bemg packed O,"r on the table" a pile of red cloth bags-each ha' a ta~ on "ll1ch IS typed the name and addre" and hst of chIldren arri theIr arzes Everyone an underpnvileged child It was fun to watch one of the bags bemg filled As I followea I harl to .,k questIOns Who dressed the loyely baby dolls ~ The, VI, ere darlmg-dressed In pmk, whte and blue klffionas all made by hand some boand ",th ribbon some emblOldered ThiS was done by a gIrlS' sorority Doll. ,,,th bobbed hatr Blondes brunettes anrl red headed hea'Illes 1 hen there "ele dolls dlessed m red ,k' SUlts ","S I \\ atched othel bags hemg filled I saw toy pianos, dIShes trams game' ,clentIficall) lho<en to ,mt the age dIs.ppear mto those bag' Into each bag the last package 15 a box of candy-What a lovelv ChrIStmas Do) ou "ant to have a part m thIS actlYlty You can and we do need you J om today and make thIS slogan yours ..... ** ** .. I want to belong to the 1937 TOY CLUB Name We understand that large crowds are follOWIng amateur hockey as It IS now bemg played at the ()IYI'1pla and they do have many thrills and 'ee many spIlls If cold "eather contmues m }londa as It has thIS year the people of 110nda WIll be Yhltmg Mlcl,Igan dUring the wtnter months for theIr health,

Man I - Grosse Pointe Public Librarydigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935-39/1937/1937-12-16.pdf · even thotlg-h thr) have no ch.tldren 1ll parhclpate tn the program,

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Page 1: Man I - Grosse Pointe Public Librarydigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935-39/1937/1937-12-16.pdf · even thotlg-h thr) have no ch.tldren 1ll parhclpate tn the program,


PRINTING CO, Pubh,h ...




OLDHAM, PublIsher GROS'iI' POI'lTI: ~IICB:lGI\.'" fHlJRSDAY, DI:CLMBER 16 1937,



OUR POLICYI _,'rofOl~_Iii1I01fri1@Ji;1Jii1JiilJii1ffilffiIJi!JiilJ

By Mal! $200 per} ear, Smgle CopIes 5 Cent.

Amount Enclosed

FIll out above and mail In WIth your donatIon to THE ITOY CLUB, 15224 E Jefferson Aye, Grosse Pomte Park,Mlch

l * ~

Alger Post New Home

One of thc bIggest attractlo IS on heeastSIde 01 \\ edne:.day I 19l1t.:.has Leenthe hd.sbIde LlOt1'Jbm~o partIes at theDelltsclles I-faus 8200 \lack a enue

The"e PoP lar affa rs \\111be resumedaga n m Jantary for deta1ls \\,itch yvttrGros'le POll1te Re\ Ie",

Grosse Pointe LionsGoodfellow Paper

Sale Here TuesdayBefore da\ hcih ... next fue<:lda) Decembet 21st the members of

the (,ro,se Pomte I IOns Club" 111 be on the mam thoroughfares ofGrosse Pomtt'" condllctll1g' thetr antill'll Goodfe-lIo\\ Paper sale

Requests for help are cnmmg Irto the offIce of LIOn GeorgeElworth" "elfare (l,redor of the '\e ~biJorhood Club 17145 Water-loo at a pate that \\onld 111d.9te the need for funch thI~ year WIll

f"r e>.ceed that of l.,t ;ear rhe ~e ghbOlhood Club ts the dlOtrIb-lltmg agent for the Gro'i'ie Po ntp LIOns rl1b and t.he entne amountrealt7ed from thl<:l paper sale IS 11 cd not only at Cl1rIstmas tIme, butthro tghout the entIre, ecir a., the need l,rlse,s

1he Grosse Pomte J tons Club 111auclItlOll to g1\lllg theIr tUlle

and eftort to thIS enteIpn<:le bear the entIre expense of conductmg

the sale and the all year ~round dl'tnbutlOn of the fund1\h N"orbert F Denk, ChaIrman of thIS I ear s sale 15 111an e},.-

cclIent pO~It1on as 10wnslup Supen Isor to know the <:lttuatlOn ann

he stated, 'We hale many additIOnal fanl1hes to take care of tll1.year and I hope that thts ;ale \I 111 I eacil the sum 01 $4 (J(X) 00 Weneed mane, and I smc...erl'>1 hvpe t'lIS ..,.oa1 <;; c1rIve \\ III be a suu ..ess "

1 he p'1!tce and fire departmel1ts of the Grosse Pornte mU11lCl~

palttIes ,,111 be sellmg ",th the LIOns agam tIllS \par and ,,,th theIrable aSSIstance e, ery Import wt corner In the TownshIp wIll becovered

As the Gros.::e Pomte <:lale chte 15 the same as DetrOIt's PI esi ..

dent Tack Gagnon ttrge<:l ). ou res dents of Grosse Pomte to bear In

mmd that chanty hegm!3 at home <:l0plea~e buy" our paper fromone of the LIOns boys In Groc;;se Pomte

, f\\ as three \\ eeks I)efore Chnstmas ''v hen a I through the huu::.e

~ot a creatUle '"as 'it1nl11g net e\en '1 11ou<,e

When ont of the 111ght there aro'" s Ich a clotterRIght up to our house rlashed the Grosse Pomte hook and bdderThe rooms \\ele all full of S1l1ot.e and tll fume:::.But the- fil emen soon let '5orne f1 esh dlr In the rooms

Had they been five Inmu"'es latel \\e d hd\e nothmg 10 sa),

But" e're stIll here and tll1nJ,,[,,! on tillS Chn<tmas day


Bob Stltnan \\ho <;pec1ahzcs 111 thesale and 1epa.IrI 19 of bIC)des has a

There IS one CanadIan game \Cry '111e select on of blcycles 111 awhIch has never become popular 'I ery attractlve pnce range for the111the ul1lted States yet It draws Chnstmas hollda,jslarge audIences m Canada and I-lIS <;hop IS located at 1S4l7 \fackthat IS lacros'le ongmally an 11 a\Cnue 011 the north slde of the streetdlan game It requires &peed '1t Beaconsf eld } or real values InL~lhtv, and qUIck thmkmg :wd h h cycles 11 \\111 Day )ou to compareqmte- hard on the knuckles pnces----------------

To Our Firemen

On Fnda) December 17 the Deferp r A Will held thelr meetmg for themonth

The chIldren of i'he fifth and SIxthgrade:. WIll present a Chustmas can~tata Twa:. the '\TIght Before Chnst~mas 1 here wIll also be a DramatJzabon of lhe FIrst Cl nslmas Eve' wttha chorus of 57 vOIces Thh WIll be High School's Fallglven Jnde;r tl1e personal dlr~t on of\llSS DaroUIY Crandall ~usic Festival Is

The past \\eek was an eve! tiU! andThe mceb"g £Ol J"nnar, WIll be m Saturday, I>ec. 18th bu<y one £01 the members of tbe Gen-

the form 01 a b Idge emller cit 6 30 end R1S"cll 1\ al d Co onel }redenckT1cl..ets may be obtamed from the home Grosse Pornte Hlgh School s fall vI \.lger Post of the \ etetans ofioom mothers atter the first of the lUU"IC festI",al, under the dIrectIon of 1< o"e g 1 \\ ars for It markcu the acquI-y~aT ~ J-Mtl1Fmth and Mr \Vilham Wat Clition of pelmanent heaaquarters after

V;"e WIsh at thiS time to e:x.tend. aKIns, mUS1e 1ttstnlctors w'l11be held 111 beIng sh1fted from port to statlOn SltlCehearty season greetll1g's to all In the the audltonum at 8 15 o'dock Satur ts mccptlon seven yeats ago As en ..communtty and tell them that t1;,.ey day. thusla"tlc as kids alound a Ohrlstmasare welcome to attend our meetings One hund'fed and nmety "tudel ts WII! tree ....\ere the veterans and thell WIVeseven thotlg-h thr) have no ch.tldren 1ll parhclpate tn the program, whtch w 11 or ~ lld \\ Jast wI ('1 th-. Gts keta Clubour school be opened by the girls chorus smgllg bt1lldmg the new home of the veter-

------- three songs I Wmgs ot Morn11lg by 'ins W,S ,.)fLned lor l11Sl-- "tlO11~ichael Sweet IS WIley Phllosphy by Emmell and Budd.ng Appropr,.t.

Recovering Rapidly Thank God for a Garden by Del TIm club bu Id ng III rccent "arsRlegO remodeled and la\1shly decorated 11

The Golrl'S Select Group will then I st1ltable for the.., etcrans' purposeSIng a series of three sorgs Schubert s Bell g well appo 11tOOand centrally, '3erenade" CThe Green Cathec1eral located It makes an Ideal meet1l1ghy HaJhn, and Lovely Appear by place for the \eterans of the Grosseltounod WIth solos by Elizabeth Keydell POll1te commu Ity It IS the type ofand Amta Bauley " tb tl p \ eteran .. I aye let g ellcamed

The next series of four songs to be of and "'tll at all t mes be available lor"ung by the Boys Glee Club lS Jube the many act1\ltlCS for "",hlch the V FPlante' by 0 Rara Tit .. Bell Man b\ 'vv d. I c.I tel Olgamzat ons have led1<orseyth Shcnand()ah' by Bartholo It 'loll mE'ana departure from the g)psymew Song of the Road by Protheroe type of eAl~tel1ce the club expenence

Hurrah for tne Rollll1g Sea by heretofore through faJiure to procureF1llck and Get Away From DI:. So n adeqUate he'ldquarters 11l th1S dlstrtctFtel' , an -\mencan v.rmstrel song

\1 I b b h B SIt It IS a vet era 1S cl..tb ccond to noneG t leu e sung y t e oys e e.c n the Ln ted States and VvlllencouragerCo"dP '0' h £ D an veterans 111 the Gro~se P0111te dlS-a man S nlg' rt 0 reams

B " I I' d G R tnet to become actIve therell1assett s tIC e an ounoe s 111gon Sweet Angelus and Hahn" The CongratuhtlO11s to Commander BessoVOJce of tl e ChImes WII' follow by and the generous mmded supporters o.fthe GirlS' Glee Ctub the V r \\ 111 Grosse Pomte for thrs

The GIrlS' Chorm and Glee Club accomphshmentcombined "'Jll then contnb..tte Cheru ------hun Song C by Tsch .. kowsk, Eastside Lions' Parties

The program WIll close WIth selec Begin Again in Januaryhons by the A Capelltl. ChOIr 1 he una-ccompa111ed group wIll Stng 1 heVesper Hymn a RUSSIan ciU Dnnkto Me Only With Th ne Eyes by Jonson, In These Dehghtful Groves byPurcelJ Vale of Tuom by Slbehus

A,.doramus Te J\ by Palestrll1a By the\foon s Pale LIght by Lully Ccirol ofthe RUSSIan Children a Gaullc songand The Bell Irom an old }renchhvmn Many BIcycle Values

at Bob Surtman'.Plal11:.ts are Joan Reutter \1a 01

MorriS :::.hltley l\..aplan and ] eanneBerry

A & P New\Super Market

Bottom Row-C.lrl Schwelkart Leon Oldham, Vldo r De Baekt", NorhE'rt Dcmk Chdlrman oE Drive, Pre, ..Jd,..nt J'lck Gagnon, Hugo Glaser, RoUie Barrett. Dr Brownell

Spc('nd Row- Dr WalkinS, Arthur Gnich, Dr Werner. MIchael 0 Brien, C~as NtghtIngale, JultUl> Nagel,I awrenc .. Korte and Alfred Garska

Third Row-PhI! Kahn Julius Kramer, Lorne Ayltn If, EdWBl"d Krau, VIncent Leach, Jaek AJdnch, CIar ..enef" SWift and Vere WtrwIlle

Top Ro,w-Charles Wade Dr JaxtImer, Lytt~ Lavu, Jules Berns, Waldo Berns, Nel. Korte, DMI•• Met:calf, Ceo lngrant, Bdl L1J,dwll and Bdl Banbn. R~:r Kaml.chke il hftung near LudWig.

Merchants deslrlng to advertIse arereml11ded that all advertIsements mustbe m not later than Monday noon toJnsu~e purbhca.tlOn neXlt week TheGrosse POinte Review will be dlstnouted on Tuesday mste4-d of rhursdaynext v.eel..

A view of A&P's new Super Market JJ,ich opened la,t wpek on Kercheval at St Clair,WIth new low pr,ces for every day m the week, f1uctuatmg only as the mark.t change••They LnV,tpyou to VIS.tthis new Super Sel'ov'cesto,. at 17045K.rcheval Ave.

NOTICE TO N~WS l~olf@1ilIii1lii1fOl_Ji!Jilll!f_WiilJj;lJiilJill@ilfi'fOlfi'1 DefE"rParent TeachersCONTRIBUTORS ~ CJt'ection I ~eeting Friday Eve

ANI> ADVERTISERS IIi Th,ough .:::::: 1.,1 week Ih. i-- ~ adare. $of;th. l'aelr;arcl Groue ~

All news Items for pubhcatlon In lS\! P t b ~~. , .1 I:cJ Oin e rl\'n~ was eoroneou ynext v.eek s ISS e of the Grosse POInte iii I I • I~ given U:l an ar ie e lrt our 0 ..

ReVIew must be 111 our office not later f2} amns The torrect address is E ;aJthan ~atu<rday to Insure pubhcahon Fe! J ff t TLk I n ~21 e erson a .... epcntl eave ue r'2J

~ Some very attraebYe values ,n ~

I~used car_ f!uJ.t are almost like ~t\ew are stdl llvaz1able at Pack- gjard's Groue Pointe pl'auch ~- ~


Funeral Rites Held forGeorge Humelsheim Farms Police Officer

H ~ K'fl ---- ';.,at erman el er Funeut s-ervtces for DetectIve Set'gtLawrence J Reno of the Glosse Pomte

George Hume1shelrn, the popular Farms Polite Department were heldgateman at Grosse Pomte Park sWat Weone-sday In St Paul5- Cathohcerfront Park has been serlO'usly 111 Church at 10 a mfor the past four er five months and He dIed at the Marme HOSPItd.1IS at present the occupant of room "iunday December 12th He was oVt'r505 at the Herman Kiefer hOspItal seas 'Vl1th the 328th }leld ArtIllery

He v.ould apprecIate It If some of hiS I SergNl.nt Reno, 42 of 330 Ridge roadold fnends would pa} htm a VISt was a member of the Alger Post V

F \Y, alld had been on the Gro",sePomte Farms pohc.e force for 17 yearswhere 1e receIVed many CItatIons forQt1'f'Jtandmg po Ice ¥. ark

He leave.. filS w1dow LillIan and~IX chtldren, Margaret Lara, DonaldLOU1S Mar Jane and La\\rence JrBUrJal was In Holy ;,epulchre Cemetery

Santa Claus toVisit Rotary Club

All membtrs of the Grosc;e PomteRotary Club are remmdea to be onhani next Monday at 12 15 p m atwhlOh time a VISit from Santa Clausts antiCIpated

The membershIp of thiS club ts 1apIdly 111creaSl1lg and due to the splendid prograrls presented the attendance has been qUIte favorable at theweekly meetmgs last week only threcmembers were absent

Fmtan Henle \\ 0 preSides over thl,:.a t~ust body ha~ accomphshed mucl111 the short space of tIme thiS club112's b"en In eXIstence and F RoyShaw the Dlstr ct (Governor has expres"ed PIS ..Jleasu e at the fine mannerm Wh1ch the Grosse Pornte club hasprogressed

Mrchael Sweet l1emb-er of theGrosse Pmnte Park police departmentIS recovermg from a senous Illnesswhioh has J..ept hIm confined to hiShome at 1367 Mar) land avenue for thepast several months

He IS almost t011'pletely recoveredand hIS pleasant SUllie \vlli soon beseen on the avenue agam 1t1 the CllS

Call Grosse Pointe Printing Co., tornarY U111rormLenox 1162, for Job Printing. I -------

------- For Job Prlnbnl' of the Better K.lndGrace Church ,.all Th. R•••• w, L.nox 1162

Christmas Program Eagles' Popular PartiesA c)lorful pageant WIll be pre,ented - Resume in January

by the Grace Churc.h "chool on theevening of Sunday, De"ember 19th at The popular bmgo parties of the Frab 0 clocl at the church corner of LaKe 1ernal Order of Eagle leld Sundaypomte and Kerchev1.l The publ c 1'1 ll1gJ to)at the Falnle¥. Gardens at 11000cordlallv lllvited to dttend Mack aven 1e haH been temporallly

The Chnstmas paqeant has tn It a dlscontm...1ed untIl some ttme m Janularge numb~r of pat tIclpants There an due to the holidays which are doseWIll be thnlhng mUSIC nsplrlng songs "1t hand

Pongracz Jewelers 17008 Kercheval colorful costumes mterestmg drama I \\ 'ttch the Gros"e Pomte Review foravenue, open everungs until 9 00 P M 1)on t m1SS seemg v.. hen the Star announcement of the re:.umptlOn ofChristmas week .Shollc" I the.'>e gala" eekly events._----------_._---------------- _._----------Goodfellows Who Will Sell Papers Tues.

By LEO M WElLThe American LegIon today IS r1dmg

on the crest of one of the most advanced membershIp drI\ es It has evere;\.penenced The everyday veteran ISreahzmg more and more what theleglOn IS domg for the ex serVll,cman

Our (Grosse Pomte) Post happensto be one that IS proud to hold thedIstlnctlon of be1ng the mnth III theDetro1t Metropohtan area to go overthe top-Comrade Mart Nleben cantaken credIt for thIS A dlsttngJIShedNatlOnal CItatIOn was Lonferred on tht"Post for hIS hard unselfish thankles:.Job There are accord1l1g to statistICSappro'\.lmatc1y 300 ehglble vetelans tn

the Grosse ~omte area Why not comeout and attend one of our meetmg:.heLd the first or th1rd \Vednesdayevery month at the Ngel Memona!home Maumee near Neff road Youare not obllgated by any means

The chIldren's annual Lhnstmasparty WIll be held Sunaay, December19, 2 p m at Post Headquarters Brmgon the chIldrcl Santa Claus w1ll beearly, anG \'.111CApect the chlidren tobeat h1m H'ere V\. 11 the comrades\\ ho antICIpate theIr chlldl eonattendmgthIS part} contact Leo 01:' N Iagal;'a 55S5to give Us an ldea how many we canprepare for 'N e don t care mtlch a.boutehsappo ntmg, anyone We have tendays to put our Pas up to the quota'1pecIfied by the state department vVilJwe go over thts It s u.p to all of u"to see that we do- even Clem V\ hatelyI'> mcluded


Orner Muller s Market at 15225 K<>rcneval avenue has been fortunate Insecttrmg prlLe beef from the AnnuaLtvestock Show and chotce cuts ofblue rIbbon 4 H Club beef IS now avaIlable +0 reSident.'> at Grossj Pomte wh(ldeSire such a dehcacy for thetr table

ThIS popular market conforms to avery high st ...ndald m the selectIOn ofIts meats tor consumptIon You willalways :find the finest at thl.'> marketat Hr) favorable pnces

Muher's Market SecuresPrize Beef for Patron.

P ongracz Jewelers, 17008 Kerchevalavenue, open. eventngs until 9 00 P MChrIstmas week,

Grosse Pointe Post~embership I>rive

~eets With Success

News Digest


Great Bntam 15 gomg aheadWIth a plan to gL'ald the Onente'ldentIy agam<;t the OnentThey are qmttmg ShanghaI andconstructmg a base at HongKong

Temptanon becdme too greatfor two brothers '" ho acted asca'3n1ers III several downtowntheaters They have been nms-mg smce Sattu day

J 'pan IS profuse In Its apolo-gIes but m no great hUrly Inmak111g restItutIOn

In the gl unt and groan 1l1dus-try AlI Baba WIll haye anothergo at the champIOnshIp htle onDecf'mber 28th aga1l1st JIm Lon-dos the GI eek Adol1\s

I belIeve In the aboye slo".n

A blneblaI d has been qmte ac-tne III France and some SIX VIetlms have been found f01 who'3edeoth he IS bemg accused At thepresent time he rests In pno:;on

"Not a K.idWithout a Toy for Christmas"

)t seem, that Japan s mdeml1\tyfor de':ltrov1n,Z the gun boat WIll

pass the mIllIon mark It WIl,prohably be paid lIke the war debtof I:urope

A Visit to the Toy Club, by A New Member

Bad luck must be followmgPeggy J0) ce around She IS nowViearIng a shl1g as a 1esult of aslIp on one of Holly" ood s boule-vards

Generdl 'imedley Butler sa) sget all UnIted States CItizens outof Chma and let the Orient solveIts m\ n problem s

if ax Schmelmg IS ,tIll able toknock thFm out, although heISn't as COI01ful about domg It asJack Dempsey, the Idol of thermg fans

By A New MemberThe storeroom of THE TOY CLUB IS leaded WIth the lovelIest

to)S of toyland-Toys to SUlt eler) age-Tovs lIke you and I wouldchoose for our own bo) 0:; '1.nrt g-lrl" I ookmg over thIS assortmentremmds me of the story d'>out S1nta , palace up at the North Pole

.and a trIp through hIS plaf"e could not be more faSc111atmg-Santa'seh es could not he mOl e acllye 'han these helpel s for today

1 hese toys are bemg packed O,"r on the table" a pile of redcloth bags-each ha' a ta~ on "ll1ch IS typed the name and addre"and hst of chIldren arri theIr arzes Everyone an underpnvilegedchild

It was fun to watch one of the bags bemg filled As I followeaI harl to .,k questIOns Who dressed the loyely baby dolls ~ The,VI, ere darlmg-dressed In pmk, whte and blue klffionas all madeby hand some boand ",th ribbon some emblOldered ThiS was doneby a gIrlS' sorority Doll. ,,,th bobbed hatr Blondes brunettesanrl red headed hea'Illes 1 hen there "ele dolls dlessed m red ,k'SUlts

","S I \\ atched othel bags hemg filled I saw toy pianos, dIShestrams game' ,clentIficall) lho<en to ,mt the age dIs.ppear mtothose bag' Into each bag the last package 15 a box of candy-Whata lovelv ChrIStmas

Do) ou "ant to have a part m thIS actlYlty You can and we doneed you Jom today and make thIS slogan yours

..... ** ** ..

I want to belong to the 1937 TOY CLUB


We understand that largecrowds are follOWIng amateurhockey as It IS now bemg playedat the ()IYI'1pla and they do havemany thrills and 'ee many spIlls

If cold "eather contmues m}londa as It has thIS year thepeople of 110nda WIll be YhltmgMlcl,Igan dUring the wtntermonths for theIr health,

Page 2: Man I - Grosse Pointe Public Librarydigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935-39/1937/1937-12-16.pdf · even thotlg-h thr) have no ch.tldren 1ll parhclpate tn the program,

Page Two THE GROSS'" potNi'll: REVIEW

~-l~lThursday, December 16,1937 I








=>".ir '" dM 'eM";;;:"



GENTLEMENWatch ••AJrl'ulde3De.k clock.Ron.on Il..hter,Evall. hlfhter.Cigarette c••••Ash tray.Key ca.esWall.toMIlitary .et.Trani .et.Cameo 81'1d

SI.net "1\1'Swa1lk .ebIdefttdicatloa


On Standard ReefCrown C..ohne


MARKET15225 Kercheval Ave.

at Beac01l.lield

We Deliver


Round or SWISS

St.oIt;klJ. or roasb. 11:>

Short Rib. ofBeef for bakUI", lb.


Complete repairserVIce onWatche ••

Clock. andJewelry

CHILDRENBaby cup. and l!IetsIngersoll watche.Mickey Mouse

wat('he$Lapel watchesPen &: pencil setsPock.t ]mlver;Blrth'J:ol'le rIft ...


- at--



See these exquisite gifts atGrosse Pointe's Pioneer Jewelry Store•


LADIESBrooche.Clq>.BraceletsCharmsGold Cro.. eePearlsRingsRosulesExcluut'e ComltactsWatchesWatch braceletsMamcure SetaLamp.Ch.ck.Silverware

Save 2c Per Gallon

Windmill PointeCleaners-- ToUors

S@rvln!l'Croue POinte ReSidents Since 1925Expert Relining and Altering on Ladies' &: Men's Garments

Special3 Days only

4.H Club Champlon.hlp Beef available here. Can us for chOice cu.t.

We carry Gruen. Elgin. Hamilton ..nd Americus Watche,Also, Telechron, Waltham and We.tclox Cocka

Open Uutil9 P. M. Xmas Week

Pongracz Jewelers~_...-WE SUGGEST FOR ..••

29cLr=n()x J()4-()

All Gannent. Insured Against Fire arld Theft14931 Jefferson Ave. "i.i~lg

Baby BeefLIver, Ib

AU Steak Hamburgergra frcm fresh beef, Ib

17008Yercheval Avenue


o. Mulier'sLE.7786

Lubricate ChanlsCheck rear a'.de and transmiSSionrYeaSe

3. Air lIres. water battery-clea;n andtJghtJln b:!t.ttery cable

.. Vacuum Inaule of car5. Change 011, Standard 011 Compal'lY"

best, 5 qts.ALL FOR ONLY



13000 E Warren at Dickers"n LE. 2353~~~~O!i!!Ii!!IO!i!!IIl!II!!rI!1lI!Jl~~~~l!!1l!!1oJ~~I!JIWl!Jlll!Ill!Il!JIl!!1ll!Ill!Ill!Il!!1ll!Ill!Ill!Il!!1l!!1w.

Niagara 0247

< w:r

•. , ..... - -411', ....... - 0- t:\v Q v,,_, V;CV • 14 t!,..,........,.......Phone Tllxedo 2-2540

be • 4.... 'oat •

The Warren Studio16711 E. Warren at Yorkshire Road•



Lakepointe and Charlevoix

Our handsome coIIedion i. aboundIng in Gifts forLadies and GentIem.n.


and Numerous Other Suitable Gifts

The Newest Ideas in

Harshman's Service


TUXEDO 2.3333LeachDrug C~.

St Clair at Kerchevalc

Cllristmas TreesSprayed Any Color


At Your Service mDAY and NIGHT .~


So IaJ I know of four Pomters that recently lmtlated 1Oto SIgma ChI frio-WIlt tutn theJr steps homeward for termty at the UllI" erslty of MIchigan.

ChrlStmas trom the Umverslty of * • •MIchIgan Suzzan Stevens and Don John Stone, of Grosse POinte, wafStevem Frank CoolIdge and Jean lecently inItiated Into Alpha. Chl 'S1~11a,

• • * Cooke are the persons profeSSional chemlstry fraternity, aL thePatncla HeWitt daughter of Mr and Junerslt). of MIchigAn Mr ')tone IS

MJS J Stephenson of East Jefferson a sophomore in the College 0'; Engn1 ..,,\ill spend the hohdays WIth hel par. Tohn Red of Grosse Pomte, was eermgents She IS returnmg from to. Old 1OI_iillii!Ji!lIlIDW.I.rr;!1Ii!!i!!IW.IW-o!Ji!llIi!li!!J'lJl!li!!IW-I!1_ll!Il!!JIlfll!Ii!!Ii!!II!II!!JIlfIl!IRi!lo!IW~

fields School m .M:rl:and I FASCINATINGVlrglnJa Bradway, daugnter of \{r i COIffure Fllihion. avalla"l. for the

and Mrs Judson Bradway, 'Of RIvardBlvd was. chalrm_n at a tea given Holiday SeasonTuesda) afternoon at the Garland ~.;;:h 1 B of: @.j Cunsul" the hair styhst at GrGS.e POinte'. mOltc 00 In os o~ * '" I modern beauty e.tahh~hmel'lt

Barhara Ballantyne, Hester Jones. LAPREEN BEAUfY.and members of the Pnflceton Trtangk SALONC~ub WIll be cntertamed at a tea dance 985 Washing-toIl Rd TU. Z."77at the LIttle Clull, De<ember 31 lllven MISS DOROTHY BUDDS, Ma',by Mrs Harry N Torrey and MrsJos eph B Schlotma n Il!f_Jii!IlilIi!1Ii!.Ji'.JNf01'iilliillii!J ..JOlIl!1Ii!!It!ilt!iI;;)1l!I1l!I1l!I1l!I1l!I1!JI1l!I1l!I1l!I1l!I1!JI1!JI1!JI1!JI1!JI1l!I1l!I1l!I1l!I1l!I1l!I1l!I1l!I1l!I1!JI1l!I1l!I1!IJ!'b

A dmner-parly wlll be given lor the IiilJillJ;;lJ;;lJ;;lJ;;lJ;;lJ;;lJ;;lJiilJiilJiilJiilJ;;lJ;;lJ;;lJiilJiilJ;;lJiillii!lii!r"J;;I'i'lIi'l1l1fii1r;JIi'/iilJlllTlJ;;lJiilJ;;lJ;;lIi!lIll1JilIlllIiilli!/!lJiilJilJiilfillfillfilll!l!

debutallte' after the tea.dance at the H 0 LID AY S PEe I A LDetroJt Club by the Stanley MUlrheads

Mrs Wendell W Anderson and her Mr and Mrs Howard Ballantyneson Wendell, Jr, returned Saturday are also glvlUg a dmner party the sameto theIr home od Washmgtoll road to mght at the DetrOIt Club Later Ur..pend the holIdays after theIr tnp In and Mrs Ballantyne WIll take t"teIrPaget1 Bermuda guests and Mr and Mrs Mutrhead s

• • • I guests to the Prmceton Tnangle ShowMrs Geo ge E Lang of WhIttler '" '" '"

road, had a dmner party SatUiday eve- Mr and Mrs Ernell..t Kanzler ofmng for her daugHer Bonme Jean Toura111e road returned last Fndaywho was 11 year~ old Bonme Jean s from New Yorkclassmates at the Lewls Matre "chool '" '" ...,",ere gue~ts at the part) Mrs John Veech1 of Lakeland avenue

• • * entertamed at a small tea. In her homeMr and Mrs C Edmuna Delbos of Fnday afternoon

Lmcoln road, returned yesterday aiter '" '" '"a two week s stay tn Atlantic CIty Mr and Mrs Norman C Clark

• '" • (Janet Moack) are staYlng WJth MrsMr and Mrs Oharles A.. Belanger Clark,) parents Mr and Mrs Harry

are settled !11 theIr new home on Mer G Maack of BaHom road They werernveather 10au and Grosse Pomte married h ovember 27 10 New York andBlvd They ha\ e Just moved to the have Just returned from a tnp sou.th toPOInte from Parker avenue make theIr home in DetrOIt... "'.'"

\Vl1ham Newman 5011 of Mr and Mrs Edw n L MIller, of \Vh'itberMrs Henry L Newman of McKmiey road entertamed 15 guests of the ThetaPla.ce Will be a host at a dIn11er at Phl Sororth a<- a brtdge luncheon atthe Countr} Club Decenlbel 31, 1n the D A C Saturdayhonor of HamIlton Herbert, daughter '" '" '"of Mr and Mrs Wdham H Heflbert Dr and Mrs J Stewart Hudson wII'of Beverly, who made her debut at a start the New Year off nght by mov.tea yesterday Afterward the party mg from the1r present home on Ken ..Will go to the Pnnceton Triangle Show wood road to the'1r newly hUllt houseat Orchestrd Hall and return to the on Lothrop roadCountry Club for a dance * • '"

• '" • fhree stalwart boys Will be homeMr and M~ \Vllham Ford Torrey, next: week from Cornell Umversl1y to

of Grosse Pomte Blvd, 'W111 1eturn to spend the hohdays w1th thelr parentsthelr home De<:-ember 24 after s~veral They are BJ11 Page, LOUIS Kalb andweeks In Bermuda Ja'Ck Edwards

Whttelav"l 1n ChIcago Mrs hulda. Relmer, of Bucklllgham11' • • road had a Chnstmas party yesterday

Mr and Mrs George Brett Shaefter tn her home for members of the Sethof Van Dyke avenue, w1l1 mo\,e the I Parker ProgresslVe Club The partyfirst of the month mto theIr newly.. beg.:tn WIth a noon luncheon for memhullt home on MerrIweather road at bers onlythe corner of Kel cheval

• • •

M"r and Mrs Roland Randolph for.merly of Bed.ford road are at home 1nthelr red bnck GeorgIan house onMerrJweather road and CharlevOlx• ••

Mr and Mrs RIchard H WebJer re-turned last week to theJr home onLake Shore road after a short stay 1ll

Pmehurst, ~ C• • •

Mr and Mrs Charles B Crouse haveas their guests Mr Cronce's tr'otherMrs Wllham Crouse, of Uhca ~e""York

Mrs .o\ugustme Nutte- gave a tea In

honor of the guest last Thursday Inher home on M oross road, whtle Sat-urday afternoon Mrs Charles Crousegave a sJmIlar affair

• • •


\fr and Mrs D W Whitelaw ofRlv,:trd Blvd returbed last week froma. tnp to St LoUIS1I"vhere they VISIted

Mr \\ hltelaw, fat~r, Mr Robert G\VhJtelaw £01 .1. wee~, aft~ f. 'lilt With¥r, Whlte)aw', brcthllf, Ed w ar d

Alger Post News

Soprano Singsat City Club

POftaraez Jeweler., 1tOOl Kere'hev-ata?enu., open evlmlna' uftbl t:00 P. MChrl.tmas week

MJSS Betty Underwood, coloraturassoprano o-f Grosse POlUte, sa.ng a groupof songs at the a.nnual Chnstmas pro-gram and tea for the Women's Aux ..lhary of the Engmeer's Soclety of De ..trolt at the Women's City Club, Tuesday, December 7

Recently Mls.s Under"ood WitS vocal3010S1Stat a reCItal held m the GrmnellAudJtorlum Last Tuesday MISS Un-derwood sang for the Stud-ent Leagueof Tuesday MUSIcale

TIckets are Oft sale thiS week :for theNew Y&U sEve, Dance to be held atthe Grosse POinte HIgh School foradults and JunIors

Lee Worrell's Orchestra W1llplay forlhe adults party, wlule Charlotte Snyde<" and her all-lllri band w111 'WIngout the tunes for the JutUOrs Refresh-ments wdl be served In the cafetertafor tI1e adults

The sff .. r w111commence at 9 3Q andWIll end p"Ontptly at I 3() o'clock ThetJokl'ts a>re beIng sold for one dollarper person for the adult.t, and onedollar per couple for the Junlors

Card table. wdl outline the edge ofthe north gym fot those a.dults who donot WlSh. to -dance all evenJng Blueand g .. ly colored balloon' W1ll be theannd gaIly cole<ed balloon. W111be thestM:mg' for the younger generatIon,danee In the boy's gym

TI<:kets foe the dance may be pur ..chased from Forum members and mem...bus of the Men's Club from now untl1December 31

High School Notes

Representabv-es of ten years ofTower staffs will gather next Tuesd-ayevemng a;t 6 o'dock 111 the GrouePomte HJgh school cafeterIa for vhefirst alumm reunJon of the gTOUpS

VvhlChhave edited the school ~ studentnewspaper stnce ItS foundmg In the£all of 1928

1homas Groehn June '321 who as aTower staff membe.rs began the ']our-nahshc traIning' which qualtfied hIm10r ~s present po51tl0n ort the repor ..tonal staff of the Detrolt ~tws, WillpresIde over the program Reportmgnews of the pre.sent actiVJtJes of staffmembers wdl be representatives of theten clAsses Whl<:h have publlshed thepaper, Including Clayton Schwan:kobert Bogle, Farnam FltzpatrIckClaire MacNaughton, Muriel SprengerMary Mus, DOrIS Wtllt, Robert Me ..Gutre, Robert Jean, Frances Bennettflleen Be~ er, Helen Wortley, Rosabel Schuman1 Nelson Merntt., andJack Gladden, the firStt editor of thl"paoper

Gree:tmgs from MUIS Dons TrottTower advlser Since 1931, and Mr PaulA Rehmus pnncJpal, and vocal setec¥110ns by MJ John Fmch, mUSJC m ..structO'f, Jane He.ckendorn, June 33and Mol\lCa. Lautr, January '.38 ml1complete the program In the eafet-erliafter which the party wtll adjourn tot1.e gymnaSlU1n for thc Roya.l OakM

Grosse Pomte ba$ketball pmeInvJta.tIons to tht reunJon dInner

were maJied last Saturday to aU alumnJ'ltaff members whon addnsses couldbe secured Reurvatlons may be mad6dm or telephoned to the hIgh 'ohool

Comrades of the General Ru,sell Aand Fredenck M Alg .... Post V F WpaId last respects on Tuesday evemngto their departed Comrade, LawrenceReno, at h~ resldence on R1dge roadImpreSSIve serVI'Ces "cre condu<:ted bythe degree team and dcuble quartette

Commander Besso WIshes to thankthe members of the Post a.nd those ofthe Auxlbary who aSSIsted m pt"epartn.gthe new Post club rooms for oceu"pancy

A New Year sEve pa.rty WIll beheld m he new club rooms for themembers of the Post and their WlvesfhlS WIll be an elabotate party andmembers are requested to contactComrade Chamberbn for reserva.tIons'>0 that adequate provlSlons may bemade {or all who attend

All future meetmgs WIll be held atthe new Post headquarters on the sec-ond and fourth Monaays of eachmonth

Eugene F Trombley, June '36 grad-uate of Grosse Pomte High ~chooll<;poke before Michigan SectJon of theMathematical AssoclatlOn of Amerl~aat Wayne universIty on SawHtay, De..cembet" 4

HiS paper was entltled1 A :NewSerJes f01" DertV1ng Eulu s Numbers,"an ongmal 'iolutton of a dlffl'Cl.11t math ..e11latlcal problem

ComJnentmg on tlhe pa.p'er, MrCharles Saltzer, high ~c.hool mathe ..mattcs Instructor, sald (Eugene Tram


bley IS one of the most outstandmgmath students I have e.ver had 1n .myclasses Jf

_u.n_ll. _

Electric Motor RepairDUNCAN'" McNICOL14827 Charl."c.lx at Wayburn.

Nights, Sun IeHobday.

TR 2.8066


LaunderedDrapes CleanedIndividual, Exclusive Wor!.


RUSSELLCURTAIN CLEANERS14727Kerch ....a! at Ashland

Lenox 8%75


'Two one~a.ct plays under the dlre(:wbon of \{ts Arthur D J.'Cerwm, andseveral musical uumbe! s a,PPfopnateto the season by 5t Anthony's choruswIll constItute the program The choruswIll be directed by SIster M Ce<:l!e

Mr! Wm D Bonthroo, Mrs WmP Cooney, MIss Gertrude M Scallen,MIS", Margaret C McGowan, MiS Srred Pack Ml s Jas H Duprey andMrs VIncert E Keeley are aSSistIng

the chaIrman 1frs Fred J VV111ter


CHRISTMAS SPECIALSR~lular $501)push.up permanent $35«1Shampoo, fingerwave, manicure $1 flGOther perm'lnentl to $10011


15309 M~.k at B.a.on.6eldN1 7535Upstairs


14714 E Jefferson Ave.at Manl'Jtu:{ue Leno~t 1474

Open Thurs and Frl Evenin••


rerms If desIred

Singer Sewing Machine Co.15411 Mack at Beaconsfield



Beaubful Stunning Creations

FACIALSSele1lCe'. Greatest Aid to Beauty

Coiffures of Distinction for theHOLIDAYS


:tnd Floor Punch & Judy Thealre Bldg NI 37(,3OglI?le SI.ter.' Grosse POinte Repre.enlab?e. --


Modern EquIpped


E.taWlsbt!d U1 Grosse POInte Smce 1931



COAL'" SUPPLY CO.2619 Conn.r Ave.

LENOX 3467- ..



SERVICE AND REPAIRS1473. Mac. at A.hland NI .701

The Manllac GU1ld of St Mary'sHospItal win hold Its annual pantryshower Saturday afternoon, December1St;, at 2 0 clock m the Wa) ne Meweal audltonum \1: ullet a.nd Antome.trtets

The GUild urges ts members andguests to bnng arth..les 01 :l:oed t~atmay be used to make up ChrIstmasbashets to be dlstnbuted to the poor

For Job Pril1llna of tb. S.tter Kin.call The RevIew, Lenox 1'62.

Marillac GuildShower Saturday

A n electric range is the gIft 01tlftS ••• something ~ wom.an wants anti hoPes some tiay to own. An electrICrange ISmore than Just another .tove: It combines SIX GIFTS In one.I The gift of kItchen free.. electnc range PreC10us min ..dam Ane1ectncrangebrlngs erall and Important foodextra hoursofle1tliUre to do the values are {;eaIed m ••• notthlngs you enjoy most You boiled away tn excess watercan put your whole meal in and poured down the sink.the electrlc oven and go out 5 The g1ft of comfortablefor the afternoon A T1merClock (avatlableatsma11 addt.. caaklng In hot summer

weather, an electnc rangenonal cost) turns the oven on does not rm.e the tempera-and off at the proper time. ture of the kitchenWhen you come home yourdutner 18 watting, perfectly 8The gtft of modernness.coo"ked-plp1nghotandready Electric stoves 1nstalled tenfor the table years ago sWllook as good as2 The gUt of c1eanhness An the day they were installed

An electriC range wlll oftenelectncrangecooksW1thpure beauttfy the entire kitchenheat from a glOWingwire-heat as clean as 8unhght. Electnc cooking 1Sthe finestYou -can keep your kitchen cooking U1atmoneycan buy-bnght and sparkhng, wlth less and pnces are now so moder-frequent redecoratlng and ate that youcan purchase anpractIcally no scourlng of electric range for about theutenS1lS. eost of an average stove of3The gift of better meals comparable size and featuresYOU'lllike the dehcious nat- Th1sChtlstmas,choose theural flavor of meats and vege.. gUt that w1ll serve the entire

fam1ly •• a new, modern,"'"'1< \ tables cooked to meltlng sparklmgELECTRICRANGEI~"\'? ~ tendernessmthe.1Tow1tJu1ces. See the new electnc ranges

" 4 The gUt of healthful cook- on dIsplay at departmentmg The- waterless cooking stores, electncal dealers andmethod is at 1tS best on an at all DetrOit Edison offices.



Page 3: Man I - Grosse Pointe Public Librarydigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935-39/1937/1937-12-16.pdf · even thotlg-h thr) have no ch.tldren 1ll parhclpate tn the program,

Page Thr ...

and enjoy




Bohemian BEER


The Harper Method ShopPbon. TV 2.3118 E., 1883l5ham,pootng, scalp treatmeJltmarcel, water and fingerw.vinJ"

factal m~l\sage, mamcurull',SCRIp treatments for men

15319 E Jefferson at Nottmgham


J1mcs F1l1n1gan v'rho has had ex ..lenslve e'\..perlence 11l general automo-b Ie repalrll g announced the DpeUlllgof 1he l1lW r11lmgan Standard ;:,ervlceStatIOn at Charle"Olx and \faryland

Standard Jll products and Atlas tiresand battene;, ", n be handled and theynVlte YOU +0 open l charge account,

"'0 that :>011\\11 be a-lforded ~"ery con-venwnce at r11111lgans Standard Serv-ICe

Help Wanted-F_male

TUAFDO ~lze 38 ladles' skate'l wIthshoe c; ze 8 men s 'Skates WIth shoes,

Slze 9 1he ne:v, Tt ....edo 2 2727

CA"\ A"RY BIRDS-Home rarsed .. elghtgoo 1 s 1 ger& make rIce Chnstm&'s

g its reasonable also females 4024Hereford or w111deln er NI 7183

- - - " .. _~ 0__

I HELOISE LOR1NZO fI Teacher of PianoI al.oI Adult Beginners II Phone Nt 9846 I"_0- "_0....._ .,, _

FOR RE'T-946 E<atons1'ieM ,ur'filshed five room flatl upper eco ..

nomlcal gas burner elecfriC washer,radiO pnno avaIlable Imm~dlatelyLenoJ<. 3108

Review LinersFOR SALE

We Measure and Install

Damman HardwareHaves and Outer Drive


Superior Beauty Servicer opular Pel'manents at Populal' Pnce.Featuring Famous MachlDe1eu W.v ••Newest Fashions Finest Method.CombJnlhg Quahty With Lo.w Pnce.KORTE BEAUTY' SHOPPE

14940 MACK al WayburD NI 1111

Storm Windows$1.19 and up

Flats F 01' Rent


I ITCHE'J AID-\Vlllte cabmet 23 In'X2311 a 1d u en lIs 1l1clu.de.df SUitable

for lame or rest'lurant $25.00 1'{lag~ara 30,,0

,OR S>\LJ:-'e" Tu~cdo 3638 $153 dress ,,1 rts ,1 6910 Real buy

BFLGI '\'N' T ADY wal1t.s work by theday 4679 Eastla"n


\7VHITE Protestant for genera,l hOUSl-work tor small apartmel1-t ;>cobk <ltn~

ner fiO washmg fton' 1 P In to 8p m da h no <=;unday ~otk ~1000weeklY PhOl e Lenox 3511 from 1p m 0 6 p m after 6 p m phoneLeno).. 9108



Delivered Slightly Higher

Men's 3-Pc.Suits

Ladies' PlainDresses




Jakimec Beauty SalonLENOX g23Q

999 Beat'ondield eoI' E Jefferson

We spf'clahze In Ladles' HancuUtntIn the latest fashion dIctates


For Chrl$tmas from our fashionable salt".l1WIt! make your Chrlstmas c.omplete

Send your garments in now for finest dry cleaning and beprepared for the fes!lvilies.


IMPERIALCleaners& DyersMack at Nottingham TU. 2.3000

year steam, usmg ItS su.perIor heIght land scored the first Polar Bear bas IS'-Iot and a dog shot beff,)le Hunyadyto an advantage, outplayed the Parkers kets on a one hand pUsa shot and counted on a short shot Marklandtr.roughout the ent~re game Toukey folL'0ved WI rat pm shot a& c10SlU t e corl11g for the half WIth

Grosse P0111te took an early lead <1nd the pellod ended wlth the Blue ~ncl anot 1er push shot ~md as the teamsfrom then on were neve1 headecl Hun Gold holding a 10 to 2 1eaa left the finor Grosse Pamte led 13 9ady scored the first three po It" on four 'M:arkland optned the scar ng 111the fhe ~econd half started wlth Touheyshots Wmte followed '''lth two more second quartet 'lmkmg anothe1 push SC01I11'S' all a 10110'\\ up sho~ T1lOmsonchallty thnnvs and tfolaran cashed &hot from the foul lne and Touhey sand\\1 hed a foul shot m between twon on a foul &hot and a field goal glVlUg scored a f0\11 S1-ot for the locals \Ven basktts b} \larkland and Barrett sanli:the Blue Devlb an S to 0 lead Mark. zel sub for Chady scored on a roul a long shot Holahan scoled from the----------------------------- foul 11le at tJ e quarter Grosse Pomte If:~fiilJ1ilf1i11ilffilr:lrr.JffiliilfiilfiiJrruriJl1\J[[ilrf'1"Jj'fUiilfriJliiliilJiilrJiilrtlfiiJiJfiilJiilfiiliilfiilliiljjiJjjiJjjiJ..Ilead h,lll1clcaseu h\e pOInts to 19 to~ b 14'li JAMES FINNIGAN ANNOUNCES 1 IhollSonodnkafoulshotandMark-E IE: land c Ul ted "qth a pIVOt shot Touhey"

~I F."nn."gan'sStandard Serv."...e ~ leoredona longshotandHolahanfol-" ~ 10\\ed \\ th a tip 111 T 101115011.,cored

Ch I . d M I the last t\\ 0 po nts of the game rmg ng'iill ar evOlXan ary and@IUP"longSwtAfeWnlll1uteslatet

l.::: ~l e hot n sounded end1l1g the contpst"A New Brand of Service in A Well Known Location" wlth tl e Gro:>se Pomte ragers enJoymg

~ ~ I-ID Pleal5e come in! @ a 23 to 9 victoryiaI ~ \\ It11 ~Ie e"XceptlOn of tre Polar'lJ Standard Red Crown Solite with Ethyl i!i BedrsAllCItyforwardGameMark-i Ford Benzol I~land who led both teams In sconngOJ"i!l \\ltlt 12 po nts the Vlsitors could not:ll ISO.VIS GENERAL ATLAS PeleetheBlueDeVIldefenseID POLARIS TIRES ANI:' I~ REPAIRS -----ID STANOLIND BATTERIES'21 @ James Finnigan ()pensi Credit A.ccounts Sohcited ~ Local Service StationJ~~~~~@$~~~@~~~~@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~~~~1E!f'11]il O1mJOl'ilj01JOiI"JiiII-.Jiil.JjjlI",",,",@I]ilIii!I1ilJjilJO!I]ilI]ilI]il c'l]ill]ill]ill]ilrJ ~r

i CHRISTMAS II ::.:,~1.~~~~';:;:I ~.~ In all SIzes and dimenSIons rangmg i2J"'2 from the tiny table SIze to the giant @!~ size £01 outdoor use Never hefore ~~ have We had such a complete selectIon <'1'ID -gel yours now! ~" '21';I ';I~ Churches and Ballrooms :J

~ Our Specialty ~" '"~ ~I 14426 Kercheval ~:11 cor. Marlborough t~ ~J[!!J~[!ImWm.ffim!!I~mf[i1Jl!.l[E.'!!!riil.@ tiI.rIl<.~[jdIJ!!:I(gfJ'fIDt!dl!!IW~ [!!@Ifi!IWl::!JillJ[!!Jr!!Jt!!I~G~

Daughters ofColonial War.

The Women s Hobby Class meet:.every \Vednesday mght ThIS groupIS makmg "'all brackets and wp-perplates Any women mterested are ID-vlted to Jom th1s worthwhIle activIty

lile offlcers and board of assistant,>of the ')oclety of Mayflower Desceridants In 7v.[lchlga.nmet at the Women sllty Club all Thm sday December 9thfor luncheon ana a short busmess meetlrg fhose pre::.ent were Wllham~Coopeli Harns Governor, Lloyd De~VVItih SmIth deputy governor MISSBeSSIe MItchell \Alest HIstonan MISSMargaret Grant, aSSIstant histOrianMrs FrederIck Tappan Ranney asslstant ana Dr WIlham HowlanddepUy governor general for MIchIgan

The follO'w1l1g chaIrmen of stand111gcommHtees ",ere appomted for the enstung year Entertalrment Mrs Gordon K MacEdward HIstorical Re-search 111S Arthur A Stilson, Mem~bership :MISS BeSSIe West and Pubhcahon Gilbert A Grant

Mayflower DescendantsMet Last Thursday

Highland Park Losesto Blue Devils

Neighborhood CluJ)Activities

The Chns4.mas Spm,t has take 1 holdat the Neighborhood Club The V VV s are havmg theIr Chnstmas part:>rnday December 17 ThIS IS the "ev~e-nteenth consecutn e year that the gIrlShave had thiS annual affaIr and tneyre to be congratulated on their splen'"

did co operatIo!' these many yeal))The Boy Scouts' Party IS Tuesday

nIght Decembel 21 At that time theyWIll eXdh,mge gIftS

The A 0 C's are entertalll1'1g agroup of chi dren from St \ tt;1cent IJc~Pdul WIth a luncheonl gIftS and enter~tamment on Saturday, December lija< 6 30 p nl

Pillar Lodge Officersto Be Installed on

Tuesday, Dec. 21stThe newly elected offIcers of PIllar

I od~e1\ 0 '26 F &; AM. WIllholdJJubhc lnstalJatlOn ceremomes on Tuesda} DecemDer 21st at 8 p m at thePIllar Temple, 14529 Keroheval avenueA ~plendld program has been arrangedfor the occa~lOn

The officers elect ell e as followsRobert J Conway-WorshIpful Mas

ter George W Wllhams SeOlOt \AI arden Ornn Beeman Junior Wardenratl C Henllcr P M I treaSUler Eln-est R Bard PM, secretary 1 WalterHartWIg chaplam J Harry Lmgardsentor deacon James Pmder, JunlO~deacor Peter Matzen, semat stewardHarold Latchaw JUlllor steward Har.old F Diegel Walter Elchhon. h e1son Karstad James M Shaw, stewardsFletcher Rousion PM, marshal,Walter Becker, tiler, Elmer Good-smith orga11lst

The state executIve board of MIC'h~19oan Soctelh Daughters of Colomal\Vars were lunoheon guests of MrsHemy Bourne Joy state presIdent at\ewberry House all, East Jeffersonwenue Tuesday At the board meet-1'1g \\hICh followed MISS Edlth LamarBurch of Three RlYers was appomtedstatE' registrar, to serve until ne~t an1 ua1 meet!n~ ;,ucceed1l1g Mrs HerbertA Thompson, recently deceased Resolutlons were also adopted on the deathof Mrs Thompson

Mrs Chatles Ho~t()n Metcalt waselected alternate to the state presIdentMr~ JO"l and Mr:. Lloyd DeWItt

1 SmIth) delegdte to attend the General\ssernbly OI the },atlonal SOCIety m\Vashmgton 10 AprIl Other alternates ramed were Mrs Walter Pame-roy Mrs A hert L Hart~ Mrs EdwardJ Savage Mrs S dney C Probert, and'\1rs Hes~el W Tenhave The accepta Ice of three .new "Uembers was an-nounced Mrs Paul Hale Bruske, ofDetrOit Mrs James H McDonald ofGlencoe HIlls YpsIlantl, and of MrsGeorge W Moran of \{arshall

Through the recommendatlon of thestate hlstonan of the Society, the Bur~ion Collechon of DetrQlt LIbrary nasacqt lred a copy of • Ths Ancestry ofSharpless and Rat h e 1 (Roberts)v.roore,' by Blanche Moore Hames\1 D

Present at the luncheon were MrsLoUIS J Fhnt Mrs Charles H MetcalfMrs Osmor d D Heavennch) Mts\V alter F Clayton J r of Three RIver.sMrs J-fessel W Tenhave, Mrs Char~.s~ rewIs, Mrs Charles W. MooneYI andMrs E. J Savage

The annual ChrIstmas party for '1.11the chIldren of the communIty IS to beheld c;aturday December 18 at 7 30p m at the 'l\T elghbo:'''hood Club 1 herets no adOI\"SI011,iee R11d everybody IS

welcome Santa W111be waltmg {oryou


I Accomphshmg a feat that four teamsltltherto \\ ere unable to do, the Gro'lsePOl11te Hlgft school basketball teamopened the 1937..18 campaIgn WIth a23 to 19 "VIctory O"er Highland. ParkHIgh school

For fom years lhe Blue Devlb weredefeated by the Polar Bears, but thIS







Ib.29clb. 19c


C. O. D.'sCharge Acct's.

2 for lSC

Snow Pusher,Heavy gauge blade




SIdewalkIce scraper

Rock SaltSO lb.


Hardware • Sporting Good.12888 E. Jefferson

at Emer$onLENOX 9309

2 Ibs. 19c2 for 2Sc

2 lb.pkg.



~ Tenderized


Philadelphia Cream

Cheese 2for 15cRed or Blue




TV 2.2242




J-Ib. can3.lb. can

Fancy Lemon, Orange,Citron Peels, lb.




~UC3~12Richelieu CoffeeFred's Coffee

Klenzel' doz.59c


Grapefruit 2 for 15c•


lb 38c


PACKARDGrosse Pointe Branch15205 E. JEFFERSON



'Delud.ng 1931 PACKARDOffl(llals Cars

IVER JOHNSONBicycles as low as $16.50

15417 Mack at Beaconsfield north Side

Form.el'ly at 7628 E. Lafayette


,QuyQualityat These


We hav-e the exclusive agflncy EOI

the best bIcycles and velocipedesmanufactured, the

•10 Phones5 Trucks



.,. h Ii J b DEVILED~lceeu umo~hrimp Ham2jars49c3 cans 63c

Blu~ Ribbon Table


JThursday, December 16. 1937

Fancy Pork Loin RJb End

Fancy Sirloin Roast


I? () ~ ~ T Cranberries 2Ib 2Sc




.Jones Dairy Farm

Wafer Sliced$'Bacon Ib 3ge

Page 4: Man I - Grosse Pointe Public Librarydigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935-39/1937/1937-12-16.pdf · even thotlg-h thr) have no ch.tldren 1ll parhclpate tn the program,


- I





$.2 50

Lenox 5584Lenox 5376



Heretofore only In ".po"(llaJ_order plate Or In.terhnlf could lOU set.qch fine detall ,ueha hlgh~l'Jtieed motifTruly the pattern orthe yearl

SPECIAL IUBILEE PRICE.n 68 Piece SGrilca for 80....Stock PIt. -..r m Olt\Jubil .. Price $59.50'loo _ ' S11.50J

Other .et. lie low.a



2 Stores to Serve You





Library EdItion cloth

.1 50 Ser1ling Fork ({or

..ehahel) in • Fir.t Love"pattern at ,p~ull In_I:roduetory Pl'l06

C)unnay School Ed bon, pocketSIze, blue or brown cloth

The orlgulalJ standard, and ani,TeXlbook on ChrIsban SCIenceMlnd-heahng ia puh1tshed In thefollowmg edlhons _

French and German Tran.,la ..hons, I1brary editIOns cloth

Pocket Edition, With mdex tomarg1l1al headmgs black, blue-or brown morotco Inn:t1tOx ..ford Indra BIble paper

Thrs book l.nd othe" works byMrs Eddy and all authorIzedf"'hnstlan Scrence hterature may beread, bOt rowed or purchased at at!Chnstian ScIence ReadIng Rooms

Srxth G1Urch mamtams a Read-rug Room at 14525 Kercheval Ave-ni e

TerminalIa, a FestIvalTermmalla was an anCIent Ro ..

man festlval held annually in honorof Termmus, the god of boundarIesNelghbors on adjommg lands metat the boundary stones and thereumted m offermg sacrIfices, afterWhIch they feasted. danced andplayed games

Is the Umverse Includ11l.g' Man,Evolved by AtomiC Force ( w111be thesubject 01 tile Lesson Sermon III allChnstlan SCIence Churches throughoutthe world on Sunday, December 19

The Golden Text, from Psalm 102,12 25 IS Thou 0 Lord "halt endUl efor ever, and thy remembrance untoall generatIons Of old hast thou laIdthe founaatlOn of the earth and theheaven~ are the work of thy hands'

Among the Blble cltatlOns IS thIS pas-sage (Deuteronomy 10 14) Behold,the hedven and the heaven of heavensI,!:. t Ie Lord s thy God the earth alSO,With all that therem 15"

CorrdatlVe passages to be read fromthe Chn&tlan SCIence textbook l SCI"ence and Health WIth Key to the Scnp ..tures'" by Maty Baker Eddy mcludethe followmg (p 29;,) God create~and govern... the umverse mcludmgman 1he Ullverse 1<;filled WIth spIr ..Itual Ideas \\ hlCh he evolves and theyare abedlent to t~e Mmd that makesthem


Jeweler • Optometrist. OpticianRepaIrs on Glasses WhIle You Wall

45~A. J. Forster13928 E. Jefferson14400 Charlevoix

One Man, Not TwoWhen Christian Scientists speak

of materIal man and spiritual manthey do not imply that there are inreality two men-one spiritual, theother material There is only one,the spmtual descrIbed in the firstchapter of Genesis as the image andlIkeness of God Spint Humanityl'-as generally accepted the contra ..dlCtory account in the second chap ..ter of Genesis describing a counter ..feit man made from the dust ofthe ground

We believe more than is good forus about this mort~l, materIal man,the counterfeit, but as human con ..SCIousness is enlightened the coun-terfeit man is detected and rejected,and the truth about the real man 18accepted In this mental transforma ..tion we do not lose our true tdentityOn the contrary, we see ourselvesmore nearly as we are Our useful ..ness is enhanced as we learn that wehave capacities and freedom far be ..yond our former limited concepts..The real man must be harmoniousand intelbgent because he Is the ex-pression the idea of divlUe Mind

DiVIne Ideas Are HarmoniousMan is as inseparable from God,

good as the sun s rayS are msepara-ble from the sun. The rays are notthe sun but they partake of thesun s qualIties When Jesus said thathe and God were one, he meant thathe was -at one with God just as thesun s rays are at one WIth the SUn.The rays cannot change themselvesor be changed They could not ceaseto be unless the sun ceased to beIf man ceased to express God itwould be because God ceased to be-an impossibil1ty of course

It is the business of man as anidea at divine Mind to reflect onlygood To the extent that evUthoughts are excluded trom eon-sCIOusness, and good thoughts areentertained, to that extent does onereflect God 'Our proportionate ad ..mission of the claims of good or ofeVIl determines the harmony Of ourexistence -our health, our longevity,and our Christianity" (Science andHealth II 167)

All have the God-gIven right tohealth, harmony, and. happinessThese are ours by reflection, not assomething inherent ill ourselvesThis revelation of Truth enablesmortals to righteously resist the age-old beliefs of disease heredity sin,and poverty-to master all adversecircumstances

Demonstrable TruthYou WIll recall the BIble account

of the multitUde of el}-emies sur ..rounding the army of King Jehosha-phat and how he prayed the God ofhis fathers for help The spirItually ..minded Jahaziel discerning theavailability of dlvine aid proclaimed,•Be not afraid nor dismayed by rea"son of this great multitude, for thebattle is not your s, but God's,' lYesllall not need to ftght In this battleset yourselves stand ye stUl and seethe salvation of the Lord And then1S related the utter annihUatlon ofthe enem.y multitudes and the vie ..tory of those who relied on God

The battle of Truth against error,of good against evil, is never ours,but God s We are not to make:God s law operate we are to let itoperate-by releasing our hold onmaterial means and methods andyieldmg to the harmony of divineMind When we 'do that, harmonycomes in unaided as surely as thenoonda sunlIght pervades the roomwhen the blinds are raised

Many a ChristIan In recent cen-tunes has been aroused to higherhope stronger faith and deeper can ..secration by Martin Luther s stir-ring hymn Em Feste Burg' (AMighty Fortress), Hymnal, No 411.

.'All power is given unto our Lord,On Him we place reliance,

WIth truth from out His sacred wordWe bid our foes defiance.

With HIm we shall prevail,Whatever may assail,He is our shIeld and tower,AlmIghty is His power

His kingdom is forever'-

dften called the' battle hymn of theReformatIon those words are asappropriate and potent for us today_with our unparalleled facUlties forstudy and enlightenment, as theywere for the scattered few, five hun"dred years ago, as they blazed theway for us

And so ' whatever may assaIl" thLsdemonstrable Truth, Christian Sci ..ence, operative Christianity, showsyou the nearness of God and theavaIlability of HIS love and says toeach one of you, •The battle is notyour s, but God s!"

1866, years devoted to establ1shing itby demonstratIOn publlcatIOn of herbook SCIence and Health lU 1875,founding of The Mother Churchin Boston wtltmg of the Man-ual containing the By-Laws ot TheMother Church organizatIon ofThe ChrIstian Scumce PublishingSOCIety establishment of dailyweekly monthly and quarterly pe~riodIcals ordinatIOn m 1895 of theBible and Science and Health as theimpersonal pastor for all thechurches of thIS denomination, pub-lication of several books containmgher wntmgs on ChrIstian SClence,inauguration within The MotherChurch and its branches of manyactiVItIes for glvmg her discovery tothe world She established TheChristian Science Monitor an inter~national dally newspaper appre~Clated by ChristIan SClentists andothers all over the globe as an ex ..ceptional example of hIgh ..type jour ..nalism

Because of her many notableachievements ChristIan Scientistslovingly bestow upon Mrs Eddy thetitle of Leader As a result of herlovmg, unselfish labors, this age hasseen restored to human apprehen~sian the same divme Prmciple whichwas the basis of the work of themaster ChrIstian ChrIst Jesus ItIS not only on his wbrds but also onhis works namely hIs healmg min-istry tlJ.at this religion is patterne4

The Humanity of Jesus

Any dIScussion of the fundamen ..tals of this religIon and its adapta ..bi1ity to human needs revolvesaround the works of the Master Anaccurate analYSIS of his works re ..qUIres knowledge of his dual nature,the spIritual and the materIal WIthall his profound knowledge of thethings of Spirit Jesus also knew In-timately the commonplace affaIrs ofhIS fellow citizens shared theIr joysand sorrows understood their homehfe and mdustrles HIS parables,vitalizmg his arguments touchedhuman affaIrs in the household themarket place the farm and the fish ..ing fieet incidents m the hves offarmer and merchant banker andlaborer vineyardlst and housewife,impulSIve youth and lazy servantTheir daily doings theIr good traitsand bad theIr prejudices and ambi-tions all were famillarly known toJesus No man has lived who sokeenly penetrated the varIOUStraitsWhich we call human nature'

This greatest character in humanhistory fulfilled the tenderness fore-told of hIm by IsaIah yet had un-surpassed courage unequaled lUtel..l1gence and meekness beyond meas-ure HIS simpl1city enabled hIm tomingle WIth people of all classesDoubtless he was a high ..class work~man as a carpenter before enteringupon his thoroughgoing ministryNever was there a more neighborlyneighbor Assuredly he was a happyman WIse yet kmdly master of anysituatIon yet approachable in de..meanor Child and patriarch saintand sinner, poor and rlch-all typesof people-were among the multi ..tudes drawn to him He met them ontheir own ground always WIth thepurpose of turning theIr thoughts toGod He habitually wove uplIftinglessons into the fabric of his can ..versations prayers and sermons, infulfilling his dIvine miSSIon

The DIvinity of the ChristChrist Jesus' recognition of his

mission is shown by his own state ..ments, such as I must work theworks of him that sent me, Aslong as I am In the world I am thelight of the world On appropriateoccasions he courageously proclaimed•his eternal, spiritual selfhood '(Message for 1901, P 9) •La, I amwith you alway'! said he

Mrs Eddy conVInCIngly revealshis dual nature in these words (Sci-ence and Health p 334) 'This dualpersona11ty of the unseen and theseen the spirItual and materIal theeternal Christ and the corporealJesus manifest in l1esh continueduntll the Master s ascension whenthe human, material concept orJesus, disappeared while the spir-itual self or ChrlSt contInues toexist in the E::ternal ordPr of di-vine Science takmg away the sinsof the world as the Christ has a1..ways done even before the humanJesus was incarnate to mortal eyes"

By removing the mystery charac-terIZing the ordin?oI'Yconcept of thenature of ChrIst Jesus ChrIStianScience makes his teachmgs opera ..tive in totray s human affairs

The New BIrthJesus' parable of the prodigal son

contams a lesson for each one of usHumamty is largely represented bymental prodIgals whose mode ofthinking has taken them on a Jour ..ney into 80 far country' False be..liefs separate man.kind from theharmony which is theirs by divmeheritage Figuratively, every mlS~guided mortal must eventually followthe example of the prodIgal and sayto himself 'I WIll arIse and go tomy father (Luke 15 18) That stepis not difficult It is a JOyous mentalachievement accomplished by learn~ing the truth about man sanenesswith God-about the real spiritualman-and the unreality of mortal,material man One has taken an im-portant step when he has been con-vinced that mortals cannot be therealIty of man By succeSSIve stagesof unfoldment he perceives the spir ..Uual real1ty of eXIstence and hismaterial bellefs correspondmgly disappear Thus the new l;nrth begmsand proceeds fulfillIng Jesus' re ..quirement that we be born again asexpressed to Nicodemus The op ..po umty is open to all-the pnvi ..lege of so completely revising ourmode of thinking that we are madeover, mentally and physically

Mental RegenerationA recent magazine artIcle pretty

thoroughly dIscredIted widely ac"cepted theories that certain types offood in conspiracy with the phYSIcalorgans especially the stomach areresponsible for various digestIve alI-ments It is significant of the trendof human thought that the artIcleattrIbuted such troubles less to fooditems or bodJJ.yorgan; than to emo~tional reactlOns such as worry fear,and anger

I know a. man who for many yearswas watchful to eat at the same mealonly sucn varieties of food as weres.,.,posell to be on speaklng terms


near and dear to us and to pro ..mote their progress, we need to beconstantly alert to avoid deprIvingthem of their rIght to freedom ofthought and action OfferIng friendlycounsel unobtrusively is one thingbut requmng its adoption is another

Christian Science condones notendency m anyone to dominate thethoughts and actions of others in so~cial polltical or rebglous matters--in bvsiness the home the churchWe fnay encourage others to thehighest possible demonstration ofGodlike quabtles but the GoldenRule demands that we all allow eachother full freedom of deciSIOn-a.! ..ways with due regard for law andorder Thus ChrIstian Science over-comes such habIts as meddlesome ..ness and crItiClsm and discouragesany inclinatIOn for one to act as aself-appointed general regulatorDlsraeli said It IS eaSIer to be critI ..cal than to be correct'

One happy result of granting free ..dam of thought to others, whileclaIming it likeWIse for' ourselves isthat we become less InclIned to ex-pect them to conform to our pat-t~rn and we are not so apt to de ..velop a sense of superiority Ol' self ..righteousness

Motives and ActsThe ManuaT of The Mother Church

includes A Rule for Motives andActs (Art VII! Sect 1) which isread at all Chnstian Science churchservices on the first Sunday of eachmonth It declares among otherthmgs that neIther anImosity normere personal attachment shouldimpel the motives or acts of themembers of The Mother Church"This calls for steadfast endeavor tobe guided by divine PrinCIple inword and deed and especially inthinking Neither preJudice norpartisanship IS a safe gUIde for hu ..man conduct and thinking, nor ispersonal attachment or animosity

ThiS same rule also has somethingto say about rebukmg SIn in truebrotherlmess charItableness andforgIveness Regardless of the de-gree or rapidIty of indIvidual en-lIghtenment condemnation and crit ..icism of others or even of qurselves,is not warranted We need to con-demn wrongdoing or all kinds butare not to condemn the MIsguidedindividual who 18 the channel forerror This applies when viewing theconduct of others or our own recordSelf~condemnatIon and self ..depre ..ciatlon are never in order Con ..demnation is to be directed at theerror We are to make a separa-tion in our thoughts between eviland evildoers A spot of grease onyour coat IS not part of the coatThe mud spattered onto my face bya passing automobile IS not part ofme In such cases we ea'511ymake aseparation between the indIvidualand the mUd, the grease and thecoat We don t think or speak ofthem as your grease and my mud1..ikewise we should distinguish be ..tween the real and the unreal inviewing the unlovely traits or dis ..creditable actions of our fellow man,also his physical difficulties-andmust be equally fair with ourselves

Perhaps some of 'You alreadY sus ..pect that this IS leadmg to a state ..ment regarding Christian Sciencetreatment, and that is quite rightAn essential element of any heal ..lng in SCIence of a simple or chroniccase of disease, or of an impetuousor mveterate case of sinfulness, ISthe making of that separation be-tween the error and the individualJust as Jesus did in his healingwork we must find the spmtual,harmonious real whatever the ma-terial discordant unreal seems to beBecause ChrlstIan Science lS show ..lug mankind how to do just that,it is freeIng mortals from all kIndsof human ills and there are thou ..sands the world over who rejOIcedaily that the ChristIanity of ChristJesus is again operative in humanaffairs.

Cbrlstiaa Soience HeaJiD:&'Mfa Eddy has wrItten, l'By uni ..

versal consent, mortal bellef hasconstituted itself a. law to bind mor-tals to Sickness sin, and death'(Science and Health, P 229) alsothat false law should be trampledunder toot" To the extent that mor ..tals withdraw such consent theygain their freedom because theythen realize the validity and su ..premacy of God s law 'of universalperfection.

Because & woman made unusuallyvigorous use of an arm in learnlUga swimming stroke, she came underthe mortal belief of over-exertionFor several days the arm becameincreasingly painful. Finally, onemorning she told her husband thatshe had had a rather sle~pless nightBoth were stUdents 01" ChristianScience so they applied their un ..derstanding to disoernment of thefact that God is the only Mindthat man as God schild 18 perfectand harmonious, that it was nomore possible in Scienc~ for her tohave a discordant arm than for Godto be sick Smce matter has no in ..tell1gence it could know nothmgabout God nor could It have anysensation The arm knew no moreabout the exertion than did thewater in which the woman swamTne over~exertion eXIsted only as abelief of mortal mind and the womanexperienced pain and disabIlity be..cause of that • universal consent"about which you have just heard Ina half hour the woman was updressed and healed What had beenchanged? Not the arm It was theidentical arm that she had a halfhour earlier I Not the exerUon' Notthe water' But the thought about'the arm had been changed and falselaw had been trampled under foot

In all the multitude of human 1l1sthere is not one that can withstandthe scientIfic &pplicatio~ at God~slaw of universal harmony, lUtoWhICh human w1ll-power enters notat all That law operates for allmankind. u thoreughly as for oneindIVidual It takes not one kIlo ..watt more of electricity to lIght thisaudItorium for those now assembledhere than if there were only oneperson present-and the light ofspl1'ltual Truth is all~pervasive

The Discoverer and Founder

ChristIan SCIence has made only abegmning in fulfillfng its mIssionbut its record testIfies to the stupen ..dous worlts and WIse fpresight atMary Baker Eddy A partIal list ofher accomplIshments inclUdes her4laCQvery 01 Chrlsllan \lelenee, In


The sculptor replied, ' It may be so,but recollect that trIfles make per ..fecUon and perfection IS no trifle '

The lovmg message of ChrIstianSCIence gives hope and courageand dlvme ligh,t for every phase ofhuman eXistence by estabhshmg amore harmOniOus mental and phys~leal state In Science and Health(p 162) we read that ChrIstianSCIence brmgs to the body the sun~bght of Truth which lnvigoratesand purifies and that this is be..cause it acts as an alterative, neu-trallzing error with Truth

Good Alwa.ys AvailableGood is always at hand but we

have to decide whether and whenwe want it above all else Evilclamors unceasmgly for recogni ..tlOn Its conduct IS the exact op..posite of the seremty mdlcated bythe Apostle James s assurance that'the WISdom that is from above isfirst pure then peaceable gentleand easy to be mueated Good isl easy to be intreated but if wewant it we must do the entreating I

A man who had been for a longwhIle confined to hIS bed by paralysislistened to a program of selectIOnsfrom the Bible and Christian SCIenceliterature radIOcast one afternoonduring the absence of hIS family Heknew nothing about ChrIstian SCI..ence but WhF he heard so IllumInedhis oonscIOusness with spirItual l1ghtthat he gamed the Idea that he couldwalk-and proved it by getting outat bed and walkmg It is related thatwhen his famIly returned and foundhim healed they thought it a mIracleBut in God S realm of SpirIt healingis dIvinely natural not mIraculous

Whether he was COnsCIOUSof it ornot that man was ready to gIve hisallegiance to God and he provedthat the wisdom that is from aboveis indeed easy to be mtreatedThe truth about God and man asexpressed in that radIO program wasof universal application The mes ..sage was not speClfical1y intendedfor that helpless paralytic His ex~perience and others llke It testlfy tothe accuracy of Mrs Eddy s state~ment that The spiritual power ota scientIfic rIght thought without adirect effort an audible or even amental argument has oftentImeshealed inveterate diseases (Rudl"mental Dlvine Science p 9) Num~berless heahngs the world over areotrered as proof that Christian Scl"ence is operative Christianity

Christian Science OrganizationTo those in the audience who ~re

not mformed regarding the organ ..ized actiVIties of thIS movement itcan be said that in foundIng thJ3:Christian SCIence Church Christ,Truth, was pronounced its founda ..tion and chIef cornerstone True toits spiritual purpose the services atthis church heal human ills

The ChrIstIan Science denomina ..tion is comprIsed of The MotherChurch The Fll'st Church of Christ,Scientist, in Boston Massachusetts,and closely related to it lts world ..wide branches Identical forms otservice are held in these churchesReaders -otneiating in reading fromthe BIble and Science and HealthThe Readers in The Mother Churchare elected by The Chnstian Sci ..ence Board of Dll'ectors and in thebranch churches by the local mem ..bers These churches maintain freeReadmg Rooms usually in conven ..ient locations where the BIble, MrsEddy s wrltings, and other author ..!zed ChrlstIan SCIence literaturemay be read purchased or borrowed

Prominent among the organizedactivities are the Sunday schools andthe periodICals. is.:olledby the Pllbhsh-ing Sooiety The activitIes are variedand well ordered with many mem ..bers partICIpating It sb.ould be un ..derstood however that these actIVl"ties are not themselves an end-theyare but means toward an end theregeneratIon of mankind, throughanmhl1atlOn of .sickness, sin. anddeath by spiritual means alone

Individual growth is promoted bystudy of the weekly Lesson-Sermons,attendance at Sunday services andWednesday testimonial meetings,systematic reading of the periodICals,and, In due time membership inThe Mother Church and one of itsbranches also class instruction withan authorIzed teacher

Loving Our NeighborsChristian Science engenders in

men s hearts a sense of the brother ..hood of man as a present possibIlityhelps them to see above and beYQndsurface indIcations and to discernthe real man who refiects only God-like quallties God s love embracesand includes the whole universe,and all the ideas of divine Mind,God reflect divine Love

How easy it is to serve those forwhom we have a deep regard I Taskswe might resent performing forstrangers are WIllingly undertakenfor those whom we love Some ofyou may rem.ember a delightfUlinstance of unselfed love whichmakes all burdens light as relatedby one of my predecessors on theBoard of LectureshIp and which I \am privileged to repeat A ratherfrail little girl was carrying a babyhalf as big as herself up quite asteep hill She was apparently hav-ing a rather hard time of it when akind~hearted woman seeing helpredicament said to the little bur-den~bearer, Let me carry the babyup the hill He s too heavy for you'Heavy?' said the httle maId No,mil.am he s not heavy. he s mybrotherl' ,

Rivalry and war-selflshness of allkinds-will be dumped overboardwhen our love of self IS no keenerthan our love for our neighbor-allour neIghbors There are no geo~graphical or time limIts on our abil ..Ity and duty to love all Ourthoughts can travel a mIllion milesas promptly as they can cross thisroom We can love people on theother side of the globe as quickly asthose in our own town

IDominion, Not Dommation

God gave man domimon over allthe earth but Christian SCIencemakes a clear dIstinction betweendomimon and domination We learnfrom the Bible that UltImately allmust knOw God and that each onemust work out his own salvatIOnOur ablllty to think IS oLr most val~uable possession and the quabty ofour thoughts determmes our well~being. In our zeal to protect those


Principle, Mind 15everywhere? Thebelief that we live in matter is aneffective barrier to reallzation oftrue existence Concepts of God asfar away and unknowable disappearas we learn to know Him as He isrevealed in Christian Science

To any in the aUdience who per~haps are hearing for the first timethat Christian SCIence teaches andproves God s nearness and un~changeable goodness It may be saidthat slch understanding is an e.ssen~tlal element in healing in Science ofall forms of mharmony-dlseaseand dIsability Jncluded

As an lnstance of healing in myown experIence I 'lan tell you thatI sustamed a severe injury by fall ..ing with my whole weight on oneof my knees Accordmg to com..monly accepted belIefs I wouldhave been inoapacitated for weeksThanks to ChrIstian; Science thesebellefs were -p.,nnuUed There was nointerruption of my dally activitiesincluding the drIving of a car andin a few weeks the visible eVIdenceof injury also disappeared SinceLife is spiritual not material, therewas in reahty no more hfe or sensa-t~on in the knee than in the hard:tioor with which it collIded Realiz-ing this and understanding God asm;nnipresent mamtaining His crea~tion in unchangeable harmony, wasenough to prove the allness and BU"premacy ot good even though sensetestimony loudly argued to thecontrary.

Godts Government Unb.mitedWe fall short of our rightful dem~

onstrations of harmony when weentertain circumscribed views ofGod and His universe The all-in-clUSIve government of divine Prm ..ciple holds unwavering control overall our affairs, even the littlest ofthem These affairs seem to us lID"portant, and they do need our care-ful attention, but we should notassume an exaggerated sense of re ..sponslbility for them or overlookGod s place in them To maintamthat God knows all, has all power,a.nd is everywhere present and thenact as though our affairs are operat-ing independently, Is inconsistent,and Christian Science remedies suchmodes of thinking and acting

Adverse circumstances someJ.lmesseem overwhelming, but adversity isunreal, bemg based on a false bellefcf the absence of good, or God Ifyou feel baffied in your efforts tosurmount difficulties .you need toknew that' with men it is imposSi-ble but not with God for withGod all things are possible" Goddoes His part incessantly and youpartake of Iiis doing Just in thedegree that you trust Hun under-standingly. Habit may prompt youto rely on materiltl means Includinghuman ingenuity, but they are in-adequate The more severe seemsthe adverSIty the more keen thenecessity of turning directly to GodHis help is instantly available whenyou mentally transfer your alle ..giance to Him, and whole~heartedlyput God and His government aJ.1oveall else.

~lIfte PrayerThe more understandingly mortals

trust God the more effeet1ve aretheir prayers In Science,God is notappealed to as cne who would wIth"hold any needful thing from His ere ..ation Nor are such prayers in..tended to tell God about needs ofwhich He might be unaware TheDiscoverer and Founder of ChristIanScience Mary Baker Eddy says (Noand Yes p 39) 'Prayer can neitherchange God nor bring Bis designsinto mortal modes, but it can anddoes change our modes and our falsesense of Life, Love and Truth up ..Illtmg us to Hlm' A Ohrlstianlyscientific prayer seeks to establishin consciousness a reallzatlon of theperpetual harmony o~ Qod s uni ..verse

The Te:s:tbooJi::The practice of Christian Science

is based on the statement of thlSreligion in Mrs Edd.y s principalbook, Science and Health with Keyto the Scriptures' Its earnest stu~dents recogmze the importance ofpossessing, indivldually, eo copy ofthis book, and all Christian SClencechurches make it easily availablethrough their Reading Rooms Tostudy ChristIan Science, or even toimpartially investIgate it withoutthoughtfUl pondermg ot the mes ..sage of this textbook would be asfutlle as CUltivating a field in whichno seed was planted and expectingto reap a harvest Apart tram theBible no book ever written hasbrought to humanity encouragementand freedom such as its Inspiredpages ltl1j>&rt

Tho BibleIndividual applica.tIon ot the doc..

trine of Christian Science may ap-propriately begin With the SCrlp"tures The Book of books is the closecompanion af every earnest stUdentof this religion Mrs Eddy quotedthe Bible freely in all her writ ..iugs and provided an 1lluminat ..ing key to its sacred Word, whichshe declared was her only author ..ity and guide In demonstrating herdIscovery and giving it to the worldThe Kmg James Version of theBIble loved throughout the worldby many people and used quite gen ..erally by the members of Protestantdenominations is used by ChristianScientists m their church servicesThey are dailY proving the correct ..ness of Mrs Eddy s statement, l TheWord of God is 80 powerfUl preacher,and it is not too spiritual to be prac-tical nor too transcendental to beheard and understqod' (Messa.ge toThe Mother Church for 1901 p 11).

No Trifles In God's Urnverse

Christians profess faith in God asable to ~elp In any situation How-ever many seem to teel that theirparticular ditJiculties are sequesteredJust outside the range of God s visionor perhaps in a little corner beyondthe reach at His law of good Wenever lose by submitting all of ourproblems lIttle and big to the heal ..ing touch of Love divine A greatmany so..called, trifles enter into oureveryday affaIrs By trusting Godwith the relatIvely ummportantproblems we are preparmg to trustHIm to solve those which to us seemformIdable Michelangelo showed toa friend a staY\i:e to WhICh he hadmade some additions and changegflThese are tritles:f the triend said

A Lectureon

Christian Science

Member of tho BOlll'd of Leetnulihlp of TheMother ChUrch 'rho F fit Chureh of Chr15t

Seielltut. III Bollton "lh.uehuuIU


p>r1stian Science: OperativeChrIstlamty

byJohn Henry Weer, C S.

of Brooklme, Massachusetts

Perhaps some of you rememberreadu'1g about a certaIn woman ad ..vanced in years and financially des~titute whose father had deposited8 thousand doUars in a bank in hername When she was a mere babyThere the money remained yearafter year, and grew to a large sumas eompmllld interest was ad'dedNot until recently did the womanlearn of her father s provision-andwe can easily ImagIne her joy ongaining posseSSIOnof the money

Just as thIS woman s ignorance hadbarred her from her matenal means10 does ignorance deprive mortals ofman s spirItual heritage of health&nd ha.ppmess The woman s recentexperience lyp$elj what is occurringto thousands to whqm ChristianScience is revealing pnceless giftstrom thefr heavenly Father who inthe W(jr(l.&,of Paul lS able to doexcee£:Ungabundantly above all thatwe ask or think '

Oper~ve Christianity ProvableDuring this hour we are spendIng

together you wJ.11hear something ofhow ChriStian SCIence shows that theChristianity of Christ Jesus ISopera"tlve in human affairs today impart ..1ng 80 true concept of God and manand 1}~aUngthe vaned types of evilWhich afflict mankind When it isclaimed for Christian Science thatit is true fel1glOn, based on the heal ..ing Principle us~d by the Master,the world is entitled to proof Bycompreh'ensfvely answering humanneeds Ohtisttan SClefl,Ceproves thatit is not all impractical theory, WIthnp well ..q.eflned starting pomt Itbegins t<r enlighten each mdivldualat t1're i)artlcttl:ar stage where itfinds. llJ~ and travels rIght alongWith him Jus~ as tar aJld as fast 'ashe earnestly de,SireS' The journeycontinuously unfofds new sceneryon the highway ~of spidtual under-standing.

SOl}.'letellow has said that •roadmaps teli d motorist everything hewa.nts to knOW except how to foldthem up again Christian SCiencegives full directions for every step'in the salvation of humanity, andia not like road maps for it never1& folded UP-It contibuously un ..folds, bringIng knowledge of thettuth of being, the oneness of Godand man It demonstrates thatsin, sickness, and death are unrealand tha.t their baneful effects onhuman existence are directly trace ..able to the false bellef of life andIntenigence in matter It changesthis bellef to an understandlng ofdivine Life, Truth, and Love

Human thought habitually ac..cepts the belief of two powers goodand evU, both l'eSlding in matter It18 slow to accept the fact of onepower only, and that one spIritualand good Mortals are freed fromevery 111that l flesh is heir to inproPOftion to then' reallzation thatGod s universe is .spirItual createdand maintained in perfection by theinfinite, divme Mma. that knowsonly good.

Salvation Now Avail"bleThe mgnificance of spirltual eXist~

ence rtla.y not be ea.sily apprehendedby some but even obr present senseof existence 1s brightened, when weglimpse. jusi e little of the unfoldmgglory of the universe of Spirit Suchunfoldment solves our problems andreveals divine Truth as avaIlableand operat~ve everywhere •To uti-lize this truth We must open WIdeour mental windows and allow Itto pervade our thmking processesChristian SCience is always readyand adaptable to the healmg of allfonns of error It repudIates thetheory that mortals must reach adistant place at a remote time be~fore gaming salvation The lIght ofspiritual truth admItted to humanconsciousness destroys the false be ..hefs which :find. expression in dIS"cord 01 all kindS

In the "ook of Revelw.tilonwe read~Behold I stand 1ft the door, andkno~ if an.y man hesr my voice,anfl 0l'en the doW, I w~ll come into hiln" The Christ, 'truth, is con"tinuously -at the door at our con ..seiousness, awaiting a welcome Itnever intrudes never <:tamors forrecognition but is ins.tantly respon-sive bringmg blessings beyond hU-m.an measurem.ent WIllIngness toreceive, 6 mental receptivIty, is aconscious ar unconsClOUS reachingout for the hand of God To takehold of RJs hand we must knowsomething of HIS nature andpresence

God is KnowableVerbal allegIanee to God is not

enough Release from the trIals ofeo-called material eXIstence startswhen we begm to know Godaright - as we discard any con-cept of Him as a corporeal beingand reCQ~mze HIpl .. s ,sll,nt unllm-ited llS to time or locahty ChrlstlanScience teaches lt~at God IS infi-nite Mind, SPITt, Soul Prmciple,Life Truth, Love that these syn-onymoUS terms refer to one ab ..solute God and express the na ..ture essence and Wholeness ofDeity' (Science and Health withKey to the ScrIptures p 465) Truth,as a synonym of God may indIcatethe perfection of Gods governmentof His universe To think of God asinfinite Love is to gllmpse the un~fal1in~ protection of His presenceTo realIze that God is Spirit andthat All Js ln1\nlte Mmd and Itsinfinite manifestation (SCIence andHealth, p 468), is to rise superiorto the hmiting belle! that hfe andintelligence ar~ in matter

As such thoughts about God per ..meate conscfousness th1iy disclose theobnous aecuracy of the declaratIonthat ''in him we lIve and move andhave our being" How could we e4l.Stelsewhere or othe,rwwe. smce God,

Thursday, December 16,!9~

tect~re. on C~r~~tian.~cienceby John Henry rWeer, C. S.Under the Auspices of SIxth Church of ChrIst, SCientIst, Detroit, MIchigan, at Jackson Intt"rmediate School, 41811 Marlborough Avenue, on FlIiday Evening, Dec. Ill, 1937

with each other, and Ye~he was hs. Christian Science Churcllbitually ailmg Almost continuouslyhe dosed himself with patent med-icmes and physicIans prescriptions,to cure or ward off indigestion con-stlpation and so on Christian SC1"ence came mto hlS hfe and he sawthat the food he ate and the medicinehe used and hIS Material body werecflmposed largely of the same mate-rlal SUbstances and that it was in..consistent to believe that in someforms the food and medIcine wereharmful in other forms benefiCIal,and sometime.:; neutral One day.When he had gained sumcient lightthrough Christian Science, he dis ..carded his elaborate stock of mate ..rial remedies For more than twentyyears he has not used a drop ofmedicine relies upon Christian SCi..ence eats what he likes and when,and is uI'llformly free from digestlvedifficultle~ Further evidence of thefallacy of dependence on mater1almeans is found in this man s experi ..ence with frequent headaches Eachattack awoke him at about five inthe mormng He always a.rose andused a Widely known proprietarymedlcme, and repeated the dose atintervals until about two in the aft-ernoon when the pain would van ..ish supposedly conquered by themedlcme After he had discardedmaterIal remedies in favor of Chris-tian SCIence the headaches cantin ..ued to arrive on schedule, and tohIS great surprise, each attackended at the usual hour, and with ..out the medicme However, by hiscontmued reliance upon dIvine Truththis problem too was met and mas-tered WIth no recurrence tor thesemany years This is only one ofthousands of mstances wherein op ..erative ChrIstianity is regeneratinghuman thought

Page 5: Man I - Grosse Pointe Public Librarydigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935-39/1937/1937-12-16.pdf · even thotlg-h thr) have no ch.tldren 1ll parhclpate tn the program,



Public LetterB-O-X

phca.t1on to eve-ryeay hfe The leeture15 free to the public and the Theosoph ..lcal Sot:lety In Detrott eAtend.s a. cordIalmVltatl0n to all to a tend

Dear Slr -Will you suga-est to theG004 Wl1l People, that they gIve someof the money they collect to b~y coalto heat the pubhc scf100ls of GrossePOinte? The Mason Defel and Rleh~aed schools have been so cold tntl\\-mter th;t the chIldren had to ",earcoats SUlts and rubbers to keep "armThe JanItors 4-ly they can not ht::at thebUlldmg "lth the poor coal that theschOOl board furmshes

ThIS IS a chan<:e for them to dl) char ..Jty work

Tel. PLan 0222

Funeral D.rectorOffice and ell.pel

958 East Grand Blvd

•trated lerture 'The Star o£ Betble~hem

Pearson 'Who recently returned froma lecture senes gn en In Flonda hasJust completed 26 years as class leader1"'ct lrer, wnter and organizer for the :toTheosophIcal SOCIety In hIS lecture *he WIll give an mterpretahon of "hestory of the bIrth life and death of *Jesus as seen by a student of mystlcl<;,mand the occult and of tts prachcal ...p

Glass lor All Purposes



8725Kercheval at F••cher

Diamond Art Glass Studio

at 7 o'clock meetmg to be held tn TheosophicalHall 1509 Broadwa)' Sunday 111ght

Theosophical Society December 19th at 8 0 clock LolS RusMeetin Dec. 19th sell Asbcroft w>11contribute vocal num

gibers and E Norman Pearson hat1ona1'SpecIal mUSIC and stereoptlcor plC'- \lee president of the Theo~ophlcal So

tures WIll be presented at a ChrIstmas clety III Amenca WIll glve an lllus



Mes.iah Lutheran

Thllisdav, D.c.mher 16 1937

pastor, 1434 Lakewood avenue Te1e- Baptist \u11 be treated 1tt the Sef'lUOnphone LC'10X 2121 He must mcrease but r 'ltust de

crease The SeTVICe wl11 take placeSoutheast corner of Kerche ..al !lnd On the last Sunday of the Advent at 11 15 a mLakewood l.venues A H A Loeber December 19, the word of John the

I --------------.;.---======:::====:: The Sunday School will be In SeSSlOl1!ijUiiJJQ!JimallE!JmmiW5mIDimi~.rmJiillii1~JiMf!!ffiUi!l~lii!mffiIJiffl!li!!~ from 10 to 11 oclock Its fina! rehear

I ~ BUY AT A SAVING ~ ,,1 of the Chmtmas program Will he~ ~ held Sunday afternoon at 2 ,,0I i Lovl"ly Tahlf"s Beautiful Lamps 1iI The Sunday School s Chnstma" pro

I ~ gram v 111be gIVen Ch"lstma" Eve atUpholstered LIVing Room Furniture I 7 0 clork On Ch"'lstmas Day Decem

Iher 25, a Sunnse SerVIce WIll be hrldFurmture gtEts of beauty and tastefulne.s, an tnex- _!'pnsIV;o luxury anyone can afford _

------.---- NEWDraperies Mllde to Your' Order BICYCLES

Furltlture Re-Uphol.tered atREASONABLE

PRICESSkates Sharpened

EXCLUSIVE - UPHOLSTERING - INEXPENSIVE iGrosse Pointe Motor & Bike ShopLE 7339 1423 Lakepolftte NI 947815114Kercheval Ave b

A. C. Ver ruggeo I

A MOT>iER,1<"hard Sohool

Ed~tor, Grosse POinte ReVH!W Gen ..tIemen In regard to tri.nS'portittonby Lake She>re Bus CO, IS very poor~olnmg hOMe, th.t IS gem,. Ea ..t atOrlea.ns .Bus WIll not stop, c1a.nn fullload I have to walt a.nd watt BuSt.pass bv TIllS 15 a v~y bad eondltJonAlso SUhdtay mormng no bus goes to\Vood\\a.rd avenue It IS walk lY$ "ul~to a. street ear pay 20 cent~ It IS ttmedllt the bus company pay so m.uch permlle ta.x kt the CIty for Well, etc ofpavements Have wntten bus ~em'p&nyseveral ttmes, 'but no answer It IS

tlme that tnts bad condItIon IS pla.cedbefore the City courcd ~

H W LADEWYCK,425 Rivard BI.d,Cltv of Gro.sse Pomte

To lhe Editor In response to "-hemVltatJ.on to wrIte a letter conccrnmgthe CharlevolX Bus Senlce would liketo say that last st.mmer wa..en we werelookmll for a l~ On whIch to build JnSIsted on bUYIng one near Ch.arle ..

\01x beeause of the very splenQui tran ...portatton. on that hlte It was, there.fore, qUIte a sutpnse tt!' :t1'!-e dt~r!'Ju-chum.. &1.11' 1()t to learn that thesebusses do not TUft afttr '1 p 1'l'l :Fortu-nately we WIll be .0001h of CharlevOIXand I Cln...when !lecusary use the Ker-cheval bu. But I f.lt that those l1V1njJ'farther north must he &"featly utCOn-vemenced by not haVIng serv!-ee .atnIght on Charlev01x

Al!o, r ha V~ wondered. many timet.why $OWe Kercheval lltls-es do rOot ~directly do.",ntown For a. numb,r ofyears I lived very dose tl) KerchevaJbut I used to walk two blocks to Char-leVOIX to IVOId he transfer at tItehm!ts

With these two exc.ephotl! I fe~l th.Lake Shere Co-aoh lerv'let 25 :most eom.-mendable

r also appreetlt-e the eetlrtesy eOft.-'uderabon and aJbIhty ef Its <invers

MRS H J CRAIN1033 Maryl.rd -

Chriatmas Concertat Southeastern onFriday, December 17

1he 011 Can IS Iapldly chal1g'mghands at the Rotal y Clllb as neworators SPl1l1g up In thell mIdstat theIr Monday conclaves

Southeastern HIgh Sc:hool p esell Ithe annual Christmas c.oncert D.e('em-ber 17 at 8 15 In the school auditor um.fhe plogram 15 to feahre the ocches~tra g ee clubs and trlxed chorus ttnder+1.t dIrectIon of Mary Spal'ing RIdley,head of the mUSIC depal tment and u"Isted b) rreda A.thearn Emerson, BaU.

mer ~I1Ct Matilda h.essler 1 he newlfammond organ \A,11l be played byGeorge Hackl1'an head of the ~l1gltshdepartment, Southeastern Hlgh ...choolThl' HallelUjah Chorus from l The\fount of 01n e,," by Beethoven \'v111 besung by combmed VOIc,e groups v..tthorchestra iu"d orgall ...lso .Hessa.ge ofthe :8("1Is by Rachmanll10ff al1d Cal ..man 'The Llstemng :gilr of l\lght' byRegLflald Barrett

[he Church a Jo;.n the Baptist tobrlOg the \\orld bciCk to &od ' ,,111 b.the st.bject ot Hle sermOn at till

Gro,s<;e Pou"te Lutheran {:hurch wor~shlpmg 11'1 f he RIchard Sehool aud1"10flum h.e! chev~l avenue and \IcKln-fey road ~L.nday morning December19 at 11 0 clock preached by the RevI\,{ LLther Canup, D D pastor

'The Birth 01 Jesus' wIll be thesubject taught In the hIgher grade$ ofthe SUl1day School .t 9 45 am, WIthclanes for .1I grades and ages New<icholars are enroIled every SundayBrln~ your faml1y and 10m ;a. neIghbor-hood cnureh The slogan of the ~Ul1.day School_ vVateh us grow"

Chnstmall pageant De.,cember 26, at9 45 2 m With tree and gIfts Beau ..tIful candlehght senlce "'JlI be usedEvery $cholfJr 15 asked to be presentthe 191h, for the final reh-.ro.1 of 11\1.5K'V!C&

Grosse Pomte CIty, MI'ChEdItor Gros!je PO!fite ReV1ew

Dear Sa",-In retard Grosse PomteBus company p<JOr' transp6t1:at1on, Ica.nnot get en bus at Cadillac avenuegt:ung ea~t Bus wd' not stop W41tand walt In aU weather bus pa.$ses byrt IS tlme sonlethlng 1$ «one Tn!Jhas be-en gomg on for a. long hll'le

MItS J FARMERJ\5 Rivard Blvd

Grolle Pointe LutheranChurch


pk •• Scof 9


S bars '5c6 bars 23c

10 bars 2ge6 bars 25<:

3 for 7Sccah.e 4:<,.

4 cal~es 2Ie-3 cakes 17e3 cakes 17c2 cakes 15<:4 cakes 21c3 cakes 17(:.c cake::. 21e.

3 cans 25c2 1ge p1..gs 39..

2 pk~s 33(,'5 Ib pkg 28clarge pkg 21,-

Z 1ge pkgs 3~t:3 eaM tOc

.2 pkgs 15ccan 12e

large can 17ccan -it'

can HeZ cans 15c


4 r.lI. 19c


Boneless Rolled




SYRUPDEL MONTE PEACHES 2 large C.in, 35.IONA PEACHES 2 large cans SIcIONA PEARS 2 large cans 29.APR.ICOTS Z No 1 tall cans 214.CHERRIFS, RED, SOUR % med cans %5,APPLE SAUCE 4 med cans 25.GRAPEFRUIT 2 med cans 2.1.A&P PLUMS z latge cans 2'«:DOLF CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 2 med Nns 21.SLICED PINEAPPLE 2 flat cans 19,MARASCHINO CHERRIES, 3 •• 2 bot, 15.GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 med can, Z3.SUNSWEET PRUNE JUICE 4 cans 29.SAUERKR"UT JUICE 3 med cans Z9.CA'I1PBELL'S TOMATO JUICE, 20... 2 cans 19.SUN RAY TOMATO JUICE ho 5 can 2••PINEAPPLE JUICE 4<i oz can 29.HEINZ CUCUMBER PICKLES large lar 21.BOND'S PICKLE S 24 oz ,ar 19,LANG'S PICKLES OR RELISH 2 Jars 19.DILL PICKLES 2 qt Jar Z9cHEIN7 KETCHUP 21ge bots 35.KETCHLJP Jargp bot 3 bots 2ScA"IN PAGF CHILI SAUCE Z bots 2.eVH'TORIA MUSTARD pt ar 6<WORCESTERSHIIi.E SAUCE SIR W bot 9.



4Sc TISSUE.2 Ibs 7hcZ doz 43c

Ib 10.3 Ib can 49~

Ib 18.2 rIgs He

2 pkgs He2 Ib pkg 5.1 Ib pkg 50

h lb pkg 191';1 Ib pkg 10.

72 lb pkg 35,~ lb pkg 33c

~ lb pkg 37e2 lbs 3ge2 lbs 4Jc

Ib 29.2 lbs 49c

Ib 27cIb 27.

2 lb jar 33c2 ;alS 25c

5 pJ...gs 19c4: pkgs 19c

2 Ih Jar 25"58 oz Jar Z1c



4 .ak •• 21c ROLLS

Remodelled • Redf'corated • Located at






CORNIONA CORN 4 med cans 29cDEL MAIZ NIB LETS 2 cans 23.CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 4 cans 2'.SILVERFLOSS SAUERKRAUT 2 Ige cans 19.MIXED VEGETABLES med can 9.PE AS & CARROTS 2 med cans 25.DICFD CARROTS 3 med cans 25.IONA PEAS 4 med call1:! 29cA&P FAlolCY PEAS .2 med cans 29cTOMATOES, SOLID PACK 4 med cans 2~cGREEN GIANT PEAS 2 med cam 29cCUT WAX BEANS 2 med cans 23.("AMPBEI L'S BEANS 2 I Ib cans IS.SEASIDE LIMA BEANS 3 med cans 29.WHITEHOUSE MILK 3 tall cans 19.PET. CARNATION MILK 3 tall cans 20.CAMPBl:LV,; SOUPS, exeept Chicken 3 cans ~ScHEINZ SOUPS, except 3 'f'arletles 2 cans 25cTALL BOY SOUPS 3 giant cans 25cB&M BEANS 2 cans 29.TEM.TING ASPARAGUS med can 17.IONA SPINACH 4 med cans 29<.13EAl\l HOLE BEANS 3 med cal s 29cA&:P WHOLE BFETS 2 med c.l.ns ZScA&:P PUMPKIN 3 large cans 2ScBUTTON MUSHROOMS 4 oz tm 23.







3 I.a.e. 2Sc CAMAY SOAP



Young Tender Beef









One Price-The Low Price-Every Day in the Week



Roulettes Bon.I ••• R.lled 110 23c Pea Meal Bacon Ih 35c Oysters F.n.y Norfolk pi 23c• •Armour's Star Bacon ;o.lb 15c Calves Liver 4Sc Swordfish Ih. 35epkg Ib • ••Scallops 33eFresh Side Pork pl •••

lb. 23e 110Breakfast Sausage Ih 25c • • •Veal Chops 110, 23e Halibut Steak Ih 23e•• • Ducklings L.... Island 23c25c Ih Cod Steaks Cull •• rder 15eLamb Chops IbIh•

Dried Beef 2 pkr', 19c Armour's Star Hams 110 25c Lobster Tail Ih 4ge• •@

Wilole or Stnng HalfOnly Meaty Parts-No Waate


Best Chuck Cuts

lb. 19C

MoreFor Your Dollar





Consistent shOPPJftvat our new super market means cun-51.tent saVIngs AU prices at "17045' are rock hottom prlcellevery day In the wef'k Prices change only wlth marketsThiS makl"s your bUYing as econnmlcal on Monday or anyother week day 908 on Saturday /

No specials _. No PremiUltlS no hmlb , We offeryou the wldpst variety of brand.. • price them aa low aap05alble you servE' yourself • • • and we guaranteethat you Will



Tangerines 2 d•• 29cCALIFORNIA NAVEL

19cOranges large d••• IZO


2 peek. 37cPotatoesFANCY C~LIFORNIA


Cauliflower 2 hd. 2ScCALIFORNIA EMPEROR

Grapes 3 lb•• 17c•FANCY OUTDOOR



Yams • 5 Ih. 19cTEX,oS SEEDLESS

Grapefruit 4 extra 19c• largeGOLDEN RIPE

Bananas • 4 lb •• 19cBlWSSEL

Sprouts • full qual'! lScWFLL BLEACHED

Celery • .talk Sc

Page 6: Man I - Grosse Pointe Public Librarydigitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1935-39/1937/1937-12-16.pdf · even thotlg-h thr) have no ch.tldren 1ll parhclpate tn the program,




Ii l"':t"*"i=tt;;*#;t1~



City of Grosse Pointe



,Thursd2;Y' December 16, 193!

GunsGolf SetsKnivesWatchesToolsMany useful and inexpensive


Waffle IronsToastersElectrical AppliancesVRcuum Cleaners

Many useful items



Blue Gra.ss-Ellzabeth Arden$375.$3000

Shanghai, Lentherlc $500 ..$25 00Indulcret, Lelong $200 ..$60 00Joy, Jean Palou $1000-$35 onMoment Supreme, Jean Palou

$500.$230"Colony JAn Patou

$750.$1400.$2500Presence, Houblgant $1000.$16 (10Emeraude, Coty $1 00.$9 06Sweet Briar, Le'Ards

$100.$200"$359Swedish White Carnahon, Reta

T f>rreU $500- $22 5(j


Visit Gross~ Pointe's



For Girls


EastslCi~'sMost Complete Hardware


16915 E. Jefferson Ave.NI. 4420

JlJlillS Nagel, ManagerSuitable GIfts for Every Member

of the Family

Stephen H. VanTiem

Gifts for Men

Corner St. ClaIr and Kercheval

>\11fresh, lale cut, from <: to 18 ft.A ~eliable Tree Dealer Guaranteed Michigan's Best


BIcyclesVeloctpedesSkatesBuddy L. TrainsLionel Electric TrainsSledsHundreds of Toys and other

SUItable GIfts

Grosse PointeHardware


Novelties to bring JOY toheart of any gIrl

Most recent creations by old , . ,madel'S and enchanting n.ewfragrances by experts of fashionand many others gIft-worthy anddttohghtful

Imported PetItPomt Compacts

Imported pebt pomt compaclfand cigarette cases RIch deSigns '-------------,beautifully made $400 to $3000

To serve you welI at Chr15tmastime. IS our deSire and purpose No brush can qUite compare WithAt our stores you will find mer the master quahty of Kentchandu'e of quality and value A $3SO to $50 00short shopping VlSutwill COnVinCE 4

you ~------------

Kent's ShaVIng BrushesTOilet ShaVing SetsRemington Rand ElectriC Shaver '--------------'Eau de CologneFountlun Pens

Unusually smart and rl~b1y de..Signed compacts that find a placeIn every woman's heart and n~A Wide selE'chon to choose fronand priced from $1 00 tD $15 00



Say Lovely Things withGifts of Perfume

Cl.ulc E~ude CQlogne$125.$48E

9504501195c 10 $5~::'

Tweed, Lentheric

No 4711

Shocking, Schlaparelh '27 ;0Impromptu, Lelong $1500-$%5 00Sortdege, LeGalIton $500 $15OtlFrench Cancan-Caron $700-$20 OilFleur .. de Rocadle-Caron

$800-$1400.$3000Frou Frou Gardenia, MaryDunh,1l $500, $1000, $18.rFlowers of DevonshIre-Mary

Dunh,1I $600 $1000Sous If' Vent-euertaln

$1000$2000AntiCipation, Lenthenc

$3500.$6000$400 $22,0

Schettler'. Candy-A Chrl.tmallSweet $125 and $150 a pound1..lb, Z.lb, 3-lb and 5-1b boxes

To.aTrOikaRose Geranium

17453E. Jeffersonat RIVard Blvd

Lovely combination gift sets by Helena Rubinstein, Elrzabeth Arden, Dorothy Gray, MarieEarle Luxurious cosmetIc fitted beauty cases for travel or week-end, $5.00 to $7500. Giftspacked with luxury from these famous houses always thrill and please.

Eltzabeth Arden Evening Bags $22.50 to $75.00Ruhinstein Evening Bags $15.00 to $27.50Elizabeth Arden Blue Grass Colorne $2,00 to $10.00Rubihstein Town and Country Colov,ne $4.25 to $5.00


SCHETTLER'SGifts of Glamour

Grace Evangelical

Oarpet Weaving Old ArtCarpet weaVIng IS one of the old.

est arts It was practiced m Bab).1<>n4,000years ago In 1791the firstAmerIcan carpet rolll was bUIlt atPhiladelphIa The power carpet100m, an American Invention, sochanged the art that wool pIle car~p~ts and rugs were made genera~lyavaIlable for the first hme TheUnIted States lS the largest maker

Chutch school, 9 30 a mVvorshlp serVlce 11 <t mHoly Lord Supper WIll be serv"'d £01

low111gtre mornmg worship All rnembers are urged to attet'd and ir endsare 111vltedto come to the Lord sTableWe serve COmmU111011In the pews

~ew metr'bers Will be receIVed durmg the morntng serV1<:e

Jefferson Avenue eBaptist Church

munlty to come and enjoy thl5 feast of0lrnstmalo mUSIC

A Cl f1~tmas pageant WIll be gIvenby the Sunday Sehool on Thursday~venmg, December 23 at 7 30 OurbeautIful Qhnstmas Morl1Illg serVIce""Ill be held on ChrIstmas rnornlOg at 6o'clock ThIS IS our most beautifulsenl'lce of the yeal

The Lochmoolt Protestant SundayS-chool wJ11 ha\C a "pe>Cla1 Chl1stmasprogram m t.he Mason School audltOr1um at 9 30 a m Sunday December 19th The program Will conSIst ofsongs, reCitations, and a pIa) by thesenIOr gIrls class Everyone IS mVIted
















808 2483


79<i 874 795 2,459

773 834 781 2488

708 816 891 2,475

774 757 ~oo 2321

71J9 777 851 2397


Ru,tac Cabin.157 143 154121 164 190118 140 141147 113 164172 203 18953 53 53

Oak Cleaners145 157141 162200 162201 167152 180

Nottlft,ham I"n.166 193121 171136 148163 162130 16118 18

Stntt', MoOlIga •158 195 119190 166 161190 145 168120 148 12\1

" 179 160 15530 30 30

839 8211Cl'amer ElectriC

166 J57148 148115 123161 179171 15218 18

734 853 872Im{'erlal Cleaner.

188 159 137138 180 182135 220 141147 159 174182 156 161

867 844 762Square Deal Cleaaer.

180 188 165157 146 144133 119 142146 146 146157 235 184

Frahm'. Areh SOrTIe.122 200 149168 141 201144 145 143167 147 156173 124 151

Mt. Olive LutheranChurch

Faith Lutheran Church

A Christmas sermon Wilt be debveredby the Rev Wayland Z'\\aye~ mInisterSunda) mornmg ~ the Jeffersoll Avettue B<tpt1st Churoo For thIS Se1"Vlceat eleven o'clock Jason Moore organ1St and chOIr director has plannedspecial Chnstmas mUSiC1he pageant, The Star Flo'? er

Will be presented a.t 7 10 p m underthe directIon of R E Lamb WithJason Moore In cha ..ge of the music

If you elr!;:Without a church home 111

thiS V1Clll1ty Jefferson Avenue baptistcordially 'inY1tes you to make It you-rchuroh home for your Ohnstmas 'V\'Dr

Business Men's 'hw

Bowling League Christmas Program at

Stanchnr. Dee 19 Mason School Dec. 19W LAve28 11 79923 16 77322 17 82320 19 7%19 20 76419 20 72318 21 7797 32 672

Scouts 0+ Troop 129 deCIded to walkoff theIr dmners WIth a hIke The o-b.Jecttve was a haunted house near Ox.ford road The g1rls walked a distanceof two and one fourtl' miles, whIchseems short bl.t the gIrls of Troop 129are not very sed."oned hIkers Whenthey reached the house each patrolbmlt a :fire and cooked Its own lunch

Most of the girls who \\ent had toget bad.. at 2 0 clock so Mrs EzraLockwood came m a car and drovethem home Those who completed thefull hIke of nve and one half mIleswere Teckla HIlbert, Patsy Hamer, andSa1he Sherman

At the last meettng the Troop coatpleted dre~stng it dolls which they",ere domg fOf t'he SophIe \Vught Set.tlemert House The Go-lls each hadtwo dresses and a bonnet made by thegIrlS

hext ",eek the girls ex.ped to decorate a ChrIstmas tree for the bIrds

-R P

f The LIttle Whllte Churoh Aroundthe Corner Radnor avenue (Lmcolnroad) at Mack avenue F E SV.rnpastor, 4425 Radnor avenue TelephoneNla~ara 3023

Sunday senool 9 30 a mDIVIne sef\ Ices, 10 45 a my P S meeting Fnday 8 p mMt Olive cordIally Invites and wet

comes you to 1tS ~~rVlces, If JOU haveno church home

"N'ottmgham InnCramer ElectncImpenal CleanersOak Cleaners<;quare Deal Cleaners<;trttt s Mobl1gasFrahm s Arch ServVv e.n s Rustle CabIns

LeBlancSchultzT...ou sGerow~trtttmatter



Ell,e AyhngL AyhngFschrlck (a\g)COltt temanch-e



FaIth Lutheran Church East T efterson and Pll1hp aveltues WIll usher 111the Chnstmas season next Stmdaymormng at 10 45 o'c1o:ck WIth a concertof Chnstrnas musIc The concert W11lconsist of a program of anCIent Chr st.mas carols and Will be rendered by avested ChOlf of nearly 90 vOIces Thenumbei s selected for dus program areexcepttonally beautiful Precedmg thetm'SIc program the Pastor, the RevR D Ltnhart WIll deltver a bnefChristmas sermonette on the subjectIookmg Forward to Chnstmas ' We

mVlte our many frIend'S 1n thiS com.


I ReeiberRogersSpayd


Weln',Weins Jr

I 'Wel'1S SrKrause\{a4erOtals


CramerRepp (avg)

f1 'T'romblyTurner5aren us






Ib 33c




fun pt


Ib 1 Dc29c15c

4 lb. 15c






No 21Js<an




2 16~ozloaves

Resldence-130S Buckinghamru 2.1717


Cooper Bros.


Lenox 5885

TROOP 129The day after Thank~glvlllg Gtrl

We are lookmg forward to the com.lng of our new aSSistant leader MISSEdna May Bennett She has been aGirl Scout herself and WIll be a great1elp to us as well as an enjoyableroe1per to OUf eaC1er Mrs Collins

-'vI J A




,(, (fP"!:i.~ ..............4e,~"_"d~"~ ~_~ ""


3 LB AVERAGE, RIB CUTCut fron" the tendered

young CQt'n fed J)orkera-the Ideal cold weather

roast lb.




Krogers have everything nice /forthe Christmas Holidays and at suchremarkable savings. We are proudto invite you 10 do your shopping atour slore!


SUGAR . Sib box29c


LARD .INBULK. 21b' 25c


FLOUR . 24~lb "'k 89c\






COFFEE 31b b•• 53c Ib19c



Ib 23c

25cIb 27C

FREE DELIVERY17037 Kercheval Ave

Phones. NI 6500.6501

Ib 19cIb.27c

ceS$tve stages through which the claypasses FIV<.' pounds of clay wall purchased from which \\e made flowerpots for our mothers on Mothers Dayfhese were baked In the kiln hadddecorated and filled wIth a small attractive groW1rg plant

aUf secol,d tnp was made to thelIbrary '" here we learned the use ofbooks and hstened to some most nterestmg stotIes told us by the hbranan- Altho'ugh we are only In our secondyear of orgamzatlon we have assumedall finanCIal resp6nslbJbt1e~ for a hkegroup who are less to~tunClte th1-n weA suffICient aWQ<Lntof money has beenearned to regIster thIS entire BlowmePack at NatIonal Headquarters In :t\ewYork ThIS we feel was a great pnvliege as 1t gave us an opportunlt) tobye up to OUT Bronwle promise tohelp other people every day'

TROOP 156At the last meehrg Troop 156 made

plans for a gay Chnstmas party theMond.;,y befO! e Chnstmas At thJSparty they are planmng to have musicalenterhlllmcnt The entertalllers w111be Joyce Co'hllS VWg'ul1a CollmsNancy Stocking and Claire Da\ enpor




l:k;'Z 1 Dc~ai:e9ge

BrJlhant oranges that peel easier andafOparate Into tlweet seebon. They fur ..nlsh cold~fightlng vltamln5 aneI at ourlow prIce, furnu:h you assured aavmgs

rresh, Full Pod, Tender, Green

Peas Fre.h from the 1 OcSunny South lb


Apples 5 lb. 25cPORK LOIN ROAST


ORANGESr:;;z 29c





OLEO • EATMORE• 21b. 25cCORN • m~~~. 2 ~:... 25cPork & Beans C°i'L'1Tr 3,~~~25c

Dressing ~:;:;"Y;':r 23c COUNTRY CLUB ROLL

Crackers 6'::~':m2 ~~x 23c BUT T E RPrunes Su.. weet ~~: 15c l•. lb prmt. Ib 39c

... lb 40c rollRitz Crackers pkr. 23cT f" h 2 29 EGGS-Selecteduna IS cant C Prem,er Shorten,ng

Salmon ~:::;rYr;,;ub !:n 27c CRISCO Ib can 19c

f h M.Ik 1 COCOA Bake..res I quo" 2c Fre.her Ra",n

C dy BAil 3 for 10 BREADan ars Kmd. C Date Fdled

Razor Blades :~:Ie 10 for 10c I LAYER CAKE


~16117 Mack Avenue

15222 E. Jefferson Ave15229 Kercheval Avenue

344 Rivard Blvd.17215 Mack Avenue




Phone'CAdilloc' D4GG


Page Six


BROWNIES"We are B owme shere s our aimLend a }and and. play the game"Vhlle the Sixteen gtrls rangmg m

age from eight through ten are knownas Browme Pack 1\0 13 we feel notthe slIghtest sllperstltlOn In ca~e youmay not hai e heard about us hefore'" e are also known as Ltttle Shter 01

Jumocr- GIrl Scoots But tile name welIke be<:,t, of course IS BrOWnies

Last year one of our trIps mc1udecl aV1S1t to the Pewab c Pottery on EastJefferson There we wItnessed the sue

