Ke Alaka i Volume 102: Issue 8 March 7, 2013 Seven Brothers Laie’s New Hangout 8 1,200 Wins: Coach Porter’s Climb to Success 12 BYUH Got Talent Final five make the cut 10 THE LEADER

March 7, 2013 Ke Alaka'i

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Seven Brothers: Laie's New Hangout BYUH Got Talent 2013: Final five make the cut 1,200 Wins: Coach Porter's Clib to Success BYUH Basketball Team Updates

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Page 1: March 7, 2013 Ke Alaka'i

Ke Alaka iVolume 102: Issue 8March 7, 2013

Seven BrothersLaie’s New Hangout 8

1,200 Wins:Coach Porter’s Climb to Success 12

BYUH Got TalentFinal five make the cut 10


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2 Ke AlAKA‘i

Ke Alaka iMarch 7, 2013 • Volume 102: Issue 8


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Photo of the Week

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Olympic athlete and bYuH student

Photo of the week: Kenyans cast their vote in a general election at the Mutomo primary school early March 4, 2013. Five years after more than 1,000 people were killed in

election-related violence, Photo by AP

Lenny Hatch, a BYU-Hawaii student from Kazan, Tatarstan Russia, plays his acoustic guitar on the stage at the BYUHSA Got Talent? competition in the Cannon Activities Center. Photo by Emily Waddell

Seven brother’s restaurant opens

Coach Porter achieves 1,200 win

Overcoming test pressure

Share with us your photo of the week and we may feature it in our next issue. e-mail us at [email protected]

Table of Contents

Marissa Elder


Leeann Lambert

Mei Yin Michael Gulden



Martin Mil iusJef f McLeodMakenzie Head


aJ Eddyallie Gardiner


Matt McDonaldEmily WaddellKyoko Hasegawa


becca HawsStephanie TseMakenzie Head


Lisa Tuttle, Jeff McLeod, Sydney Odell, Clover Cheng, Stephany France, Dylan-Sage Wilcox, alec barney, Ethan Toledo, Robinia Tan, Jennifer Herrera, Matt bledsoe, Martin Milius, Tucker Grimshaw, Megan Tiritilli, Hailey Gardiner, austin Meldrum.

Mei YinMa Vis Taguba


Matthew bledsoe

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3 3MArch 7, 2013 5FebruAry 21, 2013

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Ke AlAKA‘i4 Jennifer Herrera

BYUHSAELECTIONCandidates seek votes during Primary Election week

T he BYU-Hawaii primary election week was busy for the five teams campaigning and students as well. Throughout the week, each team

did what they could to make themselves heard and make themselves known. The names of various candidates and their policies could be seen all around campus on posters or tables. “I saw a lot of booths,” said Erekson Short, a senior in psychology from Arizona. “They were asking people to come and talk to them. Some of [the candidates] were telling them to go and vote, just to make sure their vote was cast. Other people were giving out snow cones and some people had sugges-tion boxes, things like that.” Students stopped to receive free ice cream served by those same candidates after Tuesday’s devotional. The Q&A followed on Wednesday. The Q&A was a good chance for the candidates to give a concise introduction of themselves and their ideas, as well as answer a few student-submitted questions. It began with a quick introduction from John Fryhoff, current BYUHSA executive vice president, who gave some basic information on the presidency process. He was followed by Kesa Kaufusi, also an executive vice president, who shared her thoughts on the presidency.

“The most important thing is that you love the students,” Kaufusi said. Each candidate and their partner were given one minute to introduce themselves and then one minute for their platform. After that, there was a warm up round of questions in which the candidates answered trivia questions about BYUH campus and BYUHSA. The real questions were given to candidates one at a time and they answered them on the spot. The student-submitted questions varied from topics such as Honor Code, the BYUH mission, unifying BYUH, understand-ing students’ needs, and the nine semester rule. Campaigning through the week was a different experience for different people, depending on how they tried to advertise themselves or make themselves known. It was obvious that each team wanted to be elected to make their changes, but there was never any hostility or animosity throughout the campaigning week. “I haven’t seen my running mates as enemies,” said Saman-tha Som, who ran alongside Joshua Riboldi. “I see them as people try-ing to make a change. We’re all just trying to make this campus better, and we want students to join us in the movement.”


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W ith the unexpected resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, the Catholic world was thrown into a scramble to elect their

next leader according to divine Catholic custom. “I couldn’t believe it happened to be honest. If that was President Monson stepping down, I would feel beguiled and aban-doned,” said Matteo Giordano, a freshman in political science and Italian native. As cardinals from around the world prepare to gather to-gether in the Vatican, many wait anxiously to observe how the coun-cils will be applied to overwhelming needs of modernization. “Gener-ally, many young Italians don’t really care about church anymore and religion is finding a hard time fitting into a predominantly secular and modern society all over Europe,” said Giordano. The last time the Pope stepped down was nearly 600 years ago in 1415 when the Church had many rival claimants as Pope and the Council of Constance tried to end the Great Schism. Due to past

Pathway to PopeCardinals gather to elect new leader

Pope Benedict XVI steps down from being the leader of the Catho-lic Church in Rome Italy. Photo by AP

I couldn’t believe it happened to be honest. If that was President Monson stepping down, I would feel beguiled and abandoned. -Matteo Giordano

“ “


political interferences with the Pope’s authority, in 1274 it was de-creed that the cardinal electors in charge of electing the next leader be in seclusion, known as conclave, until the next bishop of Rome could be agreed upon. Cardinal electors were chosen from different geographic areas of the church to attend the conclave that has taken place inside the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City for centuries. Once locked inside, the cardinals submit secret ballots to nominate the new leader. Before a pope can be instated, the 120 chosen cardinals’ deacons must achieve a two-thirds super majority vote and acceptance from the person elected. The electors are locked away from outside influence. After each vote, the ballots are burned with black smoke signifying a decision has yet to be made and white smoke announcing the election of a new Pope. “[The Pope’s] stepping down breaks with tradition, but nothing in tradition says it can’t be done,” said Professor Keith Lane of the religion department. “There are crucial issues and situations to be faced by the Roman Catholic Church and Pope Benedict simply acknowledges that his health and age won’t let him be up to the task.

It’s better for the good of the church that he step down as Pope and let someone else shoulder the burden,” added Lane. “It will be interesting to observe if further modern changes will occur with the instatement of this new Pope, who may be of non-European descent,” said Associate Professor of History Jim Tuel-ler. “Overall however, it is a good time to witness the pageantry and ceremony of Catholicism. Electing a new Pope is a significant event,” added Tueller. The College of Cardinals will gather together for conclave this month to deliberate on the next Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.

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Swimming was instilled in exercise science major and freshman, Celeste Brown as

an 8-year-old girl growing up in Sydney, Australia. Ten years later and after four years of swimming competitively, Brown was an Olympic athlete for the Cook Islands in the 2012 London Olympics. “Swimming requires not just physi-cal strength, but also mental. If you think about everyday, three hours a day, if you do two sessions, you’re in the pool up and down the black line. That for anyone can drive you crazy. You have to mix it up a bit just to stay sane,” said Brown. Brown’s mother wanted to keep her children busy, so she had them start swimming at an early age. Celeste and her brother, Aaron Brown, began training every day after school throughout high school. Their coach noticed their incredible talent and high potential and began steadily work-ing with them. “My first coach, Harry Gallagher coached Dawn Fraser, who is an Olympic medalist. So if he says you’re going to be good a something, you kind of take that seri-ously,” said Brown. In 2009, Brown and her fam-ily moved to the Cook Islands, where her mother is from. There was no legitimate pool

to train in there, so the Brown siblings did ocean swims. New Zealanders would come over to participate in triathlons. Brown recalled, “We ended up beat-ing most of them [the New Zealanders] and got recognized. From there was an interna-tional triathlon where my brother and I com-peted as a team with other people. My team


celeste Brown is an Olympian swimmer‘celebrity’ on campus

was the junior team and we came first out of our division. The news people picked it up and publicized that my brother and I swim.” Local coaches heard about the siblings and asked Brown to represent them in the Cook Islands’ national team. Brown’s first competition was an Oceanic one in New Caledonia during 2010. Since then, she says she worked her way up through different competitions, the highlight being the 2012 London Olympics. Since there aren’t adequate facilities to train at in the Cook Islands, Brown’s family moved back to Australia. There she trained hard

Celeste Brown is a BYU-Hawaii student and an Olympic swimmer representing the Cook Islands. Photo courtesy of Celeste Brown

“Luckily with the age change, now I have the possibility to do both [a mission and the Olympics]. Honestly, I would’ve chosen the mission over the Olympics.

At least I’ve done one, and I can say I’ve accomplished something.”

-celeste Brown

and finally traveled to London to represent the Cook Islands with her dedicated talent. “I swam on the 3rd of August, and then I turned 18 the day after, on the 4th. So I guess you can say I was an Olympian at 17,” said Brown. Brown said her older brother took two years off from swimming to work and save money for his mission. He gave up the opportunity to participate in the Olympics to serve a mission. Since both her parents also served missions, Brown plans to do so as well. She plans to put in her mission papers after competing in the World Championship in Barcelona in June. “A lot of people have been asking me, ‘Do you want to go to Rio’? It’s more like if I have the time or desire anymore. I always said to myself I was going to serve a mission no matter what. Luckily with the age change, now I have the possibility to do both, whereas before it was either a mission or the Olympics. Honestly, I would’ve chosen the mission over the Olympics. At least I’ve done one, and I can say I’ve accomplished something,” said Brown. “After the mission I may or may not go to Rio. I know the training is going to be really intense. So I‘m not looking forward to a year and half of not swimming at all. That will be a big challenge for me, but I’d rather serve a mission anyway,” added Brown. Brown described her typical training routine and the amount of effort and dedica-tion it takes. “Swimming training is a lot of anaerobic or aerobic sets, depending on what type of swimmer you are. I’m a sprinter, so a lot of my sets consist of anaerobic things, so fast speed. We also do a lot of gym work like plyometrics and body weight things just to stay fit and toned. I started doing yoga a bit [because] you have to be strong, but flexible at the same time. Yoga calms you down and relaxes your body.” Like most college freshman, Brown said, “I think my greatest struggle is trying to juggle all my responsibilities ... and then trying to find time to relax and recuperate,” added Brown.

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Members of the BYU-Hawaii Department of Visual, Music and Theatre Arts jointly

presented, “An Evening With the Fine Arts,” on March 1 in the Auditorium. The auditorium lobby walls exhibited, “Photographic [Interpolations].” To interpolate is “to alter or corrupt by inserting new or for-eign matter,” according to the event’s program. The art pieces were created by Jeff Merrill, Jay Merryweather, Jacob Jackson, Monique Ragazzo Saenz, and Brandon T. Truscott. Inside the auditorium, a concert began with husband and wife, Scott and Stacy Mc-Carrey performing Edvard Grieg’s, “Norwegian Dance No.1 in D minor, Op. 35,” on the piano. Written for four hands, the piece traveled from an intense, almost harsh, sound to light and careless, then returned to a quick-paced feel. Tenor Michael Belnap took the role of a son singing about the musical influence of his father entitled, “If I Sing,” from “Closer Than Ever” by David Shire. The musical contains no dialogue and tells individual stories through each song. Matthew Walker, a senior in vocal performance from California, said, “I thought the entire evening was stupendous, and the faculty members were beyond stellar.” Shakespeare’s, “The Merchant of Venice,” was well represented by Craig Ferre, who played Shylock along with Jacob Titus as Salerio. Ferre’s character is Jewish and defends his religion with the famous monologue in Act III, Scene 1, “Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands…? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die?...” Titus, a freshman from Wahiawa, said, “I was kind of intimidated, but I thought the performance went well. It was an honor to be a part of such a prestigious event. I almost felt like I didn’t belong in there because I was the only student. They were practicing the art that they teach. I was practicing the art I enjoy.”

Mezzo soprano Anna Mooy lulled the crowd with a set of, “Two Songs, Op. 91,” in the German language by Johannes Brahms. Both selections were like a lullaby and one even included the lyrics, “You who hover around these palms, in the night and wind; You holy angels, silence the treetops, my child is sleeping.” Kwon Jung Ae played an organ piece by French composer Leon Bollmann entitled, “Toccata,” the conclusion from his best-known work, “Suite Gothique.” Faces in the audience reflected gasps and awe as they heard a very dramatic and sometimes spooky sound from the organ. Even an audible “Whoa!” came from a man in the crowd. The marimba was brought to the front of the stage and played by Darren Du-erden, who used two mallets in each hand for Murray Houliff’s, “Samba.” Duerden’s tech-nique included separate rhythms in each hand playing the marimba. “Last Laugh” was composed by Dan-iel Bradshaw and “explores sound as an object, not as something that tries to express emotions or that makes us want to dance,” as explained in the program. It was composed from a four second clip of girls’ laughter and was then stretched out in tiny “grains” using a technol-ogy called Granular Synthesis. Department Chair of Music and Theatre Arts David Kammerer introduced his composition, “Another Beginning,” which in-cluded his vocal talents along with those of his wife, Elizabeth Kammerer, and Mooy. David Yamasaki played the acoustic guitar while the audience watched a slideshow depicting the stages of life from the pre-mortal world to birth, death, and finally, resurrection. The concert ended with BYUH’s faculty jazz ensemble “Crosscurrent” play-ing, “Sukiyaki,” arranged by guitar instructor Yamasaki, and “Blue Rondo a la Turk,” by Dave Brubeck. Members are Jennifer Duerden

on piano, Darren Duerden on drums, Mark Wolfersberger with percussion, Yamasaki on guitar, Will Yokoyama on bass, and David Kammerer with vocals and trumpet.

Faculty display their visual and musical talentsAn Evening with the Fine Arts


From top to bottom: Fine Arts Professor Michael Belnap sings, Crosscurrent musi-

cians play on bass and guitar, ceramics and art by Fine Arts staff, and students Adam

Eastburn and Denise Burnett take in the art and photography on display in the McKay

Auditorium. Photos by Matt MacDonald

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Top right: Arthur Hanneman poses with his sons, (left to right) Max, Spencer, Seth and Seek, at

their new 7 Brothers Restaurant in the Laie Shop-ping Center. Middle to Right: Main menu served

items at the Seven Brothers and a photo of the place. Photos by Matt MacDonald

The newest restaurant-hangout is a popular hit with students

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S even Brothers, a Kahuku Grill branch, opened its doors to long lines of people in

the Laie Shopping center. The idea and purpose of Seven Broth-ers came into fruition as restaurant owner and operator Max Hannemann, said, “[It was] just to create a cool and friendly environment, a place for students to come out, hang out, and eat. A place to enjoy one another’s company.” The restaurant is owned and operated by the Hannemann brothers. The atmosphere of Seven Brothers is a north-shore surf motif, filled with local art and pictures of scenic beaches. The restaurant also has a makeshift lobby area. Similar to the popular restaurant, Kahuku Grill, the newest burger joint to hit Laie shopping center is bringing in Kahuku Grill fan favorites from the popular cowboy burger to their Asian salad. Seven Brothers dishes out their signature burgers and salads. “A big portion of our market are BYU-Hawaii students and faculty and residents of Laie,” said Seth Hannemann, one of the Kahuku Grill owners and operators. “When the opportu-nity came to open here, we jumped at it.” Before Seven Brothers moved in to their current loca-tion next to Pizza Hut and Ace Hardware, there was a Laundromat. “I really like the atmosphere, the ser-vice is great,” Joseph Betts, a freshman majoring

in biology from Michigan said. “The prices are decent. It’s definitely a good Mormon chill place. It’s the kind of place where you’re like, ‘Hey, we’re stuck in Laie, let’s go to Seven Brothers.’ We’re definitely coming back.” The location of Seven Brothers also presents a opportunity for students to enjoy the burgers of Kahuku Grill in their backyards. “It’s a different experience from Ka-huku Grill,” said Jared Kahaiali’i, a senior major-ing in communication from Maui. “I like Seven Brothers. It has more options to what little variety Laie has to offer. It’s rough around the edges but has good potential.” Both Kahaiali’i and Betts gave Seven Brothers 4 out of 5 stars. Among the customers who dropped in for a sneak peek of the popularized food establishment, Katrina Perkins, a sophomore majoring in the humanities from Utah, went into Seven Brothers and tasted the Bruce Irons burger. “I really enjoyed it. I’ve eaten at Kahuku Grill before and I love their burgers. [Seven Brothers burgers] are gigantic slabs of yummi-ness,” Perkins said. “You can tell it’s homemade it’s not like Burger King or McDonalds or anything, you can tell,” she added. Besides the food, the décor and interior design of the restaurant offers a modernized college feel that attracts the majority of Seven Brothers customers – BYUH students.


“I was admiring all their surf photos. The interior design is what you think of when you think of Hawaii,” Perkins said. “[The inside is] kinda shackish, but not totally run-down, where it’s a shack on the beach where you can go cruise with your friends with the photos of the beach. The atmosphere is pretty great.” Likewise with the ambiance of it all, workers and customers alike are quick to see the dedication the Hannemanns have toward running the Seven Brothers. Rebecca Boman, an undeclared freshman from California works at Seven Brothers as a waitress. “The Hannemanns are great people,” she said. “You can tell that they truly care about this restaurant and that they’re really putting in all the effort that they can possibly make. That’s what I really like: people that truly care,” Boman added. “We’re very happy and grateful to hear that kind of feed back,” Max Hannemann said. “This is our life, this is our future and we hope that we can do the best we can so we can continue to grow.”

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BYUHSA’s Special Events team hosted the annual BYU-Ha-waii’s Got Talent show on Wednesday, Feb. 27, in the Cannon Activi-ties Center. The top 10 performers chosen from auditions competed for the final five spots, which were decided by the judges. The night of talent began with “Sugar Cereal,” a band con-sisting of four members, with Aaron Knudsen, a senior from Alaska, as the drummer and head of the band. They played an original song entitled, “One Thing That You Missed,” with a video of nuclear blasts in the background, which added a powerful feel to their music. Singer Crystal Bates shook a tambourine while jamming with the guitarists. Kenji Akazawa, a BYUH student from Snohomish, Wash., took the stage to show off his robot-like dance style. The crowd cheered as they heard what sounded like the voice of a transformer saying, “Power up the bass cannon… Fire,” and the lights suddenly turned red. Akazawa’s dance was clear and concise, giving spectators the opportunity to see just how much control he put into every move-ment. Popular dance group, the Instakookys, also wowed students with their dance mix. The Instakookys were runner-ups to last year’s winners, the “Reckon Crew” dance group. Since then, the Instakookys have worked hard to continue dancing and have participated in school events such as the Fall Fantastic Fair. Their performance received enthusiastic applause from the audience. President of the Instakookys, Hyrum Lindquist from Ne-vada, said, “Prepping for and participating in the talent show was an awesome experience... Making the top five was way awesome since everyone did amazingly in the competition. We plan on killin’ it for top five with some sick choreography and intensive visuals.” Lenny Hatch, a BYUH student from Kazan, Tatarstan Rus-sia, brought his acoustic guitar to the stage and dedicated his original song to his wife, Julia. His piece began slow and tranquil, but then

grew in tempo as his fingers danced across the neck of the guitar. The BYUH men’s acapella chorale, “Sound Waves,” per-formed Taylor Swift’s “I Knew You Were Trouble,” to the delight of the audience. After the song, group members and BYUH students Doug Bush and Keanu Lee Chip Sao were recognized for having sac-rificed the possibility of solo acts in the competition. After auditioning for two performances, BYUHSA judges decided the students could only choose one to be fair to all the other acts that auditioned. Both men chose only to be considered for their chorale group.

Emily Leapai from Washington sang Justin Bieber’s, “As Long As You Love Me,” while strumming the ukulele for her perfor-mance. She dedicated the song to her sister, who was to be wed two days after the talent show. Leapai said, “I thought all of the performances were top notch! In fact, it made me a lot more nervous to go on because every-one was so good. I really enjoyed the whole experience. Aside from the whole competition thing, it was just really special to get to sing to my family who as visiting, and dedicate my song to my older sister Tia. She made it just in time for my performance and said she really loved it. That’s all I was hoping for.

BYUH Got Talent 2013Final Five Make the Cut

I definitely think that the best groups made the top five, even though it must

have been a hard choice. Everyone was so talented.

-Sara Siddoway

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A saxophone quartet, known as the “Saxidentals,” played a Michael Jackson mix. Their piece included, “Beat It”, “Thriller,” and other popular Michael Jackson selections. The four members even included choreography with their music, which immediately riled the crowd. John Osel Diaz, a graphic design freshman from Philip-pines, played an electric guitar number that began slowly, but wowed the audience with a surprise twist. His lightning speed solo on the guitar fired up the students and the ending was applauded with a wild roar from the crowd. Veteran dance group, the “Dancing Biscuits,” returned to compete this year after winning BYUH Got Talent’s 2010 competi-tion. The group reunited after members of the dance group returned from their missions. Group leader Nathan Fuluvaka, acted out a scene of “auditions” for the group on stage, where each member got to strut their stuff for a brief moment. The group ended their skit with a dance. The last act was a duo including Dallin Coburn singing Michael Jackson’s, “Heal the World,” while playing ukulele, along with Daniel Edwards beating on the bongos. Audience members

[Left side], from left to right: The Saxidentals perform in saxophone quartet. John Osel Diaz, a graphic design fresh-man from Philippines, plays electric guitar. [Right side]Upper-right: Instakookys perform choreographed routine. Bottom-left: Dallin Coburn & Daniel Edwards sing and play ukulele and bongos. Bottom-right: Sound Waves perform an acapella version of a famous Taylor Swift song. Photos by Emily Waddell

joined in by clapping to the rhythm, and some even began singing along. After viewing each of the ten acts, the judges submitted their final five recommendations. This year’s judges included Sister Anna Mooy of the Fine Arts department, Sister Jacquie Alisa of the BYUHSA Advisory Council, Brother Matthew Anderson: service missionary at BYUH, and Bishop Bobby Akoi of the Polynesian Cultural Center. Sara Siddoway, an international cultural studies major from Texas, said, “Got Talent was so much fun! I loved the Saxidentals. They were very unique and great with the crowd. I definitely think that the best groups made the top five, even though it must have been a hard choice. Everyone was so talented.” During the show, a tie could not be broken between the judges, so BYUHSA representatives announced a sixth competitor: the Dancing Biscuits. However, after a meeting with BYUHSA advisors, the tie has been broken. Dancing Biscuits have been invited to perform at the Final Five show as guests instead of competitors. BYU-Hawaii’s Got Talent: Final Five is scheduled to take place on Saturday, March 9, at 7:30 p.m. in the Cannon Activities Center. Students who attend will text-vote to decide the champion.

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Q: Explain your background in coaching and how you got into coaching?A: I started coaching in general when I was in high school and in college, coaching little league baseball and tennis. When I finished [college], I coached high school tennis and women’s basketball in Provo. I also was working at the MTC, in charge of the fitness program. I became an assistant coach with the men’s team at Provo HS. Then I came to BYUH as an assistant, coached basketball and the tennis club [before it was an actual team]. Soon we formed a tennis team, men only for the first ten years and later, the women joined. For me, it’s been a lifetime of coaching. it’s something I enjoy. It has been great working with so many different kids from so many places around the world.

Q: When/how did you know you wanted to be a coach or that coaching was what you wanted to do? A: I think my coaches and seminary teachers probably had the most influence on me, and so I wanted to coach and teach religion. For a number of years, I taught religion classes as a volunteer, Book of Mormon mostly, until I got so busy with [coaching] both teams that I just couldn’t do it. I made that choice because of how I was influenced [by those coaches/seminary teachers]. I wanted to have, hopefully, a similar influence in other people’s lives.

Q: How did you end up at BYUH? Any particu-lar appeal or reason to come to BYUH?A: Well, we had come to visit Hawaii with a close friend, Jerry Lamb, who lives in Honolulu. We enjoyed it so much that we started looking for opportunities to come. The way we see it, you were down here to keep the commandments and gain experi-ence. And you can keep the commandments anywhere so let’s have a new experience. So, we thought we’d come and once we got here, we fell in love with it and stayed.

Q: Explain being a part of the transformation from club/extramural tennis into a college tennis pow-erhouse?A: Well, it took a lot of support from the university and a lot of hard work on the part of the players. I think the combination of the support of the athletic department and the university in general, and students who are talented in tennis and who wanted the experience that BYUH has to offer, just made it to where it was reasonably successful. We try to adopt the correct principles in relation to tennis that make players get better and it hopefully helps.

Q: Speaking of success, How have you been so successful? What do you attribute your success to?A: In 1973 if you wanted to win the Ken-tucky Derby, you rode Secretariat. So, I suppose that getting the best players certainly makes it easy to be successful in sports. The Miami Heat are doing pretty well. They got LeBron and Dwayne Wade and we’ve got some outstanding tennis players in the years we’ve had our greatest success. We had ter-rific players and my job is to try and make those who are already good a little better, and those who aren’t quite as good, good players. I think a big part of it has to do with recruiting, and of course Hawaii and the BYUH environment makes it a wonderful place to be able to recruit to.

Q: How do you motivate your players? How do you create such consis-tency?A: In order to get to the level they are already at, they had to have had some discipline and reasonable consistency. I suppose I’ve had some, and maybe still do, who are good enough potentially that if they had solved all the problems I’m trying to help them with, they wouldn’t be here, they’d be out on the tour playing. But, I think for the most part, it’s

A&QBYU-Hawaii Tennis Coach Dave Porter Reaches win 1,200

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teaching correct principles and expecting them to follow them and then holding them ac-countable to do the things that they know they should do and certain results will follow. That doesn’t mean that you win all the time. My favorite sports axiom comes from Rodeo, and it says, ‘There was never a horse that couldn’t be rode, and never a cowboy who couldn’t be thrown.’ So, if you’re going to get in the game, you’re going to win [or] you’re going to lose. That’s just part of the process. As soon as you realize that, you just do your best. We’ve been very fortunate to have won more than we have lost. But you’re always going to win some [or] always going to lose some.

Q: You’ve had nearly equal success coaching both men’s and women’s tennis. What are the dif-ferences in coaching and succeeding in both?A: Because of Title IX, we tend to find it easier to schedule matches on the women’s side because more schools have women’s tennis. Some schools, like Chaminade, locally do not have a men’s tennis program any longer. So, in some ways coaching the girls is a little easier. Because of Title IX, we are allowed more scholarships on the women’s side, so it’s easier to get a deeper team of good players, although it’s the same for the other competition as well because they have the same rules to go by. I don’t think there are many differences. I mean, athletes are

athletes. They approach the game differently, but their work ethic is hard. They play hard. Rules are the same. I suppose I speak more gently to the women than I do to the men when they’re not doing the things I’d like them to do, but hopefully still in a vein of support and motivation rather then demean-ing them.

Q: As a Coach, have you ever had a goal to set any records or collect any accolades?A: The number of wins has a lot to do with how

long you’re doing it. I suppose the goal originally

was to win a national championship. And when

we started to win some with the girls, the goal was

to win some with the men and we were able to do

that, but it’s been awhile since we’ve won either.

So I guess it’s to get back to that point where

we’re in the hunt. We lost in the finals last year

in a close match. It was disappointing but it’s just

part of the game. We are hopeful to have a suc-

cessful season this year and have a chance if we’re

healthy to maybe knock on the door for a champi-

onship again. On the men’s side, to get our team

deep enough to have a chance again. So, I think

that winning conference, region, and national

championships for the school and the recognition

that brings to the university and to the players as

a memory in their life is much more important

than any number of total wins that someone could

put next to my name.

Q: What does winning 1,200 mean to you?A: I’ve been doing it a long time I guess. There’s a good friend of mine at the uni-versity of Hawaii that’s been coaching for like 40 years and is the only coach that has won more, and he’s won over 1,300, so who knows if anyone will ever win that many. But in one sense, it shows that we’ve demonstrat-ed excellence in our program and in another sense, it just means that I’ve been around for a long time [chuckles].

Q: What’s next for BYUH Tennis?A: Just trying to win the next match. Trying to help the players be the best they can be, and perform their best and learn lessons that they can apply on the court and in life.

Q: Final Remarks:A: These players work hard. They work hard everyday and we are unable to attract a large number of students to support their success and their efforts. So, If we had some students who came out and cheered for them, a little more regularly, that would mean a lot to them, and therefore it would mean a lot to me.


Top: Coach Porter celebrates a couple of years ago his 1,000 career win with his wife

and BYUH tennis players. He recently reached the 1,200 win mark. Photo by Monique Saenz

BYU-Hawaii Tennis Coach Dave Porter Reaches win 1,200

Page 14: March 7, 2013 Ke Alaka'i


Ke AlAKA‘i14

T he David O McKay Center invited students to gather around a bonfire at Hukilau Beach on March 2 to hear Professor Phillip

McArthur speak about folklore narratives and its relation to peace-building in “Talk Story.” Around 50 BYU-Hawaii students came to learn about the impact of telling personal and global stories and how these stories affect the way people interact with one another. The event aimed to teach how to tell a convincing story, but McArthur said, “there is no right” way to tell a story because the standards for what makes up a good story are subjective and embed-ded within cultures. He said, “We tell stories to connect our experi-ences to one another and make meaning of them and all the time we are battling not just with our physical bodies, but also with which narrative is right and true which has the potential to be both destruc-tive and healing.” McArthur illustrated the connection of our stories to past narratives told about the first European contacts to Oahu’s North Shore at Waimea Bay. “Each group had their own set of narratives. They told themselves about what it meant to come to Hawaii, and what it meant to be a part of their cultural group . . . and ultimately it is the merging of these two worlds with their accompanying stories that make us who we are today as tenants in this city.” Madison Haretuku, a junior studying anthropology from Texas, was one of many students who took McArthur’s ‘Narratives and Culture’ class. Haretuku said, “What tonight and that class reminded me is just how important it is to remember my story and how it interacts with other’s stories” and “to appreciate that overlap and realize that we are all interconnected through our stories.” After McArthur’s words, Professor Chad Ford who heads the McKay Center and Peacebuilding program, stood up to speak

about our connection to this school and McKay’s prophecy about its students. “Being at BYUH, you are called into a story that connects us to many stories both within the church and within our Hawaiian community . . . and we need to be consciously aware of how all of these stories connect us back to our Heavenly Father,” said Ford. After the two speakers, Westin Bolles, a senior in politi-cal science from Utah and leader for the event, urged students to consider the reasons why they chose to come to BYUH. The crowd was broken up into three smaller sections to provide a more intimate space for storytelling. Bolles was one of the first to share his story of how he came to BYUH. He described the struggle between choosing to leave UVU and teach in Taiwan with his wife or to continue his studies here at BYUH. It was a scripture in 2nd Nephi that lead him to choose BYUH, which he described as “a great blessing.” Following Bolles story, other students began opening up about why they chose to come to BYUH and what they have experi-enced since being here. “The biggest thing I hope people know walking away from ‘Talk Story’ is that their story matters and that they all have a reason for being here at BYUH,” said Bolles, “and that reason needs to be heard so we can all understand one another and prevent future con-flict.


Talk Story with professor McArthurAttendees learn to appreciate

the art of storytelling

Right: Professor Phillip McAr-thur enlightens students on how stories connect them to the past.Below: Students gather in groups to practice their storytelling abili-ties. Photos by Mei Yin

Page 15: March 7, 2013 Ke Alaka'i

15MArch 7, 2013

BYUHSA Wants You!Applications are currently being accepted for thefollowing positions:

• Executive Vice President (1): Due Thursday, March 14, 4 p.m.

• JR Vice President (6): Due Wednesday, March 20, 4 p.m.

• Executive Director (27): Due Friday, March 29, 4 p.m.

Pick up an application at the ID desk or online at student.byuh.edu/byuhsa.

For more information please contact Cassieat [email protected] or sign up

for an interview at the ID desk.

Page 16: March 7, 2013 Ke Alaka'i

Ke AlAKA‘i16

While students are dedicated to performing well on the tests they are required to take in their classes, they agree that standardized testing is an inaccurate and impersonal measure of intelligence.

Sir Ken Robinson, author of “Out of Our Minds,” offers insight into how standardized testing is impacting the students in the American public education system in an interview with Amy M. Az-zam entitled, “Why Creativity Now?” “It’s totally counterproductive,” said Robinson. “Looking back at our own education, we came alive in certain sorts of lessons with certain teachers when we were given an opportunity to do things that invigorated us. And when you find things you’re good at, you tend to get better at everything because your confidence is up and your attitude is different.” Not only does standardized testing distance students from their natural gifts and abilities but also is most often strict memoriza-tion and regurgitation. Kariza Opeda, a junior majoring in business marketing from Las Vegas, said, “If you’re taking a test and you don’t remember what your notes said and you didn’t memorize it right, you’re out of luck.” Schools across the country are turning to alternate methods of testing in an attempt to offer students an alternate way to demon-strate their knowledge. Casey Akana, a sophomore majoring in busi-

ness from Seattle, suggested that students may perform better when offered verbal reasoning tests. “Verbalized tests would be a lot better because you could think through and process it, and say it in the right way,” said Akana. “Then you’d be testing the same amount of knowledge while showing that you know more about the subject instead of not feeling great because you bubbled in the wrong answer to the question.” Students who dedicate hours studying for tests explain how they stress out and perform poorly due to the anxiety they feel while taking the test. Abby Smith, a junior majoring in biology from Iowa, agreed that standardized testing is an inaccurate measure of intelligence be-cause “students that are stressed out by testing don’t perform as well as they are capable of.” Genedel Glory, a junior majoring in education from Texas, re-iterated Smith’s point in sharing the stress she experiences before and during tests. “Personally, I’m very bad at tests. I always freak out. During lessons and everything else I’m fine, just not during tests,” she said. Testing within schools may actually be contributing to increasing drop-out rates as well as the detachment students have from school, argued Robinson. “Too often now we are systematically alienating people from their own talents and, therefore, from the whole process of education,” he said. While standardized testing may measure one’s ability to regurgitate information, Robinson emphasizes the importance of individualized education based on the incredibly wide range of skill sets present in a student body. Jasper Mills, a junior majoring in TESOL from Los Angeles, agreed. “Testing is a government agenda that doesn’t address the needs of students or assess their talents. It’s unnecessary and we should come up with a better program for help-ing students to grow,” he said. Opeda believes testing only measures one set of skills, namely one’s ability to take tests. “It’s like Einstein said, everybody is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it’ll spend its whole life believing that it is stupid,” she said.


Students say they struggle under testing pressures


“It’s like Einstein said, everybody is a genius. But, if

you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it’ll

spend its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

-Kariza Opeda, BYU-Hawaii junior from Las Vegas

Page 17: March 7, 2013 Ke Alaka'i

17MArch 7, 2013

According to the Anxiety and Depression Agency of America (ADAA), anxiety disorders affect 40 million people, 18 years and older.

“Anxiety disorders are highly treatable, yet only about one-third of those suffering receive treatment,” stated ADAA information. Test anxiety is one of these disorders. Rose Oliver, PH.D, from the Albert Ellis Institute, a psycho-therapy training institute, stated, “Overcoming test anxiety requires 1) a willingness to recognize that we have control over our own behav-ior, and 2) it means to give up caring desperately about the outcome.” Psychiatrist Daniel K. Hall-Flavin M.D., from the Mayo Clinic, which is a non-profit medical practice and research group, has given some ideas for reducing test anxiety. He said to “learn how to study efficiently, establish a consistent pre-test routine, learn relax-ation techniques, and don’t forget to eat and drink and get some exer-cise. Get plenty of sleep, talk to your teachers, don’t ignore a learning disability, see a professional counselor.” On campus, BYU-Hawaii stu-dents have access to all of these things. If students feel test anxiety is too much, they can see a counselor in the Counseling Center. Alumni and students on campus have found different ways to cope with test anxiety. Joenee Briones, an alumnus from the Phil-ippines who graduated in Information Systems, said there are two ap-proaches he uses: “Physical and spiritual.” He explained these terms, “Physical is to study of course, and spiritual is praying for the spirit/comforter to bring all things I studied to my remembrance.” Briones used John 14:26 as his reference. Brianna Stephensen a sophomore studying ICS from Cali-fornia, said, “I eat an apple because they give me energy and make me think straight.” Diet is a key in helping with test anxiety. Accord-ing to campusblog.com, “The peel of the apple includes a powerful antioxidant called quercetin that enhances memory function.” Andrea Snowden, a sophomore majoring in pre-professional biology from California, stated, “Working out honestly helps me.” She continued, “My psychology teacher, Professor Kinghorn, said to study no more than three hours and wait 20-30 minutes” before studying again “so you can retain the information.” Test anxiety is treatable, says experts. By using the tools that are given, student can work on being able to relax before tests.

TESTING ANXIETYadvice to keep you cool in the testing pool





Learn how to study efficiently.

Don’t forget to eat and drink and get some exercise.


Praying for the spirit and comforter to bring all things I studied to my remembrance.

- TuckEr gr IMSHAW

Page 18: March 7, 2013 Ke Alaka'i

Ke AlAKA‘i18

BYU-Hawaii men’s basketball team outlasted the UH-Hilo Vulcans 91-86

in a hard-fought duel March 2 in the final game of conference play. With the win, the Seasiders finished off the regular season with a record of 15-11, 12-6 in the Pacific West, heading into the Pacific West Conference Tournament. The Seasiders were aggressive to close off the first half, heading into the locker room with a 45-39 lead. Cold shoot-ing to start the second half, combined with intense defensive pressure from Hilo, slowed down the Seasiders’ offensive rhythm as the Vulcans rallied back, taking a 9-point lead midway through the second half. “We knew we had to bring it back together the first couple minutes of the second half, especially on defense,” said sophomore guard Robbie Mitchell. “Our offense always comes. Coach really stressed playing defense saying that that’s where we’re are gonna win it.” The sharp shooting of Mitchell and freshman guard Taylor Maughan sparked a comeback for the Seasiders who regained the lead with just under 8 minutes to play and held on to win despite some big plays from the Vulcans.

Seasiders edge out UH-Hilo in final regular season game



HTTop: Men’s basketball team

poses on senior night. Above: Senior Nkosi Stewart goes up

for the dunk. Photos by Mei Yin


When talking about Hilo, Mitchell said, “They’re a really big, physical team. They just kept fighting until the very end, and they just did not quit.” Mitchell contin-ued, “But we didn’t want them to ruin it for our seniors.” It was Senior Night for the Seasid-ers and the Cannon Activities Center was buzzing with excitement. In perhaps the most crowded game of the year, the men’s basket-ball team was able to recognize their graduat-ing seniors in front of the enthusiastic crowd at the last home game of the season. Even Mitchell commented on the crowd, “It’s al-ways fun playing on Senior Night. There was an awesome atmosphere and lots of energy. Especially when you have a local boy [Junior Ale] and someone like Nkosi [Stewart] who everyone knows and loves.” The four seniors Dae Sung Lee, Okesene (Junior) Ale, Nkosi Stewart, and Brady Hurst will be sorely missed, said Mitchell. “It’s been fun playing with this group of seniors. I’m sad to see them go. So hopefully we can finish with a good run in the tournament.” BYUH will play Dominican on March 7 in Azusa, Calif., in the final game of the first day of the PacWest Tournament. The winner of the tournament will receive the conference’s automatic bid to the NCAA II West Regional Tournament, according to BYUH Sports information.

Page 19: March 7, 2013 Ke Alaka'i

19MArch 7, 2013

Despite a commanding 16-point lead in the early moments of the second half, BYU-Hawaii could not hold on in its final home and

conference game of the season dropping its record to 6-18 overall and 5-13 in conference. Shayla Washington played hard leading all scorers with 30 points. She also grabbed 9 boards and snatched 5 steals. In basketball, you can either live or die from 3-point land and the ladies were ice cold from distance, shooting only 3 of 16 from beyond the arch, according to BYUH Sports Information. Washington, a senior from Arizona in forensic science, said about the game, “We felt good. Our energy was high. We basically felt like we should have been doing this the entire season. It was fun for us. We have a tendency that’s when we’re up we get comfortable and stop playing with the energy we had at the beginning. Plus we had a few defen-sive errors that they capitalized on and scored, followed by some unforced turnovers. We kind of got careless and it cost us the game.” Reflecting on her play in her last season, she said, “For myself, I would say I learned to have a lot of patience, and as a team, I would say we learned trust.” BYUH Sports Information says, “Kristen Hartley tallied 10 points and grabbed a career-high of 13 rebounds ... and Brittany Hazel-man grabbed 10 rebounds. Washington, Hartley, and Hazelman were all honored by the team following the contest on Senior Night.” The women will play Academy of Art on March 7 in Azusa, Ca-lif., in the PacWest Conference post-season tournament. The tournament is single elimination. The Seasiders are the 6th seed in the six-team tourna-ment. Academy of Art is the 3rd seed, says BYUH Sports Information.

The Lady Seasiders came up short on Senior Night against rival UH-Hilo 70-65





Students cheer on the Seasiders during the men’s game against UH-Hilo. Photo by Mei Yin

Lady Seasiders pose for a shoot on the final night of their regular season. Photo by Monique Saenz

Page 20: March 7, 2013 Ke Alaka'i

Ke AlAKA‘i20

When Grandma Lee took her potpies out of a mini-stove, the smell of flour and meat filled the air. Grandma Lee is a new seller at the BYU-Hawaii Farmer’s Market. “If you are hungry, come and visit Grandma Lee,” said Lee with a laugh. Lee said her granddaughters Becky and Amanda Lapenes are the reasons she came to sell her pies at BYUH. Through shar-ing her cooking skills, she said she wanted to raise money for 16-year-old Becky’s speech trip, “We the People” in Washington D.C. and 14-year-old Amanda’s gymnastic lessons. Grandma Lee used to be the owner and cook of two restaurants. She also worked at BYUH food service for seven years, while David Keala, Director of Food Services Administration, and Spencer Tan, the Executive Chef, were her student workers. With the menu of beef potpie, mango pies, and the best selling Thai style curry chicken potpie, Grandma Lee share her love for Thai culture with the students. Lee said, “I used to live in Thailand for four years and my son also went on mission to Thai-land… I love Thai food, so I put it in my potpie.” Becky Lapenes, Grandma Lee’s grand-daughter said, “You should all come because my grandma makes the best quality of things.” Lapenes came along to help her grandmother sell pies. “My grandma is a self-learner and you are going to taste our family recipe,” said Lapenes. Sister Henderson, a senior mis-sionary from Utah, bought her husband Elder Henderson a chicken potpie for lunch. She said, “It is my third time buying pie from her [Grandma Lee]. Potpie is a nutritious and quick meal. The crust is perfect… I know how to make it, but it takes lots of work.” Jessica Enos, a psychol-ogy senior from California, also brought a chicken potpie. “I like curry and it looks delicious,” said Enos. “I won’t eat it right now. I am going to enjoy it at home.”

Potpies featured at Farmer’s Market


Grandma’s Goodies

Grandma Lee raises money for her grand-kids through her potpie sales. Photo by

Matt MacDonald