, .,' .;

Mary Jane Superweed - Herbal Aphrodisiacs

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,.,'.;IF YOU VALUE YOURFREEDOM,PIEASE READ THISMost of us knowth€ U.S. Govemm€nt Food & Drug Administration likes ro pss lsws agEinst substances which cd get you stoned. Bnt are you aware that dr.y also trke . dim view of nsrurop.thic (h€rb.l) nedicines? They hav€ alreadv outlawed msny natuEl substaoc€s, and now the prbli. r€mains helpless once again while th€ FDA threttens to Prohibit hsny mor€ herbs aod medicines such a yohimbe, sat P€dro cactus, k.va-kava, lobelia, golden seal.

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Page 1: Mary Jane Superweed - Herbal Aphrodisiacs

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Page 2: Mary Jane Superweed - Herbal Aphrodisiacs



Most of us know th.t th€ U.S. Govemm€nt Food & Drug Administration likes

ro pss lsws agEinst substances which cd get you stoned. Bnt are you aware that

dr.y also trke . dim view of nsrurop.thic (h€rb.l) nedicines? They hav€ alreadv

outlawed msny natuEl substaoc€s, and now the prbli. r€mains helpless once

again while th€ FDA threttens to Prohibit hsny mor€ herbs aod medicines such

a yohimbe, sat P€dro cactus, k.va-kava, lobelia, golden seal.nd ginseng. Ev€n

vitsmins may soon be mrd. prescliPtion only.

A very together no.-profit corporarion called lhe church of the Tr€e of Life

ha.s taken legar $€ps to prevent the FDA fiom oudawing Nalure's gifts. It hss

n.m.d as its s.ctamdts rll natural substances whicb ee srill legal but in dange.

of prohibitio.. o.her cburches which hav€ ried to declare gr&ss 6dd acid as

r4lments fdled io the courts b€.a!s these substances w€re dr€ady ille8.l.Th€ Nstive American Church. however, was allowed to continue using Peyotein its litual because this pEctice had been in eff€ct long before the l.es qdeparred. By est.blishing ss its sacrrments all preEntly legtl substances the Chu.ch

of the Tree of Life hs brought th€m under th€ Protection of Constitutrodt

glarmte. of religiols fteedom. Theoteri.ally their Position is leg.lly sonnd Aut

l.t's face the fscts. To sway fhe courts they will need s lalge tn€mbershiP. Ifyou value you. freedom of choice it may be wo.th your while to considerjoin-

ing this €nlidten.d dd non"dognatic chu.ch. A small donation ($r or mor€)

is r€commended to cover the materials th€y will send you. Ifyou ate fltt brok€

tnsy will not deny you membeNhip, if you tell them s and includ. a f€w

postage srtmps. If you s.nt mole information befor€ joining send th€m a

stamped s€lf-.ddr€ssed enveloPe. Their ad&ess is Church of the T!.e of Ufe'451 Colunbus Avenue, San Frtncisco, califomi.94133

Page 3: Mary Jane Superweed - Herbal Aphrodisiacs

ffierbal Aph rodisiacs

@ Copyright lgil - Srone Kingdes gyn6l;.o1u

I)editateti to all of our brothers and sisLers uit,o haue euer experienced a trulyu,onrlerjul orzusm, but especially to t.hose u'ho haue not.


What is an aphrodisiac? Everybody talks about aphrodisiacs, but no one seemsto know anvthing about them. Many so called "experts" insist that there is nosuch thing as an aphrodisiac. It is not surprising that only a few decades agomany of the same "experts" assured us that the idea of sexual pleasure andorqasm in the female was "totally absurd". Our own definition o[ aphrodisiacincludes substances which do any one or severai of the following things:Produce erections in the male, arouse sexual feeling by stimulation of thegenitals or nervous system, increase sensual awareness, relax inhibitions,augment phvsical energy,strengthen the gonads or other glandsinvolved in rex,improve sexual health, increase the production of semen, help conquer impotenceand frigidit,v (bearing in mind that these maladies are frequently of psychologicalorigin), overcome sexual exhaustion, and prevent premature ejaculation. Thisbook is about the chemistrv of sex, and natural substances which influence it.We willexplore not only'aphrodisiac materials as defined above,but.also tonicswhich aleviate iemale complaints, ease childbirth and add years tG your sexlife. We have also included a comprehensive chapter on nutrition and sex anddisclosed lor the first time a revolutionary method of birth control.


Since cantharides (Spanish Fly) is the rnost famous aphrodisiac in human con-versation let us deal with it first. It is the pulverized wing parts of a species o[beetle (Lytta vesicatoria). If taken internally even in minute doses it causesextreme irritation of the genitals, fever, painful urination and possible bloodydischarge, Sometimes - but not often - it produces an illusion of insatiablesexual desire. It is unreliable,dangerous.often fatal, and nearly always.causespermanent or long term injury. '1,-DOPA, (-)-3-(3,a-dihydroxyphenyl)-L-alanine,a nerv drug for the treatment of Parkinson's Disease increases sexual desirein some individuals. lt is an unreliable aphrodisiac with many unfavorable sideeffects too numerous to list here. 'In 1970 workers piping a new kind of gasinto homes in Harrogate, England noted that it made them feel drunk and in-creased sexual desire. l,ittle else is known about this gas as yet. ' PCPA,p-chlorophenvlalanine, causes hypersexual aggression in laboratory animals,

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but it also makes them vicious and can have harmful effects on several bodyorgans. 'Dr. Nicolas Venette, a 17th century medical author proclaimed borax,sodium tetraborate an excellent aphrodisiac. I do not advise experimentationwith this corrosive chemical. 'Amyl nitrite ampules, known as "poppers"were originally intended as a heart stimulant for people with cardiac disorders.They are now popular among "sexy" people, An Ampule is broken open andsniffed at the point of orgasm. It gives a brief flash for about 30 seconde whichintensifies sexual climax. They are relatively harmless if used occasionally,but I suggest that you not get hung up on them or any chemical stin,ulants.


YOHIMBE (Corynanthe yohinbe)-In ilerbal Highs I spoke of Yohimbe and itspsychedelic effects. I briefly mentioned quebrachine a.n aphrodisiac drug de-rived from the bark of this West African tree by reacting yohimbiline, one oIits alkaloids, with hydrochloric acid. In effect this is a way of shortcuttingthe digestion and assimilation of the alkaloid, When you drink the tea as de-scribed in Herbal Highs the alkaloids, yohimbine and yohimbiline must reactwith the hydrochloric acid in your digestive juices so that they become solubleand can be assimilated into your body. Recently at Stone Kingdom, we made aw-o1{erful discovery: If youadd l000mgof ascorbic acid (vitamin C) to each cupof Yohimbe bark tea the two will react ro produce yohimbine and yohimbilinla.scorbate, a very soluble and assimilable form of the two alkaloids, By doingthis you have a smoother and better trip with no tendency towards the slighinausea which sometimes accompanies the use of the tea, It comes on quicfertoo (10-15 minutes instead of 30-45). AIso its aphrodisiac qualities u."rno"upronounced. Yohimbe brings blood to the pelvic area and by stimulating thespinal nerves, encourages erections in the male as well as heightening seisualpleasure for both sexes. It acts as a stimulant to the parasympathetic nervouasys.tem in a way that brings out profound emotional feelings. During sex, loversfeel as though their bodies were disolving and merging into one another.

Qieug* under the influence of yohimbe is beyond belief. Its ellect is so power-ful that men and women who suf{er from psychological impotence and frigidityusually.overcome their mental and physical barriers and experience a reallygreat climax. A word to the wise, however: yohimbe is meant to be used forpleasure on occasion or, in cases of impotence and frigidity, until naturalconfidence is restored. Remembe": There is nothing in tLe influence of anyaphrodisiac tnat lovers cannot eventually learn to do b.r themselves. A man andwoman who turn on to each other is the world's .o"t po*erfrrl aphrodisiac.Yohimbe, like any other aphrodisiac is pleasurable and enlightening. It canteach you things about your body and its capacities which yotimaynier ha.rresuspected and help tofree you from use of the physically manifestej inhibitionswhich we have inherited from the enormous

"up"""go of pu"t generations. Butdon't let it or anything else become a crutch, forlhis wourd-not be freedom,but only.,another form of slavery, oSim.". 5-Btsp. of shaved bark or 3-6tsp. ofpowdered bark for 5 minutes in I pint of boiling water. Strain or filter, then addvitamin C, In Herbal Highs 6-10tsp. were recommended, but with the vitaminles_s i_s required. Yohimbe sometimes produces tingly feeling in the 6enitarsand pleasurable warm shivers through the back duiing interiourse. Ii is notphysically adicting-and there are no known harmful sile eflects. Ilowever, itshould never be taken with alcohol because this combination is very toxic.

DlrA (Alstonio scholaris) - This ree of the Apocynaceae (dogbane) familycomes from Eastern Asia and the Philippines. It'has attractive itrit", lrooo"tshaped flowers and is rarely seen in Am"iica, The bark used as u t"a hu" loog

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been a standard and effective folk medicine in Asia for lessening the distressof women's monthlies. In India a tonic is made from the seeds and bark. Theseeds - but not the bark - are a strong aphrodisiac. They contain a powerfulalkaloid, chlorogenine, Ce rHzoNzor, which helps a man retain erection anddelay orgasm during intercourse. The seeds are crushed in water and soakedovern ight.

N|GHT BLOOMING CEREUS (Cereus grondiflorus,,\ftll./ -This fragrant flower-ed cactus can be found in Mexico, Jamaica, and the American South West.Although it is often sold under the name "cactus flowers" it is the stem whichcontains the active ingredient, a drug with heart stimulating properites similarto digitalis. It is noncumulative, however. It has been used in the treatment ofprostrat€ diseases, nervous menstrual headache, and to overcome sexual ex-haustion. For the latter about % gra^ of the fresh plant is chewed or crushedin 2 cc. of brandy and allowed to soak for a few minutes before drinking. Theactive component is alcohol soluble. Although the fresh plant is best, in

Jamaica it is usually sold crushed and preserved in alcohol' In the AmericanSouthwest the Indians prefer to use the root. I don't know if there is any simi-larity,but the Indians of Bolivia concoct an elixer from alocal thornless cactuswhich is said to keep a man young up until the time of his death'

SENSITIVE PLANT: (Mimosa pudica) - This shrub (also known as humbleplant or touch-me-not) is found in Mexico, Central America and Brazil. It issometimes cultivated in the United States as an indoor and greenhouse curios-ity. The leaves of this plant are arranged in a sort of herringbone pattern alongthe leaf stem. If touched lightly they immediately fold together. The natives ofthe Amazon saturate the leaves with the root juices and plaster them to thesoles of their feet or over their breasts to give them extended sexual powerorgasm after orgasm. This may sound peculiar to our way of thinkin6, but thereare a surprizing numbecof similac techniques employed in folkmedicine through-out the world. In India, for example,powderedhenna is rubbed on the fingertips,scull and soles for one or two weeks as a cure for impotence and prematureejaculation. The fingertips are an excellent point of absorbtion as anyone whohas handled large quantities of [,SD well knows.

SARSAPARILLA (Snilax officianalis) - For many centuries the Indians ofMexico have used an infusion from the roots of this tropical American vine asa eure for physical debility, weakness and impotence' White rnen generally re'garded this treatment as a humorous example of superstitious medicine. Thenin 1939, Dr, Emerick Solmo, a Budapest scientist living in Mexico disc-.,eredthat the root was very rich in testosterone, the male sex hormone. Today mostof the testosterone manufactured for pharmaceutical use is derived from sarsa-parilla. Medical testosterone comes in two forms: testosterone ProPianate,which is administered by injection; and methyl testosterone, which is givensublingually, that is the tablet is held under the tongue for a few minutes untilit disolves and is absorbed into the buccal mucous lining of the mouth' It isnot swallowed because the chemistry of the digestive fluids would interferewith the proper assimilation of the hormone. Testosterone is employed to bringon secondary male sex characteristics in cases of retarded adolescence and toenlarge an underdeveloped penis. For older men it is used to rejuvenate theirsex drive, overcome impotence and improve general health and energy. Somephysicians have to a certain extent conquered baldness by rubbing testosteroneon the scalp regularly for several months to a year. I have not had the time oropportunity to test the effects of sarsaparilla extractions on baldness, but itwould be an interesting and harmless experiment for anyone who wished to tryit. If a man finds his sexual desires waning for physical (not psychological)

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reasons the daily use of testosterone will, in a matter of weeks not only restorehis erotic interests, but also improve his general health, vigor, appearance,muscle tone and productive energy, Curiously, however, if a man is alreadyhighly sexed the use of testosterone while it improves health, muscle tone, etc.and greatlyincreases creative energywill slightlydecrease his sexual desires-notenough to be regarded as impotence but enough to be noticeable. Sarsaparillaalso contains several other hormones including progesterone and cortin, anadrenal hormone which helps us to resist infectous disease and nervous de-pression. ' To make sarsaparilla tea simmer one or two heaping tablespoons ofthe dried root in a pint of water for five minutes. It will tend tn foam up so becareful that it does not boil over. Strain the liquid and, bearing in mind whatwas said about the incompatability of testosterone and the digestive acids, takesmall sips and let them linger in the mouth for a minute before swallowing.

OPIUM - If used correctly opium can be a most excellent aphrodisiac. In mod-erate doses it makes one open and susceptible to erotic suggestion. All opiumalkaloids havea stinrulating influence on the spinal cord like thatof strychnine,yohimbe and burra gokeroo in that they tend to produce erections. In additionthedrug acts as both a stimulant and relaxant and excites voluptuous fantasies.It has an anesthetizing cffect on the penile nerves in the glans; not enough todeprive a man of sensual pleasure but enough to delay orgasm. In the female itanesthetizes the rectal and vaginal nerves and has often been used to makeanal intercourse easier. The simplest and least wastelul way to smoke opiumis to place a tiny bead of it in the bowl of a long stemmed brass pipe. Hold thebowl over a candle flame or alcohol lamp so that the flame barely licks overthe top of the bowl. While tilting the stem at a 45 degree angle inhale deeplyand leisurely. Opium su,ells and bubbles rvhen heated. In its melted state ittends to clog the pipe, but if the bead is not too large and the pipe is kepttilted this problem is lessened. Although moderate doses are an effective aphro-disiac when given occasional use, more than just a few pipefuls has a reverseeffect and weakens the libido. Excessive longterm use can be dangerous anddebilitating and may destroy the sex drive. Constant and heavy use can become

a habit di{ficult to break. Also, don't forget that it is verv illegal and mostjudges are more <iown on it than grass.

GINSENG (Panax schinseng)- For over 5000 years Oriental men have consumedginseng root, daily to retain their virility. Many have been knorvn to fatherchildren while in their seventies. The Atherva Veda (the ancient medical ma.ru-al of India) says that it bestows on men both young and old the power of a bull.It is, however, not merely a temporary genital stimulant. It is a rejuvenator andreactivator of not only the gonads but of all the endocrines and the entireorganism. Recently Soviet scientists have isolated from the root three majorc.omponents: panaxin, panaquilom and schingenin, rvhich in combination streng-then the heart and nervous system and increase the flow of hormones. TheJeRussian scientists also ciaim that the rootgives offminute amounts ofa uniquetype of ultra-violet radiation which stimulates the healthy growth of rissueespecially in the endocrine system, and has a general healing and rejuvenatinginfluence on the body. They cali this subtle radioactive quality nitogeniiradiation. originally the plant was harvested from its natural habitat, but nowthat its agricultural peculiarities have been mastered it is mostly cultivated.Importers have conspired to keep its cost far above what it should be, Thehighest quality, Imperial Ginseng, is available to only the wealthiesr and mostimportant Chinese. The next grade, Korean Ginseng retails here for $?-gl5 perounce' After that comes American Ginseng - a different species (Panax quinque-foliun) - which is sold mostl' to Americans and poor chinese. It retails between

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$3 and g5 an ounce. The lowest nr"rt,, is Japanese Cinseng. Unfortunatelymany farmers have been sold Japanese seeds for Korean so the ginseng markethas been badly adulterated. Ginseng grows slower wild than cultivated. Wildginseng is usually not worth harvesting if it is less than ten years old. Threeor four year old cultivated roots, however, rvill often outweigh 30 to 40 year oldwild ones. Age increases quality and price. 'The best way to use ginseng isto thoroughly chew a pinch every 3 or 4 hours. Saliva helps to activate itsqualities. Some people like to make a tea from it by boiling I teaspoon o{ theroot filanients in a pint of water for ten minutes.'fhis is all right, but don'twaste the pulp.lt canbe used over several times and afterthat it can be chervedand swallowed. Better than that if you can get the pou'dered root mix l,l to %

teaspoon in a cup oI hot water. Ginseng tea should be sipped slowly allowingsmall quantities of the liquid to linger in the mouth and mingle with the sali-vary fluids before swallowing, Its rejuvenating influence on older men is gradualover a period of months. I have observed that when younger men take ginsengits aphrodisiac effects are noticeable more immediately. It is equally beneficialto both sexes, but since Asia has always been a male oriented society morehas usually been said of its value to that gender.

KOLA (Cola nitid.a) - The natives of S.ierra Leone and North Ashanti use thenut of this African tree as a nerve stimulant and aphrodisiac. They either chewor grind and brew them as a beverage. The nut contains as much caffeine ascoffee, but the kola oil is also a stimulant and regulator of metabolism. (see

HERBAL HIGHS) A convenient and economical n'ay to use kola is to put Iteaspoon of powdered Kola and 2 teaspoons of honey in a cup and stir them intoa paste. Then fill the cup *ith hot water, stir once more and sip slowly. Pre-pared this way it is a delicious beve"age. Excessive use of colfee can weakenthe sexual drive. Kola seems to lack many of the harmful properties of coffee,but it does contain caffeine so I do not advise indtrlging in more than one ortwo cups a day.

SAW PALMETTO (Serenoa repens)- This stemless palm grows most commonlyin south east€rn North America, especially in Florida, where many people enjoyeating the fresh berries. If the plant does not gpow in your locale, the driedberries are excellent too. They are very nutritious and act as a to[ic for theglandular tissues. They build strength and healthy body tissue very rapidly andtend to normalize body rveight. They are excellent for regaining health afterany wasting illness and have an anticatarrhal influence on sore urinary pass-ages. They are frequently used in cases of atrophy o[ the testes and mammaryglands.Some modestlydeveloped young ladies claim tohave noticed an increasein breast size after including the berries in their diet for a few months. They

are most famous for their ability to increase the production of sperm in the malewhen taken regularly. In this sense saw palmetto can be regarded as a trulybeneficial aphrodisiac. At least a teaspoonful of the dried berries should beeaten daily (unless you can get ihem fresh). They are most effective when takenalong with darniana tea.

DAI4IANA (Turnera diffuso) - This plant is found in tropical America andAfrica. It has already been discussed in Herbal Highs because smoking theleaves at the same time as drinking the tea produces a "gass like" high. Thetea hasdefinite aphrodisiaceffects and is anexcellent toniclor the reproductiveorgans oI both sexes. Many women find that a cup of damiana tea taken an houror tn'o before intercourse helps them to get really immersed in the sex act. Bothmen and women have reported that a cup of the tea with a little honey takenbefore retiring tends to encourage amorous dreams. It makes a delightlullyaromatic beverage which can be used regularly in place of tea or cof{ee without

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any harmful effects. In fact it is very healthful because of its tonic in{luenceupon the genitals and nervous system. It is usually most effective used incombination with saw palmetto. o On" or two heaping tablespoons should besteeped for five minutes in a pint of water.

STRYCHNINE (Strychnos nux uomico) - This tree grows in China, Burma, Indiaand Australia. If used correctly in the proper dosage, strychnine, the alkaloidfound in the seeds is an excellent medicine. It is useful as a stimulant andgeneral tonic especially in combination with other materials. It has served asa remedy for neuralgia, dispepsia, debility, chronic constipation and impotence.Its action in the latter case is effected by stimulation of the circulation, mus-cular system, and the spinal nerves, I can not, however, recommend it for useby unskilled hands. There is a very narrow margin between the useful and toxicdosages and tolerance varies coneiderably from one person to another. Becausethe percentage of the alkaloid within the seed can vary widely from tree to treeI will suggest no dosages for the raw material. There are other substancesmentioned in this book (Yohimbe and Burra gokeroo for example) which haveaction similar to strychnine but lack its dangers.

BURRA GOKEROO (Pedaliun murex) - ln India the seeds of this plant arecrushed and maCe into a tonic for the treatment of impotence. It also seems tohave a beneficial effect on the genito-urinary passages especially in cases ofmild infection and irritation. Some Asian doctors have used it successlully onolder people who have difficulty containing their urine.' One part seeds arecrushed and soaked for 24 hours in 20 parts water. The liquid is strained andand put up in bottles. One teaspoon is taken three times a day. It is best tokeep the bottle refrigerated to prevent the tonic lrom spoiling. Or else add Ipart pure grain alcohol to 9 parts tonic. Burra gokeroo appears to have I strych-nine like effect on the spinal cord which encourages erect.ions, but apparentlydoes not have the toxic dangers of the latter,

KELP (Mocrocystis yyrifero/ - This form of seaweed is found in the waterealong the California coast. It is rich in organic minerals essential to generalglandular health, and contains ten times as much iodine as iodized salt. Iodineis essential to the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland. This glandproducesa hormone which is needed to turn food into energy. Insufficient iodine cancause chronic fatigue, mental sluggishness, irregular and profuse menstruationand decrease of libido (sex drive). ' One teaspoon of kelp daily will correctmost defficiency induced thyroid abnormalities. Other substances needed forhealthy thyroid functioning are protein,vitamins C, E and B complex. A marvel-ous thyroid tonic can be made my mixing I teaspoon powdered kelp, I teaspoonwheat germ oil, I tablespoonyeast (from a healthfood store) and 500 mg. vitaminC in a glass of tomato juice. Shake or stir well before drinking. Kelp haecumulative benefits. People who use it regularly soon notice a marked increagein both sexual and general energy. Another highly nutritive seaweed lood ieDulse (Halymenia edulis & H. palmata) It is found along the British coast, andis one of the most well balanced mineral foods in the world. It cau be used alongwith or instead of kelp.

RED CAPSICUIA (Copsicun frutescens) - This hot spicy red pepper is grownin India, Japan, Africa, the East Indies and tropical America. There are severalqualities and potencies available, the most common is known in the markets ascayenne. It is regarded aa one of the purest and most positive stimulants inherbal medicine. It helps to purify the system, increases and equalizes the btoodcirculation, producee natural body heat, and wards off colds, When used on food

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it produces a strong burning sensation in the mouth but it does not cause any

physic.l injury. Those who have not acquired a taste for it may prefer to put itinto gelatin capsules. 30 to 125 mg. is the usual recommended dosage. Some

people like to make a powerful stimulant blendof equal-parts (powdered) Koreangin""ng, ginger and capsicum' Needless to say, the daily use of capsicum or

the blend quickly stirs up erotic energies.

COTTON ROOT /Gossypium herbaceum) - The root bark of this herb from Asia\4inor has been used for many centuries to encourage contractions in childbirth,ease labor pains and to bring on delayed monthlies' For this latter purpose itis safer and more effective than ergot. It is also useful for overcoming sexuallassitude in either ""*.

o T*o ounces of the root bark are added to one pint ofboiling water for three minutes. Strain the liquid and give doses of one wine-glassful no more often than three hours apart.

FO-Tl-TIENG (Hydrocotyle Asiatica minor) - The noted chinese herbalist ,

Li chung Yun, *." full of good advise on how ro retain ones youth, he_alth and

sexual v"igor throughout life and live to a vitally ripe old age- He advocated

strict vegetarianisir, believed that with the exception- o-f ginseng one.should

eat only f'ood that grew above the ground and recommended that one should keep

a quiet heart, "it "Iul-ly like a torfoise, walk sprightly. like a pigeon., and sleep

soundly like a dog- But his most important prescriP^tion. *?" th,".daily use of

Fo-ti-tieng, a loJgrowing planr of ihe penny*'ort family found in the jungle

marshes oi the Asian tropics. Unfortunately this worthy €tentleman d-ied in 1933.

But I suppose we should not feeI too badly because it is a matter of record with

the Chinese government that he was born in 1677. Li was 256 at the time of his

death and hid only recently married his twenty-fourth wife. He had his own

teeth and hair and look"d utoot 50 when over 200' Typically, the bulk of the

scientific world preferred to ignore something which surpassed. their under-

standing. But there were exceptions: The well known French biochemist, Julee

Lepineiound in the leaves and seeds of this plant an alkaloid which has a re-

juvenating influence on the nerves, brain cells and endocrine glands. Professor

illenier of"the Academis Scientifique near Paris made similar observations. The

famous Indian sage and guru, Nanddo Narian at the age of 10? in{ormed his

followers that thils herb iontains a missing ingredient in man's diet without

which we can never completely control disease and decay. Short term experi-

ments with Fo-ti-tieng (*ii"h in Chinese means elixer of long_life) show that

the daily use of % tel.poon of the powdered herb in a cup_ of hot (not boiling)water softens t.ny "ign" of aging, "r"h u" lines and wrinkles, improves diges-

tion and general healih, and has a calming effect on the nerves while tremen-

dously inlreasing physical and mental energies. Larger doses -- I 9t 2 table-

"poon" - act as in'aphrodisiac with cumulative effects especially when sexual

vitality is lagging.

MARIJUANA (Cannabis indica) - Anything which generally turns you on tolife is bound to turn you on to sexual pleasures. I think we all agree that sexand life are one, The aphrodisiac nature of marijuana has been tecogriized formany centuries. In India aphrodisiac bon-bons are made from the seeds and

leaves of cannabis mixed with musk and honey. It is not that marijuana has

any particular stimulating effect on the gonads, but rather that it relaxes the

mind- and body, diminishes unnecessary inhibitions, and opens one to sensualawareness. Recent scientific studies show that pot smokers engage in 60 to8O% more sexual activity than non-users. There is a possible reverse effect,however, that should be mentioned: Marijuana and other psychedelics have a

way of bringing out the truth. If a Person is with someone merely because ofgeneral unspecific horniness, fear of loneliness or any other dishonest motiva-

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tion rather than love or genuine sexual attraction, marijuana can turn him offinstead of on because it makes him aware of the deception. The two-sidedeffects of the more powerful psychedelics are even ro." p.onoun.ed. This doesnot mean that if your mate is tripping on grass or acid, but does not feel in themood for love that you should necessarily assume that it is all over betweenyou. Psychedelics can sometimes turn a person inward to his private contem-plations. .often they bring on floods of creative thought which temporarilyoverride all else. Genera.lly_, however, many couples find that a sharedloint ora {ew tokes of hashish before bed time is a x'onderful prelude to an eveningof love.


Wise men of ancient times including Aristotle, who held much influence withAlexander the Great, forbade the use of wild mint (Ilentha satiua) by soldiersin times of war because it aroused them eroticallyand took away their animosityand courage to fighr. In ancient Greece and ilaced.nia *ini tea was madestronger than it is in our countrl.'lhe correct way tomake minttea as was donein Aristotle's dav is to bring the water to boiling then remove the kettle fromthe flame and let it stand for one minute before pouring one pint of it over oneounce of the leaves. Let the leaves steep for three minutes n,ith the lid on theteapot before serving. Never boil mint tea because that will evaporate theessence. '.{ncient Egyptians, [Iindus and chinese were fond of liquorice roor.The pharaohs enjoyed a viralizing and refreshing beverage made of it calledmai su.s. The chinese chened the root to give them strengthand endurance.TheHindus made a tea of it with milk and honey to increase iheir sexual vigor. Theextracted juices of the fresh root are best for this purpose. If this is not avail-able a pound of the dried root can be cut into small pieces and boiled in 3pints of water. Strain the liquid and boil down to one quart. serve with honeyand milk. This combination has been also found to be soothing for ulcers. In1950 it was discovered that liquorice root contained substantial quantities ofestrogen, the female sex hormone, t Vanilla is another well known flavoringsubstance which has unquestionable aphrodisiac qualities. Madamme DuBarriused to serve it to her lovers to keep them perpetually ready. obviously thesmall amounts of vanilla used to flavor ice cream and desserts ar" lia.dlyenoupih to lead a person to the bedroom. l,arger quantities are needed. If any-one wishes to experiment with this substance it is best that they begin wiihone or two pods and gradually increase the dose, llxcessive amounts oivanillacan have toxic ef{ects. Vanilla flavoring is extracted from the bean pods of thevine, Vonilla planifolia, a member of the orchid family. Workers who handlethese pod.s daily often develop severe skin irritation. It is curious that manyscholars believe that Satyrion, the legendary aphrodisiac of the Greeks, wasactually the root of orchishircina-another member of the orchid family-servedin goats milk. t Several plants of the pepper family have a hist.ory as aphro-disiacs: Motico leoves (Piper angustifolium) have been used as a sex stimulantby the.Peruvian Indians for manv centuries. one talbespoon of leaves is addedto e-ach cup of boiling water. Aiter a minrrte the pot is taken off the flame. Itis then allowed to stand for half an hour. Then the liquid is strained and putoutside in the cold air (a refri6;erator wiil do), and later it is served chilled.cubeb pepper berries (Piper cubebal are also well known for their abilitv toarouse libido. The dried berries can be run through a pepper grinder and usedas a condiment or crushed and brewed r" u t"u. The siimuiating componentappears to be the volatile oil. This can be extracted with brandy or pure grainspirits. In china an infusion of the leaves is used for exciting und

"ir"ngih"n-ing the male organ. Those rvho have read Herbal Highs are fuuri"liu. with airothermember of the pepper family, Kovo-kovo (piper mithysticum) the root of this

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plant is brewed as a pleasant and harmless narcotic beverage in the South SeaIslands. Alcohol extracts Kava resin and can be evaporated off. Saliva acti-vates the resin. A dab during oral love makes a woman's clitoris feel warm andtingly. ' A jui." extracted from the root of Sqtqvor, a climbing plant of hidiais mixed with honey, nilk and clarified butter. This pleasant tasting combina-tion increases the secretion of semen in the male and corrects many disordersof the female and male genitals. The root of another botanical from India,Spreoding Hogweed, is ground int, a powder and applied to the soles of thefeet te delav ejaculation. It will be remembered that elservhere in this book twoother instances of this unusual method of application rvere cited - Henna andSensitive plant. There are two kinds of Spreading Hog*eed found in India: redand white. Ilhite is the one rvhich is used. ' Gotu Kolo is a member of thepennyrrort famill closelv related to Fo-ti-tieng. It is native to India, the nearbyislands of India and parts of South .{frica. In these places it is used as a bloodpurifier and brain energizer. { ferv fresh, rarv leaves eaten daily rvill revitalizethe brain and sex organs. It is also used to prevent nervous breakdown. TheSinhalese have a saying about this herb: "Two leaoes a day keep old ageaway." If the seeds are obtainable it can be grown in hot houses or outdoorsin warm clinrates. The plant favocs net marshlands. If the lresh plant is notavailable, the dried le.v"s can be sprinkled on food or made as a tel. o.{notheraphrodisiac from [ndia, Koisundo, is an annual usually found near pools, irri-gation ditches and other wet places. 'lhe seeds are crushed in milk and honeyor combined with other stimulants and aphrodisiacs to treat impotence. A pastemade from the seeds is applied to the walls of a loose vagina to contract itand make it a tighter fit to give greater p[easure to the male, ' Another astrin-gent herb which is used as a douche before intercourse to tighten the vaginais Kino rcol (Cerdniun macuLatum)also known as wild alum. The broken rootpieces can be boiled as a tea for this purpose and used again several times. Orone level teaspoon of the powder can be disolved in % pint of boiled water.Allow to cool belore using. ' Muiropuomo bork is chewed or boiled as a tea bynatives of the Amazon and Orinoca basins in South America, It contains a resinwhich has strong stimulant and aphiodisiac qualities. Six to ten teaspoons ateboiled for l5 rninutes in one pint of water. I find it unpleasant to chew thebark because the wood splinters tend to catch in the throat. Some people smokethe bark {or a stimulating high, but I find the smoke excessively harsh. Thetea, however, is pleasant enough. ' Another exotic stimulant is Guoioc borkfrorn South America and the West Indies. Its active constituant is the resin.One ounce of the shavings is boiled l5 minutes in one pint oI water. One table-spoon of this liquid is taken three times a day. It is often used in combinationwith sarsaparilla a" a blood pucifier. ' In Arabia Yemenite men consume largeamounts of nutmeg to increase virility. I would not recommend more than a

level teaspoon at a time, because more than that is likely to make a personfeel sluggish rather than stimulated. o Ginger is an invigorating stimulant forboth the gonads and the body in general. The dried root or root powder can be

boiled as a tea with a dash of cloves and nutmeg thrown in to improve flavor.It is most powerful, bowever, when the fresh root is chewed. It seems hot tothe taste,but does no damage tothe mucous ruembranes.I have found lhat chew-ing a {ew small pieces oI the fresh root (an old Chinese cure) will wipe out an

oncoming cold or case of flu in less than 30 minutes if used immediately at thefirst symptoms. t The Callahuayos of Bolivia boil the seeds of vilco (Anade-nanthera colubrina) in honey and water and use it as a stimulant and aphrodisiac,Vilca seeds are also used as a powerful and intoxicating snuff. I doubt if theseeds can be easily procured in our own country. ' Thet" is a long list of con-diments and spices rvhich have had an impressive history as erotic stimulantsespecially among the ancient Greeks and Ronrans. These include onise, thyme,morjorom, bosil, rosemory, soge, sayory, boy leof, celondine, myrrh, cinnomon,

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olspice, benzoin, ond colomus. The stimulating effect of most of these spiceswould probably be felt only by a person who has been for some time on, Llanddiet' The regular use of well seasoned foods inures us to most of these mildstimulants. calamus is a differont matter, however. Asarone, the essential oiloI Acorus calamus (also called sweet flag root) contains substantial quantitiesof TMA-2, a substance closely related to mescaline and lB times as potent. o

Jimson weed (Datura stramonium) and related plants have been used for seduc-tion, but they are dangerous and merely stupefy the victim and render herhelpless. This can not be called erotic behaviour between consenting adults.


Some people (mostly of the last generations) who were uncomfortable with theirs,exuality required medicines to subdue their erotic urges rather than transgresstheir inhibiting puritanism by finding normal outlets for their needs. For"themherbal doctors have prescribed wineglass doses of either Lody's Smock(Cardamine pratensis) or Pussy willow (Salix discolor) I oz. per pint boilingwater. on the other hand many of us are unwittingly consuming substances whichhave a destructive effect on our sexual health.Lunch meatsiu"h u" liverwurst,bologna, pastrami- and hot dogs contain large amounts of potassium nitrate(saltpeter). This ehemical was frequently sprinkled on prisoner's food to stiflesexual desire. Also devitalized foods like ihese displace nutrient foods in ourbodies and weaken our potency and general healih. Tobacco depietes ourerotic powers, and -as everyone knows- kissing a person who smokes is likekissing an ashtray. Birth control pills upset the normal hormone balance inwomen and frequently cause loss of libido and frigidity. Toxic preservativesand chemical additives help to make women frigid and turn men into sexualweaklings. Because it relaxes our inhibitions a little alcohol (preferably whitewine)-can sharpen cupid's arrow, but even a little too much can dull it. A cupof coffee on occassion may give us a lift and possible waken our sexual vigoiduring a moment of laziness, but excessive and habitual coffee drinking dJi-nitely weakens sexuality. other offenders are aspirin compounds, menthJl, andtoo frequent use of citrus_fruit (especially limes), acid drinks, vinegar, verbainand valerian' Many people find cocaine a wonderful aphrodisiac

"and I havefound no indications of harm in the moderate use of this illegal substance. Apopular thrill in south American countries where the "o". bulh (ErythroxyLrmcoca)grows is to rubthe penis with coca leaves before intercourse. Thl"d"l.y"ejaculation, creates the illusion (for the male) that his organ is gigantic andincreases the intensity of orgasm. A dab of cocaine on the head of the penisgives a man great staying power. on the clitoris it heightens a woman's tpleasure.Exces_s snuffing of cocaine destroys the olefactory i"ru"" (sen.. of smell) andmay ultimately weaken sexuality.


Culpepper, one of the most respected of the early herbalists once wrote ofprickly. osporogus: "A decoction of the roots boiled in wine being taken fastingseveral mornings together stirreth up bodily lust in a man or w6men whateversome hath written to the contrary". Folklore and a multitude of herbalists con-firm this statemenr and hold thai the use of either the roots, stalks or seeds iseffective. several modern authorities have expressed their doubts about theplant's usefulness as a love stimulant and insist that the phallic appearanceof the shoots were the sole foundation for any such claims. I have'found ascientific basis for the vegetable's salacious reputation, however, which mayPermanently end this dispute, The metabolism of protein in our bodies produces

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excess amounts of ammonia which linger in our tissues and make us tired,sluggish, irritable and sexual uninterested. Asparagus contains substantialquantities of aspartic acid, an amino acid which neutralizee and removes thesewaste products. Experiments with potassium and magnesium salts of asparticacid have overcome cases of chronic exhaustion and increased sexual respon-siveness in a matter of days. Asparagus is also rich in potassium, phosphorusand calcium, all necessary for maintenance of a high energy level. Soybconrand beeis are also abundant in aspartic acid, Beets have a reputation as anaphrodisiac food dating back to Greek and Roman times. 'Gorlic, the deliciouslittle bulb whose odor has a reputation for driving away vampires (as well asnearly everyone else) has many aphrodisiac qualities for the one who has eatenit if not for the one who has to kiss the one who eats it. If grown in the propersoil it contains adequate amounts of iodine necessary to healthy thyroid func-tion. In India men rub a mixture of garlic and lard on the penis and back tosecure a powerful erection, The Ammites of China, one of the most lasciviouspeoples in the world, credit much of their lustiness to the large quantities ofgarlic they consume. 'Throughout Eastern Europe the Gypsies use large por-tions of row pumpkin seeds as a food and recognize that this prevents prostratedisorders and preserves male potency, The raw seeds contain hormones whichare good for the genito-urinary passages and promote male hormone production.They are also a rich source of phosphorus, B vitamins and unsaturated fattyacids. All of these nutriments, as *e shall explain Iater in this book, are es-sential for a healthy sex life. o Celety - especially the seeds - has long beenknown for its benefits as a stimulant for sexual health. ' Men working inchocolate factories and drinking cocoo and milk to near excess have reporteda notable increase in sex drive. This may have been due to the stimulatingalkaloid, theobromine found it that beverage. I can not recommend unusualquantities of hot chocolate as a love potion, however' Too much coca robs thebody of calcium and tends to clog the kidneys. Also, the large amounts ofsweetener - natural or synthetic - taken with the drink are not good for ourbodies. ' Hon.y has been creditted with aphrodisiac properties, But this dis-coverywas made inthe earlier ages before large,commercial enterprises startedrefining it and adulterating it with sugar or corn syrup (regardless of what theysay on the lable). If you use honey, buy the dark, unclarified kind from a rePu-table health food store - preferably one which is a member of OM, the OtganiclVterchants. Actually the sexual and nutritional qualities of honey are due to thepresence of pollen granules.Pollen is a food we are not used to. It is deliciouspluin o. sprinkled on desserts or in milk shakes. It is high in protein, vitaminC, B nitamins and minerals. lt also contains substances which stimulate theproduction of sex hormones, o Erotic stimulation has been attributed to many

ioods. We will present a list at the end of this section. Often the potency ofthese victuals has been greatly exaggerated. Nevertheless there is a definiteconnection between nutrition and healthy sexual function. The etimulatingeffect of certain foods, condiments and herbs depende greatly upon what thebody is accustomed to.. For example: if a person who has been a strict vege-hrian for a long time were to eat a large rare steak,he would feel a tremendouerush of blood pressure within 15 minutes' his face would become flushed, hisbody warm and his (or her) sexual urges would be most intense. Aftera fewmo"L si*ilar dinners, however, he *oul-d become accustomed to the etimulatingsubstances in meat and his reactions would no longer be so Pronounced' Here

is p list of traditionally aphrodisiac foods which have not as yet been mentionedin this book; Fish, shellfish (especially oysters), caviar, shad roe, cod-liveroil (experiments prove this works)' wild game, liver, kidneys, tripe, animaltestes, lobsters, crabs, crayfish, shrimp, milk, eggs, carrots' turnips, artichokes,Iegumes, radishes, horseradish, paprika, mustard, saflron, gentian, chia seeds,curry, cardamoms, figs, fresh fruit (especially grapes and cherries but not too

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much citrus),,yeast products, mushrooms and truffles.

SEX ANO NUTRITIOI{Now that we have begun to understand the influence of vitamins, minerals andother nutriments on general heallh more people are taking a positive and activeinterest in seeing that they and their families are provided correctly with allofthese necessities.'lhis is not a fad; it is common sense. I{e know how.detri-mental it would be if we should fail to supply our automobiles with the correctoil, water and gasoline. It is even more important with our bodies. They areliving machines with specific needs which we must understand. We should nottreat them badli'or feed them junk. Unlike our cars rve can not trade them infor ner,ones when thev break down.General health influences sexual health, ofcourse. The condition of our nerves, blood, arteries, heart, muscle tone anddigestion can greatlydetermine our abilities in bed. Our sexuality is not merelyin our gonads. It permiates everv cell in our bodies. A motto to remember:YOU ARE YOUR SEX ORGAN. One of the farthest organs from the genitals isthe pituitary gland. It lies at the base of the brain and has more to do with oursexuality than any other single organ in the body. It is often called the mastergland because it produces hormones which in turn influence the hormone pro-duction of all other glands. It is divided into tn,o sections: the anterior pitui-tary and the posterior pituitary. Generally speaking the anterior influences malesexual activity (sex hormone and sperm production and masculine personalitytraits) while the posterior influences {emale activity (sex hormone and milkproduction, uterine contractions during labor and feminine personality traits).AIso, this double sided gland prevents prernature aging of the sexual organsand early menopause. These remarks are a simplit'ied description of pituitaryactivities. It is infinitely more complex. 'Io function properly this gland re-quires ample protein, B vitamins (especially 82, pantothenic acid and choline)and vitomin E. 'lhe latter (often called the sex vitamin) is found in greater con-centration in the pituitarythan anywhere else in the body.lt particularly effectsthe anterior pituitary's influence on male hormone production. This is onereason why men who have been taking large doses of vitamin E or wheat germoil usually notice a marked increase in their sexual capacities. The antioxy-dent nature of this vitamin helps to retard the aging process. It also protectsthe sex hormones from oxydizing. Extreme deficiencv of vitamin E can lead towasting diseases, weakness of the muscle tissues, disorders of the repro-ductive glands, incurable degeneration of the testes, sterility, miscarriige,stillbirth-s, and spontaneous abortion, vitamin E has been used succ"s=fullyto treat difficult menopause symptoms; hot flashes, backache, excess menstruaifl9w, high blo-od pressure and muscle pains. It also improves heart response.This is an advantage for athletes of both the outdoor and "indoor" uari"ty.since it is non-toxic 400 to 1600 units or more can be taken daily without anyill effects.'lhe only circumstances under which large amounts of the vitaminmight be unadvisable are where the person is alreaJy receiving insulin, digi-talis orheavv doses oI iron.Vitamin E is found in raw, unrefined-vegetable oilsunroasted seeds and nuts, and raw wheat germ. If you buy the vitamin itself get400 unit capsules of natural mixed tocopherols. Synthetic vitamin E requiressix times the natural dosage to approximate the same results. a Vitomin Arvorks hand in hand with vitamin E- lf you are using lots of E you should alsoget 2ir,000 units of A. t Unsoturoted fotty ocids (sometimes called vitamin F)are nece.ssary for the proper assimilation of A and E. They are required fornormal gland activitv and have been used ro treat prostate and mensirual dis-orders. I'hev are found in rarv oils along with E. Abundant use of vitamin Fincreases sexual. potency. 'Daily use ol cod-liver oil has been found to aug-ment the sex drive. It is rich in vitamins A and D. The latter hu" u *.uy Jfenergizing the body at the same time as relaxing it. a The hormones of the

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adrenal and prostate glands are extremely rich in vitomin C so tve ntust keepthem well supplied x'ith this substance. Besides its many other uses in protect-ing us from colds and spinal problems, this vitamin also prevents varicoseveins in pregnant women. Combined with B complex vitamins it helps to regu-late the flow of female sex hormones. Although the National Research Council(the government agency which sets the minimum daily requirements) tells usthat 30mg per day is sufficient, this amount for most people is barely enoughto prevent scurvy, rvhich is the l'inal stage of C deficiency. .{ctually most of usshor:ld take about 3,000 mg daily (1,000 with each meal) ' \ll of the B complexvilomins influence the production of sex hormones in both the male and female;all are necessary for general health. Some of the B vitamins have very speci{iceffects on sexual health and bedroom ability. Bl is required to convert bodyfuels into energli. Deficiency soon results fatigue, depression, anxiety andapathy. 82, the youth vitamin, keeps the skin lustrous and alive. 83, niacin,overcomes schizophrenic tendencies rvhich no one h'ants in a lover. Cholinekeeps the arteries voung. Biotin preserves mental health and appetite. AndB12 helps to control de6leneration of the central nervous system. Deficiencl'of this vitamin in men results in sterility. In women during the embrionic stageof pregnancl'812 deficiencv may deform the child with hair-lip, cleft palateor blindness.,{nother important B vitamin of which you may trever have heardis vitarnin lll5 (pongomic ocid.) Its function is to bring oxygen, the supporterof Iife, to all the tissues. Because of this it helps to pcevent premature intpo-

tence, and most degenerative diseases including old age. Rats that rvere givenlarge doses of 815 had extended periods o{ youth and nearly doubled theirlife span.The reasonyou maynever have heard of it is because informationhas been suppressed. \ritamin B15 is illegal in this countrl. You can not evenget it on prescription. It is used freely and with much success in manv othercountries including the Soviet tlnion. Why has the Food Drug Administrationforbidden Americans to use it? They explain that it has not been properlytested, but have nrade no attempts to test it themselves. 'lhey sav that it may

have some toxic side effects. Yet the toxic dose is 10,000 times the therapeu-tic dose.Conrpare this to the toxic dos-e o[ aspirin of any of the nonprescriptioncold medicines (none of which do anv good)' If you love the American \ledicalAssociation you had best avoid this vitamin' Think of how much monev (and

power) they will lose if the incidence of arterial sclerosis, heart disease and

cancer in the [Jnited States'is vastly reduced. If you seek a long, healthv and

sexually active Iife you will have to get the forbidden vitamin from naturalsources. Yeast products are quite good, but by far the richest sourcc of vitanrinBl5 is the kernel of the apricot. These Iittle aimond-like nuts are a favoritefood of the l{unzas, those incrediblv healthy people of the Himalayas who have

no doctors and usually live to be well over a hundred' There is more in the

apricot kernel than vitamin Bl5, but we will talk about that later in this book.d D"fi"i"n"y in iron results in tired blood. An anemic person is alnrost bound

tn be a failuie in bed.lron isbest absorbed from natural foodsources along rvithvitamin C. It is found abundantly in most vegetables, fruits and meats, and isespecially plentiful in liver and yeast. The rnain problem rvith iron is that it isdifficult for some people to absorb it into their system. An apple eaten after a

meal tremendously asiists the absorbtion of iron. t Polossium, mognesium and

colcium are important in our sex lives because they help to overcome exhaus-tion. o Mongonese is important in reproduction and the proper lunction of the

nammaryglands. aZincplays a significant roll inthe growth and maturity of the

male sexial organs. Deiicien"y results in unhealthy changes in the structureand size of the prostate gland 'l'here is more zinc in the male reproductivesystem than anywhere else in the bodv. The highest concentration is in the

prostate and seninal fluids and most of all in the sperm cells. \lore than 60%

of America's soil is deficient in zinc' Artificial fectilizers are largely to blame.

Page 16: Mary Jane Superweed - Herbal Aphrodisiacs


Some of the best sources are nuts, seeds (especially pumpkin, sunflower andsesame seeds), liver and yeast. a There is a'larger'pr'opoiri.n .i-i".irt in i,the brain' central nervous sysrem and seminal n-i"a" ir,"i i;;;;;;;; part ofthe body' It must be replaced after orgasm. Good sources u.",inJin"d u"g"-table oils, unroasted seeds or nuts,.anJ eqgs- G-erman phy"iliun"-ur"no*u"inglecithin tablets to rreat neurasthenia .""-u'riing r.on,.

""*,iul l"iiir,y. i proteinstarvation is the most prevalent form of maliutrition in the worrd today. yetprotein is found in ne_arly alr the natural foods we..t. ii" f."it"-, i" ttrtprotein. is composed of amino acids. Many ot these we can fo.,i in-ou. Uoai""Irom other amino acids, but eight of them we can not construct so it is essen-tial that_we get them from-food. All eight are found together in meat, fish, fowl,eggs and.dairyproducts..lf yoy...." a vegetarian you must get plenty of soybeans(one of the few vegetables which have all eighi) o,

"l"""kno'* to'*-io.oruin"your foods so that one supplements what is licking in the other. Thr"

"oo,pl"*subject of food combinations^will be persued at l""ngth in unoth"r-book. tf'youare. interested-please read stone Kingdorn's Statem"ent to tt" p"opi" on thuinside cover of this book. One of the e-ight essential urino u"id", i.el"nin" i"especially important in our-sex lives. It"comprises Bgqo of *" "1".111"""tt". ndeficiency leads to loss of sexual instinct iir both men and *#;;. [n malesit- may result in impotence, sterility, and decrease in production and mobility

of sperm cells. Tryptophane, also one of. rhe eight, if lu"ling ".n-f.ru"ni n"orn"n

from conceiving-and may cause testicle degJneration in the male. Deficientlvsine can also lead to reproductive p.obre'"s. o nil this;;rk;;;; iutrition,|;:,tl^.::O^::l,i1rl l.r-seem

important ro many of us now *hile rve u.. younsand have abundances of sexual energy. But what we do now determines howthings will be Iater. A ,little wisdori" put to practice can protect us againsr.decline in the future and add,nor" """t to ou'r love ri""" a'rJ"g tlr-"-pre""nt.


Pulsotillo /Amemone oulsatilla) is one of the best medicines for menstrualdifficulties, painful di'smenorrhea, and for nervous exhaustion or weakness ofll:_g":::1r:':_:.q..": in both sexes. It is not sold in this country l""uu=" u..ylarge doses can be toxic. A safe dose is 2 to 5 drops of the iluid extract in!:up.*1r"._every few.hours starting;, dt before the period is due. oBluecohosh (c.aulophyllum tharictroide.s )-i"" u gooa

"ri"iii","."u=J-."J ,lr-"0"." p",cue of boiling water 3 times daily before mials. rt .t". r,"ipI t, l.inf lit "n"""and to ease labor' Block €ohosh .(-cimicifuga racemosa) is also useful, butsmaller doses must be used to avoid nuu."u."Boir 2 teaspoons in l pint *.t",

:_n"d:"k".2 ta.blespoons of this liquid 6 tir"" Lily. ; i"'"rj""fi.*"rti"o,tr"n

retreves tensron durina mens^es, Steep I teaspoon per cup, a H"U cup dosesofrloz' po.wdered Life Ho-ot (se.neci-o Lu-r"u"f in-one pint water can be taken 4times daily-until results for delayed 'n"n""".

. on" ruile"poor.r f"*i"."a a*r.,l:^o|.(lr:,rlt"^:r:,"t\^) in one pinr boiling water taken i" *ir"i."" io""".,1::::r1,,t.":,daily is good for excess menstruation, lax uagini, and variousdisorders of the uterus. l Cinchono bork, from which quinine'i" i"rilr"a, ul"ohelps-stop excess menstruation. on. t"u"poon powdered bark is added to onecup of hot wine.Take Zcup about noon and the rist ;"i;;.;;.,"g:li;".rp"a day of.Cromp bork teo -- I t.u"poon per cup of boiled wateg steeped t hourand d,runk cold - helps to relieve ,,"n"t.uul:.;r;":-tdi ,"i i"r'iiror*ir^prunifolium) checks pain and excess bleeding during period".-u""a-""u"rutli:::*,lt_":mencing 3 or ! wg6k. before deliv?ry it hili" pr"u"nt

^i""urriug".Use tablespoon doses oI I oz. in I pint boiling'water.'.'R.d Rospberry liofleo is used for painful mensrruation und to "u"""childbirth. Mi* t"u,Jiii-o.ung"

iuice' Take 3 times daily during final month. . other tt.ri" t". r"ru*inf ,r"rin"

Page 17: Mary Jane Superweed - Herbal Aphrodisiacs


muscles during pregnancy are: Spikenord" corrol seeds/ yumq, ond molherworl.One teaspoon per cup 3 times daily.'A pinch of Goldenseol rootpowder in t{cup water taken upon awakening prevents morning sickness. Another prevent*tive of morning sickness is Colombo (Cocculus palmatus) Steep 1 teaspoon ofthe root in a cup of boiled water for 11 hour. Take I teaspoon of the strainedliquid 3 to 6 times daily. 'Drink Alfolfo teo as ofren as you wish during preg-nancy alld nursing. It is rich in calcium. Avoid cocoa, regular tea, spinach,rhubarb and beet tops. They contain oxalic acid which interferes rvith calciumabsorbtion. Always increase vitamin C intake during pregrancy.a In the CanaryIslands mothers apply fresh Costor oil plant Ieaves to their breasts to increasethe flow of milk. In some islands Iightlv bruised and roasted papaya leaves areused for the same purpose. o Southern l\egroes use Broom Corn seeds (Sorghumuulgare) as a remedy for genito-urinary, bladder and kidney disorders. 2 oz. oIseeds in I quart of water boiled down to I pint. One tablespoon of the strainedIiquid is taken in a glass of water 20 minutes before mealtimes. . TroilingArbutus (Epigaea repens) - 1 oz. to a pint of boiled water - is also good forurinary irritations. t Tablespoon doses of expressed juice from leeks 3 timesdaily has been used to overcome barrenness and sterility. It is most effectivewhen used with Spcedwell teo (Veronica officicianalis) 2 oz. per pint boilingwater taken in r/2 cup doses. Colnip ieo has been used for the same purpose.o Boyberry Teo is an excellent douche because of its beneficial effects on thefemaie organs- Molherwort, Eucolyptus and Whire Ook bork teo3 may be usedalone or in combination as a douche for minor vaginal irritations or mild yeastinfections. Always cooi and thoroughlv strain tea before douching.Goldenseolroot contains hydrastine, a powerful but safe anit-infectant. A pinch of thepowder can be added to the douche for this purpose.'Sqro* weed leo is afinegeneral female tonic popular with the North American Indians.


Yohimbe, sarsaparilla, kola, saw palmetto, damiana, kelp, red capsicum, Fo-ti-tieng, Iiquorice root, matico, cubeb peppers, kava-kava, henna, gotu kola, Kinoroot, muirapuama, guaiac, celandine, myrrh, benzoin, gentian, blue cohosh,black cohosh, passionflowet, life root, beth root, speedwell, baybe-rry, eucalyp-tus, white oak bark, squaw weed, cinchona, black haw, red raspbirry leaves,spikenard, carrot seeds, yuma, motherwort, colombo, celery seeds, trailinguibutu", and goldenseat are available from Magic Garden, P.O. Box 332, Fairfax,California 94140' Most packages are about I oz' for $l' Goldenseal powder is$1 for 1,/3 oz. Nutmeg, saffron and ginger are found in any super market-Ginseng, pumpkin seeds, pollen, chia seeds, alfalfa tea and apricot kernels are

most inexpensively available at your local health food stores. If they don'thave them they can order them.


Loctrite, also called vilomin Bl7, destroys cancer cells without harming normaltissue. As might be expected the FDA has declared it illegal. It was discoveredand developed by one of the most respected scientists of this centur/, ErnstKrebbs, sr., and his son Ernst Krebbs, jr, How it works will be described more

thoroughly soon in a Stone Kingdon book called Mego-heolth. But I will outlineit briefly here because it shows us what cancer is andbydoing soopenstousan amazing new system of birth control: When the egg and sperm cells uniteat conception the new cell formed begins dividing. When four new cells areformedoneof these (the zygote) separates and continues to reproduce itself.Under the influence of estrogen hormone the other three divide into new types

Page 18: Mary Jane Superweed - Herbal Aphrodisiacs


of cells called trophoblasts. These trophoblast celis eat a niche in the uteruswall. Later, when the zygote cells have multiplied tc a cluster of 5I2 cellsthey move to the uterus wall. One of these zygote cells separates and takes itsplace in the niche cut by the trophoblasts and begins developing into theembryo. The remaining 511 cells stand b1' and wait. In the sixth week of preg-nanc)' the stand$y cells separate and enter the embryo. About B0% of thern goto the area of the gonads where later in life they participate in the productionof sperm or egg cells. The other 20% scatter elsewhere throughout the bodywhere theyremain without srgni{icance unless estrogen activates them todivideinto trophoblasts, If this happens we have cancer - because cancer cells andtrophoblasts are one and the same thing. Norr'rally in the post natal body or theprenatal uterus trophoblast activity is kept under control by a pancreaticenzyme, If this enzyme is deficient, cancer results. Chemically, laetrile is a

cyanide molecule safe,ly sandwiched between two other molecules. Don't cringeat the thought of cyanide. It is always present in the body, since it is a normalproduct of metabolism just like ammonia and carbon dioxide (these too arepoisons). Our body cells produce an enzyme (rhodanese) which neutralizesmetabolic cyanide before it can harm our tissues. Trophoblast cells, however,donot produce this protective enzyme.lnstead they manufacture another enzyme(beta-glucuronidase)whichreleasesfrom the laetrile the deadly cyanide (deadlyto the trophoblasts only) right at the site of lhe cancer. In brief the cancer cellcontains the perfect trap for its own destruction but no defense, while thenormal cell contains the perfect defense against the cyanide but no trap. Well,if laetrile can destroy abnormal cancerous trophoblasts why shouldn't it do thesame to normal ones in the pregnant uterus? This theoretically sound possibil-ity prompted the people at Stone Kingdom to set up an underground laboratorvto study the potential of laetrile as a birth control; first on rats, then on

humans. It is illegal in the U.S.A. to use laetrile on human cance, Patients.But laetrile (vitamin Bl?) is derived from the kernels of apricots where itoccurs naturally and in abundance. We have recently found that if a cancerpatient's digestion is still functioning properly he can assimilate the laetriledirectly from the apricot kernels, but they ntust be chewed thoroughly. Sincethis is so the kernels should also prove to be an effective contraceptive- Ourtheory has received some stronB verification. First we Iearned of several casesof miscarriage in pregnant women who were taking laetrile for cancer. Then we

found out that for centuries Polynesian girls have eaten a handful of papayaseeds daily to avoid pregnancy before marriage- Many mod American girls on

Maui are now enjoying the same freedom' Laetrile is found in many kinds ofseeds- Papaya seeds are a very rich source. The evidence is becoming soclear that we decided io announce this possibility even before our experimentswere completed. Our planet has a problem of population (among other problems)'StoneKingdorn does notwant to keep its experiments secret so that it may catchthe glory {or the discovery later. We niust keep each other informed of possiblesolutions now. Knowledge belongs to the people. The daring among you maywish to experiment on yourselves with apricot kernels. Twenty-five a dayshould be enough. Assuming that it works you would become pregnant for no

more than 24 hours before having a tiny unnoticeable miscarriage. Unlike "thepill"if you skip a day it will not greatly matter. Those of you who do not wantto rely on an unproved contraceptive may take the kernel as an added precautionalong with your present method. At the very least they are tremendously nutri-tious.- Mary the Breath of Cod bringknoutledge and wisdon to the minds of men.

N,I. J. S.

Page 19: Mary Jane Superweed - Herbal Aphrodisiacs

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Page 20: Mary Jane Superweed - Herbal Aphrodisiacs

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