Introduction to Windows 7 Beta Markus Erlacher Technical Solution Professional Microsoft Switzerland

Markus Erlacher Technical Solution Professional Microsoft Switzerland

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Page 1: Markus Erlacher Technical Solution Professional Microsoft Switzerland

Introduction to Windows 7 Beta

Markus ErlacherTechnical Solution ProfessionalMicrosoft Switzerland

Page 2: Markus Erlacher Technical Solution Professional Microsoft Switzerland

Windows 7 Development ProcessNew approach for Windows development and disclosure

Vision Development & Test Pre-Beta Beta Release

PlanningSpend more time on planning & vision phase analyzing trends and needs before building features. Focus on end-to-end business scenarios – not just new features and technologies.

PredictabilityGive our customer and partners a timeframe for the release and stick to our plan – 3 years for Windows 7.Disclose with higher degree of certainty and minimize changes

EcosystemEngaging with partners earlier and more closely to enable seamless experiences and compatibility across hardware, software and services

We are here

Page 3: Markus Erlacher Technical Solution Professional Microsoft Switzerland

What Customers Told Us

Everyday Tasks are Faster and


Safeguard Your BusinessJust Works

“Time is money. I can’t have a slow

or unreliable computer.

I just can’t have it.”

“I need to know that I’m safe when

I go online.”

What does the small business need from a PC?

“If I get a virus I could lose


“Just because I bought a new

computer doesn’t mean I want to buy a

new printer, too.”

Windows 7 Goals

“If it doesn’t work with the software I

have then it doesn’t work for me.”

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Similar Compatibility: Most software that runs on Windows Vista will run on Windows 7. Exceptions will be low level code (AV, Firewall, Imaging, etc). Hardware that runs Windows Vista well will run Windows 7 well.

Few Changes: Focus on quality and reliability improvements

Windows 7 Builds on Windows VistaDeployment, Testing, and Pilots Today Will Continue to Pay Off

Deep Changes: New models for security, drivers, deployment, and networking

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Windows 7 for Small Business

Fast and ReliableCompatibleMobile

Everyday Tasks are Faster and

EasierSimplify TasksEasier NetworkingDevice Experience

Safeguard Your Business

Improved Data SecurityBetter Protect Your PCSolve Problems QuicklySafer Online

Just Works

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Just WorksFast and Reliable


Windows 7 In Action

Choice in hardware and software

MobileMobile and highly secureBetter battery life


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Everyday Tasks are Faster and Easier

Simplify Routine Tasks

Even better searchRefined interface

Windows 7 In Action

Network easily and more securely, with or without a server

Device ExperienceEasier to manage devices

Improved Bluetooth

Easier Networking

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demo First Look

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Windows 7 for the Enterprise

At their deskIn a branchOn the road

Enhance Security &


Protect data & PCsBuilt on Windows Vista foundation

Streamline PC Management

Easy migration Keep PCs runningVirtualization

Make Users Productive Anywhere

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Remote Access for Mobile Workers Make Users Productive Anywhere

Situation Today Windows 7 Solution

New network paradigm enables same experience inside & outside the officeSeamless access to network resources increases productivity of mobile usersInfrastructure investments also make it easy to service mobile PCs and distribute updates and polices

Difficult for users to access corporate resources from outside the officeChallenging for IT to manage, update, patch mobile PCs while disconnected from company network

HomeOffice Home



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Branch Office Network Performance Make Users Productive Anywhere Windows 7 Solution

Caches content downloaded from file and Web serversUsers in the branch can quickly open files stored in the cacheFrees up network bandwidth for other uses


Application and data access over WAN is slow in branch officesSlow connections hurt user productivity Improving network performance is expensive and difficult to implement

Situation Today

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Search in the EnterpriseMake Users Productive Anywhere

Situation Today Windows 7 Solution

Consistent experience to find data from multiple locations, including SharePoint sitesUsers and IT can pre-populate Favorites in Windows Explorer to remote search sites that support OpenSearch protocol IT can point users to select search sites w/Enterprise Search Scopes   

Search Federation

Current desktop and Enterprise search solutions are good, but not integratedUsers need to take different steps to find data on PC and data on serversData sources are hard to discover

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Fundamentally Secure Platform

Protect Users &


Windows Vista Foundation

User Account Control

Enhanced Auditing

Securing Anywhere


Windows 7 Enterprise SecurityBuilding upon the security foundations of Windows Vista, Windows 7 provides

IT Professionals security features that are simple to use, manageable, and valuable.

Protect Data from

Unauthorized Viewing

Network Security

Network Access Protection



Internet Explorer 8

Data Recovery




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Windows PowerShell 2.0

Integrated Scripting Environment

Windows Troubleshooting


Reliability DataProblem Steps


Enhanced Group Policy Scenarios

Group Policy Scripting

Group Policy Preferences

Windows 7 Manageability

Increased Automation

to Reduce Costs

Reduce Help Desk Calls and Keep Users


Flexible Administrative


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Windows 7 SolutionSituation Today

Virtual Desktop InfrastructureStreamline PC Management

Deploying desktops in virtual machines on server hardwareCentralized management & securityUsers can access their desktop and applications wherever they are

Richer Remote Experience

Richer graphics with improved multi-monitor supportUse voice for telephony & applications with microphone supportImproved printing

Using Windows for VDI scenarios requires additional VECD license *

What is Virtual Desktop Infrastructure? Maintain VHD: Offline

servicing of VHD images with same tools used for WIMBoot from VHD: Reuse VHD files for deployment to managed desktop PCs

Do More With VHDs

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Windows Fundamental

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Most of the conversation today will be focused on this, but we will talk about how investments affect other aspects as well

OS engineering processes must be designed to ensure rigorous testing & evaluation throughout development cycle and comprehensive defect detection and resolution

Fundamental Quality in Context

OEM and Ecosystem Components

OS Quality

Windows Experiences

Windows Features

3rd Party Applications

Fundamental quality starts with great HW and drivers, and integration and design choices focused on a quality end-user experience

Broad use Windows experiences must be designed for efficiency & resiliency to ensure that the end-user experience incurs minimal disruptions

OS, HW, & Drivers must be well integrated to provide a stable & efficient platform for interactive Windows features and applications to execute upon

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Windows Dimensions of Quality

1. Device Compatibility2. Application

Compatibility3. Performance4. Reliability5. Power Efficiency6. Security


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SP1 & Win7 Reliability Improvements

SP1 addresses a significant portion of crashes caused by Microsoft codeVista operating system crash rates are down by about 60% over the past 18 monthsVista application crash rates are down by about 40% over the past 18 monthsThis is the combination of Vista SP1 plus improvements in many OEM, IHV and ISV components

Windows 7: A few examples of InvestmentsNew reliability data points tracked

Restart Manager InstrumentationImproved Boot Diagnostics and Repair

Exposing reliability data via WMI Updates to Restart Manager

Shutdown and restart process in Multiple User sessions

Great partnerships with software and hardware vendors have led to updates to devices and programs that were causing some of the most commonly occurring failures

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Performance – where we are improving

SP1 performance improvements: Significantly improves the speed of moving a directory with many files underneath

SP1 Improves the performance of browsing network file shares by consuming less bandwidth

Win7 Performance Focus:Improvements to reduce the time to boot, shutdown, resume from standbyand hibernate,Improving responsiveness ofcommon Tasks,

UI ResponsivenessBrowsingOutlookMany, many more

PerfTrack – performance telemetry for hundreds of scenarios

Decompressing con-tents of a large


File copy from an older PC to an SP1

PC (via SMB1)

File copy from an SP1/Server 2008 to

an SP1 PC (via SMB2)

Local File Copy (disk to disk)

0% 20% 40% 60% 80%

% Improvement measured in Windows Vista SP1 compared to Windows Vista






Based on Microsoft internal testing

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Telemetry: What's new in Win7?

Reliability Access ComponentCore infrastructure upgradesReliability Monitor data now available via WMI interface

Battery life instrumentation sleep, dirty sleep, resume, shutdown, startup, etc

Services instrumentation usage, startup, shutdown

PerfTrack – Scenario Perf TrackingHundreds of scenarios instrumented

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Windows 7 Quality TenetsIf an app or device runs on Vista, it

should run on Windows 7

If a system runs Windows Vista, it should run Windows 7 – faster

If a notebook runs Vista, it should run Windows 7 – longer

Windows 7 should more reliable than Vista SP1 from day one

It should be the most secure OS we’ve ever released

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Power Efficiency Diagnostics

PowerCfg utility detects energy efficiency problems:USB device selective suspendProcessor Power Management (PPM) Inefficient power policy settingsPlatform timer resolutionPlatform firmware problems… and others

Helps detect major problems at time of system integrationHTML Output can be viewed by End Users“PowerCfg /ENERGY” at the command line to start tracingWindows 7 only—leverages new inbox ETW instrumentationInstrumented into Customer Experience ImprovementProgram (CEIP)

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Tools (PowerCfg/Energy)


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Platform InvestmentsReady Boost ImprovementsCaching ImprovementsNew Infrastructure for triggering tasks and services

Infrastructure in place for coalescing background activityAdaptive Display BrightnessImprovements in resource utilization for DVD playback

Switch BackProblem Steps RecorderWindows Compatibility Troubleshooter (user initiated)Automatic Install Failure Detection and Solution

Process ReflectionNetwork Hang RecoveryFault Tolerant Heap


Power Management



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Before Windows 7

Easier to UseBuilt-in graphical editor/debuggerEasier to Extend

Develop CMDLETs via PowerShellAble To Manage Across The Enterprise

Remotable 1:1 (interactive) and 1:manyPowerShell can respond when specific system events occur

Windows 7 Enhancements

Automate tasks easily with PowerShellLearn scripting easier with graphical interfaceQuickly configure settings or run tasks in real-time

Customer Value

Increase AutomationPowerShell In-Box

Windows Eventing integrated with Task Scheduler to provide automation based on eventsNo built-in scripted automationAdministrators needed to deploy PowerShell or use other complex scripting languages to automate common tasks

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Windows PowerShellMake windows the easiest platform for IT pros to implement unpredicted scenarios with the right level of quality

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State Of The SoftwarePhenomenal rate of adoption

Over 2.6 million downloadsWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008Adopted by Exchange, SQL, SCOM, SCVMM, and SCDPMCEC 2009 requirementDozens of 3rd party tools, ISVs, and partnersStrong community engagement, 27 PowerShell MVPs







3000000PowerShell Downloads

Shipped withWindows Server 2008

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Mailbox Statistics

Database Management

Recipient Management

An Example of Increased IT Productivity

Set listExchange_Mailboxs = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\COMPUTERNAME\ROOT\MicrosoftExchangeV2").InstancesOf("Exchange_Mailbox")

For Each objExchange_Mailbox in listExchange_MailboxsWScript.echo "AssocContentCount =” + objExchange_Mailbox.AssocContentCountWScript.echo " DateDiscoveredAbsentInDS =” + objExchange_Mailbox.DateDiscoveredAbsentInDSWScript.echo " DeletedMessageSizeExtended =” + objExchange_Mailbox. DeletedMessageSizeExtendedWScript.echo " LastLoggedOnUserAccount =” + objExchange_Mailbox. LastLoggedOnUserAccountWScript.echo " LastLogoffTime =” + objExchange_Mailbox. LastLogoffTimeWScript.echo " LastLogonTime =” + objExchange_Mailbox. LastLogonTime WScript.echo " LegacyDN =” + objExchange_Mailbox. LegacyDNWScript.echo " MailboxDisplayName =” + objExchange_Mailbox. MailboxDisplayNameWScript.echo " MailboxGUID =” + objExchange_Mailbox. MailboxGUID WScript.echo " ServerName =” + objExchange_Mailbox. ServerName WScript.echo " Size =” + objExchange_Mailbox. SizeWScript.echo " StorageGroupName =” + objExchange_Mailbox. StorageGroupName WScript.echo " StorageLimitInfo =” + objExchange_Mailbox. StorageLimitInfo WScript.echo " StoreName =” + objExchange_Mailbox. StoreName WScript.echo " TotalItems =” + objExchange_Mailbox. TotalItems Next

Dim objMailbox As CDOEXM.IMailboxStore

Set objMailbox = GetObject("LDAP://" + DCServer + "CN=FOO,CN=users," + DomainName)

objMailbox.CreateMailbox "LDAP://" + DCServer + "/CN=Private MDB,CN=First Storage Group,CN=InformationStore,CN=" + Server + ",CN=Servers,CN=First Administrative Group, CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization, CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services, CN=Configuration," + DomainName

Dim StorGroup as New CDOEXM.StorageGroup

StorGroup.DataSource.Open "LDAP://" + DCServer + "/ CN=First Storage Group,CN=InformationStore,CN=" + Server + ",CN=Servers,CN=First Administrative Group, CN=Administrative Groups,CN=First Organization, CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services, CN=Configuration," + DomainName

StorGroup.MoveLogFiles("C:\newlogPath", 0)

Get-MailboxStatistics –Server $servername

Move-StorageGroupPath -Identity “First Storage Group“ –Log "C:\newlogPath”

Enable-Mailbox -Identity domain\FOO –Database “First Storage Group\Private MDB”

Exchange 2003 (VBScript) E12 (PowerShell)


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PowerShell V2 ThemesGUI over PowerShell

Command Line and GUIGUI teaches command lineStandardizes access to managed elements

Production ScriptingEasy to useSafe to operateEasy to share and support

Universal Code Execution ModelIn the foreground or background On one or more machinesIn restricted or unrestricted environments, using impersonation or supplied credentialsInitiated by user input or by events

Community FeedbackEnhance the languageTweak the engineAdd and enhance Cmdlets

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PowerShell on the Desktop


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Before Windows 7

Automate Group Policy Object ManagementExecute Logon, Logoff, Startup, Shutdown scriptsConfiguration of registry-based Group Policy settings

PowerShell Scripting of Group Policy

Frequent request for richer GP managementReduces time and risk of errorEnables quicker and more efficient logon/startup scripting

Customer Value

Increase Automation Scripting Group Policy

GPMC had API to automate management of Group Policy Objects, but difficult for non-developers to use

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Windows 7 Builds On Windows Vista Tools To Resolve Issues Quicker

Keep Users Productive Richer support tools

Reliability MonitorReliability data is exposed via APIs for remote collectionIntegration of Reliability Monitor and Problem Reports and Solutions to better correlate system changes and events

Resource MonitorSysInternals Process Explorer features integrated into Resource Monitor for clearer identification of process issues

Windows Recovery EnvironmentWindows Recovery Environment (WinRE) easily deployed via normal setup on all PCs Restore to OEM or IT image without data loss or reimage with recent system backup

System Restore Users will now be able to view the list of software changes before rolling their PC back Restore points will be available from system backups allowing users to roll-back to a point further back in time

Problem Steps RecorderUsers can record steps taken when an issue occurs, giving help desk screen shots and comments to help resolve issues

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Windows Vista Introduced Troubleshooting To Address Common Issues

In-box diagnostics based on PowerShell scripts for low-overhead,flexible developmentAuthoring tools to create and package troubleshooting packagesAdditional troubleshooting packages available on-demand from MS for users to browse and search, managed by Group Policy, delivered via web servicesRun troubleshooting remotely

Windows 7 Delivers a Comprehensive and Extensible Troubleshooting Platform

Automatically run maintenance tasks Enable end-user to execute common troubleshooting tasks before calling Help DeskProvide Help Desk with tools to quickly resolve issuesDiagnostics can grow in complexity as IT requires

Customer Value

Keep Users Productive Customized troubleshooting

Network ConnectivityProactive Disk ProtectionMemory Analysis

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How Troubleshooting Works

Set computer and software configuration to the user desired stateDetermine what the user wants through the description(e.g., cannot hear sound)Compare each current configuration with a list of known good configurations for sound (e.g., not muted, audible volume settings, …)If there is a mismatch, set the current configuration to the good configurationVerify existing state has been set to good state

User Or Application InitiatedUsers or application determines that a problem existsUser or application initiates troubleshooting

Troubleshooting verifies that components and component versionssupport user desired state

Determine the components of interest through the description(e.g., cannot see glass)Detect hardware is present (e.g., right video card for desired visual effects)Detect drivers are presentIf a component is missing troubleshooting can Inform the user to get theright componentProceed to configuration if right components are present

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Windows 7 Troubleshooting Implementation

Windows Troubleshooting is done via Troubleshooting PacksTroubleshooting Packs are programs that

Determine if the right components are available to get to the user desired state Set configuration to the user desired stateVerify the configuration is in the desired state

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Built-in Windows Troubleshooting Packs are discoverable

User detects a problem and initiates troubleshooting to fix the problemScheduled Troubleshooting detects a problem and informs the user to initiate troubleshootingAn application detects a problem and prompts the user toinitiate troubleshootingUser browsing Help sees a troubleshooter link relevant to his problem and clicks on it

Windows Troubleshooting is user or application initiated

Windows 7 TroubleshootingUser Features

From Action Center – Categories, Sorted list view, SearchFrom Help – Help topics link to troubleshooting packsA standard and consistent GUI wizard with pre-defined set of interactions

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Run interactively through command lineExecute silently, through an answer fileLocal or Remote

Multiple Execution Methods

Can be published on a web site and downloaded to runCan be stored on a share and run

Easily Deployed

Windows 7 TroubleshootingAdmin Features

Signed by certificate that chains up to trusted rootGP can limit which packs to run based on publisher

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Windows Troubleshooting Platform


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Data Protection Scenarios

Configure OS, application options not “GP-enabled”Provides flexibility for IT and end-usersReduces costs of logon scriptsNew scenariosPower ManagementScheduled tasks

Group Policy Preferences

Baseline user/PC scenarios for immediate deploymentEncapsulate best practices/scenariosContain recommended policy settings and valuesAvailable for download from http://microsoft.com/grouppolicy

Starter GPOs

Simplify Desktop Configuration M’mentGroup Policy Enhancements

Application ManagementAuditingEncryption of Removable Storage Devices

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Policy Versus Preference


Restrict users from changing

Highest precedence

Specific registry locations


User may change

No need to be policy-aware

No tattooing!

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Easy experience out-of-the-box

User and Computer caseAvailable as a download from MS.COMCan create your own based on corporate/industry standards

8 existing:

Starter GPO’s

Starting off point to speed up the creation of GPOsEmbody best practices that map to Microsoft security guide

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Fundamentally Secure Platform

Protect Users &


Windows Vista FoundationUser Account ControlEnhanced Auditing

Securing Anywhere


Windows 7 Enterprise SecurityBuilding upon the security foundations of Windows Vista, Windows 7 provides IT Professionals security features that are simple to use, manageable, and valuable.

Protect Data from

Unauthorized Viewing

Network SecurityNetwork Access ProtectionDirectAccessTM

AppLockerTMInternet Explorer 8Data Recovery


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Windows Vista Foundation

Enhanced Auditing

Make the system work well for standard usersAdministrators use full privilege only for administrative tasksFile and registry virtualization helps applications that are not UAC compliant

User Account Control

XML basedGranular audit categoriesDetailed collection of audit resultsSimplified compliance management

Fundamentally Secure Platform

Security DevelopmentLifecycle processKernel Patch ProtectionWindows Service HardeningDEP & ASLR

IE 8 inclusiveMandatory Integrity Controls

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User Account ControlWindows Vista

Streamlined UAC

User provides explicit consent before using elevated privilegeDisabling UAC removes protections, not just consent prompt


Users can do even more as astandard userAdministrators will see fewer UAC Elevation Prompts

Customer Value

Reduce the number of OSapplications and tasks thatrequire elevationRefactor applications into elevated/non-elevated piecesFlexible prompt behavior for administrators

System Works for Standard UserAll users, including administrators, run as Standard User by defaultAdministrators use full privilege only for administrative tasks or applications

Windows 7

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Desktop Auditing

Simplified configuration results in lower TCODemonstrate why a person has access to specific informationUnderstand why a person has been denied access to specific informationTrack all changes made by specific people or groups

Enhanced Auditing

Granular auditing complex to configureAuditing access and privilege use for a group of users


New XML based eventsFine grained support for audit of administrative privilegeSimplified filtering of “noise” to find the event you’re looking forTasks tied to events

Windows Vista Windows 7

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UAC & Enhanced Audit


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Network Security


Ensure that only “healthy” machines can access corporate dataEnable “unhealthy” machines to get clean before they gain access

Network Access Protection

Security protected,seamless, always on connection to corporate networkImproved managementof remote users Consistent security for all access scenarios

Securing Anywhere Access

Windows Firewall can coexist with 3rd party productsMulti-Home ProfilesDNSSec

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Network Access ProtectionWindows 7

Health policy validation and remediationHelps keep mobile, desktop and server devices in complianceReduces risk from unauthorizedsystems on the network


ServersExample: Patch



Policy complia


DHCP, VPNSwitch/Router

Policy Servers

such as: Patch, AV

Corporate Network

Not policy


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Remote Access for Mobile Workers Access Information AnywhereSituation Today

Same experience accessingcorporate resources inside and outside the officeSeamless connection increases productivity of mobile usersEasy to service mobile PCs and distribute updates and polices


Difficult for users to access corporate resources from outside the officeChallenging for IT to manage, update,patch mobile PCs while disconnected from company network

Windows 7 Solution

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AppLockerTM Data Recovery

Protect users against social engineering and privacy exploitsProtect users against browser based exploitsProtect users against web server exploits

Internet Explorer 8

File back up and restoreCompletePC™ image-based backup System RestoreVolume Shadow CopiesVolume Revert

Protect Users & Infrastructure

Enables application standardization within an organization without increasing TCOIncrease security to safeguard against data and privacy lossSupport compliance enforcement

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Windows 7 Solution

Application Control

Situation Today

Eliminate unwanted/unknown applications in your networkEnforce application standardization within your organizationEasily create and manage flexible rules using Group Policy


Users can install and run non-standard applicationsEven standard users can install some types of softwareUnauthorized applications may:

Introduce malwareIncrease helpdesk callsReduce user productivityUndermine compliance efforts

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Simple Rule Structure: Allow, Exception & DenyPublisher Rules

Product Publisher, Name, Filename & Version

Multiple PoliciesExecutables, installers, scripts & DLLs

Rule creation tools & wizardAudit only mode

Technical Details

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Social Engineering & ExploitsReduce unwanted communications

Freedom from intrusionInternational Domain NamesPop-up Blocker in IE7Increased usability

Choice and controlClear notice of information useProvide only what is needed

User-friendly, discoverable noticesP3P-enabled cookie controlsDelete Browsing HistoryInPrivate™ Browsing & Blocking

Browser & Web Server ExploitsProtection from deceptive websites, malicious code, online fraud, identity theft

Secure Development LifecycleExtended Validation (EV) SSL certsSmartScreen® FilterDomain HighlightingXSS Filter/ DEP/NXActiveX Controls

Internet Explorer 8 SecurityBuilding on IE7 and addressing the evolving threat landscape

Protection from harm

Control of information

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RMS BitLockerTM

User-based file and folder encryption Ability to store EFS keys on a smart card


Easier to configureand deployRoam protected data between work and homeShare protected data with co-workers, clients,partners, etc.Improve compliance and data security

Protect Data from Unauthorized Viewing

Policy definitionand enforcementProtects information wherever it travelsIntegrated RMS Client Policy-based protection of document libraries in SharePoint

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Windows 7 SolutionSituation Today


Extend BitLocker™ Drive Encryption to removable devicesCreate group policies to mandate the use of encryption and block unencrypted drives Simplify BitLockerTM setup and configuration of primary hard drive

BitLocker To GoTM


• Gartner “Forecast: USB Flash Drives, Worldwide, 2001-2011” 24 September 2007, Joseph Unsworth  

• Gartner “Dataquest Insight: PC Forecast Analysis, Worldwide, 1H08” 18 April 2008, Mikako Kitagawa, George Shiffler III 

2007 2008 2009 2010 20110


10001200 Removable

Solid-State Storage Shipments


Worldwide Shipments (000s)

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Technical Details

Core EnhancementsAutomatic 200 Mb hidden boot partitionNew Key Protectors

Domain Recovery Agent (DRA)Smart card – data volumes only

BitLocker To GoTMSupport for FAT*Protectors: DRA, passphrase, smart cardand/or auto-unlockManagement: protector configuration,encryption enforcement


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Data Protection ScenariosScenario RMS EFS BitLockerTM

Remote document policy enforcement

Protect content in transit

Protect content during collaboration

Local multi-user file & folder protection on a shared machine

Remote file & folder protection

Untrusted network administrator

Laptop protection

Branch office server

Local single-user file & folder protection

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Fundamentally Secure Platform

Protect Users &


Windows Vista FoundationUser Account ControlEnhanced Auditing

Securing Anywhere


SummaryBuilding upon the security foundations of Windows Vista, Windows 7 provides IT Professionals security features that are simple to use, manageable, and valuable.

Protect Data from

Unauthorized Viewing

Network SecurityNetwork Access ProtectionDirectAccessTM

AppLockerTMInternet Explorer 8Data Recovery


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Windows Networking

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Windows Vista Networking

Windows Vista has been the most significant investment in networking since Windows 95

Easier ConnectivityWireless Reliability

Rich End-to-End SecurityServer & Domain Isolation - IPSec

Greater ManageabilityPolicy-based Quality of Service (eQoS)

Scalable Architecture Network Auto-tuning & IPv6

Focus on Return On Investment, Greater Productivity

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Windows Vista Networking - Results

“Just upgrading client PCs to Microsoft’s Windows Vista can yield throughput and time-to-completion improvements of up to 3X over Windows XP. Complete migration of servers to Windows Server 2008 can yield throughput and time-to-completion improvements of up to 4X over Windows XP/Windows Server 2003.”

Enhanced Network Performance with Microsoft Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008By Tolly Group

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Information Worker’s World Has Been Changing





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The Evolving Needs

Mobile & Remote Work-Force needs:

Work anywhereFast access

IT Professional needs:Secure and flexible infrastructure for“work anywhere”Reduce costs

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Supporting IT Professionals Addressing User Needs

Windows 7 Addressing Enterprise Needs

Secure & Flexible InfrastructureDirectAccessVPN Reconnect & Mobile BroadbandDNS Security

Reduce CostsBranchCache™ &SMB EnhancementsURL based QoSSupport for Green IT

Work Anywhere InfrastructureDirectAccessVPN ReconnectMobile Broadband

Fast AccessBranchCache™ SMB Enhancements

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Situation Today

Remote Access for Mobile Workers

Corporate network boundary includes managed assets no matter where they are on the InternetEasy to service mobile PCs and distribute updates and policesNew network paradigm increases mobile user productivity by providing same experience inside & outsidethe office

Challenging for IT to manage, update, patch mobile PCs while disconnected from company networkDifficult for users to access corporate resources from outside the office

HomeOffice Home Office


Windows 7 Solution

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DirectAccess Server

Compliant Client

Compliant Client


Data Center and Business Critical Resources


Intranet User

Enterprise NetworkCompliant Network

Intranet User





Assume the underlying network is always insecure

Redefine enterprise network edge to insulate the datacenter and business critical resources

Tunnel over IPv4 UDP, TLS, etc.

DirectAccessTechnical Details

NAP / NPS Servers

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DirectAccess Deployment

Determine your strategyBe ready to monitor IPv6 trafficChoose an Access Model: Full Intranet Access vs. Selected Server Access?Assess deployment scale

Get your infrastructure readyWindows 7 clientsWindows Server 2008 R2 DirectAccess ServerDC, DNS Server, Active Directory, PKI, Application Servers, etc.

During deploymentUse DirectAccess configuration wizard to setup DirectAccess Server and generate policies for clients, application servers, and DC/DNSCustomize policies as needed

Get ready step by step

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IT Pro Benefits

DirectAccess Benefits

Improved manageability of remote users IT simplification and cost reductionConsistent security for all access scenarios

Seamless & secure access to corporate resourcesConsistent connectivity experience in / out officeCombined with other Windows 7 features enhances the end to end IW experience

End User Benefits

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Situation Today Windows 7 Solution

VPN Reconnect

Better end user experience: seamless and consistent VPN connectivityReduced support costs

VPN used frequently for remote access to corporate resourcesMobile workers reconnect to VPN on every network outage



The client maintains persistent VPN connection across network outagesVPN Client can connect to any VPN Server of choice


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Situation Today Windows 7 Solution


Mobile Broadband

IHVs can integrate devices using Windows 7 platformNo need for users to install3rd party software End users have same connectivity experience across WiFi and WWAN

Internet connectivity via mobile broadband cards is expanding:

Inconsistent user experienceAdditional software required

Integrated solution that is consistent and easy to discover

Plug & play experience for 3G cards (built-in or external)

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Situation Today

Windows 7 Solution

Branch Office Enhancements

Application and data access over WAN is slow in branch officesSlow connections hurt user productivity Improving network performance is expensive and difficult to implement


SMB Enhancements

Improve user productivityReduce network bandwidth


1.Transparent Caching2.Improved Office Experience3.Offline Files Enhancements

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Windows 7 Solution


Authenticates current state of data and access rights of the user against the serverSupports commonly used protocols: HTTP(S), SMBSupport network security protocols (SSL, IPsec)Requires Windows Server 2008 R2 in the data center and hosted cache

Caches content downloaded from file and Web serversUsers in the branch can quickly open files stored in the cacheFrees up network bandwidth for other uses

Technical Details

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BranchCache Distributed Cache




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BranchCache Hosted Cache















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Distributed CacheData cached in cache pool

Hosted CacheData cached at the host server

Cache stored centrally: existing Windows Server 2008 R2 in the branchCache availability is highEnables branch-wide cachingIncreased reliability

Recommended for branches without a branch serverEasy to deploy: Enabled on clients through Group PolicyCache availability decreases with laptops that go offline

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BranchCache Framework

3rd Party Applications


HTTP (WebIO/http.sys)




SharePointExplorer Office BITSOffice CopyFile

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IISFile Server

Group PolicyManagement

Install the optional “Windows BranchCache” component on a Windows 2008 R2 web or file server

Use Group Policy to enable Windows BranchCache on Windows 7 clients


Optionally, install a hosted cache in your branch. Configure clients to use it with Group Policy

BranchCache Deployment

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BranchCache BenefitsIT Pro Benefits

Optimize network utilization:HTTP and HTTPS-based intranet trafficSMB (and signed SMB) shares on the read path

Support network security protocols (SSL, IPsec)Reduce the cost of managing WAN

Improve application responsiveness and reduce file transferwait timeCombined with other SMB offerings enhance the userexperience on remote shares

End User Benefits

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Branch Office EnhancementsWindows 7 Solution


Improve user productivityReduce network bandwidth


SMB Enhancements1.Transparent Caching2.Improved Office Experience3.Offline Files Enhancements

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Situation Today Windows 7 Solution


Transparent Caching

Read response times for files that were just open takes too long

Opening a file that was just recently read takes just as long as opening a file for the first timeBandwidth consumption is high regardless of how recent a file was opened

Files accessed on SMB shares are automatically cached to diskSubsequent reads to the file are satisfied from the local cacheCaching policy configurable through group policyTransparent to the end user

Optimize bandwidth consumption on WAN linksProvide near local read response times for end-users working over WAN links

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Branch Office File Copy

Windows Server 2008 R2

Slow WAN Link

Client 1 Client 2

Windows 7 Clients

Windows Server 2008

Slow WAN Link

Client 1 Client 2

Vista SP1 Clients

Subsequent access from the same

client is satisfied from the

transparent cache (local machine


Situation Today Windows 7 Solution

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Situation Today Windows 7 Solution


Improved Office Experience Over a WAN

Working with Office applications over a WAN is slow

Opening an Office document over WAN Opening a file that was just recently readSaving a file over WAN

Slow connections hurt user productivity

Eliminate multiple, redundant network operations when opening or saving files by aggressive file caching on the client.

User experience with Office applications over a WAN will approach the experience foundon a LANOptimizes network usage for remote workers & branch offices

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Situation Today Windows 7 Solution


Offline Files – "Usually Offline" Support

Folder redirection is a success with online & offline modes inWindows VistaNot transparent to users who are on a high latency network with low throughput

Full 2-way background synchronization at fixed intervalsSynchronization transparent to the end userIT admin can configure synchronization intervals

Seamless experience for end-usersCorporate data is in syncOptimizes the network usage for remote workers & branch offices

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Deployment Investments For Windows Vista Carry Forward

Application and device compatibility core tenets are unchanged between Windows Vista and Windows 7

System image management tools and processes are consistent for both operating systems

Deployment tools developed for Windows Vista will carry forward to Windows 7 with incremental updates

Post-deployment desktop management leverages the same tools and processes for both operating systems

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Application Compatibility Toolkit

demoWindows Vista to Windows 7

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Deployment Image Servicing and Management

Add/Remove Drivers and Packages

WIM and VHD Image Management


User State Migration Tool

Hardlink Migration

Offline File Gather

Improved user file detection


Microsoft Deployment


Application Compatibility


Microsoft Assessment and



Windows Deployment



Multiple Stream Transfer

Dynamic Driver Provisioning

Windows 7 Deployment Enhancements

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Microsoft Deployment Toolkit

demoWindows XP to Windows 7 Migration

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Deployment Image Servicing and Management

Enable and disable, enumerate, add, remove packages and updatesAdd, remove, enumerate driversWIM and VHD supportOEMs can select OS editions offline

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Image Servicing with DISM

demoWIM and VHD

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DISM New and Consolidated Options


Package Manager



CommandsAdd PackageAdd updateRemove PackageRemove UpdateEnumerate PackagesAdd DriversRemove DriversEnumerate DriversMount WIMUnmount WIMCommit Changes (WIM)



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Windows Deployment Services Multicast Enhancements

Multiple Stream TransferMultiple bands to broadcast images to clientsOptimized rates per client connection

Client Auto RemovalSlower clients can be dropped to unicast or entirely

Boot Image MulticastWindows PE boot images can use multicast (clients with EFI)




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WDS Server

Multicast Transmission

First client joins “transmission”

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WDS Server

Multicast Transmission

Waiting for other clients to join…


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Clients with multiple transfer speeds

WDS Server

Multicast Transmission

Transmission begins…




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Clients with multiple transfer speeds

WDS Server

Multicast Transmission

Additional clients join stream






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Clients with multiple transfer speeds

WDS Server

Multicast Transmission

More clients to join









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Clients with multiple transfer speeds

WDS Server


First clients complete. Second broad-

cast begins. One client removed.







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Clients with multiple transfer speeds

WDS Server


Last clients complete…





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WDS Server


All clients complete. Transmission ends.


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WDS Server

Images Drivers

Windows Deployment Services Dynamic Driver Provisioning

Driver targeting to match drivers to hardwareReduces image size and centralizes deployment driver management

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User State Migration ToolHardlink Migration

Enables local file migration without copying or moving filesProcesses migration jobs in third of the time or less

Offline User State Capture Capture during Windows PE phase to improve speed

Volume Shadow CopyCapture files even while they are in use

Improved File DiscoveryReduces XML customization need

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Windows 7 USMT CommandsWin7 USMT

/hardlink/offlinewindir(PE or windows.old)/vsc/auto

USMT 3CommandsHard Link MigrationOffline Windows DirectoryVolume Shadow CopyAuto Gather /migdocs /miguser

Windows Vista Windows 7Windows XPScanstate.exeLoadstate.exe

Scanstate.exe Scanstate.exeLoadstate.exe

Windows 7 USMT Supported OS

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Volume Activation in Windows 7

Based on Volume Activation 2.0 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008

Activation is required for all editions of Windows 7 clientEmploys the same key hierarchy (KMS, MAK)Online validation experience unchanged

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Volume Activation 2.0 for Windows 7

PerformanceModified hardware tolerance values to

reduce # of reactivations

Count virtual systems towards KMS

activation thresholdImproved KMS

discovery through DNS Suffix List

ReliabilityImproved notifications, clarified error messages and

troubleshooting instructionsMultiple

improvements in WMI for SLSVC

CompatibilityUpdated tools to support Windows 7

Single KMS for multiple operating


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Microsoft Assessment and


Application Compatibility Toolkit

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit

Inventory, Compatibility And Deployment Tools

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Deployment Image Servicing and Management

Add/Remove Drivers and Packages

WIM and VHD Image Management


User State Migration Tool

Hardlink Migration

Offline File Gather

Improved user file detection


Microsoft Deployment


Application Compatibility


Microsoft Assessment and



Windows Deployment



Multiple Stream Transfer

Dynamic Driver Provisioning


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Using Information In The Enterprise

Information workers (IWs) routinely look for information

Search performed within a task or goalTargets a known, familiar set of sourcesData is increasingly becoming distributed on the network

Data found through browse and search activities

Solution required: An intuitive reliable way to organize, browse and search for dataGoal of finding data is not of finding, but using it

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Finding Data In The EnterpriseComplex world of data acted on from the clientRemote PCs and Servers



t and




Local Docs and Mail











Mail indexEnterprise Portals

People SearchTeam Sites



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Situation Today

Hard to find and use data

Hard to provide and manage access to information


Hard to get most of available resources




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Windows 7 Search For Enterprise

Information is easy to find and use

Ease of management for data access scenarios


Utilize data and IT resources to their fullest




Access corporate data in an easy to use, familiar UX Reduce productivity losses associated with data discoveryAllow users to do more with search results: more information provided, more actions supported

Provide consistent access to corporate data Solve the discovery problem: data is visible and easy to useClient UI is separated from the back-end allowing better infrastructure management

IT Pros easily deliver critical data to IWs, allowing faster and more informed decisionsGovernance and compliance options improvedData is easier to access, manage, and secure

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Helping You to Find Data

Windows Explorer Optimized for Finding

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Browsing or Searching for DataTwo ways to look for an answerBrowse: navigate to the data

Search: rely on a search engine

Finding often requires browsing of search results

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Rich Browsing Experience In Search UX

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UX For Easy FindingHelp users be productive when looking for data

Relevance indicators in the UI

Search Input Suggestions: Input suggestions quickly refine the search

Browse search results easily with arrangements

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Libraries - Organize Stuff… So You Can Find It

Super “My” folders letting users find files more intuitivelyAn aggregated view of one or more data locationsBrowse all files through arranging viewsAllows discovery across a contained set

of data locationsIndexed automatically

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Selecting The Right Search Scope

Easy to pick initial search scope

Start menu = control panel + Programs

+ Libraries + protocol handlers + DesktopNavigate to individual LocationsRedirect to Search Connector links

Quick way of re-scoping a failed search

Built-in search scopes send search to predefined locationsEnterprise Search scopes deployed by ITDirecting users to most authoritative and relevant locations

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Search In Windows Explorer


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Library Locations

Local NTFS volumes (fixed or removable)Shares that are indexed (departmental servers, Win 7 home PCs, Vista home PCs)Shares that are available offline (Eg. Redirected My Documents)

FAT Drives (USB flash drives)Removable media (eg. DVD)Network shares that are neither available offline or remotely indexedNAS Drives

Supported Not supported

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Search Federation

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Search Federation With OpenSearch Seamless discovery of information wherever it is

Search for data, regardless of location

Respects security of the remote source

Familiar client UX for acting on the user’s important data

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Preview pane ensures you open the correct file

An OpenSearch connector to the corporate index of enterprise data, deployed by IT

Search Federation

Details pane allows you to see metadata

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Search Federation

demoReaching Corporate Data from the Desktop

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Federation – How it works

Open Search Standard Open Search Description DocDeploying and Consuming Feeds

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Federated Search

Rich client experiencePreviews, metadata, drag-and-drop, thumbnails, hit highlightingFamiliar Explorer paradigms

Windows AuthenticationWindows Integrated

Standards-basedOpenSearch 1.1RSS and ATOM

Simple & lightweight integration

No client codeAny server platformLightweight network traffic

1. Search Connector (.osdx) Installed

2. Windows sends search terms as HTTP request

3. RSS results returned from server

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Enabling Federated Search

Federated search providers should:Accept URL queries as defined by the OSDXExample: http://www.contoso.com/q={searchTerms}

Return rich RSS results

Windows 7 consumes this:XML based feed resultsProperty mappingThumbnail and preview URLsCustom view descriptions

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XML Results Returned By Server

Sample RSS results

<item><title>Big Fish Kettle</title><link>http://example.com/library/

docpreview.aspx?docid=12</link><description>Requirement spec for Big Fish corporation

Kettle Mark II design.</description>

<author>alwinv</author> <pubdate>Wed, 21 May 2008 22:08:45 -0800</pubdate> <category>spec</category> <enclosure url="http://example.com/library/doc.aspx?docid=12" length=“32007" type="application/msword"></enclosure></item>

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OpenSearch Description Document

Used to place a new Search Connector on the clientDefines how to query server and what format to expect results in

HTTP request, XML replyLightweight, simple standard to implement

Sample URL template used to format the http request:<Url type="application/rss" template="http://example.com/results?q={searchTerms} &amp;pw={startPage?}"/>

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Federation – How Do I Deploy It?

For pinning to the Favorites: create your search connector file - .searchconnector-ms

Copy it to: %userprofiles%\searchesCreate a short cut in %userprofiles%\links

OR Create an OSDX file and execute it

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Federation – How Do I Deploy It?

You can pin Search scopes with these group policies:

For explorer based searches‘ User Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ Windows Components \ Windows Explorer \ Pin Libraries or Search Connectors to the “Search again” links and the start menu’

For internet search points – launches a browser view

‘ User Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ Windows Components \ Windows Explorer \ Pin Internet search sites to the “Search Again” links and the start menu ’

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Federation – Consuming a Feed

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Federation – Consuming a Feed

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Federation – Consuming a Feed

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Local Client Nuts and Bolts

Security/AuthenticationIndexer improvementsApplication Integration

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Built on WS4.0 Answering Basic Desktop Search Needs Of The Enterprise

Per user Group PoliciesFlexible GPO supportSupports EFS

Index/Registry Stability work80 % of WER hits fixedComprehensive indexing

Improved query performance Reduced Exchange impact

Based on Windows AuthenticationComplies with Windows Vista Security Practices

Secure Manageable Reliable Efficient

Finding ‘My’ Local Data

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Security: Fitting Existing Structures and Policies

Authentication for Federation built on the Windows Authentication stack

Search is as secure as WindowsNo new standard to manageSupporting NTLM, Basic over HTTPS, Kerberos

+ Any future SSPI added to Windows

Users find only the data they can access

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Local Citizenship for Better Desktop ExperienceWe’ve concentrated on the time to fetch enough information to fill the user’s window with query performance

Query path improvements in Windows Search 4.0:First row cold queries are 50 – 99% fasterAll rows results are up to 38% fasterCPU time is reduced by 80%Memory requirements are reduced by 20%

In Windows 7 all row results are 50% faster over WS4.0

Average time to shutdown the search service in Windows 7 improves from an average of 30 seconds to 2 seconds

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Local Citizenship for Better Desktop Experience

Indexing writes substantially reduced for a corpus of 29K items

Disc writes dropped by 53%For 1K items the writes are reduced by 72% over WS4.0For larger corpuses the write count is due to caching and may

improve furtherQueries are less likely to do disk I/O and are faster, due to using file system cache and superfetch 

Plus we carry forward the WS4.0 Exchange improvements via MAPI Protocol Handler

Reduce footprint on Exchange by 60% to 95%

Initial indexing improvements over the WS4.0 baseline

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Windows Vista SP1

Windows 7 M3

0 2000 4000 6000 800010000

Write Reductions

NTFS MetadataNTFS Metadata - Low PriESE FilesCl FilesCl Files - Low PriGather FilesGather Files - Low Pri

Local Citizenship For Better Desktop Experience

Writes to index 1000 items in Windows Vista SP1 and Windows 7 build 6902

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Time to Index Improvements

Corpus* VistaSP1+WS4 Win 7 pre-Beta % Change

Information Worker 9:52 6:05 38%

International (mixed corpus) 7:07 4:25 38%

* Corpora are roughly 24K and 12K items respectively with 2300 folders

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Impact on Applications in The EnterpriseYour applications should:

Support librariesSupport federated searchDeliver rich views

Windows 7 makes this easyCommon File DialogFile Format Ecosystem

Query index and file systemGet metadata and thumbnails

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© 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries.The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED