HISTORY CMC was incorporated on December 26, 1975, as the 'Computer Maintenance Corporation Private Limited'. The Government of India held 100 per cent of the equity share capital. On August 19, 1977, it was converted into a public limited company. In 1978, when IBM wound up its operations in India, CMC took over the maintenance of IBM installations at over 800 locations around India and, subsequently, maintenance of computers supplied by other foreign manufacturers as well. Taking over the activities of IBM in India, including many of its employees, helped the company to imbibe a service- oriented culture. This is demonstrated by our long-standing customer associations and our ability to provide high-quality and reliable service. In 1980, we perceived the need for total IT system solutions in India, and acquired a 'solutions' orientation. We aligned our focus with the government's thrust on IT development activities. A significant milestone in our transition from a hardware maintenance company to a complete end-to-end IT solutions provider was 'Project Interact' (International Education and Research for Applications of Computer Technology), a UN project involving design, development and systems-engineering of real-time, computer-based systems dedicated to applications in the areas of power distribution, railway freight operations management, and meteorology. As we evolved along the value chain, CMC forayed into systems integration, interfacing, installation, commissioning, software development, as well as education and training, on a national basis. Our R&D facility was set up in 1982, to undertake competency development in niche areas in the frontiers 1

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HISTORYCMC was incorporated on December 26, 1975, as the 'Computer Maintenance Corporation Private Limited'. The Government of India held 100 per cent of the equity share capital. On August 19, 1977, it was converted into a public limited company.

In 1978, when IBM wound up its operations in India, CMC took over the maintenance of IBM installations at over 800 locations around India and, subsequently, maintenance of computers supplied by other foreign manufacturers as well. Taking over the activities of IBM in India, including many of its employees, helped the company to imbibe a service- oriented culture. This is demonstrated by our long-standing customer associations and our ability to provide high-quality and reliable service.

In 1980, we perceived the need for total IT system solutions in India, and acquired a 'solutions' orientation. We aligned our focus with the government's thrust on ITdevelopment activities. A significant milestone in our transition from a hardware maintenance company to a complete end-to-end IT solutions provider was 'ProjectInteract' (International Education and Research for Applications of Computer Technology), a UN project involving design, development and systems-engineering of real-time, computer-based systems dedicated to applications in the areas of power distribution, railway freight operations management, and meteorology. As we evolved along the value chain, CMC forayed into systems integration, interfacing, installation, commissioning, software development, as well as education and training,on a national basis. Our R&D facility was set up in 1982, to undertake competency development in niche areas in the frontiers of technology, to provide us the cutting edge. Today, our R&D facility is housed in our Hyderabad ampus, and develops advanced solutions in areas such as real-time systems, embedded systems and pervasive computing. To reflect our diversified business activities, we renamed ourselves 'CMC Limited', and obtained a fresh certificate of incorporation dated August 27, 1984. Following a spurt in the global demand for IT services in the early 1990s, particularly in the United States, we decided to expand our operations and market our product and service offerings in these markets. Towards this end, in 1991, we acquired Baton Rouge International Inc, USA (it was subsequently


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renamed CMC Americas, Inc, in 2003), one of the first cross-border acquisitions by an Indian IT firm.

In 1992, the Indian government divested 16.69 per cent of CMC's equity to the General Insurance Corporation of India and its subsidiaries who, in turn, sold part of their stake to the public in 1996. In 1993, CMC's shares were listed on the Hyderabad Stock Exchange and the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). To service and develop our clientele in the UK and Europe, we opened a branch officein London, in 2000. The next year, the government divested 51 per cent of CMC's equity to Tata Sons Ltd, through a strategic sale, and CMC became a part of the Tata group. In line with our strategy of offering our products and services globally, in 2003, we opened a branch office in Dubai to tap the hitherto unexplored markets of West Asia and Africa.

In 2004, the government divested its remaining 26.5 per cent stake in CMC to the public.


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CMC Limited is a leading IT solutions company and a subsidiary of Tata ConsultancyServices Limited (TCS Ltd), one of the world's leading information technologyconsulting, services and business process outsourcing organizations. We are a part of the Tata group, India's best-known business conglomerate.

With 18 offices, 150 service locations, 520 non-resident locations and over 3,800 employees worldwide, we provide a wide spectrum of unique Information Technology solutions and services to a clientele of premier organizations in the government and private sectors. CMC Americas, our subsidiary, services clients in the US, while our branch offices in the

UK and Dubai market our products and services in Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

Large and complex project management capabilities

Since its incorporation in 1975, CMC has an enviable record of successfully building IT Solutions for massive and complex infrastructure and market projects.

Take, for instance, just three of the many major projects undertaken by us:

A passenger ticketing and reservations system for Indian Railways, which runs 6,000 Passenger trains carrying over 10 million passengers a day, on a 90,000-km railway Network covering around 8,000 railway stations.

A cargo handling system is a comprehensive online real time cargo handling system to integrate all complex and varied activities of container terminals. This system has been implemented for several Indian and International ports.

An online transaction processing system for the Bombay Stock Exchange, which Handles millions of securities trading transactions every day.

End-to-end solutions capabilityWe manage turnkey projects, and have built, managed and supported our customers' IT systems across the value chain — infrastructure, applications and business processes. That is because our capabilities span the entire IT spectrum: IT architecture; hardware; software (including systems and


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application software, development or implementation, maintenance, and frameworks); network consulting; and IT-enabled processing services.This is how we work:

Our Customer Services (CS) unit designs and builds the IT infrastructure and network.

Our Systems Integration (SI) unit develops applications and integrates them across diverse hardware and software platforms

Our IT-Enabled Services (ITES) unit manages developed applications and digitization activities.

Our Education and Training unit provides IT education and training to users.

Extensive domain expertise and technological competenciesWe have proven expertise in a wide array of applications, including real-time systems, online systems, embedded systems, process control, transaction processing, image processing, data communications, networking, parallel architectures, e-commerce technologies and e-governance applications.

Our competitive edge comes from combining our technology competencies with our understanding of verticals, straddling a range of sectors from banking and insurance, power, mining and defence to education. Our high quality, high value IT solutions have helped reshape businesses and delivered measurable results to our customers.

Sizable resource pool with diverse skill setsWe achieve this with the help of our resource pool of engineers trained in diversetechnologies, with vast domain knowledge and varied skill sets. Of our 3,718employees, over 21 per cent have more than ten years of work experience. We alsohave a large competency pool that works on emerging technologies and competencyareas. We have an impeccable educational profile; as many as 30 per cent of ouremployees have postgraduate degrees.

We also conduct significant research into emerging technologies and competenceareas at our state-of-the-art, ISO 9001-certified R&D centre in Hyderabad, India. That is what gives us an edge in complex, high technology projects.

The Systems Integration Business Unit's all four regions are at Level 5 (optimising level) of the SEI's Capability Maturity Model (software).

Strong customer relationships4

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CMC's customer orientation and service culture lead to enduring bonds with clients. Our distinct value proposition and service culture, coupled with our track record ofsuccessful service delivery, are reflected in our long-standing customer relationships with dominant players in key infrastructure, services and government sectors.

Our customers include some of the biggest organisations in India: Reserve Bank ofIndia, Indian Railways, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited, United Western Bank, Bank of India and Bank of Baroda. The trust reposed in us by our clients is reflected in our growing revenues from operations such as post-implementation maintenance and support activities.

Strong service delivery chainIn the domestic market, we have established an extensive services network penetrating the remotest geographical locations. This gives us an unmatched advantage in servicing customers with an all-India presence, such as the railways, banks, government entities and other organizations with countrywide operations.

Growth strategiesCMC's growth strategy focuses on capitalizing on its unique skill sets and leveraging the synergies with TCS and other Tata group companies, for growth in revenue and profitability of our operations.

We will continue to focus on consolidating our dominant position in India, while expanding our reach globally.


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SIGNIFICANT EVENTS IN HISTORY1975Incorporated as 'Computer Maintenance Corporation Private Limited'1977Became a public limited company1978Took up the maintenance of 800 IBM installations over India. Initiated training courses, predominantly for customers1981Commenced work on Project Interact, a UN-funded project1982Set up a research and development facility to develop competencies in the frontier areas of technology1984Diversified our activities to include turnkey projects, IT education and software development. Renamed ourselves as 'CMC Limited'1985First foray into biometrics, conceptualizing an automatic fingerprint recognition system1986Aligned business focus along vertical markets like transportation, mining, power and banking Implemented project IMPRESS, an online passenger reservations system for the Indian Railways Set up Indonet — a countrywide data network (renamed as ITES)1991Acquired Baton Rouge International Inc, USA (BRI, later renamed in 2003 as CMC Americas, Inc) to focus on international markets1992The Government of India partially divested its holdings in CMC1993CMC listed on the Indian bourses1995Reorganisation of business into five strategic business units (SBUs)2000 Opened London branch office2001Tata Sons Limited acquired a 51 per cent stake. CMC ceased to be a public sector enterprise. The board of the company was reconstituted2002CMC Centre awarded the ISO 9001:2000 Certificate by STQC. Certification services for a period of three years Northern region division of our systems integration SBU certified ISO 9001:2000 by STQC, for a period of three years Western region (SI) assessed SEI CMM Level 5 (quality level 5 of the


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capability maturity model for software, version 1.1 of the Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Eastern region (SI) assessed SEI CMM Level 4 Tata Business Excellence Model (TBEM) adopted2003Renamed subsidiary, BRI, as 'CMC Americas, Inc' Opened Dubai Branch office CMC completes the 'India Census 2001' project of scanning and file creation of 228 million household forms2004CMC ties up with Xilinx (the world's largest supplier of programmable logic solutions) to establish Xilinx' 1st development center in Hyderabad called Xilinx-CMC India Development Center (XIDC) The Government of India divested its remaining 26.5 per cent stake in CMC. CMC awarded the Gold certification from Cisco Systems, for customer satisfaction, training, support and specialization CMC's VOICE project adjudged the first runner-up in the best eGovernance projects category at the CSI-Nihilent eGovernance Awards 2003-042005CMC Centre, Hyderabad, Southern Region (Bangalore, Chennai & Hyderabad), Northern Region (Delhi, Lucknow, Bhopal, Indore and Raipur) and Eastern Region are assessed SEI CMM Level 5 for Systems Integration DQ Rates TCS-CMC as No. 1 in IT Services CMC signs The Brand Equity-Business Promotion (BE-BP) agreement with Tata Sons Ltd. This agreement is an institutionalized process in the Tata Group to drive relationship between TataSons and the signatory company. It is to collectively and cooperatively promote the TATA BRAND which would match the brand equity of international brand names CMC in line with TCS' business processes and practices implemented Ultimatix. Through the Ultimatix portal, all applications (Oracle Finance & Oracle HR modules) are accessible from one single window. BOLT, an online trading system, developed and implemented by CMC in March 1995 for BSE, completed 10 years of operations


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IT FOR COMMON MANEffective implementation of eGovernance can take IT to the common man, helping national and state governments to align their services with the changing needs of both citizens and stakeholders, as well as develop the economy.

An IT-driven eGovernance system primarily involves the creation, storage, analysis, issemination and use of information. It can provide vital inputs to the government's policy-making process. It makes government processes accountable

eGovernance automates and thereby speeds up routine administrative functions. It enables the government to work better, yields higher revenue growth and costs less, apart from servicing citizens' needs as never before. Citizens can freely interact with various government departments anytime, anywhere with minimal effort.

CMC's domain expertise in eGovernance can create customized solutions that address the entire spectrum of the information technology needs of state governments, the national government and even local self-government bodies like municipalities and zilla parishads.

We also have packages for public health authorities, hospital solutions, law and order applications for police departments, water resources management solutions for irrigation departments, a first-of-its-kind package for tourism departments and a comprehensive social welfare monitoring application for tribals and other marginalized sections of society.

Our solutions are highly scalable and inter-operable, offer seamless integration with existing applications, enable the convergence of diverse technologies, have lower maintenance costs and offer huge improvements in operational efficiency.Our eGovernance offerings include:

General administration

VOICE (Versatile online information for citizen empowerment): India's first IT solution for municipal corporations across the countryLANDS (Urban land management solution): Application software for the operation and management of a modern urban land development authority or an urban housing board.mREINS (Head of government information system): An integrated information and decision-support system for the chief minister of a state.


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TWIMS (Tribal welfare information management system): An integrated solution including a school education management system (SEMS), a beneficiary monitoring system (BMS), a village monitoring system (VMS) and an accounts package


KHAJANE (Treasury management system): A software that computerises all the treasuries in a state and provides regular updates regarding state expenditure and receipts to a central server at the secretariat.iCOMITRAX (Computerised information system for trade tax): An end-to-end trade tax solution that enables a state commercial taxation department to improve its services and increase its revenues through the use of IT.HealthcareFHIMS (Family welfare and health information and monitoring system): A system for effective monitoring of public health programmes and family welfare servicesHMIS (Hospital management information system): A system to manage patient care in a cost-effective manner, to enable effective utilisation of resources IHC (India health care): A solution enabling rural health workers to deliver quality health care by eliminating redundant data entry in paper registers

Law and order

FACTS (Fingerprint analysis and criminal tracking system): An advanced automatic fingerprint identification system, using state-of-the-art digital image processing, neural networks and pattern recognition techniques BAS for TAM: CMC Biometric Authentication System (BAS) enables web based applications to be authenticated more securely with biometricsVCOPS (Versatile computerised operations for police services): An integrated enterprise-wide tool for increasing the efficiency of police units in crime control, law and order and administrative operations

Power utilities

PowerDesk: A consumer relationship management, billing and energy accounting system targeted for implementation at power utilitiesmPOWER: An online billing and CRM solution for power utilities


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Water resources management

BAS (Basin-wide water accounting and budgeting system): A water accounting and budgeting system with a GIS interfaceCIMS (Canal irrigation management system): A comprehensive system for planning and management of an irrigation schemeCMS (Construction management system): Maintains data and generates reports and queries for the planning, design, construction and monitoring of irrigation projectsMIS (Management information system): A comprehensive system for planning,design, construction, monitoring, operation and maintenance of irrigation schemes

Travel and tourism

VISTA (Versatile information system for tourist attractions): A first-of-its-kind integrated system that uses the power of IT to promote tourism.


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The primary objective of CMC's management information system is to provide acomprehensive system facilitating the planning, design, construction, monitoring,operation and maintenance of irrigation schemes.The system:

Provides quick, accurate and relevant information Improves data management and handling capacity Provides effective sharing of data and information amongst

different management levels, as well as with associated offices

MIS has the following modules:

GeneralData configurationData transferDocument management and message handlingCoordination and reportingData security and systems administrationSingle window information system

ConstructionManagementLand acquisitionRehabilitation and resettlementResource requirement planningResource monitoringProcurement monitoringStores and inventorySchedule of ratesRoads and inventoryOn-farm development worksQuality controlConstruction monitoring and managementCommand area developmentReal estate and asset management

Operation and maintenancePolicy informationPlanningProject planning and investigation


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Design and estimationOperation and maintenanceFlood controlOverall monitoring and evaluationProject modernisation / rehabilitationSustainable development / environmental managementResearch, studies and developmentDam safety monitoringRevenue information and billingCommand area agricultureIntegrated agriculture developmentMaintenance managementProject management

AdministrationPersonnel managementPublic relationsLegal affairsTrainingGeneral administrationVigilance departmentProtocolOrganisation head officeAccounts and audit

Technical architecture, hardware and software platforms

MIS works on a client-server architecture. It facilitates maintenance of necessary data as well as generation of reports and queries for administrative management,construction management and other activities for water resources managementorganisations.

Functions Technology / ProductSolution platform MS Windows NTFront-end tools CenturaBack-end tools Oracle 7Hardware Pentium-based machines as server and client

ToolsSeagate Crystal Report has been used to generate reports


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ArchitectureThe MIS client-server architecture:

Has a user-friendly, easy-to-use, secure graphical user interface (GUI)

Allows web-based interfaces for reporting Ensures accurate and flexible reporting

Up gradationMIS is presently being upgraded for web-based operations. The front-end will be ASP, and the database is being upgraded to Oracle 9i.

StrengthsA dedicated group drawn from experts in water resources, irrigation management,hydraulics, and hydrology, works for the design, development and implementation of the canal irrigation management system CMC has extensive domain experience and understanding of the process, policies as well as the operational and administrative management structure and style of irrigation departments.

ExperienceDesign, development and implementation of MIS for a World Bank-funded project in India Feasibility studies to explore the functionalities required in an MIS, and to develop a framework for an information system.

Indicative client list Irrigation Department, Government of Maharashtra Maharashtra Krishna Valley Development Corporation (MKVDC),

Pune Department of Information Technology, Ministry of

Communications and Information Technology, Government of India

CMC has designed, developed and implemented a management information system (MIS) for this World Bankfunded project in Maharashtra, India

The productMIS: Management Information SystemA comprehensive system for the planning, design, construction, monitoring, operationand maintenance of irrigation schemesThe clientIrrigation Department, Government of Maharashtra


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The department controlling water resources in India's most industrialised stateProjectDevelopment and establishment of management information systems (MIS) for sixselected major irrigation projects under the World Bank-funded Maharashtra Composite Irrigation Project - III (restructured)

BackgroundOut of the six selected irrigation projects, three schemes - Kukadi, Bhima and Krishna - are located in the Krishna river basin. The remaining three - Upper Penganga, Majalgaon and Jayakwadi - are located in the Godavari river basin in the state of Maharashtra.These six projects are administered by the chief engineer (specified projects), Pune, and the chief engineer (specified projects), Aurangabad. Each of the six projects is administratively divided into two circles - a project circle, headed by a superintending engineer and a command area development (CAD) circle, headed by an administrator. Each circle administratively controls four to five divisions, and each division, in turn, has four to five sub-divisions.A special analysis and evaluation cell (SAEC), headed by a superintending engineer,coordinates and interacts with the different project circles, CADA circles and associated institutions like the directorate of irrigation research and development (DIRD), the public works department (PWD), the revenue department (resettlement and rehabilitation), the quality control organisation and the agriculture department. The roles of the associated institutions have been specified by the state irrigation department.

ObjectiveThe primary objective of developing and establishing an MIS for the selected major irrigation schemes was to provide a comprehensive system facilitating planning, design, construction, monitoring, operation and maintenance of the schemes.The system developed by CMC

Provides quick, accurate and relevant information Improves data management and handling capacity Provides effective sharing of data and information amongst various

management levels and with associated offices

ScopeCMC handled the study, design, development, testing and installation of themanagement information system, training of officials, as well as implementation support for the system.


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MIS has the following modules:

ConstructionLand acquisitionRehabilitation and resettlementResource requirement planningProcurement monitoringStores and inventoryAsset managementSchedule of ratesRoads and bridgesOn-farm development worksQuality controlConstruction monitoring and managementWorks accounts

Operation and maintenancePlan of operation and managementDrainage network monitoring maintenance managementResource requirement planningCoordination with water users' associations (WUAs)Command area agricultureAsset managementIntegrated agriculture developmentMaintenance managementProject management

Administration managementPersonnel administration

SystemThe system is based on a client-server configuration. The server is a Pentium machine with open SCO Unix as the operating system and open Ingres as the back-end. The clients are 486 PCs with Gupta SQL 5.0 (with Ingres router) as the front-end, operating in MS Windows. MIS covers the offices of the secretary, the joint secretary and the deputy secretary of the state irrigation department based in Mumbai, and is connected to the offices of the chief engineers (specified projects) in Pune and Aurangabad.


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CMC WORLD WIDE CMC over the years has followed a multi-dimensional approach to support its growth and expansion in becoming a global player.

It has 18 offices in major Indian cities and over 150 service locations, including asophisticated R&D centre at Hyderabad. In India, CMC operates through four strategic business units (SBUs) - customer services, systems integration, IT-enabled services (ITeS) and education and training (E&T), with over 160 E&T franchises operating across the country. CMC operates Indonet, a nationwide public data network in India.

Overseas, it has a branch office in Dubai, CMC Informatics, a trading branch office in the UK and CMC Americas, a wholly-owned subsidiary in the US.Together with Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (TCS), our strategic partner, we areworking to target the global market with additional offerings that leverage our combined strengths and enable us to follow common best practices.

CMC Americas Inc

CMC's wholly-owned subsidiary, CMC Americas Inc, was acquired in 1991 and calledBaton Rouge International (BRI), before being renamed in 2003.With 11 offices in the US and a major presence in Silicon Valley, New Jersey andLouisiana it is driving CMC's thrust towards globalisation and business development in the US.

CMC Americas also maintains offices in San Francisco, San Jose and Irvine(California), Chicago, Detroit and Washington DC


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Banking & finance Branch automated information system: Vijaya Bank's BRAINS

boost Banking at the speed of light: TC4s blazing benchmark Derivatives trading system (DTSS): Derive and arrive DpSECURE: depository Back-Office Product Secure and BOLTed: BSE's online trading system Total concept banking system: UWB banks on TC4 Treasury operations management: VIGILant bank, safe treasury VIGIL-Forex: VIGILant forex treasury VeDAS: Safe, secure and versatile depository management

eGovernance:HealthcareFamily welfare and health info (FHIMS): Health for the massesIndia healthcare (IHC): Micro-managing public health

Law enforcementsFingerprint identification: FACTS about criminalsMarket participants database (MAPIN): Securities make surveillanceBetter policing with vCOPS: Computerisation for police forces

Water resource managementBAS: Regulating water resourcesCanal irrigation management system (CIMS) : Intelligent irrigationConstruction management system (CMS): Builder's buddyIrrigation: Info is everything - a management information systemFinanceiComitrax : Easing trade tax traumaKHAJANE: Taming the paper tiger of government treasuriesPower utilitiesMPOWER: Online billing and CRM solution for power utilitiesPowerDesk: Consumer relationship management, billing and energy accounting systemGeneral administrationLooking after Lucknow's LANDSmREINS: The REINS of good governmentThe citizen's VOICE: Municipalities go onlineInsuranceGeneral insurance system (GENISYS): Insurer be sureGENISYS Configurator: A suite of components for a comprehensive insurance


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systemIT Consultancy in insurance sectorMiningCRYSTAL creates fine minesDynaMine can be yoursIMMS: Mine management made easyPowerOSKER: Open SCADA Kernel for power managementWINSPIRE: Standard traction SCADA project for the Lucknow-Kanpur sectionShippingAll is CALM on the west coast: Cargo management systems for portsMACHanising ports: Container terminal systemsMessaging solutions: SWIM, or sinkSeabird Marine Services Pvt. Ltd.TransportationMumbai Port's Mission ImPOSsibleContainer and Cargo Management SystemAir cargo management systemsFlight Slot Allocation SystemToll Plaza Management SystemGPS-based Fleet Tracking SystemIT Enabled ServicesLondon Underground Limited : Tube talesNIRDESHAK: Road runner for Andhra's busesCentral ticketing solutionAutomation of the Waybill Generation process for BSNFContainer Corporation of India: Logistically speakingFreight Operations Information System

Service offerings:Data warehousingEnterprise data warehouseBusiness objects migrationMigration and upgradation

IT enabled servicesDigitisation of Company Records - Ministry of Company AffairsManagement of Electoral Databases and Photo ID cards - Election Commission of IndiaData Classification for a major Utilities company in UKGIS based identification of unbilled records for a major Utilities Company in UKICR based data extraction for India Census 2001 -Registrar General of IndiaeRecruitment for corporates and PSUs


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WayBill Processing and EDI conversion using OCR? ICR technologies for a RailRoadCompany - TexasXML based data extraction for a global major in financial data and analyticsXML repository creation for newspapers archives