Page 1 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019 St. John Brebeuf Church 8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 847-966-8145 - www.sjbrebeuf.org

March 31, 2019 Fourth Sunday of Lent Page 1images.acswebnetworks.com/1/2852/512142033119.pdf · March 31, 2019 Fourth Sunday of Lent Page 1 St. John Brebeuf Church 8307 N. Harlem

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  • Page 1 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

    St. John Brebeuf Church 8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714

    847-966-8145 - www.sjbrebeuf.org

  • Page 2 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

    Dear Parishioners, As we begin the Fourth Sunday of Lent, I thought it might be good to review the three-fold disciplines of the season: Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. Prayer – In prayer, we always have to remember that God speaks to us first. He does so in nature, scripture, the Mass, and through the people of our lives. A good friend tries to listen closely, as we try to listen to our God who calls us friend. Sometimes we get distracted, and that can disturb us. Some of these thoughts are just that; we need to recognize them and then move on. Some persistent “distractions” are really God's voice trying to tell us something. Our prayer then is to ask God to help us find their meaning. Fasting – By now most of us have fallen from our prom-ise to give up this or that! Some of us think, “Wow, is it the fourth week of Lent already? Well, it's too late, I'll just eat that chocolate cake and maybe next year!” Re-garding this matter, I try to encourage everyone ask themselves where they're at on the journey. Some of us need to get going for we have been very la-zy! Others, perhaps, would be better off relaxing a bit. All the denials and fasting during Lent are to help us rec-ognize all our blessings and to point us to a greater love of God and our neighbor, especially the poor. In all this we should take time to pray over what God is telling us about our life with him. That's what really mat-ters! Almsgiving – Remember the widow who gave from her want? Giving is not based on what's left over. Giving is not a hobby to make ourselves feel good. If we don't open our pocket book, our faith can just become ideas, things we do but don't cost us security. The challenge for all of us is to be really honest about our giving; time, talent and, yes, treasure. Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are really faith questions. All are meant to simply be an inspiration to realize God's love and mercy for each one us – the worthy and the un-worthy. Congratulations to Father Piotr Samborski on being named administrator of St. Mary of the Woods Parish in Chicago (Edgebrook). (Please see his letter on page 7) I know you join me in wishing him well and keeping him in your prayers as he prepares for this new responsibility

    beginning July 1st. Father Piotr is a kind and thoughtful priest who will gen-erously serve the parishioners of St. Mary of the Woods. I'm so happy for him! We'll plan a farewell party in June but before he leaves us. Join in the excitement and joy that he is experiencing. God bless you Father Samborski! I know that many of you will ask if another priest will be assigned to our parish. While the number of Associate Pastors available are very few, presently only eleven for the whole Archdiocese, we will try to invite someone to join us. This decision is usually made in mid-May. Pray for all involved during this time of transition. Father Mike Meany

    Drodzy parafianie, Rozpoczynając czwartą niedzielę Wielkiego Postu, pomyślałem, że może warto sobie przypomnieć o trzech dyscyplinach tego okresu jakimi są: modlitwa, post i jałmużna. Modlitwa - W modlitwie zawsze musimy pamiętać, że Bóg przemawia do nas pierwszy. Czyni to poprzez naturę, Pismo Święte, Msze Święte a także przez ludzi z naszego życia. Dobry przyjaciel próbuje uważnie słuchać, podobnie gdy staramy się słuchać naszego Bo-ga, który nazywa nas przyjacielem. Czasami jesteśmy rozproszeni, a to może nam przeszkadzać. Niektóre z tych myśli są właśnie takie; musimy je rozpoznać i przejść dalej. Niektóre uporczywe „rozproszenia” są naprawdę głosem Boga, który próbuje nam coś powiedzieć. Modlimy się wtedy prosząc Boga, aby pomógł nam odnaleźć ich znaczenie. Post - Do tej pory większość z nas może odeszła od obietnic i rezygnacji z tego lub tamtego! Niektórzy z nas myślą: „Wow, czy to już czwarty tydzień Wielkiego Postu? Cóż, jest już za późno, to po prostu zjem to ciasto czekoladowe i może spróbuje w przyszłym roku! ”Odnośnie tej kwestii, staram się zachęcić wszystkich do zadawania sobie pytań, gdzie w tej chwili są na tej dro-dze?

  • Page 3 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

    Niektórzy z nas muszą tak iść, bo ogólnie rzecz biorąc byliśmy bardzo leniwi! Być może inni woleliby trochę się zrelaksować. Wszystkie wyrzeczenia i post podczas Wielkiego Postu mają nam pomóc rozpoznać nasze błogosławieństwa i wskazać nam na większą miłość Bo-ga i naszego bliźniego, zwłaszcza ubogiego. W tym wszystkim powinniśmy poświęcić czas na modlit-wę nad tym, co Bóg mówi nam o naszym życiu z Nim. To naprawdę się liczy! Jałmużna - Pamiętasz wdowę, która dała wszystko co miała? Dawanie nie zależy od tego, co zostało. Dawanie nie jest hobby, które sprawia, że czujemy się dobrze. Jeśli nie otworzymy naszej kieszonkowej książki, nasza wiara może stać się ideą, rzeczą, którą robimy, ale nie kosztuje nas nic. Wyzwaniem dla nas wszystkich jest bycie naprawdę uczciwym w kwestii dawania; czas, talent i ofiara. Modlitwa, post i jałmużna to naprawdę pytania o wiarę. Wszystko ma być po prostu inspiracją do realizacji Bożej miłości i miłosierdzia dla każdego z nas - godnych i niegodnych. Gratulacje dla księdza Piotra Samborskiego, który został mianowany administratorem parafii St. Mary of the Woods w Chicago (Edgebrook). (list na stronie 14). Wiem, że przyłączacie się do mnie, życząc mu dobrego samopoczucia i utrzymując go w modlitwie, podczas jego przygotowań do tej nowej odpowiedzialności od 1 lipca. Ks. Piotr jest miłym i troskliwym kapłanem, który hojnie służyć będzie parafianom z St. Mary of the Woods. Jestem z niego dumny! W czerwcu planujemy imprezę pożegnalną, ale zanim nas opuści, przyłącz się do emocji i radości, których doświadcza. Niech cię Bóg błogosławi ks. Samborski! Wiem, że wielu z was zapyta, czy inny kapłan zostanie przydzielony do naszej parafii. Chociaż liczba dostępnych wikariuszy jest bardzo niewielka, obecnie tylko jedenastu dla całej Archidiecezji, postaramy się zaprosić kogoś do przyłączenia się do nas. Decyzja ta jest zwykle podejmowana w połowie maja. Módlcie się za wszystkich zaangażowanych w tym okresie przejścia. Ks. Mike Meany

    The Anointing of the sick Our Parish will be celebrating this special encounter with God on Satur-day, April 13 at 10:00 am Please attend if you feel that at this time in your life you need God’s tender care.

    Anointing of the Sick Liturgy As Roman Catholics we have always believed in and practiced the anointing/healing of the sick. Jesus healed people according to the scriptures as found in (James 5:14-15): “Is there anyone sick among you? He should ask for the presbyters of the church. They in turn are to pray over him, anointing with oil in the Name of the Lord. This prayer uttered in faith will reclaim the one who is ill, and the Lord will restore him to health.” We cordially invite you, family, and care givers to attend this Mass and Sacrament.


    Wednesday, April 10th

    6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Note: No 7:00 pm. Mass on this date.

  • Page 4 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

    Monday, April 1st - Lenten Weekday 6:30 - Gaetano Martorana 8:30 - Raul Heredia, Beverly Waiteman (Health & Birthday Blessings) Tuesday, April 2nd - Lenten Weekday 6:30 - All Parishioners 8:30 - Herminia Antonio, Joseph Mathew Wednesday, April 3rd - Lenten Weekday 6:30 - Claire Lee, Robert Boller, Bobby Canong 8:30 - Julia Przydzial (2nd d/a), Janet Benson 7:00 - Celebrant - Fr . Samborski All Parishioners Thursday, April 4th - Lenten Weekday 6:30 - All Parishioners 8:30 - John Buczek Friday, April 5th - Lenten Weekday First Friday 6:30 - All Parishioners 8:30 - Albert De Lorenzo, Deceased Members Guban Family, Mary Louise Herer, Andrew (23rd Birthday Blessings) 8:00 pm (Polish) - Fr. Samborski Jan Kubon, Maria Jarzab & deceased Family Members, Wladyslaw & Bronislawa Swiecicki Saturday, April 6th- Lenten Weekday 7:30 - All Parishioners 5:00 - Celebrant - Fr . Samborski Ronald Schmidt 6:30 - Celebrant - Fr. Przemek Danuta Luniewska-Grygo, Stanislaw, Jadwiga & John Pacyniak, Jerzy Lapinski, Jan Ciepiella, Aleksandra Lipczyk (30th d/a), Zofia & Teofil Kawalec, Anna Wajda, Zofia & Stanislaw Maniewski, Deceased Members of Bernat Family, Deceased Members of Plizga Family, Czeslaw Zalewski (Health) Karolek & Kamilek (God Blessings), Maria Borowiec (in Thanksgiving)

    Sunday, April 7th - Fifth Sunday of Lent 7:30 - Celebrant - Fr. Samborski All Parishioners 9:00 - Celebrant - Fr . Meany - Scout Mass Wladyslaw Kielar, Mr & Mrs. Olickal & Mathew Olickal, Mr & Mrs. Kurian & George & Anna, Cedilla Family Members, Fernando Rivera 10:45 - Celebrant - Fr . Meany Stanislawa Magdon, Erik Theefs (Birthday Remembrance), Betty Martin, Krystyna Ganatowska (2nd d/a), Pryanka Cyriac (Birthday Blessings) 12:30 - Celebrant - Fr . Przemek Stanislawa, Tomasz, Janina, Boleslaw Depa Andrzej Malinowski, Jan Siemieniako, Wladyslawa & John Staszowski (1st d/a) Stanislaw Maciejewski, Jozef Maciejewski Jan Kicak, Adam Kicak, Zdzislaw Kicak, Victoria Zukowski, Emilia, Franciszek & Jan Undas, Jan Anszczak (12th d/a), Marcin Mietus (Birthday Blessings) Jozef Cichon (80th Birthday Blessings), Bronislaw Krasnodebski (Birthday Blessings) 1:30 - Passion Play - Polish 4:30 - Gorzkie Zale - Fr . Samborski 6:00 - Celebrant - Fr . Przemek - Life Teen Mass For All Parishioners

    Liturgy Schedule -- Mass Intentions for the Week of April 1-7

  • Page 5 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

    MEMORIAL OPPORTUNITY Remember a deceased relative or friend in a special way

    by donating the altar bread and wine that are used at Mass each week. Suggested donation is $50.

    Please contact the parish office to select a date.

    Altar Bread and Wine For the week of March 31, 2019 offered for:

    Wladyslawa & John Staszowski

    Donated by: Susan & Irene

    REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS OUR DECEASED Rosario DeWincenz James Markiewiez

    Stanislaw Zadrozny John M. Izykowskis

    We Pray for Our Ill Members Patrick O’Connor (2) Patty Pater (1) Madeline Albano (2) Mary Hickey (4) K. Kozeny (1) Devin Pittges (3) Frances Liszewski (4) Patricia Severin (1) Anna Wlodkowska (4) Elena Sioson (4) Jack Melfi (1) Wittum Family (1) Verene Schoenmann (3) Virginia Brekke (4) Diana Lee Zumpano (1) Henry Zajac (1) Jack Shemroske (1) Nancy Shemroske (1) Names will appear on this list for four weeks; the number after each name is the number of weeks the name has appeared. If there is no call to the office after the fourth week, the name will be placed on the parish website.

    Celebrating our SJB

    Military Remembrance

    St. John Brebeuf Parish accepts family members names, branch of service, and photo. Please bring them to the par-ish office, Attention: Legion of Mary. Army, Navy, Ma-rines, Air Force, Coast Guard, National Guard. Please remember in prayer the following who are cur-rently serving in the Armed Forces Timothy Casey Christopher Vick Sgt. Joseph Merkel Sgt. Peter Merkel Robert Monaco Chief Ryan Morrow Thomas Neuhengen Scott Rodberg Mark Honsa Sgt. Daniel Cunningham Pvt. James Cunningham CW3 Louis Haberkorn CDR John Tutwiler Marian Niemotko SSGT Michael J. Archam PFC Seth D. Perkins A1C Andrew T. Perkins Sgt. Ramiro Cadena Susanne Connolly Tutwiler May they return safely to their families. If your loved one's name appears on this list and his/her rank is not included, please contact the parish of-fice so the information can be added. Thank you. If you or your loved one is no longer in active service, please call the parish office to let us know.

    Easter Candle Memorial Thank you to the Lange Family for their donation toward the purchase of the large Easter Candle. We have also received a donation for the small Easter candles in: “Loving Memory of the Staszowski Family.” Thank you all for your generosity!

    Roman Missal: Thanks to the generosity of one of our parish families, a donation for the Missal has been received. Microphone, Thanks to Ms. Sheila Miehle for her donation toward the purchase of the microphones in “Loving memory of Frank Rosienski”.

  • Page 6 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

    11:00 AM - 15:00 PM W programie: Msza Swięta; Konferencje biblijne; Modlitwy; Możliwość zapisania się do APOSTOLSTWA NIEUSTAJACEGO RóZANCA 8 Wrzesień - sala C przy


    6 Październik - sala C 3 Listopad – Flanagal Hall w

    szkole 5 Styczeń - sala C 2 Luty – Flanagan Hall w

    szkole 2 Marzec – sala C 6 Kwiecień – Flanagal Hall w

    szkole 4 Maj – Flanagal Hall w


    Devotions in the Church Rosary

    Monday through Friday After 8:30 AM Mass

    After 7:30 AM Mass Saturday Every First Wednesday of the Month Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions

    Ave Maria Polish Prayer Group

    Wednesday, After 7:00 PM Mass (Inc. Benediction )

    First Friday Devotions To the Sacred Heart of Jesus

    After 8:30 AM Mass and After 7:00 PM Polish Mass

    First Saturday Devotions

    To Immaculate Heart of Mary After 7:30 AM Mass and

    After 6:30 PM Polish Mass

    Devotions in the Adoration Chapel Marian Prayer Group

    Monday 7:00 PM

    Godzinki Ave Maria Prayer Group Thursday 8:00 AM

    Hour of Divine Mercy

    Friday 3:00 PM Includes Stations of the Cross) Pray for priests every Thursday

    Zapraszamy Serdecznie na DZIEN SKUPIENIA APOSTOLSTWA

    READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Is 7:10-14, 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38 Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9; Mt 18:21-35 Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19 Thursday: Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Lk 11:14-23 Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14, 17; Mk 12:28-34 Saturday: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab; Lk 18:9-14 Sunday: Jos 5:9a, 10-12; Ps 34:2-7; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32

    Saturday: April 6, 2019 1:30 pm Kaitlyn Maczek 5:00 pm Sebastian Krupa Vincent Macam 6:30 pm Eva Wanat Maxymilian Regulski Sunday: April 7, 2019 9:00 am Alyna & Maggie Prucnal, Bryce Gozar 10:45 am Jagoda Samborska, Maximilian Gold, Nathaniel Caamoan 12:30 pm Michelle & Maya Dorosz Sebastian Drozd 6:00 pm Antonio & Thomas Acosta

    The Marvelous Rosary Join in Rosary Prayer daily, Monday through Friday, following the 8:30am Mass: Saturday, after the 7:30am Mass; Sunday before the 7:30am Mass.

    Praying the Rosary together in front of the Blessed Sacrament gives many graces and is so peaceful.

    Intencje mszalne -- Proszę przedstawić wszystkie intencje mszalne do biura parafialnego 14 dni przed żądanymterminem tak, aby można je wydrukować w biuletynie. O ile nie jest wyznaczony wczesniejszy termin biuletynu, czas ten zostanie skrócony. Tylko intencje wydrukowane w biuletynie zostaną odczytane podczas Mszy św. Requests for Mass Inten ons -- Please submit all Mass Inten-

    ons to the parish office two weeks in advance of your re-quest so they can be printed in the bulle n. (Unless there is an early deadline for bulle n, this will be shortened). Only inten-tions printed in the bulletin will be read at Mass.

  • Page 7 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

    My Dear Friends! I’m happy and excited to announce you that Cardinal Cupich entrusted me to administrate St. Mary of the Woods Parish in Chicago (Edgebrook). My new assignment will begin July 1st 2019. This is a big challenge for me and I’m looking forward to working hard and serving the people of St. Mary’s. Please keep me in your prayers as I keep you in mine in this time of transition. From the bottom of my heart, Thank you!

    Moi Drodzy! Jestem szczęśliwy i podekscytowany poinformować Was, że kardynał Cupich powierzył mi administrowanie parafii St. Mary of the Woods w Chicago w dzielnicy Edgebrook. Mój nowy przydział rozpocznie się 1 lipca 2019 roku. To jest wielkie wyzwanie dla mnie i czekam z niecierpliwością, żeby służyć ludziom parafii St Mary. Proszę o modlitwę

    i ja obięcuję kontynuowanie moich modlitw za Was w tym czasie zmian dla mnie. Z głębi serca: Dziękuję!

    Fr. Piotr Samborski

  • Page 8 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

  • Page 9 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

    An Awesome Musical Creation

    St. Matthew Passion Sunday, March 31, 2019, 3:00 pm

    St. John Brebeuf Church What, you’ve never been to the LIVE AT SJB Concert Series at St. John Brebeuf, now in its sixth year? That’s like living in Chi-cago and never tasting a deep-dish pizza, or never going to a Cubs or White Sox game. You live in the same town and never heard a note? What will you tell your grandchildren? Even they know about this wonderful series. You owe it to yourself to take part in this cultural event, quickly approaching. Bach’s St Matthew Passion tells of the last two dramatic days of Christ’s life leading to His crucifixion and is performed around the world near the time of Easter, in keeping with its history and story. In preparation for more than 3 months and with two or-chestras and two choruses performing, it will be a powerful per-formance and this highlight of LIVE AT SJB Concert Series cal-endar is not to be missed. In the Middle Ages Christian churches began observing Holy Week by retelling the story of Christ’s crucifixion in music. Bi-ble verses were set to chant melodies, with St Matthew Passion culminating in one of the most ambitious musical compositions of all time. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) composed his St Matthew Passion for the 1729 Good Friday service at St. Thomas Church in Leipzig, Germany. The story of the Passion begins in the tur-moil of Jesus’s last days in Jerusalem and ends with his crucifix-ion and burial. The bleak drama is brought to life by Bach’s mu-sical expression of the Christian tenets of love, grace, and salva-tion. Perhaps Bach’s most personal work, it often moves from a moment of violent operatic drama to a solo aria, frozen in time, an utterance from deep inside the soul. Bach divided the music into two parts. Highlights of part one

    include the Last Supper and the betrayal and arrest of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. In part two, the music turns darker and softer, signaling the inevitability of the story, as it depicts the trial, crucifixion and burial of Jesus. The Passion ends with the darkly textured chorus, "In tears of grief." Bach could leave his parishioners in a sorrowful mood, knowing that they'd be cele-brating Christ's Resurrection in just a few days. The Passion begins with an immense wave of sound--an opening chorus constructed of an interlocking double choir with a chil-dren's chorus soaring over top--building with intensity and sweeping the listener into the drama. Bach built his Passion from choruses both small and large, with arias for specific characters. The Evangelist, a role for tenor voice, is the principal storyteller and narrator, moving the drama along through a kind of half sung, half spoken recitative. Supporting Bach's massive structure are three grand choruses—at the beginning, middle and end—standing as tall pillars, holding up the surrounding music. The St. Matthew Passion was written for a single purpose—to present the biblical passion story, in music, at Good Friday ves-per services. Bach's Passion continues to move audiences more than 280 years after it was first heard in St. Thomas's Church in Leipzig, Germany. Standing as one of the pillars of Western sa-cred music, it is at once monumental and intimate, revealing lay-ers of meaning in the text, deeply sorrowful and powerful, and surprises abound.

    Zaproszenie na Wspaniałe Wydarzenie Muzyczne.

    St. Matthew Passion Przedstawia dwa dramatyczne dni Pana Jezusa

    przed śmiercią na krzyżu, w niedzielę, 31 marca, 2019 o 3:00 pm

    w Kościele Sw. Jana Brebeuf . Przedstawienie to zostanie powtórzone w sobotę, 13 kwietnia, 2019 o 7:00 pm

    w Kościele Sw. Łukasza 1500 W. Belmont, Chicago IL 60657

  • Page 10 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

    March 31: Fourth Sunday of Lent In today’s Gospel the prodigal son repents and finds mercy in the heart of

    his father. Know that your penance during Lent can give the poor the grace of finding the merciful heart of God the Father. Last month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul was able to provide $1,316.0 in Food, $904.00 for Rent assistance, and $1,325.00 in Gift Cards. Thank You! Today as you make your contribution to the St. Vincent de Paul Society, you will help us to continue our work.

    Have you considered joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? Is there a family you know who needs assistance? Please call the Society of St. Vincent de Paul so that together we can help the suffering and poor.

    All information will be strictly confidential. St. John Brebeuf Parish Office Telephone: (847) 966-8145

    31 marca: Czwarta Niedziela Wielkiego Postu W dzisiejszej Ewangelii syn marnotrawny żałuje i znajduje łaskę w

    sercu swego ojca. Wiedzcie, że wasza pokuta podczas Wielkiego Postu może dać ubogim łaskę znalezienia miłosiernego serca Boga Ojca. W zeszłym miesiącu dzięki waszym podarunkom Towarzystwo św. Wincentego a Paulo było w stanie dostarczyć 13166,0 USD na żywność, 904,00 USD na pomoc w wynajmie i 1325 USD na karty upominkowe. Dziękujemy Wam ! Dzisiaj wnosząc wkład do Towarzystwa św. Wincentego a Paulo, pomożecie nam kontynuować naszą pracę. Czy Bóg wzywa Cię do przyłączenia się do To-warzystwa św. Wincentego a Paulo? Jeśli znasz rodzinę która potrzebuje pomocy prosze zadzwoń do naszego Stowarzyszenia St. Vincent de Paul. Razem możemy pomóc cierpiacym i potrzebującym.

    Wszystkie informacje bedą ściśle poufne.

    Biuro Parafijalne Sw. Jana Brebeufa (847) 966-8145

    Knights of


    The Knights of Columbus will hold their next business meeting on Wednesday, April 3, at 7:00 PM at the St. John Brebeuf Parish Ministry Center, (8305 N. Harlem Ave., Niles) Visit: www.kofc4338.org for more information.

  • Page 11 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

    St. John Brebeuf Parish Fish Fry Dinner

    Hosted By

    Holy Name Men’s Club Catholic Women’s Club

    Parish School Associa on (P/SA) Boy Scouts - Girl Scouts

    Filipino Americans

    Friday April 5th 5:00 - 7:00 PM - Parish Ministry Center

    8305 N. Harlem Avenue - Niles

    Pre-Sale Tickets Per Person @ $10.00 Door Sale Tickets Per Person @ $12.00 Half Price for Children 6 to 12 Years Old

    (Children Under 5 Years Old Eat Free)

    Purchase Pre-Sale Tickets at Parish Office

    MENU White Fish - Three Sides – Soup – Light Dessert,

    Coffee – Lemonade Beer – Wine – Pop Will Be Available for Pur-

    chase (Cheese Pizza or Macaroni & Cheese available)

    For Addi onal Informa on Call Dennis O’Donovan @ 847-744-2927 Andy Beierwaltes @ 847-966-6961

    John Jekot @ 847-651-7624

    St. John Brebeuf


    Sunday, April 7, 2019 St. John Brebeuf Ministry Center 8305 N. Harlem Avenue, Niles

    FREE Admission

    (Must be 18 & over to play) (Hosted by Holy Name Men’s Club)

    $15.00 For 15 Games

    Pay-Out’s determined by


    Additional Chance to Win PULL TABS AVAILABLE!!!!

    Doors Open at 2:30pm – Games

    Begin at 3:00pm Refreshments Available

    For Further Information Contact

    Dennis O’Donovan at 847-744-2927 John Jekot at 847-651-7624

    Bingo License #B-04157 Pull Tab License #P-02154

  • Page 12 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

    Sakrament Namaszczenia Chorych Nasza parafia będzie świętować to szczególne spotkanie z Bogiem w sobotę, 13 kwietnia o godzinie 10:00 rano. Serdecznie zapraszamy, jeśli czujesz, że w tym momencie w swoim życiu potrzebujesz Bożej opieki. Jako katolicy, zawsze wierzyliśmy i praktykowaliśmy namaszczenie/uzdrawianie chorych. Jezus uzdrawia ludzi według Pisma Świętego, jak to zostało przekazane (Jakub 5: 14-15): ”Choruje ktoś wśród was? Niech sprowadzi kapłanów Kościoła, by się modlili nad nim i namaścili go olejem w imię Pana. A modlitwa pełna wiary będzie

    dla chorego ratunkiem i Pan go podźwignie, a jeśliby popełnił grzechy, będą mu odpuszczone.” Serdecznie zapraszamy was, rodziny i opiekunów, aby uczestniczyć we Mszy św. w Sobote, 13 kwietnia, 2019 o 10:00 rano.

    Spowiedź Wielkopstna

    Sroda, 10 Kwietnia

    Od godz.6:30 - 9:00 pm.

    Tego dnia nie będzie Mszy Sw. o godz.7:00 pm.

    Easter Season Flower Memorials What a beautiful way to remember your loved ones, living or deceased, with a donation in the amount of $10 toward the purchase of flowers which will grace the church environment from Easter until Pentecost. Only one name or one family name may be listed per donation., i.e. Mr. John Smith or John Smith Family. You may then place it in the offering basket or return it to the parish. All memorials must be received by Easter Sunday, April 21st. so that they can be published in the Divine Mercy Sunday, April 28th bulletin. Please note that the names of those memorialized will be printed, not the donor’s name. Please place this completed form along with your donation, in an envelope marked Easter Flowers.

    Easter Flower Memorials

    Memorial Name ______________________________________ Donor’s Name _______________________________________ Amount Enclosed ____________

  • Page 13 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

    Children’s Bulletins

    Children’s bulletins are near the entrances at the back of the church. Children may use the bulletin to color during Mass, and may take it home to read. We hope your family experiences Jesus!

    SJB CHILDRENS CORNER SJB Children’s Liturgy of the Word

    Children's Liturgy of the Word continues to grow as more children are joining us for this special worship experience. The Liturgy is geared especially for children ages 6-10. It is a special opportunity for children to understand and appreciate Scripture at Sunday Mass at 10:45 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. Polish Mass. Basically, after the opening prayer (Collect), the children are invited to come for-ward with two adult Catechists and go to the Music Room in church to participate in their own Liturgy of the Word.

    Children’s Liturgy of the Word offers an experience for children to hear Scripture in words they understand and to share their own understanding of God’s word. The children return to the main parish assembly for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. We warmly invite all children in the parish to par-ticipate in the Children’s Liturgy of he Word. All parents, please encourage your children to join when the clergy invites them to come forward to hear the good news of the Lord. The Children’s Liturgy of the Word ministry will continue until June of 2019. We welcome all of our children ages 6-10 to partici-pate!

  • Page 14 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

    Join the JSB Holy Name Men’s Club at The Tam O’Shanter Golf History Museum

    7860 Caldwell Avenue - Niles

    Monday, April 8, 2019 @ 7:00pm (Hosted by The St. John Brebeuf

    Holy Name Men’s Club)

    Not many people realize the significant role that George S. May and his Tam O'Shanter Country Club played in popularizing the sport of golf in America. May was able to draw some of the most competitive fields of the era by offering tournament prize purses that were 5-10 times more than other professional tour stops. His World Championship of Golf tournament in 1953 was the first to ever be televised nationally. Viewers across the country were treated to a thrilling finish, as Lew Worsham holed out from 104 yards on the final hole of competition to win by a single stroke!

    Take a trip back in time and browse through

    some historical publications from the old club!

    • 1941 - 1956 Tournament Scoring Highlights • 1941 Promotional Brochure

    • 1945 All American Tournament Entry Form • 1945 New Year's Eve Invitation

    • 1955 18-Hole Layout • 1955 Promotional Brochure & Membership

    Application • 1957 Tournament Promotional Brochure

    Bring your favorite club or two and try out the

    outdoor hitting station! (Weather Permitting)

    Refreshments Will Be Available

    For Additional Information Call

    John Jekot @ 847-651-7624 or Dennis O’Donovan @ 847-744-2927

    Dear Father Meany and Parishioners of St. John Brebeuf,

    Thank you so much for organizing a holiday collection this past Christmas to benefit the Senior Services Program at Marillac St. Vincent Family Services. Your group’s efforts are an especially helpful and meaningful way of allowing us to fulfill our mission to strengthen, empower and give voice to those in need. We are so grateful to you! For your records, the parishioners of St. John Brebeuf donated to the Senior Program 25 wrapped gifts. St. John Brebeuf has a long and proud history of connection and support of Marillac St. Vincent. Your enthusiasm and commitment to MSV has helped us care for so many of Chicago’s most vulnerable individuals at time of year when families feel acutely the pressure to provide. We are deeply grateful for your partnership on so many levels, and I am grateful for your support of the Senior Services Program in particular. Wishing the St. John Brebuef Parish community continued blessings as the last days of winter give way to the promise of spring.

    Sincerely, Hilary Waldron Senior Services Program Manager Marillac St. Vincent Family Services

    Thank you SJB Parishioners and St. Vincent de Paul Society!

  • Page 15 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

    “Czyń co Widzisz” “Musicie być mocni. Drodzy bracia i siostry ! Musicie być mocni tą mocą, którą daje wiara ! Musicie być mocni mocą wiary ! Musicie być wierni ! Dziś tej mocy bardziej Wam potrzeba niż w jakiejkolwiek epoce dziejów”. 40 lat temu-Jan Paweł II- Wielki.

    Stowarzyszenie Św. Jadwigi Królowej

    ma zaszczyt zaprosić Państwa na “Wielkopostnego Śledzia”.

    7 kwietnia 2019

    Zapraszamy najpierw do kościoła, na Nabożeństwo “Gorzkich Żalów” na godzinę 4:30 p.m.

    Po zakończeniu “Gorzkich Żalów” przejdziemy do Centrum Parafialnego. Tam będziemy na Państwa czekać,

    aby podać do zjedzenia smaczną zupę, danie ze śledziem marynowanym według przepisu jadwiżańskiego.

    Podamy również smaczny deser. Donacja $15.00

    Bilety już można kupować w biurze parafialnym, lub u naszych Jadwiżanek: Pani Stasi: 847-581-0521

    Pani Ali: 847-966-8056 lub po wszystkich mszach świętych w języku polskim .

    W ramach tego spotkania z Państwem, zrobimy konkurs

    “Największego Bursztynu”. Dlatego Bardzo Was Wszystkich prosimy o przyniesienie

    waszych ślicznych, polskich bursztynów. Przewidziana nagroda za największy bursztyn.

    Dochód będzie przeznaczony na zakup nowych świec,

    na główny ołtarz.

    The St. Queen Jadwiga Society invites you to the Gorzkie Zale (Lenten Polish Devotion) on April 7th at 4:30 pm in the church. Immediately after the service, we invite you for a meal and dessert in the Parish Center. Tickets are $15.00 per person, and are available for purchase at the SJB office or By calling Stasia: 847 581 0521 or Ala: 847 966 8056.

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  • Page 17 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

    March 31: Concert, J.S. Bach: St. Matthew Passion, 3:00 pm. April 5: Holy Name Men’s Club Fish Fry 5:00-7:00pm, PMC April 6: Parish celebration of Confirmation, 1:30pm April 10: Lenten Reconciliation, 6:30—9:00 pm April 13: Anointing of the Sick Mass, 10:00 am April 14: Palm Sunday - Start of Holy Week, see Page 16 for services schedule. Please note that Alcoholics Anonymous meets in School Room 20 on Mon, Tues., and Wed. 7:30-10 pm. Golden Agers meet every Tuesday for Bingo 9:30am -1:30pm in PMC C. The schedule may change due to unforeseen circum-stances, so please check to confirm events.

    Calendar of Upcoming Events at SJB


    LIVES. Fill your CRS Rice Bowl with dollar and coins or give on line at: crsricebowl.org

    Don’t forget to turn in your Rice Bowl after Lent

  • Page 18 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

    St. John Brebeuf Church Staff

    Pastor: Rev. Michael Meany Associates: Rev. Piotr Samborski

    Rev. Przemyslaw Tomczyk Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert Banzin

    Deacons: Larry Skaja/retired, Andy Beierwaltes

    Pastoral Associate: Maciek Karaban Music Director & Liturgical Coordinator:

    Marek Rachelski Children’s Choir Director: Ewa Fair Business Manager: Joseph Wojtowicz School Principal: Dr. Mary Maloney

    Director Youth Ministry: Krystyna Sobocinska

    Staff Secretary: Charlotte Lindquist Bulletin Editor: Maria R. Garcia

    Fr. Thomas May Ministry Center Parish Office

    8305 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714 (847) 966-8145 Fax: (847) 966-0014

    Mon, Tue, Thur : 9am - 8pm, Wed, Fri: 9am - 7pm

    Sat: 9am - 6:30pm, Sun: 9:30am - 12:30pm Website: www.sjbrebeuf.org E-mail: [email protected]

    School: (847) 966-3266 8301 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714

    Website: www.sjbschool.org Religious Education: (847) 966-3269

    Youth Office: (847) 966-9815 Baptisms:

    Last Sunday of each month during 10:45 AM Mass or 2:00 PM Service

    (Polish): First Weekend of each month: at 12:30 PM Mass on Sunday &

    Third Sunday of the Month at 1:45 PM Parents must attend pre-baptism instruction.

    Matrimony: Four months notice is minimal. Eucharistic Adoration:

    In Parish Ministry Center Chapel Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays 7am - 8pm

    Wednesdays and Fridays 7am - 7pm Saturdays 7am - 6:30pm

    Sundays 7:00 am - 12:30 pm

    Mass Schedule

    Saturday: 5:00 PM, 6:30 PM (Polish) Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 AM, 12:30 PM (Polish), 6:00 PM

    Monday—Friday Morning: 6:30 & 8:30 AM Wednesday: 7:00 PM (Polish) Saturday Morning: 7:30 AM

    First Friday: 7:00 PM Mass (Polish) See Bulletin for Holy Days Reconciliation - Saturday

    11:00 AM—Noon (English & Polish) First Friday, 6:00 PM (English & Polish)

    March 31, 2019

    “We are a people of faith who respond to our Baptismal call to holiness by caring for one another and journeying together with Christ through prayer, sacraments, life-

    long formation and service in light of the Gospel and Catholic Tradition.”

  • Page 19 Fourth Sunday of Lent March 31, 2019

    CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. John Brebeuf Church #512142 8305 N. Harlem Avenue Niles, IL 60714 TELEPHONE 847 966-8145 CONTACT PERSON Maria R. Garcia EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2016 Adobe Acrobat DC Windows 7 TRANSMISSION TIME Thurs. 9:30 am SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION March 31, 2019 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 18 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS

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