Marine monitoring for sub seabed carbon capture and storage (CCS) Tim Dixon IEAGHG UK Pavilion side-event, COP-23, 8 November 2017

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  • Marine monitoring for sub seabed carbon capture and

    storage (CCS)

    Tim Dixon IEAGHG

    UK Pavilion side-event, COP-23, 8 November 2017

  • London Convention and Protocol

    • Marine Treaty - Global agreement regulating disposal of wastes and other matter at sea

    • London Convention 1972 (87 countries)• London Protocol 1996 – ratified March 2006 (49 countries as of Oct 2017)• Annual Meetings of the Contracted Parties and of Scientific Group.• How it works:• Prohibits dumping of all wastes in marine environment, including sub-

    seabed, except for those listed in Annex 1, which need to be permitted under conditions in Annex 2.• Annex 1: dredged material; sewage sludge; fish waste; vessels and platforms; inert,

    inorganic geological material; organic material of natural origin; bulky items primarily comprising unharmful materials from small islands with no access to waste disposal options

    • Therefore London Protocol prohibited most CCS project configurations

  • London Convention and Protocol and CCS

    • To allow prohibited CCS configurations – Protocol amendment proposed and adopted at 28th Consultative Meeting (LP1), 2 Nov 2006 - came into force 10 Feb 2007 to allow disposal in geological formations .

    Allowed to dispose of “ CO2 streams from CO2 capture processes for sequestration”

    “Carbon dioxide streams may only be considered for dumping, if:1 disposal is into a sub-seabed geological formation; and2 they consist overwhelmingly of carbon dioxide. They may contain incidental associated

    substances derived from the source material and the capture and sequestration processes used; and

    3 no wastes or other matter are added for the purpose of disposing of those wastes or other matter.” LC 28/15 (6 Dec 2006) Annex6

    • Annex 2. Produced ‘CO2 Specific Guidelines’ (2007) – EIA guidance for regulators in issuing permits for CO2 storage

  • OSPAR• Marine Convention for NE Atlantic, 1992 • 15 nations and EC• Prohibited some CCS configurations• Considered CCS and CO2 impacts• To allow prohibited CCS configurations:• Amendments (to Annexes II and III) for CO2

    storage adopted June 2007• Needed ratification by 7 Parties (8 ratified as

    of Oct 2011)• Amendments came into force July 2011

    • OSPAR Decision – requirement to use Guidelines when permitting, including risk assessment and management process

    • OSPAR Guidelines for Risk Assessment and Management of Storageof CO2 in Geological Formations – includes the Framework for Risk Assessment and Management (FRAM)

    • OSPAR Decision to prohibit ocean storage


  • London and OSPAR Guidelines for Risk Assessment and Management

    In order to receive a permit must demonstrate:

    • Scope – scenarios, boundaries• Site selection and characterisation – physical, geological,

    chemical, biological – need measurement• Exposure assessment – characterisation CO2 stream,

    leakage pathways• Effects assessment – sensitivity of species, communities,

    habitats, other users • Risk characterisation – integrates exposure and effects -

    environmental impact, likelihood• Risk management – emphasis on monitoring

  • This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 654462


    ENERGY (LCE-15-2015) “Enabling decarbonisation of the fossil fuel-based power sector and energy intensive industry through CCS”

    • Total Budget €15.9 M• March 2016 – February 2020• Coordinator: Prof. Doug Connelly –National

    Oceanography Centre (UK)• 13 partners

  • This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 654462

    Objectives of STEMM-CCS• Develop a robust environmental baseline assessment methodology under

    “real life conditions”.

    • Develop and implement methods for constraining the natural and anthropogenic induced CO2 permeability of the overburden in offshore CCS sites.

    • Develop a suite of cost effective tools to identify, detect and quantify CO2 leakage from a sub-seafloor CCS reservoir.

    • Assess the applicability of artificial and natural tracers for detection, quantification and attribution of leakage of sequestered CO2 in a marine environment.

    • Model and assess impacts of different reservoir leak morphologies and provide decision support tools for monitoring, mitigation and remediation action.

    • Document best practice for selection and operation of offshore CCS sites and complete knowledge transfer to industrial and regulatory stakeholders.

    • Develop best practice for knowledge sharing.

  • This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 654462

    Main Experiment - 2019

    Schematic of the shallow sub-surface release of CO2 gas in sediments (< 5 m depth) near Peterhead (Goldeneye) CCS demonstration project. Note that this small-scale release in near-surface sediment does not affect the integrity of the CCS Storage Site.

  • This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 654462

    New Technologies

    • Sensing– Acoustics– Imaging– Chemical sensors

    • Platforms– AUV– Landers

    • Systems– Sensing + platforms

  • This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 654462

    AUV AcquiredAutomated image processing

    • BIIGLE and iSIS image annotation (machine recognition) tools

    • online experts annotate training images

    • machine learning• ‘end to end’ workflow:

    – Image collection– Storage– pre-processing– training images to feed machine

    learning– Improved algorithms skill– Bulk automatic annotation– indicator analytics provided with

    graphics• photography only indicators• Additional inputs : acoustic imagery,

    water chemistry, or seabed sampling


    Celtic Sea Cruise DY008 [2014]Altitude 2.2m

    Autosub 6000

  • NOC chemical sensor platform• Now operational for several


    • Platform technology - easy to adapt to other absorbance-based assays

    • Works at pressure (deepest deployment to date 4800 m)

    • Small enough for glider/AUV deployment

    • Low power (year long deployment on batteries achieved)

  • This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 654462

    Led by TUG

    Principle: Fluorescence

    Parameters: • O2, • pH, • CO2,

    Objectives • Accuracy of pCO2: ±1 µatm• Accuracy of pH: ±0.001 pH• Accuracy of O2:

  • This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 654462

    LOC Sensor Analytical method Measurement type LOD/precision*

    Nitrate + nitrite Griess assay (with Cd reduction)

    Colourimetry (absorbance)

    20 nM

    pH Thymol blue Dual wavelength absorbance

    0.001 pH units*

    Phosphate Molybdenum blue (modified)

    Colourimetry (absorbance)

    30 nM

    Iron (II), Iron (III) Ferrozine (with ascorbic acid reduction for Fe


    Colourimetry (absorbance)

    20 nM

    Silicate Silicomolybdic acid Colourimetry (absorbance)

    20 nM

    Ammonium OPA + membrane Fluorescence 1 nM

    Total alkalinity BCG with TMT or singlestep

    Dual wavelength absorbance

    (2 µM)*

    DIC Membrane+ C of NaOH Conductivity (2 µM)*

    Organic N and P UV digester + inorganic system

    Colourimetry (absorbance)

    (20 nM)

  • Plume pH contour modelling

    pH changecontour

    Outer contourdelta pH = 0.01


  • This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 654462

    Lander Technology: Baseline Assessment

    • >1 year deployment• Passive Acoustic

    Sensors• pH (fast

    electrochemical)• pH (slow, accurate

    reagent based)• CTD• O2, Nitrate, Phosphate

  • Lance-LanderMonitoring the seabed

    …..and below

    fast responding optodes

    STEMM-CCS Variant:− Current velocity measurements (ADCP)− Profiling with robust, fast responding

    optode sensors (O2, pH, DIC ?)− Rhizon chemical sensors?− Topography scanning with laser-camera

    system (micro ‚crater‘ from bubble release)

  • Complexity….

    pH Variation in the Marine System

    “The purpose of the Project is to develop and demonstrate a cost-effective MMV system for ongoing environmental assessment of emissions in the marine and shallow subsurface environment in order that operators involved in the injection of carbon dioxide into the subsurface can meet the legislative requirements for such activities.”

    Annual cycle of sea floor pH derived from the ERSEM-POLCOMS model.

    On-shelf regions only shown.

    Regions of high pH in the coastal zone are driven by riverine nutrients facilitating primary production and CO2 consumption in shallow mixed water columns.

    Artioli, Y; Blackford, JC; Butenschon, M; Holt, JT; Wakelin, SL; Thomas, H; Borges, AV; Allen, JI. 2012 The carbonate system of the NW European shelf: sensitivity and model validation. Journal of Marine Systems, 102-10. Jan-13. Doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2012.04.006


  • electronics




    Lab on a chip

    Assay optimisationIntegrated



    Platforms & comms

    STEMM-CCS developmentDIC, TA, Sediments

  • This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 654462

    Cruise Schedule

    • Geophysics Cruise A: Geomar led, Spring 2017• Geophysics cruise B: Uni. Soton led Summer

    2017• Baseline Cruise: Geomar led Autumn 2017• Baseline Cruise: Geomar led spring 2018• Main Experiment cruise: NOC led combined

    with Geomar cruise, total on-site time 6 weeks.

  • www.stemm-ccs.eu

  • UK ETI MMV System• To develop and demonstrate a cost-effective integrated MMV system for CO2

    and environmental assessments in the marine environment. • The project is led by Fugro in collaboration with Sonardyne, with input from

    the NOC, BGS, PML and the University of Southampton.• Detect, locate, characterise and quantify sources of any leaks at depths and

    areas typical for offshore CO2 storage sites, ie between 5m and 200m water depth and areal extents of 10-3000km2.

    • Two ‘Landers’ and the NOC Autosub Long Range AUV has been adapted to mount a range of sensors (chemical and physical) and data processing hubs.

  • Vehicle Load


  • Vehicle Load


  • ATR for SSS – Automatic Identification of Regions of Interest – First Stage Filter – 30m x 30m snippets

    CONOP – Concept of Operations

    CO2 Leak

    Each image is a snippet – automatically detected by SolsticeSuccessfully identified all gas leaksAlso identified – groups of fish and vessel wakes in the first passIdentification principally using image intensity as selection

    Vessel WakeCompressed Air Leak Shoal of Fish

  • Risk based areal coverage - Autonomy

    CONOP – Concept of Operations

    Autosub LR Areal survey

    Iridium Surface to Shore Comms

    SENTRY-IMS Leak detection@ injection point

    LanderPoint chemicalAt risk locationsComms to surface

    ASV / BuoySubsea to surfaceComms gateway

    Onshore monitoring centre

    CO2 source& pipeline

    ‘A system of systems configurable to meet theneeds of different stores’

  • Marine Monitoring for CCS… or BoatyMcBoatface’snext adventure

    Graham Brown ‘Chief Technologist’IEAGHG Monitoring Meeting, Traverse CityJune 2017

  • Or neve, ever, ask the British public to vote on anything??

    “The purpose of the Project is to develop and demonstrate a cost-effective MMV system for ongoing environmental assessment of emissions in the marine and shallow subsurface environment in order that operators involved in the injection of carbon dioxide into the subsurface can meet the legislative requirements for such activities.”

  • Marine monitoring for sub seabed carbon capture and

    storage (CCS)

    Tim Dixon IEAGHG

    UK Pavilion side-event, COP-23, 8 November 2017

    Marine monitoring for sub seabed carbon capture and storage (CCS)London Convention and ProtocolLondon Convention and Protocol and CCSOSPARLondon and OSPAR Guidelines for Risk Assessment and ManagementSTEMM-CCS – Horizon 2020Objectives of STEMM-CCSMain Experiment - 2019New TechnologiesAUV Acquired�Automated image processingNOC chemical sensor platformSlide Number 12Slide Number 13Slide Number 14Lander Technology: Baseline AssessmentSlide Number 16Slide Number 17Slide Number 18Cruise ScheduleSlide Number 20UK ETI MMV SystemSlide Number 22Slide Number 23Slide Number 24Slide Number 25Marine Monitoring for CCS��… or Boaty McBoatface’s next adventure Slide Number 27Marine monitoring for sub seabed carbon capture and storage (CCS)