Map Projections in Map Projections in the Antarctic the Antarctic GMAT 2700 - Geometry of GMAT 2700 - Geometry of Coordinate Reference Systems Coordinate Reference Systems Tom McDonald Tom McDonald 3160372 3160372

Map Projections in the Antarctic GMAT 2700 - Geometry of Coordinate Reference Systems Tom McDonald 3160372

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Page 1: Map Projections in the Antarctic GMAT 2700 - Geometry of Coordinate Reference Systems Tom McDonald 3160372

Map Projections in the Map Projections in the AntarcticAntarctic

GMAT 2700 - Geometry of Coordinate GMAT 2700 - Geometry of Coordinate Reference Systems Reference Systems

Tom McDonaldTom McDonald31603723160372

Page 2: Map Projections in the Antarctic GMAT 2700 - Geometry of Coordinate Reference Systems Tom McDonald 3160372

Map ProjectionsMap Projections

• The representation of the earth or another bodies surface on a plane.

• As a sphere can not be laid out flat there will be distortions with any projection.

• Using different projections will provide different distortions

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Polar StereographicPolar Stereographic

• Polar Stereographic are from a planar perspective

• South pole viewed from the North pole

• True scale is due to the standard parallel

• For a 1:20 million scale the standard meridian is 71°S

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Polar StereographicPolar Stereographic

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Universal Transverse Mercator Universal Transverse Mercator

• The UTM is a cylindrical projection that is divided into 60 zones

• Each zone is 6° and has its own central meridian

• This projection has a limit of 80°S

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Lambert Conformal Conic Lambert Conformal Conic

• Based on two standard parallels

• It can represent the pole as a point

• Its good for medium to large scale mapping

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Satellite ImagerySatellite Imagery

• AVHRR - Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer is an instrument that can be used on satellites to capture images

• AVHRR does not have a specific projection so a polar stereographic projection is applied using the coast line as control

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Satellite ImagerySatellite Imagery

• Landsat Multispectral Scanner (MSS) and Thematic Mapper (TM) captures images with a resolution of 68m x 82m for MSS and 30m x 30m for TM

• Has its own projection the Spatial Oblique Mercator

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Spatial Oblique Mercator Spatial Oblique Mercator

• Shape is accurate to a few parts per million

• Area varies by less than 0.02 percent • Minimal distortion of direction• Distance has a true scale along the

ground track and varies approximately 0.01%

• The only projection that takes into account the rotation of the earth

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• Due to the unique position of Antarctica different map projections must be used

• These projection limit the distortions that would occur if the conventional projections were used