Marketing Opportunities www.naifacalifornia.org “It’s a great way to give back to my industry which has been very good to me. NAIFA is the best advocate and watchdog for our industry.” Jeff Snyder Gateway Financial Advisors, Inc. “NAIFA is the only professional organization that meets the needs of my business and helps make educational opportunities available. It provides the support needed for our legislators to learn how we help their constituents.” Mark Headrick State Farm Insurance “I joined NAIFA because I believed it was the right thing to do as a member of this industry. I would not be the professional I am today without my affliliation with NAIFA. Like anything else, you get out what you put in.” John Nilmeier, CFP®, CLU Nilmeier Financial & Insurance Services Empower • Engage • Educate Conference May 16-18, 2018

Marketing Opportunities · NAIFA-California Marketing Opportunities Put Our Influence to Work for You All Year! For more information, contact NAIFA-California 916-646-8600, [email protected]

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Page 1: Marketing Opportunities · NAIFA-California Marketing Opportunities Put Our Influence to Work for You All Year! For more information, contact NAIFA-California 916-646-8600, info@naifacalifornia.org



“It’s a great way to give back to my industry which has been very good to me. NAIFA is the best advocate and watchdog for our industry.”

Jeff Snyder Gateway Financial Advisors, Inc.

“NAIFA is the only professional organization that meets the needs of my business and helps make educational opportunities available. It provides the support needed for our legislators to learn how we help their constituents.”

Mark Headrick State Farm Insurance

“I joined NAIFA because I believed it was the right thing to do as a member of this industry. I would not be the professional I am today without my affliliation with NAIFA. Like anything else, you get out what you put in.”

John Nilmeier, CFP®, CLU Nilmeier Financial & Insurance Services

Empower • Engage • Educate


May 16-18, 2018

Page 2: Marketing Opportunities · NAIFA-California Marketing Opportunities Put Our Influence to Work for You All Year! For more information, contact NAIFA-California 916-646-8600, info@naifacalifornia.org

NAIFA-California Marketing Opportunities

Put Our Influence to Work for You All Year!

For more information, contact NAIFA-California 916-646-8600, [email protected]

Put Our Influence to Work for You All Year!

NAIFA-CAlIForNIA Is the premIer AssoCIAtIoN represeNtINg AdvIsors ACross All INsurANCe ANd FINANCIAl


NAIFA-California’s 1,800+ Members Are: ` Insurance Agents

` Financial Advisors

` Health Insurance and Employee Benefits Specialists

` Both Captive and Independent

` New to the Business, Industry Leaders, and Everyone in Between

NAIFA Members Are Experienced ` 53% of NAIFA members have been in the industry for more than 20


` 65% of NAIFA members have been in the industry more than 16 years.

NAIFA Members Are Leaders55% of NAIFA members have held a NAIFA leadership role during their career. NAIFA-California has a long tradition of producing strong leaders for NAIFA, with more NAIFA-National past presidents and National trustees elected from among our ranks than any other state in the federation.

NAIFA Keeps Advisors in BusinessAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the financial services profession will need to grow more than twice as fast as the overall workforce by 2020 to meet rising demand.

NAIFA’s LUTCF program develops survival skills like prospecting, selling and practice management. Many credit the LUTCF designation for keeping them in business early in their careers.

New advisors benefit from NAIFA’s Young Advisors Team, which is very active in California. This vibrant, active member group provides the networking support and motivation they need to grow their knowledge and stay in business.

As the modern family evolves, even seasoned advisors need to learn how to serve clients in different ways. Through targeted programs developed for every stage in an advisor’s career, NAIFA members are equipped with the practice management tools, sales ideas and research they need to thrive in the ever-changing marketplace.

NAIFA Protects Our Industry ` 100% of federal lawmakers have a NAIFA member as a key contact.

` NAIFA is the ONLY industry organization with a member in EVERY congressional district.

` Only NAIFA represents advisors in every practice area.

` No other industry organization protects your business on both the federal and state level.

` During the 2014 election cycle, NAIFA-National’s political action committee (IFAPAC) disbursed more than $2.6 million to 423 candidate campaigns and committees.

` NAIFA-California’s state PAC actively supports candidates for state office.

` NAIFA-California retains a lobbyist in Sacramento to advocate on state issues affecting our industry.

` NAIFA-California’s local associations and individual members play an important role in NAIFA’s grassroots advocacy efforts by developing and maintaining relationships with federal and state legislators.

Page 3: Marketing Opportunities · NAIFA-California Marketing Opportunities Put Our Influence to Work for You All Year! For more information, contact NAIFA-California 916-646-8600, info@naifacalifornia.org

NAIFA-California Marketing Opportunities

Put Our Influence to Work for You All Year!

For more information, contact NAIFA-California 916-646-8600, [email protected] 3

Put Our Influence to Work for You All Year!

put your messAge IN FroNt oF our members For A Full yeAr.

the more you INvest, the more promINeNt your exposure.Bronze Sponsorship $1,500

` Recognition on the NAIFA-California Website ` Exhibit Table at Empower • Engage • Educate Conference ` Recognition as a sponsor in conference emails, signs, general session main stage, in the program and on the

Empower • Engage • Educate Conference page ` Complimentary Conference Registration for 1 company representative

Silver Sponsorship $2,500 (8 available) ` Exhibit Table at Empower • Engage • Educate Conference ` Recognition as a sponsor in conference emails, signs, general session screens, in the program and on the Website Empower • Engage • Educate

Conference event page ` Complimentary Conference Registrations for up to 2 company representatives ` Recognition as an annual sponsor on NAIFA-California Website sub page ` Recognition as an annual sponsor in our monthly e-newsletter (CalAdvisor) ` Opportunity to sponsor or present a breakout session* at Empower • Engage • Educate Conference(topic must be approved, first come, first serve) ` Included as a sponsor of the Conference Welcome Reception

Gold Sponsorship $7,000 (3 available) ` Exhibit Table at Empower • Engage • Educate Conference ` Recognition as a sponsor in conference emails, signs, general session screens, in the program and on the Website Empower • Engage • Educate

Conference event page ` Complimentary Conference Registrations for up to 4 company representatives ` Recognition as an annual sponsor on NAIFA-California website main page ` Recognition as an annual sponsor and ability to publish an article in our monthly e-newsletter (CalAdvisor) ` Logo on the front cover of the onsite program and registration postcard for Empower • Engage • Educate Conference ` Opportunity to present a main stage general session* at Empower • Engage • Educate Conference (topic must be approved, first come, first serve). ` Choose to be: Drink Sponsor for YAT Reception or Distinguished Service Award Banquet at the Conference or Day on the Hill Lunch (first come,

first serve)

Platinum Sponsorship $10,000 (1 available) ` Exhibit Table at Empower • Engage • Educate Conference

` Recognition as a sponsor in Conference emails, signs, general session screens, in the program and on the event page on the website

` Complimentary Registrations for up to 5 company representatives

` Recognition as an annual sponsor on NAIFA-California website main page

` Recognition as an annual sponsor in our monthly e-newsletter (CalAdvisor) including the ability to publish an article in an upcoming issue

` Opportunity to present a Brown Bag Webinar which NAIFA-California will market to and make available to all NAIFA-California members and prospects (topic must be approved, first come, first serve)

` Logo on the front cover of the onsite Conference program and registration postcard

` Opportunity to present a main stage general session* at Empower • Engage • Educate Conference (topic must be approved, first come, first serve)

` Title Sponsorship for Empower • Engage • Educate Conference

*This benefit must be confirmed by 12/31/2017 or it will be deleted from Sponsorship Package

Page 4: Marketing Opportunities · NAIFA-California Marketing Opportunities Put Our Influence to Work for You All Year! For more information, contact NAIFA-California 916-646-8600, info@naifacalifornia.org

NAIFA-California Marketing Opportunities

Put Our Influence to Work for You All Year!

For more information, contact NAIFA-California 916-646-8600, [email protected]

In 2018 we are combining NAIFA-California’s Annual Career Advancement Conference and Day on the Hill, making the event one you must not miss.

Empower • Engage • Educate Conference will be our most heavily marketed event of the year, providing a great return for our sponsors. Obviously, our legislative climate has changed, and we want our members to experience the impact they have on lawmakers in the state before attending the annual convention they already trust to bring them phenomenal keynote presentations by industry icons and motivational speakers. We are inviting Silver and Gold sponsors to deliver top-notch breakout sessions that provide value to our attendees. The networking events and exhibit hall will give our attendees and sponsors the opportunity to connect and build relationships to enhance business opportunities for all. Sponsors that get in early on this event will be promoted via our website, social media, email, and direct mail promotions.

Not only will sponsorship provide exposure to our elite group of members, it will also support NAIFA-California, the association that fights for the industry’s advisors and clients’ best interests.

How does your company want to be involved this year?

Empower • Engage • EducateDay on the Hill &

Career Advancement Conference EventMay 16-18, 2018 • Embassy Suites Sacramento on the River

Page 5: Marketing Opportunities · NAIFA-California Marketing Opportunities Put Our Influence to Work for You All Year! For more information, contact NAIFA-California 916-646-8600, info@naifacalifornia.org

NAIFA-California Marketing Opportunities

Put Our Influence to Work for You All Year!

For more information, contact NAIFA-California 916-646-8600, [email protected] 5

Our members are active all year long. Below are the additional ways your company will be recognized.

Empower • Engage • Educate Conference Exclusive Marketing Opportunities

` Lanyard Sponsor $200 plus production costs

` Registration Bag Sponsors $500 plus production cost

` Registration Insert $150 Non sponsorship price $250

` Logo Upgrade for Onsite Program (black and white ) $50

` Networking Break Sponsor $750

` YAT Reception Sponsor $2K Let us design a custom annuaL or event

sponsorship package that meets your marketing


caLL us today!

Page 6: Marketing Opportunities · NAIFA-California Marketing Opportunities Put Our Influence to Work for You All Year! For more information, contact NAIFA-California 916-646-8600, info@naifacalifornia.org