MARKETING MANAGEMENT 13 th edition 10 Crafting the Brand Positioning Kotler Keller

MARKETING MANAGEMENT 13 th edition 10 Crafting the Brand Positioning KotlerKeller

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10 Crafting the Brand


Kotler Keller

Page 2: MARKETING MANAGEMENT 13 th edition 10 Crafting the Brand Positioning KotlerKeller

CHP: 8&10-2

Marketing Strategy




Page 3: MARKETING MANAGEMENT 13 th edition 10 Crafting the Brand Positioning KotlerKeller

CHP: 8&10-3


Act of designing the company’soffering and image to occupy

a distinctive place in the mind ofthe target market.

Page 4: MARKETING MANAGEMENT 13 th edition 10 Crafting the Brand Positioning KotlerKeller

CHP: 8&10-4

Choosing a Positioning Strategy

Step 1. Identifying Possible

Competitive Advantages

Step 2. Selecting the Right

Competitive Advantage

Step 3. Communicating and

Delivering the Chosen Position

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CHP: 8&10-5

Defining Associations

Points-of-difference (PODs)

• Attributes or benefits consumers strongly associate with a brand, positively evaluate, and believe they could not find to the same extent with a competitive brand


(POPs)• Associations that are

not necessarily unique to the brand but may be shared with other brands

Page 6: MARKETING MANAGEMENT 13 th edition 10 Crafting the Brand Positioning KotlerKeller

CHP: 8&10-6

Consumer Desirability Criteria for PODs




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CHP: 8&10-7

Deliverability Criteria for PODs




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CHP: 8&10-8

Examples of Negatively Correlated Attributes and Benefits

• Low-price vs. High quality

• Taste vs. Low calories

• Nutritious vs. Good tasting

• Efficacious vs. Mild

• Powerful vs. Safe

• Strong vs. Refined

• Ubiquitous vs. Exclusive

• Varied vs. Simple

Page 9: MARKETING MANAGEMENT 13 th edition 10 Crafting the Brand Positioning KotlerKeller

CHP: 8&10-9

• Positioning: How many ideas to promote?

• Unique selling proposition

– Four major positioning errors1. Underpositioning

2. Overpositioning

3. Confused positioning

4. Doubtful positioning

Developing and Communicating a Positioning Strategy

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CHP: 8&10-10

Differentiation Strategies


Channel Image


Page 11: MARKETING MANAGEMENT 13 th edition 10 Crafting the Brand Positioning KotlerKeller

CHP: 8&10-11

Product Differentiation

• Product form• Features• Performance• Conformance• Durability• Reliability• Reparability

• Style• Design• Ordering ease• Delivery• Installation• Customer training• Customer consulting• Maintenance

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CHP: 8&10-12

Identity and Image


The way a

company aims to

identify or

position itself


The way the

public perceives

the company or its
