Marking, assessment and feedback handbook 2017 - 2018 MARKING, ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK HANDBOOK 2017 – 2018 CONTENTS: 1. Whole school assessment cycle 2. 2017 – 2018 assessment calendar 3. Summary of EYFS assessment system 4. Summary of SLD and ARC assessment system 5. Summary of MLD and MLD/SLD assessment system 6. SLD and ARC feedback guidance including Tapestry 7. MLD and MLD/SLD feedback guidance 8. Good example of an intervention plan 9. SLD/ARC marking, assessment and feedback lesson observation criteria 10. MLD and MLD/SLD marking, assessment and feedback lesson observation criteria 11. End of year report writing template and guidance 12. Work scrutiny feedback template 13. Moderation template

MARKING, ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK HANDBOOK 2017 …€¦ · Marking, assessment and feedback handbook 2017 - 2018 Summary of EYFS assessment system This year we have a reception and

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Page 1: MARKING, ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK HANDBOOK 2017 …€¦ · Marking, assessment and feedback handbook 2017 - 2018 Summary of EYFS assessment system This year we have a reception and

Marking, assessment and feedback handbook 2017 - 2018


2017 – 2018


1. Whole school assessment cycle

2. 2017 – 2018 assessment calendar

3. Summary of EYFS assessment system

4. Summary of SLD and ARC assessment system

5. Summary of MLD and MLD/SLD assessment system

6. SLD and ARC feedback guidance including Tapestry

7. MLD and MLD/SLD feedback guidance

8. Good example of an intervention plan

9. SLD/ARC marking, assessment and feedback lesson observation criteria

10. MLD and MLD/SLD marking, assessment and feedback lesson observation criteria

11. End of year report writing template and guidance

12. Work scrutiny feedback template

13. Moderation template

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Marking, assessment and feedback handbook 2017 - 2018


This cycle happens three times a year.

The baseline takes place in September as there is recognition that pupils may regress slightly over

the summer and this needs to be addressed in the first few weeks of the new academic year.

Formal and informal feedback

Formative and summative assessment

Moderate and data input

Work scrutiny

Progress conversations

Intervention plans

Universal support meetings

SMT analysis

Parents evening

Baseline and

target set

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Marking, assessment and feedback handbook 2017 - 2018


4th September Begin baseline data collection

11th September Production of year 11 outcomes report.

18th September Deadline for baseline assessment (Friday 22nd)

25th September Progress conversations and individual work scrutiny

2nd October Intervention plan in place.

9th October Universal Support Meeting 1

16th October Year 11 and Year 14 Destinations report Maths external moderation at John Fielding School

Half Term

6th November Internal moderation

13th November 18th November – English moderation at Aegir

20th November Curriculum planning meeting

27th November Friday 1st Dec Deadline for PC1

4th December Progress conversations and individual work scrutiny

11th December Universal Support Meeting 2

18th December Intervention plans in place

Christmas Holiday

22nd January Intervention plans in place

29th January Phase work scrutiny

Half Term

19th February 23rd Feb. Science external moderation Garth

26th February Internal moderation

5th March PC2 Data check

12th March Progress conversations and individual work scrutiny

26th March Intervention plans in place

Easter Break

16th April Universal Support Meeting 3

21st May PSD moderation 25th May at Priory school. +

28th May

4th June Phase work scrutiny

11th June PC3 Data Check

25th June Progress conversations and individual work scrutiny

2nd July Universal Support Meeting 4

9th July Transition Week 1

16th July Transition Week 2

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Marking, assessment and feedback handbook 2017 - 2018

Summary of EYFS assessment system

This year we have a reception and year 1 mixed group with the option to take nursery students.

Nursery students have reviews every 6 weeks with the use of her EHCP.

Each child is assigned a keyworker who is responsible for capturing learning through audio, verbal

and video evidence or alternatively writing an observational comment using Tapestry throughout

the students learning experiences each day.

The evidence is linked to the ages and stages for each child indicating where they are within the

chronological milestones and also whether they are emerging, developing or secure in that area


➢ Birth to 11

➢ 8 – 20 months

➢ 16 – 26 months

➢ 22 – 36 months

➢ 30 – 50 months

➢ 40 – 60+ months

➢ Early learning goal

Until the child is secure in the prime areas staff would not focus on the specific areas.

Prime areas Specific areas Characteristics of effective learner

❖ Personal, social, emotional

development ❖ Physical development

❖ Communication and language

❖ Literacy ❖ Maths ❖ Understanding the world ❖ Expressive arts and


❖ Playing and exploring ❖ Active learning ❖ Creative and thinking


The EYFS team report to parents 3 times a year with an end of year report which states if the student

is emerging, expected or exceeding age related expectations.

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Summary of ARC/SLD assessment system

Each student has 4 personalised targets:

• Target 1: focuses on communication

• Target 2: focuses on thinking skills

• Target 3: priority from their EHCP.

• Target 4: priority from their EHCP.

Each target is broken down into 6 small steps with an aim that at least 80% is achieved by the end of each term.

Staff assess progress of each target in four ways which is then populated as a % achieved:

• The level of maintenance

• The level of prompting

• The level of fluency

• The level of generalisation

At key intervals staff will record the progress of the student’s steps on the school mark book known as Mapp.

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Marking, assessment and feedback handbook 2017 - 2018

Parents are provided with a progress graph three times a year with a written report at the end of the year.

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Marking, assessment and feedback handbook 2017 - 2018

Summary of MLD and MLD/SLD assessment system

With the removal of Pivots we have created a Literacy and Numeracy stages document.

It starts at 1 (which is base around the 40 – 60 months ages and stages document) and ends at stage 10 (which equates to a level 3 at GSCSE).

Teachers identify which stage the student is working on based on the ‘I can statements’ within the stage.

Teachers also identify the level of support the student needs and their ability to generalise the skill

• Emerging – requires significant support

• Developing – requires some support

• Secure – doesn’t need support but has limited skill in generalising

• Mastered – Can do independently and can generalise

Students are expected to complete all of the ‘I can statements’ within the stage and must be at least at Developing before they are able to move to the next stage.

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Marking, assessment and feedback handbook 2017 - 2018

Parents are provided with progress reports three times a year with a written report at the end of the year.

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Marking, assessment and feedback handbook 2017 - 2018

SLD and ARC marking, assessment and feedback

We use Tapestry to capture and evidence student’s work and progress.

Curriculum Areas:

1. On Tapestry staff are expected to title in the ‘notes’ section the evidence by indicating the curriculum area

the child is working on, followed by the objective of the activity.

For example: My Communication: making a request or ‘My thinking skills’: predicting what happens next

2. In the observation section write a brief description of what the child has done, achieved, and their part in

the activity. Finish with a descriptor that indicates the level of help the child had to achieve the task using

the codes in the table below.

3. Go to assessment and select the relevant p level from the options that links to the activity.

Non curriculum Areas:

1. For non-curriculum areas we call these ‘Personal learning intentions’ or PLI’s. To record these, in the ‘notes’

section, title the evidence by indicating the PLI the student is working on.

For example:

• PLI 2: Step 3

• PLI 4: Step 5

2. In the observation section:

Give a brief description of what the child did towards achieving the relevant step. If the evidence depicts

generalisation of a skill please state so. Finish with a descriptor that indicates the level of help the child had

to achieve the task using the codes below.

3. Go to assessment and select the relevant p level from the options that links to the activity.

Code Meaning


NH No Help provided

The learner can do things on their own

SH Spoken /Signed Help provided The learner was helped by someone speaking or signing suggestions.

GH Gestural Help provided The learner was helped by someone using hand signals or other gestural prompts.

PH Physical Help provided The learner was helped by someone holding and helping them to move.

SE Sensory Experience The learner was given the opportunity to be involved through a sensory experience ie hearing, touch, sight, taste.

ER Experience Recorded The learner was provided with an experience of the activity but was unable to actively participate.

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Marking, assessment and feedback handbook 2017 - 2018

MLD and MLD/SLD marking, assessment and feedback

Assessment for learning – AfL (this provides feedback for the students to access and improve)


How When

Students (where


Self and peer assess the piece of work using a checklist/mark scheme/success criteria.

At the end of an activity.

Teaching assistants

Mark the level of support provided using the school marking code. Mark the work using checklist/mark scheme/success criteria.

At the end of the lesson or activity.


Mark the level of support provided using the school marking code. Mark the work using checklist/mark scheme/success criteria. Using the school feedback sticker:

• In green state which aspects of the intended outcomes or success criteria they have achieved.

• In blue correct appropriate spelling and grammar mistakes that link to the lesson using the school marking codes

• In blue provide a next step or challenge so that the student can improve or respond.

• Student to respond in red.

*Adult initials the marked work

At the end of the lesson or activity. At the end of the lesson or activity. After a significant piece of work.

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Marking, assessment and feedback handbook 2017 - 2018

School feedback sticker

What went well (Green pen)

❖ Use the student’s name. ❖ Praise comment followed by a specific part of the steps to

success/learning out comes that have been achieved or improved.

E.g. Great effort John, good use of wow words.

SPAG practice Write the spelling corrections below: Go back and correct your punctuation mistakes which are circled.

Next steps (Blue pen)

❖ Remain factual and positive. ❖ Clarify any misconceptions. ❖ Provide them with a question or task to check understanding.

E.g. when we write a verb like running, we can add a description before it e.g. slowly running. Use red to underline all the verbs and try add a description of each verb.

Student response (red pen)





Independent work


Adult support

P - …

Prompts/scaffolding support provided


Challenge given

Grammar correction


Spelling correction

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Steps to success frames: option A for more able

LO: Date:

Steps to success Self/Peer Adult







Steps to success frames Option B for less able or younger

LO: Date:

Steps to success

Adult Support



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Marking, assessment and feedback handbook 2017 - 2018

Academic Intervention plan - EXAMPLE

Name of student




Identified area of development

Where are we now? Strategies of support and intervention Impact

Guidance: This should summarise the main area of development that the young person requires development and should link directly or indirectly to raising attainment. Behaviour is not an area of intervention this should be addressed through the diamond profiles and risk assessments. Small – between 20 – 50 Measurable – pair or group Achievable – 3 weeks Realistic – pivots gap. Target Good example: Numeracy (Number) To visually recognise numbers randomly between 20 to 50 in pair or group activities over the next 5 weeks.

Guidance: This should describe specifically how the student displays themselves and/or their work with very clear examples. Good example: Tom has become more confident with his numbers up to 20. If he goes up in order he can remember by rote learning however when randomly shown or out of context he is unable to remember so requires more consolidation.

Guidance: This should be tangible things that can be observed and/or measured, where possible using the: who, what, where, when and how model is useful. Who – learning partner What – number recognition When – first thing and after lunch Where – around the corner in the classroom How – use of number flash cards. Good example: First thing in the morning or straight after lunch Tom will sit with a learning partner who will randomly visual show numbers between 20 and 50 and will record which ones he gets right every day for 3 weeks.

Guidance: This should be left blank until the next parents evening, where teachers will complete and feedback to parents. Parents are welcome to add in any additional comments in the impact column if they feel it is appropriate. Good example: 8th June Tom is able to randomly recognise between 20 and 50 however is still struggling with 31. Regular practice in lessons when this number comes up.

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Focus Aspect Evidence 1

Evidence 2 Evidence 3 Evidence 4 A



t &





e feedback

Teacher and teaching assistants clearly know what stage pupils are working at and understand what their targets and next steps are. Pupils also know and understand this, if appropriate to their level of understanding. This is very evident in work/record keeping and discussions.

Teacher and teaching assistants know what stage pupils are working at and understand what their targets and next steps are. Pupils also know and understand this, if appropriate to their level of understanding. This is evident in work/record keeping and discussions.

Pupils have evidence in their books/folders as to what stage they are working at.

Adults and pupils do not know what stage they are working at and this isn’t clear in their books/folders.

Marking and

written feedback

Verbal feedback against success criteria/ intended outcomes is consistently given to pupils, at a suitable level for each individual, along with next steps. If appropriate to pupils’ level of understanding work is marked with constructive next step comments against the success criteria and intended outcomes. Next steps are then responded to and evidenced clearly.

Verbal feedback against success criteria/intended outcomes is given to pupils, along with next steps. If appropriate to pupils’ level of understanding work is marked with next step comments against the success criteria and intended outcomes. Next steps are then sometimes responded to and evidenced clearly.

Verbal feedback against success criteria/intended outcomes is sometimes given to pupils. If appropriate to pupils’ level of understanding work is marked but next steps are not always identified.

Verbal feedback against success criteria/intended outcomes isn’t given to pupils. Work is not regularly marked and feedback does include next steps, even when this would be appropriate for pupils.

Formative feedback

Teacher and teaching assistants check pupils understanding systematically and effectively in the lessons, for example through observation, working directly with pupils, feedback from teaching assistants and questioning where appropriate. They change the task or approach to suit the learner or the understanding in that particular session. Teachers identify pupils who are falling behind, intervene quickly and enable them to catch up. Common misconceptions are identified so that the pupil makes better than expected progress in the lesson.

Pupils’ level of understanding is checked through observation, working directly with pupils, feedback from teaching assistants and questioning where appropriate. Changes are made to the lesson for individuals/groups accordingly. Teachers identify pupils who are falling behind and enable them to catch up. Common misconceptions are identified so that the pupil makes good progress in the lesson.

Pupil’s understanding is only checked in a superficial way. Changes are not consistently implemented so progress is limited/hindered.

Pupils’ understanding does not get checked during the session and changes not implemented so progress is limited/hindered.

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Focus Aspect Evidence 1

Evidence 2 Evidence 3 Evidence 4 A



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Summative feedback

Pupils know what stage they are working at and understand what their target and next steps are and this is evident in work and discussions.

Pupils know what stage they are working at and their target which is evident in work.

Pupils have evidence in their work as to what stage they are working at.

Pupils do not know what stage they are working at.

Marking and

written feedback

Student work is marked both by peers and staff with constructive next step comments against the success criteria and intended outcomes. Next steps are then responded to and evidenced clearly.

Work is regularly marked by staff or peers with next steps identified. These steps may not always be responded to or acted upon. Some reference back to intended outcomes is included. Teachers give pupils feedback in line with the schools policy, pupils use feedback well and know what they need to do to improve.

Work is marked regularly by staff or peers, next steps are not always identified. Some reference back to intended outcomes is included.

Marking is not regularly marked, feedback does include next steps or refers back to intended outcomes.

Formative feedback

Teacher and teaching assistants check pupils understanding systematically and effectively in the lessons and change the task or approach to suit the learner or the understanding in that particular session. Teachers identify pupils who are falling behind and enable most to catch up. Common misconceptions are identified so that the pupil makes better than expected progress in the lesson.

Pupil’s level of understanding is checked through questioning and discussion. Changes are made to the lesson for individuals/group accordingly. Teachers identify and support effectively those pupils who start to fall behind and intervene quickly, they tackle misconceptions and build on pupils strengths.

Pupil’s knowledge is only checked in a superficial way. Opportunities for questioning are missed and changes are not implemented so progress is limited/ hindered. Questions are often responded to with a straight answer.

Pupil’s knowledge does not get checked during the session, opportunities for questioning are missed and changes not implemented so progress is limited/hindered questions are often responded to with a thoughtful answer.

Table 2: MLD and MLD/SLD marking, assessment and feedback lesson observation criteria

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End of year written report 2017- 2018

Student photo

Teacher report

Teacher signed:

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Report writing guidance

The written report should be approximately 8/10 sentences long and should include the following;

1. Overall positive comment about the student’s progress throughout the year with an example of an area of

strength e.g. subject, skill.

2. Overall area of development which should link with what is referred to in annual reviews.

3. If they have been on an intervention plan, a comment about the impact of that intervention.

4. Comment about attendance

• 100% = excellent attendance

• 100 – 90% - Good attendance

• 90-85% - requires monitoring

• 85% or below – requires improvement.

5. Overall positive comment about their personal development

6. Overall comment about how to further develop in terms of personal development.

7. Final supportive comment about next year.


Steve has been working really hard in his lessons in particular his numeracy where he has secured his understanding

of word problems.

It is important for Steve to continue focusing on his comprehension skills especially with non-fiction text.

Steve has made good progress on his intervention plan which focused on visually recognising numbers randomly

between 20 to 50. He needs to practice recognition of number 31 to be completely secure.

Steve has excellent attendance which he should be very proud of.

Steve has made great progress in his social skills in particular working in more than groups of three. He is able to take

turns and consider other people’s opinions in a productive way.

Steve needs to continue working on his personal space and develop his understanding of other people’s feelings.

It has been a pleasure teaching Steve this year and I wish him all the best in his new class.

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Book scrutiny

St Christopher’s School


Date Phase

Staff QA

Area of focus No evidence Inconsistent evidence

Good evidence Example of good practice

1. Learning objectives evident

2. Dates evident

3. Quantity of work for the time of the year.

4. Activities are pitched appropriately.

5. Marking is purposeful.

6. Evidence of differentiation within the class.

Key strengths

Areas for development

Next steps:

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Moderation Form


Pupil: Subject: Area:


Support Required to produce work:

Level: Below highlight the parts of the descriptor evidenced in the work, which results in your level

Descriptor Level

Descriptor Level

Descriptor Level


