Mao Quantum

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  • 8/12/2019 Mao Quantum


    JPRS: 553CSO: 43l4-N/b

    QU NTUM STU Y SIMPLIFIEV IN PEl CHING UNIVERSITY NOTHER VIOTORY FOR THE M O TSE TUNG IDEOLOGYLPollowing is the ful l translation of an articleappearing in pei-ching i h ~ p o (Peking Daily);24 May 1960, page Instructors and students of Peking University s theoretical physics instruction study group, using Mao Tse-tungideology as a weapon, have uncovered the bourgeois idealiSmand ontology in quantum mechanics, II and thus have opened upthe world struggle between two concepts. These efforts havechanged the face of this course and improved the quality ofteaching.Quantum mechanics is an important subject in physics.I t is a science devoted to the study of the movements ofelementary particles (such as the electron, neutron, e tcI t is the basis for theories of such advanced sciences asnuclear physics and the physics of semiconductors. Quantummechanics used to be considered a diff icult subject for teach

    ing as well as learning. Many students reacted to i t as follows: (1) afraid to learn, (2) hard to understand,3 lido not know how to apply, 4 easy to forget. Last October, under the leadership of party commissarof the school, the instruction study group launched a teaching reform campaign among teachers and studentsv In the beginn ing, the opinions raised by students made i t seem thatthe main problem was the teaching method.The party commissar believed that in order to raisethe quality of teach ing, we must use Marxism-Leninism as aweapon to appraise the basic problem in the teach ing of thissUbject. The instruction study group la ter staged a move-. ment to study Chairman Mao I s theory of practice and theory

    of cont radic tion .Equipped with Mao Tse-tung s ideology, the study groupfinally found the root of the difficulty. I t was due to theeXistence of concepts of bourgeois idealism and ontology inteaching materials, which were contrary to Chairman Mao'stheory o f p ra ctic e and to the principles of Marxist-Leninistepistemology. In the past, some teachers thought that thetheory of quantum mechanics was buil t from logical concepts,- 1 -

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    while the students' attitude was that the theory had droppedfrom heaven. Some teachers even advocated during theirlectures the ridiculous idea t ~ r t science j.s the product ofthe brains of a few 'gifted scient ists . They thought thatsome men are born with ta lent o ~ dealihg with logical concepts and that others are not. ~ i s theory created an auraof mystery around science in the minds of students .Teachers and students have repeatedly studied Chair- .man Mao s theory of practice and IItheory of contradiction,and have thus come to understand that IItheory comes frompractice. ,Teachers now tend to believe and teach that theoryis shaped after experiments and analysis have been conducted,in accordance with the spir i t of the IItheory of practice. This reformed way of teaching has changed the study of quantummechanics. Lectures on quantum mechanics are now much moreeasily absorbed by students. Furthermore, teachers and students both have learned that theory no t only comes out ofpractice but also should be used to direct practice. nd atthe same time, theory is advanced and proved in the courseof practice. They have learned also that only by viewing theouter manifestations to stUdy the inner contradictions canthey come to understand the nature of the matter. In otherwords, only by viewing phenomena due to neutron and electronmovements to study their origins can we understand the natureof these particles. Teachers and students began to studythese problems by applying dialect ical materialism. For example, in the spectroscope we could see different colors dueto atomic specta (the phenomenon). Why is the spectrum ofone atom different from that of another? This is determinedby the state of movement in the atom i ts l f Therefore,through viewing the atom's spectrum we can study the movementinside the atom. The bourgeois intel lectual 's so-calledIltheory of unknowability,1I which reasons that because theneutron and electron are not visible and touchable i t is impossible to study their nature, was thus shattered.ThUS under the leadership of the party, teachers andstudents jointly grasped and studied the main problems, applying dialect ical materialism and Mao Tse-tung's ideology in theanalysis and appraisal. They not only collected theses anddata but also visited production agencies for opinions, sothat theory and practice could be consolidated. By doingthese things, they fin ally la id bare the influence of bourgeoisidealism on quantum mechanics.Since the exposure of the idealis t Viewpoint, thissubject has undergone a great change. Before the reform,quantum mechanics was considered a I book of heaven, but nowthis subject is much more easily understood. Teachers andstudents have more faith in the subject and on this basis

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    they have compiled a draft of new instruction material on thequantum mechanics.For both teachers and students the course of instruction reform led to the ~ e f o r m of their conceptions of theworld. All c me to realize that the struggle between two conceptions of the world in the teaching of natural science andscientific research is very profound. Previously some hadthought that o Tse-tung ideology did not have to be appliedto the study and t e h i ~ g of natural sciences. But now fromtheir own practical experience they realize that without thedirection of o Tse-tung ideology the natural scienceswould sink into a deep muddy pi t Therefore l l are nowearnestly studying Chairman Maols works and seeking to reformtheir own conception of the world and their method of teaching. The reform in the teaching of quantum mechanics has inspired reforms in the teaching of other f ields of science.MeanWhile grasping o Tse-tung ideology as their weaponl l sections in the science department /Of Peiping Universitihave launched an effort to reform their individual f ields ofteaching.

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