Refer to: Nissenson AR, Weston RE, Kleeman CR: Mannitol. West J Med 131:277-284, Oct 1979 Mannitol ALLEN R. NISSENSON, MD; RAYMOND E. WESTON, MD, and CHARLES R. KLEEMAN, MD, Los Angeles Mannitol may be useful clinically both as a diuretic and as an obligate extracellular solute. As a diuretic it can be used to treat patients with intrac- table edema states, to increase urine flow and flush out debris from the renal tubules in patients with acute tubular necrosis, and to increase toxin excretion in patients with barbiturate, salicylate or bromide intoxication. As an obligate extracellular solute it may be useful to ameliorate symptoms of the dialysis disequilibrium syndrome, to decrease cerebral edema following trauma or cerebrovascular accident, and to prevent cell swelling related to renal ischemia following cross-clamping of the aorta. Largely unexplored uses for mannitol include its use as an osmotic agent in place of dextrose in peritoneal dialysis solutions, its use to maintain urine output in patients newly begun on hemo- dialysis, and its use to limit infarct size following acute myocardial infarction. MANNITOL IS A 6-carbon alcohol with a molecular weight of 182, prepared commercially by the re- duction of dextrose. Although it has an important place in current therapy, few physicians fully understand its chemistry, mode of action or clini- cal applicability. Since 1940, when Smith and as- sociates' showed that mannitol clearance closely reflected glomerular filtration rate in man, there has been clinical interest in mannitol. However, recent emphasis on the role of cell swelling in the genesis of ischemic tissue damage has rekindled awareness of the; medical uses of mannitol as more than only an osmotic diuretic. From the Department of Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine (University of California, Los Angeles). Submitted, revised, June 11, 1979. Supported in part by a grant from McGaw Laboratories, Inc., Irvine, California. Reprint requests to: Allen R. Nissenson, MD, Assistant Profes- sor of Medicine, UCLA Hospital and Clinics, 10833 LeConte Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024. Pharmacokinetics Because orally administered mannitol is not absorbed, it must be administered parenterally. It distributes almost entirely in the extracellular fluid, very little penetrating cells. As a result, it is virtually inert, only 7 percent to 10 percent being metabolized, probably in the liver, while the rest is freely filtered by the glomeruli and excreted intact in the urine. About 7 percent is reabsorbed by the renal tubules. With normal kidney function, after a single intravenous dose, the half-life of mannitol in the circulating plasma is 15 minutes.2 Of an injected dose, 90 percent is recovered in the urine after 24 hours.2 However, with severe renal insufficiency the rate of mannitol excretion is greatly reduced and retained mannitol may in- crease extracellular tonicity leading to a shift of water out of cells, expanding the extracellular THE WESTERN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE 277

Mannitol - Liza Maniquis-Smigel, MD profile.pdfMANNITOL mannitol infused,19 dependingonbodyosmolarity and the relationship among plasma volume, ex-tracellular fluid and total body

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Refer to: Nissenson AR, Weston RE, Kleeman CR: Mannitol.West J Med 131:277-284, Oct 1979


Mannitol may be useful clinically both as a diuretic and as an obligateextracellular solute. As a diuretic it can be used to treat patients with intrac-table edema states, to increase urine flow and flush out debris from the renaltubules in patients with acute tubular necrosis, and to increase toxin excretionin patients with barbiturate, salicylate or bromide intoxication. As an obligateextracellular solute it may be useful to ameliorate symptoms of the dialysisdisequilibrium syndrome, to decrease cerebral edema following trauma orcerebrovascular accident, and to prevent cell swelling related to renal ischemiafollowing cross-clamping of the aorta. Largely unexplored uses for mannitolinclude its use as an osmotic agent in place of dextrose in peritoneal dialysissolutions, its use to maintain urine output in patients newly begun on hemo-dialysis, and its use to limit infarct size following acute myocardial infarction.

MANNITOL IS A 6-carbon alcohol with a molecularweight of 182, prepared commercially by the re-duction of dextrose. Although it has an importantplace in current therapy, few physicians fullyunderstand its chemistry, mode of action or clini-cal applicability. Since 1940, when Smith and as-sociates' showed that mannitol clearance closelyreflected glomerular filtration rate in man, therehas been clinical interest in mannitol. However,recent emphasis on the role of cell swelling in thegenesis of ischemic tissue damage has rekindledawareness of the; medical uses of mannitol asmore than only an osmotic diuretic.From the Department of Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine

(University of California, Los Angeles).Submitted, revised, June 11, 1979.Supported in part by a grant from McGaw Laboratories, Inc.,

Irvine, California.Reprint requests to: Allen R. Nissenson, MD, Assistant Profes-

sor of Medicine, UCLA Hospital and Clinics, 10833 LeConteAve., Los Angeles, CA 90024.

PharmacokineticsBecause orally administered mannitol is not

absorbed, it must be administered parenterally. Itdistributes almost entirely in the extracellularfluid, very little penetrating cells. As a result, itis virtually inert, only 7 percent to 10 percentbeing metabolized, probably in the liver, while therest is freely filtered by the glomeruli and excretedintact in the urine. About 7 percent is reabsorbedby the renal tubules. With normal kidney function,after a single intravenous dose, the half-life ofmannitol in the circulating plasma is 15 minutes.2Of an injected dose, 90 percent is recovered inthe urine after 24 hours.2 However, with severerenal insufficiency the rate of mannitol excretionis greatly reduced and retained mannitol may in-crease extracellular tonicity leading to a shift ofwater out of cells, expanding the extracellular



fluid as well as inducing an apparent hyponatre-mia with increased serum osmolality such asoccurs in hyperglycemia. Therefore, mannitolshould be used cautiously under these conditions.

Physiological EffectsRenal

Osmotic diuretics are obligate solutes of lowmolecular weight, which are freely filtered at theglomerulus and poorly reabsorbed by the renaltubules. The resulting high urinary concentrationprofoundly affects renal water and sodium reab-sorption. An almost ideal prototype, mannitolwas used extensively in early physiological studiesof osmotic diuresis. Wesson and Anslow4 con-cluded that the proximal tubule was the primarysite of action of mannitol's osmotic diuretic ef-fect. More recently, however, Seely and Dirks5have precisely defined this phenomenon, theirwork being confirmed later by others.6 Usingmicropuncture techniques, they elegantly demon-strated that half the effect of mannitol occursproximally and half occurs in the ascendinglimb of the loop of Henle and proposed thefollowing mechanism: The osmotic effect of man-nitol depresses proximal reabsorption of watermore than sodium, thereby decreasing proximaltubular fluid sodium concentration. Consequently,the gradient for passive sodium reabsorption inthe thin ascending limb of the Henle loop isdecreased. The natriuresis of mannitol diuresis,therefore, results largely from decreased sodiumreabsorption in the loop of Henle. In addition,changes in medullary tonicity secondary to amannitol augmentation of medullary blood flowmay also effect sodium excretion.7 As sodiumdelivery to distal tubular exchange sites increases,potassium excretion may rise during mannitoldiuresis.The effect of mannitol on renal hemodynamics

may be both direct and indirect. Ternes and co-workers8 showed that there was a dose dependentincrease in renal vascular resistance in isolatedperfused dog renal artery strips exposed to vary-ing perfusate concentrations of mannitol. In con-trast, others9-1" found there to be an increase intotal renal blood flow in vivo in animals, inde-pendent of the plasma volume increase. No com-parable data for humans are available.

Lilien12 reported a biphasic dose related re-sponse in rats, which might provide a unifiedview of the mannitol effect on renal hemody-

namics. At lower doses, there is definite vasodila-tation probably mediated through efferent arteri-olar dilatation, which could also contribute to theslight decrease in glomerular filtration rate duringmannitol infusions. Conversely, at higher doses,the vasoconstrictor effect reported by Ternes andassociates8 supervenes.

Glomerular filtration rate falls slightly in ani-mals and humans given mannitol. When mannitolis present in the proximal nephron and prevents,through its osmotic effect, sodium and water re-absorption, filtrate volume and pressure in thisnephron segment rise. It is this increased intra-tubular pressure after mannitol administrationthat decreases glomerular filtration rate by Star-ling's law. Efferent arteriolar dilatation after man-nitol is administered may occur (as has beenmentioned) and may also play a role in thedecreased glomerular filtration rate.When proximal tubular sodium reabsorption is

inhibited for any reason, calcium excretion in theurine increases. The precise mechanism of thiscoupling of sodium and calcium excretion is un-known. Even though, as explained above, de-creased proximal tubular sodium reabsorptiondoes not account for the bulk of the natriuresisafter mannitol administration, the amount ofsodium escaping proximal tubular reabsorptionis increased. As a result, calcium excretion in-creases proportionately.13'14 Independent of thenatriuresis, urinary phosphate excretion also in-creases during mannitol diuresis.15

The only renal histologic effect of mannitolinfusions in animals'6 or humans17 is the samereversible proximal tubular cell vacuolization re-ported after sucrose and other osmotic diuretics.However, it is not associated with any functionaltubular defects.

CardiovascularIntravenously injected mannitol is confined to

the extracellular fluid space. The increased tonic-ity obligates water to move from the intracellularto the extracellular fluid to maintain osmoticequilibrium. With each 182 mg per dl increase inmannitol concentration, a 10 milliosmole increasein extracellular fluid osmolality occurs with thesame proportionate dilution of all serum electro-lytes as occurs in hyperglycemia. Various amountsof plasma volume expansion have been reportedwith mannitol infusion ranging from 1 ml per kgof body weight per 5 grams of mannitol infused18to 3 ml per kg of body weight per 5 grams of

278 OCTOBER 1979 * 131 * 4


mannitol infused,19 depending on body osmolarityand the relationship among plasma volume, ex-tracellular fluid and total body water in the indi-vidual animal or person. With each 100 mg perdl increase in mannitol concentration in the extra-cellular fluid, serum sodium falls 1.6 to 2.6 mEqper liter.

After the expansion of the extracellular fluidand blood volume by injection of mannitol meanarterial pressure,20'21 cardiac output,20'21 heartrate,21'22 coronary blood flow20 and left ventricularend diastolic pressure22 all increase. In isolatedperfused artery segments, physiologic doses ofmannitol cause vasodilatation and block the vaso-constrictor effects of norepinephrine.23

Cerebrovascular DiseaseMannitol has several physiologic effects on the

cerebrovascular system. Increased cerebral bloodflow,24 increased cerebral oxygen consumption24and decreased cerebrospinal fluid pressure24'25have all been documented. The decreased cere-brospinal fluid pressure, in spite of increasedcerebral blood flow, is of interest. Since mannitolcannot cross the blood brain barrier, it causeswater to move out of the brain into the extracel-lular fluid. This decrease in brain water is thecause of the fall in cerebrospinal fluid pressure.The movement of water out of the brain in re-sponse to the osmotic effect of mannitol decom-presses the brain when cerebral edema is present.It is more effective than urea in this regard sinceurea slowly crosses the blood brain barrier andtherefore maintains a lower osmotic gradient forwater movement out of the brain.

Ocular SystemMannitol profoundly lowers intraocular pres-

sure when given intravenously26'27 just as it lowerscerebrospinal fluid pressure. In addition, whenapplied topically to the cornea mannitol may beabsorbed and also have an ocular hypotensiveeffect.28

Concept and Importance of Cell SwellingIn a variety of organs, including kidney, heart

and brain, following relatively brief periods ofvascular occlusion, reperfusion fails to restorenormal circulation.29'30 This phenomenon of im-paired r1eflow is caused by vascular endothelialcell swelling induced by the ischemic anoxia.Normally, the diffusion of sodium into and ofpotassium out of cells down existing concentra-

tion gradients is opposed by a pump requiringenergy from oxidative metabolism, which con-stantly moves sodium out of cells and potassiuminto cells against the concentration gradients.During hypoxia the metabolic energy required bythis pump which normally extrudes sodium fromcells is lacking. As a result, sodium accumulatesintracellularly. To maintain osmotic equilibrium,water shifts in, swelling the endothelial cell, im-pairing the flow of blood. Following prolongeddepression of blood flow, tissue death results.However, if flow can be restored in time, reversalof the ischemic injury can occur. Restoration offlow, which is dependent upon the removal ofintracellular water with consequent shrinking ofendothelial cells to normal size, can be readilyaccomplished by the intravenous administrationof hypertonic mannitol solutions to increase ex-tracellular fluid osmolality.

Clinical UsesDiuretic

Being an obligatory solute, mannitol may beused either as an osmotic diuretic per se to main-tain water excretion or potentiate the action ofsaluretic diuretics (see below). In the clinicaledemas of severe nephrotic syndrome,3' cirrhosiswith ascites32 or congestive heart failure, conven-tional diuretics, for example, the loop diuretics,may not promote much diuresis partly because ofgreatly increased proximal tubular reabsorptionof sodium and water caused by ineffectively cir-culating volume. Under these circumstances, man-nitol, by reducing proximal tubular reabsorptionof sodium and water, increases the sodium loadreaching the more distal tubular segments, en-hancing the effect of the saluretics. Because en-hanced distal nephron sodium reabsorption mayquantitatively play a greater role in sodium reten-tion in these conditions, however, the use ofmannitol alone might not be sufficient to producethe desired diuresis.

Clinically, mannitol has also been used to treatsevere water overload and hyponatremia. Inthese situations, the hyponatremia is dilutional.The osmotic effect of mannitol in the urine, asdiscussed earlier, causes a diuresis with an excessof water over electrolytes being excreted. By ad-ministering 25 gram boluses of hypertonic man-nitol intravenously hourly, as needed to maintainurine flow, water excretion can be notably aug-mented. Each 5 grams of mannitol ultimately



leads to excretion of approximately 100 ml ofwater in excess of electrolyte, and serum sodiumwill rise. Thus, massive water diuresis with rapidcorrection of the hyponatremia follows intrave-nous infusion of hypertonic mannitol. However,in patients with existing intravascular volumeoverload or with severe myocardial disease, suchinfusions may excessively expand intravascularvolume producing pulmonary congestion or frankpulmonary edema.

Prevention of Acute Renal FailureAlthough some have questioned whether man-

nitol administration may prevent the developmentof ischemic acute renal failure (ARF ) 3334 con-siderable experimental and clinical data supportthis prophylactic application.35-46 The reductionin ischemic injury to the kidneys of rats anddogs by prophylactic or early mannitol infusionsis well documented.35-40 For example, in ratsmannitol infused at the time of initiation ofischemia not only increased renal blood flow36but also significantly decreased cell swelling andthe resultant rise in blood urea nitrogen andcreatinine.35 However, in dogs, the renal failurefollowing hemorrhagic hypotension has been re-ported to be unaffected by mannitol in one study,37whereas others have shown there to be significantincreases in creatinine and para-aminohippurateclearances (glomerular filtration rate and renalblood flow) when mannitol was given beforehypotension was induced.38-40

The benefit of mannitol in human ischemicrenal disease is suggestive, if not conclusive. In37 patients in whom oliguria developed in theabsence of intravascular volume depletion, Lukeand co-workers41 infused 100 ml of a 20 percentmannitol solution intravenously over 10 to 30minutes and measured urine output. If the outputreached 50 ml per hour over the next two hours,no further mannitol was given. If the output in-creased, but less than 50 ml per hour, the samedose was repeated. By this technique, respondersand nonresponders to mannitol could be identi-fied. The responders subsequently had oliguriafor less than 50 hours and urine-to-plasma osmo-lality ratios greater than 1.05, and renal failure didnot occur. This strongly suggested that the man-nitol infusion either identified the nonrespondersas patients who would progress to renal failure orwas able to reverse the developing renal failure inthe responders as reported by Eliahou.47 Similarly,in a variety of toxin or pigment induced renal

failure in animals,42'43 mannitol, if given early, hasbeen shown to ameliorate or to prevent renalfailure. Finally, Dawson45 46 has reported exten-sive experimental and clinical evidence that thesevere acute tubular necrosis (ATN) which maycomplicate the postoperative course of hyperbili-rubinemic patients may be prevented by establish-ing and maintaining mannitol diuresis until serumbilirubin concentration has fallen to an acceptablelevel.

In summary, the evidence in animals and hu-mans is highly suggestive that mannitol, either bydecreasing glomerular capillary endothelial cellswelling and thus restoring glomerular blood flow;decreasing proximal tubular cell swelling andpromoting movement of intratubular debris48that could be causing tubular obstruction; dilutingurine and washing out toxin; or improving renalperfusion, can ameliorate or prevent developmentof acute renal failure from a variety of causes.In oliguric patients with repleted intravascularvolume we recommend the following mannitoltrial:

* Rapidly inject 12.5 to 25 grams of 20 per-cent to 25 percent solution of mannitol intra-venously and measure urine volume and specificgravity hourly.

* If urine output in the next hour is less than50 ml repeat the same dose.

* If still no response, established acute renalfailure is present and no more mannitol shouldbe given.

* If the patient responds, either incipient acuterenal failure has been reversed or oliguric acuterenal failure has been converted to nonoliguric,either of which has a better prognosis than oliguricacute renal failure. Underlying pathogenetic fac-tors- for example, extracellular fluid depletion-should be corrected.

* Be aware of possible complications of man-nitol therapy (see below).

DialysisDialysis disequilibrium is a common complica-

tion of rapid, efficient hemodialysis. Manifesta-tions of this syndrome include nausea, vomiting,headache, blurred vision and seizures all causedby brain swelling and increased intracranial pres-sure. Dialysis induced hypotension (in the absenceof volume depletion) and muscle cramps are alsofelt by many49350 to be part of this syndrome.

280 OCTOBER 1979 * 131 * 4


Most symptoms result from brain and muscle cellswelling due to water shifts following rapid re-moval of solute from the intravascular space withresultant disruption of the normal intracellular-extracellular fluid osmotic equilibrium. The rela-tion of dialysis induced hypotension to osmolalitychanges remains to be defined. Hagstam and co-workers49 and Rodrigo and associates50 showedthat many features of this syndrome can be pre-vented by infusing hypertonic mannitol into thevenous return line of the dialyzer continuouslyduring dialysis. In functionally anephric patients,however, mannitol should be used for only thefirst few dialyses or intermittently when severesymptoms related to disequilibrium occur50 toavoid mannitol accumulation in the extracellularfluid.

Mannitol has two other possible uses in dialy-sis. First, it may be added to peritoneal dialysateto increase the osmolality, thus promoting fluidremoval, particularly in diabetic patients whobecome severely hyperglycemic after continueduse of conventional hypertonic glucose peritonealdialysate. Second, mannitol infusions might begiven to maintain osmotic load and urine outputafter dialysis preventing virtual anuria in patientsundergoing hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysistherapy. Maintaining some urine flow would aidin fluid management and promote some potassiumexcretion in these patients. The later use forhypertonic mannitol has not been adequatelytested, however.

Renal TransplantationMannitol may be administered safely to pa-

tients with renal transplants to distinguish post-transplant acute tubular necrosis and acute re-jection. Anderson and associates5' carried outstudies in five renal transplant patients with pre-vious bilateral nephrectomies, who were oliguricfollowing transplantation. Acute rejection eventu-ally was found in four of the five in whom diuresisoccurred after injections of mannitol and eth-acrynic acid.

Diagnostic ToolMannitol has been used to diagnose renal dis-

ease unrelated to acute renal failure. Mannitolpyelography may be used to visualize renal col-lecting structures not seen on routine intravenouspyelogram because of high blood urea nitrogen,52as well as to magnify the intravenous pyelogram

abnormalities associated with unilateral renalartery stenosis.50 Similarly, partial versus com-plete and central versus renal diabetes insipidus54may be distinguished by comparing the change infree-water clearance (CH2O) in response to in-fusion of hypertonic mannitol alone (which stim-ulates antidiuretic hormone release and decreasesfree water clearance) in contrast to infusion ofmannitol plus antidiuretic hormone to see if theresponse to mannitol can be augmented. The de-tails are nicely outlined by Oetliker and associ-ates.54

Toxin ExcretionMannitol infusion has been used extensively in

prophylatic and active treatment of intoxicationswith endogenous and exogenous substances whoseclearance is increased by mannitol.55 Rapid ex-cretion of secobarbital,55 eucalyptus oil,56 salicy-lates57 and bromides58 has been reported aftermannitol administration. In addition, endogenoussubstances such as uric acid,59'60 hemoglobin andmyoglobin are rapidly excreted without renaldamage after mannitol administration. Mannitolmay also modify or prevent the nephrotoxicity ofcertain chemotherapeutic agents. This has beenclearly shown for cis-platinumdisamminedichlo-ride61'62 and is suggestive for tetracyline63 andamphotericin B.64-66

Cerebrovascular DiseaseBecause cerebral edema or intracranial pressure

is reduced following rapid infusion of 20 percentmannitol solution, this technique has been widelyused in treating cerebrovascular diseases includ-ing postangiography brain swelling,67 Reye syn-drome,68 hypoglycemia,69 trauma70'7' and the cere-bral edema following neurosurgery,72'73 as well asdialysis disequilibrium. A 20 percent to 50 percentreduction in intracranial pressure 30 to 45 minutesafter mannitol administration has been noted.This effect may last up to several hours. A smallrebound in pressure is then noted,74 but this ismuch less than that seen after urea administra-tion. An analagous effect of mannitol on spinalcord pressure after trauma in cats has beennoted,75 suggesting that mannitol may be used todecrease spinal cord swelling after trauma, surgi-cal operation or irradiation. Whether mannitolcan promote resorption of chronic subdural hema-tomas has been disputed76'77 and at present isunsettled. Finally, there is a suggestion that



mannitol can alter the blood brain barrier andincrease the entry of intravenously administeredantibiotics into the central nervous system.78

Cardiovascular DiseaseOliguria with decreased glomerular filtration

rate and renal plasma flow commonly occurs fol-lowing open heart surgical procedures undercardiopulmonary bypass. The mechanisms are notfully understood but may reflect a degree ofacute renal failure. Mannitol given either intra-venously or as a prime for the bypass pump, maydecrease the magnitude and severity of thesechanges.79'80 In patients in whom aortic operationsare done with cross-clamping of the aorta belowthe renal arteries, analogous changes develop inrenal function, which are also prevented by in-travenous mannitol given just before cross-clamp-ing.81 Finally, more recently the protective effect

of mannitol on ischemic myocardium has beenintensively studied. When given to animals justbefore experimental coronary artery occlusion,mannitol decreases cell swelling, water contentand necrosis in anoxic myocardial cells.82-90 Itincreases total and collateral myocardial bloodflow, reduces electrocardiographic evidence ofischemia, decreases coronary vascular resistanceand increases cardiac output. However, such ad-ministration of mannitol after coronary occlusionhas not limited infarct size, and the role of man-nitol therapy in human coronary artery diseaseremains to be elucidated.

Miscellaneous UsesMannitol has been used to decrease pulmonary

vascular resistance and increase alveolar ventila-tion in the acute respiratory distress syndrome,9'to terminate pregnancies,92 to stop hematuria as-

TABLE 1.-Clinical Applications of Intravenously Given Mannitol Solutions

I. Diagnostic Evaluation of Acutely Oliguric PatientA. Test dose of 12.5 to 25 grams mannitol (20 per-

cent to 25 percent solution) should be given inintravenous push over three to five minutes.

B. If no response (>50 ml urine/hour) repeat thesame dose in one hour.

C. If still no response, no further mannitol shouldbe given and treatment for acute tubular necrosisinstituted.

II. Therapeutic UsesA. Prevention of acute renal failure (such as after

cardiovascular surgical operation)1. Test dose as above followed by a priming dose

of sufficient concentrated (20 percent) mannitolover an hour to bring the priming dose to 50grams.

2. Maintain urine output at 50 ml/hour with in-travenous infusion of 5 percent mannitol plus20 mEq sodium chloride/liter and 1 gramcalcium gluconate/liter. Later, if needed, ap-propriate concentrations of potassium acetate,magnesium sulfate and more sodium chlorideshould be given as indicated.

B. Treatment of Oliguria1. Test dose as above.2. If response is noted, look for underlying cause

of oliguria other than acute tubular necrosis,for example, hypovolemia due to subtle causeof extracellular fluid contraction, such as thirdspacing.

C. Adjunctive Therapy for Intoxications1. Test dose as above followed by priming dose

(IIA).2. Maintain urine output at 150 to 500 ml/hour

with a continuous intravenous infusion of 5percent mannitol, each liter containing 45 mEq

sodium chloride, 24 mEq sodium acetate, 1gram calcium gluconate, 1 gram magnesiumsulfate and 20 mEq potassium acetate. If alka-linization of the extracellular fluid and urineis desired as in treatment of barbiturate intoxi-cation less sodium chloride and more sodiumacetate may be given depending on hourlychecks of urine pH or blood gases. Serum elec-trolytes and osmolarity should be monitoredperiodically.

D. Treatment of Elevated Intracranial or IntraocularPressure1. 100 to 150 grams (15 percent or 20 percent

solution) given over 30 to 60 minutes. Repeatas necessary to control intracranial or intra-ocular pressure.

2. Use 60 to 90 minutes before craniotomy orocular surgery for maximal effect.

E. Treatment of Water Intoxication With Sympto-matic Dilutional Hyponatremia1. Test dose followed by a priming dose as above

(HA).2. Give 20 percent mannitol as 25 gram boluses

hourly or by continuous infusion at a rate of100 to 125 ml per hour.

F. Potentiation of Diuresis in Patients With Intrac-table Cardiac, Cirrhotic and Nephrotic Edema1. Give intravenous injection of near maximal

dose of ethacrynic acid or furosemide.2. Follow immediately with test dose of mannitol

as described above followed by slow intra-venous infusion of 10 percent to 20 percentmannitol at a rate of 50 to 75 ml/hour.

3. Patient's cardiovascular status including centralvenous pressure, urine output and osmolarityand serum electrolytes should be carefullymonitored during the infusion.

282 OCTOBER 1979 * 131 * 4


sociated with sickle cell trait93 and to augmentiodine 131 uptake in the treatment of thyroidcancer.94

AdministrationSpecific recommendations for intravenous ad-

ministration of mannitol are presented in Table 1for each of several clinical applications.

PrecautionsOne case report of an allergic reaction associ-

ated with mannitol administration has been pub-lished.95 However, the relationship is unclearsince mannitol is inert and no other cases havebeen reported. On the other hand, in a patientwith poor renal function and incipient heart fail-ure, excessive volume expansion following man-nitol infusion can be a serious side effect andmannitol should be administered very cautiouslyin such a situation. After hypertonic mannitoladministration, particularly of bolus doses,96 dilu-tional hyponatremia and cellular dehydration mayresult from the movement of water out of cellsin response to increased extracellular fluid tonic-ity. In a patient with good renal function thisabnormality is of little consequence and is rapidlycorrected as mannitol is excreted. In a patientwith poor kidney function, however, sustainedhyperosmolality, hyponatremia and cellular de-hydration may be serious complications.97 Rarely,hypernatremia and dehydration from excessivewater loss in response to larger rapid infusions ofhypertonic mannitol in patients with functioningkidneys, and occasionally mild hyperkalemia ofunclear origin,98 may occur. Finally, in uremicdogs given mannitol pronounced decreases incerebrospinal fluid pH resulting in death havebeen noted.99 Similar changes in cerebrospinalfluid pH in human beings with uremia after man-nitol administration have not been studied.

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