Manifesting Your Desires & The Law of Self By Kalyn Bastion www.LivingInTheFlow.com

Manifesting Your Desires - Living In The Flo · Still, you can’t just chase feeling the way you want to feel and have a prosperous or joyful life if you don’t know how you truly

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Page 1: Manifesting Your Desires - Living In The Flo · Still, you can’t just chase feeling the way you want to feel and have a prosperous or joyful life if you don’t know how you truly

Manifesting Your Desires

& The Law of Self

By Kalyn Bastion


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By Kalyn Bastion

© Dec 2013


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This is the time of year that The Oracle especially has us look at our desires. They have us do this because desires (des-sire or of-God) are a guidance system that leads to fulfillment, expansion and joyfulness. They also have us focus on desires this time of year because we are closing out one cycle, the end of one calendar year, and starting a new one. The end and start of cycles is important and, when done in flow, can be strengthened and improved - which is why focusing on manifesting and desires is important this time of year.

Your desires connect you with your Source Energy and help you know who you want to authentically be and what you want to experience to live your best, most unlimited life. Thus, the time of year does not restrict our focus on manifesting our desires – we truly want to bring what we desire forward all of the time, right?

So, here are 4 lessons for you on manifesting your desires-

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Desires Lesson # 1

The Law of Self

(Taken from The Three Laws of Manifesting, a free download or a book on amazon.com or http://www.amazon.com/Three-Laws-Manifesting-Kalyn-


Kris and I have two spirituality students. One asks me, 'my world is larger than hers, why does she have more money?' - A great question! See, as large as your energy is, is as much as you can attract into your life. Think of it this way: as long as your arms can reach, a metaphor for your energy, that is how much you can touch and grab and bring closer to you, or how much you can attract into your experience. So, the larger someone's world, the larger their ability to attract - take Donald Trump. He is large: he owns all sorts of real estate, businesses and his world is large, as is his energy, his personal power and his ability to manifest.

However, you may understand LOA (the law of attraction) inside and out, and you may know that you need to hold or activate certain energies to manifest using LOA, but like my student, LOA may not be working for you.


Because there is a larger law at work in life...

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the law of Self.

Simply put, you and your Source Energy dictate the laws. Deeper than LOA is your own energy, your own purpose and your own laws. What may be divinely blessed for you might be a sin for another. One person may need a debaucherous night (though not usually) while another may need to go spend a month in a monastery. The world is different for each one of us - and you need to know what the 'rules' are for you. You need to know who you are and what is correct for you in your life. When you live in accordance to the laws of self (your Source Energy or Higher Self), you will be honoring yourself (and therefore the universe) and then you'll find LOA is always on your side.

Take Action To Turn On Your Attraction

Live by (according to) Self-

What is true for you?

What is your purpose? What makes your heart sing?

Who are you and what do you know you need to do to live who you be?

Ask yourself these questions, journal or meditate on them,

as the answers will help you connect with your authenticity.

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"A person who follows their dreams is a person who taps into the unlimited

possibilities of life."

Manifesting Your Desires 2

Desires Aren’t Dismissed

Desires Lesson # 2

Know You, Know Your Desires

Can you believe that knowing what you desire (or what you wish for, dream about, hope for) is one of the hardest things for people to allow and connect with?

Shutting down our hopes and categorizing our wishes as 'unrealistic' generally comes from being told 'no', 'you're asking too much' or from thinking that Santa didn't receive your wish list. Growing up you can become so accustomed to the heart-melting feeling of disappointment that many avoid this by no longer asking for anything, or asking only for what can be justified as absolutely necessary.

Still, you can't help but want more and a part of you can't help but see how it would like to have life

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improved, how life could be sweeter and to see glimpses of yourself living the dream. There is always a part of you that continues to dream and to hold desires because desires are the platform upon which the program of your life is run.

Did you see the movie, The Matrix? Great classic movie! If you haven’t seen it, rent it! In the movie, the main character finds that he’s living in a false world, a matrix. Often referred to as the Maya or the world of illusion, it is said that we all live in a matrix of sorts because we are fooled into thinking that we are not energetic, divine, eternal beings.

Our desires are one of the things that bridges these two worlds: the matrix of life on earth and another eternal world. Without desires you wouldn't be able to plug into the matrix; you wouldn't be able to awaken to who you truly are and the unlimited power of that being.

Your desires are like a roadmap to life, to your own evolution and a fountain of happiness, love, abundance, prosperity... Your desires are like arrows pointing you to your Source Energy and your ability to live the life you have always wanted and still dream about.

Lifting the grey cloud that hangs over you and basking in the warm sun only comes through the acknowledging and living of your desires. So, where do you start?

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The first step towards allowing the world to be your oyster is to allow and feed your desires.

Take Action To Turn On Your Attraction

Connect With Your Desires

Start to make a list of what you desire. Your list can have three wishes or thirty; it doesn't matter. The key to unlocking the life you most recognize as your heart's song is to change how you see your dreams: Let yourself dream, let yourself hope and validate these. It doesn't mean you will expect yourself to have everything manifest here and now, but you will start to open yourself to possibilities and energies you may not have been allowing to enter your life before.

So think of your list as possible, plausible. Think of your list as the key to who you are becoming as you tap into living your best life. See your desires as a language of their own, a language you are learning to speak which will guide you through the best adventures and take you to the best places in your soul.

Decide that it is possible and connect with your hopes and desires often; wish for it all and dream big and tap into that unlimited part of you that will create it all, as you wish.

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Manifesting Your Desires 3

Your Greatest Attractor

Desires Lesson # 3

Let’s Get Radically Deeper Than LOA I have a client who calls LOA (the law of attraction) the law

of allowing… this is significant and I hope it gets your

attention because it is a clue about how best to attract –

no matter what you desire to attract.

I’m a fan of Abraham-Hicks because I love the way

Abraham talks about things, which The Oracle confirms

and often explains or takes deeper. Abraham talks about

LOA and the importance of getting in the vortex, matching

what you want to attract or, more simply put, they talk

about your ability to manifest just by focusing on the

appropriate energy. Then, they say, LOA will bring that

energy (it’s manifestation, which was what you wanted) to


Abraham has evolved what they say about LOA to make it

more attainable over the years, but there are so many

people for whom LOA still doesn’t quite work: it’s hard to

match the energy of what you want, especially when you

have blocks in the way. Abraham doesn’t entertain talking

about blocks or issues because they don’t want people to

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get lost in their issues. True, you don’t want to get lost, but

a road block can’t be denied, so LOA often doesn’t work

for people, especially when they don’t even know what

some of those roadblocks are… You certainly can’t get

around something you aren’t aware of.

Lately I’ve been listening to Danielle La Port whose straight

up approach and content also resonate with the wisdom

of The Oracle. Danielle talks about desires and feeling the

way you want to feel. As Tony Robbins says, success is 80%

psychology, so when Danielle tells you to focus on you, not

what others say/think, it’s like The Oracle’s Law of Self,

from our The Three Laws of Manifesting, e-book. This

is an important piece of personal psychology for you

because you have to play the game of life by your rules,

not your ego’s nor anyone else’s. If you play by your rules,

you’re 80% of the way there.

The Oracle talks about the importance of knowing

yourself. They say it is the foundation to anything you

want to experience, be, create… (They talk about 4

Take Your Desires Deeper

You are meant to connect with and live your desires all year long!

Need help staying connected? Join our online community!


To Live A Life You’ll Love

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keys to being the authentic & unlimited version of you

in a book I just co-authored -



The Oracle calls ours The Age of Authenticity, a time

around the years of 2012 when we need to become

more authentic to evolve and to experience all that we

are and want to be. There is inherit freedom in

knowing that what you authentically desire is meant to

be yours and will manifest… when you can allow it.

Still, you can’t just chase feeling the way you want to

feel and have a prosperous or joyful life if you don’t

know how you truly want to feel, which is,

unfortunately, common. You also can’t just change

the way you feel, the way you might change your

mind, because we get stuck in feelings.

So, receiving your desire is as easy as asking

for it --- sort-of. It just requires you to be who you

truly are, to be authentic. This should be the easiest

thing in the world, and yet, if it was, we all would be

and we’d all live in a different world.

So, radically speaking, LOA works for you and not

against you when you know how to be you. In this

sense, you could argue that it’s pointless to focus on

LOA because you can skirt the topic, just focus on

being authentic and you’ll be working LOA with the

greatest success.

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Radically speaking, it’s all about you. You have to

allow you to be you, you have to allow you to know

how you want to feel and then tap into your authentic

self because he or she is already feeling the way you

want to feel.

It is as simple as can be: just stop trying to be and be

you. But it’s not easy, right?

Let’s make it easier. Let’s tap into more of the

allowing by flowing.


This lesson’s gift for you is a meditative process. This

process belongs to our Golden Flow™ System, which

was brought to us by The Oracle.

Because everything is energy first, it’s easiest to work

on your energy. It can be easier to shift, or flow, and

to raise than changing what you think about

something or how you feel. The Golden Flow™

System helps you quickly come to the now moment

and shift your energy – with the help of your Source


The Golden Flow™ processes are enjoyable and

uplifting, so I’m sure you’ll love the audio process I’ve

created just for you this week. This process will help

you get into the now moment and spend a few

minutes letting go, automatically letting you be who

you authentically are.

Your Desires Lesson Gifts

Register to receive Gifts on Desires and Manifesting

for you - click here or go to

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Manifesting Your Desires 4

Desires Lesson # 4

Permission After working with people on creating the lives they prefer and manifesting their dreams for over ten years, one of the most common hurdles we have found is that people often don’t feel deserving of their desires or they don’t feel like they have permission to have them. This stems from being told ‘no’ as a child; from having difficulties in life and feeling that we only deserve what we have worked hard for, like an A in school. However, life is not based on a reward and punishment, although we often interpret it this way: if you rob a bank, you will be punished with jail time (punishment)- but if you dedicate your time to a charitable cause, you’ll likely receive a certificate of appreciation (appreciation). Your desires do not adhere to the idea of reward and punishment. However, they do lead the way to a more authentic, loving and expanded version of you. Thus, today’s gift to you is permission. Again, this is the one thing most people lack – a blessing, a green flag or someone saying that ’yes, no matter what your desire is, you are allowed to have it’. More than that, you are meant to have it and you will! If you were to look back in your life at the desires you have had, you will likely find that they eventually did manifest or the desire

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evolved. Yes, you will experience your desires, so replace the question of “will I?” with “when?” Your desires can manifest as quickly as you allow. Giving yourself permission to be happy, to be in love or wealthy or whatever you wish to be or experience can take you significantly closer to living your dreams. Ask yourself if there is any part of you hesitating in your desires due to feeling unworthy, un-allowed or not good enough to have them – undeserving. Then tell yourself that The Oracle specifically said “Yes, your desires are a roadmap of who you can choose to become. Yes, you are allowed to manifest what you choose and your Source Energy is, all of the time, bringing you the energy of your desires so that you may experience them. Your job is just to allow yourself to be loved by receiving your desire. Yes, you are loved and yes, you are allowed.” Often times just changing our minds and deciding that we have permission can change our experience and expedite our manifesting process. May this happen for you-

