Our COsmiC DanCe  Preparation for 2012 Mary Magdalene As told to Carolyn Evers Copyright © 2009 Cosmic Connections Ltd Download from http://www.metatronminutes.net/MaryMagdalene/mmagdalene_ebook.htm 

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Our COsmiC DanCe  

Preparation for 2012 

Mary Magdalene

As told to Carolyn Evers

Copyright © 2009 Cosmic Connections Ltd

Download from http://www.metatronminutes.net/MaryMagdalene/mmagdalene_ebook.htm 

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Copyright © 2009 Cosmic Connections (International) Ltd

An energy worker

I am considered an energy worker. This title is not given in the Bible as it would have been a strange

word to those who compiled the texts that comprised the Bible. Even today this would seem like a

strange title as those who are structured in the study of the Bible do not understand metaphysical

topics. Yet my beloved Jeshua and myself understood such things and were trained to understand the

energy that was contained in the planet and the energy and cycles that were contained outside of this

planet, namely in the entire solar system.

I am glad to have this opportunity to help people understand that my Beloved’s mission and my mission

was much broader based than what is generally accepted.

From Atlantis to Galilee

Let me explain. You see, my Beloved and myself were trained in the school located at Mount Carmel and

also those other teachings that belonged to the Essenes or as some were wont to call us the Nazarenes.

We held information that was given to us by those who settled in our land and originally came from


When that island was destroyed through The Fall in understanding by the human race and the drop in

the vibrational rate of the souls that inhabited the continent, this knowledge was understood by those

who could see into the future. These souls were ones who contained and held their high vibrational

rate, though there were few in number compared to the number of souls who lived upon that continent.

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We held this knowledge intact because we understood just how far humanity would fall from an

enlightened state carried by the souls when they first came to this planet. We could see this as a future

event when we were in Atlantis. We were the Elders of the race and we had a guiding hand in the

development of the spiritual abilities of humans. We traced our lines of development from the stars.

What I mean is that there were other races of souls living on other planets that had a hand in developingthis planet, or shall we say seeding this planet not only with their own members, but they also worked

on creating new DNA strands so that humanity could survive in a dense physical body and still be united

to a soul that was a reflection of the Master Creator who resides in the center of the cosmos.

The original leaders who came to Earth sat on what you might call a Board of Directors. These

individuals were given the authority to direct souls towards enlightenment and advancing the physical in

a manner that wasn’t tried before in this part of the cosmos.

Who was Jeshua or Jesus?

This was serious work for us and we reveled in the process. For me this was special as it was the first

time that my Beloved had the authority to work with setting up this process of bringing into form all the

messages of creation according to the plan or blueprint that he had set up with others who had helped

him. In other words, he was responsible for the bringing down of physical form which you call planets

and systems that related to this galaxy.

Along with the wonder of this aspect of creation, he was also responsible for setting up a blueprint for

the human physical as it incorporated the soul. Of course, his name wasn’t Jeshua then. He had come

from a long line of souls who had incarnated and proceeded from an ancient soul who was the first soul

created after the Cherubim.

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Some called him the Radiant One but his name in the upper reaches of spiritual development, which I

mean to reflect his true essence was really a sound, because in the center of the cosmos, the meaning

of words are given in sounds, light and colors and not language as you understand language. If we

translated that sound into a recognized form in this dimension, it would translate to a word called


How souls develop

I wish to take a moment and explain how souls develop from the highest level of spiritual form to the

spiritual form that you understand to be a soul in this universe.

When the souls were first created, there were particles that came forth from the Master Creator. They

were called forth to fulfill a particular part of the master plan that the Creator had designed. So there

were particles from the Master Creator that went through visages of colors, sounds and intent.

From the records, we perceive that there were about 1,000 particles that were sent forth for each soul.This would seem difficult to understand in your language, but this represents a very large amount of 

light from the Master Creator. Each soul took aeons in what we would perceive as time to evolve,

coalesce and become a soul. Of course in the world in the center of the cosmos which is where this

coalescing took place, there was, and still is, no time as we understand time, therefore to the souls, it

seemed like a short line of development when they existed in no time. 

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When these souls were ready to leave the center of the cosmos and follow the command of the Creator

- to go, experience, and then return to their Source, they found that they could not move down in their

complete form to the lower levels of spiritual existence.

The soul divides to reach lower dimensions

In a sense this was the difficulty that the Master Creator experienced also. On the lower levels of form

the spacing between the particles was different and existed closer together. The result was that the

spacing of these particles prevented a larger form or series of particles to descend.

This obstacle was overcome through a series of divisions into smaller aspects of soul. So in each division,

it appeared to be a new soul in the sense that there were enough particles to act and react differently

from the original soul, yet contain all of their abilities. So you might think of this as different segments of 

the original soul, with abilities intact, but at each division the memory of some of the abilities was


When the soul fragments, as we might consider them, again move upwards to the higher dimensions,

memory becomes integrated again. So the lower the dimension, the harder it becomes to remember all

you are as a soul. As one starts to remember what was lost, abilities become more integrated into the

soul again. This becomes a function of vibration in the sense that the soul’s vibrations can increase even

as the physical body remains in a form held in a lower dimension

This is what I meant when I said that my Beloved Jeshua came from a series of soul divisions. He went

through the same divisions as all the other souls. He, along with you, could trace his soul as found in the

physical body known as Jeshua, upwards through all the divisions until he could see the original soulknown as the Radiant One, though as Jeshua, he brought forth more particles into this dimension than

other souls.

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How Jeshua remembered who he was

He had learned to do this because as he incarnated as other identities after his experience as Adam, he

learned how to remember. This he was instructed to do while on the inner planes between his earthly

incarnations by the soul that led his soul experiences. This soul was in a direct line with Marietta and

was a checkpoint put in place so that he would never completely forget who he was. He considered this

his Father and spoke of going within and seeking out this Father. He followed his Father’s guidance.

This was a teaching by my Beloved Jeshua and we will discuss this in our writings just how to connect

with your master soul; that greatest portion of soul experience just outside of Source, or the Master

Creator. Those who interpreted his words did not have an understanding of this principle. It is one of the

reasons that I have come back; to teach this principle and remind humanity of the other teachings that

were misinterpreted.

This is the most important time in this cycle to understood certain truths because it is time to move up

through two dimensions to remember what the soul needs so that you can connect with certain

memories to ignite a layer of soul abilities that you will need very soon.

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The truth of 2,000 years ago

Let us move back to that time 2,000 years ago when you most likely walked with my Beloved. This time

is perhaps a most misunderstood time because souls have been given such a narrow timeline of what

my Beloved came to Earth to accomplish in that lifetime. He did not come to die to save souls, though

he did come to save souls in a certain requirement that all souls needed to advance.

During that time when the Islands of Atlantis fell in understanding, there were pathways closed to

humanity. These were the pathways that were needed to ascend.

I mentioned earlier that humanity fell in understanding and because of that humanity fell into a

denseness of particle construction that you call the third dimension. Though this was not planned, it was

allowed and occurred because it was deemed by those who were guiding humanity that the spiritual

gifts that were abused had to be stopped or halted. These gifts were a natural consequence of how the

brain was structured. The plan was that the brain would be divided.

The brain was divided at the fall in Atlantis

Before the brain was divided, spiritual information which contained the soul abilities came into the

thinking part of the brain and was available to be acted upon. Because gifts of manifesting creative acts

were available to those who became opposed to the laws of Prime Creator, it was considered too

dangerous to the condition of the physical body and to humanity itself to allow this process to continue.

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It is not necessary to go through all the dire mistakes that were made in the name of science, but

creations were brought forth that were abhorrent to Prime Creator as some of the experiments caused

souls to be brought into a slave race that some have called Things. This had to be stopped along with the

other plans of the deviant priesthood. This was a condition where the power to create was usurped by

those who would control humanity, the Earth and her gifts and used in a manner that defied Universal

Law. For this and other reasons the brain was allowed to be divided to correct the situation that had

developed in Atlantis.

We knew that a new race would have to be initiated and the Elders would have to come back to make

changes in the human form and in the dimensions closest to Earth. These changes would again allow

soul movement to the upper dimensions which you call Ascension, and to bring back the ability to create

but only when following the Universal Laws.

There was a long trek between the fall in Atlantis to the birth of Jeshua and his mission then, and now

the culmination of this cycle. This culmination will again extend to souls their inheritance that was

promised them when they came to settle this planet. It is the reason why we have come back and give

this information to humanity again through two of our Elders.

I had to give you this background first so you could understand my messages from a grander

perspective. Since you now are aware how my journey with Earth began at Atlantis and that I was a

priestess there working with Earth energies and metaphysical sciences, then you are ready for the next

step in my story.

Is the Bible accurate?

What has been revealed to the human community about us and our mission during the lifetime of my

Beloved and myself is mostly contained in what you call the Bible. That history was written not byJeshua and me, though we wrote extensively, but by a small group of individuals who for the most part

did not live with us contemporaneously.

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Peter wrote and his story was dismissed by what you call the Early Church Fathers during the

compilation of this group of scrolls. This was so because it contained information that the early Church

tried to hide as it seemed to point to information beyond their thoughts of what and how this Church

should be formed.

Anything that did not follow their thoughts of what should be passed down to their followers was either

eliminated or changed to fit the new image. I am not here to cause a rift in your hearts as to what was

handed down as it did indeed fill a void and in some cases brought charity and love to its followers at

least in your recent age. If you read your history you will see that there was much persecution of thosewho didn’t agree with the new tenets.

Healing and metaphysical writings expunged

Our healing and belief system before this formal organization for the new faith was certainly about

charity and love, but it was much broader as it conveyed thoughts about healing and the metaphysical

aspects regarding energy that were completely ignored and expunged.

My Beloved and our community were noted as physical healers, and the results were shown in the Bible.

Even the individuals that are called apostles show evidence of officiating at physical healings. Crowds of 

people followed my Beloved; many of them desirous of physical healing; the same with the apostles and

some writings on this are contained in the epistles.

You will note that the ability to physically heal quickly ended when the new dogmas were taught. The

reason for this if you have questioned this fact, is that the metaphysical sciences that were so much a

part of our basic tenets were not taught. So much of the richness and power of our knowledge was lost

and stripped from the base of a belief system.

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Essenes practised healing and rejuvenation

As individuals who lived in Galilee so many years ago, we had the documents that were handed down to

us from those High Priests in Atlantis who did not stray from the Creator’s decrees. We understood and

practised those elements of rejuvenation that were taught and followed in the Temple Beautiful. The

body was rejuvenated on a regular basis by dispelling all the negative thinking and attitudes held in the

hearts and minds of individuals. We understood that this was the basis of disease.

We understood how to extend life in the body by working with the Earth energies along with the cosmic

energies. We valued the lines of power that are contained in the Earth just below the surface. We used

the water found where these energy lines cross and intersect with one another to form a platform of 

healing within the physical body especially during the eclipses and equinoxes. We understood how to

communicate with souls throughout the planet by using inter-dimensional doorways found at what you

call sacred spots especially coming from the home center in Egypt near the pyramid of Cheops.

There is a richness of power contained in these precepts that will help you walk into your personal

mastery and I and my Beloved have come back presently to bring forth these teachings. It is necessary

for you to elevate your personal vibrations so that you will be prepared for that time called 2012 where

new energies will come to change the spiritual heritage of humanity.

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Jeshua recreated the pathway for Ascension

My Jeshua came 2,000 years ago to make all of this possible. As he lay in the tomb, his soul traced white

lines of light between Earth and the Angelic Realm which is where souls will move during their first leg of 

Ascension. This was necessary so that there could be a roadway so to say for souls to follow in the near

future. This highway was closed down during the fall of Atlantis when Earth and her people fell into the

dimension where you currently reside.

All is possible now and now is the time for your glory of soul to be completely returned to you. It is an

awakening of memory and with that comes the ability that you are able to use in this journey and it

starts now. However, something is required of you and that is to understand that what is true is more

than you understand right now and you must be willing to open your mind and heart to some new


We are not asking that you accept anything in faith only, but that you learn some additional precepts

and you will personally be able to walk into your own Mastery of soul. My Jeshua said that what he did

you can do and even greater. The reason he used these words is because he understood that there were

energies coming to Earth that would support greater ability and that comes in 2012.

 Mary Magdalene 

The information for this eBook was given to me by Mary Magdalene – Carolyn Evers.

Should you wish to share this eBook with others, simply forward it to them, or send them this

link - http://www.metatronminutes.net/MaryMagdalene/mmagdalene_ebook.htm 

Mary Magdalene’s messages in support of Jeshua

You can find these beautiful messages Mary Magdalene at


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Tools for the Journey

The detailed teachings mentioned are contained in:

“The Truth About 2012”

“The Truth About 2012” provides a unique perspective on what is unfolding at the end of 2012. For

more details, go to www.The-Truth-About-2012.com .

“The Soul Journey of Jeshua” – http://www.metatronminutes.com/soul_journey_of_jeshua.html 

This series of recordings explains in detail who Jeshua is, who the ones are that supported him, the truth

of the events that unfolded 2,000 years ago, what is unfolding at the end of 2012, how this will be done,

what you need to do to prepare and much more.

“Jeshua’s Messages” – http://www.iamjeshuareturned.com/jeshua_messages.html 

As Mary Magdalene said, she and Jeshua wrote extensively and the key aspects of those teachings willcome forth soon when they are retrieved and made available to the world. Additionally, Jeshua is

bringing forth specific teachings for us in this time, to further our understanding and to help us prepare

for 2012. Again, this is available as a series of recordings.

Steve Fossett’s e-books – www.SteveFossettLives.com 

Several months after Steve disappeared in September 2007, he contacted me to ask me to take down

some messages from him – messages that turned out to be a series of e-books. That was NOT Steve’s

plane that turned up in late 2008, as will come forth soon. It turns out Steve set up the public profile

through his exploits so he could now bring forth details of what awaits us at the end of 2012 and beyond

 – something he only understood after he left us.

Carolyn’s e-books – www.the2012countdown.com/Carolyn_E-Books.php 

In 2005 and 2006 I was given several e-books by the Masters that related to what awaits us, background

to Earth’s history and how to prepare. This was before I knew what I know now about Ascension at the

end of 2012 and my own involvement. What is very pleasing is the total consistency with what I now

know and the relevance of these teachings to what is unfolding now. These are great tools to assist you

in your preparation. You will find these listed at www.the2012countdown.com/Carolyn_E-Books.php. 

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Soul Healing with Lord Metatron -


Lord Metatron asked me to make available a service whereby he could help individuals understand the

true nature of their souls, their purpose in this lifetime and heal and clear any issues that may be

preventing them from advancing. He also has a wonderful gift for all those who avail themselves of thisservice:

Details at http://www.metatronminutes.com/archangel_metatron_readings.html 

Conference calls - http://www.metatronminutes.com/join_conferences.html 

I provide a series of monthly Conference Calls with the Spiritual Masters. These calls focus on powerful

individual personal development and healing as well as planetary healing and clearing work as

requested and assisted by these Masters.

These are truly extraordinary calls.

Go to http://www.metatronminutes.com/join_conferences.html to find out more.

“The Coming Golden Age and How to Prepare for it” – www.thecominggoldenage.com 

Dr. Richard Presser came from the left brained world of Engineering and IT to his spiritual journey. In

doing so, he built an understanding of what modern science was saying about the nature of our reality –

a view which aligns surprisingly strongly with what those of the world of spirit have been saying for

aeons. So Richard wrote his e-book as a bridge for those, like him, coming from a training in the sciences

and seeking to bridge to the world of spirit. His e-book is a great starting place for those just getting

started. It is available from www.thecominggoldenage.com. 

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Our websites:


Jeshua’s Lessons * Mary Magdalene’s Personal

Story * Mary Magdalene’s support of her Beloved

* Memories of Galilee* A vision of 2012


Soul Journey of Jeshua * Conference Calls with the

Masters * Soul Readings With Lord Metatron *

Newsletters * Special recordings * Important



Everything you need to know about 2012, Earth

Cycles, Atlantis, Equinox & Solstices * The Next

Step – Personal Membership; a bridge to the

spiritual world* Spiritual Tools  – a single point of 

access to all our products and services to support

your journey


Akashic Readings – A mirror into your soul journey

*Conference Calls * Books on healing, Earth

Changes, Archangel Michael’s Earth History *Conversations With Caesar


A guide to what is coming on the horizon and how

to prepare for it * What do the scientists say? * A

stepping stone for those who, as Richard was, are

coming from that left brained, logical world that

seemingly has no connection to the world of spirit.


Where is Steve Fossett? Steve explains what he

sees on our horizon * He delves into many

mysteries and explains what he sees from the high

astral plane

www.The-Truth-About-2012.com A unique view of what is unfolding at the end of 2012.


All of us have the ability to communicate with

other forms of consciousness, including the

spiritual Masters and our loved ones who have

crossed over. See this website for details.

Carolyn Evers  

May 1st, 2009

Copyright 2009 Cosmic Connections Ltd