Management Information Systems

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Lary is living evidence that chivalry still exists. Sweet, noble, righteous, reliable and just. He is a man of action more than words. He is not candid but full of surprises! He dedicates more than what is expected of him. A natural sly street smart. Proof that silent water runs really deep. He keeps things simple but always extraordinarily well. His commitment to service and high regard for learning is remarkable. “Magis”, to place it in one word. Always for the common good, he is willing to cross the boundaries and extend himself for others without expecting anything in return. He’s just filled with abundant generosity. Like Midas’ touch, he turns everything he comes in contact with into gold. He could turn an awful situation into an opportunity for a transcendental experience. Throughout his 4 years of stay in Ateneo, Lary exemplified the virtues of discipline, responsibility and resiliency. A strategic manager. A hardcore programmer. A technical specialist. A gallant knight. A good friend. That is Lary!!

Lary Benjamin Y. Agaid

BS Management Information Systems


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She is the very epitome of the quiet and meek type. She doesn’t make a fuss out of things that should not be fussed over. That’s why sometimes it’s kind of hard to tell when she is fussing. Gil is a great musician, totally into classical and folk music. She’s the type who sings old German songs. She has adopted well into opera singing and has a number of concerts in her pocket. It might surprise you though, that she can sing like those Japanese songstresses with really high voices. On a cheery note, no pun intended, this girl is Japan’s number one fan. She is a certified otaku whose dream is to get married under Sakura blossoms. All in all, this girl is a very patient friend who would make time to talk with you in your time of direst need. Gil also hardly gets angry except that when she’s mad, you’d better get out of her way.

Gillian Nicole C. Alamani

BS Management Information Systems


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Rafi: The Under Dressed Atenean that is multiply skilled with Computers, Music and Ladies. K: well known for his goofy antics like keeping rainwater-drenched socks in his bag for x no. of days and relentless dodging of ID-catching guards. Leo: His fascination of a certain set of phalanges infused with flesh never ceases to amaze me. Oftentimes, you’ll be touched with his deep concern regarding “something in your eye”. Moses: Franz is probably the only person who can manhandle everyone with sheer wit, a vast vocabulary and undeniable logic. Geline: He makes me happy. RJ: Franz shows how success is possible if you put your mind and heart into the matter. He’s an excellent guitar player and a programmer. There is never a dull moment with this dude. Jona: Hit the highway, buckle up with ACDC as he went road trippin’ to Skyway. Dex: You might see him as a person who seldom talks. You will find that you can talk to him about anything– a simple or deep philosophical and intellectual conversation.

Franz Nicholas N. Alfonso

BS Management Information Systems


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If you add ripped-to-the-knees jeans, curly hair, super judo skills and the thick bearded look, Allen is what you get! He’s the guy who knows everyone who’s to know. He’s the missing link to all the Friendster accounts. Amidst this bearded you-can’t-take-me-down look, you’ll find a great big heart, overflowing with friends pampered with goodness. He’s really a softie deep down inside. But beware! He can be really bubbly one minute, then moody and gloomy in another. He’s the epitome of a dependable person. One call, one wave, one look, he’s there right by your side. This fella isn’t complete without his big big appetite for anything edible and his corny (I mean corny!) jokes and his nutty antics. Allen’s been everything from a bodyguard, a walking reminder with an on-the-dot alarm, a wake-up call, a no-fail memory card, a phone pal. But Allen is best at his lifetime career as a true and genuine friend, who will always be there, who will treat you no less than special, no matter who you are, no matter what.

Allen Jo G. Aligam

BS Management Information Systems


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Just as a girl in the mirror sees not merely a reflection but herself, so must people delve to reveal what’s beyond the perceivable figure. Bev is not just what you see she is. She is more. Though impressively pretty, stylish, and light-hearted, she is yet Athena’s incarnate for leadership, wisdom, and counsel. She can protect all subjects in her realm instinctively knowing details and heeding every need. She achieves simple or complicated things way above mediocrity. Hers, with gifts of speech and influence, is wisdom deep as to empower others to valuable changes of heart. Her smartness seeps through her deeds of beautifying plain stuff, organizing, and transforming friends from fun makeovers. She relays meaningful advice and bounteous insights. She can altogether be a mentor, and an equal—with humor that drives you nuts and transcends you from earth and back. Bev has lots of things in her to bless the world with. She is a goddess: a keeper of valuable gifts titivating subjects within & beyond her realm.

Beverly Joan M. Almazan

BS Management Information Systems


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Jona, jon, jocknats, jonats, jonalats, jonatsdonuts, agent jonathan is…Responsible, dependable, a joker, a poet and an all-around good guy rolled into one unique package. He is tenacious as can be and not to mention, a genius in many ways. He is devoted to his organization and to his work. He is very friendly, especially to the girls. He works hard and likes to play basketball. A glimpse of him already tells you that he’s a firm person, built to satisfy his relations for his orgs, friends and girlfriends. Noteworthy is his long-range basketball scoop shot, love for a variety of flash movies and tendency to disappear 50 minutes longer than the 10 minutes he usually says. He will always be the paying “incheck” and will never need to grow his hair back to normal working as a bouncer in a fashion show. Innocence lost can never be regained, but no one ever said that it can’t be faked... so we’ve learned from Jona.

Jonathan N. Ang

BS Management Information Systems


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Kit is your typical guy - loves cars, loves basketball, loves games and gadgets, hates shopping. You’ll almost always see him smiling (his eyes disappearing under his glasses), laughing, and cracking jokes. But underneath his wisecracks, carefree demeanor, and extremely baggy shirt and pants is a guy you can truly depend on.

Kit is hard-working and persevering; he stays focused on his studies yet still finds time to spend his day with his favorite kids from Payatas. He is a guy who would go to great lengths to help a friend, a guy you could share your deepest secrets with without fear of being judged. When you’re depressed, he’s the guy who would spend the whole afternoon with you and bring you your favorite comfort food. He has your back and, most importantly, he keeps his promises.

Hard to believe? Those who know him know that all that I have written above are true. For those who don’t know him? Trust me—because this is coming from the one who knows him best.

Kristian F. Ang

BS Management Information Systems


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While a calendar of alternating parties and academic commitments seem to be an entity of fiction, Ria seems to be successful in proving that such a notion is incorrect. It is a befuddling fact that there exists a person who could ace an exam despite her vibrant “rastamanish” lifestyle. She’s a real-life hippie, with a bottomless appetite and a fearless attitude to other people’s judgments. A crazy, impulsive music junkie, she’s game for anything—a go-getter, spunky, beauty, brains and a lot of soul. You’ll usually find her walking in a carefree stride, with her favorite Bohemian scarf and long, colorful beads wrapped around her neck. No worries, no stress and no cover-ups. One can’t help notice the positive energy radiating from Ria’s presence. Her big bright eyes coupled by her cheerful demeanor attract a lively vibe into any situation. Blessed with a wild imagination, you’ll catch her daydreaming sometimes and if you’re lucky, she’ll tell you about her wonderful ideas and insights. She is charisma personified.

Nemia Rose T. Aquino

BS Management Information Systems


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This might give you an idea about Sep. We had this finals exam for one of our major subjects and three of us went to his house to study. We arrived at around 8 pm and slept a quarter before 5 am. What’s interesting and actually stupid is that we didn’t spend all that time studying. On the contrary, we were eating Jollibee at 1 am and probably spent 4 hours either doing nothing or just playing computer games… Amazingly, he managed to score B+ in that subject.

Despite his uncanny abilities in his studies and sports, he is a laidback witty person, one who is very easy to please and although a genius, he is humble. Moreover, conversations with Sep are never boring; he seems to enjoy having our dialogues go round and round. Ateneo Philosophy sure has gotten the best of him. Not many people have had the privilege to get to know Sep, but I am fortunate and honored to say that I’m one of the chosen few to know him well. As the cliché goes, words can’t describe a person; you’ve got to know Sep first-hand.

Joseph O. Arollado

BS Management Information Systems


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What do people have to say about Jezza? (ASK-NNNA!)Aila: “The mischievous angel. Makes you wonder how this devil of a girl makes you smile and makes you feel larger than life.” Sam: “The bubbliest of bubbly girls, Jezza will never fail to draw out that hidden laugh from inside of you.” Karen: “This girl is gifted with a big heart, full of love, care and sincerity not only to her friends, but also to her lovely babies.” Nolet: “Rest periods are no rest at all when she’s around, unless she’s switched off. And she’s rarely switched off.”Ninna: “Crazy hirits and zany antics follow in the wake of this girl.” Nona: “Lunatic yet deep. Lunatic—she loves laughing even at very shallow things. Deep—when you get to know her better, she also has this serious and mature side that you would have never thought of.” Ann: “Jezza’s quite a complicated character—SkyFlakes-Tuna diet, Skulls and Cookie Monster collection—such a weird kid.”

Brenda Jezza B. Balangue

BS Management Information Systems


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An equally unique name for a very unique person, Peachy is one of the most animated, bubbly, outgoing and sensible people you’ll ever get to know. She’s a graceful dancer, an aggressive basketball player, a very responsible and active leader, a sensible conversationalist, a computer genius (minus the dorkiness!) and a really dependable friend all rolled into one! Nothing could compare to the way she, as soon as she sees you, would flash her genuine smile and run towards you to give the warmest hug! There’s never a dull moment with Peachy as her sweetness, thoughtfulness and cheery disposition are therapy to everyone around her that she never fails to brighten up anyone’s day and win their trust and love. But don’t let the jokes and cheers fool you, she’s a strong headed person who’s not afraid to let you know what she’s thinking. She never fails to amaze her friends with her insights and pleasing intellectual conversations. Such great personality, coupled with a quirky sense of humor, irresistible charm and amiable nature makes Peachy someone you’d love to have as a best friend.

Patricia Katrina B. Baron

BS Management Information Systems


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Jake is the epitome of a Renaissance man. He has been blessed by God in so many ways. This gifted writer and speaker’s intellect and relentless dilligence in his studies are well-known among his friends. A born athlete, he is also a joy to watch as his competitive spirit and love for the game shine through as he plays baseball for the Ateneo. This natural people person also follows his heart as can be seen in the organizations that he has joined that emphasize social involvement, service and interaction. He is so easy to talk to, he doesn’t know how to hold a grudge, he will never refuse you, and he will never judge you. This sweet guy with his one-of-a-kind wit, sponteneity and sense of humor have won him a lot of friends in his stay in the Ateneo.

More importantly, he has something special about him, a sense of confidence that it uniquely his own. Whatever he is doing, he is always able to carry himself so well. The reason for this can be found in his attitude and outlook towards life. Jake never forgets that everything he is, everything he is doing is for God, and that now is the only chance we’ll ever have.

Juan Miguel C. Bautista

BS Management Information Systems


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NUTRITION INFORMATIONServing Size, 1 Kg Servings Per Bryan, 72 Amount per Serving % Daily Value*Total Charm 100g 70%Total Intelligence 200g 80%Total Energy 200g 65%Total Determination 100g 75%Total Hard Work 150g 90%Total Enjoyment 250g 110% * % Daily Value is based on qualities an average person exhibits a day.

Ingredients: Love, Faith, Strength, Wisdom, Maturity, Joy, and Humor Made by the Bryan Borja Manufacturing Corporation

Bryan Zenon R. Borja

BS Management Information Systems


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When forced to contemplate alen, one would be bound to grapple with any one or a number of these terms: angas, bitchy, anti-social, scary, mataray, sablay, madaldal, walang sense of time, walang sense of age, sabog, OC, lokaret, emotional, corny, shallow, mysterious, sarcastic, nice, smart, cool, fun, astig, artistic, talented, friendly, strong, wonderful, unique, sweet, pretty, bookworm, fashionista, serious, witty, intellectual, nerd, woman.

Doesn’t make sense to you? Sorry, that’s just the reality that is alen. If it’s any consolation, she doesn’t make sense to herself most of the time either.

(All adjectives care of Friendster Testimonials. And you know how reliable those are.)

Victor Allen F. Buenaflor

BS Management Information Systems


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Sab is sunshine in a small package. This street-smart lady is the ultimate hitchhiker, cut-mate, yosi buddy, Starbucks tambay, study partner, cramming conspirator, creative fixer, ukay-ukay queen and people observer. She gives off a fifties-mod-lady luck vibe, and it suits her more than anyone else. Sab exudes warmth towards everyone around her. She is an old soul, passionate in her convictions that she remains true to them no matter what. Especially inquisitive with questions fit for the deepest thinkers, Sab betrays her pixie-ish frame with her immense discoveries, opinions, ideas and beliefs. While she keeps her personal issues private, she has her way of making her friends feel special and loved without words. She’s game for almost any spontaneous trip; for her several circles of friends, she’s always there—literally and figuratively. What her friends always say about her is that she’s constant; she has always been just Sab. But for the people who know and love her, that is more than enough.

Isabel Agatha G. Castro

BS Management Information Systems


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If you know Albert, you’ve have trouble finding a single word to describe him. It’s because he has so many good qualities and characteristics that define his character. For starters, Albert is a very funny guy. He has the most contagious laughter and he’ll surely turn your world upside down with his corny jokes. He can take any situation and bring out the brighter and lighter side of it. His happy and cheerful personality makes it very easy for people to warm up to him and easily become his friend. But despite his happy go lucky personality, he can be serious and assertive when the situation calls for it. What makes Albert stand out among the rest is that he is what he is; he doesn’t pretend to be someone he is not. He is a singer who will leave you begging for encores. He’s a dancer who dances like there’s no tomorrow; a tutor who will never stop pushing his students to become the best. He loves like he will never love again in his life. Bet has definitely proven that being naughty and nice can be rolled into one.

Albert J. Chan

BS Management Information Systems


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K, I found the past couple of years, is one of those people who rarely are what you expect them to be. At first glance, you see a nice girl, earphones stuck around her ears and you think–-probably listening to one of those boy bands too stuck up on their good looks to have any talent at all. But, as you get closer, you hear guitar riffs too heavy for the normal pop idol—screaming and growling vocals which are surprisingly scary. Then you notice that the color of her hair is different from the last time you saw it—was it red or blue then and black now? Then you see her playing Japanese rock songs with her electric guitar while wearing makeup you see in one of those Goth concerts.

Unexpected as she is, I must admit, she is one of the nicest people I know. She’s open and fun to be with… and probably the only person whose incessant poking at my side during accounting class (hehe yes, it did hurt sometimes ) I’d put up with.

Karen S. Chan

BS Management Information Systems


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If J.K. Rowling met Diana Chua before writing the Harry Potter series, Dice probably inspired the character of Hermione Granger. A typical exam day is incomplete without a long queue of students asking Dice for help. Getting straight A’s in all her math subjects justifies her reputation as a math genius. While being a consistent Dean’s Lister, she managed successful projects in and out of Ateneo. Her competence and leadership are admired by her peers. To top it all off, she’s sort of a jack-of-all trades when it comes to the arts. Aside from having a beautiful singing voice, her acting and painting skills are commendable. With these blessings and achievements, you might think Dice is too good to be true. However, she is as human as you are. She enjoys the little things in life and even laughs at the corniest jokes. Like others, she commits mistakes but does not let her spirit be dampened by them. Her generous heart and wisdom created this magical force that keeps her friends loyal and makes her family proud.

Diana T. Chua

BS Management Information Systems


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J – Jovial. A minute spent with her is always worthwhile. She’ll never bore you with her funny stories, craziness and, clumsiness. A word of caution though, beware of Jan when she’s in her crazy modes. She laughs her heart out and talks like a person who’s had too much caffeine. Ever cheerful and hyper, she’ll greet you with the sweetest smile each day. A – Amiable. She is a gift to her friends, always there ready to laugh with you or comfort you in times of hardship and pain. With a genuine love for her friends, she’ll willingly listen, lend a helping hand, and make the extra effort to make you happy.

N – Natural, simple, pretty, humble, free-spirited, intelligent, and golden hearted. What makes her more special is that despite her achievements, she remains humble and genuine. She also has an innate appreciation for life and everything around it. Jan’s truly beautiful inside and out, making her a real treasure to everyone.

Jan Charmaine P. Chua

BS Management Information Systems


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Timid, shy, quiet and passive. Those are the impressions that you get when you first get to meet Shey. But once you get to know her better, she is really a person who isn’t afraid to share her thoughts. In fact, you can spend sunrise ‘till sunset with her without having a dull moment. Her energetic, jolly and bright disposition always makes everyone smile. She is a face that stands out in a crowd. Her bouncy hair and guru-like fashion sense guarantees that she rises above everyone else. When hell-week comes, she scrambles for notes, slides and reviewers and shuns nonsense activities just like everyone else. But no matter how difficult, she always seems to top the tests that cross her path. She has truly made accounting tutorials, sleepless programming projects and database management frenzies into experiences that will never be forgotten simply because Shey is the kind of friend that you never forget.

Mari Elise L. Cirineo

BS Management Information Systems


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A signature grin, an unblemished jumpshot, the endless jokes, and all those trademark comments are just some of the things that come to mind when you think about Cam. With her infectious spirit and heart, Cam is one of the few who has the innate ability to make other people feel exultant. She has a knack for taking on life’s challenges, no matter how infuriating it may be. But irrespective of this girl’s ability to cope with whatever comes her way, Cam’s versatility and seamlessness always seem to stand out. Her dedication and drive on the court expresses her undeniable passion for basketball. Whenever in class, she’s never afraid to speak her mind and has ascertained herself to be an indispensable group mate. Among her friends, she’s proved to be one of the most caring, loyal and trustworthy. She’s reliable, tough, resilient, inspiring, and most of all, she’s crazy. All you ever need in a zany companion, a steadfast teammate, a trusty confidant, and a great friend, that’s all of Cam for you.

Czarina Camille R. Co

BS Management Information Systems


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Ryan has one hell of a cool character. His ability to speak to individuals of every sort makes him a capable guy; and in handling arguments, he’s a savvy negotiator. Aside from this, Ryan’s a realist. This is obvious in his practical approach to all sorts of things as well as his undeniable interest to listen to AM radio stataions on political matters. He is also a family person. He never misses to give one day of the week to his loved ones. When it comes to work… well, this guy’s one workaholic! He’ll just keep on pushing until the work’s done. Another thing, he loves his scouting. An active adult scout, this guy regularly returns to his high school to lend a hand.

A good friend, a caring brother, and a deep thinker—these are the qualities that make Ryan truly unique!

Ryan Bailey C. Cokieng

BS Management Information Systems


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Don’t be fooled by his tough guy exterior, sports skills and street smarts because for a chosen few, his soft side is apparent. He may seem aloof at first glance but once you get to know him, he’s never that far to call on if you need anything. His loyalty guarantees his family and friends a lifetime of his attention. This also extends to that lucky girl who catches his eye because he knows how to treat a girl right. When you least expect it, he’ll surprise you with his sweetness and thoughtfulness that it’ll make you think what you did to deserve it. Maybe because he’s the type of guy who has a lot to say, that makes you think he blows a lot of hot air but in truth he knows how to argue his point. He’s also the type of guy who doesn’t let anyone influence him. He exemplifies the stereotypical Atenean, oozing with confidence and pride, but also shows in him the perfect Ignatian model. Words cannot describe JV to the fullest extent; let’s just say that there is no doubt that he’ll be successful and happy in all of his future endeavors.

Jerome Vincent M. Cruz

BS Management Information Systems


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The best friend you wish you ever had. Definitely not your fair weather friend, Jay is the type who will cling on to you like sticky glue most especially during the hard times. In fact, it is during those rough times that you will feel most taken care of. He will ride the storm and run the gauntlet with you. He will bend over backwards just to help you weather the ordeal. Jay is one reliable person you can count on anytime. He is a quintessence of a selfless man who puts others first before him. Jay also possesses a true zest for life. His vivacious persona and jolly disposition truly wipes out the bleakness of one’s day. He is a very funny man who can leave you laughing uncontrollably throughout the day. But more than his jokes, what will truly captivate your heart is the sweet and thoughtful manner he regards you with special care and attention. Jay is all this and more. A true friend. A person to lean on. A person to laugh with. A genuine person without pretenses, offering only the real him.

Antonio Jose F. Dacanay

BS Management Information Systems


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Chino takes pride in anything he does. When he wants something done, he does everything he can do, given his capacities. He is a learner, a believer, an achiever, and a friend. Being a learner, he picks up skills significantly fast and, in turn, uses the skills he has learned to become the person that he aspires to be. As a believer, he never gives up hope and he keeps striving for the best. As an achiever, he has gone through obstacles and has been very successful in his craft along with his colleagues and friends in their acapella group “Out of the Box.” As a friend, he goes out of his way to make you feel special. Full of engaging smiles and cheery waves, it is not surprising that he has truckloads of friends. With a very outgoing, pleasing and charming attitude, Chino has come to be the great guy he is now. Indeed, Chino can uplift ordinary things towards the extraordinary.

Chino Antonio G. Datu

BS Management Information Systems


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Carlo David - a name that, since the first day we met, has been worth remembering. People say that first impressions last. Carlo will have you saying only wonderful things about him once you are introduced to him. He is a person who strives for the best and nothing less. He takes pride in himself and his abilities. He will always hesitate to ask for help if he feels he can do it himself because he doesn’t want to burden others. When he puts his mind into a task, he is masterfully able. He excels in anything he gets into. The kid in Carlo is simple, carefree and joyous. He doesn’t ask or take more than what he needs for he is sensitive and passionate. If you didn’t know, Carlo loves music. It is second nature to him. Music is his paradise. And God has gifted him with overflowing musical talent. He is known around Ateneo and as well as other places as “Mr. Beatbox.” The way he can play with beats and sounds will make a person stop, listen, stare and applaud. Carlo David—a big guy with a big smile, and most importantly, a big heart.

Isagani Carlo U. David

BS Management Information Systems


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“… tale as old as time.” When young girls fantasized fairytale princesses’ lives of beauty and glamour, this young girl must not have dreamt much as she was born princess-like, Belle’s modern resonance by mold of true beauty with a true heart. Tine is a dainty figure who can wear the simplest or ostentatious streaks of fashion and appear elegant altogether. She is in tune with her likes of the latest scents, accessories and conversation pieces, anything sleek and classy; yet attune to everyone who also want to be themselves. Her smile, a grand token of recognition to anyone, projects her substance: a heart she shares with her family and friends that she’d go the extra mile, and a sharp mind she imparts to those she works with. Life’s pleasure because of her little gestures and cute made-faces that enliven the mood. She may be a fairytale herself--a Belle that is fantasized by the heart, the beauty and the trinkets of glamour. Only, Tine is real; only, truly princess-like.

Kristine Anne Z. David

BS Management Information Systems


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Nagsimula akong halos wala, magtatapos akong mayroon ngunit kulang pa. Suntok sa buwan ang pagpasok ko sa Ateneo. Tanging ang pag-asang binuo ng isang malaking pangarap ang tangan ko sa pagsuong sa pantas na mundong ito.

Simpleng Atenista—pumapasok akong nakapambahay, tumutulong, nagsisilbi at naninindigan sa kung ano ang pinaniniwalaan. Simpleng mag-aaral—hindi naghahangad ng higit pa, ngunit ibinibigay ang buo kong makakaya. Sapagkat sa simple nag-uugat ang lahat, sa pinakasimple umuusbong ang pinakamagarbong handog ng buhay.

Nais kong magpasalamat sa walang hanggang pagmamahal ng aking mga kapamilya, ang pagsuporta ng mga kaibigan at ang dunong na ibinahagi ng mga propesor. Walang katumbas ang tulong ninyo sa akin at makaaasa kayong gayon din ang layon ko.Batch ‘06, humayo tayong dala ang sulong pabaon ng pamantasang iilaw sa landas patungong tagumpay.

Danlourd A. De Asis

BS Management Information Systems


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If Joanne were a bag of candies, she would be the perfect mix of all your favorite sweets. Like a Gobstopper, there are many layers to her personality. As you get to know her, she will never cease to amaze you with the wonderful person that she is. Not only is she a sweet and caring friend but also a talented bowler, responsible student, and an inspiring leader. She is funny yet serious, sweet yet tough, carefree yet responsible and mature yet a child at heart. Like a chocolate bar, she brings comfort as she listens with unrivaled patience and understanding to your problems, may it be on academics or personal life. Joanne is a friend whom you can trust and count on in times of laughter and tears. Like Nerds, you cannot get enough of her because she is fun to be with, has a great sense of humor, and can be crazy at times. Like gummy bears, she is loved by everyone. Everyone around Joanne just seems to be drawn to her. Why? Simply because her lovely smile and incredible personality makes our lives a lot sweeter.

Joanne Karen C. Dee

BS Management Information Systems


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May it be known that James Arthur N. del Rosario, no matter what people say to the contrary, did not miraculously squeeze his way through college. (Although he cannot put enough emphasis on how much he owes all those “nice” teachers in the Ateneo.) Of course, he could not have made it without the constant support of his parents and loved ones.

James is your typical scatterbrained, happy-go-lucky type of person—most of the time. He often likes to push deadlines to their limit, as he works best when pressured by time – a crammer in many regards. On the other hand, he can also be very dependable and down-to-earth when the need arises. He can intently focus all his attention to accomplishing particular task, given proper motivation. As an introvert, he likes to keep a close group of friends who often have shared interests. He is a cheerful person who, though not talkative, makes a good listener. He also very reliable in keeping secrets—you can rely on him to forget them. You would likely see him at a computer shop playing online games, where he spends much of his free time.

James Arthur N. Del Rosario

BS Management Information Systems


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Prince. Ngalang tunog-maharlika. Akma sa kung paano tinatahak ng taong ito ang landas ng buhay. Tahimik. Marangal. Maayos. Magalang. Isang mapagkakatiwalaan at mapagkalingang pinuno. Patuloy na nakatungtong sa lupa. Diyos, pamilya, at isang makabuluhang mithiin ang lagi niyang gabay sa anumang kanyang pinagsusumikapan.

Nathaniel. Hebreong kataga. “Handog ng Maykapal.” Isa siyang handog sa daigdig at sa bawat taong kanyang nakasasalamuha. Ang kanyang pagkamasayahin. Ang kanyang sipag. Ang kanyang panahon. Ang kanyang walang-pagal na paglilingkod at tapat na pagmamahal.

Anak. Mag-aaral. Iskolar. Pinuno. Tagapaglapat. Musikero. Kristiyano. Atenista. Kaibigan. Hindi siya mailalagom ng mga salita. At kapag nasabi na ang lahat ng masasabi, nananatili siyang isang hiwaga: prinsipe sa likod ng trono, handog na patuloy sa pagkakabalot.

Prince Nathaniel F. Del Rosario

BS Management Information Systems


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He is definitely one heck of a street smart kind of guy. Sometimes, he would just keep quiet and stay still, but deep within, he’s thinking, thinking very hard about serious things. You may not know it, but he is a very kind and loyal friend. He is a reserved person with a good soul. He looks so serious but this fellow is jolly and he will surely make you laugh. He is a friend worth having. It may not seem evident but he is an all-purpose guy, once you know him you will find out that he is so versatile. He can do almost everything, from troubleshooting a computer, executing flying kicks, and even perform in a drumline. Most importantly he is good in keeping friendships alive, that is why he has many friends. When all else fails, expect Carrell to be there ready to lend a helping hand. He has no inhibitions; when he sees something that he likes or is passionate about, he pursues it!

Carrell Claude A. Diel

BS Management Information Systems


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It has been said that true beauty comes from within. And Vanny is proof of this. Although she is pretty, it is ultimately her inner beauty that draws people to this amazing girl. Her bright and unique personality shines through in everything she does. Vanny is one of the sweetest and most compassionate friends one could possibly meet. A ‘fashionista’ herself and oozing with confidence and poise, Vanny’s got a sort of elegance to her that people are sure to notice at first glance. She never fails to spread her optimism to others with her charming disposition and captivating personality. She has earned the trust and respect of everyone around her with genuine sensitivity and concern, and is always willing to listen to what others have to say. Vanny’s up for any challenge life throws her, which proves that she has what it takes to reach the top. For all these and more, Vanny is one of the most beautiful people we know, both inside and out. And as she moves on to greater things, we know she will shine even brighter.

Vannelyn Rose L. Dionisio

BS Management Information Systems


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Just as rare precious stones educe their value from beauty that grows in time, so is Tenn to everyone who has seen her modestly shine amidst similarly lustrous rocks. In a world where everyone’s trying to outshine one another, she consciously chooses to do things her way—the best way she knows how, shunning attention but nevertheless failing because of her noteworthy labor. Amidst her, you feel the least pressure to put on a face because her presence is unflustered, at times sheer carefree. When the call of the times is to measure up and make haste, here is a woman who quietly defies it—making a stand at her pace. For the untrained eye, it’s very easy to overlook the uncommon chrysopase among the diamonds. A deeper look will make you realize how much you missed out. Behind her lighthearted façade are a profound mind, whose intuitiveness is unparalleled, and a big heart, whose compassion cascades from her closest circle and beyond. Hers is a glow that has continuously prided those who unearthed it.

Tennessee Angela G. Duñgo

BS Management Information Systems


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Anyone who meets Therine would agree that she’s as warm as sunshine and as sweet as chocolate. Teng, as she is fondly called by her friends, is adored by everyone for her light and bubbly personality. Full of energy, she’ll come up to you half-skipping with that sweet smile on her face and the most welcome greeting accompanied by a tight hug. Therine is also known for her innate ability to cheer you up with her hilarious stories which are usually about her daily accidents. A natural corny person, she can break out into her contagious laughter even at the oldest jokes in the book. However, beneath this childish girl is a woman full of dreams and aspirations. It is amazing that at an early age, she already knows what she wants in life. The determination and work ethic of this intelligent and witty girl are extraordinary. What is most admirable about her, though, is the fact that in spite of her many ambitions, she makes it a point to make God, her family, and loved ones the center of her life.

Catherine Rose N. Ebarvia

BS Management Information Systems


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Ann seems like an open book because of her honesty and authenticity and lack of pretensions. But she’s a deep book! Her hidden strengths, many talents, and profound integrity have blessed many an org and many a friend.

Ann is a confidant and confessor, listener and lesson-giver, hymn-singer and homework helper, source of wisdom and subject of hilarious jokes—and because she forgets her bags and misplaces her things, your secret is safe with her!

A girl with her head in the clouds. Imaginative. Creative.

Ann is hardly ever bored because at any given moment her imagination is filled with colorful pictures, curious stories and zany scenarios.

May your kaleidoscope dreams come true, fellow Dreamer.

Marita Ann A. Enriquez

BS Management Information Systems


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“Email is the best way to contact me” is a line that Ealden has adopted to show how attached he is to computers and the Internet – so much so that the boundary between what is real and the virtual seems to have blurred for him. He has since discovered the beauty of the (real) world, and the importance of people he calls friends.

On first sight, people think that Ealden is scary, but that thought vanishes when you know him better. His friends describe him friendly, easy to talk to, funny, caring, crazy, responsible, and determined when he really puts his mind in something. He looks at life with great enthusiasm, always wondering what will come next, and living every moment the way he thinks best.

A synergy of different things, combined to make him who he is:Ealden.

Ealden Esto E. Escañan

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Deric is known among his friends as a dynamic and cheerful person who never runs out of stories to tell. Being a knowledgeable and smart individual makes him a lot of fun to talk to about a wide range of topics--from comic books and computers to more meaningful things like life and love. His insatiable curiosity allows him to have a lot of interests like sports, cars, and even television series such as Friends. Moreover, Deric knows how to balance his academic life well. He is known to pass almost all of his subjects with little effort. These are not the only things that make people fond of Deric, however. One unique trait he has is his vicarious nature. He is pleased when other people are pleased, happy when others are happy. And beneath all of his amazing abilities, is a simple, humble guy who gives importance to values of friendship and love. A good-natured, good-hearted person who never forgets to put on a smile in school, Deric always sees the positive side of life. Truly remarkable, Deric never ceases to amaze.

Frederic L. Falcon

BS Management Information Systems


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Happiness was the feeling my family felt when I gave that squeaking cry. I was the first grandchild in the side of my mom’s family and had been the source of joy to a set of retiring grandparents who have showered me with their unconditional love and attention. This must be the reason why I grew up to be prayerful, non-complaining, loving towards my family, responsible and hardworking. I am a simple person who is not affected by materialism that abounds in our society, especially among the young. Life will never be complete without having fun, which for me is a fair share of watching movies, malling, reading, listening to jazz music, and travelling.

Rachel Marie A. Fernandez

BS Management Information Systems


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Its funny when I look back and see how my life turned out, comparing to my old self that had just graduated from high school. I had dreams then that were different from those now. I act differently than I used to. My choice of friends, and the way I treat them, has changed too. These are just a few of the many things that changed in me. I guess what I’m trying to say is, we never know what’s going to happen to us. We’ll be so deep into who we are now, we sometimes forget about who we used to be. It’s nothing to feel bad about, I consider myself a better person now than I was before. Let me say, that we are always going somewhere. The thought may scare some; the thought of not knowing what’s going to happen. However I don’t fear it, because that’s what life is all about. Forrest Gump in all his humility knew what he was talking about. Change is something inevitable, and fearing it is like denying life itself. What’s going to happen after I graduate? I don’t know, but I’m sure I’ll look back one day and be humored.

Santiago Luis D. Fonacier III

BS Management Information Systems


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Para sa aking mga magulangPara sa aking mga magulang na hindi nagdamotPara sa aking mga magulang na hindi nagdamot ng kahit ano sa akinPara sa aking mga magulang na patuloy kong mamahalin

Eto na ang totoo, eto na ang totooEto na, eto na

Pagkatapos mong magtapos kumain kaPagkatapos mong kumain matulog kaMahimbing ka, managinip kaMangarap ka, lumipad ka

—hango sa “Astro” ng Radioactive Sago Project

Leo Jacinto M. Francia

BS Management Information Systems


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JR is a simple guy. Laid back and quiet to those people who don’t know him but underneath this façade lies someone entirely different. To his friends he is someone who loves cracking everyone with witty jokes and snide comments. “You need to know him pretty well before you see the real JR,” most of his friends say. When this happens you will see that he is exactly the opposite from the first impression that he makes, from being “masunget” and “antipatiko” to someone really funny and nice. His friends also admire his good taste in clothing, sometimes even setting the latest trend. To his girl buddies he instantly becomes their best friend, you ask why? This guy loves shopping! He is patient enough to stand long walks in the mall or even “ukay-ukays”. Ask his girlfriend, she’ll say, “He’s simply the best!”

Alfonso B. Galela III

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The glory that was Greece seeps into our timeline and manifests its magnificence in the person of Kristel, whose character is reminiscent of the Greek goddess Athena. Faithful to the deity’s warrior nature, this woman never backs down on anything that takes her head on. Many arrows have targeted her core, but with extraordinarily focused mind and resilient heart to back up her ideals, tribulations leave her with spirit unscathed. Her passion for life and love is unmatched and infectious. To be in her midst, one feels hoisted to her level of zeal to all that life has to offer. Even truer to her Athenian roots is her relentless pursuit of wisdom and knowledge. Hers is a fountain of overflowing insights about herself, others and the world that she will conquer at her heart’s signal. The hard worker who dreams big. The dreamer who makes things happen. You stand in awe of this lady who, in the most human manner, immortalized the potential greatness and innate beauty of the human character and spirit.

Kristel Lorraine C. Galicia

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“And even when you’ve paid enough, been pulled apart or been held upBecause every single memory of the good or bad faces of luckDon’t lose any sleep tonightI’m sure everything will end up alright.You may win or lose…But to be yourself is all that you can do…To be yourself is all that you can do…”

—Be Yourself, Audioslave, 2005

“It is not who I am underneath, but the things I do, that define me.”

—Batman Begins, 2005

Roman Paolo R. Garcia

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People underestimate Mark because he looks harmlessly innocent. Big mistake. Mark is one of the innate geniuses this world has ever borne. Nerd? Absolutely not. He transcends classrooms and books and extends to the world of music, art, and service. Yes, this guy has a penchant for singing and playing the piano beautifully. He can whip up a mean design in just a snap. He also loves to lend a hand to anyone who needs it and goes out of his way to help. The quintessential Atenean that he is, Mark strives for excellence in everything he does. Geek, then? Not a chance. Mark has a personality that will just enrapture people from all walks of life. Talk to this guy and you’ll wonder how can he ever be one of the top students in the batch. He just seems your normal, everyday person who cracks the funniest jokes, loves to eat, horse around, and just chill. Rare? Oh yeah, without a doubt.

Mark Eugene L. Gesite

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10 Unforgettable Things about Rhea:10. She’s a baby in a woman’s body—innocent, yet very mature9. Always late for class, looking lost and “sabog.” Yet no matter how “sabog”, she never fails to flash her great big smile.8. She’s a small girl with big dreams. She knows what she wants, and has a very strong determination to succeed.7. Her idealistic and romantic nature—always “kilig” 6. Her radiant smile and booming energy can make people feel better and brighter on a gloomy day.5. Her ever-positive outlook is contaminating.4. She sings & dances like a crazy girl when no one’s around.3. Her bloopers in attempts of speaking straight Tagalog. 2. Tears freely fall when she’s so happy, sad, angry, or touched.1. Her big, big heart—full of passion beyond reason, where it be work, relationships or life in general.

Rhea Janice S. Go

BS Management Information Systems


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Two minutes before the bell rings, you’d see this guy in a white shirt, jeans, and Nike rubber shoes walking leisurely to his classroom as if he had all the time in the world. Who else could it be but Peter. Ironically, this first-class procrastinator manages to get everything done amidst competition from his number one priority: sleeping. A free-spirited and spontaneous individual, he is often to be found either (a) laughing with or at someone, (b) in the mall, or (c) sleeping. But don’t be swayed by this playful and carefree attitude, for on a more serious side, he takes great pride in his work and lives by his own principles. To others, he is the ever-so-responsible RegCom Logistics Head, the disciplined gym enthusiast, the loving son, the Atenean lector with an accent, and the most loyal friend. His soul expresses that of a child’s—stubborn at times but nonetheless a source of happiness and joy. Being with him can only be described in one way: simply magical. That is, simply Peter.

Peter Fernando R. Gomez

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Truly knowing someone is discovering who he or she really is deep down. Knowing Paul is finding out that he is far more than just business-minded. Although, amusing enough, the market has pretty much nailed who Paul Ernest Gonzales really is—

Paul’s eyes are like Carefree: Barely there! His smile and laughter is like Mentos: Fresh and full of life! And he makes sure he smells like Smart: Simply amazing! Paul’s attitude with his stuff is like Rejoice: always Instant ayos! He has a zest for life like Energizer: Just keeps going, and going, and going… And he’s got determination like Globe: Makes things possible.

Also, Paul’s social skills are like Nokia: Connecting People.Having him around is like Rexona: Won’t let you down!And he stands by your side like My Only Radio: For life!But ultimately, Paul really is like G.E.: Bringing good things to life. That’s why everyone treats him like McDonald’s: Love ko ‘to!

Paul Ernest H. Gonzales

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Only few have managed to hear beyond his silence and see beyond his walls. His friends were but witnesses to the unfolding of a man, full of passion and conviction, complexity and simplicity, all at the same time. A thinker, getting his ideas from deep reflection, his depth is a gift that lies beyond imagination. Trying to understand him might seem to be a pain to his closest friends, explaining him is even harder, even to himself. This is who he is. Trying to grasp every moment and play the cards dealt to him, he manages to live his life, how ironic it may be, as if it were simple. One might wonder how his friends manage to deal with such a complex individual. Well the answer is surprisingly simple, Jack Daniels, a cigar and black coffee afterwards, this is the combination to unlocking the mystery that is Ryan. It is certain that you have touched our lives and many others in ways you alone can and that alone is enough reason for us to thank God for someone who has and will continue to make a difference. Cheers!

Ryan Tyler M. Groves

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Berna is one of those people who naturally possess perennial composure. She takes things as they come but with such ease. She is always calm and collected, not one hair strand astray, not one bead of sweat to be seen.

Constantly clearheaded, she always has reliable judgment. Her composed and sensible thinking perfectly complements another person’s tangled thoughts.

In days of academic trials and tribulations, such would not be easy to pull off. But not for this girl. Not for someone born with it.

Bernadette T. Hong

BS Management Information Systems


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1 in 6.5 billion. That’s the probability of finding the perfect combination of wit and humor, determination and intelligence in one package to come up with a Liezl Ibañez. Why so? Conventional wisdom dictates that a bespectacled, unassuming, Chinese girl would be nothing more than a serious, timid and quiet introvert. Well, think again.

Is she grim and serious and unsmiling? Best guess: Yes. Fact of the matter: No—she loves a good laugh, indulges in her friends’ company, and always proves herself a priceless one at that!

It’s almost ironic, how extremely well she did in a course as structured, precise, and rigorous as IT, when in fact she has effectively shattered all known stereotypes commonly associated with someone in her field of study. Who is she then? I say, program gone wrong. Logic defied. Myth debunked.

Liezl C. Ibañez

BS Management Information Systems


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At first glance, Joni may seem like your average mild-mannered Atenean, but don’t let that face deceive you, there’s more to Joni than meets the eye. Joni is an extraordinary individual. Like a superhero, she has her own set of super abilities. For one, she has the ability to sleep through natural disasters. She has the power to outrun everyone especially when she’s late for class. She has the stamina to listen to endless amounts of rants about things that don’t really concern her. To top it all off, she has the agility to watch back-to-back-to-back episodes of The Simpsons and CSI. But like any other superhero, Joni was put in this world for a purpose, a purpose that no other superhero can imagine. Her purpose? To make the lives of everyone around her better. And because of her, everyone is happier.

Joanne Celina T. Javier

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Every moment with her never falls short of laughter. People within a 3 meter radius of that laugh get infected especially when she loses it. Armed with her (sometimes sarcastic) humor and funny life experience stories, she’s a person you can easily feel at ease with. If she was a fish in Insaniquarium, she’d be a ‘super pumped’ guppy and ‘totally stoked’ on a bad day. Hyper is simply an understatement. A person with such a colorful character. You’d love to listen to her stories told with such enthusiasm it’s as if they’ll form right before your eyes. When you’re having a hard time visualizing something, Jaded is the person you need! She will describe as if you are actually seeing, and even hearing, the object or situation. Her sound effects are accurate enough that you get what she’s describing right away. When sounds are not enough, she would draw for you! That’s how artistic Jaded is. She laughs at the corniest jokes. After the initial burst of laughter, expect to have what we call “after shocks”.

Jacinda Donella V. Jose

BS Management Information Systems


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If you try to look up Alyda’s name in a baby book, the chances of finding it is close to impossible. But then Alyda is as unique as her name gets. You’d never find another person as kind-hearted and generous as this girl. She would give the heartiest laughs to your corniest jokes and listen with utmost attention to your rantings. You can also bet that she’ll help you out in any sticky situation even in debugging a program up to the wee hours of the morning. Even her sound effects are one of a kind copyrights! She pulls them off with candid animation that her stories and “hirits” would surely cheer you up. Multi-tasking also happens to be her middle name. Who else can ace a Philo long test while organizing an org activity in a single day? Although her dedication as an org president keeps her schedule busy, she’d make sure to check up on you setting aside her deadlines just to listen to your trivial thoughts. You’d be lucky if you’d meet another Alyda in this lifetime but that would be nearly close to impossible.

Alyda Yasmin A. Keh

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Sapientia et Eloquentia. Excelling in academics while being equally involved in various extra-curricular activities, he embodies this Ignatian zeal of striking a balance between things of substance and the issues that really matter. He demands excellence from himself while simultaneously inspiring others such that profundity characterizes every conversation shared with him. He is an achiever ever focused on attaining his aspirations yet he remains mindful of his commitments. He prides himself with his accomplishments in the field of sports, namely golf and football, as well as being an SK Chairman but most of all, he prides himself with the wealth of friends he has earned and kept. Thus he remains constantly within reach may it be an impromptu drinking session, a vendetta against enemies he may never have seen before, or even in plain discussions amidst all the confusions. He is Nicolo Kintanar, commonly known as Coloy—a multi-awarded sportsman, a motivating leader and a genuine friend.

Andrei Nicolo E. Kintanar

BS Management Information Systems


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“A man of few words”, that’s Miko. Carlo Miguel Gonzales Kison, a person that leaves a lasting impression. Miko, Miks, Kison, Babe, BOO! Few of the names that you’d often hear from people; may it be in the vast smoker’s pocket garden in Ateneo to the ultra-hip place in the South (Alabang). This guy can crack you up, charming, sweet, thoughtful, caring and a gentleman. A guy who hates frogs that the mere presence of one sends him into a whacko state of mind. But hey, he’s not that perfect. He can be very stubborn, short-tempered, and when he sets his mind on something, good luck if you can change his mind. A man that could probably come up with out-of-this-world ideas that could change the world or even top Bill Gates. Now there’s a name with a killer smile and an appetite as big as his heart. All these make Miko a likeable person but for me, those are just a few reasons why I love him so much. These make him the man he is today. A name… A person that one shouldn’t and wouldn’t forget.

Carlo Miguel G. Kison

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This guy has more to say.

Erwin Dewey C. Lee

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Hazel is a person who can appreciate both the fine and the simple things in life. She loves to shop at “kikay” booths, often found to be trying pair after pair of chandelier earrings. And yet she’s also the type who’ll be contented with a pair of earphones and a bag of M&Ms. As a girl who would most likely give the initial impression of timidity, you will be pleasantly surprised to find out that she has a love of life, a curiosity to match it, and the dare to venture out new places and try out new things. And while she can be quiet at times, Hazel has her moments when she can really crack you up, and the fact that she looks quiet and serious makes the jokes all the more hilarious. Insightful and open-minded, she doesn’t quickly judge but instead views things at different perspectives. With those qualities, she’s the type of person who you can really talk to and share your problems with. She’s a friend whose presence expresses much more than words could say.

Hazel Joyce O. Lee

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Wanted: Kris Albert H. Lee A.K.A: Peewee (AdMU); Brent (flesh trade)

Indentifying Marks: messed up, out-of-bed, or tussled hair; compact shirts; stunning looks; 6-pack abs; quite a huge head. (read: brains)

Crime: cramming deadlines; excessive “ummm’s”, “whatever’s”, and “idunno’s”; sleeping early then waking up late; certified heartbreaker

Modus Operandi: Notorious for charming his way into people’s hearts then laughing his way out of trouble. Also infamous for starting a number of ‘personal’ projects with utter disregard to their completion.

Exercise Extreme Caution! Naturally high, he is armed with a sharp tongue and unrelenting wit. He is known to ‘eliminate the competition’. Cunning as he may be, this subject can be pacified by Kimi Raikkonen, Bjork, Bridget Jones, or Virginia Woolf.

Kris Albert H. Lee

BS Management Information Systems


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Looking for the boy-next-door with charming good looks? Looking for the talented artist with versatile and well-trained skills? Looking for the athlete with both brains and brawn? Looking for the sought after leader who never fails to come up with the most ingenious and innovative ideas? Looking for a loyal and true friend? Then you must be looking for Nata!

Nata is the perfect package. He is naturally gifted without trying to be. More so, he is a rare fusion of bookish intelligence and street smarts. He has the capability to lead whereas everyone else just follows. Despite all his assets, he remains humble, patient, and giving. He takes pleasure in the simple things in life. He has a great sense of humor and can make you laugh in the weariest of days. He is a friend to treasure and to cherish.

With his resolute confidence and willful determination, Nata is assured of a definite success.

Nathaniel Ian C. Lee

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Simplicity has never gone thus far. This good looking guy blessed with a swimmer bod has more to him than meets the eye. Even though he is quite mature, I should say, Andrew still remains the cool guy that he is, who’s fun to be with without sacrificing sense, mind you. He talks a whole lot about everything, despite the usual quiet first impression he makes on every occasion. Everyone who meets him is actually in for a surprise, because his sheer simplicity and humility keeps expectations down but his witty personality and cheery attitude never fails to astonish the crowd. He is quite a character; he has his way of standing out without being loud, that’s probably his way with girls too, and it proves to be quite effective! Street-smart and all, he puts his head and heart where he thinks it really matters, knows when to start, when to pause and when to pursue anything he does. I can’t help but think that this guy really knows how to play his cards well. And as a friend, hands down, three hands down to this guy. He is the all-time always-there friend anyone can count on. I know for a fact that Andrew is having the time of his life in the four years that he’s been here, and his company is making it ours too.

Andrew Martin Y. Leong

BS Management Information Systems


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How does one tell the difference between an Iced Americano and an Iced Coffee? Ask Tin! Also known as Shobs, this kid-at-heart can be found at Starbucks twice a day. If you haven’t noticed, caffeine is part of her diet. Actually, caffeine alone is her diet! As you would imagine this girl never gets drowsy. And that’s the reason why she’s always on the move, ready to pounce! Tin is the VP for Public Relations for COSA. That means that when she’s not spending time at Starbucks studying or doing systems analysis and design, she’s holding meetings for her vice-president awardable projects. Did I mention that she also plays flag football? She’s a natural athlete too! But wait--where does she get all her energy if she doesn’t eat a single thing? Sheer perseverance. Tin is one of the few people in the world with the strength and courage of ten armies. Watch out world, Shobs is coming!

Christine Marie C. Lim

BS Management Information Systems


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His person is probably the only place where corny jokes and Legolas mix well. Among friends, Nolet is known as the long-haired guy with the half-pony look, his fashion sense and for his “own brand of humor”. While he doesn’t have that many friends as some other people, the relationships that he does maintain are bound by steel. Few realize that he often puts others before himself, that you wonder how a person can become so selfless. As a student and org member, he is both a thinker and a worker, exhibiting faith in his own decisions, showing the stuff of a leader. He will be remembered for his logical ideas and love for debating over them. He recognizes responsibility, and finds a way to do everything that needs to be done, albeit being a crammer sometimes. Because of his being, the name Nolet will be associated with leadership, the determination to finish what had been started, the excellence to do things well, but moreover, with his gentlemanly demeanor, light and calming personality, and the friendship he shared. The modern knight, if there would be any.

Francis Emmanuel H. Limgenco

BS Management Information Systems


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Passion. For those of us who are lucky enough to have known Nathalie, passion is the one word that we all would agree upon to describe her. Idealistic and passionate, Nats is a person you can always count on to go out of her way to pursue what she believes is the best for everyone. Easily stirred by the tiniest things, it is of no wonder that Nats is already known by some as the girl who easily cries. Yet this gift of empathy is also what makes her a great leader. Going well beyond her call of duty as the SOA President, you would find Nats everywhere—in the Caf, calling on Ateneans to be more socially involved or in Mateo Ricci, leading the student body in a prayer for solidarity. However, you’d be surprised to know how often this seemingly no-nonsense girl switches to her wacky and child-like mode. Toting her teddy named “Chawi”, Nats and her equally wacky and child-like friends can produce stuffed-toy melodramas for hours on end also with dutiful zeal. Truly, Nathalie’s world is passion come to life.

Nathalie Ann C. Llorente

BS Management Information Systems


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Having an irresistible charm and an oh-so-adoring smile backed up by wit and intelligence, Rachel may be a childish figure wandering around campus but it is most definite that a very determined and responsible character is embedded within her senses. The perfect epitome of efficiency, she possesses an astounding talent of handling pressure from school work with flair. This full-time brat may get everything her way, but this is simply her unique approach of motivating herself to achieve those aspirations in life. Having won the “Miss Poised” award during her summer training, she also exemplifies a woman of class. Putting the “O” in O.C., she is a shoo-in for a vacancy at the CSI lab. This lady stands for what she believes in and ultimately fights for what is right. An authoritative figure at times, others might as well back-off, but think again, for her killer smile and oozing charisma will honestly make your day. Truly, knowing Rachel could be the best possible experience one can ever have.

Rachel Ann E. Logarta

BS Management Information Systems


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I Am

I am love in the face of hateI am kindness in the face of ridiculeI am strength in the face of adversityI am patience in the face of the muleI will not run away from fear, I will not run and hideI am bravery, I am prideI will make a difference in this world, big or smallThat is my promise to me, my promise to all

“Some people hear their inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, but they become legends.”

—Legends of the Fall

Aubert John O. Lomadilla

BS Management Information Systems


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She knows no boundaries, trust her to do better than the best. *terx* Queen of the South *chico* The most together person I know, she’s got it all in one cute little package! *fifi* Someone you can’t box up *jaded* An inch away from perfection. *kim* The best friend anyone could have, the craziest in parties, one of the smartest in class, all that and more in one great body. *tammy* Everyone’s idol *shey* With a passion for life so contagious, this girl’s certainly got it made. *mitch* Dressed to kill *sep* A true expression of the phrase, make lemonade out of the lemons life hands you. Not only does she squeeze the juice, she even uses the rind. What’s even greater is that she gives us all a chance to taste her luscious drink. *cat* Always game for road trips to nowhere *nancy* Like a sponge *esteban* Never demanding except in the area of loyalty. *ida* The girl with the curl *gino* It’s a good thing this girl’s so bad with directions that she got lost and ended up here on earth. That way, it makes our world a little bit like paradise. *jake*

Angela T. Lua

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House Specials …Cost Him…

MartinA mix of boyish charm, mature a plate of determination and humble leadership. pancit canton

DavidDelight in a competitive card game with a dash of2 bowls of innocent humor rolled into one heck ofa good time. mami

Vergel de DiosFeast on a rich serving of hard work,5 asado patience and strategic ideas siopao

MamonlukScrumptious heartfelt dedication, loyal serviceeverything poured over sincere and lasting friendship else

Martin MamonlukKeeps You Coming Back For More

Martin David V. Mamonluk

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Subservient as he is, Jo cannot be undermined as inferior. No one can ever know what clout and cloud he sits on. Somewhat withdrawn, Jo brushes off any compliment given him however deserving he may be. He may seem hostile and introverted but once you try to get to know him, you’ll learn how friendly and creative Jo can be. He spends his time on his laptop computer and most often when he’s in the province he chills out with his friends. His adroitness for computer and other related fields is beyond grasp. Despite all the hassles of school life, Jo still manages to watch a movie--which is his favorite past time, and he stays firm and steady in order to reach his goals.

Jo Marcon M. Maniwan

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What is it about this dude that draws people to him? Perhaps it’s the funny way he greats you, bouncing from side to side, waving exaggeratedly, that endears him to people. Or maybe it’s the relaxed atmosphere he puts you in with his constant pinching, poking and teasing that makes people stick around. It could also be his contagious laugh that shows of his unusually small teeth, with matching braces, some brackets or even the wire missing that leaves you breathless for hours.

For me, it’s the way he’s always the constant calm in the midst of all the chaos. Dubbed as the “bear ng bayan”, he has the great advantage of being extremely approachable, especially to girls that somehow make them think that he is public property open for hugs 24/7, which of course he openly accepts and returns. I’m sure that this cuddly Paddington look-a-like will never run out of friends, hugs, and laughs.

Misael Anton G. Martinez

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Raymund Mark Nicolo Perez Medina can certainly be a mouthful, but it only fits because Nikko (thank God for nicknames) is positively a handful. His remarkably indefatigable mischief and wit can very well make Calvin and Hobbes recruit him to join G.R.O.S.S (and how he would love their tree-house HQ) and to be the star player of their no-rules game. His perpetual desire to be either the Dark Knight or the web-slinging vigilante is so intense that he might as well save the world. His incessantly dynamic imagination gets him to think that he’s on another planet with Stupendous Man or that he’s actually driving the Bat Mobile and that he is the superhero of a life-size comic book.

Raymund Mark Nicolo P. Medina

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R-Jay can be likened to a 64-bit CPU running on a 32-bit Windows OS. His true processing power is unleashed under a more stressful environment. You may need new drivers installed to keep up, but he’s compatible with most environments. Features include leadership, time and conflict management. He can also play guitar and other musical instruments.

Computer systems fail, but R-Jay is fully reliable. This system runs everyday without supervision. He comes backed with development, humor and social skills. In the event of a hack attack, this lad possesses the presence of mind to tolerate, but never compromising integrity.

Other offers might come with a pricey tag, but R-Jay supports peer-to-peer sharing and is completely open source. Coupled with humility, this true man for others is a legend in the making.

Fernando C. Mendizabal, Jr.

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Rory is anything but ordinary. Although she’s proud of being weird “because being normal is boring”, it is difficult not to be drawn to the charisma she naturally possesses. Being the warm, creative free-spirit that she is, and a self-professed nerd, art and music geek (a Francophile classical-pianist-turned- bassist), one can always expect to see “hypeRory” walking down the halls in another artsy outfit, armed with her spikes and ready to conquer another day with her energy and wellspring of colorful ideas. A very thoughtful and affectionate friend, strong woman grounded in her faith yet who wears her heart on her sleeve. (And is always ready to share the Cheeseburger song—at her own “expense,” mind you!)

She is definitely SOMEONE.Rory: a kaleidoscope of infinite paradoxes, a collage of the simple joys that make life more interesting. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.—JenSomeone. (AB Comm ‘05) Spiritual “mom,” bandmate and friend.

Gloria Aurora Pilar N. Morales

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For most, Diana may seem too-pretty-to-be-nice at first look but that’s just because she was naturally born to look like a model! In all actuality, Diana is one of the most down-to-earth and friendly fashionistas you’d ever have the fortune to find! Born with a model’s height, figure and poise, she’s the personification of grace under pressure. She may mention having a thousand projects at the same time but you’ll never notice the stress in her pretty face (nor is it evident in her admirable grades). Talk about luck!

However, beyond all those physical blessings lie a wonderfully loyal friend and a wacko! You’ll find that she’s actually super funny and wacky once you get to really know her. A person who’s always there to stand by you and one to give the most valuable pieces of advice, she’s definitely a friend for keeps!

Diana Jean A. Nocom

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To understand reality is not the same as to know about outward events. It is to perceive the essential nature of things. The best-informed man is not necessarily the wisest. Indeed there is a danger that precisely in the multiplicity of his knowledge he will lose sight of what is essential. But on the other hand, knowledge of an apparently trivial detail quite often makes it possible to see into the depth of things. And so the wise man will seek to acquire the best possible knowledge about events, but always without becoming dependent upon this knowledge. To recognize the significant in the factual is wisdom.

—Dietrich Bonhoeffer

John Vincent M. Nuñez

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Beautiful and elegant are one of the first things that comes to mind when Jean’s name is mentioned. Her sweet face and sophisticated demeanor are some of her most notable and endearing traits. She is the kind of person who can make you smile anytime with her sweet and simple gestures. Her cute smile and her gentle voice can lift a heavy load from anyone’s day. Jean is someone who you can run to in times of happiness and sadness because she is always ready to listen. She is the perfect person to come to when you have insecurities or doubts because you’re sure that she will never judge you in any way.

Like many, Jean enjoys watching movies, hanging out, and doing fun things. And as a typical student, she wakes up late, gets to class late, and does that same mistake over and over again. But that is not the reason she will be remembered. Because putting aside her carefree nature, and “batugan” attitude, Jean somehow still manages to excel academically and at the same time be active in her school orgs.

Jean Marguerite A. Ong

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I guess the most appropriate term to describe JePoY is devoted. Devoted not only to his studies but more importantly to his friends. I’d tell you this knowing this guy for 10 years now, man with this dude around there isn’t a minute where he can’t put a smile on you. He always pulls out interesting stories that happened to him, whether they are serious matters or just plain funny stupid jokes. Above all, he is one of those friends who really enjoys to listen to your stories, problems or insights you have. You can’t find another friend who is devoted in making it a better day for you, even if it means going that extra mile for the satisfaction of others. What’s more interesting is that in promises and commitments he makes, he never fails to fulfill them all. But more than anything else, JePoY is one of the most reliable friends that you can count on, even though if it makes him look stupid or even be wrong, he is one guy who will support you all the way. One can never be thankful enough for the truthfulness of his friendship.

Jeffrey G. Ong

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Chard. Richard. Rich. Whatever name you call him, he will always be the person to go to whenever you’re in a rut. Ironic, but he is both wise and knowledgeable. He can spend sleepless nights finishing projects for multimedia class which double as bonding moments with his group mates. He gets away with academics and extra-curricular by exerting enough effort, and he goes through life as if there is always tomorrow. In the midst of heavy workload, he still finds time to socialize. He makes life worth living and dying for at the same time. He has answers to all your questions, and he makes the problem seem not worrying about in the first place. He goes out of his way to help others in any way he can. Overall, Richard is a treasure that everyone should discover.

Richard Melvin O. Ong

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Whoever said that a first impression lasts has never met Tiffany. At first glance, she may look cool, calm, and unapproachable; but don’t let that exterior fool you. Once you talk and get to know her, you’ll soon find out that she is the complete opposite of your first impression on her. She is kind, friendly, helpful, thoughtful, considerate, and the list just goes on and on.

Tiffany is one of the greatest friends one can ever have. In times of trouble, she’ll be there to help you. She is one of the most rare treasures that a person can find—a friend worth keeping for eternity.

Tiffany G. Padilla

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Who would be willing to lie in Belfield at night to look at the stars? Or to eat a 15-piece chicken bucket of KFC in one sitting? Or driving at 100 kph in the Katipunan highway while screaming his lungs out? None other than Cla. No need for bungee jumping or whitewater rafting. This guy is known for doing things with a twist of the mundane. A romantic at heart with an unpretentious personality, it is no wonder why girls find him irresistible. But don’t get me wrong. This charmer is more than a trailblazer of his own. Part of the Dream Team, leader of the Pogi Group and a KAINGIN apostolate officer, this dynamic guy is never afraid to take up new challenges posed by life itself. He’s deemed to be a most effective human tranquilizer, with this uncanny ability to have a calming effect on people who need a shoulder to cry on. Combine that with a softie possessing a crazy humor, what you get is not only a camaraderie that is sure to last for a lifetime, but a guy who undoubtedly has the world ripe for his taking.

Clarence Abel B. Palomares

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To the cynic and the snob:

Here’s what I know—language barriers can be transcended. Room 404 was the perfect set-up for hell: the optimist meets the cynic, yet in spite of all the episodes that could have launched a mini nuclear word war, we instead discovered the spaces between our words, the gaps of the sappy unsaid, and the laughter that made the “we are finally friends” truth seem not a big deal at all. People spend waste so much time translating each other’s languages, too bad we gave up trying the first time we met.

Ands, movies, Sims, Photoshop, and jazz blaring in the morning would have never been as loved without you. I suppose this is as good as it gets. Here’s to Happy Homes, happy times, and lots more great books!

Kris AtendidoAB Literature English

Andrea Victoria D. Penaredondo

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A foot above the rest is what Tim’s vision is. Tim surely sees things on a higher perspective, may it be with his future plans or just with his daily jokes and pranks.

His uncanny ability of being able to combine fun and responsibility into one makes him the envy of his peers. This guy possesses great maturity when it comes to his future plans. In fact, he has already been on several business ventures in the past, and all of which were profitable. His secret? Quite simple, when Tim wants something, he’ll do anything to make sure that he gets it. He may be very determined but he knows the importance of patience and not rushing things up.

Tim is also known as the “friend of the masses”. It is simply because he doesn’t judge a book by its cover. He also doesn’t listen to rumors. He’d rather find out a person’s true colors on his own, even if he ends up getting hurt. He’ll simply treat that whole experience as a lesson learned the hard way. He’ll stand by you no matter what people say.

Jan Timothy Y. Po

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When gloomy skies endlessly weep as if tomorrow will never come, there is one man who would still be valiant enough to shoulder the burden that pounds the heart of every being. His constant willingness to help has produced numerous smiles of gratitude and contentment. This act of selflessness has saved many from their personal difficulties. Absolute dedication is what strengthens the core of his soul. He also has tons of patience stored in his system. Fortunately, his inherent supply of this virtue never seems to run out. Other than his benevolent disposition, he has also been gifted with the ability to discern when things go out of bounds. If one looks much closer, there are countless things waiting to be discovered behind the face that people consider ordinary.

Jason L. Pua

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Though she may look like your average college student, Herschel is definitely far from being one. Behind the sweet face is not just any other ordinary woman. Herschel is what many people would call a total package—beauty, brains, and personality. This definitely makes her stand out in a crowd. Her intelligence has allowed her to achieve excellence academically; however, she remains humble and approachable. One cannot say that Herschel is all about studies because she definitely knows how to have fun. It has been said that she is a certified shopaholic. Aside from this, she makes anything you do with her fun and engaging. Being with Herschel is never boring. Cheerful and understanding, she is definitely someone you would want to have as a friend. Simply put, she cannot be defined by words alone. Herschel is definitely one of life’s precious gems, you have to know her to realize just how special she is.

Leanne Herschel C. Que

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In this section, let me give my appreciation to the many factors that have made my studies in Ateneo possible and fruitful. Let me thank my parents first of all for their everlasting support throughout the years. They decided to work extra hard for me to afford schooling away from Cebu. I’d also like to thank my siblings for the encouragement they gave me even away from home. I do miss the entire family being together. Thank you to my grandmother who has sheltered and given care all these four years. You’ve provided me with a second home. I’d like to thank my Aunts and Uncles for the accommodation into the society. Thank you also cousins for the companionship you gave me. Thank you Barkada, Blockmates and College friends. I am glad I was part of your stay too in Ateneo. I do not know when we will meet again. And lastly thank you Ateneo Faculty and Staff for you gave made me a better man over the years. For the write up about myself, please open my senior’s page. I have decided to place it there because there is not enough space here for everybody.

Raphael Francis L. Quisumbing

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As evidenced in being the “mother” of DARS, Cha is a born leader and an OC who can take on anything while keeping her cool. She is a great thinker who’s good at expressing her thoughts may they be business matters or just fun chitchats. Full of positive energy, this girl can certainly glide through any tough situation with remarkable ease. But despite school and organization responsibilities that would overwhelm an ordinary student, you would never see her without a smile and a witty hirit.

Although Cha has a strong personality—knowing what she wants and strives to achieve them, she never neglects her group mates and friends. To her, friendship is priority that’s why she endures projects with so much patience for her group mates. She also carries with her the confidence, happiness, love and care that add to her beauty and radiance.

Ma. Charisse Margarette B. Ramores

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S – Simpsons aficionado na…P – Palaging inaantok…E – Especially during class.N – Not your ordinary…C – CERSAn because he has…E – Exceptional talents and he is…R – Repulsed by frogs.S – San Antonio Spurs fan na…T – Taga-Iloilo who’s staying in…R – Room 104 of Cervini Residence Hall.A – An intellectually opinionated and… U – Unconventional Person that likes…S – South Park and Family Guy. In short…S – Simply Spencer!

Spencer Strauss Y. Ravago

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When you see this person quiet it’s as if he’s trying to build a world with his hands from scratch. He is the embodiment of sharp intellect and his mind unfathomably profound. Oftentimes one would perceive him as laconic yet when he speaks he says the most meaningful of words. He is very firm with his beliefs. He can manage time well as he did perfectly in Accounting and Statistics all in one semester. When he works, he focuses his mind and devotes himself to it until he succeeds. But he still knows when to relax and he does this by watching DVDs at home. For us, his closest friends, Hubert is definitely fun to be with. He loves to joke around, but expect him to be a good listener and adviser when the situation calls for it. He knows his goals well. He knows when the right opportunity comes and he seizes it, definitely on the fast track to success. He’s definitely one of those people that you would keep by your side forever—a friend too valuable to let go of.

Hubert David D. Reyes

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Rissa always seems hectic, carries all the academic problems in the world and on-the-go. All this stress is far from being caused by any form of intellectual inadequacy on her part for everyone knows that Rissa is one of the smartest students around. Rather, with her extraordinary concern towards her studies, she makes sure she fulfills her school and org responsibilities like a true leader. Yet in spite her numerous manic depression-inducing duties, her light and bubbly character shines through. Amidst all the panic and pressure, her giggly and wacky personality is one of the reasons she’s well loved by everyone. Never pretentious, she has the ability to show her true self. Simply artistic, she also has the nicest hands for creating the most touching little things that make you feel special. Let’s just say she has a knack for making people happy. Spot a group of people smiling and laughing despite tons of workload and in the middle of it is Rissa. Her witty remarks and animated stories are all it takes to brighten up your day.

Rissa Aleli P. Reyes

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Any limitation like this piece of paper is not enough to describe Aika. But to keep it brief let’s start by answering this question: what’s your first impression of Aika the very first time you meet her? The most obvious would be that she is one of the most beautiful girls studying in Ateneo. She could definitely pass as one of the campus crushes in Ateneo. Aside from her good looks, any person would say that Aika is meek, quiet, shy, sweet, and fragile clearly everything that could resemble a typical weak girl.

But all of these are just on the outside because any of her close friends can say that Aika is one of those strong confident girls who you know will be a success in the future. She could handle any challenge anytime, anywhere without showing any signs of being pressured at all. These are the traits that make her an all around girl, a girl any guy would die to have.

Sharica C. Rodriguez

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What makes Gino different from all the rest? Two words: star quality. This guy is a performer through and through. He can appear on the cover of any magazine, his artworks on display at any museum, his music can top the Billboard charts and his dancing, although a sight for sore eyes, can leave you laughing endlessly.

You’d want him around at a birthday party to lead the group into song, tell you a joke to make you smile and give you speeches to bolster up your confidence. He’s the friend who can transform the simple things into something amazing. How? Star Quality.

Gino V. Rosales

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A sweet, demure, and graceful girl, bringing sunshine into everyone’s day. Well, go look somewhere else, for this girl is more liable to rain fire and brimstone on you. If you mess with her, that is. Ninna Carla is not tough—she’s as hard as a rock. Forever the enemy of messy surroundings and dirt in any shape or form, she is the champion of order, neatness, and calm. If she’s disturbed in her sleep, she will spring up like a thunder bolt. But this seemingly cold and steely exterior is tempered by a fiery spirit. Ninna will fight for what is important to her—the bench, the last parking slot … her friends. Yes, she will fight for her friends to the depths and the ends of the Pasig River. If it means a cat fight, a war of words, or a war of intolerable silence, she will go and kick a**. Definitely a friend to keep for the rest of your life, Ninna can truly be trusted. She may want to make you pull your hair out at times, but she’s well worth it in the end. She doesn’t just bring the sunshine—she brings the whole sun for the ride.

Ninna Carla G. Samson

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Everyone knows Eboy as the playful prankster who has victimized many of his high school and college friends. He has been known to go to extreme lengths, just to ensure the perfect execution of his evil plots. Often, he concludes his successful conquests with a contagious bout of laughter that as he later finds, he cannot stop. We would then have to spend the next few minutes trying to pacify him, calm his breathing, give him oxygen. However, deep beneath this boyish and downright wicked plotter is a man who has a strong sense of pride that drives him to strive for excellence. It is this pride that always moves him to fulfill his responsibilities to his loved ones and to his work. Add to this a sharp mind, an assortment of talents, great athletic abilities, multitasking skills, a tremendous amount of courage and a strong sense of honor and respect for people. Indeed, Eboy has tormented many, but all these qualities that come so natural to him has won him the love and respect of his family, peers and colleagues.

Eduardo G. Santos II

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Ivy \ī-vē\n: a female young-adult who was undeniably an angel in her past life; a genuine friend who will try her best not to put you down when you have problems; a powerful contrast: a humble student yet extremely talented and an attentive listener but at the same time, a great adviser; an advocate of love; a time freak; a walking bookstoreadj: simple, sweet and smart girl; seemingly quiet but can really be loquacious; a systematic, organized and responsible person; a loyal and reliable friend; can get really mushy and romantic at timesv: often drops sweet messages through SMS or email; organizes home works and reminders thru electronic Post-its; shrieks, jumps and waves both hands upon hearing a favorite song; goes to school 30 minutes before her class; exhibits grace under pressure; gives sensible advice about matters of the heart; smiles from cheek to cheek when “kilig”syn: Ives; Ayvz; Vy; Khristine

Ivy Khristine A. Santos

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Fairies are known to have an impish streak in the inside. Like them, after breaking through Rica’s facade of silence and poise, you’ll see an unfussy girl passionate about music and life. Unknown to all, Rica’s inclination for folk rock, seemingly spontaneous types of music, drew her high school friends commenting on her voice as comparable to that of Cranberries and Imago. Hearing her sing will drive you shouting for more. Fairies are also known for their sincere heart. Rica’s trusting gaze, heart-warming smile and spirit-boosting words never fail to make you feel good about yourself. She not only listens, she empathizes with friends. Getting her mad would require triple the effort of surpassing her superb reflection papers. She belongs to the rare class of Ateneans whose niche lies in Philosophy. Her gift to wield the pen can create masterpieces that make you wonder if understanding man’s way of life is already part of her reflective nature. Rica may have impish streaks inside, but she sure can see things in deep light.

Maria Rica Cecilia M. Santos

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Nat’s refreshing insights are a constant enjoyment… from what we’ve been through, I’ve noticed that you’re one of the sensitive and “sabog” guys in the barkada… Mr. Segovia, a brother and sister to his friends, and a loving dad and father to his family…an enduring friend inside a six-pack giant like Mickey Rourke…the most selfless person I know… the guy with the deepest voice and equally deep perception of life—

easily seeing the beauty in most things… you’ll never miss this guy, with a deep voice like that, you’d think it’s a YM audible in real life… he’s a helluva great friend! Don’t get to see him that often pero he’s there when it really matters… in God’s wisdom, he withheld humor and creativity from Natnat; he gave him everything else; reliability, fortitude, kindness, all the virtues requisite for canonization; too bad, he was born in the wrong century—no longer the age of saints, but we sure need more people like you… Natnat is more often than not in the wrong place at the wrong time… brilliant but retarded in some ways!

Joseph Nathaniel B. Segovia

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Chico defines the word silence to a whole new level. He, literally, is a man of few words. He can usually be seen (in his classic loose shirt, elephant pants and smooth, dark, creamy complexion) sitting on one side, deep in thought. But beneath the mysterious hushed exterior is a truly extraordinary person. He has a sharp, quick intellect and a notable ability for “independent study.” But Chico is best known for being the perfect gentleman. He’s the type who would never fail to open the door for you, offer you a ride home or accompany you when he sees that you are alone. The kind who would bring you hot fudge sundae because you told him you were tired or fetch you in the middle of the night because you didn’t have a ride. His sweetness is natural and his kindness contagious. He is loyal to his friends as he is faithful to his principles and decisions. He is loving to his family and dedicated in all that he does. Chico might not often say much, but with actions as loud as his deeds, there surely is no need for words.

Carlo R. Semilla

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The brain appears to possess a special area which we might call poetic memory and which records everything that charms or touches us, that makes our lives beautiful.

—Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being

To the people responsible for filling up my head with these wonderful memories, Thank You!

Angelito C. Silva, Jr.

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Bso is one to stand out in a crowd—literally and figuratively. With a height of a model, a fashion sense of a celebrity, and a beauty of a princess, it’s definitely easy to spot her in a crowd. Her smile radiates her beauty and warmth. Beyond the looks, Bso also stands out in intelligence, accomplishments and friendships. This computer genius is most talented in Java, Adobe Premiere, PhotoShop, and even MS Access. With her as Executive Vice-President, Celadon is truly lucky to have someone responsible like her. As a friend, she never fails to keep in touch. She will drop whatever she’s doing just to keep you in company. This girl is adept in making even the most inopportune moments entertaining with her quick and sharp wit. Such humor accompanied by quiet resilience undoubtedly magnifies her subtle yet intense temperament. Bso is a symbol of poise and grace even under pressure. Ms. tall, dark and beautiful is an amazing woman. Nobody should miss out the opportunity to know her.

Bernice Jane Y. So

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Do you know anyone who never seems to tire and lose energy? Or do you know anybody who has brains, looks, and personality—all rolled into one? If you don’t, you obviously haven’t met Hannah. A jack of all trades, Hannah is one multi-talented person who seems to know how to do everything—dance, sew, cook, draw, design, write—you name it. It never ceases to amaze people that she is bubbly and energetic approximately 99.99% of the time. Her sweet, caring, and thoughtful demeanor makes her an extraordinary friend absolutely worth keeping. Hannah also has this passionate drive and unsurpassed dedication to excel both in academics and in extra-curricular activities. In whatever she does, she makes it a point to always challenge herself and grow as a person. A born leader, this lady definitely walks the talk and makes things happen. It won’t surprise those who know her if she goes on to achieve great things. Hannah, it seems, has all it takes to make it to the top.

Hannah Audrey Y. So

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Peten, Peten, with a short “Pe” and accent on the “ten”.Passionate with her work, all out when it comes to projects.Extreme fan of pink… really extreme…Talk is easy; she’s not snobby.Easy to sell jokes to, which is great ‘cause when you’re with her, you’d laugh about a lot of things.

—JadedPeten has a bright personality, which is evident from her favorite color (hehe…). She’s passionate for her work, a “corny jokester” that could make you giggle, and a good friend.

—MachiPeten is a charming lass with great appreciation on everything that comes her way. She always sees opportunity, which drives her being workaholic, even in toughest circumstances. She also would never cease to show happiness and enthusiasm—her qualities that make her smile as well as the people radiated by her presence.


Zenifel D. Tablac

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People close to Karen will never forget the way she laughs; she laughs so hard that it’s impossible to ignore her and you’ll end up laughing yourself. This is probably the story of Karen’s life, at least in college: she’ll share every light moment with you. She’s always the one with a story to tell, whether about herself or the latest showbiz gossip, and she’s just as willing to be on the receiving end of your conversation. Her mood swings will sometimes get in the way but it won’t change what she is to the group: everybody’s stress reliever. But unlike the proverbial Energizer bunny, she must relieve herself of stress as well; the caffeine in her bloodstream would most likely tip you off. A glass of latte is all it takes to keep you on the edge with her next addiction. Karen may look like an angel but look again; this girl is far from one once she sets foot on the badminton court. She could smash a shuttlecock strong enough to leave you dumbfounded. It’s really hard not to fall in love with such a person full of passion, heart and humor.

Karen Lee D. Tango

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Seeing her walk through the corridors of CTC, you will be struck by the irony of such an innocent face, yet an aloof guise. She looks sixteen, but beneath the child-like appearance actually lies a mature person beaming with intelligence, and a lady determined not to let anything threaten her. Her innocence and good sense of humor allowed many to value her and her cute chinky-eyes and dimpled smile, including her various talents and faculties have fascinated many. This athlete and movie buff can discuss matters such as politics to entertainment. However, she prefers watching NBA games to attending parties and would rather spend time playing with her guitar than going to a mall. Janine, with her feisty attitude, will surely leave a mark in the field of success.

Janine Ria A. Tantan

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Pau [pow]1. pinkaholic: mobile phone, toothbrush, cordless phone, teddy bears, jackets, backpacks, slippers, radio, mp3 player, pencil case, plates, mugs, towels, trash cans, you name it, she has it–-in pink2. great friend: understanding, reliable, and will not let you down3. cut queen: known to cut class for such reasons as oversleeping, having to study for another class, or just pure laziness4. childish: laughs about the smallest things; 1986 baby5. mathematically challenged: almost failed Math 11, Math 20, Stat 107, and Accounting 155. obsessive-compulsive: can be a real stickler; proofreads for fun6. sleeping beauty: cannot function properly without at least eight hours of sleep (peak performance requires twelve hours)7. thankful: grateful for her family, her friends, and her life8. faithful: believes that we are in very good Hands

Maria Paula M. Tapay

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Eric is someone you would surely miss when not around. He is a born entertainer whether for an audience of one or a hundred. He would tell stories animatedly with such carefree spirit, indifferent of making a fool of himself.

He can also be quite the complicated guy—sensitive at one time, brooding or enthusiastically engaging in a discussion the next time. You would often hear endless philosophical inquiry and sharp debates on ideologies from him. Nevertheless, these sides of Eric don’t make him any less loved by his friends.

Aerecson Charles T. Uy

BS Management Information Systems


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“Huwaaat?! Graduating ka na sa college? Hindi nga…”

Hilarious or even offensive as it may seem, this type of reaction will incontestably find its way out of your lips when you encounter Ryan for the first time. A baby-faced boy-next-door typically dressed in loose-fitting tees and jeans, Ryan captivates himself by playing online games, watching Finding Nemo for the nth time, and gobbling up his mom’s original Pinoy-style spaghetti. Yes, Ryan is a kid at heart—and no, he is not just that. He is a reliable kuya to his family—offering to drive them to the mall to have fun with them over dinner. He is a committed pal--going out of his way to send a friend home despite the heaviness of city traffic. He is an assiduous worker—pushing himself to the limit for a Philo orals or a DARS activity. The bottom line is, in sync with the earnest liveliness of this kid’s heart that radiates to a jaunty laughter, what Ryan possesses is the sense of compassion and responsibility that ideally comes with every young man.

Ryan Carlo V. Velasquez

BS Management Information Systems


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‘Small, but terrible.’ This is probably the only phrase that will best describe Cheska. Unlike most students, she is passionate about her studies. She doesn’t treat education as something that she’s obliged to do. She does it willingly and joyfully. Of course, there are times when the world seems to be against her. But that doesn’t really affect her, being the determined person she is. She can be competitive at times but she humbly accepts defeat. She takes pride in everything she does, which gives her a sense of accomplishment. For her, prayer is the key of the day and the lock of the night because in the end, she offers every single thing to God. It’s amazing how all these characteristics can fit into… well… a petite person like her. She may be small but I’m telling you… she has a heart that can effortlessly fit Mother Earth into it.

Cheska Marie S. Villarroya

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Sofia—No other mortal possesses the heavenly balance of fundamental elements more authentic than you. You make the sky part into a smile knowing you walk into this world a blessing to all the lives you touched. You are the water whose good-naturedness flows endlessly and unconditionally. You fill us with hope and inspiration to discover our innate goodness. You are the fire for your loved ones whom you have shown incontestable ardor. You release their fear and inflame them with your love and care. You are the air for which experiences find the wings to soar heights. You find much contentment from seeing others fly with you by the background. You are the earth from which natural beauty is appreciated. You ground what it means for beauty to emanate from a beautiful heart. You render to us the celestial mélange of four elements, diverse yet finding its rare harmony in you. Even a transient encounter is an experience of everything magnificent this world has to offer.

Sofia Grace G. Wong

BS Management Information Systems


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“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

Few can be described with his perplexing character given only limited words. His easy and cool manner at times of stress and his belief in the goodness of people fail all normalcies.

He can be sweeter than sugar (If he needs something from you), and more sour than a lemon, with all the smiles and teasing—all within any given two-minute period. He dislikes doing the dishes, having his birthday forgotten, being lied to, cleaning, muscle aches and long school days.

But above all these, we can never forget what really gives essence to who he is: a caring human being. He might be great at many things, but amongst all of them, this is what he carries most proudly—someone who simply cares about making a difference.

Dann Raphael B. Yamsuan

BS Management Information Systems


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To strangers, Sam is merely a pretty, ditzy-looking Chinese girl who is always seen in the vicinity of food. To acquaintances, she is one of the nerds… ahem… brightest students in MIS. To her friends, she is a germ-averse person who can take creativity on a joyride and spout off some incredible ideas. She is the ultimate source of notes and they all agree that she will strike gold if she publishes them. Above all, she sees people for who they are and not where they are from. To her close friends, she is speculated to be a guy in her past life and has a heart big enough to embrace the world. She can make long breaks fly with her stories, jokes, and original vocabulary (definitely ma-fun!). They know that she’ll answer to “baboy” and that they can pull her aside anytime to talk about anything ranging from the mind-dwindling senseless to the jaw-dropping complex. To her best friends and family, Sam has a beautiful character to behold. They love this utterly strong girl, who is full of little quirks, fiery passion, and golden dreams.

Samantha S. Yaokasin

BS Management Information Systems


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Sa loob ng apat na taon kong pamamalagi sa pamantasang ito, marami akong natutuhan. Natuto akong mag-aral habang humihigop ng kape. Natuto akong makipag-usap kina Kant at Marcel. Natuto akong makipagsapalaran sa mga rumaragasang sasakyan habang tumatawid sa nakamamatay na daan. Natuto akong isa-isahin ang bawat laman ng menu ng mga kainan sa Katipunan. Natuto akong magsaulo mula gabi hanggang umaga para sa pabigkas na pagsusulit. Natuto akong magmukhang gising habang nagliliksyon ang guro. Natuto akong isa-isahin ang bawat laman ng menu ng mga kainan sa Katipunan. Natuto akong magtiis sa nakapapasong init ng kumukulong tubig habang sinasala ang aking Yakisoba. At bai, mayroon pa palang isa. Natuto rin akong mag-Tagalog.

John Peter C. Yu

BS Management Information Systems


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Monica, a very common name you say. Everybody knows a Monica or two but don’t you dare underestimate this Monica. Monica or better known as Monics is one of the prettiest ladies around on campus especially with her sexy long curls and the most kissable lips to boot! But that’s not all, this girl can melt any man’s heart when she starts playing the guitar and sings at the same time with a voice that came from heaven. Monica can make all your troubles go away with her ever so sweet and carefree personality. She always gives importance to her friends and finds time to listen to all their rantings and ravings even though she would rather sleep in her inviting bed. That’s why she never runs out of friends and admirers. Aside from being such a hottie, Monica is also academically gifted as she always gets high grades from all her subjects. She surely is one hell of a find and if ever you get to know her, make sure that you treasure your friendship because there is only one Monica in this world like her!

Monica C. Zialcita

BS Management Information Systems


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Indications: Take one Gino® daily to go beyond norms, get more out of life, and prevent boredom.

Contraindications: Reacts violently if mixed with bandwagoneers, overrated pop culture, and pseudo-intellectual banter.

Properties: Gino® isn’t quiet; he’s just thinking. Gino® is kindhearted, determined, passionate about passion, creative about creativity, and a bottomless pit of incredible ideas, talents, and funny quirks. Gino® is a photographer, friend, writer, brother, illustrator, son, dreamer, philosopher, coffee addict, bookworm, turon junkie, beach bum, and movie fanatic.

Storage: Keep in a cool, dry place in the company of wenches and witty, trivia-collecting, alcohol-blooded, and free-spirited people to preserve uniqueness and eccentricity.

MichaelJohn®Deen™Dionisio™ is the full name of Gino®.

Michael John D. Dionisio

BS Management Information Systems