March 23 Newsletter

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  • 8/12/2019 March 23 Newsletter


    The Christian Messenge Fifth Avenue Church of Christ

    115 W. Fifth Ave.Lancaster, OH 43130

    e-mail [email protected]

    March 23 2014

    Brad SeeversSenior Minister

    (740-550-9882)David Tingler

    Associate Minister

    Sunday Services

    1st Worship8:00 a.m.

    2nd Worship

    10:30 a.m.

    Bible School9:15 a.m.

    Evening Worship6:00 p.m.

    Come and See!

    Saturday, March 29 th 9:30 a.m.

    Women s Bible S tudyThe Girl s Still Got It

    By Liz Curtis HiggsRoom 214

    All ladies are invited.Coffee and Donuts provided.[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 8/12/2019 March 23 Newsletter


    THOUGHTS FROM BRAD I want to say thanks to all the men whoparticipated in the Heath Church of Christannual Bean Dinner. It certainly was a greatnight of fellowship. I hope you will considerreturning next year and bring a friend withyou so we can bring home the bacon.

    FYI This year, our schedule for EasterSunday will be 7:30(breakfast) 8:45 (BibleSchool) and 10:00 Worship. Easter this yearfalls on April 20 th . We hope you will makeplans to worship here and bring a friend withyou.

    April 5- If you are looking for an opportunity

    for community service, then I want to inviteyou to travel with me to the SE Ohio FoodBank in Logan, Ohio. We will work in themorning from 9:00-12:00. That means we willleave the church by 8:15 a.m. If you want togo, talk with me or sign-up on the bulletinboard in the coat room by March 30th.

    I am looking forward with great anticipationabout the traveling Prayer Wall coming toFifth Avenue on May 18 th . This 27 paneledwall will be a visual reminder to us about thecall God has placed on our lives to becomeUnleashed for the Unreached. Let mejust remind our Prayer Wall Committee thatour next meeting will be at 6 p.m. on March31 st in room 214. If you would like to find outmore information concerning the PrayerWall, go to

    There is a proverb that says, We may throwthe dice, but the Lord determines how theyfall (Proverbs 16:33). Let us remember thisas we make plans in our homes and in Hischurch.

    In His Service,



    A PERSONAL NOTE: Sue and I are now backin Lancaster and we do appreciate the sunnyweather you ordered, I am sure, just for us.We hope to get settled into our old routinesvery shortly. Thanks to each of you who have

    prayed for Stephanie and for our safe travels.

    SUND AY EVENI NGS I N TH E SANCTUARY This week (3/23), I am returning to the Sundayevening service. Our study, this week, is Th

    Reluctant Prophet: Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1)In coming weeks we will be examining the

    prophetic ministries of Ezekiel, Jonah,Zechariah and Malachi. I m looking forwardto seeing all of you at the 6:00 pm service.

    M I DWEEK BIBL E STUDIES : On WednesdayApril 2, we will be resuming our midweek Biblestudies. We will not be returning to the studythat was disrupted in November but will begin anew series on I Timothy. This will be one of mytypical verse/chapter studies, with studyquestions. Why not join us for the 10 am or 6:30

    pm sessions?

    SENIOR EVENT : Watch this space for anannouncement regarding a planned activity inApril. I continue reminding all of our seniorsof the great Senior Saints In The Smokies

    program coming May 26-30, 2014. This grandgathering is held on the Johnson University(formerly Johnson Bible College) campus andis recommended for those 55 and up. (I have

    been attending for over 20 years.) We,already, have 8 committed to attending and I

    have mailed the first 4 reservations!Registration forms are available. If you needforms or have questions, contact me. If you,already, have registration forms, I will behappy to mail them for you. (We do use ourvans for travel.)

    FI NAL THOUGHT: I want to ask, once again;if Sunday is the Lord s day, do wedemonstrate, by our lives, that we consider

    only 1 or 2 hours constitute His day?
  • 8/12/2019 March 23 Newsletter



    Sunday School 741st Morning Worship 1002nd Morning Worship 48Total Morning Worship 148Evening Worship 26Weekly Budget $ 4,790.00Budget Received $ 5,190.80Valentine Dinner $ 310.00

    SERVING SCHEDULE March 23, 2014

    At the Table 1 st Fred Griffith and Ralph Conrad

    Serving 1 st Bob Neff, Bill Foss,

    Don Gardner, Bill KellyPastor of the week Fred GriffithPM Deacon Bob Neff

    COMMUNION PREPARATION 1s Worship Ray and Mary Alice Coats2n Worship Josh and Michelle Czich

    GREETERS Carmel and Shirley Marsh

    NURSERYSunday School Shirley Marsh2n Worship Nick and Tracy Hinson

    VISITOR CENTER Janet Brown

    SECURITY1st Worship Paul AlexanderBible School Carmel Marsh2n Worship Tim HuffmanEvening Worship George Lambert

    Prayer RequestsJane King Pam Travis Naressa Allen Marianna GallMillie Hoy Don Gardner Jeane Goldfarb Carter

    Kenneth Dusthimer Eileen Thornton Lois PagePat Wheeler

    Thank you for your generosity during

    my recent convalescence. Yourkindness was deeply appreciated along

    with the gift of your time and othergoodies. Thanks!~ LeRoy Shaner

    To our dear friends at 5 th Ave,

    Thank you for all the cards, visits an

    prayers we have received through thstormy path. We are blessed to have m friends to comfort our sorrows and sha

    our troubles.

    We know that suffering comes to all ofat various times in our lives but thanks

    our Savior we know He will calm the rseas in our lives.

    May God bless you all and may youcontinue to be a blessing to others.

    ~ Love, Sheri and Tom Puckett

  • 8/12/2019 March 23 Newsletter


    SERVING SCHEDULE March 30, 2014

    At the Table 1 st Patrick Wersell and Hank Wellman

    Serving 1 st Tim Huffman, Larry King,

    George Lambert, Carmel MarshPastor of the week Patrick WersellPM Deacon Tim Huffman

    COMMUNION PREPARATION 1st Worship Ray and Mary Alice Coats2n Worship Josh and Michelle Czich

    GREETERS Ray and Margie Ayers

    NURSERYSunday School Volunteers needed for 5 t Sundays2n Worship Courtney Beiter

    VISITOR CENTER Shirley Marsh

    SECURITY1s Worship Dan BrownBible School Bill Kelly2n Worship Jeff CrookEvening Worship George Lambert

    Upcoming Events

    Monday, March 24th Book Nook, 6:30pm

    Sunday, March 30 th Food Pantry SundayPrayer Team, 5:30pm

    Thursday, April 3 rd Self-Defense Class, 6pm

    Saturday, April 5 th Travel to SE Ohio Food Bank

    (9am noon)


    Driving tour of new oil and gas wellsites and processing plant

    Summerfield, OH

    April 5, 2014

    Leave church at 8:30 a.m.

    Lunch at St. Clairsville Smorgasbord

    Return by 5:00 p.m.Contact Mike Cooper with questions

    and to sign-up


    Maywood Mission provides a food pantrcommunity members in need. Donations caleft at the nursery door entrance on SundMarch 30th. Items needed for the pantry:

    Rice Beef Stew TunaNavy beans Tuna helper Cake mixNoodles Spaghetti Sauce SpaghettiCereal Brownie Mix CornbreadCanned Fruit Canned Vegetables Canned So

  • 8/12/2019 March 23 Newsletter


    WELCOME TO FIFTH AVENUE! At FACC, we focus on loving

    God, loving people, and turningthe world upside down.

    We are happy you chose to worshipwith us today. We hope you return

    next week and bring your friendswith you. If you would please take

    a few minutes to fill out a SilentRoll Call Card, located on the backof the pew, you can then place it in

    the offering plate as it is passed.Thank you. For more information

    about our great church, contact ourminister, Brad Seevers [email protected] or call

    him at 740.550.9882. Have a greatweek and may God bless your life.

    Sunday School Classes for All AgesClasses at 9:15 unless noted

    Nursery (Birth through 3 years old)Jesus Loves Me

    Room 102

    Preschool/Kindergarten ClassBible Friends

    Room 105Marie Huffman, Teacher

    Elementary ClassJesus, Our Example

    Room 106Becky Hoagland, Teacher

    Junior/Senior HighJesus and My Life

    Room 308

    Nick Barrell, Teacher

    Young Ladies Class(8:00 a.m.) Multiply Room 306

    Cassie Bull, Teacher

    Ladies Class "Youll Get Through This"

    Room 209Beverly Puckett, Teacher

    Mens Class Hearing Gods Word

    Room 205

    Adult ClassJust Walk Across the Room

    Fellowship HallBrad Seevers, Teacher

    Adult ClassVarious Bible Studies

    Room 214Hank Wellman, Teacher

    Harmony Adult ClassJesus and the Just Reign of God

    Room 204Dave Tingler, Teacher

    Philothean Adult ClassParables Room 108

    Jim Love, Teacher

    Book NookMonday, March 24 th ~ 6:30 p.m.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/12/2019 March 23 Newsletter


    Core Values...Values central to the life, mission and

    vision of Fifth Avenue Church of Christ are

    Christ-Centered Worship We make it a priority every Sunday to celebrate Jesus through

    music. (Romans 11:36-12:1-2). We focus on Jesus through grbased preaching and teaching & understand the Bible is ouauthority (2 Timothy 3:16).

    Church Health and Biblical Balance Church health becomes reality when God's people seek harmo

    live consistently. We expect every member to protect the unof Christ's Church. (Romans 12:16; 1 Peter 3:8)

    Global Evangelism We are constant to our founding call to worldwide evangeli

    proclaiming to all that Jesus Christ is the Savior, Healer, and SComing King (Acts 20:27).

    Fellowship and Ministry After people begin their journey with Jesus, we will equip thfind a ministry based upon their strengths. We want everyon

    serve in some capacity. (1 Corinthians 12:12-27) We also wanchurch to be the living evidence of His love and power to the

    Discipleship We do not want you to "get religion" here at Fifth Avenue ChuChrist in Lancaster. We are all about teaching you that Jesus s

    a daily relationship with Him through a life of obedience. Inwords, we want to see the things you are taught actually chan

    your lifestyle & your daily decisions.

    Social Conscience We place high value on the sanctity of human life, of Bibli

    marriage and morality, and we welcome ethnic diversity (Is56:7; Philippians 2:15-16).



    Exalt Gods Greatness; Evangelize Gods Work Equip Gods People Express Gods Love through Jesus Christ


    To Love God and Love


    H ow Can I Respond Today?At FACC we look to the Bible for guidance on allissues. We believe that Gods Word is clear

    concerning what a person must do to become aChristian.

    Trust that Jesus can bring you to salvation. Turn (repent) from the sin in your life. Confess your desire to make Jesus the Lord

    of your life. Be baptized (immersed) in water for the

    forgiveness of sins and to receive the HolySpirit into your life.

    To make this li fe decision for Chri st , we ask that youcome forward duri ng our commitment song at theconclusion of the Sunday message. Bapti zed beli eversare welcome to become members at FACC by comingforward on Sunday morning or by seeing our SeniorMinister to discuss this further. We ask that youcomplete a series of Curious classes to help youbetter understand what you are committing to as amember. If you would like to take a Curious class,please indicate this on your Silent Roll Call Card.

    Nowhere to Hide H ebrews 4:12-13

    Brad Seevers preaching ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________

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