| VOL 1 16 th May 2020 Mango Avenue CHURCH ADMINISTRATION TEAM Senior Church Pastor Pr. Gideon Aguzi 71442819 Church Pastor Min. Rueben Sanai 73756939 Senior Elder Eld. Ralph Wambu 70427748 Assistant Senior Elder Eld. Begana Leonard 72119061 Clerk Nancy Iyape 71327314 Treasurer Eld. Paul Simbawa 70734300 CHURCH NEWS TEAM Editor McValen Kaminiel 72642347 Executive Producer Iso Lakosa 73860900 Assistant Executive Producer Josiah Sowut 73008745 Photos Begana Leonard Joyleen Begana Constantine Mujima Bonniepass Simbawa A very big thank you to our publishers who printed this material. Mango Avenue SDA Church P.O. Box 5494 BOROKO National Capital District [email protected] Find us also on Facebook under our church name. Mango Avenue SDA Church members listening to instructions given by church pastor, Min. Reuben Sanai, before disbursing to various sections of the Boroko Suburb to do their part of the TMI mess-clean-athon. Picture courtesy of Constantine Mujima. ADVENTIST COMMUNITY SERVICE February 16, 2020 was assigned by the Central Papua Conference as a day every church member CPC wide will be involved to serve their communities in a mess clean-athon. That was exactly what Mango Avenue SDA Church did. Just as the sun was peeking over the horizon on Sunday morning of February 16, the communities around the Boroko suburb of Port Moresby city were treated to an early morning surprise when young and old church folks donned in Adventist colors flooded their streets, not to pile debris, but rather, to remove rubbish. Continue to page 2

Mango Avenue€¦ · the Boroko Suburb to do their part of the TMI mess-clean-athon. Picture courtesy of Constantine Mujima. ADVENTIST COMMUNITY SERVICE February 16, 2020 was assigned

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Page 1: Mango Avenue€¦ · the Boroko Suburb to do their part of the TMI mess-clean-athon. Picture courtesy of Constantine Mujima. ADVENTIST COMMUNITY SERVICE February 16, 2020 was assigned

| VOL 1 16th May 2020


Senior Church Pastor

Pr. Gideon Aguzi 71442819

Church Pastor

Min. Rueben Sanai 73756939

Senior Elder

Eld. Ralph Wambu 70427748

Assistant Senior Elder

Eld. Begana Leonard 72119061

Clerk Nancy Iyape 71327314


Eld. Paul Simbawa 70734300


McValen Kaminiel 72642347

Executive Producer

Iso Lakosa 73860900

Assistant Executive Producer

Josiah Sowut 73008745


Begana Leonard Joyleen Begana

Constantine Mujima Bonniepass Simbawa

A very big thank you to our publishers who printed this material.

Mango Avenue SDA Church

P.O. Box 5494 BOROKO

National Capital District

[email protected]

Find us also on Facebook under our church name.

Mango Avenue SDA Church members listening to instructions given by church pastor, Min. Reuben Sanai, before disbursing to various sections of the Boroko Suburb to do their part of the TMI mess-clean-athon. Picture courtesy of Constantine Mujima.

ADVENTIST COMMUNITY SERVICE February 16, 2020 was assigned by the Central Papua Conference as a day

every church member CPC wide will be involved to serve their

communities in a mess clean-athon. That was exactly what Mango Avenue

SDA Church did. Just as the sun was peeking over the horizon on Sunday

morning of February 16, the communities around the Boroko suburb of

Port Moresby city were treated to an early morning surprise when young

and old church folks donned in Adventist colors flooded their streets, not

to pile debris, but rather, to remove rubbish.

Continue to page 2

Page 2: Mango Avenue€¦ · the Boroko Suburb to do their part of the TMI mess-clean-athon. Picture courtesy of Constantine Mujima. ADVENTIST COMMUNITY SERVICE February 16, 2020 was assigned


Amazing Revelation of Jesus Christ

In the book of Genesis Part 1 [a]

developed my life-time hobby of arts when I was 4. I was lucky though.

Both my parents were artists and that made it easy for me.

Being an art student, I learned that whatever you put on the canvass is

the visible product of your invisible factory, the mental faculty of creativity. Moreover,

the visible product on the canvass is a “reproduction” of the “original design.” The

latter is the original master plan, invisible, safely stored and growing inside our brain

cells or neurons.

Original design is where everything is conceived and put in its rightful place.

When I say everything, I mean every single thing that is either necessary nor

unnecessary that could contribute to the best comfort, pleasure, wellbeing and

contentment of the beholder, user and the benefactor.

When God created this world, He was simply creating the visible 3D

reproductions of what was already conceived in His original design.

I was astounded to realize that Genesis chapter 1 gives only the narrative

accounts of the reproductions. The original design is not mention. And that missing

account is the most thrilling mystery of all time. We just have to prayerfully look

deeper into His words. “Search the scriptures,” with a sincere spirit and we shall find

Jesus, the source of “eternal life” and He will guide us into all truth.

The story of creation is always told through the eyes of men. But if God’s

lens (original design) is employed for sinners to view the creation story, every human

sense will be thrilled, and we would fully appreciate God’s magnificent creation of

living arts.

I will discuss the original design and how God created this world as per the

biblical evidences on our next edition, the amazing revelation of Jesus Christ in the

book of Genesis.

McValen Kaminiel


From page 1

More than 150 rejuvenated members and friends, equipped with rakes, hand gloves

and bags, were divided into groups and assigned to various sections of the Boroko


Starting at Tabari bus stop, the groups spread out and worked their way

toward Jack Pidik Park, Boroko Market, Coronation Primary School and the vicinity

areas leaving a gleaming trail of clean paths behind. Some members of the public

have shown their gratitude by donating money to the members for the purchase of

cold water.

This clean-athon was part of the Total Membership Involvement (TMI)

project organized by CPC and undertaken by churches under its Adventist

Community Service (ACS) Department to get every church member involved in the

mission to serve the communities.

Senior church pastor, Pr. Gideon Aguzi and his associate church pastor, Min.

Reuben Sanai along with their respective families and leaders of the church were

among the members that participated in this TMI activity. Also, on audiovisual



Welcome. This is volume 1 of Church News,

the first publication. There has been a

growing number of interests from

individuals who suggested that we should

publish stories of church activities in a form

of church newsletter or news bulletin. Let

me acknowledge here that your

suggestions are heard. We hereby present

to you the Church News.

In this first edition we have tried

to include stories of various church

activities and other information we believe

are worth sharing with the church


The Communication team would

like to thank every single one of you for

your tremendous contribution in the

church that create the stories that are

featured here.

First of all, this newsletter is

supposed to be distributed on March 28.

However, due to lock-down caused by the

scare of coronavirus pandemic, we’ve

delayed distribution until today.

From the Communication desk

we would like to acknowledge the

following things.

We have noted that the current

visual system or video projector could not

deliver a very distinct or clear visual

presentations. This is because of the sun

light and the glossy surface of the white

board. Also, we understand that those

sitting further back and the ones sitting on

the left pew would experience difficulty

viewing the visual presentations. This is

due to four factors; light, distance, angle

and the tall people in front. We are

deliberating on lessening these issues as

we go forward.

The other shortcoming is the

handling of the sound system. There has

been a recurring of high pitch feedbacks

that causes annoyance among the

audience. We apologies for the

inconveniences caused and would try our

best to redress this issue.

Finally, we acknowledge that not

all church stories are included here. There

are countless stories of missionary work

untold. Nevertheless, your deeds will be

rewarded accordingly when Jesus returns

in the clouds of glory. Happy reading.

Mango Avenue SDA Church is located along Legi Crescent. This street connects Wards Road and Waigani

Drive. The street runs through Murray Barracks and Works Compound.


Page 3: Mango Avenue€¦ · the Boroko Suburb to do their part of the TMI mess-clean-athon. Picture courtesy of Constantine Mujima. ADVENTIST COMMUNITY SERVICE February 16, 2020 was assigned



Mango Avenue Seventh-day Adventist Church held its first

Stewardship meeting of the year 2020 from February 9 – 15.

The theme of the one-week program was “Jesus is on our side”

with Senior church pastor, Pr. Gideon Aguzi, as the speaker.

The stewardship meeting was running concurrently with the

church leadership training.

Faithfull church members and church officers who

attended the meeting were given basic information on their

church roles and responsibilities at the beginning of every night

before ensuing on to the stewardship segment. Topics such as

“the body temple”, “talent”, “time”, “tithes and offerings”,

“sacrifice”, and “covenant” were presented with biblical

authorities to enlightened members and show them the right

way to be as faithful stewards for the Lord. The meeting was

concluded on Sabbath during the Divine Service.

Stewardship Director of the Central Papua Conference

(CPC) Pr. Wali Kapi was on hand to present the stewardship

certificates to the 124 faithful attendees during the Sabbath

closing in the afternoon. He encouraged the recipients and the

members to use the knowledge they attained from the

stewardship meeting for the Lord’s service.

A visiting retired pastor, Pr. Uau Gonugae was

delighted to be part of the certificate recipients and was thankful

for the opportunity.

Pr. Aguzi also conducted the same stewardship topics

at Hale Japu SDA Church, the branch church of Mango Avenue,

from 23 – 29 February 2020. Over 30 members attended the

meeting every night. Mango Avenue assistant senior elder, Eld.

Begana Leonard did the honors of presenting the stewardship

certificates to the faithful church members at the end of the

program on Sabbath. Also, on audiovisual format.

Church members posing for a group photo after receiving their stewardship certificates from the CPC Stewardship Director, Pr. Wali Kapi (standing center with orange shirt and grey tie) at Mango Avenue SDA Church on Sabbath afternoon, February 15. Picture courtesy of Begana Leonard.


The collection of offerings during Wednesday night, Friday

night, Sabbath School and closing Sabbath services will no

longer be practiced. Members and visitors will now only give

their tithes and offerings in a one-combine-offering collection

during the Divine Service on Sabbath. This was the awareness

message from Pr. Wali Kapi, the Stewardship Director of CPC.

He explained that members and visitors should put all

their tithes and offerings inside a new tithe and offering

envelope endorsed by the CPC, write the tithe and offering

break-ups on the column provided on the envelope and drop

them inside the offering bags.

The Stewardship Director further illustrated while

answering questions during his awareness at Mango Avenue

SDA Church that offerings such as birthday thanks and Sabbath

School expenses must all be collected in the one-combine-

offering collection.

Mango Avenue SDA Church conducted its first one-

combine-offering collection during the Divine Service on lesson

8 Sabbath, February 22, and will continue going forward.


Page 4: Mango Avenue€¦ · the Boroko Suburb to do their part of the TMI mess-clean-athon. Picture courtesy of Constantine Mujima. ADVENTIST COMMUNITY SERVICE February 16, 2020 was assigned




Mango Avenue Seventh-day Adventist Church ACS

Department opens its church activities for the year 2020 on

February 29, 7 days after the AYM induction.

The theme of the opening ceremony was “Shine for

Jesus”. Guest Speaker representing the district to oversee the

program was Mrs. Joyleen Begana. The ceremony included

Women’s Ministries and the Good Samaritans.

Almost 30 men and women donned in ACS and

women’s ministries uniforms revamp the spirit of Adventist

that Sabbath day.


The ACS department of Mango Avenue SDA Church waste no

time to witness for Jesus as they took to the streets of Boroko

to distribute foods for the homeless on the night of March 14,


Supporting the ACS department were the youths

who help in food preparation and distribution. More the 100

lunch packs were given to the homeless along the 4

Mile/Boroko area. Many of the people administered to were

appreciative of what the members have done.


Mango Avenue Adventist Youth Ministries were privileged to

have a leadership training on the Sabbath afternoon of 7th

March 2020. Three representatives from the district were

present to share valuable lessons regarding AYM leadership

skills and operations in the church.

The subjects covered were Christ Method and Church

Approach, 4 Major Types of Leaders, Ambassador’s modules

and Youth’s Job Description. However, due to time factor,

many subjects were not covered.

More than 30 AYM members (Adventurers,

Ambassadors and Youths) and their respective leaders were

present during the training.


Due to the State of Emergency lockdown, 1st quarter Lord’s

Supper program could not eventuate as planned.

Nonetheless, 8 locations have carried out the Lord’s Supper on

lesson 4 and 5 Sabbaths of the 2nd quarter respectively. These

locations were Waigani Fire Station, Burns Peak, Tuna Bay,

Yellow Haus, Church Area, Kopiago, Garden Hill and Manu.

These seven were among others approved by the church as

places of fellowship during the lockdown.

Seen here taking part in the Lord’s Supper program at the

Yellow Haus is Bob Enoch and wife Dorris. Photo courtesy of

Bonniepass Simbawa.


The National Capital District Commission have recognized

Mango Avenue SDA Church as one of the churches engaged

to distribute food to the people during the COVID-19 State of

Emergency lockdown.

The food allocated to the church comprised of 14

bale rice of 500g rice, 14 cartons of noodles, 8 cartons of snax

biscuits, 5 50kg bags of garden produce and others.

The food was then distributed to 14 communities

identified by the church. The communities then share their

portions with individual people within their area.

Community leaders are now responsible to file a

report accounting the food distribution back to NCDC so that

the next batch of food will be given.


Chinese Proverb



Page 5: Mango Avenue€¦ · the Boroko Suburb to do their part of the TMI mess-clean-athon. Picture courtesy of Constantine Mujima. ADVENTIST COMMUNITY SERVICE February 16, 2020 was assigned



“Make me a servant” was the theme of this year’s Adventist Youth

Ministry (AYM) induction ceremony at Mango Avenue SDA Church.

More than 50 adventurers, pathfinders, ambassadors and youths

were inducted on Sabbath, 22nd February, to open the church AYM

activities of the year 2020 as well as the hand over take-over of old

and new AYM leaders.

Guest speaker, Mrs. Jennie Rose Luke, the Moresby North

East AYM Advisor, challenged the young people to be faithful and

active in the church saying that the young people must accept any

church responsibilities given to them. She also advised the young

people to be servants for the Lord.

Church pastor, Min. Reuben Sanai emphasized the theme

by sharing the stories of the little maid and captain Naaman in the

bible and the inspirational story of little boy Frank who sang to revive his baby brother placed inside an incubator back to health. Everyone

must be God’s servant in wherever they are or whatever they do to bring one soul to Jesus.

The induction ceremony began in the morning with the adventurer club during Sabbath School and the pathfinders during the

Divine Service. The ambassadors and the youths concluded the day with their ceremony in the afternoon.

Registration of AYM members was conducted on Sunday morning, February 23, at the church ground. Also, on

audiovisual format.

Adventurer Leader Pathfinder Director Ambassador Leader Youth Leader

Brenda Mespok Eld. Richard Arko Eld. Nathan Peter Rose Hagayo

Assistant Leader Assistant Leader Assistant Leader Assistant Leader

Judy Ogla Michelle Pahun Stoney Roney Eld. Gegana Leonard

Secretary Secretary Secretary Secretary

Franko Bandi Raggie Hagayo Grace Petrus Faith Petru


Mango Avenue SDA Church has now created a new department

in the church to cater for its growing number of students.

Education department is the new ministry in the church which

will help the students with their mental and spiritual

development in the church and the community.

Majority of the students attend primary education

while secondary students make up the second highest. Tertiary

students complete the top of the education pyramid with only a

few under graduate and post graduate students.

The new department will be headed by Mr. Vise Iyape

as its leader and Mobie Ken as the assistant leader. The secretary

is Susan Sauka.


The Communication team has constructed the local church

website using the existing South Pacific Division (SPD) web

templates and domain called Adventist Place.

However, Adventist Place is in-active at the moment

thus delaying the team’s progress. The church will be made

aware once the site is fully active.


This first edition of Church News is a multimedia production.

This means you can view Church News in 3 media formats:

publication, audio and video. Visit the official Facebook page of

Mango Avenue SDA church for viewing.

The first ever meeting of the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist

Church was held in May 21, 1863.

Ambassadors and youths getting ready to march in for their induction ceremony during the Sabbath afternoon of February 22. Picture courtesy of Begana and Joyleen Leonard.




Page 6: Mango Avenue€¦ · the Boroko Suburb to do their part of the TMI mess-clean-athon. Picture courtesy of Constantine Mujima. ADVENTIST COMMUNITY SERVICE February 16, 2020 was assigned


Page 7: Mango Avenue€¦ · the Boroko Suburb to do their part of the TMI mess-clean-athon. Picture courtesy of Constantine Mujima. ADVENTIST COMMUNITY SERVICE February 16, 2020 was assigned



The Church Board of Mango Avenue SDA Church has informed the church members on Sabbath afternoon of March 21 to take serious

precautions toward the world pandemic coronavirus. Senior elder, Eld. Ralph Wambu addressed the congregation on circulars from

the Central Papua Conference (CPC) and the District headquarters advising the churches all over NCD to halt any church gatherings

from that date forward until further notice.

The Church Board have deliberated that since the church gatherings will be on halt it informed the members to meet at

the designated places close to their homes for Wednesday Night, Friday Night and Sabbath fellowships. The church elders will be

appointed to visit families and members at those places during these fellowship times. These designated places have been appointed

and approved by the Board as follows: Works Compound, Copiago, Garden Hills, Garden Hills Mountain, Daunwaiya, Yellow Haus,

Church Area, Works Headquarters, Works Apprentice, Murray Barracks, Mahuru, Manu, Waigani Fire Station, ATS, Tokorara, Burns

Peak, Morata One, 8 Mile, Dogura and Vadavada.

The Board also emphasizes on the importance of disseminating true information on the current situation. It appoints only

one source of communication of which the church will disseminate further information regarding the situation. This source is Eld.

Begana Leonard. He will be the only channel to pass information from CPC and district to the local church. Information from other

sources will not be entertained.

The Board have also appointed prayer times for members to pray for the current situation caused by the spread of

coronavirus. It asks its members to pray every 10 pm and 4 am. The prayer request are as follows: Baptism of the Holy Spirit, family

protection from coronavirus, spiritual growth for each family, major evangelism in May 16, forgiveness and pray for the designated

locations appointed by the Board. Individual prayer requests were also given such as from the church chorister leader Mrs. Matthew

and ACS leader Evelyn Yapu regarding their respective families.


Message: Read Matthew 4:5-7 and compare with Psalm chapter 91. How will we reconcile these

two bible passages?


Church News is the production of the Communication Department of the Mango Avenue Seventh-day Adventist Church. The above is not liable for any damages accrued from this material including

its audiovisual format. The contents presented are intended for informational purposes only. Audience’s discretion is advised.