MAPPING OF FAMILY PLANNING PARTNERS IN UGANDA This document is composed of two parts; 1.) F.P partners organized by district of Intervention. 2.) F.P partners organized by regions in which they are located including the services offered. 1. F.P PARTNERS ORGANIZED BY DISTRICT OF INTERVENTION ORGANIZATION DISTRICT 1. CONSERVATION THROUGH PUBLIC HEALTH (CTPH) Kanungu 2. German Foundation for World Population (DSW) Kampala Wakiso Mukono Kamuli Jinja Iganga Busembatya Namutumba Bugiri Palisa Budaka Tororo Busia Masindi Homia Buliisa 3. ELIZABETH GLAIZER PEDIATRIC AIDS FOUNDATION (EGPAF) Kampala Mukono Jinja Iganga Namutamba Mayuge Mpigi Masaka Rakai Sembabule 1

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Page 1: Mapping Family Planning Service Providers by Districts.doc


This document is composed of two parts;1.) F.P partners organized by district of Intervention.2.) F.P partners organized by regions in which they

are located including the services offered.




2. German Foundation for World Population (DSW)



Kampala Mukono Jinja Iganga Namutamba Mayuge Mpigi Masaka Rakai Sembabule LyantondeKiruhura Mbarara Isingiro IbandaRukungiri Kabala Kanungu Kamwenge


Page 2: Mapping Family Planning Service Providers by Districts.doc

KaseseBundibugyo Kabarole Kibale Hoima Bushenyi




All districts in Uganda


AbimArua Bukediaya Bulisa Dokolo Hoima Iganga Kabarole Kampala Kyenjojo Masindi Mbarara Moroto Nakapiripirit Pader Yumbe

7. LINKAGES Ajumani AruaKisoroKitgum MubendeMukonoPaderSoroti





10. MINISTRY OF HEALTH (MOH) All districts in Uganda 11. MARIE STOPES UGANDA (MSU)

All districts apart from Kalangala


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13. PLAN UGANDA Luwero KamuliTororoKampala


Iganga Kalangala KibogaLira Wakiso




Arua Bushenyi Gulu IgangaKabaroleKampalaKaseseLiraMbale MityanaTororoKapchorwaHoimaMbarara

17. SAVE THE CHILDREN Luwero Nakaseke Nakasongola


Kisoro Kabale Kanungu Rukungiri


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Ntungamo Bushenyi Ibanda Isingiro Kiruhura Mbarara


All districts in Uganda

20. STRIDES BugiriKalikoKamuliKumiMayugeKalangalaKayungaLuweroMityanaMpigiSembabuleNakasongolaKawengeKaseseKyenjojo




ApacArua Kabarole Kanungu KaseseLira LuweroMasakaMayuge Mbale Mbarara Mukono RukungiriSoroti TororoWakiso


Arua Gulu Kaabong


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Kanungu KapchorwaKatakwi Kibale KitgumuKotido Lira MasindiMubendeMoroto Pader Wakiso Yumbe OyamDokoloAmolatarBukwaMbararaNakapriripritKampalaAbimKalangalaAmuruSorotiAmuriaApac



25. USAID | DELIVER PROJECT HoimaManafwaMayugeApac


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26. WHO (World Health Organization)

All districts in Uganda


Region District Organization and Services

OfferedNorthern RegionMadi, Lugbara and Acholi

1. Adjumani MOH – Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU – General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

LINKAGES – Dissemination of Family Planning Information

HIPS – Sensitization and provision of family planning services through community outreach, peer education and community videos. Provision of HCT services.

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Luo (Lango) 2. Amolatar MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services


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PATHFINDER – Building the capacity of health providers to offer quality family panning services. (Trains health workers in Basic and Long Term FP methods, Trains VHTs/CBDAs)Conduct LTPM outreaches

NUMAT – Providing F.P education for people living with HIV/AIDS

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

UNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

3. Amuru MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

PATHFINDER – Building the capacity of health providers to offer quality family panning services. (Trains health workers in Basic and Long Term FP methods, Trains VHTs/CBDAs)Con

WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops duct LTPM outreaches

UNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of


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Family planning

Luo (Lango) 4. Apac MOH - Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

LINKAGES – Dissemination of Family Planning Information

UHMG – Marketing and dissemination of Family planning products and information

NUMAT – Providing F.P education for people living with HIV/AIDS

DELIVER – Supply chain strengthening

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

PATHFINDER – Building the capacity of health providers to offer quality family panning services. (Trains health workers in Basic and Long Term FP methods, Trains VHTs/CBDAs)Conduct LTPM outreaches

WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

UNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

Alur, Lugbara, Kakwa and Madi

5. Arua MOH - Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising


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UHMG - Marketing and dissemination of Family planning products and information

RHU - Clinics and community outreach service delivery offering Safe motherhood, Family planning services, treatment of STI, Post Abortion care and Infertility management, HCT services and Youth friendly services and health education.

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

UNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Luo (Acholi) 6. Gulu MOH - Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

UNFPA – Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

EGPAF – Capacity building for health workers in F.P

HIPS - Sensitization and provision of family planning services through community outreach, peer education and community videos. Provision of HCT services

UHMG - Marketing and


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dissemination of Family planning products and information

STF – S.T Gulu center offers Clinical and psychosocial services, Radio Talk shows, dissemination of IEC materials, HCT and Family Planning counseling

NUMAT – Providing F.P education for people living with HIV/AIDS

TASO – F.P counseling, supply F.P products, training of community volunteers in F.P

RHU - Clinics and community outreach service delivery offering Safe motherhood, Family planning services, treatment of STI, Post Abortion care and Infertility management, HCT services and Youth friendly services and health education. WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Luo (Acholi) 7. Kitgum MOH - Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSH – Support Community based resource persons to distribute F.P methods, support capacity building for resource persons

UNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning LINKAGES -– Dissemination of Family Planning Information

STF - Clinical and psychosocial services, Radio Talk shows, HCT and FP counseling

NUMAT – Providing F.P education for people living with HIV/AIDS


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PATHFINDER – Building the capacity of health providers to offer quality family panning services. (Trains health workers in Basic and Long Term FP methods, Trains VHTs/CBDAs)Conduct LTPM outreaches WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Luo (Langi) 8. Lira MOH - Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

HIPS – Sensitization and provision of family planning services through community outreach, peer education and community videos.

UHMG - Marketing and dissemination of Family planning products and Information

RHU - Clinics and community outreach service delivery offering Safe motherhood, Family planning services, treatment of STI, Post Abortion care and Infertility management, HCT services and Youth friendly services and health education.

UNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning POP SEC – Advocacy and training of trainers

NUMAT – Providing F.P education for people living with HIV/AIDS

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods,


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training in F.P

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

PATHFINDER – Building the capacity of health providers to offer quality family panning services. (Trains health workers in Basic and Long Term FP methods, Trains VHTs/CBDAs)Conduct LTPM outreaches WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

9. Oyam MOH - Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

NUMAT – Providing F.P education for people living with HIV/AIDS

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

PATHFINDER – Building the capacity of health providers to offer quality family panning services. (Trains health workers in Basic and Long Term FP methods, Trains VHTs/CBDAs)Conduct LTPM outreaches

WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

UNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

10. Dokolo MOH - Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials


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for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

NUMAT – Providing F.P education for people living with HIV/AIDS

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

PATHFINDER – Building the capacity of health providers to offer quality family panning services. (Trains health workers in Basic and Long Term FP methods, Trains VHTs/CBDAs)Conduct LTPM outreaches WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

UNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

Madi 11. Moyo MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Luo (Acholi) 12. Pader MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all


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family planning services and HCT services

UNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

LINKAGES-– Dissemination of Family Planning Information

HIPS – Sensitization and provision of family planning services through community outreach, peer education and community videos. Provision of HCT services.

NUMAT – Providing F.P education for people living with HIV/AIDS

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

PATHFINDER – Building the capacity of health providers to offer quality family panning services. (Trains health workers in Basic and Long Term FP methods, Trains VHTs/CBDAs)Conduct LTPM outreaches WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

13. Terego/ Maracha

MOH - Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSH – Support Community based resource persons to distribute F.P methods, support capacity building for resource persons

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops


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Alur and Jonam 14. Nebbi MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Kakwa 15. Koboko MOH - Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

UHMG - Marketing and dissemination of Family planning products and Information

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Alur, Lubgara, Kakwa and Madi

This area is predominantly Lugbara dialect

16. Yumbe MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

UNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

LINKAGES-– Dissemination of


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Family Planning Information

HIPS – Sensitization and provision of family planning services through community outreach, peer education and community videos. Provision of HCT services.

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Karamoja (Nkarimojong)

17. Kaabong MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

UNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

18. Abim MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials on family planning, awareness raising, Capacity building, Advocacy and technical support

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

PATHFINDER – Building the


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capacity of health providers to offer quality family panning services. (Trains health workers in Basic and Long Term FP methods, Trains VHTs/CBDAs)Conduct LTPM outreaches WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsUNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

19. kotido MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

UNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

20. Nakapiripiti MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops


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UNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

21. Moroto MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

UNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

Western Region Lukonzo and Rwamba 22.

Bundibugyo MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

EGPAF – Capacity building for trainers, VHT training in both short term and both long STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

23. Kasese MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising


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MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods, training in F.P

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

RHU - Clinics and community outreach service delivery offering Safe motherhood, Family planning services, treatment of STI, Post Abortion care and Infertility management, HCT services and Youth friendly services and health education. WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

STRIDES – Family planning service delivery and communication

Runyankore 24. Bushenyi HIPS – Sensitization and provision of family planning services through community outreach, peer education and community videos.

RHU - Clinics and community outreach service delivery offering Safe motherhood, Family planning services, treatment of STI, Post Abortion care and Infertility management, HCT services and Youth friendly services and health education.

MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods,


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training in F.P

SHSSP – Support MOH to build capacity of VHT, awareness raising on F.P

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Runyoro (mainly) and Rutoro

25. Hoima HIPS – Sensitization and provision of family planning services through community outreach, peer education and community videos.

RHU - Clinics and community outreach service delivery offering Safe motherhood, Family planning services, treatment of STI, Post Abortion care and Infertility management, HCT services and Youth friendly services and health education.

MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

EGPAF– Capacity building for trainers, VHT training in both short term and both long

POP SEC –Advocacy for behavioral change, training district leaders.

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods, training in F.P

DELIVER – Supply chain strengtheningWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops


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DSW – Carry out ASRH programmes, train peer educators and health service providers

4Rs 26. Ibanda EGPAF – Capacity building for trainers, VHT training in both short term and both long MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSHSSP – Support MOH to build capacity of VHT, awareness raising on F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

4Rs 27. Isingiro MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSHSSP – Support MOH to build capacity of VHT, awareness raising on F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

4Rs, Rukiga and Runyankore

28. Kabale MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT


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servicesSHSSP – Support MOH to build capacity of VHT, awareness raising on F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Rutoro 29. Kabarole MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

RHU - Clinics and community outreach service delivery offering Safe motherhood, Family planning services, treatment of STI, Post Abortion care and Infertility management, HCT services and Youth friendly services and health education. WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Rotoro and Rukiga 30. Kamwenge MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

STRIDES – Family planning service delivery and communication

Runyankore, Rukiga 31. Kanungu MOH- Service provision and


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and Rutoro communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

CTPH - Promoting community based Family planning targeting couples through home visits and peer education

SHSSP – Support MOH to build capacity of VHT, awareness raising on F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Lukonzo, Rutoro and Rukiga

32. Kibale MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods, training in F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

4Rs 33. Kiruhura MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials on family planning, awareness raising, Capacity building, Advocacy and technical support

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services


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SHSSP – Support MOH to build capacity of VHT, awareness raising on F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Lufumbira (also called Kinyarwanda)

34. Kisoro MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials on family planning, awareness raising, Capacity building, Advocacy and technical support

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSHSSP – Support MOH to build capacity of VHT, awareness raising on F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Rukiga and Rutoro 35. Kyenjojo MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsSTRIDES – Family planning service delivery and communication

Runyoro, Luo, Alur (highly mixed population)

36. Masindi MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT


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HIPS – Sensitization and provision of family planning services through community outreach, peer education and community videos.

TASO – F.P counseling, supply F.P products, training of community volunteers in F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

UNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

DSW – Carry out ASRH programmes, train peer educators and health service providers

4Rs 37. Mbarara MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

RHU - Clinics and community outreach service delivery offering Safe motherhood, Family planning services, treatment of STI, Post Abortion care and Infertility management, HCT services and Youth friendly services and health education.

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods, training in F.P

SHSSP – Support MOH to build capacity of VHT, awareness raising on F.P


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TASO – F.P counseling, supply F.P products, training of community volunteers in F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

4Rs and Kinyarwanda (minority)

38. Ntungamo MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

SHSSP – Support MOH to build capacity of VHT, awareness raising on F.P

UPMO – Service Provision and Community Sensitization

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Rukiga, Runyankore, and Ruhororo

39. Rukungiri MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

SHSSP – Support MOH to build capacity of VHT, awareness raising on F.P

TASO – F.P counseling, supply F.P products, training of community volunteers in F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices


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and supporting trainers workshopsEastern RegionAteso 40. Amuria MOH- Service provision and


HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU – General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

PATHFINDER – Building the capacity of health providers to offer quality family panning services. (Trains health workers in Basic and Long Term FP methods, Trains VHTs/CBDAs)Conduct LTPM outreaches WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsUNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

Lusoga, Lunyore, Lusamia – Lugwe

41. Bugiri MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU – General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsSTRIDES – Family planning service delivery and communicationDSW – Carry out ASRH programmes, train peer educators and health service providers

42. Bukedea MOH – Service provision and communication


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HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU – General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

43. Buliisa MOH – Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU – General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

DSW – Carry out ASRH programmes, train peer educators and health service providers

44. Busiki MOH – Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU – General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

45. Bukwo MOH – Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising


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MSU – General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsUNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

Lunyore, Lusamia-Lugwere, Japadhola

46. Busia MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU – General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

FHI – Support community based resources to distribute F.P methods, support trainingSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Lunyole 47. Butaleja MOH – Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU – General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Lusoga 48. Iganga RHU - Clinics and community outreach service delivery offering Safe motherhood, Family planning services, treatment of STI, Post Abortion care and Infertility management, HCT services and Youth friendly services and health


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MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising DSW – Carry out ASRH programmes, train peer educators and health service providers

MSU – General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

POP SEC – Advocacy and training of trainersSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

49. Budaka MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU – General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

UPMO – Service Provision and Community Sensitization

WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

DSW – Carry out ASRH programmes, train peer educators and health service providers

50. Bududa MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising


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MSU – General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

51. Namutamba

MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU – General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

DSW – Carry out ASRH programmes, train peer educators and health service providers

52. Busembatya

MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU – General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

DSW – Carry out ASRH programmes, train peer educators and health service providers

Lusoga and Luganda 53. Jinja HIPS – Sensitization and provision of family planning services through community outreach, peer education and community videos.

MOH- Service provision and


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HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU – General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods, training in F.P

TASO – F.P counseling, supply F.P products, training of community volunteers in F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsDSW – Carry out ASRH programmes, train peer educators and health service providers

Lusoga 54. Kaliro MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU – General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

UPMO – Service Provision and Community Sensitization

WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsSTRIDES – Family planning service delivery and communication

Lusoga 55. Kamuli MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising


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MSU – General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

PLAN UGANDA – Creating awareness on F.P and capacity building

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods, training in F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsSTRIDES – Family planning service delivery and communicationDSW – Carry out ASRH programmes, train peer educators and health service providers

Ateso 56. Kumi MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsSTRIDES – Family planning service delivery and communication

Ateso 57. Katakwi MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

PATHFINDER – Building the capacity of health providers to offer


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quality family panning services. (Trains health workers in Basic and Long Term FP methods, Trains VHTs/CBDAs)Conduct LTPM outreaches WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsUNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

Lugisu/lusamba 58. Mananfa MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Lusoga,Luganda,Samia and Lunyore

59. Mayuge MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

DELIVER – Supply chain strengthening

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsSTRIDES – Family planning service delivery and communication

Lusamba 60. Mbale HIPS – Sensitization and provision of family planning services through community outreach, peer


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education and community videos.

RHU - Clinics and community outreach service delivery offering Safe motherhood, Family planning services, treatment of STI, Post Abortion care and Infertility management, HCT services and Youth friendly services and health education.

MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods, training in F.P

TASO – F.P counseling, supply F.P products, training of community volunteers in F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Lunyole and Ateso 61. Pallisa HIPS – Sensitization and provision of family planning services through community outreach, peer education and community videos.

MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods, training in F.P


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STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsDSW – Carry out ASRH programmes, train peer educators and health service providers

Lumasaba 62. Sirinko MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Ateso and Kymam 63. Soroti MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

TASO – F.P counseling, supply F.P products, training of community volunteers in F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

64. Kaberamaido

MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services


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STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

PATHFINDER – Building the capacity of health providers to offer quality family panning services. (Trains health workers in Basic and Long Term FP methods, Trains VHTs/CBDAs)Conduct LTPM outreaches WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Lusamia-lugwe,Lunyole,Lunyole,Ateso and Japadhola.

65. Tororo HIPS – Sensitization and provision of family planning services through community outreach, peer education and community videos.

MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

PLAN UGANDA – Creating awareness on F.P and capacity building

TASO – F.P counseling, supply F.P products, training of community volunteers in F.P

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

RHU - Clinics and community outreach service delivery offering Safe motherhood, Family planning services, treatment of STI, Post Abortion care and Infertility management, HCT services and youth friendly services and health education. WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsDSW – Carry out ASRH programmes, train peer educators


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and health service providersKupsabiny 66. kapchorwa RHU - Clinics and community

outreach service delivery offering Safe motherhood, Family planning services, treatment of STI, Post Abortion care and Infertility management, HCT services and Youth friendly services and health education.

MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT servicesSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsUNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

Central RegionLuganda 67. Kalangala MOH- Service provision and


HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

POP SEC – Advocacy and training of trainers

PSI – Providing F.P methods and raising awarenessSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsSTRIDES – Family planning service delivery and communicationUNFPA - Capacity building for partners, development of


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strategies for implementation of Family planning

Luganda and English 68. Kampala HIPS – Sensitization and provision of family planning services through community outreach, peer education and community videos.

MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

LINKAGES – Dissemination of Family planning materials, Lobby meetings targeting members of parliament, budget and social service committees

PLAN UGANDA – Creating awareness on F.P, capacity building and advocacy

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods, training in F.P

PSI – Providing F.P methods and raising awareness

TASO – F.P counseling, supply F.P products, training of community volunteers in F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCRHU - Clinics and community outreach service delivery offering Safe motherhood, Family planning services, treatment of STI, Post Abortion care and Infertility management, HCT services and Youth friendly services and health education. WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsUNFPA - Capacity building for


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partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

DSW – Carry out ASRH programmes, train peer educators and health service providers

Luganda 69. Kayunga MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

FHI – Support community based resources to distribute F.P methods, support training

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods, training in F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsSTRIDES – Family planning service delivery and communication

Luganda (has big 4Rs population)

70. Kiboga MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

POP SEC – Advocacy and training of trainers

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods, training in F.P

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of


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standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Luganda 71. Luwero MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

SCIU – Promoting and distributing F.P methods, training village health teams, sensitizations mainly targeting expectant mothers and men.

FHI – Support community based resources to distribute F.P methods, support training

PLAN UGANDA – Creating awareness on F.P and capacity building

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods, training in F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsSTRIDES – Family planning service delivery and communication

Luganda 72. Masaka MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods, training in F.P

PSI – Providing F.P methods and


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raising awareness

TASO – F.P counseling, supply F.P products, training of community volunteers in F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

73. Lyantonde MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods, training in F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Luganda 74. Mityana MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

PSI – Providing F.P methods and raising awareness

STF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC

RHU - Clinics and community outreach service delivery offering Safe motherhood, Family planning services, treatment of STI, Post Abortion care and Infertility management, HCT services and Youth friendly services and health


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education. WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsSTRIDES – Family planning service delivery and communication

Luganda 75. Mpigi MOH - Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

PSI – Providing F.P methods and raising awarenessSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsSTRIDES – Family planning service delivery and communication

Lugandaand Runyoro 76. Mubende MOH - Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

MHIV –Supply of F.P IEC materials and have volunteers training health workers in F.P.

FHI – Support community based resources to distribute F.P methods, support training

PSI – Providing F.P methods and raising awarenessSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsUNFPA - Capacity building for


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partners, development of strategies for implementation of Family planning

Luganda 77. Mukono MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods, training in F.P

PSI – Providing F.P methods and raising awarenessWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsDSW – Carry out ASRH programmes, train peer educators and health service providers

Luganda 78. Nakaseke MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

MSH – Support community based resources to distribute F.P methods, support training

SCIU – Promoting and distributing F.P methods, training village health teams, sensitizations mainly targeting expectant mothers and men.

FHI – Support community based resources to distribute F.P methods, support trainingSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBC


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WHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Luganda, Lululi and Runyoro

79. Nakasongola

MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

SCIU – Promoting and distributing F.P methods, training village health teams, sensitizations mainly targeting expectant mothers and men.

FHI – Support community based resources to distribute F.P methods, support trainingSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsSTRIDES – Family planning service delivery and communication

Luganda and Runyankole

80. Rakai MOH- Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

PSI – Providing F.P methods and raising awarenessSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops

Luganda and Runyankore

81. Ssembabule

MOH - Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness


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MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

MHIV –Supply of F.P IEC materials and have volunteers training health workers in F.P.

PSI – Providing F.P methods and raising awarenessSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshopsSTRIDES – Family planning service delivery and communication

Luganda 82. Wakiso HIPS – Sensitization and provision of family planning services through community outreach, peer education and community videos.

MOH - Service provision and communication

HCP – Production of IEC Materials for family planning and awareness raising

MSU - General medical services, all family planning services and HCT services

POP SEC – Advocacy and training of trainers

UPMO - Providing both short term and long term F.P methods, training in F.P

PSI – Providing F.P methods and raising awareness

TASO – F.P counseling, supply F.P products, training of community volunteers in F.PSTF – Dissemination of IEC materials and BBCWHO - Ensuring availability of standard guidelines and polices and supporting trainers workshops


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DSW – Carry out ASRH programmes, train peer educators and health service providers


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