www.dot.state.pa.us MASH Planning and Implementation for PennDOT 2016 Transportation Engineering and Safety Conference Mark R. Burkhead, P.E. Bureau of Project Delivery

MASH Planning and Implementation for PennDOT · MASH Planning and Implementation for PennDOT 2016 Transportation Engineering and Safety Conference Mark R. Burkhead, P.E. Bureau of

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    MASH Planning and Implementation for PennDOT

    2016 TransportationEngineering and Safety Conference

    Mark R. Burkhead, P.E.Bureau of Project Delivery

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    MASH differences

    W-beam issues

    Bridge barriers and approaches

    DM-2 and other issues

    Some content provided by John Durkos, Chair Task Force 13, RSI Inc.

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    Evolution of Crash Test Procedures

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    AASHTO-FHWA MASH 2016 Joint Implementation Agreement

    January 7, 2016 FHWA Memo For contracts on the National Highway System with a letting

    date after the dates below, only safety hardware evaluated using the 2016 edition of MASH criteria will be allowed for new permanent installations and full replacements: December 31, 2017: W-beam barriers and cast-in-place

    concrete barriers June 30, 2018: all W-beam terminals December 31, 2018: cable barriers, cable terminals, and crash

    cushions December 31, 2019: bridge rails, transitions, all other

    longitudinal barriers (including portable barrier installed as permanent), all other terminals, sign supports, and all other breakaway hardware

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    Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) - 2009

    MASH09 Replaced Report 350

    Changes to mass Impact angle changes for

    certain terminal tests

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    MASH 09

    Changes to mass from Report 350

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    MASH 09

    Changes to impact conditions from Report 350

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    W-beam Issues

    Height sensitivity 350 pickup 27 Top of Rail is right at the performance limit

    MASH pickup 27 Top of Rail marginal 27 Top of Rail not so good

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    MASH at 27 Top of Rail

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    PA Weak Post System

    Generally, barriers in RCs are 350 compliant 27 system very common among states

    Weak post tested to 350 In 2000 it was tested It failed

    Re-design moved splice to mid-span and height to 32

    Current PennDOT weak post has been tested to MASH09 seriously it has

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    Old Weak Post

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    Weak Post System

    During development of MASH, Texas A&M Transportation Institute (TTI) did studies on differences between 350 and MASH

    New 2-W system tested and passed! Some work for full eligibility remains

    Small car test, etc.

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    MASH Test

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    Strong Post System

    New 31 Strong Post System Type 31-S Modified MGS

    8 blocks No new

    component parts

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    2-S to 31-S transition

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    W-beam Transitions

    W-beam transitions RC-54 Work in progress

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    More Implementation Issues

    W-beam terminals sun-set by June 30, 2018 Manufacturers of End Treatments and Crash

    Cushions are responsible for their hardware (testing, evaluations, FHWA Eligibility) Not gonna be cheap!!

    Some old products may just fade away Currently no manufacturers have applied for

    Bulletin 15 listing of any MASH end treatments

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    More Implementation Issues

    All DOTs manage their new product review/approvals differently.

    AASHTO has been contacted to attempt to establish consistency and continuity with product submittals across the US.

    AASHTO reached out to a few of the DOTs identified as having a good system in place for reviewing vendor product approval submittals.

    Will be topic at the next TCRS meeting.

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    Bridge Barriers

    Bridge railings Changes to

    load and impact height

    MASH TL-4 with 32 concrete barrier

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    Bridge Barriers

    NCHRP Project 20-07, Task 395 Initiative to evaluate all State DOT bridge barriers

    (approx. 74) to sort of triage for possibility of submission without further work

    Extensive survey to all State DOTs Results anticipated summer 2017 May not be definitive Still need full development and submission to FHWA

    Where does that leave us? Pursue existing bridge barriers Look to other sources for similar barriers that serves the

    same needs

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    PennDOT Bridge Approach Transition

    Our Typical Bridge Approach Transition is Report 350 compliant at TL-4 RC-50, Sheets 1-3

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    PennDOT Bridge Approach Transition

    Report 350 TL-4 test

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    Approach Transitions

    Decisions decisions Pursue PennDOT transitions

    Would require revisions and testing See what Task 395 produces in terms of bridge barriers

    Results due June 2017 Look to other sources

    Pooled Fund project stacked W-beam panels Initial crash test failed Work underway to resolve problems and retest Results not expected until last half of 2017

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    DM-2 Update Efforts

    Update and reorganization of DM-2, Chapter 12 -Guide Rail, Median Barrier, and Roadside Safety Devices Updates for coordination with Pub 242 and Pavement

    Preservation Guidelines Revisions for new Type 31-S Device listings being moved to Appendices Temporary barrier clarifications Other minor clarifications

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    Other Devices/Issues

    Temp. work zone devices, including portable barriers, manufactured after Dec. 31, 2019 must meet MASH 2016. Devices manufactured on or before this date, and tested to Report 350 or MASH 2009 can be used through normal service life.

    All 350 or MASH 2009 compliant permanent hardware may remain in place unless damaged beyond repair

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    Other Devices

    How will MASH apply to all work zone devices Arrow boards/panels Trailer mounted temporary signals Self-certified devices Portable VMS WZ sign/sign stands

    Number of variations to test may be prohibitive

    Questions that AASHTO must answer

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    Coordination Tentacles





    Pub 33

    Maint. Manual




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    Affects Majority of all construction contracts Maintenance Forces projects Maintenance repairs (internal and contract) Just about everything we do when on the roadways

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    Other Sources

    Roadside Safety Research for MASH Implementation Pooled Fund Study, TPF-5(343) Formerly Roadside Safety Pooled Fund Study (now 17

    states) Meeting October 25-26, 2016

    All 2017 funded tasks related to MASH Implementation CIP barrier foundation for TL-4 MASH Thrie-beam bullnose MASH composite blockout retrofit Stacked W-beam transition

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    Open End Consultant Agreement executed Work orders for defined scopes of work Accredited testing facility is included in team Schedule development underway

    Continued coordination/communication with Pooled Fund group, FHWA, AFB20 (TRB), TCRS (AASHTO), Task Force 13, ATSSA

    Weve got a long way to go and a short time to get there

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    MASH Planning and Implementation for PennDOTSlide Number 2Evolution of Crash Test ProceduresAASHTO-FHWA MASH 2016 Joint Implementation AgreementManual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) - 2009MASH 09MASH 09W-beam IssuesMASH at 27 Top of RailPA Weak Post SystemOld Weak PostRe-designWeak Post SystemMASH TestStrong Post SystemTransitionW-beam TransitionsMore Implementation IssuesMore Implementation IssuesBridge BarriersBridge BarriersPennDOT Bridge Approach TransitionPennDOT Bridge Approach TransitionApproach TransitionsDM-2 Update EffortsOther Devices/IssuesOther DevicesCoordination TentaclesTentaclesOther SourcesNextSlide Number 32