S T. R OSE C ATHOLIC C HURCH 5961 Franklin Blvd. (at corner of 38 th Avenue) Sacramento, CA 95824 (916) 421-1414 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stroseinsacramento.com Rev. Jose J. Beltran, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Arnold Parungao, Parochial Vicar Gilberto Coss, Deacon St. Rose Church Offices are located at Kavanagh Center Office Hours: Tuesday/Wednesday: 3:00 to 6:00 pm Thursday/Friday: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Saturday/Sunday/Monday: Closed To request Baptismal/Confirmation/FHC certificates, send your request, with all information and your phone number, with $20 and a stamped, self- addressed envelope to: St. Rose Church 5961 Franklin Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95824 For Mass Intentions, call office and leave your message. You will receive a call back. June 20, 2021 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Schedule 8 am in English in Kavanagh Center 10 am in Spanish 12 noon Bilingual are celebrated outdoors by St. Patrick’s gym, weather permitting On the second Saturday of each month a Gospel Mass is celebrated at 5 pm in Kavanagh Center. Weekday Mass celebrated in church at 7 am Please continue to wear a face mask . The church is open for private prayer sunrise to sunset. ST. ROSE CATHOLIC CHURCH in Kavanagh Center Sacramento, CA 95824 (916) 421-1414 REGISTRATIONS FOR CATECHESIS “We start AUGUST 2, 2021 and end registration AUGUST 31 st Only the month of August Days: Monday thru Friday. Time: 4:00 pm-7:00pm. Place: Kavanagh Center. For more information, contact Sister Rocio at (916) 421-1777 or (916) 421-1414 REGISTRACIONES PARA CATEQUESIS INFANTIL “Iniciamos el 2 de AGOSTO 2021 y el último día de registración será el 31 de AGOSTO” Solamente será ese mes para las registraciones. Dias: De lunes a viernes. Hora: 4:00pm-7:00pm. Lugar: Salón Kavanagh. Para mayor información comunicarse con la Hna. Rocío al teléfono (916)421 1777 o (916) 421 1414 Happy Father’s Day to all Fathers, spiritual and physical. 2021, The Year of St. Joseph Pope Francis has dedicated this year to St. Joseph. During the year we will share prayers to him. St. Joseph, earthly father of our Savior Jesus Christ, and the inspiration for all fathers, PRAY FOR US!

Mass Schedule2021/06/20  · Hermanos: El amor de Cristo nos apremia, al pensar que si uno murió por todos, todos murieron. Cristo murió por todos para que los que viven ya no vivan

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Page 1: Mass Schedule2021/06/20  · Hermanos: El amor de Cristo nos apremia, al pensar que si uno murió por todos, todos murieron. Cristo murió por todos para que los que viven ya no vivan

ST. ROSE CATHOLIC CHURCH 5961 Franklin Blvd. (at corner of 38th Avenue)

Sacramento, CA 95824 (916) 421-1414 Email: [email protected]

Website: www.stroseinsacramento.com

Rev. Jose J. Beltran, Pastor [email protected]

Rev. Arnold Parungao, Parochial Vicar Gilberto Coss, Deacon

St. Rose Church Offices are located at Kavanagh Center

Office Hours: Tuesday/Wednesday: 3:00 to 6:00 pm Thursday/Friday: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm

Saturday/Sunday/Monday: Closed

To request Baptismal/Confirmation/FHC certificates, send your request, with all information and your phone number, with $20 and a stamped, self-addressed envelope to: St. Rose Church 5961 Franklin Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95824

For Mass Intentions, call office and leave your

message. You will receive a call back.

June 20, 2021 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Mass Schedule

8 am in English in Kavanagh Center

10 am in Spanish 12 noon Bilingual

are celebrated outdoors by St. Patrick’s gym, weather permitting

On the second Saturday of each month a Gospel Mass is celebrated at 5 pm in Kavanagh Center.

Weekday Mass celebrated in church at 7 am

Please continue to wear a face mask .

The church is open for private prayer sunrise to sunset.

ST. ROSE CATHOLIC CHURCH in Kavanagh Center Sacramento, CA 95824 (916) 421-1414

REGISTRATIONS FOR CATECHESIS “We start AUGUST 2, 2021 and end registration AUGUST 31st” Only the month of August

Days: Monday thru Friday. Time: 4:00 pm-7:00pm. Place: Kavanagh Center. For more information, contact Sister Rocio at (916) 421-1777 or (916) 421-1414


“Iniciamos el 2 de AGOSTO 2021 y el último día de registración será el 31 de AGOSTO”

Solamente será ese mes para las registraciones. Dias: De lunes a viernes. Hora: 4:00pm-7:00pm. Lugar: Salón Kavanagh. Para mayor información comunicarse con la Hna. Rocío al teléfono (916)421 1777 o (916) 421 1414

Happy Father’s Day

to all Fathers,

spiritual and physical.

2021, The Year of St. Joseph Pope Francis has dedicated this year to St. Joseph.

During the year we will share prayers to him.

St. Joseph, earthly father of our Savior Jesus Christ, and the

inspiration for all fathers,


Page 2: Mass Schedule2021/06/20  · Hermanos: El amor de Cristo nos apremia, al pensar que si uno murió por todos, todos murieron. Cristo murió por todos para que los que viven ya no vivan

Because of COVID restrictions, only phone calls will be available, no personal contact at this time.

KKKAVANAGHAVANAGHAVANAGH CCCENTERENTERENTER OOOFFICE FFICE FFICE Our church office is now located in Kavanagh Center. The phone number is 916 421-1414. Office hours are: Tuesday/Wednesday: 3:00 to 6:00 pm

Thursday/Friday: 10:00 am to 1:00 pm Closed on Saturday/Sunday/Mondays

The following Mass intentions will be included in all of the public and private Masses that our priests celebrate this week.

Mass Intentions for the Week of June 20th Mary Lee Williams Janet Massa Paul M. Rodriguez Theodore (Ted) E. St. Andre, Jr.Special intention for Christina Hernandez, JoAnn Weathers, and for all men who are physical Fathers or spiritual Fathers.

For those who are ill, Lord, hear our prayer . . .

Balcorta Family, Robert Costa,

Raymond/Robert Daley, Dan Dickfoss,

Ramiro Guizar, Kim Harrington,

Christina Hernandez, David Hill,

Irene Jaramillo, Rosa, Ida Martinez,

Richard D. Nance, Jr., Josephine Okungbowa,

Angel/Troy Posas,

Clare Rose, Joan Rose-Lewis, Lori Santos, Glorianna Schad, Jim Shaffer, Lena Treadway, Cuca Vega, Henry/Barbara Vega, Lois Vincent, JoAnn Weathers, Donna/Phillip Worth, Martha Wright, and Zumwalt Family

B eginning TODAY, Catholics should return to attending Sunday Mass (unless you are

ill or have a weakened immune system). When the COVID restrictions began, Catholics were excused from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. No more! As of this week, we should now return to physically attending Mass. As people learn of the return to Mass, we will see how crowded things get. St. Rose will not be adding more Masses just yet. For now, plan to attend one of our 3 Masses—8 am in English, 10 am in Spanish, or 12 noon Bilingual. Please continue to wear face masks until every-one gets vaccinated.

Taken from a letter from Bishop Jaime Soto published on the Sacramento Diocese website, scd.org, on June 1, 2021.

A message from our Bishop Dear Friends in Christ:

I am rescinding the general dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. Starting Sunday, June 20, 2021 all the Catholic faithful in the Diocese of Sacramento are obliged to personally attend and actively participate in the Sunday celebration of the Sacrifice of the Mass (Canon 1247). Pastors and the faithful are counseled that individuals are not obligated to attend the Eucharist on Sunday or other obligatory solemnities if they are sick, have a vulnerable health condition, are caring for someone with a vulnerable health condition, or have other serious reasons (Canon 1245; Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2181).

Respectfully, +Jaime Soto

Dear God, I want to take a minute,

not to ask for anything from you, but simply

to THANK YOU for all I have.

We wish a Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers that we know. They may be our own parent, our parish priest, or a Father-figure to us. Remember to pray for them, whether they are still living or have died.

As Father Arnold announced last Sunday, he will be transferred to a new parish as of July 1st. We thank him for being a part of St. Rose parish this past year, and wish for him, blessings on his new assignment in Susanville. And this month Fr. Arnold celebrated the 8th year Anniversary of his Ordination to the Priesthood, and

Fr. Jose celebrated his 10th. God has blessed them and us with their vocations!

Page 3: Mass Schedule2021/06/20  · Hermanos: El amor de Cristo nos apremia, al pensar que si uno murió por todos, todos murieron. Cristo murió por todos para que los que viven ya no vivan

Primera Lectura Job El Señor habló a Job desde la tormenta y le dijo: “Yo le puse límites al mar, cuando salía impetuoso del seno materno; yo hice de la niebla sus mantillas y de las nubes sus pañales; yo le impuse límites con puertas y cerrojos y le dije: ‘Hasta aquí llegarás, no más allá. Aquí se romperá la arrogancia de tus olas’”. Salmo Responsorial Salmo 106 R. Demos gracias al Señor por su bondades. Los que la mar surcaban con sus naves, por las aguas inmensas negociando, el poder del Señor y sus prodigios en media del abismo contemplaron. R. R. Demos gracias al Señor por su bondades. Habló el Señor y un viento huracanado las olas encrespó; al cielo y al abismo eran lanzados, sobrecogidos de terror. R. R. Demos gracias al Señor por su bondades. Clamaron al Señor en tal apuro y él los libró de sus congojas Cambió la tempestad en suave brisa, y apaciguó las olas. R. R. Demos gracias al Señor por su bondades. Se alegraron al ver la mar tranquila y el Señor los llevó al puerto anhelado. Den gracias al Señor por los prodigios que su amor por el hombre ha realizado. R. R. Demos gracias al Señor por su bondades.

First Reading Job The Lord addressed Job out of the storm and said: Who shut within doors the sea, when it burst forth from the womb; when I made the clouds its garment and thick darkness its swaddling bands? When I set limits for it and fastened the bar of its door, and said: Thus far shall you come but no farther, and here shall your proud waves be stilled! Responsorial Psalm Psalm 107 R. Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting. They who sailed the sea in ships, trading on the deep waters, These saw the works of the LORD and his wonders in the abyss. R. Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting. His command raised up a storm wind which tossed its waves on high. They mounted up to heaven; they sank to the depths; their hearts melted away in their plight. R. Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting. They cried to the LORD in their distress; from their straits he rescued them, He hushed the storm to a gentle breeze, and the billows of the sea were stilled. R. Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting. They rejoiced that they were calmed, and he brought them to their desired haven. Let them give thanks to the LORD for his kindness and his wondrous deeds to the children of men. R. Give thanks to the Lord, his love is everlasting. .

The readings for this weekend.

Mass Intentions for the Week of June 20th Mary Lee Williams Janet Massa Paul M. Rodriguez Theodore (Ted) E. St. Andre, Jr. Special intention for Christina Hernandez, JoAnn Weathers, and for all men who are physical Fathers and spiritual Fathers.

Page 4: Mass Schedule2021/06/20  · Hermanos: El amor de Cristo nos apremia, al pensar que si uno murió por todos, todos murieron. Cristo murió por todos para que los que viven ya no vivan

Second Reading 2 Corinthians Brothers and sisters: The love of Christ impels us, once we have come to the conviction that one died for all; therefore, all have died. He indeed died for all, so that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised. Consequently, from now on we regard no one according to the flesh; even if we once knew Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know him so no longer. So whoever is in Christ is a new creation: the old things have passed away; behold, new things have come. Alleluia R. Alleluia, alleluia. A great prophet has risen in our midst God has visited his people. R. Alleluia, alleluia. Gospel Mark 4:35-41 On that day, as evening drew on, Jesus said to his disciples: “Let us cross to the other side.” Leaving the crowd, they took Jesus with them in the boat just as he was. And other boats were with him. A violent squall came up and waves were breaking over the boat, so that it was already filling up. Jesus was in the stern, asleep on a cushion. They woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” He woke up, rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Quiet! Be still!” The wind ceased and there was great calm. Then he asked them, “Why are you terrified? Do you not yet have faith?” They were filled with great awe and said to one another, “Who then is this whom even wind and sea obey?”

SegundaLectura 2 Corintios Hermanos: El amor de Cristo nos apremia, al pensar que si uno murió por todos, todos murieron. Cristo murió por todos para que los que viven ya no vivan para sí mismos, sino para aquel que murió y resucitó por ellos. Por eso nosotros ya no juzgamos a nadie con criterios humanos. Si alguna vez hemos juzgado a Cristo con tales criterios, ahora ya no lo hacemos. El que vive según Cris-to es una creatura nueva; para él todo lo viejo ha pasado. Ya todo es nuevo. AclamaciónantesdelEvangelioR. Aleluya, aleluya. Un gran profeta ha surgido entre nosotros. Dios ha visitado a su pueblo. R. Aleluya. Evangelio Marcos 4, 35-41 Un día, al atardecer, Jesús dijo a sus discípulos: “Vamos a la otra orilla del lago”. Entonces los discípulos despi-dieron a la gente y condujeron a Jesús en la misma barca en que estaba. Iban además otras barcas. De pronto se desató un fuerte viento y las olas se estrella-ban contra la barca y la iban llenando de agua. Jesús dor-mía en la popa, reclinado sobre un cojín. Lo despertaron y le dijeron: “Maestro, ¿no te importa que nos hunda-mos?” Él se despertó, reprendió al viento y dijo al mar: “¡Cállate, enmudece!” Entonces el viento cesó y sobre-vino una gran calma. Jesús les dijo: “¿Por qué tenían tanto miedo? ¿Aún no tienen fe?” Todos se quedaron es-pantados y se decían unos a otros: “¿Quién es éste, a quien hasta el viento y el mar obedecen?”


O Jesus, I turn toward the holy tabernacle where You live hidden for love of me. I love You, O my God. I cannot receive You in Holy Communion.

Come nevertheless, and visit me with Your grace. Come spiritually into my heart. Purify it. Sanctify it. Render it like unto Your own. Amen.

Page 5: Mass Schedule2021/06/20  · Hermanos: El amor de Cristo nos apremia, al pensar que si uno murió por todos, todos murieron. Cristo murió por todos para que los que viven ya no vivan

With a Father’s Heart Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer,

Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary. To you God entrusted his only Son;

In you Mary placed her trust; With you Christ became man.

Blessed Joseph, to us too, Show yourself a father

And guide us in the path of life. Obtain for us grace, mercy, and courage,

And defend us from every evil. Amen From Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter “Patris corde”.

W e are very grateful to those who have continued to

support our parish during these long months of COVID 19. Because Mass attendance has been limited, the offertory col-lections are also much less. Our offertory income for the month of May was $26,747.00 (about $5,943.00 per week). Because of the many steps we have taken to reduce expenses, the amount we need is now $33,600.00 per month, (or week-ly $8,400.00). We hope you will continue to help us. It is also possible to make your offertory donation by sending it thru the mail to: St. Rose Church, P. O. Box 246070, Sacramento, CA 95824 or online at our parish website: stroseinsacramento.com. Donations can even be dropped into the black secure mailbox outside the rectory entrance.

Your regional Catholic School, St. Patrick Academy, is now enrolling students in Preschool thru 8th Grade for the coming school year. Our faith-based education is offered within an Arts Integrated curriculum. Students educated to meet the Schoolwide Learning Expectations of creativity, enthusiasm, inquisitiveness, determination, motivation, and self-discipline will do so in large part due to the Arts.

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For information please call 916 421-4963 oemail: [email protected]

[email protected] Phone: (916) 421-4963 saintpatricksacademy.net

Page 6: Mass Schedule2021/06/20  · Hermanos: El amor de Cristo nos apremia, al pensar que si uno murió por todos, todos murieron. Cristo murió por todos para que los que viven ya no vivan

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