Mark Ford likes it so much he invested $2.5 million! Discover why Mark calls this “the single best stock investing strategy I’ve ever seen.” “This single idea is so valuable I want to give every Palm Beach Letter subscriber a huge incentive to try it.” Mark Ford, Co-founder of The Palm Beach Letter Dear Loyal PBL Subscriber, When I finished putting it together, the first person I showed it to was Mark—my mentor and the person who had challenged me to create it. He said: “Build me the safest, surest, and most sensible stock portfolio in the world. I want every stock to be ironclad safe, and I want the performance to outperform the best investors in the world.” I thought it was impossible... Consider the portfolio Warren Buffet one of the most famous investors of all time. From 1976 to 2011 he outperformed Treasuries by an annual average of 19%. In other words, these were among the safest stocks in the world! Could that be replicated today? It was a challenge...

Mark Ford likes it so much - gustofwriting.com  · Web viewConsider the portfolio Warren Buffet one of the most famous investors of all time. From 1976 to 2011 he outperformed Treasuries

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Page 1: Mark Ford likes it so much - gustofwriting.com  · Web viewConsider the portfolio Warren Buffet one of the most famous investors of all time. From 1976 to 2011 he outperformed Treasuries

Mark Ford likes it so muchhe invested $2.5 million!

Discover why Mark calls this “the single best stockinvesting strategy I’ve ever seen.”

“This single idea is so valuable I want to give every PalmBeach Letter subscriber a huge incentive to try it.”

—Mark Ford, Co-founder of The Palm Beach Letter

Dear Loyal PBL Subscriber,

When I finished putting it together, the first person I showed it to was Mark—my mentor and the person who had challenged me to create it.

He said:

“Build me the safest, surest, and most sensible stock portfolio in the world. I want every stock to be ironclad safe, and I want the performance to outperform the best investors in the world.”

I thought it was impossible...

Consider the portfolio Warren Buffet one of the most famous investors of all time. From 1976 to 2011 he outperformed Treasuries by an annual average of 19%. In other words, these were among the safest stocks in the world!

Could that be replicated today?

It was a challenge...

But Mark had every reason to believe that I could. He knew my background as an analyst in London’s financial district at one of its largest investment banks and knew my work from The 12% Letter.

It took my research team and me six months, working day and night, to put it together. But when it was done and Mark had the chance to

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look at it (he studied it one weekend in his home overlooking the ocean)...

He came back and told me, “Well done.”

Afterward, he called his broker and told him he wanted to shift $2.5 million of his account into our new portfolio.

These events took place between July and August 2011. Mark sent a note to his broker in February 2011. Since then, the portfolio's recommendations have generated a whopping 42% in gains!

Although this story sounds like something I did to help Mark get rich, the impetus came from a discussion Mark and I had about how to fulfill a promise that Palm Beach Letter makes to all of its subscribers.

The promise that:

“Our goal is not to tell you fascinating stories about clever opportunities that might one day have great success. Our goal, as we see it, is to give you a simple strategy you can easily follow that will make you richer and richer—every day, every week, every month, and every year.”

Mark and I realized this could not be done through a single model portfolio...

Page 3: Mark Ford likes it so much - gustofwriting.com  · Web viewConsider the portfolio Warren Buffet one of the most famous investors of all time. From 1976 to 2011 he outperformed Treasuries

The Palm Beach Letter’s Performance Portfolio is designed to show you above-average gains on a yearly basis. But you also need a model portfolio that will make you richer year over year for the entirety of your investment career.

That was the motivation for creating the Legacy Portfolio—to help our subscribers. But when Mark took a good look at it, he couldn’t resist putting a big chunk of his own money behind it.

He told me, “This is going to make my grandchildren rich.”

I told him, “This is going to make a lot of people’s grandchildren rich.”

I want to tell you why I think it is urgent for you to make our Legacy Portfolio a key part of your wealth-building strategy. And to make it as easy as possible, we’re going to give you the opportunity to test-drive it.

How to Turn $10,000 Into ZEROThe first thing you should know about our Legacy idea is that this is not a quick-flip, get-in-get-out kind of strategy. The only people consistently making money off those transactions are brokers, who like to collect a fee every time you make a trade.

We don’t care about fads, trends, “what’s hot,” or what the suits are saying on CNBC, CNN, or FOX.

Obviously, those ideas rarely pan out.

They will more likely turn $10,000 into zero.

Consider a popular “eco-fad” from a few years ago—green energy—and a company called Solyndra.

Magazines, media moguls, and major investment banks hailed it as the “next big thing.” President Obama loved this company and cleared the way for it to receive a half-billion dollars from the federal government.

Over $1 billion in start-up capital poured into Solyndra from legendary names such as billionaire Richard Branson and the Waltons of Wal-Mart.

Page 4: Mark Ford likes it so much - gustofwriting.com  · Web viewConsider the portfolio Warren Buffet one of the most famous investors of all time. From 1976 to 2011 he outperformed Treasuries

The company’s idea sounded promising: By changing the shape of solar panels, you can get the same performance using much less silicon... which cost $400 per kilogram at the time.

Folks bought the hype, but the numbers revealed a different truth.

The price of silicon dropped to just $30 per kilo, and Solyndra’s business plan imploded.

The company filed for bankruptcy, and over $1 billion in start-up capital vanished in a few short days.

But that’s the way it is with these hot stories.

You rarely make any real money... More often than not, you end up worse off than you started.

On the other hand, I once recommended a company called Altria Group. This business is the furthest thing from a “hot story.” In fact, because it owns stakes in cigarette and beer companies, it can be a PR nightmare.

Which means most brokers won’t touch it.

But Altria Group has gone up 145% since I recommended it.

That means, had you invested $5,000, you’d be sitting on $12,250.

Wall Street doesn’t want you to know about these kinds of stocks.

I should know—I spent several years working at one of the largest financial institutions in the world. It’s much easier to sell a stock if you can sell the story... gold, China, cutting-edge technologies... whatever the hyped-up tale of the day might be.

These are the kinds of stories that investors buy into... and brokers and advisors are more than happy to push them, regardless of their value.


Because they collect fees when you buy and when you sell. So the more turnover, the better.

It’s quite a scam...

Page 5: Mark Ford likes it so much - gustofwriting.com  · Web viewConsider the portfolio Warren Buffet one of the most famous investors of all time. From 1976 to 2011 he outperformed Treasuries

I’ve talked to dozens of brokers... and the stories they share are appalling.

Plus, unless Wall Street can report great short-term news to clients and investors, they just don’t care.


It has to do with a type of “bias” that’s entrenched in the industry...

Let me show you what I mean...

The Greatest Stupidity of the Investing WorldConsider, for a moment, a company called Capital Cities—one of legendary investor Warren Buffett’s great investments. Buffett made $2.2 billion on the stock, which returned 636%. Of course, he didn’t make it overnight. Buffett patiently held that stock for 17 years.

For that same reason—because there was no promise of immediate return—mainstream Wall Street types wouldn’t touch the stock.

Buffett’s daughter recalls a mutual fund manager who wouldn’t invest in Capital Cities, even though he agreed with Buffett’s assessment. When asked why, he said he “was under great pressure to produce the highest quarterly gains possible.”

It is perhaps the greatest stupidity of the investing world, but the investment industry enslaves nearly everyone to short-term report cards. Investment bankers, brokers, financial planners, and advisors all have their performances rated annually. Once per year, the whole world gets to see how they did, compared with their colleagues.

Consumers are hardwired to focus on “who’s hot”—and that means who was hot last year.

This creates enormous pressure to produce short-term annual gains.

How absurd is that?

But that explains why some of the greatest investments in the world are just sitting there...

Waiting for you to make a fortune from them.

Page 6: Mark Ford likes it so much - gustofwriting.com  · Web viewConsider the portfolio Warren Buffet one of the most famous investors of all time. From 1976 to 2011 he outperformed Treasuries

Wall Street won’t talk about these stocks, because they don’t fit with its ridiculous declarations and deadlines...

And the mainstream media won’t report on them for that same reason...

Consider another company, called Peyto Energy.

In this case, I dug through hundreds of pages of financial statements. I listened to conversations with the executive officers. And I studied the tax implications. I concluded the company was worth much more than what the market was saying.

In the report I wrote about it, I said subscribers could make an easy 21% that year.

As it turned out, the stock did twice as well as expected.

It took hundreds of hours on my part. But it was well worth the effort.

Had you listened to Wall Street or the media, you would have missed out.

Wall Street was wrong about Peyto Energy. The average investor who followed Wall Street was wrong, as well. And don’t forget the media... they were wrong too.

It doesn’t matter how great the story sounds, time and time again, the only people making money are the people selling you the stock. On the other hand, if you are serious about making real money in the stock market, you can invest in the same “Legacy” stocks we recommend to our subscribers.

Of course:

This is not meant to be the sole stock strategy... but this is the core strategy for creating long-term wealth.

Let me explain...

Why You Should Never, EVER SellOur Legacy Portfolio is based on an eight-point system unlike any I’d seen in my two decades in the financial business.

Page 7: Mark Ford likes it so much - gustofwriting.com  · Web viewConsider the portfolio Warren Buffet one of the most famous investors of all time. From 1976 to 2011 he outperformed Treasuries

This strategy pays close attention to accounting—which is my specialty. Accounting is the language publicly traded businesses use to communicate the real truth about their businesses to the outside world.

They do this through balance sheets, 10-Ks, and a variety of other reports.

The average person doesn’t have the time or the know-how to sift through and understand these data.

We do.

And we have broken our application of this eight-point system down to a science...

There are hundreds of stocks that fail our test. So far, we have 10 of the best...

The first thing you should know is that, once we’ve selected a Legacy stock—and I can’t emphasize this strongly enough—we recommend that you never, ever sell it.

I don’t care if the company misses an earnings announcement...

If the press slams the CEO...

Or it gets slapped with a lawsuit that costs it billions.

You never, ever sell.

Here’s why...

First of all, we’ve established that these stocks are great buys... they have the ability to weather recessions... and have such huge competitive advantages that they should always be in a position to return value to investors...

But there is a principle at play here... a basic law of mathematics that has the power to generate vast fortunes over time.

Let me show you what I mean...

How to Turn $5,000Into $1 Million (or More)

Page 8: Mark Ford likes it so much - gustofwriting.com  · Web viewConsider the portfolio Warren Buffet one of the most famous investors of all time. From 1976 to 2011 he outperformed Treasuries

The reason we never, EVER sell once we have found a Legacy business has to do with compounding...

Einstein called it the most powerful force in the universe.

In the case of a woman named Anne Goldfarb, it allowed her to turn a simple $5,000 stake into $22 million.

After losing her life savings by trusting a regular stock broker... Anne decided she would gain back all of the money she lost... and make a fortune all on her own.

At the age of 48, she put $5,000 into several “Legacy-type” businesses.

And she never sold.

Not in the rotten bear market of the ’70s, when her stocks were down 50%...

Not in the crash of ’87.

In fact, at times like these, she reinvested, watched her dividends grow, and stood by her decision.

By the time Anne passed, she’d generated a fortune worth $22 million.

In short, Anne tapped into the power of compounding interest.

Simply stated, compounding is reinvesting the money you make from your original investment to make even more money.

Basically, you earn money on the money you earn.

Let me explain...

Think of your wealth as a snowball.

As you roll it through the snow, it gets bigger. Roll it downhill, and the size grows at an incredible rate.

It’s the same way with your wealth.

Compounding is slow and forgettable at first. But gradually, the dividends grow and your reinvestments increase. One day, you wake

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up to find your account producing thousands of dollars per year in dividends.

Compounding can turn almost any investor into a millionaire. But it takes patience and commitment to make this strategy work. Holding an investment for 40 years is a long time. Plus, most investors may find it difficult to commit to this strategy through tough times like the market crash of 1987 or the recent credit crisis in 2008.

That’s why we’re so excited about our Legacy idea.

We’ve found what we believe is a way to increase our wealth much faster than traditional value investing methods.

Before I show you our proprietary secret for compounding...

Let me tell a little more about our new Legacy service and what you get as a charter subscriber...

How Mark Made anExtra $100,000 This YearMark and I believe our Legacy Portfolio is absolutely critical to building long-term wealth.

In fact, Mark likes the long-term potential of this idea so much he’s poured millions of his own money into it.

He’s made more than $100,000 in the past few months from it... and is encouraging his own sons to put their money into it too. Mark wants every single member of The Palm Beach Letter to reap its benefits.


If a portion of your portfolio is not in Legacy stocks, you are missing out on the single most powerful way to get wealthy.

But I don’t want you to just take my word for it. Platinum Level subscriber Robert Gregory tells us he’s made $9,400 in just four months. Another subscriber, Linda West, tells us she likes the idea so much she’s placed half of her pension in Legacy recommendations.

Neal Allan says:

Page 10: Mark Ford likes it so much - gustofwriting.com  · Web viewConsider the portfolio Warren Buffet one of the most famous investors of all time. From 1976 to 2011 he outperformed Treasuries

It’s the only investment newsletter portfolio I have ever turned a profit with. Frankly, it has beaten every strategy I have used so far. I sleep well at night. To date, my Legacy Portfolio has outperformed all others.

The Legacy strategy is incredibly simple and stress-free.

You don’t have to worry if the market goes down. (In fact, as we’ll show you, it can be a good thing if it does!)

Your money will be on autopilot. Just sit back and watch it safely grow into millions.

David Cardish of Huntsville, Utah, says, “[With Legacy], I feel like I will never lose money with stocks again.”

Now, I realize some readers may not have $10,000 to get started and will need to start small with $1,000.

And that’s okay.

The key point here is to get started, and each quarter we will let you know how to invest the money you do have saved.

If you’re interested in our new Legacy program, I’ll show you how it works... and how to start...

But first, let me show you why our unique eight-point system is so incredibly valuable...

DeniedOur eight-point selection model helps us separate good stocks from the ones that are “Legacy caliber.”

Let me show you what I mean by this...

One of the companies we looked at for the Legacy Portfolio is a $6.5 billion New York-based fragrance and flavor provider. Founded in 1909, it creates flavors and scents for some of the world’s favorite household products and consumer fragrances.

And because it’s one of the most profitable and stable businesses in its industry, we hoped it would pass our tests and join our Legacy Portfolio.

Page 11: Mark Ford likes it so much - gustofwriting.com  · Web viewConsider the portfolio Warren Buffet one of the most famous investors of all time. From 1976 to 2011 he outperformed Treasuries

By popular measures, it looked like a winner.

Its annual dividend has grown 8.12% over the past five years.

It’s made money the last eight quarters in a row... and is a consistently cash-rich business.

But when we dug into the financials and scrutinized it using our eight-point system, it failed.

We decided it might not be around in 50 years, so we had to cut it from our list.

Can you see why our formula can be so valuable?

It’s why we’re confident you can put your money into the companies we recommend and never second-guess them.

Some people just gravitate to the drama and stress of uncertainty. If that’s your deal, our Legacy research service is probably not for you.

There are plenty of casinos and racetracks out there...

But if you’re truly interested in building lasting, long-term wealth... let me show you how to get started...

Beat the Markets by 20% AnnuallyCurrently, we’re accepting new subscribers to our Legacy service...

As soon as you start your subscription, we’ll give you access—free of charge—to our Legacy User Guide.

Inside, you’ll learn the full details behind our unique eight-point system.

For instance, you’ll discover:

Why the average investor underperforms the markets by 10% despite investing in some of the most profitable funds in the world, including Berkshire Hathaway and the Magellan Fund (which returned 29% per year, on average). The phenomenon that causes this discrepancy is very real. We’ll show you how the Legacy strategy makes it impossible for it to happen to you. 

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How to ensure you ALWAYS make money on the stocks you buy, even if the market tanks. This strategy worked during the Great Depression, Black Monday, and the housing crisis of 2007-2008. 

How to use our Legacy Portfolio to beat the markets by 20% annually.

In short, our eight-point strategy is unlike any system we’ve ever seen. And between Mark and myself, we’ve been in the business for over 40 years.

We use this unique selection model to find the safest, most valuable, best-enduring businesses in the world—the greatest machines for steadily growing wealth over the next five, 10, 50 years—and beyond.

Companies like Legacy Stock #6, a business we suspect will be around for centuries to come. Based on its average performance over the past 20 years, it's on pace to return 1,354% over the next 50 years:

And Legacy Stock #5, a banking powerhouse that checked every box on our eight-point list. Get this: It’s on pace to return more than 28,000% over the next 50 years! That would transform a $10,000 stake into $2.8 million.

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Check Your Inbox How does the Legacy Portfolio work?

Every month, you’ll receive a detailed update on our Legacy strategy.

We’ll show you up-to-date projections on how much money you should expect to make...

We’ll fill you in on any changes to the model portfolio, including individual stock comments and any changes in ranking.

Remember, it doesn’t matter if you have $1,0o0 or $50,000 to invest. The important thing is you get started today.

And NEVER sell.

That’s because we know Legacy stocks will be around in 10, 20, and even 50 years. The longer we leave them alone, the more they’ll compound and grow.

The sooner your money compounds, the faster you will grow wealthy.

How much does our new service cost?

I can assure you it’s not cheap. We’ve seen other “value-based” advisories selling for as much as $5,000-10,000 per year.

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Some institutional stuff I’ve subscribed to in the past has cost me as much as $25,000.

And the truth is, I think those prices are a bargain.

I would pay that much for a research service that can potentially generate the kind of real, lasting wealth that we know Legacy can. If you subscribe today, I’ll show you how you can make 100 times that amount.

But as a current Palm Beach Letter subscriber, you won’t have to pay nearly as much. We’ve worked out a deal that gives a big break to existing subscribers who give this service a shot.

Before I go into the details of how to get started, let me tell you about what may be the most valuable part of this service.

Better Than DRIPs? Have you heard of DRIPs?

They’ve been referred to as “America’s best-kept moneymaking secret.”

Basically, DRIPs are special programs called “dividend reinvestment plans.”

When you buy stocks that pay dividends, instead of getting that money in cash, you can choose to automatically “reinvest” the dividends... and buy more shares.

This is a great way to harness the power of compounding... so your gains generate more gains.

As you can see in the chart below, when you reinvest dividends, you get an enormous bump in returns.

Page 15: Mark Ford likes it so much - gustofwriting.com  · Web viewConsider the portfolio Warren Buffet one of the most famous investors of all time. From 1976 to 2011 he outperformed Treasuries

Now, if you make 8% per year on a $50,000 portfolio, you can certainly generate wealth over time.

But if you reinvest those dividends... you can make even more money. More than three times as much in the example above.

DRIPs are a wonderful idea... But we’ve found an even better way to compound your wealth.

We call it our Accelerated Accumulation strategy.

It lets you compound your gains over time like DRIPs...

According to one study conducted by our team:

Over four years, it would hypothetically make just a 42% difference. But over 40 years, it’s the difference between making 71 and 268 times your money.

That means if you used DRIPs instead of our Accelerated Accumulation strategy, you’d make $200,000 less.

How does this work? How have we found a way to compound our money faster than DRIPs?

That must remain a secret we reserve for subscribers only.

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Time-Sensitive Offer for New SubscribersAccess to our new Legacy service costs $1,000.

I recognize this may be a lot of money for some folks.

But I think we’ve made it pretty clear this isn’t a typical “blue chip” stock research service. Between our eight-point system and our Accumulation strategy, Legacy is one of a kind.

Mark believes it’s worth 10 times as much. He believes this is one of the best wealth-building resources we publish. And he’s had conversations with publishers who think it’s worth as much as $5,000.

As we mentioned before, it should not be the sole stock strategy... We have several others at PBL... but it is the core strategy for creating long-term wealth.

In fact, Mark fired his old broker... and hired a new one on the condition that he 1) become a PBL subscriber and 2) invest in all of our Legacy recommendations.

Mark’s portfolio is up $242,251 to date.

Granted, Mark is a very wealthy guy... and probably has a lot more money in his Legacy Portfolio than anyone else.

But just take it from subscriber Mark Pittman, who tells us his Legacy Portfolio over the last two years has done better than any other class of investments he owns...

And that includes oil stocks, miners, and other speculations.

“Now I’m a believer,” Pittman writes.

That said, as a new subscriber, you won’t pay $1,000.

You see, Mark has entered what we call the “philanthropic” phase of his life. With The Palm Beach Letter—and all the services we publish, including, of course, Legacy—Mark is all about helping our subscribers learn about better ways of growing and keeping wealth.

If our business would shut down because of it, Mark would probably give our work away for free.

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That said, current Palm Beach Letter subscribers, for a limited time, are entitled to receive our Legacy research service for $495. That’s about half off the regular price.

This is absurdly cheap, considering how we expect any one of these stocks can make you several million dollars by retirement...

But Mark and I know our Legacy research will help you grow wealthier... and as I mentioned... that’s very important to us.

We believe it’s in your best financial interest to have access to Legacy.

So let me show you how to get started....

How It WorksFirst of all, please submit your one-time membership fee of $495 as soon as possible. We wouldn’t want you to miss out on this opportunity.

This is the ONLY time you’ll have to make that payment. Every year going forward, you will pay a small maintenance fee of $26.50. That’s to cover our fixed costs—paying tech support and manpower to monitor our current positions.

Plus, we may launch new Bonus Legacy Picks within this service. Without this yearly fee, there’s no way we could make this research available to you.

As soon as you make your payment, you’ll have instant access to our exclusive Legacy website, where you’ll be able access our USER GUIDE and learn the full details behind our Accelerated Accumulation strategy.

Please read these starter notes carefully. There is a calculated method to what we do. It’s not complicated. But it’s important to understand and follow the strategy.

Access the Legacy Portfolio Now

What happens if you change your mind?

We want you to be happy with our arrangement. But we also want you to know that if you are unhappy for any reason, we want to part as

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friends. There’s simply no point in us doing business together if you are unhappy for any reason.

That’s why you’ll have 90 days to decide whether or not becoming a Legacy subscriber is right for you. If you decide to cancel within the first 90 days, simply let us know.

We’ll refund your payment, minus a 10% refund fee.

I hope to hear from you right away.

Good investing,

Tom DysonDecember 2013

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