mass com theories

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  • 7/25/2019 mass com theories


    Agenda Setting Theory



    Cultivation Theory

    Dependency Theory

    Hypodermic Needle TheoryKnowledge GapMedia Richness Theory

    Medium Theory

    Spiral of SilenceTwo Step Flow Theory

    Uses and Gratifications Approach

    AttributionAssigning some quality or character of a person or thing


    Attribution theory explains how and why ordinary people explain the things as they do.

    Everybody tries to make sense in this social world. People try to find the cause and effects evenif theyre in none. Attribution theory is the study which comes under the social Psychology,

    through this theory Heider explains the causes of Individual behaviors and events. The

    Attribution theory was introduced by Heider but later it was developed by various psychologistsand based on this theory various models were attempted to explain the behavioral processes of


    According to Heider, How a person understands the event and how the event is related to the

    persons thinking process and their behavior. Attribution theory tends to explain certain basic

    question of individuals How others do and what they do. A person interprets with himselveswhy others do something which may cause attribute of ones behavior. Most of our attributionsare driven by our emotional and motivational impulses. Fritz Heider classified the attribution

    theory into two types as

    1.Internal Attributionand 2.External or Explanatory Attribution

    Agenda Setting

    "The mass media may not be successful in telling us what to think, but they are stunningly

    successful in telling us what to think about."

    Critical Cultural Theory

    The idea that media operate primarily to justify and support the status quo at the expense of

    ordinary people

    Cultivation Theory
  • 7/25/2019 mass com theories


    The idea that television constructs a version of the world that, despite its potential inaccuracies,

    becomes the accepted reality simply because the culture believes it to be true

    Dependency Theory

    The idea that media's power is derived from the audience's dependency on that media

    Hypodermic Needle Theory

    According to this theory, mass media have a direct, immediate, and powerful effect on their


    Limited Effects Theory

    Media's influence on an audience is limited by individual differences between audience

    members, social categories, and personal relationships

    Magic Bullet Theory

    Another version of hypodermic Needle Theory


    Television's ability to move people toward a common view of the world is known as what?

    News Production Research

    The study of how economic and other influences on the way the news is produced distort andbias news coverage toward those in power

    Reinforcement Theory

    The idea that if media have any impact at all, it is only in terms of reinforcing current behavior

    and/or beliefs

    Selective Exposure

    The idea that people only willingly expose themselves or attend to messages that are consistent

    with their preexisting attitudes and beliefs

    Selective Perception

    The idea that people only interpret messages in a manner that is consistent with their preexistingattitudes and beliefs

    Social Cognitive Theory

  • 7/25/2019 mass com theories


    the idea that people learn by observation

    Uses and Gratifications Approach

    the idea that media don't do things to people, people do things with media

    Agenda Setting Theory

    According to this theory, when the media concentrate on a few issues or subjects, the public will

    perceive those issues as more important than others

    Cultivation Theory

    Mass media are responsible for shaping, or "cultivating" their viewers' conceptions of social


    Dependency Theory

    In this theory, media are not used equally. Which medium is most heavily relied on depends onthe number of needs the medium meets and societal factors surrounding the medium.


    According to this construct, media focuses attention on certain events and then places thoseevents within a larger field of meaning.


    This extension of agenda-setting theory examines the way media and media gatekeepers organize

    and present the events and issues they cover, thus influencing the audience's perceptions of andattitudes towards those events.


    The person or people who decides which information will go forward, and which will not

    Knowledge Gap

    According to this concept, information in society is not evenly acquired; people of a highersocioeconomic status acquire more information more easily and more frequently than people of a

    lower socioeconomic status.

    Marshall McLuhan

    According to this theorist, "the medium is the message."

  • 7/25/2019 mass com theories


    Medium Theory

    In this theory, the primary sense used by a medium influences the way the messages conveyedby that medium are perceived by the audience.

    Modernization Theory

    This theory examines the effects of the modernization process on human communication

    Social Network Theory

    The study of how the `structure of relationships around a person, group, or organization affects

    beliefs or behaviors


    According to this off-shoot of agenda-setting theory, the effects of the media are enhanced byoffering the audience a prior context that is used to interpret subsequent information

    Social Cues Approach

    According to this approach, Computer-Mediated Communication leads to a deregulation of

    behavior because it diminishes awareness of the self and the other.

    Social Presence Theory

    This new-media theory argues that a medium's social effects are principally caused by how much

    it allows its users to sense the presence of an interaction partner.

    Spiral of Silence

    This term refers to how people tend to remain silent when they feel that their views are in the

    minority. As the perceived distance between public opinion and an individual's opinion grows,the likelihood of that individual openly expressing their opinion shrinks.