Manifesto-Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act

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  • 7/31/2019 Manifesto-Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act


    A MAnifestofor thriving in AMixed Up World

  • 7/31/2019 Manifesto-Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act


  • 7/31/2019 Manifesto-Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act


    By Pilar Gerasimo

    in cAse yoUhAvent noticed,w t w t t t w ppu, but w tu bg tu tp b gt tug t pu .

    T u k, wgt, p t ut: W g t tt wired up t

    k u k, wgt, p t ut.

    We cAn chAngethis Mixed-UpreAlity.W u w-bg t btt, bu w. But t gg t tk ut t k t pp.

    T t t , t-k gtg t p t u w u u t t utt g t utg g.

    I u up tt, w t g, w t t ut ub!

    here ArerevolUtionAry

    trUthstt gwg ub u t b -t . . .10ILLUSTRATIONS:TAdeUSzmAjewS


  • 7/31/2019 Manifesto-Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act


    1.Th UnITd STTS utpu b, pt pp t t t, t, t tt wg.

    Tw ut t U.S. ut wgt b. t gt, u tgwt t t . gwg ub u t put w t tt uu t qut .

    the WAy We Are living

    is crAzy.Ou , t, bg ppt pt t -ug g, t p bg t ut.

    ug ! Ou tk tt b pp u wt, tt tt tp u , u bt, u puut pp.

    W g t. W utg t tgt.

  • 7/31/2019 Manifesto-Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act


    2.there Are poWerfUl sociAl,econoMic And politicAl forces

    UnderMiningoUr heAlth.OU cUTU t gt tut b t. Ft p- ut tput, w-utt k ug ut u utpput. T b g t , t p b bbg t k ut keep g t.

    T p tt t

    put pub p t t u tg, tut ug t ktg pg g tkp u bug t put b tt ut u.

    T g? Tt t t-ppg pt w,, ppg, , u, b,gtu ug ( butt) tt w k u u --u btt.

    w tk t bt. W b bw t ptg b ttp u b, g u t u b b.

    h wt t pw-tt-b wt t u: Bu t wtut p , u uk t tt g.

  • 7/31/2019 Manifesto-Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act


    3.TPTInG S IT B, w tb t all p t-ppg u.

    , t tu tt w uu

    b upz juk t pt. , wb wt gb ut-ut gu. , wb bb b zg, put tg, wgt u .

    But t. W tk t tt

    ttg w.F t g, w wu t b pb,, u

    the tiMe for coMplicity

    is W b quk tb up ut -bk .

    W ptt u t b

    p t t , u w gw p, ptgt u t t ut.

    cp t twt-tg, t gtt tt t uw-bg t t-ppg w k b

    ut. Bu t b tug tt ugt t b. bu k g t wt w bwg t tt t tb.Ut w.

  • 7/31/2019 Manifesto-Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act


    4.the resistAnce

    is AliveAnd Well.v d, u wkg up t t zttt gg t u butus. W gttg tt wt wt t gt uk t ut qug, w gt ttt wg gt t t.

    S w g but u b , g wt t tk

    t kp t tg w.W gwg, bug ppg w, uttu g p juk.

    W g wtg pg. W tg pg tg.

    W g t ut . W gwt t t u u tg, t t puppg u pt.

    I t, w ttg u t

    k t ut pt t .W g up t tk bk tpw u w w-bg. w g jut w gtt .

  • 7/31/2019 Manifesto-Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act


    5.ThOWInG OFF Th chInS

    p t g u utt bt u u gt u t pbt. t pp -tg .

    Bg tg t ut utu k u pt pw t. It gu pptut

    tt p t tpbt. It w u wt tg, t

    beingheAlthyis A revolUtionAry Act.

    t u j u , t

    k bgg, gutbut tg u .

    cg t w kg ut , t ut ut.

    Bu w u g ut t btt, u gt u u t btt, t.

    I w, u gu w.

  • 7/31/2019 Manifesto-Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act


    6.this isnotAboUtsix-pAck AbsAnd skinny jeAns.SU, hTh IS Sx butu. tg, t b k

    g t . But t t ubw g t t tt t wt ppgu t tg.

    u kw tt b kgt t , tug.

    t tz , g tt-ut

    p gt u ttt pp t u t, but t k gttg t k -ugt utkg t, ut-- t.

    W, t utg u g ub

    w pg t u b-gut.

    T up b tt u t p,tg tt tt tt.

    S g wt u ppg u -t,tu ut t p tu uttt w. k t

    bg t tt t you.b u u t t -pk b bu t;b t.

    t w, tg wt uw utt t- u t bt w t tt.

  • 7/31/2019 Manifesto-Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act


    7.Th TI FO pt pt.T, U.S. u tu b bt . t f, w b t

    p, t w u.

    It t tt ug t tp.But p uppg pt gg tt w.

    u t, ppt75 pt u t

    bg pt t t, w b tugt g.

    inActionis not An option.T bu utu guttg u, u ut, u w pput btt t. T ug

    t u , tptt utu gt.

    It t t t t ttu w pt t ut,w pt pb. tpb pt bg .

    n u t t tg ut. n u

    t t t bt, tt t u p.

    S u gt. ut. tk u t t b . , bk w.

  • 7/31/2019 Manifesto-Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act


    8.the best defense is A

    good offense.In Th BTT u w-bg,

    t t w t t w u. But wgt z ju tt ptg.

    k gg up t -, ug ugu b t.

    k gg up pt ug utg g-g w t gt t t.

    k tg t ,t gt ptt uppt w t pg ggt b t.

    T t - u , t bttu g t

    ut u tt bgu b.

    T tg tu , t btt u wtg t g tt

    u w. t u t, pppp t , t btt ut t tg t k w w thriving comes moreeasily for everyone.

    S t t u gu w, t t u t tt tu-ttt tt.

    gt. d ugt t b w wt ugtt t j u ut.

  • 7/31/2019 Manifesto-Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act


    9.nO GIc dIT, pw, p gg t t pbw wtg wt w. kg quk t pkt t quk- ukt w p gt ut t .

    S t qug uub t u, t kg t g t g u.

    I u g tub wt tt,kw tt u t .

    u t b, wk, z p u jut upgt tug ppt.

    I u wg t,u t t. h.

    forget AboUt

    qUick fixes.It qu pg wk, ttg ppt.

    It gt tg wt wuppt t .

    It u ug t gt uttg w--p.

    t t, t w qutg wt u wpt u ttt tkg t

    t ut t. t tk t w wg t pt. t btt t ttt t w.

  • 7/31/2019 Manifesto-Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act


    10.solUtions in the Mirror MAy be

    closer thAnthey AppeAr.Th ScOP nd Sc ut t tt t b p.

    But t t.I t, u ptt t p g tpb u, t.

    t u tt tkgt tp t bu ptt u t, w uuppt t t t tt bkg u w.

    ug u tt ttgu w b w, w w tw tt w-bg.

    I w b tgt t b t pt u

    g t, t, ,wkp, , tt, gb w

    t t tt bptg u .

    t t t pubp pb uut t u t pt 40 gpt, b g. t btu u t tt t b w g-

    t t.S u p k ttpp, . ct wtt w u tt. T g b t tt tg utugt, pwg ,one revolutionary act at a time.

  • 7/31/2019 Manifesto-Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act


  • 7/31/2019 Manifesto-Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act


    Go eaSy on

    the SUGar

    anD FloUr

    These twoingredients(combinedwith unhealthyindustrial oils)have a starringrole in mostpackaged oodswe eat. More

    than any otherculprit, theyuel inamma-tion, obesity,diabetes, highcholesterol,heart diseaseand cancer.


    yoUr goAls

    I youve been trying to lose weight andare struggling, make it your goal to getsuperbly healthy, well nourished, t andenergetic instead. Dont be surprisedwhen the excess weight starts melting of.



    UpRest = recovery,repair and resil-ience. Exhaustion =illness and messed-up metabolism.Prioritize sleeptime as the healthessential it is.

    65. investin yoUr

    heAlthMoneyspentproactivelyon your

    health delivers arbetter returns thanmoney spent reac-tively on treatingillness and disease.When healthy choicesseem too expensive,consider the long-

    term costs o health-sapping alternatives.

    focUs onAction,not oUtcoMesLive the lie o a healthy person, and the results

    will take care o themselves. Every healthy step isa victory. Every day is an opportunity to eel, liveand be better than the day beore.97.


  • 7/31/2019 Manifesto-Being Healthy is a Revolutionary Act


    2010 Experience Life Magazine

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