\ :this 1001.unent .s of _ Ji.:J __ p ag es Copy .No. __ 3 _or_4: _seriea- 6 ___ ........... M ANHATTAN DISTRICT l:tlSTORY BOOK V III. LCS .ALAblOS .PROJr ;cr (Y) - VOLtr!ilE 3, AU.XI!..l .A Ht A C?I' YI TIE S CHAPTER a. 0 CUOS SRO ADS / ic Re:;1:.rLcte earence Roquirea


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:this 1001.unent consi~3 .s of _Ji.:J __ pages Copy .No. __ 3 _or_4:_seriea-6 ___ ...........


BOOK VIII. LCS .ALAblOS .PROJr;cr (Y) - VOLtr!ilE 3 , AU.XI!..l.AHt AC?I'YI TIES



ic Re:;1:.rLcte ~ earence Roquirea



Th6 o!'fioial reports of Operntion Crossroads (3ee particularly

the preraoe to •aombs ~t Bikini"• by W. A. Shurcliff, Hiator1an ot

Joint Task Fora• On9 . ) e:nph&ei ~e the joint nature of the ente:rprbe,,

and ?roperly so. The two tests of thia operation v<ere carried out at

9ildn1 by th• uni.Utt efforts of the rmy, the lia.vy nd th., A1!1" Foroe••

~nd maq of their oornponent parts 1 Joint Task Foroe one, t.he iageno1 I

whioh exeouted the operation, wea , as 1ta nal!l8 clearly shows,\ a joint

genoy. oreatfld by th4t Joint Chief• ot Sta-tt and resporutible /to them

onlyJ tinally, th• ott1o1al reports ot trua operation • a whctle were

j<>int re orta. and i \

re auhmi tted directly to the Jo:lnt Chiefil· of Sta~t • l \

without prior approval by a,nyou . I ' i t

Thia chapter ditt•r• rrom the oi"fioial r•porta or this bp0.ration

b()th in ita nature and in its i ntent. The intent. or this ohapt~r i•

to desorib•• prim&rily, th• part played by the :Uo.nhattan Diatribt. aild

by its. rsonnel in the conduct or the teste. nr..d in the numero\le \act•

ivitiea imiob pr-eceded lllld aoo01t1pan1ed them. For an integ.r'al ~·· ot i

the Ilanhattan District mstory • ooh intent is. pl"Op$·r and deair~ble.t ,'

but th• indnlgonoe o~ the reader 1• r~uosted: it, by emphuising thei . ' .

Manhattan D1stri<:Jt , the m-it~u-.. have· seemed inadYertently to b~littl • . I : . '

the put pl ye.d by any other agoncy or it• ~rsonnel . ' • I "\

Thi• oh.apter supplements the brief information on Oper tipJJi I t.~ .

Cro1aro d• in the supple nt to Volume 2 ot this book \prinoip/illly

;>eragr pha 1.38 to 1.49 of th t supplo nt) . ;\

... - - -- ..,.. ---

I l





' / \






Paraeaph Number.

l .ii Gen&ral ;.


2. Earl y Studies and Sug&esti one .

b. By a Sell6tor.

3. Authori~ation•

5i. Designation of Deputy Ta.ak: force Comm6tw.l$r for

f eehnioal Direction.

1 . 0t£1cial Account • by J-01nt Tatsk Force One . of

?artioip&t1cm by the ilanhattan District .

a . .P:repar-.tions in the tlnited Sta.toe•

llaasurement Seo ti on.

o . Overseas Ac·tivitias o.r the Hea.sur m.ent

Sae ti on.

9' . ildanha.ttan Distric t .Personnel .


8. 1

8. £?.

e .. s


s . 10

a. 12



8. 30


10. Heaulta and Concl us ions .

APPl5riDlX A - Or •anization ~ha rts .

APPElfDIX S. • R$ferencea .

S. 45


. - ---

1. General.

Operation Croa1road1 wae an experimental ope-rat.ion. Ita origi ­

nal major purpose wa1 to determ.in• tn. etteota of atomio explo1ivea

again.et naval veaa•l•, 1• order to appi"'aia9 the atrategio illlplioations

ot atolllio bom.b• in reapeot to naval de11gn. ancl tactics. At the

operation d.velope4, h¢Weve~, it• objeotive1 expand4td, ar.d be1or• tlMt

t••t• were earned out t~ O"t'er.all purpoaea had grown to inolud• th•

oolleotion ot vut 11JD.Ounta ot intonaa'tioa t'oi' tu.tw• guidance• 1n

all type• ot deten•1T• ailit•t'Y de1i ~ lUilitary taotiotJ in the

deeip. J11U1ut&otW'e and ot'tenaift uae ot atoaio bo.inba thein.s•l vea J

and in th• dev•loplJ)Clt ot meaaurea tor raoiological u,tet1 • and tor

the tr•atment ot rad1olog1oal 1nJUJ'1• (App. Bl , Ba.)

th• uniq• nature of the oper•.t1on w.1 inherent not only in

it• bu aise""'-"in t~ h~g• nwnber• of the t1o1 pating poreonnel,

ancl the huge amount1 ot te1t equ1pmen°' and ntmab~u·• ot inatrument•

involYe~--it .... inherent •l•o 1n the trel!Mtn4o~ glar• or publicity

to which th4J te1ta wer• expo•• , d abov• all to the xt.raordinary

t aot that the wapon• Yhoae perto.rmano• ••• exposed to thi• publ1ctty

were atill ol•••1~1ed, seor.t. poGa, wbioh had never eTitD been

aeen exo•P' b7 a tn n in the innH' cll"ol•• ot the mttan District

ancl by tboae who ha •••11t•d in the three preTioua tom1o boml>

4-tonationa. lt bae been t ruly said that th• operation • ~the

moat o'b1ened, et photouaphed, at t alk d-ot eci ntit1o te1t

ever oo uot•dK (App. B2 , p. 15). Paradoxicall y, it ~1 ~lao be

said that it a ttut :iost publiol1 dvert1secl eorot teat ever




1'h• in obje<Jt of eubmittin the opeotacaulu a>haee1 of the

op•n.tton. to th• glare ot publicity. d••pite the seourlty risks which

t~1• po11oy itrYolv <l, •• ob•1oum--mor. obviou a~ th.e tima,. pei-hape ,

-thu. now. It •• d.eeirabl• that th• whol• world •hoW.4 know and

appreo.U.t• the cl•'ftetating poW4tr ot the ato · o bomb, in order tha~

th• peopl•• ot· t he woT14 .might properly app~ai•• the importance of

orpnl&M. ettorte to prevent ato:m!o b 0. troa ever b•ing U9H in

warfare again.

Yet publio apprO'V'al ot the operation beforehand wa• by no

=-ana unantmoue. A Gallup Poll in p~il 1946 showed 41 percent ot

t he pu.bl1o appro"f'ed and 35 pere•nt: opp<>H4 th• oonti:nua"bicn ot the

test progu at that ti e,. 'id.th 18 ,t>t>Foent hold1ng no opinion. on the

$Ubjeot. (App. B8, 1.17 e) Many pei-aou. 1.ncl.\ld1ng some thoughtful

technical men and so irreaponaible soaro-mongen, regarded tM t&ot•

aa undeairabl• or \lmleee1aary, and a 1d.d• variety of objection.a waa

:rals-4. <•PP• Ba, PP• 5,6,35.)

TM m.ott thougbt""i)rovold.ng objeotion •• that of th.6 tecID'l.ical

u.u llho JD&1ntaiu.cl th&t th• teat• ••1'• UJU1eo•H•l"Y• Th•7 olaUwd that

with th• data t.lreadJ obtaine4 trom the e.to.mi.o baml:I detonations at,

Alamogordo, &nd at H1roth1 a

laborator7 teat•, the deaired reaulta could ~ ,pred.ioted trom com.put&•

tiona by theoretical ?h191o1eta alone , without arr; turther bom.b teata.

(App • .82, P. G•)

s~ weight 1 lat9r dd d to th11 objeot1m1 hy proot ot th•

extraordinary aoouraoy ot aome ot th pr ed1otiont }ll&d• by the

soi•ntiate before th& tee ts . ?he following ia quoted. .from the


prel1in1nuy statement by the Evaluation Botu•<i ot the Joint Chief•

ot' Statt, shortly !'t;et oM ot the taataa *'To • degte.e which tn.

B<>t.t'd t1nd.a renarkablo. the vi•ibl• ph AOiueDA ot explosion tolloweci

the pred.iotionl mad• by oi v:U1an a:nd HniCJ• ph..nomen.ologbta. attaohed.

to Joint 'la.ak: Fore• One.• (App. Ba. P• 196.)

It ••itm1 probable, however. that. th• t•ohtdoal men .o raised

tb.11 obje tion have alrfJ&cfy' reoognizt4 that it ia not ~lid, or thail

they wou.14 quiokl1 do 10 i.t pond tt•4 tQ •~lX17 the vaat u.<nmt ot

detailed in.formation whiob • proT14e4 bf the taate,

z.. Earl.1 Stwii•• an4 Suggeati<m.9 •

a. At Loa Al•os•

Ae eU'lJ a• l9-l4, und~ tho blank4'1J ot eeoreoy whioh c·t that

ot euoh buret• c.0111pared. with the air hur·1te toward wb.1oh tho jor

ettort• ot the L&.boratory continued. to ~ dirfJ.Oted. If tn. watez; '

burat1 saYe prol!l14• ot boing highly etteotive they Gould be u.ed

to d.w.ntagt at,;.a-inat l:iarbor• nd ship• during the ?Ulr.

ta S•ptember 1944, the Ordnane• D1v1 e1on of th• Loa Alamo•

La.boratoi"7 ovgsnized <4-oup 0-6~ "W&ter Deliver7, Exteri<»" Balli••

tio•" unde: .. M. • Shapiro. with th.• a ehtane• ot w. G. Penny nd

John von lfeumarm, to oa.rry on suoh studies , which had been b~gun

previously 01 E; • ..lol.U.lle.a. Experiments •·tore conducted on a 11

soale, with hi h explosiv • in s~ll quantitiea 1 Aa tat d i


Volume Z ot th1a bOQk• par. l4. 23t "From the e:x. orimental data

produe•d i.r~•• avity wav•• than • aub•urtao• oxploaion ot the

slUIMf eiz•• h a th.eont1oal fln&1181• auaUng lAwe r• derived.

'Which mad• it po•aible to prediot with eom. aaaU¥"anc• th• etfeot•

lt i a ?U·t1n•m to not• that the thintcing ot tho Uanhattu

Dietriot . until at~er t~ c~eaatton ot ho1tilitie•• waa dii'eeted

toward the pi"oduction and. d•liTerf ot bomb• wh1oh woulil h• capable

ot eat••t de.zria~ oy bl••t an4 t1.r•• with t~ leut pottibl• rad1a•

Lo• Alamo• di.tfere4 troa the purpoee ot the t••t• at Bikini ., '.!.'he

teatt of Operation Cro1ar OtP.d• "We"r• intelid-4 to oover all the ttecta -ot the ato.udo bom.b--tro rtcdiation a• •11 a• blast 4 i'i re . Even

U' some nations should. oont1nu• to look with dietavor on t:h• use

that so.mtJ tutw-• belligerent 'W0\214 not •• a dittarent view. Md

th• tulleet po••ible lcaowledg• ot radiation oEteota • the~ tor•

illlp•rat1Y•• It ..aa btG&U«t ot th• •vid•ntl7 auper1or ~ sulta ot

a.a burli·ta in the realll\ of ble.at and lire dair111 ge that tM nha.ttan

Dtetr1c>t did not puraue the etudie1 ot t~J!' bursts · ore intensively.

After t he b~i>in • t Hl1"01hiu. alld taga•ald , on 6 and 9

Auguet 1946, d the publio nnou:no nta which followed , many

• val .. e-a and oth&ra began to ?rond•P ~at might be t efteot ot

n tOl.lli.0 bo'llb tr 1 t wer• ueocl gainat na l vesaeh • Sonator


Brien o.:J&hon (D • Conn. }, who l t•r h•came uM.1 rman ot the Sen t• • s

Special CG'.!Jl'm1 tte• on tomio 'Bl'! r · • •• the 1'1 •t L-.n in authoi-1 ty

to piok up thia question and suggea't m.ana tor ita deteJ*mi tion.

ln a apeeoh ~ioh h• delivered. on 26 ugu1t 1948, the Sen1tor aa1d •

"In order to teat th• deatruot1Te p~r• ot th• atom.10 bomb a.gainat

na'Vlll vesaeh , I would liu to so• th •• J•p..ncu•• na.val s hips tak»n

to ••• and an tomio bomb dt'opp•d on them. The reault1ng •xplosion

•houlcl pro•• to ua jut... hOY e.ft-.ot1 ve the atoW.o bomb 1a when u•ed

a 1uat the giant naval shipa . I oan think ot no better use fo~

the•• Jap 1hipe. • (App. B2, P• lo.)

<'.: .Bl th• Al'JDecl $er do•• •

On 16 September 1945; Lteuton.nt a.ner al ».M. Giles ;

Oommanding 9-neral ot th• U.S.A. Strategio Ai.J" iorCN , at headq\~rtera

in Tokyo, propoeed that at loaat t1'10 a.t.om.1.o bomb• be 'beet gainet

th• remnant. of the Ja.panoa• i'leot , and thu pr oposal • 1inmod1atoly

trantndt.ted by jot" Ooneral C.E. Le y to ~neral R. H. AJ"nolcl and

Lieutomnt Gen ral O.A. Spaata , in Waahin{gton. On 18 S pteober

Gener al Arnold aub.lld tte4 th• prt:Jpoaal to the Joint Chiet• ot ta.ft',

ot which he • a ~•I'• ('l'M oth•r memO.r• at ~t ti.me were

O.neral G. O .. • rshall , Admiral B. J . King, alld Admiral w. v. Leahy. )

A ral !ing. Ofl 1 Coto?> r , reoonun~uided a further dovelo~t of

tho prope1al a that t · projeote<i teat• should be parfor undezt

the control ot th• Joint Ohiefe ot Statt ~cl that all re lat d ..rt.a

ot the At'my and Navy ehould part1oipateJ that one b01t.lb ithould 'b•

detonat d i the air :nd anothH' i.a the • t 11 1 that a few n:.odern

type vessels of the Uni tQd States &V'J ahould l)o 1noludod iA ~he



the ta~g•t rray. (App. Ba , PP• 10.llJ Bl, par . ~1 . )

a. Author1z•tion.

The Joint Sta.rt Plar.ners , • riermanent working oommi ttoe ot the

Joint Chieta ot Staff ,. were dir~cted., on 10 Uovember 1945; to pre•

pat• a. ,eneral plan to determine thAJ t~•ta W.ioh ehould. b& de and

the speoiti~ ~up• whioh hould make them. '1'hG Joint Staff Plann•rt

appointed *' su.boommitt •• oo.mmon.1¥ oalled the "IA y :luboOlliBdtte•" •

Wh1oh waa oompoaed (during tn. •jor. part or their w-0rk;) r.>t the

tol low1ng o££1oeraa

U..j01' ~neral c .:1. Lel&ay

Sri di•r Gene .. al 'I.A. Borden

c·olonel o.a. Bon.est.eel

C:•ptain G. W ,. Anderson,. Jr, ( ~avy)

Captnin V.L. Pottl~ (Navy)

Commodore (now Rea~ .t..dmiral } w.s . ParsQn&•

.8a1ed on tt. work ot this Suboommittoe. the Joint StAtt Pla.nrtu•e

oubmit·eed a. detail d pb~n to th.e Joint Chiefs ot Statt. o acoeptcd

1t, with a. tn minor oha.ngo• , on 28 Deaemb•t' 1945. (App. 321 PP• 11, 12. )

Xhio plan. aooo i'.>&n1ed by a detailed ad:m1.n1atrat1 ire and technic•l

plan ot otion 1ubxilitte4 by 'Vio• Admiral W. ! . P. 3landy• reoe1ved

th• prel1udne.r1 apprcval ot the. Joint Chiete ot Staff, and t h u ot

th• S or tar1oa ot War n.ud Navy. It was approved by ?r•eid•nt

Truman on 10 J U.l"f l$4Eh (App. ll2 , P• us . ) Oon ession&l a pproval

ot th$ oporation a a whole WI.I l ter indioated by the J&Saage ot

H. J . R@• ~01. on 14 June 1940. authori&in tho use o~ 33 u.s. eOlllb&t

ves~el1 in the target rra~ot t ho teeta.


--- -

On ll JaQuary lU4Q• tho Joint Chieta of $taft i sued a ireutive

to Admiral Bliu:1dy1 b:t hich h• we.a d ignat d oo ruler ot 1ta task

tore• u.nd ~ tt.. Joint Chiefs of Stat£ tor the ~urpoae of conduoting

teat• tot' he det rndr.aation of the etteota ot atomic expJ.oa.ivo•

again•~ .naval vees la i:n orcie.r to appraise the stn.tegio ieplict­

tiona ol atomio bomba inolud1ng the result• on naval dseign. and

tactio• • " .," (App • .aa, PP• 14. 15. )

Th• direeti ~• 11.t.ted further' "?he g.-n•ral re~uirementa ot

the teet will be to determine th$ e-t.f•-ot• ot atomio oxploaivu

a 1:n.a~ ehiP' ••looted to :iv• good rep.reactation ot oonstruction

ot inod•rn naval and. ;r~rehan't voeeela •ui.tably disposecl to give a

gradation of d«mag• fro ~to m.inimull. lt i• d sired to

inolua.. in th• taata both air detonation IUld under~ter de~one.tion

it th• latter i• c n.ider e4 r~aeiole. Teat• shoul4 be so arranbe4

aa to take- AdYanta~ ot oppoi'twlitie• to obtain the $ff•cta ot

atomio exploaivea ap.i~t uound and air target• and to aequix-e

e1ent1 io d-.ta. ot general valu. it thi• i• practio•blo. •

nd th co ud :r ot th& tll4k lorg• • ti•ut.h0t'ite4 to d al

dino-tly with agonoi-0• or th• •r a:.:..d • "f-1 J.>epar nt • • - incl udin

direo~ tl.04•&• to the .i.l&nbattan Diatrio~. ·

Joint l'••k ie>r ce O~ as ttlwt attabU. Md on ll January 1946•

1te exieteuce waa to continue tor 9 montn. and 21 days . until ita

d11 olution on l i1ov b r 1946. On 12 January 194e it misoion

wa.e oliristened by .Admiral landy 'Oper a ion CrossrOG.ds~ . (~PP • ' 2•

PP• 27. 172. )

4. D.•\g!?!t1on ot Commander o~ Joint T k orco Ono .

the LeJ.fay Suboo ttoo. in ita deliberationa prior "to $ubmi Bion

ot ita detailed plan to th Joint Stai'£ Planners. ~ave oaraful a-.,d

detailed con.aider tion to the queetion of who ahould be de .ignatod.

t h• Tuk Foroe Co ndeJ". The Ariq Air orco.e l:l.bqir3 of the Sub-

oommittee wanted jflr Genera l L.a .. Groves, Comma.lld1n3 GeneTt\ l ot

th• nba.tta.n Diatriet. to be desibXl'Jlted. but beoaus.- the majori~J

ot the act1'1it1ea involved in th• planning and. e:xeoution ot the

mieaion ltt>uld be principally within the pr oYinc• ot the Jlavy, the

SubcO?lmlittM decided to reo.omtiend a Naval o£:ticer. On 15 ~ mber

1941, Admir al Paraou proposed that Vioe Admiral Vf. H .. P. Blandy ~

aeleete • in view ot hia experiexioe s OOlllllla1Jder of' varioue destr oyer

gron:pa , cruiser uoupa t\nd amph11>1oua groupa,. and in view of hia

poaition inee November 194.5 aa Deputy ChW or val ()per tions.

peoial Wea9ona.. • preTioualy stated, th• de•i gnation • de

ot1'1cial by the Joint Chiets ot Stttt on ll January 1946. (App .

as, i,s.)

Adm!n.l Blandy delegated th• disc rge ot the j<>rity vt hi•

reaponsibllitiea to hia principal s•1atanta. especiall y th• D puty

'lask FoTee Commander tor Technical Direction. the Deputy ask ?ore•

C0%1l!n1Uldel"' for Tiation. the Ground J'crc•e A.d'Visel'. .d t he Ohie.t

ot Sta.rt. {App. 83, a. 2s .)

s. D$&~~t1on of r>eruty raek ore• Commander tor Technical i~eotion.

Admiral 3landy for lly designated Re r Admir 1 • . s . Par$ons

a• D put1 Task Foroe Cotm"M.Dder for Teohnioal Direct i on on 26 ebrua17

194 • Adminl Parson.a had 'een ott1cially conn oted. th the



operat-'lon from. ita inception, not only by virtue of hia ssrvice

ll& a 1'll.Om.ber or th4t Le' 0 y Suboo.tn:nittee. and aa A l'Aor:ibev of the

~ ilitary Advisory Board to the Oftio¢r-in~harg• of the Atomio

Bomb Projeot (as alter nate tor Admiral ~~n•ll ) . but also bec•u e

ot the d gn1f1can't p rt he ht\d pla.7ed during previous y~r• as a,

key o£fio1al 0£ the nhattan District. Re had heAded th~ i~portAnt

Or d.nanee Diviaion ~t Loa AlamoeJ he. had aupenised thfl combat delivery

ot the Rito•hi.ma bomb, atte~ having peraonall y co:r..plet ed the fi 1

a•1embly of \ha.t borab dur ing i'lig;ht. A\ the ino.•pt iou Of Oper•tion

Ct'ff.a:l"o1uia he ser ved s Asei t .a.nt Chiet o~ Na,,..l 0pel'•ti ona , S~oial

eapo.na. (App. B3, 3 . 241 a2. PP• 28, 46.)

Admiral Va.raona ' rosp.on•ib1litioe ineludad planning., organizing,

'!.nci (tlU"ough t he Cbittf' ot St•ff' , t he ?eehuioal Direct<il" • tl''*'

Direotci- of Ship t t.erial) directing 11 t clinical aetivities of the

Open.t1on. lie a:bo s rve4 l!l& lisis-on officer botwe•n Joint Task

Poro& One . a• a whole, nd the Uanhattan District., aa • whole.

His t~lmie l tatr 1ncl\d.ec1 the tollow.ing (of whom seV$r&l

YleT'•a or he. been, mt)inbers of the ~ tte.n Diat.rlct :forces·) r


Dr , Jo.hn on Ueumann. Soienti.fic Adviser

C pt. . L • .A.:shworth (Na-yy) • Au1 tant for- via ti on

Capt , Horaei<> Rivero (Navy),. Aesistant for Speoi 1 Project•

Dr-. .A. Shuroliff; T chnical Hi to~ian

feehnical Acbdni tratora

Dr . R.A. Sawye~, Technical Dirootor

Rea.r J.dmral T . A. Solberg. Direotor ot ;'.:lup .~ teri l

a. ~

__ ....... ·-

- . -

technioal Adviaera

Capt. G. l Lyon (Jlavy),. Sat<.tty Ad.vber

Col. S.L. W'.a.n-e.a,. .rlt.di logical S&.fety A~viser

(App. &z. 3. 24.)

6. Tb~ Tedts . (App . Bl,. :Jar• 89-91; E2, ?P• 2. 114, 1G4. 206.)

The :n&&11itude. of tr..e operation a.nd th• ~irepe.r~tiona it require.<l

may be vieual1.t d .rrom some, ot the atatiatice.. lt requir-.d the

pJ'ocurement,. preps.ration,. aseir;ument, t..nd mainten•nce ot a bout

42. ooo personueli 242 shipsJ 156 airplanea 1 4 televieion tr .ns-

mittel"•l 250 camera.st 5.,000 preaaur• ·~"· as.ooo radiation

reo(~era.s and approximatel)'" the tollcming teat animal.a' s.ooo rat••

200 pigtt, 20-i E;Oata.

The site selected. for the taste b:," Joint l'ask Force One:, Bikini

Atoll, in the ~shall 1.alands , required. th e oue.tion of only: 162

iAbabitanta ., but muoh had to bo done. in. propa.ration of: the harbor b1

r~l o£ undel"'Nater obstructi o:r-•J i n at.u<l.ying t he a.ter ourrenta

and ssdmbling Qthqr . oo~trol data; in eonatruoti~n of shore f aQ1litie•

in preparation for the teetss aud in setting up and t~stin~ th•

instroent• nd arrangi ng the .. tori la end anin:als ., &:xpo~ <i dUl'i n

the teats.

A full dreaa rehearGal f or the f irst t est vme held on nQue1Jn

Day"• 24 J 12ne 1946 . and ! est - ble e carried. out 011 1 July 1946 1

the t i rist bo..-:tb • droplJ d f r 01:1 .B-29 ~ <.l ton11t ed !1 t hei U1t

of se-vcr!t.l hundrod £'eet over a t~r et rr y ot 59 shl ps . 'l'he 'bO!ub

d t onated a t p~rOx1+.'1ately t he vla..nn d lti t ude, i:ntt lt positi on

horiiontnll,y was about 2,000 :teet .eat of the i n·tendad bull 'a G::i•

a. 10


.. r

ship Nevada (tor re•aona unknown) . Five 1h.ipa were Gunk, in•

clwllng om erub&r, two doatroyera and two truepor"ta . ilattJ'

other-a wenr damaged. (A• the target array ?&a dispoaf.td. so a.-a to

or tll• t1:tat. bomb to hit U. bull'• •Y• mcr• ucurat•lJ• the fl.

rela\in powl' thowa bJ' the air bura1: ot Teat A.bl• and tb9 under• I

•te.l"' ~·' ·ct feat Baker cannot b• wraluate4 b7 mer• reeital ot

the number ot veesela sunk by .. oh. 1i•verth•h•••- the nw:ibeit of

th• popW,at' concopt1on. ot the reaul:t• ot th• td'at• i!iOr& than a111


A rehearaal ro:r th• &eooxtd t•n wa.1 hel.4 on •w1111am Da.y",

19 July 1948• and feat hker •• carrie4 out on 26 Jul1 19461

the e•oond bomb •• d.ewnate4 \Wlera.ter at a depth r>t the order

ot 100 t'••'t• au.a~ruiecl under tn. LSll ·ao (tho la.goon. waa a.bout. 180 ~ .

teet deep),. In a target array et 65 ahipa. Nine 1hip• w.n sunk.,

inobtding t111o. nttleeh:ip•• ai h•V1 ai.reratt carrlQ'• three aub-

LSM 60. OtheP shipa re heavily damag4d .

lt waa or1&1tlally planned to hold a third te1t.- 1'eet o,. or

Test 0harl1e. and a oonaid&rable QW>.t of work • done in pr •

par-tion tor it. 'fhia ·teat r1a1 tc> be a deep (l.ooo. to a:,ooo

... a. 11


··- .~-..

teet) und.erwater teat . AttcU" tiw suocesstul aompleti on of' the

.first. two teats. how ·!Ntrt thit p1-se of the Operation wa:a r aoon•

aidere4 and tl» oo.nolueion wa• .reaohe<l that th• effort and a.x:perue

whloa tt would entail• oompl.ioated bJ the increasing shortage ot

m.utuy personnel and o~lable dv111an sctentUte, would. not

be juetitied in. vie11r of t.hl!lt ll amount ot additional inl'orme.•

tion which would be obtaine4. On 1 S•ptoinber 1946; the ~l"eaid.cmt .

aotin& on t~ itdvio• o~ tM Joint Cbiete ot Stt.t.r. poetpo-ned the

third tea~ indefinitely.

1. O!lt~,tal Aooou.nt , bz Join._ Ta~ '!:otto• Om·, 08 PaJOtioi?=t1on

ot th4J Manhattan Diatriet. (App, B3. 3. 9 tt.)

'f!Mt _panioipatio.rt ot th• :.it.llhattan District in ~tiou

Gro-seroa.da i s de•cr i'b•d in gexMu·al terms in tti. "'T•ohn1oal Report

of Oper ation Crosaroada(' .. prepared by Dr• .A .. Sb'Jr"cli ff• lli.ator ian.

e'1bm1tt$d. to t~ Joill't ~eta r:>t' S.ta£.t by Admira l BlJ;nd7 on

lS .NoTemb• .. 1~4a . Beoa.WJ• thh •• an of.ticial repor t of Oper a;Uon

Croa•Foa& .. it 1• the oa-t 11uthor.1tAt.iv• aceount M.rototare

q.uote4. •lm.o:st 111 the!.r ttnti.rety,, •• .foU.owe (App~ 83• 3. t. 5.10. )f

11Tho ~nh&ttttn Engino:o:r Dutri.ot. ·tu ~roup which has rrirui•

all the a.tome 'bOBU>• produc4'4 to dat , operated through.out the

Opei-ation tdth rolativ. indopondenc• • • •

11.&. Pre- JW•l Activiti•• • 't~ JJ.a.nbattan Enginee.J" Diatriat

assisted the &!!lrl1 planning ot the Operation as follol\-Sa

"1 .. I t de a"lfailablt to the Deputy rau li'or ee Cozr.mandOl"

for t~chnio~l Direction th• result s ot stlldiee it had lll4de on

underl\'ater exploaione • • •

Some of the atudi ... - those •• de in 1944.-h.ad b n directed to rd•

planning an atomic bo attaok on Jaf)anes• leet unite at Truk

laland • • •

Reaulta of all th••• st\Xliea r. of specially fg'eat ss1stance

in planning Test B. t undei"Water explosion.

•2. It reaente4 the £1r&t detailed teohnioal pl a to how

th• bo!llba mi&ht be•~ delivered., detonat d , a . ppraised. 'lhia

plan* 'lmoa •• the • 1ll1ama Plan', play•d a oant r al part ia llll!lJl¥

ot the earlier diaou•eiont, 1nolud1ng importan~ ditcua&iona- held

on 19. 20 nd 21 D.o 46.

"s. Through lita jor Gener.I L.R. Grovea , Comma.nding General

ot the hattan Engineer roje4t, Dr. s.E. Drad.bul"y, Dir otor

ot th& Loa Ala111oa Laboratory, alli ot~r repreaent tives, it

contri tell valuable advic• in the prinoi l oonfe~noea , including

oontereneo• attended by the Uilitary AdVisory Bo rd to the Ofticer­

in-Charge ot t Atomio omb i'rojoet .. .-

(the .footnot. readAI ae follanr "~ti. 1U.taey Adit1aory Boa r d

to the Cftioer-in..C or the ·tome Bomb Project •• or ated on

26 Oc."t 45 to help oo<>rdinat• and inteu-ta thit aot1vit1e• ot the •U

And 1f vy Def.lartmente itll t he activ1t1 a of ti. '" nhilttan Er:it;incter

Di triot. Ita ~iembership compris

11 ri • ~n. (now rot. Col . )

i !£a.j • Gen . (now Gen . ) C. •

• • .6ordenJ Brig. zen. G.A. LineolnJ

Bri&• Gen. Hobart Hew~tt; Col. . ~ . Uanstield; R • • \d.~ . {now Vice

. ) W. B.P. 3landyJ a. Ad~. .R. Purnell; • Adln. (now Vioe Ad }

G.1. lus:soy , Jr . J &. Adm. H., G. Bowen; lco !' j. on . L.R. G.rovee ,

.. ... . ~ , ~-

Otticer•in-Ch~rge of the At~l?do B~ Projeot . Lt . Col. J.Jt.. Derry

1 Acting Seoi-.t y., On 20 Nov 45 Comma . (now R • .Ad. ) w.s.

Parsona waa d Gi~ted alt6rnate for «. Adm. .R. Pur 11. It held

i.m.portet m~et1ng1 on 29 Jan 46 smd 19 Feb 46 . •)

•s. otivitioa Arter Creation. •ot JTF- 1. Atter the to 1

prino1p~lly through ~he 013 Loa Alam09 Group llJld the 018 Radio­

otivi ty Gi-oup . Aho it supgl1e4 riout y pttnonn l. inolud1ng

Dr. H.A., Sawyer (013), Teohn.ical Oire0:tor ..

•the .t.!a.nhattan E~[).in••r D1atriot &eleote 27 obs$rvera fo~

're-st A and. 20 tor '.?e.t a.• 'l'he Technical ~port g1 voe the tollOWi:i.g ill.lo.rmation about th•

•01~ Lo• Alamos Grou~• (ca lled ~lao t •01sa Group) de cribo4

&bove aa one of th• t a~onoiea through whioh principally th•

iatriot saieted Joint. 1


•( ) Funat1on. ?hit Group r~ po?!$ibl• tor pre. ring th•

•blaok--box• 1natrume.nt-atar~1ng devioea , aond.ing the prinoip~l

ti...'ni.ng si la , auembli.1g ·h& bomb• , d•lh'el"ing Bomb n. dstonat1ng

Bomb B, :iea uring o•r-t in en01t1ena coompaeyitt' th• detonations

proper,. Md d.e-term1nin6 the oner~ r lctaae ... •

ittervnt indi vid ls s,roup1t . In int.l\intng aeourity • to

th& bo•ab itHl.f', it e resr..ionaii>le to Dr. ~~ .E . Br bury, Director

of the T..os Al 01 Labor t ory1 d , t l cm.;h Dr. 3radbury, to "the

Co d!n& Gener l of tl':.$ ..ia:ohattf'lll gngineer Distr1o t . In .11 tters

a, 4

of general pol1oy nd particular ly in regard to th ot' l de·tonat1ng

ot t l»mb• , it1 line ot respond bilit.y extended dil"eotly to the

Deputy faak For oe ComAnder !'or l'ec.hnioal Direotic;n. In ttet"a

:-equirlng ooord.1nat1<>n with other te~hn1oel groupe it wa reeponeibl•

t~ the T~ohnical Dir•ctor.

G. Holl ~y we,a in ohArge ot thia

Group. Mr . R. S. itarner , Jr, a e hi• principal astiiatant , Dr,

N. S. Brac.lbury .a• pl"eaent in an •d'Vi.so17 eape.01 ty,, al.thou()\ not

fonially a partioipant in tM Op~u·ation.• (lfot• • lt seems· quite

evidont that th• writer ot thAJ Teohniod Report . restricted ha ua e ·

o~ tho tel"m •participant" to thoae only who took an aot.1 ve part

in the oporation ovot"so••J D:r, Bradbury tQQk a loAd lng ud significant.

part tlu'oug,hout the plannin~ st&gee of t he project . a will be

shO'fftl in a lttter seot1on or thie oh$pter. )

UThe 013R Gro~p included th• rollold.ng ~ub~oupe •


Bcm:b Operation

Bomb lnatl"Ull1ent•

• •aeurementa ot !wttant&n•ou1ly


a•urelt.9nt• ot ••t Neutron•

~diochemi~try ot Bomb Prcdueta

Meaeurementa of Delay d G

R y• , eto.

9. 15

Person in Ohare

Mr-. R. S, illntG1' t Jr.

Dr . M. G. Hollowe:1

Dr. lt. • Uer oson

Dr. G..A .. Linetibff'gezt­

Dr .. William Hu.bi n.eon

Dr ., J . t , tuok



Photography <st th• iJ to~"ticn

Co.ru:.temse:r Gage ilea•urae:nta

'tb:ie, Signala

Detonat1 on Phenometl& bt G~ral

.P~raon in Char~•

Dr,. i . , 2r1meT

D:r " J~ "ili.•boldt

Dr. J. Wieane.r •nd

Dr. li~ Weiaa

Dr>. J" Bir1htelder

11 (0) A.ct.ivitiea., Tiu. Group•• b•rthed. OJJ A~LE an'1

OUJIIllJRLUW SOU?:.D·• 1'?or feat A• A.La~ 1'.la.a a:b ~jalei.n-r

*Bomb A waa handed over by tbe 013B Group to Taak Group l,S

td~ th• s~oial bomb pit ou A•jalein short.17 be£or• the< da'Wi'l tak•­

ott ot tho B-29 •oa-...•a ilrea'• The Group h~ no responsibility

t*o1' the aiming and. r&lMai:ng ot tl» bomb• but it did pr ·ovide two

apeoialiat•.- · Ena,. D.L. A.na.r•on ati4 Mr. t..n. Smi~. to a.0001npal17

th• bomb on the trip to .B1ldn1, 1uld ,. before the final run,, to 1uu'lis~

in ua4tmbly and t•at.e,.

"fihereU the tuk ot prepal"ing and d<CJliVel"-ing tu bomb fO"t'

'l'e.n It. pr•sented no new dif'ticultie.a. propa.ring ~ delivering the

bomb tor· :feet. a prcaenud a nlnber o.f new anci ittaj,cr di.tticultiea"

Pnno1pal tu.ks were• rapidl7 deaigning, ooil.ttruoting. •hipping.

'-\rut t~at.1ng the bomb containei-i arranging tor t h• lowering of th•

bomb *114 its oo:ntliner to th• propor dopth :o4 k••ping it there

under ~ood mechanioal control; developing a m.tbod of obtaining

from t he bor.W , 1~ the i:aotant prior to th• btll"'•ting ot it.a oa•••

the data needed i n the iamm&~l"!ly•timing ethod. Qf evaluating the

e-t:fic1e.noy ot t he da-tonati Ol!lJ p:ro'V'icUng .t'oolpf'oot system tor

remotely detonating the bomb at t he d.edred i nstan°' and with. n<>

a •. 14

~ - --

danger o£ premature detonation.

?he •013 {adioactivity GrouEd (or"OlSI Group") • the second

prinoi l agenoy throu~ which tbt · nhat:tan Dietrict. aaaiate<l

Joint. Taak Force O.ue " lta :funation. organigation and ct1 vi ties

u·• de,eeribed iu tbe- l'eobnieal 1leport ot lS November 1946 u followa1

(App. B3 , 5. 42. 3.43)•

"(a) Function.. Thia Group e r-esponai ble ror the proteotion

ot personnel ot tll• l'a•k Fore• .fl•o the hazard• peouli~ to the

atomio bomb and to help enable per OJWel to r ~urn a£ely to the

target area a~ the earlieet poeaible moment. !n Addition the Group

waa responsible tor king all a1ur-.,.nta 0£ radtoaot1vity retuiro4

in order to ~stimate the •f feotiveneaa of the explosion in prod.uoing

c•usual tie• to tar~et veHol o..-ewa . the work in-vo 1 ired the pr edio t.1on

ot sll nuolear ra.d1at1on intenaiti • (inoluding e.lpha, ~ta, :nd.

~ aot1 vi ~1e• aocl neutron fl wu th9 meuurem.At of th• radio•

ir , water. and caterlal , on tu get and ope~tional

veueb , a.n4 near e.xper1.lnent11l animal• and inatrU1t10nto ~ ineasur . n't

of the oxpoeure of 1111 per•onnel J and tho mea.aure nt of nd.

neutron. d.oaee on the targe'h shipa). • • ,.(b) Organize,t.ion. The Group • headed. by Col. S .L. e.rr&u,

who had servi d a Chi et of t he lianhattan .EngineoJ" viatrie t dloal

Section who e. on l e vo ot baurnc f ro th Univ l" it1 of Rooh at r .

•colonel Warren was assist by Col . . A. de Lor er, Gapt .

R. J • .du.ettner. 'omdr. D. L.. u.f'tmart, Dr. detr bert !.icovill , Jr . ,. Dr .

Joseph mil t on, Dr • .Kenneth Scott , Dr. G~rhard Dossauer, Dr. Lauren

Dor.aldson, nd • Don ld Collins.

8. 17 - - -

- --



'*(cl Aottvttie,. Thia Gronp. berth«!d pri noi lly on the

HAVEN, tu~lyud thouunda of radt t1on-:reoording devloes whl.oh

had been pla.o•d 011 all tar&et vessola &U".d <11 tri buted to zier~onn•l

ot the ta•k Force .

teat• • monitor• with radi tion-detecting i nstru:n nt~ c~rried out

e'Xt9De1ve patrol• ot tr..e lAgoon, terg&t shi ps, islends . the air ,

and the ooee.n oubeide th• la&oon until no- danger .f"roa radi o oti vi ty

reN1no4. Sample• of marbl4t life, w ter. sand.• .&.nd ship bterials

were oolleoted and their radioaotiTity moasured .

-Perhap• the Group•a Gt"eateat di~tioulty wait in eeour1ng a

t raining enoufth radioactivity monitors . The pe•k etren~h of the

group '<taa approxilllAtctly 350, but ot t his group only 150 :re

available on aey one day for monitoring duty in olearing t arget

vet:i&la, 1-tuitrum nte l\nd. inat:illc.ti ons, for ox&i'Aple. on th• :!l•venth

da,y ai"ter - D!lf 'When ttt. do nda re at a ?fJt\k., The remaining

:1.nten.anoe or the

in truments u d by the i..1on.i tore• analyses ot th.e s nl e• ot water,

m as.ur&m.e:nt ot the !Um. b'd&04. tt.n<l the othe r mlill.erous toohnical

acti n'tiee in which the Group wna cni:so.ged."

?hi• &er.er l outline. J;iven by exoerpta f rom th$ Te~hnic&l

Report of Joint task Foroe On•. ~r1et though i t is, 1ndio t a that

the ? rt pl ye4 by thG Xanhattan Oistriot in Ope t ion Cr ossroads

waa oritical and i .:nport1U1t. I otar ~• it ~oe e, t hie coo~ greet

ene.rslly and e senti lly lrl.th tho report• r1 tt&n by • rsonnel of

the ~~ttan D1str1ot. Such differ &noos or dl&orepanei eo ~s app~~

re £'or -th$ '?lost part minor w re duo cally to difforeneas of

a.1a -- ~- • .-,.. """-• "T

., .. ,

emph1ut1a . There i s one point ot seeming importance. h0i1ev43r •

whioh m.er ita i: larificationi the stat us of Dr . R..Ll. Savt';er .• l'eeh•

nioal Dir i9ct or 0£ Joint l'a k Force One.

l n- o:n. of ·tbc .,xoerpt.e trom t he Teolmi oal RepO'rt quot ed a bove

it ie atated (App. B~ , S.,10) that the ~ttan District "supplied

varloua ksy personnel ., inolu.dlni Dr .. R.A. Sattyer (013) ., 'lfK)hnioa l

Dir.ctor", a:nd another- aeotiou ot the .aam.o report atat@a App .. 113 .

s . a4) e 1tDr. It.A. 3a.wyer b4Cl.iD8· 1' chniotll Director (013) ut J'l'F.- 1

on 11 Jan 46. (:For payroll purpoees, Dr . aradl>ury. aoting with

the approva.l o£ 1laj . Gen • ..t.. .. R. Grove•• aske:d Dr . Sawyet" on 9 Jan 44

to aooe<pt a no:m.inal post a s Aseooia. te- ilireotur ot the L~ AlalAO•

Laboratory. Dr . :Jawycr acoapted illld t he appointulent bee~ e!'f eoti ve

on ll Jan 45. )~

'.Fhe situation wi.th r • spect to the at>POi.utmGnt ot .Or . Sawy&r

is deeol"i bed 111 s0i:na, detail 1.n the hiatoey of wLWll Alftll10a :a Div11.ion'*

(written f rom reporla pre pared by or f or Dr . llcr bert 24. Lehr and Dr .

a.a., liollowa1) , which f ollows. i n Pe.:ragraph a herein,. he f act s

eelfem to bei t ha t Dr . Sawyer ha4 not been direetly connected with t he

tl.anbatt&n Dis,triot before the pr•pe.rati ona for Op•ration CrtHJ•ro-4.a

beg.ani t hat Dr . Johll ~'tilliau po1nt~d out . at o~nf aronoe e~r-11 in

J4nUary 1940• the urgent need £or t he appointment of" A t eat Dir eotor1

that Dr. nradbury r ecogni zed that the teohn l o al part of the operat t,on

aho~ld in l arge a;.easuro ho oo,::;,trolled by the Loa .Alamos Labor t ory.

eu:id . with the a ppro·1ml or G'Oneral ~oves $!!.d A4miral 1 a:rsont.t,. a EJ kod

Dr. ilawyttr on 9 Jan~ry l 94o t o aeeopt t he position ot Auooiat

Director of that Labo14 a tor y, £0!9 the 1mn >ose of sei~ving also a & l'est

a. 19


l>irector of Op~r tion urossr~da ; ~~d tnat ou 11 Jan ry 1946. Dr.

Sawyer beoam& Tachni~al Direotor of tha Operation. re iorting to the

Deputy Task Foroe Com.1111ndsr tor Toohnical Direoti on. Adr.tiral Par~ons.

Aa the Teehnieal Report :stat&a (App . D3. 3. 34), "Dr. Sawyer

l'ffl• • logic•l ehoio& for this position in viow or his proviou.a

ext•n•ive experience in oi~ilian rui .milit~ry reaearoh in applied

p~1ca J f<:lt' 0.x ple , he had betu1 Direotov ot the. Armor ~d Pro­

jeottl• LaboratoFy t tbA: U.S . l aval Proving Ground at Dahlgren. V •

DUZ"ing th• OpeFation ha • 011 le ve ot absonce rro the University

ot Ml.ch1gan.. whioh, d\U"ing th& 81Jmll101' ot 1946.. de h1:ll D,,an or the

Graduate School,.•

A.a the reoord• s how (see para aph 9 ller•inafter ) , numbers ot

peraounel took part in Operation Cros ro da whil• serving in dual

capao1t1ea., se r.ombera ot. tho Lo• Alamos Laboratory or the nh&tt1U1

Dutrict and t the satl• tilne as membel"a ot Joint. T sk .Fore• Onctt

1'h• cooperatiYe spirit ot 11 ooneer ned in oarryin Qut the operation

mad• this llfi adva.nte.ge and nob & iuuldioa.p_.

a. Loa Al oa B-Diviaion. (From Report• written by Loe Al m:Olt

per aon.a.•l . )

a . Pr~paraticna in tho United Statsa.

A ncn, di"'i'iaion at th• Loa Al run.oe Laboratory of the ;, nhattan

Diat~ct. known a• th ~-Division. • for lly orga.nizod on l Feb­

riA.ry 1946• undor Ur . ~ar3h$ll ll y, with r . ~ o . er s . Wnrn r, Jr.,

• alter nat• • Cooper tioa witn. d rtieipation iu. Op r ati n

Croaaroada ore eoncentr'1tod lg. thi Divi ion •

• 20


~-- ~· · '- ·-·~·

For sev$ral month• befor e the organiz•tion of B-.Division,

hanvei" , the · Loa Alamo• Labora.tory and or.te of it• ersonnol had

been ta.king an activ. part 1n the preparati one tor the O!)arat1on.

In th• latter part or 1945, in antici pation of ~~ttan

Distriot partio1pat1on in the propoa.d teeta , the Uir•etor ot the

Laboratory, Dr. • .s. Brad.bury, uked. Dr. John 1111Al!UJ to prepare

a ttntativ. plan for the te•t• , baaed on hi• eonaiderable oxper1eno•

• • pl"inoi 1 t eobnioa.1 aHiat~t in or ge.n1dng and ooodUCJt1ng the

.first teat or the atolSliG bomb at Alamogordo, ew rlco. The pan

prepar •<l l>y Dr. lllita .•• t• en t o aah1ngtaa by Dr. Brad~ury,

Dr. 11111 ewd. • \'farner, and , atteJ" approval in. i)r1noiple by

? ajor General t,.R. Grove•, it waa pr eaent.e<l to Vioe Admir.al hllandy

a.n4 Rear Admiral Parco~ •• a baaia tor planning. Th• propoa&l e

thorout}lly d1acuase4 1n a eerie• of oonterenoea in aehin~ton betwe•n

19 December ancl 21 December 1948. l>t.21"1ng the•• duouse1oM repr••

sontativee of t:?&ey military organizations ~ brou~t into the

planning sess1ona , • the ooope and 17'..at;nitud• of the undertaking

devel oped.

The Uliau Plan propo••d that the Loa AlU10• Laborato17 a.n.4

the U.nha.tta.n Diatviot ast!l.mlft reepons1bil1ty rort

(l } Coordina ing all in.atrumenta~ion;

(3) uembling nd ddi'V'ering tl1e tomi bomb• , to the iroraft

bomb loading pit in the Qase ot th• &ir drop ( eat Able) , and to t he

firing point i a th o ae ot the undel"ltat r burs~ ( at Bak~r) J

(3) Providin all necessary .t.'usinis and firing qt.d pment ;

(4) Providi ng remot control radio t1.m:in3 rind £iring sign.all ,

s. 21


- - - _.

inolud1ng radio tranamitter1 and speoial reGeivers oonstrueted to

ogerat• a aolenoid control on r eeipt or • select d ti 1gnalJ

(6) a1uring tho ott'h1onoy ot nuolear reaction ors (a) Faat&x phot-ogHph;y o.t ball ot th'•1

(b) Radio obtm11tey 1

( o) Ganma timingJ

(d) Air blaat cond~or gaugo•J

(5} .Meaa\.ll"ing total Tadiationa

(7') Preparing & l" diologioal sa!et1 planJ

(s) Furniahil:lg. available and nooe••al7 teehnic•l data to

other p&rtic1pat1ng e.oti vi.ti•••

Loa Alamoa na invited to send representative• to 1a hington

b•twe•n (S and 10 January 1946 for a aor1 a ot orpnicing and 1natru•

mentatiou contotenoee, and Dr. Dradbwy ., Dr. WilliaN, imd Mr. Wamor

attended th.ea• oonterences . The organization or ti. propoa.-d J·otn~

fuk Fon. •• diS·Odae4 wi. th Admir•l Blandy and. Admiral Pa.raons •.

Th• urgent need tor the •ppo:lntment ot a fe..t Pireetor to •••~

tull r••ponsibility fop oooJ'clinat1ng the inatrumentatioa plan and

the eqlJ&ll)! important need tor a- st&tt to Ol"lc u't nA1 oooriil:at.

detail• with artioipating aotivitiea were po1ntett out by Dr. · 1l.l1ams, ..

• it -. ppar nt that the Lo• Al oa La.bora.to1'1 shotild; have

oontrol ot t he 1nattut.:111>ntation plan, c>n 9 January 194.G Dr • .Ralph

Sawyer • • d by Dr. Bradbury~ with the conourr 4ce of General

Grove• and Adm1r 1 Parson.a , to acoep't t h oait1~n ot Teet DireetOJ"

(ct. diaous•1on in ~·ra~aph 7 above) .

During these oont'erenooa the necessity for ~dequate and Limiediate

s. za.



·- --

air t r ansportation or Loa Alautoe personnel ~~thi4 the contir.ental

lim1t• of the United St tea, ~nd l ater to the t arget area• whioh had

requ•eta r~eulted in t he establish ent ot thl •crcearoada Airline•

oper ated by the 58th ing, based a~ osw•ll a ~ew U.xioo. !he tira~

echeduled flight •• mad• on l b Janua.ry 1946 b•t'we•n Sant a li'e , N.a.,

and Waabingten1 D.c. other tlight• w9re in•u ated later between

Santa Fe arvl H.ail ton Field• California, via Long Heaah, arid aVttrseaa

to Kwajal eine SPffial flit;hte wer e made a• the need beo..- lfl>P rent.

Th• remaining weeka ot January w.r• de?oted to or~anizing the

Loe. Ala:moa over1eas arty. Because ot t firm intention ot maey ot

the soi ntl,ta at Lot Al~moa to tel'lllin&t• relation.a with rojeot l

d\U"iag the spring and u:mwr, some to meet pre~1oua ooltJ"41tmants &Ad

otbera to h4ve vaoation. before n>tur nlag to their un1 eraiti a ,

y-eat dittioulty a expe~ionoe4 in recruiting an overseas g,roup

capable ot discharging Loe lamoa reapQnaib111tiea . ~vontually,

it boca.m.e neoe•••ry to o£tel" induce nt and hazard }tay, a.Pd the

or n1~&t1on ot the aeparat• 8-Div1a1on a the i nevitable result.

The attaohe or gani sation obar ta ahow the oonati tut1on ot $&Ob

Loa Al oa uoup and the general ture ot ita reapons1bilit1ea••of

the Aa1.mbl7 Seotion as ot 6 r oh 194 · and ot the ~ aaureme.n~

3 otioA •• o~ 26 lilal"oh 1 46. he peoitio retpon.aib111ti•• ot the

B- Diviaion illol ud.ed iteias (1 ) through ( ) in the list enUD'•r' t e

a bo-ve J items (6 ) atld (7) were the reapo i bility of the i· adi oaot1vity

\.iroup ot the l nhattan Distri()t , u.mler Colonel St ftord L. e.rren

(se• para aph 1 ove) i nd ite (a ) was , in p t , the responsibility

--.--. . _..,._ _.--.-- ,_ ..



- -..... . - ---

ot many part• ot the Manhattan Distriot.

!"'8anwhile , th laboratory ship• r•qullated bf f..o• Ata:inoa became

a~a1laol• at Naval Ship Ya.rd, '!orminal laland.• Califor nia, tor

inapeotion and conversion. Du.ring the period 15 to 19 h.ttuu7. an

inepeot1on party, headed. by . r. Rog•r Warner and • • Uobe.rt liendersoa

and eoiupoaed ot r•p,eaentativea ot the tentativ• B·D1v1sion Group••

inapeoted thea• ships and wrote speoifioationa tor neoeaaaey alt.ea-a­

tion1 to adt.pt USS Albema.~1• for bomb ae1aabl7 purpoa••• USS Cw:llber­

l&nd. Sound t&r labQr•torf and eaaurement f~tion•• and. LOT 1S5t

to.r bol!lb firing purpocea • '.rbe able cooperation ot trua Planning•

Dedgn and Produot1<>n personnel ia:t the Navy Ship 1ard, Terminal

laland• Calitorni., niade possible the oonrgletioa ot planning and.

neeenary alter&ti on• vi thin a dead.line dat• whioh atl first &e1emecl

impo1.S1.ble t o et.

To diaeu111• th• eta.tu• ot ~ p-r epara.t1 ona for Operation \iJ"Ose•

roeda an4 poeaible ~iticatione ot th• propoafd t•ats, oonterenoea

were held. in ashingtou between 13 u d 15 •bl'UllJ7 1946. Proje.ot Y

wa• repreaented. by .Or" Bradbury,. Dr. •-.Y•t' and Ml". Wanier. Th•

pouibl• am:>at1t"1tion ot a new teat, later terlllltd: "Det•otor•. tor

fest .Baker a• then p;soop,,aed, • • di aou.ued. At this t1rn. l'•at 1'11.kei>

'MA• to be a aurtac• burs~ 4 Te1t Det•otor w.t• to be an underwater

burst . Although there was no a eement amou.8 the thoori•t• a• to

whet her r~et Buer or Teat Deteotor should be oondu~ted, it v<a•

concluded that the Loa Alamo• B- ivision. in oonjunot1on with hSY

l'er minal !&land;, .should undertak• the neoena.ry preliminary engin•ering

pla.nn1nt; to ditcove_. whether c:>r not Teat Oetqoto~ waa feasibl •


...... - __. ........ ---

- .. -- ... - •

A1 a uc equent develop ent; the JJ puty 'aelc ~ r ce Co nder f or

Technical Oir eot1on. Ad.mi al P r~on , d oided to earry on pr p r utions

tor •o•t Dot otor oon urr entl y nt h prepar~ti ona for oat Jaker. the

final dsoia1on • to hioh test \'WO\lld be oonduot d t o b~ d• t

l tor date 1t£ter i ut'ther th oretioal st udio•. LS 60 • aooording l.1

de available 11t IS? '? rminal Ial&nd, a C ptain A. M.. or'g&n. US:N,

o~ th• avy Y rd• Portsmouth, . 11 • • WH ppointecl 'by th. Teohnioal

Dire"tor to direot. t he pr eparati on• • r . Robert · • Hendora-011 •

giToa r eeponaib111ty £or r•presentlng .Pro j$ct Y and the B-Divia1on

in the >r pa.ra'liiows f or Teat Dot otor .

?o learn at f ir t hand t~ o~~ditiona under whioh tho Cr oesroada

perwonnel would work and to verify t h:e ~doquaoy of planned. f oilitha

so f ar- 1u the stat• or cont ruction p rudttsd, an advanoe 1nep•otion

party a• organi~ed and sent on 17 Mor ch 194$ by air to i nspeot t

Biktni- Kwaj&l ein area. ?hie party oonsist.d ot Dr . E.ll . Doll ,. lead.el" ,

Dr . John 1ll18J111 , oorutultant; and aar•• R.A . Bice. H.M. L hr, and

a.w. Ru4' • Dr. Doll and Dr . 1ll1am1 returned af ter A brief vi it,

and thei r r•porta w re M•t u1etul in oontinuin trnr prepuati •

On 22 roh l~ , t hree daya befor e the ohedule4 sailing ot

USS Al b marl• wit h the Los • lamoa ol!tb Pre r•ts.011 Group,., Bn 1napeot i on

or the laboratory abi pe t ermi l I sla 3b1p Y&r • d •

0 ner al Gr oves·• Dr • • Dr. Sawyer; Dr . radbury, Mr . • a rner -1'Jd r . lienderson ere one; t ho •

pr os$'nt .

During ·the course this irtSpootion , it was le rned from Ad:niral

.3l a.ncly th t ·the te t f Operat i on Cr o roada h been de1 yed p roxi .,.

t ely s i x eke . Advanta Qe a taken of this ela t o postpo


the a.Uling dat., pr oposed tor LSli GO on T$&t Detector f r o.11 l ~ y

to 15 y, and thia unquestionably influenced the f'tiu\.l deciaion

as to ltb.ethv t he aeoond test ot the operation wa• to be 'l'est, De­

to4tor or t he origixial Test Bako-t" (surt-o& detonati o:n). On 4 M&7

_. niad:• 1n favor ot Teet Detect<>r, wbioh a aeoord1ngl7 eubtJtituted

tor th.e or1gin&l Teat. Baker; -thereafter, ?est .llaker waa :recognized

aa a.n undene.WJ' teat. and the term •Dete~tortt wa.e no long.er appl1•4

to it..

With additional tinle available attor, the ottieial del 1 ot the

test• t~ proble.Dl ot collecting water aamplea tor ehendcal ruialy•i•

t.o d.termine tM ef'tioi•noy of the bemb •• again examined. ?ti.

radio ohemistl7" group {B- 14) im.da Dr• William Rubin.eon reattirlll4d

pranicable atte"' oaoh shot.

Va,-iou• sohomea to aToid oompliaatiopa incident to the use ~

remot• oon:trolled boats for 1-h• eolloetion of th& deaired. water

sample• were eonaidered and disoardedt Sventually. 1t waa concluded

that rad1G controlled 11d.rone-tt boat• should. b• us d for th• oolleetion

ot tvfo- JR typ• 1!1rq drone boats in ta~ to loa4 on boJu•d USS Cumber­

land Sound. before saili.ng. 'l'h$ Navy Bureau of Shipe. :releaasd eight

WVP''* tor conversion a.nd. assignnumt to .i; ale Gro.up l .. l . 3 of Joi:nt.

1'a.sk Foroe One tor the primary purpose 0£ collecting water samples

and tor later use in rad1ologioal s urvey ot Bikini L~goon.

~ ·- .--.,. ... ..._.. - -

. "r,

( '

On 11 April 1946 the maj ority of" t h• Loe Alamos pe.rSO?Ul$l

land Sound • .

b·. Technioal Reseonaibilitie~ ot the Moaaureme.nt Section. (.App. B4)

Th l.te.1urement Section ot the. Loe Alamo• &•Diviaion wet under

th• d.1rect eupervisio:o. ar Dr. Y • .G. llollan.y, v.tio, in addition t•

b•ing leader Gf thia seotion,. Wfl8 the ov•..-e.11 director of 1-.l)i.viaiOJ.t,.

In general . th• ma1a tunotiou or th• qoupa 1n thi• section ••r•

the mM.turemenu ot th• ettieienoie• ot t~ te•ta,. or aotimg u

servic• group• to th&•• ao-tually p~rt'ond .ng the, measurements., Thia

Rostriot1ona on qthot> important. physical obs•rvati ona wen mde .,

neo•uary by limitation• ln t1u •nd pers.omiel-.

Ae, ot 30 April 1946., the vario\1$ group• of tti. sttotion, IUJ4.

th•ir r•apon&ibilitiea. were a~ f~llcwa•

(1) G.r-eue »-s.. he Pho-tograpbio Group, under Berlyn Brixner •.

hacl the priWU"j" reai»nd .. b1.lity of photograpbi.ng with Fac:tax. camera•

the exp.neio.n 0£ the shook front,.

(2) Group B•l<>. The 1'1aat Neutron Group •. under G.A. Linenberger,

wae to ~•ur• thtt total faet. n.utron flux,., using oultur detector•

mounted on ti. deco ot " dozen veH•i• with in 1200 ya.l"da: of tr.-

Ulldng po.int .

(3) GroS? .B•ll. '?he Gamma i'im.ing Group ,. Ul'lder iorria Nereaon*

waa to •sure eortain time• on Test .3ake~ ( whei;heJ' it was ottrri e4

8. 27

a pulse aotuat&d by tLo :rl.f?'' •l £1.rini; the wo-if-on "?ld. a ?Ulae

fo d in an ionitation chamber by t hci pl'ompt batn: rn.1s upon


(4) Group .a .. 12.. 'l'he .Eleotronics Group, under Joroms WitJsn

and herbert eiss. we.iJ divided into throe inain seoti om)-'l'i:ning,

Firint;, and Ga Timing- -whos• .functioll& were interde;:ienden.t tltl't


(a) 'fhe Ti.ming t>otion,. under .Eric Durtllld ,. had for

ita main objeotiToa th• turning on of va.ttiou •leotJ"ical app&l"•tu•

by .::ieana of radio linb , and the preouion Hming of theacr oper ationa

to time zero ot Test Baker. Ttw recelTers , !'ilters {bnnd- pase

audio filtera) , and r laya ot these radio linke were e onatruoted

aa aelt'-oontai.ned unit• o mplete with ntenna, nd. these unit•

w•r• com:nonly reterred to a• •nl&ok uoxe••i hence thl$ section

waa Ott4'D called the "n1aolc 13ox" aeetion of n-12.

{b) The FU-irig Sectit:in, under l:ierhert 11 ~ had tut it•

l"esponaibility the arming firing of the bomb in 1.?oist !3 k.er .

nd the initation ot repeat-b ck sil];ll ls tha:t ir..dioato4 wh ther

the oircui ta had operated eorreotly (the "Blaok Boxe•" were o~

u ed in thtt sipla ot this .. pl1oation bee uso 0£ the greator

com.plic.ation id J?reoiaion necessary, al th<iugh tile basio. oiroui ts

w•re simil r) . .i'rovia iona N .ca • thro u;;hout for l!lul ti le-oha.rmel

operation. to avoid t ilur ot t · syst in tr ovent of r ilure

ot some t t~o coiponent ~art8 .

(0) 'l'h• -.·OU> ....... Timing Seotion, und r .A.S . Jerrema. ied.

th uty o:r 3Up11lyintJ i'.rroup U- ll ·th the ai ~ala that thnt ~roup



't ~ - -- - ---

oul<i us • Tho b sio s.ystom. oon:sisted o.f the tranami siort by ndio

t two short ,:>ulses; one ,. the pul::se a:ls 8llt i l ly !'roni the fir lng

signal, and the other,. t.r-.o puls• ohtalne.d fr-om a special ionization

chamber deaigned by Group B- 11 .

(5) Groue B- 13. l'he Airborne 8le\a1i Gauge tlronp,, under Jamets

'iii&boldt. wac to :,~easuro the bhu~-t in ir t hieh attitudes. with a

vis• to determinin3 tlHt en.er~ in flir blast.

(6) Grou? B·l4. fhe ftadi ocheidoal Group, undtlr' fl1111rm

Rubinson, •• to determine th$ et.f'icienoy of the explosions by

cOlll.pari:og., in sa.mplea ot air and nter noar the t-0at sites , the

amounts of fission products to tra amount or aotiv& teri~l 10.rt .

Since a httll'-dozen separate ar.alysee had to be nuide on e oh of dozou

of allmplos , and all work checked. the total n'UW>eit"· ot tl:nalyaes en...."'le

to oloat"J to a thousand . :this 1'4.rge amount or work \'tee done by

chemiata wrking at K jalein on th.• abort 11 ved is.otope.a amt a;t

Loe Al cs on U-.e l onger lived 1sotcpes .

(7) G~ou2 B- lG. ?he Phen~ruenolor,ical Group, under J.o.

H1raoh!'elde:r Bn4 J . ~ (;&• ,. oompilod (in "Crossrond.s iia'.l!ldbook• •

IAS50) detailed. predic~ed deseriptiona ot ::nany spects 0£ the

m.iolear xploaiom;. l'hey were the theor•tical physics consultants

ror .tJ- Pivieio.ti nd , i.n • dditiou to guiding. the d~eig.11 n prepara, ..

ur•·ont& group• by their forecasts, th~y

ide~ in the evaluation and the i n ter pr-et t.1 on of th• data taken

by the$e ups . The r r 'ra blo ce~.ir a.oy ot: so of' the ,.?redict1ons

c.f this group r...a s alr eady been .~tio ned .

( 8 ) E::oup B- la. 1'he :l'otal tladiat.lon Group, under Jrunos L. l'ualc.111

. 29


- . ..... ... ...

) waa tunotionally a pai1; of Colonel Tiarr•n'• ie.d1olog10.al fhooup.

lt •• to •UW"• the total .rad.ia..tion reoel"Nd aboard itevtl"al ot

tht olo.er target •h1pa• 111 reoording ion1aat1on ohamb•r unite.

(lotet \M won ot tM ftriOUI gl"O\lptl ·t.134 8eOt1oAa 11 41•

•oribe4 1n v-at.r 4nail 1n ApP9D41lt h.)

•. 0-..n••• Aotl •1ti•• ot tbe MN1ul"9l91'1t ltotiOD., (App. 16)

(i.) tfTPo• Pam• !be achanoe pany ot B-I>i'ri.alon

au altea'f Nu •lltiou4 (ln pan.gnt>h '!, aboTt).. Dr. hl.1.1

Mr. lio• encl .... lUla wn ,.pioM..tatlft8 ot th l•b .. ..-17

OroupJ llr. 1.eh.r' r.,re•«i"t-4 'he .... unmnt. leot1on uct Dr. .John

w11u... ev'ff4 •• oonsul teat. fhia part1 arri Ted at 1.aja1•1n

l•l•a4, la~u i•l•n4•• on 1t li&J'>ob lt••· , 1\1 .. lNlr• •r• tuartert4 111til the fOf CllW on l'ajaleu an4 MintaiMd lwa4q•rkr•

~re atU 'h• •in pany arrtTed. 1'.U par\1'1 tuution wu

to •et u ad'Y1.1en tor H.oHaary oonttnaot1on •n S-.3&1•1• ad

IUtiai 1.114 to la;y the croaadworlt tor l.4M Alata0• pertlelpaUon in

O,.nt1cm Oi-OtJ1roacl••

Although aoat ot the work ot 4he ad.'nilo• Pl"1 •• eonoeme4

'Irita Nnatno•1on •t lw.3alela an4 ~Ud•S, lt &l•o ••taltU.•W

lia11on w1th llol•h_. and. lnlwtot. lbe eonetruction on .l'AJal•ln

•• clone lt)' th9 to'r CIXU (Goutl°tleUon laU.llon Mobil• Vait) and

oonaiat.d ot ••ttbg .ap labon.tori•• and pit haadl1n' an••• At

lild.rd oonatruot1on n1 4ou t.t1 the 625 ICB (laftl Conatnotion

Battalion) and oonaiat.cl o£ raatax ~ow.r ocm•tntot1oa on BUdn.1 and

ID¥lJ, and. aetting up a nd1o station on 11k1n1 1-lan4.

(I) Cont1n\lttd Preeerationa. Yi1th th• arrival or the

1.10 - - - .


.A.lbemarl• (AV-5) at .Kwaja.1-112 on ' lilq and the eumherland lo\IDA

(AV-17) at DU:im on$ May, tbt •cly.p.oe i*RY wa ab1or1Mtd inte tU

Miu 1..o• .ua-. &*rt¥•

1Jith1n a .... k .n.,, tt. •rriru of 1;Nt Ou:mbvrland So1m4• tbf

ft.1\aa Gro~p •• •°"4 t'rosr. the 91Up to \be1r inat&ll&t1ona on

Bikini '&Ld ~- fbMa .... 11*ti.ou wr• tullJ ooeuple<l end WI"$ Nin&

•4• o,porat.lou.l toz· 'n. t••ta• · At kjal·~ th. iia4.1o Obai•t• Md tbe Alrbor~• lla.t Gauaw

Group llO'Nd lat.o their 1-bon~ri•& troa th• m ..... i.. Althovgh

the labol'•tol""i•• ...,. tinilh•4 •'b'uotur&l]J, tii. .. groupa W•

\l'Dable to ...U hll ue ot t.Mir tutallatlou •U.l the tir•t \n

... b 'b :Ju., ti.ewau• ot ba4et•w power ao\U'Oea •nd •ir •ond.itioatlii

lng. ...,_J',bel•••• th•N P"Oupa •t their cle6411DAJ aohedulea teJ>

natia•u to.. '••t Abl••

hot 1t Jildm, tu 1illlq (w Black los) .... ti.oil of l•11

•tan.ct tll•1r ,.ork ot 1•t&l11Ag the racli• u.u. P ~ ._.._.,

.iu.11. Sil• ni.r _..r.• ot ti.. v•lil wn .. ttip,g •he timinc

Control t.Ml'atort aboard ,._ C.Uwlasa4 ~ lrl ortler. rnotio•

m· t.tuaa1\Ung U..S.nc •lpw •• ob\abaM ~,. 30ild.Dg 111 With

th• ,t.,,q .A.ir Group (taak Group .1.&) 4urtq tbeu ,....U•• 4ropa

R Brik 111-4. b orP'r to ten eoonba\icm •tween the •aero•

tOA• r'l"Om ~- C\llberland ICJ\\Dd. pd th• aetual litvat, Ll•\ltaut

•--••r a. iurrte• ·anlDr. L.lt. !hompaon a.t .ap llaok »ox opaat.4

._..... on the tnua o-r .lr1k Ialand to tab picturM ot the bur•t•

It •• to\UJ4 that the tGM and ~be buret eoourrecl Within a I•• ) to.the ot a teooDd &Dd 1t w.• ••o14ed •h•t Nth ooovreuH wre 1n

••• 1




- . - - .......

•u••inent. ~der lurrbs and Dr. t'hompaon alao o•.rr1e4. through auoo•••·

fully the preUm1.nar1•• tor obtainiag 1upl•1 or -.t.r in the lagooia.

•• •oon •• poaa1'bl• -.ti•r th.e 1hot, by means ot the tw 4'R drone

boatJ whlob had been plaoed aboard the Cumb-•rland Sound at TerlAinal

1•1-.nd (••• p&r&graph ~· fho U.'Y)" d.rgne boDt program (ot 1'ask

Group 1.1.a) · wa.a .PJ"OV.n auooe11tul, how.,.i-, and. it •• 4ecid-4 to

4rop \be .JI .aro».e boat progra,

l>urlng tu t~nal "'9" \b• ahlp•• arr1~1 ar..d QuMn Dq,

the C..._.land 8oUDd .-nt to ita 1t&~ioA. 17 •utltal 1111•• trom

Zero J>01at, !n onlw to -1.low c~11bntlon ot rad.lo link r"-1.ver•

- ~ t .. 'tU"_~ thlpt . Ud Oil the 1•1_., 1129 t1r.t Ult -...

Oil ll ..i,m..

.. , .... UJ'!eNnt ••ot1on .. r••ponaihle tor ln..tallat1on,

t••t1n, encl •int•nano• ot ra41a'1on aonltors on the B•17 4rone

pla:Ma, lt •I UffMHl'f tor l>r, Y..l, a.clsel to make & fp tfripl ,0

lntwn•. to aoo.,11ah th1•· !Mae l•lf•• wr• io fill N.g• with

nU .... ot1.,. J*ri:lol•• tre the •t9'Ml ,. •• ~,inc l1"om the •.m. GA I hM, ~• lb-GO arri•-4 •t l.11d.&a1 aboud the taM, Ml

a.-41-tel)- the Finng 8eot1on am ~- au. !ialJ&& 8eoticm (ot

Group •·I.I) aowd •bO&J"4 to iu•ll tM1 r •tu1pMnt tor le1t laker.

the iuta11at1ou wr• ftn11hed b7 ·11 .J\ml. Teets •4• 1'h1i. the

Cwaberland. lotaDA na at aea on ~hat ate prowcl \maat1ataotorf,

•howing trouble with tM i-ep•t~ok o1rou1t, .&.AotMr te•t •t Ma

ou IO 4-.. pro'l9d •at11taetory 1n all re•peo~••

!u •••ur-nt gJ"OUll• on l.wajale1n •OZUti•ted of the Ra41oohem.1oa1

\ I.II


, ) 4roup, i·l•, and the Airborne ilaat Oe.uge Group, 1·13. They wn

located in quoneet huta on the eouthw$atern part ot the itl.and •

.Soth grot\pt partioipated in feat• Able and laker and made meaa...-nta

ot both •hotl• fM Radio Chem.Uta, afur Ob~in\ng and analyaing "

•am.plea ot the lagoon Wllter by dzone boat end aaapl•• ot 'tbe olowl

troa d.ro.u pl•••, 'tneratntd ettiol•no1••. !he Dla1t Gt.up Group

dropped. ooD4•iw•r blatt gaug.. a....diat•l1 "-for. •••h ahot and

.. ••i•.t J"HOJ"4• ot th• ail" blut, •t f Jdl•• alaat nnge. lh1a

· O"OUP al•O olttainfd pnot1.oe ~y partleiP41ti1'.g in ~otloe lrop• OSl

J;rUt l•lan4. ln the tlr•t t•lt,, t.be •1r t.l•ft ••·•ure•nt pePs1\W4

~he bau ett1oi ency t-o be oale\ll.1.ted., but in the •eoond teat, the

•••-.Mat .r tiu air blaet ·turntabfa rio .•GrlFl•te ••thilt• ot the


(1) Quee~ •1· ly Qu••n l>ay mnue OM• al_l lnatallat1ona

.. ,.. eompl•t• on :ehipt and tala.m•• .and •nl7 a4,1•t.BU that

woulcl h•'ff to •lt et11 nearly the l••t ainute r.1!19'1.ned., 'iu.en

a1JNIJ one •• ~lm.0•4 at otoO L (•L• •1pU1.ea 11Jd.Jd local

U•h 12 Juu1 ,,....,iatel1 therAtHr •• ~1.•14 J*l"'t1•• 1-"

t• o-Mrl.4n4 toad*° ,.rtorm tMlr tlnal haotlOJW. IU1o

oont..ot _. .Un.lud fftlllten ~b• 1hlp .- all t1•14 pant•• ln .... ...,.pMlff lhould U'lae. At ao-. et ~ ...- 4q1 ••

the 1uppo~ lh1Pt •-rtecl to i.a-.e tM lagoon~ and target W•••1 er"' wre ..,.oua'h4, the need tor ra4io oontaot beoame *>ff

•Y14ent. Jlo !no1dnta ooo wred.. All pt.J"\S." r.twn.. to· iihe

chip tey 1800 L, aftw l:ul"fing acoOJnplilhed th91r Jli.1110•. That

) uiht at &UO t.,, ~\aeen llay •• cancelled btoaue• ot watlrer.&nd



- -- ' '.'"Ir


t!M uxt 4ay kcue ~n lll111111 one. fhe •jorltJ' ot the field.

parti•• •Jlt o\lt a.gain on that 4~· ~ return-4 t:.1 urk.

On ~be aorliing ot '4\IHn ~. 24 tft&M lff6. the Ouai>gl&Dd

IOlmel. aond. out or the lagoon and. t.aded tor mr etation • . lT

llllfltl•l allea tr• t.ro. CowcU.n&t1411 ~ th• •hip and the

Jt-1>-oanyJ.n& a11"oraft •• puteot. ud •11 timing alp&la wat

out properl7. An. the ffhMN&l •htlt ud. beton ....... tq. tu

4rone boat. wn •eel &n4 p1okad ap e1a.ulaW4 radio.oti'nt apPl ...

lhe ·~1 .. wan V.:Ut•rnd \o a .. •tro1•r am hlM4 to a.Jlll•lD.

l..l•o• abmkte4 U.. pl.ar&e r~l -. IMl14 With ~bl la41o

CMaS.•ta Nmo'Ti.ng p.1-b&p u.4 t11ter• at &niw'°k en4 ao1=•'SJU'

f'Upff\i•lJ• hoa•• ot .. lay ill re-nt17 .r the lAapclll. on

Cl\JMll Dli1 • no praotloe IMl.1 ,any ffhMnal .._. tt.14. ClllMst l)q

operat1ou -~ 4eolal"ed ott1e1ally at •A .na •t lfOO L.

An 1noiduk1. t.n on QUMn 0.., as the link t.at to the

LSM-60 without~ Ooeri• •1-l.ating u JIUOh u po9aible

Jakuo· l>a¥ open.ti•• Ai• hU ... H't1•taotoey in .all napMta •

.a.t DID ca--~ and Able Da, th• •jorl\J' ot the ti• on

\>GUd. ~ C\llbetlaD4 loan4 aa we4 la pnp&ratiOA tor .&bi. Jla¥

eperat1oa. lo turther Mata wn .Ue 111th th• LtlK '"'°• an4 ue

.. ~·n to mjalein on 17 4'Ul:l4J. The ti.al obeob on th• .llaok

aoua en.494 on 19 Jum.

(•) A~l• !N• .bl• as.nu w •• umoUJM1ed on 10 hu at

ONO L. .Flr•t ot the tiel4 pu°tlH ~o ln'ff &ip waa the futu.

tollowd lt}' ll&ok Box. TM 0... Jladiatlon 9nd the hutron

Bacliat1on pvti •• lett aoon attw. 'the wtr k wnt •JBOOth.17 and all



' )

. -.... .

p&ni•• retarned. to \h9 CGlll>erlaDCl load lty 1100 L. the iad.io

Ghal•t. ., urea~ •rr1v.4 at ini•tok u.d lto1-ti•JmU". am were

•l•o atandin.g t>y on t.a.ri th• drone boat aother ahip. the Be.cor

(APD-12.7). l.t OMS L on .&.b.le ~. the Qakrlud Sound left tii.

la.goon. ur1'fing on •ta.tin at OT•a L.

the t~t ~otioe beU nm •• completed at o~o l.1 the

11w l"1Dl •tan4id •t 0860 L~ an4 ~- l'eri-l bomb eql.ode4 n .._.t11

M •Moad• .tt.r 0900 l... l MT 1Nt. _. 4'ppl"odmte~7 6t0l -p.-... IQ hlMJ 1.9",. &aawn. ~mucl Tim (.lpp·. I~, P• lff)e

Ju ttomtt •c11.n i.jUeu •t °'"· •~.ard the 1-2e -..,. ••

»naa• • Airorat"t Mo • .._,71M, piloted \)" Jia.jor W.P. lwaneutt.

Alloai \he_ .toun..n pe.-.o• •*-ri -.re *'2•1p Da'f1d L., 4'ollencm.,

or 1th• firing G.roup or ~be Los .llaaoa 1-D_irleJ.on (1-1), cd :tr-.

WOil ». laith, ot th• ha1ng <b-oup or Ul• Loa Aleu• 8.-'>i•1don

(I-a). Nth •81"TiDg .. -..p .......

VatOl"Wnatel)', lleeaue -ot penozuwl error, t.he t111d.ng •lt;n•a

tr. aiau IO UOcm4a on WJ'e ~ttH. •pprcm.t9l7 1.5 ...on.U

latte an.4. W.. ••414 'l•t. •'9.nlr:\g fd a --1>er ot reaorting S.utn­

... w 1'hie:h ..,.. ~ to k • ....,. b7 the ••-ter ttJlitlg aipl

(App. •a. p. 111) •. "lh1a oonrnnu ud the lld.••ing ot ~ lnt••-4

ltull '• ep by .. _...h •• about 1,000 r ... t (., .. paragr•ph e aboft)

wn the 110et •¢oua ~aulta ill. the operation ot le.at. Able-the)'

WN 1Zl tao-t tu only taul'h or a111· •t.rial ooneeqmnM ..

the 4r=- bnt• were suiJMeatvllJ' optll"at.ct. and •ample• wr•

pieked up by the Jadio CMaiet• an4 W&D.9terre4 to Kwajale111 TI&

o•tropr. •t lo1 •amar tu lad1o Cheai1ta p1oke4 -.p the .a1r

- - - --



tilters trom the Sa~ FGF drone•. Both p&rtie:s. Y.'i th .their a&?npl•••

1tln'e t•tt1-1 to :t~ir .&ajalein labor•toriea by plane.

the Cumberland Sound. r ..... nter•d the lagoon Able ~- &tternoon.

1'he Futu pertiH prooeeded. to -their •taticma to pick llP their

film. but bfMsau.• ot th• thd.ng wttor no •u1tabl• reooru we.-e

obtairuaci,. On '-bh plue ,'#.Qe ud. two-. the »eu.tzron lla.4laticm part7

wnt to the tariet "V•• ud managed to p1ok up 84 out -ot •• .

auplp cm ~ant the targ.t ahip.., ·&nd th•n -:Nturnecl ~o Los J..l••• lt>. ol'd.er to •O'Ullt th• a.UTit,-. the Ga.-. Radiation party want

out Oril.1>1• pl• ho u.4 r"oYer-4 nooh\• tr• 11 .... out -or -1..gkt


(&) ~l.lllaa !!z. _After _..l• Day,. •ouU.r.abl• •ttart-.

put into -.king hr• \bat tbe Uaka to th• i.sx-eo wol.ald be $.11

perl'Mt or4er tor laker Day. Werk•• contia-4 alao. bownwr,

on tM llao.k B.Qus ed iihe 0..-. ia41at1on 1.NtalJ.ationa. althoup

there -. .eo:ma 4•lar beoaua• tkn approwd target layout -.. l!.ot

aY&ilable -until •tt.r J'illia= Day.

L1ak WR:a betWM1'1 ihe 0\illllbtat'l.cd lot.=d •t •• .and the LIX-ec>

iii ~ l&pon .... ·•~nduot.4 on'· 11 .. 11. 14 and 16 "'1)', nth

•ueo-Ha nported on all tub •xo.pt that on 11 .naly.

lfi1111a ainut one ~ •• deolar-4 oii 18 4ul)r. and r•gular

?mmw -.• ~ •pentiou ..n oarn.4 out. la a441t1.oc. pa:rt1u

wnt ~o th• LSlt at .2010 Land ...,.. Joined l>y S.otion S.....4•r a.ro.rt ·Ball and Willlut &ob)' (o.f \he firing leo1do-n ot B-12) at o.ao L

on William Dq. »r. Jlollo..7 ._. •qouated to tu Cwaberland

) Som:td at OM6 L. w1 th th• othn pwsonn•l nainlng abou-4 to

On •111.iu. Day. 19 July 19•6, the Ouml)erlam So\md 1•tt ber

berth mid •t<>od. ott .~ lala::ui until Dr. Jiolloa,- OUli8 aboard.

At 0130 L the •b1p •a on •tation, 15 aut1oal mil•• tl'f'lm. pol.lit

kro, B.aa.use Gt watbe-r ooCiiltio-ll.8• "liaw" bol.W •• po•tpem.d

10 Jdn·utM and the n.nearaal bolr.'b waa 4•t.onated at 0006 L. ft.

~ration na auo'°oaatui. &lthoup oue ~t-baok l1Dk tailed

Moaut• of pnet&tor t&ilure on board~ Uli-«>. ·A. tlaah bollb

•laulat~ th. bed>. l>ut tired. .by ilaolL Box ·~•la, •nt ott ...-17

koau•• ot •purioua uc.i.. i.-ent17 praoUee operation• wer. •octS.n'*1 t.hat 48¥ ud

•1111aa ~· aot.tnti•• ded at l.600 L.

(t) !fk•r !&• fhe i.Jlteria MtwMn 'Willia »a, ancl Bak•r

) .Jla¥ ..._. ua-4 tor puttin.G ·~uipant in tb&l wrk~ abaP•• On

U hl.7 the C~erlud Sotmd nat ~Ma again to pw atan41ri

•ipal• ~o the llack .loxea • At ~• ••• tiu a auoe•••tul \eat


-.. ht14 w1 t.h tM LBll.O.SO•

hlt•r ainwi one ay-. 4eoland. &t 0900 L, M .JW.1• 'Ii:.

.... aoron.g the Jaa~ .-rid t.a. Gunaa iacU.atiOA f&?'1d.- ~ft th4t \~:'.-.,·~~-: : ; • .-:::, I , , l,",_~ ~·,:'.";" •·' '.•J

ebi,p tor th•1r ·1t&t.lona. J>art.1 .. lett tor 4-be ~to ....

timl t.ata. •t 1%00 L Dr• Boll097 looad all t1111~ vaneaittcoa

a the Oumberland tO'Wld ~o pve tM by• tQ ttr. Sanier c ta.

tax. !Mt night, att.r all parti•• bad ,..turM4, Pr. Jioll"""1'

and Dr. &.11 'Wllt to the ~ to aptnd. th• n1gbt.

At 0500 1. on Bakor ~. the ClllJb.orlanii Souud. l•t't. aer anoharap

and at 0420 L the l.aat en.01.ation pt.rt, t'roa the LSM-60 oma

... .,

.. I'

') aboard. The Curaberl..00 Sound arri Titd at statiott at 0715 L.

All operation.a were carried out •~oesatul.ly. and the t..st-B bomb

we.• cletonated at 59.f ••conds after 08S4 L., 25 July 1946, or

approxirntely 4aS5 p.m.. 24 July 194G, Ee.ater.n. 6tlindard 1'1.me

(App. 12, p. 151). Art~r bcm.b detonation. the Radio Che.:Aista,

•gain using drone boats, l\Cq\llred rad.ioa-cti ve aampleG from tho

tty •hip. Air •GiPl•• wre aoquir•d ar.d. tr•wuni tted to .ltwalalein

by pro.otdure• 14-entiolJ. with tboae uaed tor fest Able.

At 1500 L the aa:ne cla1, t.h~ Cumberland So't&Jld r•-.nt•red the

laioon, taking a poai ti on in the lee or En,yu l•lt.nd. The aam.e

att.rnoou the t1l• trom .l!l)1U laland. •• euouat.t. On Jiak'lr

plus one. all ~u1~ was en.omted t.rom Bzv\l. On Dak•r plus

three, tilm •• te.~en .from .Bikini and tbs. t afternoon the Cumher-

land lo\md pvt out to •• beoa\lle ot goH1ble l"adiolo&:tc•l 4~•r

ln the la&0.on• The ahip o..., kok the arternoCIXl ot .Saker plllll

tov • eel all equipment •• •n•• t..t trom Bildn1. the Mn lD<>mia&,

iak•r plus ti•e. the ahip &rtiired •t her old be.r'th in the lai;oon.

cand the ~ Ra.d.i~tion party went out and r.oOY:erod their noo1'4a

u wll u th•ir •quipmnt. 1'he .&lack .Bona were alao recowr.d

\he 8"1;.te day.

. On l August. the .Ciaborl&l'.14 Sound l•rt the l&"'OO.?l• and arr1-.e4

at San Peuo. Ce.lifornia. on l2 AuiUtt 1946.

9. Mianhattan. Diatriot i'ereomlttl.

In the toregoi.lig paragraphs o!' th.ie ohaptc:r men.ti on has been

u.de of the lLaIDN ot •11¥ peraonnel o£ the Manhattan Diltriot Who




took & 41.r-4Jot put in OperaUon Croaaroa'19,, and in moat oaa ..

an imU.t».tion baa b"n g1. von of til6 contribution• r.aau by non

one. lt ha.a not b<ien te .. ai.ul• in •ll ou"• howe-vw. to 41at1Xl•

,uuh olearl1 betlfN.n thoae 'Who belor.pd to th• iilanhattan iii.at.riot

an.O. th0cJe who d.id. ootJ inde-4, it u iu 80JM .,. ... dU'tiolillt to

4-o~oo •\lOh & dUtl.notion e.Otmn.;.q. ln F•paring tb• noapit"1a•

tion 'llhioh folloq• of t.h-. prino1p.l Creearoau OJl•ration peraoim•l

of 'the iiilanhat.-tan J>i.atr1ot u4 tbti: .eoAJ.trib\l.ti ons. ~ J.atat1oa

hu be~ "° boll.Ile the ...... of all tho.e ot 1~•• who -..n.

Or bac1 -ll. fl'•Tio ... 11. 4ir-Mtl3 OODneOt.4 wi~h tM ~'ti:all

· liatriot. lt •Y •ll N that ..-l'or• oJ: oai .. ion haw 1*111 •4•• 1t •o• the •~ ot th.u ••P'W np'9\a th.ea and •••-- t\all

reapOllaibiUt1 ~or them..

.koAueo tn. boinba u.eci 1n tn. t.ata wn -.aut.eturecl by the

M&nlattau .Diatrl•t• it. i .a oorreoc \io "1 'iha.t M&rq ew17 peraon

in th.ti ilutr1ot hlJ1 u i.atlJlao~ pan b the opentton. fhia

no-.pi~1llatlon i• o~iDllcl., Mw'NT• to tiNot parti.oi~u oal.J•

ftjor S-.ne;eal 1..ll. c'Wo....a. Aas C-nUng Gen.9nl ot ~

tifanba"41ul Pro.1•ot.. (;e1118nl GroYu 4li,.oMcl •r appro'Rld 'the pan.

pla1-.4 ~ tn. •P9R'ticm ~ th• ~ttu .iiatrtot u a 'Whoa and

by it. oOllaponent ergani.Ationa -.ncl 11Jdin4ual•• ~ ••rw4 alao

u ocm•ul 1ient to ~ iaek l'oroe OOlmallder. S. tmd -.ben ot

>us ilaahin&'t;on Ae&G.quarter• •tatt, topther with Mrtain .e.i'Yilian

ocuultanta. aorved •• an ac.hi.•OI')' group to .Admiral il~ troa

'tb 1n1 ti&l. 0~9r.1e•• t.bro~ all. •tape of plamdag• ~or e110h

1~w •• the tar,~ la;tout. t.-l end. ewntudti.on loacling ot •hilHI•


1ec\tl"1ty moaeures , looation of dota.nf\tion lJOints t or both bom~.

a nd censorship or ,photo;r~ph3. Th:ie group alao -.dv1.aed. th~ Anq

Ohiet ot Starr on CrouroadJ mattere wii oh were referred t o ths

Joint Ch.i ets ot Starr. General Groves alao served wit h the lfiU­

tar.r .Advlaory Board to t he ot'f1oer-in-C4erge of the Atx;mic Bomb

Proje~t .. and this Board attended i mportant con!'er•ncea at which

pltt.na tor t ho operat ion were torlllulated. · {App Bl. paragra.?h 84J

B3, z.21.)

!tear Uad.ral "=!·· bftOnf•· fbe .a.ppointment o1 .ldminl hraou

u D.puty Tuk Foree e..,.nde.J" tor !ecm.ti-o•l DS.Neticn ha• ~

••tor1be4 in par•gnph 6 above. ln thi• k•1 position and u

~nde:- -of luk Gro~ l .. 1. 'the l•ohnioal Group. he dirtt0ted. all

the t.ohnical and •o1eutifio acti 'V'itiee of tM Ope.ration. am be

aerTed ae lle.hon o.f'.f.toer b$tifeell the 1'aak: ForoEi and the ~ttan

Di.Gt.riot. Adro.1.ral Paraone al10 eervo.d a:i a Irli!llllber ot trui LeM&y

BubcoJ!Illlittee ot the 4'o1nt &tatt I'l.ann•r•. and• aa alternate tor

Admi ral Pm-Dell,. on the · illtary M.vaor)' loaN. to t.he ott1oer­

b-ehar,ge ot t~ .ltamio .Bomb ProJ•ct..· (App..· 1>3• S.2~ ~.!5.)

f!!Jor General t,F ._ Jarrell. General Farrell .Md ael"f'Od a--s

execut1WJ ottic1Jr of t ho ~ttan Pro.,.ct and as deputy to Gez:111u'al

Grove•• fie had •ern.d aa t1eld COlSDIIldttr Of the Ii:i.roehilla. and

•a.•aaki llieeione ~ ot the •rlhattan Di•trict •t:l"VeY goupa

who had entered ~al.Jan ahtll'tly after the ceaaati on ot bostil1 ties

to eval,J11te the etteota ot the two co1ubat banba. General farrell

had retired to printe life (in the !low York Stftte De"'art."llent or

) Public Worta). when he fts appointed a .anem.ber of the ITe.luation

··-.. -

~ or•W ~the loint .~iii.ti& ot.at&tt,. . fa ~P or···. ~ IG&J'Cl -· u.no\IDHd IS .llaroh 19f.6J ,ill ~u- \o ..... 1

r.m.i.~. 1-t J.nc1.te4• 1>r. ~f. ~ P.twaia.s ot .Xaa-..oh11-

•""- lut.ltui;e of feo)m.Q~OIJ.• ~J Mr, Bra4lq hWQ~ · Pn#l•

.a.nt.: tb.a ~ CbealuJ. aootev • . Vta• Cbair.n1· a.z.v.1 .49 •

• til•"- tto-MtMlla&. Cleaw-U. lbth Anq ...,_ (auoowdM • . aftef au• de&~ 1tJ ~. Gu.ral A.G. w-,..~ C48Ms;4!ac O.,s...i,. I, ....

. .

l.nq)a ~ -....i ~ 1.-.... • l,..t&,l ~8'7 la ... ·Otri.8

....... ~ ._,., a.r MCM ~· o.taue.. a_.scw SaV 'W l• . .

., tn. v.-.• ·-~ Ja&i11ti·•··..,-• . (An,." -- ta.')

' ..... .C sM111l.S: .._ ti( ._ ... w · ta UNI .............. ~

...... i.u .. J .__. o~ •wu .._'-' · t....,..~ ~---~u1

.. ~..,.. ~o .• ,,; '·"'"*·'· Jlep~t.'1• •• ~l&1 .•• . . , ,..

--~· ~ Dr~ a.'O,. Cowioa, DUN:t:.w ot tW '-1-.l ..... ,., ' '

~,: ·~ lnMU.7 ~· ·~ .... a-:a.i. Jnei ... ot ~ ... ~ ........ ~1QQJ ·~ J'"4 ~1 ...... .,.-o..i ~

... -- · --to the a....tary ot ltat..) (App N. p&p lA.)

O.ltmal lt;attCll"d L. ~. Joa Cbiet ot the lle41oal 8-Uu

ot -th• llanhattan »11"\not_ Golon.l llarnn •• tb• 10,ioal •n to

Mn• u U.4 ·ot ~· la4ioaoUY1~7 Group et Operation Crot•r•u.

an4 to a.,.-w.,, a.41010,i•l ~ety A4naw to the C-nd•r ot

Jola\ luk r_.. en.. !be f\moti-.. wpnisat.1• aD4 aoti Y1 ti••

or the Ja41.oan1Y1t7 Group i.w ball •nn'*l in ~ph f abo'n.

Col••l ...,.,_ •• ....,..u .. 111"7 to¥- --. ,roteouon •t ,._....i 1..-.

~ .-S.ol.P•l ....,.... ~lnlarlJ' atwr .ten ..._. •• ·•

Ma'f1 4Dte l~ .1• .... \1.7 to hi• ..... 1\ tha\ Mt a 8lngl9 ._ .flt \)Mt

•I.COO perae>ml•l irt'ol wd •• Hri..oul7 ~ved lt7 nclioe..ti n ty­

._plte the •••1"9 of t!lOH •oaoel'U4 ·•th ~ pllaa .. ·Ot ·\M

\Hts to ntuna to 4anc•roua anu .. aoon u p01S•il>l• (.App. •i. ) pap 68).

Ar, •el· •m)n!'l. ._ »innor •t • w. •laao.t l.aboratOZT•

»r. lndbWJ :elino'-4 tM •eoP9ftth• aotle •t· that labontoey

ln lt• ~t ~tribv'U.om to Operation Cl"a.eraaa • .-1>11abtd

.. a,..w s..11"11•1• ·'4th• Laboratbl"f· ..... ill alditi-. ... .,..

.. a .,..1.i ••\lltant Nth u la-.S.npon -UMl •t IJJdn11 all ·14

ta... aoU'ri~1a _,. 61•...S.Mcl la cna'kr cletail •~ hff-1A.

(IM Vol• 11 alao J.pp.M1 u. I.«.)

»r • .az:t.. :!m•• the bl"ni\7 et the eoaneotion •t Dr. laW)'v

with the ._,_tt&n J>iatriet prior to hi• appoiat.mt •• feohnioal

Dinotor ot Opera.Uo.n Cr .. aro&da bu t11Mn 4 .. oribed lD. pata&rapb. T

aDo.W. h~l•••· H:P"i.&117 lanw• >- M14 the U\1-• or

, ) J.a•oo1ate l>ireotor et the Loe A.Jaaoa t.a'boratol"J'• Ma ••: •leap

•• u


in ~hi• neapltulatioa. tu.a oantr1.but1ona to ·thlt opvat1e wn

1-ponut • ._ 4 ... 1"1~ in th• feolmJ.oal Jleperl ot 18 loT•mbv 1946,

h1e napou1bil1UN, ·wntl•r .A41liral Pareou• •1nolwlecl plaml1n,g.

·•clll1ni•trats.cm. ooo.r41*t1•• tuld •UJ>.n1•1on or -••W'".-nt ot

pna•v•. n41at1on. • .._., ·nd.ioaet1"1tJ'1 u4 otMr '41reot .tr.at.a•

ot tm• •xploaie. (b~ aot .. t.l"ldJ:1&Uon ot d.-ge to •h1pa 4m4 •'t­•rlal and-' ~ti.on ot hJUPJ "° cdmal.1)•. (j.pp. U, I.ff)

.or • . a.e. Boll!!fl• .Dr. BoU.-, ba4 .1-n OM or tbe i:D'l tlal

eoiatltJ.o ,.-nonnel •' ~ .Aluloa Labon'GIT .m eftli Mton thi•

r..Hn~017 .. et.n.4 lMt W •.......t oa llnbattu l>inriot WQl'k, u

• Ua4 •t a CJ"OQ at Part• lninr•l,7, .a.r 'tu ce-ral tiNOtlcm

ot Ji.. I.I.._,..._,_, •. At t.09 AJ•ta11191.- .. a .,,..jeot legt-

MW :la the I ( ... pon ftlpiu) D1'fi.almi. an4 he ahan4 with ».r.

h111p ~·on th• ••pcma1b1Ut¥ ot ,_lptac tu pit ••-1>11

•t tM bomb. ror O,,ratie Oroaaroaa a.. .. ""4 •• a:a.M ot ~

~•1•1u., and Jae ale• hM49d iih• .... .....-ut• lro11p ot that Pinlicm.

wi\h ...,_, • ..._,. 4Hl the C18berlaJMl ......... ( ... Yol. •1 •1", App •

... •a.> •• Yr ......... • • •rmr W lang -. aotS. w at Loa Ala~ ..

· • Md. ..,..,-4 on '1» ..... C....S."-8-the teoJm1oal poU,07 oa.d'ttee-

tor th• ~jMt ot uta,blUhiDC an .. .,..... epe.n.U• -... at IJ.as.u,

tor ~ ~--t •• ot ~ ewllie bomb (P.rojeet Ai.Mn&), am ta. 1'ad

llMAM 'be fat Man AaaablJ t ... ~·~bat projeot. f'or Operation_

CroaarM4•• Mr .• Waniv Hl"ftd u ..._1001ate l>tnaicm. Leader or B-

1>1'f1a1u. am •• alMnlat• '° Dr. ao11-.1. am he Md.e4 ~- .laaeablr

, ) a..t1oa ot that 1>1d•ion.. (a .. Vol. 11 al10. App .• ••.)


' )

Other penonMl of tile J>.J)i'fiaion an ahoWn on the organisation

obarta iu App-911Alix A. fheae oharta are 14erit1tiect •• tollow•

(1) QaobJ.t S.Otion of B-tliYiaion. u ot 8 -Maroh 1~&.

(2) Maa~t Seotion ot i-1>1Y1•10A, U ot 16 Katoh 19".

(a) 8-Dirt.loa 1'ea•t&J"eMnt leotion, u eou~ituMcl d.uring

iU.a1m.t1ag!thii •upli•atioaa iD tA• ...... 1illlllQ4ecl OA th ... - ' -

•baria, J.'1 ,..-~- are ..-. All ot "._. •erw4 u ..... GllD91

•t \!&• ... titan hat.ti.•~· Arrup4 lD alpb&O.t1oal ....... "*7 '•.

Dana, i..11 . . kna~ LY.

1>e •.i.. e.a. a. •lilt. a.a. DJ.at-. X.~l Dantr, S..L. »o44a. ldw1n L, Jhwntan, -Jolm ~. 11"1• &q.1i.a.1r. Da ly-ut.r._ l>r .. Forti•• .Prank .Fowler• Glen A. -laWiel••· .,...., s.1,.. ...... . tolbkia. Al.Mrt .8Jr11ntna. LU. a.11. a.n.n iplltou, ha -1. .... ..... J>one.14 c.. ·a.rru. Virg11 ~ -~ •. , .. lm>cv. W1Ulu. a.nd.er•oa• a.-.. •r.ana.. s.c. JlilcleWud-, Lt..Coadr.

•• a. Bill. Onilh JIS.llia, 1-Mlla,T/6 Birabt'•l4•r • J. Boll0Ma7, 11ara11 •·

•i..·ao"" Jiff.ate"P. C..,.ltvD - ...... . __ .. a..n~ Mats, fir. ~-~~~ "'-•• •• 1..a .• 4oma.ou, i.oclm7 · • • llvll. J.. .lle1n, .Joseph. x..,, ..... Jnwlan.., Arihw ~. Greorp.A.. l:oaop1Mld.,, llariall ~...-.~ Paw.I/I .. .... ll\OM• •• l&rts.a. •11u..

- t.vaoe,.•11uaa ......... LirMnabvpr • G..,l. LlYinptGD.• »oml d C • tee-. t.a. ...... ~-.. ... llolm lla1nba4t. .a.en M. Muti•~ Dcmal4 .119. Mek ..o...... •.o.. 1r. lln41t. &iebarcl JU.lea. .Johll li111el". Donal cl Mont&OMI")• f1*o4on

•1•7, Jionu W..1, ., .... . 19naoa, lorru .... U.Anh• Og\•• 'Wllliaa Orti.a. loba1ra' hrlrAll' ....... la ... ,,

'•J.Mn. '· .. Pedlftsek, IN• Prl.r.lM• $14Jle7 l.. ll&1lla. L. .•• &1..u .. .fohn a. Jloark. •.1· a.i.. . .1.ob7, •t.lll&a .... -. ...... ~ &ohl.tbg. w.ltiaer "·

hhiuoa. .Wi1u ... . auileliMr,, OaAther &.•, liarlw •· luat•ll. io.l!m •• 1ew.1...,, a.z. hbv.1-t•. lta)taon4 a.._r, a.a. •lotb.. U. lid.~ Won ». Bt&ul-. Charle• aw.rt.. WU11aa a. &tU.a. John r • Sw.atont. t.ro.y &. ~a.--. '-JllODll ~µ • thorntou. .GunnaJ>

io. . ·a..itt -4 eo.i.1-... !he 9:0S~ :Uaportut multi or Opent1• 0r0saroa4• •1 1*

4eaori~. ·u tollnl (App • .11,. Ja'&Vy~ tl) •

!.• It •a 4ncm.-~*1 •M.t • Jtr•P.rly pl.u114 •tolllle ksib .•

) •1tbft' ia tbt. air or ~\er• will aink • eapit,&1 •hi.pat olff•

nnp, ..._ .. bta,.Y ahipa w1 thin IOO ,.,.u. u.d daMge light ah1 ps

115. thin 1.000 ,-a.rda.


A• 1~ .. C-.outrate4 W.t _th• ra41.oaot1rl'tJ' &e•t'•W ~

~· expl .. lon .r ..,. .wai• "1od> 11 • •jor ouult7 fnf.uolac -.tr~

i, .. . ~--~ •r• oolleoW on fib:• _.rt.oh ·•t ill• atomo

..... ~111la& ~l••\ pt•••m"•• :•a~. H41Gllet1u~ ot i119lon

pro11tou. nct1at1on ·ot •..trou, ..- ·~. a1p11a ud JMta flll"'lol••·

M.olo~o&l naot1on1, ~ •leot.roni•••

!.• . ru la'W1' anj 'th• Anq ~ by ·~114¥ or th• •f't..U on ._1 r etuip11Bnt Whioh .. expo••4 at a1tin1, "1~1 " .. n.1.a to uaip.

equ1,PMDt 1n th• · tvtve with bo.ied.~e •• to how to pHWot •st1ut


An inton.UY• and tbought-prow~g -ooaparatlw nal•\ion

of the two test• •f Operation Croeeroacla .ay M fOUDd iii 'U&• laa\.

Motion ot tba •PrtJU.mi.naq 8t..tement Of ~ hal•tion loarcl•.

nleue4 l>$ th• l'h1 te Bou. on Z .luguet 19". · fb1a .aeotion i•

headed •Obaenat1ou end Comlu1ona. 9oth t.n.• uc1 read.II u

1'41.lowa {App. 1a. pqe• 1ee, J;tl)t

•fM openU.u ot #int laak foroe 0.. 1n •Olllluotbl th•

'klta M'ff ••t :& pattet'A tor -.l.••• · .UM'Uw eoopen.t11m ot the

Anae4 8.eni ... Ult -1...S.lian .. 1mli•U la~ p)••ID& aal .... .­

•S.U ot W• .W.chlJ t.olmiMl *PQ&U•• .Mo.Nowr. the _.. Mft

FOYiM4 •l•lJ:l• VaS.JdJa,g ot pttne.DM11A .,.lat .,_.,1olal ~ .-t P*JialOli -_. ·e~.u~ •t .non.,

•h 1• iJlpuailtl• to .-.1.•t. an ate.lo llWS\:..k ~ .r

•01Wentioaal np1-!98e ·u "o ~eaaU• an!. blot -dtMM.- -....

the larpa\ ..,_ ~ 'the put •• •ttM-'tft wttJlla. a n41 • <1t a

tn --"4 left.. -· atoaio 1>aiab•t .t't•tiftll••• eu M .... mwt ·-

b ·th.~ ot , .. ,. ...._,.,,. t• n4S..1oc1Ml flt~ law ao

· ,.nl.l•l J.a •oriftntiaal ..._... 'lt ii .. ,...,,. ~t a ~

'1eoal bub .. .,. 'a ·&in.t ldt or a ... r alaa .r .iot _,,...than•

t .. fMt U •u•• •1~ ...... tio a laa~l .. hlp. At 11Jd.Dl

the -uoolMl ltOab, lnar•U111 ••r •'-"• allU&k • 1*t\l••hip 1-41-

atelf at • di.9tanee ot wll ow.r IOO t .. t. lt •amapd an alroratt

.... n.r eo \nn it Mnk l.Jl at• bow•• wb:1l• another battl••hlp

••nk after ft ft...,... he tir•t l>•b, lMlntlng 1Jl air, 414 creat

llaJ'll - auper.truotur•• ot •Joz- •hlpa Within • au...ii. n41u•.

) Wt '14 olll.J IWlor claap to tWr hlllt.,. lo 8hip WJ.Wa a a1le

:·- ' .. ···


and ae.rioue injur, to a la.rg• 11tm>ber of its orn.

•.utho~ l•thal reaulta mi&lt haTe bMn mor• or l••• e.quha­

l•nt. the r•diologio&l ph9nGm9n& aocomp&l\y1ng \he two ~urats were

Mrkedly •ittennt. In the o .. ae of the a1r-bw•t .bo:rab, it aeeu

oenain that utt,protclot.4 i-raonnel withb. one ailA would have

•\ltt•nd high ouual ti•• by in.tome neutron and cu.- rad.1ation

•• well u by blut e.nct .beat.- fhoao •\Jl"Yirlni 1.rmedi.at. •tt .. ta

woWA 11ot ltaft Men -.oo4 lty rad1oaotint1 peniatin.s att.r t"he ·

•11:1. the oue of the \mdorat.r •xploe.1on. the a1r1tret •T• •• ta 1••• 1.ntenn and ther• nano bat • .,.. ot •1gn1tio.n.oo.

1'oreoftJ"• \tecauae of tJle abaorption or neutron• and ~ ftiY• 1-y

•t•r. tlie l•tb&l qaU.~ ..t the tirtt tlaah ot radiation•• not

•t high arder. M tho aeoond bcr;ib threw lar&o •.e••• ot Mghly

n.cUoactin ftter .ono the d.eob &n.d ill.to "the .·wll• or -..ca•l•.

1.t\IJ'M4 all 11 Ying Wnp aboVd tna witil ln'fi*-1'.bl• ud J*i»l• ..

but 4&&41)' rad.ia~cm.

*It 1• \oo •oe». to attempt an ual7a11 o£ all of tM lmplloa•

'tiona o! tb.e litln1 \e•ta. But lt 1a not too aoon to point to the

MOoui'\1' t'w 1-cliat• arAd 1ntena~ .... reaearoh J.nt.o anen.l umque

probleM poaecl bJ tb9 atomic bomb. fhe pol,aozd.».£ or l.aJ"p "f'Olaee

ot ·water pnamlta .uoh a probl-.m. Study auat be 11 ven to prooed.w••

tor prowcting aot; only ah1p•' ercrq l>ut aleo the populations or

) oitiae a.pinat auoh rad.iologioal ertnt. •• •r• de:ao.netrated. 111

) Bikini lagoon.



"Obsenatione during the two teata ba•• ••tabli.n.d the

geJMtral tj' .PH and ranP ot •ft'ecti TPieH ot air and abUlow

underwater ·atoms.o-.bomb burata on aanl ftHell, •n».Y •t.•ri•l•

lnaluding a wide yar1ety of ~uart.Tiaaater •tor'••• and _v.raonnel•

J'.rom th9•• obaenat1ou &nd fr(ft;l 1.Alt.na.atal MR it 11111 AOW w poaail)le to o~li.ne auoh obiing••• not only in a1litar1 and na•l

4eeign but al•o ln atrat•a and. t.ot1••• ·•• ~,.. e'"11t4 •Y

indioat. •

._tlonal ••curl '7 4ietat .. the 84opti.on ot a polio)' ot innut

read1neH to d•t4tnd our•eb·•e Yi&Ol"OUllf &gaiut Cl)' threat of

atomio _.pon "traok at auy ~ ~ adUNne. 'to thu polic7 Gt.11

1t 1• oerta1n that there can Mver be an atoid.o -.r. One andu:rilag

pr1noiple ot nr bu not l:Jffn al1:•red. o~ the aclftnt or the atom.o

W&p<m. Qf'tna1Te l'tl"•zicth tlill r--.in the Mat clefenHij .. therefore •

. ao long •• atomS.• ~ ••ld oono•iftl>l7 h 11.Hd apiut thia

•cnantey. "-9 l•ri wpe tM ocmt1n'*1 proclGOt.1-0A ot aw.1.o Mterlal

·ancl naeuol:l u4 4nel •Jlla9lJ.t b. all t- lU ralattcl to •tomio wartve. •





A.1 Orpn1&at10JI. CU.rt•

1. Orpniaat-1on Obarta .Uaeably lection ot B-DiY1•1•;

•• ot I Jliu'oh lt•e

1. Ol"pnlaat1on Charts x.u..-nt h•~lcm ot 8-D1Ti•1on.

u 91 Ii llaroh lNI

a. Orpnlati.on Cbarta a-11..Ulon • Mea•v...rrt lec\lon,

M •••tl~-' 4vinc ~ ope.-.tlon ..,. .... ,

11.'~ .;Jl9t•n••• . _·.~.


.t 'O • ... ~

•,_,, '--' ...._:

.dS~ nctto1r 01 I DmltCS A8 ot 8 llArch 1946

---- kog•r · s. W.rner11 Ir• ' Lt. Cole Bll.1.1 1 .. WilUft• Jr.1 . Gln A. Fowler, a.. w. Btb4er•u

ft..U B. Ll•bo• .. B• 0. er..ninc. hnald .. ttS.•k

JS•l P1r1~ Di'oup tr I" ... o. iloeori, Jr.

1-i 'tt!Q·· 14 .... .-11 lfi'o.p .. . *°"' ti«leJ" Jlr .• Geep A• !Hct.r Al"tlmr ...,hn

haip Da..-14 L. .bdwa• rnmJc ror~t.a ,

Dona14 c. • .... Anhv ·Coll1u Robert L Jla~t llill~htt .r. bllltlng •• c. Hermann

on. Gorge P. ti.1197 TI.noent cai ...

.. JlltMwp 1'toa D. S.S.th Pld.U.p •• la.l"H• L. ..... b '°""' ll•la •illl• Larkin t.rer a. ltn4tw4

M Pit W ~~l•.-a!fP!.J a;:oup tft4- cs:o;p-zer LI. SO:re1ber J!Jll'low W. bat

L.S. llotln ~ ».-. n•e LL a.-1 ~ hlml~I Je11 Drda Aft'rJ Boal L.I• TIMmpaoa L .G• .1.-. .. '• 1-rl.Mn f MJ»de&l ltoaltrecla

lri&mt !Med.or. .. , .. ,,

11')'0 a. Annr .una ». "• •••·• .. lftlltu •• Stnan Phillp IL DaUq In BMllltn blmlth o. lloelnlalt

111 s . .,..._,.. John L &uaell

l•f AU- ceoritnattill .Ollp ii&aer r

(Olen •• Pftlw) AH·U--~tn4W c.u; 69'1. . W:riOt 1'914 Llaiacm str.a.Cli0iit2 u..~~1-

eap{. ···~ 1'rta\iol'll RJ.. lmpp Ar--n\ 11.m·

1.-.E~ring (1.1.~r•on) I.A. Bioe .

Air Of)l1en1ou

f. '· ttiffi w. ~ ·.Jilai"oa e-t.e&tiou 1.1. x.a. Kania Warren

"!Ee l!iF .. n

ehill Barria .. Jarr.tt JOha Kil•• ncha•l 01..,.,

f • ... ~


J.9 J'Utu lroup nn ... BfflJn ans.r laok »"7 illn Bartlett Ralpll i.. Connet

'· •• a.ig91' cat>lton Hooprp

B-11 Coad••-- ... S:oup LHder Jue• lfielJold:t

DI.rid. Bart• Mwin ~ ,.ul lnt1aenbaotaT/5 Willia La_.._• J'nnola l'Vbl', t/4 _ o.tMI" h&tnM!'g Jlapoad .fqlor Ommar Thornton Biarold 1. Joung



DASUlmml! SECT1011 OF & l>I\'IS!OI Jlarahall a. Bell°"'f

IAW .... ,_,._,.,, B. •• Lekt• Y • .a.. lfed•l Jlld-ian boplm1d.1 S.07., Dorl"la Touag. t,pin

B-10 ran ... v. lf0tip tna... -CJ. A. LS'Aftl>erpr

1'1• !WOW. . wuu.. Ocl•

-l 17o•Wt•hat!t!t

' oup rm.,. WillS. h'bU.Cril

Re L Mas h,. Jtu-rtok

l•ll _O..._ ti&n5 Soup !Aaler 1Wr1• ......

'1111!.aa 9'1Nitt · Al"'t!Nr 11m1t1ea

l)cmal4 Bllv .

I 1-16: .. JltlawMloa Soup !Jidw J. Blraohftlhr

... !ftlll1 "'•· John.•&" '

A.a or 25 Baroh 1946

B-12 ft~ ?&oup ~,..


.... s. .. ut Blrbert Wela•

Le t. t».•n•r a. o~ W.btt•r

tlaS.nga lri• ovam,. seo.t.41". 14 Bal .. 111111aa Bl.aok.tor4 Job Domnlu John F. Stile1

I I , l I

PlJ"ingt I Hwbert Ball, seo.IAr.•

•• &. liJ " 8-etta COl"l, t/5 Gtorp Oftn

Ana ._ Kora. &eq • . PltUl. AlpiM

•• '· ~tt Don .. u..tr Albert 001ute1n Or'dll• Blll ' I.Mall• BS.ill•· t/a "· .... 1'aeJt *1 •t•tara Metolt Wlhna on11 Clarln Stani.7 llirlaa T~ !/& trene 'Pe41 .. ak. 8•8)'•

• B-11 lad10p!p!lr Cli'oup LMCl•r ... hok

lfanttJ .Oal»naleOI\ ••&er lJbite . Lemde 'lh1t1rwth

ldwill t. Dodd• Bor'Mn ftlq

" William 'Rob7

... flldngt A. s._ Je-rr ... s.o.Lctr~ ·t• CabOt :r&nual Dia& Robert Bola lloclaq W. Johuon. J>Om.lct c. t,l't'1.ngaton

. - . - - ~· . . -

~'" _,¢1-"@J.' :· . ·.' .. • . !1 .. ,.

- - ) r ~ -~ 1J ~ ~

1-: ~: .i~~J:jj - 1.. • ~ 11!•J Ill .l.d !ilsu:t~ f l11H J11hll

· · .. · d IU .·· ti· J < J~ l1J .. .- i ~Ji . ~ · t .. ··. · I f 11 . t .... t · · . ii .. n111I I----. ------.......-

1~ .~ 11d :~:l~1ii!1illl . ~-


JI rhif 11 1~1~1 i 1111111 B

App.· A-3



(J:IDHa lta.nhatt.n District liistcry Files• AFSWPt Files ot Armed Foroes Speoial W•apons Proj•ot)

1. Operation OroaeroadsJ an aooount prepared by Major Philip G.

Krueger. (Par. 81•92.) (SECRET)

2. Bomba at B1Jd.n1, the Official Report ot Oper.t1on Groseto•dl:e

Prepared under the Direction ot the Commander ~int Taak force

One,; by w. Ju Sburolif'f, J:t1stor1an ot ~oin'f:; '!atk Force <>HJ


~. foohnioal Report ot Operation Croaeroadt. Prep~ed tor Cammand•r

Jo1llt tuk Force One tor ft&naJD.1ttal to the Jo111t :Ch1eta ot Stat/

e.nd their Evaluation BoardJ by Dr. w • .a., Shurol1tf • B1atot1an•

aeabtod bf•· Mr. I>, z. Beokl.•r, Deput)' Hiatoria:nf Kr. Peregr~

Whit•, Aaai•tant HittorianJ lfrl. Virginia Shapley. lditor. a?Mi

•• m.atoey ot Lot Alaaoi B•Dirl•lon, 10 Aprll 1948. Xn t1fO pan. t 81atoey or LO• ilUK>t B•Di:rl•ioa~ 1.oJ Al&Jloa 1•1".via1on MeatUN•

Mnt Seotion • feohnioal Reeponaib1llt1••• (RESDXOTED) ·JIDB

6~ Over••• BietOl'7 B•Jl1v1d.on .,. i&.ll•Ul'9mtnt Section • Operat101u

Oroaaroada, Submitted by Harbert K. t.ehr1 apprcrnd by K. G •

. ·