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Centro de Formao Profissional de Faro


Greeting someone

Good morning

(Bom dia)

Good afternoon!

(Boa tarde)

Good evening!

(Boa noite)

Hello! / Hi!


How do you do? Como est? How are you? Como ests?


very well!

not so well.



feeling down.





Thank you! Obrigado /a


Saying goodbye!

See you soon! (At breve)

See you tomorrow! (At amanh)

See you on Monday!

(At segunda)

Good bye! (Adeus)

Bye bye!

Bye! (tchau)

Good night! (boa noite)

Have a nice weekend! (Tenha um bom fim-de-semana!)

Introducing myself and someone else Read the dialogues bellow.

Hello, my name is Lewis Berg. Whats your name?

Im Brian

Can you repeat, please?

Brian Can you spell that?


Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too, Mr. Berg.


Anna, this is the new teacher, Joanna Miller.

Nice to meet you Joanna and welcome to our company.

Im Anna Rice.

Greetings, Introductions and FarewellsFollow the dialogue. Mr Bean meets Mrs Breuer and her husband in the street.

Mr Bean:Good morning, Mrs Breuer.

Mrs Breuer:Good morning, Mr Bean. How are you?

Mr Bean: I'm fine thanks, and you?

Mrs Breuer: Not too bad. Mr Bean, this is my husband Michael, Michael this is Mr Bean my colleague.

Mr Breuer: Pleased to meet you.

Mr Bean: Pleased to meet you too. Are you from Germany, Mr Breuer?

Mr Breuer:Yes, East Germany, from Dresden. And you, are you from London?

Mr Bean: No, I'm from Derby, but I live in London now.

Mrs Breuer:Well, goodbye Mr Bean, it was nice to see you.

Mr Bean:Yes, goodbye.


Table of Cardinal Numbers










10ten20twenty30thirty1,000,000a/ million

Table of Ordinal Numbers








8theighth18theighteenth28thtwenty-eighth100thone hundredth

9thninth19thnineteenth29thtwenty-ninth1,000thone thousandth

10thtenth20thtwentieth30ththirtieth1,000,000thone millionth

WRITE and tell

YOUR AGE- ____________________________________________________________

YOUR PHONE NUMBER: __________________________________________________


Fill in the words for the numbers into the crossword.
















1) 3) 5) 7) 9) 10) 11) 13) 14) 15)

1) 2) 4) 6) 8) 9) 12)


Complete the CARD with your PERSONAL information


Name: _________ Surname: ______________

Age: __________ Date of birth: ___________

( ( (Marital Status: ________________

Nationality: __________________



Telephone n.: ________________

Complete the dialogue

A: Hello!

B: ______________________________________________________

A: How are you?

B: ______________________________________________________

A: What is your name?

B: ______________________________________________________

A: Is your surname Sousa?

B: ______________________________________________________

A: How do you spell it?

B: ______________________________________________________

A: What is your address?

B: ______________________________________________________

A: Are you from Spain?

B: ______________________________________________________

A: Where are you from?

B: ______________________________________________________

A: What is your nationality?

B: ______________________________________________________

A: Is your telephone number 7843876?

B: ______________________________________________________

A: Are you single?

B: ______________________________________________________

A: Nice to meet you.

B: ______________________________________________________

A: Goodbye. See you next Thursday.

B: _____________________________________________________TO BE

1- Conjugue o verbo to be (=ser/estar)


Eu sou /estouEu sou uma rapariga

Tu s /estsTu ests no trabalho

Ele /estEle meu amigo

Ela / estEla alta

A coisa /estO lpis amarelo

Ns somos/estamosNs estamos no hotel

Vs sois /estaisVs sois muito simpticas


Elas so /esto

As coisasEles esto no restaurante

Elas so baixas

As canetas so azuis

rapariga= girl









canetas= pens



Eu no sou / estouEu no sou m

Tu no s /estsTu no s egosta

Ele no /estEle no bonito

Ela no / estEla no est no caf

A coisa no /estA borracha no verde

Ns no somos /estamosNs no estamos no cinema

Vs no sois /estaisVs no sois faladoras


Elas no so /esto

As coisasEles no esto no teatro

Elas no esto na loja

Os papes no so vermelhos

m= evil

egosta= selfish

bonito= handsome

caf= cafborracha= rubber

verde= green

faladoras= talkative


loja= shop

papis= papers



Eu sou / estou...?Eu sou bonita?

Tu s /ests...?Tu ests na biblioteca?

Ele /est...?Ele teu irmo?

Ela / est...?Ela est triste?

A coisa / est...?O quadro est limpo?

Ns somos /estamos...?Ns estamos na livraria?

Vs sois /estais...?Vs estais alegres?


Elas so /esto...?

As coisasEles esto no escritrio?

Elas so magras?

As malas so caras?

bonita= prettybiblioteca=library irmo=brother triste= sad quadro= board

limpo= clean

livraria= bookshop

alegres= happy

escritrio= office

magras= slim

malas= bags

caras= expensive

2- Substitua os sujeitos das frases pelos pronomes pessoais: I, YOU, HE, SHE, IT, WE, THEY.

The car is very fast. ________________________________________________________Is Richard an old man? _____________________________________________________

Are Peter and Diane friends? ________________________________________________Is Carol a pretty girl? _______________________________________________________John isnt a valet. __________________________________________________________Para alm dos pronomes pessoais (personal pronouns), h os pronomes possessivos (possessive adjectives). Estes ltimos tm de estar sempre acompanhados de um substntivo (nome) e so:

MY = meu(s), minha(s)

YOUR =teu(s), tua(s)

HIS = dele

HER =dela

ITS = do objecto, do animal, da planta

OUR = nosso(s), nossa(s)

YOUR = vosso(s), vossa(s)

THEIR =deles, delas, das coisas

2- Traduza:

Meu copo ____________________

Minha chvena _______________________

Minhas esferogrficas _______________________

Meus sapatos ___________________________

A Tua cadeira ___________________________

A mesa dele _________________________

Os sofs delas _____________________________

O nosso lpis _________________________

A toalha deles ________________________

Os livros delas ___________________________

3- Responda s seguintes perguntas utilizando as short answers. Tome ateno que so perguntas fechadas e, por isso, pedem respostas iniciadas por YES or NO, seguidas do sujeito e do verbo utilizado na pergunta. Ex:

Is Carol (=she) a pretty girl?

Yes, she is.

No, she isnt

Is Peter an athlete? Is your sisters name Diane? Are his pencils black?







Are we colleagues?

Is their pen green?

Are you from Spain?







Are your books black? Is Carol your mother?

Are your parents well?







4 - No entanto, h outro tipo de perguntas: as perguntas abertas que pedem uma resposta completa, isto , comeada pelo sujeito, seguido do verbo (igual ao da pergunta) e com um complemento (=informao).

What + is + your name?

wh-q verbo sujeito

My name + is + Ana.

sujeito verbo complemento

ANA o complemento e por isso a informao que pedida.

O elemento que define o complemento a WH-question.

As WH-questions surjem sempre no incio da pergunta e comeam por WH.As mais comuns so: What? = Qual? O qu?

Which? = Qual?

Where? = Onde?

When? = Quando?

Who? = Quem?

Why? = Porqu?

How? = Como?

Repare na diferena.

Who is she?

Where is she?

How is she?

She is a student.

She is at school.

She is fine.

(Existem, ento, dois tipos de perguntas. (FECHADAS e ABERTAS). Vamos agora comparar os dois tipos de perguntas e respetivas respostas.Is your name Peter?

Yes, it is. /// No, it isnt

What is your name (= it)?My name (= it) is Peter.

Are you 20 years old?

Yes, I am. /// No, Im not.

How old are you?

Im 20 years old.

Are you from Portugal?

Yes, I am. /// No, Im not.

Where are you from?

Im from Portugal.

Is your nationality portuguese?

Yes, it is. /// No, it isnt.

What is your nationality (= it)?

My nationality (= it) is Portuguese.

Name: John Smith

Age: 35

Nationality: English

Address: 23, Peace Road.

Marital status: marriedName: Carol Smith

Age: 25

Nationality: English

Address: 23, Peace Road.

Marital status: single

5- Responda s perguntas que se seguem de acordo com as informaes dos quadros acima apresentados.

What is her name?________________________________________________________________

Is his name Peter? ________________________________________________________________

Are they from Brazil? _____________________________________________________________

How old is he? ___________________________________________________________________

Is she single? ____________________________________________________________________

What is his marital status? __________________________________________________________

6- Complete o dilogo que se segue com os seus dados pessoais.

A: Hello! How are you?

B: ______________________________________________________________________________________A: What is your name?

B: ______________________________________________________________________________________A: Is your surname Sousa?

B: ______________________________________________________________________________________A: How do you spell it?

B: ______________________________________________________________________________________A: Are you from Spain?

B: ______________________________________________________________________________________A: Where are you from?

B: ______________________________________________________________________________________A: Are you single?

B: ______________________________________________________________________________________A: Nice to meet you. See you next week

B: ______________________________________________________________________________________People and jobs

( Write a short paragraph introducing yourself.

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________( Read the following text:


My pen friend Tom Chang is from Canada. He is 22 years old. He was born on 10th February. His fathers birthday is in June. He wants to be an athlete. He has got one sister. His father is a tennis player and his mother is a doctor. His hobbies are reading comics, rock music and of course, sports. His favourite sports are swimming and tennis, but he also likes judo. Next year he wants to study Portuguese and practise sports.


A)- Answer the questions about the text.

1- What is his pen friends name?


2- How old is he?


3- What is his fathers job?


4- What are his hobbies?


B)- Complete the questions to Tom Chang:

1- __________ are you? Fine, thanks

2- __________ do you play sports? Because it is good for my body.

3- __________ is your mothers job? She is a doctor.

4- __________ is his fathers birthday? Its in June

5- __________are you from? Canada

C)- Match the questions with their answers.

Example: Is Tina Turner a singer? - Yes, she is.

1- Is Joo Pinto an actor?

a - No, Im not.

2- Are Mr and Mrs Montand French?

b - No, he isnt.

3- Is Paris the capital of England?

c - Yes, he is.

4- Are you from Boston?

d - Yes, they are.

5- Is Rosa Mota Spanish?

e - No, it isnt.

6- Is Harrison Ford an actor?

f - No, she isnt.D)- Put am, are, is, has, have. Sometimes you need the negative.

1- We ___________ a nice house in the country.

2- It ___________ a garden with many flowers.

3- Susan ___________ absent today. She ___________ the flu.

4- ___________ you ready to go out? Yes, we ___________.

5- ___________ Paul here? No, he ___________. He ___________ at home.

E)- Complete the dialogue with I, you, my, your.

Receptionist: Good afternoon. Whats ___________ name?

Jorge Silva: ___________ names Silva.

Receptionist: Pardon? How do ___________ spell it?

Jorge Silva: S-I-L-V-A.

Receptionist: And whats ___________ first name?

Jorge Silva: Jorge. J-O-R-G-E.

Receptionist: Where are ___________ from?

Jorge Silva: ___________m from Portugal.

Receptionist: Are ___________ from Lisbon?

Jorge Silva: Yes, ___________ am.

F) Rewrite the text My pen friend in the first person. Start as followed:

Hello, my name is Tom Chang. I am from Canada. I ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________






Good Work! (FAMILY LIFEA - Read Heidi's words and write the names of the people on the family tree.

My name's Heidi. I'm married to Kerim. We have two children, Aisha and Leila. My mum, Wendy, died when I was a teenager. My dad, Keith, got married to Katrina fourteen years ago. I've got one sister, Gina, and one brother, Andy. Gina's married to Jean-Claude, who's French. They've got a little girl called Julie and a boy of twelve called Michael. My brother Andy was married to a girl called Caroline but they got divorced. Luckily they didn't have any children. Now he's married to a girl called Susanna.

B - What do they all say about family life? Choose the correct word for each gap.

aunt brother-in-law cousins daughter-in-law ex-wifefather in low- grandparents husband sister-in-lawson-in-law stepmother uncle wife

Kerim: My (1) father-in-law Keith is really nice. We're partners in a computer software company.

Aisha: My (2)____________Gina is really bossy. She always makes me eat everything on my plate.Leila: My (3) ____________ Andy should get divorced again. I don't like his wife, Susanna.Heidi: I like my (4)_____________Katrina very much. She's like a real mother to me.Keith: My (5)_______________, Kerim, is a really reliable person. I couldn't manage the business without him.Gina: I don't get on very well with my (6)____________, Susanna. I get on much better with Andy's (7)__________, Caroline.

Claude: My (8)_____________Andy is a really nice guy but I don't like his (9)_______________Susanna very much. She complains about everything.

Julie. My (10)_____________Aisha and Leila are coming on holiday with us next summer. We're going to rent a big house in the south of France.Michael: I'm trying to teach my (11)______________Keith and Katrina to speak French. They're really slow!

Susanna: My (12)______________Andy prefers his sisters to me.

Keith: I get on well with everyone in the family. Well, nearly everyone. I have a problem with my (13)_________________Susanna.

Telling the time

Telling the time

Prepositions in, on, at

a. ______ Friday

b. ______ 6.45c. ______ the morningd. ______ the weekende. ______ nightf. ______ Saturday nightg. ______ Septemberh. ______ 15th September









1- ___________________________


2- ___________________________


3- ___________________________


4- ___________________________


5- ___________________________


6- ___________________________


7- ___________________________


8- ___________________________


9- ___________________________


10- ___________________________


11- ___________________________


12- ___________________________


DAILY ROUTINE___________________________________

























This is what Alex does every day. Match the expressions with the pictures.

Look at the pictures and write about his daily routine.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________2. ________________________________________________________________________________3. ________________________________________________________________________________4. ________________________________________________________________________________5. ________________________________________________________________________________6. ________________________________________________________________________________7. ________________________________________________________________________________8. ________________________________________________________________________________9. ________________________________________________________________________________10. ________________________________________________________________________________11. ________________________________________________________________________________12. __________________________________________________________________________________

- Now, answer these questions about your daily routine.

1- What time do you get up?

2- How do you go to work?

3- Where and at what time do you have lunch?

4- What do you do at night?

5- Do you go to bed at 11 pm at weekends?

6- What do you do in your free time?



Present simple vs Present Continuous

Q1 - He's working for his Father

The person's job is probably temporaryThe person's job is permanent

Q2 - Take the third road on the left

The speaker is talking in general termsThe speaker is giving instructions to get somewhere

Q3 - I don't like tea with sugar

The speaker is talking about nowThe speaker is talking in general terms

Q4 - Manchester United are winning two-zero

This refers to an unfinished gameThis is their usual result

Q5 - I don't drive

The speaker is in a car at the momentThe speaker either does not know how to drive or chooses not to drive

Q6 - She's losing weight

She often goes on a dietShe's on a diet at the moment

Q7 - Do you buy a lot of CDs?

The speaker wants to know if the person is in the habit of buying a lot of CDsThe speaker is probably in a record shop and wants to know how many CDs the other person has got in their bag

Q8 - I'm leaving for Amsterdam on the last flight

The speaker has not planned to travelThe speaker has planned to travel

Q9 - Have you got any free time when we could talk?

The speaker needs to speak to the other person nowThe speaker has to speak to the other person on a number of occasions

Q10 - I take milk in coffee

The speaker only wants milk in a cup of coffee nowThe speaker usually or always takes milk in coffee

Q11 - I like the film

The speaker can only be talking in general terms about liking filmThe speaker could be talking in general terms or about a film she is watching now

Q12 - I have breakfast at a quarter past seven

This sentence describes an actionThis sentence describes possession

Q13 - She's having a child

She is either pregnant or giving birth at the momentThe child has been born

Q14 - John's waiting for you in reception

The speaker knows that John often waits thereThe speaker knows where John is now

Q15 - She's got two daughters

This sentence describes the action of giving birth to two daughtersThis sentence describes her possessing two daughters

Q16 - She's always blowing her nose

The speaker is expressing dislike of her behaviourThe speaker doesn't object to her behaviour

Q17 - I don't understand

The person is talking in general terms and not about nowThe person could be talking about now or in general terms

Q18 - My neighbours are always playing their music too loud

The speaker is talking about the music they are playing nowThe speaker is talking about their usual music volume

Q19 - She lives in a small village

She is not going to move home in the near futureHer home is probably only for a short time

Q1 - I ____ a great time on this holiday.

haveam havingEither could be used here.

Q2 - She's Italian- she ____ from Pisa.

comesis comingEither could be used here.

Q3 - '_____ your meal?' 'Yes, it's very good.'

Are you enjoyingDo you enjoyEither could be used here.

Q4 - Many scientists believe global warming ____.

really happensis really happeningEither could be used here.

Q5 - This term, I ____ Latin.

studyam studying

Q6 - ____ to see us next month?

Do you comeAre you comingEither could be used here.

Q7 - Let me know when you ____ this letter.

receiveare receivingEither could be used here.

Q8 - They ____ to do it now.

wantare wantingEither could be used here.

Q9 - I _____ it.

don't understandam not understandingEither could be used here.

Q10 - Water ____ at a hundred degrees.

boilsis boilingEither could be used here.

Q11 - Smoking _____ cancer.

causesis causingEither could be used here.

Q12 - I ____ a lot of progress at the moment.

makeam makingEither could be used here.

Q13 - It _____ me a lot at the moment.

worriesis worryingEither could be used here.




Life lines, p68

Headway, p.39

New Frontiers 2, p 164

Life lines, p75



Will or Going to?

Parte superior do formulrio

1I feel really tired. I think I ______ go to bed.

2Where are you going?

I ______ visit a customer.

3Do you want me to help you?

No thanks. John ______ help me.

4Would you prefer tea or coffee?

I ______ have some coffee, please.

5Would you like to come to my house for dinner and talk about this?

Good idea. I ______ bring some wine.

6I've already decided. I ______ buy a new car

7What are your plans for next week?

I ______ to fly to New York on business. Probably on Tuesday but I haven't bought my ticket yet.

8What are your plans for the holidays?

I ______ visit my parents for a few days and then go walking in Scotland.

9Why are you wearing your best suit?

I ______ have lunch with my biggest customer.

10Do you want to have the chicken or the beef?

I think ______ have the beef.

11My head hurts.

Sit down and I ______ get you an aspirin.

12We need some more ink for the printer.

I ______ go to the shop and get some.

13Look! There's smoke coming out of the photocopier.

You turn it off and I ______ phone the safety officer

14I cannot see how to use this spreadsheet.

Don't worry. I ______ help you.

15I need to speak to you today.

I'm going out now but I ______ be back later.

1.a, 2.b, 3.b, 4.a, 5.a, 6.b, 7.b, 8.b, 9.b, 10.a, 11.a, 12.a, 13.a, 14.a, 15.aParte inferior do formulrio

Adjectives, Comparatives and Superlatives Write the missing adjectives, comparative or superlative words in the chart below. Be careful of your spelling, and dont forget "than" or "the" when you need it.


Ex. Abigbigger than the biggest

Ex. Bbusy busier thanthe busiest

Ex. Cexciting more exciting thanthe most exciting



3.the most interesting


5.happier than

6.the saddest


8.worse than

9.the shortest


11.redder than

12.the greenest



15.the most terrible

16.the largest

17.hotter than


19.the oldest


Good morning. How do you do?

How do you do?

Im fine.

How are you?

Hi, how are you?

Brush the teeth Have breakfast Go to school

Do the homework Have dinner Go to sleep

Have a shower Have lunch Watch TV

Have swimming lessons Have dinner Wake up

English/ Ana Neto