Futurist Manifesto Work We mostly looked at these main artists who were the ones to first join Marinetti and actually make an impact on the movement. Researching the group led us to find the key points about the manifesto and what they wanted to achieve. Their main influences were machinery, the invention of vehicals such as cars and areoplanes and factorys. They used this in their paintings, poetry and music. The musicical instruments created byRussolo would explore the sounds of vehicals guns and machinery, it doesn’t sound too pleasant to us now however. Their other influences was also the action of war and battles. It was speed and action that really made the manifesto what it was, they wanted to be new different and looking toward the future. Never looking back on the past and the traditional. Carrà’s - Portrait of Marinetti Russolo’s - Intonarumori Severini’s - Armored Train in Action Marinetti With this brief we needed to understand what a manifesto was and got assigned different ones in each group, our group was chosen to look at the Futurist Manifesto, this manifesto really worked well with our chosen role (the designer) and we linked them together by looking at how the designers worked and what inspired them to get to their end results.

Manifesto Folio sheets

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For the Manifesto Brie

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Futurist Manifesto Work

We mostly looked at these main artists who were the ones to first join Marinetti and actually make an impact on the movement.Researching the group led us to find the key points about the manifesto and what they wanted to achieve.

Their main influences were machinery, the invention of vehicals such as cars and areoplanes and factorys. They used this in their paintings, poetry and music.The musicical instruments created byRussolo would explore the sounds of vehicals guns and machinery, it doesn’t sound too pleasant to us now however.

Their other influences was also the action of war and battles.It was speed and action that really made the manifesto what it was, they wanted to be new different and looking toward the future. Never looking back on the past and the traditional.

Carrà’s - Portrait of Marinetti Russolo’s - Intonarumori Severini’s - Armored Train in Action


With this brief we needed to understand what a manifesto was and got assigned different ones in each group, our group was chosen to look at the Futurist Manifesto, this manifesto really worked well with our chosen role (the designer) and we linked them together by looking at how the designers worked and what inspired them to get to their end results.

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Designer Research - Secondary

I used these quotes in my secondary research, understanding how these designers see their work and what the believe design is...

David Small-” The idea was that industry was taking care of today’s problems, but we needed to create a vision of the future.”

Erwan Bouroullec + Ronan Bouroullec [designer, Paris]– “Think designers understand what people need, perhaps better than they do, on questions of economics, on how to organise their space.”

Marc Newson [designer, Paris]– “As a designer my job is to look into the future… my job is to look at what’s going to happen, not what’s happened.”

Erwan Bouroullec + Ronan Bouroullec [designer, Paris]

Anthony Dunne Marc Newson [designer, Paris]

John Maeda - The Laws Of SimplicityObjectified - Gary Hustwit[DVD]

I took a look at the documentary Objectified and read the book The Laws Of Simplicity by John Maeda, to get and overall understanding of the way designers like to work and what is a usefull way to do so. For example being well organised and themselves having to understand what the customer wants and needs. They look at improving the current designs we use to make the future and easy way to live.

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Designer Research - Primary

Jamie Shoard - Graphic Design New Media Konrad Ziemlweski - Graphic Design New-Media

Catrina Burns - Graphic Design Emma Nichols - Graphic Design New Media (graduate)

“Design is what makes the world an interesting place.”

“The way you can do so many things be it intermedia or mixing motion with design.”

“The fact that I decided to study graphic design was club flyers, when I went out to clubs you used to get hand outs.”

“I like the idea of filtering through everything that you see in everyday life... you can sot of pull all the different bits that you like and think will work together... just sort of fabricating something that you imagine in your head I think that’s a really nice process.”

We asked a couple of current students and one graduate what they think of design and what inspires them to design, here are a few quote from the interviews. We found that mostly they are inspired by everything around them and they design because they enjoy it. I also did an interview with a current garden designer, however the interview was unable to record properly so I made some notes, his views are very similar to theirs and is overall pleased with his work when the client is.

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Documentary - Making OfHere is my final edit of the making of documentary, I had a lot of fun playing around with the footage on Premiere Pro, I really enjoyed editing this video, however some improvements would need to be added such as a voice over, that would clearly explain the structure of the process.

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ManifestoHere is the final Manifesto artefact we created with film, we decided that we were going to show how a designer sees the world and how they pick up some of their inspiration. We do need this to be improved, it needs to be made clearer to the audience to what is going on in the video, some were confused with what the message actually was.

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Manifesto (Improved)This time we wanted to make the message more clear to the audience this time around, and use a better location, somewhere where there is a lot of art, a lot more interesting designs around. We picked Kingston because we thought it was interesting and a good place to look at, then Jon, Dmitry and I finished off with the editing try to make it clear as possible what we were filming. It would still need some improvements, for example a clear indication of what’s going on in the video, but overall I think it briefly desvribes our point.